add source
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
#synth_design -top a2x_axi_bd_wrapper -part xcvu3p-ffvc1517-2-e -verbose
#source ila_axi.tcl
set version v0
write_checkpoint -force a2x_axi_synth_${version}.dcp
opt_design -retarget -propconst -bram_power_opt
place_design -directive Explore
phys_opt_design -directive Explore
route_design -directive Explore
phys_opt_design -directive Explore
write_checkpoint -force a2x_axi_routed_${version}.dcp
report_utilization -file utilization_route_design_${version}.rpt
report_timing_summary -max_paths 100 -file timing_routed_summary_${version}.rpt
write_bitstream -force -bin_file a2x_axi_${version}
write_debug_probes -force a2x_axi_${version}
write_cfgmem -force -format BIN -interface SPIx8 -size 256 -loadbit "up 0 a2x_axi_${version}.bit" a2x_axi_${version}
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
//Copyright 1986-2019 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
//Tool Version: Vivado v.2019.1.3_CR1055600 (lin64) Build 2644227 Wed Sep 4 09:44:18 MDT 2019
//Date : Wed Apr 8 10:49:50 2020
//Host : running 64-bit Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation release 7.5 (Maipo)
//Command : generate_target
//Design : a2x_axi_bd_wrapper
//Purpose : IP block netlist
`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
module a2x_axi_bd_wrapper
input clk_in1_n_0;
input clk_in1_p_0;
wire clk_in1_n_0;
wire clk_in1_p_0;
a2x_axi_bd a2x_axi_bd_i
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
open_bd_design "[get_property DIRECTORY [current_project]]/proj_a2x_axi.srcs/sources_1/bd/a2x_axi_bd/"
set_property SCREENSIZE {1 1} [get_bd_cells /pain]
set_property location {5 1506 2372} [get_bd_cells pain]
set_property SCREENSIZE {1 1} [get_bd_cells /thold_0]
set_property SCREENSIZE {1 1} [get_bd_cells /xlconstant_0]
set_property location {6 2778 2069} [get_bd_cells xlconstant_0]
set_property SCREENSIZE {1 1} [get_bd_cells /xlconstant_1]
set_property location {6 2734 2210} [get_bd_cells xlconstant_1]
# so xil actually connects as bus
set_property SCREENSIZE {1 1} [get_bd_cells /mchk_rv]
set_property location {6 2767 2847} [get_bd_cells mchk_rv]
set_property SCREENSIZE {1 1} [get_bd_cells /rcov_rv]
set_property location {6 2777 2748} [get_bd_cells rcov_rv]
set_property SCREENSIZE {1 1} [get_bd_cells /checkstop_rv]
set_property location {7 2850 2630} [get_bd_cells rcov_rv]
set_property SCREENSIZE {1 1} [get_bd_cells /scomdata_rv]
set_property location {4 1355 2564} [get_bd_cells scomdata_rv]
set_property SCREENSIZE {1 1} [get_bd_cells /thread_running_rv]
set_property location {5 2152 2682} [get_bd_cells thread_running_rv]
set_property SCREENSIZE {1 1} [get_bd_cells /axi_reg00_rv]
set_property location {7 3176 2490} [get_bd_cells axi_reg00_rv]
set_property SCREENSIZE {1 1} [get_bd_cells /reverserator_4_0]
set_property location {7 2156 2797} [get_bd_cells reverserator_4_0]
set_property SCREENSIZE {600 600} [get_bd_cells /a2x_axi_1]
set_property location {5 2000 1000} [get_bd_cells /a2x_axi_1]
set_property location {4 1306 1980} [get_bd_cells a2x_dbug]
set_property location {4.5 1482 792} [get_bd_cells jtag_axi_0]
set_property location {4 1259 2326} [get_bd_cells vio_dbug] ;# no orientation, highlight, etc.
set_property location {5 1957 2377} [get_bd_cells vio_ctrl]
set_property location {6 2704 2401} [get_bd_cells vio_terror]
set_property location {7 3253 2629} [get_bd_cells vio_reg]
set_property location {10.5 4307 861} [get_bd_cells blk_mem_gen_1]
set_property location {11 4297 974} [get_bd_cells blk_mem_gen_2]
set_property location {6 2034 684} [get_bd_cells axi_smc]
set_property location {7 3129 422} [get_bd_cells ila_axi]
set_property location {9 3542 548} [get_bd_cells ila_axi_protocol]
set_property location {7 3173 580} [get_bd_cells axi_protocol_checker]
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
# create/build project
$VIVADO -mode tcl -source create_a2x_project.tcl
$VIVADO proj/proj_a2x_axi.xpr
source ./fixup_a2x_bd.tcl
>run synthesis (synth_2)
>open synthesized design
source ./ila_axi.tcl
>set up debug
> all clk
> 8192/3
source ./a2x_impl_step.tcl
@ -0,0 +1 @@
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
library support; use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
entity c_debug_mux16 is
generic( DBG_WIDTH : integer := 88
vd : inout power_logic;
gd : inout power_logic;
select_bits : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 15);
trace_data_in : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
trigger_data_in : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
dbg_group0 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group1 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group2 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group3 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group4 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group5 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group6 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group7 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group8 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group9 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group10 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group11 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group12 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group13 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group14 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group15 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
trg_group0 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
trg_group1 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
trg_group2 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
trg_group3 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
trace_data_out : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
trigger_data_out : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11)
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
end c_debug_mux16;
architecture c_debug_mux16 of c_debug_mux16 is
constant DBG_1FOURTH : positive := DBG_WIDTH/4;
constant DBG_2FOURTH : positive := DBG_WIDTH/2;
constant DBG_3FOURTH : positive := 3*DBG_WIDTH/4;
signal debug_grp_selected : std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
signal debug_grp_rotated : std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
signal trigg_grp_selected : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
signal trigg_grp_rotated : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
signal unused : std_ulogic;
unused <= select_bits(4);
with select_bits(0 to 3) select debug_grp_selected <=
dbg_group0 when "0000",
dbg_group1 when "0001",
dbg_group2 when "0010",
dbg_group3 when "0011",
dbg_group4 when "0100",
dbg_group5 when "0101",
dbg_group6 when "0110",
dbg_group7 when "0111",
dbg_group8 when "1000",
dbg_group9 when "1001",
dbg_group10 when "1010",
dbg_group11 when "1011",
dbg_group12 when "1100",
dbg_group13 when "1101",
dbg_group14 when "1110",
dbg_group15 when others;
with select_bits(5 to 6) select
debug_grp_rotated <= debug_grp_selected(DBG_1FOURTH to DBG_WIDTH-1) & debug_grp_selected(0 to DBG_1FOURTH-1) when "11",
debug_grp_selected(DBG_2FOURTH to DBG_WIDTH-1) & debug_grp_selected(0 to DBG_2FOURTH-1) when "10",
debug_grp_selected(DBG_3FOURTH to DBG_WIDTH-1) & debug_grp_selected(0 to DBG_3FOURTH-1) when "01",
debug_grp_selected(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1) when others;
with select_bits(7) select trace_data_out(0 to DBG_1FOURTH-1) <=
trace_data_in(0 to DBG_1FOURTH-1) when '0',
debug_grp_rotated(0 to DBG_1FOURTH-1) when others;
with select_bits(8) select trace_data_out(DBG_1FOURTH to DBG_2FOURTH-1) <=
trace_data_in(DBG_1FOURTH to DBG_2FOURTH-1) when '0',
debug_grp_rotated(DBG_1FOURTH to DBG_2FOURTH-1) when others;
with select_bits(9) select trace_data_out(DBG_2FOURTH to DBG_3FOURTH-1) <=
trace_data_in(DBG_2FOURTH to DBG_3FOURTH-1) when '0',
debug_grp_rotated(DBG_2FOURTH to DBG_3FOURTH-1) when others;
with select_bits(10) select trace_data_out(DBG_3FOURTH to DBG_WIDTH-1) <=
trace_data_in(DBG_3FOURTH to DBG_WIDTH-1) when '0',
debug_grp_rotated(DBG_3FOURTH to DBG_WIDTH-1) when others;
with select_bits(11 to 12) select trigg_grp_selected <=
trg_group0 when "00",
trg_group1 when "01",
trg_group2 when "10",
trg_group3 when others;
with select_bits(13) select
trigg_grp_rotated <= trigg_grp_selected(6 to 11) & trigg_grp_selected(0 to 5) when '1',
trigg_grp_selected(0 to 11) when others;
with select_bits(14) select trigger_data_out(0 to 5) <=
trigger_data_in(0 to 5) when '0',
trigg_grp_rotated(0 to 5) when others;
with select_bits(15) select trigger_data_out(6 to 11) <=
trigger_data_in(6 to 11) when '0',
trigg_grp_rotated(6 to 11) when others;
end c_debug_mux16;
@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
library support;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
entity c_debug_mux32 is
generic( DBG_WIDTH : integer := 88
vd : inout power_logic;
gd : inout power_logic;
select_bits : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 15);
trace_data_in : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
trigger_data_in : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
dbg_group0 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group1 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group2 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group3 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group4 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group5 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group6 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group7 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group8 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group9 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group10 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group11 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group12 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group13 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group14 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group15 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group16 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group17 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group18 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group19 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group20 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group21 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group22 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group23 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group24 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group25 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group26 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group27 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group28 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group29 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group30 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group31 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
trg_group0 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
trg_group1 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
trg_group2 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
trg_group3 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
trace_data_out : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
trigger_data_out : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11)
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
end c_debug_mux32;
architecture c_debug_mux32 of c_debug_mux32 is
constant DBG_1FOURTH : positive := DBG_WIDTH/4;
constant DBG_2FOURTH : positive := DBG_WIDTH/2;
constant DBG_3FOURTH : positive := 3*DBG_WIDTH/4;
signal debug_grp_selected : std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
signal debug_grp_rotated : std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
signal trigg_grp_selected : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
signal trigg_grp_rotated : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
with select_bits(0 to 4) select debug_grp_selected <=
dbg_group0 when "00000",
dbg_group1 when "00001",
dbg_group2 when "00010",
dbg_group3 when "00011",
dbg_group4 when "00100",
dbg_group5 when "00101",
dbg_group6 when "00110",
dbg_group7 when "00111",
dbg_group8 when "01000",
dbg_group9 when "01001",
dbg_group10 when "01010",
dbg_group11 when "01011",
dbg_group12 when "01100",
dbg_group13 when "01101",
dbg_group14 when "01110",
dbg_group15 when "01111",
dbg_group16 when "10000",
dbg_group17 when "10001",
dbg_group18 when "10010",
dbg_group19 when "10011",
dbg_group20 when "10100",
dbg_group21 when "10101",
dbg_group22 when "10110",
dbg_group23 when "10111",
dbg_group24 when "11000",
dbg_group25 when "11001",
dbg_group26 when "11010",
dbg_group27 when "11011",
dbg_group28 when "11100",
dbg_group29 when "11101",
dbg_group30 when "11110",
dbg_group31 when others;
with select_bits(5 to 6) select
debug_grp_rotated <= debug_grp_selected(DBG_1FOURTH to DBG_WIDTH-1) & debug_grp_selected(0 to DBG_1FOURTH-1) when "11",
debug_grp_selected(DBG_2FOURTH to DBG_WIDTH-1) & debug_grp_selected(0 to DBG_2FOURTH-1) when "10",
debug_grp_selected(DBG_3FOURTH to DBG_WIDTH-1) & debug_grp_selected(0 to DBG_3FOURTH-1) when "01",
debug_grp_selected(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1) when others;
with select_bits(7) select trace_data_out(0 to DBG_1FOURTH-1) <=
trace_data_in(0 to DBG_1FOURTH-1) when '0',
debug_grp_rotated(0 to DBG_1FOURTH-1) when others;
with select_bits(8) select trace_data_out(DBG_1FOURTH to DBG_2FOURTH-1) <=
trace_data_in(DBG_1FOURTH to DBG_2FOURTH-1) when '0',
debug_grp_rotated(DBG_1FOURTH to DBG_2FOURTH-1) when others;
with select_bits(9) select trace_data_out(DBG_2FOURTH to DBG_3FOURTH-1) <=
trace_data_in(DBG_2FOURTH to DBG_3FOURTH-1) when '0',
debug_grp_rotated(DBG_2FOURTH to DBG_3FOURTH-1) when others;
with select_bits(10) select trace_data_out(DBG_3FOURTH to DBG_WIDTH-1) <=
trace_data_in(DBG_3FOURTH to DBG_WIDTH-1) when '0',
debug_grp_rotated(DBG_3FOURTH to DBG_WIDTH-1) when others;
with select_bits(11 to 12) select trigg_grp_selected <=
trg_group0 when "00",
trg_group1 when "01",
trg_group2 when "10",
trg_group3 when others;
with select_bits(13) select
trigg_grp_rotated <= trigg_grp_selected(6 to 11) & trigg_grp_selected(0 to 5) when '1',
trigg_grp_selected(0 to 11) when others;
with select_bits(14) select trigger_data_out(0 to 5) <=
trigger_data_in(0 to 5) when '0',
trigg_grp_rotated(0 to 5) when others;
with select_bits(15) select trigger_data_out(6 to 11) <=
trigger_data_in(6 to 11) when '0',
trigg_grp_rotated(6 to 11) when others;
end c_debug_mux32;
@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
library support;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
entity c_debug_mux4 is
generic( DBG_WIDTH : integer := 88
vd : inout power_logic;
gd : inout power_logic;
select_bits : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 15);
trace_data_in : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
trigger_data_in : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
dbg_group0 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group1 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group2 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group3 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
trg_group0 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
trg_group1 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
trg_group2 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
trg_group3 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
trace_data_out : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
trigger_data_out : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11)
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
end c_debug_mux4;
architecture c_debug_mux4 of c_debug_mux4 is
constant DBG_1FOURTH : positive := DBG_WIDTH/4;
constant DBG_2FOURTH : positive := DBG_WIDTH/2;
constant DBG_3FOURTH : positive := 3*DBG_WIDTH/4;
signal debug_grp_selected : std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
signal debug_grp_rotated : std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
signal trigg_grp_selected : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
signal trigg_grp_rotated : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
signal unused : std_ulogic;
unused <= select_bits(2) or select_bits(3) or select_bits(4);
with select_bits(0 to 1) select debug_grp_selected <=
dbg_group0 when "00",
dbg_group1 when "01",
dbg_group2 when "10",
dbg_group3 when others;
with select_bits(5 to 6) select
debug_grp_rotated <= debug_grp_selected(DBG_1FOURTH to DBG_WIDTH-1) & debug_grp_selected(0 to DBG_1FOURTH-1) when "11",
debug_grp_selected(DBG_2FOURTH to DBG_WIDTH-1) & debug_grp_selected(0 to DBG_2FOURTH-1) when "10",
debug_grp_selected(DBG_3FOURTH to DBG_WIDTH-1) & debug_grp_selected(0 to DBG_3FOURTH-1) when "01",
debug_grp_selected(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1) when others;
with select_bits(7) select trace_data_out(0 to DBG_1FOURTH-1) <=
trace_data_in(0 to DBG_1FOURTH-1) when '0',
debug_grp_rotated(0 to DBG_1FOURTH-1) when others;
with select_bits(8) select trace_data_out(DBG_1FOURTH to DBG_2FOURTH-1) <=
trace_data_in(DBG_1FOURTH to DBG_2FOURTH-1) when '0',
debug_grp_rotated(DBG_1FOURTH to DBG_2FOURTH-1) when others;
with select_bits(9) select trace_data_out(DBG_2FOURTH to DBG_3FOURTH-1) <=
trace_data_in(DBG_2FOURTH to DBG_3FOURTH-1) when '0',
debug_grp_rotated(DBG_2FOURTH to DBG_3FOURTH-1) when others;
with select_bits(10) select trace_data_out(DBG_3FOURTH to DBG_WIDTH-1) <=
trace_data_in(DBG_3FOURTH to DBG_WIDTH-1) when '0',
debug_grp_rotated(DBG_3FOURTH to DBG_WIDTH-1) when others;
with select_bits(11 to 12) select trigg_grp_selected <=
trg_group0 when "00",
trg_group1 when "01",
trg_group2 when "10",
trg_group3 when others;
with select_bits(13) select
trigg_grp_rotated <= trigg_grp_selected(6 to 11) & trigg_grp_selected(0 to 5) when '1',
trigg_grp_selected(0 to 11) when others;
with select_bits(14) select trigger_data_out(0 to 5) <=
trigger_data_in(0 to 5) when '0',
trigg_grp_rotated(0 to 5) when others;
with select_bits(15) select trigger_data_out(6 to 11) <=
trigger_data_in(6 to 11) when '0',
trigg_grp_rotated(6 to 11) when others;
end c_debug_mux4;
@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
library support;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
entity c_debug_mux8 is
generic( DBG_WIDTH : integer := 88
vd : inout power_logic;
gd : inout power_logic;
select_bits : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 15);
trace_data_in : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
trigger_data_in : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
dbg_group0 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group1 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group2 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group3 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group4 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group5 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group6 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
dbg_group7 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
trg_group0 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
trg_group1 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
trg_group2 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
trg_group3 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
trace_data_out : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
trigger_data_out : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11)
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
end c_debug_mux8;
architecture c_debug_mux8 of c_debug_mux8 is
constant DBG_1FOURTH : positive := DBG_WIDTH/4;
constant DBG_2FOURTH : positive := DBG_WIDTH/2;
constant DBG_3FOURTH : positive := 3*DBG_WIDTH/4;
signal debug_grp_selected : std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
signal debug_grp_rotated : std_ulogic_vector(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1);
signal trigg_grp_selected : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
signal trigg_grp_rotated : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
signal unused : std_ulogic;
unused <= select_bits(3) or select_bits(4);
with select_bits(0 to 2) select debug_grp_selected <=
dbg_group0 when "000",
dbg_group1 when "001",
dbg_group2 when "010",
dbg_group3 when "011",
dbg_group4 when "100",
dbg_group5 when "101",
dbg_group6 when "110",
dbg_group7 when others;
with select_bits(5 to 6) select
debug_grp_rotated <= debug_grp_selected(DBG_1FOURTH to DBG_WIDTH-1) & debug_grp_selected(0 to DBG_1FOURTH-1) when "11",
debug_grp_selected(DBG_2FOURTH to DBG_WIDTH-1) & debug_grp_selected(0 to DBG_2FOURTH-1) when "10",
debug_grp_selected(DBG_3FOURTH to DBG_WIDTH-1) & debug_grp_selected(0 to DBG_3FOURTH-1) when "01",
debug_grp_selected(0 to DBG_WIDTH-1) when others;
with select_bits(7) select trace_data_out(0 to DBG_1FOURTH-1) <=
trace_data_in(0 to DBG_1FOURTH-1) when '0',
debug_grp_rotated(0 to DBG_1FOURTH-1) when others;
with select_bits(8) select trace_data_out(DBG_1FOURTH to DBG_2FOURTH-1) <=
trace_data_in(DBG_1FOURTH to DBG_2FOURTH-1) when '0',
debug_grp_rotated(DBG_1FOURTH to DBG_2FOURTH-1) when others;
with select_bits(9) select trace_data_out(DBG_2FOURTH to DBG_3FOURTH-1) <=
trace_data_in(DBG_2FOURTH to DBG_3FOURTH-1) when '0',
debug_grp_rotated(DBG_2FOURTH to DBG_3FOURTH-1) when others;
with select_bits(10) select trace_data_out(DBG_3FOURTH to DBG_WIDTH-1) <=
trace_data_in(DBG_3FOURTH to DBG_WIDTH-1) when '0',
debug_grp_rotated(DBG_3FOURTH to DBG_WIDTH-1) when others;
with select_bits(11 to 12) select trigg_grp_selected <=
trg_group0 when "00",
trg_group1 when "01",
trg_group2 when "10",
trg_group3 when others;
with select_bits(13) select
trigg_grp_rotated <= trigg_grp_selected(6 to 11) & trigg_grp_selected(0 to 5) when '1',
trigg_grp_selected(0 to 11) when others;
with select_bits(14) select trigger_data_out(0 to 5) <=
trigger_data_in(0 to 5) when '0',
trigg_grp_rotated(0 to 5) when others;
with select_bits(15) select trigger_data_out(6 to 11) <=
trigger_data_in(6 to 11) when '0',
trigg_grp_rotated(6 to 11) when others;
end c_debug_mux8;
@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee,support,ibm;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
entity c_event_mux is
generic( events_in : integer := 32;
events_out : integer := 8 );
vd : inout power_logic;
gd : inout power_logic;
t0_events : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to events_in/4-1);
t1_events : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to events_in/4-1);
t2_events : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to events_in/4-1);
t3_events : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to events_in/4-1);
select_bits : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to ((events_in/64+4)*events_out)-1);
event_bits : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to events_out-1)
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
end c_event_mux;
architecture c_event_mux of c_event_mux is
constant INCR : natural := events_in/64+4;
constant SIZE : natural := events_in/64+1;
signal inMuxDec : std_ulogic_vector(0 to events_out*events_in/4-1);
signal inMuxOut : std_ulogic_vector(0 to events_out*events_in/4-1);
signal thrd_sel : std_ulogic_vector(0 to events_out-1);
signal inMux_sel : std_ulogic_vector(0 to ((events_in/64+3)*events_out)-1);
thrd_sel <= select_bits(0*INCR) & select_bits(1*INCR) &
select_bits(2*INCR) & select_bits(3*INCR) &
select_bits(4*INCR) & select_bits(5*INCR) &
select_bits(6*INCR) & select_bits(7*INCR) ;
inMux_sel <= select_bits(0*INCR+1 to (0+1)*INCR-1) &
select_bits(1*INCR+1 to (1+1)*INCR-1) &
select_bits(2*INCR+1 to (2+1)*INCR-1) &
select_bits(3*INCR+1 to (3+1)*INCR-1) &
select_bits(4*INCR+1 to (4+1)*INCR-1) &
select_bits(5*INCR+1 to (5+1)*INCR-1) &
select_bits(6*INCR+1 to (6+1)*INCR-1) &
select_bits(7*INCR+1 to (7+1)*INCR-1) ;
decode: for X in 0 to events_out-1 generate
Mux32: if (events_in = 32) generate
inMuxDec(X*events_in/4 to X*events_in/4+7) <= decode_3to8(inMux_sel(X*3 to X*3+2));
end generate Mux32;
Mux64: if (events_in = 64) generate
inMuxDec(X*events_in/4 to X*events_in/4+15) <= decode_4to16(inMux_sel(X*4 to X*4+3));
end generate Mux64;
Mux128: if (events_in = 128) generate
inMuxDec(X*events_in/4 to X*events_in/4+31) <= decode_5to32(inMux_sel(X*5 to X*5+4));
end generate Mux128;
end generate decode;
inpMuxHi: for X in 0 to events_out/2-1 generate
eventSel: for I in 0 to events_in/4-1 generate
inMuxOut(X*events_in/4 + I) <=
((inMuxDec(X*events_in/4 + I) and not thrd_sel(X) and t0_events(I)) or
(inMuxDec(X*events_in/4 + I) and thrd_sel(X) and t1_events(I)) );
end generate eventSel;
end generate inpMuxHi;
inpMuxLo: for X in events_out/2 to events_out-1 generate
eventSel: for I in 0 to events_in/4-1 generate
inMuxOut(X*events_in/4 + I) <=
((inMuxDec(X*events_in/4 + I) and not thrd_sel(X) and t2_events(I)) or
(inMuxDec(X*events_in/4 + I) and thrd_sel(X) and t3_events(I)) );
end generate eventSel;
end generate inpMuxLo;
bitOutHi: for X in 0 to events_out/2-1 generate
Mux32: if (events_in = 32) generate
event_bits(X) <= or_reduce(inMuxOut(X*events_in/4 to X*events_in/4 + 7));
end generate Mux32;
Mux64: if (events_in = 64) generate
event_bits(X) <= or_reduce(inMuxOut(X*events_in/4 to X*events_in/4 + 15));
end generate Mux64;
Mux128: if (events_in = 128) generate
event_bits(X) <= or_reduce(inMuxOut(X*events_in/4 to X*events_in/4 + 31));
end generate Mux128;
end generate bitOutHi;
bitOutLo: for X in events_out/2 to events_out-1 generate
Mux32: if (events_in = 32) generate
event_bits(X) <= or_reduce(inMuxOut(X*events_in/4 to X*events_in/4 + 7));
end generate Mux32;
Mux64: if (events_in = 64) generate
event_bits(X) <= or_reduce(inMuxOut(X*events_in/4 to X*events_in/4 + 15));
end generate Mux64;
Mux128: if (events_in = 128) generate
event_bits(X) <= or_reduce(inMuxOut(X*events_in/4 to X*events_in/4 + 31));
end generate Mux128;
end generate bitOutLo;
end c_event_mux;
@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;
library ibm;
use ibm.std_ulogic_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_ao_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_mux_support.all;
library support; use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
ENTITY c_prism_bthmx IS
GENERIC ( btr : string := "BTHMX_X1_A12TH" );
vd : inout power_logic;
gd : inout power_logic
-- synopsys translate_off
ATTRIBUTE PIN_BIT_INFORMATION of c_prism_bthmx : entity is
1 => (" ","X ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"),
2 => (" ","SNEG ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"),
3 => (" ","SX ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"),
4 => (" ","SX2 ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"),
5 => (" ","RIGHT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"),
6 => (" ","LEFT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"),
7 => (" ","Q ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"),
8 => (" ","VDD ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"),
9 => (" ","VSS ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR")
-- synopsys translate_on
END c_prism_bthmx;
ARCHITECTURE c_prism_bthmx OF c_prism_bthmx IS
XN <= NOT X;
( X AND SNEG ) );
@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;
library ibm;
use ibm.std_ulogic_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_ao_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_mux_support.all;
library support; use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
ENTITY c_prism_csa32 IS
GENERIC ( btr : string := "CSA32_A2_A12TH" );
A : IN std_ulogic;
B : IN std_ulogic;
C : IN std_ulogic;
CAR : OUT std_ulogic;
SUM : OUT std_ulogic;
vd : inout power_logic;
gd : inout power_logic
-- synopsys translate_off
ATTRIBUTE PIN_BIT_INFORMATION of c_prism_csa32 : entity is
1 => (" ","A ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"),
2 => (" ","B ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"),
3 => (" ","C ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"),
4 => (" ","CAR ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"),
5 => (" ","SUM ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"),
6 => (" ","VDD ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"),
7 => (" ","VSS ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR")
-- synopsys translate_on
END c_prism_csa32;
ARCHITECTURE c_prism_csa32 OF c_prism_csa32 IS
sum <= a XOR b XOR c ;
car <= (a AND b ) OR
(a AND c ) OR
(b AND c );
@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;
library support;
library ibm;
use ibm.std_ulogic_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_ao_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_mux_support.all;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
ENTITY c_prism_csa42 IS
GENERIC ( btr : string := "CSA42_A2_A12TH" );
A : IN std_ulogic;
B : IN std_ulogic;
C : IN std_ulogic;
D : IN std_ulogic;
KI : IN std_ulogic;
KO : OUT std_ulogic;
CAR : OUT std_ulogic;
SUM : OUT std_ulogic;
vd : inout power_logic;
gd : inout power_logic
-- synopsys translate_off
ATTRIBUTE PIN_BIT_INFORMATION of c_prism_csa42 : entity is
1 => (" ","A ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"),
2 => (" ","B ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"),
3 => (" ","C ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"),
4 => (" ","D ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"),
5 => (" ","KI ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"),
6 => (" ","KO ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"),
7 => (" ","CAR ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"),
8 => (" ","SUM ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"),
9 => (" ","VDD ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"),
10 => (" ","VSS ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR")
-- synopsys translate_on
END c_prism_csa42;
ARCHITECTURE c_prism_csa42 OF c_prism_csa42 IS
signal s1 : std_ulogic;
s1 <= b XOR c XOR d ;
sum <= s1 XOR a XOR ki;
car <= (s1 AND a ) OR
(s1 AND ki) OR
(a AND ki);
ko <= (b AND c ) OR
(b AND d ) OR
(c AND d );
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee,ibm,latches,clib, support;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
entity c_scom_addr_decode is
generic( satid_nobits : positive := 5
; use_addr : std_ulogic_vector := "1"
; addr_is_rdable : std_ulogic_vector := "1"
; addr_is_wrable : std_ulogic_vector := "1"
port( sc_addr : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11-satid_nobits-1)
; scaddr_dec : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to use_addr'length-1)
; sc_req : in std_ulogic
; sc_r_nw : in std_ulogic
; scaddr_nvld : out std_ulogic
; sc_wr_nvld : out std_ulogic
; sc_rd_nvld : out std_ulogic
; vd : inout power_logic
; gd : inout power_logic
end c_scom_addr_decode;
architecture c_scom_addr_decode of c_scom_addr_decode is
signal address : std_ulogic_vector(0 to use_addr'length-1);
decode_it : for i in 0 to use_addr'length-1 generate
address(i) <= ((sc_addr = tconv(i,sc_addr'length)) and (use_addr(i)='1'));
end generate decode_it;
scaddr_dec <= address;
scaddr_nvld <= sc_req and not or_reduce(address);
sc_wr_nvld <= not or_reduce(address and addr_is_wrable) and sc_req and not sc_r_nw;
sc_rd_nvld <= not or_reduce(address and addr_is_rdable) and sc_req and sc_r_nw;
end c_scom_addr_decode;
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
package power_logic_pkg is
subtype power_logic is std_logic;
subtype power_logic_vector is std_logic_vector;
end package power_logic_pkg;
@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
library ibm;
use ibm.std_ulogic_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all;
library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;
library UNIMACRO;
use UNIMACRO.vcomponents.all;
entity RAMB16_S18_S18 is
generic (
INIT_00 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_01 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_02 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_03 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_04 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_05 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_06 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_07 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_08 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_09 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_0A : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_0B : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_0C : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_0D : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_0E : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_0F : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_10 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_11 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_12 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_13 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_14 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_15 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_16 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_17 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_18 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_19 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_1A : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_1B : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_1C : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_1D : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_1E : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_1F : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_20 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_21 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_22 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_23 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_24 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_25 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_26 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_27 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_28 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_29 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_2A : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_2B : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_2C : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_2D : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_2E : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_2F : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_30 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_31 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_32 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_33 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_34 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_35 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_36 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_37 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_38 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_39 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_3A : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_3B : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_3C : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_3D : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_3E : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_3F : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INITP_00 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INITP_01 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INITP_02 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INITP_03 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INITP_04 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INITP_05 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INITP_06 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INITP_07 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_A : bit_vector := X"000000000";
INIT_B : bit_vector := X"000000000";
SRVAL_A : bit_vector := X"000000000";
SRVAL_B : bit_vector := X"000000000";
port (
DOA : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
DOB : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
DOPA : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
DOPB : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
ADDRA : in std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
ADDRB : in std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
CLKA : in std_ulogic;
CLKB : in std_ulogic;
DIA : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
DIB : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
DIPA : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
DIPB : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
ENA : in std_ulogic;
ENB : in std_ulogic;
SSRA : in std_ulogic;
SSRB : in std_ulogic;
WEA : in std_ulogic;
WEB : in std_ulogic
end RAMB16_S18_S18;
architecture RAMB16_S18_S18 of RAMB16_S18_S18 is
signal DINA, DINB : std_logic_vector(17 downto 0);
signal DOUTA, DOUTB : std_logic_vector(17 downto 0);
signal SSRA_t, SSRB_t : std_logic;
signal WEA_t, WEB_t : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
DOPA <= DOUTA(17 downto 16);
DOA <= DOUTA(15 downto 0);
DOPB <= DOUTB(17 downto 16);
DOB <= DOUTB(15 downto 0);
WEA_t <= WEA & WEA;
WEB_t <= WEB & WEB;
generic map (
BRAM_SIZE => "18Kb",
DOA_REG => 0,
DOB_REG => 0,
INIT_00 => INIT_00,
INIT_01 => INIT_01,
INIT_02 => INIT_02,
INIT_03 => INIT_03,
INIT_04 => INIT_04,
INIT_05 => INIT_05,
INIT_06 => INIT_06,
INIT_07 => INIT_07,
INIT_08 => INIT_08,
INIT_09 => INIT_09,
INIT_10 => INIT_10,
INIT_11 => INIT_11,
INIT_12 => INIT_12,
INIT_13 => INIT_13,
INIT_14 => INIT_14,
INIT_15 => INIT_15,
INIT_16 => INIT_16,
INIT_17 => INIT_17,
INIT_18 => INIT_18,
INIT_19 => INIT_19,
INIT_20 => INIT_20,
INIT_21 => INIT_21,
INIT_22 => INIT_22,
INIT_23 => INIT_23,
INIT_24 => INIT_24,
INIT_25 => INIT_25,
INIT_26 => INIT_26,
INIT_27 => INIT_27,
INIT_28 => INIT_28,
INIT_29 => INIT_29,
INIT_30 => INIT_30,
INIT_31 => INIT_31,
INIT_32 => INIT_32,
INIT_33 => INIT_33,
INIT_34 => INIT_34,
INIT_35 => INIT_35,
INIT_36 => INIT_36,
INIT_37 => INIT_37,
INIT_38 => INIT_38,
INIT_39 => INIT_39,
INIT_40 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_41 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_42 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_43 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_44 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_45 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_46 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_47 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_48 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_49 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_4A => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_4B => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_4C => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_4D => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_4E => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_4F => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_50 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_51 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_52 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_53 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_54 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_55 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_56 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_57 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_58 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_59 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_5A => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_5B => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_5C => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_5D => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_5E => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_5F => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_60 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_61 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_62 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_63 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_64 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_65 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_66 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_67 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_68 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_69 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_6A => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_6B => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_6C => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_6D => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_6E => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_6F => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_70 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_71 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_72 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_73 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_74 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_75 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_76 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_77 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_78 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_79 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_7A => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_7B => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_7C => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_7D => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_7E => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_7F => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INITP_00 => INITP_00,
INITP_01 => INITP_01,
INITP_02 => INITP_02,
INITP_03 => INITP_03,
INITP_04 => INITP_04,
INITP_05 => INITP_05,
INITP_06 => INITP_06,
INITP_07 => INITP_07,
INITP_08 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INITP_09 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INITP_0A => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INITP_0B => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INITP_0C => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INITP_0D => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INITP_0E => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INITP_0F => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
port map (
REGCEA => '1',
REGCEB => '1',
WEA => WEA_t,
WEB => WEB_t
end RAMB16_S18_S18;
@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
library ibm;
use ibm.std_ulogic_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all;
library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;
library UNIMACRO;
use UNIMACRO.vcomponents.all;
entity RAMB16_S36_S36 is
generic (
INIT_00 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_01 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_02 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_03 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_04 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_05 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_06 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_07 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_08 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_09 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_0A : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_0B : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_0C : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_0D : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_0E : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_0F : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_10 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_11 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_12 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_13 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_14 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_15 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_16 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_17 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_18 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_19 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_1A : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_1B : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_1C : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_1D : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_1E : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_1F : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_20 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_21 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_22 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_23 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_24 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_25 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_26 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_27 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_28 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_29 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_2A : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_2B : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_2C : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_2D : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_2E : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_2F : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_30 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_31 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_32 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_33 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_34 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_35 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_36 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_37 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_38 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_39 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_3A : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_3B : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_3C : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_3D : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_3E : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_3F : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INITP_00 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INITP_01 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INITP_02 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INITP_03 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INITP_04 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INITP_05 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INITP_06 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INITP_07 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_A : bit_vector := X"000000000";
INIT_B : bit_vector := X"000000000";
SRVAL_A : bit_vector := X"000000000";
SRVAL_B : bit_vector := X"000000000";
port (
DOA : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
DOB : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
DOPA : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
DOPB : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
ADDRA : in std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
ADDRB : in std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
CLKA : in std_ulogic;
CLKB : in std_ulogic;
DIA : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
DIB : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
DIPA : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
DIPB : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
ENA : in std_ulogic;
ENB : in std_ulogic;
SSRA : in std_ulogic;
SSRB : in std_ulogic;
WEA : in std_ulogic;
WEB : in std_ulogic
end RAMB16_S36_S36;
architecture RAMB16_S36_S36 of RAMB16_S36_S36 is
signal ADDRA_10, ADDRB_10 : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
signal DINA, DINB : std_logic_vector(35 downto 0);
signal DOUTA, DOUTB : std_logic_vector(35 downto 0);
signal SSRA_t, SSRB_t : std_logic;
signal WEA_t, WEB_t : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
ADDRA_10 <= '0' & ADDRA;
ADDRB_10 <= '0' & ADDRB;
DOPA <= DOUTA(35 downto 32);
DOA <= DOUTA(31 downto 0);
DOPB <= DOUTB(35 downto 32);
DOB <= DOUTB(31 downto 0);
WEA_t <= WEA & WEA & WEA & WEA;
WEB_t <= WEB & WEB & WEB & WEB;
generic map (
BRAM_SIZE => "36Kb",
DOA_REG => 0,
DOB_REG => 0,
INIT_00 => INIT_00,
INIT_01 => INIT_01,
INIT_02 => INIT_02,
INIT_03 => INIT_03,
INIT_04 => INIT_04,
INIT_05 => INIT_05,
INIT_06 => INIT_06,
INIT_07 => INIT_07,
INIT_08 => INIT_08,
INIT_09 => INIT_09,
INIT_10 => INIT_10,
INIT_11 => INIT_11,
INIT_12 => INIT_12,
INIT_13 => INIT_13,
INIT_14 => INIT_14,
INIT_15 => INIT_15,
INIT_16 => INIT_16,
INIT_17 => INIT_17,
INIT_18 => INIT_18,
INIT_19 => INIT_19,
INIT_20 => INIT_20,
INIT_21 => INIT_21,
INIT_22 => INIT_22,
INIT_23 => INIT_23,
INIT_24 => INIT_24,
INIT_25 => INIT_25,
INIT_26 => INIT_26,
INIT_27 => INIT_27,
INIT_28 => INIT_28,
INIT_29 => INIT_29,
INIT_30 => INIT_30,
INIT_31 => INIT_31,
INIT_32 => INIT_32,
INIT_33 => INIT_33,
INIT_34 => INIT_34,
INIT_35 => INIT_35,
INIT_36 => INIT_36,
INIT_37 => INIT_37,
INIT_38 => INIT_38,
INIT_39 => INIT_39,
INIT_40 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_41 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_42 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_43 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_44 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_45 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_46 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_47 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_48 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_49 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_4A => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_4B => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_4C => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_4D => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_4E => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_4F => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_50 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_51 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_52 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_53 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_54 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_55 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_56 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_57 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_58 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_59 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_5A => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_5B => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_5C => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_5D => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_5E => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_5F => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_60 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_61 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_62 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_63 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_64 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_65 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_66 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_67 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_68 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_69 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_6A => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_6B => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_6C => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_6D => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_6E => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_6F => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_70 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_71 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_72 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_73 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_74 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_75 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_76 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_77 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_78 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_79 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_7A => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_7B => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_7C => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_7D => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_7E => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_7F => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INITP_00 => INITP_00,
INITP_01 => INITP_01,
INITP_02 => INITP_02,
INITP_03 => INITP_03,
INITP_04 => INITP_04,
INITP_05 => INITP_05,
INITP_06 => INITP_06,
INITP_07 => INITP_07,
INITP_08 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INITP_09 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INITP_0A => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INITP_0B => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INITP_0C => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INITP_0D => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INITP_0E => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INITP_0F => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
port map (
REGCEA => '1',
REGCEB => '1',
WEA => WEA_t,
WEB => WEB_t
end RAMB16_S36_S36;
@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
library ibm;
use ibm.std_ulogic_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all;
library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;
library UNIMACRO;
use UNIMACRO.vcomponents.all;
entity RAMB16_S9_S9 is
generic (
INIT_00 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_01 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_02 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_03 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_04 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_05 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_06 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_07 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_08 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_09 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_0A : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_0B : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_0C : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_0D : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_0E : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_0F : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_10 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_11 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_12 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_13 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_14 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_15 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_16 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_17 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_18 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_19 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_1A : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_1B : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_1C : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_1D : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_1E : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_1F : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_20 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_21 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_22 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_23 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_24 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_25 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_26 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_27 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_28 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_29 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_2A : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_2B : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_2C : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_2D : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_2E : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_2F : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_30 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_31 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_32 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_33 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_34 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_35 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_36 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_37 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_38 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_39 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_3A : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_3B : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_3C : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_3D : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_3E : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_3F : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INITP_00 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INITP_01 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INITP_02 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INITP_03 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INITP_04 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INITP_05 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INITP_06 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INITP_07 : bit_vector := X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_A : bit_vector := X"000000000";
INIT_B : bit_vector := X"000000000";
SRVAL_A : bit_vector := X"000000000";
SRVAL_B : bit_vector := X"000000000";
port (
DOA : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
DOB : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
DOPA : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
DOPB : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
ADDRA : in std_logic_vector(10 downto 0);
ADDRB : in std_logic_vector(10 downto 0);
CLKA : in std_ulogic;
CLKB : in std_ulogic;
DIA : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
DIB : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
DIPA : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
DIPB : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
ENA : in std_ulogic;
ENB : in std_ulogic;
SSRA : in std_ulogic;
SSRB : in std_ulogic;
WEA : in std_ulogic;
WEB : in std_ulogic
end RAMB16_S9_S9;
architecture RAMB16_S9_S9 of RAMB16_S9_S9 is
signal DINA, DINB : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
signal DOUTA, DOUTB : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
signal SSRA_t, SSRB_t : std_logic;
signal WEA_t, WEB_t : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
DOPA(0) <= DOUTA(8);
DOA <= DOUTA(7 downto 0);
DOPB(0) <= DOUTB(8);
DOB <= DOUTB(7 downto 0);
WEA_t(0) <= WEA;
WEB_t(0) <= WEB;
generic map (
BRAM_SIZE => "18Kb",
DOA_REG => 0,
DOB_REG => 0,
INIT_00 => INIT_00,
INIT_01 => INIT_01,
INIT_02 => INIT_02,
INIT_03 => INIT_03,
INIT_04 => INIT_04,
INIT_05 => INIT_05,
INIT_06 => INIT_06,
INIT_07 => INIT_07,
INIT_08 => INIT_08,
INIT_09 => INIT_09,
INIT_10 => INIT_10,
INIT_11 => INIT_11,
INIT_12 => INIT_12,
INIT_13 => INIT_13,
INIT_14 => INIT_14,
INIT_15 => INIT_15,
INIT_16 => INIT_16,
INIT_17 => INIT_17,
INIT_18 => INIT_18,
INIT_19 => INIT_19,
INIT_20 => INIT_20,
INIT_21 => INIT_21,
INIT_22 => INIT_22,
INIT_23 => INIT_23,
INIT_24 => INIT_24,
INIT_25 => INIT_25,
INIT_26 => INIT_26,
INIT_27 => INIT_27,
INIT_28 => INIT_28,
INIT_29 => INIT_29,
INIT_30 => INIT_30,
INIT_31 => INIT_31,
INIT_32 => INIT_32,
INIT_33 => INIT_33,
INIT_34 => INIT_34,
INIT_35 => INIT_35,
INIT_36 => INIT_36,
INIT_37 => INIT_37,
INIT_38 => INIT_38,
INIT_39 => INIT_39,
INIT_40 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_41 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_42 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_43 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_44 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_45 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_46 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_47 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_48 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_49 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_4A => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_4B => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_4C => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_4D => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_4E => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_4F => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_50 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_51 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_52 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_53 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_54 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_55 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_56 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_57 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_58 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_59 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_5A => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_5B => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_5C => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_5D => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_5E => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_5F => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_60 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_61 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_62 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_63 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_64 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_65 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_66 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_67 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_68 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_69 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_6A => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_6B => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_6C => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_6D => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_6E => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_6F => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_70 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_71 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_72 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_73 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_74 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_75 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_76 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_77 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_78 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_79 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_7A => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_7B => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_7C => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_7D => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_7E => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INIT_7F => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INITP_00 => INITP_00,
INITP_01 => INITP_01,
INITP_02 => INITP_02,
INITP_03 => INITP_03,
INITP_04 => INITP_04,
INITP_05 => INITP_05,
INITP_06 => INITP_06,
INITP_07 => INITP_07,
INITP_08 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INITP_09 => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INITP_0A => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INITP_0B => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INITP_0C => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INITP_0D => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INITP_0E => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
INITP_0F => X"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
port map (
REGCEA => '1',
REGCEB => '1',
WEA => WEA_t,
WEB => WEB_t
end RAMB16_S9_S9;
@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;
library ibm;
use ibm.std_ulogic_support.all ;
use ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all;
library support;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
library tri;
use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
-- pragma translate_off
-- pragma translate_on
entity tri_128x168_1w_0 is
generic (addressable_ports : positive := 128;
addressbus_width : positive := 7;
port_bitwidth : positive := 168;
ways : positive := 1;
expand_type : integer := 1);
port (
gnd : inout power_logic;
vdd : inout power_logic;
vcs : inout power_logic;
nclk : in clk_logic;
act : in std_ulogic;
ccflush_dc : in std_ulogic;
scan_dis_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
scan_diag_dc : in std_ulogic;
abst_scan_in : in std_ulogic;
repr_scan_in : in std_ulogic;
time_scan_in : in std_ulogic;
abst_scan_out : out std_ulogic;
repr_scan_out : out std_ulogic;
time_scan_out : out std_ulogic;
lcb_d_mode_dc : in std_ulogic;
lcb_clkoff_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
lcb_act_dis_dc : in std_ulogic;
lcb_mpw1_dc_b : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
lcb_mpw2_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
lcb_delay_lclkr_dc : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
lcb_sg_1 : in std_ulogic;
lcb_time_sg_0 : in std_ulogic;
lcb_repr_sg_0 : in std_ulogic;
lcb_abst_sl_thold_0 : in std_ulogic;
lcb_repr_sl_thold_0 : in std_ulogic;
lcb_time_sl_thold_0 : in std_ulogic;
lcb_ary_nsl_thold_0 : in std_ulogic;
lcb_bolt_sl_thold_0 : in std_ulogic;
tc_lbist_ary_wrt_thru_dc : in std_ulogic;
abist_en_1 : in std_ulogic;
din_abist : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
abist_cmp_en : in std_ulogic;
abist_raw_b_dc : in std_ulogic;
data_cmp_abist : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
addr_abist : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 6);
r_wb_abist : in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_enable_2 : in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_reset : in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_unload : in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_repair : in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_shdata : in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_select : in std_ulogic;
bo_pc_failout : out std_ulogic;
bo_pc_diagloop : out std_ulogic;
tri_lcb_mpw1_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
tri_lcb_mpw2_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
tri_lcb_delay_lclkr_dc : in std_ulogic;
tri_lcb_clkoff_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
tri_lcb_act_dis_dc : in std_ulogic;
write_enable : in std_ulogic;
addr : in std_ulogic_vector (0 to addressbus_width-1);
data_in : in std_ulogic_vector (0 to port_bitwidth-1);
data_out : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to port_bitwidth-1)
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
end entity tri_128x168_1w_0;
architecture tri_128x168_1w_0 of tri_128x168_1w_0 is
constant wga_base_width : integer := 168;
constant wga_width_mult : integer := (port_bitwidth*ways-1)/wga_base_width + 1;
constant ramb_base_width : integer := 36;
constant ramb_base_addr : integer := 9;
constant ramb_width_mult : integer := (port_bitwidth-1)/ramb_base_width + 1;
constant way : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 0) := "0";
type RAMB_DATA_ARRAY is array (natural range <>) of std_logic_vector(0 to (ramb_base_width*ramb_width_mult - 1));
-- synopsys translate_off
um: if expand_type = 0 generate
signal tiup : std_ulogic;
signal tidn : std_ulogic;
signal addr_l2 : std_ulogic_vector (0 TO addressbus_width-1);
signal write_enable_d : std_ulogic;
signal write_enable_l2 : std_ulogic;
signal data_in_l2 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to port_bitwidth-1);
signal array_d : std_ulogic_vector(0 to addressable_ports*port_bitwidth*ways-1);
signal array_l2 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to addressable_ports*port_bitwidth*ways-1);
tiup <= '1';
tidn <= '0';
addr_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => addr'length, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => act,
scin => (others => '0'),
scout => open,
din => addr,
dout => addr_l2 );
write_enable_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => tiup,
scin => tidn,
scout => open,
din => write_enable_d,
dout => write_enable_l2 );
data_in_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => port_bitwidth, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => act,
scin => (others => '0'),
scout => open,
din => data_in,
dout => data_in_l2 );
array_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => addressable_ports*port_bitwidth*ways, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => tiup,
scin => (others => '0'),
scout => open,
din => array_d,
dout => array_l2 );
write_enable_d <= act and write_enable;
ww: for w in 0 to ways-1 generate
wy: for y in 0 to addressable_ports-1 generate
wx: for x in 0 to port_bitwidth-1 generate
array_d(y*port_bitwidth*ways+w*port_bitwidth+x) <=
data_in_l2(x) when (( write_enable_l2 and addr_l2 = tconv(y, addressbus_width)) = '1')
else array_l2(y*port_bitwidth*ways+w*port_bitwidth+x);
end generate wx;
end generate wy;
end generate ww;
data_out <= array_l2( tconv(addr_l2)*port_bitwidth*ways to tconv(addr_l2)*port_bitwidth*ways+port_bitwidth*ways-1 );
abst_scan_out <= abst_scan_in;
repr_scan_out <= repr_scan_in;
time_scan_out <= time_scan_in;
bo_pc_failout <= '0';
bo_pc_diagloop <= '0';
end generate um;
-- synopsys translate_on
a: if expand_type = 1 generate
component RAMB16_S36_S36
-- pragma translate_off
SIM_COLLISION_CHECK : string := "none");
-- pragma translate_on
DOA : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
DOB : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
DOPA : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
DOPB : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
ADDRA : in std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
ADDRB : in std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
CLKA : in std_ulogic;
CLKB : in std_ulogic;
DIA : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
DIB : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
DIPA : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
DIPB : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
ENA : in std_ulogic;
ENB : in std_ulogic;
SSRA : in std_ulogic;
SSRB : in std_ulogic;
WEA : in std_ulogic;
WEB : in std_ulogic);
end component;
-- pragma translate_off
-- pragma translate_on
signal ramb_data_in : std_logic_vector(0 to (ramb_base_width*ramb_width_mult - 1));
signal ramb_data_out : RAMB_DATA_ARRAY(way'range);
signal ramb_addr : std_logic_vector(0 to ramb_base_addr - 1);
signal write : std_ulogic_vector(way'range);
signal tidn : std_ulogic;
signal unused : std_ulogic;
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
tidn <= '0';
add0: if (addressbus_width < ramb_base_addr) generate
ramb_addr(0 to (ramb_base_addr-addressbus_width-1)) <= (others => '0');
ramb_addr(ramb_base_addr-addressbus_width to ramb_base_addr-1) <= tconv( addr );
end generate;
add1: if (addressbus_width >= ramb_base_addr) generate
ramb_addr <= tconv( addr(addressbus_width-ramb_base_addr to addressbus_width-1) );
end generate;
din: for i in ramb_data_in'range generate
R0: if(i < port_bitwidth) generate begin ramb_data_in(i) <= data_in(i); end generate;
R1: if(i >= port_bitwidth) generate begin ramb_data_in(i) <= '0'; end generate;
end generate;
aw: for w in way'range generate begin
write(w) <= write_enable;
ax: for x in 0 to (ramb_width_mult - 1) generate begin
ram: RAMB16_S36_S36
-- pragma translate_off
generic map(
sim_collision_check => "none")
-- pragma translate_on
port map(
DOA => ramb_data_out(w)(x*ramb_base_width to x*ramb_base_width+31),
DOB => open,
DOPA => ramb_data_out(w)(x*ramb_base_width+32 to x*ramb_base_width+35),
DOPB => open,
ADDRA => ramb_addr,
ADDRB => ramb_addr,
CLKA => nclk.clk,
CLKB => tidn,
DIA => ramb_data_in(x*ramb_base_width to x*ramb_base_width+31),
DIB => ramb_data_in(x*ramb_base_width to x*ramb_base_width+31),
DIPA => ramb_data_in(x*ramb_base_width+32 to x*ramb_base_width+35),
DIPB => ramb_data_in(x*ramb_base_width+32 to x*ramb_base_width+35),
ENA => act,
ENB => tidn,
SSRA => nclk.sreset,
SSRB => tidn,
WEA => write(w),
WEB => tidn
end generate ax;
data_out(w*port_bitwidth to ((w+1)*port_bitwidth)-1 ) <= tconv( ramb_data_out(w)(0 to port_bitwidth-1) );
end generate aw;
abst_scan_out <= abst_scan_in;
repr_scan_out <= repr_scan_in;
time_scan_out <= time_scan_in;
bo_pc_failout <= '0';
bo_pc_diagloop <= '0';
unused <= or_reduce( std_ulogic_vector(ramb_data_out(0)(port_bitwidth to ramb_base_width*ramb_width_mult - 1))
& ccflush_dc & scan_dis_dc_b & scan_diag_dc & lcb_d_mode_dc
& lcb_clkoff_dc_b & lcb_act_dis_dc & lcb_mpw1_dc_b & lcb_mpw2_dc_b
& lcb_delay_lclkr_dc & lcb_sg_1 & lcb_time_sg_0 & lcb_repr_sg_0
& lcb_abst_sl_thold_0 & lcb_repr_sl_thold_0 & lcb_time_sl_thold_0
& lcb_ary_nsl_thold_0 & lcb_bolt_sl_thold_0 & tc_lbist_ary_wrt_thru_dc
& abist_en_1 & din_abist & abist_cmp_en & abist_raw_b_dc & data_cmp_abist
& addr_abist & r_wb_abist & pc_bo_enable_2 & pc_bo_reset
& pc_bo_unload & pc_bo_repair & pc_bo_shdata & pc_bo_select
& tri_lcb_mpw1_dc_b & tri_lcb_mpw2_dc_b & tri_lcb_delay_lclkr_dc
& tri_lcb_clkoff_dc_b & tri_lcb_act_dis_dc );
end generate a;
end tri_128x168_1w_0;
@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
library support;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
library ibm;
use ibm.std_ulogic_support.all ;
use ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all;
library tri; use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
entity tri_128x16_1r1w_1 is
generic (addressable_ports : positive := 128;
addressbus_width : positive := 7;
port_bitwidth : positive := 16;
ways : positive := 1;
expand_type : integer := 1);
port (
vdd : INOUT power_logic;
vcs : INOUT power_logic;
gnd : INOUT power_logic;
nclk : IN clk_logic;
rd_act : IN std_ulogic;
wr_act : IN std_ulogic;
lcb_d_mode_dc : IN std_ulogic;
lcb_clkoff_dc_b : IN std_ulogic;
lcb_mpw1_dc_b : IN std_ulogic_vector(0 TO 4);
lcb_mpw2_dc_b : IN std_ulogic;
lcb_delay_lclkr_dc : IN std_ulogic_vector(0 TO 4);
ccflush_dc : IN std_ulogic;
scan_dis_dc_b : IN std_ulogic;
scan_diag_dc : IN std_ulogic;
func_scan_in : IN std_ulogic;
func_scan_out : OUT std_ulogic;
lcb_sg_0 : IN std_ulogic;
lcb_sl_thold_0_b : IN std_ulogic;
lcb_time_sl_thold_0 : IN std_ulogic;
lcb_abst_sl_thold_0 : IN std_ulogic;
lcb_ary_nsl_thold_0 : IN std_ulogic;
lcb_repr_sl_thold_0 : IN std_ulogic;
time_scan_in : IN std_ulogic;
time_scan_out : OUT std_ulogic;
abst_scan_in : IN std_ulogic;
abst_scan_out : OUT std_ulogic;
repr_scan_in : IN std_ulogic;
repr_scan_out : OUT std_ulogic;
abist_di : IN std_ulogic_vector(0 TO 3);
abist_bw_odd : IN std_ulogic;
abist_bw_even : IN std_ulogic;
abist_wr_adr : IN std_ulogic_vector(0 TO 6);
wr_abst_act : IN std_ulogic;
abist_rd0_adr : IN std_ulogic_vector(0 TO 6);
rd0_abst_act : IN std_ulogic;
tc_lbist_ary_wrt_thru_dc : IN std_ulogic;
abist_ena_1 : IN std_ulogic;
abist_g8t_rd0_comp_ena : IN std_ulogic;
abist_raw_dc_b : IN std_ulogic;
obs0_abist_cmp : IN std_ulogic_vector(0 TO 3);
lcb_bolt_sl_thold_0 : in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_enable_2 : in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_reset : in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_unload : in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_repair : in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_shdata : in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_select : in std_ulogic;
bo_pc_failout : out std_ulogic;
bo_pc_diagloop : out std_ulogic;
tri_lcb_mpw1_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
tri_lcb_mpw2_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
tri_lcb_delay_lclkr_dc : in std_ulogic;
tri_lcb_clkoff_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
tri_lcb_act_dis_dc : in std_ulogic;
bw : IN std_ulogic_vector( 0 TO 15 );
wr_adr : IN std_ulogic_vector( 0 TO 6 );
rd_adr : IN std_ulogic_vector( 0 TO 6 );
di : IN std_ulogic_vector( 0 TO 15 );
do : OUT std_ulogic_vector( 0 TO 15 )
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
end entity tri_128x16_1r1w_1;
architecture tri_128x16_1r1w_1 of tri_128x16_1r1w_1 is
-- synopsys translate_off
um: if expand_type = 0 generate
constant rd_addr_offset : natural := 0;
constant wr_addr_offset : natural := rd_addr_offset + addressbus_width;
constant write_enable_offset : natural := wr_addr_offset + addressbus_width;
constant data_in_offset : natural := write_enable_offset + port_bitwidth;
constant data_out_offset : natural := data_in_offset + port_bitwidth;
constant array_offset : natural := data_out_offset + port_bitwidth;
constant scan_right : natural := array_offset + addressable_ports*port_bitwidth*ways - 1;
signal tiup : std_ulogic;
signal tidn : std_ulogic;
signal rd_addr_l2 : std_ulogic_vector (0 TO addressbus_width-1);
signal wr_addr_l2 : std_ulogic_vector (0 TO addressbus_width-1);
signal write_enable_d : std_ulogic_vector(0 to port_bitwidth-1);
signal write_enable_l2 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to port_bitwidth-1);
signal data_in_l2 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to port_bitwidth-1);
signal data_out_d : std_ulogic_vector(0 to port_bitwidth-1);
signal data_out_l2 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to port_bitwidth-1);
signal array_d : std_ulogic_vector(0 to addressable_ports*port_bitwidth*ways-1);
signal array_l2 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to addressable_ports*port_bitwidth*ways-1);
signal siv : std_ulogic_vector(0 to scan_right);
signal sov : std_ulogic_vector(0 to scan_right);
tiup <= '1';
tidn <= '0';
rd_addr_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => rd_adr'length, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => rd_act,
scin => siv(rd_addr_offset to rd_addr_offset+rd_addr_l2'length-1),
scout => sov(rd_addr_offset to rd_addr_offset+rd_addr_l2'length-1),
din => rd_adr,
dout => rd_addr_l2 );
wr_addr_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => wr_adr'length, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => wr_act,
scin => siv(wr_addr_offset to wr_addr_offset+wr_addr_l2'length-1),
scout => sov(wr_addr_offset to wr_addr_offset+wr_addr_l2'length-1),
din => wr_adr,
dout => wr_addr_l2 );
write_enable_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => port_bitwidth, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => wr_act,
scin => siv(write_enable_offset to write_enable_offset+write_enable_l2'length-1),
scout => sov(write_enable_offset to write_enable_offset+write_enable_l2'length-1),
din => write_enable_d,
dout => write_enable_l2 );
data_in_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => port_bitwidth, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => wr_act,
scin => siv(data_in_offset to data_in_offset+data_in_l2'length-1),
scout => sov(data_in_offset to data_in_offset+data_in_l2'length-1),
din => di,
dout => data_in_l2 );
data_out_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => port_bitwidth, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => wr_act,
scin => siv(data_out_offset to data_out_offset+data_out_l2'length-1),
scout => sov(data_out_offset to data_out_offset+data_out_l2'length-1),
din => data_out_d,
dout => data_out_l2 );
array_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => addressable_ports*port_bitwidth*ways, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => tiup,
scin => siv(array_offset to array_offset+array_l2'length-1),
scout => sov(array_offset to array_offset+array_l2'length-1),
din => array_d,
dout => array_l2 );
write_enable_d <= bw when wr_act='1' else (others => '0');
ww: for w in 0 to ways-1 generate
wy: for y in 0 to addressable_ports-1 generate
wx: for x in 0 to port_bitwidth-1 generate
array_d(y*port_bitwidth*ways+w*port_bitwidth+x) <=
data_in_l2(x) when ( write_enable_l2(x)='1' and wr_addr_l2 = tconv(y, addressbus_width))
else array_l2(y*port_bitwidth*ways+w*port_bitwidth+x);
end generate wx;
end generate wy;
end generate ww;
data_out_d(0) <= array_l2( tconv(rd_addr_l2)*port_bitwidth);
data_out_d(1) <= array_l2( tconv(rd_addr_l2)*port_bitwidth+1);
data_out_d(2) <= array_l2( tconv(rd_addr_l2)*port_bitwidth+2);
data_out_d(3) <= array_l2( tconv(rd_addr_l2)*port_bitwidth+3);
data_out_d(4) <= array_l2( tconv(rd_addr_l2)*port_bitwidth+4);
data_out_d(5) <= array_l2( tconv(rd_addr_l2)*port_bitwidth+5);
data_out_d(6) <= array_l2( tconv(rd_addr_l2)*port_bitwidth+6);
data_out_d(7) <= array_l2( tconv(rd_addr_l2)*port_bitwidth+7);
data_out_d(8) <= array_l2( tconv(rd_addr_l2)*port_bitwidth+8);
data_out_d(9) <= array_l2( tconv(rd_addr_l2)*port_bitwidth+9);
data_out_d(10) <= array_l2( tconv(rd_addr_l2)*port_bitwidth+10);
data_out_d(11) <= array_l2( tconv(rd_addr_l2)*port_bitwidth+11);
data_out_d(12) <= array_l2( tconv(rd_addr_l2)*port_bitwidth+12);
data_out_d(13) <= array_l2( tconv(rd_addr_l2)*port_bitwidth+13);
data_out_d(14) <= array_l2( tconv(rd_addr_l2)*port_bitwidth+14);
data_out_d(15) <= array_l2( tconv(rd_addr_l2)*port_bitwidth+15);
do(0) <= array_l2( tconv(rd_addr_l2)*port_bitwidth);
do(1) <= array_l2( tconv(rd_addr_l2)*port_bitwidth+1);
do(2) <= array_l2( tconv(rd_addr_l2)*port_bitwidth+2);
do(3) <= array_l2( tconv(rd_addr_l2)*port_bitwidth+3);
do(4) <= array_l2( tconv(rd_addr_l2)*port_bitwidth+4);
do(5) <= array_l2( tconv(rd_addr_l2)*port_bitwidth+5);
do(6) <= array_l2( tconv(rd_addr_l2)*port_bitwidth+6);
do(7) <= array_l2( tconv(rd_addr_l2)*port_bitwidth+7);
do(8) <= array_l2( tconv(rd_addr_l2)*port_bitwidth+8);
do(9) <= array_l2( tconv(rd_addr_l2)*port_bitwidth+9);
do(10) <= array_l2( tconv(rd_addr_l2)*port_bitwidth+10);
do(11) <= array_l2( tconv(rd_addr_l2)*port_bitwidth+11);
do(12) <= array_l2( tconv(rd_addr_l2)*port_bitwidth+12);
do(13) <= array_l2( tconv(rd_addr_l2)*port_bitwidth+13);
do(14) <= array_l2( tconv(rd_addr_l2)*port_bitwidth+14);
do(15) <= array_l2( tconv(rd_addr_l2)*port_bitwidth+15);
siv(0 to scan_right) <= sov(1 to scan_right) & func_scan_in;
func_scan_out <= sov(0);
time_scan_out <= time_scan_in;
abst_scan_out <= abst_scan_in;
repr_scan_out <= repr_scan_in;
bo_pc_failout <= '0';
bo_pc_diagloop <= '0';
end generate um;
-- synopsys translate_on
a : if expand_type = 1 generate
component RAMB16_S36_S36
-- pragma translate_off
SIM_COLLISION_CHECK : string := "none");
-- pragma translate_on
DOA : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
DOB : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
DOPA : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
DOPB : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
ADDRA : in std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
ADDRB : in std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
CLKA : in std_ulogic;
CLKB : in std_ulogic;
DIA : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
DIB : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
DIPA : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
DIPB : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
ENA : in std_ulogic;
ENB : in std_ulogic;
SSRA : in std_ulogic;
SSRB : in std_ulogic;
WEA : in std_ulogic;
WEB : in std_ulogic);
end component;
-- pragma translate_off
-- pragma translate_on
signal clk,clk2x : std_ulogic;
signal b0addra, b0addrb : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 8);
signal wea, web : std_ulogic;
signal wren_a : std_ulogic;
signal reset_q : std_ulogic;
signal gate_fq, gate_d : std_ulogic;
signal r_data_out_1_d, r_data_out_1_fq : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 35);
signal w_data_in_0 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 35);
signal r_data_out_0_bram : std_logic_vector(0 to 35);
signal r_data_out_1_bram : std_logic_vector(0 to 35);
signal toggle_d : std_ulogic;
signal toggle_q : std_ulogic;
signal toggle2x_d : std_ulogic;
signal toggle2x_q : std_ulogic;
signal unused : std_ulogic;
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
clk <= nclk.clk;
clk2x <= nclk.clk2x;
rlatch: process (clk) begin
if(rising_edge(clk)) then
reset_q <= nclk.sreset;
end if;
end process;
tlatch: process (nclk.clk,reset_q)
if(rising_edge(nclk.clk)) then
if (reset_q = '1') then
toggle_q <= '1';
toggle_q <= toggle_d;
end if;
end if;
end process;
flatch: process (nclk.clk2x)
if(rising_edge(nclk.clk2x)) then
toggle2x_q <= toggle2x_d;
gate_fq <= gate_d;
r_data_out_1_fq <= r_data_out_1_d;
end if;
end process;
toggle_d <= not toggle_q;
toggle2x_d <= toggle_q;
gate_d <= not(toggle_q xor toggle2x_q);
b0addra(2 to 8) <= wr_adr;
b0addrb(2 to 8) <= rd_adr;
b0addra(0 to 1) <= "00";
b0addrb(0 to 1) <= "00";
wren_a <= '1' when bw /= "0000000000000000" else '0';
wea <= wren_a and not(gate_fq);
web <= '0';
w_data_in_0(0) <= di(0) when bw(0)='1' else r_data_out_0_bram(0);
w_data_in_0(1) <= di(1) when bw(1)='1' else r_data_out_0_bram(1);
w_data_in_0(2) <= di(2) when bw(2)='1' else r_data_out_0_bram(2);
w_data_in_0(3) <= di(3) when bw(3)='1' else r_data_out_0_bram(3);
w_data_in_0(4) <= di(4) when bw(4)='1' else r_data_out_0_bram(4);
w_data_in_0(5) <= di(5) when bw(5)='1' else r_data_out_0_bram(5);
w_data_in_0(6) <= di(6) when bw(6)='1' else r_data_out_0_bram(6);
w_data_in_0(7) <= di(7) when bw(7)='1' else r_data_out_0_bram(7);
w_data_in_0(8) <= di(8) when bw(8)='1' else r_data_out_0_bram(8);
w_data_in_0(9) <= di(9) when bw(9)='1' else r_data_out_0_bram(9);
w_data_in_0(10) <= di(10) when bw(10)='1' else r_data_out_0_bram(10);
w_data_in_0(11) <= di(11) when bw(11)='1' else r_data_out_0_bram(11);
w_data_in_0(12) <= di(12) when bw(12)='1' else r_data_out_0_bram(12);
w_data_in_0(13) <= di(13) when bw(13)='1' else r_data_out_0_bram(13);
w_data_in_0(14) <= di(14) when bw(14)='1' else r_data_out_0_bram(14);
w_data_in_0(15) <= di(15) when bw(15)='1' else r_data_out_0_bram(15);
w_data_in_0(16 to 35) <= (others => '0');
r_data_out_1_d <= std_ulogic_vector(r_data_out_1_bram);
bram0a : ramb16_s36_s36
-- pragma translate_off
generic map(
sim_collision_check => "none")
-- pragma translate_on
port map(
clka => clk2x,
clkb => clk2x,
ssra => reset_q,
ssrb => reset_q,
addra => std_logic_vector(b0addra),
addrb => std_logic_vector(b0addrb),
dia => std_logic_vector(w_data_in_0(0 to 31)),
dib => (others => '0'),
doa => r_data_out_0_bram(0 to 31),
dob => r_data_out_1_bram(0 to 31),
dopa => r_data_out_0_bram(32 to 35),
dopb => r_data_out_1_bram(32 to 35),
dipa => std_logic_vector(w_data_in_0(32 to 35)),
dipb => (others => '0'),
ena => '1',
enb => '1',
wea => wea,
web => web
do <= r_data_out_1_fq(0 to 15);
func_scan_out <= func_scan_in;
time_scan_out <= time_scan_in;
abst_scan_out <= abst_scan_in;
repr_scan_out <= repr_scan_in;
bo_pc_failout <= '0';
bo_pc_diagloop <= '0';
unused <= or_reduce( std_ulogic_vector(r_data_out_0_bram(16 to 35)) & rd_act & wr_act
& lcb_d_mode_dc & lcb_clkoff_dc_b & lcb_mpw1_dc_b & lcb_mpw2_dc_b
& lcb_delay_lclkr_dc & ccflush_dc & scan_dis_dc_b & scan_diag_dc
& lcb_sg_0 & lcb_sl_thold_0_b & lcb_time_sl_thold_0 & lcb_abst_sl_thold_0
& lcb_ary_nsl_thold_0 & lcb_repr_sl_thold_0 & abist_di & abist_bw_odd
& abist_bw_even & abist_wr_adr & wr_abst_act & abist_rd0_adr & rd0_abst_act
& tc_lbist_ary_wrt_thru_dc & abist_ena_1 & abist_g8t_rd0_comp_ena
& abist_raw_dc_b & obs0_abist_cmp & lcb_bolt_sl_thold_0 & pc_bo_enable_2
& pc_bo_reset & pc_bo_unload & pc_bo_repair & pc_bo_shdata & pc_bo_select
& tri_lcb_mpw1_dc_b & tri_lcb_mpw2_dc_b & tri_lcb_delay_lclkr_dc
& tri_lcb_clkoff_dc_b & tri_lcb_act_dis_dc );
