# A2P for OpenLane/Carousel
* manually replace inferred mem with array macros; eventually make all arrays components (inferred for FPGA, phys for tech)
* how do you integrate with OpenLane?
1. use built .v from dffram.py? and run a fixup after to place?
2. reference dffram.py module but don't include .v?
3. totally place/route dffram and then include it?
4. include/copy stuff from build dir to openlane somewhere?
## Arrays to convert to DFFRAM
* IC (4K)
reg [21:0] ways_0_tags [0:127];
reg [31:0] ways_0_datas [0:1023];
* tag: 128x22b
* data: 1024x32b
* DC (4K)
reg [21:0] DC_DIR_tags [0:127];
reg [7:0] DC_DIR_data_symbol0 [0:1023];
reg [7:0] DC_DIR_data_symbol1 [0:1023];
reg [7:0] DC_DIR_data_symbol2 [0:1023];
reg [7:0] DC_DIR_data_symbol3 [0:1023];
* tag: 128x22b
* data(4): 1024x8b
reg [31:0] RegFilePlugin_regFile [0:31] /* verilator public */ ;
* 32x32b, 3 read, 1 write
## Creating DFFRAM arrays
* github.com/efabless/openlane/blob/master/README.md
# clone OpenLane
# make full-pdk
* github.com/Cloud-V/DFFRAM
# clone DFFRam
```export PDK_ROOT``` if not set up already
# optionally set design name for any builds; **doesn't set the output name**
# export FORCE_DESIGN_NAME=ram_32_32
### GPR
* need 3r1w and DFFRam creates 2r1w reg; so need 2 regs, or 3 32x32 RAM, or custom 3r script
* -v 1R1W not supported; is this basically the same as ram_32_32??
* multiple arrays will be instantiated in single gpr module; use parameter to select gen style
#### RAM
#export FORCE_DESIGN_NAME=ram_32x32
dffram.py -s 32x32 -p $PDK_ROOT
#### REG
* building block <pdk>:<scl>:<name> corresponds to platforms/<pdk>/<scl>/_building_blocks/<name>/model.v
#export FORCE_DESIGN_NAME=reg_32x32
dffram.py -s 32x32 -v 2R1W -p $PDK_ROOT -b sky130A:sky130_fd_sc_hd:rf
#### Tag Arrays, 4K
* need to make **decellerator** script to whack the extra 10 bits/word after place and then run rest of stuff
#export FORCE_DESIGN_NAME=ram_128x32
dffram.py -s 128x32 -p $PDK_ROOT
* OR try...
#export FORCE_DESIGN_NAME=ram_128x22
dffram.py -s 128x22 -p $PDK_ROOT
#### Data Array, IC
#export FORCE_DESIGN_NAME=ram_1024x32
dffram.py -s 1024x32 -p $PDK_ROOT
#### Data Array, DC (4)
* DFFRam handles byte writes, so this is same as IC
#export FORCE_DESIGN_NAME=ram_1024x8
#dffram.py -s 1024x8 -p $PDK_ROOT
IC/DC arrays could be built using different subunits if better for layout/timing; 4KB = 128 lines x 32B.
## Updating core manually
* this is compiling components on non-generated paths...
```verilator --lint-only -Wno-fatal A2P_WB_RAM.v```
* add gpr.v and module to top; can use this to test on FPGA with ```EXPAND_TYPE=`INFERRED```