end generate a;
end architecture tri_128x16_1r1w_1;
@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee,ibm,support,tri;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_support.all;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
entity tri_144x78_2r2w is
expand_type : integer := 1);
port (
vdd :inout power_logic;
gnd :inout power_logic;
nclk :in clk_logic;
abist_en :in std_ulogic;
abist_raw_dc_b :in std_ulogic;
r0e_abist_comp_en :in std_ulogic;
r1e_abist_comp_en :in std_ulogic;
lbist_en :in std_ulogic;
lcb_act_dis_dc :in std_ulogic;
lcb_clkoff_dc_b :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
lcb_d_mode_dc :in std_ulogic;
lcb_delay_lclkr_dc :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 9);
lcb_fce_0 :in std_ulogic;
lcb_mpw1_dc_b :in std_ulogic_vector(1 to 9);
lcb_mpw2_dc_b :in std_ulogic;
lcb_scan_diag_dc :in std_ulogic;
lcb_scan_dis_dc_b :in std_ulogic;
lcb_sg_0 :in std_ulogic;
lcb_time_sg_0 :in std_ulogic;
lcb_obs0_sg_0 :in std_ulogic;
lcb_obs1_sg_0 :in std_ulogic;
lcb_obs0_sl_thold_0 :in std_ulogic;
lcb_obs1_sl_thold_0 :in std_ulogic;
lcb_abst_sl_thold_0 :in std_ulogic;
lcb_time_sl_thold_0 :in std_ulogic;
lcb_ary_nsl_thold_0 :in std_ulogic;
r_scan_in :in std_ulogic;
r_scan_out :out std_ulogic;
w_scan_in :in std_ulogic;
w_scan_out :out std_ulogic;
time_scan_in :in std_ulogic;
time_scan_out :out std_ulogic;
obs0_scan_in :in std_ulogic;
obs0_scan_out :out std_ulogic;
obs1_scan_in :in std_ulogic;
obs1_scan_out :out std_ulogic;
lcb_bolt_sl_thold_0 :in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_enable_2 :in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_reset :in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_unload :in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_load :in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_shdata :in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_select :in std_ulogic;
bo_pc_failout :out std_ulogic;
bo_pc_diagloop :out std_ulogic;
tri_lcb_mpw1_dc_b :in std_ulogic;
tri_lcb_mpw2_dc_b :in std_ulogic;
tri_lcb_delay_lclkr_dc :in std_ulogic;
tri_lcb_clkoff_dc_b :in std_ulogic;
tri_lcb_act_dis_dc :in std_ulogic;
r0e_act :in std_ulogic;
r0e_en_func :in std_ulogic;
r0e_en_abist :in std_ulogic;
r0e_addr_func :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
r0e_addr_abist :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
r0e_data_out :out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 77);
r0e_byp_e :in std_ulogic;
r0e_byp_l :in std_ulogic;
r0e_byp_r :in std_ulogic;
r0e_sel_lbist :in std_ulogic;
r1e_act :in std_ulogic;
r1e_en_func :in std_ulogic;
r1e_en_abist :in std_ulogic;
r1e_addr_func :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
r1e_addr_abist :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
r1e_data_out :out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 77);
r1e_byp_e :in std_ulogic;
r1e_byp_l :in std_ulogic;
r1e_byp_r :in std_ulogic;
r1e_sel_lbist :in std_ulogic;
w0e_act :in std_ulogic;
w0e_en_func :in std_ulogic;
w0e_en_abist :in std_ulogic;
w0e_addr_func :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
w0e_addr_abist :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
w0e_data_func :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 77);
w0e_data_abist :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
w0l_act :in std_ulogic;
w0l_en_func :in std_ulogic;
w0l_en_abist :in std_ulogic;
w0l_addr_func :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
w0l_addr_abist :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
w0l_data_func :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 77);
w0l_data_abist :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3) );
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
end entity tri_144x78_2r2w;
architecture tri_144x78_2r2w of tri_144x78_2r2w is
a : if expand_type = 1 generate
component RAMB16_S36_S36
-- pragma translate_off
SIM_COLLISION_CHECK : string := "none");
-- pragma translate_on
DOA : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
DOB : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
DOPA : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
DOPB : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
ADDRA : in std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
ADDRB : in std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
CLKA : in std_ulogic;
CLKB : in std_ulogic;
DIA : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
DIB : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
DIPA : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
DIPB : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
ENA : in std_ulogic;
ENB : in std_ulogic;
SSRA : in std_ulogic;
SSRB : in std_ulogic;
WEA : in std_ulogic;
WEB : in std_ulogic);
end component;
-- pragma translate_off
-- pragma translate_on
signal tilo : std_ulogic;
signal tihi : std_ulogic;
signal zeross : std_logic_vector(0 to 3);
signal correct_clk : std_ulogic;
signal clk2x : std_ulogic;
signal reset : std_ulogic;
signal reset_hi : std_ulogic;
signal reset_lo : std_ulogic;
signal reset_q : std_ulogic;
signal sinit0_q : std_logic;
signal sinit1_q : std_logic;
signal flipper_d : std_ulogic;
signal flipper_q : std_ulogic;
signal doutb0 : std_logic_vector(0 to 77);
signal doutb0_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 77);
signal dinfa0_par : std_logic_vector(64 to 95);
signal doutb0_par : std_logic_vector(64 to 95);
signal weaf : std_logic;
signal addra : std_logic_vector(0 to 8);
signal addrb0 : std_logic_vector(0 to 8);
signal dinfa : std_logic_vector(0 to 77);
signal dinfb : std_logic_vector(0 to 31);
signal w0e_data_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 77);
signal w0l_data_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 77);
signal w0l_en_q : std_ulogic;
signal w0l_addr_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
signal r1e_addr_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
signal r0e_byp_e_q : std_ulogic;
signal r0e_byp_l_q : std_ulogic;
signal r1e_byp_e_q : std_ulogic;
signal r1e_byp_l_q : std_ulogic;
signal r0_byp_sel : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
signal r1_byp_sel : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
signal unused : std_ulogic;
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
tilo <= '0';
tihi <= '1';
zeross <= (0 to 3 => '0');
reset <= nclk.sreset;
correct_clk <= nclk.clk;
clk2x <= nclk.clk2x;
reset_hi <= reset;
reset_lo <= not reset_q after 1 ns ;
flipper_d <= not flipper_q;
slatch: process (correct_clk,reset) begin
if rising_edge(correct_clk) then
if (reset = '1') then
w0l_en_q <= '0';
r1e_addr_q <= (others => '0');
r0e_byp_e_q <= '0';
r0e_byp_l_q <= '0';
r1e_byp_e_q <= '0';
r1e_byp_l_q <= '0';
w0e_data_q <= w0e_data_func;
w0l_data_q <= w0l_data_func;
w0l_en_q <= w0l_en_func;
w0l_addr_q <= w0l_addr_func;
r1e_addr_q <= r1e_addr_func;
r0e_byp_e_q <= r0e_byp_e;
r0e_byp_l_q <= r0e_byp_l;
r1e_byp_e_q <= r1e_byp_e;
r1e_byp_l_q <= r1e_byp_l;
end if;
end if;
end process;
flatch: process (clk2x,reset_lo) begin
if clk2x'event and clk2x = '1' then
if (reset_lo = '0') then
flipper_q <= '0';
flipper_q <= flipper_d;
doutb0_q <= tconv(doutb0);
end if;
end if;
end process;
rlatch: process (correct_clk) begin
if(rising_edge(correct_clk)) then
reset_q <= reset_hi;
sinit0_q <= reset_hi;
sinit1_q <= reset_hi;
end if;
end process;
addra(0) <= '0';
addra(1 to 8) <= (tconv((w0e_addr_func and (0 to 7 => flipper_q)) or (w0l_addr_q and (0 to 7 => not flipper_q)))) after 1 ns ;
weaf <= (( w0e_en_func and flipper_q) or ( w0l_en_q and not flipper_q)) after 1 ns;
dinfa <= (tconv((w0e_data_func and (0 to 77 => flipper_q)) or (w0l_data_q and (0 to 77 => not flipper_q)))) after 1 ns;
dinfb <= (others => '0');
addrb0(0) <= '0';
addrb0(1 to 8) <= (tconv((r0e_addr_func and (0 to 7 => flipper_q)) or (r1e_addr_q and (0 to 7 => not flipper_q)))) after 1 ns ;
r0_byp_sel <= r0e_byp_e & r0e_byp_l;
with r0_byp_sel select
r0e_data_out <= w0e_data_q when "10",
w0l_data_q when "01",
doutb0_q when others;
r1_byp_sel <= r1e_byp_e & r1e_byp_l;
with r1_byp_sel select
r1e_data_out <= w0e_data_q when "10",
w0l_data_q when "01",
tconv(doutb0) when others;
U0 : RAMB16_S36_S36
-- pragma translate_off
generic map(
sim_collision_check => "none")
-- pragma translate_on
port map
DOA => open,
DOB => doutb0(0 to 31),
DOPA => open,
DOPB => open,
ADDRA => addra,
ADDRB => addrb0,
CLKA => clk2x,
CLKB => clk2x,
DIA => dinfa(0 to 31),
DIB => dinfb,
DIPA => zeross,
DIPB => zeross,
ENA => tihi,
ENB => tihi,
SSRA => sinit0_q,
SSRB => sinit0_q,
WEA => weaf,
WEB => tilo
U1 : RAMB16_S36_S36
-- pragma translate_off
generic map(
sim_collision_check => "none")
-- pragma translate_on
port map
DOA => open,
DOB => doutb0(32 to 63),
DOPA => open,
DOPB => open,
ADDRA => addra,
ADDRB => addrb0,
CLKA => clk2x,
CLKB => clk2x,
DIA => dinfa(32 to 63),
DIB => dinfb,
DIPA => zeross,
DIPB => zeross,
ENA => tihi,
ENB => tihi,
SSRA => sinit1_q,
SSRB => sinit1_q,
WEA => weaf,
WEB => tilo
doutb0(64 to 77) <= doutb0_par(64 to 77);
dinfa0_par(64 to 95) <= dinfa(64 to 77) & (78 to 95 => '0');
U2 : RAMB16_S36_S36
-- pragma translate_off
generic map(
sim_collision_check => "none")
-- pragma translate_on
port map
DOA => open,
DOB => doutb0_par(64 to 95),
DOPA => open,
DOPB => open,
ADDRA => addra,
ADDRB => addrb0,
CLKA => clk2x,
CLKB => clk2x,
DIA => dinfa0_par(64 to 95),
DIB => dinfb,
DIPA => zeross,
DIPB => zeross,
ENA => tihi,
ENB => tihi,
SSRA => sinit1_q,
SSRB => sinit1_q,
WEA => weaf,
WEB => tilo
r_scan_out <= '0';
w_scan_out <= '0';
time_scan_out <= '0';
obs0_scan_out <= '0';
obs1_scan_out <= '0';
bo_pc_failout <= '0';
bo_pc_diagloop <= '0';
unused <= or_reduce( std_ulogic_vector(doutb0_par(78 to 95))
& abist_en & abist_raw_dc_b & r0e_abist_comp_en & r1e_abist_comp_en
& lbist_en & lcb_act_dis_dc & lcb_clkoff_dc_b & lcb_d_mode_dc
& lcb_delay_lclkr_dc & lcb_fce_0 & lcb_mpw1_dc_b & lcb_mpw2_dc_b
& lcb_scan_diag_dc & lcb_scan_dis_dc_b & lcb_sg_0 & lcb_time_sg_0
& lcb_obs0_sg_0 & lcb_obs1_sg_0 & lcb_obs0_sl_thold_0 & lcb_obs1_sl_thold_0
& lcb_abst_sl_thold_0 & lcb_time_sl_thold_0 & lcb_ary_nsl_thold_0
& r_scan_in & w_scan_in & time_scan_in & obs0_scan_in & obs1_scan_in
& r0e_act & r0e_en_func & r0e_en_abist & r0e_addr_abist & r0e_byp_r & r0e_sel_lbist
& r1e_act & r1e_en_func & r1e_en_abist & r1e_addr_abist & r1e_byp_r & r1e_sel_lbist
& w0e_act & w0e_en_abist & w0e_addr_abist & w0e_data_abist
& w0l_act & w0l_en_abist & w0l_addr_abist & w0l_data_abist
& lcb_bolt_sl_thold_0 & pc_bo_enable_2 & pc_bo_reset
& pc_bo_unload & pc_bo_load & pc_bo_shdata & pc_bo_select
& tri_lcb_mpw1_dc_b & tri_lcb_mpw2_dc_b & tri_lcb_delay_lclkr_dc
& tri_lcb_clkoff_dc_b & tri_lcb_act_dis_dc );
end generate;
end architecture tri_144x78_2r2w;
@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee,ibm,support,tri;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_support.all;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
entity tri_144x78_2r2w_eco is
expand_type : integer := 1);
port (
vdd :inout power_logic;
gnd :inout power_logic;
nclk :in clk_logic;
abist_en :in std_ulogic;
abist_raw_dc_b :in std_ulogic;
r0e_abist_comp_en :in std_ulogic;
r1e_abist_comp_en :in std_ulogic;
lbist_en :in std_ulogic;
lcb_act_dis_dc :in std_ulogic;
lcb_clkoff_dc_b :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
lcb_d_mode_dc :in std_ulogic;
lcb_delay_lclkr_dc :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 9);
lcb_fce_0 :in std_ulogic;
lcb_mpw1_dc_b :in std_ulogic_vector(1 to 9);
lcb_mpw2_dc_b :in std_ulogic;
lcb_scan_diag_dc :in std_ulogic;
lcb_scan_dis_dc_b :in std_ulogic;
lcb_sg_0 :in std_ulogic;
lcb_time_sg_0 :in std_ulogic;
lcb_obs0_sg_0 :in std_ulogic;
lcb_obs1_sg_0 :in std_ulogic;
lcb_obs0_sl_thold_0 :in std_ulogic;
lcb_obs1_sl_thold_0 :in std_ulogic;
lcb_abst_sl_thold_0 :in std_ulogic;
lcb_time_sl_thold_0 :in std_ulogic;
lcb_ary_nsl_thold_0 :in std_ulogic;
r_scan_in :in std_ulogic;
r_scan_out :out std_ulogic;
w_scan_in :in std_ulogic;
w_scan_out :out std_ulogic;
time_scan_in :in std_ulogic;
time_scan_out :out std_ulogic;
obs0_scan_in :in std_ulogic;
obs0_scan_out :out std_ulogic;
obs1_scan_in :in std_ulogic;
obs1_scan_out :out std_ulogic;
lcb_bolt_sl_thold_0 :in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_enable_2 :in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_reset :in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_unload :in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_load :in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_shdata :in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_select :in std_ulogic;
bo_pc_failout :out std_ulogic;
bo_pc_diagloop :out std_ulogic;
tri_lcb_mpw1_dc_b :in std_ulogic;
tri_lcb_mpw2_dc_b :in std_ulogic;
tri_lcb_delay_lclkr_dc :in std_ulogic;
tri_lcb_clkoff_dc_b :in std_ulogic;
tri_lcb_act_dis_dc :in std_ulogic;
r0e_act :in std_ulogic;
r0e_en_func :in std_ulogic;
r0e_en_abist :in std_ulogic;
r0e_addr_func :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
r0e_addr_abist :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
r0e_data_out :out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 77);
r0e_byp_e :in std_ulogic;
r0e_byp_l :in std_ulogic;
r0e_byp_r :in std_ulogic;
r0e_sel_lbist :in std_ulogic;
r1e_act :in std_ulogic;
r1e_en_func :in std_ulogic;
r1e_en_abist :in std_ulogic;
r1e_addr_func :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
r1e_addr_abist :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
r1e_data_out :out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 77);
r1e_byp_e :in std_ulogic;
r1e_byp_l :in std_ulogic;
r1e_byp_r :in std_ulogic;
r1e_sel_lbist :in std_ulogic;
w0e_act :in std_ulogic;
w0e_en_func :in std_ulogic;
w0e_en_abist :in std_ulogic;
w0e_addr_func :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
w0e_addr_abist :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
w0e_data_func :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 77);
w0e_data_abist :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
w0l_act :in std_ulogic;
w0l_en_func :in std_ulogic;
w0l_en_abist :in std_ulogic;
w0l_addr_func :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
w0l_addr_abist :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
w0l_data_func :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 77);
w0l_data_abist :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3) );
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
end entity tri_144x78_2r2w_eco;
architecture tri_144x78_2r2w_eco of tri_144x78_2r2w_eco is
a : if expand_type = 1 generate
component RAMB16_S36_S36
-- pragma translate_off
SIM_COLLISION_CHECK : string := "none");
-- pragma translate_on
DOA : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
DOB : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
DOPA : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
DOPB : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
ADDRA : in std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
ADDRB : in std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
CLKA : in std_ulogic;
CLKB : in std_ulogic;
DIA : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
DIB : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
DIPA : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
DIPB : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
ENA : in std_ulogic;
ENB : in std_ulogic;
SSRA : in std_ulogic;
SSRB : in std_ulogic;
WEA : in std_ulogic;
WEB : in std_ulogic);
end component;
-- pragma translate_off
-- pragma translate_on
signal tilo : std_ulogic;
signal tihi : std_ulogic;
signal zeross : std_logic_vector(0 to 3);
signal correct_clk : std_ulogic;
signal clk2x : std_ulogic;
signal reset : std_ulogic;
signal reset_hi : std_ulogic;
signal reset_lo : std_ulogic;
signal reset_q : std_ulogic;
signal sinit0_q : std_logic;
signal sinit1_q : std_logic;
signal flipper_d : std_ulogic;
signal flipper_q : std_ulogic;
signal doutb0 : std_logic_vector(0 to 77);
signal doutb0_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 77);
signal dinfa0_par : std_logic_vector(64 to 95);
signal doutb0_par : std_logic_vector(64 to 95);
signal weaf : std_logic;
signal addra : std_logic_vector(0 to 8);
signal addrb0 : std_logic_vector(0 to 8);
signal dinfa : std_logic_vector(0 to 77);
signal dinfb : std_logic_vector(0 to 31);
signal w0e_data_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 77);
signal w0l_data_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 77);
signal w0l_en_q : std_ulogic;
signal w0l_addr_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
signal r1e_addr_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
signal r0e_byp_e_q : std_ulogic;
signal r0e_byp_l_q : std_ulogic;
signal r1e_byp_e_q : std_ulogic;
signal r1e_byp_l_q : std_ulogic;
signal r0_byp_sel : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
signal r1_byp_sel : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
signal unused : std_ulogic;
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
tilo <= '0';
tihi <= '1';
zeross <= (0 to 3 => '0');
reset <= nclk.sreset;
correct_clk <= nclk.clk;
clk2x <= nclk.clk2x;
reset_hi <= reset;
reset_lo <= not reset_q after 1 ns ;
flipper_d <= not flipper_q;
slatch: process (correct_clk,reset) begin
if rising_edge(correct_clk) then
if (reset = '1') then
w0l_en_q <= '0';
r1e_addr_q <= (others => '0');
r0e_byp_e_q <= '0';
r0e_byp_l_q <= '0';
r1e_byp_e_q <= '0';
r1e_byp_l_q <= '0';
w0e_data_q <= w0e_data_func;
w0l_data_q <= w0l_data_func;
w0l_en_q <= w0l_en_func;
w0l_addr_q <= w0l_addr_func;
r1e_addr_q <= r1e_addr_func;
r0e_byp_e_q <= r0e_byp_e;
r0e_byp_l_q <= r0e_byp_l;
r1e_byp_e_q <= r1e_byp_e;
r1e_byp_l_q <= r1e_byp_l;
end if;
end if;
end process;
flatch: process (clk2x,reset_lo) begin
if clk2x'event and clk2x = '1' then
if (reset_lo = '0') then
flipper_q <= '0';
flipper_q <= flipper_d;
doutb0_q <= tconv(doutb0);
end if;
end if;
end process;
rlatch: process (correct_clk) begin
if(rising_edge(correct_clk)) then
reset_q <= reset_hi;
sinit0_q <= reset_hi;
sinit1_q <= reset_hi;
end if;
end process;
addra(0) <= '0';
addra(1 to 8) <= (tconv((w0e_addr_func and (0 to 7 => flipper_q)) or (w0l_addr_q and (0 to 7 => not flipper_q)))) after 1 ns ;
weaf <= (( w0e_en_func and flipper_q) or ( w0l_en_q and not flipper_q)) after 1 ns;
dinfa <= (tconv((w0e_data_func and (0 to 77 => flipper_q)) or (w0l_data_q and (0 to 77 => not flipper_q)))) after 1 ns;
dinfb <= (others => '0');
addrb0(0) <= '0';
addrb0(1 to 8) <= (tconv((r0e_addr_func and (0 to 7 => flipper_q)) or (r1e_addr_q and (0 to 7 => not flipper_q)))) after 1 ns ;
r0_byp_sel <= r0e_byp_e & r0e_byp_l;
with r0_byp_sel select
r0e_data_out <= w0e_data_q when "10",
w0l_data_q when "01",
doutb0_q when others;
r1_byp_sel <= r1e_byp_e & r1e_byp_l;
with r1_byp_sel select
r1e_data_out <= w0e_data_q when "10",
w0l_data_q when "01",
tconv(doutb0) when others;
U0 : RAMB16_S36_S36
-- pragma translate_off
generic map(
sim_collision_check => "none")
-- pragma translate_on
port map
DOA => open,
DOB => doutb0(0 to 31),
DOPA => open,
DOPB => open,
ADDRA => addra,
ADDRB => addrb0,
CLKA => clk2x,
CLKB => clk2x,
DIA => dinfa(0 to 31),
DIB => dinfb,
DIPA => zeross,
DIPB => zeross,
ENA => tihi,
ENB => tihi,
SSRA => sinit0_q,
SSRB => sinit0_q,
WEA => weaf,
WEB => tilo
U1 : RAMB16_S36_S36
-- pragma translate_off
generic map(
sim_collision_check => "none")
-- pragma translate_on
port map
DOA => open,
DOB => doutb0(32 to 63),
DOPA => open,
DOPB => open,
ADDRA => addra,
ADDRB => addrb0,
CLKA => clk2x,
CLKB => clk2x,
DIA => dinfa(32 to 63),
DIB => dinfb,
DIPA => zeross,
DIPB => zeross,
ENA => tihi,
ENB => tihi,
SSRA => sinit1_q,
SSRB => sinit1_q,
WEA => weaf,
WEB => tilo
doutb0(64 to 77) <= doutb0_par(64 to 77);
dinfa0_par(64 to 95) <= dinfa(64 to 77) & (78 to 95 => '0');
U2 : RAMB16_S36_S36
-- pragma translate_off
generic map(
sim_collision_check => "none")
-- pragma translate_on
port map
DOA => open,
DOB => doutb0_par(64 to 95),
DOPA => open,
DOPB => open,
ADDRA => addra,
ADDRB => addrb0,
CLKA => clk2x,
CLKB => clk2x,
DIA => dinfa0_par(64 to 95),
DIB => dinfb,
DIPA => zeross,
DIPB => zeross,
ENA => tihi,
ENB => tihi,
SSRA => sinit1_q,
SSRB => sinit1_q,
WEA => weaf,
WEB => tilo
r_scan_out <= '0';
w_scan_out <= '0';
time_scan_out <= '0';
obs0_scan_out <= '0';
obs1_scan_out <= '0';
bo_pc_failout <= '0';
bo_pc_diagloop <= '0';
unused <= or_reduce( std_ulogic_vector(doutb0_par(78 to 95))
& abist_en & abist_raw_dc_b & r0e_abist_comp_en & r1e_abist_comp_en
& lbist_en & lcb_act_dis_dc & lcb_clkoff_dc_b & lcb_d_mode_dc
& lcb_delay_lclkr_dc & lcb_fce_0 & lcb_mpw1_dc_b & lcb_mpw2_dc_b
& lcb_scan_diag_dc & lcb_scan_dis_dc_b & lcb_sg_0 & lcb_time_sg_0
& lcb_obs0_sg_0 & lcb_obs1_sg_0 & lcb_obs0_sl_thold_0 & lcb_obs1_sl_thold_0
& lcb_abst_sl_thold_0 & lcb_time_sl_thold_0 & lcb_ary_nsl_thold_0
& r_scan_in & w_scan_in & time_scan_in & obs0_scan_in & obs1_scan_in
& r0e_act & r0e_en_func & r0e_en_abist & r0e_addr_abist & r0e_byp_r & r0e_sel_lbist
& r1e_act & r1e_en_func & r1e_en_abist & r1e_addr_abist & r1e_byp_r & r1e_sel_lbist
& w0e_act & w0e_en_abist & w0e_addr_abist & w0e_data_abist
& w0l_act & w0l_en_abist & w0l_addr_abist & w0l_data_abist
& lcb_bolt_sl_thold_0 & pc_bo_enable_2 & pc_bo_reset
& pc_bo_unload & pc_bo_load & pc_bo_shdata & pc_bo_select
& tri_lcb_mpw1_dc_b & tri_lcb_mpw2_dc_b & tri_lcb_delay_lclkr_dc
& tri_lcb_clkoff_dc_b & tri_lcb_act_dis_dc );
end generate;
end architecture tri_144x78_2r2w_eco;
@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;
library ibm; use ibm.std_ulogic_support.all ;
use ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all;
library support;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
library tri; use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
entity tri_256x162_4w_0 is
generic (addressable_ports : positive := 256;
addressbus_width : positive := 8;
port_bitwidth : positive := 162;
ways : positive := 4;
expand_type : integer := 1);
port (
gnd : inout power_logic;
vdd : inout power_logic;
vcs : inout power_logic;
nclk : in clk_logic;
ccflush_dc : in std_ulogic;
lcb_clkoff_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
lcb_d_mode_dc : in std_ulogic;
lcb_act_dis_dc : in std_ulogic;
lcb_ary_nsl_thold_0 : in std_ulogic;
lcb_sg_1 : in std_ulogic;
lcb_abst_sl_thold_0 : in std_ulogic;
scan_diag_dc : in std_ulogic;
scan_dis_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
abst_scan_in : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
abst_scan_out : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
lcb_delay_lclkr_np_dc : in std_ulogic;
ctrl_lcb_delay_lclkr_np_dc : in std_ulogic;
dibw_lcb_delay_lclkr_np_dc : in std_ulogic;
ctrl_lcb_mpw1_np_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
dibw_lcb_mpw1_np_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
lcb_mpw1_pp_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
lcb_mpw1_2_pp_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
aodo_lcb_delay_lclkr_dc : in std_ulogic;
aodo_lcb_mpw1_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
aodo_lcb_mpw2_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
lcb_time_sg_0 : in std_ulogic;
lcb_time_sl_thold_0 : in std_ulogic;
time_scan_in : in std_ulogic;
time_scan_out : out std_ulogic;
bitw_abist : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
lcb_repr_sl_thold_0 : in std_ulogic;
lcb_repr_sg_0 : in std_ulogic;
repr_scan_in : in std_ulogic;
repr_scan_out : out std_ulogic;
tc_lbist_ary_wrt_thru_dc : in std_ulogic;
abist_en_1 : in std_ulogic;
din_abist : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
abist_cmp_en : in std_ulogic;
abist_raw_b_dc : in std_ulogic;
data_cmp_abist : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
addr_abist : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to (addressbus_width-1));
r_wb_abist : in std_ulogic;
write_thru_en_dc : in std_ulogic;
lcb_bolt_sl_thold_0 : in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_enable_2 : in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_reset : in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_unload : in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_repair : in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_shdata : in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_select : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
bo_pc_failout : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
bo_pc_diagloop : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
tri_lcb_mpw1_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
tri_lcb_mpw2_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
tri_lcb_delay_lclkr_dc : in std_ulogic;
tri_lcb_clkoff_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
tri_lcb_act_dis_dc : in std_ulogic;
read_act : in std_ulogic;
write_enable : in std_ulogic;
write_way : in std_ulogic_vector (0 to (ways-1));
addr : in std_ulogic_vector (0 to (addressbus_width-1));
data_in : in std_ulogic_vector (0 to (port_bitwidth-1));
data_out : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to (port_bitwidth*ways-1))
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
end entity tri_256x162_4w_0;
architecture tri_256x162_4w_0 of tri_256x162_4w_0 is
constant wga_base_width : integer := 324;
constant wga_width_mult : integer := (port_bitwidth*ways-1)/wga_base_width + 1;
constant ramb_base_width : integer := 36;
constant ramb_base_addr : integer := 9;
constant ramb_width_mult : integer := (port_bitwidth-1)/ramb_base_width + 1;
type RAMB_DATA_ARRAY is array (natural range <>) of std_logic_vector(0 to (ramb_base_width*ramb_width_mult - 1));
-- synopsys translate_off
um: if expand_type = 0 generate
signal tiup : std_ulogic;
signal tidn : std_ulogic;
signal act : std_ulogic;
signal addr_l2 : std_ulogic_vector (0 TO addressbus_width-1);
signal write_way_l2 : std_ulogic_vector (0 TO write_way'right);
signal write_enable_d : std_ulogic;
signal write_enable_l2 : std_ulogic;
signal data_in_l2 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to port_bitwidth-1);
signal array_d : std_ulogic_vector(0 to addressable_ports*port_bitwidth*ways-1);
signal array_l2 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to addressable_ports*port_bitwidth*ways-1);
tiup <= '1';
tidn <= '0';
act <= read_act or or_reduce(write_way);
addr_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => addr'length, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => act,
scin => (others => '0'),
scout => open,
din => addr,
dout => addr_l2 );
write_way_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => write_way'length, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => act,
scin => (others => '0'),
scout => open,
din => write_way,
dout => write_way_l2 );
write_enable_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => tiup,
scin => tidn,
scout => open,
din => write_enable_d,
dout => write_enable_l2 );
data_in_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => port_bitwidth, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => act,
scin => (others => '0'),
scout => open,
din => data_in,
dout => data_in_l2 );
array_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => addressable_ports*port_bitwidth*ways, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => tiup,
scin => (others => '0'),
scout => open,
din => array_d,
dout => array_l2 );
write_enable_d <= act and write_enable;
ww: for w in 0 to ways-1 generate
wy: for y in 0 to addressable_ports-1 generate
wx: for x in 0 to port_bitwidth-1 generate
array_d(y*port_bitwidth*ways+w*port_bitwidth+x) <=
data_in_l2(x) when (( write_enable_l2 and addr_l2 = tconv(y, addressbus_width) and
write_way_l2(w)) = '1')
else array_l2(y*port_bitwidth*ways+w*port_bitwidth+x);
end generate wx;
end generate wy;
end generate ww;
data_out <= array_l2( tconv(addr_l2)*port_bitwidth*ways to tconv(addr_l2)*port_bitwidth*ways+port_bitwidth*ways-1 );
abst_scan_out <= "00";
time_scan_out <= '0';
repr_scan_out <= '0';
bo_pc_failout <= "00";
bo_pc_diagloop <= "00";
end generate um;
-- synopsys translate_on
a: if expand_type = 1 generate
component RAMB16_S36_S36
-- pragma translate_off
SIM_COLLISION_CHECK : string := "none");
-- pragma translate_on
DOA : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
DOB : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
DOPA : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
DOPB : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
ADDRA : in std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
ADDRB : in std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
CLKA : in std_ulogic;
CLKB : in std_ulogic;
DIA : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
DIB : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
DIPA : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
DIPB : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
ENA : in std_ulogic;
ENB : in std_ulogic;
SSRA : in std_ulogic;
SSRB : in std_ulogic;
WEA : in std_ulogic;
WEB : in std_ulogic);
end component;
-- pragma translate_off
-- pragma translate_on
signal ramb_data_in : std_logic_vector(0 to (ramb_base_width*ramb_width_mult - 1));
signal ramb_data_out : RAMB_DATA_ARRAY(0 to ways-1);
signal ramb_addr : std_logic_vector(0 to ramb_base_addr - 1);
signal act : std_ulogic_vector(0 to ways-1);
signal write : std_ulogic_vector(0 to ways-1);
signal tidn : std_ulogic;
signal unused : std_ulogic;
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
tidn <= '0';
add0: if (addressbus_width < ramb_base_addr) generate
ramb_addr(0 to (ramb_base_addr-addressbus_width-1)) <= (others => '0');
ramb_addr(ramb_base_addr-addressbus_width to ramb_base_addr-1) <= tconv( addr );
end generate;
add1: if (addressbus_width >= ramb_base_addr) generate
ramb_addr <= tconv( addr(addressbus_width-ramb_base_addr to addressbus_width-1) );
end generate;
din: for i in ramb_data_in'range generate
R0: if(i < port_bitwidth) generate begin ramb_data_in(i) <= data_in(i); end generate;
R1: if(i >= port_bitwidth) generate begin ramb_data_in(i) <= '0'; end generate;
end generate;
aw: for w in 0 to ways-1 generate begin
act(w) <= read_act or write_way(w);
write(w) <= write_enable and write_way(w);
ax: for x in 0 to (ramb_width_mult - 1) generate begin
arr: RAMB16_S36_S36
-- pragma translate_off
generic map(
sim_collision_check => "none")
-- pragma translate_on
port map(
DOA => ramb_data_out(w)(x*ramb_base_width to x*ramb_base_width+31),
DOB => open,
DOPA => ramb_data_out(w)(x*ramb_base_width+32 to x*ramb_base_width+35),
DOPB => open,
ADDRA => ramb_addr,
ADDRB => ramb_addr,
CLKA => nclk.clk,
CLKB => tidn,
DIA => ramb_data_in(x*ramb_base_width to x*ramb_base_width+31),
DIB => ramb_data_in(x*ramb_base_width to x*ramb_base_width+31),
DIPA => ramb_data_in(x*ramb_base_width+32 to x*ramb_base_width+35),
DIPB => ramb_data_in(x*ramb_base_width+32 to x*ramb_base_width+35),
ENA => act(w),
ENB => tidn,
SSRA => nclk.sreset,
SSRB => tidn,
WEA => write(w),
WEB => tidn
end generate ax;
data_out(w*port_bitwidth to ((w+1)*port_bitwidth)-1 ) <= tconv( ramb_data_out(w)(0 to port_bitwidth-1) );
end generate aw;
abst_scan_out <= "00";
time_scan_out <= '0';
repr_scan_out <= '0';
bo_pc_failout <= "00";
bo_pc_diagloop <= "00";
unused <= or_reduce( std_ulogic_vector(ramb_data_out(0)(port_bitwidth to ramb_base_width*ramb_width_mult - 1))
& std_ulogic_vector(ramb_data_out(1)(port_bitwidth to ramb_base_width*ramb_width_mult - 1))
& std_ulogic_vector(ramb_data_out(2)(port_bitwidth to ramb_base_width*ramb_width_mult - 1))
& std_ulogic_vector(ramb_data_out(3)(port_bitwidth to ramb_base_width*ramb_width_mult - 1))
& ccflush_dc & lcb_clkoff_dc_b & lcb_d_mode_dc & lcb_act_dis_dc
& scan_dis_dc_b & scan_diag_dc & bitw_abist
& lcb_sg_1 & lcb_time_sg_0 & lcb_repr_sg_0
& lcb_abst_sl_thold_0 & lcb_repr_sl_thold_0
& lcb_time_sl_thold_0 & lcb_ary_nsl_thold_0 & tc_lbist_ary_wrt_thru_dc
& abist_en_1 & din_abist & abist_cmp_en & abist_raw_b_dc & data_cmp_abist
& addr_abist & r_wb_abist & write_thru_en_dc & abst_scan_in & time_scan_in & repr_scan_in
& lcb_delay_lclkr_np_dc & ctrl_lcb_delay_lclkr_np_dc & dibw_lcb_delay_lclkr_np_dc
& ctrl_lcb_mpw1_np_dc_b & dibw_lcb_mpw1_np_dc_b & lcb_mpw1_pp_dc_b & lcb_mpw1_2_pp_dc_b
& aodo_lcb_delay_lclkr_dc & aodo_lcb_mpw1_dc_b & aodo_lcb_mpw2_dc_b
& lcb_bolt_sl_thold_0 & pc_bo_enable_2 & pc_bo_reset
& pc_bo_unload & pc_bo_repair & pc_bo_shdata & pc_bo_select
& tri_lcb_mpw1_dc_b & tri_lcb_mpw2_dc_b & tri_lcb_delay_lclkr_dc
& tri_lcb_clkoff_dc_b & tri_lcb_act_dis_dc );
end generate a;
end tri_256x162_4w_0;
@ -0,0 +1,578 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;
library ibm; use ibm.std_ulogic_support.all ;
use ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all;
library support; use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
library tri; use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
-- pragma translate_off
-- pragma translate_on
entity tri_32x35_8w_1r1w is
generic (addressable_ports : positive := 32;
addressbus_width : positive := 5;
port_bitwidth : positive := 35;
ways : positive := 8;
expand_type : integer := 1);
port (
gnd : inout power_logic;
vdd : inout power_logic;
vcs : inout power_logic;
nclk : in clk_logic;
rd0_act : in std_ulogic;
sg_0 : in std_ulogic;
abst_slp_sl_thold_0 : in std_ulogic;
ary_slp_nsl_thold_0 : in std_ulogic;
time_sl_thold_0 : in std_ulogic;
repr_sl_thold_0 : in std_ulogic;
clkoff_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
ccflush_dc : in std_ulogic;
scan_dis_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
scan_diag_dc : in std_ulogic;
d_mode_dc : in std_ulogic;
mpw1_dc_b : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
mpw2_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
delay_lclkr_dc : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
wr_abst_act : in std_ulogic;
rd0_abst_act : in std_ulogic;
abist_di : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
abist_bw_odd : in std_ulogic;
abist_bw_even : in std_ulogic;
abist_wr_adr : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
abist_rd0_adr : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
tc_lbist_ary_wrt_thru_dc : in std_ulogic;
abist_ena_1 : in std_ulogic;
abist_g8t_rd0_comp_ena : in std_ulogic;
abist_raw_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
obs0_abist_cmp : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
abst_scan_in : in std_ulogic;
time_scan_in : in std_ulogic;
repr_scan_in : in std_ulogic;
abst_scan_out : out std_ulogic;
time_scan_out : out std_ulogic;
repr_scan_out : out std_ulogic;
lcb_bolt_sl_thold_0 : in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_enable_2 : in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_reset : in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_unload : in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_repair : in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_shdata : in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_select : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
bo_pc_failout : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
bo_pc_diagloop : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
tri_lcb_mpw1_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
tri_lcb_mpw2_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
tri_lcb_delay_lclkr_dc : in std_ulogic;
tri_lcb_clkoff_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
tri_lcb_act_dis_dc : in std_ulogic;
write_enable : in std_ulogic_vector (0 to ((port_bitwidth*ways-1)/(port_bitwidth*2)));
way : in std_ulogic_vector (0 to (ways-1));
addr_wr : in std_ulogic_vector (0 to (addressbus_width-1));
data_in : in std_ulogic_vector (0 to (port_bitwidth-1));
addr_rd_01 : in std_ulogic_vector (0 to (addressbus_width-1));
addr_rd_23 : in std_ulogic_vector (0 to (addressbus_width-1));
addr_rd_45 : in std_ulogic_vector (0 to (addressbus_width-1));
addr_rd_67 : in std_ulogic_vector (0 to (addressbus_width-1));
data_out : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to (port_bitwidth*ways-1))
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
end entity tri_32x35_8w_1r1w;
architecture tri_32x35_8w_1r1w of tri_32x35_8w_1r1w is
constant wga_base_width : integer := 70;
constant wga_base_addr : integer := 5;
constant wga_width_mult : integer := (port_bitwidth*ways-1)/wga_base_width + 1;
constant ramb_base_width : integer := 36;
constant ramb_base_addr : integer := 9;
constant ramb_width_mult : integer := (port_bitwidth-1)/ramb_base_width + 1;
-- synopsys translate_off
um: if expand_type = 0 generate
signal tiup : std_ulogic;
signal tidn : std_ulogic;
signal addr_rd_l2 : std_ulogic_vector (0 TO addressbus_width-1);
signal addr_wr_l2 : std_ulogic_vector (0 TO addressbus_width-1);
signal way_l2 : std_ulogic_vector (0 TO way'right);
signal write_enable_d : std_ulogic_vector(0 to wga_width_mult-1);
signal write_enable_l2 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to wga_width_mult-1);
signal data_in_l2 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to port_bitwidth-1);
signal array_d : std_ulogic_vector(0 to addressable_ports*port_bitwidth*ways-1);
signal array_l2 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to addressable_ports*port_bitwidth*ways-1);
signal act : std_ulogic;
tiup <= '1';
tidn <= '0';
act <= or_reduce(write_enable) or rd0_act;
addr_rd_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => addr_rd_01'length, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (nclk => nclk,
act => act,
scin => (others => '0'),
scout => open,
din => addr_rd_01,
dout => addr_rd_l2 );
addr_wr_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => addr_wr'length, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (nclk => nclk,
act => act,
scin => (others => '0'),
scout => open,
din => addr_wr,
dout => addr_wr_l2 );
way_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => way'length, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (nclk => nclk,
act => act,
scin => (others => '0'),
scout => open,
din => way,
dout => way_l2 );
write_enable_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => wga_width_mult, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (nclk => nclk,
act => act,
scin => (others => '0'),
scout => open,
din => write_enable_d,
dout => write_enable_l2 );
data_in_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => port_bitwidth, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (nclk => nclk,
act => act,
scin => (others => '0'),
scout => open,
din => data_in,
dout => data_in_l2 );
array_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => addressable_ports*port_bitwidth*ways, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (nclk => nclk,
act => tiup,
scin => (others => '0'),
scout => open,
din => array_d,
dout => array_l2 );
write_enable_d <= write_enable;
ww: for w in 0 to ways-1 generate
wy: for y in 0 to addressable_ports-1 generate
wx: for x in 0 to port_bitwidth-1 generate
array_d(y*port_bitwidth*ways+w*port_bitwidth+x) <=
data_in_l2(x) when (( or_reduce(write_enable_l2) and addr_wr_l2 = tconv(y, addressbus_width) and
way_l2(w)) = '1')
else array_l2(y*port_bitwidth*ways+w*port_bitwidth+x);
end generate wx;
end generate wy;
end generate ww;
data_out <= array_l2( tconv(addr_rd_l2)*port_bitwidth*ways to tconv(addr_rd_l2)*port_bitwidth*ways+port_bitwidth*ways-1 );
abst_scan_out <= tidn;
time_scan_out <= tidn;
repr_scan_out <= tidn;
bo_pc_failout <= "0000";
bo_pc_diagloop <= "0000";
end generate um;
-- synopsys translate_on
a: if expand_type = 1 generate
component RAMB16_S36_S36
-- pragma translate_off
SIM_COLLISION_CHECK : string := "none");
-- pragma translate_on
DOA : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
DOB : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
DOPA : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
DOPB : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
ADDRA : in std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
ADDRB : in std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
CLKA : in std_ulogic;
CLKB : in std_ulogic;
DIA : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
DIB : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
DIPA : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
DIPB : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
ENA : in std_ulogic;
ENB : in std_ulogic;
SSRA : in std_ulogic;
SSRB : in std_ulogic;
WEA : in std_ulogic;
WEB : in std_ulogic);
end component;
-- pragma translate_off
-- pragma translate_on
signal array_wr_data : std_logic_vector(0 to port_bitwidth - 1);
signal ramb_data_in : std_logic_vector(0 to 35);
signal ramb_data_outA : std_logic_vector(0 to 35);
signal ramb_data_outB : std_logic_vector(0 to 35);
signal ramb_data_outC : std_logic_vector(0 to 35);
signal ramb_data_outD : std_logic_vector(0 to 35);
signal ramb_data_outE : std_logic_vector(0 to 35);
signal ramb_data_outF : std_logic_vector(0 to 35);
signal ramb_data_outG : std_logic_vector(0 to 35);
signal ramb_data_outH : std_logic_vector(0 to 35);
signal ramb_addr_wr : std_logic_vector(0 to ramb_base_addr - 1);
signal ramb_addr_rd : std_logic_vector(0 to ramb_base_addr - 1);
signal data_outA : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 35);
signal data_outB : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 35);
signal data_outC : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 35);
signal data_outD : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 35);
signal data_outE : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 35);
signal data_outF : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 35);
signal data_outG : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 35);
signal data_outH : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 35);
signal rd_addr : std_ulogic_vector(0 to ramb_base_addr - 1);
signal wr_addr : std_ulogic_vector(0 to ramb_base_addr - 1);
signal write_enable_wA : std_ulogic;
signal write_enable_wB : std_ulogic;
signal write_enable_wC : std_ulogic;
signal write_enable_wD : std_ulogic;
signal write_enable_wE : std_ulogic;
signal write_enable_wF : std_ulogic;
signal write_enable_wG : std_ulogic;
signal write_enable_wH : std_ulogic;
signal tidn : std_logic_vector(0 to 35);
signal act : std_ulogic;
signal wen : std_ulogic;
signal unused : std_ulogic;
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
tidn <= (others=>'0');
wen <= or_reduce(write_enable);
act <= rd0_act or wen;
array_wr_data <= tconv(data_in);
addr_calc : for t in 0 to 35 generate begin
R0 : if(t < 35 - (port_bitwidth-1)) generate begin ramb_data_in(t) <= '0'; end generate;
R1 : if(t >= 35 - (port_bitwidth-1)) generate begin ramb_data_in(t) <= array_wr_data(t-(35-(port_bitwidth-1))); end generate;
end generate addr_calc;
write_enable_wA <= wen and way(0);
write_enable_wB <= wen and way(1);
write_enable_wC <= wen and way(2);
write_enable_wD <= wen and way(3);
write_enable_wE <= wen and way(4);
write_enable_wF <= wen and way(5);
write_enable_wG <= wen and way(6);
write_enable_wH <= wen and way(7);
rambAddrCalc : for t in 0 to ramb_base_addr-1 generate begin
R0 : if(t < ramb_base_addr-addressbus_width) generate begin
rd_addr(t) <= '0';
wr_addr(t) <= '0';
end generate;
R1 : if(t >= ramb_base_addr-addressbus_width) generate begin
rd_addr(t) <= addr_rd_01(t-(ramb_base_addr-addressbus_width));
wr_addr(t) <= addr_wr(t-(ramb_base_addr-addressbus_width));
end generate;
end generate rambAddrCalc;
ramb_addr_wr <= tconv(wr_addr);
ramb_addr_rd <= tconv(rd_addr);
data_outA <= tconv(ramb_data_outA);
data_outB <= tconv(ramb_data_outB);
data_outC <= tconv(ramb_data_outC);
data_outD <= tconv(ramb_data_outD);
data_outE <= tconv(ramb_data_outE);
data_outF <= tconv(ramb_data_outF);
data_outG <= tconv(ramb_data_outG);
data_outH <= tconv(ramb_data_outH);
data_out <= data_outA((35-(port_bitwidth-1)) to 35) & data_outB((35-(port_bitwidth-1)) to 35) &
data_outC((35-(port_bitwidth-1)) to 35) & data_outD((35-(port_bitwidth-1)) to 35) &
data_outE((35-(port_bitwidth-1)) to 35) & data_outF((35-(port_bitwidth-1)) to 35) &
data_outG((35-(port_bitwidth-1)) to 35) & data_outH((35-(port_bitwidth-1)) to 35);
arr0_A: RAMB16_S36_S36
-- pragma translate_off
generic map(
sim_collision_check => "none")
-- pragma translate_on
port map(
DOA => ramb_data_outA(0 to 31),
DOB => open,
DOPA => ramb_data_outA(32 to 35),
DOPB => open,
ADDRA => ramb_addr_rd,
ADDRB => ramb_addr_wr,
CLKA => nclk.clk,
CLKB => nclk.clk,
DIA => tidn(0 to 31),
DIB => ramb_data_in(0 to 31),
DIPA => tidn(32 to 35),
DIPB => ramb_data_in(32 to 35),
ENA => act,
ENB => act,
SSRA => nclk.sreset,
SSRB => nclk.sreset,
WEA => tidn(0),
WEB => write_enable_wA
arr1_B: RAMB16_S36_S36
-- pragma translate_off
generic map(
sim_collision_check => "none")
-- pragma translate_on
port map(
DOA => ramb_data_outB(0 to 31),
DOB => open,
DOPA => ramb_data_outB(32 to 35),
DOPB => open,
ADDRA => ramb_addr_rd,
ADDRB => ramb_addr_wr,
CLKA => nclk.clk,
CLKB => nclk.clk,
DIA => tidn(0 to 31),
DIB => ramb_data_in(0 to 31),
DIPA => tidn(32 to 35),
DIPB => ramb_data_in(32 to 35),
ENA => act,
ENB => act,
SSRA => nclk.sreset,
SSRB => nclk.sreset,
WEA => tidn(0),
WEB => write_enable_wB
arr2_C: RAMB16_S36_S36
-- pragma translate_off
generic map(
sim_collision_check => "none")
-- pragma translate_on
port map(
DOA => ramb_data_outC(0 to 31),
DOB => open,
DOPA => ramb_data_outC(32 to 35),
DOPB => open,
ADDRA => ramb_addr_rd,
ADDRB => ramb_addr_wr,
CLKA => nclk.clk,
CLKB => nclk.clk,
DIA => tidn(0 to 31),
DIB => ramb_data_in(0 to 31),
DIPA => tidn(32 to 35),
DIPB => ramb_data_in(32 to 35),
ENA => act,
ENB => act,
SSRA => nclk.sreset,
SSRB => nclk.sreset,
WEA => tidn(0),
WEB => write_enable_wC
arr3_D: RAMB16_S36_S36
-- pragma translate_off
generic map(
sim_collision_check => "none")
-- pragma translate_on
port map(
DOA => ramb_data_outD(0 to 31),
DOB => open,
DOPA => ramb_data_outD(32 to 35),
DOPB => open,
ADDRA => ramb_addr_rd,
ADDRB => ramb_addr_wr,
CLKA => nclk.clk,
CLKB => nclk.clk,
DIA => tidn(0 to 31),
DIB => ramb_data_in(0 to 31),
DIPA => tidn(32 to 35),
DIPB => ramb_data_in(32 to 35),
ENA => act,
ENB => act,
SSRA => nclk.sreset,
SSRB => nclk.sreset,
WEA => tidn(0),
WEB => write_enable_wD
arr4_E: RAMB16_S36_S36
-- pragma translate_off
generic map(
sim_collision_check => "none")
-- pragma translate_on
port map(
DOA => ramb_data_outE(0 to 31),
DOB => open,
DOPA => ramb_data_outE(32 to 35),
DOPB => open,
ADDRA => ramb_addr_rd,
ADDRB => ramb_addr_wr,
CLKA => nclk.clk,
CLKB => nclk.clk,
DIA => tidn(0 to 31),
DIB => ramb_data_in(0 to 31),
DIPA => tidn(32 to 35),
DIPB => ramb_data_in(32 to 35),
ENA => act,
ENB => act,
SSRA => nclk.sreset,
SSRB => nclk.sreset,
WEA => tidn(0),
WEB => write_enable_wE
arr5_F: RAMB16_S36_S36
-- pragma translate_off
generic map(
sim_collision_check => "none")
-- pragma translate_on
port map(
DOA => ramb_data_outF(0 to 31),
DOB => open,
DOPA => ramb_data_outF(32 to 35),
DOPB => open,
ADDRA => ramb_addr_rd,
ADDRB => ramb_addr_wr,
CLKA => nclk.clk,
CLKB => nclk.clk,
DIA => tidn(0 to 31),
DIB => ramb_data_in(0 to 31),
DIPA => tidn(32 to 35),
DIPB => ramb_data_in(32 to 35),
ENA => act,
ENB => act,
SSRA => nclk.sreset,
SSRB => nclk.sreset,
WEA => tidn(0),
WEB => write_enable_wF
arr6_G: RAMB16_S36_S36
-- pragma translate_off
generic map(
sim_collision_check => "none")
-- pragma translate_on
port map(
DOA => ramb_data_outG(0 to 31),
DOB => open,
DOPA => ramb_data_outG(32 to 35),
DOPB => open,
ADDRA => ramb_addr_rd,
ADDRB => ramb_addr_wr,
CLKA => nclk.clk,
CLKB => nclk.clk,
DIA => tidn(0 to 31),
DIB => ramb_data_in(0 to 31),
DIPA => tidn(32 to 35),
DIPB => ramb_data_in(32 to 35),
ENA => act,
ENB => act,
SSRA => nclk.sreset,
SSRB => nclk.sreset,
WEA => tidn(0),
WEB => write_enable_wG
arr7_H: RAMB16_S36_S36
-- pragma translate_off
generic map(
sim_collision_check => "none")
-- pragma translate_on
port map(
DOA => ramb_data_outH(0 to 31),
DOB => open,
DOPA => ramb_data_outH(32 to 35),
DOPB => open,
ADDRA => ramb_addr_rd,
ADDRB => ramb_addr_wr,
CLKA => nclk.clk,
CLKB => nclk.clk,
DIA => tidn(0 to 31),
DIB => ramb_data_in(0 to 31),
DIPA => tidn(32 to 35),
DIPB => ramb_data_in(32 to 35),
ENA => act,
ENB => act,
SSRA => nclk.sreset,
SSRB => nclk.sreset,
WEA => tidn(0),
WEB => write_enable_wH
abst_scan_out <= tidn(0);
time_scan_out <= tidn(0);
repr_scan_out <= tidn(0);
bo_pc_failout <= "0000";
bo_pc_diagloop <= "0000";
unused <= or_reduce( data_outA(0) & data_outB(0) & data_outC(0) & data_outD(0)
& data_outE(0) & data_outF(0) & data_outG(0) & data_outH(0)
& sg_0 & abst_slp_sl_thold_0 & ary_slp_nsl_thold_0
& time_sl_thold_0 & repr_sl_thold_0 & clkoff_dc_b & ccflush_dc
& scan_dis_dc_b & scan_diag_dc & d_mode_dc & mpw1_dc_b & mpw2_dc_b
& delay_lclkr_dc & wr_abst_act & rd0_abst_act & abist_di
& abist_bw_odd & abist_bw_even & abist_wr_adr & abist_rd0_adr
& tc_lbist_ary_wrt_thru_dc & abist_ena_1 & abist_g8t_rd0_comp_ena
& abist_raw_dc_b & obs0_abist_cmp & abst_scan_in & time_scan_in
& repr_scan_in & addr_rd_23 & addr_rd_45 & addr_rd_67
& lcb_bolt_sl_thold_0 & pc_bo_enable_2 & pc_bo_reset
& pc_bo_unload & pc_bo_repair & pc_bo_shdata & pc_bo_select
& tri_lcb_mpw1_dc_b & tri_lcb_mpw2_dc_b & tri_lcb_delay_lclkr_dc
& tri_lcb_clkoff_dc_b & tri_lcb_act_dis_dc );
end generate a;
end tri_32x35_8w_1r1w;
@ -0,0 +1,762 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;
library ibm; use ibm.std_ulogic_support.all ;
use ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all;
library support; use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
library tri; use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
entity tri_512x288_9 is
generic (addressable_ports : positive := 512;
addressbus_width : positive := 6;
port_bitwidth : positive := 288;
bit_write_type : positive := 9;
ways : positive := 1;
expand_type : integer := 1);
port (
gnd : inout power_logic;
vdd : inout power_logic;
vcs : inout power_logic;
nclk : in clk_logic;
act : in std_ulogic;
sg_0 : in std_ulogic;
sg_1 : in std_ulogic;
ary_nsl_thold_0 : in std_ulogic;
abst_sl_thold_0 : in std_ulogic;
time_sl_thold_0 : in std_ulogic;
repr_sl_thold_0 : in std_ulogic;
clkoff_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
ccflush_dc : in std_ulogic;
scan_dis_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
scan_diag_dc : in std_ulogic;
d_mode_dc : in std_ulogic;
act_dis_dc : in std_ulogic;
lcb_delay_lclkr_np_dc : in std_ulogic;
ctrl_lcb_delay_lclkr_np_dc : in std_ulogic;
dibw_lcb_delay_lclkr_np_dc : in std_ulogic;
ctrl_lcb_mpw1_np_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
dibw_lcb_mpw1_np_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
lcb_mpw1_pp_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
lcb_mpw1_2_pp_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
aodo_lcb_delay_lclkr_dc : in std_ulogic;
aodo_lcb_mpw1_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
aodo_lcb_mpw2_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
bitw_abist : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
tc_lbist_ary_wrt_thru_dc : in std_ulogic;
abist_en_1 : in std_ulogic;
din_abist : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
abist_cmp_en : in std_ulogic;
abist_raw_b_dc : in std_ulogic;
data_cmp_abist : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
addr_abist : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 8);
r_wb_abist : in std_ulogic;
abst_scan_in : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
time_scan_in : in std_ulogic;
repr_scan_in : in std_ulogic;
abst_scan_out : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
time_scan_out : out std_ulogic;
repr_scan_out : out std_ulogic;
lcb_bolt_sl_thold_0 : in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_enable_2 : in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_reset : in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_unload : in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_repair : in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_shdata : in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_select : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
bo_pc_failout : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
bo_pc_diagloop : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
tri_lcb_mpw1_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
tri_lcb_mpw2_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
tri_lcb_delay_lclkr_dc : in std_ulogic;
tri_lcb_clkoff_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
tri_lcb_act_dis_dc : in std_ulogic;
write_enable : in std_ulogic;
bw : in std_ulogic_vector (0 to (port_bitwidth-1));
arr_up_addr : in std_ulogic_vector (0 to 2);
addr : in std_ulogic_vector (0 to (addressbus_width-1));
data_in : in std_ulogic_vector (0 to (port_bitwidth-1));
data_out : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to (port_bitwidth*ways-1))
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
end entity tri_512x288_9;
architecture tri_512x288_9 of tri_512x288_9 is
constant ramb_base_addr : integer := 11;
-- synopsys translate_off
um: if expand_type = 0 generate
signal tiup : std_ulogic;
signal tidn : std_ulogic;
signal addr_l2 : std_ulogic_vector(0 TO addressbus_width-1);
signal bw_l2 : std_ulogic_vector(0 TO bw'right);
signal write_enable_d : std_ulogic;
signal write_enable_l2 : std_ulogic;
signal data_in_l2 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to port_bitwidth-1);
signal array_d : std_ulogic_vector(0 to addressable_ports*port_bitwidth*ways-1);
signal array_l2 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to addressable_ports*port_bitwidth*ways-1);
tiup <= '1';
tidn <= '0';
addr_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => addr'length, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => act,
scin => (others => '0'),
scout => open,
din => addr,
dout => addr_l2 );
bw_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => bw'length, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => act,
scin => (others => '0'),
scout => open,
din => bw,
dout => bw_l2 );
write_enable_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => tiup,
scin => tidn,
scout => open,
din => write_enable_d,
dout => write_enable_l2 );
data_in_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => port_bitwidth, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => act,
scin => (others => '0'),
scout => open,
din => data_in,
dout => data_in_l2 );
array_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => addressable_ports*port_bitwidth*ways, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => tiup,
scin => (others => '0'),
scout => open,
din => array_d,
dout => array_l2 );
write_enable_d <= act and write_enable;
ww: for w in 0 to ways-1 generate
wy: for y in 0 to addressable_ports-1 generate
wx: for x in 0 to port_bitwidth-1 generate
array_d(y*port_bitwidth*ways+w*port_bitwidth+x) <=
data_in_l2(x) when (( write_enable_l2 and addr_l2 = tconv(y, addressbus_width) and bw_l2(x/bit_write_type) ) = '1')
else array_l2(y*port_bitwidth*ways+w*port_bitwidth+x);
end generate wx;
end generate wy;
end generate ww;
data_out <= array_l2( tconv(addr_l2)*port_bitwidth*ways to tconv(addr_l2)*port_bitwidth*ways+port_bitwidth*ways-1 );
abst_scan_out <= (others=>'0');
time_scan_out <= tidn;
repr_scan_out <= tidn;
bo_pc_failout <= (others=>'0');
bo_pc_diagloop <= (others=>'0');
end generate um;
-- synopsys translate_on
a: if expand_type = 1 generate
component RAMB16_S9_S9
-- pragma translate_off
SIM_COLLISION_CHECK : string := "none");
-- pragma translate_on
DOA : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
DOB : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
DOPA : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
DOPB : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
ADDRA : in std_logic_vector(10 downto 0);
ADDRB : in std_logic_vector(10 downto 0);
CLKA : in std_ulogic;
CLKB : in std_ulogic;
DIA : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
DIB : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
DIPA : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
DIPB : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
ENA : in std_ulogic;
ENB : in std_ulogic;
SSRA : in std_ulogic;
SSRB : in std_ulogic;
WEA : in std_ulogic;
WEB : in std_ulogic
end component;
-- pragma translate_off
-- pragma translate_on
constant addresswidth : integer := addressbus_width+3+1;
signal arr_data_in : std_logic_vector(0 to 287);
signal ramb_data_in : std_logic_vector(0 to 255);
signal ramb_parity_in : std_logic_vector(0 to 31);
signal ramb_uh_addr : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 10);
signal ramb_lh_addr : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 10);
signal uh_addr : std_ulogic_vector(0 to addresswidth-1);
signal lh_addr : std_ulogic_vector(0 to addresswidth-1);
signal ramb_data_out : std_logic_vector(0 to 255);
signal ramb_parity_out : std_logic_vector(0 to 31);
signal tidn : std_ulogic;
signal wrt_en_wAH : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 31);
signal bitWrt : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 31);
signal rdDataOut : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 255);
signal rdParityOut : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 31);
signal unused : std_ulogic;
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
tidn <= '0';
arr_data_in <= tconv(data_in);
dWFixUp : for t in 0 to 31 generate begin
ramb_data_in((8*t) to (8*t)+7) <= arr_data_in(t+0) & arr_data_in(t+32) & arr_data_in(t+64) & arr_data_in(t+96) &
arr_data_in(t+144) & arr_data_in(t+176) & arr_data_in(t+208) & arr_data_in(t+240);
ramb_parity_in(t) <= arr_data_in(t+128+(128*(t/16)));
bitWrt(t) <= bw(t);
end generate dWFixUp;
wrtEn_gen : for t in 0 to 31 generate begin
wrt_en_wAH(t) <= write_enable and bitWrt(t);
end generate wrtEn_gen;
uh_addr <= arr_up_addr & addr & '0';
lh_addr <= arr_up_addr & addr & '1';
rambAddrCalc : for t in 0 to ramb_base_addr-1 generate begin
R0 : if(t < ramb_base_addr-addresswidth) generate begin
ramb_uh_addr(t) <= '0';
ramb_lh_addr(t) <= '0';
end generate;
R1 : if(t >= ramb_base_addr-addresswidth) generate begin
ramb_uh_addr(t) <= uh_addr(t-(ramb_base_addr-addresswidth));
ramb_lh_addr(t) <= lh_addr(t-(ramb_base_addr-addresswidth));
end generate;
end generate rambAddrCalc;
dRFixUp : for t in 0 to 31 generate begin
data_out(t+0) <= rdDataOut((t*8)+0);
data_out(t+32) <= rdDataOut((t*8)+1);
data_out(t+64) <= rdDataOut((t*8)+2);
data_out(t+96) <= rdDataOut((t*8)+3);
data_out(t+144) <= rdDataOut((t*8)+4);
data_out(t+176) <= rdDataOut((t*8)+5);
data_out(t+208) <= rdDataOut((t*8)+6);
data_out(t+240) <= rdDataOut((t*8)+7);
data_out(t+128+(128*(t/16))) <= rdParityOut(t);
end generate dRFixUp;
rdDataOut <= tconv(ramb_data_out);
rdParityOut <= tconv(ramb_parity_out);
arr0: RAMB16_S9_S9
-- pragma translate_off
generic map(
sim_collision_check => "none")
-- pragma translate_on
port map(
DOA => ramb_data_out(0 to 7),
DOB => ramb_data_out(128 to 135),
DOPA => ramb_parity_out(0 to 0),
DOPB => ramb_parity_out(16 to 16),
ADDRA => tconv(ramb_uh_addr),
ADDRB => tconv(ramb_lh_addr),
CLKA => nclk.clk,
CLKB => nclk.clk,
DIA => ramb_data_in(0 to 7),
DIB => ramb_data_in(128 to 135),
DIPA => ramb_parity_in(0 to 0),
DIPB => ramb_parity_in(16 to 16),
ENA => act,
ENB => act,
SSRA => nclk.sreset,
SSRB => nclk.sreset,
WEA => wrt_en_wAH(0),
WEB => wrt_en_wAH(16)
arr1: RAMB16_S9_S9
-- pragma translate_off
generic map(
sim_collision_check => "none")
-- pragma translate_on
port map(
DOA => ramb_data_out(8 to 15),
DOB => ramb_data_out(136 to 143),
DOPA => ramb_parity_out(1 to 1),
DOPB => ramb_parity_out(17 to 17),
ADDRA => tconv(ramb_uh_addr),
ADDRB => tconv(ramb_lh_addr),
CLKA => nclk.clk,
CLKB => nclk.clk,
DIA => ramb_data_in(8 to 15),
DIB => ramb_data_in(136 to 143),
DIPA => ramb_parity_in(1 to 1),
DIPB => ramb_parity_in(17 to 17),
ENA => act,
ENB => act,
SSRA => nclk.sreset,
SSRB => nclk.sreset,
WEA => wrt_en_wAH(1),
WEB => wrt_en_wAH(17)
arr2: RAMB16_S9_S9
-- pragma translate_off
generic map(
sim_collision_check => "none")
-- pragma translate_on
port map(
DOA => ramb_data_out(16 to 23),
DOB => ramb_data_out(144 to 151),
DOPA => ramb_parity_out(2 to 2),
DOPB => ramb_parity_out(18 to 18),
ADDRA => tconv(ramb_uh_addr),
ADDRB => tconv(ramb_lh_addr),
CLKA => nclk.clk,
CLKB => nclk.clk,
DIA => ramb_data_in(16 to 23),
DIB => ramb_data_in(144 to 151),
DIPA => ramb_parity_in(2 to 2),
DIPB => ramb_parity_in(18 to 18),
ENA => act,
ENB => act,
SSRA => nclk.sreset,
SSRB => nclk.sreset,
WEA => wrt_en_wAH(2),
WEB => wrt_en_wAH(18)
arr3: RAMB16_S9_S9
-- pragma translate_off
generic map(
sim_collision_check => "none")
-- pragma translate_on
port map(
DOA => ramb_data_out(24 to 31),
DOB => ramb_data_out(152 to 159),
DOPA => ramb_parity_out(3 to 3),
DOPB => ramb_parity_out(19 to 19),
ADDRA => tconv(ramb_uh_addr),
ADDRB => tconv(ramb_lh_addr),
CLKA => nclk.clk,
CLKB => nclk.clk,
DIA => ramb_data_in(24 to 31),
DIB => ramb_data_in(152 to 159),
DIPA => ramb_parity_in(3 to 3),
DIPB => ramb_parity_in(19 to 19),
ENA => act,
ENB => act,
SSRA => nclk.sreset,
SSRB => nclk.sreset,
WEA => wrt_en_wAH(3),
WEB => wrt_en_wAH(19)
arr4: RAMB16_S9_S9
-- pragma translate_off
generic map(
sim_collision_check => "none")
-- pragma translate_on
port map(
DOA => ramb_data_out(32 to 39),
DOB => ramb_data_out(160 to 167),
DOPA => ramb_parity_out(4 to 4),
DOPB => ramb_parity_out(20 to 20),
ADDRA => tconv(ramb_uh_addr),
ADDRB => tconv(ramb_lh_addr),
CLKA => nclk.clk,
CLKB => nclk.clk,
DIA => ramb_data_in(32 to 39),
DIB => ramb_data_in(160 to 167),
DIPA => ramb_parity_in(4 to 4),
DIPB => ramb_parity_in(20 to 20),
ENA => act,
ENB => act,
SSRA => nclk.sreset,
SSRB => nclk.sreset,
WEA => wrt_en_wAH(4),
WEB => wrt_en_wAH(20)
arr5: RAMB16_S9_S9
-- pragma translate_off
generic map(
sim_collision_check => "none")
-- pragma translate_on
port map(
DOA => ramb_data_out(40 to 47),
DOB => ramb_data_out(168 to 175),
DOPA => ramb_parity_out(5 to 5),
DOPB => ramb_parity_out(21 to 21),
ADDRA => tconv(ramb_uh_addr),
ADDRB => tconv(ramb_lh_addr),
CLKA => nclk.clk,
CLKB => nclk.clk,
DIA => ramb_data_in(40 to 47),
DIB => ramb_data_in(168 to 175),
DIPA => ramb_parity_in(5 to 5),
DIPB => ramb_parity_in(21 to 21),
ENA => act,
ENB => act,
SSRA => nclk.sreset,
SSRB => nclk.sreset,
WEA => wrt_en_wAH(5),
WEB => wrt_en_wAH(21)
arr6: RAMB16_S9_S9
-- pragma translate_off
generic map(
sim_collision_check => "none")
-- pragma translate_on
port map(
DOA => ramb_data_out(48 to 55),
DOB => ramb_data_out(176 to 183),
DOPA => ramb_parity_out(6 to 6),
DOPB => ramb_parity_out(22 to 22),
ADDRA => tconv(ramb_uh_addr),
ADDRB => tconv(ramb_lh_addr),
CLKA => nclk.clk,
CLKB => nclk.clk,
DIA => ramb_data_in(48 to 55),
DIB => ramb_data_in(176 to 183),
DIPA => ramb_parity_in(6 to 6),
DIPB => ramb_parity_in(22 to 22),
ENA => act,
ENB => act,
SSRA => nclk.sreset,
SSRB => nclk.sreset,
WEA => wrt_en_wAH(6),
WEB => wrt_en_wAH(22)
arr7: RAMB16_S9_S9
-- pragma translate_off
generic map(
sim_collision_check => "none")
-- pragma translate_on
port map(
DOA => ramb_data_out(56 to 63),
DOB => ramb_data_out(184 to 191),
DOPA => ramb_parity_out(7 to 7),
DOPB => ramb_parity_out(23 to 23),
ADDRA => tconv(ramb_uh_addr),
ADDRB => tconv(ramb_lh_addr),
CLKA => nclk.clk,
CLKB => nclk.clk,
DIA => ramb_data_in(56 to 63),
DIB => ramb_data_in(184 to 191),
DIPA => ramb_parity_in(7 to 7),
DIPB => ramb_parity_in(23 to 23),
ENA => act,
ENB => act,
SSRA => nclk.sreset,
SSRB => nclk.sreset,
WEA => wrt_en_wAH(7),
WEB => wrt_en_wAH(23)
arr8: RAMB16_S9_S9
-- pragma translate_off
generic map(
sim_collision_check => "none")
-- pragma translate_on
port map(
DOA => ramb_data_out(64 to 71),
DOB => ramb_data_out(192 to 199),
DOPA => ramb_parity_out(8 to 8),
DOPB => ramb_parity_out(24 to 24),
ADDRA => tconv(ramb_uh_addr),
ADDRB => tconv(ramb_lh_addr),
CLKA => nclk.clk,
CLKB => nclk.clk,
DIA => ramb_data_in(64 to 71),
DIB => ramb_data_in(192 to 199),
DIPA => ramb_parity_in(8 to 8),
DIPB => ramb_parity_in(24 to 24),
ENA => act,
ENB => act,
SSRA => nclk.sreset,
SSRB => nclk.sreset,
WEA => wrt_en_wAH(8),
WEB => wrt_en_wAH(24)
arr9: RAMB16_S9_S9
-- pragma translate_off
generic map(
sim_collision_check => "none")
-- pragma translate_on
port map(
DOA => ramb_data_out(72 to 79),
DOB => ramb_data_out(200 to 207),
DOPA => ramb_parity_out(9 to 9),
DOPB => ramb_parity_out(25 to 25),
ADDRA => tconv(ramb_uh_addr),
ADDRB => tconv(ramb_lh_addr),
CLKA => nclk.clk,
CLKB => nclk.clk,
DIA => ramb_data_in(72 to 79),
DIB => ramb_data_in(200 to 207),
DIPA => ramb_parity_in(9 to 9),
DIPB => ramb_parity_in(25 to 25),
ENA => act,
ENB => act,
SSRA => nclk.sreset,
SSRB => nclk.sreset,
WEA => wrt_en_wAH(9),
WEB => wrt_en_wAH(25)
arrA: RAMB16_S9_S9
-- pragma translate_off
generic map(
sim_collision_check => "none")
-- pragma translate_on
port map(
DOA => ramb_data_out(80 to 87),
DOB => ramb_data_out(208 to 215),
DOPA => ramb_parity_out(10 to 10),
DOPB => ramb_parity_out(26 to 26),
ADDRA => tconv(ramb_uh_addr),
ADDRB => tconv(ramb_lh_addr),
CLKA => nclk.clk,
CLKB => nclk.clk,
DIA => ramb_data_in(80 to 87),
DIB => ramb_data_in(208 to 215),
DIPA => ramb_parity_in(10 to 10),
DIPB => ramb_parity_in(26 to 26),
ENA => act,
ENB => act,
SSRA => nclk.sreset,
SSRB => nclk.sreset,
WEA => wrt_en_wAH(10),
WEB => wrt_en_wAH(26)
arrB: RAMB16_S9_S9
-- pragma translate_off
generic map(
sim_collision_check => "none")
-- pragma translate_on
port map(
DOA => ramb_data_out(88 to 95),
DOB => ramb_data_out(216 to 223),
DOPA => ramb_parity_out(11 to 11),
DOPB => ramb_parity_out(27 to 27),
ADDRA => tconv(ramb_uh_addr),
ADDRB => tconv(ramb_lh_addr),
CLKA => nclk.clk,
CLKB => nclk.clk,
DIA => ramb_data_in(88 to 95),
DIB => ramb_data_in(216 to 223),
DIPA => ramb_parity_in(11 to 11),
DIPB => ramb_parity_in(27 to 27),
ENA => act,
ENB => act,
SSRA => nclk.sreset,
SSRB => nclk.sreset,
WEA => wrt_en_wAH(11),
WEB => wrt_en_wAH(27)
arrC: RAMB16_S9_S9
-- pragma translate_off
generic map(
sim_collision_check => "none")
-- pragma translate_on
port map(
DOA => ramb_data_out(96 to 103),
DOB => ramb_data_out(224 to 231),
DOPA => ramb_parity_out(12 to 12),
DOPB => ramb_parity_out(28 to 28),
ADDRA => tconv(ramb_uh_addr),
ADDRB => tconv(ramb_lh_addr),
CLKA => nclk.clk,
CLKB => nclk.clk,
DIA => ramb_data_in(96 to 103),
DIB => ramb_data_in(224 to 231),
DIPA => ramb_parity_in(12 to 12),
DIPB => ramb_parity_in(28 to 28),
ENA => act,
ENB => act,
SSRA => nclk.sreset,
SSRB => nclk.sreset,
WEA => wrt_en_wAH(12),
WEB => wrt_en_wAH(28)
arrD: RAMB16_S9_S9
-- pragma translate_off
generic map(
sim_collision_check => "none")
-- pragma translate_on
port map(
DOA => ramb_data_out(104 to 111),
DOB => ramb_data_out(232 to 239),
DOPA => ramb_parity_out(13 to 13),
DOPB => ramb_parity_out(29 to 29),
ADDRA => tconv(ramb_uh_addr),
ADDRB => tconv(ramb_lh_addr),
CLKA => nclk.clk,
CLKB => nclk.clk,
DIA => ramb_data_in(104 to 111),
DIB => ramb_data_in(232 to 239),
DIPA => ramb_parity_in(13 to 13),
DIPB => ramb_parity_in(29 to 29),
ENA => act,
ENB => act,
SSRA => nclk.sreset,
SSRB => nclk.sreset,
WEA => wrt_en_wAH(13),
WEB => wrt_en_wAH(29)
arrE: RAMB16_S9_S9
-- pragma translate_off
generic map(
sim_collision_check => "none")
-- pragma translate_on
port map(
DOA => ramb_data_out(112 to 119),
DOB => ramb_data_out(240 to 247),
DOPA => ramb_parity_out(14 to 14),
DOPB => ramb_parity_out(30 to 30),
ADDRA => tconv(ramb_uh_addr),
ADDRB => tconv(ramb_lh_addr),
CLKA => nclk.clk,
CLKB => nclk.clk,
DIA => ramb_data_in(112 to 119),
DIB => ramb_data_in(240 to 247),
DIPA => ramb_parity_in(14 to 14),
DIPB => ramb_parity_in(30 to 30),
ENA => act,
ENB => act,
SSRA => nclk.sreset,
SSRB => nclk.sreset,
WEA => wrt_en_wAH(14),
WEB => wrt_en_wAH(30)
arrF: RAMB16_S9_S9
-- pragma translate_off
generic map(
sim_collision_check => "none")
-- pragma translate_on
port map(
DOA => ramb_data_out(120 to 127),
DOB => ramb_data_out(248 to 255),
DOPA => ramb_parity_out(15 to 15),
DOPB => ramb_parity_out(31 to 31),
ADDRA => tconv(ramb_uh_addr),
ADDRB => tconv(ramb_lh_addr),
CLKA => nclk.clk,
CLKB => nclk.clk,
DIA => ramb_data_in(120 to 127),
DIB => ramb_data_in(248 to 255),
DIPA => ramb_parity_in(15 to 15),
DIPB => ramb_parity_in(31 to 31),
ENA => act,
ENB => act,
SSRA => nclk.sreset,
SSRB => nclk.sreset,
WEA => wrt_en_wAH(15),
WEB => wrt_en_wAH(31)
abst_scan_out <= (others=>'0');
time_scan_out <= tidn;
repr_scan_out <= tidn;
bo_pc_failout <= (others=>'0');
bo_pc_diagloop <= (others=>'0');
unused <= or_reduce( bw(32 to port_bitwidth-1)
& clkoff_dc_b & ccflush_dc & scan_dis_dc_b & scan_diag_dc & d_mode_dc & act_dis_dc
& bitw_abist & sg_0 & sg_1
& abst_sl_thold_0 & repr_sl_thold_0
& time_sl_thold_0 & ary_nsl_thold_0 & tc_lbist_ary_wrt_thru_dc
& abist_en_1 & din_abist & abist_cmp_en & abist_raw_b_dc & data_cmp_abist
& addr_abist & r_wb_abist & abst_scan_in & time_scan_in & repr_scan_in
& lcb_delay_lclkr_np_dc & ctrl_lcb_delay_lclkr_np_dc & dibw_lcb_delay_lclkr_np_dc
& ctrl_lcb_mpw1_np_dc_b & dibw_lcb_mpw1_np_dc_b & lcb_mpw1_pp_dc_b & lcb_mpw1_2_pp_dc_b
& aodo_lcb_delay_lclkr_dc & aodo_lcb_mpw1_dc_b & aodo_lcb_mpw2_dc_b
& lcb_bolt_sl_thold_0 & pc_bo_enable_2 & pc_bo_reset
& pc_bo_unload & pc_bo_repair & pc_bo_shdata & pc_bo_select
& tri_lcb_mpw1_dc_b & tri_lcb_mpw2_dc_b & tri_lcb_delay_lclkr_dc
& tri_lcb_clkoff_dc_b & tri_lcb_act_dis_dc );
end generate a;
end tri_512x288_9;
@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;
library ibm; use ibm.std_ulogic_support.all ;
use ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all;
library support;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
library tri; use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
-- pragma translate_off
-- pragma translate_on
entity tri_64x36_4w_1r1w is
generic (addressable_ports : positive := 64;
addressbus_width : positive := 6;
port_bitwidth : positive := 36;
ways : positive := 4;
expand_type : integer := 1);
port (
gnd : inout power_logic;
vdd : inout power_logic;
vcs : inout power_logic;
nclk : in clk_logic;
rd_act : in std_ulogic;
wr_act : in std_ulogic;
sg_0 : in std_ulogic;
abst_sl_thold_0 : in std_ulogic;
ary_nsl_thold_0 : in std_ulogic;
time_sl_thold_0 : in std_ulogic;
repr_sl_thold_0 : in std_ulogic;
clkoff_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
ccflush_dc : in std_ulogic;
scan_dis_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
scan_diag_dc : in std_ulogic;
d_mode_dc : in std_ulogic;
mpw1_dc_b : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
mpw2_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
delay_lclkr_dc : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
wr_abst_act : in std_ulogic;
rd0_abst_act : in std_ulogic;
abist_di : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
abist_bw_odd : in std_ulogic;
abist_bw_even : in std_ulogic;
abist_wr_adr : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5);
abist_rd0_adr : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5);
tc_lbist_ary_wrt_thru_dc : in std_ulogic;
abist_ena_1 : in std_ulogic;
abist_g8t_rd0_comp_ena : in std_ulogic;
abist_raw_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
obs0_abist_cmp : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
abst_scan_in : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
time_scan_in : in std_ulogic;
repr_scan_in : in std_ulogic;
abst_scan_out : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
time_scan_out : out std_ulogic;
repr_scan_out : out std_ulogic;
lcb_bolt_sl_thold_0 : in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_enable_2 : in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_reset : in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_unload : in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_repair : in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_shdata : in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_select : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
bo_pc_failout : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
bo_pc_diagloop : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
tri_lcb_mpw1_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
tri_lcb_mpw2_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
tri_lcb_delay_lclkr_dc : in std_ulogic;
tri_lcb_clkoff_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
tri_lcb_act_dis_dc : in std_ulogic;
wr_way : in std_ulogic_vector (0 to (ways-1));
wr_addr : in std_ulogic_vector (0 to (addressbus_width-1));
data_in : in std_ulogic_vector (0 to (port_bitwidth*ways-1));
rd_addr : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to (addressbus_width-1));
data_out : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to (port_bitwidth*ways-1))
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
end entity tri_64x36_4w_1r1w;
architecture tri_64x36_4w_1r1w of tri_64x36_4w_1r1w is
constant wga_base_width : integer := 72;
constant wga_width_mult : integer := (port_bitwidth*ways-1)/wga_base_width + 1;
constant ramb_base_width : integer := 36;
constant ramb_base_addr : integer := 9;
constant ramb_width_mult : integer := (port_bitwidth-1)/ramb_base_width + 1;
type RAMB_DATA_ARRAY is array (natural range <>) of std_logic_vector(0 to (ramb_base_width*ramb_width_mult - 1));
-- synopsys translate_off
um: if expand_type = 0 generate
signal tiup : std_ulogic;
signal tidn : std_ulogic;
signal wr_addr_l2 : std_ulogic_vector (0 TO addressbus_width-1);
signal rd_addr_l2 : std_ulogic_vector (0 TO addressbus_width-1);
signal way_l2 : std_ulogic_vector (0 TO wr_way'right);
signal write_enable_l2 : std_ulogic;
signal data_in_l2 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to port_bitwidth*ways-1);
signal array_d : std_ulogic_vector(0 to addressable_ports*port_bitwidth*ways-1);
signal array_l2 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to addressable_ports*port_bitwidth*ways-1);
tiup <= '1';
tidn <= '0';
wr_addr_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => wr_addr'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 0, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => wr_act,
scin => (others => '0'),
scout => open,
din => wr_addr,
dout => wr_addr_l2 );
rd_addr_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => rd_addr'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 0, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => rd_act,
scin => (others => '0'),
scout => open,
din => rd_addr,
dout => rd_addr_l2 );
way_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => wr_way'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 0, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => wr_act,
scin => (others => '0'),
scout => open,
din => wr_way,
dout => way_l2 );
write_enable_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => tiup,
scin => tidn,
scout => open,
din => wr_act,
dout => write_enable_l2 );
data_in_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => port_bitwidth*ways, init => 0, needs_sreset => 0, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => wr_act,
scin => (others => '0'),
scout => open,
din => data_in,
dout => data_in_l2 );
array_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => addressable_ports*port_bitwidth*ways, init => 0, needs_sreset => 0, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => tiup,
scin => (others => '0'),
scout => open,
din => array_d,
dout => array_l2 );
ww: for w in 0 to ways-1 generate
wy: for y in 0 to addressable_ports-1 generate
wx: for x in 0 to port_bitwidth-1 generate
array_d(y*port_bitwidth*ways+w*port_bitwidth+x) <=
data_in_l2(w*port_bitwidth+x) when (( write_enable_l2 and wr_addr_l2 = tconv(y, addressbus_width) and
way_l2(w)) = '1')
else array_l2(y*port_bitwidth*ways+w*port_bitwidth+x);
end generate wx;
end generate wy;
end generate ww;
data_out <= array_l2( tconv(rd_addr_l2)*port_bitwidth*ways to tconv(rd_addr_l2)*port_bitwidth*ways+port_bitwidth*ways-1 );
abst_scan_out <= tidn & tidn;
time_scan_out <= tidn;
repr_scan_out <= tidn;
bo_pc_failout <= tidn & tidn;
bo_pc_diagloop <= tidn & tidn;
end generate um;
-- synopsys translate_on
a: if expand_type = 1 generate
component RAMB16_S36_S36
-- pragma translate_off
SIM_COLLISION_CHECK : string := "none");
-- pragma translate_on
DOA : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
DOB : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
DOPA : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
DOPB : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
ADDRA : in std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
ADDRB : in std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
CLKA : in std_ulogic;
CLKB : in std_ulogic;
DIA : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
DIB : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
DIPA : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
DIPB : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
ENA : in std_ulogic;
ENB : in std_ulogic;
SSRA : in std_ulogic;
SSRB : in std_ulogic;
WEA : in std_ulogic;
WEB : in std_ulogic
end component;
-- pragma translate_off
-- pragma translate_on
signal ramb_data_in : RAMB_DATA_ARRAY(wr_way'range);
signal ramb_data_out : RAMB_DATA_ARRAY(wr_way'range);
signal ramb_rd_addr : std_logic_vector(0 to ramb_base_addr - 1);
signal ramb_wr_addr : std_logic_vector(0 to ramb_base_addr - 1);
signal tidn : std_ulogic;
signal unused : std_ulogic;
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
tidn <= '0';
add0: if (addressbus_width < ramb_base_addr) generate
ramb_rd_addr(0 to (ramb_base_addr-addressbus_width-1)) <= (others => '0');
ramb_rd_addr(ramb_base_addr-addressbus_width to ramb_base_addr-1) <= tconv( rd_addr );
ramb_wr_addr(0 to (ramb_base_addr-addressbus_width-1)) <= (others => '0');
ramb_wr_addr(ramb_base_addr-addressbus_width to ramb_base_addr-1) <= tconv( wr_addr );
end generate;
add1: if (addressbus_width >= ramb_base_addr) generate
ramb_rd_addr <= tconv( rd_addr(addressbus_width-ramb_base_addr to addressbus_width-1) );
ramb_wr_addr <= tconv( wr_addr(addressbus_width-ramb_base_addr to addressbus_width-1) );
end generate;
dw: for w in wr_way'range generate begin
din: for i in 0 to (ramb_base_width*ramb_width_mult - 1) generate
R0: if(i < port_bitwidth) generate begin ramb_data_in(w)(i) <= data_in(w*port_bitwidth+i); end generate;
R1: if(i >= port_bitwidth) generate begin ramb_data_in(w)(i) <= '0'; end generate;
end generate din;
end generate dw;
aw: for w in wr_way'range generate begin
ax: for x in 0 to (ramb_width_mult - 1) generate begin
arr: RAMB16_S36_S36
-- pragma translate_off
generic map(
sim_collision_check => "none")
-- pragma translate_on
port map(
DOA => ramb_data_out(w)(x*ramb_base_width to x*ramb_base_width+31),
DOB => open,
DOPA => ramb_data_out(w)(x*ramb_base_width+32 to x*ramb_base_width+35),
DOPB => open,
ADDRA => ramb_rd_addr,
ADDRB => ramb_wr_addr,
CLKA => nclk.clk,
CLKB => nclk.clk,
DIA => ramb_data_in(w)(x*ramb_base_width to x*ramb_base_width+31),
DIB => ramb_data_in(w)(x*ramb_base_width to x*ramb_base_width+31),
DIPA => ramb_data_in(w)(x*ramb_base_width+32 to x*ramb_base_width+35),
DIPB => ramb_data_in(w)(x*ramb_base_width+32 to x*ramb_base_width+35),
ENA => rd_act,
ENB => wr_act,
SSRA => nclk.sreset,
SSRB => nclk.sreset,
WEA => tidn,
WEB => wr_way(w)
end generate ax;
data_out(w*port_bitwidth to ((w+1)*port_bitwidth)-1 ) <= tconv( ramb_data_out(w)(0 to port_bitwidth-1) );
end generate aw;
abst_scan_out <= tidn & tidn;
time_scan_out <= tidn;
repr_scan_out <= tidn;
bo_pc_failout <= tidn & tidn;
bo_pc_diagloop <= tidn & tidn;
unused <= or_reduce( sg_0 & abst_sl_thold_0 & ary_nsl_thold_0
& time_sl_thold_0 & repr_sl_thold_0 & clkoff_dc_b & ccflush_dc
& scan_dis_dc_b & scan_diag_dc & d_mode_dc & mpw1_dc_b & mpw2_dc_b
& delay_lclkr_dc & wr_abst_act & rd0_abst_act & abist_di
& abist_bw_odd & abist_bw_even & abist_wr_adr & abist_rd0_adr
& tc_lbist_ary_wrt_thru_dc & abist_ena_1 & abist_g8t_rd0_comp_ena
& abist_raw_dc_b & obs0_abist_cmp & abst_scan_in & time_scan_in
& repr_scan_in & lcb_bolt_sl_thold_0 & pc_bo_enable_2 & pc_bo_reset
& pc_bo_unload & pc_bo_repair & pc_bo_shdata & pc_bo_select
& tri_lcb_mpw1_dc_b & tri_lcb_mpw2_dc_b & tri_lcb_delay_lclkr_dc
& tri_lcb_clkoff_dc_b & tri_lcb_act_dis_dc );
end generate a;
end tri_64x36_4w_1r1w;
@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee,ibm,support,tri;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
-- pragma translate_off
-- pragma translate_on
entity tri_64x42_4w_1r1w is
expand_type : integer := 1);
port (
vdd : INOUT power_logic;
vcs : INOUT power_logic;
gnd : INOUT power_logic;
nclk : in clk_logic;
sg_0 : in std_ulogic;
abst_sl_thold_0 : in std_ulogic;
ary_nsl_thold_0 : in std_ulogic;
time_sl_thold_0 : in std_ulogic;
repr_sl_thold_0 : in std_ulogic;
rd0_act : in std_ulogic;
rd0_adr : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5);
do0 : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 167);
wr_way : in std_ulogic_vector (0 to 3);
wr_act : in std_ulogic;
wr_adr : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5);
di : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 167);
abst_scan_in : in std_ulogic;
abst_scan_out : out std_ulogic;
time_scan_in : in std_ulogic;
time_scan_out : out std_ulogic;
repr_scan_in : in std_ulogic;
repr_scan_out : out std_ulogic;
scan_dis_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
scan_diag_dc : in std_ulogic;
ccflush_dc : in std_ulogic;
ary0_clkoff_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
ary0_d_mode_dc : in std_ulogic;
ary0_mpw1_dc_b : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
ary0_mpw2_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
ary0_delay_lclkr_dc : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
ary1_clkoff_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
ary1_d_mode_dc : in std_ulogic;
ary1_mpw1_dc_b : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
ary1_mpw2_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
ary1_delay_lclkr_dc : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
lcb_bolt_sl_thold_0 : in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_enable_2 : in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_reset : in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_unload : in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_repair : in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_shdata : in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_select : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
bo_pc_failout : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
bo_pc_diagloop : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
tri_lcb_mpw1_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
tri_lcb_mpw2_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
tri_lcb_delay_lclkr_dc : in std_ulogic;
tri_lcb_clkoff_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
tri_lcb_act_dis_dc : in std_ulogic;
abist_di : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
abist_bw_odd : in std_ulogic;
abist_bw_even : in std_ulogic;
abist_wr_adr : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5);
wr_abst_act : in std_ulogic;
abist_rd0_adr : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5);
rd0_abst_act : in std_ulogic;
tc_lbist_ary_wrt_thru_dc : in std_ulogic;
abist_ena_1 : in std_ulogic;
abist_g8t_rd0_comp_ena : in std_ulogic;
abist_raw_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
obs0_abist_cmp : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3)
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
end entity tri_64x42_4w_1r1w;
architecture tri_64x42_4w_1r1w of tri_64x42_4w_1r1w is
a : if expand_type = 1 generate
component RAMB16_S36_S36
-- pragma translate_off
SIM_COLLISION_CHECK : string := "none");
-- pragma translate_on
DOA : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
DOB : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
DOPA : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
DOPB : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
ADDRA : in std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
ADDRB : in std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
CLKA : in std_ulogic;
CLKB : in std_ulogic;
DIA : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
DIB : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
DIPA : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
DIPB : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
ENA : in std_ulogic;
ENB : in std_ulogic;
SSRA : in std_ulogic;
SSRB : in std_ulogic;
WEA : in std_ulogic;
WEB : in std_ulogic);
end component;
-- pragma translate_off
-- pragma translate_on
signal clk, clk2x : std_ulogic;
signal addra, addrb : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 8);
signal wea0, wea1, wea2, wea3 : std_ulogic;
signal web0, web1, web2, web3 : std_ulogic;
signal bdo0, bdo1, bdo2, bdo3 : std_logic_vector(0 to 71);
signal bdi0, bdi1, bdi2, bdi3 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 71);
signal sreset : std_ulogic;
signal tidn : std_ulogic_vector(36 to 65);
signal reset_q : std_ulogic;
signal gate_fq, gate_d : std_ulogic;
signal bdo_d, bdo_fq : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 167);
signal toggle_d : std_ulogic;
signal toggle_q : std_ulogic;
signal toggle2x_d : std_ulogic;
signal toggle2x_q : std_ulogic;
signal unused : std_ulogic;
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
tidn <= (others=>'0');
clk <= nclk.clk;
clk2x <= nclk.clk2x;
sreset<= nclk.sreset;
rlatch: process (clk) begin
if(rising_edge(clk)) then
reset_q <= sreset after 10 ps;
end if;
end process;
tlatch: process (nclk.clk,reset_q)
if(rising_edge(nclk.clk)) then
if (reset_q = '1') then
toggle_q <= '1';
toggle_q <= toggle_d;
end if;
end if;
end process;
flatch: process (nclk.clk2x)
if(rising_edge(nclk.clk2x)) then
toggle2x_q <= toggle2x_d;
gate_fq <= gate_d;
bdo_fq <= bdo_d;
end if;
end process;
toggle_d <= not toggle_q;
toggle2x_d <= toggle_q;
gate_d <= not(toggle_q xor toggle2x_q);
bdi0 <= di(0 to 35) & tidn(36 to 65) & di(36 to 41);
bdi1 <= di(42 to 77) & tidn(36 to 65) & di(78 to 83);
bdi2 <= di(84 to 119) & tidn(36 to 65) & di(120 to 125);
bdi3 <= di(126 to 161) & tidn(36 to 65) & di(162 to 167);
bdo_d(0 to 41) <= std_ulogic_vector(bdo0(0 to 35) & bdo0(66 to 71));
bdo_d(42 to 83) <= std_ulogic_vector(bdo1(0 to 35) & bdo1(66 to 71));
bdo_d(84 to 125) <= std_ulogic_vector(bdo2(0 to 35) & bdo2(66 to 71));
bdo_d(126 to 167) <= std_ulogic_vector(bdo3(0 to 35) & bdo3(66 to 71));
do0 <= bdo_fq;
wea0 <= (wr_act and gate_fq and wr_way(0)) after 10 ps;
web0 <= (wr_act and gate_fq and wr_way(0)) after 10 ps;
wea1 <= (wr_act and gate_fq and wr_way(1)) after 10 ps;
web1 <= (wr_act and gate_fq and wr_way(1)) after 10 ps;
wea2 <= (wr_act and gate_fq and wr_way(2)) after 10 ps;
web2 <= (wr_act and gate_fq and wr_way(2)) after 10 ps;
wea3 <= (wr_act and gate_fq and wr_way(3)) after 10 ps;
web3 <= (wr_act and gate_fq and wr_way(3)) after 10 ps;
with gate_fq select
addra <= ("00" & wr_adr & '0') after 10 ps when '1',
("00" & rd0_adr & '0') after 10 ps when others;
with gate_fq select
addrb <= ("00" & wr_adr & '1') after 10 ps when '1',
("00" & rd0_adr & '1') after 10 ps when others;
bram0a : ramb16_s36_s36
-- pragma translate_off
generic map(
sim_collision_check => "none")
-- pragma translate_on
port map(
clka => clk2x,
clkb => clk2x,
ssra => sreset,
ssrb => sreset,
addra => std_logic_vector(addra),
addrb => std_logic_vector(addrb),
dia => std_logic_vector(bdi0(00 to 31)),
dipa => std_logic_vector(bdi0(32 to 35)),
dib => std_logic_vector(bdi0(36 to 67)),
dipb => std_logic_vector(bdi0(68 to 71)),
doa => bdo0(00 to 31),
dopa => bdo0(32 to 35),
dob => bdo0(36 to 67),
dopb => bdo0(68 to 71),
ena => '1',
enb => '1',
wea => wea0,
web => web0
bram0b : ramb16_s36_s36
-- pragma translate_off
generic map(
sim_collision_check => "none")
-- pragma translate_on
port map(
clka => clk2x,
clkb => clk2x,
ssra => sreset,
ssrb => sreset,
addra => std_logic_vector(addra),
addrb => std_logic_vector(addrb),
dia => std_logic_vector(bdi1(00 to 31)),
dipa => std_logic_vector(bdi1(32 to 35)),
dib => std_logic_vector(bdi1(36 to 67)),
dipb => std_logic_vector(bdi1(68 to 71)),
doa => bdo1(00 to 31),
dopa => bdo1(32 to 35),
dob => bdo1(36 to 67),
dopb => bdo1(68 to 71),
ena => '1',
enb => '1',
wea => wea1,
web => web1
bram0c : ramb16_s36_s36
-- pragma translate_off
generic map(
sim_collision_check => "none")
-- pragma translate_on
port map(
clka => clk2x,
clkb => clk2x,
ssra => sreset,
ssrb => sreset,
addra => std_logic_vector(addra),
addrb => std_logic_vector(addrb),
dia => std_logic_vector(bdi2(00 to 31)),
dipa => std_logic_vector(bdi2(32 to 35)),
dib => std_logic_vector(bdi2(36 to 67)),
dipb => std_logic_vector(bdi2(68 to 71)),
doa => bdo2(00 to 31),
dopa => bdo2(32 to 35),
dob => bdo2(36 to 67),
dopb => bdo2(68 to 71),
ena => '1',
enb => '1',
wea => wea2,
web => web2
bram0d : ramb16_s36_s36
-- pragma translate_off
generic map(
sim_collision_check => "none")
-- pragma translate_on
port map(
clka => clk2x,
clkb => clk2x,
ssra => sreset,
ssrb => sreset,
addra => std_logic_vector(addra),
addrb => std_logic_vector(addrb),
dia => std_logic_vector(bdi3(00 to 31)),
dipa => std_logic_vector(bdi3(32 to 35)),
dib => std_logic_vector(bdi3(36 to 67)),
dipb => std_logic_vector(bdi3(68 to 71)),
doa => bdo3(00 to 31),
dopa => bdo3(32 to 35),
dob => bdo3(36 to 67),
dopb => bdo3(68 to 71),
ena => '1',
enb => '1',
wea => wea3,
web => web3
abst_scan_out <= abst_scan_in;
time_scan_out <= time_scan_in;
repr_scan_out <= repr_scan_in;
bo_pc_failout <= "00";
bo_pc_diagloop <= "00";
unused <= or_reduce( sg_0 & abst_sl_thold_0 & ary_nsl_thold_0 & time_sl_thold_0 & repr_sl_thold_0
& ary0_clkoff_dc_b & ary0_d_mode_dc & ary0_mpw1_dc_b & ary0_mpw2_dc_b
& ary0_delay_lclkr_dc & ccflush_dc & scan_dis_dc_b & scan_diag_dc
& ary1_clkoff_dc_b & ary1_d_mode_dc & ary1_mpw1_dc_b & ary1_mpw2_dc_b
& ary1_delay_lclkr_dc & abist_di
& abist_bw_odd & abist_bw_even & abist_wr_adr & abist_rd0_adr
& wr_abst_act & rd0_abst_act
& tc_lbist_ary_wrt_thru_dc & abist_ena_1 & abist_g8t_rd0_comp_ena
& abist_raw_dc_b & obs0_abist_cmp & rd0_act
& std_ulogic_vector( bdo0(36 to 65) ) & std_ulogic_vector( bdo1(36 to 65) )
& std_ulogic_vector( bdo2(36 to 65) ) & std_ulogic_vector( bdo3(36 to 65) )
& lcb_bolt_sl_thold_0 & pc_bo_enable_2 & pc_bo_reset
& pc_bo_unload & pc_bo_repair & pc_bo_shdata & pc_bo_select
& tri_lcb_mpw1_dc_b & tri_lcb_mpw2_dc_b & tri_lcb_delay_lclkr_dc
& tri_lcb_clkoff_dc_b & tri_lcb_act_dis_dc );
end generate;
end architecture tri_64x42_4w_1r1w;
@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee,ibm,support,tri;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
-- pragma translate_off
-- pragma translate_on
entity tri_64x72_1r1w is
expand_type : integer := 1;
regsize : integer := 64);
port (
vdd : INOUT power_logic;
vcs : INOUT power_logic;
gnd : INOUT power_logic;
nclk : in clk_logic;
sg_0 : in std_ulogic;
abst_sl_thold_0 : in std_ulogic;
ary_nsl_thold_0 : in std_ulogic;
time_sl_thold_0 : in std_ulogic;
repr_sl_thold_0 : in std_ulogic;
rd0_act : in std_ulogic;
rd0_adr : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5);
do0 : out std_ulogic_vector(64-regsize to 72-(64/regsize));
wr_act : in std_ulogic;
wr_adr : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5);
di : in std_ulogic_vector(64-regsize to 72-(64/regsize));
abst_scan_in : in std_ulogic;
abst_scan_out : out std_ulogic;
time_scan_in : in std_ulogic;
time_scan_out : out std_ulogic;
repr_scan_in : in std_ulogic;
repr_scan_out : out std_ulogic;
scan_dis_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
scan_diag_dc : in std_ulogic;
ccflush_dc : in std_ulogic;
clkoff_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
d_mode_dc : in std_ulogic;
mpw1_dc_b : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
mpw2_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
delay_lclkr_dc : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
lcb_bolt_sl_thold_0 : in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_enable_2 : in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_reset : in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_unload : in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_repair : in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_shdata : in std_ulogic;
pc_bo_select : in std_ulogic;
bo_pc_failout : out std_ulogic;
bo_pc_diagloop : out std_ulogic;
tri_lcb_mpw1_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
tri_lcb_mpw2_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
tri_lcb_delay_lclkr_dc : in std_ulogic;
tri_lcb_clkoff_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
tri_lcb_act_dis_dc : in std_ulogic;
abist_di : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
abist_bw_odd : in std_ulogic;
abist_bw_even : in std_ulogic;
abist_wr_adr : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5);
wr_abst_act : in std_ulogic;
abist_rd0_adr : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5);
rd0_abst_act : in std_ulogic;
tc_lbist_ary_wrt_thru_dc : in std_ulogic;
abist_ena_1 : in std_ulogic;
abist_g8t_rd0_comp_ena : in std_ulogic;
abist_raw_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
obs0_abist_cmp : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3)
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
end entity tri_64x72_1r1w;
architecture tri_64x72_1r1w of tri_64x72_1r1w is
a : if expand_type = 1 generate
component RAMB16_S36_S36
-- pragma translate_off
SIM_COLLISION_CHECK : string := "none");
-- pragma translate_on
DOA : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
DOB : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
DOPA : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
DOPB : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
ADDRA : in std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
ADDRB : in std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
CLKA : in std_ulogic;
CLKB : in std_ulogic;
DIA : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
DIB : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
DIPA : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
DIPB : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
ENA : in std_ulogic;
ENB : in std_ulogic;
SSRA : in std_ulogic;
SSRB : in std_ulogic;
WEA : in std_ulogic;
WEB : in std_ulogic);
end component;
-- pragma translate_off
-- pragma translate_on
signal clk, clk2x : std_ulogic;
signal addra, addrb : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 8);
signal wea, web : std_ulogic;
signal bdo : std_logic_vector(0 to 71);
signal bdi : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 71);
signal sreset : std_ulogic;
signal tidn : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 71);
signal reset_q : std_ulogic;
signal gate_fq, gate_d : std_ulogic;
signal bdo_d, bdo_fq : std_ulogic_vector(64-regsize to 72-(64/regsize));
signal toggle_d : std_ulogic;
signal toggle_q : std_ulogic;
signal toggle2x_d : std_ulogic;
signal toggle2x_q : std_ulogic;
signal unused : std_ulogic;
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
tidn <= (others=>'0');
clk <= nclk.clk;
clk2x <= nclk.clk2x;
sreset<= nclk.sreset;
rlatch: process (clk) begin
if(rising_edge(clk)) then
reset_q <= sreset after 10 ps;
end if;
end process;
tlatch: process (nclk.clk,reset_q)
if(rising_edge(nclk.clk)) then
if (reset_q = '1') then
toggle_q <= '1';
toggle_q <= toggle_d;
end if;
end if;
end process;
flatch: process (nclk.clk2x)
if(rising_edge(nclk.clk2x)) then
toggle2x_q <= toggle2x_d;
gate_fq <= gate_d;
bdo_fq <= bdo_d;
end if;
end process;
toggle_d <= not toggle_q;
toggle2x_d <= toggle_q;
gate_d <= not(toggle_q xor toggle2x_q);
in32 : if regsize = 32 generate
bdi <= tidn(0 to 31) & di(32 to 63) & di(64 to 70) & tidn(71);
end generate;
in64 : if regsize = 64 generate
bdi <= di(0 to 71);
end generate;
bdo_d <= std_ulogic_vector(bdo(64-regsize to 72-(64/regsize)));
do0 <= bdo_fq;
wea <= (wr_act and gate_fq) after 10 ps;
web <= (wr_act and gate_fq) after 10 ps;
with gate_fq select
addra <= ("00" & wr_adr & '0') after 10 ps when '1',
("00" & rd0_adr & '0') after 10 ps when others;
with gate_fq select
addrb <= ("00" & wr_adr & '1') after 10 ps when '1',
("00" & rd0_adr & '1') after 10 ps when others;
bram0a : ramb16_s36_s36
-- pragma translate_off
generic map(
sim_collision_check => "none")
-- pragma translate_on
port map(
clka => clk2x,
clkb => clk2x,
ssra => sreset,
ssrb => sreset,
addra => std_logic_vector(addra),
addrb => std_logic_vector(addrb),
dia => std_logic_vector(bdi(00 to 31)),
dib => std_logic_vector(bdi(32 to 63)),
dipa => std_logic_vector(bdi(64 to 67)),
dipb => std_logic_vector(bdi(68 to 71)),
doa => bdo(00 to 31),
dob => bdo(32 to 63),
dopa => bdo(64 to 67),
dopb => bdo(68 to 71),
ena => '1',
enb => '1',
wea => wea,
web => web
abst_scan_out <= abst_scan_in;
time_scan_out <= time_scan_in;
repr_scan_out <= repr_scan_in;
bo_pc_failout <= '0';
bo_pc_diagloop <= '0';
unused <= or_reduce( sg_0 & abst_sl_thold_0 & ary_nsl_thold_0 & time_sl_thold_0 & repr_sl_thold_0
& scan_dis_dc_b & scan_diag_dc & ccflush_dc
& clkoff_dc_b & d_mode_dc & mpw1_dc_b & mpw2_dc_b
& delay_lclkr_dc & abist_di
& abist_bw_odd & abist_bw_even & abist_wr_adr & abist_rd0_adr
& wr_abst_act & rd0_abst_act
& tc_lbist_ary_wrt_thru_dc & abist_ena_1 & abist_g8t_rd0_comp_ena
& abist_raw_dc_b & obs0_abist_cmp & rd0_act & tidn
& lcb_bolt_sl_thold_0 & pc_bo_enable_2 & pc_bo_reset
& pc_bo_unload & pc_bo_repair & pc_bo_shdata & pc_bo_select
& tri_lcb_mpw1_dc_b & tri_lcb_mpw2_dc_b & tri_lcb_delay_lclkr_dc
& tri_lcb_clkoff_dc_b & tri_lcb_act_dis_dc );
end generate;
end architecture tri_64x72_1r1w;
@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library support;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
library tri; use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
-- pragma translate_off
-- pragma translate_on
entity tri_aoi22_nlats is
generic (
offset : natural range 0 to 65535 := 0;
width : positive range 1 to 65536 := 1 ;
init : std_ulogic_vector := "0" ;
synthclonedlatch : string := "" ;
btr : string := "NLL0001_X2_A12TH" ;
needs_sreset : integer := 1 ;
expand_type : integer := 1 );
port (
vd : inout power_logic;
gd : inout power_logic;
LCLK : in clk_logic;
D1CLK : in std_ulogic;
D2CLK : in std_ulogic;
SCANIN : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
SCANOUT : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
A1 : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
A2 : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
B1 : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
B2 : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
QB : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1)
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
end entity tri_aoi22_nlats;
architecture tri_aoi22_nlats of tri_aoi22_nlats is
a: if expand_type = 1 generate
constant init_v : std_ulogic_vector(0 to (init'length + width-1)):=init & (0 to width-1=>'0');
constant zeros : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1) := (0 to width-1 => '0');
signal sreset : std_ulogic;
signal int_din : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal int_dout : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1) := init_v(0 to width-1);
signal vact, vact_b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal vsreset, vsreset_b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal vthold, vthold_b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal din : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal unused : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
rst: if needs_sreset = 1 generate
sreset <= LCLK.sreset;
end generate rst;
no_rst: if needs_sreset /=1 generate
sreset <= '0';
end generate no_rst;
vsreset <= (0 to width-1 => sreset);
vsreset_b <= (0 to width-1 => not sreset);
din <= (A1 and A2) or (B1 and B2) ;
int_din <= (vsreset_b and din) or
(vsreset and init_v(0 to width-1));
vact <= (0 to width-1 => D1CLK);
vact_b <= (0 to width-1 => not D1CLK);
vthold_b <= (0 to width-1 => D2CLK);
vthold <= (0 to width-1 => not D2CLK);
l: process (LCLK, vact, int_din, vact_b, int_dout, vsreset, vsreset_b, vthold_b, vthold)
if rising_edge(LCLK.clk) then
int_dout <= (((vact and vthold_b) or vsreset) and int_din) or
(((vact_b or vthold) and vsreset_b) and int_dout);
end if;
end process l;
QB <= not int_dout;
SCANOUT <= zeros;
unused <= SCANIN;
end generate a;
end tri_aoi22_nlats;
@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library support;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
library tri; use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
-- pragma translate_off
-- pragma translate_on
entity tri_aoi22_nlats_wlcb is
generic (
width : integer := 4;
offset : integer range 0 to 65535 := 0 ;
init : integer := 0;
ibuf : boolean := false;
dualscan : string := "";
needs_sreset: integer := 1 ;
expand_type : integer := 1 ;
synthclonedlatch : string := "" ;
btr : string := "NLL0001_X2_A12TH" );
port (
vd : inout power_logic;
gd : inout power_logic;
nclk : in clk_logic;
act : in std_ulogic := '1';
forcee : in std_ulogic := '0';
thold_b : in std_ulogic := '1';
d_mode : in std_ulogic := '0';
sg : in std_ulogic := '0';
delay_lclkr : in std_ulogic := '0';
mpw1_b : in std_ulogic := '1';
mpw2_b : in std_ulogic := '1';
scin : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
scout : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
A1 : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
A2 : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
B1 : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
B2 : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
QB : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1));
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
end entity tri_aoi22_nlats_wlcb;
architecture tri_aoi22_nlats_wlcb of tri_aoi22_nlats_wlcb is
constant init_v : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1) := std_ulogic_vector( to_unsigned( init, width ) );
constant zeros : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1) := (0 to width-1 => '0');
a: if expand_type = 1 generate
signal sreset : std_ulogic;
signal int_din, din : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal int_dout : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1) := init_v;
signal vact, vact_b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal vsreset, vsreset_b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal vthold, vthold_b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal unused : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width);
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
rst: if needs_sreset = 1 generate
sreset <= nclk.sreset;
end generate rst;
no_rst: if needs_sreset /=1 generate
sreset <= '0';
end generate no_rst;
vsreset <= (0 to width-1 => sreset);
vsreset_b <= (0 to width-1 => not sreset);
din <= (A1 and A2) or (B1 and B2) ;
int_din <= (vsreset_b and din) or
(vsreset and init_v);
vact <= (0 to width-1 => (act or forcee));
vact_b <= (0 to width-1 => not (act or forcee));
vthold_b <= (0 to width-1 => thold_b);
vthold <= (0 to width-1 => not thold_b);
l: process (nclk, vact, int_din, vact_b, int_dout, vsreset, vsreset_b, vthold_b, vthold)
if rising_edge(nclk.clk) then
int_dout <= (((vact and vthold_b) or vsreset) and int_din) or
(((vact_b or vthold) and vsreset_b) and int_dout);
end if;
end process l;
QB <= not int_dout;
scout <= zeros;
unused(0) <= d_mode or sg or delay_lclkr or mpw1_b or mpw2_b;
unused(1 to width) <= scin;
end generate a;
end tri_aoi22_nlats_wlcb;
@ -0,0 +1,501 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
library ibm;
use ibm.std_ulogic_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_unsigned.all;
library support;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
library tri;
use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
entity tri_bht is
generic(expand_type : integer := 1 );
gnd : inout power_logic;
vdd : inout power_logic;
vcs : inout power_logic;
nclk : in clk_logic;
pc_iu_func_sl_thold_2 : in std_ulogic;
pc_iu_sg_2 : in std_ulogic;
pc_iu_time_sl_thold_2 : in std_ulogic;
pc_iu_abst_sl_thold_2 : in std_ulogic;
pc_iu_ary_nsl_thold_2 : in std_ulogic;
pc_iu_repr_sl_thold_2 : in std_ulogic;
pc_iu_bolt_sl_thold_2 : in std_ulogic;
tc_ac_ccflush_dc : in std_ulogic;
tc_ac_scan_dis_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
clkoff_b : in std_ulogic;
scan_diag_dc : in std_ulogic;
act_dis : in std_ulogic;
d_mode : in std_ulogic;
delay_lclkr : in std_ulogic;
mpw1_b : in std_ulogic;
mpw2_b : in std_ulogic;
g8t_clkoff_b : in std_ulogic;
g8t_d_mode : in std_ulogic;
g8t_delay_lclkr : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
g8t_mpw1_b : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
g8t_mpw2_b : in std_ulogic;
func_scan_in : in std_ulogic;
time_scan_in : in std_ulogic;
abst_scan_in : in std_ulogic;
repr_scan_in : in std_ulogic;
func_scan_out : out std_ulogic;
time_scan_out : out std_ulogic;
abst_scan_out : out std_ulogic;
repr_scan_out : out std_ulogic;
pc_iu_abist_di_0 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
pc_iu_abist_g8t_bw_1 : in std_ulogic;
pc_iu_abist_g8t_bw_0 : in std_ulogic;
pc_iu_abist_waddr_0 : in std_ulogic_vector(3 to 9);
pc_iu_abist_g8t_wenb : in std_ulogic;
pc_iu_abist_raddr_0 : in std_ulogic_vector(3 to 9);
pc_iu_abist_g8t1p_renb_0 : in std_ulogic;
an_ac_lbist_ary_wrt_thru_dc: in std_ulogic;
pc_iu_abist_ena_dc : in std_ulogic;
pc_iu_abist_wl128_comp_ena : in std_ulogic;
pc_iu_abist_raw_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
pc_iu_abist_g8t_dcomp : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
pc_iu_bo_enable_2 : in std_ulogic;
pc_iu_bo_reset : in std_ulogic;
pc_iu_bo_unload : in std_ulogic;
pc_iu_bo_repair : in std_ulogic;
pc_iu_bo_shdata : in std_ulogic;
pc_iu_bo_select : in std_ulogic;
iu_pc_bo_fail : out std_ulogic;
iu_pc_bo_diagout : out std_ulogic;
r_act : in std_ulogic;
w_act : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
r_addr : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
w_addr : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
data_in : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
data_out0 : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
data_out1 : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
data_out2 : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
data_out3 : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1)
-- pragma translate_off
-- pragma translate_on
end tri_bht;
architecture tri_bht of tri_bht is
constant data_in_offset : natural := 0;
constant w_act_offset : natural := data_in_offset + 2;
constant r_act_offset : natural := w_act_offset + 4;
constant w_addr_offset : natural := r_act_offset + 1;
constant r_addr_offset : natural := w_addr_offset + 8;
constant data_out_offset : natural := r_addr_offset + 8;
constant array_offset : natural := data_out_offset + 8;
constant scan_right : natural := array_offset + 1 - 1;
constant INIT_MASK : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1) := "10";
signal pc_iu_func_sl_thold_1 : std_ulogic;
signal pc_iu_func_sl_thold_0 : std_ulogic;
signal pc_iu_func_sl_thold_0_b : std_ulogic;
signal pc_iu_time_sl_thold_1 : std_ulogic;
signal pc_iu_time_sl_thold_0 : std_ulogic;
signal pc_iu_ary_nsl_thold_1 : std_ulogic;
signal pc_iu_ary_nsl_thold_0 : std_ulogic;
signal pc_iu_abst_sl_thold_1 : std_ulogic;
signal pc_iu_abst_sl_thold_0 : std_ulogic;
signal pc_iu_repr_sl_thold_1 : std_ulogic;
signal pc_iu_repr_sl_thold_0 : std_ulogic;
signal pc_iu_bolt_sl_thold_1 : std_ulogic;
signal pc_iu_bolt_sl_thold_0 : std_ulogic;
signal pc_iu_sg_1 : std_ulogic;
signal pc_iu_sg_0 : std_ulogic;
signal forcee : std_ulogic;
signal siv : std_ulogic_vector(0 to scan_right);
signal sov : std_ulogic_vector(0 to scan_right);
signal tiup : std_ulogic;
signal data_out_d : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
signal data_out_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
signal ary_w_en : std_ulogic;
signal ary_w_addr : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 6);
signal ary_w_sel : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 15);
signal ary_w_data : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 15);
signal ary_r_en : std_ulogic;
signal ary_r_addr : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 6);
signal ary_r_data : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 15);
signal data_out : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
signal write_thru : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal data_in_d : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
signal data_in_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
signal w_act_d : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal w_act_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal r_act_d : std_ulogic;
signal r_act_q : std_ulogic;
signal w_addr_d : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
signal w_addr_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
signal r_addr_d : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
signal r_addr_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
tiup <= '1';
data_out0(0 to 1) <= data_out_q(0 to 1);
data_out1(0 to 1) <= data_out_q(2 to 3);
data_out2(0 to 1) <= data_out_q(4 to 5);
data_out3(0 to 1) <= data_out_q(6 to 7);
ary_w_en <= or_reduce(w_act(0 to 3)) and not ((w_addr(1 to 7) = r_addr(1 to 7)) and r_act = '1');
ary_w_addr(0 to 6) <= w_addr(1 to 7);
ary_w_sel(0) <= w_act(0) and w_addr(0) = '0';
ary_w_sel(1) <= w_act(0) and w_addr(0) = '0';
ary_w_sel(2) <= w_act(1) and w_addr(0) = '0';
ary_w_sel(3) <= w_act(1) and w_addr(0) = '0';
ary_w_sel(4) <= w_act(2) and w_addr(0) = '0';
ary_w_sel(5) <= w_act(2) and w_addr(0) = '0';
ary_w_sel(6) <= w_act(3) and w_addr(0) = '0';
ary_w_sel(7) <= w_act(3) and w_addr(0) = '0';
ary_w_sel(8) <= w_act(0) and w_addr(0) = '1';
ary_w_sel(9) <= w_act(0) and w_addr(0) = '1';
ary_w_sel(10) <= w_act(1) and w_addr(0) = '1';
ary_w_sel(11) <= w_act(1) and w_addr(0) = '1';
ary_w_sel(12) <= w_act(2) and w_addr(0) = '1';
ary_w_sel(13) <= w_act(2) and w_addr(0) = '1';
ary_w_sel(14) <= w_act(3) and w_addr(0) = '1';
ary_w_sel(15) <= w_act(3) and w_addr(0) = '1';
ary_w_data(0 to 15) <= (data_in(0 to 1) xor INIT_MASK(0 to 1)) &
(data_in(0 to 1) xor INIT_MASK(0 to 1)) &
(data_in(0 to 1) xor INIT_MASK(0 to 1)) &
(data_in(0 to 1) xor INIT_MASK(0 to 1)) &
(data_in(0 to 1) xor INIT_MASK(0 to 1)) &
(data_in(0 to 1) xor INIT_MASK(0 to 1)) &
(data_in(0 to 1) xor INIT_MASK(0 to 1)) &
(data_in(0 to 1) xor INIT_MASK(0 to 1)) ;
ary_r_en <= r_act;
ary_r_addr(0 to 6) <= r_addr(1 to 7);
data_out(0 to 7) <= gate(ary_r_data(0 to 7) xor (INIT_MASK(0 to 1) & INIT_MASK(0 to 1) & INIT_MASK(0 to 1) & INIT_MASK(0 to 1)), r_addr_q(0) = '0') or
gate(ary_r_data(8 to 15) xor (INIT_MASK(0 to 1) & INIT_MASK(0 to 1) & INIT_MASK(0 to 1) & INIT_MASK(0 to 1)), r_addr_q(0) = '1') ;
data_in_d(0 to 1) <= data_in(0 to 1);
w_act_d(0 to 3) <= w_act(0 to 3);
r_act_d <= r_act;
w_addr_d(0 to 7) <= w_addr(0 to 7);
r_addr_d(0 to 7) <= r_addr(0 to 7);
write_thru(0 to 3) <= w_act_q(0 to 3) when (w_addr_q(0 to 7) = r_addr_q(0 to 7)) and r_act_q = '1' else "0000";
data_out_d(0 to 1) <= data_in_q(0 to 1) when write_thru(0) = '1' else
data_out(0 to 1);
data_out_d(2 to 3) <= data_in_q(0 to 1) when write_thru(1) = '1' else
data_out(2 to 3);
data_out_d(4 to 5) <= data_in_q(0 to 1) when write_thru(2) = '1' else
data_out(4 to 5);
data_out_d(6 to 7) <= data_in_q(0 to 1) when write_thru(3) = '1' else
data_out(6 to 7);
bht0: entity tri.tri_128x16_1r1w_1
generic map ( expand_type => expand_type )
port map(
gnd => gnd,
vdd => vdd,
vcs => vcs,
nclk => nclk,
rd_act => ary_r_en,
wr_act => ary_w_en,
lcb_d_mode_dc => g8t_d_mode,
lcb_clkoff_dc_b => g8t_clkoff_b,
lcb_mpw1_dc_b => g8t_mpw1_b,
lcb_mpw2_dc_b => g8t_mpw2_b,
lcb_delay_lclkr_dc => g8t_delay_lclkr,
ccflush_dc => tc_ac_ccflush_dc,
scan_dis_dc_b => tc_ac_scan_dis_dc_b,
scan_diag_dc => scan_diag_dc,
func_scan_in => siv(array_offset),
func_scan_out => sov(array_offset),
lcb_sg_0 => pc_iu_sg_0,
lcb_sl_thold_0_b => pc_iu_func_sl_thold_0_b,
lcb_time_sl_thold_0 => pc_iu_time_sl_thold_0,
lcb_abst_sl_thold_0 => pc_iu_abst_sl_thold_0,
lcb_ary_nsl_thold_0 => pc_iu_ary_nsl_thold_0,
lcb_repr_sl_thold_0 => pc_iu_repr_sl_thold_0,
time_scan_in => time_scan_in,
time_scan_out => time_scan_out,
abst_scan_in => abst_scan_in,
abst_scan_out => abst_scan_out,
repr_scan_in => repr_scan_in,
repr_scan_out => repr_scan_out,
abist_di => pc_iu_abist_di_0,
abist_bw_odd => pc_iu_abist_g8t_bw_1,
abist_bw_even => pc_iu_abist_g8t_bw_0,
abist_wr_adr => pc_iu_abist_waddr_0,
wr_abst_act => pc_iu_abist_g8t_wenb,
abist_rd0_adr => pc_iu_abist_raddr_0,
rd0_abst_act => pc_iu_abist_g8t1p_renb_0,
tc_lbist_ary_wrt_thru_dc => an_ac_lbist_ary_wrt_thru_dc,
abist_ena_1 => pc_iu_abist_ena_dc,
abist_g8t_rd0_comp_ena => pc_iu_abist_wl128_comp_ena,
abist_raw_dc_b => pc_iu_abist_raw_dc_b,
obs0_abist_cmp => pc_iu_abist_g8t_dcomp,
lcb_bolt_sl_thold_0 => pc_iu_bolt_sl_thold_0,
pc_bo_enable_2 => pc_iu_bo_enable_2,
pc_bo_reset => pc_iu_bo_reset,
pc_bo_unload => pc_iu_bo_unload,
pc_bo_repair => pc_iu_bo_repair,
pc_bo_shdata => pc_iu_bo_shdata,
pc_bo_select => pc_iu_bo_select,
bo_pc_failout => iu_pc_bo_fail,
bo_pc_diagloop => iu_pc_bo_diagout,
tri_lcb_mpw1_dc_b => mpw1_b,
tri_lcb_mpw2_dc_b => mpw2_b,
tri_lcb_delay_lclkr_dc => delay_lclkr,
tri_lcb_clkoff_dc_b => clkoff_b,
tri_lcb_act_dis_dc => act_dis,
bw => ary_w_sel,
wr_adr => ary_w_addr,
rd_adr => ary_r_addr,
di => ary_w_data,
do => ary_r_data
data_in_reg: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => data_in_q'length, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => tiup,
thold_b => pc_iu_func_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_iu_sg_0,
forcee => forcee,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b,
d_mode => d_mode,
scin => siv(data_in_offset to data_in_offset + data_in_q'length-1),
scout => sov(data_in_offset to data_in_offset + data_in_q'length-1),
din => data_in_d,
dout => data_in_q);
w_act_reg: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => w_act_q'length, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => tiup,
thold_b => pc_iu_func_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_iu_sg_0,
forcee => forcee,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b,
d_mode => d_mode,
scin => siv(w_act_offset to w_act_offset + w_act_q'length-1),
scout => sov(w_act_offset to w_act_offset + w_act_q'length-1),
din => w_act_d,
dout => w_act_q);
r_act_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => tiup,
thold_b => pc_iu_func_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_iu_sg_0,
forcee => forcee,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b,
d_mode => d_mode,
scin => siv(r_act_offset),
scout => sov(r_act_offset),
din => r_act_d,
dout => r_act_q);
w_addr_reg: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => w_addr_q'length, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => tiup,
thold_b => pc_iu_func_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_iu_sg_0,
forcee => forcee,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b,
d_mode => d_mode,
scin => siv(w_addr_offset to w_addr_offset + w_addr_q'length-1),
scout => sov(w_addr_offset to w_addr_offset + w_addr_q'length-1),
din => w_addr_d,
dout => w_addr_q);
r_addr_reg: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => r_addr_q'length, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => tiup,
thold_b => pc_iu_func_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_iu_sg_0,
forcee => forcee,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b,
d_mode => d_mode,
scin => siv(r_addr_offset to r_addr_offset + r_addr_q'length-1),
scout => sov(r_addr_offset to r_addr_offset + r_addr_q'length-1),
din => r_addr_d,
dout => r_addr_q);
data_out_reg: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => data_out_q'length, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => tiup,
thold_b => pc_iu_func_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_iu_sg_0,
forcee => forcee,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b,
d_mode => d_mode,
scin => siv(data_out_offset to data_out_offset + data_out_q'length-1),
scout => sov(data_out_offset to data_out_offset + data_out_q'length-1),
din => data_out_d,
dout => data_out_q);
perv_2to1_reg: tri_plat
generic map (width => 7, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
flush => tc_ac_ccflush_dc,
din(0) => pc_iu_func_sl_thold_2,
din(1) => pc_iu_sg_2,
din(2) => pc_iu_time_sl_thold_2,
din(3) => pc_iu_abst_sl_thold_2,
din(4) => pc_iu_ary_nsl_thold_2,
din(5) => pc_iu_repr_sl_thold_2,
din(6) => pc_iu_bolt_sl_thold_2,
q(0) => pc_iu_func_sl_thold_1,
q(1) => pc_iu_sg_1,
q(2) => pc_iu_time_sl_thold_1,
q(3) => pc_iu_abst_sl_thold_1,
q(4) => pc_iu_ary_nsl_thold_1,
q(5) => pc_iu_repr_sl_thold_1,
q(6) => pc_iu_bolt_sl_thold_1
perv_1to0_reg: tri_plat
generic map (width => 7, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
flush => tc_ac_ccflush_dc,
din(0) => pc_iu_func_sl_thold_1,
din(1) => pc_iu_sg_1,
din(2) => pc_iu_time_sl_thold_1,
din(3) => pc_iu_abst_sl_thold_1,
din(4) => pc_iu_ary_nsl_thold_1,
din(5) => pc_iu_repr_sl_thold_1,
din(6) => pc_iu_bolt_sl_thold_1,
q(0) => pc_iu_func_sl_thold_0,
q(1) => pc_iu_sg_0,
q(2) => pc_iu_time_sl_thold_0,
q(3) => pc_iu_abst_sl_thold_0,
q(4) => pc_iu_ary_nsl_thold_0,
q(5) => pc_iu_repr_sl_thold_0,
q(6) => pc_iu_bolt_sl_thold_0
perv_lcbor: tri_lcbor
generic map (expand_type => expand_type)
port map (clkoff_b => clkoff_b,
thold => pc_iu_func_sl_thold_0,
sg => pc_iu_sg_0,
act_dis => act_dis,
forcee => forcee,
thold_b => pc_iu_func_sl_thold_0_b);
siv(0 to scan_right) <= func_scan_in & sov(0 to scan_right-1);
func_scan_out <= sov(scan_right);
end tri_bht;
@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library ibm;
library support;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
library tri; use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
entity tri_boltreg_p is
generic (
width : integer := 4;
offset : integer range 0 to 65535 := 0 ;
init : integer := 0;
ibuf : boolean := false;
dualscan : string := "";
needs_sreset: integer := 1 ;
expand_type : integer := 1 );
port (
vd : inout power_logic;
gd : inout power_logic;
nclk : in clk_logic;
act : in std_ulogic := '1';
forcee : in std_ulogic := '0';
thold_b : in std_ulogic := '1';
d_mode : in std_ulogic := '0';
sg : in std_ulogic := '0';
delay_lclkr : in std_ulogic := '0';
mpw1_b : in std_ulogic := '1';
mpw2_b : in std_ulogic := '1';
scin : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
din : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
scout : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
dout : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1) );
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
end entity tri_boltreg_p;
architecture tri_boltreg_p of tri_boltreg_p is
constant init_v : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1) := std_ulogic_vector( to_unsigned( init, width ) );
constant zeros : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1) := (0 to width-1 => '0');
-- synopsys translate_off
um: if expand_type = 0 generate
component c_rlmreg_p
generic ( width : positive := 4 ;
init : std_ulogic_vector := "0";
dualscan : string := ""
port (
nclk : in std_ulogic;
act : in std_ulogic;
thold_b : in std_ulogic;
sg : in std_ulogic;
scin : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
din : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
dout : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
scout : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1)
end component;
signal scanin_inv : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal scanout_inv : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal act_or_force : std_ulogic;
signal din_buf : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal dout_buf : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
act_or_force <= act or forcee;
if ibuf = true generate
din_buf <= not din;
dout <= not dout_buf;
end generate cib;
if ibuf = false generate
din_buf <= din;
dout <= dout_buf;
end generate cnib;
generic map (width => width, init => init_v, dualscan => dualscan)
port map (
nclk => nclk.clk,
act => act_or_force,
thold_b => thold_b,
sg => sg,
scin => scanin_inv,
din => din_buf,
scout => scanout_inv,
dout => dout_buf);
scanin_inv <= scin xor init_v;
scout <= scanout_inv xor init_v;
end generate um;
-- synopsys translate_on
a: if expand_type = 1 generate
signal sreset : std_ulogic;
signal int_din : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal int_dout : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1) := init_v;
signal vact, vact_b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal vsreset, vsreset_b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal vthold, vthold_b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal unused : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width);
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
rst: if needs_sreset = 1 generate
sreset <= nclk.sreset;
end generate rst;
no_rst: if needs_sreset /=1 generate
sreset <= '0';
end generate no_rst;
vsreset <= (0 to width-1 => sreset);
vsreset_b <= (0 to width-1 => not sreset);
cib: if ibuf = true generate
int_din <= (vsreset_b and not din) or
(vsreset and init_v);
end generate cib;
cnib: if ibuf = false generate
int_din <= (vsreset_b and din) or
(vsreset and init_v);
end generate cnib;
vact <= (0 to width-1 => (act or forcee));
vact_b <= (0 to width-1 => not (act or forcee));
vthold_b <= (0 to width-1 => thold_b);
vthold <= (0 to width-1 => not thold_b);
l: process (nclk, vact, int_din, vact_b, int_dout, vsreset, vsreset_b, vthold_b, vthold)
if rising_edge(nclk.clk) then
int_dout <= (((vact and vthold_b) or vsreset) and int_din) or
(((vact_b or vthold) and vsreset_b) and int_dout);
end if;
end process l;
cob: if ibuf = true generate
dout <= not int_dout;
end generate cob;
cnob: if ibuf = false generate
dout <= int_dout;
end generate cnob;
scout <= zeros;
unused(0) <= d_mode or sg or delay_lclkr or mpw1_b or mpw2_b;
unused(1 to width) <= scin;
end generate a;
end tri_boltreg_p;
@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee, ibm;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all;
library support;
USE support.power_logic_pkg.all;
library tri;
use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
entity tri_caa_prism_abist is
generic(expand_type : integer := 1 );
Port (vdd : INOUT power_logic;
gnd : INOUT power_logic;
nclk : In clk_logic;
scan_dis_dc_b : In std_ulogic;
lcb_clkoff_dc_b : In std_ulogic;
lcb_mpw1_dc_b : In std_ulogic;
lcb_mpw2_dc_b : In std_ulogic;
lcb_delay_lclkr_dc : In std_ulogic;
lcb_delay_lclkr_np_dc : In std_ulogic;
lcb_act_dis_dc : In std_ulogic;
lcb_d_mode_dc : In std_ulogic;
gptr_thold : In std_ulogic;
gptr_scan_in : In std_ulogic;
gptr_scan_out : Out std_ulogic;
abist_thold : In std_ulogic;
abist_sg : In std_ulogic;
abist_scan_in : In std_ulogic;
abist_scan_out : Out std_ulogic;
abist_done_in_dc : In std_ulogic;
abist_done_out_dc : Out std_ulogic;
abist_mode_dc : In std_ulogic;
abist_start_test : In std_ulogic;
lbist_mode_dc : In std_ulogic;
lbist_ac_mode_dc : In std_ulogic;
abist_waddr_0 : Out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 9);
abist_waddr_1 : Out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 9);
abist_grf_wenb_0 : Out std_ulogic;
abist_grf_wenb_1 : Out std_ulogic;
abist_raddr_0 : Out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 9);
abist_raddr_1 : Out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 9);
abist_grf_renb_0 : Out std_ulogic;
abist_grf_renb_1 : Out std_ulogic;
abist_g8t_wenb : Out std_ulogic;
abist_g8t1p_renb_0 : Out std_ulogic;
abist_g6t_r_wb : Out std_ulogic;
abist_di_g6t_2r : Out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
abist_di_0 : Out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
abist_di_1 : Out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
abist_dcomp : Out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
abist_dcomp_g6t_2r : Out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
abist_bw_0 : Out std_ulogic;
abist_bw_1 : Out std_ulogic;
abist_wl32_g8t_comp_ena : Out std_ulogic;
abist_wl64_g8t_comp_ena : Out std_ulogic;
abist_wl128_g8t_comp_ena : Out std_ulogic;
abist_wl144_comp_ena : Out std_ulogic;
abist_wl256_comp_ena : Out std_ulogic;
abist_wl512_comp_ena : Out std_ulogic;
abist_ena_dc : Out std_ulogic;
abist_raw_dc_b : Out std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
end entity tri_caa_prism_abist;
architecture tri_caa_prism_abist of tri_caa_prism_abist is
signal unused : std_ulogic;
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
gptr_scan_out <= '0';
abist_scan_out <= '0';
abist_done_out_dc <= '0';
abist_waddr_0 <= "0000000000";
abist_waddr_1 <= "0000000000";
abist_grf_wenb_0 <= '0';
abist_grf_wenb_1 <= '0';
abist_raddr_0 <= "0000000000";
abist_raddr_1 <= "0000000000";
abist_grf_renb_0 <= '0';
abist_grf_renb_1 <= '0';
abist_g8t_wenb <= '0';
abist_g8t1p_renb_0 <= '0';
abist_g6t_r_wb <= '0';
abist_di_g6t_2r <= "0000";
abist_di_0 <= "0000";
abist_di_1 <= "0000";
abist_dcomp <= "0000";
abist_dcomp_g6t_2r <= "0000";
abist_bw_0 <= '0';
abist_bw_1 <= '0';
abist_wl32_g8t_comp_ena <= '0';
abist_wl64_g8t_comp_ena <= '0';
abist_wl128_g8t_comp_ena <= '0';
abist_wl144_comp_ena <= '0';
abist_wl256_comp_ena <= '0';
abist_wl512_comp_ena <= '0';
abist_ena_dc <= '0';
abist_raw_dc_b <= '0';
unused <= or_reduce(scan_dis_dc_b & lcb_clkoff_dc_b & lcb_mpw1_dc_b & lcb_mpw2_dc_b &
lcb_delay_lclkr_dc & lcb_delay_lclkr_np_dc & lcb_act_dis_dc & lcb_d_mode_dc &
gptr_thold & gptr_scan_in & abist_thold & abist_sg & abist_scan_in &
abist_done_in_dc & abist_mode_dc & abist_start_test &
lbist_mode_dc & lbist_ac_mode_dc );
end tri_caa_prism_abist;
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;
library ibm;
use ibm.std_ulogic_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all;
entity tri_cam_16x143_1r1w1c_matchline is
generic (have_xbit : integer := 1;
num_pgsizes : integer := 5;
have_cmpmask : integer := 1;
cmpmask_width : integer := 4);
addr_in : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 51);
addr_enable : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
comp_pgsize : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2);
pgsize_enable : in std_ulogic;
entry_size : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2);
entry_cmpmask : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to cmpmask_width-1);
entry_xbit : in std_ulogic;
entry_xbitmask : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to cmpmask_width-1);
entry_epn : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 51);
comp_class : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
entry_class : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
class_enable : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2);
comp_extclass : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
entry_extclass : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
extclass_enable : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
comp_state : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
entry_hv : in std_ulogic;
entry_ds : in std_ulogic;
state_enable : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
entry_thdid : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
comp_thdid : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
thdid_enable : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
entry_pid : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
comp_pid : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
pid_enable : in std_ulogic;
entry_v : in std_ulogic;
comp_invalidate : in std_ulogic;
match : out std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
end tri_cam_16x143_1r1w1c_matchline;
architecture tri_cam_16x143_1r1w1c_matchline of tri_cam_16x143_1r1w1c_matchline is
signal entry_epn_b : std_ulogic_vector(34 to 51);
signal function_50_51 : std_ulogic;
signal function_48_51 : std_ulogic;
signal function_46_51 : std_ulogic;
signal function_44_51 : std_ulogic;
signal function_40_51 : std_ulogic;
signal function_36_51 : std_ulogic;
signal function_34_51 : std_ulogic;
signal pgsize_eq_16K : std_ulogic;
signal pgsize_eq_64K : std_ulogic;
signal pgsize_eq_256K : std_ulogic;
signal pgsize_eq_1M : std_ulogic;
signal pgsize_eq_16M : std_ulogic;
signal pgsize_eq_256M : std_ulogic;
signal pgsize_eq_1G : std_ulogic;
signal pgsize_gte_16K : std_ulogic;
signal pgsize_gte_64K : std_ulogic;
signal pgsize_gte_256K : std_ulogic;
signal pgsize_gte_1M : std_ulogic;
signal pgsize_gte_16M : std_ulogic;
signal pgsize_gte_256M : std_ulogic;
signal pgsize_gte_1G : std_ulogic;
signal comp_or_34_35 : std_ulogic;
signal comp_or_34_39 : std_ulogic;
signal comp_or_36_39 : std_ulogic;
signal comp_or_40_43 : std_ulogic;
signal comp_or_44_45 : std_ulogic;
signal comp_or_44_47 : std_ulogic;
signal comp_or_46_47 : std_ulogic;
signal comp_or_48_49 : std_ulogic;
signal comp_or_48_51 : std_ulogic;
signal comp_or_50_51 : std_ulogic;
signal match_line : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 72);
signal pgsize_match : std_ulogic;
signal addr_match : std_ulogic;
signal class_match : std_ulogic;
signal extclass_match : std_ulogic;
signal state_match : std_ulogic;
signal thdid_match : std_ulogic;
signal pid_match : std_ulogic;
match_line(0 to 72) <= not((entry_epn(0 to 51) & entry_size(0 to 2) & entry_class(0 to 1) & entry_extclass(0 to 1) & entry_hv & entry_ds & entry_pid(0 to 7) & entry_thdid(0 to 3)) xor
(addr_in(0 to 51) & comp_pgsize(0 to 2) & comp_class(0 to 1) & comp_extclass(0 to 1) & comp_state(0 to 1) & comp_pid(0 to 7) & comp_thdid(0 to 3))
numpgsz8 : if num_pgsizes = 8 generate
entry_epn_b(34 to 51) <= not(entry_epn(34 to 51));
gen_nocmpmask80 : if have_cmpmask = 0 generate
pgsize_eq_1G <= ( entry_size(0) and entry_size(1) and entry_size(2) );
pgsize_eq_256M <= ( entry_size(0) and entry_size(1) and not(entry_size(2)));
pgsize_eq_16M <= ( entry_size(0) and not(entry_size(1)) and entry_size(2) );
pgsize_eq_1M <= ( entry_size(0) and not(entry_size(1)) and not(entry_size(2)));
pgsize_eq_256K <= (not(entry_size(0)) and entry_size(1) and entry_size(2) );
pgsize_eq_64K <= (not(entry_size(0)) and entry_size(1) and not(entry_size(2)));
pgsize_eq_16K <= (not(entry_size(0)) and not(entry_size(1)) and entry_size(2) );
pgsize_gte_1G <= ( entry_size(0) and entry_size(1) and entry_size(2) );
pgsize_gte_256M <= ( entry_size(0) and entry_size(1) and not(entry_size(2))) or
pgsize_gte_16M <= ( entry_size(0) and not(entry_size(1)) and entry_size(2) ) or
pgsize_gte_1M <= ( entry_size(0) and not(entry_size(1)) and not(entry_size(2))) or
pgsize_gte_256K <= (not(entry_size(0)) and entry_size(1) and entry_size(2) ) or
pgsize_gte_64K <= (not(entry_size(0)) and entry_size(1) and not(entry_size(2))) or
pgsize_gte_16K <= (not(entry_size(0)) and not(entry_size(1)) and entry_size(2) ) or
end generate gen_nocmpmask80;
gen_cmpmask80 : if have_cmpmask = 1 generate
pgsize_gte_1G <= not entry_cmpmask(0);
pgsize_gte_256M <= not entry_cmpmask(1);
pgsize_gte_16M <= not entry_cmpmask(2);
pgsize_gte_1M <= not entry_cmpmask(3);
pgsize_gte_256K <= not entry_cmpmask(4);
pgsize_gte_64K <= not entry_cmpmask(5);
pgsize_gte_16K <= not entry_cmpmask(6);
pgsize_eq_1G <= entry_xbitmask(0);
pgsize_eq_256M <= entry_xbitmask(1);
pgsize_eq_16M <= entry_xbitmask(2);
pgsize_eq_1M <= entry_xbitmask(3);
pgsize_eq_256K <= entry_xbitmask(4);
pgsize_eq_64K <= entry_xbitmask(5);
pgsize_eq_16K <= entry_xbitmask(6);
end generate gen_cmpmask80;
gen_noxbit80 : if have_xbit = 0 generate
function_34_51 <= '0';
function_36_51 <= '0';
function_40_51 <= '0';
function_44_51 <= '0';
function_46_51 <= '0';
function_48_51 <= '0';
function_50_51 <= '0';
end generate gen_noxbit80;
gen_xbit80 : if have_xbit /= 0 generate
function_34_51 <= not(entry_xbit) or
not(pgsize_eq_1G) or
or_reduce(entry_epn_b(34 to 51) and addr_in(34 to 51));
function_36_51 <= not(entry_xbit) or
not(pgsize_eq_256M) or
or_reduce(entry_epn_b(36 to 51) and addr_in(36 to 51));
function_40_51 <= not(entry_xbit) or
not(pgsize_eq_16M) or
or_reduce(entry_epn_b(40 to 51) and addr_in(40 to 51));
function_44_51 <= not(entry_xbit) or
not(pgsize_eq_1M) or
or_reduce(entry_epn_b(44 to 51) and addr_in(44 to 51));
function_46_51 <= not(entry_xbit) or
not(pgsize_eq_256K) or
or_reduce(entry_epn_b(46 to 51) and addr_in(46 to 51));
function_48_51 <= not(entry_xbit) or
not(pgsize_eq_64K) or
or_reduce(entry_epn_b(48 to 51) and addr_in(48 to 51));
function_50_51 <= not(entry_xbit) or
not(pgsize_eq_16K) or
or_reduce(entry_epn_b(50 to 51) and addr_in(50 to 51));
end generate gen_xbit80;
comp_or_50_51 <= and_reduce(match_line(50 to 51)) or pgsize_gte_16K;
comp_or_48_49 <= and_reduce(match_line(48 to 49)) or pgsize_gte_64K;
comp_or_46_47 <= and_reduce(match_line(46 to 47)) or pgsize_gte_256K;
comp_or_44_45 <= and_reduce(match_line(44 to 45)) or pgsize_gte_1M;
comp_or_40_43 <= and_reduce(match_line(40 to 43)) or pgsize_gte_16M;
comp_or_36_39 <= and_reduce(match_line(36 to 39)) or pgsize_gte_256M;
comp_or_34_35 <= and_reduce(match_line(34 to 35)) or pgsize_gte_1G;
gen_noxbit81 : if have_xbit = 0 generate
addr_match <= (comp_or_34_35 and
comp_or_36_39 and
comp_or_40_43 and
comp_or_44_45 and
comp_or_46_47 and
comp_or_48_49 and
comp_or_50_51 and
and_reduce(match_line(31 to 33)) and
(and_reduce(match_line(0 to 30)) or not(addr_enable(1)))) or
end generate gen_noxbit81;
gen_xbit81 : if have_xbit /= 0 generate
addr_match <= (function_50_51 and
function_48_51 and
function_46_51 and
function_44_51 and
function_40_51 and
function_36_51 and
function_34_51 and
comp_or_34_35 and
comp_or_36_39 and
comp_or_40_43 and
comp_or_44_45 and
comp_or_46_47 and
comp_or_48_49 and
comp_or_50_51 and
and_reduce(match_line(31 to 33)) and
(and_reduce(match_line(0 to 30)) or not(addr_enable(1)))) or
end generate gen_xbit81;
end generate numpgsz8;
numpgsz5 : if num_pgsizes = 5 generate
function_50_51 <= '0';
function_46_51 <= '0';
function_36_51 <= '0';
pgsize_eq_16K <= '0';
pgsize_eq_256K <= '0';
pgsize_eq_256M <= '0';
pgsize_gte_16K <= '0';
pgsize_gte_256K <= '0';
pgsize_gte_256M <= '0';
comp_or_34_35 <= '0';
comp_or_36_39 <= '0';
comp_or_44_45 <= '0';
comp_or_46_47 <= '0';
comp_or_48_49 <= '0';
comp_or_50_51 <= '0';
entry_epn_b(34 to 51) <= not(entry_epn(34 to 51));
gen_nocmpmask50 : if have_cmpmask = 0 generate
pgsize_eq_1G <= ( entry_size(0) and entry_size(1) and not(entry_size(2)) );
pgsize_eq_16M <= ( entry_size(0) and entry_size(1) and entry_size(2) );
pgsize_eq_1M <= ( entry_size(0) and not(entry_size(1)) and entry_size(2));
pgsize_eq_64K <= (not(entry_size(0)) and entry_size(1) and entry_size(2));
pgsize_gte_1G <= ( entry_size(0) and entry_size(1) and not(entry_size(2)) );
pgsize_gte_16M <= ( entry_size(0) and entry_size(1) and entry_size(2) ) or
pgsize_gte_1M <= ( entry_size(0) and not(entry_size(1)) and entry_size(2)) or
pgsize_gte_64K <= (not(entry_size(0)) and entry_size(1) and entry_size(2)) or
end generate gen_nocmpmask50;
gen_cmpmask50 : if have_cmpmask = 1 generate
pgsize_gte_1G <= not entry_cmpmask(0);
pgsize_gte_16M <= not entry_cmpmask(1);
pgsize_gte_1M <= not entry_cmpmask(2);
pgsize_gte_64K <= not entry_cmpmask(3);
pgsize_eq_1G <= entry_xbitmask(0);
pgsize_eq_16M <= entry_xbitmask(1);
pgsize_eq_1M <= entry_xbitmask(2);
pgsize_eq_64K <= entry_xbitmask(3);
end generate gen_cmpmask50;
gen_noxbit50 : if have_xbit = 0 generate
function_34_51 <= '0';
function_40_51 <= '0';
function_44_51 <= '0';
function_48_51 <= '0';
end generate gen_noxbit50;
gen_xbit50 : if have_xbit /= 0 generate
function_34_51 <= not(entry_xbit) or
not(pgsize_eq_1G) or
or_reduce(entry_epn_b(34 to 51) and addr_in(34 to 51));
function_40_51 <= not(entry_xbit) or
not(pgsize_eq_16M) or
or_reduce(entry_epn_b(40 to 51) and addr_in(40 to 51));
function_44_51 <= not(entry_xbit) or
not(pgsize_eq_1M) or
or_reduce(entry_epn_b(44 to 51) and addr_in(44 to 51));
function_48_51 <= not(entry_xbit) or
not(pgsize_eq_64K) or
or_reduce(entry_epn_b(48 to 51) and addr_in(48 to 51));
end generate gen_xbit50;
comp_or_48_51 <= and_reduce(match_line(48 to 51)) or pgsize_gte_64K;
comp_or_44_47 <= and_reduce(match_line(44 to 47)) or pgsize_gte_1M;
comp_or_40_43 <= and_reduce(match_line(40 to 43)) or pgsize_gte_16M;
comp_or_34_39 <= and_reduce(match_line(34 to 39)) or pgsize_gte_1G;
gen_noxbit51 : if have_xbit = 0 generate
addr_match <= (comp_or_34_39 and
comp_or_40_43 and
comp_or_44_47 and
comp_or_48_51 and
and_reduce(match_line(31 to 33)) and
(and_reduce(match_line(0 to 30)) or not(addr_enable(1)))) or
end generate gen_noxbit51;
gen_xbit51 : if have_xbit /= 0 generate
addr_match <= (function_48_51 and
function_44_51 and
function_40_51 and
function_34_51 and
comp_or_34_39 and
comp_or_40_43 and
comp_or_44_47 and
comp_or_48_51 and
and_reduce(match_line(31 to 33)) and
(and_reduce(match_line(0 to 30)) or not(addr_enable(1)))) or
end generate gen_xbit51;
end generate numpgsz5;
pgsize_match <= and_reduce(match_line(52 to 54)) or
class_match <= (match_line(55) or not(class_enable(0))) and
(match_line(56) or not(class_enable(1))) and
(and_reduce(match_line(55 to 56)) or not(class_enable(2)) or
(not(entry_extclass(1)) and not comp_invalidate));
extclass_match <= (match_line(57) or not(extclass_enable(0))) and
(match_line(58) or not(extclass_enable(1)));
state_match <= (match_line(59) or
not(state_enable(0))) and
(match_line(60) or
thdid_match <= (or_reduce(entry_thdid(0 to 3) and comp_thdid(0 to 3)) or not(thdid_enable(0))) and
(and_reduce(match_line(69 to 72)) or not(thdid_enable(1)) or
(not(entry_extclass(1)) and not comp_invalidate));
pid_match <= and_reduce(match_line(61 to 68)) or
(not(entry_extclass(1)) and not comp_invalidate) or
match <= addr_match and
pgsize_match and
class_match and
extclass_match and
state_match and
thdid_match and
pid_match and
end tri_cam_16x143_1r1w1c_matchline;
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;
library ibm;
use ibm.std_ulogic_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all;
entity tri_cam_32x143_1r1w1c_matchline is
generic (have_xbit : integer := 1;
num_pgsizes : integer := 5;
have_cmpmask : integer := 1;
cmpmask_width : integer := 4);
addr_in : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 51);
addr_enable : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
comp_pgsize : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2);
pgsize_enable : in std_ulogic;
entry_size : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2);
entry_cmpmask : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to cmpmask_width-1);
entry_xbit : in std_ulogic;
entry_xbitmask : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to cmpmask_width-1);
entry_epn : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 51);
comp_class : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
entry_class : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
class_enable : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2);
comp_extclass : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
entry_extclass : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
extclass_enable : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
comp_state : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
entry_hv : in std_ulogic;
entry_ds : in std_ulogic;
state_enable : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
entry_thdid : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
comp_thdid : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
thdid_enable : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
entry_pid : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
comp_pid : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
pid_enable : in std_ulogic;
entry_v : in std_ulogic;
comp_invalidate : in std_ulogic;
match : out std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
end tri_cam_32x143_1r1w1c_matchline;
architecture tri_cam_32x143_1r1w1c_matchline of tri_cam_32x143_1r1w1c_matchline is
signal entry_epn_b : std_ulogic_vector(34 to 51);
signal function_50_51 : std_ulogic;
signal function_48_51 : std_ulogic;
signal function_46_51 : std_ulogic;
signal function_44_51 : std_ulogic;
signal function_40_51 : std_ulogic;
signal function_36_51 : std_ulogic;
signal function_34_51 : std_ulogic;
signal pgsize_eq_16K : std_ulogic;
signal pgsize_eq_64K : std_ulogic;
signal pgsize_eq_256K : std_ulogic;
signal pgsize_eq_1M : std_ulogic;
signal pgsize_eq_16M : std_ulogic;
signal pgsize_eq_256M : std_ulogic;
signal pgsize_eq_1G : std_ulogic;
signal pgsize_gte_16K : std_ulogic;
signal pgsize_gte_64K : std_ulogic;
signal pgsize_gte_256K : std_ulogic;
signal pgsize_gte_1M : std_ulogic;
signal pgsize_gte_16M : std_ulogic;
signal pgsize_gte_256M : std_ulogic;
signal pgsize_gte_1G : std_ulogic;
signal comp_or_34_35 : std_ulogic;
signal comp_or_34_39 : std_ulogic;
signal comp_or_36_39 : std_ulogic;
signal comp_or_40_43 : std_ulogic;
signal comp_or_44_45 : std_ulogic;
signal comp_or_44_47 : std_ulogic;
signal comp_or_46_47 : std_ulogic;
signal comp_or_48_49 : std_ulogic;
signal comp_or_48_51 : std_ulogic;
signal comp_or_50_51 : std_ulogic;
signal match_line : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 72);
signal pgsize_match : std_ulogic;
signal addr_match : std_ulogic;
signal class_match : std_ulogic;
signal extclass_match : std_ulogic;
signal state_match : std_ulogic;
signal thdid_match : std_ulogic;
signal pid_match : std_ulogic;
match_line(0 to 72) <= not((entry_epn(0 to 51) & entry_size(0 to 2) & entry_class(0 to 1) & entry_extclass(0 to 1) & entry_hv & entry_ds & entry_pid(0 to 7) & entry_thdid(0 to 3)) xor
(addr_in(0 to 51) & comp_pgsize(0 to 2) & comp_class(0 to 1) & comp_extclass(0 to 1) & comp_state(0 to 1) & comp_pid(0 to 7) & comp_thdid(0 to 3))
numpgsz8 : if num_pgsizes = 8 generate
entry_epn_b(34 to 51) <= not(entry_epn(34 to 51));
gen_nocmpmask80 : if have_cmpmask = 0 generate
pgsize_eq_1G <= ( entry_size(0) and entry_size(1) and entry_size(2) );
pgsize_eq_256M <= ( entry_size(0) and entry_size(1) and not(entry_size(2)));
pgsize_eq_16M <= ( entry_size(0) and not(entry_size(1)) and entry_size(2) );
pgsize_eq_1M <= ( entry_size(0) and not(entry_size(1)) and not(entry_size(2)));
pgsize_eq_256K <= (not(entry_size(0)) and entry_size(1) and entry_size(2) );
pgsize_eq_64K <= (not(entry_size(0)) and entry_size(1) and not(entry_size(2)));
pgsize_eq_16K <= (not(entry_size(0)) and not(entry_size(1)) and entry_size(2) );
pgsize_gte_1G <= ( entry_size(0) and entry_size(1) and entry_size(2) );
pgsize_gte_256M <= ( entry_size(0) and entry_size(1) and not(entry_size(2))) or
pgsize_gte_16M <= ( entry_size(0) and not(entry_size(1)) and entry_size(2) ) or
pgsize_gte_1M <= ( entry_size(0) and not(entry_size(1)) and not(entry_size(2))) or
pgsize_gte_256K <= (not(entry_size(0)) and entry_size(1) and entry_size(2) ) or
pgsize_gte_64K <= (not(entry_size(0)) and entry_size(1) and not(entry_size(2))) or
pgsize_gte_16K <= (not(entry_size(0)) and not(entry_size(1)) and entry_size(2) ) or
end generate gen_nocmpmask80;
gen_cmpmask80 : if have_cmpmask = 1 generate
pgsize_gte_1G <= not entry_cmpmask(0);
pgsize_gte_256M <= not entry_cmpmask(1);
pgsize_gte_16M <= not entry_cmpmask(2);
pgsize_gte_1M <= not entry_cmpmask(3);
pgsize_gte_256K <= not entry_cmpmask(4);
pgsize_gte_64K <= not entry_cmpmask(5);
pgsize_gte_16K <= not entry_cmpmask(6);
pgsize_eq_1G <= entry_xbitmask(0);
pgsize_eq_256M <= entry_xbitmask(1);
pgsize_eq_16M <= entry_xbitmask(2);
pgsize_eq_1M <= entry_xbitmask(3);
pgsize_eq_256K <= entry_xbitmask(4);
pgsize_eq_64K <= entry_xbitmask(5);
pgsize_eq_16K <= entry_xbitmask(6);
end generate gen_cmpmask80;
gen_noxbit80 : if have_xbit = 0 generate
function_34_51 <= '0';
function_36_51 <= '0';
function_40_51 <= '0';
function_44_51 <= '0';
function_46_51 <= '0';
function_48_51 <= '0';
function_50_51 <= '0';
end generate gen_noxbit80;
gen_xbit80 : if have_xbit /= 0 generate
function_34_51 <= not(entry_xbit) or
not(pgsize_eq_1G) or
or_reduce(entry_epn_b(34 to 51) and addr_in(34 to 51));
function_36_51 <= not(entry_xbit) or
not(pgsize_eq_256M) or
or_reduce(entry_epn_b(36 to 51) and addr_in(36 to 51));
function_40_51 <= not(entry_xbit) or
not(pgsize_eq_16M) or
or_reduce(entry_epn_b(40 to 51) and addr_in(40 to 51));
function_44_51 <= not(entry_xbit) or
not(pgsize_eq_1M) or
or_reduce(entry_epn_b(44 to 51) and addr_in(44 to 51));
function_46_51 <= not(entry_xbit) or
not(pgsize_eq_256K) or
or_reduce(entry_epn_b(46 to 51) and addr_in(46 to 51));
function_48_51 <= not(entry_xbit) or
not(pgsize_eq_64K) or
or_reduce(entry_epn_b(48 to 51) and addr_in(48 to 51));
function_50_51 <= not(entry_xbit) or
not(pgsize_eq_16K) or
or_reduce(entry_epn_b(50 to 51) and addr_in(50 to 51));
end generate gen_xbit80;
comp_or_50_51 <= and_reduce(match_line(50 to 51)) or pgsize_gte_16K;
comp_or_48_49 <= and_reduce(match_line(48 to 49)) or pgsize_gte_64K;
comp_or_46_47 <= and_reduce(match_line(46 to 47)) or pgsize_gte_256K;
comp_or_44_45 <= and_reduce(match_line(44 to 45)) or pgsize_gte_1M;
comp_or_40_43 <= and_reduce(match_line(40 to 43)) or pgsize_gte_16M;
comp_or_36_39 <= and_reduce(match_line(36 to 39)) or pgsize_gte_256M;
comp_or_34_35 <= and_reduce(match_line(34 to 35)) or pgsize_gte_1G;
gen_noxbit81 : if have_xbit = 0 generate
addr_match <= (comp_or_34_35 and
comp_or_36_39 and
comp_or_40_43 and
comp_or_44_45 and
comp_or_46_47 and
comp_or_48_49 and
comp_or_50_51 and
and_reduce(match_line(31 to 33)) and
(and_reduce(match_line(0 to 30)) or not(addr_enable(1)))) or
end generate gen_noxbit81;
gen_xbit81 : if have_xbit /= 0 generate
addr_match <= (function_50_51 and
function_48_51 and
function_46_51 and
function_44_51 and
function_40_51 and
function_36_51 and
function_34_51 and
comp_or_34_35 and
comp_or_36_39 and
comp_or_40_43 and
comp_or_44_45 and
comp_or_46_47 and
comp_or_48_49 and
comp_or_50_51 and
and_reduce(match_line(31 to 33)) and
(and_reduce(match_line(0 to 30)) or not(addr_enable(1)))) or
end generate gen_xbit81;
end generate numpgsz8;
numpgsz5 : if num_pgsizes = 5 generate
function_50_51 <= '0';
function_46_51 <= '0';
function_36_51 <= '0';
pgsize_eq_16K <= '0';
pgsize_eq_256K <= '0';
pgsize_eq_256M <= '0';
pgsize_gte_16K <= '0';
pgsize_gte_256K <= '0';
pgsize_gte_256M <= '0';
comp_or_34_35 <= '0';
comp_or_36_39 <= '0';
comp_or_44_45 <= '0';
comp_or_46_47 <= '0';
comp_or_48_49 <= '0';
comp_or_50_51 <= '0';
entry_epn_b(34 to 51) <= not(entry_epn(34 to 51));
gen_nocmpmask50 : if have_cmpmask = 0 generate
pgsize_eq_1G <= ( entry_size(0) and entry_size(1) and not(entry_size(2)) );
pgsize_eq_16M <= ( entry_size(0) and entry_size(1) and entry_size(2) );
pgsize_eq_1M <= ( entry_size(0) and not(entry_size(1)) and entry_size(2));
pgsize_eq_64K <= (not(entry_size(0)) and entry_size(1) and entry_size(2));
pgsize_gte_1G <= ( entry_size(0) and entry_size(1) and not(entry_size(2)) );
pgsize_gte_16M <= ( entry_size(0) and entry_size(1) and entry_size(2) ) or
pgsize_gte_1M <= ( entry_size(0) and not(entry_size(1)) and entry_size(2)) or
pgsize_gte_64K <= (not(entry_size(0)) and entry_size(1) and entry_size(2)) or
end generate gen_nocmpmask50;
gen_cmpmask50 : if have_cmpmask = 1 generate
pgsize_gte_1G <= not entry_cmpmask(0);
pgsize_gte_16M <= not entry_cmpmask(1);
pgsize_gte_1M <= not entry_cmpmask(2);
pgsize_gte_64K <= not entry_cmpmask(3);
pgsize_eq_1G <= entry_xbitmask(0);
pgsize_eq_16M <= entry_xbitmask(1);
pgsize_eq_1M <= entry_xbitmask(2);
pgsize_eq_64K <= entry_xbitmask(3);
end generate gen_cmpmask50;
gen_noxbit50 : if have_xbit = 0 generate
function_34_51 <= '0';
function_40_51 <= '0';
function_44_51 <= '0';
function_48_51 <= '0';
end generate gen_noxbit50;
gen_xbit50 : if have_xbit /= 0 generate
function_34_51 <= not(entry_xbit) or
not(pgsize_eq_1G) or
or_reduce(entry_epn_b(34 to 51) and addr_in(34 to 51));
function_40_51 <= not(entry_xbit) or
not(pgsize_eq_16M) or
or_reduce(entry_epn_b(40 to 51) and addr_in(40 to 51));
function_44_51 <= not(entry_xbit) or
not(pgsize_eq_1M) or
or_reduce(entry_epn_b(44 to 51) and addr_in(44 to 51));
function_48_51 <= not(entry_xbit) or
not(pgsize_eq_64K) or
or_reduce(entry_epn_b(48 to 51) and addr_in(48 to 51));
end generate gen_xbit50;
comp_or_48_51 <= and_reduce(match_line(48 to 51)) or pgsize_gte_64K;
comp_or_44_47 <= and_reduce(match_line(44 to 47)) or pgsize_gte_1M;
comp_or_40_43 <= and_reduce(match_line(40 to 43)) or pgsize_gte_16M;
comp_or_34_39 <= and_reduce(match_line(34 to 39)) or pgsize_gte_1G;
gen_noxbit51 : if have_xbit = 0 generate
addr_match <= (comp_or_34_39 and
comp_or_40_43 and
comp_or_44_47 and
comp_or_48_51 and
and_reduce(match_line(31 to 33)) and
(and_reduce(match_line(0 to 30)) or not(addr_enable(1)))) or
end generate gen_noxbit51;
gen_xbit51 : if have_xbit /= 0 generate
addr_match <= (function_48_51 and
function_44_51 and
function_40_51 and
function_34_51 and
comp_or_34_39 and
comp_or_40_43 and
comp_or_44_47 and
comp_or_48_51 and
and_reduce(match_line(31 to 33)) and
(and_reduce(match_line(0 to 30)) or not(addr_enable(1)))) or
end generate gen_xbit51;
end generate numpgsz5;
pgsize_match <= and_reduce(match_line(52 to 54)) or
class_match <= (match_line(55) or not(class_enable(0))) and
(match_line(56) or not(class_enable(1))) and
(and_reduce(match_line(55 to 56)) or not(class_enable(2)) or
(not(entry_extclass(1)) and not comp_invalidate));
extclass_match <= (match_line(57) or not(extclass_enable(0))) and
(match_line(58) or not(extclass_enable(1)));
state_match <= (match_line(59) or
not(state_enable(0))) and
(match_line(60) or
thdid_match <= (or_reduce(entry_thdid(0 to 3) and comp_thdid(0 to 3)) or not(thdid_enable(0))) and
(and_reduce(match_line(69 to 72)) or not(thdid_enable(1)) or
(not(entry_extclass(1)) and not comp_invalidate));
pid_match <= and_reduce(match_line(61 to 68)) or
(not(entry_extclass(1)) and not comp_invalidate) or
match <= addr_match and
pgsize_match and
class_match and
extclass_match and
state_match and
thdid_match and
pid_match and
end tri_cam_32x143_1r1w1c_matchline;
@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
library ibm;
use ibm.std_ulogic_unsigned.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all;
library support;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
library tri;
use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
entity tri_cam_parerr_mac is
generic (expand_type : integer := 1);
np1_cam_cmp_data :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 83);
np1_array_cmp_data :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 67);
np2_cam_cmp_data :out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 83);
np2_array_cmp_data :out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 67);
np2_cmp_data_parerr_epn :out std_ulogic;
np2_cmp_data_parerr_rpn :out std_ulogic;
gnd :inout power_logic;
vdd :inout power_logic;
nclk :in clk_logic;
act :in std_ulogic;
lcb_act_dis_dc :in std_ulogic;
lcb_delay_lclkr_dc :in std_ulogic;
lcb_clkoff_dc_b_0 :in std_ulogic;
lcb_mpw1_dc_b :in std_ulogic;
lcb_mpw2_dc_b :in std_ulogic;
lcb_sg_0 :in std_ulogic;
lcb_func_sl_thold_0 :in std_ulogic;
func_scan_in :in std_ulogic;
func_scan_out :out std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
end entity tri_cam_parerr_mac;
architecture tri_cam_parerr_mac of tri_cam_parerr_mac is
um: if expand_type = 0 generate
signal np2_cam_cmp_data_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to np1_cam_cmp_data'length-1);
signal np2_array_cmp_data_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to np1_array_cmp_data'length-1);
signal np2_cmp_data_calc_par :std_ulogic_vector(50 to 67);
np1_cam_cmp_data_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => np1_cam_cmp_data'length, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (nclk => nclk,
act => act,
scin => (others => '0'),
scout => open,
din => np1_cam_cmp_data,
dout => np2_cam_cmp_data_q);
np1_array_cmp_data_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => np1_array_cmp_data'length, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (nclk => nclk,
act => act,
scin => (others => '0'),
scout => open,
din => np1_array_cmp_data,
dout => np2_array_cmp_data_q);
np2_cmp_data_calc_par(50) <= xor_reduce(np2_cam_cmp_data_q(75 to 82));
np2_cmp_data_calc_par(51) <= xor_reduce(np2_cam_cmp_data_q(0 to 7));
np2_cmp_data_calc_par(52) <= xor_reduce(np2_cam_cmp_data_q(8 to 15));
np2_cmp_data_calc_par(53) <= xor_reduce(np2_cam_cmp_data_q(16 to 23));
np2_cmp_data_calc_par(54) <= xor_reduce(np2_cam_cmp_data_q(24 to 31));
np2_cmp_data_calc_par(55) <= xor_reduce(np2_cam_cmp_data_q(32 to 39));
np2_cmp_data_calc_par(56) <= xor_reduce(np2_cam_cmp_data_q(40 to 47));
np2_cmp_data_calc_par(57) <= xor_reduce(np2_cam_cmp_data_q(48 to 55));
np2_cmp_data_calc_par(58) <= xor_reduce(np2_cam_cmp_data_q(57 to 62));
np2_cmp_data_calc_par(59) <= xor_reduce(np2_cam_cmp_data_q(63 to 66));
np2_cmp_data_calc_par(60) <= xor_reduce(np2_cam_cmp_data_q(67 to 74));
np2_cmp_data_calc_par(61) <= xor_reduce(np2_array_cmp_data_q(0 to 5));
np2_cmp_data_calc_par(62) <= xor_reduce(np2_array_cmp_data_q(6 to 13));
np2_cmp_data_calc_par(63) <= xor_reduce(np2_array_cmp_data_q(14 to 21));
np2_cmp_data_calc_par(64) <= xor_reduce(np2_array_cmp_data_q(22 to 29));
np2_cmp_data_calc_par(65) <= xor_reduce(np2_array_cmp_data_q(30 to 37));
np2_cmp_data_calc_par(66) <= xor_reduce(np2_array_cmp_data_q(38 to 44));
np2_cmp_data_calc_par(67) <= xor_reduce(np2_array_cmp_data_q(45 to 50));
np2_cmp_data_parerr_epn <= or_reduce(np2_cmp_data_calc_par(50 to 60) xor (np2_cam_cmp_data_q(83) & np2_array_cmp_data_q(51 to 60)));
np2_cmp_data_parerr_rpn <= or_reduce(np2_cmp_data_calc_par(61 to 67) xor np2_array_cmp_data_q(61 to 67));
np2_cam_cmp_data <= np2_cam_cmp_data_q;
np2_array_cmp_data <= np2_array_cmp_data_q;
end generate um;
a: if expand_type = 1 generate
signal np2_cam_cmp_data_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to np1_cam_cmp_data'length-1);
signal np2_array_cmp_data_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to np1_array_cmp_data'length-1);
signal np2_cmp_data_calc_par :std_ulogic_vector(50 to 67);
signal clk :std_ulogic;
signal sreset_q :std_ulogic;
clk <= not nclk.clk;
rlatch: process (clk)
if(rising_edge(clk)) then
sreset_q <= nclk.sreset;
end if;
end process;
slatch: process (nclk,sreset_q)
if(rising_edge(nclk.clk)) then
if (sreset_q = '1') then
np2_cam_cmp_data_q <= (others=>'0');
np2_array_cmp_data_q <= (others=>'0');
np2_cam_cmp_data_q <= np1_cam_cmp_data;
np2_array_cmp_data_q <= np1_array_cmp_data;
end if;
end if;
end process;
np2_cmp_data_calc_par(50) <= xor_reduce(np2_cam_cmp_data_q(75 to 82));
np2_cmp_data_calc_par(51) <= xor_reduce(np2_cam_cmp_data_q(0 to 7));
np2_cmp_data_calc_par(52) <= xor_reduce(np2_cam_cmp_data_q(8 to 15));
np2_cmp_data_calc_par(53) <= xor_reduce(np2_cam_cmp_data_q(16 to 23));
np2_cmp_data_calc_par(54) <= xor_reduce(np2_cam_cmp_data_q(24 to 31));
np2_cmp_data_calc_par(55) <= xor_reduce(np2_cam_cmp_data_q(32 to 39));
np2_cmp_data_calc_par(56) <= xor_reduce(np2_cam_cmp_data_q(40 to 47));
np2_cmp_data_calc_par(57) <= xor_reduce(np2_cam_cmp_data_q(48 to 55));
np2_cmp_data_calc_par(58) <= xor_reduce(np2_cam_cmp_data_q(57 to 62));
np2_cmp_data_calc_par(59) <= xor_reduce(np2_cam_cmp_data_q(63 to 66));
np2_cmp_data_calc_par(60) <= xor_reduce(np2_cam_cmp_data_q(67 to 74));
np2_cmp_data_calc_par(61) <= xor_reduce(np2_array_cmp_data_q(0 to 5));
np2_cmp_data_calc_par(62) <= xor_reduce(np2_array_cmp_data_q(6 to 13));
np2_cmp_data_calc_par(63) <= xor_reduce(np2_array_cmp_data_q(14 to 21));
np2_cmp_data_calc_par(64) <= xor_reduce(np2_array_cmp_data_q(22 to 29));
np2_cmp_data_calc_par(65) <= xor_reduce(np2_array_cmp_data_q(30 to 37));
np2_cmp_data_calc_par(66) <= xor_reduce(np2_array_cmp_data_q(38 to 44));
np2_cmp_data_calc_par(67) <= xor_reduce(np2_array_cmp_data_q(45 to 50));
np2_cmp_data_parerr_epn <= or_reduce(np2_cmp_data_calc_par(50 to 60) xor (np2_cam_cmp_data_q(83) & np2_array_cmp_data_q(51 to 60)));
np2_cmp_data_parerr_rpn <= or_reduce(np2_cmp_data_calc_par(61 to 67) xor np2_array_cmp_data_q(61 to 67));
np2_cam_cmp_data <= np2_cam_cmp_data_q;
np2_array_cmp_data <= np2_array_cmp_data_q;
func_scan_out <= func_scan_in;
end generate a;
end tri_cam_parerr_mac;
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library support; use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
library tri; use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
-- pragma translate_off
-- pragma translate_on
entity tri_direct_err_rpt is
generic (
width : positive := 1 ;
expand_type : integer := 1 );
port (
vd : inout power_logic;
gd : inout power_logic;
err_in : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
err_out : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1)
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
end tri_direct_err_rpt;
architecture tri_direct_err_rpt of tri_direct_err_rpt is
a: if expand_type /= 2 generate
err_out <= err_in;
end generate a;
end tri_direct_err_rpt;
@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library support;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
library tri; use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
-- pragma translate_off
-- pragma translate_on
entity tri_err_rpt is
generic (
width : positive := 1;
mask_reset_value : std_ulogic_vector := "0";
inline : boolean := false;
share_mask : boolean := false;
use_nlats : boolean := false;
needs_sreset : integer := 1 ;
expand_type : integer := 1 );
port (
vd : inout power_logic;
gd : inout power_logic;
err_d1clk : in std_ulogic;
err_d2clk : in std_ulogic;
err_lclk : in clk_logic;
err_scan_in : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
err_scan_out : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
mode_dclk : in std_ulogic;
mode_lclk : in clk_logic;
mode_scan_in : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
mode_scan_out : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
err_in : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
err_out : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
hold_out : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
mask_out : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1)
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
end tri_err_rpt;
architecture tri_err_rpt of tri_err_rpt is
a: if expand_type /= 2 generate
constant mask_initv : std_ulogic_vector(0 to (mask_reset_value'length + width-1)):=mask_reset_value & (0 to width-1=>'0');
signal hold_in : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal hold_lt : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal mask_lt : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal unused : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width);
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
hold_in <= err_in or hold_lt;
hold: entity tri.tri_nlat_scan
generic map( width => width,
needs_sreset => needs_sreset,
expand_type => expand_type )
port map
( vd => vd,
gd => gd,
d1clk => err_d1clk,
d2clk => err_d2clk,
lclk => err_lclk,
scan_in => err_scan_in(0 to width-1),
scan_out => err_scan_out(0 to width-1),
din => hold_in,
q => hold_lt,
q_b => open
m: if (share_mask = false) generate
mask_lt <= mask_initv(0 to width-1);
end generate m;
sm: if (share_mask = true) generate
mask_lt <= (others => mask_initv(0));
end generate sm;
mode_scan_out <= (others => '0');
hold_out <= hold_lt;
mask_out <= mask_lt;
inline_hold: if (inline = true) generate
err_out <= hold_lt and not mask_lt;
end generate inline_hold;
side_hold: if (inline = false) generate
err_out <= err_in and not mask_lt;
end generate side_hold;
unused(0) <= mode_dclk;
unused(1 to width) <= mode_scan_in;
end generate a;
end tri_err_rpt;
@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library support;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
library tri; use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
entity tri_inv_nlats is
generic (
offset : natural range 0 to 65535 := 0;
width : positive range 1 to 65536 := 1 ;
init : std_ulogic_vector := "0" ;
synthclonedlatch : string := "" ;
btr : string := "NLI0001_X1_A12TH" ;
needs_sreset : integer := 1 ;
expand_type : integer := 1 );
port (
vd : inout power_logic;
gd : inout power_logic;
LCLK : in clk_logic;
D1CLK : in std_ulogic;
D2CLK : in std_ulogic;
SCANIN : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
SCANOUT : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
D : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
QB : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1)
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
end entity tri_inv_nlats;
architecture tri_inv_nlats of tri_inv_nlats is
a: if expand_type = 1 generate
constant init_v : std_ulogic_vector(0 to (init'length + width-1)):=init & (0 to width-1=>'0');
constant zeros : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1) := (0 to width-1 => '0');
signal sreset : std_ulogic;
signal int_din : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal int_dout : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1) := init_v(0 to width-1);
signal vact, vact_b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal vsreset, vsreset_b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal vthold, vthold_b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal din : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal unused : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
rst: if needs_sreset = 1 generate
sreset <= LCLK.sreset;
end generate rst;
no_rst: if needs_sreset /=1 generate
sreset <= '0';
end generate no_rst;
vsreset <= (0 to width-1 => sreset);
vsreset_b <= (0 to width-1 => not sreset);
din <= D ;
int_din <= (vsreset_b and din) or
(vsreset and init_v(0 to width-1));
vact <= (0 to width-1 => D1CLK);
vact_b <= (0 to width-1 => not D1CLK);
vthold_b <= (0 to width-1 => D2CLK);
vthold <= (0 to width-1 => not D2CLK);
l: process (LCLK, vact, int_din, vact_b, int_dout, vsreset, vsreset_b, vthold_b, vthold)
if rising_edge(LCLK.clk) then
int_dout <= (((vact and vthold_b) or vsreset) and int_din) or
(((vact_b or vthold) and vsreset_b) and int_dout);
end if;
end process l;
QB <= not int_dout;
SCANOUT <= zeros;
unused <= SCANIN;
end generate a;
end tri_inv_nlats;
@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library support;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
library tri; use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
entity tri_inv_nlats_wlcb is
generic (
width : integer := 4;
offset : integer range 0 to 65535 := 0 ;
init : integer := 0;
ibuf : boolean := false;
dualscan : string := "";
needs_sreset: integer := 1 ;
expand_type : integer := 1 ;
synthclonedlatch : string := "" ;
btr : string := "NLI0001_X2_A12TH" );
port (
vd : inout power_logic;
gd : inout power_logic;
nclk : in clk_logic;
act : in std_ulogic := '1';
forcee : in std_ulogic := '0';
thold_b : in std_ulogic := '1';
d_mode : in std_ulogic := '0';
sg : in std_ulogic := '0';
delay_lclkr : in std_ulogic := '0';
mpw1_b : in std_ulogic := '1';
mpw2_b : in std_ulogic := '1';
scin : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
scout : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
D : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
QB : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1));
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
end entity tri_inv_nlats_wlcb;
architecture tri_inv_nlats_wlcb of tri_inv_nlats_wlcb is
constant init_v : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1) := std_ulogic_vector( to_unsigned( init, width ) );
constant zeros : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1) := (0 to width-1 => '0');
a: if expand_type = 1 generate
signal sreset : std_ulogic;
signal int_din, din : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal int_dout : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1) := init_v;
signal vact, vact_b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal vsreset, vsreset_b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal vthold, vthold_b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal unused : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width);
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
rst: if needs_sreset = 1 generate
sreset <= nclk.sreset;
end generate rst;
no_rst: if needs_sreset /=1 generate
sreset <= '0';
end generate no_rst;
vsreset <= (0 to width-1 => sreset);
vsreset_b <= (0 to width-1 => not sreset);
din <= D;
int_din <= (vsreset_b and din) or
(vsreset and init_v);
vact <= (0 to width-1 => (act or forcee));
vact_b <= (0 to width-1 => not (act or forcee));
vthold_b <= (0 to width-1 => thold_b);
vthold <= (0 to width-1 => not thold_b);
l: process (nclk, vact, int_din, vact_b, int_dout, vsreset, vsreset_b, vthold_b, vthold)
if rising_edge(nclk.clk) then
int_dout <= (((vact and vthold_b) or vsreset) and int_din) or
(((vact_b or vthold) and vsreset_b) and int_dout);
end if;
end process l;
QB <= not int_dout;
scout <= zeros;
unused(0) <= d_mode or sg or delay_lclkr or mpw1_b or mpw2_b;
unused(1 to width) <= scin;
end generate a;
end tri_inv_nlats_wlcb;
@ -0,0 +1,511 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
LIBRARY support; USE support.power_logic_pkg.all;
PACKAGE tri_latches_pkg IS
type clk_logic is record
clk : std_ulogic;
sreset : std_ulogic;
clk2x : std_ulogic;
clk4x : std_ulogic;
end record;
type clk_logic_vector is array ( NATURAL range <> ) of clk_logic;
component tri_cw_nlat
generic (
offset : natural range 0 to 65535 := 0;
width : positive range 1 to 65536 := 1 ;
init : std_ulogic_vector := "0";
needs_sreset : integer := 1 ;
expand_type : integer := 1 );
port (
vd : inout power_logic;
gd : inout power_logic;
d_b : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
scan_in : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
d1clk : in std_ulogic;
d2clk : in std_ulogic;
lclk : in clk_logic;
q_b : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
scan_out : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1)
end component;
component tri_direct_err_rpt
generic (
width : positive := 1 ;
expand_type : integer := 1 );
port (
vd : inout power_logic;
gd : inout power_logic;
err_in : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
err_out : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1)
end component;
component tri_err_rpt
generic (
width : positive := 1;
mask_reset_value : std_ulogic_vector := "0";
inline : boolean := false;
reset_hold : boolean := false;
needs_sreset : integer := 1 ;
expand_type : integer := 1 );
port (
vd : inout power_logic;
gd : inout power_logic;
err_d1clk : in std_ulogic;
err_d2clk : in std_ulogic;
err_lclk : in clk_logic;
err_scan_in : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
err_scan_out : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
mode_dclk : in std_ulogic;
mode_lclk : in clk_logic;
mode_scan_in : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
mode_scan_out : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
err_in : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
err_out : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
hold_out : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
mask_out : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1)
end component;
component tri_klat
generic (
width : positive range 1 to 65536 := 1 ;
offset : natural range 0 to 65535 := 0;
init : std_ulogic_vector := "0" ;
synthclonedlatch : string := "" ;
needs_sreset : integer := 1 ;
expand_type : integer := 1 );
port (
vd : inout power_logic;
gd : inout power_logic;
dclk : in std_ulogic;
lclk : in clk_logic;
din : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
q : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
q_b : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1)
end component;
component tri_lcbcntl_array_mac
generic ( expand_type : integer := 1 );
port (
vdd : inout power_logic;
gnd : inout power_logic;
sg : in std_ulogic;
nclk : in clk_logic;
scan_in : in std_ulogic;
scan_diag_dc : in std_ulogic;
thold : in std_ulogic;
clkoff_dc_b : out std_ulogic;
delay_lclkr_dc : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
act_dis_dc : out std_ulogic;
d_mode_dc : out std_ulogic;
mpw1_dc_b : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
mpw2_dc_b : out std_ulogic;
scan_out : out std_ulogic
end component;
component tri_lcbcntl_mac
generic ( expand_type : integer := 1 );
port (
vdd : inout power_logic;
gnd : inout power_logic;
sg : in std_ulogic;
nclk : in clk_logic;
scan_in : in std_ulogic;
scan_diag_dc : in std_ulogic;
thold : in std_ulogic;
clkoff_dc_b : out std_ulogic;
delay_lclkr_dc : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
act_dis_dc : out std_ulogic;
d_mode_dc : out std_ulogic;
mpw1_dc_b : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
mpw2_dc_b : out std_ulogic;
scan_out : out std_ulogic
end component;
component tri_lcbkd
generic ( expand_type : integer := 1 );
port (
vd : inout power_logic;
gd : inout power_logic;
act : in std_ulogic;
delay_lclkr : in std_ulogic;
mpw1_b : in std_ulogic;
mpw2_b : in std_ulogic;
nclk : in clk_logic;
forcee : in std_ulogic;
thold_b : in std_ulogic;
dclk : out std_ulogic;
lclk : out clk_logic
end component;
component tri_lcbnd
generic ( expand_type : integer := 1 );
port (
vd : inout power_logic;
gd : inout power_logic;
act : in std_ulogic;
delay_lclkr : in std_ulogic;
mpw1_b : in std_ulogic;
mpw2_b : in std_ulogic;
nclk : in clk_logic;
forcee : in std_ulogic;
sg : in std_ulogic;
thold_b : in std_ulogic;
d1clk : out std_ulogic;
d2clk : out std_ulogic;
lclk : out clk_logic
end component;
component tri_lcbor
generic ( expand_type : integer := 1 );
port (
clkoff_b : in std_ulogic;
thold : in std_ulogic;
sg : in std_ulogic;
act_dis : in std_ulogic;
forcee : out std_ulogic;
thold_b : out std_ulogic
end component;
component tri_lcbs
generic ( expand_type : integer := 1 );
port (
vd : inout power_logic;
gd : inout power_logic;
delay_lclkr : in std_ulogic;
nclk : in clk_logic;
forcee : in std_ulogic;
thold_b : in std_ulogic;
dclk : out std_ulogic;
lclk : out clk_logic
end component;
component tri_nlat
generic (
offset : natural range 0 to 65535 := 0;
reset_inverts_scan : boolean := true;
width : positive range 1 to 65536 := 1 ;
init : std_ulogic_vector := "0" ;
synthclonedlatch : string := "" ;
needs_sreset : integer := 1 ;
expand_type : integer := 1 );
port (
vd : inout power_logic;
gd : inout power_logic;
d1clk : in std_ulogic;
d2clk : in std_ulogic;
lclk : in clk_logic;
scan_in : in std_ulogic;
din : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
q : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
q_b : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
scan_out : out std_ulogic
end component;
component tri_nlat_scan
generic (
offset : natural range 0 to 65535 := 0;
width : positive range 1 to 65536 := 1 ;
init : std_ulogic_vector := "0" ;
reset_inverts_scan : boolean := true;
synthclonedlatch : string := "" ;
needs_sreset : integer := 1 ;
expand_type : integer := 1 );
port (
vd : inout power_logic;
gd : inout power_logic;
d1clk : in std_ulogic;
d2clk : in std_ulogic;
lclk : in clk_logic;
din : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
scan_in : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
q : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
q_b : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
scan_out : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1)
end component;
component tri_plat
generic (
width : positive range 1 to 65536 := 1 ;
offset : natural range 0 to 65535 := 0 ;
init : integer := 0;
synthclonedlatch : string := "" ;
flushlat : boolean := true ;
expand_type : integer := 1 );
port (
vd : inout power_logic;
gd : inout power_logic;
nclk : in clk_logic;
flush : in std_ulogic;
din : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
q : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1) );
end component;
component tri_regk
generic (
width : integer := 4;
offset : integer range 0 to 65535 := 0 ;
init : integer := 0;
synthclonedlatch : string := "";
needs_sreset : integer := 1 ;
expand_type : integer := 1 );
port (
vd : inout power_logic;
gd : inout power_logic;
nclk : in clk_logic;
act : in std_ulogic := '1';
forcee : in std_ulogic := '0';
thold_b : in std_ulogic := '1';
d_mode : in std_ulogic := '0';
delay_lclkr : in std_ulogic := '0';
mpw1_b : in std_ulogic := '1';
mpw2_b : in std_ulogic := '1';
din : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
dout : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1) );
end component;
component tri_regs
generic (
width : integer := 4;
offset : integer range 0 to 65535 := 0 ;
init : integer := 0;
ibuf : boolean := false;
dualscan : string := "";
needs_sreset : integer := 1 ;
expand_type : integer := 1 );
port (
vd : inout power_logic;
gd : inout power_logic;
nclk : in clk_logic;
forcee : in std_ulogic := '0';
thold_b : in std_ulogic := '1';
delay_lclkr : in std_ulogic := '0';
scin : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
scout : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
dout : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1) );
end component;
component tri_rlmlatch_p
generic (
init : integer := 0;
ibuf : boolean := false;
dualscan : string := "";
needs_sreset: integer := 1 ;
expand_type : integer := 1 );
port (
vd : inout power_logic;
gd : inout power_logic;
nclk : in clk_logic;
act : in std_ulogic := '1';
forcee : in std_ulogic := '0';
thold_b : in std_ulogic := '1';
d_mode : in std_ulogic := '0';
sg : in std_ulogic := '0';
delay_lclkr : in std_ulogic := '0';
mpw1_b : in std_ulogic := '1';
mpw2_b : in std_ulogic := '1';
scin : in std_ulogic := '0';
din : in std_ulogic;
scout : out std_ulogic;
dout : out std_ulogic);
end component;
component tri_rlmreg_p
generic (
width : integer := 4;
offset : integer range 0 to 65535 := 0 ;
init : integer := 0;
ibuf : boolean := false;
dualscan : string := "";
needs_sreset: integer := 1 ;
expand_type : integer := 1 );
port (
vd : inout power_logic;
gd : inout power_logic;
nclk : in clk_logic;
act : in std_ulogic := '1';
forcee : in std_ulogic := '0';
thold_b : in std_ulogic := '1';
d_mode : in std_ulogic := '0';
sg : in std_ulogic := '0';
delay_lclkr : in std_ulogic := '0';
mpw1_b : in std_ulogic := '1';
mpw2_b : in std_ulogic := '1';
scin : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
din : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
scout : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
dout : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1) );
end component;
component tri_slat
generic (
width : positive range 1 to 65536 := 1;
offset : natural range 0 to 65535 := 0;
init : std_ulogic_vector := "0";
synthclonedlatch : string := "";
reset_inverts_scan : boolean := true;
expand_type : integer := 1);
port (
vd : inout power_logic;
gd : inout power_logic;
dclk : in std_ulogic;
lclk : in clk_logic;
scan_in : in std_ulogic;
scan_out : out std_ulogic;
q : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
q_b : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1));
end component;
component tri_slat_lbist
generic (
width : positive range 1 to 65536 := 1;
offset : natural range 0 to 65535 := 0;
init : std_ulogic_vector := "0";
synthclonedlatch : string := "";
reset_inverts_scan : boolean := true;
expand_type : integer := 1);
port (
vd : inout power_logic;
gd : inout power_logic;
dclk : in std_ulogic;
lclk : in clk_logic;
tc_xx_lbist_ac_mode_dc : in std_ulogic;
scan_in : in std_ulogic;
scan_out : out std_ulogic;
q : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
q_b : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1));
end component;
component tri_slat_scan
generic (
width : positive range 1 to 65536 := 1 ;
offset : natural range 0 to 65535 := 0;
init : std_ulogic_vector := "0" ;
synthclonedlatch : string := "" ;
btr : string := "c_slat_scan" ;
reset_inverts_scan : boolean := true;
expand_type : integer := 1 );
port (
vd : inout power_logic;
gd : inout power_logic;
dclk : in std_ulogic;
lclk : in clk_logic;
scan_in : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
scan_out : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
q : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
q_b : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1)
end component;
component tri_ser_rlmreg_p
generic (
width : positive range 1 to 65536 := 1 ;
offset : natural range 0 to 65535 := 0 ;
init : integer := 0;
ibuf : boolean := false;
dualscan : string := "";
needs_sreset : integer := 1 ;
expand_type : integer := 1 );
port (
vd : inout power_logic;
gd : inout power_logic;
nclk : in clk_logic;
act : in std_ulogic := '1';
forcee : in std_ulogic := '0';
thold_b : in std_ulogic := '1';
d_mode : in std_ulogic := '0';
sg : in std_ulogic := '0';
delay_lclkr : in std_ulogic := '0';
mpw1_b : in std_ulogic := '1';
mpw2_b : in std_ulogic := '1';
scin : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
din : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
scout : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
dout : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1));
end component;
component tri_aoi22_nlats_wlcb
generic (
width : integer := 4;
offset : integer range 0 to 65535 := 0 ;
init : integer := 0;
ibuf : boolean := false;
dualscan : string := "";
needs_sreset : integer := 1 ;
expand_type : integer := 1 ;
synthclonedlatch : string := "" ;
btr : string := "NLL0001_X2_A12TH" );
port (
vd : inout power_logic;
gd : inout power_logic;
nclk : in clk_logic;
act : in std_ulogic := '1';
forcee : in std_ulogic := '0';
thold_b : in std_ulogic := '1';
d_mode : in std_ulogic := '0';
sg : in std_ulogic := '0';
delay_lclkr : in std_ulogic := '0';
mpw1_b : in std_ulogic := '1';
mpw2_b : in std_ulogic := '1';
scin : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
scout : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
A1 : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
A2 : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
B1 : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
B2 : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
QB : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1));
end component;
end tri_latches_pkg;
package body tri_latches_pkg is
end tri_latches_pkg;
@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library support;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
library tri; use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
-- pragma translate_off
-- pragma translate_on
entity tri_lcbcntl_array_mac is
generic ( expand_type : integer := 1 );
port (
vdd : inout power_logic;
gnd : inout power_logic;
sg : in std_ulogic;
nclk : in clk_logic;
scan_in : in std_ulogic;
scan_diag_dc : in std_ulogic;
thold : in std_ulogic;
clkoff_dc_b : out std_ulogic;
delay_lclkr_dc : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
act_dis_dc : out std_ulogic;
d_mode_dc : out std_ulogic;
mpw1_dc_b : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
mpw2_dc_b : out std_ulogic;
scan_out : out std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
end entity tri_lcbcntl_array_mac;
architecture tri_lcbcntl_array_mac of tri_lcbcntl_array_mac is
signal unused : std_ulogic;
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
a: if expand_type = 1 generate
clkoff_dc_b <= '1';
delay_lclkr_dc <= "00000";
act_dis_dc <= '0';
d_mode_dc <= '0';
mpw1_dc_b <= "11111";
mpw2_dc_b <= '1';
scan_out <= '0';
unused <= sg or scan_in or scan_diag_dc or thold;
end generate a;
end tri_lcbcntl_array_mac;
@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library support;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
library tri; use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
-- pragma translate_off
-- pragma translate_on
entity tri_lcbcntl_mac is
generic ( expand_type : integer := 1 );
port (
vdd : inout power_logic;
gnd : inout power_logic;
sg : in std_ulogic;
nclk : in clk_logic;
scan_in : in std_ulogic;
scan_diag_dc : in std_ulogic;
thold : in std_ulogic;
clkoff_dc_b : out std_ulogic;
delay_lclkr_dc : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
act_dis_dc : out std_ulogic;
d_mode_dc : out std_ulogic;
mpw1_dc_b : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
mpw2_dc_b : out std_ulogic;
scan_out : out std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
end entity tri_lcbcntl_mac;
architecture tri_lcbcntl_mac of tri_lcbcntl_mac is
signal unused : std_ulogic;
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
a: if expand_type = 1 generate
clkoff_dc_b <= '1';
delay_lclkr_dc <= "00000";
act_dis_dc <= '0';
d_mode_dc <= '0';
mpw1_dc_b <= "11111";
mpw2_dc_b <= '1';
scan_out <= '0';
unused <= sg or scan_in or scan_diag_dc or thold;
end generate a;
end tri_lcbcntl_mac;
@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library support;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
library tri; use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
-- pragma translate_off
-- pragma translate_on
entity tri_lcbnd is
generic ( expand_type : integer := 1 );
port (
vd : inout power_logic;
gd : inout power_logic;
act : in std_ulogic;
delay_lclkr : in std_ulogic;
mpw1_b : in std_ulogic;
mpw2_b : in std_ulogic;
nclk : in clk_logic;
forcee : in std_ulogic;
sg : in std_ulogic;
thold_b : in std_ulogic;
d1clk : out std_ulogic;
d2clk : out std_ulogic;
lclk : out clk_logic
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
end entity tri_lcbnd;
architecture tri_lcbnd of tri_lcbnd is
a: if expand_type = 1 generate
signal gate_b : std_ulogic;
signal unused : std_ulogic;
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
gate_b <= forcee or act;
d1clk <= gate_b;
d2clk <= thold_b;
lclk <= nclk;
unused <= delay_lclkr or mpw1_b or mpw2_b or sg;
end generate a;
end tri_lcbnd;
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library support;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
-- pragma translate_off
-- pragma translate_on
entity tri_lcbor is
generic ( expand_type : integer := 1 );
port (
clkoff_b : in std_ulogic;
thold : in std_ulogic;
sg : in std_ulogic;
act_dis : in std_ulogic;
forcee : out std_ulogic;
thold_b : out std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
end entity tri_lcbor;
architecture tri_lcbor of tri_lcbor is
signal unused : std_ulogic;
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
a: if expand_type = 1 generate
forcee <= '0';
thold_b <= not thold;
unused <= clkoff_b or sg or act_dis;
end generate a;
end tri_lcbor;
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library support;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
library tri; use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
-- pragma translate_off
-- pragma translate_on
entity tri_lcbs is
generic ( expand_type : integer := 1 );
port (
vd : inout power_logic;
gd : inout power_logic;
delay_lclkr : in std_ulogic;
nclk : in clk_logic;
forcee : in std_ulogic;
thold_b : in std_ulogic;
dclk : out std_ulogic;
lclk : out clk_logic
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
end entity tri_lcbs;
architecture tri_lcbs of tri_lcbs is
a: if expand_type = 1 generate
signal unused : std_ulogic;
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
dclk <= thold_b;
lclk <= nclk;
unused <= delay_lclkr or forcee;
end generate a;
end tri_lcbs;
@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library support;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
library tri; use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
entity tri_nand2_nlats is
generic (
offset : natural range 0 to 65535 := 0;
width : positive range 1 to 65536 := 1 ;
init : std_ulogic_vector := "0" ;
synthclonedlatch : string := "" ;
btr : string := "NLA0001_X1_A12TH" ;
needs_sreset : integer := 1 ;
expand_type : integer := 1 );
port (
vd : inout power_logic;
gd : inout power_logic;
LCLK : in clk_logic;
D1CLK : in std_ulogic;
D2CLK : in std_ulogic;
SCANIN : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
SCANOUT : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
A1 : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
A2 : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
QB : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1)
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
end entity tri_nand2_nlats;
architecture tri_nand2_nlats of tri_nand2_nlats is
a: if expand_type = 1 generate
constant init_v : std_ulogic_vector(0 to (init'length + width-1)):=init & (0 to width-1=>'0');
constant zeros : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1) := (0 to width-1 => '0');
signal sreset : std_ulogic;
signal int_din : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal int_dout : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1) := init_v(0 to width-1);
signal vact, vact_b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal vsreset, vsreset_b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal vthold, vthold_b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal din : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal unused : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
rst: if needs_sreset = 1 generate
sreset <= LCLK.sreset;
end generate rst;
no_rst: if needs_sreset /=1 generate
sreset <= '0';
end generate no_rst;
vsreset <= (0 to width-1 => sreset);
vsreset_b <= (0 to width-1 => not sreset);
din <= A1 and A2;
int_din <= (vsreset_b and din) or
(vsreset and init_v(0 to width-1));
vact <= (0 to width-1 => D1CLK);
vact_b <= (0 to width-1 => not D1CLK);
vthold_b <= (0 to width-1 => D2CLK);
vthold <= (0 to width-1 => not D2CLK);
l: process (LCLK, vact, int_din, vact_b, int_dout, vsreset, vsreset_b, vthold_b, vthold)
if rising_edge(LCLK.clk) then
int_dout <= (((vact and vthold_b) or vsreset) and int_din) or
(((vact_b or vthold) and vsreset_b) and int_dout);
end if;
end process l;
QB <= not int_dout;
SCANOUT <= zeros;
unused <= SCANIN;
end generate a;
end tri_nand2_nlats;
@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library support;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
library tri; use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
-- pragma translate_off
-- pragma translate_on
entity tri_nlat is
generic (
offset : natural range 0 to 65535 := 0;
reset_inverts_scan : boolean := true;
width : positive range 1 to 65536 := 1 ;
init : std_ulogic_vector := "0" ;
synthclonedlatch : string := "" ;
needs_sreset : integer := 1 ;
expand_type : integer := 1 );
port (
vd : inout power_logic;
gd : inout power_logic;
d1clk : in std_ulogic;
d2clk : in std_ulogic;
lclk : in clk_logic;
scan_in : in std_ulogic;
din : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
q : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
q_b : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
scan_out : out std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
end entity tri_nlat;
architecture tri_nlat of tri_nlat is
a: if expand_type = 1 generate
constant init_v : std_ulogic_vector(0 to (init'length + width-1)):=init & (0 to width-1=>'0');
constant zeros : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1) := (0 to width-1 => '0');
signal sreset : std_ulogic;
signal int_din : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal int_dout : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1) := init_v(0 to width-1);
signal vact, vact_b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal vsreset, vsreset_b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal vthold, vthold_b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal unused : std_ulogic;
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
rst: if needs_sreset = 1 generate
sreset <= lclk.sreset;
end generate rst;
no_rst: if needs_sreset /=1 generate
sreset <= '0';
end generate no_rst;
vsreset <= (0 to width-1 => sreset);
vsreset_b <= (0 to width-1 => not sreset);
int_din <= (vsreset_b and din) or
(vsreset and init_v(0 to width-1));
vact <= (0 to width-1 => d1clk);
vact_b <= (0 to width-1 => not d1clk);
vthold_b <= (0 to width-1 => d2clk);
vthold <= (0 to width-1 => not d2clk);
l: process (lclk, vact, int_din, vact_b, int_dout, vsreset, vsreset_b, vthold_b, vthold)
if rising_edge(lclk.clk) then
int_dout <= (((vact and vthold_b) or vsreset) and int_din) or
(((vact_b or vthold) and vsreset_b) and int_dout);
end if;
end process l;
q <= int_dout;
q_b <= not int_dout;
scan_out <= zeros(0);
unused <= scan_in;
end generate a;
end tri_nlat;
@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library support;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
library tri; use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
-- pragma translate_off
-- pragma translate_on
entity tri_nlat_scan is
generic ( offset : natural range 0 to 65535 := 0;
width : positive range 1 to 65536 := 1 ;
init : std_ulogic_vector := "0" ;
reset_inverts_scan : boolean := true;
synthclonedlatch : string := "" ;
needs_sreset : integer := 1 ;
expand_type : integer := 1 );
port (
vd : inout power_logic;
gd : inout power_logic;
d1clk : in std_ulogic;
d2clk : in std_ulogic;
lclk : in clk_logic;
din : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
scan_in : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
q : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
q_b : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
scan_out : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1)
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
end entity tri_nlat_scan;
architecture tri_nlat_scan of tri_nlat_scan is
a: if expand_type = 1 generate
constant init_v : std_ulogic_vector(0 to (init'length + width-1)):=init & (0 to width-1=>'0');
constant zeros : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1) := (0 to width-1 => '0');
signal sreset : std_ulogic;
signal int_din : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal int_dout : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1) := init_v(0 to width-1);
signal vact, vact_b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal vsreset, vsreset_b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal vthold, vthold_b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal unused : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
rst: if needs_sreset = 1 generate
sreset <= lclk.sreset;
end generate rst;
no_rst: if needs_sreset /=1 generate
sreset <= '0';
end generate no_rst;
vsreset <= (0 to width-1 => sreset);
vsreset_b <= (0 to width-1 => not sreset);
int_din <= (vsreset_b and din) or
(vsreset and init_v(0 to width-1));
vact <= (0 to width-1 => d1clk);
vact_b <= (0 to width-1 => not d1clk);
vthold_b <= (0 to width-1 => d2clk);
vthold <= (0 to width-1 => not d2clk);
l: process (lclk, vact, int_din, vact_b, int_dout, vsreset, vsreset_b, vthold_b, vthold)
if rising_edge(lclk.clk) then
int_dout <= (((vact and vthold_b) or vsreset) and int_din) or
(((vact_b or vthold) and vsreset_b) and int_dout);
end if;
end process l;
q <= int_dout;
q_b <= not int_dout;
scan_out <= zeros;
unused <= scan_in;
end generate a;
end tri_nlat_scan;
@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library support;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
library tri; use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
-- pragma translate_off
-- pragma translate_on
entity tri_nor2_nlats is
generic (
offset : natural range 0 to 65535 := 0;
width : positive range 1 to 65536 := 1 ;
init : std_ulogic_vector := "0" ;
synthclonedlatch : string := "" ;
btr : string := "NLO0001_X1_A12TH" ;
needs_sreset : integer := 1 ;
expand_type : integer := 1 );
port (
vd : inout power_logic;
gd : inout power_logic;
LCLK : in clk_logic;
D1CLK : in std_ulogic;
D2CLK : in std_ulogic;
SCANIN : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
SCANOUT : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
A1 : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
A2 : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
QB : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1)
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
end entity tri_nor2_nlats;
architecture tri_nor2_nlats of tri_nor2_nlats is
a: if expand_type = 1 generate
constant init_v : std_ulogic_vector(0 to (init'length + width-1)):=init & (0 to width-1=>'0');
constant zeros : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1) := (0 to width-1 => '0');
signal sreset : std_ulogic;
signal int_din : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal int_dout : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1) := init_v(0 to width-1);
signal vact, vact_b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal vsreset, vsreset_b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal vthold, vthold_b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal din : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal unused : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
rst: if needs_sreset = 1 generate
sreset <= LCLK.sreset;
end generate rst;
no_rst: if needs_sreset /=1 generate
sreset <= '0';
end generate no_rst;
vsreset <= (0 to width-1 => sreset);
vsreset_b <= (0 to width-1 => not sreset);
din <= A1 or A2 ;
int_din <= (vsreset_b and din) or
(vsreset and init_v(0 to width-1));
vact <= (0 to width-1 => D1CLK);
vact_b <= (0 to width-1 => not D1CLK);
vthold_b <= (0 to width-1 => D2CLK);
vthold <= (0 to width-1 => not D2CLK);
l: process (LCLK, vact, int_din, vact_b, int_dout, vsreset, vsreset_b, vthold_b, vthold)
if rising_edge(LCLK.clk) then
int_dout <= (((vact and vthold_b) or vsreset) and int_din) or
(((vact_b or vthold) and vsreset_b) and int_dout);
end if;
end process l;
QB <= not int_dout;
SCANOUT <= zeros;
unused <= SCANIN;
end generate a;
end tri_nor2_nlats;
@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library support;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
library tri; use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
-- pragma translate_off
-- pragma translate_on
entity tri_oai22_nlats is
generic (
offset : natural range 0 to 65535 := 0;
width : positive range 1 to 65536 := 1 ;
init : std_ulogic_vector := "0" ;
synthclonedlatch : string := "" ;
btr : string := "NLM0001_X1_A12TH" ;
needs_sreset : integer := 1 ;
expand_type : integer := 1 );
port (
vd : inout power_logic;
gd : inout power_logic;
LCLK : in clk_logic;
D1CLK : in std_ulogic;
D2CLK : in std_ulogic;
SCANIN : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
SCANOUT : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
A1 : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
A2 : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
B1 : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
B2 : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
QB : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1)
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
end entity tri_oai22_nlats;
architecture tri_oai22_nlats of tri_oai22_nlats is
a: if expand_type = 1 generate
constant init_v : std_ulogic_vector(0 to (init'length + width-1)):=init & (0 to width-1=>'0');
constant zeros : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1) := (0 to width-1 => '0');
signal sreset : std_ulogic;
signal int_din : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal int_dout : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1) := init_v(0 to width-1);
signal vact, vact_b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal vsreset, vsreset_b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal vthold, vthold_b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal din : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal unused : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
rst: if needs_sreset = 1 generate
sreset <= LCLK.sreset;
end generate rst;
no_rst: if needs_sreset /=1 generate
sreset <= '0';
end generate no_rst;
vsreset <= (0 to width-1 => sreset);
vsreset_b <= (0 to width-1 => not sreset);
din <= (A1 or A2) and (B1 or B2) ;
int_din <= (vsreset_b and din) or
(vsreset and init_v(0 to width-1));
vact <= (0 to width-1 => D1CLK);
vact_b <= (0 to width-1 => not D1CLK);
vthold_b <= (0 to width-1 => D2CLK);
vthold <= (0 to width-1 => not D2CLK);
l: process (LCLK, vact, int_din, vact_b, int_dout, vsreset, vsreset_b, vthold_b, vthold)
if rising_edge(LCLK.clk) then
int_dout <= (((vact and vthold_b) or vsreset) and int_din) or
(((vact_b or vthold) and vsreset_b) and int_dout);
end if;
end process l;
QB <= not int_dout;
SCANOUT <= zeros;
unused <= SCANIN;
end generate a;
end tri_oai22_nlats;
@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library support;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
library tri; use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
-- pragma translate_off
-- pragma translate_on
entity tri_plat is
generic (
width : positive range 1 to 65536 := 1 ;
offset : natural range 0 to 65535 := 0 ;
init : integer := 0;
synthclonedlatch : string := "" ;
flushlat : boolean := true ;
expand_type : integer := 1 );
port (
vd : inout power_logic;
gd : inout power_logic;
nclk : in clk_logic;
flush : in std_ulogic;
din : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
q : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1) );
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
end entity tri_plat;
architecture tri_plat of tri_plat is
constant init_v : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1) := std_ulogic_vector( to_unsigned( init, width ) );
a: if expand_type /= 2 generate
signal int_din : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal int_dout : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1) := init_v;
signal vsreset, vsreset_b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
vsreset <= (0 to width-1 => nclk.sreset);
vsreset_b <= (0 to width-1 => not nclk.sreset);
int_din <= (vsreset_b and din) or
(vsreset and init_v);
l: process (nclk, int_din, flush, din)
if rising_edge(nclk.clk) then
int_dout <= int_din;
end if;
if (flush = '1') then
int_dout <= din;
end if;
end process l;
q <= int_dout;
end generate a;
end tri_plat;
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;
library ibm;
use ibm.std_ulogic_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all;
library support;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
entity tri_psro_soft is
port (
vdd : inout power_logic;
gnd : inout power_logic;
psro_enable : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2);
psro_ringsig : out std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
end tri_psro_soft;
architecture tri_psro_soft of tri_psro_soft is
psro_ringsig <= or_reduce(psro_enable(0 to 2));
end tri_psro_soft;
@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library support;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
library tri; use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
-- pragma translate_off
-- pragma translate_on
entity tri_regk is
generic (
width : integer := 4;
offset : integer range 0 to 65535 := 0 ;
init : integer := 0;
synthclonedlatch : string := "";
needs_sreset : integer := 1 ;
expand_type : integer := 1 );
port (
vd : inout power_logic;
gd : inout power_logic;
nclk : in clk_logic;
act : in std_ulogic := '1';
forcee : in std_ulogic := '0';
thold_b : in std_ulogic := '1';
d_mode : in std_ulogic := '0';
delay_lclkr : in std_ulogic := '0';
mpw1_b : in std_ulogic := '1';
mpw2_b : in std_ulogic := '1';
din : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
dout : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1) );
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
end entity tri_regk;
architecture tri_regk of tri_regk is
constant init_v : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1) := std_ulogic_vector( to_unsigned( init, width ) );
constant zeros : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1) := (0 to width-1 => '0');
a: if expand_type = 1 generate
signal sreset : std_ulogic;
signal int_din : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal int_dout : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1) := init_v;
signal vact, vact_b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal vsreset, vsreset_b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal vthold, vthold_b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal unused : std_ulogic;
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
rst: if needs_sreset = 1 generate
sreset <= nclk.sreset;
end generate rst;
no_rst: if needs_sreset /=1 generate
sreset <= '0';
end generate no_rst;
vsreset <= (0 to width-1 => sreset);
vsreset_b <= (0 to width-1 => not sreset);
int_din <= (vsreset_b and din) or
(vsreset and init_v);
vact <= (0 to width-1 => (act or forcee));
vact_b <= (0 to width-1 => not (act or forcee));
vthold_b <= (0 to width-1 => thold_b);
vthold <= (0 to width-1 => not thold_b);
l: process (nclk, vact, int_din, vact_b, int_dout, vsreset, vsreset_b, vthold_b, vthold)
if rising_edge(nclk.clk) then
int_dout <= (((vact and vthold_b) or vsreset) and int_din) or
(((vact_b or vthold) and vsreset_b) and int_dout);
end if;
end process l;
dout <= int_dout;
unused <= d_mode or delay_lclkr or mpw1_b or mpw2_b;
end generate a;
end tri_regk;
@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library support;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
library tri; use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
-- pragma translate_off
-- pragma translate_on
entity tri_regs is
generic (
width : integer := 4;
offset : integer range 0 to 65535 := 0 ;
init : integer := 0;
ibuf : boolean := false;
dualscan : string := "";
needs_sreset: integer := 1 ;
expand_type : integer := 1 );
port (
vd : inout power_logic;
gd : inout power_logic;
nclk : in clk_logic;
forcee : in std_ulogic := '0';
thold_b : in std_ulogic := '1';
delay_lclkr : in std_ulogic := '0';
scin : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
scout : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
dout : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1) );
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
end entity tri_regs;
architecture tri_regs of tri_regs is
constant init_v : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1) := std_ulogic_vector( to_unsigned( init, width ) );
constant zeros : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1) := (0 to width-1 => '0');
a: if expand_type = 1 generate
signal sreset : std_ulogic;
signal int_din : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal int_dout : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1) := init_v;
signal vact, vact_b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal vsreset, vsreset_b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal vthold, vthold_b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal unused : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width);
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
rst: if needs_sreset = 1 generate
sreset <= nclk.sreset;
end generate rst;
no_rst: if needs_sreset /=1 generate
sreset <= '0';
end generate no_rst;
vsreset <= (0 to width-1 => sreset);
vsreset_b <= (0 to width-1 => not sreset);
int_din <= (vsreset_b and int_dout) or
(vsreset and init_v);
vact <= (0 to width-1 => forcee);
vact_b <= (0 to width-1 => not forcee);
vthold_b <= (0 to width-1 => thold_b);
vthold <= (0 to width-1 => not thold_b);
l: process (nclk, vact, int_din, vact_b, int_dout, vsreset, vsreset_b, vthold_b, vthold)
if rising_edge(nclk.clk) then
int_dout <= (((vact and vthold_b) or vsreset) and int_din) or
(((vact_b or vthold) and vsreset_b) and int_dout);
end if;
end process l;
cob: if ibuf = true generate
dout <= not int_dout;
end generate cob;
cnob: if ibuf = false generate
dout <= int_dout;
end generate cnob;
scout <= zeros;
unused(0) <= delay_lclkr;
unused(1 to width) <= scin;
end generate a;
end tri_regs;
@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library support;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
library tri; use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
-- pragma translate_off
-- pragma translate_on
entity tri_rlmlatch_p is
generic (
init : integer := 0;
ibuf : boolean := false;
dualscan : string := "";
needs_sreset: integer := 1 ;
expand_type : integer := 1 );
port (
vd : inout power_logic;
gd : inout power_logic;
nclk : in clk_logic;
act : in std_ulogic := '1';
forcee : in std_ulogic := '0';
thold_b : in std_ulogic := '1';
d_mode : in std_ulogic := '0';
sg : in std_ulogic := '0';
delay_lclkr : in std_ulogic := '0';
mpw1_b : in std_ulogic := '1';
mpw2_b : in std_ulogic := '1';
scin : in std_ulogic := '0';
din : in std_ulogic;
scout : out std_ulogic;
dout : out std_ulogic);
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
end entity tri_rlmlatch_p;
architecture tri_rlmlatch_p of tri_rlmlatch_p is
constant width : integer := 1;
constant offset : natural := 0;
constant init_v : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1) := std_ulogic_vector( to_unsigned( init, width ) );
constant zeros : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1) := (0 to width-1 => '0');
-- synopsys translate_off
um: if expand_type = 0 generate
component c_rlmreg_p
generic ( width : positive := 4 ;
init : std_ulogic_vector := "0";
dualscan : string := ""
port (
nclk : in std_ulogic;
act : in std_ulogic;
thold_b : in std_ulogic;
sg : in std_ulogic;
scin : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
din : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
dout : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
scout : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1)
end component;
signal scanin_inv : std_ulogic;
signal scanout_inv : std_ulogic;
signal act_or_force : std_ulogic;
signal din_buf : std_ulogic;
signal dout_buf : std_ulogic;
act_or_force <= act or forcee;
if ibuf = true generate
din_buf <= not din;
dout <= not dout_buf;
end generate cib;
if ibuf = false generate
din_buf <= din;
dout <= dout_buf;
end generate cnib;
generic map (width => width, init => init_v, dualscan => dualscan)
port map (
nclk => nclk.clk,
act => act_or_force,
thold_b => thold_b,
sg => sg,
scin(0) => scanin_inv,
din(0) => din_buf,
scout(0) => scanout_inv,
dout(0) => dout_buf);
scanin_inv <= scin xor init_v(0);
scout <= scanout_inv xor init_v(0);
end generate um;
-- synopsys translate_on
a: if expand_type = 1 generate
signal sreset : std_ulogic;
signal int_din : std_ulogic;
signal int_dout : std_ulogic := init_v(0);
signal unused : std_ulogic;
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
rst: if needs_sreset = 1 generate
sreset <= nclk.sreset;
end generate rst;
no_rst: if needs_sreset /=1 generate
sreset <= '0';
end generate no_rst;
cib: if ibuf = true generate
int_din <= (not sreset and not din) or
(sreset and init_v(0));
end generate cib;
cnib: if ibuf = false generate
int_din <= (not sreset and din) or
(sreset and init_v(0));
end generate cnib;
l: process (nclk, act, forcee, int_din, int_dout, sreset, thold_b)
if rising_edge(nclk.clk) then
int_dout <= ( (((act or forcee) and thold_b) or sreset ) and int_din ) or
( ((not act and not forcee) or not thold_b) and not sreset and int_dout);
end if;
end process l;
cob: if ibuf = true generate
dout <= not int_dout;
end generate cob;
cnob: if ibuf = false generate
dout <= int_dout;
end generate cnob;
scout <= zeros(0);
unused <= d_mode or sg or delay_lclkr or mpw1_b or mpw2_b or scin;
end generate a;
end tri_rlmlatch_p;
@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library support; use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
library tri; use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
-- pragma translate_off
-- pragma translate_on
entity tri_rlmreg_p is
generic (
width : integer := 4;
offset : integer range 0 to 65535 := 0 ;
init : integer := 0;
ibuf : boolean := false;
dualscan : string := "";
needs_sreset: integer := 1 ;
expand_type : integer := 1 );
port (
vd : inout power_logic;
gd : inout power_logic;
nclk : in clk_logic;
act : in std_ulogic := '1';
forcee : in std_ulogic := '0';
thold_b : in std_ulogic := '1';
d_mode : in std_ulogic := '0';
sg : in std_ulogic := '0';
delay_lclkr : in std_ulogic := '0';
mpw1_b : in std_ulogic := '1';
mpw2_b : in std_ulogic := '1';
scin : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
din : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
scout : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
dout : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1) );
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
end entity tri_rlmreg_p;
architecture tri_rlmreg_p of tri_rlmreg_p is
constant init_v : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1) := std_ulogic_vector( to_unsigned( init, width ) );
constant zeros : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1) := (0 to width-1 => '0');
-- synopsys translate_off
um: if expand_type = 0 generate
component c_rlmreg_p
generic ( width : positive := 4 ;
init : std_ulogic_vector := "0";
dualscan : string := ""
port (
nclk : in std_ulogic;
act : in std_ulogic;
thold_b : in std_ulogic;
sg : in std_ulogic;
scin : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
din : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
dout : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
scout : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1)
end component;
signal scanin_inv : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal scanout_inv : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal act_or_force : std_ulogic;
signal din_buf : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal dout_buf : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
act_or_force <= act or forcee;
if ibuf = true generate
din_buf <= not din;
dout <= not dout_buf;
end generate cib;
if ibuf = false generate
din_buf <= din;
dout <= dout_buf;
end generate cnib;
generic map (width => width, init => init_v, dualscan => dualscan)
port map (
nclk => nclk.clk,
act => act_or_force,
thold_b => thold_b,
sg => sg,
scin => scanin_inv,
din => din_buf,
scout => scanout_inv,
dout => dout_buf);
scanin_inv <= scin xor init_v;
scout <= scanout_inv xor init_v;
end generate um;
-- synopsys translate_on
a: if expand_type = 1 generate
signal sreset : std_ulogic;
signal int_din : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal int_dout : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1) := init_v;
signal vact, vact_b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal vsreset, vsreset_b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal vthold, vthold_b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
signal unused : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width);
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
rst: if needs_sreset = 1 generate
sreset <= nclk.sreset;
end generate rst;
no_rst: if needs_sreset /=1 generate
sreset <= '0';
end generate no_rst;
vsreset <= (0 to width-1 => sreset);
vsreset_b <= (0 to width-1 => not sreset);
cib: if ibuf = true generate
int_din <= (vsreset_b and not din) or
(vsreset and init_v);
end generate cib;
cnib: if ibuf = false generate
int_din <= (vsreset_b and din) or
(vsreset and init_v);
end generate cnib;
vact <= (0 to width-1 => (act or forcee));
vact_b <= (0 to width-1 => not (act or forcee));
vthold_b <= (0 to width-1 => thold_b);
vthold <= (0 to width-1 => not thold_b);
l: process (nclk, vact, int_din, vact_b, int_dout, vsreset, vsreset_b, vthold_b, vthold)
if rising_edge(nclk.clk) then
int_dout <= (((vact and vthold_b) or vsreset) and int_din) or
(((vact_b or vthold) and vsreset_b) and int_dout);
end if;
end process l;
cob: if ibuf = true generate
dout <= not int_dout;
end generate cob;
cnob: if ibuf = false generate
dout <= int_dout;
end generate cnob;
scout <= zeros;
unused(0) <= d_mode or sg or delay_lclkr or mpw1_b or mpw2_b;
unused(1 to width) <= scin;
end generate a;
end tri_rlmreg_p;
@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee,ibm,support,tri;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
entity tri_ser_rlmreg_p is
generic (
width : positive range 1 to 65536 := 1 ;
offset : natural range 0 to 65535 := 0 ;
init : integer := 0;
ibuf : boolean := false;
dualscan : string := "";
needs_sreset : integer := 1 ;
expand_type : integer := 1 );
port (
vd : inout power_logic;
gd : inout power_logic;
nclk : in clk_logic;
act : in std_ulogic := '1';
forcee : in std_ulogic := '0';
thold_b : in std_ulogic := '1';
d_mode : in std_ulogic := '0';
sg : in std_ulogic := '0';
delay_lclkr : in std_ulogic := '0';
mpw1_b : in std_ulogic := '1';
mpw2_b : in std_ulogic := '1';
scin : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
din : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
scout : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
dout : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1));
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
end entity tri_ser_rlmreg_p;
architecture tri_ser_rlmreg_p of tri_ser_rlmreg_p is
signal dout_b, act_buf, act_buf_b, dout_buf : std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
act_buf <= (others=>act);
act_buf_b <= (others=>not(act));
dout_buf <= not dout_b;
dout <= dout_buf;
tri_ser_rlmreg_p : entity tri.tri_aoi22_nlats_wlcb(tri_aoi22_nlats_wlcb)
generic map (
width => width,
offset => offset,
init => init,
ibuf => ibuf,
dualscan=> dualscan,
expand_type => expand_type,
needs_sreset => needs_sreset)
port map (nclk => nclk, vd => vd, gd => gd,
act => act,
forcee => forcee,
d_mode => d_mode, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_b,
thold_b => thold_b,
sg => sg,
scin => scin,
scout => scout,
A1 => din,
A2 => act_buf,
B1 => dout_buf,
B2 => act_buf_b,
QB => dout_b);
end tri_ser_rlmreg_p;
@ -0,0 +1,973 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library ibm;
use ibm.std_ulogic_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_unsigned.all;
library support;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
library tri; use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
entity tri_serial_scom2 is
generic (
width : positive := 64;
internal_addr_decode: boolean := false;
use_addr : std_ulogic_vector := "1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
addr_is_rdable : std_ulogic_vector := "1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
addr_is_wrable : std_ulogic_vector := "1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
pipeline_addr_v : std_ulogic_vector := "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
pipeline_paritychk : boolean := false;
satid_nobits : positive := 4;
regid_nobits : positive := 6;
ringid_nobits : positive := 3;
expand_type : integer := 1 );
port (
nclk : in clk_logic;
vd : inout power_logic;
gd : inout power_logic;
scom_func_thold : in std_ulogic;
sg : in std_ulogic;
act_dis_dc : in std_ulogic;
clkoff_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
mpw1_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
mpw2_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
d_mode_dc : in std_ulogic;
delay_lclkr_dc : in std_ulogic;
func_scan_in : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to
(((width+15)/16)*16)+2*(((((width+15)/16)*16)-1)/16+1)+(2**regid_nobits)+40 );
func_scan_out : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to
(((width+15)/16)*16)+2*(((((width+15)/16)*16)-1)/16+1)+(2**regid_nobits)+40 );
dcfg_scan_dclk : in std_ulogic;
dcfg_scan_lclk : in clk_logic;
dcfg_d1clk : in std_ulogic;
dcfg_d2clk : in std_ulogic;
dcfg_lclk : in clk_logic;
dcfg_scan_in : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
dcfg_scan_out : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
scom_local_act : out std_ulogic;
sat_id : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to satid_nobits-1);
scom_dch_in : in std_ulogic;
scom_cch_in : in std_ulogic;
scom_dch_out : out std_ulogic;
scom_cch_out : out std_ulogic;
sc_req : out std_ulogic;
sc_ack : in std_ulogic;
sc_ack_info : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
sc_r_nw : out std_ulogic;
sc_addr : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to regid_nobits-1);
addr_v : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to use_addr'high);
sc_rdata : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
sc_wdata : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1);
sc_wparity : out std_ulogic;
scom_err : out std_ulogic;
fsm_reset : in std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
end tri_serial_scom2;
architecture tri_serial_scom2 of tri_serial_scom2 is
a: if expand_type /= 2 generate
constant state_width : positive := 5 ;
constant i_width : positive := (((width+15)/16)*16);
constant par_nobits : positive := (i_width-1)/16+1;
constant reg_nobits : positive := regid_nobits;
constant satid_regid_nobits : positive := satid_nobits + regid_nobits;
constant rw_bit_index : positive := satid_regid_nobits + 1;
constant parbit_index : positive := rw_bit_index + 1;
constant head_width : positive := parbit_index + 1;
constant head_init : std_ulogic_vector( 0 to head_width-1) := "0000000000000";
constant idle : std_ulogic_vector(0 to state_width-1) := "00000";
constant rec_head : std_ulogic_vector(0 to state_width-1) := "00011";
constant check_before : std_ulogic_vector(0 to state_width-1) := "00101";
constant rec_wdata : std_ulogic_vector(0 to state_width-1) := "00110";
constant rec_wpar : std_ulogic_vector(0 to state_width-1) := "01001";
constant exe_cmd : std_ulogic_vector(0 to state_width-1) := "01010";
constant filler0 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to state_width-1) := "01100";
constant filler1 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to state_width-1) := "01111";
constant gen_ulinfo : std_ulogic_vector(0 to state_width-1) := "10001";
constant send_ulinfo : std_ulogic_vector(0 to state_width-1) := "10010";
constant send_rdata : std_ulogic_vector(0 to state_width-1) := "10100";
constant send_0 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to state_width-1) := "10111";
constant send_1 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to state_width-1) := "11000";
constant check_wpar : std_ulogic_vector(0 to state_width-1) := "11011";
constant not_selected : std_ulogic_vector(0 to state_width-1) := "11110";
constant eof_wdata : positive := parbit_index-1+64;
constant eof_wpar : positive := eof_wdata + 4;
constant eof_wdata_n : positive := parbit_index-1+ i_width;
constant eof_wpar_m : positive := eof_wdata + par_nobits;
signal is_idle : std_ulogic;
signal is_rec_head : std_ulogic;
signal is_check_before: std_ulogic;
signal is_rec_wdata : std_ulogic;
signal is_rec_wpar : std_ulogic;
signal is_exe_cmd : std_ulogic;
signal is_gen_ulinfo : std_ulogic;
signal is_send_ulinfo : std_ulogic;
signal is_send_rdata : std_ulogic;
signal is_send_0 : std_ulogic;
signal is_send_1 : std_ulogic;
signal is_filler_0 : std_ulogic;
signal is_filler_1 : std_ulogic;
signal next_state, state_in, state_lt : std_ulogic_vector(0 to state_width-1);
signal dch_lt : std_ulogic;
signal cch_in, cch_lt : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
signal reset : std_ulogic;
signal got_head, gor_eofwdata, got_eofwpar, sent_rdata, got_ulhead, do_send_par
,cntgtheadpluswidth, cntgteofwdataplusparity : std_ulogic;
signal p0_err, any_ack_error, match : std_ulogic;
signal p0_err_in, p0_err_lt : std_ulogic;
signal do_write, do_read : std_ulogic;
signal enable_cnt : std_ulogic;
signal cnt_in, cnt_lt : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 6);
signal head_in, head_lt : std_ulogic_vector(0 to head_width-1);
signal tail_in, tail_lt : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
signal sc_ack_info_in, sc_ack_info_lt : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
signal head_mux : std_ulogic;
signal data_shifter_in, data_shifter_lt : std_ulogic_vector(0 to i_width-1);
signal data_shifter_lt_tmp : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 63);
signal datapar_shifter_in, datapar_shifter_lt : std_ulogic_vector(0 to par_nobits-1);
signal data_mux, par_mux : std_ulogic;
signal dch_out_internal_in, dch_out_internal_lt : std_ulogic;
signal parity_satid_regaddr_in : std_ulogic;
signal parity_satid_regaddr_lt : std_ulogic;
signal func_force : std_ulogic;
signal func_thold_b, d1clk, d2clk : std_ulogic;
signal lclk : clk_logic;
signal local_act, local_act_int : std_ulogic;
signal scom_err_in, scom_err_lt : std_ulogic;
signal scom_local_act_in, scom_local_act_lt : std_ulogic;
signal wpar_err : std_ulogic;
signal wpar_err_in, wpar_err_lt : std_ulogic;
signal par_data_in, par_data_lt : std_ulogic_vector(0 to par_nobits-1);
signal sc_rparity : std_ulogic_vector(0 to par_nobits-1);
signal read_valid, write_valid : std_ulogic;
signal dec_addr_in, dec_addr_q : std_ulogic_vector(use_addr'range);
signal addr_nvld : std_ulogic;
signal write_nvld, read_nvld : std_ulogic;
signal state_par_error : std_ulogic;
signal sat_id_net : std_ulogic_vector(0 to satid_nobits-1);
signal unused : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
signal scom_cch_in_int : std_ulogic;
signal scom_dch_in_int : std_ulogic;
signal scom_cch_input_in, scom_cch_input_lt : std_ulogic;
signal scom_dch_input_in, scom_dch_input_lt : std_ulogic;
signal func_scan_temp : std_ulogic;
signal func_scan_temp_1 : std_ulogic;
signal func_scan_temp_2 : std_ulogic;
signal func_scan_temp_3 : std_ulogic;
signal func_scan_temp_4 : std_ulogic;
signal spare_latch1_in, spare_latch1_lt : std_ulogic;
signal spare_latch2_in, spare_latch2_lt : std_ulogic;
signal unused_signals : std_ulogic;
assert (or_reduce(use_addr)='1')
report "pcb if component must use at least one address, generic use_addr is all zeroes"
severity error;
assert (use_addr'length<=2**reg_nobits)
report "use_addr is larger than 2^reg_nobits"
severity error;
assert (i_width > 0)
report "has to be in the range of 1..64"
severity error;
assert (i_width < 65)
report "has to be in the range of 1..64"
severity error;
lcbor_func: entity tri.tri_lcbor(tri_lcbor)
generic map ( expand_type => expand_type )
port map (
clkoff_b => clkoff_dc_b,
thold => scom_func_thold,
sg => sg,
act_dis => act_dis_dc,
forcee => func_force,
thold_b => func_thold_b );
lcb_func: entity tri.tri_lcbnd(tri_lcbnd)
generic map ( expand_type => expand_type )
port map (
vd => vd,
gd => gd,
act => local_act_int,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc,
mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b,
nclk => nclk,
forcee => func_force,
sg => sg,
thold_b => func_thold_b,
d1clk => d1clk,
d2clk => d2clk,
lclk => lclk
parity_err : entity tri.tri_err_rpt(tri_err_rpt)
generic map (
width => 1
, inline => false
, mask_reset_value=> "0"
, needs_sreset => 1
, expand_type => expand_type )
port map ( vd => vd,
gd => gd,
err_d1clk => dcfg_d1clk,
err_d2clk => dcfg_d2clk,
err_lclk => dcfg_lclk,
err_scan_in => dcfg_scan_in (0 to 0),
err_scan_out => dcfg_scan_out(0 to 0),
mode_dclk => dcfg_scan_dclk,
mode_lclk => dcfg_scan_lclk,
mode_scan_in => dcfg_scan_in (1 to 1),
mode_scan_out => dcfg_scan_out(1 to 1),
err_in (0) => state_par_error,
err_out(0) => scom_err_in
scom_err <= scom_err_lt;
func_scan_out(state_width + i_width + 2*par_nobits+head_width+22+(2**regid_nobits) to func_scan_out'high) <=
func_scan_in(state_width + i_width + 2*par_nobits+head_width+22+(2**regid_nobits) to func_scan_out'high) ;
sat_id_net <= sat_id;
scom_cch_input_in <= scom_cch_in;
scom_cch_in_int <= scom_cch_input_lt;
scom_dch_input_in <= scom_dch_in;
scom_dch_in_int <= scom_dch_input_lt;
cch_in <= scom_cch_in_int & cch_lt(0);
reset <= (cch_lt(0) and not scom_cch_in_int)
or fsm_reset
or scom_err_lt;
local_act <= or_reduce(scom_cch_input_in & cch_lt);
local_act_int <= local_act or scom_local_act_lt;
scom_local_act_in <= local_act;
scom_local_act <= scom_local_act_lt;
scom_cch_out <= cch_lt(0);
dch_out_internal_in <= head_lt(0) when is_send_ulinfo='1' else
'0' when is_send_0 ='1' else
'1' when is_send_1 ='1' else
data_shifter_lt(0) when (is_send_rdata and not do_send_par)='1' else
datapar_shifter_lt(0) when (is_send_rdata and do_send_par)='1' else
scom_dch_out <= dch_out_internal_lt;
sc_req <= is_exe_cmd;
sc_addr <= head_lt(satid_nobits+1 to satid_regid_nobits);
sc_r_nw <= head_lt(rw_bit_index);
copy2sc_wdata: if width<64 generate
copy2sc_wdata_loop_1: for i in 0 to width-1 generate
sc_wdata(i) <= data_shifter_lt(i);
end generate copy2sc_wdata_loop_1;
end generate copy2sc_wdata;
copy2sc_wdata_all: if width=64 generate
sc_wdata <= data_shifter_lt;
end generate copy2sc_wdata_all;
sc_wparity <= xor_reduce(datapar_shifter_lt);
fsm_transition: process (state_lt, got_head, gor_eofwdata, got_eofwpar,
got_ulhead, sent_rdata, p0_err, any_ack_error,
match, do_write, do_read,
cch_lt(0), dch_lt, sc_ack, wpar_err, read_nvld)
next_state <= state_lt;
case state_lt is
when idle => if dch_lt='1' then
next_state <= rec_head;
end if;
when rec_head => if (got_head)='1' then
next_state <= check_before;
end if;
when check_before => if match='0' then
next_state <= not_selected;
elsif ( (read_nvld or p0_err) and do_read)='1' then
next_state <= filler0;
elsif (not p0_err and not read_nvld and do_read)='1' then
next_state <= exe_cmd;
next_state <= rec_wdata;
end if;
when rec_wdata => if gor_eofwdata='1' then
next_state <= rec_wpar;
end if;
when rec_wpar => if (got_eofwpar and not p0_err)='1' then
next_state <= check_wpar;
elsif (got_eofwpar and p0_err)='1' then
next_state <= filler0;
end if;
when check_wpar => if wpar_err='0' then
next_state <= exe_cmd;
next_state <= filler1;
end if;
when exe_cmd => if sc_ack='1' then
next_state <= filler1;
end if;
when filler0 => next_state <= filler1;
when filler1 => next_state <= gen_ulinfo;
when gen_ulinfo => next_state <= send_ulinfo;
when send_ulinfo => if (got_ulhead and (do_write or (do_read and any_ack_error)))='1' then
next_state <= send_0;
elsif (got_ulhead and do_read)='1' then
next_state <= send_rdata;
end if;
when send_rdata => if sent_rdata='1' then
next_state <= send_0;
end if;
when send_0 => next_state <= send_1;
when send_1 => next_state <= idle;
when not_selected => if cch_lt(0)='0' then
next_state <= idle;
end if;
when others => next_state <= idle;
end case;
end process fsm_transition;
state_in <= state_lt when local_act='0' else
idle when reset='1' else
state_par_error <= xor_reduce(state_lt);
is_idle <= (state_lt=idle);
is_rec_head <= (state_lt=rec_head);
is_check_before <= (state_lt=check_before);
is_rec_wdata <= (state_lt=rec_wdata);
is_rec_wpar <= (state_lt=rec_wpar);
is_exe_cmd <= (state_lt=exe_cmd);
is_gen_ulinfo <= (state_lt=gen_ulinfo);
is_send_ulinfo <= (state_lt=send_ulinfo);
is_send_rdata <= (state_lt=send_rdata);
is_send_0 <= (state_lt=send_0);
is_send_1 <= (state_lt=send_1);
is_filler_0 <= (state_lt=filler0);
is_filler_1 <= (state_lt=filler1);
enable_cnt <= is_rec_head
or is_check_before
or is_rec_wdata
or is_rec_wpar
or is_send_ulinfo
or is_send_rdata
or is_send_0
or is_send_1
cnt_in <= (others=>'0') when ((is_idle or is_gen_ulinfo) = '1') else
cnt_lt + "0000001" when (enable_cnt = '1') else
got_head <= (cnt_lt = (1+satid_nobits+regid_nobits));
got_ulhead <= (cnt_lt = (1+satid_nobits+regid_nobits+4));
gor_eofwdata <= (cnt_lt = eof_wdata);
got_eofwpar <= (cnt_lt = eof_wpar);
sent_rdata <= (cnt_lt=tconv(83,7));
cntgtheadpluswidth <= (cnt_lt > eof_wdata_n);
cntgteofwdataplusparity <= (cnt_lt > eof_wpar_m);
do_send_par <= (cnt_lt > 79);
head_in(head_width-2 to head_width-1) <= head_lt(head_width-1) & dch_lt when (is_rec_head or (is_idle and dch_lt))='1' else
head_lt(head_width-2 to head_width-1);
head_in(0 to satid_regid_nobits) <= head_lt(1 to satid_regid_nobits) & head_mux when (is_rec_head or is_send_ulinfo)='1' else
head_lt(0 to satid_regid_nobits);
head_mux <= head_lt(rw_bit_index) when is_rec_head='1' else
tail_in(4) <= xor_reduce ( parity_satid_regaddr_lt & tail_lt(0) & (wpar_err and do_write) & sc_ack_info_lt(0 to 1))
when is_gen_ulinfo='1'and (internal_addr_decode=false) else
xor_reduce ( parity_satid_regaddr_lt & tail_lt(0) & (wpar_err and do_write) & (write_nvld or read_nvld) & addr_nvld )
when is_gen_ulinfo='1'and (internal_addr_decode=true)
else tail_lt(4);
tail_in(2 to 3) <= sc_ack_info_lt(0 to 1) when is_gen_ulinfo='1' and internal_addr_decode=false else
(write_nvld or read_nvld) & addr_nvld when is_gen_ulinfo='1' and internal_addr_decode=true else
tail_lt(3 to 4) when is_send_ulinfo='1' else
tail_lt(2 to 3);
tail_in(1) <= (wpar_err and do_write) when is_gen_ulinfo='1' else
tail_lt(2) when is_send_ulinfo='1' else
tail_in(0) <= not p0_err when is_check_before='1' else
tail_lt(1) when is_send_ulinfo='1' else
sc_ack_info_in <= sc_ack_info when (is_exe_cmd and sc_ack)='1' else
"00" when is_idle='1' else
do_write <= not do_read;
do_read <= head_lt(rw_bit_index);
match <= (head_lt(1 to satid_nobits)=sat_id_net);
p0_err_in <= '0' when (is_idle = '1') else
p0_err_lt xor head_in(parbit_index) when (is_rec_head = '1') else
p0_err_lt ;
p0_err <= p0_err_lt;
parity_satid_regaddr_in <= xor_reduce (sat_id_net & head_lt(satid_nobits+1 to satid_regid_nobits));
any_ack_error <= or_reduce(sc_ack_info_lt);
data_mux <= dch_lt when (is_check_before or is_rec_wdata)='1' else
data_shifter_in_1: if (width = i_width) generate
data_shifter_in <= data_shifter_lt(1 to i_width-1) & data_mux when (is_check_before or
(is_rec_wdata and not cntgtheadpluswidth) or
is_send_rdata)='1' else
(sc_rdata(0 to width-1)) when (is_exe_cmd and sc_ack and do_read)='1' else
end generate data_shifter_in_1;
data_shifter_in_2: if (width < i_width) generate
data_shifter_in <= data_shifter_lt(1 to i_width-1) & data_mux when (is_check_before or
(is_rec_wdata and not cntgtheadpluswidth) or
is_send_rdata)='1' else
(sc_rdata(0 to width-1) & (width to i_width-1 =>'0')) when (is_exe_cmd and sc_ack and do_read)='1' else
end generate data_shifter_in_2;
par_mux <= dch_lt when (is_rec_wpar)='1' else
datapar_shifter_in <= datapar_shifter_lt(1 to par_nobits-1) & par_mux when ((is_rec_wpar and not cntgteofwdataplusparity)or
(is_send_rdata and do_send_par))='1' else
sc_rparity when (is_filler_1 ='1') else
data_shifter_move_1: if (width = i_width) generate
data_shifter_lt_tmp (0 to width-1) <= data_shifter_lt;
data_shifter_padding_1: if width < 64 generate
data_shifter_lt_tmp(width to 63) <= (others=>'0');
end generate data_shifter_padding_1;
end generate data_shifter_move_1;
data_shifter_move_2: if (width < i_width) generate
data_shifter_lt_tmp(0 to width-1) <= data_shifter_lt(0 to width-1);
data_shifter_lt_tmp(width to i_width-1) <= data_shifter_lt(width to i_width-1);
data_shifter_padding_1: if i_width < 64 generate
data_shifter_lt_tmp(i_width to 63) <= (others=>'0');
end generate data_shifter_padding_1;
end generate data_shifter_move_2;
wdata_par_check: for i in 0 to par_nobits-1 generate
par_data_in(i) <= xor_reduce(data_shifter_lt_tmp(16*i to 16*(i+1)-1));
end generate wdata_par_check;
wdata_par_check_pipe: if pipeline_paritychk=true generate
state: entity tri.tri_nlat_scan(tri_nlat_scan)
generic map( width => par_nobits,
needs_sreset => 1,
expand_type => expand_type )
port map
( d1clk => d1clk
, vd => vd
, gd => gd
, lclk => lclk
, d2clk => d2clk
, scan_in => func_scan_in (state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+22 to state_width+i_width+2*par_nobits+head_width+21)
, scan_out => func_scan_out(state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+22 to state_width+i_width+2*par_nobits+head_width+21)
, din => par_data_in
, q => par_data_lt
end generate wdata_par_check_pipe;
wdata_par_check_nopipe: if pipeline_paritychk=false generate
par_data_lt <= par_data_in;
func_scan_out(state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+22 to state_width+i_width+2*par_nobits+head_width+21)
<= func_scan_in (state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+22 to state_width+i_width+2*par_nobits+head_width+21);
end generate wdata_par_check_nopipe;
wpar_err_in <= or_reduce(par_data_in xor datapar_shifter_in);
wpar_err <= wpar_err_lt;
rdata_parity_gen: for i in 0 to par_nobits-1 generate
sc_rparity(i) <= xor_reduce(data_shifter_lt_tmp(16*i to 16*(i+1)-1));
end generate rdata_parity_gen;
internal_addr_decoding: if internal_addr_decode=true generate
foralladdresses : for i in use_addr'range generate
addr_bit_set : if (use_addr(i) = '1') generate
dec_addr_in(i) <= (head_lt(satid_nobits+1 to satid_regid_nobits) = tconv(i, reg_nobits));
latch_for_onehot : if pipeline_addr_v(i) = '1' generate
dec_addr : entity tri.tri_nlat(tri_nlat)
generic map( width => 1,
needs_sreset => 1,
expand_type => expand_type)
port map ( d1clk => d1clk,
vd => vd,
gd => gd,
d2clk => d2clk,
lclk => lclk,
scan_in => func_scan_in(state_width+i_width+2*par_nobits+head_width+22 +i),
din(0) => dec_addr_in(i),
q(0) => dec_addr_q(i),
scan_out => func_scan_out(state_width+i_width+2*par_nobits+head_width+22 +i) );
end generate latch_for_onehot;
no_latch_for_onehot : if pipeline_addr_v(i) = '0' generate
func_scan_out(state_width+i_width+2*par_nobits+head_width+22 +i) <= func_scan_in(state_width+i_width+2*par_nobits+head_width+22 +i);
dec_addr_q(i) <= dec_addr_in(i);
end generate no_latch_for_onehot;
end generate addr_bit_set;
addr_bit_notset : if (use_addr(i) /= '1') generate
func_scan_out(state_width+i_width+2*par_nobits+head_width+22+i) <= func_scan_in(state_width+i_width+2*par_nobits+head_width+22 +i);
dec_addr_in(i) <= '0';
dec_addr_q(i) <= dec_addr_in(i);
end generate addr_bit_notset;
end generate foralladdresses;
read_valid <= or_reduce(dec_addr_in and addr_is_rdable);
write_valid <= or_reduce(dec_addr_in and addr_is_wrable);
addr_nvld <= not or_reduce(dec_addr_in);
write_nvld <= (not write_valid and not addr_nvld) and do_write;
read_nvld <= (not read_valid and not addr_nvld) and do_read;
unused <= "00";
end generate internal_addr_decoding;
external_addr_decoding: if internal_addr_decode=false generate
foralladdresses : for i in use_addr'range generate
func_scan_out(state_width+i_width+2*par_nobits+head_width+22+i) <= func_scan_in(state_width+i_width+2*par_nobits+head_width+22 +i);
dec_addr_in(i) <= '0';
dec_addr_q(i) <= dec_addr_in(i);
end generate foralladdresses;
read_valid <= '1';
write_valid<= '1';
addr_nvld <= '0';
write_nvld <= '0';
read_nvld <= '0';
unused <= write_valid & read_valid;
end generate external_addr_decoding;
short_unused_addr_range: for i in use_addr'high+1 to 63 generate
func_scan_out(state_width+i_width+2*par_nobits+head_width+22+i) <= func_scan_in(state_width+i_width+2*par_nobits+head_width+22+i);
end generate short_unused_addr_range;
addr_v <= dec_addr_q(0 to use_addr'high);
state: entity tri.tri_nlat_scan(tri_nlat_scan)
generic map( width => state_width, init => idle, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type )
port map
( d1clk => d1clk
, vd => vd
, gd => gd
, lclk => lclk
, d2clk => d2clk
, scan_in => func_scan_in (0 to state_width-1)
, scan_out => func_scan_out(0 to state_width-1)
, din => state_in
, q => state_lt
counter: entity tri.tri_nlat_scan(tri_nlat_scan)
generic map( width => 7, init => "0000000", needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type )
port map
( d1clk => d1clk
, vd => vd
, gd => gd
, lclk => lclk
, d2clk => d2clk
, scan_in => func_scan_in (state_width to state_width+6)
, scan_out => func_scan_out(state_width to state_width+6)
, din => cnt_in
, q => cnt_lt
data_shifter: entity tri.tri_nlat_scan(tri_nlat_scan)
generic map( width => i_width, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type )
port map
( d1clk => d1clk
, vd => vd
, gd => gd
, lclk => lclk
, d2clk => d2clk
, scan_in => func_scan_in (state_width+7 to state_width+i_width+6)
, scan_out => func_scan_out(state_width+7 to state_width+i_width+6)
, din => data_shifter_in
, q => data_shifter_lt
datapar_shifter: entity tri.tri_nlat_scan(tri_nlat_scan)
generic map( width => par_nobits, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type )
port map
( d1clk => d1clk
, vd => vd
, gd => gd
, lclk => lclk
, d2clk => d2clk
, scan_in => func_scan_in (state_width+i_width+7 to state_width+i_width+par_nobits+6)
, scan_out => func_scan_out(state_width+i_width+7 to state_width+i_width+par_nobits+6)
, din => datapar_shifter_in
, q => datapar_shifter_lt
head_lat: entity tri.tri_nlat_scan(tri_nlat_scan)
generic map( width => head_width, init => head_init, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type )
port map
( d1clk => d1clk
, vd => vd
, gd => gd
, lclk => lclk
, d2clk => d2clk
, scan_in => func_scan_in (state_width+i_width+par_nobits+7 to state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+6)
, scan_out => func_scan_out(state_width+i_width+par_nobits+7 to state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+6)
, din => head_in
, q => head_lt
tail_lat: entity tri.tri_nlat_scan(tri_nlat_scan)
generic map( width => 5, init => "00000", needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type )
port map
( d1clk => d1clk,
vd => vd,
gd => gd,
lclk => lclk,
d2clk => d2clk,
scan_in => func_scan_in (state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+7 to state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+11),
scan_out => func_scan_out(state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+7 to state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+11),
din => tail_in,
q => tail_lt
dch_inlatch: entity tri.tri_nlat(tri_nlat)
generic map( width => 1, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type )
port map
( d1clk => d1clk
, vd => vd
, gd => gd
, lclk => lclk
, d2clk => d2clk
, scan_in => func_scan_in (state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+12)
, scan_out => func_scan_out(state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+12)
, din(0) => scom_dch_in_int
, q(0) => dch_lt
ack_info: entity tri.tri_nlat_scan(tri_nlat_scan)
generic map( width => 2, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type )
port map
( d1clk => d1clk
, vd => vd
, gd => gd
, lclk => lclk
, d2clk => d2clk
, scan_in => func_scan_in (state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+13 to state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+14)
, scan_out => func_scan_out(state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+13 to state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+14)
, din => sc_ack_info_in
, q => sc_ack_info_lt
dch_outlatch: entity tri.tri_nlat(tri_nlat)
generic map( width => 1, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type )
port map
( d1clk => d1clk
, vd => vd
, gd => gd
, lclk => lclk
, d2clk => d2clk
, scan_in => func_scan_in (state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+15)
, scan_out => func_scan_out(state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+15)
, din(0) => dch_out_internal_in
, q(0) => dch_out_internal_lt
cch_latches: entity tri.tri_nlat_scan(tri_nlat_scan)
generic map( width => 2, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type )
port map
( d1clk => d1clk
, vd => vd
, gd => gd
, lclk => lclk
, d2clk => d2clk
, scan_in => func_scan_in (state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+16 to state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+17)
, scan_out => func_scan_out(state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+16 to state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+17)
, din => cch_in
, q => cch_lt
scom_err_latch: entity tri.tri_nlat(tri_nlat)
generic map( width => 1, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type )
port map
( d1clk => d1clk
, vd => vd
, gd => gd
, lclk => lclk
, d2clk => d2clk
, scan_in => func_scan_in (state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+18)
, scan_out => func_scan_out(state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+18)
, din(0) => scom_err_in
, q(0) => scom_err_lt
scom_local_act_latch: entity tri.tri_nlat(tri_nlat)
generic map( width => 1, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type )
port map
( d1clk => d1clk
, vd => vd
, gd => gd
, lclk => lclk
, d2clk => d2clk
, scan_in => func_scan_in (state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+19)
, scan_out => func_scan_out(state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+19)
, din(0) => scom_local_act_in
, q(0) => scom_local_act_lt
spare_latch1: entity tri.tri_nlat(tri_nlat)
generic map( width => 1, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type )
port map
( d1clk => d1clk
, vd => vd
, gd => gd
, lclk => lclk
, d2clk => d2clk
, scan_in => func_scan_in (state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+20)
, scan_out => func_scan_out(state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+20)
, din(0) => spare_latch1_in
, q(0) => spare_latch1_lt
spare_latch2: entity tri.tri_nlat(tri_nlat)
generic map( width => 1, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type )
port map
( d1clk => d1clk
, vd => vd
, gd => gd
, lclk => lclk
, d2clk => d2clk
, scan_in => func_scan_in(state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+21)
, scan_out => func_scan_temp
, din(0) => spare_latch2_in
, q(0) => spare_latch2_lt
scom_cch_input_latch: entity tri.tri_nlat(tri_nlat)
generic map( width => 1, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type )
port map
( d1clk => d1clk
, vd => vd
, gd => gd
, lclk => lclk
, d2clk => d2clk
, scan_in => func_scan_temp
, scan_out => func_scan_temp_1
, din(0) => scom_cch_input_in
, q(0) => scom_cch_input_lt
scom_dch_input_latch: entity tri.tri_nlat(tri_nlat)
generic map( width => 1, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type )
port map
( d1clk => d1clk
, vd => vd
, gd => gd
, lclk => lclk
, d2clk => d2clk
, scan_in => func_scan_temp_1
, scan_out => func_scan_temp_2
, din(0) => scom_dch_input_in
, q(0) => scom_dch_input_lt
parity_reg1: entity tri.tri_nlat(tri_nlat)
generic map( width => 1, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type )
port map
( d1clk => d1clk
, vd => vd
, gd => gd
, lclk => lclk
, d2clk => d2clk
, scan_in => func_scan_temp_2
, scan_out => func_scan_temp_3
, din(0) => parity_satid_regaddr_in
, q(0) => parity_satid_regaddr_lt
p0_err_latch: entity tri.tri_nlat(tri_nlat)
generic map( width => 1, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type )
port map
( d1clk => d1clk
, vd => vd
, gd => gd
, lclk => lclk
, d2clk => d2clk
, scan_in => func_scan_temp_3
, scan_out => func_scan_temp_4
, din(0) => p0_err_in
, q(0) => p0_err_lt
wpar_err_latch: entity tri.tri_nlat(tri_nlat)
generic map( width => 1, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type )
port map
( d1clk => d1clk
, vd => vd
, gd => gd
, lclk => lclk
, d2clk => d2clk
, scan_in => func_scan_temp_4
, scan_out => func_scan_out(state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+21)
, din(0) => wpar_err_in
, q(0) => wpar_err_lt
unused_signals <= or_reduce ( is_filler_0 & is_filler_1
& spare_latch1_lt
& spare_latch2_lt
& par_data_lt
& d_mode_dc ) ;
spare_latch1_in <= '0';
spare_latch2_in <= '0';
end generate a;
end tri_serial_scom2;
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library support; use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
library tri; use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
entity tri_slat_scan is
generic ( width : positive range 1 to 65536 := 1 ;
offset : natural range 0 to 65535 := 0;
init : std_ulogic_vector := "0" ;
synthclonedlatch : string := "" ;
btr : string := "c_slat_scan" ;
reset_inverts_scan : boolean := true;
expand_type : integer := 1 );
port (
vd : inout power_logic;
gd : inout power_logic;
dclk : in std_ulogic;
lclk : in clk_logic;
scan_in : in std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
scan_out : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
q : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1);
q_b : out std_ulogic_vector(offset to offset+width-1)
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
end entity tri_slat_scan;
architecture tri_slat_scan of tri_slat_scan is
a: if expand_type = 1 generate
constant zeros : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1) := (0 to width-1 => '0');
constant initv : std_ulogic_vector(0 to (init'length + width-1)):=init & (0 to width-1=>'0');
signal unused : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width);
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
scan_out <= zeros;
q <= initv(0 to width-1);
q_b <= not initv(0 to width-1);
unused(0) <= dclk;
unused(1 to width) <= scan_in;
end generate a;
end tri_slat_scan;
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,658 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
library ibm;
library work; use work.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all;
library support;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
library tri;
use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
entity a2x_axi is
generic (
C_M00_AXI_ID_WIDTH : integer := 4;
C_M00_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 32;
C_M00_AXI_DATA_WIDTH : integer := 32;
C_M00_AXI_AWUSER_WIDTH : integer := 4;
C_M00_AXI_ARUSER_WIDTH : integer := 4;
C_M00_AXI_WUSER_WIDTH : integer := 4;
C_M00_AXI_RUSER_WIDTH : integer := 4;
C_M00_AXI_BUSER_WIDTH : integer := 4
port (
clk : in std_logic;
clk2x : in std_logic;
reset_n : in std_logic;
thold : in std_logic;
core_id : in std_logic_vector(0 to 7);
thread_stop : in std_logic_vector(0 to 3);
thread_running : out std_logic_vector(0 to 3);
ext_mchk : in std_logic_vector(0 to 3);
ext_checkstop : in std_logic;
debug_stop : in std_logic;
mchk : out std_logic_vector(0 to 3);
recov_err : out std_logic_vector(0 to 2);
checkstop : out std_logic_vector(0 to 2);
a2l2_axi_err : out std_logic_vector(0 to 3);
crit_interrupt : in std_logic_vector(0 to 3);
ext_interrupt : in std_logic_vector(0 to 3);
perf_interrupt : in std_logic_vector(0 to 3);
tb_update_enable : in std_logic;
tb_update_pulse : in std_logic;
scom_sat_id : in std_logic_vector(0 to 3);
scom_dch_in : in std_logic;
scom_cch_in : in std_logic;
scom_dch_out : out std_logic;
scom_cch_out : out std_logic;
flh2l2_gate : in std_logic;
hang_pulse : in std_logic_vector(0 to 3);
m00_axi_awid : out std_logic_vector(C_M00_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
m00_axi_awaddr : out std_logic_vector(C_M00_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
m00_axi_awlen : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
m00_axi_awsize : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
m00_axi_awburst : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
m00_axi_awlock : out std_logic;
m00_axi_awcache : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
m00_axi_awprot : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
m00_axi_awqos : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
m00_axi_awuser : out std_logic_vector(C_M00_AXI_AWUSER_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
m00_axi_awvalid : out std_logic;
m00_axi_awready : in std_logic;
m00_axi_wdata : out std_logic_vector(C_M00_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
m00_axi_wstrb : out std_logic_vector(C_M00_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1 downto 0);
m00_axi_wlast : out std_logic;
m00_axi_wuser : out std_logic_vector(C_M00_AXI_WUSER_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
m00_axi_wvalid : out std_logic;
m00_axi_wready : in std_logic;
m00_axi_bid : in std_logic_vector(C_M00_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
m00_axi_bresp : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
m00_axi_buser : in std_logic_vector(C_M00_AXI_BUSER_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
m00_axi_bvalid : in std_logic;
m00_axi_bready : out std_logic;
m00_axi_arid : out std_logic_vector(C_M00_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
m00_axi_araddr : out std_logic_vector(C_M00_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
m00_axi_arlen : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
m00_axi_arsize : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
m00_axi_arburst : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
m00_axi_arlock : out std_logic;
m00_axi_arcache : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
m00_axi_arprot : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
m00_axi_arqos : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
m00_axi_aruser : out std_logic_vector(C_M00_AXI_ARUSER_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
m00_axi_arvalid : out std_logic;
m00_axi_arready : in std_logic;
m00_axi_rid : in std_logic_vector(C_M00_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
m00_axi_rdata : in std_logic_vector(C_M00_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
m00_axi_rresp : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
m00_axi_rlast : in std_logic;
m00_axi_ruser : in std_logic_vector(C_M00_AXI_RUSER_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
m00_axi_rvalid : in std_logic;
m00_axi_rready : out std_logic
end a2x_axi;
architecture a2x_axi of a2x_axi is
constant expand_type : integer := 1;
constant threads : integer := 4;
constant xu_real_data_add : integer := 42;
constant st_data_32b_mode : integer := 1;
constant ac_st_data_32b_mode : integer := 1;
constant error_width : integer := 3;
constant expand_tlb_type : integer := 2;
constant extclass_width : integer := 2;
constant inv_seq_width : integer := 4;
constant lpid_width : integer := 8;
constant pid_width : integer := 14;
constant ra_entry_width : integer := 12;
constant real_addr_width : integer := 42;
signal a2_nclk : clk_logic;
signal an_ac_sg_7 : std_logic;
signal an_ac_back_inv : std_logic;
signal an_ac_back_inv_addr : std_logic_vector(22 to 63);
signal an_ac_back_inv_lbit : std_logic;
signal an_ac_back_inv_gs : std_logic;
signal an_ac_back_inv_ind : std_logic;
signal an_ac_back_inv_local : std_logic;
signal an_ac_back_inv_lpar_id : std_logic_vector(0 to 7);
signal an_ac_back_inv_target : std_logic_vector(0 to 4);
signal an_ac_dcr_act : std_logic;
signal an_ac_dcr_val : std_logic;
signal an_ac_dcr_read : std_logic;
signal an_ac_dcr_etid : std_logic_vector(0 to 1);
signal an_ac_dcr_data : std_logic_vector(0 to 63);
signal an_ac_dcr_done : std_logic;
signal an_ac_flh2l2_gate : std_logic;
signal an_ac_reld_core_tag : std_logic_vector(0 to 4);
signal an_ac_reld_data : std_logic_vector(0 to 127);
signal an_ac_reld_data_vld : std_logic;
signal an_ac_reld_ecc_err : std_logic;
signal an_ac_reld_ecc_err_ue : std_logic;
signal an_ac_reld_qw : std_logic_vector(57 to 59);
signal an_ac_reld_data_coming : std_logic;
signal an_ac_reld_ditc : std_logic;
signal an_ac_reld_crit_qw : std_logic;
signal an_ac_reld_l1_dump : std_logic;
signal an_ac_req_ld_pop : std_logic;
signal an_ac_req_st_gather : std_logic;
signal an_ac_req_st_pop : std_logic;
signal an_ac_req_st_pop_thrd : std_logic_vector(0 to 2);
signal an_ac_stcx_complete : std_logic_vector(0 to 3);
signal an_ac_stcx_pass : std_logic_vector(0 to 3);
signal an_ac_sync_ack : std_logic_vector(0 to 3);
signal an_ac_user_defined : std_logic_vector(0 to 3);
signal an_ac_reservation_vld : std_logic_vector(0 to 3);
signal an_ac_icbi_ack : std_ulogic;
signal an_ac_icbi_ack_thread : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
signal an_ac_sleep_en : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal ac_an_back_inv_reject : std_ulogic;
signal ac_an_box_empty : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal ac_an_lpar_id : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
signal ac_an_power_managed : std_ulogic;
signal ac_an_req : std_ulogic;
signal ac_an_req_endian : std_ulogic;
signal ac_an_req_ld_core_tag : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
signal ac_an_req_ld_xfr_len : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2);
signal ac_an_req_pwr_token : std_ulogic;
signal ac_an_req_ra : std_ulogic_vector(22 to 63);
signal ac_an_req_spare_ctrl_a0 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal ac_an_req_thread : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2);
signal ac_an_req_ttype : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5);
signal ac_an_req_user_defined : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal ac_an_req_wimg_g : std_ulogic;
signal ac_an_req_wimg_i : std_ulogic;
signal ac_an_req_wimg_m : std_ulogic;
signal ac_an_req_wimg_w : std_ulogic;
signal ac_an_reld_ditc_pop : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal ac_an_rvwinkle_mode : std_ulogic;
signal ac_an_st_byte_enbl : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 31);
signal ac_an_st_data : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 255);
signal ac_an_st_data_pwr_token : std_ulogic;
signal ac_an_fu_bypass_events : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
signal ac_an_iu_bypass_events : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
signal ac_an_mm_bypass_events : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
signal an_ac_debug_stop : std_ulogic;
signal ac_an_psro_ringsig : std_ulogic;
signal an_ac_psro_enable_dc : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2);
signal an_ac_req_spare_ctrl_a1 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal alt_disp : std_ulogic;
signal d_mode : std_ulogic;
signal delay_lclkr : std_ulogic;
signal mpw1_b : std_ulogic;
signal mpw2_b : std_ulogic;
signal scdis_b : std_ulogic;
signal an_ac_abist_mode_dc : std_ulogic;
signal an_ac_abist_start_test : std_ulogic;
signal an_ac_abst_scan_in : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 9);
signal an_ac_atpg_en_dc : std_ulogic;
signal an_ac_bcfg_scan_in : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
signal an_ac_lbist_ary_wrt_thru_dc : std_ulogic;
signal an_ac_ccenable_dc : std_ulogic;
signal an_ac_ccflush_dc : std_ulogic;
signal an_ac_reset_1_complete : std_ulogic;
signal an_ac_reset_2_complete : std_ulogic;
signal an_ac_reset_3_complete : std_ulogic;
signal an_ac_reset_wd_complete : std_ulogic;
signal an_ac_dcfg_scan_in : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2);
signal an_ac_fce_7 : std_ulogic;
signal an_ac_func_scan_in : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 63);
signal an_ac_gptr_scan_in : std_ulogic;
signal an_ac_hang_pulse : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal an_ac_lbist_en_dc : std_ulogic;
signal an_ac_lbist_ac_mode_dc : std_ulogic;
signal an_ac_lbist_ip_dc : std_ulogic;
signal an_ac_malf_alert : std_ulogic;
signal an_ac_gsd_test_enable_dc : std_ulogic;
signal an_ac_gsd_test_acmode_dc : std_ulogic;
signal an_ac_repr_scan_in : std_ulogic;
signal an_ac_scan_diag_dc : std_ulogic;
signal an_ac_scan_dis_dc_b : std_ulogic;
signal an_ac_scan_type_dc : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 8);
signal an_ac_scom_sat_id : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal an_ac_checkstop : std_ulogic;
signal an_ac_machine_check : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal an_ac_tb_update_enable : std_ulogic;
signal an_ac_tb_update_pulse : std_ulogic;
signal an_ac_time_scan_in : std_ulogic;
signal an_ac_regf_scan_in : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
signal ac_an_debug_bus : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 87);
signal ac_an_event_bus : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
signal ac_an_trace_triggers : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
signal ac_an_abist_done_dc : std_ulogic;
signal ac_an_abst_scan_out : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 9);
signal ac_an_bcfg_scan_out : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
signal ac_an_dcfg_scan_out : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2);
signal ac_an_debug_trigger : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal ac_an_func_scan_out : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 63);
signal ac_an_gptr_scan_out : std_ulogic;
signal ac_an_repr_scan_out : std_ulogic;
signal ac_an_time_scan_out : std_ulogic;
signal ac_an_special_attn : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal ac_an_checkstop : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2);
signal ac_an_dcr_act : std_ulogic;
signal ac_an_dcr_val : std_ulogic;
signal ac_an_dcr_read : std_ulogic;
signal ac_an_dcr_user : std_ulogic;
signal ac_an_dcr_etid : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
signal ac_an_dcr_addr : std_ulogic_vector(11 to 20);
signal ac_an_dcr_data : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 63);
signal ac_an_machine_check : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal ac_an_pm_thread_running : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal ac_an_recov_err : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2);
signal ac_an_local_checkstop : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2);
signal an_ac_external_mchk : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal gnd : power_logic;
signal vcs : power_logic;
signal vdd : power_logic;
signal vio : power_logic;
signal node_scom_dch_in : std_ulogic;
signal node_scom_cch_in : std_ulogic;
signal node_scom_dch_out : std_ulogic;
signal node_scom_cch_out : std_ulogic;
signal an_ac_camfence_en_dc : std_ulogic;
signal tidn : std_ulogic;
signal tiup : std_ulogic;
tidn <= '0';
tiup <= '1';
a2_nclk.clk <= clk;
a2_nclk.clk2x <= clk2x;
a2_nclk.clk4x <= '0';
a2_nclk.sreset <= not reset_n;
alt_disp <= tidn;
d_mode <= tiup;
delay_lclkr <= tidn;
mpw1_b <= tidn;
mpw2_b <= tidn;
scdis_b <= tidn;
an_ac_ccenable_dc <= tiup;
an_ac_scan_type_dc <= tiup & tiup & tiup & tiup & tiup & tiup & tiup & tiup & tiup;
an_ac_func_scan_in <= (others => '0');
an_ac_regf_scan_in <= (others => '0');
an_ac_bcfg_scan_in <= (others => '0');
an_ac_dcfg_scan_in <= (others => '0');
an_ac_abst_scan_in <= (others => '0');
an_ac_gptr_scan_in <= '0';
an_ac_repr_scan_in <= '0';
an_ac_time_scan_in <= '0';
an_ac_atpg_en_dc <= '0';
an_ac_scan_dis_dc_b <= '1';
an_ac_camfence_en_dc <= '0';
an_ac_abist_start_test <= '0';
an_ac_abist_mode_dc <= '0';
an_ac_lbist_en_dc <= '0';
an_ac_lbist_ac_mode_dc <= '0';
an_ac_lbist_ip_dc <= '0';
an_ac_fce_7 <= '0';
an_ac_sg_7 <= '0';
an_ac_gsd_test_acmode_dc <= '0';
an_ac_lbist_ary_wrt_thru_dc <= '0';
an_ac_gsd_test_enable_dc <= '0';
an_ac_scan_diag_dc <= '0';
an_ac_psro_enable_dc <= (others => '0');
an_ac_ccflush_dc <= '0';
an_ac_flh2l2_gate <= flh2l2_gate;
an_ac_external_mchk <= ext_mchk;
an_ac_checkstop <= ext_checkstop;
an_ac_debug_stop <= debug_stop;
an_ac_hang_pulse <= hang_pulse;
thread_running <= ac_an_pm_thread_running;
mchk <= ac_an_machine_check;
recov_err <= ac_an_recov_err;
checkstop <= ac_an_local_checkstop;
an_ac_scom_sat_id <= scom_sat_id;
node_scom_dch_in <= scom_dch_in;
node_scom_cch_in <= scom_cch_in;
scom_dch_out <= node_scom_dch_out;
scom_cch_out <= node_scom_cch_out;
an_ac_user_defined <= (others => '0');
an_ac_req_spare_ctrl_a1 <= (others => '0');
an_ac_icbi_ack <= '0';
an_ac_icbi_ack_thread <= (others => '0');
an_ac_back_inv <= '0';
an_ac_back_inv_gs <= '0';
an_ac_back_inv_local <= '0';
an_ac_back_inv_lbit <= '0';
an_ac_back_inv_ind <= '0';
an_ac_back_inv_addr <= (others => '0');
an_ac_back_inv_lpar_id <= (others => '0');
an_ac_back_inv_target <= (others => '0');
an_ac_reld_ditc <= '0';
an_ac_dcr_act <= '0';
an_ac_dcr_val <= '0';
an_ac_dcr_read <= '0';
an_ac_dcr_etid <= (others => '0');
an_ac_dcr_data <= (others => '0');
an_ac_dcr_done <= '0';
an_ac_reset_1_complete <= '0';
an_ac_reset_2_complete <= '0';
an_ac_reset_3_complete <= '0';
an_ac_reset_wd_complete <= '0';
an_ac_sleep_en <= (others => '0');
an_ac_malf_alert <= '0';
acq: entity work.acq_soft(acq_soft)
generic map(
error_width => error_width,
expand_type => expand_type,
expand_tlb_type => expand_tlb_type,
extclass_width => extclass_width,
inv_seq_width => inv_seq_width,
lpid_width => lpid_width,
pid_width => pid_width,
ra_entry_width => ra_entry_width,
real_addr_width => real_addr_width,
threads => threads,
xu_real_data_add => xu_real_data_add,
st_data_32b_mode => st_data_32b_mode,
ac_st_data_32b_mode => ac_st_data_32b_mode
port map (
an_ac_back_inv => an_ac_back_inv,
an_ac_back_inv_addr => an_ac_back_inv_addr,
an_ac_back_inv_lbit => an_ac_back_inv_lbit,
an_ac_back_inv_gs => an_ac_back_inv_gs,
an_ac_back_inv_ind => an_ac_back_inv_ind,
an_ac_back_inv_local => an_ac_back_inv_local,
an_ac_back_inv_lpar_id => an_ac_back_inv_lpar_id,
an_ac_back_inv_target => an_ac_back_inv_target,
an_ac_crit_interrupt => crit_interrupt,
an_ac_dcr_act => an_ac_dcr_act,
an_ac_dcr_val => an_ac_dcr_val,
an_ac_dcr_read => an_ac_dcr_read,
an_ac_dcr_etid => an_ac_dcr_etid,
an_ac_dcr_data => an_ac_dcr_data,
an_ac_dcr_done => an_ac_dcr_done,
an_ac_ext_interrupt => ext_interrupt,
an_ac_flh2l2_gate => an_ac_flh2l2_gate,
an_ac_reld_core_tag => an_ac_reld_core_tag,
an_ac_reld_data => an_ac_reld_data,
an_ac_reld_data_vld => an_ac_reld_data_vld,
an_ac_reld_ecc_err => an_ac_reld_ecc_err,
an_ac_reld_ecc_err_ue => an_ac_reld_ecc_err_ue,
an_ac_reld_qw => an_ac_reld_qw,
an_ac_reld_data_coming => an_ac_reld_data_coming,
an_ac_reld_ditc => an_ac_reld_ditc,
an_ac_reld_crit_qw => an_ac_reld_crit_qw,
an_ac_reld_l1_dump => an_ac_reld_l1_dump,
an_ac_regf_scan_in => an_ac_regf_scan_in,
an_ac_req_ld_pop => an_ac_req_ld_pop,
an_ac_req_spare_ctrl_a1 => an_ac_req_spare_ctrl_a1,
an_ac_req_st_gather => an_ac_req_st_gather,
an_ac_req_st_pop => an_ac_req_st_pop,
an_ac_req_st_pop_thrd => an_ac_req_st_pop_thrd,
an_ac_reservation_vld => an_ac_reservation_vld,
an_ac_sleep_en => an_ac_sleep_en,
an_ac_stcx_complete => an_ac_stcx_complete,
an_ac_stcx_pass => an_ac_stcx_pass,
an_ac_sync_ack => an_ac_sync_ack,
an_ac_icbi_ack => an_ac_icbi_ack,
an_ac_icbi_ack_thread => an_ac_icbi_ack_thread,
a2_nclk => a2_nclk,
an_ac_abist_mode_dc => an_ac_abist_mode_dc,
an_ac_abist_start_test => an_ac_abist_start_test,
an_ac_abst_scan_in => an_ac_abst_scan_in,
an_ac_rtim_sl_thold_7 => thold,
an_ac_ary_nsl_thold_7 => thold,
an_ac_func_nsl_thold_7 => thold,
an_ac_func_sl_thold_7 => thold,
an_ac_atpg_en_dc => an_ac_atpg_en_dc,
an_ac_bcfg_scan_in => an_ac_bcfg_scan_in,
an_ac_lbist_ary_wrt_thru_dc => an_ac_lbist_ary_wrt_thru_dc,
an_ac_ccenable_dc => an_ac_ccenable_dc,
an_ac_ccflush_dc => an_ac_ccflush_dc,
an_ac_coreid => core_id,
an_ac_lbist_ip_dc => an_ac_lbist_ip_dc,
an_ac_malf_alert => an_ac_malf_alert,
an_ac_reset_1_complete => an_ac_reset_1_complete,
an_ac_reset_2_complete => an_ac_reset_2_complete,
an_ac_reset_3_complete => an_ac_reset_3_complete,
an_ac_reset_wd_complete => an_ac_reset_wd_complete,
an_ac_dcfg_scan_in => an_ac_dcfg_scan_in,
an_ac_debug_stop => an_ac_debug_stop,
an_ac_external_mchk => an_ac_external_mchk,
an_ac_fce_7 => an_ac_fce_7,
an_ac_func_scan_in => an_ac_func_scan_in,
an_ac_gptr_scan_in => an_ac_gptr_scan_in,
an_ac_gsd_test_acmode_dc => an_ac_gsd_test_acmode_dc,
an_ac_gsd_test_enable_dc => an_ac_gsd_test_enable_dc,
an_ac_hang_pulse => an_ac_hang_pulse,
an_ac_lbist_en_dc => an_ac_lbist_en_dc,
an_ac_lbist_ac_mode_dc => an_ac_lbist_ac_mode_dc,
an_ac_perf_interrupt => perf_interrupt,
an_ac_pm_thread_stop => thread_stop,
an_ac_psro_enable_dc => an_ac_psro_enable_dc,
an_ac_repr_scan_in => an_ac_repr_scan_in,
an_ac_scan_diag_dc => an_ac_scan_diag_dc,
an_ac_scan_dis_dc_b => an_ac_scan_dis_dc_b,
an_ac_scan_type_dc => an_ac_scan_type_dc,
an_ac_scom_cch => node_scom_cch_in,
an_ac_scom_dch => node_scom_dch_in,
an_ac_scom_sat_id => an_ac_scom_sat_id,
an_ac_sg_7 => an_ac_sg_7,
an_ac_checkstop => an_ac_checkstop,
an_ac_tb_update_enable => tb_update_enable,
an_ac_tb_update_pulse => tb_update_pulse,
an_ac_time_scan_in => an_ac_time_scan_in,
ac_an_back_inv_reject => ac_an_back_inv_reject,
ac_an_box_empty => ac_an_box_empty,
ac_an_lpar_id => ac_an_lpar_id,
ac_an_machine_check => ac_an_machine_check,
ac_an_power_managed => ac_an_power_managed,
ac_an_req => ac_an_req,
ac_an_req_endian => ac_an_req_endian,
ac_an_req_ld_core_tag => ac_an_req_ld_core_tag,
ac_an_req_ld_xfr_len => ac_an_req_ld_xfr_len,
ac_an_req_pwr_token => ac_an_req_pwr_token,
ac_an_req_ra => ac_an_req_ra,
ac_an_req_spare_ctrl_a0 => ac_an_req_spare_ctrl_a0,
ac_an_req_thread => ac_an_req_thread,
ac_an_req_ttype => ac_an_req_ttype,
ac_an_req_user_defined => ac_an_req_user_defined,
ac_an_req_wimg_g => ac_an_req_wimg_g,
ac_an_req_wimg_i => ac_an_req_wimg_i,
ac_an_req_wimg_m => ac_an_req_wimg_m,
ac_an_req_wimg_w => ac_an_req_wimg_w,
ac_an_reld_ditc_pop => ac_an_reld_ditc_pop,
ac_an_rvwinkle_mode => ac_an_rvwinkle_mode,
ac_an_st_byte_enbl => ac_an_st_byte_enbl,
ac_an_st_data => ac_an_st_data,
ac_an_st_data_pwr_token => ac_an_st_data_pwr_token,
ac_an_fu_bypass_events => ac_an_fu_bypass_events,
ac_an_iu_bypass_events => ac_an_iu_bypass_events,
ac_an_mm_bypass_events => ac_an_mm_bypass_events,
ac_an_debug_bus => ac_an_debug_bus,
ac_an_event_bus => ac_an_event_bus,
ac_an_trace_triggers => ac_an_trace_triggers,
ac_an_abist_done_dc => ac_an_abist_done_dc,
ac_an_abst_scan_out => ac_an_abst_scan_out,
ac_an_bcfg_scan_out => ac_an_bcfg_scan_out,
ac_an_dcfg_scan_out => ac_an_dcfg_scan_out,
ac_an_debug_trigger => ac_an_debug_trigger,
ac_an_func_scan_out => ac_an_func_scan_out,
ac_an_gptr_scan_out => ac_an_gptr_scan_out,
ac_an_pm_thread_running => ac_an_pm_thread_running,
ac_an_psro_ringsig => ac_an_psro_ringsig,
ac_an_recov_err => ac_an_recov_err,
ac_an_repr_scan_out => ac_an_repr_scan_out,
ac_an_scom_cch => node_scom_cch_out,
ac_an_scom_dch => node_scom_dch_out,
ac_an_time_scan_out => ac_an_time_scan_out,
ac_an_special_attn => ac_an_special_attn,
ac_an_checkstop => ac_an_checkstop,
ac_an_local_checkstop => ac_an_local_checkstop,
ac_an_dcr_act => ac_an_dcr_act,
ac_an_dcr_val => ac_an_dcr_val,
ac_an_dcr_read => ac_an_dcr_read,
ac_an_dcr_user => ac_an_dcr_user,
ac_an_dcr_etid => ac_an_dcr_etid,
ac_an_dcr_addr => ac_an_dcr_addr,
ac_an_dcr_data => ac_an_dcr_data,
an_ac_camfence_en_dc => an_ac_camfence_en_dc,
gnd => gnd,
vcs => vcs,
vdd => vdd
a2l2_axi: entity work.a2l2_axi(a2l2_axi)
generic map(
port map(
clk => clk,
reset_n => reset_n,
err => a2l2_axi_err,
ac_an_req => ac_an_req,
ac_an_req_endian => ac_an_req_endian,
ac_an_req_ld_core_tag => ac_an_req_ld_core_tag,
ac_an_req_ld_xfr_len => ac_an_req_ld_xfr_len,
ac_an_req_pwr_token => ac_an_req_pwr_token,
ac_an_req_ra => ac_an_req_ra,
ac_an_req_thread => ac_an_req_thread,
ac_an_req_ttype => ac_an_req_ttype,
ac_an_req_user_defined => ac_an_req_user_defined,
ac_an_req_wimg_g => ac_an_req_wimg_g,
ac_an_req_wimg_i => ac_an_req_wimg_i,
ac_an_req_wimg_m => ac_an_req_wimg_m,
ac_an_req_wimg_w => ac_an_req_wimg_w,
ac_an_st_byte_enbl => ac_an_st_byte_enbl,
ac_an_st_data => ac_an_st_data,
ac_an_st_data_pwr_token => ac_an_st_data_pwr_token,
an_ac_reld_core_tag => an_ac_reld_core_tag,
an_ac_reld_data => an_ac_reld_data,
an_ac_reld_data_vld => an_ac_reld_data_vld,
an_ac_reld_ecc_err => an_ac_reld_ecc_err,
an_ac_reld_ecc_err_ue => an_ac_reld_ecc_err_ue,
an_ac_reld_qw => an_ac_reld_qw,
an_ac_reld_data_coming => an_ac_reld_data_coming,
an_ac_reld_crit_qw => an_ac_reld_crit_qw,
an_ac_reld_l1_dump => an_ac_reld_l1_dump,
an_ac_req_ld_pop => an_ac_req_ld_pop,
an_ac_req_st_pop => an_ac_req_st_pop,
an_ac_req_st_gather => an_ac_req_st_gather,
an_ac_req_st_pop_thrd => an_ac_req_st_pop_thrd,
an_ac_reservation_vld => an_ac_reservation_vld,
an_ac_stcx_complete => an_ac_stcx_complete,
an_ac_stcx_pass => an_ac_stcx_pass,
an_ac_sync_ack => an_ac_sync_ack,
m00_axi_awid => m00_axi_awid,
m00_axi_awaddr => m00_axi_awaddr,
m00_axi_awlen => m00_axi_awlen,
m00_axi_awsize => m00_axi_awsize,
m00_axi_awburst => m00_axi_awburst,
m00_axi_awlock => m00_axi_awlock,
m00_axi_awcache => m00_axi_awcache,
m00_axi_awprot => m00_axi_awprot,
m00_axi_awqos => m00_axi_awqos,
m00_axi_awuser => m00_axi_awuser,
m00_axi_awvalid => m00_axi_awvalid,
m00_axi_awready => m00_axi_awready,
m00_axi_wdata => m00_axi_wdata,
m00_axi_wstrb => m00_axi_wstrb,
m00_axi_wlast => m00_axi_wlast,
m00_axi_wuser => m00_axi_wuser,
m00_axi_wvalid => m00_axi_wvalid,
m00_axi_wready => m00_axi_wready,
m00_axi_bid => m00_axi_bid,
m00_axi_bresp => m00_axi_bresp,
m00_axi_buser => m00_axi_buser,
m00_axi_bvalid => m00_axi_bvalid,
m00_axi_bready => m00_axi_bready,
m00_axi_arid => m00_axi_arid,
m00_axi_araddr => m00_axi_araddr,
m00_axi_arlen => m00_axi_arlen,
m00_axi_arsize => m00_axi_arsize,
m00_axi_arburst => m00_axi_arburst,
m00_axi_arlock => m00_axi_arlock,
m00_axi_arcache => m00_axi_arcache,
m00_axi_arprot => m00_axi_arprot,
m00_axi_arqos => m00_axi_arqos,
m00_axi_aruser => m00_axi_aruser,
m00_axi_arvalid => m00_axi_arvalid,
m00_axi_arready => m00_axi_arready,
m00_axi_rid => m00_axi_rid,
m00_axi_rdata => m00_axi_rdata,
m00_axi_rresp => m00_axi_rresp,
m00_axi_rlast => m00_axi_rlast,
m00_axi_ruser => m00_axi_ruser,
m00_axi_rvalid => m00_axi_rvalid,
m00_axi_rready => m00_axi_rready
end a2x_axi;
@ -0,0 +1,501 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
package a2x_pkg is
attribute dont_touch : string;
constant c_ld_queue_size : integer := 4;
constant c_ld_queue_bits : integer := 2;
constant c_st_queue_size : integer := 16;
constant c_st_queue_bits : integer := 4;
constant c_max_pointer : integer := 2;
constant IFETCH : std_logic_vector(0 to 5) := "000000";
constant IFETCHPRE : std_logic_vector(0 to 5) := "000001";
constant LOAD : std_logic_vector(0 to 5) := "001000";
constant STORE : std_logic_vector(0 to 5) := "100000";
constant LARX : std_logic_vector(0 to 5) := "001001";
constant LARXHINT : std_logic_vector(0 to 5) := "001011";
constant STCX : std_logic_vector(0 to 5) := "101011";
constant LWSYNC : std_logic_vector(0 to 5) := "101010";
constant HWSYNC : std_logic_vector(0 to 5) := "101011";
constant MBAR : std_logic_vector(0 to 5) := "110010";
constant TLBSYNC : std_logic_vector(0 to 5) := "111010";
constant DCBI : std_logic_vector(0 to 5) := "111111";
function or_reduce(slv: in std_logic_vector) return std_logic;
function and_reduce(slv: in std_logic_vector) return std_logic;
function inc(a: in std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector;
function inc(a: in std_logic_vector; b: in integer) return std_logic_vector;
function dec(a: in std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector;
function eq(a: in std_logic_vector; b: in integer) return boolean;
function eq(a: in std_logic_vector; b: in integer) return std_logic;
function eq(a: in std_logic_vector; b: in std_logic_vector) return boolean;
function eq(a: in std_logic_vector; b: in std_logic_vector) return std_logic;
function gt(a: in std_logic_vector; b: in integer) return boolean;
function gt(a: in std_logic_vector; b: in std_logic_vector) return boolean;
function gt(a: in std_logic_vector; b: in std_logic_vector) return std_logic;
function nz(a: in std_logic_vector) return boolean;
function nz(a: in std_logic_vector) return std_logic;
function b(a: in boolean) return std_logic;
function b(a: in std_logic) return boolean;
function clog2(n : in integer) return integer;
function conv_integer(a: in std_logic_vector) return integer;
function max(a: in integer; b: in integer) return integer;
function right_one(a: in std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector;
function gate_and(a: in std_logic; b: in std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector;
function rotl(a: in std_logic_vector; b: in integer) return std_logic_vector;
function rotl(a: in std_logic_vector; b: in std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector;
function rotr(a: in std_logic_vector; b: in integer) return std_logic_vector;
function rotr(a: in std_logic_vector; b: in std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector;
function enc(a: in std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector;
function enc(a: in std_logic_vector; b: in integer) return std_logic_vector;
subtype RADDR is std_logic_vector(64-42 to 63);
subtype LINEADDR is std_logic_vector(64-42 to 59);
type A2L2REQUEST is record
valid : std_logic;
sent : std_logic;
data : std_logic;
dseq : std_logic_vector(0 to 2);
endian : std_logic;
tag : std_logic_vector(0 to 4);
len : std_logic_vector(0 to 2);
ra : RADDR;
thread : std_logic_vector(0 to 1);
spec : std_logic;
ditc : std_logic;
ttype : std_logic_vector(0 to 5);
user : std_logic_vector(0 to 3);
wimg : std_logic_vector(0 to 3);
hwsync : std_logic;
end record;
type A2L2STOREDATA is record
data : std_logic_vector(0 to 127);
be : std_logic_vector(0 to 15);
end record;
type A2L2RELOAD is record
coming : std_logic;
valid : std_logic;
tag : std_logic_vector(0 to 4);
data : std_logic_vector(0 to 127);
ee : std_logic;
ue : std_logic;
qw : std_logic_vector(57 to 59);
crit : std_logic;
dump : std_logic;
end record;
type A2L2STATUS is record
ld_pop : std_logic;
st_pop : std_logic;
st_pop_thrd : std_logic_vector(0 to 2);
gather : std_logic;
res_valid : std_logic_vector(0 to 3);
stcx_complete : std_logic_vector(0 to 3);
stcx_pass : std_logic_vector(0 to 3);
sync_ack : std_logic_vector(0 to 3);
end record;
type A2L2RESV is record
valid : std_logic;
end record;
type LOADQUEUE is array(0 to c_ld_queue_size-1) of A2L2REQUEST;
type LOADDATAQUEUE is array(0 to 63) of std_logic_vector(0 to 31);
type LOADQUEUEDEP is array(0 to c_ld_queue_size-1) of std_logic_vector(0 to c_st_queue_bits);
type STOREQUEUE is array(0 to c_st_queue_size-1) of A2L2REQUEST;
type STOREDATAQUEUE is array(0 to c_st_queue_size-1) of A2L2STOREDATA;
type STOREQUEUEDEP is array(0 to c_st_queue_size-1) of std_logic_vector(0 to c_ld_queue_bits);
type RESVARRAY is array(0 to 3) of A2L2RESV;
function address_check(a: in A2L2REQUEST; b: in A2L2REQUEST) return std_logic;
function mux_queue(a: in LOADQUEUE; b: in std_logic_vector) return A2L2REQUEST;
function mux_queue(a: in LOADDATAQUEUE; b: in integer) return std_logic_vector;
function mux_queue(a: in LOADDATAQUEUE; b: in std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector;
function mux_queue(a: in LOADQUEUEDEP; b: in std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector;
function mux_queue(a: in STOREQUEUE; b: in std_logic_vector) return A2L2REQUEST;
function mux_queue(a: in STOREDATAQUEUE; b: in std_logic_vector) return A2L2STOREDATA;
function mux_queue(a: in STOREQUEUEDEP; b: in std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector;
end a2x_pkg;
package body a2x_pkg is
function or_reduce(slv: in std_logic_vector) return std_logic is
variable res: std_logic := '0';
for i in slv'range loop
res := res or slv(i);
end loop;
return res;
end function;
function and_reduce(slv: in std_logic_vector) return std_logic is
variable res: std_logic := '1';
for i in slv'range loop
res := res and slv(i);
end loop;
return res;
end function;
function inc(a: in std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
variable res: std_logic_vector(0 to a'length-1);
res := std_logic_vector(unsigned(a) + 1);
return res;
end function;
function inc(a: in std_logic_vector; b: in integer) return std_logic_vector is
variable res: std_logic_vector(0 to a'length-1);
res := std_logic_vector(unsigned(a) + b);
return res;
end function;
function dec(a: in std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
variable res: std_logic_vector(0 to a'length-1);
res := std_logic_vector(unsigned(a) - 1);
return res;
end function;
function eq(a: in std_logic_vector; b: in integer) return boolean is
variable res: boolean;
res := unsigned(a) = b;
return res;
end function;
function eq(a: in std_logic_vector; b: in integer) return std_logic is
variable res: std_logic;
if unsigned(a) = b then
res := '1';
res := '0';
end if;
return res;
end function;
function eq(a: in std_logic_vector; b: in std_logic_vector) return boolean is
variable res: boolean;
res := unsigned(a) = unsigned(b);
return res;
end function;
function eq(a: in std_logic_vector; b: in std_logic_vector) return std_logic is
variable res: std_logic;
if unsigned(a) = unsigned(b) then
res := '1';
res := '0';
end if;
return res;
end function;
function gt(a: in std_logic_vector; b: in integer) return boolean is
variable res: boolean;
res := unsigned(a) > b;
return res;
end function;
function gt(a: in std_logic_vector; b: in std_logic_vector) return boolean is
variable res: boolean;
res := unsigned(a) > unsigned(b);
return res;
end function;
function gt(a: in std_logic_vector; b: in std_logic_vector) return std_logic is
variable res: std_logic;
if unsigned(a) > unsigned(b) then
res := '1';
res := '0';
end if;
return res;
end function;
function nz(a: in std_logic_vector) return boolean is
variable res: boolean;
res := unsigned(a) /= 0;
return res;
end function;
function nz(a: in std_logic_vector) return std_logic is
variable res: std_logic;
if unsigned(a) /= 0 then
res := '1';
res := '0';
end if;
return res;
end function;
function b(a: in boolean) return std_logic is
variable res: std_logic;
if a then
res := '1';
res := '0';
end if;
return res;
end function;
function b(a: in std_logic) return boolean is
variable res: boolean;
if a = '1' then
res := true;
res := false;
end if;
return res;
end function;
function right_one(a: in std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
variable res : std_logic_vector(0 to a'length - 1);
for i in a'length - 1 downto 0 loop
if a(i) = '1' then
res(i) := '1';
end if;
end loop;
return res;
end function;
function rotl(a: in std_logic_vector; b: in integer) return std_logic_vector is
variable res : std_logic_vector(0 to a'length - 1);
res := a(b to a'length - 1) & a(0 to b - 1);
return res;
end function;
function rotl(a: in std_logic_vector; b: in std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
variable res : std_logic_vector(0 to a'length - 1) := a;
variable c : integer := conv_integer(b);
variable i : integer;
for i in 0 to a'length - 1 loop
if (i + c < a'length) then
res(i) := a(i + c);
res(i) := a(i + c - a'length);
end if;
end loop;
return res;
end function;
function rotr(a: in std_logic_vector; b: in integer) return std_logic_vector is
variable res: std_logic_vector(0 to a'length - 1);
res := a(a'length - b to a'length - 1) & a(0 to a'length - b - 1);
return res;
end function;
function rotr(a: in std_logic_vector; b: in std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
variable res: std_logic_vector(0 to a'length - 1);
variable c : integer := conv_integer(b);
for i in 0 to a'length - 1 loop
if (a'length - c + i < a'length) then
res(i) := a(a'length - c + i);
res(i) := a(-c + i);
end if;
end loop;
return res;
end function;
function gate_and(a: in std_logic; b: in std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
variable res: std_logic_vector(0 to b'length-1);
if a = '1' then
res := b;
res := (others => '0');
end if;
return res;
end function;
function enc(a: in std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
variable res: std_logic_vector(0 to clog2(a'length)-1) := (others => '0');
for i in 0 to a'length - 1 loop
if (a(i) = '1') then
res := std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(i, res'length));
end if;
end loop;
return res;
end function;
function enc(a: in std_logic_vector; b: in integer) return std_logic_vector is
variable res: std_logic_vector(0 to b-1) := (others => '0');
for i in 0 to a'length - 1 loop
if (a(i) = '1') then
res := std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(i, res'length));
end if;
end loop;
return res;
end function;
function conv_integer(a: in std_logic_vector) return integer is
variable res: integer;
res := to_integer(unsigned(a));
return res;
end function;
function max(a: in integer; b: in integer) return integer is
variable res : integer;
if (a > b) then
res := a;
res := b;
end if;
return res;
end function;
function mux_queue(a: in LOADQUEUE; b: in std_logic_vector) return A2L2REQUEST is
variable res: A2L2REQUEST;
res := a(conv_integer(b));
return res;
end function;
function mux_queue(a: in LOADDATAQUEUE; b: in std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
variable res: std_logic_vector(0 to a(0)'length-1);
res := a(conv_integer(b));
return res;
end function;
function mux_queue(a: in LOADDATAQUEUE; b: in integer) return std_logic_vector is
variable res: std_logic_vector(0 to a(0)'length-1);
res := a(b);
return res;
end function;
function mux_queue(a: in LOADQUEUEDEP; b: in std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
variable res: std_logic_vector(0 to a(0)'length-1);
res := a(conv_integer(b));
return res;
end function;
function mux_queue(a: in STOREQUEUE; b: in std_logic_vector) return A2L2REQUEST is
variable res: A2L2REQUEST;
res := a(conv_integer(b));
return res;
end function;
function mux_queue(a: in STOREDATAQUEUE; b: in std_logic_vector) return A2L2STOREDATA is
variable res: A2L2STOREDATA;
res := a(conv_integer(b));
return res;
end function;
function mux_queue(a: in STOREQUEUEDEP; b: in std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
variable res: std_logic_vector(0 to a(0)'length-1);
res := a(conv_integer(b));
return res;
end function;
function address_check(a: in A2L2REQUEST; b: in A2L2REQUEST) return std_logic is
variable res: std_logic := '0';
variable a_start, a_end, b_start, b_end : unsigned(0 to a.ra'length-1);
a_start := unsigned(a.ra);
a_end := unsigned(a.ra) + unsigned(a.len);
b_start := unsigned(b.ra);
b_end := unsigned(b.ra) + unsigned(b.len);
if ((a.valid = '1') and (a.spec = '0') and (b.valid = '1') and (b.spec = '0')) then
if ((a_start >= b_start) and (a_start <= b_end)) then
res := '1';
elsif ((a_end >= b_start) and (a_end <= b_end)) then
res := '1';
end if;
end if;
return res;
end function;
function clog2(n : in integer) return integer is
variable i : integer;
variable j : integer := n - 1;
variable res : integer := 1;
for i in 0 to 31 loop
if (j > 1) then
j := j / 2;
res := res + 1;
end if;
end loop;
return res;
end a2x_pkg;
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,580 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee,ibm,support,tri,work;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_unsigned.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_ao_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_mux_support.all;
entity fuq_add is
generic( expand_type : integer := 2 );
vdd :inout power_logic;
gnd :inout power_logic;
clkoff_b :in std_ulogic;
act_dis :in std_ulogic;
flush :in std_ulogic;
delay_lclkr :in std_ulogic_vector(3 to 4);
mpw1_b :in std_ulogic_vector(3 to 4);
mpw2_b :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 0);
sg_1 :in std_ulogic;
thold_1 :in std_ulogic;
fpu_enable :in std_ulogic;
nclk :in clk_logic;
f_add_si :in std_ulogic;
f_add_so :out std_ulogic;
ex1_act_b :in std_ulogic;
f_sa3_ex3_s :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 162);
f_sa3_ex3_c :in std_ulogic_vector(53 to 161);
f_alg_ex3_frc_sel_p1 :in std_ulogic;
f_alg_ex3_sticky :in std_ulogic;
f_alg_ex2_effsub_eac_b :in std_ulogic;
f_alg_ex2_prod_z :in std_ulogic;
f_pic_ex3_is_gt :in std_ulogic;
f_pic_ex3_is_lt :in std_ulogic;
f_pic_ex3_is_eq :in std_ulogic;
f_pic_ex3_is_nan :in std_ulogic;
f_pic_ex3_cmp_sgnpos :in std_ulogic;
f_pic_ex3_cmp_sgnneg :in std_ulogic;
f_add_ex4_res :out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 162);
f_add_ex4_flag_nan :out std_ulogic;
f_add_ex4_flag_gt :out std_ulogic;
f_add_ex4_flag_lt :out std_ulogic;
f_add_ex4_flag_eq :out std_ulogic;
f_add_ex4_fpcc_iu :out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
f_add_ex4_sign_carry :out std_ulogic;
f_add_ex4_to_int_ovf_wd :out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
f_add_ex4_to_int_ovf_dw :out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
f_add_ex4_sticky :out std_ulogic
end fuq_add;
architecture fuq_add of fuq_add is
constant tiup : std_ulogic := '1';
constant tidn : std_ulogic := '0';
signal thold_0_b, thold_0 :std_ulogic;
signal sg_0, forcee :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_act :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_act :std_ulogic;
signal ex3_act :std_ulogic;
signal act_si :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 8);
signal act_so :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 8);
signal ex4_res_so :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 162);
signal ex4_res_si :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 162);
signal ex4_cmp_so :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 9);
signal ex4_cmp_si :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 9);
signal spare_unused :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal ex3_s :std_ulogic_vector( 0 to 162);
signal ex3_c :std_ulogic_vector(53 to 161);
signal ex3_flag_nan :std_ulogic;
signal ex3_flag_gt :std_ulogic;
signal ex3_flag_lt :std_ulogic;
signal ex3_flag_eq :std_ulogic;
signal ex3_sign_carry :std_ulogic;
signal ex3_inc_all1 :std_ulogic;
signal ex3_inc_byt_c_glb :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 6);
signal ex3_inc_byt_c_glb_b :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 6);
signal ex3_inc_p1 :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 52);
signal ex3_inc_p0 :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 52);
signal ex3_s_p0 :std_ulogic_vector(53 to 162);
signal ex3_s_p1 :std_ulogic_vector(53 to 162);
signal ex3_res :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 162);
signal ex2_effsub :std_ulogic;
signal ex3_effsub :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_effadd_npz :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_effsub_npz :std_ulogic;
signal ex3_effsub_npz :std_ulogic;
signal ex3_effadd_npz :std_ulogic;
signal ex3_flip_inc_p0 :std_ulogic;
signal ex3_flip_inc_p1 :std_ulogic;
signal ex3_inc_sel_p0 :std_ulogic;
signal ex3_inc_sel_p1 :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_res, ex4_res_b , ex4_res_l2_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 162) ;
signal ex4_flag_nan_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_flag_gt_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_flag_lt_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_flag_eq_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_fpcc_iu_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3) ;
signal ex4_sign_carry_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_sticky_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex3_g16 :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 6);
signal ex3_t16 :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 6);
signal ex3_g128, ex3_t128, ex3_g128_b, ex3_t128_b :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 6);
signal ex3_inc_byt_c_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 6);
signal ex3_eac_sel_p0n, ex3_eac_sel_p0, ex3_eac_sel_p1 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 6);
signal ex3_flag_nan_cp1, ex3_flag_gt_cp1, ex3_flag_lt_cp1, ex3_flag_eq_cp1 :std_ulogic;
signal add_ex4_d1clk , add_ex4_d2clk :std_ulogic ;
signal add_ex4_lclk :clk_logic ;
signal ex3_s_p0n, ex3_res_p0n_b, ex3_res_p0_b, ex3_res_p1_b :std_ulogic_vector(53 to 162);
signal ex3_inc_p0_x, ex3_inc_p1_x, ex3_incx_p0_b, ex3_incx_p1_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 52);
signal ex3_sel_a1, ex3_sel_a2, ex3_sel_a3 :std_ulogic_vector(53 to 162);
thold_reg_0: tri_plat generic map (expand_type => expand_type) port map (
vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
flush => flush ,
din(0) => thold_1,
q(0) => thold_0 );
sg_reg_0: tri_plat generic map (expand_type => expand_type) port map (
vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
flush => flush ,
din(0) => sg_1 ,
q(0) => sg_0 );
lcbor_0: tri_lcbor generic map (expand_type => expand_type ) port map (
clkoff_b => clkoff_b,
thold => thold_0,
sg => sg_0,
act_dis => act_dis,
forcee => forcee,
thold_b => thold_0_b );
ex1_act <= not ex1_act_b ;
ex2_effsub <= not f_alg_ex2_effsub_eac_b ;
ex2_effsub_npz <= not f_alg_ex2_effsub_eac_b and not f_alg_ex2_prod_z;
ex2_effadd_npz <= f_alg_ex2_effsub_eac_b and not f_alg_ex2_prod_z;
act_lat: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width=> 9, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 0) port map (
forcee => forcee,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr(3) ,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b(3) ,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b(0) ,
nclk => nclk,
act => fpu_enable,
thold_b => thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
scout => act_so ,
scin => act_si ,
din(0) => spare_unused(0),
din(1) => spare_unused(1),
din(2) => ex1_act,
din(3) => ex2_act,
din(4) => ex2_effsub ,
din(5) => ex2_effsub_npz,
din(6) => ex2_effadd_npz,
din(7) => spare_unused(2),
din(8) => spare_unused(3),
dout(0) => spare_unused(0),
dout(1) => spare_unused(1),
dout(2) => ex2_act,
dout(3) => ex3_act,
dout(4) => ex3_effsub ,
dout(5) => ex3_effsub_npz,
dout(6) => ex3_effadd_npz,
dout(7) => spare_unused(2) ,
dout(8) => spare_unused(3) );
add_ex4_lcb : tri_lcbnd generic map (expand_type => expand_type) port map(
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr(4) ,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b(4) ,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b(0) ,
forcee => forcee,
nclk => nclk ,
vd => vdd ,
gd => gnd ,
act => ex3_act ,
sg => sg_0 ,
thold_b => thold_0_b ,
d1clk => add_ex4_d1clk ,
d2clk => add_ex4_d2clk ,
lclk => add_ex4_lclk );
ex3_s(0 to 162) <= f_sa3_ex3_s(0 to 162);
ex3_c(53 to 161) <= f_sa3_ex3_c(53 to 161);
all1: entity work.fuq_add_all1(fuq_add_all1) port map(
ex3_inc_byt_c_b(0 to 6) => ex3_inc_byt_c_b(0 to 6) ,
ex3_inc_byt_c_glb(1 to 6) => ex3_inc_byt_c_glb(1 to 6) ,
ex3_inc_byt_c_glb_b(1 to 6) => ex3_inc_byt_c_glb_b(1 to 6) ,
ex3_inc_all1 => ex3_inc_all1 );
inc8_6: entity work.fuq_loc8inc_lsb(fuq_loc8inc_lsb) port map(
co_b => ex3_inc_byt_c_b(6) ,
x => ex3_s ( 48 to 52) ,
s0 => ex3_inc_p0( 48 to 52) ,
s1 => ex3_inc_p1( 48 to 52) );
inc8_5: entity work.fuq_loc8inc(fuq_loc8inc) port map(
ci => ex3_inc_byt_c_glb(6) ,
ci_b => ex3_inc_byt_c_glb_b(6) ,
co_b => ex3_inc_byt_c_b(5) ,
x => ex3_s ( 40 to 47) ,
s0 => ex3_inc_p0( 40 to 47) ,
s1 => ex3_inc_p1( 40 to 47) );
inc8_4: entity work.fuq_loc8inc(fuq_loc8inc) port map(
ci => ex3_inc_byt_c_glb(5) ,
ci_b => ex3_inc_byt_c_glb_b(5) ,
co_b => ex3_inc_byt_c_b(4) ,
x => ex3_s ( 32 to 39) ,
s0 => ex3_inc_p0( 32 to 39) ,
s1 => ex3_inc_p1( 32 to 39) );
inc8_3: entity work.fuq_loc8inc(fuq_loc8inc) port map(
ci => ex3_inc_byt_c_glb(4) ,
ci_b => ex3_inc_byt_c_glb_b(4) ,
co_b => ex3_inc_byt_c_b(3) ,
x => ex3_s ( 24 to 31) ,
s0 => ex3_inc_p0( 24 to 31) ,
s1 => ex3_inc_p1( 24 to 31) );
inc8_2: entity work.fuq_loc8inc(fuq_loc8inc) port map(
ci => ex3_inc_byt_c_glb(3) ,
ci_b => ex3_inc_byt_c_glb_b(3) ,
co_b => ex3_inc_byt_c_b(2) ,
x => ex3_s ( 16 to 23) ,
s0 => ex3_inc_p0( 16 to 23) ,
s1 => ex3_inc_p1( 16 to 23) );
inc8_1: entity work.fuq_loc8inc(fuq_loc8inc) port map(
ci => ex3_inc_byt_c_glb(2) ,
ci_b => ex3_inc_byt_c_glb_b(2) ,
co_b => ex3_inc_byt_c_b(1) ,
x => ex3_s ( 8 to 15) ,
s0 => ex3_inc_p0( 8 to 15) ,
s1 => ex3_inc_p1( 8 to 15) );
inc8_0: entity work.fuq_loc8inc(fuq_loc8inc) port map(
ci => ex3_inc_byt_c_glb(1) ,
ci_b => ex3_inc_byt_c_glb_b(1) ,
co_b => ex3_inc_byt_c_b(0) ,
x => ex3_s ( 0 to 7) ,
s0 => ex3_inc_p0( 0 to 7) ,
s1 => ex3_inc_p1( 0 to 7) );
hc16_0: entity work.fuq_hc16pp_msb(fuq_hc16pp_msb) port map(
x => ex3_s( 53 to 68) ,
y => ex3_c( 53 to 68) ,
ci0 => ex3_g128(1) ,
ci0_b => ex3_g128_b(1) ,
ci1 => ex3_t128(1) ,
ci1_b => ex3_t128_b(1) ,
s0 => ex3_s_p0( 53 to 68) ,
s1 => ex3_s_p1( 53 to 68) ,
g16 => ex3_g16(0) ,
t16 => ex3_t16(0) );
hc16_1: entity work.fuq_hc16pp(fuq_hc16pp) port map(
x => ex3_s( 69 to 84) ,
y => ex3_c( 69 to 84) ,
ci0 => ex3_g128(2) ,
ci0_b => ex3_g128_b(2) ,
ci1 => ex3_t128(2) ,
ci1_b => ex3_t128_b(2) ,
s0 => ex3_s_p0( 69 to 84) ,
s1 => ex3_s_p1( 69 to 84) ,
g16 => ex3_g16(1) ,
t16 => ex3_t16(1) );
hc16_2: entity work.fuq_hc16pp(fuq_hc16pp) port map(
x => ex3_s( 85 to 100) ,
y => ex3_c( 85 to 100) ,
ci0 => ex3_g128(3) ,
ci0_b => ex3_g128_b(3) ,
ci1 => ex3_t128(3) ,
ci1_b => ex3_t128_b(3) ,
s0 => ex3_s_p0( 85 to 100) ,
s1 => ex3_s_p1( 85 to 100) ,
g16 => ex3_g16(2) ,
t16 => ex3_t16(2) );
hc16_3: entity work.fuq_hc16pp(fuq_hc16pp) port map(
x => ex3_s(101 to 116) ,
y => ex3_c(101 to 116) ,
ci0 => ex3_g128(4) ,
ci0_b => ex3_g128_b(4) ,
ci1 => ex3_t128(4) ,
ci1_b => ex3_t128_b(4) ,
s0 => ex3_s_p0(101 to 116) ,
s1 => ex3_s_p1(101 to 116) ,
g16 => ex3_g16(3) ,
t16 => ex3_t16(3) );
hc16_4: entity work.fuq_hc16pp(fuq_hc16pp) port map(
x => ex3_s(117 to 132) ,
y => ex3_c(117 to 132) ,
ci0 => ex3_g128(5) ,
ci0_b => ex3_g128_b(5) ,
ci1 => ex3_t128(5) ,
ci1_b => ex3_t128_b(5) ,
s0 => ex3_s_p0(117 to 132) ,
s1 => ex3_s_p1(117 to 132) ,
g16 => ex3_g16(4) ,
t16 => ex3_t16(4) );
hc16_5: entity work.fuq_hc16pp(fuq_hc16pp) port map(
x => ex3_s(133 to 148) ,
y => ex3_c(133 to 148) ,
ci0 => ex3_g128(6) ,
ci0_b => ex3_g128_b(6) ,
ci1 => ex3_t128(6) ,
ci1_b => ex3_t128_b(6) ,
s0 => ex3_s_p0(133 to 148) ,
s1 => ex3_s_p1(133 to 148) ,
g16 => ex3_g16(5) ,
t16 => ex3_t16(5) );
hc16_6: entity work.fuq_hc16pp_lsb(fuq_hc16pp_lsb) port map(
x(0 to 13) => ex3_s(149 to 162) ,
y(0 to 12) => ex3_c(149 to 161) ,
s0 => ex3_s_p0(149 to 162) ,
s1 => ex3_s_p1(149 to 162) ,
g16 => ex3_g16(6) ,
t16 => ex3_t16(6) );
u_incmx_p0x: ex3_inc_p0_x(0 to 52) <= ex3_inc_p0(0 to 52) xor (0 to 52=> ex3_flip_inc_p0);
u_incmx_p1x: ex3_inc_p1_x(0 to 52) <= ex3_inc_p1(0 to 52) xor (0 to 52=> ex3_flip_inc_p1);
u_incmx_p0: ex3_incx_p0_b(0 to 52) <= not( (0 to 52=> ex3_inc_sel_p0) and ex3_inc_p0_x(0 to 52) );
u_incmx_p1: ex3_incx_p1_b(0 to 52) <= not( (0 to 52=> ex3_inc_sel_p1) and ex3_inc_p1_x(0 to 52) );
u_incmx: ex3_res (0 to 52) <= not( ex3_incx_p0_b(0 to 52) and ex3_incx_p1_b(0 to 52) );
ex3_sel_a1(53 to 68) <= (53 to 68 => ex3_eac_sel_p0n(0) );
ex3_sel_a1(69 to 84) <= (69 to 84 => ex3_eac_sel_p0n(1) );
ex3_sel_a1(85 to 100) <= (85 to 100 => ex3_eac_sel_p0n(2) );
ex3_sel_a1(101 to 116) <= (101 to 116 => ex3_eac_sel_p0n(3) );
ex3_sel_a1(117 to 132) <= (117 to 132 => ex3_eac_sel_p0n(4) );
ex3_sel_a1(133 to 148) <= (133 to 148 => ex3_eac_sel_p0n(5) );
ex3_sel_a1(149 to 162) <= (149 to 162 => ex3_eac_sel_p0n(6) );
ex3_sel_a2(53 to 68) <= (53 to 68 => ex3_eac_sel_p0(0) );
ex3_sel_a2(69 to 84) <= (69 to 84 => ex3_eac_sel_p0(1) );
ex3_sel_a2(85 to 100) <= (85 to 100 => ex3_eac_sel_p0(2) );
ex3_sel_a2(101 to 116) <= (101 to 116 => ex3_eac_sel_p0(3) );
ex3_sel_a2(117 to 132) <= (117 to 132 => ex3_eac_sel_p0(4) );
ex3_sel_a2(133 to 148) <= (133 to 148 => ex3_eac_sel_p0(5) );
ex3_sel_a2(149 to 162) <= (149 to 162 => ex3_eac_sel_p0(6) );
ex3_sel_a3(53 to 68) <= (53 to 68 => ex3_eac_sel_p1(0) );
ex3_sel_a3(69 to 84) <= (69 to 84 => ex3_eac_sel_p1(1) );
ex3_sel_a3(85 to 100) <= (85 to 100 => ex3_eac_sel_p1(2) );
ex3_sel_a3(101 to 116) <= (101 to 116 => ex3_eac_sel_p1(3) );
ex3_sel_a3(117 to 132) <= (117 to 132 => ex3_eac_sel_p1(4) );
ex3_sel_a3(133 to 148) <= (133 to 148 => ex3_eac_sel_p1(5) );
ex3_sel_a3(149 to 162) <= (149 to 162 => ex3_eac_sel_p1(6) );
u_eacmx_i: ex3_s_p0n (53 to 162) <= not( ex3_s_p0(53 to 162) );
u_eacmx_a1: ex3_res_p0n_b(53 to 162) <= not( ex3_sel_a1(53 to 162) and ex3_s_p0n(53 to 162) );
u_eacmx_a2: ex3_res_p0_b (53 to 162) <= not( ex3_sel_a2(53 to 162) and ex3_s_p0(53 to 162) );
u_eacmx_a3: ex3_res_p1_b (53 to 162) <= not( ex3_sel_a3(53 to 162) and ex3_s_p1(53 to 162) );
u_eacmx: ex3_res (53 to 162) <= not( ex3_res_p0n_b(53 to 162) and ex3_res_p0_b(53 to 162) and ex3_res_p1_b(53 to 162) );
glbc: entity work.fuq_add_glbc(fuq_add_glbc) port map(
ex3_g16(0 to 6) => ex3_g16(0 to 6) ,
ex3_t16(0 to 6) => ex3_t16(0 to 6) ,
ex3_inc_all1 => ex3_inc_all1 ,
ex3_effsub => ex3_effsub ,
ex3_effsub_npz => ex3_effsub_npz ,
ex3_effadd_npz => ex3_effadd_npz ,
f_alg_ex3_frc_sel_p1 => f_alg_ex3_frc_sel_p1 ,
f_alg_ex3_sticky => f_alg_ex3_sticky ,
f_pic_ex3_is_nan => f_pic_ex3_is_nan ,
f_pic_ex3_is_gt => f_pic_ex3_is_gt ,
f_pic_ex3_is_lt => f_pic_ex3_is_lt ,
f_pic_ex3_is_eq => f_pic_ex3_is_eq ,
f_pic_ex3_cmp_sgnpos => f_pic_ex3_cmp_sgnpos ,
f_pic_ex3_cmp_sgnneg => f_pic_ex3_cmp_sgnneg ,
ex3_g128(1 to 6) => ex3_g128(1 to 6) ,
ex3_g128_b(1 to 6) => ex3_g128_b(1 to 6) ,
ex3_t128(1 to 6) => ex3_t128(1 to 6) ,
ex3_t128_b(1 to 6) => ex3_t128_b(1 to 6) ,
ex3_flip_inc_p0 => ex3_flip_inc_p0 ,
ex3_flip_inc_p1 => ex3_flip_inc_p1 ,
ex3_inc_sel_p0 => ex3_inc_sel_p0 ,
ex3_inc_sel_p1 => ex3_inc_sel_p1 ,
ex3_eac_sel_p0n(0 to 6) => ex3_eac_sel_p0n ,
ex3_eac_sel_p0 (0 to 6) => ex3_eac_sel_p0 ,
ex3_eac_sel_p1 (0 to 6) => ex3_eac_sel_p1 ,
ex3_sign_carry => ex3_sign_carry ,
ex3_flag_nan_cp1 => ex3_flag_nan_cp1 ,
ex3_flag_gt_cp1 => ex3_flag_gt_cp1 ,
ex3_flag_lt_cp1 => ex3_flag_lt_cp1 ,
ex3_flag_eq_cp1 => ex3_flag_eq_cp1 ,
ex3_flag_nan => ex3_flag_nan ,
ex3_flag_gt => ex3_flag_gt ,
ex3_flag_lt => ex3_flag_lt ,
ex3_flag_eq => ex3_flag_eq );
ex4_res_hi_lat: entity tri.tri_inv_nlats(tri_inv_nlats) generic map (width=> 53, btr => "NLI0001_X2_A12TH", expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 0 ) port map (
vd => vdd ,
gd => gnd ,
LCLK => add_ex4_lclk ,
D1CLK => add_ex4_d1clk ,
D2CLK => add_ex4_d2clk ,
SCANIN => ex4_res_si(0 to 52) ,
SCANOUT => ex4_res_so(0 to 52) ,
D => ex3_res(0 to 52) ,
QB => ex4_res_l2_b(0 to 52) );
ex4_res_lo_lat: entity tri.tri_inv_nlats(tri_inv_nlats) generic map (width=> 110, btr => "NLI0001_X2_A12TH", expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 0 ) port map (
vd => vdd ,
gd => gnd ,
LCLK => add_ex4_lclk ,
D1CLK => add_ex4_d1clk ,
D2CLK => add_ex4_d2clk ,
SCANIN => ex4_res_si(53 to 162) ,
SCANOUT => ex4_res_so(53 to 162) ,
D => ex3_res(53 to 162) ,
QB => ex4_res_l2_b(53 to 162) );
ex4_res (0 to 162) <= not ex4_res_l2_b(0 to 162) ;
a_oinv: ex4_res_b(0 to 162) <= not ex4_res (0 to 162);
a_obuf: f_add_ex4_res (0 to 162) <= not ex4_res_b(0 to 162) ;
ex4_cmp_lat: entity tri.tri_inv_nlats(tri_inv_nlats) generic map (width=> 10, btr => "NLI0001_X2_A12TH", expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 0 ) port map (
vd => vdd ,
gd => gnd ,
LCLK => add_ex4_lclk ,
D1CLK => add_ex4_d1clk ,
D2CLK => add_ex4_d2clk ,
SCANIN => ex4_cmp_si ,
SCANOUT => ex4_cmp_so ,
D( 0) => ex3_flag_lt ,
D( 1) => ex3_flag_lt_cp1 ,
D( 2) => ex3_flag_gt ,
D( 3) => ex3_flag_gt_cp1 ,
D( 4) => ex3_flag_eq ,
D( 5) => ex3_flag_eq_cp1 ,
D( 6) => ex3_flag_nan ,
D( 7) => ex3_flag_nan_cp1 ,
D( 8) => ex3_sign_carry ,
D( 9) => f_alg_ex3_sticky ,
QB( 0) => ex4_flag_lt_b ,
QB( 1) => ex4_fpcc_iu_b(0) ,
QB( 2) => ex4_flag_gt_b ,
QB( 3) => ex4_fpcc_iu_b(1) ,
QB( 4) => ex4_flag_eq_b ,
QB( 5) => ex4_fpcc_iu_b(2) ,
QB( 6) => ex4_flag_nan_b ,
QB( 7) => ex4_fpcc_iu_b(3) ,
QB( 8) => ex4_sign_carry_b ,
QB( 9) => ex4_sticky_b );
f_add_ex4_flag_nan <= not ex4_flag_nan_b ;
f_add_ex4_flag_gt <= not ex4_flag_gt_b ;
f_add_ex4_flag_lt <= not ex4_flag_lt_b ;
f_add_ex4_flag_eq <= not ex4_flag_eq_b ;
f_add_ex4_fpcc_iu(0 to 3) <= not ex4_fpcc_iu_b(0 to 3) ;
f_add_ex4_sign_carry <= not ex4_sign_carry_b ;
f_add_ex4_sticky <= not ex4_sticky_b ;
f_add_ex4_to_int_ovf_wd(0) <= ex4_res(130) ;
f_add_ex4_to_int_ovf_wd(1) <= ex4_res(131) ;
f_add_ex4_to_int_ovf_dw(0) <= ex4_res(98) ;
f_add_ex4_to_int_ovf_dw(1) <= ex4_res(99) ;
act_si (0 to 8) <= act_so (1 to 8) & f_add_si ;
ex4_res_si (0 to 162) <= ex4_res_so (1 to 162) & act_so(0);
ex4_cmp_si (0 to 9) <= ex4_cmp_so (1 to 9) & ex4_res_so(0);
f_add_so <= ex4_cmp_so (0) ;
@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;
library ibm;
use ibm.std_ulogic_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_ao_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_mux_support.all;
entity fuq_add_all1 is port(
ex3_inc_byt_c_b :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 6);
ex3_inc_byt_c_glb :out std_ulogic_vector(1 to 6);
ex3_inc_byt_c_glb_b :out std_ulogic_vector(1 to 6);
ex3_inc_all1 :out std_ulogic
END fuq_add_all1;
ARCHITECTURE fuq_add_all1 OF fuq_add_all1 IS
constant tiup : std_ulogic := '1';
constant tidn : std_ulogic := '0';
signal ex3_inc_byt_g1 :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 6);
signal ex3_inc_byt_g2_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 6);
signal ex3_inc_byt_g4 :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 6);
signal ex3_inc_byt_g8_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 6);
signal ex3_inc_byt_g_glb_int :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 6);
ii: ex3_inc_byt_g1(0 to 6) <= not ex3_inc_byt_c_b(0 to 6);
g26: ex3_inc_byt_g2_b(6) <= not( ex3_inc_byt_g1(6) );
g25: ex3_inc_byt_g2_b(5) <= not( ex3_inc_byt_g1(5) and ex3_inc_byt_g1(6) );
g24: ex3_inc_byt_g2_b(4) <= not( ex3_inc_byt_g1(4) and ex3_inc_byt_g1(5) );
g23: ex3_inc_byt_g2_b(3) <= not( ex3_inc_byt_g1(3) and ex3_inc_byt_g1(4) );
g22: ex3_inc_byt_g2_b(2) <= not( ex3_inc_byt_g1(2) and ex3_inc_byt_g1(3) );
g21: ex3_inc_byt_g2_b(1) <= not( ex3_inc_byt_g1(1) and ex3_inc_byt_g1(2) );
g20: ex3_inc_byt_g2_b(0) <= not( ex3_inc_byt_g1(0) and ex3_inc_byt_g1(1) );
g46: ex3_inc_byt_g4(6) <= not( ex3_inc_byt_g2_b(6) );
g45: ex3_inc_byt_g4(5) <= not( ex3_inc_byt_g2_b(5) );
g44: ex3_inc_byt_g4(4) <= not( ex3_inc_byt_g2_b(4) or ex3_inc_byt_g2_b(6) );
g43: ex3_inc_byt_g4(3) <= not( ex3_inc_byt_g2_b(3) or ex3_inc_byt_g2_b(5) );
g42: ex3_inc_byt_g4(2) <= not( ex3_inc_byt_g2_b(2) or ex3_inc_byt_g2_b(4) );
g41: ex3_inc_byt_g4(1) <= not( ex3_inc_byt_g2_b(1) or ex3_inc_byt_g2_b(3) );
g40: ex3_inc_byt_g4(0) <= not( ex3_inc_byt_g2_b(0) or ex3_inc_byt_g2_b(2) );
g86: ex3_inc_byt_g8_b(6) <= not( ex3_inc_byt_g4(6) );
g85: ex3_inc_byt_g8_b(5) <= not( ex3_inc_byt_g4(5) );
g84: ex3_inc_byt_g8_b(4) <= not( ex3_inc_byt_g4(4) );
g83: ex3_inc_byt_g8_b(3) <= not( ex3_inc_byt_g4(3) );
g82: ex3_inc_byt_g8_b(2) <= not( ex3_inc_byt_g4(2) and ex3_inc_byt_g4(6) );
g81: ex3_inc_byt_g8_b(1) <= not( ex3_inc_byt_g4(1) and ex3_inc_byt_g4(5) );
g80: ex3_inc_byt_g8_b(0) <= not( ex3_inc_byt_g4(0) and ex3_inc_byt_g4(4) );
all1: ex3_inc_all1 <= not ex3_inc_byt_g8_b(0);
iop1: ex3_inc_byt_c_glb(1) <= not ex3_inc_byt_g8_b(1);
iop2: ex3_inc_byt_c_glb(2) <= not ex3_inc_byt_g8_b(2);
iop3: ex3_inc_byt_c_glb(3) <= not ex3_inc_byt_g8_b(3);
iop4: ex3_inc_byt_c_glb(4) <= not ex3_inc_byt_g8_b(4);
iop5: ex3_inc_byt_c_glb(5) <= not ex3_inc_byt_g8_b(5);
iop6: ex3_inc_byt_c_glb(6) <= not ex3_inc_byt_g8_b(6);
ionn1: ex3_inc_byt_g_glb_int(1) <= not ex3_inc_byt_g8_b(1);
ionn2: ex3_inc_byt_g_glb_int(2) <= not ex3_inc_byt_g8_b(2);
ionn3: ex3_inc_byt_g_glb_int(3) <= not ex3_inc_byt_g8_b(3);
ionn4: ex3_inc_byt_g_glb_int(4) <= not ex3_inc_byt_g8_b(4);
ionn5: ex3_inc_byt_g_glb_int(5) <= not ex3_inc_byt_g8_b(5);
ionn6: ex3_inc_byt_g_glb_int(6) <= not ex3_inc_byt_g8_b(6);
ion1: ex3_inc_byt_c_glb_b(1) <= not ex3_inc_byt_g_glb_int(1) ;
ion2: ex3_inc_byt_c_glb_b(2) <= not ex3_inc_byt_g_glb_int(2) ;
ion3: ex3_inc_byt_c_glb_b(3) <= not ex3_inc_byt_g_glb_int(3) ;
ion4: ex3_inc_byt_c_glb_b(4) <= not ex3_inc_byt_g_glb_int(4) ;
ion5: ex3_inc_byt_c_glb_b(5) <= not ex3_inc_byt_g_glb_int(5) ;
ion6: ex3_inc_byt_c_glb_b(6) <= not ex3_inc_byt_g_glb_int(6) ;
@ -0,0 +1,605 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;
library ibm;
use ibm.std_ulogic_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_ao_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_mux_support.all;
entity fuq_add_glbc is port(
ex3_g16 :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 6);
ex3_t16 :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 6);
ex3_inc_all1 :in std_ulogic;
ex3_effsub :in std_ulogic;
ex3_effsub_npz :in std_ulogic;
ex3_effadd_npz :in std_ulogic;
f_alg_ex3_frc_sel_p1 :in std_ulogic;
f_alg_ex3_sticky :in std_ulogic;
f_pic_ex3_is_nan :in std_ulogic;
f_pic_ex3_is_gt :in std_ulogic;
f_pic_ex3_is_lt :in std_ulogic;
f_pic_ex3_is_eq :in std_ulogic;
f_pic_ex3_cmp_sgnpos :in std_ulogic;
f_pic_ex3_cmp_sgnneg :in std_ulogic;
ex3_g128 :out std_ulogic_vector(1 to 6);
ex3_g128_b :out std_ulogic_vector(1 to 6);
ex3_t128 :out std_ulogic_vector(1 to 6);
ex3_t128_b :out std_ulogic_vector(1 to 6);
ex3_flip_inc_p0 :out std_ulogic;
ex3_flip_inc_p1 :out std_ulogic;
ex3_inc_sel_p0 :out std_ulogic;
ex3_inc_sel_p1 :out std_ulogic;
ex3_eac_sel_p0n :out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 6);
ex3_eac_sel_p0 :out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 6);
ex3_eac_sel_p1 :out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 6);
ex3_sign_carry :out std_ulogic;
ex3_flag_nan_cp1 :out std_ulogic;
ex3_flag_gt_cp1 :out std_ulogic;
ex3_flag_lt_cp1 :out std_ulogic;
ex3_flag_eq_cp1 :out std_ulogic;
ex3_flag_nan :out std_ulogic;
ex3_flag_gt :out std_ulogic;
ex3_flag_lt :out std_ulogic;
ex3_flag_eq :out std_ulogic
END fuq_add_glbc;
ARCHITECTURE fuq_add_glbc OF fuq_add_glbc IS
constant tiup : std_ulogic := '1';
constant tidn : std_ulogic := '0';
signal cp0_g32_01_b, cp0_g32_23_b, cp0_g32_45_b, cp0_g32_66_b :std_ulogic;
signal cp0_t32_01_b , cp0_t32_23_b, cp0_t32_45_b, cp0_t32_66_b :std_ulogic;
signal cp0_g64_03, cp0_g64_46, cp0_t64_03, cp0_t64_46 :std_ulogic;
signal cp0_g128_06_b, cp0_t128_06_b :std_ulogic;
signal cp0_all1_b, cp0_all1_p, cp0_co_p0, cp0_co_p1 :std_ulogic;
signal cp0_flip_inc_p1_b, ex3_inc_sel_p0_b, ex3_sign_carry_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex3_my_gt_b, ex3_my_lt , ex3_my_eq_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex3_my_gt , ex3_my_eq :std_ulogic;
signal ex3_gt_pos_b , ex3_gt_neg_b , ex3_lt_pos_b , ex3_lt_neg_b , ex3_eq_eq_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex3_is_gt_b, ex3_is_lt_b, ex3_is_eq_b, ex3_sgn_eq :std_ulogic;
signal cp7_g32_00_b , cp7_g32_12_b , cp7_g32_34_b , cp7_g32_56_b :std_ulogic;
signal cp7_t32_00_b , cp7_t32_12_b , cp7_t32_34_b :std_ulogic;
signal cp7_g64_02 , cp7_g64_36 , cp7_t64_02 :std_ulogic;
signal cp7_g128_06_b :std_ulogic;
signal cp7_all1_b , cp7_all1_p , cp7_co_p0 :std_ulogic;
signal cp7_sel_p0n_x_b , cp7_sel_p0n_y_b :std_ulogic;
signal cp7_sel_p0_b , cp7_sel_p1_b :std_ulogic;
signal cp7_sub_sticky , cp7_sub_stickyn :std_ulogic;
signal cp7_add_frcp1_b , cp7_add_frcp0_b :std_ulogic;
signal cp6_g32_00_b , cp6_g32_12_b , cp6_g32_34_b , cp6_g32_56_b :std_ulogic;
signal cp6_t32_00_b , cp6_t32_12_b , cp6_t32_34_b :std_ulogic;
signal cp6_g64_02 , cp6_g64_36 , cp6_t64_02 :std_ulogic;
signal cp6_g128_06_b :std_ulogic;
signal cp6_all1_b , cp6_all1_p , cp6_co_p0 :std_ulogic;
signal cp6_sel_p0n_x_b , cp6_sel_p0n_y_b :std_ulogic;
signal cp6_sel_p0_b , cp6_sel_p1_b :std_ulogic;
signal cp6_sub_sticky , cp6_sub_stickyn :std_ulogic;
signal cp6_add_frcp1_b , cp6_add_frcp0_b :std_ulogic;
signal cp5_g32_00_b , cp5_g32_12_b , cp5_g32_34_b , cp5_g32_56_b :std_ulogic;
signal cp5_t32_00_b , cp5_t32_12_b , cp5_t32_34_b , cp5_t32_56_b :std_ulogic;
signal cp5_g64_02 , cp5_g64_36 , cp5_t64_02 :std_ulogic;
signal cp5_g128_06_b :std_ulogic;
signal cp5_all1_b , cp5_all1_p , cp5_co_p0 :std_ulogic;
signal cp5_sel_p0n_x_b , cp5_sel_p0n_y_b :std_ulogic;
signal cp5_sel_p0_b , cp5_sel_p1_b :std_ulogic;
signal cp5_sub_sticky , cp5_sub_stickyn :std_ulogic;
signal cp5_add_frcp1_b , cp5_add_frcp0_b :std_ulogic;
signal cp4_g32_01_b, cp4_g32_23_b, cp4_g32_45_b, cp4_g32_66_b :std_ulogic;
signal cp4_t32_01_b , cp4_t32_23_b, cp4_t32_45_b, cp4_t32_66_b :std_ulogic;
signal cp4_g64_03, cp4_g64_46, cp4_t64_03, cp4_t64_46 :std_ulogic;
signal cp4_g128_06_b :std_ulogic;
signal cp4_all1_b , cp4_all1_p , cp4_co_p0 :std_ulogic;
signal cp4_sel_p0n_x_b , cp4_sel_p0n_y_b :std_ulogic;
signal cp4_sel_p0_b , cp4_sel_p1_b :std_ulogic;
signal cp4_sub_sticky , cp4_sub_stickyn :std_ulogic;
signal cp4_add_frcp1_b , cp4_add_frcp0_b :std_ulogic;
signal cp3_g32_00_b , cp3_g32_12_b , cp3_g32_34_b , cp3_g32_56_b :std_ulogic;
signal cp3_t32_00_b , cp3_t32_12_b , cp3_t32_34_b , cp3_t32_56_b :std_ulogic;
signal cp3_g64_02 , cp3_g64_36 , cp3_t64_02 , cp3_t64_36 :std_ulogic;
signal cp3_g128_06_b :std_ulogic;
signal cp3_all1_b , cp3_all1_p , cp3_co_p0 :std_ulogic;
signal cp3_sel_p0n_x_b , cp3_sel_p0n_y_b :std_ulogic;
signal cp3_sel_p0_b , cp3_sel_p1_b :std_ulogic;
signal cp3_sub_sticky , cp3_sub_stickyn :std_ulogic;
signal cp3_add_frcp1_b , cp3_add_frcp0_b :std_ulogic;
signal cp2_g32_01_b, cp2_g32_23_b, cp2_g32_45_b, cp2_g32_66_b :std_ulogic;
signal cp2_t32_01_b , cp2_t32_23_b, cp2_t32_45_b, cp2_t32_66_b :std_ulogic;
signal cp2_g64_03, cp2_g64_46, cp2_t64_03, cp2_t64_46 :std_ulogic;
signal cp2_g128_06_b :std_ulogic;
signal cp2_all1_b , cp2_all1_p , cp2_co_p0 :std_ulogic;
signal cp2_sel_p0n_x_b , cp2_sel_p0n_y_b :std_ulogic;
signal cp2_sel_p0_b , cp2_sel_p1_b :std_ulogic;
signal cp2_sub_sticky , cp2_sub_stickyn :std_ulogic;
signal cp2_add_frcp1_b , cp2_add_frcp0_b :std_ulogic;
signal cp1_g32_01_b, cp1_g32_23_b, cp1_g32_45_b, cp1_g32_66_b :std_ulogic;
signal cp1_t32_01_b , cp1_t32_23_b, cp1_t32_45_b, cp1_t32_66_b :std_ulogic;
signal cp1_g64_03, cp1_g64_46, cp1_t64_03, cp1_t64_46 :std_ulogic;
signal cp1_g128_06_b :std_ulogic;
signal cp1_all1_b , cp1_all1_p , cp1_co_p0 :std_ulogic;
signal cp1_sel_p0n_x_b , cp1_sel_p0n_y_b :std_ulogic;
signal cp1_sel_p0_b , cp1_sel_p1_b :std_ulogic;
signal cp1_sub_sticky , cp1_sub_stickyn :std_ulogic;
signal cp1_add_frcp1_b , cp1_add_frcp0_b :std_ulogic;
signal cp1_g32_11_b, cp1_t32_11_b, cp1_g64_13, cp1_t64_13, cp1_g128_16_b, cp1_t128_16_b :std_ulogic;
signal cp2_g64_23, cp2_t64_23, cp2_g128_26_b, cp2_t128_26_b :std_ulogic;
signal cp3_g128_36_b, cp3_t128_36_b :std_ulogic;
signal cp4_g128_46_b, cp4_t128_46_b :std_ulogic;
signal cp5_g64_56, cp5_t64_56, cp5_g128_56_b, cp5_t128_56_b :std_ulogic;
signal cp6_g32_66_b, cp6_t32_66_b :std_ulogic;
signal cp1_g128_16, cp1_t128_16 :std_ulogic;
signal cp2_g128_26, cp2_t128_26 :std_ulogic;
signal cp3_g128_36, cp3_t128_36 :std_ulogic;
signal cp4_g128_46, cp4_t128_46 :std_ulogic;
signal cp5_g128_56, cp5_t128_56 :std_ulogic;
signal cp6_g128_66, cp6_t128_66 :std_ulogic;
ucp0_g32_01: cp0_g32_01_b <= not( ex3_g16(0) or ( ex3_t16(0) and ex3_g16(1) ) );
ucp0_g32_23: cp0_g32_23_b <= not( ex3_g16(2) or ( ex3_t16(2) and ex3_g16(3) ) );
ucp0_g32_45: cp0_g32_45_b <= not( ex3_g16(4) or ( ex3_t16(4) and ex3_g16(5) ) );
ucp0_g32_66: cp0_g32_66_b <= not( ex3_g16(6) );
ucp0_t32_01: cp0_t32_01_b <= not( ex3_t16(0) and ex3_t16(1) );
ucp0_t32_23: cp0_t32_23_b <= not( ex3_t16(2) and ex3_t16(3) );
ucp0_t32_45: cp0_t32_45_b <= not( ex3_t16(4) and ex3_t16(5) );
ucp0_t32_66: cp0_t32_66_b <= not( ex3_t16(6) );
ucp0_g64_03: cp0_g64_03 <= not( cp0_g32_01_b and (cp0_t32_01_b or cp0_g32_23_b) );
ucp0_g64_46: cp0_g64_46 <= not( cp0_g32_45_b and (cp0_t32_45_b or cp0_g32_66_b) );
ucp0_t64_03: cp0_t64_03 <= not( cp0_t32_01_b or cp0_t32_23_b );
ucp0_t64_46: cp0_t64_46 <= not( cp0_g32_45_b and (cp0_t32_45_b or cp0_t32_66_b) );
ucp0_g128_06: cp0_g128_06_b <= not( cp0_g64_03 or ( cp0_t64_03 and cp0_g64_46 ) );
ucp0_t128_06: cp0_t128_06_b <= not( cp0_g64_03 or ( cp0_t64_03 and cp0_t64_46 ) );
ucp0_all1n: cp0_all1_b <= not ex3_inc_all1 ;
ucp0_all1p: cp0_all1_p <= not cp0_all1_b ;
ucp0_co_p0: cp0_co_p0 <= not( cp0_g128_06_b ) ;
ucp0_co_p1: cp0_co_p1 <= not( cp0_t128_06_b ) ;
ex3_flip_inc_p0 <= ex3_effsub;
ucp0_f1in: cp0_flip_inc_p1_b <= not( ex3_effsub and cp0_all1_b );
ucp0_f1i: ex3_flip_inc_p1 <= not( cp0_flip_inc_p1_b );
ucp0_s1i: ex3_inc_sel_p1 <= not cp0_g128_06_b ;
ucp0_s0in: ex3_inc_sel_p0_b <= not cp0_g128_06_b ;
ucp0_s0i: ex3_inc_sel_p0 <= not ex3_inc_sel_p0_b;
ucp0_sgn0: ex3_sign_carry_b <= not( ex3_effsub and cp0_all1_p and cp0_co_p0 );
ucp0_sgn1: ex3_sign_carry <= not( ex3_sign_carry_b );
ucp0_my_gtn: ex3_my_gt_b <= not( cp0_co_p0 and cp0_all1_p );
ucp0_my_lt: ex3_my_lt <= not( cp0_co_p1 and cp0_all1_p );
ucp0_my_eqb: ex3_my_eq_b <= not( cp0_co_p1 and cp0_all1_p and cp0_g128_06_b );
ucp0_my_gt: ex3_my_gt <= not ex3_my_gt_b ;
ucp0_my_eq: ex3_my_eq <= not ex3_my_eq_b ;
ucp0_gt_pos: ex3_gt_pos_b <= not( ex3_my_gt and f_pic_ex3_cmp_sgnpos);
ucp0_gt_neg: ex3_gt_neg_b <= not( ex3_my_lt and f_pic_ex3_cmp_sgnneg);
ucp0_lt_pos: ex3_lt_pos_b <= not( ex3_my_lt and f_pic_ex3_cmp_sgnpos);
ucp0_lt_neg: ex3_lt_neg_b <= not( ex3_my_gt and f_pic_ex3_cmp_sgnneg);
ucp0_eq_eq: ex3_eq_eq_b <= not( ex3_my_eq and ex3_sgn_eq );
ucp0_flg_gt: ex3_flag_gt <= not( ex3_gt_pos_b and ex3_gt_neg_b and ex3_is_gt_b );
ucp0_flg_gt1: ex3_flag_gt_cp1 <= not( ex3_gt_pos_b and ex3_gt_neg_b and ex3_is_gt_b );
ucp0_flg_lt: ex3_flag_lt <= not( ex3_lt_pos_b and ex3_lt_neg_b and ex3_is_lt_b );
ucp0_flg_lt1: ex3_flag_lt_cp1 <= not( ex3_lt_pos_b and ex3_lt_neg_b and ex3_is_lt_b );
ucp0_flg_eq: ex3_flag_eq <= not( ex3_eq_eq_b and ex3_is_eq_b );
ucp0_flg_eq1: ex3_flag_eq_cp1 <= not( ex3_eq_eq_b and ex3_is_eq_b );
ex3_flag_nan <= f_pic_ex3_is_nan;
ex3_flag_nan_cp1 <= f_pic_ex3_is_nan;
ex3_is_gt_b <= not( f_pic_ex3_is_gt );
ex3_is_lt_b <= not( f_pic_ex3_is_lt );
ex3_is_eq_b <= not( f_pic_ex3_is_eq );
ex3_sgn_eq <= f_pic_ex3_cmp_sgnpos or f_pic_ex3_cmp_sgnneg ;
ucp1_g32_11: cp1_g32_11_b <= not( ex3_g16(1) );
ucp1_g32_01: cp1_g32_01_b <= not( ex3_g16(0) or ( ex3_t16(0) and ex3_g16(1) ) );
ucp1_g32_23: cp1_g32_23_b <= not( ex3_g16(2) or ( ex3_t16(2) and ex3_g16(3) ) );
ucp1_g32_45: cp1_g32_45_b <= not( ex3_g16(4) or ( ex3_t16(4) and ex3_g16(5) ) );
ucp1_g32_66: cp1_g32_66_b <= not( ex3_g16(6) );
ucp1_t32_11: cp1_t32_11_b <= not( ex3_t16(1) );
ucp1_t32_01: cp1_t32_01_b <= not( ex3_t16(0) and ex3_t16(1) );
ucp1_t32_23: cp1_t32_23_b <= not( ex3_t16(2) and ex3_t16(3) );
ucp1_t32_45: cp1_t32_45_b <= not( ex3_t16(4) and ex3_t16(5) );
ucp1_t32_66: cp1_t32_66_b <= not( ex3_t16(6) );
ucp1_g64_03: cp1_g64_03 <= not( cp1_g32_01_b and (cp1_t32_01_b or cp1_g32_23_b) );
ucp1_g64_13: cp1_g64_13 <= not( cp1_g32_11_b and (cp1_t32_11_b or cp1_g32_23_b) );
ucp1_g64_46: cp1_g64_46 <= not( cp1_g32_45_b and (cp1_t32_45_b or cp1_g32_66_b) );
ucp1_t64_03: cp1_t64_03 <= not( cp1_t32_01_b or cp1_t32_23_b );
ucp1_t64_13: cp1_t64_13 <= not( cp1_t32_11_b or cp1_t32_23_b );
ucp1_t64_46: cp1_t64_46 <= not( cp1_g32_45_b and (cp1_t32_45_b or cp1_t32_66_b) );
ucp1_g128_06: cp1_g128_06_b <= not( cp1_g64_03 or ( cp1_t64_03 and cp1_g64_46 ) );
ucp1_g128_16: cp1_g128_16_b <= not( cp1_g64_13 or ( cp1_t64_13 and cp1_g64_46 ) );
ucp1_t128_16: cp1_t128_16_b <= not( cp1_g64_13 or ( cp1_t64_13 and cp1_t64_46 ) );
ucp1_cog: ex3_g128(1) <= not( cp1_g128_16_b);
ucp1_cogx: cp1_g128_16 <= not( cp1_g128_16_b);
ucp1_cogb: ex3_g128_b(1) <= not( cp1_g128_16 );
ucp1_cot: ex3_t128(1) <= not( cp1_t128_16_b);
ucp1_cotx: cp1_t128_16 <= not( cp1_t128_16_b);
ucp1_cotb: ex3_t128_b(1) <= not( cp1_t128_16 );
ucp1_all1n: cp1_all1_b <= not ex3_inc_all1 ;
ucp1_all1p: cp1_all1_p <= not cp1_all1_b ;
ucp1_co_p0: cp1_co_p0 <= not( cp1_g128_06_b ) ;
ucp1_espnx: cp1_sel_p0n_x_b <= not( cp1_all1_b and ex3_effsub_npz);
ucp1_espny: cp1_sel_p0n_y_b <= not( cp1_g128_06_b and ex3_effsub_npz);
ucp1_selp0: cp1_sel_p0_b <= not( cp1_co_p0 and cp1_all1_p and cp1_sub_sticky );
ucp1_selp1: cp1_sel_p1_b <= not( cp1_co_p0 and cp1_all1_p and cp1_sub_stickyn );
ucp1_espn: ex3_eac_sel_p0n(0) <= not( cp1_sel_p0n_x_b and cp1_sel_p0n_y_b);
ucp1_esp0: ex3_eac_sel_p0(0) <= not( cp1_sel_p0_b and cp1_add_frcp0_b);
ucp1_esp1: ex3_eac_sel_p1(0) <= not( cp1_sel_p1_b and cp1_add_frcp1_b);
cp1_sub_sticky <= ex3_effsub_npz and f_alg_ex3_sticky ;
cp1_sub_stickyn <= ex3_effsub_npz and not f_alg_ex3_sticky ;
cp1_add_frcp1_b <= not( ex3_effadd_npz and f_alg_ex3_frc_sel_p1 );
cp1_add_frcp0_b <= not( ex3_effadd_npz and not f_alg_ex3_frc_sel_p1 );
ucp2_g32_01: cp2_g32_01_b <= not( ex3_g16(0) or ( ex3_t16(0) and ex3_g16(1) ) );
ucp2_g32_23: cp2_g32_23_b <= not( ex3_g16(2) or ( ex3_t16(2) and ex3_g16(3) ) );
ucp2_g32_45: cp2_g32_45_b <= not( ex3_g16(4) or ( ex3_t16(4) and ex3_g16(5) ) );
ucp2_g32_66: cp2_g32_66_b <= not( ex3_g16(6) );
ucp2_t32_01: cp2_t32_01_b <= not( ex3_t16(0) and ex3_t16(1) );
ucp2_t32_23: cp2_t32_23_b <= not( ex3_t16(2) and ex3_t16(3) );
ucp2_t32_45: cp2_t32_45_b <= not( ex3_t16(4) and ex3_t16(5) );
ucp2_t32_66: cp2_t32_66_b <= not( ex3_t16(6) );
ucp2_g64_23: cp2_g64_23 <= not( cp2_g32_23_b );
ucp2_g64_03: cp2_g64_03 <= not( cp2_g32_01_b and (cp2_t32_01_b or cp2_g32_23_b) );
ucp2_g64_46: cp2_g64_46 <= not( cp2_g32_45_b and (cp2_t32_45_b or cp2_g32_66_b) );
ucp2_t64_23: cp2_t64_23 <= not( cp2_t32_23_b );
ucp2_t64_03: cp2_t64_03 <= not( cp2_t32_01_b or cp2_t32_23_b );
ucp2_t64_46: cp2_t64_46 <= not( cp2_g32_45_b and (cp2_t32_45_b or cp2_t32_66_b) );
ucp2_g128_06: cp2_g128_06_b <= not( cp2_g64_03 or ( cp2_t64_03 and cp2_g64_46 ) );
ucp2_g128_26: cp2_g128_26_b <= not( cp2_g64_23 or ( cp2_t64_23 and cp2_g64_46 ) );
ucp2_t128_26: cp2_t128_26_b <= not( cp2_g64_23 or ( cp2_t64_23 and cp2_t64_46 ) );
ucp2_cog: ex3_g128(2) <= not( cp2_g128_26_b);
ucp2_cogx: cp2_g128_26 <= not( cp2_g128_26_b);
ucp2_cogb: ex3_g128_b(2) <= not( cp2_g128_26 );
ucp2_cot: ex3_t128(2) <= not( cp2_t128_26_b);
ucp2_cotx: cp2_t128_26 <= not( cp2_t128_26_b);
ucp2_cotb: ex3_t128_b(2) <= not( cp2_t128_26 );
ucp2_all1n: cp2_all1_b <= not ex3_inc_all1 ;
ucp2_all1p: cp2_all1_p <= not cp2_all1_b ;
ucp2_co_p0: cp2_co_p0 <= not( cp2_g128_06_b ) ;
ucp2_espnx: cp2_sel_p0n_x_b <= not( cp2_all1_b and ex3_effsub_npz);
ucp2_espny: cp2_sel_p0n_y_b <= not( cp2_g128_06_b and ex3_effsub_npz);
ucp2_selp0: cp2_sel_p0_b <= not( cp2_co_p0 and cp2_all1_p and cp2_sub_sticky );
ucp2_selp1: cp2_sel_p1_b <= not( cp2_co_p0 and cp2_all1_p and cp2_sub_stickyn );
ucp2_espn: ex3_eac_sel_p0n(1) <= not( cp2_sel_p0n_x_b and cp2_sel_p0n_y_b);
ucp2_esp0: ex3_eac_sel_p0(1) <= not( cp2_sel_p0_b and cp2_add_frcp0_b);
ucp2_esp1: ex3_eac_sel_p1(1) <= not( cp2_sel_p1_b and cp2_add_frcp1_b);
cp2_sub_sticky <= ex3_effsub_npz and f_alg_ex3_sticky ;
cp2_sub_stickyn <= ex3_effsub_npz and not f_alg_ex3_sticky ;
cp2_add_frcp1_b <= not( ex3_effadd_npz and f_alg_ex3_frc_sel_p1 );
cp2_add_frcp0_b <= not( ex3_effadd_npz and not f_alg_ex3_frc_sel_p1 );
ucp3_g32_00: cp3_g32_00_b <= not( ex3_g16(0) ) ;
ucp3_g32_12: cp3_g32_12_b <= not( ex3_g16(1) or ( ex3_t16(1) and ex3_g16(2) ) );
ucp3_g32_34: cp3_g32_34_b <= not( ex3_g16(3) or ( ex3_t16(3) and ex3_g16(4) ) );
ucp3_g32_56: cp3_g32_56_b <= not( ex3_g16(5) or ( ex3_t16(5) and ex3_g16(6) ) );
ucp3_t32_00: cp3_t32_00_b <= not( ex3_t16(0) );
ucp3_t32_12: cp3_t32_12_b <= not( ex3_t16(1) and ex3_t16(2) );
ucp3_t32_34: cp3_t32_34_b <= not( ex3_t16(3) and ex3_t16(4) );
ucp3_t32_56: cp3_t32_56_b <= not( ex3_g16(5) or ( ex3_t16(5) and ex3_t16(6) ) );
ucp3_g64_02: cp3_g64_02 <= not( cp3_g32_00_b and (cp3_t32_00_b or cp3_g32_12_b) );
ucp3_g64_36: cp3_g64_36 <= not( cp3_g32_34_b and (cp3_t32_34_b or cp3_g32_56_b) );
ucp3_t64_02: cp3_t64_02 <= not( cp3_t32_00_b or cp3_t32_12_b );
ucp3_t64_36: cp3_t64_36 <= not( cp3_g32_34_b and (cp3_t32_34_b or cp3_t32_56_b) );
ucp3_g128_06: cp3_g128_06_b <= not( cp3_g64_02 or ( cp3_t64_02 and cp3_g64_36 ) );
ucp3_g128_36: cp3_g128_36_b <= not( cp3_g64_36 );
ucp3_t128_36: cp3_t128_36_b <= not( cp3_t64_36 );
ucp3_cog: ex3_g128(3) <= not( cp3_g128_36_b);
ucp3_cogx: cp3_g128_36 <= not( cp3_g128_36_b);
ucp3_cogb: ex3_g128_b(3) <= not( cp3_g128_36 );
ucp3_cot: ex3_t128(3) <= not( cp3_t128_36_b);
ucp3_cotx: cp3_t128_36 <= not( cp3_t128_36_b);
ucp3_cotb: ex3_t128_b(3) <= not( cp3_t128_36 );
ucp3_all1n: cp3_all1_b <= not ex3_inc_all1 ;
ucp3_all1p: cp3_all1_p <= not cp3_all1_b ;
ucp3_co_p0: cp3_co_p0 <= not( cp3_g128_06_b ) ;
ucp3_espnx: cp3_sel_p0n_x_b <= not( cp3_all1_b and ex3_effsub_npz);
ucp3_espny: cp3_sel_p0n_y_b <= not( cp3_g128_06_b and ex3_effsub_npz);
ucp3_selp0: cp3_sel_p0_b <= not( cp3_co_p0 and cp3_all1_p and cp3_sub_sticky );
ucp3_selp1: cp3_sel_p1_b <= not( cp3_co_p0 and cp3_all1_p and cp3_sub_stickyn );
ucp3_espn: ex3_eac_sel_p0n(2) <= not( cp3_sel_p0n_x_b and cp3_sel_p0n_y_b);
ucp3_esp0: ex3_eac_sel_p0(2) <= not( cp3_sel_p0_b and cp3_add_frcp0_b);
ucp3_esp1: ex3_eac_sel_p1(2) <= not( cp3_sel_p1_b and cp3_add_frcp1_b);
cp3_sub_sticky <= ex3_effsub_npz and f_alg_ex3_sticky ;
cp3_sub_stickyn <= ex3_effsub_npz and not f_alg_ex3_sticky ;
cp3_add_frcp1_b <= not( ex3_effadd_npz and f_alg_ex3_frc_sel_p1 );
cp3_add_frcp0_b <= not( ex3_effadd_npz and not f_alg_ex3_frc_sel_p1 );
ucp4_g32_01: cp4_g32_01_b <= not( ex3_g16(0) or ( ex3_t16(0) and ex3_g16(1) ) );
ucp4_g32_23: cp4_g32_23_b <= not( ex3_g16(2) or ( ex3_t16(2) and ex3_g16(3) ) );
ucp4_g32_45: cp4_g32_45_b <= not( ex3_g16(4) or ( ex3_t16(4) and ex3_g16(5) ) );
ucp4_g32_66: cp4_g32_66_b <= not( ex3_g16(6) );
ucp4_t32_01: cp4_t32_01_b <= not( ex3_t16(0) and ex3_t16(1) );
ucp4_t32_23: cp4_t32_23_b <= not( ex3_t16(2) and ex3_t16(3) );
ucp4_t32_45: cp4_t32_45_b <= not( ex3_t16(4) and ex3_t16(5) );
ucp4_t32_66: cp4_t32_66_b <= not( ex3_t16(6) );
ucp4_g64_03: cp4_g64_03 <= not( cp4_g32_01_b and (cp4_t32_01_b or cp4_g32_23_b) );
ucp4_g64_46: cp4_g64_46 <= not( cp4_g32_45_b and (cp4_t32_45_b or cp4_g32_66_b) );
ucp4_t64_03: cp4_t64_03 <= not( cp4_t32_01_b or cp4_t32_23_b );
ucp4_t64_46: cp4_t64_46 <= not( cp4_g32_45_b and (cp4_t32_45_b or cp4_t32_66_b) );
ucp4_g128_06: cp4_g128_06_b <= not( cp4_g64_03 or ( cp4_t64_03 and cp4_g64_46 ) );
ucp4_g128_46: cp4_g128_46_b <= not( cp4_g64_46 );
ucp4_t128_46: cp4_t128_46_b <= not( cp4_t64_46 );
ucp4_cog: ex3_g128(4) <= not( cp4_g128_46_b);
ucp4_cogx: cp4_g128_46 <= not( cp4_g128_46_b);
ucp4_cogb: ex3_g128_b(4) <= not( cp4_g128_46 );
ucp4_cot: ex3_t128(4) <= not( cp4_t128_46_b);
ucp4_cotx: cp4_t128_46 <= not( cp4_t128_46_b);
ucp4_cotb: ex3_t128_b(4) <= not( cp4_t128_46 );
ucp4_all1n: cp4_all1_b <= not ex3_inc_all1 ;
ucp4_all1p: cp4_all1_p <= not cp4_all1_b ;
ucp4_co_p0: cp4_co_p0 <= not( cp4_g128_06_b ) ;
ucp4_espnx: cp4_sel_p0n_x_b <= not( cp4_all1_b and ex3_effsub_npz);
ucp4_espny: cp4_sel_p0n_y_b <= not( cp4_g128_06_b and ex3_effsub_npz);
ucp4_selp0: cp4_sel_p0_b <= not( cp4_co_p0 and cp4_all1_p and cp4_sub_sticky );
ucp4_selp1: cp4_sel_p1_b <= not( cp4_co_p0 and cp4_all1_p and cp4_sub_stickyn );
ucp4_espn: ex3_eac_sel_p0n(3) <= not( cp4_sel_p0n_x_b and cp4_sel_p0n_y_b);
ucp4_esp0: ex3_eac_sel_p0(3) <= not( cp4_sel_p0_b and cp4_add_frcp0_b);
ucp4_esp1: ex3_eac_sel_p1(3) <= not( cp4_sel_p1_b and cp4_add_frcp1_b);
cp4_sub_sticky <= ex3_effsub_npz and f_alg_ex3_sticky ;
cp4_sub_stickyn <= ex3_effsub_npz and not f_alg_ex3_sticky ;
cp4_add_frcp1_b <= not( ex3_effadd_npz and f_alg_ex3_frc_sel_p1 );
cp4_add_frcp0_b <= not( ex3_effadd_npz and not f_alg_ex3_frc_sel_p1 );
ucp5_g32_00: cp5_g32_00_b <= not( ex3_g16(0) );
ucp5_g32_12: cp5_g32_12_b <= not( ex3_g16(1) or ( ex3_t16(1) and ex3_g16(2) ) );
ucp5_g32_34: cp5_g32_34_b <= not( ex3_g16(3) or ( ex3_t16(3) and ex3_g16(4) ) );
ucp5_g32_56: cp5_g32_56_b <= not( ex3_g16(5) or ( ex3_t16(5) and ex3_g16(6) ) );
ucp5_t32_00: cp5_t32_00_b <= not( ex3_t16(0) );
ucp5_t32_12: cp5_t32_12_b <= not( ex3_t16(1) and ex3_t16(2) );
ucp5_t32_34: cp5_t32_34_b <= not( ex3_t16(3) and ex3_t16(4) );
ucp5_t32_56: cp5_t32_56_b <= not( ex3_g16(5) or ( ex3_t16(5) and ex3_t16(6) ) );
ucp5_g64_02: cp5_g64_02 <= not( cp5_g32_00_b and (cp5_t32_00_b or cp5_g32_12_b) );
ucp5_g64_36: cp5_g64_36 <= not( cp5_g32_34_b and (cp5_t32_34_b or cp5_g32_56_b) );
ucp5_g64_56: cp5_g64_56 <= not( cp5_g32_56_b );
ucp5_t64_02: cp5_t64_02 <= not( cp5_t32_00_b or cp5_t32_12_b );
ucp5_t64_56: cp5_t64_56 <= not( cp5_t32_56_b );
ucp5_g128_06: cp5_g128_06_b <= not( cp5_g64_02 or ( cp5_t64_02 and cp5_g64_36 ) );
ucp5_g128_56: cp5_g128_56_b <= not( cp5_g64_56 );
ucp5_t128_56: cp5_t128_56_b <= not( cp5_t64_56 );
ucp5_cog: ex3_g128(5) <= not( cp5_g128_56_b);
ucp5_cogx: cp5_g128_56 <= not( cp5_g128_56_b);
ucp5_cogb: ex3_g128_b(5) <= not( cp5_g128_56 );
ucp5_cot: ex3_t128(5) <= not( cp5_t128_56_b);
ucp5_cotx: cp5_t128_56 <= not( cp5_t128_56_b);
ucp5_cotb: ex3_t128_b(5) <= not( cp5_t128_56 );
ucp5_all1n: cp5_all1_b <= not ex3_inc_all1 ;
ucp5_all1p: cp5_all1_p <= not cp5_all1_b ;
ucp5_co_p0: cp5_co_p0 <= not( cp5_g128_06_b ) ;
ucp5_espnx: cp5_sel_p0n_x_b <= not( cp5_all1_b and ex3_effsub_npz);
ucp5_espny: cp5_sel_p0n_y_b <= not( cp5_g128_06_b and ex3_effsub_npz);
ucp5_selp0: cp5_sel_p0_b <= not( cp5_co_p0 and cp5_all1_p and cp5_sub_sticky );
ucp5_selp1: cp5_sel_p1_b <= not( cp5_co_p0 and cp5_all1_p and cp5_sub_stickyn );
ucp5_espn: ex3_eac_sel_p0n(4) <= not( cp5_sel_p0n_x_b and cp5_sel_p0n_y_b);
ucp5_esp0: ex3_eac_sel_p0(4) <= not( cp5_sel_p0_b and cp5_add_frcp0_b);
ucp5_esp1: ex3_eac_sel_p1(4) <= not( cp5_sel_p1_b and cp5_add_frcp1_b);
cp5_sub_sticky <= ex3_effsub_npz and f_alg_ex3_sticky ;
cp5_sub_stickyn <= ex3_effsub_npz and not f_alg_ex3_sticky ;
cp5_add_frcp1_b <= not( ex3_effadd_npz and f_alg_ex3_frc_sel_p1 );
cp5_add_frcp0_b <= not( ex3_effadd_npz and not f_alg_ex3_frc_sel_p1 );
ucp6_g32_00: cp6_g32_00_b <= not( ex3_g16(0) );
ucp6_g32_12: cp6_g32_12_b <= not( ex3_g16(1) or ( ex3_t16(1) and ex3_g16(2) ) );
ucp6_g32_34: cp6_g32_34_b <= not( ex3_g16(3) or ( ex3_t16(3) and ex3_g16(4) ) );
ucp6_g32_56: cp6_g32_56_b <= not( ex3_g16(5) or ( ex3_t16(5) and ex3_g16(6) ) );
ucp6_g32_66: cp6_g32_66_b <= not( ex3_g16(6) );
ucp6_t32_00: cp6_t32_00_b <= not( ex3_t16(0) );
ucp6_t32_12: cp6_t32_12_b <= not( ex3_t16(1) and ex3_t16(2) );
ucp6_t32_34: cp6_t32_34_b <= not( ex3_t16(3) and ex3_t16(4) );
ucp6_t32_66: cp6_t32_66_b <= not( ex3_t16(6) );
ucp6_g64_02: cp6_g64_02 <= not( cp6_g32_00_b and (cp6_t32_00_b or cp6_g32_12_b) );
ucp6_g64_36: cp6_g64_36 <= not( cp6_g32_34_b and (cp6_t32_34_b or cp6_g32_56_b) );
ucp6_t64_02: cp6_t64_02 <= not( cp6_t32_00_b or cp6_t32_12_b );
ucp6_g128_06: cp6_g128_06_b <= not( cp6_g64_02 or ( cp6_t64_02 and cp6_g64_36 ) );
ucp6_cog: ex3_g128(6) <= not( cp6_g32_66_b );
ucp6_cogx: cp6_g128_66 <= not( cp6_g32_66_b );
ucp6_cogb: ex3_g128_b(6) <= not( cp6_g128_66 );
ucp6_cot: ex3_t128(6) <= not( cp6_t32_66_b );
ucp6_cotx: cp6_t128_66 <= not( cp6_t32_66_b );
ucp6_cotb: ex3_t128_b(6) <= not( cp6_t128_66 );
ucp6_all1n: cp6_all1_b <= not ex3_inc_all1 ;
ucp6_all1p: cp6_all1_p <= not cp6_all1_b ;
ucp6_co_p0: cp6_co_p0 <= not( cp6_g128_06_b ) ;
ucp6_espnx: cp6_sel_p0n_x_b <= not( cp6_all1_b and ex3_effsub_npz);
ucp6_espny: cp6_sel_p0n_y_b <= not( cp6_g128_06_b and ex3_effsub_npz);
ucp6_selp0: cp6_sel_p0_b <= not( cp6_co_p0 and cp6_all1_p and cp6_sub_sticky );
ucp6_selp1: cp6_sel_p1_b <= not( cp6_co_p0 and cp6_all1_p and cp6_sub_stickyn );
ucp6_espn: ex3_eac_sel_p0n(5) <= not( cp6_sel_p0n_x_b and cp6_sel_p0n_y_b);
ucp6_esp0: ex3_eac_sel_p0(5) <= not( cp6_sel_p0_b and cp6_add_frcp0_b);
ucp6_esp1: ex3_eac_sel_p1(5) <= not( cp6_sel_p1_b and cp6_add_frcp1_b);
cp6_sub_sticky <= ex3_effsub_npz and f_alg_ex3_sticky ;
cp6_sub_stickyn <= ex3_effsub_npz and not f_alg_ex3_sticky ;
cp6_add_frcp1_b <= not( ex3_effadd_npz and f_alg_ex3_frc_sel_p1 );
cp6_add_frcp0_b <= not( ex3_effadd_npz and not f_alg_ex3_frc_sel_p1 );
ucp7_g32_00: cp7_g32_00_b <= not( ex3_g16(0) ) ;
ucp7_g32_12: cp7_g32_12_b <= not( ex3_g16(1) or ( ex3_t16(1) and ex3_g16(2) ) );
ucp7_g32_34: cp7_g32_34_b <= not( ex3_g16(3) or ( ex3_t16(3) and ex3_g16(4) ) );
ucp7_g32_56: cp7_g32_56_b <= not( ex3_g16(5) or ( ex3_t16(5) and ex3_g16(6) ) );
ucp7_t32_00: cp7_t32_00_b <= not( ex3_t16(0) );
ucp7_t32_12: cp7_t32_12_b <= not( ex3_t16(1) and ex3_t16(2) );
ucp7_t32_34: cp7_t32_34_b <= not( ex3_t16(3) and ex3_t16(4) );
ucp7_g64_02: cp7_g64_02 <= not( cp7_g32_00_b and (cp7_t32_00_b or cp7_g32_12_b) );
ucp7_g64_36: cp7_g64_36 <= not( cp7_g32_34_b and (cp7_t32_34_b or cp7_g32_56_b) );
ucp7_t64_02: cp7_t64_02 <= not( cp7_t32_00_b or cp7_t32_12_b );
ucp7_g128_06: cp7_g128_06_b <= not( cp7_g64_02 or ( cp7_t64_02 and cp7_g64_36 ) );
ucp7_all1n: cp7_all1_b <= not ex3_inc_all1 ;
ucp7_all1p: cp7_all1_p <= not cp7_all1_b ;
ucp7_co_p0: cp7_co_p0 <= not( cp7_g128_06_b ) ;
ucp7_espnx: cp7_sel_p0n_x_b <= not( cp7_all1_b and ex3_effsub_npz);
ucp7_espny: cp7_sel_p0n_y_b <= not( cp7_g128_06_b and ex3_effsub_npz);
ucp7_selp0: cp7_sel_p0_b <= not( cp7_co_p0 and cp7_all1_p and cp7_sub_sticky );
ucp7_selp1: cp7_sel_p1_b <= not( cp7_co_p0 and cp7_all1_p and cp7_sub_stickyn );
ucp7_espn: ex3_eac_sel_p0n(6) <= not( cp7_sel_p0n_x_b and cp7_sel_p0n_y_b);
ucp7_esp0: ex3_eac_sel_p0(6) <= not( cp7_sel_p0_b and cp7_add_frcp0_b);
ucp7_esp1: ex3_eac_sel_p1(6) <= not( cp7_sel_p1_b and cp7_add_frcp1_b);
cp7_sub_sticky <= ex3_effsub_npz and f_alg_ex3_sticky ;
cp7_sub_stickyn <= ex3_effsub_npz and not f_alg_ex3_sticky ;
cp7_add_frcp1_b <= not( ex3_effadd_npz and f_alg_ex3_frc_sel_p1 );
cp7_add_frcp0_b <= not( ex3_effadd_npz and not f_alg_ex3_frc_sel_p1 );
@ -0,0 +1,958 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee,ibm,support,tri,work;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_unsigned.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_ao_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_mux_support.all;
entity fuq_alg is
generic( expand_type : integer := 2 );
vdd :inout power_logic;
gnd :inout power_logic;
clkoff_b :in std_ulogic;
act_dis :in std_ulogic;
flush :in std_ulogic;
delay_lclkr :in std_ulogic_vector(1 to 3);
mpw1_b :in std_ulogic_vector(1 to 3);
mpw2_b :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 0);
sg_1 :in std_ulogic;
thold_1 :in std_ulogic;
fpu_enable :in std_ulogic;
nclk :in clk_logic;
f_alg_si :in std_ulogic;
f_alg_so :out std_ulogic;
rf1_act :in std_ulogic;
ex1_act :in std_ulogic;
f_byp_alg_ex1_b_expo :in std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13);
f_byp_alg_ex1_a_expo :in std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13);
f_byp_alg_ex1_c_expo :in std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13);
f_byp_alg_ex1_b_frac :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 52);
f_byp_alg_ex1_b_sign :in std_ulogic;
f_fmt_ex1_prod_zero :in std_ulogic;
f_fmt_ex1_b_zero :in std_ulogic;
f_fmt_ex1_pass_sel :in std_ulogic;
f_fmt_ex2_pass_frac :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 52);
f_dcd_rf1_sp :in std_ulogic;
f_dcd_rf1_from_integer_b :in std_ulogic;
f_dcd_rf1_to_integer_b :in std_ulogic;
f_dcd_rf1_word_b :in std_ulogic;
f_dcd_rf1_uns_b :in std_ulogic;
f_pic_ex1_rnd_to_int :in std_ulogic;
f_pic_ex1_frsp_ue1 :in std_ulogic;
f_pic_ex1_effsub_raw :in std_ulogic;
f_pic_ex1_sh_unf_ig_b :in std_ulogic;
f_pic_ex1_sh_unf_do :in std_ulogic;
f_pic_ex1_sh_ovf_ig_b :in std_ulogic;
f_pic_ex1_sh_ovf_do :in std_ulogic;
f_pic_ex2_rnd_nr :in std_ulogic;
f_pic_ex2_rnd_inf_ok :in std_ulogic;
f_alg_ex1_sign_frmw :out std_ulogic;
f_alg_ex2_byp_nonflip :out std_ulogic;
f_alg_ex2_res :out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 162);
f_alg_ex2_sel_byp :out std_ulogic;
f_alg_ex2_effsub_eac_b :out std_ulogic;
f_alg_ex2_prod_z :out std_ulogic;
f_alg_ex2_sh_unf :out std_ulogic;
f_alg_ex2_sh_ovf :out std_ulogic;
f_alg_ex3_frc_sel_p1 :out std_ulogic;
f_alg_ex3_sticky :out std_ulogic;
f_alg_ex3_int_fr :out std_ulogic;
f_alg_ex3_int_fi :out std_ulogic
end fuq_alg;
architecture fuq_alg of fuq_alg is
constant tiup : std_ulogic := '1';
constant tidn : std_ulogic := '0';
signal thold_0_b, thold_0, forcee :std_ulogic;
signal sg_0 :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_act :std_ulogic;
signal spare_unused :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal act_so :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
signal act_si :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
signal ex1_ctl_so :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
signal ex1_ctl_si :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
signal ex2_shd_so, ex2_shd_si :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 67);
signal ex2_shc_so, ex2_shc_si :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 24);
signal ex2_ctl_so :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 14);
signal ex2_ctl_si :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 14);
signal ex3_ctl_so :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 10);
signal ex3_ctl_si :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 10);
signal ex1_from_integer :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_from_integer :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_to_integer :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_sel_special, ex1_sel_special_b, ex2_sel_special_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_sh_ovf :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_sh_unf_x , ex2_sh_unf_x :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_sel_byp_nonflip :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_sel_byp_nonflip_lze :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_from_integer_neg :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_integer_op :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_to_integer_neg :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_negate :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_effsub_alg :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_sh_unf :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_sel_byp :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_effsub_alg :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_prd_sel_pos_hi :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_prd_sel_neg_hi :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_prd_sel_pos_lo :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_prd_sel_neg_lo :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_prd_sel_pos_lohi :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_prd_sel_neg_lohi :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_byp_sel_pos :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_byp_sel_neg :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_byp_sel_byp_pos :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_byp_sel_byp_neg :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_b_sign :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_to_integer :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_sh_lvl2 :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 67) ;
signal ex2_sh_lvl2, ex2_sh_lvl2_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 67) ;
signal ex2_bsha :std_ulogic_vector(6 to 9) ;
signal ex2_sticky_en16_x :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4) ;
signal ex2_xthrm_6_ns_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_xthrm_7_ns_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_xthrm_8_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_xthrm_8a9_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_xthrm_8o9_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_xthrm7o8a9 :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_xthrm7o8 :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_xthrm7o8o9 :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_xthrm7a8a9 :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_xthrm_6_ns :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_ge176_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_ge160_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_ge144_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_ge128_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_ge112_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_bsha_6, ex1_bsha_7, ex1_bsha_8, ex1_bsha_9 :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_bsha_pos :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_sh_lvl3 :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 162) ;
signal ex2_sticky_or16 :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4) ;
signal ex1_b_zero :std_ulogic ;
signal ex2_b_zero, ex2_b_zero_b :std_ulogic ;
signal ex1_dp :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_byp_nonflip_lze :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_sel_byp_nonflip :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_prod_zero :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_sh_ovf_en, ex2_sh_unf_en, ex2_sh_unf_do :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_sh_ovf :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_integer_op :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_negate :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_unf_bz :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_all1_x :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_ovf_pz :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_all1_y :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_sel_special :std_ulogic;
signal rf1_from_integer , rf1_to_integer , rf1_dp :std_ulogic;
signal rf1_uns, rf1_word, ex1_uns, ex1_word :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_word_from, ex2_word_from :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_rnd_to_int :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_sign_from :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_b_frac :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 52);
signal ex1_b_expo :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13);
signal ex1_b_sign :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_bsha_neg, ex2_bsha_neg : std_ulogic ;
signal ex1_lvl1_shdcd000_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lvl1_shdcd001_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lvl1_shdcd002_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lvl1_shdcd003_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lvl2_shdcd000 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lvl2_shdcd004 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lvl2_shdcd008 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lvl2_shdcd012 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lvl3_shdcd000 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lvl3_shdcd016 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lvl3_shdcd032 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lvl3_shdcd048 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lvl3_shdcd064 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lvl3_shdcd080 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lvl3_shdcd096 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lvl3_shdcd112 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lvl3_shdcd128 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lvl3_shdcd144 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lvl3_shdcd160 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lvl3_shdcd176 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lvl3_shdcd192 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lvl3_shdcd208 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lvl3_shdcd224 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lvl3_shdcd240 :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_lvl3_shdcd000 :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_lvl3_shdcd016 :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_lvl3_shdcd032 :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_lvl3_shdcd048 :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_lvl3_shdcd064 :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_lvl3_shdcd080 :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_lvl3_shdcd096 :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_lvl3_shdcd112 :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_lvl3_shdcd128 :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_lvl3_shdcd144 :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_lvl3_shdcd160 :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_lvl3_shdcd176 :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_lvl3_shdcd192 :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_lvl3_shdcd208 :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_lvl3_shdcd224 :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_lvl3_shdcd240 :std_ulogic;
signal ex3_int_fr_nr1_b, ex3_int_fr_nr2_b, ex3_int_fr_ok_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex3_int_fr :std_ulogic;
signal ex3_sel_p1_0_b, ex3_sel_p1_1_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex3_sticky_math :std_ulogic;
signal ex3_sticky_toint :std_ulogic;
signal ex3_sticky_toint_nr :std_ulogic;
signal ex3_sticky_toint_ok :std_ulogic;
signal ex3_frmneg_o_toneg :std_ulogic;
signal ex3_frmneg_o_topos :std_ulogic;
signal ex3_lsb_toint_nr :std_ulogic;
signal ex3_g_math :std_ulogic;
signal ex3_g_toint :std_ulogic;
signal ex3_g_toint_nr :std_ulogic;
signal ex3_g_toint_ok :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_frmneg :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_toneg :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_topos :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_frmneg_o_toneg :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_frmneg_o_topos :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_toint_gate_x :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_toint_gate_g :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_toint_gt_nr_x :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_toint_gt_nr_g :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_toint_gt_ok_x :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_toint_gt_ok_g :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_math_gate_x :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_math_gate_g :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_sticky_eac_x :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_sticky_math :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_sticky_toint :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_sticky_toint_nr :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_sticky_toint_ok :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_lsb_toint_nr :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_g_math :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_g_toint :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_g_toint_nr :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_g_toint_ok :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_sh16_162, ex2_sh16_163 :std_ulogic;
signal alg_ex2_d1clk, alg_ex2_d2clk :std_ulogic;
signal alg_ex2_lclk :clk_logic;
signal ex2_bsha_b :std_ulogic_vector(6 to 9);
signal ex2_bsha_neg_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_sh_ovf_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_sh_unf_x_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_lvl3_shdcd000_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_lvl3_shdcd016_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_lvl3_shdcd032_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_lvl3_shdcd048_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_lvl3_shdcd064_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_lvl3_shdcd080_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_lvl3_shdcd096_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_lvl3_shdcd112_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_lvl3_shdcd128_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_lvl3_shdcd144_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_lvl3_shdcd160_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_lvl3_shdcd176_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_lvl3_shdcd192_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_lvl3_shdcd208_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_lvl3_shdcd224_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_lvl3_shdcd240_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_b_zero_l2_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_prod_zero_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_byp_nonflip_lze_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_sel_byp_nonflip_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_sh_unf_do_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_sh_unf_en_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_sh_ovf_en_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_effsub_alg_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_negate_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_b_sign_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_to_integer_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_from_integer_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_rnd_to_int_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_integer_op_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_word_from_b :std_ulogic;
signal unused :std_ulogic;
unused <= ex1_b_expo(1) or ex1_b_expo(2) or
ex1_dp or
ex2_lvl3_shdcd176 ;
ex1_b_frac(0 to 52) <= f_byp_alg_ex1_b_frac(0 to 52);
ex1_b_sign <= f_byp_alg_ex1_b_sign ;
ex1_b_expo(1 to 13) <= f_byp_alg_ex1_b_expo(1 to 13);
thold_reg_0: tri_plat generic map (expand_type => expand_type) port map (
vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
flush => flush ,
din(0) => thold_1,
q(0) => thold_0 );
sg_reg_0: tri_plat generic map (expand_type => expand_type) port map (
vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
flush => flush ,
din(0) => sg_1 ,
q(0) => sg_0 );
lcbor_0: tri_lcbor generic map (expand_type => expand_type ) port map (
clkoff_b => clkoff_b,
thold => thold_0,
sg => sg_0,
act_dis => act_dis,
forcee => forcee,
thold_b => thold_0_b );
act_lat: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width=> 5, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 0) port map (
vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
forcee => forcee,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr(2) ,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b(2) ,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b(0) ,
nclk => nclk,
act => fpu_enable,
thold_b => thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
scout => act_so ,
scin => act_si ,
din(0) => spare_unused(0),
din(1) => spare_unused(1),
din(2) => ex1_act,
din(3) => spare_unused(2),
din(4) => spare_unused(3),
dout(0) => spare_unused(0),
dout(1) => spare_unused(1),
dout(2) => ex2_act,
dout(3) => spare_unused(2) ,
dout(4) => spare_unused(3) );
alg_ex2_lcb : tri_lcbnd generic map (expand_type => expand_type) port map(
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr(2) ,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b(2) ,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b(0) ,
forcee => forcee,
nclk => nclk ,
vd => vdd ,
gd => gnd ,
act => ex1_act ,
sg => sg_0 ,
thold_b => thold_0_b ,
d1clk => alg_ex2_d1clk ,
d2clk => alg_ex2_d2clk ,
lclk => alg_ex2_lclk );
rf1_from_integer <= not f_dcd_rf1_from_integer_b ;
rf1_to_integer <= not f_dcd_rf1_to_integer_b ;
rf1_dp <= not f_dcd_rf1_sp ;
rf1_word <= not f_dcd_rf1_word_b ;
rf1_uns <= not f_dcd_rf1_uns_b ;
ex1_ctl_lat: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width=> 5, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 0) port map (
forcee => forcee,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr(1) ,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b(1) ,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b(0) ,
vd => vdd ,
gd => gnd ,
nclk => nclk ,
thold_b => thold_0_b ,
sg => sg_0 ,
act => rf1_act ,
scout => ex1_ctl_so ,
scin => ex1_ctl_si ,
din(0) => rf1_from_integer ,
din(1) => rf1_to_integer ,
din(2) => rf1_dp ,
din(3) => rf1_word ,
din(4) => rf1_uns ,
dout(0) => ex1_from_integer ,
dout(1) => ex1_to_integer ,
dout(2) => ex1_dp ,
dout(3) => ex1_word ,
dout(4) => ex1_uns );
sha: entity work.fuq_alg_add(fuq_alg_add) generic map (expand_type => expand_type) port map(
vdd => vdd,
gnd => gnd,
f_byp_alg_ex1_b_expo(1 to 13) => f_byp_alg_ex1_b_expo ,
f_byp_alg_ex1_a_expo(1 to 13) => f_byp_alg_ex1_a_expo ,
f_byp_alg_ex1_c_expo(1 to 13) => f_byp_alg_ex1_c_expo ,
ex1_sel_special_b => ex1_sel_special_b ,
ex1_bsha_6_o => ex1_bsha_6 ,
ex1_bsha_7_o => ex1_bsha_7 ,
ex1_bsha_8_o => ex1_bsha_8 ,
ex1_bsha_9_o => ex1_bsha_9 ,
ex1_bsha_neg_o => ex1_bsha_neg ,
ex1_sh_ovf => ex1_sh_ovf ,
ex1_sh_unf_x => ex1_sh_unf_x ,
ex1_lvl1_shdcd000_b => ex1_lvl1_shdcd000_b ,
ex1_lvl1_shdcd001_b => ex1_lvl1_shdcd001_b ,
ex1_lvl1_shdcd002_b => ex1_lvl1_shdcd002_b ,
ex1_lvl1_shdcd003_b => ex1_lvl1_shdcd003_b ,
ex1_lvl2_shdcd000 => ex1_lvl2_shdcd000 ,
ex1_lvl2_shdcd004 => ex1_lvl2_shdcd004 ,
ex1_lvl2_shdcd008 => ex1_lvl2_shdcd008 ,
ex1_lvl2_shdcd012 => ex1_lvl2_shdcd012 ,
ex1_lvl3_shdcd000 => ex1_lvl3_shdcd000 ,
ex1_lvl3_shdcd016 => ex1_lvl3_shdcd016 ,
ex1_lvl3_shdcd032 => ex1_lvl3_shdcd032 ,
ex1_lvl3_shdcd048 => ex1_lvl3_shdcd048 ,
ex1_lvl3_shdcd064 => ex1_lvl3_shdcd064 ,
ex1_lvl3_shdcd080 => ex1_lvl3_shdcd080 ,
ex1_lvl3_shdcd096 => ex1_lvl3_shdcd096 ,
ex1_lvl3_shdcd112 => ex1_lvl3_shdcd112 ,
ex1_lvl3_shdcd128 => ex1_lvl3_shdcd128 ,
ex1_lvl3_shdcd144 => ex1_lvl3_shdcd144 ,
ex1_lvl3_shdcd160 => ex1_lvl3_shdcd160 ,
ex1_lvl3_shdcd176 => ex1_lvl3_shdcd176 ,
ex1_lvl3_shdcd192 => ex1_lvl3_shdcd192 ,
ex1_lvl3_shdcd208 => ex1_lvl3_shdcd208 ,
ex1_lvl3_shdcd224 => ex1_lvl3_shdcd224 ,
ex1_lvl3_shdcd240 => ex1_lvl3_shdcd240 );
ex1_sel_special <= ex1_from_integer ;
ex1_sel_special_b <= not ex1_from_integer ;
ex1_sel_byp_nonflip_lze <=
( f_fmt_ex1_pass_sel ) or
( f_pic_ex1_sh_ovf_do ) ;
ex1_sel_byp_nonflip <=
( f_pic_ex1_frsp_ue1 ) or
( f_fmt_ex1_pass_sel ) or
( f_pic_ex1_sh_ovf_do ) ;
ex1_integer_op <= ex1_from_integer or (ex1_to_integer and not f_pic_ex1_rnd_to_int);
f_alg_ex1_sign_frmw <= ex1_b_frac(21) ;
ex1_sign_from <=
(ex1_from_integer and ex1_word and ex1_b_frac(21) ) or
(ex1_from_integer and not ex1_word and ex1_b_sign );
ex1_from_integer_neg <= ex1_from_integer and ex1_sign_from and not ex1_uns;
ex1_word_from <= ex1_word and ex1_from_integer ;
ex1_to_integer_neg <= ex1_to_integer and ex1_b_sign and not f_pic_ex1_rnd_to_int;
ex1_negate <= f_pic_ex1_effsub_raw or
ex1_from_integer_neg or
ex1_to_integer_neg ;
ex1_effsub_alg <= f_pic_ex1_effsub_raw and not f_fmt_ex1_pass_sel;
ex1_b_zero <= f_fmt_ex1_b_zero;
sh4: entity work.fuq_alg_sh4(fuq_alg_sh4) generic map (expand_type => expand_type) port map(
ex1_lvl1_shdcd000_b => ex1_lvl1_shdcd000_b ,
ex1_lvl1_shdcd001_b => ex1_lvl1_shdcd001_b ,
ex1_lvl1_shdcd002_b => ex1_lvl1_shdcd002_b ,
ex1_lvl1_shdcd003_b => ex1_lvl1_shdcd003_b ,
ex1_lvl2_shdcd000 => ex1_lvl2_shdcd000 ,
ex1_lvl2_shdcd004 => ex1_lvl2_shdcd004 ,
ex1_lvl2_shdcd008 => ex1_lvl2_shdcd008 ,
ex1_lvl2_shdcd012 => ex1_lvl2_shdcd012 ,
ex1_sel_special => ex1_sel_special ,
ex1_b_sign => ex1_b_sign ,
ex1_b_expo(3 to 13) => ex1_b_expo(3 to 13) ,
ex1_b_frac(0 to 52) => ex1_b_frac(0 to 52) ,
ex1_sh_lvl2(0 to 67) => ex1_sh_lvl2(0 to 67) );
ex2_shd_lat: entity tri.tri_inv_nlats(tri_inv_nlats) generic map (width=> 68, btr => "NLI0001_X2_A12TH", expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 0 ) port map (
vd => vdd ,
gd => gnd ,
LCLK => alg_ex2_lclk ,
D1CLK => alg_ex2_d1clk ,
D2CLK => alg_ex2_d2clk ,
SCANIN => ex2_shd_si ,
SCANOUT => ex2_shd_so ,
D => ex1_sh_lvl2 (0 to 67) ,
QB => ex2_sh_lvl2_b(0 to 67) );
ex2_sh_lvl2(0 to 67) <= not ex2_sh_lvl2_b(0 to 67) ;
ex2_shc_lat: entity tri.tri_inv_nlats(tri_inv_nlats) generic map (width=> 25, btr => "NLI0001_X2_A12TH", expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 0 ) port map (
vd => vdd ,
gd => gnd ,
LCLK => alg_ex2_lclk ,
D1CLK => alg_ex2_d1clk ,
D2CLK => alg_ex2_d2clk ,
SCANIN => ex2_shc_si ,
SCANOUT => ex2_shc_so ,
D(0) => ex1_bsha_neg ,
D(1) => ex1_sh_ovf ,
D(2) => ex1_sh_unf_x ,
D(3) => ex1_sel_special ,
D(4) => ex1_sel_special_b,
D(5) => ex1_bsha_6 ,
D(6) => ex1_bsha_7 ,
D(7) => ex1_bsha_8 ,
D(8) => ex1_bsha_9 ,
D(9) => ex1_lvl3_shdcd000 ,
D(10) => ex1_lvl3_shdcd016 ,
D(11) => ex1_lvl3_shdcd032 ,
D(12) => ex1_lvl3_shdcd048 ,
D(13) => ex1_lvl3_shdcd064 ,
D(14) => ex1_lvl3_shdcd080 ,
D(15) => ex1_lvl3_shdcd096 ,
D(16) => ex1_lvl3_shdcd112 ,
D(17) => ex1_lvl3_shdcd128 ,
D(18) => ex1_lvl3_shdcd144 ,
D(19) => ex1_lvl3_shdcd160 ,
D(20) => ex1_lvl3_shdcd176 ,
D(21) => ex1_lvl3_shdcd192 ,
D(22) => ex1_lvl3_shdcd208 ,
D(23) => ex1_lvl3_shdcd224 ,
D(24) => ex1_lvl3_shdcd240 ,
QB(0) => ex2_bsha_neg_b ,
QB(1) => ex2_sh_ovf_b ,
QB(2) => ex2_sh_unf_x_b ,
QB(3) => ex2_sel_special_b ,
QB(4) => ex2_sel_special ,
QB(5) => ex2_bsha_b(6) ,
QB(6) => ex2_bsha_b(7) ,
QB(7) => ex2_bsha_b(8) ,
QB(8) => ex2_bsha_b(9) ,
QB(9) => ex2_lvl3_shdcd000_b ,
QB(10) => ex2_lvl3_shdcd016_b ,
QB(11) => ex2_lvl3_shdcd032_b ,
QB(12) => ex2_lvl3_shdcd048_b ,
QB(13) => ex2_lvl3_shdcd064_b ,
QB(14) => ex2_lvl3_shdcd080_b ,
QB(15) => ex2_lvl3_shdcd096_b ,
QB(16) => ex2_lvl3_shdcd112_b ,
QB(17) => ex2_lvl3_shdcd128_b ,
QB(18) => ex2_lvl3_shdcd144_b ,
QB(19) => ex2_lvl3_shdcd160_b ,
QB(20) => ex2_lvl3_shdcd176_b ,
QB(21) => ex2_lvl3_shdcd192_b ,
QB(22) => ex2_lvl3_shdcd208_b ,
QB(23) => ex2_lvl3_shdcd224_b ,
QB(24) => ex2_lvl3_shdcd240_b );
ex2_bsha_neg <= not ex2_bsha_neg_b ;
ex2_sh_ovf <= not ex2_sh_ovf_b ;
ex2_sh_unf_x <= not ex2_sh_unf_x_b ;
ex2_bsha(6) <= not ex2_bsha_b(6) ;
ex2_bsha(7) <= not ex2_bsha_b(7) ;
ex2_bsha(8) <= not ex2_bsha_b(8) ;
ex2_bsha(9) <= not ex2_bsha_b(9) ;
ex2_lvl3_shdcd000 <= not ex2_lvl3_shdcd000_b ;
ex2_lvl3_shdcd016 <= not ex2_lvl3_shdcd016_b ;
ex2_lvl3_shdcd032 <= not ex2_lvl3_shdcd032_b ;
ex2_lvl3_shdcd048 <= not ex2_lvl3_shdcd048_b ;
ex2_lvl3_shdcd064 <= not ex2_lvl3_shdcd064_b ;
ex2_lvl3_shdcd080 <= not ex2_lvl3_shdcd080_b ;
ex2_lvl3_shdcd096 <= not ex2_lvl3_shdcd096_b ;
ex2_lvl3_shdcd112 <= not ex2_lvl3_shdcd112_b ;
ex2_lvl3_shdcd128 <= not ex2_lvl3_shdcd128_b ;
ex2_lvl3_shdcd144 <= not ex2_lvl3_shdcd144_b ;
ex2_lvl3_shdcd160 <= not ex2_lvl3_shdcd160_b ;
ex2_lvl3_shdcd176 <= not ex2_lvl3_shdcd176_b ;
ex2_lvl3_shdcd192 <= not ex2_lvl3_shdcd192_b ;
ex2_lvl3_shdcd208 <= not ex2_lvl3_shdcd208_b ;
ex2_lvl3_shdcd224 <= not ex2_lvl3_shdcd224_b ;
ex2_lvl3_shdcd240 <= not ex2_lvl3_shdcd240_b ;
ex2_ctl_lat: entity tri.tri_inv_nlats(tri_inv_nlats) generic map (width=> 15, btr => "NLI0001_X2_A12TH", expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 0 ) port map (
vd => vdd ,
gd => gnd ,
LCLK => alg_ex2_lclk ,
D1CLK => alg_ex2_d1clk ,
D2CLK => alg_ex2_d2clk ,
SCANIN => ex2_ctl_si ,
SCANOUT => ex2_ctl_so ,
D(0) => ex1_b_zero ,
D(1) => f_fmt_ex1_prod_zero ,
D(2) => ex1_sel_byp_nonflip_lze ,
D(3) => ex1_sel_byp_nonflip ,
D(4) => f_pic_ex1_sh_unf_do ,
D(5) => f_pic_ex1_sh_unf_ig_b ,
D(6) => f_pic_ex1_sh_ovf_ig_b ,
D(7) => ex1_effsub_alg ,
D(8) => ex1_negate ,
D(9) => ex1_b_sign ,
D(10) => ex1_to_integer ,
D(11) => ex1_from_integer ,
D(12) => f_pic_ex1_rnd_to_int ,
D(13) => ex1_integer_op ,
D(14) => ex1_word_from ,
QB(0) => ex2_b_zero_l2_b ,
QB(1) => ex2_prod_zero_b ,
QB(2) => ex2_byp_nonflip_lze_b ,
QB(3) => ex2_sel_byp_nonflip_b ,
QB(4) => ex2_sh_unf_do_b ,
QB(5) => ex2_sh_unf_en_b ,
QB(6) => ex2_sh_ovf_en_b ,
QB(7) => ex2_effsub_alg_b ,
QB(8) => ex2_negate_b ,
QB(9) => ex2_b_sign_b ,
QB(10) => ex2_to_integer_b ,
QB(11) => ex2_from_integer_b ,
QB(12) => ex2_rnd_to_int_b ,
QB(13) => ex2_integer_op_b ,
QB(14) => ex2_word_from_b );
ex2_b_zero <= not ex2_b_zero_l2_b ;
ex2_prod_zero <= not ex2_prod_zero_b ;
ex2_byp_nonflip_lze <= not ex2_byp_nonflip_lze_b ;
ex2_sel_byp_nonflip <= not ex2_sel_byp_nonflip_b ;
ex2_sh_unf_do <= not ex2_sh_unf_do_b ;
ex2_sh_unf_en <= not ex2_sh_unf_en_b ;
ex2_sh_ovf_en <= not ex2_sh_ovf_en_b ;
ex2_effsub_alg <= not ex2_effsub_alg_b ;
ex2_negate <= not ex2_negate_b ;
ex2_b_sign <= not ex2_b_sign_b ;
ex2_to_integer <= not ex2_to_integer_b ;
ex2_from_integer <= not ex2_from_integer_b ;
ex2_rnd_to_int <= not ex2_rnd_to_int_b ;
ex2_integer_op <= not ex2_integer_op_b ;
ex2_word_from <= not ex2_word_from_b ;
ex2_xthrm_6_ns_b <= not( ex2_bsha(6) and ex2_sel_special_b );
ex2_xthrm_7_ns_b <= not( ex2_bsha(7) and ex2_sel_special_b );
ex2_xthrm_8_b <= not( ex2_bsha(8) );
ex2_xthrm_8a9_b <= not( ex2_bsha(8) and ex2_bsha(9) );
ex2_xthrm_8o9_b <= not( ex2_bsha(8) or ex2_bsha(9) );
ex2_xthrm7o8a9 <= not( ex2_xthrm_7_ns_b and ex2_xthrm_8a9_b );
ex2_xthrm7o8 <= not( ex2_xthrm_7_ns_b and ex2_xthrm_8_b );
ex2_xthrm7o8o9 <= not( ex2_xthrm_7_ns_b and ex2_xthrm_8o9_b );
ex2_xthrm7a8a9 <= not( ex2_xthrm_7_ns_b or ex2_xthrm_8a9_b );
ex2_xthrm_6_ns <= not( ex2_xthrm_6_ns_b );
ex2_ge176_b <= not( ex2_xthrm_6_ns and ex2_xthrm7o8a9 );
ex2_ge160_b <= not( ex2_xthrm_6_ns and ex2_xthrm7o8 );
ex2_ge144_b <= not( ex2_xthrm_6_ns and ex2_xthrm7o8o9 );
ex2_ge128_b <= not( ex2_xthrm_6_ns );
ex2_ge112_b <= not( ex2_xthrm_6_ns or ex2_xthrm7a8a9 );
ex2_sticky_en16_x(0) <= not ex2_ge176_b ;
ex2_sticky_en16_x(1) <= not ex2_ge160_b ;
ex2_sticky_en16_x(2) <= not ex2_ge144_b ;
ex2_sticky_en16_x(3) <= not ex2_ge128_b ;
ex2_sticky_en16_x(4) <= not ex2_ge112_b ;
ex2_b_zero_b <= not ex2_b_zero ;
f_alg_ex2_byp_nonflip <= ex2_byp_nonflip_lze ;
f_alg_ex2_sel_byp <= ex2_sel_byp ;
f_alg_ex2_effsub_eac_b <= not ex2_effsub_alg ;
f_alg_ex2_prod_z <= ex2_prod_zero ;
f_alg_ex2_sh_unf <= ex2_sh_unf ;
f_alg_ex2_sh_ovf <= ex2_ovf_pz ;
or16: entity work.fuq_alg_or16(fuq_alg_or16) generic map (expand_type => expand_type) port map (
ex2_sh_lvl2(0 to 67) => ex2_sh_lvl2(0 to 67) ,
ex2_sticky_or16(0 to 4) => ex2_sticky_or16(0 to 4) );
sh16: entity work.fuq_alg_sh16(fuq_alg_sh16) generic map (expand_type => expand_type) port map (
ex2_lvl3_shdcd000 => ex2_lvl3_shdcd000 ,
ex2_lvl3_shdcd016 => ex2_lvl3_shdcd016 ,
ex2_lvl3_shdcd032 => ex2_lvl3_shdcd032 ,
ex2_lvl3_shdcd048 => ex2_lvl3_shdcd048 ,
ex2_lvl3_shdcd064 => ex2_lvl3_shdcd064 ,
ex2_lvl3_shdcd080 => ex2_lvl3_shdcd080 ,
ex2_lvl3_shdcd096 => ex2_lvl3_shdcd096 ,
ex2_lvl3_shdcd112 => ex2_lvl3_shdcd112 ,
ex2_lvl3_shdcd128 => ex2_lvl3_shdcd128 ,
ex2_lvl3_shdcd144 => ex2_lvl3_shdcd144 ,
ex2_lvl3_shdcd160 => ex2_lvl3_shdcd160 ,
ex2_lvl3_shdcd192 => ex2_lvl3_shdcd192 ,
ex2_lvl3_shdcd208 => ex2_lvl3_shdcd208 ,
ex2_lvl3_shdcd224 => ex2_lvl3_shdcd224 ,
ex2_lvl3_shdcd240 => ex2_lvl3_shdcd240 ,
ex2_sel_special => ex2_sel_special ,
ex2_sh_lvl2(0 to 67) => ex2_sh_lvl2(0 to 67) ,
ex2_sh16_162 => ex2_sh16_162 ,
ex2_sh16_163 => ex2_sh16_163 ,
ex2_sh_lvl3(0 to 162) => ex2_sh_lvl3(0 to 162) );
ex2_ovf_pz <= ex2_prod_zero or (ex2_sh_ovf and ex2_sh_ovf_en and not ex2_b_zero);
ex2_sel_byp <= ex2_sel_byp_nonflip or ex2_ovf_pz ;
ex2_all1_y <= ex2_negate and ex2_ovf_pz ;
ex2_all1_x <= ex2_negate and ex2_unf_bz ;
ex2_sh_unf <= ex2_sh_unf_do or ( ex2_sh_unf_en and ex2_sh_unf_x and not ex2_prod_zero);
ex2_unf_bz <= ex2_b_zero or ex2_sh_unf ;
ex2_byp_sel_byp_pos <=
( ex2_sel_byp_nonflip ) or
( ex2_ovf_pz and not ex2_integer_op and not ex2_negate and not ex2_unf_bz ) or
( ex2_ovf_pz and not ex2_integer_op and ex2_all1_x );
ex2_byp_sel_byp_neg <= not ex2_sel_byp_nonflip and
ex2_ovf_pz and not ex2_integer_op and ex2_negate ;
ex2_byp_sel_pos <=
( not ex2_sel_byp and not ex2_integer_op and not ex2_negate and not ex2_unf_bz ) or
( not ex2_sel_byp and not ex2_integer_op and ex2_all1_x );
ex2_byp_sel_neg <=
( not ex2_sel_byp and not ex2_integer_op and ex2_negate );
ex2_prd_sel_pos_hi <= ex2_prd_sel_pos_lo and not ex2_integer_op ;
ex2_prd_sel_neg_hi <= ex2_prd_sel_neg_lo and not ex2_integer_op ;
ex2_prd_sel_pos_lohi <= ex2_prd_sel_pos_lo and not ex2_word_from ;
ex2_prd_sel_neg_lohi <= ex2_prd_sel_neg_lo and not ex2_word_from ;
ex2_prd_sel_pos_lo <=
( not ex2_sel_byp_nonflip and not ex2_ovf_pz and not ex2_unf_bz and not ex2_negate ) or
( not ex2_sel_byp_nonflip and ex2_all1_x ) or
( not ex2_sel_byp_nonflip and ex2_all1_y ) ;
ex2_prd_sel_neg_lo <=
( not ex2_sel_byp_nonflip and ex2_negate ) ;
bymx: entity work.fuq_alg_bypmux(fuq_alg_bypmux) generic map (expand_type => expand_type) port map (
ex2_byp_sel_byp_neg => ex2_byp_sel_byp_neg ,
ex2_byp_sel_byp_pos => ex2_byp_sel_byp_pos ,
ex2_byp_sel_neg => ex2_byp_sel_neg ,
ex2_byp_sel_pos => ex2_byp_sel_pos ,
ex2_prd_sel_neg_hi => ex2_prd_sel_neg_hi ,
ex2_prd_sel_neg_lo => ex2_prd_sel_neg_lo ,
ex2_prd_sel_neg_lohi => ex2_prd_sel_neg_lohi ,
ex2_prd_sel_pos_hi => ex2_prd_sel_pos_hi ,
ex2_prd_sel_pos_lo => ex2_prd_sel_pos_lo ,
ex2_prd_sel_pos_lohi => ex2_prd_sel_pos_lohi ,
ex2_sh_lvl3(0 to 162) => ex2_sh_lvl3(0 to 162) ,
f_fmt_ex2_pass_frac(0 to 52) => f_fmt_ex2_pass_frac(0 to 52) ,
f_alg_ex2_res(0 to 162) => f_alg_ex2_res(0 to 162) );
ex2_frmneg <= ex2_from_integer and ex2_negate;
ex2_toneg <= (ex2_to_integer and not ex2_rnd_to_int and ex2_b_sign) ;
ex2_topos <= (ex2_to_integer and not ex2_rnd_to_int and not ex2_b_sign) or ex2_rnd_to_int;
ex2_frmneg_o_toneg <= ex2_frmneg or ex2_toneg;
ex2_frmneg_o_topos <= ex2_frmneg or ex2_topos;
ex2_math_gate_x <= not ex2_sel_byp_nonflip and ex2_b_zero_b and not ex2_ovf_pz ;
ex2_toint_gate_x <= ex2_to_integer and ex2_b_zero_b ;
ex2_toint_gt_nr_x <= ex2_to_integer and ex2_b_zero_b and f_pic_ex2_rnd_nr ;
ex2_toint_gt_ok_x <= ex2_to_integer and ex2_b_zero_b and f_pic_ex2_rnd_inf_ok ;
ex2_math_gate_g <= not ex2_sel_byp_nonflip and not ex2_ovf_pz and ex2_b_zero_b and (ex2_prd_sel_pos_lo or ex2_prd_sel_neg_lo);
ex2_toint_gate_g <= ex2_to_integer and not ex2_ovf_pz and not ex2_sh_unf and ex2_b_zero_b;
ex2_toint_gt_nr_g <= ex2_to_integer and not ex2_ovf_pz and not ex2_sh_unf and ex2_b_zero_b and f_pic_ex2_rnd_nr ;
ex2_toint_gt_ok_g <= ex2_to_integer and not ex2_ovf_pz and not ex2_sh_unf and ex2_b_zero_b and f_pic_ex2_rnd_inf_ok ;
ex2_bsha_pos <= not ex2_bsha_neg ;
ex2_sticky_eac_x <=
( (ex2_sh_unf or ex2_sticky_en16_x(0)) and ex2_sticky_or16(0) and ex2_bsha_pos ) or
( (ex2_sh_unf or ex2_sticky_en16_x(1)) and ex2_sticky_or16(1) and ex2_bsha_pos ) or
( (ex2_sh_unf or ex2_sticky_en16_x(2)) and ex2_sticky_or16(2) and ex2_bsha_pos ) or
( (ex2_sh_unf or ex2_sticky_en16_x(3)) and ex2_sticky_or16(3) and ex2_bsha_pos ) or
( (ex2_sh_unf or ex2_sticky_en16_x(4)) and ex2_sticky_or16(4) and ex2_bsha_pos ) ;
ex2_sticky_math <= ex2_sticky_eac_x and ex2_math_gate_x ;
ex2_sticky_toint <= ex2_sticky_eac_x and ex2_toint_gate_x;
ex2_sticky_toint_nr <= ex2_sticky_eac_x and ex2_toint_gt_nr_x;
ex2_sticky_toint_ok <= ex2_sticky_eac_x and ex2_toint_gt_ok_x ;
ex2_lsb_toint_nr <= (ex2_sh16_162 or ex2_rnd_to_int) and ex2_toint_gt_nr_g ;
ex2_g_math <= ex2_sh16_163 and ex2_math_gate_g ;
ex2_g_toint <= ex2_sh16_163 and ex2_toint_gate_g;
ex2_g_toint_nr <= ex2_sh16_163 and ex2_toint_gt_nr_g ;
ex2_g_toint_ok <= ex2_sh16_163 and ex2_toint_gt_ok_g ;
ex3_ctl_lat: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width=> 11, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 0) port map (
forcee => forcee,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr(3) ,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b(3) ,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b(0) ,
vd => vdd ,
gd => gnd ,
nclk => nclk ,
thold_b => thold_0_b ,
sg => sg_0 ,
act => ex2_act ,
scout => ex3_ctl_so ,
scin => ex3_ctl_si ,
din(0) => ex2_sticky_math ,
din(1) => ex2_sticky_toint ,
din(2) => ex2_sticky_toint_nr ,
din(3) => ex2_sticky_toint_ok ,
din(4) => ex2_frmneg_o_toneg ,
din(5) => ex2_frmneg_o_topos ,
din(6) => ex2_lsb_toint_nr ,
din(7) => ex2_g_math ,
din(8) => ex2_g_toint ,
din(9) => ex2_g_toint_nr ,
din(10) => ex2_g_toint_ok ,
dout(0) => ex3_sticky_math ,
dout(1) => ex3_sticky_toint ,
dout(2) => ex3_sticky_toint_nr ,
dout(3) => ex3_sticky_toint_ok ,
dout(4) => ex3_frmneg_o_toneg ,
dout(5) => ex3_frmneg_o_topos ,
dout(6) => ex3_lsb_toint_nr ,
dout(7) => ex3_g_math ,
dout(8) => ex3_g_toint ,
dout(9) => ex3_g_toint_nr ,
dout(10) => ex3_g_toint_ok );
f_alg_ex3_sticky <= ex3_sticky_math or ex3_g_math ;
f_alg_ex3_int_fi <= ex3_sticky_toint or ex3_g_toint ;
ex3_int_fr_nr1_b <= not( ex3_g_toint_nr and ex3_sticky_toint_nr );
ex3_int_fr_nr2_b <= not( ex3_g_toint_nr and ex3_lsb_toint_nr );
ex3_int_fr_ok_b <= not( ex3_g_toint_ok or ex3_sticky_toint_ok );
ex3_int_fr <= not( ex3_int_fr_nr1_b and ex3_int_fr_nr2_b and ex3_int_fr_ok_b );
f_alg_ex3_int_fr <= ex3_int_fr ;
ex3_sel_p1_0_b <= not( not ex3_int_fr and ex3_frmneg_o_toneg);
ex3_sel_p1_1_b <= not( ex3_int_fr and ex3_frmneg_o_topos);
f_alg_ex3_frc_sel_p1 <= not(ex3_sel_p1_0_b and ex3_sel_p1_1_b ) ;
ex1_ctl_si (0 to 4) <= ex1_ctl_so (1 to 4) & f_alg_si ;
ex2_shd_si (0 to 67) <= ex2_shd_so (1 to 67) & ex1_ctl_so (0) ;
ex2_shc_si (0 to 24) <= ex2_shc_so (1 to 24) & ex2_shd_so (0) ;
ex2_ctl_si (0 to 14) <= ex2_ctl_so (1 to 14) & ex2_shc_so (0) ;
ex3_ctl_si (0 to 10) <= ex3_ctl_so (1 to 10) & ex2_ctl_so (0) ;
act_si (0 to 4) <= act_so (1 to 4) & ex3_ctl_so (0) ;
f_alg_so <= act_so (0) ;
@ -0,0 +1,670 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
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library ieee,ibm,support,tri,work;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_unsigned.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_ao_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_mux_support.all;
library clib ;
entity fuq_alg_add is
generic( expand_type : integer := 2 );
vdd : inout power_logic;
gnd : inout power_logic;
f_byp_alg_ex1_b_expo :in std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13);
f_byp_alg_ex1_a_expo :in std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13);
f_byp_alg_ex1_c_expo :in std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13);
ex1_sel_special_b :in std_ulogic ;
ex1_bsha_6_o :out std_ulogic ;
ex1_bsha_7_o :out std_ulogic ;
ex1_bsha_8_o :out std_ulogic ;
ex1_bsha_9_o :out std_ulogic ;
ex1_bsha_neg_o :out std_ulogic ;
ex1_sh_ovf :out std_ulogic ;
ex1_sh_unf_x :out std_ulogic ;
ex1_lvl1_shdcd000_b :out std_ulogic ;
ex1_lvl1_shdcd001_b :out std_ulogic ;
ex1_lvl1_shdcd002_b :out std_ulogic ;
ex1_lvl1_shdcd003_b :out std_ulogic ;
ex1_lvl2_shdcd000 :out std_ulogic ;
ex1_lvl2_shdcd004 :out std_ulogic ;
ex1_lvl2_shdcd008 :out std_ulogic ;
ex1_lvl2_shdcd012 :out std_ulogic ;
ex1_lvl3_shdcd000 :out std_ulogic ;
ex1_lvl3_shdcd016 :out std_ulogic ;
ex1_lvl3_shdcd032 :out std_ulogic ;
ex1_lvl3_shdcd048 :out std_ulogic ;
ex1_lvl3_shdcd064 :out std_ulogic ;
ex1_lvl3_shdcd080 :out std_ulogic ;
ex1_lvl3_shdcd096 :out std_ulogic ;
ex1_lvl3_shdcd112 :out std_ulogic ;
ex1_lvl3_shdcd128 :out std_ulogic ;
ex1_lvl3_shdcd144 :out std_ulogic ;
ex1_lvl3_shdcd160 :out std_ulogic ;
ex1_lvl3_shdcd176 :out std_ulogic ;
ex1_lvl3_shdcd192 :out std_ulogic ;
ex1_lvl3_shdcd208 :out std_ulogic ;
ex1_lvl3_shdcd224 :out std_ulogic ;
ex1_lvl3_shdcd240 :out std_ulogic
end fuq_alg_add;
architecture fuq_alg_add of fuq_alg_add is
constant tiup :std_ulogic := '1';
constant tidn :std_ulogic := '0';
signal ex1_bsha_sim_c :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 14);
signal ex1_bsha_sim_p :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13);
signal ex1_bsha_sim_g :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 13);
signal ex1_bsha_sim :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13);
signal ex1_b_expo_b :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13);
signal ex1_a_expo_b :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 13);
signal ex1_c_expo_b :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 13);
signal ex1_bsha_neg :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_sh_ovf_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_alg_sx :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13) ;
signal ex1_alg_cx :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 12) ;
signal ex1_alg_add_p :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 12) ;
signal ex1_alg_add_g_b :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 12) ;
signal ex1_alg_add_t_b :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 11) ;
signal ex1_bsha_6_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_bsha_7_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_bsha_8_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_bsha_9_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_67_dcd00_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_67_dcd01_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_67_dcd10_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_67_dcd11_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_89_dcd00_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_89_dcd01_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_89_dcd10_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_89_dcd11_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lv2_0pg0_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lv2_0pg1_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lv2_0pk0_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lv2_0pk1_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lv2_0pp0_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lv2_0pp1_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lv2_1pg0_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lv2_1pg1_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lv2_1pk0_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lv2_1pk1_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lv2_1pp0_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lv2_1pp1_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lv2_shdcd000 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lv2_shdcd004 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lv2_shdcd008 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lv2_shdcd012 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lvl2_shdcd000_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lvl2_shdcd004_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lvl2_shdcd008_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lvl2_shdcd012_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_alg_add_c_b :std_ulogic_vector(7 to 10);
signal ex1_g02_12 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_g02_12_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_bsha_13_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_bsha_13 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_bsha_12_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_bsha_12 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lv2_ci11n_en_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lv2_ci11p_en_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lv2_ci11n_en :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lv2_ci11p_en :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_g02_10 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_t02_10 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_g04_10_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lv2_g11_x :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lv2_g11_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lv2_g11 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lv2_k11_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lv2_k11 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lv2_p11_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lv2_p11 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lv2_p10_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_lv2_p10 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_g04_10 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_g02_6 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_g02_7 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_g02_8 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_g02_9 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_t02_6 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_t02_7 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_t02_8 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_t02_9 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_g04_6_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_g04_7_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_g04_8_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_g04_9_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_t04_6_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_t04_7_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_t04_8_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_t04_9_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_g08_6 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_g04_7 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_g04_8 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_g04_9 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_t04_7 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_t04_8 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_t04_9 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_bsha_6 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_bsha_7 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_bsha_8 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_bsha_9 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_g02_4 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_g02_2 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_t02_4 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_t02_2 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_g04_2_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_t04_2_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_ones_2t3_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_ones_4t5_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_ones_2t5 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_ones_2t5_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_zero_2_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_zero_3_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_zero_4_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_zero_5 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_zero_5_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_zero_2t3 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_zero_4t5 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_zero_2t5_b :std_ulogic;
signal pos_if_pco6 :std_ulogic;
signal pos_if_nco6 :std_ulogic;
signal pos_if_pco6_b :std_ulogic;
signal pos_if_nco6_b :std_ulogic;
signal unf_if_nco6_b :std_ulogic;
signal unf_if_pco6_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_g08_6_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_bsha_pos :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_bsha_6_i :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_bsha_7_i :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_bsha_8_i :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_bsha_9_i :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_ack_s :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13);
signal ex1_ack_c :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 12);
ex1_bsha_sim_p(1 to 12) <= ex1_alg_sx(1 to 12) xor ex1_alg_cx(1 to 12);
ex1_bsha_sim_p( 13) <= ex1_alg_sx( 13) ;
ex1_bsha_sim_g(2 to 12) <= ex1_alg_sx(2 to 12) and ex1_alg_cx(2 to 12);
ex1_bsha_sim_g(13) <= tidn;
ex1_bsha_sim (1 to 13) <= ex1_bsha_sim_p(1 to 13) xor ex1_bsha_sim_c(2 to 14);
ex1_bsha_sim_c(14) <= tidn;
ex1_bsha_sim_c(13) <= ex1_bsha_sim_g(13) or (ex1_bsha_sim_p(13) and ex1_bsha_sim_c(14) );
ex1_bsha_sim_c(12) <= ex1_bsha_sim_g(12) or (ex1_bsha_sim_p(12) and ex1_bsha_sim_c(13) );
ex1_bsha_sim_c(11) <= ex1_bsha_sim_g(11) or (ex1_bsha_sim_p(11) and ex1_bsha_sim_c(12) );
ex1_bsha_sim_c(10) <= ex1_bsha_sim_g(10) or (ex1_bsha_sim_p(10) and ex1_bsha_sim_c(11) );
ex1_bsha_sim_c( 9) <= ex1_bsha_sim_g( 9) or (ex1_bsha_sim_p( 9) and ex1_bsha_sim_c(10) );
ex1_bsha_sim_c( 8) <= ex1_bsha_sim_g( 8) or (ex1_bsha_sim_p( 8) and ex1_bsha_sim_c( 9) );
ex1_bsha_sim_c( 7) <= ex1_bsha_sim_g( 7) or (ex1_bsha_sim_p( 7) and ex1_bsha_sim_c( 8) );
ex1_bsha_sim_c( 6) <= ex1_bsha_sim_g( 6) or (ex1_bsha_sim_p( 6) and ex1_bsha_sim_c( 7) );
ex1_bsha_sim_c( 5) <= ex1_bsha_sim_g( 5) or (ex1_bsha_sim_p( 5) and ex1_bsha_sim_c( 6) );
ex1_bsha_sim_c( 4) <= ex1_bsha_sim_g( 4) or (ex1_bsha_sim_p( 4) and ex1_bsha_sim_c( 5) );
ex1_bsha_sim_c( 3) <= ex1_bsha_sim_g( 3) or (ex1_bsha_sim_p( 3) and ex1_bsha_sim_c( 4) );
ex1_bsha_sim_c( 2) <= ex1_bsha_sim_g( 2) or (ex1_bsha_sim_p( 2) and ex1_bsha_sim_c( 3) );
a32_inv: ex1_a_expo_b(2 to 13) <= not f_byp_alg_ex1_a_expo(2 to 13);
c32_inv: ex1_c_expo_b(2 to 13) <= not f_byp_alg_ex1_c_expo(2 to 13);
b32_inv: ex1_b_expo_b(1 to 13) <= not f_byp_alg_ex1_b_expo(1 to 13);
sx01: ex1_ack_s( 1) <= not( f_byp_alg_ex1_a_expo( 1) xor f_byp_alg_ex1_c_expo( 1) );
sx02: ex1_ack_s( 2) <= not( f_byp_alg_ex1_a_expo( 2) xor f_byp_alg_ex1_c_expo( 2) );
sx03: ex1_ack_s( 3) <= not( f_byp_alg_ex1_a_expo( 3) xor f_byp_alg_ex1_c_expo( 3) );
sx04: ex1_ack_s( 4) <= ( f_byp_alg_ex1_a_expo( 4) xor f_byp_alg_ex1_c_expo( 4) );
sx05: ex1_ack_s( 5) <= ( f_byp_alg_ex1_a_expo( 5) xor f_byp_alg_ex1_c_expo( 5) );
sx06: ex1_ack_s( 6) <= ( f_byp_alg_ex1_a_expo( 6) xor f_byp_alg_ex1_c_expo( 6) );
sx07: ex1_ack_s( 7) <= ( f_byp_alg_ex1_a_expo( 7) xor f_byp_alg_ex1_c_expo( 7) );
sx08: ex1_ack_s( 8) <= not( f_byp_alg_ex1_a_expo( 8) xor f_byp_alg_ex1_c_expo( 8) );
sx09: ex1_ack_s( 9) <= not( f_byp_alg_ex1_a_expo( 9) xor f_byp_alg_ex1_c_expo( 9) );
sx10: ex1_ack_s(10) <= not( f_byp_alg_ex1_a_expo(10) xor f_byp_alg_ex1_c_expo(10) );
sx11: ex1_ack_s(11) <= ( f_byp_alg_ex1_a_expo(11) xor f_byp_alg_ex1_c_expo(11) );
sx12: ex1_ack_s(12) <= not( f_byp_alg_ex1_a_expo(12) xor f_byp_alg_ex1_c_expo(12) );
sx13: ex1_ack_s(13) <= ( f_byp_alg_ex1_a_expo(13) xor f_byp_alg_ex1_c_expo(13) );
cx01: ex1_ack_c( 1) <= not( ex1_a_expo_b( 2) and ex1_c_expo_b( 2) );
cx02: ex1_ack_c( 2) <= not( ex1_a_expo_b( 3) and ex1_c_expo_b( 3) );
cx03: ex1_ack_c( 3) <= not( ex1_a_expo_b( 4) or ex1_c_expo_b( 4) );
cx04: ex1_ack_c( 4) <= not( ex1_a_expo_b( 5) or ex1_c_expo_b( 5) );
cx05: ex1_ack_c( 5) <= not( ex1_a_expo_b( 6) or ex1_c_expo_b( 6) );
cx06: ex1_ack_c( 6) <= not( ex1_a_expo_b( 7) or ex1_c_expo_b( 7) );
cx07: ex1_ack_c( 7) <= not( ex1_a_expo_b( 8) and ex1_c_expo_b( 8) );
cx08: ex1_ack_c( 8) <= not( ex1_a_expo_b( 9) and ex1_c_expo_b( 9) );
cx09: ex1_ack_c( 9) <= not( ex1_a_expo_b(10) and ex1_c_expo_b(10) );
cx10: ex1_ack_c(10) <= not( ex1_a_expo_b(11) or ex1_c_expo_b(11) );
cx11: ex1_ack_c(11) <= not( ex1_a_expo_b(12) and ex1_c_expo_b(12) );
cx12: ex1_ack_c(12) <= not( ex1_a_expo_b(13) or ex1_c_expo_b(13) );
sha32_01: entity clib.c_prism_csa32 port map(
vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
a => ex1_b_expo_b(1) ,
b => ex1_ack_s(1) ,
c => ex1_ack_c(1) ,
sum => ex1_alg_sx(1) ,
car => ex1_alg_cx(0) );
sha32_02: entity clib.c_prism_csa32 port map(
vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
a => ex1_b_expo_b(2) ,
b => ex1_ack_s(2) ,
c => ex1_ack_c(2) ,
sum => ex1_alg_sx(2) ,
car => ex1_alg_cx(1) );
sha32_03: entity clib.c_prism_csa32 port map(
vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
a => ex1_b_expo_b(3) ,
b => ex1_ack_s(3) ,
c => ex1_ack_c(3) ,
sum => ex1_alg_sx(3) ,
car => ex1_alg_cx(2) );
sha32_04: entity clib.c_prism_csa32 port map(
vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
a => ex1_b_expo_b(4) ,
b => ex1_ack_s(4) ,
c => ex1_ack_c(4) ,
sum => ex1_alg_sx(4) ,
car => ex1_alg_cx(3) );
sha32_05: entity clib.c_prism_csa32 port map(
vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
a => ex1_b_expo_b(5) ,
b => ex1_ack_s(5) ,
c => ex1_ack_c(5) ,
sum => ex1_alg_sx(5) ,
car => ex1_alg_cx(4) );
sha32_06: entity clib.c_prism_csa32 port map(
vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
a => ex1_b_expo_b(6) ,
b => ex1_ack_s(6) ,
c => ex1_ack_c(6) ,
sum => ex1_alg_sx(6) ,
car => ex1_alg_cx(5) );
sha32_07: entity clib.c_prism_csa32 port map(
vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
a => ex1_b_expo_b(7) ,
b => ex1_ack_s(7) ,
c => ex1_ack_c(7) ,
sum => ex1_alg_sx(7) ,
car => ex1_alg_cx(6) );
sha32_08: entity clib.c_prism_csa32 port map(
vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
a => ex1_b_expo_b(8) ,
b => ex1_ack_s(8) ,
c => ex1_ack_c(8) ,
sum => ex1_alg_sx(8) ,
car => ex1_alg_cx(7) );
sha32_09: entity clib.c_prism_csa32 port map(
vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
a => ex1_b_expo_b(9) ,
b => ex1_ack_s(9) ,
c => ex1_ack_c(9) ,
sum => ex1_alg_sx(9) ,
car => ex1_alg_cx(8) );
sha32_10: entity clib.c_prism_csa32 port map(
vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
a => ex1_b_expo_b(10) ,
b => ex1_ack_s(10) ,
c => ex1_ack_c(10) ,
sum => ex1_alg_sx(10) ,
car => ex1_alg_cx(9) );
sha32_11: entity clib.c_prism_csa32 port map(
vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
a => ex1_b_expo_b(11) ,
b => ex1_ack_s(11) ,
c => ex1_ack_c(11) ,
sum => ex1_alg_sx(11) ,
car => ex1_alg_cx(10) );
sha32_12: entity clib.c_prism_csa32 port map(
vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
a => ex1_b_expo_b(12) ,
b => ex1_ack_s(12) ,
c => ex1_ack_c(12) ,
sum => ex1_alg_sx(12) ,
car => ex1_alg_cx(11) );
sha32_13: entity clib.c_prism_csa32 port map(
vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
a => ex1_b_expo_b(13) ,
b => ex1_ack_s(13) ,
c => tidn ,
sum => ex1_alg_sx(13) ,
car => ex1_alg_cx(12) );
p1_01: ex1_alg_add_p( 1) <= ex1_alg_sx( 1) xor ex1_alg_cx( 1);
p1_02: ex1_alg_add_p( 2) <= ex1_alg_sx( 2) xor ex1_alg_cx( 2);
p1_03: ex1_alg_add_p( 3) <= ex1_alg_sx( 3) xor ex1_alg_cx( 3);
p1_04: ex1_alg_add_p( 4) <= ex1_alg_sx( 4) xor ex1_alg_cx( 4);
p1_05: ex1_alg_add_p( 5) <= ex1_alg_sx( 5) xor ex1_alg_cx( 5);
p1_06: ex1_alg_add_p( 6) <= ex1_alg_sx( 6) xor ex1_alg_cx( 6);
p1_07: ex1_alg_add_p( 7) <= ex1_alg_sx( 7) xor ex1_alg_cx( 7);
p1_08: ex1_alg_add_p( 8) <= ex1_alg_sx( 8) xor ex1_alg_cx( 8);
p1_09: ex1_alg_add_p( 9) <= ex1_alg_sx( 9) xor ex1_alg_cx( 9);
p1_10: ex1_alg_add_p(10) <= ex1_alg_sx(10) xor ex1_alg_cx(10);
p1_11: ex1_alg_add_p(11) <= ex1_alg_sx(11) xor ex1_alg_cx(11);
p1_12: ex1_alg_add_p(12) <= ex1_alg_sx(12) xor ex1_alg_cx(12);
g1_02: ex1_alg_add_g_b( 2) <= not( ex1_alg_sx( 2) and ex1_alg_cx( 2) );
g1_03: ex1_alg_add_g_b( 3) <= not( ex1_alg_sx( 3) and ex1_alg_cx( 3) );
g1_04: ex1_alg_add_g_b( 4) <= not( ex1_alg_sx( 4) and ex1_alg_cx( 4) );
g1_05: ex1_alg_add_g_b( 5) <= not( ex1_alg_sx( 5) and ex1_alg_cx( 5) );
g1_06: ex1_alg_add_g_b( 6) <= not( ex1_alg_sx( 6) and ex1_alg_cx( 6) );
g1_07: ex1_alg_add_g_b( 7) <= not( ex1_alg_sx( 7) and ex1_alg_cx( 7) );
g1_08: ex1_alg_add_g_b( 8) <= not( ex1_alg_sx( 8) and ex1_alg_cx( 8) );
g1_09: ex1_alg_add_g_b( 9) <= not( ex1_alg_sx( 9) and ex1_alg_cx( 9) );
g1_10: ex1_alg_add_g_b(10) <= not( ex1_alg_sx(10) and ex1_alg_cx(10) );
g1_11: ex1_alg_add_g_b(11) <= not( ex1_alg_sx(11) and ex1_alg_cx(11) );
g1_12: ex1_alg_add_g_b(12) <= not( ex1_alg_sx(12) and ex1_alg_cx(12) );
t1_02: ex1_alg_add_t_b( 2) <= not( ex1_alg_sx( 2) or ex1_alg_cx( 2) );
t1_03: ex1_alg_add_t_b( 3) <= not( ex1_alg_sx( 3) or ex1_alg_cx( 3) );
t1_04: ex1_alg_add_t_b( 4) <= not( ex1_alg_sx( 4) or ex1_alg_cx( 4) );
t1_05: ex1_alg_add_t_b( 5) <= not( ex1_alg_sx( 5) or ex1_alg_cx( 5) );
t1_06: ex1_alg_add_t_b( 6) <= not( ex1_alg_sx( 6) or ex1_alg_cx( 6) );
t1_07: ex1_alg_add_t_b( 7) <= not( ex1_alg_sx( 7) or ex1_alg_cx( 7) );
t1_08: ex1_alg_add_t_b( 8) <= not( ex1_alg_sx( 8) or ex1_alg_cx( 8) );
t1_09: ex1_alg_add_t_b( 9) <= not( ex1_alg_sx( 9) or ex1_alg_cx( 9) );
t1_10: ex1_alg_add_t_b(10) <= not( ex1_alg_sx(10) or ex1_alg_cx(10) );
t1_11: ex1_alg_add_t_b(11) <= not( ex1_alg_sx(11) or ex1_alg_cx(11) );
g2_12: ex1_g02_12 <= not ex1_alg_add_g_b(12);
g2_12b: ex1_g02_12_b <= not ex1_g02_12 ;
res_13b: ex1_bsha_13_b <= not ex1_alg_sx(13);
res_13: ex1_bsha_13 <= not ex1_bsha_13_b ;
res_12b: ex1_bsha_12_b <= not ex1_alg_add_p(12);
res_12: ex1_bsha_12 <= not ex1_bsha_12_b ;
ci11nb: ex1_lv2_ci11n_en_b <= not( ex1_sel_special_b and ex1_g02_12_b );
ci11pb: ex1_lv2_ci11p_en_b <= not( ex1_sel_special_b and ex1_g02_12 );
ci11n: ex1_lv2_ci11n_en <= not( ex1_lv2_ci11n_en_b );
ci11p: ex1_lv2_ci11p_en <= not( ex1_lv2_ci11p_en_b );
g2_10: ex1_g02_10 <= not( ex1_alg_add_g_b(10) and (ex1_alg_add_t_b(10) or ex1_alg_add_g_b(11)) );
t2_10: ex1_t02_10 <= not( ex1_alg_add_t_b(10) or ex1_alg_add_t_b(11) );
g4_10: ex1_g04_10_b <= not( ex1_g02_10 or (ex1_t02_10 and ex1_g02_12 ) );
g11x: ex1_lv2_g11_x <= not( ex1_alg_add_g_b(11) );
g11b: ex1_lv2_g11_b <= not( ex1_lv2_g11_x );
g11: ex1_lv2_g11 <= not( ex1_lv2_g11_b );
k11x: ex1_lv2_k11_b <= not( ex1_alg_add_t_b(11) );
k11: ex1_lv2_k11 <= not( ex1_lv2_k11_b );
p11b: ex1_lv2_p11_b <= not( ex1_alg_add_p(11) );
p11: ex1_lv2_p11 <= not( ex1_lv2_p11_b );
p10b: ex1_lv2_p10_b <= not( ex1_alg_add_p(10) );
p10: ex1_lv2_p10 <= not( ex1_lv2_p10_b );
g4x_10: ex1_g04_10 <= not ex1_g04_10_b ;
g2_06: ex1_g02_6 <= not( ex1_alg_add_g_b(6) and (ex1_alg_add_t_b(6) or ex1_alg_add_g_b(7)) );
g2_07: ex1_g02_7 <= not( ex1_alg_add_g_b(7) and (ex1_alg_add_t_b(7) or ex1_alg_add_g_b(8)) );
g2_08: ex1_g02_8 <= not( ex1_alg_add_g_b(8) and (ex1_alg_add_t_b(8) or ex1_alg_add_g_b(9)) );
g2_09: ex1_g02_9 <= not( ex1_alg_add_g_b(9) );
t2_06: ex1_t02_6 <= not( ex1_alg_add_t_b(6) or ex1_alg_add_t_b(7) );
t2_07: ex1_t02_7 <= not( ex1_alg_add_t_b(7) or ex1_alg_add_t_b(8) );
t2_08: ex1_t02_8 <= not( ex1_alg_add_t_b(8) or ex1_alg_add_t_b(9) );
t2_09: ex1_t02_9 <= not( ex1_alg_add_t_b(9) );
g4_06b: ex1_g04_6_b <= not( ex1_g02_6 or (ex1_t02_6 and ex1_g02_8 ) );
g4_07b: ex1_g04_7_b <= not( ex1_g02_7 or (ex1_t02_7 and ex1_g02_9 ) );
g4_08b: ex1_g04_8_b <= not( ex1_g02_8 );
g4_09b: ex1_g04_9_b <= not( ex1_g02_9 );
t4_06b: ex1_t04_6_b <= not( ex1_t02_6 and ex1_t02_8 );
t4_07b: ex1_t04_7_b <= not( ex1_t02_7 and ex1_t02_9 );
t4_08b: ex1_t04_8_b <= not( ex1_t02_8 );
t4_09b: ex1_t04_9_b <= not( ex1_t02_9 );
g8_06: ex1_g08_6 <= not( ex1_g04_6_b and (ex1_t04_6_b or ex1_g04_10_b ) );
g4_07: ex1_g04_7 <= not( ex1_g04_7_b );
g4_08: ex1_g04_8 <= not( ex1_g04_8_b );
g4_09: ex1_g04_9 <= not( ex1_g04_9_b );
t4_07: ex1_t04_7 <= not( ex1_t04_7_b );
t4_08: ex1_t04_8 <= not( ex1_t04_8_b );
t4_09: ex1_t04_9 <= not( ex1_t04_9_b );
c07: ex1_alg_add_c_b(7) <= not( ex1_g04_7 or (ex1_t04_7 and ex1_g04_10) );
c08: ex1_alg_add_c_b(8) <= not( ex1_g04_8 or (ex1_t04_8 and ex1_g04_10) );
c09: ex1_alg_add_c_b(9) <= not( ex1_g04_9 or (ex1_t04_9 and ex1_g04_10) );
c10: ex1_alg_add_c_b(10) <= not( ex1_g04_10 );
res_6: ex1_bsha_6 <= not( ex1_alg_add_p(6) xor ex1_alg_add_c_b(7) );
res_7: ex1_bsha_7 <= not( ex1_alg_add_p(7) xor ex1_alg_add_c_b(8) );
res_8: ex1_bsha_8 <= not( ex1_alg_add_p(8) xor ex1_alg_add_c_b(9) );
res_9: ex1_bsha_9 <= not( ex1_alg_add_p(9) xor ex1_alg_add_c_b(10) );
res_6i: ex1_bsha_6_i <= not ex1_bsha_6 ;
res_7i: ex1_bsha_7_i <= not ex1_bsha_7 ;
res_8i: ex1_bsha_8_i <= not ex1_bsha_8 ;
res_9i: ex1_bsha_9_i <= not ex1_bsha_9 ;
res_6o: ex1_bsha_6_o <= not ex1_bsha_6_i ;
res_7o: ex1_bsha_7_o <= not ex1_bsha_7_i ;
res_8o: ex1_bsha_8_o <= not ex1_bsha_8_i ;
res_9o: ex1_bsha_9_o <= not ex1_bsha_9_i ;
g2_02: ex1_g02_2 <= not( ex1_alg_add_g_b(2) and (ex1_alg_add_t_b(2) or ex1_alg_add_g_b(3)) );
g2_04: ex1_g02_4 <= not( ex1_alg_add_g_b(4) and (ex1_alg_add_t_b(4) or ex1_alg_add_g_b(5)) );
t2_02: ex1_t02_2 <= not( (ex1_alg_add_t_b(2) or ex1_alg_add_t_b(3)) );
t2_04: ex1_t02_4 <= not( ex1_alg_add_g_b(4) and (ex1_alg_add_t_b(4) or ex1_alg_add_t_b(5)) );
g4_02: ex1_g04_2_b <= not( ex1_g02_2 or (ex1_t02_2 and ex1_g02_4 ) );
t4_02: ex1_t04_2_b <= not( ex1_g02_2 or (ex1_t02_2 and ex1_t02_4 ) );
ones23: ex1_ones_2t3_b <= not( ex1_alg_add_p(2) and ex1_alg_add_p(3) );
ones45: ex1_ones_4t5_b <= not( ex1_alg_add_p(4) and ex1_alg_add_p(5) );
ones25: ex1_ones_2t5 <= not( ex1_ones_2t3_b or ex1_ones_4t5_b );
ones25_b: ex1_ones_2t5_b <= not( ex1_ones_2t5 );
z2b: ex1_zero_2_b <= not( ex1_alg_add_p(2) xor ex1_alg_add_t_b(3) );
z3b: ex1_zero_3_b <= not( ex1_alg_add_p(3) xor ex1_alg_add_t_b(4) );
z4b: ex1_zero_4_b <= not( ex1_alg_add_p(4) xor ex1_alg_add_t_b(5) );
z5: ex1_zero_5 <= not( ex1_alg_add_p(5) );
z5b: ex1_zero_5_b <= not( ex1_zero_5 );
z23: ex1_zero_2t3 <= not( ex1_zero_2_b or ex1_zero_3_b );
z45: ex1_zero_4t5 <= not( ex1_zero_4_b or ex1_zero_5_b );
z25b: ex1_zero_2t5_b <= not( ex1_zero_2t3 and ex1_zero_4t5 );
pco6: pos_if_pco6 <= ( ex1_alg_add_p(1) xor ex1_t04_2_b );
nco6: pos_if_nco6 <= ( ex1_alg_add_p(1) xor ex1_g04_2_b );
pco6b: pos_if_pco6_b <= not pos_if_pco6 ;
nco6b: pos_if_nco6_b <= not pos_if_nco6 ;
unifnc: unf_if_nco6_b <= not( pos_if_nco6 and ex1_zero_2t5_b );
unifpc: unf_if_pco6_b <= not( pos_if_pco6 and ex1_ones_2t5_b );
g8_06b: ex1_g08_6_b <= not ex1_g08_6 ;
shap: ex1_bsha_pos <= not( (pos_if_pco6_b and ex1_g08_6) or (pos_if_nco6_b and ex1_g08_6_b) );
shovb: ex1_sh_ovf_b <= not( (pos_if_pco6_b and ex1_g08_6) or (pos_if_nco6_b and ex1_g08_6_b) );
shun: ex1_sh_unf_x <= not( (unf_if_pco6_b and ex1_g08_6) or (unf_if_nco6_b and ex1_g08_6_b) );
shan: ex1_bsha_neg <= not( ex1_bsha_pos );
shan2: ex1_bsha_neg_o <= not( ex1_bsha_pos );
shov: ex1_sh_ovf <= not( ex1_sh_ovf_b );
d1_0: ex1_lvl1_shdcd000_b <= not( ex1_bsha_12_b and ex1_bsha_13_b );
d1_1: ex1_lvl1_shdcd001_b <= not( ex1_bsha_12_b and ex1_bsha_13 );
d1_2: ex1_lvl1_shdcd002_b <= not( ex1_bsha_12 and ex1_bsha_13_b );
d1_3: ex1_lvl1_shdcd003_b <= not( ex1_bsha_12 and ex1_bsha_13 );
d2_0pg0: ex1_lv2_0pg0_b <= not( ex1_lv2_p10_b and ex1_lv2_g11 and ex1_lv2_ci11n_en );
d2_0pg1: ex1_lv2_0pg1_b <= not( ex1_lv2_p10_b and ex1_lv2_g11 and ex1_lv2_ci11p_en );
d2_0pk0: ex1_lv2_0pk0_b <= not( ex1_lv2_p10_b and ex1_lv2_k11 and ex1_lv2_ci11n_en );
d2_0pk1: ex1_lv2_0pk1_b <= not( ex1_lv2_p10_b and ex1_lv2_k11 and ex1_lv2_ci11p_en );
d2_0pp0: ex1_lv2_0pp0_b <= not( ex1_lv2_p10_b and ex1_lv2_p11 and ex1_lv2_ci11n_en );
d2_0pp1: ex1_lv2_0pp1_b <= not( ex1_lv2_p10_b and ex1_lv2_p11 and ex1_lv2_ci11p_en );
d2_1pg0: ex1_lv2_1pg0_b <= not( ex1_lv2_p10 and ex1_lv2_g11 and ex1_lv2_ci11n_en );
d2_1pg1: ex1_lv2_1pg1_b <= not( ex1_lv2_p10 and ex1_lv2_g11 and ex1_lv2_ci11p_en );
d2_1pk0: ex1_lv2_1pk0_b <= not( ex1_lv2_p10 and ex1_lv2_k11 and ex1_lv2_ci11n_en );
d2_1pk1: ex1_lv2_1pk1_b <= not( ex1_lv2_p10 and ex1_lv2_k11 and ex1_lv2_ci11p_en );
d2_1pp0: ex1_lv2_1pp0_b <= not( ex1_lv2_p10 and ex1_lv2_p11 and ex1_lv2_ci11n_en );
d2_1pp1: ex1_lv2_1pp1_b <= not( ex1_lv2_p10 and ex1_lv2_p11 and ex1_lv2_ci11p_en );
d2_0: ex1_lv2_shdcd000 <= not( ex1_lv2_0pk0_b and ex1_lv2_1pg0_b and ex1_lv2_1pp1_b );
d2_1: ex1_lv2_shdcd004 <= not( ex1_lv2_0pp0_b and ex1_lv2_0pk1_b and ex1_lv2_1pg1_b );
d2_2: ex1_lv2_shdcd008 <= not( ex1_lv2_0pg0_b and ex1_lv2_1pk0_b and ex1_lv2_0pp1_b );
d2_3: ex1_lv2_shdcd012 <= not( ex1_lv2_1pp0_b and ex1_lv2_0pg1_b and ex1_lv2_1pk1_b );
i2_0: ex1_lvl2_shdcd000_b <= not ex1_lv2_shdcd000;
i2_1: ex1_lvl2_shdcd004_b <= not ex1_lv2_shdcd004;
i2_2: ex1_lvl2_shdcd008_b <= not ex1_lv2_shdcd008;
i2_3: ex1_lvl2_shdcd012_b <= not ex1_lv2_shdcd012;
ii2_0: ex1_lvl2_shdcd000 <= not ex1_lvl2_shdcd000_b;
ii2_1: ex1_lvl2_shdcd004 <= not ex1_lvl2_shdcd004_b;
ii2_2: ex1_lvl2_shdcd008 <= not ex1_lvl2_shdcd008_b;
ii2_3: ex1_lvl2_shdcd012 <= not ex1_lvl2_shdcd012_b;
i3_6: ex1_bsha_6_b <= not ex1_bsha_6 ;
i3_7: ex1_bsha_7_b <= not ex1_bsha_7 ;
i3_8: ex1_bsha_8_b <= not ex1_bsha_8 ;
i3_9: ex1_bsha_9_b <= not ex1_bsha_9 ;
d67_0: ex1_67_dcd00_b <= not( ex1_bsha_6_b and ex1_bsha_7_b );
d67_1: ex1_67_dcd01_b <= not( ex1_bsha_6_b and ex1_bsha_7 );
d67_2: ex1_67_dcd10_b <= not( ex1_bsha_6 and ex1_bsha_7_b );
d67_3: ex1_67_dcd11_b <= not( ex1_bsha_6 and ex1_bsha_7 and ex1_bsha_neg );
d89_0: ex1_89_dcd00_b <= not( ex1_bsha_8_b and ex1_bsha_9_b and ex1_sel_special_b );
d89_1: ex1_89_dcd01_b <= not( ex1_bsha_8_b and ex1_bsha_9 and ex1_sel_special_b );
d89_2: ex1_89_dcd10_b <= not( ex1_bsha_8 and ex1_bsha_9_b and ex1_sel_special_b );
d89_3: ex1_89_dcd11_b <= not( ex1_bsha_8 and ex1_bsha_9 and ex1_sel_special_b );
d3_00: ex1_lvl3_shdcd000 <= not( ex1_67_dcd00_b or ex1_89_dcd00_b );
d3_01: ex1_lvl3_shdcd016 <= not( ex1_67_dcd00_b or ex1_89_dcd01_b );
d3_02: ex1_lvl3_shdcd032 <= not( ex1_67_dcd00_b or ex1_89_dcd10_b );
d3_03: ex1_lvl3_shdcd048 <= not( ex1_67_dcd00_b or ex1_89_dcd11_b );
d3_04: ex1_lvl3_shdcd064 <= not( ex1_67_dcd01_b or ex1_89_dcd00_b );
d3_05: ex1_lvl3_shdcd080 <= not( ex1_67_dcd01_b or ex1_89_dcd01_b );
d3_06: ex1_lvl3_shdcd096 <= not( ex1_67_dcd01_b or ex1_89_dcd10_b );
d3_07: ex1_lvl3_shdcd112 <= not( ex1_67_dcd01_b or ex1_89_dcd11_b );
d3_08: ex1_lvl3_shdcd128 <= not( ex1_67_dcd10_b or ex1_89_dcd00_b );
d3_09: ex1_lvl3_shdcd144 <= not( ex1_67_dcd10_b or ex1_89_dcd01_b );
d3_10: ex1_lvl3_shdcd160 <= not( ex1_67_dcd10_b or ex1_89_dcd10_b );
d3_11: ex1_lvl3_shdcd176 <= not( ex1_67_dcd10_b or ex1_89_dcd11_b );
d3_12: ex1_lvl3_shdcd192 <= not( ex1_67_dcd11_b or ex1_89_dcd00_b );
d3_13: ex1_lvl3_shdcd208 <= not( ex1_67_dcd11_b or ex1_89_dcd01_b );
d3_14: ex1_lvl3_shdcd224 <= not( ex1_67_dcd11_b or ex1_89_dcd10_b );
d3_15: ex1_lvl3_shdcd240 <= not( ex1_67_dcd11_b or ex1_89_dcd11_b );
@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee,ibm,support,tri,work;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_unsigned.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_ao_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_mux_support.all;
entity fuq_alg_bypmux is
generic( expand_type : integer := 2 );
ex2_byp_sel_byp_neg :in std_ulogic;
ex2_byp_sel_byp_pos :in std_ulogic;
ex2_byp_sel_neg :in std_ulogic;
ex2_byp_sel_pos :in std_ulogic;
ex2_prd_sel_neg_hi :in std_ulogic;
ex2_prd_sel_neg_lo :in std_ulogic;
ex2_prd_sel_neg_lohi :in std_ulogic;
ex2_prd_sel_pos_hi :in std_ulogic;
ex2_prd_sel_pos_lo :in std_ulogic;
ex2_prd_sel_pos_lohi :in std_ulogic;
ex2_sh_lvl3 :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 162);
f_fmt_ex2_pass_frac :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 52);
f_alg_ex2_res :out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 162)
end fuq_alg_bypmux;
architecture fuq_alg_bypmux of fuq_alg_bypmux is
constant tiup : std_ulogic := '1';
constant tidn : std_ulogic := '0';
signal m0_b, m1_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 162);
signal ex2_sh_lvl3_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 162);
signal f_fmt_ex2_pass_frac_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 52);
i0: ex2_sh_lvl3_b(0 to 162) <= not( ex2_sh_lvl3(0 to 162) );
i1: f_fmt_ex2_pass_frac_b(0 to 52) <= not( f_fmt_ex2_pass_frac(0 to 52) );
m0_000: m0_b(0 to 52) <= not( ( (0 to 52=> ex2_byp_sel_pos) and ex2_sh_lvl3 (0 to 52) ) or
( (0 to 52=> ex2_byp_sel_neg) and ex2_sh_lvl3_b (0 to 52) ) );
m1_000: m1_b(0 to 52) <= not( ( (0 to 52=> ex2_byp_sel_byp_pos) and f_fmt_ex2_pass_frac (0 to 52) ) or
( (0 to 52=> ex2_byp_sel_byp_neg) and f_fmt_ex2_pass_frac_b(0 to 52) ) );
m0_053: m0_b(53 to 98) <= not( (53 to 98=> ex2_prd_sel_pos_hi) and ex2_sh_lvl3 (53 to 98) );
m1_053: m1_b(53 to 98) <= not( (53 to 98=> ex2_prd_sel_neg_hi) and ex2_sh_lvl3_b(53 to 98) );
m0_099: m0_b(99 to 130) <= not( (99 to 130=> ex2_prd_sel_pos_lohi) and ex2_sh_lvl3 (99 to 130) );
m1_099: m1_b(99 to 130) <= not( (99 to 130=> ex2_prd_sel_neg_lohi) and ex2_sh_lvl3_b(99 to 130) );
m0_131: m0_b(131 to 162) <= not( (131 to 162=> ex2_prd_sel_pos_lo) and ex2_sh_lvl3 (131 to 162) );
m1_131: m1_b(131 to 162) <= not( (131 to 162=> ex2_prd_sel_neg_lo) and ex2_sh_lvl3_b(131 to 162) );
mx: f_alg_ex2_res(0 to 162) <= not( m0_b(0 to 162) and m1_b(0 to 162 ) );
@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee,ibm,support,tri,work;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_unsigned.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_ao_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_mux_support.all;
entity fuq_alg_or16 is
generic( expand_type : integer := 2 );
ex2_sh_lvl2 :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 67) ;
ex2_sticky_or16 :out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4)
end fuq_alg_or16;
architecture fuq_alg_or16 of fuq_alg_or16 is
constant tiup : std_ulogic := '1';
constant tidn : std_ulogic := '0';
signal ex2_g1o2_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
signal ex2_g2o2_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
signal ex2_g3o2_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
signal ex2_g4o2_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
signal ex2_g1o4 :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal ex2_g2o4 :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal ex2_g3o4 :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal ex2_g4o4 :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal ex2_g0o8_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
signal ex2_g1o8_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
signal ex2_g2o8_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
signal ex2_g3o8_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
signal ex2_g4o8_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
signal ex2_o16, ex2_o16_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
g1o2_0: ex2_g1o2_b(0) <= not( ex2_sh_lvl2( 4) or ex2_sh_lvl2( 5) );
g1o2_1: ex2_g1o2_b(1) <= not( ex2_sh_lvl2( 6) or ex2_sh_lvl2( 7) );
g1o2_2: ex2_g1o2_b(2) <= not( ex2_sh_lvl2( 8) or ex2_sh_lvl2( 9) );
g1o2_3: ex2_g1o2_b(3) <= not( ex2_sh_lvl2(10) or ex2_sh_lvl2(11) );
g1o2_4: ex2_g1o2_b(4) <= not( ex2_sh_lvl2(12) or ex2_sh_lvl2(13) );
g1o2_5: ex2_g1o2_b(5) <= not( ex2_sh_lvl2(14) or ex2_sh_lvl2(15) );
g1o2_6: ex2_g1o2_b(6) <= not( ex2_sh_lvl2(16) or ex2_sh_lvl2(17) );
g1o2_7: ex2_g1o2_b(7) <= not( ex2_sh_lvl2(18) or ex2_sh_lvl2(19) );
g2o2_0: ex2_g2o2_b(0) <= not( ex2_sh_lvl2(20) or ex2_sh_lvl2(21) );
g2o2_1: ex2_g2o2_b(1) <= not( ex2_sh_lvl2(22) or ex2_sh_lvl2(23) );
g2o2_2: ex2_g2o2_b(2) <= not( ex2_sh_lvl2(24) or ex2_sh_lvl2(25) );
g2o2_3: ex2_g2o2_b(3) <= not( ex2_sh_lvl2(26) or ex2_sh_lvl2(27) );
g2o2_4: ex2_g2o2_b(4) <= not( ex2_sh_lvl2(28) or ex2_sh_lvl2(29) );
g2o2_5: ex2_g2o2_b(5) <= not( ex2_sh_lvl2(30) or ex2_sh_lvl2(31) );
g2o2_6: ex2_g2o2_b(6) <= not( ex2_sh_lvl2(32) or ex2_sh_lvl2(33) );
g2o2_7: ex2_g2o2_b(7) <= not( ex2_sh_lvl2(34) or ex2_sh_lvl2(35) );
g3o2_0: ex2_g3o2_b(0) <= not( ex2_sh_lvl2(36) or ex2_sh_lvl2(37) );
g3o2_1: ex2_g3o2_b(1) <= not( ex2_sh_lvl2(38) or ex2_sh_lvl2(39) );
g3o2_2: ex2_g3o2_b(2) <= not( ex2_sh_lvl2(40) or ex2_sh_lvl2(41) );
g3o2_3: ex2_g3o2_b(3) <= not( ex2_sh_lvl2(42) or ex2_sh_lvl2(43) );
g3o2_4: ex2_g3o2_b(4) <= not( ex2_sh_lvl2(44) or ex2_sh_lvl2(45) );
g3o2_5: ex2_g3o2_b(5) <= not( ex2_sh_lvl2(46) or ex2_sh_lvl2(47) );
g3o2_6: ex2_g3o2_b(6) <= not( ex2_sh_lvl2(48) or ex2_sh_lvl2(49) );
g3o2_7: ex2_g3o2_b(7) <= not( ex2_sh_lvl2(50) or ex2_sh_lvl2(51) );
g4o2_0: ex2_g4o2_b(0) <= not( ex2_sh_lvl2(52) or ex2_sh_lvl2(53) );
g4o2_1: ex2_g4o2_b(1) <= not( ex2_sh_lvl2(54) or ex2_sh_lvl2(55) );
g4o2_2: ex2_g4o2_b(2) <= not( ex2_sh_lvl2(56) or ex2_sh_lvl2(57) );
g4o2_3: ex2_g4o2_b(3) <= not( ex2_sh_lvl2(58) or ex2_sh_lvl2(59) );
g4o2_4: ex2_g4o2_b(4) <= not( ex2_sh_lvl2(60) or ex2_sh_lvl2(61) );
g4o2_5: ex2_g4o2_b(5) <= not( ex2_sh_lvl2(62) or ex2_sh_lvl2(63) );
g4o2_6: ex2_g4o2_b(6) <= not( ex2_sh_lvl2(64) or ex2_sh_lvl2(65) );
g4o2_7: ex2_g4o2_b(7) <= not( ex2_sh_lvl2(66) or ex2_sh_lvl2(67) );
g1o4_0: ex2_g1o4(0) <= not(ex2_g1o2_b(0) and ex2_g1o2_b(1) );
g1o4_1: ex2_g1o4(1) <= not(ex2_g1o2_b(2) and ex2_g1o2_b(3) );
g1o4_2: ex2_g1o4(2) <= not(ex2_g1o2_b(4) and ex2_g1o2_b(5) );
g1o4_3: ex2_g1o4(3) <= not(ex2_g1o2_b(6) and ex2_g1o2_b(7) );
g2o4_0: ex2_g2o4(0) <= not(ex2_g2o2_b(0) and ex2_g2o2_b(1) );
g2o4_1: ex2_g2o4(1) <= not(ex2_g2o2_b(2) and ex2_g2o2_b(3) );
g2o4_2: ex2_g2o4(2) <= not(ex2_g2o2_b(4) and ex2_g2o2_b(5) );
g2o4_3: ex2_g2o4(3) <= not(ex2_g2o2_b(6) and ex2_g2o2_b(7) );
g3o4_0: ex2_g3o4(0) <= not(ex2_g3o2_b(0) and ex2_g3o2_b(1) );
g3o4_1: ex2_g3o4(1) <= not(ex2_g3o2_b(2) and ex2_g3o2_b(3) );
g3o4_2: ex2_g3o4(2) <= not(ex2_g3o2_b(4) and ex2_g3o2_b(5) );
g3o4_3: ex2_g3o4(3) <= not(ex2_g3o2_b(6) and ex2_g3o2_b(7) );
g4o4_0: ex2_g4o4(0) <= not(ex2_g4o2_b(0) and ex2_g4o2_b(1) );
g4o4_1: ex2_g4o4(1) <= not(ex2_g4o2_b(2) and ex2_g4o2_b(3) );
g4o4_2: ex2_g4o4(2) <= not(ex2_g4o2_b(4) and ex2_g4o2_b(5) );
g4o4_3: ex2_g4o4(3) <= not(ex2_g4o2_b(6) and ex2_g4o2_b(7) );
g0o8_0: ex2_g0o8_b(0) <= not( ex2_sh_lvl2( 0) or ex2_sh_lvl2( 1) );
g0o8_1: ex2_g0o8_b(1) <= not( ex2_sh_lvl2( 2) or ex2_sh_lvl2( 3) );
g1o8_0: ex2_g1o8_b(0) <= not( ex2_g1o4(0) or ex2_g1o4(1) );
g1o8_1: ex2_g1o8_b(1) <= not( ex2_g1o4(2) or ex2_g1o4(3) );
g2o8_0: ex2_g2o8_b(0) <= not( ex2_g2o4(0) or ex2_g2o4(1) );
g2o8_1: ex2_g2o8_b(1) <= not( ex2_g2o4(2) or ex2_g2o4(3) );
g3o8_0: ex2_g3o8_b(0) <= not( ex2_g3o4(0) or ex2_g3o4(1) );
g3o8_1: ex2_g3o8_b(1) <= not( ex2_g3o4(2) or ex2_g3o4(3) );
g4o8_0: ex2_g4o8_b(0) <= not( ex2_g4o4(0) or ex2_g4o4(1) );
g4o8_1: ex2_g4o8_b(1) <= not( ex2_g4o4(2) or ex2_g4o4(3) );
g0o16: ex2_o16(0) <= not(ex2_g0o8_b(0) and ex2_g0o8_b(1) );
g1o16: ex2_o16(1) <= not(ex2_g1o8_b(0) and ex2_g1o8_b(1) );
g2o16: ex2_o16(2) <= not(ex2_g2o8_b(0) and ex2_g2o8_b(1) );
g3o16: ex2_o16(3) <= not(ex2_g3o8_b(0) and ex2_g3o8_b(1) );
g4o16: ex2_o16(4) <= not(ex2_g4o8_b(0) and ex2_g4o8_b(1) );
g0o16i: ex2_o16_b(0) <= not( ex2_o16(0) );
g1o16i: ex2_o16_b(1) <= not( ex2_o16(1) );
g2o16i: ex2_o16_b(2) <= not( ex2_o16(2) );
g3o16i: ex2_o16_b(3) <= not( ex2_o16(3) );
g4o16i: ex2_o16_b(4) <= not( ex2_o16(4) );
g0o16ii: ex2_sticky_or16(0) <= not( ex2_o16_b(0) );
g1o16ii: ex2_sticky_or16(1) <= not( ex2_o16_b(1) );
g2o16ii: ex2_sticky_or16(2) <= not( ex2_o16_b(2) );
g3o16ii: ex2_sticky_or16(3) <= not( ex2_o16_b(3) );
g4o16ii: ex2_sticky_or16(4) <= not( ex2_o16_b(4) );
@ -0,0 +1,976 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee,ibm,support,tri,work;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_unsigned.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_ao_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_mux_support.all;
entity fuq_alg_sh16 is
generic( expand_type : integer := 2 );
ex2_lvl3_shdcd000 :in std_ulogic;
ex2_lvl3_shdcd016 :in std_ulogic;
ex2_lvl3_shdcd032 :in std_ulogic;
ex2_lvl3_shdcd048 :in std_ulogic;
ex2_lvl3_shdcd064 :in std_ulogic;
ex2_lvl3_shdcd080 :in std_ulogic;
ex2_lvl3_shdcd096 :in std_ulogic;
ex2_lvl3_shdcd112 :in std_ulogic;
ex2_lvl3_shdcd128 :in std_ulogic;
ex2_lvl3_shdcd144 :in std_ulogic;
ex2_lvl3_shdcd160 :in std_ulogic;
ex2_lvl3_shdcd192 :in std_ulogic;
ex2_lvl3_shdcd208 :in std_ulogic;
ex2_lvl3_shdcd224 :in std_ulogic;
ex2_lvl3_shdcd240 :in std_ulogic;
ex2_sel_special :in std_ulogic;
ex2_sh_lvl2 :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 67) ;
ex2_sh16_162 :out std_ulogic ;
ex2_sh16_163 :out std_ulogic ;
ex2_sh_lvl3 :out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 162)
end fuq_alg_sh16;
architecture fuq_alg_sh16 of fuq_alg_sh16 is
constant tiup : std_ulogic := '1';
constant tidn : std_ulogic := '0';
signal ex2_sh16_r1_b, ex2_sh16_r2_b, ex2_sh16_r3_b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 162);
signal ex2_special :std_ulogic_vector(99 to 162);
signal cpx_spc_b :std_ulogic;
signal cpx_000_b :std_ulogic;
signal cpx_016_b :std_ulogic;
signal cpx_032_b :std_ulogic;
signal cpx_048_b :std_ulogic;
signal cpx_064_b :std_ulogic;
signal cpx_080_b :std_ulogic;
signal cpx_096_b :std_ulogic;
signal cpx_112_b :std_ulogic;
signal cpx_128_b :std_ulogic;
signal cpx_144_b :std_ulogic;
signal cpx_160_b :std_ulogic;
signal cpx_192_b :std_ulogic;
signal cpx_208_b :std_ulogic;
signal cpx_224_b :std_ulogic;
signal cpx_240_b :std_ulogic;
signal cp1_spc :std_ulogic;
signal cp1_000 :std_ulogic;
signal cp1_016 :std_ulogic;
signal cp1_032 :std_ulogic;
signal cp1_048 :std_ulogic;
signal cp1_064 :std_ulogic;
signal cp1_080 :std_ulogic;
signal cp1_096 :std_ulogic;
signal cp1_112 :std_ulogic;
signal cp1_128 :std_ulogic;
signal cp1_144 :std_ulogic;
signal cp1_160 :std_ulogic;
signal cp1_192 :std_ulogic;
signal cp1_208 :std_ulogic;
signal cp1_224 :std_ulogic;
signal cp1_240 :std_ulogic;
signal cp2_spc :std_ulogic;
signal cp2_000 :std_ulogic;
signal cp2_016 :std_ulogic;
signal cp2_032 :std_ulogic;
signal cp2_048 :std_ulogic;
signal cp2_064 :std_ulogic;
signal cp2_080 :std_ulogic;
signal cp2_096 :std_ulogic;
signal cp2_112 :std_ulogic;
signal cp2_128 :std_ulogic;
signal cp2_144 :std_ulogic;
signal cp2_208 :std_ulogic;
signal cp2_224 :std_ulogic;
signal cp2_240 :std_ulogic;
signal cp3_spc :std_ulogic;
signal cp3_000 :std_ulogic;
signal cp3_016 :std_ulogic;
signal cp3_032 :std_ulogic;
signal cp3_048 :std_ulogic;
signal cp3_064 :std_ulogic;
signal cp3_080 :std_ulogic;
signal cp3_096 :std_ulogic;
signal cp3_112 :std_ulogic;
signal cp3_128 :std_ulogic;
signal cp3_224 :std_ulogic;
signal cp3_240 :std_ulogic;
signal cp4_spc :std_ulogic;
signal cp4_000 :std_ulogic;
signal cp4_016 :std_ulogic;
signal cp4_032 :std_ulogic;
signal cp4_048 :std_ulogic;
signal cp4_064 :std_ulogic;
signal cp4_080 :std_ulogic;
signal cp4_096 :std_ulogic;
signal cp4_112 :std_ulogic;
signal cp4_240 :std_ulogic;
signal cp5_spc :std_ulogic;
signal cp5_000 :std_ulogic;
signal cp5_016 :std_ulogic;
signal cp5_032 :std_ulogic;
signal cp5_048 :std_ulogic;
signal cp5_064 :std_ulogic;
signal cp5_080 :std_ulogic;
signal cp5_096 :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_sh16_r1_162_b, ex2_sh16_r2_162_b, ex2_sh16_r3_162_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_sh16_r1_163_b, ex2_sh16_r2_163_b, ex2_sh16_r3_163_b :std_ulogic;
ex2_special(99 to 162) <= ex2_sh_lvl2(0 to 63);
cxspcb: cpx_spc_b <= not ex2_sel_special ;
cx000b: cpx_000_b <= not ex2_lvl3_shdcd000 ;
cx016b: cpx_016_b <= not ex2_lvl3_shdcd016 ;
cx032b: cpx_032_b <= not ex2_lvl3_shdcd032 ;
cx048b: cpx_048_b <= not ex2_lvl3_shdcd048 ;
cx064b: cpx_064_b <= not ex2_lvl3_shdcd064 ;
cx080b: cpx_080_b <= not ex2_lvl3_shdcd080 ;
cx096b: cpx_096_b <= not ex2_lvl3_shdcd096 ;
cx112b: cpx_112_b <= not ex2_lvl3_shdcd112 ;
cx128b: cpx_128_b <= not ex2_lvl3_shdcd128 ;
cx144b: cpx_144_b <= not ex2_lvl3_shdcd144 ;
cx160b: cpx_160_b <= not ex2_lvl3_shdcd160 ;
cx192b: cpx_192_b <= not ex2_lvl3_shdcd192 ;
cx208b: cpx_208_b <= not ex2_lvl3_shdcd208 ;
cx224b: cpx_224_b <= not ex2_lvl3_shdcd224 ;
cx240b: cpx_240_b <= not ex2_lvl3_shdcd240 ;
c1_spc: cp1_spc <= not cpx_spc_b ;
c1_000: cp1_000 <= not cpx_000_b ;
c1_016: cp1_016 <= not cpx_016_b ;
c1_032: cp1_032 <= not cpx_032_b ;
c1_048: cp1_048 <= not cpx_048_b ;
c1_064: cp1_064 <= not cpx_064_b ;
c1_080: cp1_080 <= not cpx_080_b ;
c1_096: cp1_096 <= not cpx_096_b ;
c1_112: cp1_112 <= not cpx_112_b ;
c1_128: cp1_128 <= not cpx_128_b ;
c1_144: cp1_144 <= not cpx_144_b ;
c1_160: cp1_160 <= not cpx_160_b ;
c1_192: cp1_192 <= not cpx_192_b ;
c1_208: cp1_208 <= not cpx_208_b ;
c1_224: cp1_224 <= not cpx_224_b ;
c1_240: cp1_240 <= not cpx_240_b ;
c2_spc: cp2_spc <= not cpx_spc_b ;
c2_000: cp2_000 <= not cpx_000_b ;
c2_016: cp2_016 <= not cpx_016_b ;
c2_032: cp2_032 <= not cpx_032_b ;
c2_048: cp2_048 <= not cpx_048_b ;
c2_064: cp2_064 <= not cpx_064_b ;
c2_080: cp2_080 <= not cpx_080_b ;
c2_096: cp2_096 <= not cpx_096_b ;
c2_112: cp2_112 <= not cpx_112_b ;
c2_128: cp2_128 <= not cpx_128_b ;
c2_144: cp2_144 <= not cpx_144_b ;
c2_208: cp2_208 <= not cpx_208_b ;
c2_224: cp2_224 <= not cpx_224_b ;
c2_240: cp2_240 <= not cpx_240_b ;
c3_spc: cp3_spc <= not cpx_spc_b ;
c3_000: cp3_000 <= not cpx_000_b ;
c3_016: cp3_016 <= not cpx_016_b ;
c3_032: cp3_032 <= not cpx_032_b ;
c3_048: cp3_048 <= not cpx_048_b ;
c3_064: cp3_064 <= not cpx_064_b ;
c3_080: cp3_080 <= not cpx_080_b ;
c3_096: cp3_096 <= not cpx_096_b ;
c3_112: cp3_112 <= not cpx_112_b ;
c3_128: cp3_128 <= not cpx_128_b ;
c3_224: cp3_224 <= not cpx_224_b ;
c3_240: cp3_240 <= not cpx_240_b ;
c4_spc: cp4_spc <= not cpx_spc_b ;
c4_000: cp4_000 <= not cpx_000_b ;
c4_016: cp4_016 <= not cpx_016_b ;
c4_032: cp4_032 <= not cpx_032_b ;
c4_048: cp4_048 <= not cpx_048_b ;
c4_064: cp4_064 <= not cpx_064_b ;
c4_080: cp4_080 <= not cpx_080_b ;
c4_096: cp4_096 <= not cpx_096_b ;
c4_112: cp4_112 <= not cpx_112_b ;
c4_240: cp4_240 <= not cpx_240_b ;
c5_spc: cp5_spc <= not cpx_spc_b ;
c5_000: cp5_000 <= not cpx_000_b ;
c5_016: cp5_016 <= not cpx_016_b ;
c5_032: cp5_032 <= not cpx_032_b ;
c5_048: cp5_048 <= not cpx_048_b ;
c5_064: cp5_064 <= not cpx_064_b ;
c5_080: cp5_080 <= not cpx_080_b ;
c5_096: cp5_096 <= not cpx_096_b ;
r1_000: ex2_sh16_r1_b(0) <= not( (cp1_192 and ex2_sh_lvl2(64) ) or (cp1_208 and ex2_sh_lvl2(48) ) );
r1_001: ex2_sh16_r1_b(1) <= not( (cp1_192 and ex2_sh_lvl2(65) ) or (cp1_208 and ex2_sh_lvl2(49) ) );
r1_002: ex2_sh16_r1_b(2) <= not( (cp1_192 and ex2_sh_lvl2(66) ) or (cp1_208 and ex2_sh_lvl2(50) ) );
r1_003: ex2_sh16_r1_b(3) <= not( (cp1_192 and ex2_sh_lvl2(67) ) or (cp1_208 and ex2_sh_lvl2(51) ) );
r1_004: ex2_sh16_r1_b(4) <= not( cp1_208 and ex2_sh_lvl2(52) );
r1_005: ex2_sh16_r1_b(5) <= not( cp1_208 and ex2_sh_lvl2(53) );
r1_006: ex2_sh16_r1_b(6) <= not( cp1_208 and ex2_sh_lvl2(54) );
r1_007: ex2_sh16_r1_b(7) <= not( cp1_208 and ex2_sh_lvl2(55) );
r1_008: ex2_sh16_r1_b(8) <= not( cp1_208 and ex2_sh_lvl2(56) );
r1_009: ex2_sh16_r1_b(9) <= not( cp1_208 and ex2_sh_lvl2(57) );
r1_010: ex2_sh16_r1_b(10) <= not( cp1_208 and ex2_sh_lvl2(58) );
r1_011: ex2_sh16_r1_b(11) <= not( cp1_208 and ex2_sh_lvl2(59) );
r1_012: ex2_sh16_r1_b(12) <= not( cp1_208 and ex2_sh_lvl2(60) );
r1_013: ex2_sh16_r1_b(13) <= not( cp1_208 and ex2_sh_lvl2(61) );
r1_014: ex2_sh16_r1_b(14) <= not( cp1_208 and ex2_sh_lvl2(62) );
r1_015: ex2_sh16_r1_b(15) <= not( cp1_208 and ex2_sh_lvl2(63) );
r1_016: ex2_sh16_r1_b(16) <= not( (cp2_208 and ex2_sh_lvl2(64) ) or (cp2_224 and ex2_sh_lvl2(48) ) );
r1_017: ex2_sh16_r1_b(17) <= not( (cp2_208 and ex2_sh_lvl2(65) ) or (cp2_224 and ex2_sh_lvl2(49) ) );
r1_018: ex2_sh16_r1_b(18) <= not( (cp2_208 and ex2_sh_lvl2(66) ) or (cp2_224 and ex2_sh_lvl2(50) ) );
r1_019: ex2_sh16_r1_b(19) <= not( (cp2_208 and ex2_sh_lvl2(67) ) or (cp2_224 and ex2_sh_lvl2(51) ) );
r1_020: ex2_sh16_r1_b(20) <= not( cp2_224 and ex2_sh_lvl2(52) );
r1_021: ex2_sh16_r1_b(21) <= not( cp2_224 and ex2_sh_lvl2(53) );
r1_022: ex2_sh16_r1_b(22) <= not( cp2_224 and ex2_sh_lvl2(54) );
r1_023: ex2_sh16_r1_b(23) <= not( cp2_224 and ex2_sh_lvl2(55) );
r1_024: ex2_sh16_r1_b(24) <= not( cp2_224 and ex2_sh_lvl2(56) );
r1_025: ex2_sh16_r1_b(25) <= not( cp2_224 and ex2_sh_lvl2(57) );
r1_026: ex2_sh16_r1_b(26) <= not( cp2_224 and ex2_sh_lvl2(58) );
r1_027: ex2_sh16_r1_b(27) <= not( cp2_224 and ex2_sh_lvl2(59) );
r1_028: ex2_sh16_r1_b(28) <= not( cp2_224 and ex2_sh_lvl2(60) );
r1_029: ex2_sh16_r1_b(29) <= not( cp2_224 and ex2_sh_lvl2(61) );
r1_030: ex2_sh16_r1_b(30) <= not( cp2_224 and ex2_sh_lvl2(62) );
r1_031: ex2_sh16_r1_b(31) <= not( cp2_224 and ex2_sh_lvl2(63) );
r1_032: ex2_sh16_r1_b(32) <= not( (cp3_224 and ex2_sh_lvl2(64) ) or (cp3_240 and ex2_sh_lvl2(48) ) );
r1_033: ex2_sh16_r1_b(33) <= not( (cp3_224 and ex2_sh_lvl2(65) ) or (cp3_240 and ex2_sh_lvl2(49) ) );
r1_034: ex2_sh16_r1_b(34) <= not( (cp3_224 and ex2_sh_lvl2(66) ) or (cp3_240 and ex2_sh_lvl2(50) ) );
r1_035: ex2_sh16_r1_b(35) <= not( (cp3_224 and ex2_sh_lvl2(67) ) or (cp3_240 and ex2_sh_lvl2(51) ) );
r1_036: ex2_sh16_r1_b(36) <= not( cp3_240 and ex2_sh_lvl2(52) );
r1_037: ex2_sh16_r1_b(37) <= not( cp3_240 and ex2_sh_lvl2(53) );
r1_038: ex2_sh16_r1_b(38) <= not( cp3_240 and ex2_sh_lvl2(54) );
r1_039: ex2_sh16_r1_b(39) <= not( cp3_240 and ex2_sh_lvl2(55) );
r1_040: ex2_sh16_r1_b(40) <= not( cp3_240 and ex2_sh_lvl2(56) );
r1_041: ex2_sh16_r1_b(41) <= not( cp3_240 and ex2_sh_lvl2(57) );
r1_042: ex2_sh16_r1_b(42) <= not( cp3_240 and ex2_sh_lvl2(58) );
r1_043: ex2_sh16_r1_b(43) <= not( cp3_240 and ex2_sh_lvl2(59) );
r1_044: ex2_sh16_r1_b(44) <= not( cp3_240 and ex2_sh_lvl2(60) );
r1_045: ex2_sh16_r1_b(45) <= not( cp3_240 and ex2_sh_lvl2(61) );
r1_046: ex2_sh16_r1_b(46) <= not( cp3_240 and ex2_sh_lvl2(62) );
r1_047: ex2_sh16_r1_b(47) <= not( cp3_240 and ex2_sh_lvl2(63) );
r1_048: ex2_sh16_r1_b(48) <= not( (cp4_240 and ex2_sh_lvl2(64) ) or (cp4_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(48) ) );
r1_049: ex2_sh16_r1_b(49) <= not( (cp4_240 and ex2_sh_lvl2(65) ) or (cp4_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(49) ) );
r1_050: ex2_sh16_r1_b(50) <= not( (cp4_240 and ex2_sh_lvl2(66) ) or (cp4_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(50) ) );
r1_051: ex2_sh16_r1_b(51) <= not( (cp4_240 and ex2_sh_lvl2(67) ) or (cp4_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(51) ) );
r1_052: ex2_sh16_r1_b(52) <= not( cp4_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(52) );
r1_053: ex2_sh16_r1_b(53) <= not( cp4_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(53) );
r1_054: ex2_sh16_r1_b(54) <= not( cp4_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(54) );
r1_055: ex2_sh16_r1_b(55) <= not( cp4_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(55) );
r1_056: ex2_sh16_r1_b(56) <= not( cp4_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(56) );
r1_057: ex2_sh16_r1_b(57) <= not( cp4_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(57) );
r1_058: ex2_sh16_r1_b(58) <= not( cp4_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(58) );
r1_059: ex2_sh16_r1_b(59) <= not( cp4_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(59) );
r1_060: ex2_sh16_r1_b(60) <= not( cp4_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(60) );
r1_061: ex2_sh16_r1_b(61) <= not( cp4_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(61) );
r1_062: ex2_sh16_r1_b(62) <= not( cp4_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(62) );
r1_063: ex2_sh16_r1_b(63) <= not( cp4_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(63) );
r1_064: ex2_sh16_r1_b(64) <= not( (cp5_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(64) ) or (cp4_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(48) ) );
r1_065: ex2_sh16_r1_b(65) <= not( (cp5_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(65) ) or (cp4_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(49) ) );
r1_066: ex2_sh16_r1_b(66) <= not( (cp5_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(66) ) or (cp4_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(50) ) );
r1_067: ex2_sh16_r1_b(67) <= not( (cp5_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(67) ) or (cp4_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(51) ) );
r1_068: ex2_sh16_r1_b(68) <= not( cp4_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(52) );
r1_069: ex2_sh16_r1_b(69) <= not( cp4_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(53) );
r1_070: ex2_sh16_r1_b(70) <= not( cp4_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(54) );
r1_071: ex2_sh16_r1_b(71) <= not( cp4_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(55) );
r1_072: ex2_sh16_r1_b(72) <= not( cp4_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(56) );
r1_073: ex2_sh16_r1_b(73) <= not( cp4_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(57) );
r1_074: ex2_sh16_r1_b(74) <= not( cp4_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(58) );
r1_075: ex2_sh16_r1_b(75) <= not( cp4_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(59) );
r1_076: ex2_sh16_r1_b(76) <= not( cp4_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(60) );
r1_077: ex2_sh16_r1_b(77) <= not( cp4_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(61) );
r1_078: ex2_sh16_r1_b(78) <= not( cp4_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(62) );
r1_079: ex2_sh16_r1_b(79) <= not( cp4_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(63) );
r1_080: ex2_sh16_r1_b(80) <= not( (cp5_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(64) ) or (cp4_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(48) ) );
r1_081: ex2_sh16_r1_b(81) <= not( (cp5_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(65) ) or (cp4_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(49) ) );
r1_082: ex2_sh16_r1_b(82) <= not( (cp5_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(66) ) or (cp4_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(50) ) );
r1_083: ex2_sh16_r1_b(83) <= not( (cp5_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(67) ) or (cp4_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(51) ) );
r1_084: ex2_sh16_r1_b(84) <= not( cp4_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(52) );
r1_085: ex2_sh16_r1_b(85) <= not( cp4_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(53) );
r1_086: ex2_sh16_r1_b(86) <= not( cp4_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(54) );
r1_087: ex2_sh16_r1_b(87) <= not( cp4_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(55) );
r1_088: ex2_sh16_r1_b(88) <= not( cp4_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(56) );
r1_089: ex2_sh16_r1_b(89) <= not( cp4_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(57) );
r1_090: ex2_sh16_r1_b(90) <= not( cp4_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(58) );
r1_091: ex2_sh16_r1_b(91) <= not( cp4_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(59) );
r1_092: ex2_sh16_r1_b(92) <= not( cp4_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(60) );
r1_093: ex2_sh16_r1_b(93) <= not( cp4_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(61) );
r1_094: ex2_sh16_r1_b(94) <= not( cp4_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(62) );
r1_095: ex2_sh16_r1_b(95) <= not( cp4_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(63) );
r1_096: ex2_sh16_r1_b(96) <= not( (cp5_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(64) ) or (cp4_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(48) ) );
r1_097: ex2_sh16_r1_b(97) <= not( (cp5_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(65) ) or (cp4_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(49) ) );
r1_098: ex2_sh16_r1_b(98) <= not( (cp5_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(66) ) or (cp4_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(50) ) );
r1_099: ex2_sh16_r1_b(99) <= not( (cp5_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(67) ) or (cp4_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(51) ) );
r1_100: ex2_sh16_r1_b(100) <= not( cp4_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(52) );
r1_101: ex2_sh16_r1_b(101) <= not( cp4_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(53) );
r1_102: ex2_sh16_r1_b(102) <= not( cp4_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(54) );
r1_103: ex2_sh16_r1_b(103) <= not( cp4_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(55) );
r1_104: ex2_sh16_r1_b(104) <= not( cp4_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(56) );
r1_105: ex2_sh16_r1_b(105) <= not( cp4_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(57) );
r1_106: ex2_sh16_r1_b(106) <= not( cp4_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(58) );
r1_107: ex2_sh16_r1_b(107) <= not( cp4_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(59) );
r1_108: ex2_sh16_r1_b(108) <= not( cp4_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(60) );
r1_109: ex2_sh16_r1_b(109) <= not( cp4_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(61) );
r1_110: ex2_sh16_r1_b(110) <= not( cp4_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(62) );
r1_111: ex2_sh16_r1_b(111) <= not( cp4_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(63) );
r1_112: ex2_sh16_r1_b(112) <= not( (cp5_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(64) ) or (cp4_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(48) ) );
r1_113: ex2_sh16_r1_b(113) <= not( (cp5_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(65) ) or (cp4_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(49) ) );
r1_114: ex2_sh16_r1_b(114) <= not( (cp5_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(66) ) or (cp4_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(50) ) );
r1_115: ex2_sh16_r1_b(115) <= not( (cp5_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(67) ) or (cp4_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(51) ) );
r1_116: ex2_sh16_r1_b(116) <= not( cp4_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(52) );
r1_117: ex2_sh16_r1_b(117) <= not( cp4_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(53) );
r1_118: ex2_sh16_r1_b(118) <= not( cp4_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(54) );
r1_119: ex2_sh16_r1_b(119) <= not( cp4_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(55) );
r1_120: ex2_sh16_r1_b(120) <= not( cp4_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(56) );
r1_121: ex2_sh16_r1_b(121) <= not( cp4_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(57) );
r1_122: ex2_sh16_r1_b(122) <= not( cp4_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(58) );
r1_123: ex2_sh16_r1_b(123) <= not( cp4_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(59) );
r1_124: ex2_sh16_r1_b(124) <= not( cp4_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(60) );
r1_125: ex2_sh16_r1_b(125) <= not( cp4_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(61) );
r1_126: ex2_sh16_r1_b(126) <= not( cp4_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(62) );
r1_127: ex2_sh16_r1_b(127) <= not( cp4_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(63) );
r1_128: ex2_sh16_r1_b(128) <= not( (cp5_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(64) ) or (cp4_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(48) ) );
r1_129: ex2_sh16_r1_b(129) <= not( (cp5_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(65) ) or (cp4_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(49) ) );
r1_130: ex2_sh16_r1_b(130) <= not( (cp5_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(66) ) or (cp4_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(50) ) );
r1_131: ex2_sh16_r1_b(131) <= not( (cp5_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(67) ) or (cp4_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(51) ) );
r1_132: ex2_sh16_r1_b(132) <= not( cp4_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(52) );
r1_133: ex2_sh16_r1_b(133) <= not( cp4_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(53) );
r1_134: ex2_sh16_r1_b(134) <= not( cp4_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(54) );
r1_135: ex2_sh16_r1_b(135) <= not( cp4_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(55) );
r1_136: ex2_sh16_r1_b(136) <= not( cp4_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(56) );
r1_137: ex2_sh16_r1_b(137) <= not( cp4_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(57) );
r1_138: ex2_sh16_r1_b(138) <= not( cp4_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(58) );
r1_139: ex2_sh16_r1_b(139) <= not( cp4_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(59) );
r1_140: ex2_sh16_r1_b(140) <= not( cp4_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(60) );
r1_141: ex2_sh16_r1_b(141) <= not( cp4_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(61) );
r1_142: ex2_sh16_r1_b(142) <= not( cp4_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(62) );
r1_143: ex2_sh16_r1_b(143) <= not( cp4_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(63) );
r1_144: ex2_sh16_r1_b(144) <= not( (cp5_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(64) ) or (cp4_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(48) ) );
r1_145: ex2_sh16_r1_b(145) <= not( (cp5_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(65) ) or (cp4_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(49) ) );
r1_146: ex2_sh16_r1_b(146) <= not( (cp5_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(66) ) or (cp4_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(50) ) );
r1_147: ex2_sh16_r1_b(147) <= not( (cp5_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(67) ) or (cp4_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(51) ) );
r1_148: ex2_sh16_r1_b(148) <= not( cp4_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(52) );
r1_149: ex2_sh16_r1_b(149) <= not( cp4_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(53) );
r1_150: ex2_sh16_r1_b(150) <= not( cp4_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(54) );
r1_151: ex2_sh16_r1_b(151) <= not( cp4_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(55) );
r1_152: ex2_sh16_r1_b(152) <= not( cp4_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(56) );
r1_153: ex2_sh16_r1_b(153) <= not( cp4_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(57) );
r1_154: ex2_sh16_r1_b(154) <= not( cp4_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(58) );
r1_155: ex2_sh16_r1_b(155) <= not( cp4_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(59) );
r1_156: ex2_sh16_r1_b(156) <= not( cp4_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(60) );
r1_157: ex2_sh16_r1_b(157) <= not( cp4_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(61) );
r1_158: ex2_sh16_r1_b(158) <= not( cp4_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(62) );
r1_159: ex2_sh16_r1_b(159) <= not( cp4_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(63) );
r1_160: ex2_sh16_r1_b(160) <= not( (cp5_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(64) ) or (cp4_112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(48) ) );
r1_161: ex2_sh16_r1_b(161) <= not( (cp5_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(65) ) or (cp4_112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(49) ) );
r1_162: ex2_sh16_r1_b(162) <= not( (cp5_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(66) ) or (cp4_112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(50) ) );
r2_000: ex2_sh16_r2_b(0) <= not( (cp1_224 and ex2_sh_lvl2(32) ) or (cp1_240 and ex2_sh_lvl2(16) ) );
r2_001: ex2_sh16_r2_b(1) <= not( (cp1_224 and ex2_sh_lvl2(33) ) or (cp1_240 and ex2_sh_lvl2(17) ) );
r2_002: ex2_sh16_r2_b(2) <= not( (cp1_224 and ex2_sh_lvl2(34) ) or (cp1_240 and ex2_sh_lvl2(18) ) );
r2_003: ex2_sh16_r2_b(3) <= not( (cp1_224 and ex2_sh_lvl2(35) ) or (cp1_240 and ex2_sh_lvl2(19) ) );
r2_004: ex2_sh16_r2_b(4) <= not( (cp1_224 and ex2_sh_lvl2(36) ) or (cp1_240 and ex2_sh_lvl2(20) ) );
r2_005: ex2_sh16_r2_b(5) <= not( (cp1_224 and ex2_sh_lvl2(37) ) or (cp1_240 and ex2_sh_lvl2(21) ) );
r2_006: ex2_sh16_r2_b(6) <= not( (cp1_224 and ex2_sh_lvl2(38) ) or (cp1_240 and ex2_sh_lvl2(22) ) );
r2_007: ex2_sh16_r2_b(7) <= not( (cp1_224 and ex2_sh_lvl2(39) ) or (cp1_240 and ex2_sh_lvl2(23) ) );
r2_008: ex2_sh16_r2_b(8) <= not( (cp1_224 and ex2_sh_lvl2(40) ) or (cp1_240 and ex2_sh_lvl2(24) ) );
r2_009: ex2_sh16_r2_b(9) <= not( (cp1_224 and ex2_sh_lvl2(41) ) or (cp1_240 and ex2_sh_lvl2(25) ) );
r2_010: ex2_sh16_r2_b(10) <= not( (cp1_224 and ex2_sh_lvl2(42) ) or (cp1_240 and ex2_sh_lvl2(26) ) );
r2_011: ex2_sh16_r2_b(11) <= not( (cp1_224 and ex2_sh_lvl2(43) ) or (cp1_240 and ex2_sh_lvl2(27) ) );
r2_012: ex2_sh16_r2_b(12) <= not( (cp1_224 and ex2_sh_lvl2(44) ) or (cp1_240 and ex2_sh_lvl2(28) ) );
r2_013: ex2_sh16_r2_b(13) <= not( (cp1_224 and ex2_sh_lvl2(45) ) or (cp1_240 and ex2_sh_lvl2(29) ) );
r2_014: ex2_sh16_r2_b(14) <= not( (cp1_224 and ex2_sh_lvl2(46) ) or (cp1_240 and ex2_sh_lvl2(30) ) );
r2_015: ex2_sh16_r2_b(15) <= not( (cp1_224 and ex2_sh_lvl2(47) ) or (cp1_240 and ex2_sh_lvl2(31) ) );
r2_016: ex2_sh16_r2_b(16) <= not( (cp2_240 and ex2_sh_lvl2(32) ) or (cp2_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(16) ) );
r2_017: ex2_sh16_r2_b(17) <= not( (cp2_240 and ex2_sh_lvl2(33) ) or (cp2_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(17) ) );
r2_018: ex2_sh16_r2_b(18) <= not( (cp2_240 and ex2_sh_lvl2(34) ) or (cp2_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(18) ) );
r2_019: ex2_sh16_r2_b(19) <= not( (cp2_240 and ex2_sh_lvl2(35) ) or (cp2_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(19) ) );
r2_020: ex2_sh16_r2_b(20) <= not( (cp2_240 and ex2_sh_lvl2(36) ) or (cp2_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(20) ) );
r2_021: ex2_sh16_r2_b(21) <= not( (cp2_240 and ex2_sh_lvl2(37) ) or (cp2_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(21) ) );
r2_022: ex2_sh16_r2_b(22) <= not( (cp2_240 and ex2_sh_lvl2(38) ) or (cp2_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(22) ) );
r2_023: ex2_sh16_r2_b(23) <= not( (cp2_240 and ex2_sh_lvl2(39) ) or (cp2_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(23) ) );
r2_024: ex2_sh16_r2_b(24) <= not( (cp2_240 and ex2_sh_lvl2(40) ) or (cp2_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(24) ) );
r2_025: ex2_sh16_r2_b(25) <= not( (cp2_240 and ex2_sh_lvl2(41) ) or (cp2_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(25) ) );
r2_026: ex2_sh16_r2_b(26) <= not( (cp2_240 and ex2_sh_lvl2(42) ) or (cp2_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(26) ) );
r2_027: ex2_sh16_r2_b(27) <= not( (cp2_240 and ex2_sh_lvl2(43) ) or (cp2_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(27) ) );
r2_028: ex2_sh16_r2_b(28) <= not( (cp2_240 and ex2_sh_lvl2(44) ) or (cp2_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(28) ) );
r2_029: ex2_sh16_r2_b(29) <= not( (cp2_240 and ex2_sh_lvl2(45) ) or (cp2_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(29) ) );
r2_030: ex2_sh16_r2_b(30) <= not( (cp2_240 and ex2_sh_lvl2(46) ) or (cp2_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(30) ) );
r2_031: ex2_sh16_r2_b(31) <= not( (cp2_240 and ex2_sh_lvl2(47) ) or (cp2_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(31) ) );
r2_032: ex2_sh16_r2_b(32) <= not( (cp3_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(32) ) or (cp2_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(16) ) );
r2_033: ex2_sh16_r2_b(33) <= not( (cp3_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(33) ) or (cp2_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(17) ) );
r2_034: ex2_sh16_r2_b(34) <= not( (cp3_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(34) ) or (cp2_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(18) ) );
r2_035: ex2_sh16_r2_b(35) <= not( (cp3_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(35) ) or (cp2_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(19) ) );
r2_036: ex2_sh16_r2_b(36) <= not( (cp3_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(36) ) or (cp2_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(20) ) );
r2_037: ex2_sh16_r2_b(37) <= not( (cp3_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(37) ) or (cp2_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(21) ) );
r2_038: ex2_sh16_r2_b(38) <= not( (cp3_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(38) ) or (cp2_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(22) ) );
r2_039: ex2_sh16_r2_b(39) <= not( (cp3_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(39) ) or (cp2_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(23) ) );
r2_040: ex2_sh16_r2_b(40) <= not( (cp3_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(40) ) or (cp2_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(24) ) );
r2_041: ex2_sh16_r2_b(41) <= not( (cp3_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(41) ) or (cp2_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(25) ) );
r2_042: ex2_sh16_r2_b(42) <= not( (cp3_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(42) ) or (cp2_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(26) ) );
r2_043: ex2_sh16_r2_b(43) <= not( (cp3_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(43) ) or (cp2_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(27) ) );
r2_044: ex2_sh16_r2_b(44) <= not( (cp3_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(44) ) or (cp2_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(28) ) );
r2_045: ex2_sh16_r2_b(45) <= not( (cp3_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(45) ) or (cp2_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(29) ) );
r2_046: ex2_sh16_r2_b(46) <= not( (cp3_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(46) ) or (cp2_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(30) ) );
r2_047: ex2_sh16_r2_b(47) <= not( (cp3_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(47) ) or (cp2_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(31) ) );
r2_048: ex2_sh16_r2_b(48) <= not( (cp3_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(32) ) or (cp2_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(16) ) );
r2_049: ex2_sh16_r2_b(49) <= not( (cp3_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(33) ) or (cp2_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(17) ) );
r2_050: ex2_sh16_r2_b(50) <= not( (cp3_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(34) ) or (cp2_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(18) ) );
r2_051: ex2_sh16_r2_b(51) <= not( (cp3_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(35) ) or (cp2_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(19) ) );
r2_052: ex2_sh16_r2_b(52) <= not( (cp3_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(36) ) or (cp2_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(20) ) );
r2_053: ex2_sh16_r2_b(53) <= not( (cp3_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(37) ) or (cp2_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(21) ) );
r2_054: ex2_sh16_r2_b(54) <= not( (cp3_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(38) ) or (cp2_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(22) ) );
r2_055: ex2_sh16_r2_b(55) <= not( (cp3_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(39) ) or (cp2_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(23) ) );
r2_056: ex2_sh16_r2_b(56) <= not( (cp3_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(40) ) or (cp2_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(24) ) );
r2_057: ex2_sh16_r2_b(57) <= not( (cp3_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(41) ) or (cp2_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(25) ) );
r2_058: ex2_sh16_r2_b(58) <= not( (cp3_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(42) ) or (cp2_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(26) ) );
r2_059: ex2_sh16_r2_b(59) <= not( (cp3_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(43) ) or (cp2_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(27) ) );
r2_060: ex2_sh16_r2_b(60) <= not( (cp3_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(44) ) or (cp2_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(28) ) );
r2_061: ex2_sh16_r2_b(61) <= not( (cp3_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(45) ) or (cp2_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(29) ) );
r2_062: ex2_sh16_r2_b(62) <= not( (cp3_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(46) ) or (cp2_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(30) ) );
r2_063: ex2_sh16_r2_b(63) <= not( (cp3_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(47) ) or (cp2_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(31) ) );
r2_064: ex2_sh16_r2_b(64) <= not( (cp3_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(32) ) or (cp2_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(16) ) );
r2_065: ex2_sh16_r2_b(65) <= not( (cp3_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(33) ) or (cp2_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(17) ) );
r2_066: ex2_sh16_r2_b(66) <= not( (cp3_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(34) ) or (cp2_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(18) ) );
r2_067: ex2_sh16_r2_b(67) <= not( (cp3_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(35) ) or (cp2_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(19) ) );
r2_068: ex2_sh16_r2_b(68) <= not( (cp3_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(36) ) or (cp2_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(20) ) );
r2_069: ex2_sh16_r2_b(69) <= not( (cp3_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(37) ) or (cp2_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(21) ) );
r2_070: ex2_sh16_r2_b(70) <= not( (cp3_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(38) ) or (cp2_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(22) ) );
r2_071: ex2_sh16_r2_b(71) <= not( (cp3_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(39) ) or (cp2_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(23) ) );
r2_072: ex2_sh16_r2_b(72) <= not( (cp3_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(40) ) or (cp2_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(24) ) );
r2_073: ex2_sh16_r2_b(73) <= not( (cp3_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(41) ) or (cp2_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(25) ) );
r2_074: ex2_sh16_r2_b(74) <= not( (cp3_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(42) ) or (cp2_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(26) ) );
r2_075: ex2_sh16_r2_b(75) <= not( (cp3_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(43) ) or (cp2_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(27) ) );
r2_076: ex2_sh16_r2_b(76) <= not( (cp3_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(44) ) or (cp2_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(28) ) );
r2_077: ex2_sh16_r2_b(77) <= not( (cp3_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(45) ) or (cp2_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(29) ) );
r2_078: ex2_sh16_r2_b(78) <= not( (cp3_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(46) ) or (cp2_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(30) ) );
r2_079: ex2_sh16_r2_b(79) <= not( (cp3_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(47) ) or (cp2_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(31) ) );
r2_080: ex2_sh16_r2_b(80) <= not( (cp3_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(32) ) or (cp2_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(16) ) );
r2_081: ex2_sh16_r2_b(81) <= not( (cp3_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(33) ) or (cp2_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(17) ) );
r2_082: ex2_sh16_r2_b(82) <= not( (cp3_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(34) ) or (cp2_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(18) ) );
r2_083: ex2_sh16_r2_b(83) <= not( (cp3_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(35) ) or (cp2_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(19) ) );
r2_084: ex2_sh16_r2_b(84) <= not( (cp3_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(36) ) or (cp2_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(20) ) );
r2_085: ex2_sh16_r2_b(85) <= not( (cp3_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(37) ) or (cp2_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(21) ) );
r2_086: ex2_sh16_r2_b(86) <= not( (cp3_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(38) ) or (cp2_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(22) ) );
r2_087: ex2_sh16_r2_b(87) <= not( (cp3_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(39) ) or (cp2_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(23) ) );
r2_088: ex2_sh16_r2_b(88) <= not( (cp3_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(40) ) or (cp2_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(24) ) );
r2_089: ex2_sh16_r2_b(89) <= not( (cp3_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(41) ) or (cp2_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(25) ) );
r2_090: ex2_sh16_r2_b(90) <= not( (cp3_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(42) ) or (cp2_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(26) ) );
r2_091: ex2_sh16_r2_b(91) <= not( (cp3_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(43) ) or (cp2_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(27) ) );
r2_092: ex2_sh16_r2_b(92) <= not( (cp3_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(44) ) or (cp2_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(28) ) );
r2_093: ex2_sh16_r2_b(93) <= not( (cp3_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(45) ) or (cp2_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(29) ) );
r2_094: ex2_sh16_r2_b(94) <= not( (cp3_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(46) ) or (cp2_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(30) ) );
r2_095: ex2_sh16_r2_b(95) <= not( (cp3_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(47) ) or (cp2_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(31) ) );
r2_096: ex2_sh16_r2_b(96) <= not( (cp3_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(32) ) or (cp2_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(16) ) );
r2_097: ex2_sh16_r2_b(97) <= not( (cp3_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(33) ) or (cp2_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(17) ) );
r2_098: ex2_sh16_r2_b(98) <= not( (cp3_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(34) ) or (cp2_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(18) ) );
r2_099: ex2_sh16_r2_b(99) <= not( (cp3_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(35) ) or (cp2_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(19) ) );
r2_100: ex2_sh16_r2_b(100) <= not( (cp3_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(36) ) or (cp2_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(20) ) );
r2_101: ex2_sh16_r2_b(101) <= not( (cp3_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(37) ) or (cp2_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(21) ) );
r2_102: ex2_sh16_r2_b(102) <= not( (cp3_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(38) ) or (cp2_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(22) ) );
r2_103: ex2_sh16_r2_b(103) <= not( (cp3_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(39) ) or (cp2_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(23) ) );
r2_104: ex2_sh16_r2_b(104) <= not( (cp3_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(40) ) or (cp2_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(24) ) );
r2_105: ex2_sh16_r2_b(105) <= not( (cp3_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(41) ) or (cp2_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(25) ) );
r2_106: ex2_sh16_r2_b(106) <= not( (cp3_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(42) ) or (cp2_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(26) ) );
r2_107: ex2_sh16_r2_b(107) <= not( (cp3_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(43) ) or (cp2_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(27) ) );
r2_108: ex2_sh16_r2_b(108) <= not( (cp3_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(44) ) or (cp2_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(28) ) );
r2_109: ex2_sh16_r2_b(109) <= not( (cp3_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(45) ) or (cp2_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(29) ) );
r2_110: ex2_sh16_r2_b(110) <= not( (cp3_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(46) ) or (cp2_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(30) ) );
r2_111: ex2_sh16_r2_b(111) <= not( (cp3_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(47) ) or (cp2_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(31) ) );
r2_112: ex2_sh16_r2_b(112) <= not( (cp3_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(32) ) or (cp2_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(16) ) );
r2_113: ex2_sh16_r2_b(113) <= not( (cp3_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(33) ) or (cp2_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(17) ) );
r2_114: ex2_sh16_r2_b(114) <= not( (cp3_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(34) ) or (cp2_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(18) ) );
r2_115: ex2_sh16_r2_b(115) <= not( (cp3_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(35) ) or (cp2_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(19) ) );
r2_116: ex2_sh16_r2_b(116) <= not( (cp3_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(36) ) or (cp2_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(20) ) );
r2_117: ex2_sh16_r2_b(117) <= not( (cp3_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(37) ) or (cp2_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(21) ) );
r2_118: ex2_sh16_r2_b(118) <= not( (cp3_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(38) ) or (cp2_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(22) ) );
r2_119: ex2_sh16_r2_b(119) <= not( (cp3_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(39) ) or (cp2_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(23) ) );
r2_120: ex2_sh16_r2_b(120) <= not( (cp3_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(40) ) or (cp2_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(24) ) );
r2_121: ex2_sh16_r2_b(121) <= not( (cp3_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(41) ) or (cp2_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(25) ) );
r2_122: ex2_sh16_r2_b(122) <= not( (cp3_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(42) ) or (cp2_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(26) ) );
r2_123: ex2_sh16_r2_b(123) <= not( (cp3_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(43) ) or (cp2_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(27) ) );
r2_124: ex2_sh16_r2_b(124) <= not( (cp3_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(44) ) or (cp2_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(28) ) );
r2_125: ex2_sh16_r2_b(125) <= not( (cp3_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(45) ) or (cp2_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(29) ) );
r2_126: ex2_sh16_r2_b(126) <= not( (cp3_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(46) ) or (cp2_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(30) ) );
r2_127: ex2_sh16_r2_b(127) <= not( (cp3_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(47) ) or (cp2_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(31) ) );
r2_128: ex2_sh16_r2_b(128) <= not( (cp3_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(32) ) or (cp2_112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(16) ) );
r2_129: ex2_sh16_r2_b(129) <= not( (cp3_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(33) ) or (cp2_112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(17) ) );
r2_130: ex2_sh16_r2_b(130) <= not( (cp3_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(34) ) or (cp2_112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(18) ) );
r2_131: ex2_sh16_r2_b(131) <= not( (cp3_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(35) ) or (cp2_112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(19) ) );
r2_132: ex2_sh16_r2_b(132) <= not( (cp3_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(36) ) or (cp2_112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(20) ) );
r2_133: ex2_sh16_r2_b(133) <= not( (cp3_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(37) ) or (cp2_112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(21) ) );
r2_134: ex2_sh16_r2_b(134) <= not( (cp3_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(38) ) or (cp2_112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(22) ) );
r2_135: ex2_sh16_r2_b(135) <= not( (cp3_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(39) ) or (cp2_112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(23) ) );
r2_136: ex2_sh16_r2_b(136) <= not( (cp3_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(40) ) or (cp2_112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(24) ) );
r2_137: ex2_sh16_r2_b(137) <= not( (cp3_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(41) ) or (cp2_112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(25) ) );
r2_138: ex2_sh16_r2_b(138) <= not( (cp3_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(42) ) or (cp2_112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(26) ) );
r2_139: ex2_sh16_r2_b(139) <= not( (cp3_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(43) ) or (cp2_112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(27) ) );
r2_140: ex2_sh16_r2_b(140) <= not( (cp3_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(44) ) or (cp2_112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(28) ) );
r2_141: ex2_sh16_r2_b(141) <= not( (cp3_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(45) ) or (cp2_112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(29) ) );
r2_142: ex2_sh16_r2_b(142) <= not( (cp3_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(46) ) or (cp2_112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(30) ) );
r2_143: ex2_sh16_r2_b(143) <= not( (cp3_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(47) ) or (cp2_112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(31) ) );
r2_144: ex2_sh16_r2_b(144) <= not( (cp3_112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(32) ) or (cp2_128 and ex2_sh_lvl2(16) ) );
r2_145: ex2_sh16_r2_b(145) <= not( (cp3_112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(33) ) or (cp2_128 and ex2_sh_lvl2(17) ) );
r2_146: ex2_sh16_r2_b(146) <= not( (cp3_112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(34) ) or (cp2_128 and ex2_sh_lvl2(18) ) );
r2_147: ex2_sh16_r2_b(147) <= not( (cp3_112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(35) ) or (cp2_128 and ex2_sh_lvl2(19) ) );
r2_148: ex2_sh16_r2_b(148) <= not( (cp3_112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(36) ) or (cp2_128 and ex2_sh_lvl2(20) ) );
r2_149: ex2_sh16_r2_b(149) <= not( (cp3_112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(37) ) or (cp2_128 and ex2_sh_lvl2(21) ) );
r2_150: ex2_sh16_r2_b(150) <= not( (cp3_112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(38) ) or (cp2_128 and ex2_sh_lvl2(22) ) );
r2_151: ex2_sh16_r2_b(151) <= not( (cp3_112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(39) ) or (cp2_128 and ex2_sh_lvl2(23) ) );
r2_152: ex2_sh16_r2_b(152) <= not( (cp3_112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(40) ) or (cp2_128 and ex2_sh_lvl2(24) ) );
r2_153: ex2_sh16_r2_b(153) <= not( (cp3_112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(41) ) or (cp2_128 and ex2_sh_lvl2(25) ) );
r2_154: ex2_sh16_r2_b(154) <= not( (cp3_112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(42) ) or (cp2_128 and ex2_sh_lvl2(26) ) );
r2_155: ex2_sh16_r2_b(155) <= not( (cp3_112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(43) ) or (cp2_128 and ex2_sh_lvl2(27) ) );
r2_156: ex2_sh16_r2_b(156) <= not( (cp3_112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(44) ) or (cp2_128 and ex2_sh_lvl2(28) ) );
r2_157: ex2_sh16_r2_b(157) <= not( (cp3_112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(45) ) or (cp2_128 and ex2_sh_lvl2(29) ) );
r2_158: ex2_sh16_r2_b(158) <= not( (cp3_112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(46) ) or (cp2_128 and ex2_sh_lvl2(30) ) );
r2_159: ex2_sh16_r2_b(159) <= not( (cp3_112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(47) ) or (cp2_128 and ex2_sh_lvl2(31) ) );
r2_160: ex2_sh16_r2_b(160) <= not( (cp3_128 and ex2_sh_lvl2(32) ) or (cp2_144 and ex2_sh_lvl2(16) ) );
r2_161: ex2_sh16_r2_b(161) <= not( (cp3_128 and ex2_sh_lvl2(33) ) or (cp2_144 and ex2_sh_lvl2(17) ) );
r2_162: ex2_sh16_r2_b(162) <= not( (cp3_128 and ex2_sh_lvl2(34) ) or (cp2_144 and ex2_sh_lvl2(18) ) );
r3_000: ex2_sh16_r3_b(0) <= not( cp1_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(0) );
r3_001: ex2_sh16_r3_b(1) <= not( cp1_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(1) );
r3_002: ex2_sh16_r3_b(2) <= not( cp1_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(2) );
r3_003: ex2_sh16_r3_b(3) <= not( cp1_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(3) );
r3_004: ex2_sh16_r3_b(4) <= not( cp1_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(4) );
r3_005: ex2_sh16_r3_b(5) <= not( cp1_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(5) );
r3_006: ex2_sh16_r3_b(6) <= not( cp1_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(6) );
r3_007: ex2_sh16_r3_b(7) <= not( cp1_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(7) );
r3_008: ex2_sh16_r3_b(8) <= not( cp1_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(8) );
r3_009: ex2_sh16_r3_b(9) <= not( cp1_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(9) );
r3_010: ex2_sh16_r3_b(10) <= not( cp1_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(10) );
r3_011: ex2_sh16_r3_b(11) <= not( cp1_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(11) );
r3_012: ex2_sh16_r3_b(12) <= not( cp1_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(12) );
r3_013: ex2_sh16_r3_b(13) <= not( cp1_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(13) );
r3_014: ex2_sh16_r3_b(14) <= not( cp1_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(14) );
r3_015: ex2_sh16_r3_b(15) <= not( cp1_000 and ex2_sh_lvl2(15) );
r3_016: ex2_sh16_r3_b(16) <= not( cp1_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(0) );
r3_017: ex2_sh16_r3_b(17) <= not( cp1_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(1) );
r3_018: ex2_sh16_r3_b(18) <= not( cp1_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(2) );
r3_019: ex2_sh16_r3_b(19) <= not( cp1_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(3) );
r3_020: ex2_sh16_r3_b(20) <= not( cp1_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(4) );
r3_021: ex2_sh16_r3_b(21) <= not( cp1_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(5) );
r3_022: ex2_sh16_r3_b(22) <= not( cp1_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(6) );
r3_023: ex2_sh16_r3_b(23) <= not( cp1_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(7) );
r3_024: ex2_sh16_r3_b(24) <= not( cp1_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(8) );
r3_025: ex2_sh16_r3_b(25) <= not( cp1_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(9) );
r3_026: ex2_sh16_r3_b(26) <= not( cp1_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(10) );
r3_027: ex2_sh16_r3_b(27) <= not( cp1_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(11) );
r3_028: ex2_sh16_r3_b(28) <= not( cp1_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(12) );
r3_029: ex2_sh16_r3_b(29) <= not( cp1_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(13) );
r3_030: ex2_sh16_r3_b(30) <= not( cp1_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(14) );
r3_031: ex2_sh16_r3_b(31) <= not( cp1_016 and ex2_sh_lvl2(15) );
r3_032: ex2_sh16_r3_b(32) <= not( cp1_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(0) );
r3_033: ex2_sh16_r3_b(33) <= not( cp1_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(1) );
r3_034: ex2_sh16_r3_b(34) <= not( cp1_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(2) );
r3_035: ex2_sh16_r3_b(35) <= not( cp1_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(3) );
r3_036: ex2_sh16_r3_b(36) <= not( cp1_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(4) );
r3_037: ex2_sh16_r3_b(37) <= not( cp1_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(5) );
r3_038: ex2_sh16_r3_b(38) <= not( cp1_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(6) );
r3_039: ex2_sh16_r3_b(39) <= not( cp1_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(7) );
r3_040: ex2_sh16_r3_b(40) <= not( cp1_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(8) );
r3_041: ex2_sh16_r3_b(41) <= not( cp1_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(9) );
r3_042: ex2_sh16_r3_b(42) <= not( cp1_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(10) );
r3_043: ex2_sh16_r3_b(43) <= not( cp1_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(11) );
r3_044: ex2_sh16_r3_b(44) <= not( cp1_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(12) );
r3_045: ex2_sh16_r3_b(45) <= not( cp1_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(13) );
r3_046: ex2_sh16_r3_b(46) <= not( cp1_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(14) );
r3_047: ex2_sh16_r3_b(47) <= not( cp1_032 and ex2_sh_lvl2(15) );
r3_048: ex2_sh16_r3_b(48) <= not( cp1_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(0) );
r3_049: ex2_sh16_r3_b(49) <= not( cp1_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(1) );
r3_050: ex2_sh16_r3_b(50) <= not( cp1_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(2) );
r3_051: ex2_sh16_r3_b(51) <= not( cp1_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(3) );
r3_052: ex2_sh16_r3_b(52) <= not( cp1_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(4) );
r3_053: ex2_sh16_r3_b(53) <= not( cp1_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(5) );
r3_054: ex2_sh16_r3_b(54) <= not( cp1_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(6) );
r3_055: ex2_sh16_r3_b(55) <= not( cp1_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(7) );
r3_056: ex2_sh16_r3_b(56) <= not( cp1_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(8) );
r3_057: ex2_sh16_r3_b(57) <= not( cp1_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(9) );
r3_058: ex2_sh16_r3_b(58) <= not( cp1_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(10) );
r3_059: ex2_sh16_r3_b(59) <= not( cp1_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(11) );
r3_060: ex2_sh16_r3_b(60) <= not( cp1_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(12) );
r3_061: ex2_sh16_r3_b(61) <= not( cp1_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(13) );
r3_062: ex2_sh16_r3_b(62) <= not( cp1_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(14) );
r3_063: ex2_sh16_r3_b(63) <= not( cp1_048 and ex2_sh_lvl2(15) );
r3_064: ex2_sh16_r3_b(64) <= not( cp1_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(0) );
r3_065: ex2_sh16_r3_b(65) <= not( cp1_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(1) );
r3_066: ex2_sh16_r3_b(66) <= not( cp1_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(2) );
r3_067: ex2_sh16_r3_b(67) <= not( cp1_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(3) );
r3_068: ex2_sh16_r3_b(68) <= not( cp1_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(4) );
r3_069: ex2_sh16_r3_b(69) <= not( cp1_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(5) );
r3_070: ex2_sh16_r3_b(70) <= not( cp1_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(6) );
r3_071: ex2_sh16_r3_b(71) <= not( cp1_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(7) );
r3_072: ex2_sh16_r3_b(72) <= not( cp1_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(8) );
r3_073: ex2_sh16_r3_b(73) <= not( cp1_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(9) );
r3_074: ex2_sh16_r3_b(74) <= not( cp1_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(10) );
r3_075: ex2_sh16_r3_b(75) <= not( cp1_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(11) );
r3_076: ex2_sh16_r3_b(76) <= not( cp1_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(12) );
r3_077: ex2_sh16_r3_b(77) <= not( cp1_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(13) );
r3_078: ex2_sh16_r3_b(78) <= not( cp1_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(14) );
r3_079: ex2_sh16_r3_b(79) <= not( cp1_064 and ex2_sh_lvl2(15) );
r3_080: ex2_sh16_r3_b(80) <= not( cp1_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(0) );
r3_081: ex2_sh16_r3_b(81) <= not( cp1_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(1) );
r3_082: ex2_sh16_r3_b(82) <= not( cp1_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(2) );
r3_083: ex2_sh16_r3_b(83) <= not( cp1_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(3) );
r3_084: ex2_sh16_r3_b(84) <= not( cp1_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(4) );
r3_085: ex2_sh16_r3_b(85) <= not( cp1_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(5) );
r3_086: ex2_sh16_r3_b(86) <= not( cp1_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(6) );
r3_087: ex2_sh16_r3_b(87) <= not( cp1_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(7) );
r3_088: ex2_sh16_r3_b(88) <= not( cp1_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(8) );
r3_089: ex2_sh16_r3_b(89) <= not( cp1_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(9) );
r3_090: ex2_sh16_r3_b(90) <= not( cp1_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(10) );
r3_091: ex2_sh16_r3_b(91) <= not( cp1_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(11) );
r3_092: ex2_sh16_r3_b(92) <= not( cp1_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(12) );
r3_093: ex2_sh16_r3_b(93) <= not( cp1_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(13) );
r3_094: ex2_sh16_r3_b(94) <= not( cp1_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(14) );
r3_095: ex2_sh16_r3_b(95) <= not( cp1_080 and ex2_sh_lvl2(15) );
r3_096: ex2_sh16_r3_b(96) <= not( cp1_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(0) ) ;
r3_097: ex2_sh16_r3_b(97) <= not( cp1_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(1) ) ;
r3_098: ex2_sh16_r3_b(98) <= not( cp1_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(2) ) ;
r3_099: ex2_sh16_r3_b(99) <= not( (cp1_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(3) ) or (cp1_spc and ex2_special(99) ) );
r3_100: ex2_sh16_r3_b(100) <= not( (cp1_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(4) ) or (cp1_spc and ex2_special(100) ) );
r3_101: ex2_sh16_r3_b(101) <= not( (cp1_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(5) ) or (cp1_spc and ex2_special(101) ) );
r3_102: ex2_sh16_r3_b(102) <= not( (cp1_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(6) ) or (cp1_spc and ex2_special(102) ) );
r3_103: ex2_sh16_r3_b(103) <= not( (cp1_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(7) ) or (cp1_spc and ex2_special(103) ) );
r3_104: ex2_sh16_r3_b(104) <= not( (cp1_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(8) ) or (cp1_spc and ex2_special(104) ) );
r3_105: ex2_sh16_r3_b(105) <= not( (cp1_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(9) ) or (cp1_spc and ex2_special(105) ) );
r3_106: ex2_sh16_r3_b(106) <= not( (cp1_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(10) ) or (cp1_spc and ex2_special(106) ) );
r3_107: ex2_sh16_r3_b(107) <= not( (cp1_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(11) ) or (cp1_spc and ex2_special(107) ) );
r3_108: ex2_sh16_r3_b(108) <= not( (cp1_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(12) ) or (cp1_spc and ex2_special(108) ) );
r3_109: ex2_sh16_r3_b(109) <= not( (cp1_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(13) ) or (cp1_spc and ex2_special(109) ) );
r3_110: ex2_sh16_r3_b(110) <= not( (cp1_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(14) ) or (cp1_spc and ex2_special(110) ) );
r3_111: ex2_sh16_r3_b(111) <= not( (cp1_096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(15) ) or (cp1_spc and ex2_special(111) ) );
r3_112: ex2_sh16_r3_b(112) <= not( (cp1_112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(0) ) or (cp2_spc and ex2_special(112) ) );
r3_113: ex2_sh16_r3_b(113) <= not( (cp1_112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(1) ) or (cp2_spc and ex2_special(113) ) );
r3_114: ex2_sh16_r3_b(114) <= not( (cp1_112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(2) ) or (cp2_spc and ex2_special(114) ) );
r3_115: ex2_sh16_r3_b(115) <= not( (cp1_112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(3) ) or (cp2_spc and ex2_special(115) ) );
r3_116: ex2_sh16_r3_b(116) <= not( (cp1_112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(4) ) or (cp2_spc and ex2_special(116) ) );
r3_117: ex2_sh16_r3_b(117) <= not( (cp1_112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(5) ) or (cp2_spc and ex2_special(117) ) );
r3_118: ex2_sh16_r3_b(118) <= not( (cp1_112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(6) ) or (cp2_spc and ex2_special(118) ) );
r3_119: ex2_sh16_r3_b(119) <= not( (cp1_112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(7) ) or (cp2_spc and ex2_special(119) ) );
r3_120: ex2_sh16_r3_b(120) <= not( (cp1_112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(8) ) or (cp2_spc and ex2_special(120) ) );
r3_121: ex2_sh16_r3_b(121) <= not( (cp1_112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(9) ) or (cp2_spc and ex2_special(121) ) );
r3_122: ex2_sh16_r3_b(122) <= not( (cp1_112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(10) ) or (cp2_spc and ex2_special(122) ) );
r3_123: ex2_sh16_r3_b(123) <= not( (cp1_112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(11) ) or (cp2_spc and ex2_special(123) ) );
r3_124: ex2_sh16_r3_b(124) <= not( (cp1_112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(12) ) or (cp2_spc and ex2_special(124) ) );
r3_125: ex2_sh16_r3_b(125) <= not( (cp1_112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(13) ) or (cp2_spc and ex2_special(125) ) );
r3_126: ex2_sh16_r3_b(126) <= not( (cp1_112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(14) ) or (cp2_spc and ex2_special(126) ) );
r3_127: ex2_sh16_r3_b(127) <= not( (cp1_112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(15) ) or (cp2_spc and ex2_special(127) ) );
r3_128: ex2_sh16_r3_b(128) <= not( (cp1_128 and ex2_sh_lvl2(0) ) or (cp3_spc and ex2_special(128) ) );
r3_129: ex2_sh16_r3_b(129) <= not( (cp1_128 and ex2_sh_lvl2(1) ) or (cp3_spc and ex2_special(129) ) );
r3_130: ex2_sh16_r3_b(130) <= not( (cp1_128 and ex2_sh_lvl2(2) ) or (cp3_spc and ex2_special(130) ) );
r3_131: ex2_sh16_r3_b(131) <= not( (cp1_128 and ex2_sh_lvl2(3) ) or (cp3_spc and ex2_special(131) ) );
r3_132: ex2_sh16_r3_b(132) <= not( (cp1_128 and ex2_sh_lvl2(4) ) or (cp3_spc and ex2_special(132) ) );
r3_133: ex2_sh16_r3_b(133) <= not( (cp1_128 and ex2_sh_lvl2(5) ) or (cp3_spc and ex2_special(133) ) );
r3_134: ex2_sh16_r3_b(134) <= not( (cp1_128 and ex2_sh_lvl2(6) ) or (cp3_spc and ex2_special(134) ) );
r3_135: ex2_sh16_r3_b(135) <= not( (cp1_128 and ex2_sh_lvl2(7) ) or (cp3_spc and ex2_special(135) ) );
r3_136: ex2_sh16_r3_b(136) <= not( (cp1_128 and ex2_sh_lvl2(8) ) or (cp3_spc and ex2_special(136) ) );
r3_137: ex2_sh16_r3_b(137) <= not( (cp1_128 and ex2_sh_lvl2(9) ) or (cp3_spc and ex2_special(137) ) );
r3_138: ex2_sh16_r3_b(138) <= not( (cp1_128 and ex2_sh_lvl2(10) ) or (cp3_spc and ex2_special(138) ) );
r3_139: ex2_sh16_r3_b(139) <= not( (cp1_128 and ex2_sh_lvl2(11) ) or (cp3_spc and ex2_special(139) ) );
r3_140: ex2_sh16_r3_b(140) <= not( (cp1_128 and ex2_sh_lvl2(12) ) or (cp3_spc and ex2_special(140) ) );
r3_141: ex2_sh16_r3_b(141) <= not( (cp1_128 and ex2_sh_lvl2(13) ) or (cp3_spc and ex2_special(141) ) );
r3_142: ex2_sh16_r3_b(142) <= not( (cp1_128 and ex2_sh_lvl2(14) ) or (cp3_spc and ex2_special(142) ) );
r3_143: ex2_sh16_r3_b(143) <= not( (cp1_128 and ex2_sh_lvl2(15) ) or (cp3_spc and ex2_special(143) ) );
r3_144: ex2_sh16_r3_b(144) <= not( (cp1_144 and ex2_sh_lvl2(0) ) or (cp4_spc and ex2_special(144) ) );
r3_145: ex2_sh16_r3_b(145) <= not( (cp1_144 and ex2_sh_lvl2(1) ) or (cp4_spc and ex2_special(145) ) );
r3_146: ex2_sh16_r3_b(146) <= not( (cp1_144 and ex2_sh_lvl2(2) ) or (cp4_spc and ex2_special(146) ) );
r3_147: ex2_sh16_r3_b(147) <= not( (cp1_144 and ex2_sh_lvl2(3) ) or (cp4_spc and ex2_special(147) ) );
r3_148: ex2_sh16_r3_b(148) <= not( (cp1_144 and ex2_sh_lvl2(4) ) or (cp4_spc and ex2_special(148) ) );
r3_149: ex2_sh16_r3_b(149) <= not( (cp1_144 and ex2_sh_lvl2(5) ) or (cp4_spc and ex2_special(149) ) );
r3_150: ex2_sh16_r3_b(150) <= not( (cp1_144 and ex2_sh_lvl2(6) ) or (cp4_spc and ex2_special(150) ) );
r3_151: ex2_sh16_r3_b(151) <= not( (cp1_144 and ex2_sh_lvl2(7) ) or (cp4_spc and ex2_special(151) ) );
r3_152: ex2_sh16_r3_b(152) <= not( (cp1_144 and ex2_sh_lvl2(8) ) or (cp4_spc and ex2_special(152) ) );
r3_153: ex2_sh16_r3_b(153) <= not( (cp1_144 and ex2_sh_lvl2(9) ) or (cp4_spc and ex2_special(153) ) );
r3_154: ex2_sh16_r3_b(154) <= not( (cp1_144 and ex2_sh_lvl2(10) ) or (cp4_spc and ex2_special(154) ) );
r3_155: ex2_sh16_r3_b(155) <= not( (cp1_144 and ex2_sh_lvl2(11) ) or (cp4_spc and ex2_special(155) ) );
r3_156: ex2_sh16_r3_b(156) <= not( (cp1_144 and ex2_sh_lvl2(12) ) or (cp4_spc and ex2_special(156) ) );
r3_157: ex2_sh16_r3_b(157) <= not( (cp1_144 and ex2_sh_lvl2(13) ) or (cp4_spc and ex2_special(157) ) );
r3_158: ex2_sh16_r3_b(158) <= not( (cp1_144 and ex2_sh_lvl2(14) ) or (cp4_spc and ex2_special(158) ) );
r3_159: ex2_sh16_r3_b(159) <= not( (cp1_144 and ex2_sh_lvl2(15) ) or (cp4_spc and ex2_special(159) ) );
r3_160: ex2_sh16_r3_b(160) <= not( (cp1_160 and ex2_sh_lvl2(0) ) or (cp5_spc and ex2_special(160) ) );
r3_161: ex2_sh16_r3_b(161) <= not( (cp1_160 and ex2_sh_lvl2(1) ) or (cp5_spc and ex2_special(161) ) );
r3_162: ex2_sh16_r3_b(162) <= not( (cp1_160 and ex2_sh_lvl2(2) ) or (cp5_spc and ex2_special(162) ) );
o_000: ex2_sh_lvl3(0) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(0) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(0) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(0) );
o_001: ex2_sh_lvl3(1) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(1) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(1) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(1) );
o_002: ex2_sh_lvl3(2) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(2) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(2) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(2) );
o_003: ex2_sh_lvl3(3) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(3) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(3) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(3) );
o_004: ex2_sh_lvl3(4) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(4) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(4) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(4) );
o_005: ex2_sh_lvl3(5) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(5) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(5) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(5) );
o_006: ex2_sh_lvl3(6) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(6) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(6) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(6) );
o_007: ex2_sh_lvl3(7) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(7) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(7) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(7) );
o_008: ex2_sh_lvl3(8) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(8) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(8) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(8) );
o_009: ex2_sh_lvl3(9) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(9) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(9) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(9) );
o_010: ex2_sh_lvl3(10) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(10) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(10) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(10) );
o_011: ex2_sh_lvl3(11) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(11) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(11) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(11) );
o_012: ex2_sh_lvl3(12) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(12) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(12) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(12) );
o_013: ex2_sh_lvl3(13) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(13) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(13) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(13) );
o_014: ex2_sh_lvl3(14) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(14) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(14) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(14) );
o_015: ex2_sh_lvl3(15) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(15) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(15) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(15) );
o_016: ex2_sh_lvl3(16) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(16) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(16) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(16) );
o_017: ex2_sh_lvl3(17) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(17) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(17) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(17) );
o_018: ex2_sh_lvl3(18) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(18) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(18) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(18) );
o_019: ex2_sh_lvl3(19) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(19) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(19) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(19) );
o_020: ex2_sh_lvl3(20) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(20) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(20) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(20) );
o_021: ex2_sh_lvl3(21) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(21) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(21) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(21) );
o_022: ex2_sh_lvl3(22) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(22) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(22) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(22) );
o_023: ex2_sh_lvl3(23) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(23) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(23) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(23) );
o_024: ex2_sh_lvl3(24) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(24) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(24) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(24) );
o_025: ex2_sh_lvl3(25) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(25) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(25) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(25) );
o_026: ex2_sh_lvl3(26) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(26) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(26) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(26) );
o_027: ex2_sh_lvl3(27) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(27) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(27) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(27) );
o_028: ex2_sh_lvl3(28) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(28) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(28) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(28) );
o_029: ex2_sh_lvl3(29) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(29) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(29) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(29) );
o_030: ex2_sh_lvl3(30) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(30) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(30) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(30) );
o_031: ex2_sh_lvl3(31) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(31) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(31) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(31) );
o_032: ex2_sh_lvl3(32) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(32) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(32) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(32) );
o_033: ex2_sh_lvl3(33) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(33) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(33) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(33) );
o_034: ex2_sh_lvl3(34) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(34) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(34) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(34) );
o_035: ex2_sh_lvl3(35) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(35) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(35) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(35) );
o_036: ex2_sh_lvl3(36) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(36) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(36) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(36) );
o_037: ex2_sh_lvl3(37) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(37) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(37) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(37) );
o_038: ex2_sh_lvl3(38) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(38) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(38) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(38) );
o_039: ex2_sh_lvl3(39) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(39) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(39) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(39) );
o_040: ex2_sh_lvl3(40) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(40) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(40) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(40) );
o_041: ex2_sh_lvl3(41) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(41) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(41) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(41) );
o_042: ex2_sh_lvl3(42) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(42) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(42) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(42) );
o_043: ex2_sh_lvl3(43) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(43) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(43) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(43) );
o_044: ex2_sh_lvl3(44) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(44) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(44) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(44) );
o_045: ex2_sh_lvl3(45) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(45) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(45) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(45) );
o_046: ex2_sh_lvl3(46) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(46) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(46) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(46) );
o_047: ex2_sh_lvl3(47) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(47) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(47) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(47) );
o_048: ex2_sh_lvl3(48) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(48) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(48) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(48) );
o_049: ex2_sh_lvl3(49) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(49) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(49) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(49) );
o_050: ex2_sh_lvl3(50) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(50) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(50) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(50) );
o_051: ex2_sh_lvl3(51) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(51) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(51) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(51) );
o_052: ex2_sh_lvl3(52) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(52) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(52) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(52) );
o_053: ex2_sh_lvl3(53) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(53) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(53) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(53) );
o_054: ex2_sh_lvl3(54) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(54) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(54) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(54) );
o_055: ex2_sh_lvl3(55) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(55) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(55) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(55) );
o_056: ex2_sh_lvl3(56) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(56) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(56) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(56) );
o_057: ex2_sh_lvl3(57) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(57) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(57) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(57) );
o_058: ex2_sh_lvl3(58) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(58) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(58) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(58) );
o_059: ex2_sh_lvl3(59) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(59) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(59) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(59) );
o_060: ex2_sh_lvl3(60) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(60) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(60) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(60) );
o_061: ex2_sh_lvl3(61) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(61) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(61) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(61) );
o_062: ex2_sh_lvl3(62) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(62) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(62) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(62) );
o_063: ex2_sh_lvl3(63) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(63) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(63) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(63) );
o_064: ex2_sh_lvl3(64) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(64) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(64) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(64) );
o_065: ex2_sh_lvl3(65) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(65) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(65) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(65) );
o_066: ex2_sh_lvl3(66) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(66) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(66) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(66) );
o_067: ex2_sh_lvl3(67) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(67) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(67) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(67) );
o_068: ex2_sh_lvl3(68) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(68) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(68) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(68) );
o_069: ex2_sh_lvl3(69) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(69) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(69) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(69) );
o_070: ex2_sh_lvl3(70) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(70) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(70) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(70) );
o_071: ex2_sh_lvl3(71) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(71) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(71) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(71) );
o_072: ex2_sh_lvl3(72) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(72) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(72) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(72) );
o_073: ex2_sh_lvl3(73) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(73) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(73) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(73) );
o_074: ex2_sh_lvl3(74) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(74) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(74) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(74) );
o_075: ex2_sh_lvl3(75) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(75) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(75) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(75) );
o_076: ex2_sh_lvl3(76) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(76) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(76) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(76) );
o_077: ex2_sh_lvl3(77) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(77) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(77) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(77) );
o_078: ex2_sh_lvl3(78) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(78) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(78) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(78) );
o_079: ex2_sh_lvl3(79) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(79) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(79) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(79) );
o_080: ex2_sh_lvl3(80) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(80) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(80) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(80) );
o_081: ex2_sh_lvl3(81) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(81) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(81) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(81) );
o_082: ex2_sh_lvl3(82) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(82) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(82) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(82) );
o_083: ex2_sh_lvl3(83) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(83) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(83) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(83) );
o_084: ex2_sh_lvl3(84) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(84) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(84) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(84) );
o_085: ex2_sh_lvl3(85) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(85) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(85) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(85) );
o_086: ex2_sh_lvl3(86) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(86) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(86) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(86) );
o_087: ex2_sh_lvl3(87) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(87) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(87) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(87) );
o_088: ex2_sh_lvl3(88) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(88) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(88) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(88) );
o_089: ex2_sh_lvl3(89) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(89) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(89) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(89) );
o_090: ex2_sh_lvl3(90) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(90) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(90) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(90) );
o_091: ex2_sh_lvl3(91) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(91) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(91) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(91) );
o_092: ex2_sh_lvl3(92) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(92) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(92) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(92) );
o_093: ex2_sh_lvl3(93) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(93) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(93) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(93) );
o_094: ex2_sh_lvl3(94) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(94) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(94) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(94) );
o_095: ex2_sh_lvl3(95) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(95) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(95) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(95) );
o_096: ex2_sh_lvl3(96) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(96) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(96) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(96) );
o_097: ex2_sh_lvl3(97) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(97) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(97) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(97) );
o_098: ex2_sh_lvl3(98) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(98) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(98) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(98) );
o_099: ex2_sh_lvl3(99) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(99) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(99) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(99) );
o_100: ex2_sh_lvl3(100) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(100) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(100) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(100) );
o_101: ex2_sh_lvl3(101) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(101) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(101) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(101) );
o_102: ex2_sh_lvl3(102) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(102) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(102) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(102) );
o_103: ex2_sh_lvl3(103) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(103) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(103) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(103) );
o_104: ex2_sh_lvl3(104) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(104) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(104) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(104) );
o_105: ex2_sh_lvl3(105) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(105) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(105) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(105) );
o_106: ex2_sh_lvl3(106) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(106) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(106) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(106) );
o_107: ex2_sh_lvl3(107) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(107) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(107) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(107) );
o_108: ex2_sh_lvl3(108) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(108) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(108) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(108) );
o_109: ex2_sh_lvl3(109) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(109) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(109) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(109) );
o_110: ex2_sh_lvl3(110) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(110) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(110) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(110) );
o_111: ex2_sh_lvl3(111) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(111) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(111) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(111) );
o_112: ex2_sh_lvl3(112) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(112) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(112) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(112) );
o_113: ex2_sh_lvl3(113) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(113) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(113) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(113) );
o_114: ex2_sh_lvl3(114) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(114) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(114) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(114) );
o_115: ex2_sh_lvl3(115) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(115) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(115) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(115) );
o_116: ex2_sh_lvl3(116) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(116) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(116) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(116) );
o_117: ex2_sh_lvl3(117) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(117) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(117) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(117) );
o_118: ex2_sh_lvl3(118) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(118) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(118) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(118) );
o_119: ex2_sh_lvl3(119) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(119) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(119) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(119) );
o_120: ex2_sh_lvl3(120) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(120) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(120) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(120) );
o_121: ex2_sh_lvl3(121) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(121) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(121) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(121) );
o_122: ex2_sh_lvl3(122) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(122) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(122) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(122) );
o_123: ex2_sh_lvl3(123) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(123) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(123) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(123) );
o_124: ex2_sh_lvl3(124) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(124) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(124) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(124) );
o_125: ex2_sh_lvl3(125) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(125) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(125) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(125) );
o_126: ex2_sh_lvl3(126) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(126) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(126) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(126) );
o_127: ex2_sh_lvl3(127) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(127) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(127) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(127) );
o_128: ex2_sh_lvl3(128) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(128) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(128) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(128) );
o_129: ex2_sh_lvl3(129) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(129) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(129) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(129) );
o_130: ex2_sh_lvl3(130) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(130) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(130) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(130) );
o_131: ex2_sh_lvl3(131) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(131) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(131) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(131) );
o_132: ex2_sh_lvl3(132) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(132) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(132) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(132) );
o_133: ex2_sh_lvl3(133) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(133) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(133) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(133) );
o_134: ex2_sh_lvl3(134) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(134) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(134) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(134) );
o_135: ex2_sh_lvl3(135) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(135) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(135) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(135) );
o_136: ex2_sh_lvl3(136) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(136) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(136) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(136) );
o_137: ex2_sh_lvl3(137) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(137) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(137) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(137) );
o_138: ex2_sh_lvl3(138) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(138) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(138) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(138) );
o_139: ex2_sh_lvl3(139) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(139) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(139) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(139) );
o_140: ex2_sh_lvl3(140) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(140) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(140) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(140) );
o_141: ex2_sh_lvl3(141) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(141) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(141) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(141) );
o_142: ex2_sh_lvl3(142) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(142) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(142) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(142) );
o_143: ex2_sh_lvl3(143) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(143) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(143) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(143) );
o_144: ex2_sh_lvl3(144) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(144) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(144) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(144) );
o_145: ex2_sh_lvl3(145) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(145) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(145) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(145) );
o_146: ex2_sh_lvl3(146) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(146) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(146) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(146) );
o_147: ex2_sh_lvl3(147) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(147) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(147) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(147) );
o_148: ex2_sh_lvl3(148) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(148) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(148) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(148) );
o_149: ex2_sh_lvl3(149) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(149) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(149) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(149) );
o_150: ex2_sh_lvl3(150) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(150) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(150) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(150) );
o_151: ex2_sh_lvl3(151) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(151) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(151) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(151) );
o_152: ex2_sh_lvl3(152) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(152) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(152) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(152) );
o_153: ex2_sh_lvl3(153) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(153) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(153) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(153) );
o_154: ex2_sh_lvl3(154) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(154) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(154) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(154) );
o_155: ex2_sh_lvl3(155) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(155) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(155) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(155) );
o_156: ex2_sh_lvl3(156) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(156) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(156) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(156) );
o_157: ex2_sh_lvl3(157) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(157) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(157) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(157) );
o_158: ex2_sh_lvl3(158) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(158) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(158) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(158) );
o_159: ex2_sh_lvl3(159) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(159) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(159) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(159) );
o_160: ex2_sh_lvl3(160) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(160) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(160) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(160) );
o_161: ex2_sh_lvl3(161) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(161) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(161) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(161) );
o_162: ex2_sh_lvl3(162) <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_b(162) and ex2_sh16_r2_b(162) and ex2_sh16_r3_b(162) );
rr3_162: ex2_sh16_r3_162_b <= not( (ex2_lvl3_shdcd160 and ex2_sh_lvl2(2) ) or (ex2_sel_special and ex2_special(162) ) );
rr3_163: ex2_sh16_r3_163_b <= not( ex2_lvl3_shdcd160 and ex2_sh_lvl2(3) );
rr2_162: ex2_sh16_r2_162_b <= not( (ex2_lvl3_shdcd128 and ex2_sh_lvl2(34) ) or (ex2_lvl3_shdcd144 and ex2_sh_lvl2(18) ) );
rr2_163: ex2_sh16_r2_163_b <= not( (ex2_lvl3_shdcd128 and ex2_sh_lvl2(35) ) or (ex2_lvl3_shdcd144 and ex2_sh_lvl2(19) ) );
rr1_162: ex2_sh16_r1_162_b <= not( (ex2_lvl3_shdcd096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(66) ) or (ex2_lvl3_shdcd112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(50) ) );
rr1_163: ex2_sh16_r1_163_b <= not( (ex2_lvl3_shdcd096 and ex2_sh_lvl2(67) ) or (ex2_lvl3_shdcd112 and ex2_sh_lvl2(51) ) );
ro_162: ex2_sh16_162 <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_162_b and ex2_sh16_r2_162_b and ex2_sh16_r3_162_b );
ro_163: ex2_sh16_163 <= not( ex2_sh16_r1_163_b and ex2_sh16_r2_163_b and ex2_sh16_r3_163_b );
@ -0,0 +1,708 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
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-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
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-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
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-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
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library ieee,ibm,support,tri,work;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_unsigned.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_ao_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_mux_support.all;
entity fuq_alg_sh4 is
generic( expand_type : integer := 2 );
ex1_lvl1_shdcd000_b :in std_ulogic;
ex1_lvl1_shdcd001_b :in std_ulogic;
ex1_lvl1_shdcd002_b :in std_ulogic;
ex1_lvl1_shdcd003_b :in std_ulogic;
ex1_lvl2_shdcd000 :in std_ulogic;
ex1_lvl2_shdcd004 :in std_ulogic;
ex1_lvl2_shdcd008 :in std_ulogic;
ex1_lvl2_shdcd012 :in std_ulogic;
ex1_sel_special :in std_ulogic;
ex1_b_sign :in std_ulogic;
ex1_b_expo :in std_ulogic_vector(3 to 13) ;
ex1_b_frac :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 52) ;
ex1_sh_lvl2 :out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 67)
end fuq_alg_sh4;
architecture fuq_alg_sh4 of fuq_alg_sh4 is
constant tiup : std_ulogic := '1';
constant tidn : std_ulogic := '0';
signal ex1_special_fcfid :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 63);
signal ex1_sh_lv1 :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 55);
signal ex1_sh_lv1x_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 53);
signal ex1_sh_lv1y_b :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 55);
signal ex1_sh_lv2x_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 59);
signal ex1_sh_lv2y_b :std_ulogic_vector(8 to 67);
signal ex1_sh_lv2z_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 63);
signal sh1v2dcd0_cp1 :std_ulogic;
signal sh1v3dcd0_cp1_b :std_ulogic;
signal sh1v3dcd0_cp2_b :std_ulogic;
signal sh1v4dcd0_cp1 :std_ulogic;
signal sh1v4dcd0_cp2 :std_ulogic;
signal sh1v4dcd0_cp3 :std_ulogic;
signal sh1v4dcd0_cp4 :std_ulogic;
signal sh1v2dcd1_cp1 :std_ulogic;
signal sh1v3dcd1_cp1_b :std_ulogic;
signal sh1v3dcd1_cp2_b :std_ulogic;
signal sh1v4dcd1_cp1 :std_ulogic;
signal sh1v4dcd1_cp2 :std_ulogic;
signal sh1v4dcd1_cp3 :std_ulogic;
signal sh1v4dcd1_cp4 :std_ulogic;
signal sh1v2dcd2_cp1 :std_ulogic;
signal sh1v3dcd2_cp1_b :std_ulogic;
signal sh1v3dcd2_cp2_b :std_ulogic;
signal sh1v4dcd2_cp1 :std_ulogic;
signal sh1v4dcd2_cp2 :std_ulogic;
signal sh1v4dcd2_cp3 :std_ulogic;
signal sh1v4dcd2_cp4 :std_ulogic;
signal sh1v2dcd3_cp1 :std_ulogic;
signal sh1v3dcd3_cp1_b :std_ulogic;
signal sh1v3dcd3_cp2_b :std_ulogic;
signal sh1v4dcd3_cp1 :std_ulogic;
signal sh1v4dcd3_cp2 :std_ulogic;
signal sh1v4dcd3_cp3 :std_ulogic;
signal sh1v4dcd3_cp4 :std_ulogic;
signal sh2v1dcd00_cp1_b :std_ulogic;
signal sh2v2dcd00_cp1 :std_ulogic;
signal sh2v3dcd00_cp1_b :std_ulogic;
signal sh2v3dcd00_cp2_b :std_ulogic;
signal sh2v4dcd00_cp1 :std_ulogic;
signal sh2v4dcd00_cp2 :std_ulogic;
signal sh2v4dcd00_cp3 :std_ulogic;
signal sh2v4dcd00_cp4 :std_ulogic;
signal sh2v1dcd04_cp1_b :std_ulogic;
signal sh2v2dcd04_cp1 :std_ulogic;
signal sh2v3dcd04_cp1_b :std_ulogic;
signal sh2v3dcd04_cp2_b :std_ulogic;
signal sh2v4dcd04_cp1 :std_ulogic;
signal sh2v4dcd04_cp2 :std_ulogic;
signal sh2v4dcd04_cp3 :std_ulogic;
signal sh2v4dcd04_cp4 :std_ulogic;
signal sh2v1dcd08_cp1_b :std_ulogic;
signal sh2v2dcd08_cp1 :std_ulogic;
signal sh2v3dcd08_cp1_b :std_ulogic;
signal sh2v3dcd08_cp2_b :std_ulogic;
signal sh2v4dcd08_cp1 :std_ulogic;
signal sh2v4dcd08_cp2 :std_ulogic;
signal sh2v4dcd08_cp3 :std_ulogic;
signal sh2v4dcd08_cp4 :std_ulogic;
signal sh2v1dcd12_cp1_b :std_ulogic;
signal sh2v2dcd12_cp1 :std_ulogic;
signal sh2v3dcd12_cp1_b :std_ulogic;
signal sh2v3dcd12_cp2_b :std_ulogic;
signal sh2v4dcd12_cp1 :std_ulogic;
signal sh2v4dcd12_cp2 :std_ulogic;
signal sh2v4dcd12_cp3 :std_ulogic;
signal sh2v4dcd12_cp4 :std_ulogic;
signal sh2v1dcdpp_cp1_b :std_ulogic;
signal sh2v2dcdpp_cp1 :std_ulogic;
signal sh2v3dcdpp_cp1_b :std_ulogic;
signal sh2v3dcdpp_cp2_b :std_ulogic;
signal sh2v4dcdpp_cp1 :std_ulogic;
signal sh2v4dcdpp_cp2 :std_ulogic;
signal sh2v4dcdpp_cp3 :std_ulogic;
signal sh2v4dcdpp_cp4 :std_ulogic;
ex1_special_fcfid(0) <= ex1_b_sign ;
ex1_special_fcfid(1) <= ex1_b_expo( 3) ;
ex1_special_fcfid(2) <= ex1_b_expo( 4) and ex1_b_frac(0) ;
ex1_special_fcfid(3) <= ex1_b_expo( 5) and ex1_b_frac(0) ;
ex1_special_fcfid(4) <= ex1_b_expo( 6) and ex1_b_frac(0) ;
ex1_special_fcfid(5) <= ex1_b_expo( 7) ;
ex1_special_fcfid(6) <= ex1_b_expo( 8) ;
ex1_special_fcfid(7) <= ex1_b_expo( 9) ;
ex1_special_fcfid(8) <= ex1_b_expo(10) ;
ex1_special_fcfid(9) <= ex1_b_expo(11) ;
ex1_special_fcfid(10) <= ex1_b_expo(12) ;
ex1_special_fcfid(11) <= ex1_b_expo(13) and ex1_b_frac(0) ;
ex1_special_fcfid(12 to 63) <= ex1_b_frac(1 to 52);
s1v2d0c1: sh1v2dcd0_cp1 <= not ex1_lvl1_shdcd000_b;
s1v3d0c1: sh1v3dcd0_cp1_b <= not sh1v2dcd0_cp1 ;
s1v3d0c2: sh1v3dcd0_cp2_b <= not sh1v2dcd0_cp1 ;
s1v4d0c1: sh1v4dcd0_cp1 <= not sh1v3dcd0_cp1_b;
s1v4d0c2: sh1v4dcd0_cp2 <= not sh1v3dcd0_cp1_b;
s1v4d0c3: sh1v4dcd0_cp3 <= not sh1v3dcd0_cp2_b;
s1v4d0c4: sh1v4dcd0_cp4 <= not sh1v3dcd0_cp2_b;
s1v2d1c1: sh1v2dcd1_cp1 <= not ex1_lvl1_shdcd001_b;
s1v3d1c1: sh1v3dcd1_cp1_b <= not sh1v2dcd1_cp1 ;
s1v3d1c2: sh1v3dcd1_cp2_b <= not sh1v2dcd1_cp1 ;
s1v4d1c1: sh1v4dcd1_cp1 <= not sh1v3dcd1_cp1_b;
s1v4d1c2: sh1v4dcd1_cp2 <= not sh1v3dcd1_cp1_b;
s1v4d1c3: sh1v4dcd1_cp3 <= not sh1v3dcd1_cp2_b;
s1v4d1c4: sh1v4dcd1_cp4 <= not sh1v3dcd1_cp2_b;
s1v2d2c1: sh1v2dcd2_cp1 <= not ex1_lvl1_shdcd002_b;
s1v3d2c1: sh1v3dcd2_cp1_b <= not sh1v2dcd2_cp1 ;
s1v3d2c2: sh1v3dcd2_cp2_b <= not sh1v2dcd2_cp1 ;
s1v4d2c1: sh1v4dcd2_cp1 <= not sh1v3dcd2_cp1_b;
s1v4d2c2: sh1v4dcd2_cp2 <= not sh1v3dcd2_cp1_b;
s1v4d2c3: sh1v4dcd2_cp3 <= not sh1v3dcd2_cp2_b;
s1v4d2c4: sh1v4dcd2_cp4 <= not sh1v3dcd2_cp2_b;
s1v2d3c1: sh1v2dcd3_cp1 <= not ex1_lvl1_shdcd003_b;
s1v3d3c1: sh1v3dcd3_cp1_b <= not sh1v2dcd3_cp1 ;
s1v3d3c2: sh1v3dcd3_cp2_b <= not sh1v2dcd3_cp1 ;
s1v4d3c1: sh1v4dcd3_cp1 <= not sh1v3dcd3_cp1_b;
s1v4d3c2: sh1v4dcd3_cp2 <= not sh1v3dcd3_cp1_b;
s1v4d3c3: sh1v4dcd3_cp3 <= not sh1v3dcd3_cp2_b;
s1v4d3c4: sh1v4dcd3_cp4 <= not sh1v3dcd3_cp2_b;
s2v1d00c1: sh2v1dcd00_cp1_b <= not ex1_lvl2_shdcd000;
s2v2d00c1: sh2v2dcd00_cp1 <= not sh2v1dcd00_cp1_b ;
s2v3d00c1: sh2v3dcd00_cp1_b <= not sh2v2dcd00_cp1 ;
s2v3d00c2: sh2v3dcd00_cp2_b <= not sh2v2dcd00_cp1 ;
s2v4d00c1: sh2v4dcd00_cp1 <= not sh2v3dcd00_cp1_b;
s2v4d00c2: sh2v4dcd00_cp2 <= not sh2v3dcd00_cp1_b;
s2v4d00c3: sh2v4dcd00_cp3 <= not sh2v3dcd00_cp2_b;
s2v4d00c4: sh2v4dcd00_cp4 <= not sh2v3dcd00_cp2_b;
s2v1d04c1: sh2v1dcd04_cp1_b <= not ex1_lvl2_shdcd004;
s2v2d04c1: sh2v2dcd04_cp1 <= not sh2v1dcd04_cp1_b ;
s2v3d04c1: sh2v3dcd04_cp1_b <= not sh2v2dcd04_cp1 ;
s2v3d04c2: sh2v3dcd04_cp2_b <= not sh2v2dcd04_cp1 ;
s2v4d04c1: sh2v4dcd04_cp1 <= not sh2v3dcd04_cp1_b;
s2v4d04c2: sh2v4dcd04_cp2 <= not sh2v3dcd04_cp1_b;
s2v4d04c3: sh2v4dcd04_cp3 <= not sh2v3dcd04_cp2_b;
s2v4d04c4: sh2v4dcd04_cp4 <= not sh2v3dcd04_cp2_b;
s2v1d08c1: sh2v1dcd08_cp1_b <= not ex1_lvl2_shdcd008;
s2v2d08c1: sh2v2dcd08_cp1 <= not sh2v1dcd08_cp1_b ;
s2v3d08c1: sh2v3dcd08_cp1_b <= not sh2v2dcd08_cp1 ;
s2v3d08c2: sh2v3dcd08_cp2_b <= not sh2v2dcd08_cp1 ;
s2v4d08c1: sh2v4dcd08_cp1 <= not sh2v3dcd08_cp1_b;
s2v4d08c2: sh2v4dcd08_cp2 <= not sh2v3dcd08_cp1_b;
s2v4d08c3: sh2v4dcd08_cp3 <= not sh2v3dcd08_cp2_b;
s2v4d08c4: sh2v4dcd08_cp4 <= not sh2v3dcd08_cp2_b;
s2v1d12c1: sh2v1dcd12_cp1_b <= not ex1_lvl2_shdcd012;
s2v2d12c1: sh2v2dcd12_cp1 <= not sh2v1dcd12_cp1_b ;
s2v3d12c1: sh2v3dcd12_cp1_b <= not sh2v2dcd12_cp1 ;
s2v3d12c2: sh2v3dcd12_cp2_b <= not sh2v2dcd12_cp1 ;
s2v4d12c1: sh2v4dcd12_cp1 <= not sh2v3dcd12_cp1_b;
s2v4d12c2: sh2v4dcd12_cp2 <= not sh2v3dcd12_cp1_b;
s2v4d12c3: sh2v4dcd12_cp3 <= not sh2v3dcd12_cp2_b;
s2v4d12c4: sh2v4dcd12_cp4 <= not sh2v3dcd12_cp2_b;
s2v1dppc1: sh2v1dcdpp_cp1_b <= not ex1_sel_special ;
s2v2dppc1: sh2v2dcdpp_cp1 <= not sh2v1dcdpp_cp1_b ;
s2v3dppc1: sh2v3dcdpp_cp1_b <= not sh2v2dcdpp_cp1 ;
s2v3dppc2: sh2v3dcdpp_cp2_b <= not sh2v2dcdpp_cp1 ;
s2v4dppc1: sh2v4dcdpp_cp1 <= not sh2v3dcdpp_cp1_b;
s2v4dppc2: sh2v4dcdpp_cp2 <= not sh2v3dcdpp_cp1_b;
s2v4dppc3: sh2v4dcdpp_cp3 <= not sh2v3dcdpp_cp2_b;
s2v4dppc4: sh2v4dcdpp_cp4 <= not sh2v3dcdpp_cp2_b;
lv1x_00: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(0) <= not( sh1v4dcd0_cp1 and ex1_b_frac(0) ) ;
lv1x_01: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(1) <= not( (sh1v4dcd0_cp1 and ex1_b_frac(1) ) or (sh1v4dcd1_cp1 and ex1_b_frac(0) ) );
lv1x_02: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(2) <= not( (sh1v4dcd0_cp1 and ex1_b_frac(2) ) or (sh1v4dcd1_cp1 and ex1_b_frac(1) ) );
lv1x_03: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(3) <= not( (sh1v4dcd0_cp1 and ex1_b_frac(3) ) or (sh1v4dcd1_cp1 and ex1_b_frac(2) ) );
lv1x_04: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(4) <= not( (sh1v4dcd0_cp1 and ex1_b_frac(4) ) or (sh1v4dcd1_cp1 and ex1_b_frac(3) ) );
lv1x_05: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(5) <= not( (sh1v4dcd0_cp1 and ex1_b_frac(5) ) or (sh1v4dcd1_cp1 and ex1_b_frac(4) ) );
lv1x_06: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(6) <= not( (sh1v4dcd0_cp1 and ex1_b_frac(6) ) or (sh1v4dcd1_cp1 and ex1_b_frac(5) ) );
lv1x_07: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(7) <= not( (sh1v4dcd0_cp1 and ex1_b_frac(7) ) or (sh1v4dcd1_cp1 and ex1_b_frac(6) ) );
lv1x_08: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(8) <= not( (sh1v4dcd0_cp1 and ex1_b_frac(8) ) or (sh1v4dcd1_cp1 and ex1_b_frac(7) ) );
lv1x_09: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(9) <= not( (sh1v4dcd0_cp1 and ex1_b_frac(9) ) or (sh1v4dcd1_cp1 and ex1_b_frac(8) ) );
lv1x_10: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(10) <= not( (sh1v4dcd0_cp1 and ex1_b_frac(10) ) or (sh1v4dcd1_cp1 and ex1_b_frac(9) ) );
lv1x_11: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(11) <= not( (sh1v4dcd0_cp1 and ex1_b_frac(11) ) or (sh1v4dcd1_cp1 and ex1_b_frac(10) ) );
lv1x_12: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(12) <= not( (sh1v4dcd0_cp1 and ex1_b_frac(12) ) or (sh1v4dcd1_cp1 and ex1_b_frac(11) ) );
lv1x_13: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(13) <= not( (sh1v4dcd0_cp1 and ex1_b_frac(13) ) or (sh1v4dcd1_cp1 and ex1_b_frac(12) ) );
lv1x_14: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(14) <= not( (sh1v4dcd0_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(14) ) or (sh1v4dcd1_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(13) ) );
lv1x_15: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(15) <= not( (sh1v4dcd0_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(15) ) or (sh1v4dcd1_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(14) ) );
lv1x_16: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(16) <= not( (sh1v4dcd0_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(16) ) or (sh1v4dcd1_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(15) ) );
lv1x_17: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(17) <= not( (sh1v4dcd0_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(17) ) or (sh1v4dcd1_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(16) ) );
lv1x_18: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(18) <= not( (sh1v4dcd0_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(18) ) or (sh1v4dcd1_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(17) ) );
lv1x_19: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(19) <= not( (sh1v4dcd0_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(19) ) or (sh1v4dcd1_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(18) ) );
lv1x_20: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(20) <= not( (sh1v4dcd0_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(20) ) or (sh1v4dcd1_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(19) ) );
lv1x_21: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(21) <= not( (sh1v4dcd0_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(21) ) or (sh1v4dcd1_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(20) ) );
lv1x_22: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(22) <= not( (sh1v4dcd0_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(22) ) or (sh1v4dcd1_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(21) ) );
lv1x_23: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(23) <= not( (sh1v4dcd0_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(23) ) or (sh1v4dcd1_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(22) ) );
lv1x_24: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(24) <= not( (sh1v4dcd0_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(24) ) or (sh1v4dcd1_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(23) ) );
lv1x_25: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(25) <= not( (sh1v4dcd0_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(25) ) or (sh1v4dcd1_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(24) ) );
lv1x_26: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(26) <= not( (sh1v4dcd0_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(26) ) or (sh1v4dcd1_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(25) ) );
lv1x_27: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(27) <= not( (sh1v4dcd0_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(27) ) or (sh1v4dcd1_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(26) ) );
lv1x_28: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(28) <= not( (sh1v4dcd0_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(28) ) or (sh1v4dcd1_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(27) ) );
lv1x_29: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(29) <= not( (sh1v4dcd0_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(29) ) or (sh1v4dcd1_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(28) ) );
lv1x_30: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(30) <= not( (sh1v4dcd0_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(30) ) or (sh1v4dcd1_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(29) ) );
lv1x_31: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(31) <= not( (sh1v4dcd0_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(31) ) or (sh1v4dcd1_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(30) ) );
lv1x_32: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(32) <= not( (sh1v4dcd0_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(32) ) or (sh1v4dcd1_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(31) ) );
lv1x_33: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(33) <= not( (sh1v4dcd0_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(33) ) or (sh1v4dcd1_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(32) ) );
lv1x_34: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(34) <= not( (sh1v4dcd0_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(34) ) or (sh1v4dcd1_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(33) ) );
lv1x_35: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(35) <= not( (sh1v4dcd0_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(35) ) or (sh1v4dcd1_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(34) ) );
lv1x_36: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(36) <= not( (sh1v4dcd0_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(36) ) or (sh1v4dcd1_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(35) ) );
lv1x_37: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(37) <= not( (sh1v4dcd0_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(37) ) or (sh1v4dcd1_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(36) ) );
lv1x_38: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(38) <= not( (sh1v4dcd0_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(38) ) or (sh1v4dcd1_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(37) ) );
lv1x_39: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(39) <= not( (sh1v4dcd0_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(39) ) or (sh1v4dcd1_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(38) ) );
lv1x_40: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(40) <= not( (sh1v4dcd0_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(40) ) or (sh1v4dcd1_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(39) ) );
lv1x_41: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(41) <= not( (sh1v4dcd0_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(41) ) or (sh1v4dcd1_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(40) ) );
lv1x_42: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(42) <= not( (sh1v4dcd0_cp4 and ex1_b_frac(42) ) or (sh1v4dcd1_cp4 and ex1_b_frac(41) ) );
lv1x_43: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(43) <= not( (sh1v4dcd0_cp4 and ex1_b_frac(43) ) or (sh1v4dcd1_cp4 and ex1_b_frac(42) ) );
lv1x_44: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(44) <= not( (sh1v4dcd0_cp4 and ex1_b_frac(44) ) or (sh1v4dcd1_cp4 and ex1_b_frac(43) ) );
lv1x_45: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(45) <= not( (sh1v4dcd0_cp4 and ex1_b_frac(45) ) or (sh1v4dcd1_cp4 and ex1_b_frac(44) ) );
lv1x_46: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(46) <= not( (sh1v4dcd0_cp4 and ex1_b_frac(46) ) or (sh1v4dcd1_cp4 and ex1_b_frac(45) ) );
lv1x_47: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(47) <= not( (sh1v4dcd0_cp4 and ex1_b_frac(47) ) or (sh1v4dcd1_cp4 and ex1_b_frac(46) ) );
lv1x_48: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(48) <= not( (sh1v4dcd0_cp4 and ex1_b_frac(48) ) or (sh1v4dcd1_cp4 and ex1_b_frac(47) ) );
lv1x_49: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(49) <= not( (sh1v4dcd0_cp4 and ex1_b_frac(49) ) or (sh1v4dcd1_cp4 and ex1_b_frac(48) ) );
lv1x_50: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(50) <= not( (sh1v4dcd0_cp4 and ex1_b_frac(50) ) or (sh1v4dcd1_cp4 and ex1_b_frac(49) ) );
lv1x_51: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(51) <= not( (sh1v4dcd0_cp4 and ex1_b_frac(51) ) or (sh1v4dcd1_cp4 and ex1_b_frac(50) ) );
lv1x_52: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(52) <= not( (sh1v4dcd0_cp4 and ex1_b_frac(52) ) or (sh1v4dcd1_cp4 and ex1_b_frac(51) ) );
lv1x_53: ex1_sh_lv1x_b(53) <= not( sh1v4dcd1_cp4 and ex1_b_frac(52) );
lv1y_02: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(2) <= not( sh1v4dcd2_cp1 and ex1_b_frac(0) ) ;
lv1y_03: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(3) <= not( (sh1v4dcd2_cp1 and ex1_b_frac(1) ) or (sh1v4dcd3_cp1 and ex1_b_frac(0) ) );
lv1y_04: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(4) <= not( (sh1v4dcd2_cp1 and ex1_b_frac(2) ) or (sh1v4dcd3_cp1 and ex1_b_frac(1) ) );
lv1y_05: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(5) <= not( (sh1v4dcd2_cp1 and ex1_b_frac(3) ) or (sh1v4dcd3_cp1 and ex1_b_frac(2) ) );
lv1y_06: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(6) <= not( (sh1v4dcd2_cp1 and ex1_b_frac(4) ) or (sh1v4dcd3_cp1 and ex1_b_frac(3) ) );
lv1y_07: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(7) <= not( (sh1v4dcd2_cp1 and ex1_b_frac(5) ) or (sh1v4dcd3_cp1 and ex1_b_frac(4) ) );
lv1y_08: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(8) <= not( (sh1v4dcd2_cp1 and ex1_b_frac(6) ) or (sh1v4dcd3_cp1 and ex1_b_frac(5) ) );
lv1y_09: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(9) <= not( (sh1v4dcd2_cp1 and ex1_b_frac(7) ) or (sh1v4dcd3_cp1 and ex1_b_frac(6) ) );
lv1y_10: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(10) <= not( (sh1v4dcd2_cp1 and ex1_b_frac(8) ) or (sh1v4dcd3_cp1 and ex1_b_frac(7) ) );
lv1y_11: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(11) <= not( (sh1v4dcd2_cp1 and ex1_b_frac(9) ) or (sh1v4dcd3_cp1 and ex1_b_frac(8) ) );
lv1y_12: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(12) <= not( (sh1v4dcd2_cp1 and ex1_b_frac(10) ) or (sh1v4dcd3_cp1 and ex1_b_frac(9) ) );
lv1y_13: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(13) <= not( (sh1v4dcd2_cp1 and ex1_b_frac(11) ) or (sh1v4dcd3_cp1 and ex1_b_frac(10) ) );
lv1y_14: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(14) <= not( (sh1v4dcd2_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(12) ) or (sh1v4dcd3_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(11) ) );
lv1y_15: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(15) <= not( (sh1v4dcd2_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(13) ) or (sh1v4dcd3_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(12) ) );
lv1y_16: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(16) <= not( (sh1v4dcd2_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(14) ) or (sh1v4dcd3_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(13) ) );
lv1y_17: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(17) <= not( (sh1v4dcd2_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(15) ) or (sh1v4dcd3_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(14) ) );
lv1y_18: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(18) <= not( (sh1v4dcd2_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(16) ) or (sh1v4dcd3_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(15) ) );
lv1y_19: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(19) <= not( (sh1v4dcd2_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(17) ) or (sh1v4dcd3_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(16) ) );
lv1y_20: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(20) <= not( (sh1v4dcd2_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(18) ) or (sh1v4dcd3_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(17) ) );
lv1y_21: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(21) <= not( (sh1v4dcd2_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(19) ) or (sh1v4dcd3_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(18) ) );
lv1y_22: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(22) <= not( (sh1v4dcd2_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(20) ) or (sh1v4dcd3_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(19) ) );
lv1y_23: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(23) <= not( (sh1v4dcd2_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(21) ) or (sh1v4dcd3_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(20) ) );
lv1y_24: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(24) <= not( (sh1v4dcd2_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(22) ) or (sh1v4dcd3_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(21) ) );
lv1y_25: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(25) <= not( (sh1v4dcd2_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(23) ) or (sh1v4dcd3_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(22) ) );
lv1y_26: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(26) <= not( (sh1v4dcd2_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(24) ) or (sh1v4dcd3_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(23) ) );
lv1y_27: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(27) <= not( (sh1v4dcd2_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(25) ) or (sh1v4dcd3_cp2 and ex1_b_frac(24) ) );
lv1y_28: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(28) <= not( (sh1v4dcd2_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(26) ) or (sh1v4dcd3_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(25) ) );
lv1y_29: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(29) <= not( (sh1v4dcd2_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(27) ) or (sh1v4dcd3_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(26) ) );
lv1y_30: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(30) <= not( (sh1v4dcd2_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(28) ) or (sh1v4dcd3_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(27) ) );
lv1y_31: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(31) <= not( (sh1v4dcd2_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(29) ) or (sh1v4dcd3_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(28) ) );
lv1y_32: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(32) <= not( (sh1v4dcd2_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(30) ) or (sh1v4dcd3_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(29) ) );
lv1y_33: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(33) <= not( (sh1v4dcd2_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(31) ) or (sh1v4dcd3_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(30) ) );
lv1y_34: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(34) <= not( (sh1v4dcd2_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(32) ) or (sh1v4dcd3_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(31) ) );
lv1y_35: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(35) <= not( (sh1v4dcd2_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(33) ) or (sh1v4dcd3_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(32) ) );
lv1y_36: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(36) <= not( (sh1v4dcd2_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(34) ) or (sh1v4dcd3_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(33) ) );
lv1y_37: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(37) <= not( (sh1v4dcd2_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(35) ) or (sh1v4dcd3_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(34) ) );
lv1y_38: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(38) <= not( (sh1v4dcd2_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(36) ) or (sh1v4dcd3_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(35) ) );
lv1y_39: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(39) <= not( (sh1v4dcd2_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(37) ) or (sh1v4dcd3_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(36) ) );
lv1y_40: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(40) <= not( (sh1v4dcd2_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(38) ) or (sh1v4dcd3_cp3 and ex1_b_frac(37) ) );
lv1y_41: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(41) <= not( (sh1v4dcd2_cp4 and ex1_b_frac(39) ) or (sh1v4dcd3_cp4 and ex1_b_frac(38) ) );
lv1y_42: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(42) <= not( (sh1v4dcd2_cp4 and ex1_b_frac(40) ) or (sh1v4dcd3_cp4 and ex1_b_frac(39) ) );
lv1y_43: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(43) <= not( (sh1v4dcd2_cp4 and ex1_b_frac(41) ) or (sh1v4dcd3_cp4 and ex1_b_frac(40) ) );
lv1y_44: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(44) <= not( (sh1v4dcd2_cp4 and ex1_b_frac(42) ) or (sh1v4dcd3_cp4 and ex1_b_frac(41) ) );
lv1y_45: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(45) <= not( (sh1v4dcd2_cp4 and ex1_b_frac(43) ) or (sh1v4dcd3_cp4 and ex1_b_frac(42) ) );
lv1y_46: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(46) <= not( (sh1v4dcd2_cp4 and ex1_b_frac(44) ) or (sh1v4dcd3_cp4 and ex1_b_frac(43) ) );
lv1y_47: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(47) <= not( (sh1v4dcd2_cp4 and ex1_b_frac(45) ) or (sh1v4dcd3_cp4 and ex1_b_frac(44) ) );
lv1y_48: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(48) <= not( (sh1v4dcd2_cp4 and ex1_b_frac(46) ) or (sh1v4dcd3_cp4 and ex1_b_frac(45) ) );
lv1y_49: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(49) <= not( (sh1v4dcd2_cp4 and ex1_b_frac(47) ) or (sh1v4dcd3_cp4 and ex1_b_frac(46) ) );
lv1y_50: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(50) <= not( (sh1v4dcd2_cp4 and ex1_b_frac(48) ) or (sh1v4dcd3_cp4 and ex1_b_frac(47) ) );
lv1y_51: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(51) <= not( (sh1v4dcd2_cp4 and ex1_b_frac(49) ) or (sh1v4dcd3_cp4 and ex1_b_frac(48) ) );
lv1y_52: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(52) <= not( (sh1v4dcd2_cp4 and ex1_b_frac(50) ) or (sh1v4dcd3_cp4 and ex1_b_frac(49) ) );
lv1y_53: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(53) <= not( (sh1v4dcd2_cp4 and ex1_b_frac(51) ) or (sh1v4dcd3_cp4 and ex1_b_frac(50) ) );
lv1y_54: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(54) <= not( (sh1v4dcd2_cp4 and ex1_b_frac(52) ) or (sh1v4dcd3_cp4 and ex1_b_frac(51) ) );
lv1y_55: ex1_sh_lv1y_b(55) <= not( sh1v4dcd3_cp4 and ex1_b_frac(52) );
lv1_00: ex1_sh_lv1(0) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(0) );
lv1_01: ex1_sh_lv1(1) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(1) );
lv1_02: ex1_sh_lv1(2) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(2) and ex1_sh_lv1y_b(2) );
lv1_03: ex1_sh_lv1(3) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(3) and ex1_sh_lv1y_b(3) );
lv1_04: ex1_sh_lv1(4) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(4) and ex1_sh_lv1y_b(4) );
lv1_05: ex1_sh_lv1(5) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(5) and ex1_sh_lv1y_b(5) );
lv1_06: ex1_sh_lv1(6) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(6) and ex1_sh_lv1y_b(6) );
lv1_07: ex1_sh_lv1(7) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(7) and ex1_sh_lv1y_b(7) );
lv1_08: ex1_sh_lv1(8) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(8) and ex1_sh_lv1y_b(8) );
lv1_09: ex1_sh_lv1(9) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(9) and ex1_sh_lv1y_b(9) );
lv1_10: ex1_sh_lv1(10) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(10) and ex1_sh_lv1y_b(10) );
lv1_11: ex1_sh_lv1(11) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(11) and ex1_sh_lv1y_b(11) );
lv1_12: ex1_sh_lv1(12) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(12) and ex1_sh_lv1y_b(12) );
lv1_13: ex1_sh_lv1(13) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(13) and ex1_sh_lv1y_b(13) );
lv1_14: ex1_sh_lv1(14) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(14) and ex1_sh_lv1y_b(14) );
lv1_15: ex1_sh_lv1(15) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(15) and ex1_sh_lv1y_b(15) );
lv1_16: ex1_sh_lv1(16) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(16) and ex1_sh_lv1y_b(16) );
lv1_17: ex1_sh_lv1(17) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(17) and ex1_sh_lv1y_b(17) );
lv1_18: ex1_sh_lv1(18) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(18) and ex1_sh_lv1y_b(18) );
lv1_19: ex1_sh_lv1(19) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(19) and ex1_sh_lv1y_b(19) );
lv1_20: ex1_sh_lv1(20) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(20) and ex1_sh_lv1y_b(20) );
lv1_21: ex1_sh_lv1(21) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(21) and ex1_sh_lv1y_b(21) );
lv1_22: ex1_sh_lv1(22) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(22) and ex1_sh_lv1y_b(22) );
lv1_23: ex1_sh_lv1(23) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(23) and ex1_sh_lv1y_b(23) );
lv1_24: ex1_sh_lv1(24) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(24) and ex1_sh_lv1y_b(24) );
lv1_25: ex1_sh_lv1(25) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(25) and ex1_sh_lv1y_b(25) );
lv1_26: ex1_sh_lv1(26) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(26) and ex1_sh_lv1y_b(26) );
lv1_27: ex1_sh_lv1(27) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(27) and ex1_sh_lv1y_b(27) );
lv1_28: ex1_sh_lv1(28) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(28) and ex1_sh_lv1y_b(28) );
lv1_29: ex1_sh_lv1(29) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(29) and ex1_sh_lv1y_b(29) );
lv1_30: ex1_sh_lv1(30) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(30) and ex1_sh_lv1y_b(30) );
lv1_31: ex1_sh_lv1(31) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(31) and ex1_sh_lv1y_b(31) );
lv1_32: ex1_sh_lv1(32) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(32) and ex1_sh_lv1y_b(32) );
lv1_33: ex1_sh_lv1(33) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(33) and ex1_sh_lv1y_b(33) );
lv1_34: ex1_sh_lv1(34) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(34) and ex1_sh_lv1y_b(34) );
lv1_35: ex1_sh_lv1(35) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(35) and ex1_sh_lv1y_b(35) );
lv1_36: ex1_sh_lv1(36) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(36) and ex1_sh_lv1y_b(36) );
lv1_37: ex1_sh_lv1(37) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(37) and ex1_sh_lv1y_b(37) );
lv1_38: ex1_sh_lv1(38) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(38) and ex1_sh_lv1y_b(38) );
lv1_39: ex1_sh_lv1(39) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(39) and ex1_sh_lv1y_b(39) );
lv1_40: ex1_sh_lv1(40) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(40) and ex1_sh_lv1y_b(40) );
lv1_41: ex1_sh_lv1(41) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(41) and ex1_sh_lv1y_b(41) );
lv1_42: ex1_sh_lv1(42) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(42) and ex1_sh_lv1y_b(42) );
lv1_43: ex1_sh_lv1(43) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(43) and ex1_sh_lv1y_b(43) );
lv1_44: ex1_sh_lv1(44) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(44) and ex1_sh_lv1y_b(44) );
lv1_45: ex1_sh_lv1(45) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(45) and ex1_sh_lv1y_b(45) );
lv1_46: ex1_sh_lv1(46) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(46) and ex1_sh_lv1y_b(46) );
lv1_47: ex1_sh_lv1(47) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(47) and ex1_sh_lv1y_b(47) );
lv1_48: ex1_sh_lv1(48) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(48) and ex1_sh_lv1y_b(48) );
lv1_49: ex1_sh_lv1(49) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(49) and ex1_sh_lv1y_b(49) );
lv1_50: ex1_sh_lv1(50) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(50) and ex1_sh_lv1y_b(50) );
lv1_51: ex1_sh_lv1(51) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(51) and ex1_sh_lv1y_b(51) );
lv1_52: ex1_sh_lv1(52) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(52) and ex1_sh_lv1y_b(52) );
lv1_53: ex1_sh_lv1(53) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1x_b(53) and ex1_sh_lv1y_b(53) );
lv1_54: ex1_sh_lv1(54) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1y_b(54) );
lv1_55: ex1_sh_lv1(55) <= not( ex1_sh_lv1y_b(55) );
lv2x_00: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(0) <= not( sh2v4dcd00_cp1 and ex1_sh_lv1(0) );
lv2x_01: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(1) <= not( sh2v4dcd00_cp1 and ex1_sh_lv1(1) );
lv2x_02: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(2) <= not( sh2v4dcd00_cp1 and ex1_sh_lv1(2) );
lv2x_03: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(3) <= not( sh2v4dcd00_cp1 and ex1_sh_lv1(3) );
lv2x_04: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(4) <= not( (sh2v4dcd00_cp1 and ex1_sh_lv1(4) ) or (sh2v4dcd04_cp1 and ex1_sh_lv1(0) ) );
lv2x_05: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(5) <= not( (sh2v4dcd00_cp1 and ex1_sh_lv1(5) ) or (sh2v4dcd04_cp1 and ex1_sh_lv1(1) ) );
lv2x_06: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(6) <= not( (sh2v4dcd00_cp1 and ex1_sh_lv1(6) ) or (sh2v4dcd04_cp1 and ex1_sh_lv1(2) ) );
lv2x_07: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(7) <= not( (sh2v4dcd00_cp1 and ex1_sh_lv1(7) ) or (sh2v4dcd04_cp1 and ex1_sh_lv1(3) ) );
lv2x_08: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(8) <= not( (sh2v4dcd00_cp1 and ex1_sh_lv1(8) ) or (sh2v4dcd04_cp1 and ex1_sh_lv1(4) ) );
lv2x_09: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(9) <= not( (sh2v4dcd00_cp1 and ex1_sh_lv1(9) ) or (sh2v4dcd04_cp1 and ex1_sh_lv1(5) ) );
lv2x_10: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(10) <= not( (sh2v4dcd00_cp1 and ex1_sh_lv1(10) ) or (sh2v4dcd04_cp1 and ex1_sh_lv1(6) ) );
lv2x_11: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(11) <= not( (sh2v4dcd00_cp1 and ex1_sh_lv1(11) ) or (sh2v4dcd04_cp1 and ex1_sh_lv1(7) ) );
lv2x_12: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(12) <= not( (sh2v4dcd00_cp1 and ex1_sh_lv1(12) ) or (sh2v4dcd04_cp1 and ex1_sh_lv1(8) ) );
lv2x_13: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(13) <= not( (sh2v4dcd00_cp1 and ex1_sh_lv1(13) ) or (sh2v4dcd04_cp1 and ex1_sh_lv1(9) ) );
lv2x_14: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(14) <= not( (sh2v4dcd00_cp1 and ex1_sh_lv1(14) ) or (sh2v4dcd04_cp1 and ex1_sh_lv1(10) ) );
lv2x_15: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(15) <= not( (sh2v4dcd00_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(15) ) or (sh2v4dcd04_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(11) ) );
lv2x_16: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(16) <= not( (sh2v4dcd00_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(16) ) or (sh2v4dcd04_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(12) ) );
lv2x_17: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(17) <= not( (sh2v4dcd00_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(17) ) or (sh2v4dcd04_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(13) ) );
lv2x_18: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(18) <= not( (sh2v4dcd00_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(18) ) or (sh2v4dcd04_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(14) ) );
lv2x_19: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(19) <= not( (sh2v4dcd00_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(19) ) or (sh2v4dcd04_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(15) ) );
lv2x_20: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(20) <= not( (sh2v4dcd00_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(20) ) or (sh2v4dcd04_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(16) ) );
lv2x_21: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(21) <= not( (sh2v4dcd00_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(21) ) or (sh2v4dcd04_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(17) ) );
lv2x_22: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(22) <= not( (sh2v4dcd00_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(22) ) or (sh2v4dcd04_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(18) ) );
lv2x_23: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(23) <= not( (sh2v4dcd00_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(23) ) or (sh2v4dcd04_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(19) ) );
lv2x_24: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(24) <= not( (sh2v4dcd00_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(24) ) or (sh2v4dcd04_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(20) ) );
lv2x_25: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(25) <= not( (sh2v4dcd00_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(25) ) or (sh2v4dcd04_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(21) ) );
lv2x_26: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(26) <= not( (sh2v4dcd00_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(26) ) or (sh2v4dcd04_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(22) ) );
lv2x_27: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(27) <= not( (sh2v4dcd00_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(27) ) or (sh2v4dcd04_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(23) ) );
lv2x_28: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(28) <= not( (sh2v4dcd00_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(28) ) or (sh2v4dcd04_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(24) ) );
lv2x_29: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(29) <= not( (sh2v4dcd00_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(29) ) or (sh2v4dcd04_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(25) ) );
lv2x_30: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(30) <= not( (sh2v4dcd00_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(30) ) or (sh2v4dcd04_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(26) ) );
lv2x_31: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(31) <= not( (sh2v4dcd00_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(31) ) or (sh2v4dcd04_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(27) ) );
lv2x_32: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(32) <= not( (sh2v4dcd00_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(32) ) or (sh2v4dcd04_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(28) ) );
lv2x_33: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(33) <= not( (sh2v4dcd00_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(33) ) or (sh2v4dcd04_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(29) ) );
lv2x_34: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(34) <= not( (sh2v4dcd00_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(34) ) or (sh2v4dcd04_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(30) ) );
lv2x_35: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(35) <= not( (sh2v4dcd00_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(35) ) or (sh2v4dcd04_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(31) ) );
lv2x_36: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(36) <= not( (sh2v4dcd00_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(36) ) or (sh2v4dcd04_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(32) ) );
lv2x_37: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(37) <= not( (sh2v4dcd00_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(37) ) or (sh2v4dcd04_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(33) ) );
lv2x_38: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(38) <= not( (sh2v4dcd00_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(38) ) or (sh2v4dcd04_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(34) ) );
lv2x_39: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(39) <= not( (sh2v4dcd00_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(39) ) or (sh2v4dcd04_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(35) ) );
lv2x_40: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(40) <= not( (sh2v4dcd00_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(40) ) or (sh2v4dcd04_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(36) ) );
lv2x_41: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(41) <= not( (sh2v4dcd00_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(41) ) or (sh2v4dcd04_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(37) ) );
lv2x_42: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(42) <= not( (sh2v4dcd00_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(42) ) or (sh2v4dcd04_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(38) ) );
lv2x_43: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(43) <= not( (sh2v4dcd00_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(43) ) or (sh2v4dcd04_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(39) ) );
lv2x_44: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(44) <= not( (sh2v4dcd00_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(44) ) or (sh2v4dcd04_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(40) ) );
lv2x_45: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(45) <= not( (sh2v4dcd00_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(45) ) or (sh2v4dcd04_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(41) ) );
lv2x_46: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(46) <= not( (sh2v4dcd00_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(46) ) or (sh2v4dcd04_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(42) ) );
lv2x_47: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(47) <= not( (sh2v4dcd00_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(47) ) or (sh2v4dcd04_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(43) ) );
lv2x_48: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(48) <= not( (sh2v4dcd00_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(48) ) or (sh2v4dcd04_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(44) ) );
lv2x_49: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(49) <= not( (sh2v4dcd00_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(49) ) or (sh2v4dcd04_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(45) ) );
lv2x_50: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(50) <= not( (sh2v4dcd00_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(50) ) or (sh2v4dcd04_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(46) ) );
lv2x_51: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(51) <= not( (sh2v4dcd00_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(51) ) or (sh2v4dcd04_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(47) ) );
lv2x_52: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(52) <= not( (sh2v4dcd00_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(52) ) or (sh2v4dcd04_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(48) ) );
lv2x_53: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(53) <= not( (sh2v4dcd00_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(53) ) or (sh2v4dcd04_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(49) ) );
lv2x_54: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(54) <= not( (sh2v4dcd00_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(54) ) or (sh2v4dcd04_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(50) ) );
lv2x_55: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(55) <= not( (sh2v4dcd00_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(55) ) or (sh2v4dcd04_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(51) ) );
lv2x_56: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(56) <= not( sh2v4dcd04_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(52) );
lv2x_57: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(57) <= not( sh2v4dcd04_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(53) );
lv2x_58: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(58) <= not( sh2v4dcd04_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(54) );
lv2x_59: ex1_sh_lv2x_b(59) <= not( sh2v4dcd04_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(55) );
lv2y_08: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(8) <= not( sh2v4dcd08_cp1 and ex1_sh_lv1(0) );
lv2y_09: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(9) <= not( sh2v4dcd08_cp1 and ex1_sh_lv1(1) );
lv2y_10: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(10) <= not( sh2v4dcd08_cp1 and ex1_sh_lv1(2) );
lv2y_11: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(11) <= not( sh2v4dcd08_cp1 and ex1_sh_lv1(3) );
lv2y_12: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(12) <= not( (sh2v4dcd08_cp1 and ex1_sh_lv1(4) ) or (sh2v4dcd12_cp1 and ex1_sh_lv1(0) ) );
lv2y_13: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(13) <= not( (sh2v4dcd08_cp1 and ex1_sh_lv1(5) ) or (sh2v4dcd12_cp1 and ex1_sh_lv1(1) ) );
lv2y_14: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(14) <= not( (sh2v4dcd08_cp1 and ex1_sh_lv1(6) ) or (sh2v4dcd12_cp1 and ex1_sh_lv1(2) ) );
lv2y_15: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(15) <= not( (sh2v4dcd08_cp1 and ex1_sh_lv1(7) ) or (sh2v4dcd12_cp1 and ex1_sh_lv1(3) ) );
lv2y_16: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(16) <= not( (sh2v4dcd08_cp1 and ex1_sh_lv1(8) ) or (sh2v4dcd12_cp1 and ex1_sh_lv1(4) ) );
lv2y_17: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(17) <= not( (sh2v4dcd08_cp1 and ex1_sh_lv1(9) ) or (sh2v4dcd12_cp1 and ex1_sh_lv1(5) ) );
lv2y_18: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(18) <= not( (sh2v4dcd08_cp1 and ex1_sh_lv1(10) ) or (sh2v4dcd12_cp1 and ex1_sh_lv1(6) ) );
lv2y_19: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(19) <= not( (sh2v4dcd08_cp1 and ex1_sh_lv1(11) ) or (sh2v4dcd12_cp1 and ex1_sh_lv1(7) ) );
lv2y_20: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(20) <= not( (sh2v4dcd08_cp1 and ex1_sh_lv1(12) ) or (sh2v4dcd12_cp1 and ex1_sh_lv1(8) ) );
lv2y_21: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(21) <= not( (sh2v4dcd08_cp1 and ex1_sh_lv1(13) ) or (sh2v4dcd12_cp1 and ex1_sh_lv1(9) ) );
lv2y_22: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(22) <= not( (sh2v4dcd08_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(14) ) or (sh2v4dcd12_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(10) ) );
lv2y_23: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(23) <= not( (sh2v4dcd08_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(15) ) or (sh2v4dcd12_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(11) ) );
lv2y_24: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(24) <= not( (sh2v4dcd08_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(16) ) or (sh2v4dcd12_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(12) ) );
lv2y_25: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(25) <= not( (sh2v4dcd08_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(17) ) or (sh2v4dcd12_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(13) ) );
lv2y_26: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(26) <= not( (sh2v4dcd08_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(18) ) or (sh2v4dcd12_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(14) ) );
lv2y_27: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(27) <= not( (sh2v4dcd08_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(19) ) or (sh2v4dcd12_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(15) ) );
lv2y_28: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(28) <= not( (sh2v4dcd08_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(20) ) or (sh2v4dcd12_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(16) ) );
lv2y_29: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(29) <= not( (sh2v4dcd08_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(21) ) or (sh2v4dcd12_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(17) ) );
lv2y_30: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(30) <= not( (sh2v4dcd08_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(22) ) or (sh2v4dcd12_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(18) ) );
lv2y_31: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(31) <= not( (sh2v4dcd08_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(23) ) or (sh2v4dcd12_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(19) ) );
lv2y_32: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(32) <= not( (sh2v4dcd08_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(24) ) or (sh2v4dcd12_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(20) ) );
lv2y_33: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(33) <= not( (sh2v4dcd08_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(25) ) or (sh2v4dcd12_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(21) ) );
lv2y_34: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(34) <= not( (sh2v4dcd08_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(26) ) or (sh2v4dcd12_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(22) ) );
lv2y_35: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(35) <= not( (sh2v4dcd08_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(27) ) or (sh2v4dcd12_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(23) ) );
lv2y_36: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(36) <= not( (sh2v4dcd08_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(28) ) or (sh2v4dcd12_cp2 and ex1_sh_lv1(24) ) );
lv2y_37: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(37) <= not( (sh2v4dcd08_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(29) ) or (sh2v4dcd12_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(25) ) );
lv2y_38: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(38) <= not( (sh2v4dcd08_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(30) ) or (sh2v4dcd12_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(26) ) );
lv2y_39: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(39) <= not( (sh2v4dcd08_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(31) ) or (sh2v4dcd12_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(27) ) );
lv2y_40: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(40) <= not( (sh2v4dcd08_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(32) ) or (sh2v4dcd12_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(28) ) );
lv2y_41: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(41) <= not( (sh2v4dcd08_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(33) ) or (sh2v4dcd12_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(29) ) );
lv2y_42: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(42) <= not( (sh2v4dcd08_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(34) ) or (sh2v4dcd12_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(30) ) );
lv2y_43: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(43) <= not( (sh2v4dcd08_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(35) ) or (sh2v4dcd12_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(31) ) );
lv2y_44: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(44) <= not( (sh2v4dcd08_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(36) ) or (sh2v4dcd12_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(32) ) );
lv2y_45: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(45) <= not( (sh2v4dcd08_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(37) ) or (sh2v4dcd12_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(33) ) );
lv2y_46: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(46) <= not( (sh2v4dcd08_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(38) ) or (sh2v4dcd12_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(34) ) );
lv2y_47: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(47) <= not( (sh2v4dcd08_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(39) ) or (sh2v4dcd12_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(35) ) );
lv2y_48: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(48) <= not( (sh2v4dcd08_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(40) ) or (sh2v4dcd12_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(36) ) );
lv2y_49: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(49) <= not( (sh2v4dcd08_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(41) ) or (sh2v4dcd12_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(37) ) );
lv2y_50: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(50) <= not( (sh2v4dcd08_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(42) ) or (sh2v4dcd12_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(38) ) );
lv2y_51: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(51) <= not( (sh2v4dcd08_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(43) ) or (sh2v4dcd12_cp3 and ex1_sh_lv1(39) ) );
lv2y_52: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(52) <= not( (sh2v4dcd08_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(44) ) or (sh2v4dcd12_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(40) ) );
lv2y_53: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(53) <= not( (sh2v4dcd08_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(45) ) or (sh2v4dcd12_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(41) ) );
lv2y_54: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(54) <= not( (sh2v4dcd08_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(46) ) or (sh2v4dcd12_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(42) ) );
lv2y_55: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(55) <= not( (sh2v4dcd08_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(47) ) or (sh2v4dcd12_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(43) ) );
lv2y_56: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(56) <= not( (sh2v4dcd08_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(48) ) or (sh2v4dcd12_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(44) ) );
lv2y_57: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(57) <= not( (sh2v4dcd08_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(49) ) or (sh2v4dcd12_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(45) ) );
lv2y_58: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(58) <= not( (sh2v4dcd08_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(50) ) or (sh2v4dcd12_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(46) ) );
lv2y_59: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(59) <= not( (sh2v4dcd08_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(51) ) or (sh2v4dcd12_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(47) ) );
lv2y_60: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(60) <= not( (sh2v4dcd08_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(52) ) or (sh2v4dcd12_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(48) ) );
lv2y_61: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(61) <= not( (sh2v4dcd08_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(53) ) or (sh2v4dcd12_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(49) ) );
lv2y_62: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(62) <= not( (sh2v4dcd08_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(54) ) or (sh2v4dcd12_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(50) ) );
lv2y_63: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(63) <= not( (sh2v4dcd08_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(55) ) or (sh2v4dcd12_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(51) ) );
lv2y_64: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(64) <= not( sh2v4dcd12_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(52) );
lv2y_65: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(65) <= not( sh2v4dcd12_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(53) );
lv2y_66: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(66) <= not( sh2v4dcd12_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(54) );
lv2y_67: ex1_sh_lv2y_b(67) <= not( sh2v4dcd12_cp4 and ex1_sh_lv1(55) );
lv2z_00: ex1_sh_lv2z_b( 0) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp1 and ex1_special_fcfid( 0) );
lv2z_01: ex1_sh_lv2z_b( 1) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp1 and ex1_special_fcfid( 1) );
lv2z_02: ex1_sh_lv2z_b( 2) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp1 and ex1_special_fcfid( 2) );
lv2z_03: ex1_sh_lv2z_b( 3) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp1 and ex1_special_fcfid( 3) );
lv2z_04: ex1_sh_lv2z_b( 4) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp1 and ex1_special_fcfid( 4) );
lv2z_05: ex1_sh_lv2z_b( 5) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp1 and ex1_special_fcfid( 5) );
lv2z_06: ex1_sh_lv2z_b( 6) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp1 and ex1_special_fcfid( 6) );
lv2z_07: ex1_sh_lv2z_b( 7) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp1 and ex1_special_fcfid( 7) );
lv2z_08: ex1_sh_lv2z_b( 8) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp1 and ex1_special_fcfid( 8) );
lv2z_09: ex1_sh_lv2z_b( 9) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp1 and ex1_special_fcfid( 9) );
lv2z_10: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(10) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp1 and ex1_special_fcfid(10) );
lv2z_11: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(11) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp1 and ex1_special_fcfid(11) );
lv2z_12: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(12) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp1 and ex1_special_fcfid(12) );
lv2z_13: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(13) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp1 and ex1_special_fcfid(13) );
lv2z_14: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(14) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp1 and ex1_special_fcfid(14) );
lv2z_15: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(15) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp1 and ex1_special_fcfid(15) );
lv2z_16: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(16) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp2 and ex1_special_fcfid(16) );
lv2z_17: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(17) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp2 and ex1_special_fcfid(17) );
lv2z_18: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(18) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp2 and ex1_special_fcfid(18) );
lv2z_19: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(19) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp2 and ex1_special_fcfid(19) );
lv2z_20: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(20) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp2 and ex1_special_fcfid(20) );
lv2z_21: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(21) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp2 and ex1_special_fcfid(21) );
lv2z_22: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(22) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp2 and ex1_special_fcfid(22) );
lv2z_23: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(23) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp2 and ex1_special_fcfid(23) );
lv2z_24: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(24) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp2 and ex1_special_fcfid(24) );
lv2z_25: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(25) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp2 and ex1_special_fcfid(25) );
lv2z_26: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(26) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp2 and ex1_special_fcfid(26) );
lv2z_27: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(27) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp2 and ex1_special_fcfid(27) );
lv2z_28: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(28) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp2 and ex1_special_fcfid(28) );
lv2z_29: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(29) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp2 and ex1_special_fcfid(29) );
lv2z_30: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(30) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp2 and ex1_special_fcfid(30) );
lv2z_31: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(31) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp2 and ex1_special_fcfid(31) );
lv2z_32: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(32) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp3 and ex1_special_fcfid(32) );
lv2z_33: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(33) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp3 and ex1_special_fcfid(33) );
lv2z_34: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(34) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp3 and ex1_special_fcfid(34) );
lv2z_35: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(35) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp3 and ex1_special_fcfid(35) );
lv2z_36: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(36) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp3 and ex1_special_fcfid(36) );
lv2z_37: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(37) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp3 and ex1_special_fcfid(37) );
lv2z_38: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(38) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp3 and ex1_special_fcfid(38) );
lv2z_39: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(39) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp3 and ex1_special_fcfid(39) );
lv2z_40: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(40) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp3 and ex1_special_fcfid(40) );
lv2z_41: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(41) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp3 and ex1_special_fcfid(41) );
lv2z_42: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(42) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp3 and ex1_special_fcfid(42) );
lv2z_43: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(43) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp3 and ex1_special_fcfid(43) );
lv2z_44: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(44) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp3 and ex1_special_fcfid(44) );
lv2z_45: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(45) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp3 and ex1_special_fcfid(45) );
lv2z_46: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(46) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp3 and ex1_special_fcfid(46) );
lv2z_47: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(47) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp3 and ex1_special_fcfid(47) );
lv2z_48: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(48) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp4 and ex1_special_fcfid(48) );
lv2z_49: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(49) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp4 and ex1_special_fcfid(49) );
lv2z_50: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(50) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp4 and ex1_special_fcfid(50) );
lv2z_51: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(51) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp4 and ex1_special_fcfid(51) );
lv2z_52: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(52) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp4 and ex1_special_fcfid(52) );
lv2z_53: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(53) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp4 and ex1_special_fcfid(53) );
lv2z_54: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(54) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp4 and ex1_special_fcfid(54) );
lv2z_55: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(55) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp4 and ex1_special_fcfid(55) );
lv2z_56: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(56) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp4 and ex1_special_fcfid(56) );
lv2z_57: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(57) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp4 and ex1_special_fcfid(57) );
lv2z_58: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(58) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp4 and ex1_special_fcfid(58) );
lv2z_59: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(59) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp4 and ex1_special_fcfid(59) );
lv2z_60: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(60) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp4 and ex1_special_fcfid(60) );
lv2z_61: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(61) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp4 and ex1_special_fcfid(61) );
lv2z_62: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(62) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp4 and ex1_special_fcfid(62) );
lv2z_63: ex1_sh_lv2z_b(63) <= not( sh2v4dcdpp_cp4 and ex1_special_fcfid(63) );
lv2_00: ex1_sh_lvl2(00) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(00) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(00) ) ;
lv2_01: ex1_sh_lvl2(01) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(01) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(01) ) ;
lv2_02: ex1_sh_lvl2(02) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(02) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(02) ) ;
lv2_03: ex1_sh_lvl2(03) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(03) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(03) ) ;
lv2_04: ex1_sh_lvl2(04) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(04) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(04) ) ;
lv2_05: ex1_sh_lvl2(05) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(05) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(05) ) ;
lv2_06: ex1_sh_lvl2(06) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(06) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(06) ) ;
lv2_07: ex1_sh_lvl2(07) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(07) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(07) ) ;
lv2_08: ex1_sh_lvl2(08) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(08) and ex1_sh_lv2y_b(08) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(08) ) ;
lv2_09: ex1_sh_lvl2(09) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(09) and ex1_sh_lv2y_b(09) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(09) ) ;
lv2_10: ex1_sh_lvl2(10) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(10) and ex1_sh_lv2y_b(10) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(10) ) ;
lv2_11: ex1_sh_lvl2(11) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(11) and ex1_sh_lv2y_b(11) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(11) ) ;
lv2_12: ex1_sh_lvl2(12) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(12) and ex1_sh_lv2y_b(12) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(12) ) ;
lv2_13: ex1_sh_lvl2(13) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(13) and ex1_sh_lv2y_b(13) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(13) ) ;
lv2_14: ex1_sh_lvl2(14) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(14) and ex1_sh_lv2y_b(14) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(14) ) ;
lv2_15: ex1_sh_lvl2(15) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(15) and ex1_sh_lv2y_b(15) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(15) ) ;
lv2_16: ex1_sh_lvl2(16) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(16) and ex1_sh_lv2y_b(16) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(16) ) ;
lv2_17: ex1_sh_lvl2(17) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(17) and ex1_sh_lv2y_b(17) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(17) ) ;
lv2_18: ex1_sh_lvl2(18) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(18) and ex1_sh_lv2y_b(18) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(18) ) ;
lv2_19: ex1_sh_lvl2(19) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(19) and ex1_sh_lv2y_b(19) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(19) ) ;
lv2_20: ex1_sh_lvl2(20) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(20) and ex1_sh_lv2y_b(20) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(20) ) ;
lv2_21: ex1_sh_lvl2(21) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(21) and ex1_sh_lv2y_b(21) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(21) ) ;
lv2_22: ex1_sh_lvl2(22) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(22) and ex1_sh_lv2y_b(22) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(22) ) ;
lv2_23: ex1_sh_lvl2(23) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(23) and ex1_sh_lv2y_b(23) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(23) ) ;
lv2_24: ex1_sh_lvl2(24) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(24) and ex1_sh_lv2y_b(24) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(24) ) ;
lv2_25: ex1_sh_lvl2(25) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(25) and ex1_sh_lv2y_b(25) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(25) ) ;
lv2_26: ex1_sh_lvl2(26) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(26) and ex1_sh_lv2y_b(26) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(26) ) ;
lv2_27: ex1_sh_lvl2(27) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(27) and ex1_sh_lv2y_b(27) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(27) ) ;
lv2_28: ex1_sh_lvl2(28) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(28) and ex1_sh_lv2y_b(28) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(28) ) ;
lv2_29: ex1_sh_lvl2(29) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(29) and ex1_sh_lv2y_b(29) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(29) ) ;
lv2_30: ex1_sh_lvl2(30) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(30) and ex1_sh_lv2y_b(30) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(30) ) ;
lv2_31: ex1_sh_lvl2(31) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(31) and ex1_sh_lv2y_b(31) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(31) ) ;
lv2_32: ex1_sh_lvl2(32) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(32) and ex1_sh_lv2y_b(32) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(32) ) ;
lv2_33: ex1_sh_lvl2(33) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(33) and ex1_sh_lv2y_b(33) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(33) ) ;
lv2_34: ex1_sh_lvl2(34) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(34) and ex1_sh_lv2y_b(34) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(34) ) ;
lv2_35: ex1_sh_lvl2(35) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(35) and ex1_sh_lv2y_b(35) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(35) ) ;
lv2_36: ex1_sh_lvl2(36) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(36) and ex1_sh_lv2y_b(36) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(36) ) ;
lv2_37: ex1_sh_lvl2(37) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(37) and ex1_sh_lv2y_b(37) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(37) ) ;
lv2_38: ex1_sh_lvl2(38) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(38) and ex1_sh_lv2y_b(38) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(38) ) ;
lv2_39: ex1_sh_lvl2(39) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(39) and ex1_sh_lv2y_b(39) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(39) ) ;
lv2_40: ex1_sh_lvl2(40) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(40) and ex1_sh_lv2y_b(40) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(40) ) ;
lv2_41: ex1_sh_lvl2(41) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(41) and ex1_sh_lv2y_b(41) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(41) ) ;
lv2_42: ex1_sh_lvl2(42) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(42) and ex1_sh_lv2y_b(42) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(42) ) ;
lv2_43: ex1_sh_lvl2(43) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(43) and ex1_sh_lv2y_b(43) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(43) ) ;
lv2_44: ex1_sh_lvl2(44) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(44) and ex1_sh_lv2y_b(44) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(44) ) ;
lv2_45: ex1_sh_lvl2(45) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(45) and ex1_sh_lv2y_b(45) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(45) ) ;
lv2_46: ex1_sh_lvl2(46) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(46) and ex1_sh_lv2y_b(46) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(46) ) ;
lv2_47: ex1_sh_lvl2(47) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(47) and ex1_sh_lv2y_b(47) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(47) ) ;
lv2_48: ex1_sh_lvl2(48) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(48) and ex1_sh_lv2y_b(48) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(48) ) ;
lv2_49: ex1_sh_lvl2(49) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(49) and ex1_sh_lv2y_b(49) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(49) ) ;
lv2_50: ex1_sh_lvl2(50) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(50) and ex1_sh_lv2y_b(50) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(50) ) ;
lv2_51: ex1_sh_lvl2(51) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(51) and ex1_sh_lv2y_b(51) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(51) ) ;
lv2_52: ex1_sh_lvl2(52) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(52) and ex1_sh_lv2y_b(52) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(52) ) ;
lv2_53: ex1_sh_lvl2(53) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(53) and ex1_sh_lv2y_b(53) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(53) ) ;
lv2_54: ex1_sh_lvl2(54) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(54) and ex1_sh_lv2y_b(54) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(54) ) ;
lv2_55: ex1_sh_lvl2(55) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(55) and ex1_sh_lv2y_b(55) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(55) ) ;
lv2_56: ex1_sh_lvl2(56) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(56) and ex1_sh_lv2y_b(56) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(56) ) ;
lv2_57: ex1_sh_lvl2(57) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(57) and ex1_sh_lv2y_b(57) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(57) ) ;
lv2_58: ex1_sh_lvl2(58) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(58) and ex1_sh_lv2y_b(58) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(58) ) ;
lv2_59: ex1_sh_lvl2(59) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2x_b(59) and ex1_sh_lv2y_b(59) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(59) ) ;
lv2_60: ex1_sh_lvl2(60) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2y_b(60) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(60) ) ;
lv2_61: ex1_sh_lvl2(61) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2y_b(61) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(61) ) ;
lv2_62: ex1_sh_lvl2(62) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2y_b(62) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(62) ) ;
lv2_63: ex1_sh_lvl2(63) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2y_b(63) and ex1_sh_lv2z_b(63) ) ;
lv2_64: ex1_sh_lvl2(64) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2y_b(64) ) ;
lv2_65: ex1_sh_lvl2(65) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2y_b(65) ) ;
lv2_66: ex1_sh_lvl2(66) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2y_b(66) ) ;
lv2_67: ex1_sh_lvl2(67) <= not( ex1_sh_lv2y_b(67) ) ;
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,751 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
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-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
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-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
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library ieee,ibm,support,tri,work;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_unsigned.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_ao_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_mux_support.all;
entity fuq_cr2 is
generic( expand_type : integer := 2 );
vdd :inout power_logic;
gnd :inout power_logic;
clkoff_b :in std_ulogic;
act_dis :in std_ulogic;
flush :in std_ulogic;
delay_lclkr :in std_ulogic_vector(1 to 7);
mpw1_b :in std_ulogic_vector(1 to 7);
mpw2_b :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
sg_1 :in std_ulogic;
thold_1 :in std_ulogic;
fpu_enable :in std_ulogic;
nclk :in clk_logic;
f_cr2_si :in std_ulogic ;
f_cr2_so :out std_ulogic ;
rf1_act :in std_ulogic ;
ex1_act :in std_ulogic ;
rf1_thread_b :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3) ;
f_dcd_ex6_cancel :in std_ulogic ;
f_fmt_ex1_bop_byt :in std_ulogic_vector(45 to 52);
f_dcd_rf1_fpscr_bit_data_b :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
f_dcd_rf1_fpscr_bit_mask_b :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
f_dcd_rf1_fpscr_nib_mask_b :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 8);
f_dcd_rf1_mtfsbx_b :in std_ulogic;
f_dcd_rf1_mcrfs_b :in std_ulogic;
f_dcd_rf1_mtfsf_b :in std_ulogic;
f_dcd_rf1_mtfsfi_b :in std_ulogic;
f_cr2_ex3_thread_b :out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3) ;
f_cr2_ex3_fpscr_bit_data_b :out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
f_cr2_ex3_fpscr_bit_mask_b :out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
f_cr2_ex3_fpscr_nib_mask_b :out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 8);
f_cr2_ex3_mtfsbx_b :out std_ulogic;
f_cr2_ex3_mcrfs_b :out std_ulogic;
f_cr2_ex3_mtfsf_b :out std_ulogic;
f_cr2_ex3_mtfsfi_b :out std_ulogic;
f_cr2_ex5_fpscr_rd_dat :out std_ulogic_vector(24 to 31);
f_cr2_ex6_fpscr_rd_dat :out std_ulogic_vector(24 to 31);
f_cr2_ex1_fpscr_shadow :out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7)
end fuq_cr2;
architecture fuq_cr2 of fuq_cr2 is
constant tiup :std_ulogic := '1';
constant tidn :std_ulogic := '0';
signal sg_0 :std_ulogic ;
signal thold_0_b , thold_0, forcee :std_ulogic ;
signal ex6_th0_act :std_ulogic ;
signal ex6_th1_act :std_ulogic ;
signal ex6_th2_act :std_ulogic ;
signal ex6_th3_act :std_ulogic ;
signal ex2_act :std_ulogic ;
signal ex3_act :std_ulogic ;
signal ex4_act, ex5_act, ex6_act :std_ulogic ;
signal ex4_mv_to_op :std_ulogic ;
signal ex5_mv_to_op :std_ulogic ;
signal ex6_mv_to_op :std_ulogic ;
signal ex1_thread :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3) ;
signal ex2_thread :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3) ;
signal ex3_thread :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3) ;
signal ex4_thread :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3) ;
signal ex5_thread :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3) ;
signal ex6_thread :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3) ;
signal act_spare_unused :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2) ;
signal act_so , act_si :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 6) ;
signal ex1_ctl_so , ex1_ctl_si :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 33) ;
signal ex2_ctl_so , ex2_ctl_si :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 24) ;
signal ex3_ctl_so , ex3_ctl_si :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 24) ;
signal ex4_ctl_so , ex4_ctl_si :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4) ;
signal ex5_ctl_so , ex5_ctl_si :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4) ;
signal ex6_ctl_so , ex6_ctl_si :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4) ;
signal shadow0_so , shadow0_si :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7) ;
signal shadow1_so , shadow1_si :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7) ;
signal shadow2_so , shadow2_si :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7) ;
signal shadow3_so , shadow3_si :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7) ;
signal shadow_byp2_so , shadow_byp2_si :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7) ;
signal shadow_byp3_so , shadow_byp3_si :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7) ;
signal shadow_byp4_so , shadow_byp4_si :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7) ;
signal shadow_byp5_so , shadow_byp5_si :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7) ;
signal shadow_byp6_so , shadow_byp6_si :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7) ;
signal shadow0 :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7) ;
signal shadow1 :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7) ;
signal shadow2 :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7) ;
signal shadow3 :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7) ;
signal shadow_byp2 :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7) ;
signal shadow_byp3 :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7) ;
signal shadow_byp4 :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7) ;
signal shadow_byp5 :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7) ;
signal shadow_byp6 :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7) ;
signal shadow_byp2_din :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7) ;
signal ex1_bit_sel :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7) ;
signal ex1_fpscr_bit_data :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal ex1_fpscr_bit_mask :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal ex1_fpscr_nib_mask :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 8);
signal ex1_mtfsbx :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_mcrfs :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_mtfsf :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_mtfsfi :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_fpscr_bit_data :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal ex2_fpscr_bit_mask :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal ex2_fpscr_nib_mask :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 8);
signal ex2_mtfsbx :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_mcrfs :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_mtfsf :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_mtfsfi :std_ulogic;
signal ex3_fpscr_bit_data :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal ex3_fpscr_bit_mask :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal ex3_fpscr_nib_mask :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 8);
signal ex3_mtfsbx :std_ulogic;
signal ex3_mcrfs :std_ulogic;
signal ex3_mtfsf :std_ulogic;
signal ex3_mtfsfi :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_mv_to_op :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_mv_to_op :std_ulogic;
signal ex3_mv_to_op :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_fpscr_data :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
signal rf1_thread :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal rf1_rd_sel_0 , ex1_rd_sel_0 :std_ulogic;
signal rf1_rd_sel_1 , ex1_rd_sel_1 :std_ulogic;
signal rf1_rd_sel_2 , ex1_rd_sel_2 :std_ulogic;
signal rf1_rd_sel_3 , ex1_rd_sel_3 :std_ulogic;
signal rf1_rd_sel_byp2, ex1_rd_sel_byp2 :std_ulogic;
signal rf1_rd_sel_byp3, ex1_rd_sel_byp3 :std_ulogic;
signal rf1_rd_sel_byp4, ex1_rd_sel_byp4 :std_ulogic;
signal rf1_rd_sel_byp5, ex1_rd_sel_byp5 :std_ulogic;
signal rf1_rd_sel_byp6, ex1_rd_sel_byp6 :std_ulogic;
signal rf1_rd_sel_byp2_pri :std_ulogic;
signal rf1_rd_sel_byp3_pri :std_ulogic;
signal rf1_rd_sel_byp4_pri :std_ulogic;
signal rf1_rd_sel_byp5_pri :std_ulogic;
signal rf1_rd_sel_byp6_pri :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_fpscr_shadow_mux :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
signal rf1_thread_match_1 :std_ulogic;
signal rf1_thread_match_2 :std_ulogic;
signal rf1_thread_match_3 :std_ulogic;
signal rf1_thread_match_4 :std_ulogic;
signal rf1_thread_match_5 :std_ulogic;
signal rf1_fpscr_bit_data :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3) ;
signal rf1_fpscr_bit_mask :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3) ;
signal rf1_fpscr_nib_mask :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 8) ;
signal rf1_mtfsbx :std_ulogic ;
signal rf1_mcrfs :std_ulogic ;
signal rf1_mtfsf :std_ulogic ;
signal rf1_mtfsfi :std_ulogic ;
signal ex6_cancel :std_ulogic;
signal ex6_fpscr_rd_dat_no_byp :std_ulogic_vector(24 to 31);
thold_reg_0: tri_plat generic map (expand_type => expand_type) port map (
vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
flush => flush ,
din(0) => thold_1,
q(0) => thold_0 );
sg_reg_0: tri_plat generic map (expand_type => expand_type) port map (
vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
flush => flush ,
din(0) => sg_1 ,
q(0) => sg_0 );
lcbor_0: tri_lcbor generic map (expand_type => expand_type ) port map (
clkoff_b => clkoff_b,
thold => thold_0,
sg => sg_0,
act_dis => act_dis,
forcee => forcee,
thold_b => thold_0_b );
act_lat: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width=> 7, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 0) port map (
forcee => forcee,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr(6) ,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b(6) ,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b(1) ,
vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
thold_b => thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
act => fpu_enable,
scout => act_so ,
scin => act_si ,
din(0) => act_spare_unused(0),
din(1) => act_spare_unused(1),
din(2) => ex1_act,
din(3) => ex2_act,
din(4) => ex3_act,
din(5) => ex4_act,
din(6) => ex5_act,
dout(0) => act_spare_unused(0),
dout(1) => act_spare_unused(1),
dout(2) => ex2_act,
dout(3) => ex3_act,
dout(4) => ex4_act,
dout(5) => ex5_act ,
dout(6) => ex6_act );
act_spare_unused(2) <= rf1_act;
rf1_thread(0 to 3) <= not rf1_thread_b(0 to 3) ;
rf1_fpscr_bit_data(0 to 3) <= not f_dcd_rf1_fpscr_bit_data_b(0 to 3);
rf1_fpscr_bit_mask(0 to 3) <= not f_dcd_rf1_fpscr_bit_mask_b(0 to 3);
rf1_fpscr_nib_mask(0 to 8) <= not f_dcd_rf1_fpscr_nib_mask_b(0 to 8);
rf1_mtfsbx <= not f_dcd_rf1_mtfsbx_b ;
rf1_mcrfs <= not f_dcd_rf1_mcrfs_b ;
rf1_mtfsf <= not f_dcd_rf1_mtfsf_b ;
rf1_mtfsfi <= not f_dcd_rf1_mtfsfi_b ;
ex1_ctl_lat: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width=> 34, expand_type => expand_type) port map (
forcee => forcee,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr(1) ,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b(1) ,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b(0) ,
vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
thold_b => thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
act => fpu_enable,
scout => ex1_ctl_so ,
scin => ex1_ctl_si ,
din(0 to 3) => rf1_thread(0 to 3) ,
din(4 to 7) => rf1_fpscr_bit_data(0 to 3),
din(8 to 11) => rf1_fpscr_bit_mask(0 to 3),
din(12 to 20) => rf1_fpscr_nib_mask(0 to 8),
din(21) => rf1_mtfsbx ,
din(22) => rf1_mcrfs ,
din(23) => rf1_mtfsf ,
din(24) => rf1_mtfsfi ,
din(25) => rf1_rd_sel_0 ,
din(26) => rf1_rd_sel_1 ,
din(27) => rf1_rd_sel_2 ,
din(28) => rf1_rd_sel_3 ,
din(29) => rf1_rd_sel_byp2_pri ,
din(30) => rf1_rd_sel_byp3_pri ,
din(31) => rf1_rd_sel_byp4_pri ,
din(32) => rf1_rd_sel_byp5_pri ,
din(33) => rf1_rd_sel_byp6_pri ,
dout(0 to 3) => ex1_thread(0 to 3) ,
dout(4 to 7) => ex1_fpscr_bit_data(0 to 3),
dout(8 to 11) => ex1_fpscr_bit_mask(0 to 3),
dout(12 to 20) => ex1_fpscr_nib_mask(0 to 8),
dout(21) => ex1_mtfsbx ,
dout(22) => ex1_mcrfs ,
dout(23) => ex1_mtfsf ,
dout(24) => ex1_mtfsfi ,
dout(25) => ex1_rd_sel_0 ,
dout(26) => ex1_rd_sel_1 ,
dout(27) => ex1_rd_sel_2 ,
dout(28) => ex1_rd_sel_3 ,
dout(29) => ex1_rd_sel_byp2 ,
dout(30) => ex1_rd_sel_byp3 ,
dout(31) => ex1_rd_sel_byp4 ,
dout(32) => ex1_rd_sel_byp5 ,
dout(33) => ex1_rd_sel_byp6 );
ex2_ctl_lat: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width=> 25, expand_type => expand_type) port map (
forcee => forcee,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr(2) ,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b(2) ,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b(0) ,
vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
thold_b => thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
act => fpu_enable,
scout => ex2_ctl_so ,
scin => ex2_ctl_si ,
din(0 to 3) => ex1_thread(0 to 3) ,
din(4 to 7) => ex1_fpscr_bit_data(0 to 3) ,
din(8 to 11) => ex1_fpscr_bit_mask(0 to 3) ,
din(12 to 20) => ex1_fpscr_nib_mask(0 to 8) ,
din(21) => ex1_mtfsbx ,
din(22) => ex1_mcrfs ,
din(23) => ex1_mtfsf ,
din(24) => ex1_mtfsfi ,
dout(0 to 3) => ex2_thread(0 to 3) ,
dout(4 to 7) => ex2_fpscr_bit_data(0 to 3) ,
dout(8 to 11) => ex2_fpscr_bit_mask(0 to 3) ,
dout(12 to 20) => ex2_fpscr_nib_mask(0 to 8) ,
dout(21) => ex2_mtfsbx ,
dout(22) => ex2_mcrfs ,
dout(23) => ex2_mtfsf ,
dout(24) => ex2_mtfsfi );
ex3_ctl_lat: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width=> 25, expand_type => expand_type) port map (
forcee => forcee,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr(3) ,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b(3) ,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b(0) ,
vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
thold_b => thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
act => fpu_enable,
scout => ex3_ctl_so ,
scin => ex3_ctl_si ,
din(0 to 3) => ex2_thread(0 to 3) ,
din(4 to 7) => ex2_fpscr_bit_data(0 to 3) ,
din(8 to 11) => ex2_fpscr_bit_mask(0 to 3) ,
din(12 to 20) => ex2_fpscr_nib_mask(0 to 8) ,
din(21) => ex2_mtfsbx ,
din(22) => ex2_mcrfs ,
din(23) => ex2_mtfsf ,
din(24) => ex2_mtfsfi ,
dout(0 to 3) => ex3_thread(0 to 3) ,
dout(4 to 7) => ex3_fpscr_bit_data(0 to 3) ,
dout(8 to 11) => ex3_fpscr_bit_mask(0 to 3) ,
dout(12 to 20) => ex3_fpscr_nib_mask(0 to 8) ,
dout(21) => ex3_mtfsbx ,
dout(22) => ex3_mcrfs ,
dout(23) => ex3_mtfsf ,
dout(24) => ex3_mtfsfi );
f_cr2_ex3_thread_b(0 to 3) <= not ex3_thread(0 to 3) ;
f_cr2_ex3_fpscr_bit_data_b(0 to 3) <= not ex3_fpscr_bit_data(0 to 3);
f_cr2_ex3_fpscr_bit_mask_b(0 to 3) <= not ex3_fpscr_bit_mask(0 to 3);
f_cr2_ex3_fpscr_nib_mask_b(0 to 8) <= not ex3_fpscr_nib_mask(0 to 8);
f_cr2_ex3_mtfsbx_b <= not ex3_mtfsbx ;
f_cr2_ex3_mcrfs_b <= not ex3_mcrfs ;
f_cr2_ex3_mtfsf_b <= not ex3_mtfsf ;
f_cr2_ex3_mtfsfi_b <= not ex3_mtfsfi ;
ex4_ctl_lat: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width=> 5, expand_type => expand_type) port map (
forcee => forcee,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr(4) ,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b(4) ,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b(0) ,
vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
thold_b => thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
act => fpu_enable,
scout => ex4_ctl_so ,
scin => ex4_ctl_si ,
din(0 to 3) => ex3_thread(0 to 3) ,
din(4) => ex3_mv_to_op ,
dout(0 to 3) => ex4_thread(0 to 3) ,
dout(4) => ex4_mv_to_op );
ex5_ctl_lat: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width=> 5, expand_type => expand_type) port map (
forcee => forcee,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr(5) ,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b(5) ,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b(1) ,
vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
thold_b => thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
act => fpu_enable,
scout => ex5_ctl_so ,
scin => ex5_ctl_si ,
din(0 to 3) => ex4_thread(0 to 3) ,
din(4) => ex4_mv_to_op,
dout(0 to 3) => ex5_thread(0 to 3) ,
dout(4) => ex5_mv_to_op );
ex6_ctl_lat: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width=> 5, expand_type => expand_type) port map (
forcee => forcee,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr(6) ,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b(6) ,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b(1) ,
vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
thold_b => thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
act => fpu_enable,
scout => ex6_ctl_so ,
scin => ex6_ctl_si ,
din(0 to 3) => ex5_thread(0 to 3) ,
din(4) => ex5_mv_to_op ,
dout(0 to 3) => ex6_thread(0 to 3) ,
dout(4) => ex6_mv_to_op );
ex6_cancel <= f_dcd_ex6_cancel;
f_cr2_ex5_fpscr_rd_dat(24 to 31) <=
( (24 to 31 => ex5_thread(0)) and shadow0(0 to 7) ) or
( (24 to 31 => ex5_thread(1)) and shadow1(0 to 7) ) or
( (24 to 31 => ex5_thread(2)) and shadow2(0 to 7) ) or
( (24 to 31 => ex5_thread(3)) and shadow3(0 to 7) ) ;
ex6_fpscr_rd_dat_no_byp(24 to 31) <=
( (24 to 31 => ex6_thread(0)) and shadow0(0 to 7) ) or
( (24 to 31 => ex6_thread(1)) and shadow1(0 to 7) ) or
( (24 to 31 => ex6_thread(2)) and shadow2(0 to 7) ) or
( (24 to 31 => ex6_thread(3)) and shadow3(0 to 7) ) ;
f_cr2_ex6_fpscr_rd_dat(24 to 31) <=
( (24 to 31 => ex6_mv_to_op) and shadow_byp6(0 to 7) ) or
( (24 to 31 => not ex6_mv_to_op) and ex6_fpscr_rd_dat_no_byp(24 to 31) ) ;
ex1_bit_sel(0 to 3) <= ex1_fpscr_bit_mask(0 to 3) and (0 to 3 => ex1_mv_to_op and ex1_fpscr_nib_mask(6) );
ex1_bit_sel(4 to 7) <= ex1_fpscr_bit_mask(0 to 3) and (0 to 3 => ex1_mv_to_op and ex1_fpscr_nib_mask(7) );
ex1_fpscr_data(0 to 3) <=
( f_fmt_ex1_bop_byt(45 to 48) and (0 to 3=> ex1_mtfsf) ) or
( ex1_fpscr_bit_data(0 to 3) and not (0 to 3=> ex1_mtfsf) ) ;
ex1_fpscr_data(4 to 7) <=
( f_fmt_ex1_bop_byt(49 to 52) and (0 to 3=> ex1_mtfsf) ) or
( ex1_fpscr_bit_data(0 to 3) and not (0 to 3=> ex1_mtfsf) ) ;
shadow_byp2_din(0 to 7) <=
(ex1_fpscr_shadow_mux(0 to 7) and not ex1_bit_sel(0 to 7) ) or
(ex1_fpscr_data(0 to 7) and ex1_bit_sel(0 to 7) ) ;
ex1_mv_to_op <= ex1_mtfsbx or ex1_mtfsf or ex1_mtfsfi ;
ex2_mv_to_op <= ex2_mtfsbx or ex2_mtfsf or ex2_mtfsfi ;
ex3_mv_to_op <= ex3_mtfsbx or ex3_mtfsf or ex3_mtfsfi ;
rf1_thread_match_1 <=
( rf1_thread(0) and ex1_thread(0) ) or
( rf1_thread(1) and ex1_thread(1) ) or
( rf1_thread(2) and ex1_thread(2) ) or
( rf1_thread(3) and ex1_thread(3) ) ;
rf1_thread_match_2 <=
( rf1_thread(0) and ex2_thread(0) ) or
( rf1_thread(1) and ex2_thread(1) ) or
( rf1_thread(2) and ex2_thread(2) ) or
( rf1_thread(3) and ex2_thread(3) ) ;
rf1_thread_match_3 <=
( rf1_thread(0) and ex3_thread(0) ) or
( rf1_thread(1) and ex3_thread(1) ) or
( rf1_thread(2) and ex3_thread(2) ) or
( rf1_thread(3) and ex3_thread(3) ) ;
rf1_thread_match_4 <=
( rf1_thread(0) and ex4_thread(0) ) or
( rf1_thread(1) and ex4_thread(1) ) or
( rf1_thread(2) and ex4_thread(2) ) or
( rf1_thread(3) and ex4_thread(3) ) ;
rf1_thread_match_5 <=
( rf1_thread(0) and ex5_thread(0) ) or
( rf1_thread(1) and ex5_thread(1) ) or
( rf1_thread(2) and ex5_thread(2) ) or
( rf1_thread(3) and ex5_thread(3) ) ;
rf1_rd_sel_byp2 <= rf1_thread_match_1 and ex1_mv_to_op ;
rf1_rd_sel_byp3 <= rf1_thread_match_2 and ex2_mv_to_op ;
rf1_rd_sel_byp4 <= rf1_thread_match_3 and ex3_mv_to_op ;
rf1_rd_sel_byp5 <= rf1_thread_match_4 and ex4_mv_to_op ;
rf1_rd_sel_byp6 <= rf1_thread_match_5 and ex5_mv_to_op ;
rf1_rd_sel_0 <= rf1_thread(0) and not rf1_rd_sel_byp2 and not rf1_rd_sel_byp3 and not rf1_rd_sel_byp4 and not rf1_rd_sel_byp5 and not rf1_rd_sel_byp6 ;
rf1_rd_sel_1 <= rf1_thread(1) and not rf1_rd_sel_byp2 and not rf1_rd_sel_byp3 and not rf1_rd_sel_byp4 and not rf1_rd_sel_byp5 and not rf1_rd_sel_byp6 ;
rf1_rd_sel_2 <= rf1_thread(2) and not rf1_rd_sel_byp2 and not rf1_rd_sel_byp3 and not rf1_rd_sel_byp4 and not rf1_rd_sel_byp5 and not rf1_rd_sel_byp6 ;
rf1_rd_sel_3 <= rf1_thread(3) and not rf1_rd_sel_byp2 and not rf1_rd_sel_byp3 and not rf1_rd_sel_byp4 and not rf1_rd_sel_byp5 and not rf1_rd_sel_byp6 ;
rf1_rd_sel_byp2_pri <= rf1_rd_sel_byp2;
rf1_rd_sel_byp3_pri <= not rf1_rd_sel_byp2 and rf1_rd_sel_byp3;
rf1_rd_sel_byp4_pri <= not rf1_rd_sel_byp2 and not rf1_rd_sel_byp3 and rf1_rd_sel_byp4;
rf1_rd_sel_byp5_pri <= not rf1_rd_sel_byp2 and not rf1_rd_sel_byp3 and not rf1_rd_sel_byp4 and rf1_rd_sel_byp5;
rf1_rd_sel_byp6_pri <= not rf1_rd_sel_byp2 and not rf1_rd_sel_byp3 and not rf1_rd_sel_byp4 and not rf1_rd_sel_byp5 and rf1_rd_sel_byp6 ;
ex1_fpscr_shadow_mux(0 to 7) <=
( (0 to 7 => ex1_rd_sel_0) and shadow0 (0 to 7) ) or
( (0 to 7 => ex1_rd_sel_1) and shadow1 (0 to 7) ) or
( (0 to 7 => ex1_rd_sel_2) and shadow2 (0 to 7) ) or
( (0 to 7 => ex1_rd_sel_3) and shadow3 (0 to 7) ) or
( (0 to 7 => ex1_rd_sel_byp2) and shadow_byp2(0 to 7) ) or
( (0 to 7 => ex1_rd_sel_byp3) and shadow_byp3(0 to 7) ) or
( (0 to 7 => ex1_rd_sel_byp4) and shadow_byp4(0 to 7) ) or
( (0 to 7 => ex1_rd_sel_byp5) and shadow_byp5(0 to 7) ) or
( (0 to 7 => ex1_rd_sel_byp6) and shadow_byp6(0 to 7) ) ;
f_cr2_ex1_fpscr_shadow(0 to 7) <= ex1_fpscr_shadow_mux(0 to 7);
shadow_byp2_lat: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width=> 8, expand_type => expand_type) port map (
forcee => forcee,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr(2) ,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b(2) ,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b(0) ,
vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
thold_b => thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
act => ex1_act,
scout => shadow_byp2_so ,
scin => shadow_byp2_si ,
din => shadow_byp2_din(0 to 7),
dout => shadow_byp2 (0 to 7) );
shadow_byp3_lat: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width=> 8, expand_type => expand_type) port map (
forcee => forcee,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr(3) ,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b(3) ,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b(0) ,
vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
thold_b => thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
act => ex2_act,
scout => shadow_byp3_so ,
scin => shadow_byp3_si ,
din => shadow_byp2(0 to 7),
dout => shadow_byp3(0 to 7) );
shadow_byp4_lat: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width=> 8, expand_type => expand_type) port map (
forcee => forcee,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr(4) ,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b(4) ,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b(0) ,
vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
thold_b => thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
act => ex3_act,
scout => shadow_byp4_so ,
scin => shadow_byp4_si ,
din => shadow_byp3(0 to 7),
dout => shadow_byp4(0 to 7) );
shadow_byp5_lat: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width=> 8, expand_type => expand_type) port map (
forcee => forcee,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr(5) ,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b(5) ,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b(1) ,
vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
thold_b => thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
act => ex4_act,
scout => shadow_byp5_so ,
scin => shadow_byp5_si ,
din => shadow_byp4(0 to 7),
dout => shadow_byp5(0 to 7) );
shadow_byp6_lat: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width=> 8, expand_type => expand_type) port map (
forcee => forcee,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr(6) ,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b(6) ,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b(1) ,
vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
thold_b => thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
act => ex5_act,
scout => shadow_byp6_so ,
scin => shadow_byp6_si ,
din => shadow_byp5(0 to 7),
dout => shadow_byp6(0 to 7) );
ex6_th0_act <= ex6_act and ex6_thread(0) and not ex6_cancel and ex6_mv_to_op ;
ex6_th1_act <= ex6_act and ex6_thread(1) and not ex6_cancel and ex6_mv_to_op ;
ex6_th2_act <= ex6_act and ex6_thread(2) and not ex6_cancel and ex6_mv_to_op ;
ex6_th3_act <= ex6_act and ex6_thread(3) and not ex6_cancel and ex6_mv_to_op ;
shadow0_lat: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width=> 8, expand_type => expand_type) port map (
forcee => forcee,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr(7) ,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b(7) ,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b(1) ,
vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
thold_b => thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
act => ex6_th0_act,
scout => shadow0_so ,
scin => shadow0_si ,
din => shadow_byp6(0 to 7),
dout => shadow0(0 to 7) );
shadow1_lat: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width=> 8, expand_type => expand_type) port map (
forcee => forcee,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr(7) ,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b(7) ,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b(1) ,
vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
thold_b => thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
act => ex6_th1_act,
scout => shadow1_so ,
scin => shadow1_si ,
din => shadow_byp6(0 to 7),
dout => shadow1(0 to 7) );
shadow2_lat: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width=> 8, expand_type => expand_type) port map (
forcee => forcee,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr(7) ,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b(7) ,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b(1) ,
vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
thold_b => thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
act => ex6_th2_act,
scout => shadow2_so ,
scin => shadow2_si ,
din => shadow_byp6(0 to 7),
dout => shadow2(0 to 7) );
shadow3_lat: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width=> 8, expand_type => expand_type) port map (
forcee => forcee,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr(7) ,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b(7) ,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b(1) ,
vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
thold_b => thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
act => ex6_th3_act,
scout => shadow3_so ,
scin => shadow3_si ,
din => shadow_byp6(0 to 7),
dout => shadow3(0 to 7) );
ex1_ctl_si (0 to 33) <= ex1_ctl_so (1 to 33) & f_cr2_si ;
ex2_ctl_si (0 to 24) <= ex2_ctl_so (1 to 24) & ex1_ctl_so (0);
ex3_ctl_si (0 to 24) <= ex3_ctl_so (1 to 24) & ex2_ctl_so (0);
ex4_ctl_si (0 to 4) <= ex4_ctl_so (1 to 4) & ex3_ctl_so (0);
ex5_ctl_si (0 to 4) <= ex5_ctl_so (1 to 4) & ex4_ctl_so (0);
ex6_ctl_si (0 to 4) <= ex6_ctl_so (1 to 4) & ex5_ctl_so (0);
shadow0_si (0 to 7) <= shadow0_so (1 to 7) & ex6_ctl_so (0);
shadow1_si (0 to 7) <= shadow1_so (1 to 7) & shadow0_so (0);
shadow2_si (0 to 7) <= shadow2_so (1 to 7) & shadow1_so (0);
shadow3_si (0 to 7) <= shadow3_so (1 to 7) & shadow2_so (0);
shadow_byp2_si (0 to 7) <= shadow_byp2_so (1 to 7) & shadow3_so (0);
shadow_byp3_si (0 to 7) <= shadow_byp3_so (1 to 7) & shadow_byp2_so (0);
shadow_byp4_si (0 to 7) <= shadow_byp4_so (1 to 7) & shadow_byp3_so (0);
shadow_byp5_si (0 to 7) <= shadow_byp5_so (1 to 7) & shadow_byp4_so (0);
shadow_byp6_si (0 to 7) <= shadow_byp6_so (1 to 7) & shadow_byp5_so (0);
act_si (0 to 6) <= act_so (1 to 6) & shadow_byp6_so (0);
f_cr2_so <= act_so (0) ;
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;
library ibm;
use ibm.std_ulogic_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_ao_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_mux_support.all;
ENTITY fuq_csa22_h2 IS
a : IN std_ulogic;
b : IN std_ulogic;
car : OUT std_ulogic;
sum : OUT std_ulogic
END fuq_csa22_h2;
ARCHITECTURE fuq_csa22_h2 OF fuq_csa22_h2 IS
signal car_b, sum_b : std_ulogic;
u_22nandc: car_b <= not( a and b );
u_22nands: sum_b <= not( car_b and (a or b) );
u_22invc: car <= not car_b;
u_22invs: sum <= not sum_b ;
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,599 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee,ibm,support,tri,work;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_unsigned.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_ao_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_mux_support.all;
entity fuq_eie is
generic( expand_type : integer := 2 );
vdd :inout power_logic;
gnd :inout power_logic;
clkoff_b :in std_ulogic;
act_dis :in std_ulogic;
flush :in std_ulogic;
delay_lclkr :in std_ulogic_vector(2 to 3);
mpw1_b :in std_ulogic_vector(2 to 3);
mpw2_b :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 0);
sg_1 :in std_ulogic;
thold_1 :in std_ulogic;
fpu_enable :in std_ulogic;
nclk :in clk_logic;
f_eie_si :in std_ulogic ;
f_eie_so :out std_ulogic ;
ex1_act :in std_ulogic ;
f_byp_eie_ex1_a_expo :in std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13) ;
f_byp_eie_ex1_c_expo :in std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13) ;
f_byp_eie_ex1_b_expo :in std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13) ;
f_pic_ex1_from_integer :in std_ulogic ;
f_pic_ex1_fsel :in std_ulogic ;
f_pic_ex2_frsp_ue1 :in std_ulogic ;
f_alg_ex2_sel_byp :in std_ulogic ;
f_fmt_ex2_fsel_bsel :in std_ulogic ;
f_pic_ex2_force_sel_bexp :in std_ulogic ;
f_pic_ex2_sp_b :in std_ulogic ;
f_pic_ex2_math_bzer_b :in std_ulogic ;
f_eie_ex2_tbl_expo :out std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13) ;
f_eie_ex2_lt_bias :out std_ulogic ;
f_eie_ex2_eq_bias_m1 :out std_ulogic ;
f_eie_ex2_wd_ov :out std_ulogic ;
f_eie_ex2_dw_ov :out std_ulogic ;
f_eie_ex2_wd_ov_if :out std_ulogic ;
f_eie_ex2_dw_ov_if :out std_ulogic ;
f_eie_ex2_lzo_expo :out std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13) ;
f_eie_ex2_b_expo :out std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13) ;
f_eie_ex2_use_bexp :out std_ulogic;
f_eie_ex3_iexp :out std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13)
end fuq_eie;
architecture fuq_eie of fuq_eie is
constant tiup :std_ulogic := '1';
constant tidn :std_ulogic := '0';
signal sg_0 :std_ulogic ;
signal thold_0_b , thold_0, forcee :std_ulogic ;
signal ex2_act :std_ulogic ;
signal act_spare_unused :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3) ;
signal act_so :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4) ;
signal act_si :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4) ;
signal ex2_bop_so :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 12) ;
signal ex2_bop_si :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 12) ;
signal ex2_pop_so :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 12) ;
signal ex2_pop_si :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 12) ;
signal ex2_ctl_so :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 6) ;
signal ex2_ctl_si :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 6) ;
signal ex3_iexp_so :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 13) ;
signal ex3_iexp_si :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 13) ;
signal ex1_a_expo :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13) ;
signal ex1_c_expo :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13) ;
signal ex1_b_expo :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13) ;
signal ex1_ep56_sum :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13) ;
signal ex1_ep56_car :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 12) ;
signal ex1_ep56_p :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13) ;
signal ex1_ep56_g :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 12) ;
signal ex1_ep56_t :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 11) ;
signal ex1_ep56_s :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13) ;
signal ex1_ep56_c :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 12) ;
signal ex1_p_expo_adj :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13) ;
signal ex1_from_k :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13) ;
signal ex1_b_expo_adj :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13) ;
signal ex2_p_expo :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13) ;
signal ex2_b_expo :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13) ;
signal ex2_iexp :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13) ;
signal ex2_b_expo_adj :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13) ;
signal ex2_p_expo_adj :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13) ;
signal ex3_iexp :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13) ;
signal ex1_wd_ge_bot :std_ulogic ;
signal ex1_dw_ge_bot :std_ulogic ;
signal ex1_ge_2048 :std_ulogic ;
signal ex1_ge_1024 :std_ulogic ;
signal ex1_dw_ge_mid :std_ulogic ;
signal ex1_wd_ge_mid :std_ulogic ;
signal ex1_dw_ge :std_ulogic ;
signal ex1_wd_ge :std_ulogic ;
signal ex1_dw_eq_top :std_ulogic ;
signal ex1_wd_eq_bot :std_ulogic ;
signal ex1_wd_eq :std_ulogic ;
signal ex1_dw_eq :std_ulogic ;
signal ex2_iexp_b_sel :std_ulogic ;
signal ex2_dw_ge :std_ulogic ;
signal ex2_wd_ge :std_ulogic ;
signal ex2_wd_eq :std_ulogic ;
signal ex2_dw_eq :std_ulogic ;
signal ex2_fsel :std_ulogic ;
signal ex3_sp_b :std_ulogic ;
signal ex2_b_expo_fixed :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13);
signal ex1_ge_bias, ex1_lt_bias, ex1_eq_bias_m1 :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_lt_bias, ex2_eq_bias_m1 :std_ulogic;
signal ex1_ep56_g2 :std_ulogic_vector( 2 to 12);
signal ex1_ep56_t2 :std_ulogic_vector( 2 to 10);
signal ex1_ep56_g4 :std_ulogic_vector( 2 to 12);
signal ex1_ep56_t4 :std_ulogic_vector( 2 to 8);
signal ex1_ep56_g8 :std_ulogic_vector( 2 to 12);
signal ex1_ep56_t8 :std_ulogic_vector( 2 to 4);
thold_reg_0: tri_plat generic map (expand_type => expand_type) port map (
vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
flush => flush ,
din(0) => thold_1,
q(0) => thold_0 );
sg_reg_0: tri_plat generic map (expand_type => expand_type) port map (
vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
flush => flush ,
din(0) => sg_1 ,
q(0) => sg_0 );
lcbor_0: tri_lcbor generic map (expand_type => expand_type ) port map (
clkoff_b => clkoff_b,
thold => thold_0,
sg => sg_0,
act_dis => act_dis,
forcee => forcee,
thold_b => thold_0_b );
act_lat: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width=> 5, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 0) port map (
forcee => forcee,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr(2) ,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b(2) ,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b(0) ,
vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
thold_b => thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
act => fpu_enable,
scout => act_so ,
scin => act_si ,
din(0) => act_spare_unused(0),
din(1) => act_spare_unused(1),
din(2) => ex1_act,
din(3) => act_spare_unused(2),
din(4) => act_spare_unused(3),
dout(0) => act_spare_unused(0),
dout(1) => act_spare_unused(1),
dout(2) => ex2_act,
dout(3) => act_spare_unused(2),
dout(4) => act_spare_unused(3) );
ex1_a_expo(1 to 13) <= f_byp_eie_ex1_a_expo(1 to 13);
ex1_c_expo(1 to 13) <= f_byp_eie_ex1_c_expo(1 to 13);
ex1_b_expo(1 to 13) <= f_byp_eie_ex1_b_expo(1 to 13);
ex1_ep56_sum( 1) <= not( ex1_a_expo( 1) xor ex1_c_expo( 1) );
ex1_ep56_sum( 2) <= not( ex1_a_expo( 2) xor ex1_c_expo( 2) );
ex1_ep56_sum( 3) <= not( ex1_a_expo( 3) xor ex1_c_expo( 3) );
ex1_ep56_sum( 4) <= ( ex1_a_expo( 4) xor ex1_c_expo( 4) );
ex1_ep56_sum( 5) <= ( ex1_a_expo( 5) xor ex1_c_expo( 5) );
ex1_ep56_sum( 6) <= ( ex1_a_expo( 6) xor ex1_c_expo( 6) );
ex1_ep56_sum( 7) <= ( ex1_a_expo( 7) xor ex1_c_expo( 7) );
ex1_ep56_sum( 8) <= not( ex1_a_expo( 8) xor ex1_c_expo( 8) );
ex1_ep56_sum( 9) <= not( ex1_a_expo( 9) xor ex1_c_expo( 9) );
ex1_ep56_sum(10) <= not( ex1_a_expo(10) xor ex1_c_expo(10) );
ex1_ep56_sum(11) <= ( ex1_a_expo(11) xor ex1_c_expo(11) );
ex1_ep56_sum(12) <= ( ex1_a_expo(12) xor ex1_c_expo(12) );
ex1_ep56_sum(13) <= not( ex1_a_expo(13) xor ex1_c_expo(13) );
ex1_ep56_car( 1) <= ( ex1_a_expo( 2) or ex1_c_expo( 2) );
ex1_ep56_car( 2) <= ( ex1_a_expo( 3) or ex1_c_expo( 3) );
ex1_ep56_car( 3) <= ( ex1_a_expo( 4) and ex1_c_expo( 4) );
ex1_ep56_car( 4) <= ( ex1_a_expo( 5) and ex1_c_expo( 5) );
ex1_ep56_car( 5) <= ( ex1_a_expo( 6) and ex1_c_expo( 6) );
ex1_ep56_car( 6) <= ( ex1_a_expo( 7) and ex1_c_expo( 7) );
ex1_ep56_car( 7) <= ( ex1_a_expo( 8) or ex1_c_expo( 8) );
ex1_ep56_car( 8) <= ( ex1_a_expo( 9) or ex1_c_expo( 9) );
ex1_ep56_car( 9) <= ( ex1_a_expo(10) or ex1_c_expo(10) );
ex1_ep56_car(10) <= ( ex1_a_expo(11) and ex1_c_expo(11) );
ex1_ep56_car(11) <= ( ex1_a_expo(12) and ex1_c_expo(12) );
ex1_ep56_car(12) <= ( ex1_a_expo(13) or ex1_c_expo(13) );
ex1_ep56_p(1 to 12) <= ex1_ep56_sum(1 to 12) xor ex1_ep56_car(1 to 12);
ex1_ep56_p(13) <= ex1_ep56_sum(13);
ex1_ep56_g(2 to 12) <= ex1_ep56_sum(2 to 12) and ex1_ep56_car(2 to 12);
ex1_ep56_t(2 to 11) <= ex1_ep56_sum(2 to 11) or ex1_ep56_car(2 to 11);
ex1_ep56_s(1 to 11) <= ex1_ep56_p(1 to 11) xor ex1_ep56_c(2 to 12);
ex1_ep56_s(12) <= ex1_ep56_p(12);
ex1_ep56_s(13) <= ex1_ep56_p(13);
ex1_ep56_g2(12) <= ex1_ep56_g(12) ;
ex1_ep56_g2(11) <= ex1_ep56_g(11) or (ex1_ep56_t(11) and ex1_ep56_g(12)) ;
ex1_ep56_g2(10) <= ex1_ep56_g(10) or (ex1_ep56_t(10) and ex1_ep56_g(11)) ;
ex1_ep56_g2( 9) <= ex1_ep56_g( 9) or (ex1_ep56_t( 9) and ex1_ep56_g(10)) ;
ex1_ep56_g2( 8) <= ex1_ep56_g( 8) or (ex1_ep56_t( 8) and ex1_ep56_g( 9)) ;
ex1_ep56_g2( 7) <= ex1_ep56_g( 7) or (ex1_ep56_t( 7) and ex1_ep56_g( 8)) ;
ex1_ep56_g2( 6) <= ex1_ep56_g( 6) or (ex1_ep56_t( 6) and ex1_ep56_g( 7)) ;
ex1_ep56_g2( 5) <= ex1_ep56_g( 5) or (ex1_ep56_t( 5) and ex1_ep56_g( 6)) ;
ex1_ep56_g2( 4) <= ex1_ep56_g( 4) or (ex1_ep56_t( 4) and ex1_ep56_g( 5)) ;
ex1_ep56_g2( 3) <= ex1_ep56_g( 3) or (ex1_ep56_t( 3) and ex1_ep56_g( 4)) ;
ex1_ep56_g2( 2) <= ex1_ep56_g( 2) or (ex1_ep56_t( 2) and ex1_ep56_g( 3)) ;
ex1_ep56_t2(10) <= (ex1_ep56_t(10) and ex1_ep56_t(11)) ;
ex1_ep56_t2( 9) <= (ex1_ep56_t( 9) and ex1_ep56_t(10)) ;
ex1_ep56_t2( 8) <= (ex1_ep56_t( 8) and ex1_ep56_t( 9)) ;
ex1_ep56_t2( 7) <= (ex1_ep56_t( 7) and ex1_ep56_t( 8)) ;
ex1_ep56_t2( 6) <= (ex1_ep56_t( 6) and ex1_ep56_t( 7)) ;
ex1_ep56_t2( 5) <= (ex1_ep56_t( 5) and ex1_ep56_t( 6)) ;
ex1_ep56_t2( 4) <= (ex1_ep56_t( 4) and ex1_ep56_t( 5)) ;
ex1_ep56_t2( 3) <= (ex1_ep56_t( 3) and ex1_ep56_t( 4)) ;
ex1_ep56_t2( 2) <= (ex1_ep56_t( 2) and ex1_ep56_t( 3)) ;
ex1_ep56_g4(12) <= ex1_ep56_g2(12) ;
ex1_ep56_g4(11) <= ex1_ep56_g2(11) ;
ex1_ep56_g4(10) <= ex1_ep56_g2(10) or (ex1_ep56_t2(10) and ex1_ep56_g2(12)) ;
ex1_ep56_g4( 9) <= ex1_ep56_g2( 9) or (ex1_ep56_t2( 9) and ex1_ep56_g2(11)) ;
ex1_ep56_g4( 8) <= ex1_ep56_g2( 8) or (ex1_ep56_t2( 8) and ex1_ep56_g2(10)) ;
ex1_ep56_g4( 7) <= ex1_ep56_g2( 7) or (ex1_ep56_t2( 7) and ex1_ep56_g2( 9)) ;
ex1_ep56_g4( 6) <= ex1_ep56_g2( 6) or (ex1_ep56_t2( 6) and ex1_ep56_g2( 8)) ;
ex1_ep56_g4( 5) <= ex1_ep56_g2( 5) or (ex1_ep56_t2( 5) and ex1_ep56_g2( 7)) ;
ex1_ep56_g4( 4) <= ex1_ep56_g2( 4) or (ex1_ep56_t2( 4) and ex1_ep56_g2( 6)) ;
ex1_ep56_g4( 3) <= ex1_ep56_g2( 3) or (ex1_ep56_t2( 3) and ex1_ep56_g2( 5)) ;
ex1_ep56_g4( 2) <= ex1_ep56_g2( 2) or (ex1_ep56_t2( 2) and ex1_ep56_g2( 4)) ;
ex1_ep56_t4( 8) <= (ex1_ep56_t2( 8) and ex1_ep56_t2(10)) ;
ex1_ep56_t4( 7) <= (ex1_ep56_t2( 7) and ex1_ep56_t2( 9)) ;
ex1_ep56_t4( 6) <= (ex1_ep56_t2( 6) and ex1_ep56_t2( 8)) ;
ex1_ep56_t4( 5) <= (ex1_ep56_t2( 5) and ex1_ep56_t2( 7)) ;
ex1_ep56_t4( 4) <= (ex1_ep56_t2( 4) and ex1_ep56_t2( 6)) ;
ex1_ep56_t4( 3) <= (ex1_ep56_t2( 3) and ex1_ep56_t2( 5)) ;
ex1_ep56_t4( 2) <= (ex1_ep56_t2( 2) and ex1_ep56_t2( 4)) ;
ex1_ep56_g8(12) <= ex1_ep56_g4(12) ;
ex1_ep56_g8(11) <= ex1_ep56_g4(11) ;
ex1_ep56_g8(10) <= ex1_ep56_g4(10) ;
ex1_ep56_g8( 9) <= ex1_ep56_g4( 9) ;
ex1_ep56_g8( 8) <= ex1_ep56_g4( 8) or (ex1_ep56_t4( 8) and ex1_ep56_g4(12)) ;
ex1_ep56_g8( 7) <= ex1_ep56_g4( 7) or (ex1_ep56_t4( 7) and ex1_ep56_g4(11)) ;
ex1_ep56_g8( 6) <= ex1_ep56_g4( 6) or (ex1_ep56_t4( 6) and ex1_ep56_g4(10)) ;
ex1_ep56_g8( 5) <= ex1_ep56_g4( 5) or (ex1_ep56_t4( 5) and ex1_ep56_g4( 9)) ;
ex1_ep56_g8( 4) <= ex1_ep56_g4( 4) or (ex1_ep56_t4( 4) and ex1_ep56_g4( 8)) ;
ex1_ep56_g8( 3) <= ex1_ep56_g4( 3) or (ex1_ep56_t4( 3) and ex1_ep56_g4( 7)) ;
ex1_ep56_g8( 2) <= ex1_ep56_g4( 2) or (ex1_ep56_t4( 2) and ex1_ep56_g4( 6)) ;
ex1_ep56_t8( 4) <= (ex1_ep56_t4( 4) and ex1_ep56_t4( 8)) ;
ex1_ep56_t8( 3) <= (ex1_ep56_t4( 3) and ex1_ep56_t4( 7)) ;
ex1_ep56_t8( 2) <= (ex1_ep56_t4( 2) and ex1_ep56_t4( 6)) ;
ex1_ep56_c(12) <= ex1_ep56_g8(12) ;
ex1_ep56_c(11) <= ex1_ep56_g8(11) ;
ex1_ep56_c(10) <= ex1_ep56_g8(10) ;
ex1_ep56_c( 9) <= ex1_ep56_g8( 9) ;
ex1_ep56_c( 8) <= ex1_ep56_g8( 8) ;
ex1_ep56_c( 7) <= ex1_ep56_g8( 7) ;
ex1_ep56_c( 6) <= ex1_ep56_g8( 6) ;
ex1_ep56_c( 5) <= ex1_ep56_g8( 5) ;
ex1_ep56_c( 4) <= ex1_ep56_g8( 4) or (ex1_ep56_t8( 4) and ex1_ep56_g8(12)) ;
ex1_ep56_c( 3) <= ex1_ep56_g8( 3) or (ex1_ep56_t8( 3) and ex1_ep56_g8(11)) ;
ex1_ep56_c( 2) <= ex1_ep56_g8( 2) or (ex1_ep56_t8( 2) and ex1_ep56_g8(10)) ;
ex1_p_expo_adj(1 to 13) <=
( ex1_ep56_s(1 to 13) and (1 to 13 => not f_pic_ex1_fsel) ) or
( ex1_c_expo(1 to 13) and (1 to 13 => f_pic_ex1_fsel) );
ex1_from_k( 1) <= tidn;
ex1_from_k( 2) <= tidn;
ex1_from_k( 3) <= tiup;
ex1_from_k( 4) <= tidn;
ex1_from_k( 5) <= tidn;
ex1_from_k( 6) <= tiup;
ex1_from_k( 7) <= tidn;
ex1_from_k( 8) <= tiup;
ex1_from_k( 9) <= tidn;
ex1_from_k(10) <= tidn;
ex1_from_k(11) <= tidn;
ex1_from_k(12) <= tidn;
ex1_from_k(13) <= tiup;
ex1_b_expo_adj(1 to 13) <=
( ex1_from_k (1 to 13) and (1 to 13=> f_pic_ex1_from_integer ) ) or
( ex1_b_expo (1 to 13) and (1 to 13=> not f_pic_ex1_from_integer ) ) ;
ex1_wd_ge_bot <= ex1_b_expo( 9) and
ex1_b_expo(10) and
ex1_b_expo(11) and
ex1_b_expo(12) and
ex1_b_expo(13) ;
ex1_dw_ge_bot <= ex1_b_expo( 8) and
ex1_wd_ge_bot ;
ex1_ge_2048 <= not ex1_b_expo( 1) and ex1_b_expo( 2) ;
ex1_ge_1024 <= not ex1_b_expo( 1) and ex1_b_expo( 3) ;
ex1_dw_ge_mid <= ex1_b_expo( 4) or
ex1_b_expo( 5) or
ex1_b_expo( 6) or
ex1_b_expo( 7) ;
ex1_wd_ge_mid <= ex1_b_expo( 8) or
ex1_dw_ge_mid ;
ex1_dw_ge <= ( ex1_ge_2048 ) or
( ex1_ge_1024 and ex1_dw_ge_mid ) or
( ex1_ge_1024 and ex1_dw_ge_bot ) ;
ex1_wd_ge <= ( ex1_ge_2048 ) or
( ex1_ge_1024 and ex1_wd_ge_mid ) or
( ex1_ge_1024 and ex1_wd_ge_bot ) ;
ex1_dw_eq_top <= not ex1_b_expo( 1) and
not ex1_b_expo( 2) and
ex1_b_expo( 3) and
not ex1_b_expo( 4) and
not ex1_b_expo( 5) and
not ex1_b_expo( 6) and
not ex1_b_expo( 7) ;
ex1_wd_eq_bot <= ex1_b_expo( 9) and
ex1_b_expo(10) and
ex1_b_expo(11) and
ex1_b_expo(12) and
not ex1_b_expo(13) ;
ex1_wd_eq <= ex1_dw_eq_top and
not ex1_b_expo( 8) and
ex1_wd_eq_bot ;
ex1_dw_eq <= ex1_dw_eq_top and
ex1_b_expo( 8) and
ex1_wd_eq_bot ;
ex1_ge_bias <=
(not ex1_b_expo(1) and ex1_b_expo(2) ) or
(not ex1_b_expo(1) and ex1_b_expo(3) ) or
(not ex1_b_expo(1) and ex1_b_expo(4) and
ex1_b_expo(5) and
ex1_b_expo(6) and
ex1_b_expo(7) and
ex1_b_expo(8) and
ex1_b_expo(9) and
ex1_b_expo(10) and
ex1_b_expo(11) and
ex1_b_expo(12) and
ex1_b_expo(13) );
ex1_lt_bias <= not ex1_ge_bias;
ex1_eq_bias_m1 <=
not ex1_b_expo(1) and
not ex1_b_expo(2) and
not ex1_b_expo(3) and
ex1_b_expo(4) and
ex1_b_expo(5) and
ex1_b_expo(6) and
ex1_b_expo(7) and
ex1_b_expo(8) and
ex1_b_expo(9) and
ex1_b_expo(10) and
ex1_b_expo(11) and
ex1_b_expo(12) and
not ex1_b_expo(13) ;
ex2_bop_lat: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width=> 13, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 0) port map (
forcee => forcee,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr(2) ,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b(2) ,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b(0) ,
vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
thold_b => thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
act => ex1_act,
scout => ex2_bop_so ,
scin => ex2_bop_si ,
din(0 to 12) => ex1_b_expo_adj (1 to 13) ,
dout(0 to 12) => ex2_b_expo_adj (1 to 13) );
ex2_pop_lat: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width=> 13, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 0) port map (
forcee => forcee,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr(2) ,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b(2) ,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b(0) ,
vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
thold_b => thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
act => ex1_act,
scout => ex2_pop_so ,
scin => ex2_pop_si ,
din(0 to 12) => ex1_p_expo_adj (1 to 13) ,
dout(0 to 12) => ex2_p_expo_adj (1 to 13) );
ex2_ctl_lat: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width=> 7, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 0) port map (
forcee => forcee,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr(2) ,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b(2) ,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b(0) ,
vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
thold_b => thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
act => ex1_act,
scout => ex2_ctl_so ,
scin => ex2_ctl_si ,
din(0) => ex1_dw_ge ,
din(1) => ex1_wd_ge ,
din(2) => ex1_wd_eq ,
din(3) => ex1_dw_eq ,
din(4) => f_pic_ex1_fsel,
din(5) => ex1_lt_bias ,
din(6) => ex1_eq_bias_m1,
dout(0) => ex2_dw_ge ,
dout(1) => ex2_wd_ge ,
dout(2) => ex2_wd_eq ,
dout(3) => ex2_dw_eq ,
dout(4) => ex2_fsel ,
dout(5) => ex2_lt_bias ,
dout(6) => ex2_eq_bias_m1 );
f_eie_ex2_lt_bias <= ex2_lt_bias;
f_eie_ex2_eq_bias_m1 <= ex2_eq_bias_m1;
ex2_p_expo(1 to 13) <= ex2_p_expo_adj (1 to 13);
ex2_b_expo(1 to 13) <= ex2_b_expo_adj (1 to 13);
f_eie_ex2_wd_ov <= ex2_wd_ge ;
f_eie_ex2_dw_ov <= ex2_dw_ge ;
f_eie_ex2_wd_ov_if <= ex2_wd_eq ;
f_eie_ex2_dw_ov_if <= ex2_dw_eq ;
f_eie_ex2_lzo_expo(1 to 13) <= ex2_p_expo_adj (1 to 13) ;
f_eie_ex2_b_expo(1 to 13) <= ex2_b_expo(1 to 13);
f_eie_ex2_tbl_expo(1 to 13) <= ex2_b_expo(1 to 13);
ex2_b_expo_fixed(1 to 13) <= ex2_b_expo(1 to 13) ;
f_eie_ex2_use_bexp <= ex2_iexp_b_sel ;
ex2_iexp_b_sel <=
(f_alg_ex2_sel_byp and not ex2_fsel and f_pic_ex2_math_bzer_b ) or
f_fmt_ex2_fsel_bsel or
f_pic_ex2_force_sel_bexp or
f_pic_ex2_frsp_ue1 ;
ex2_iexp(1 to 13) <=
( ex2_b_expo_fixed(1 to 13) and (1 to 13 => ex2_iexp_b_sel) ) or
( ex2_p_expo(1 to 13) and (1 to 13 => not ex2_iexp_b_sel) ) ;
ex3_iexp_lat: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width=> 14, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 0) port map (
forcee => forcee,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr(3) ,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b(3) ,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b(0) ,
vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
thold_b => thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
act => ex2_act,
scout => ex3_iexp_so ,
scin => ex3_iexp_si ,
din(0) => f_pic_ex2_sp_b ,
din(1 to 13) => ex2_iexp (1 to 13) ,
dout(0) => ex3_sp_b ,
dout(1 to 13) => ex3_iexp (1 to 13) );
f_eie_ex3_iexp(1 to 13) <= ex3_iexp(1 to 13) ;
ex2_bop_si (0 to 12) <= ex2_bop_so (1 to 12) & f_eie_si;
ex2_pop_si (0 to 12) <= ex2_pop_so (1 to 12) & ex2_bop_so (0);
ex2_ctl_si (0 to 6) <= ex2_ctl_so (1 to 6) & ex2_pop_so (0);
ex3_iexp_si (0 to 13) <= ex3_iexp_so (1 to 13) & ex2_ctl_so (0);
act_si (0 to 4) <= act_so (1 to 4) & ex3_iexp_so (0);
f_eie_so <= act_so (0);
@ -0,0 +1,996 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee,ibm,support,tri,work;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_unsigned.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_ao_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_mux_support.all;
entity fuq_eov is
generic( expand_type : integer := 2 );
vdd :inout power_logic;
gnd :inout power_logic;
clkoff_b :in std_ulogic;
act_dis :in std_ulogic;
flush :in std_ulogic;
delay_lclkr :in std_ulogic_vector(4 to 5);
mpw1_b :in std_ulogic_vector(4 to 5);
mpw2_b :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
sg_1 :in std_ulogic;
thold_1 :in std_ulogic;
fpu_enable :in std_ulogic;
nclk :in clk_logic;
f_eov_si :in std_ulogic ;
f_eov_so :out std_ulogic ;
ex2_act_b :in std_ulogic ;
f_tbl_ex4_unf_expo :in std_ulogic ;
f_tbe_ex3_may_ov :in std_ulogic;
f_tbe_ex3_expo :in std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13) ;
f_pic_ex3_sel_est :in std_ulogic;
f_eie_ex3_iexp :in std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13) ;
f_pic_ex3_sp_b :in std_ulogic ;
f_pic_ex4_oe :in std_ulogic ;
f_pic_ex4_ue :in std_ulogic ;
f_pic_ex4_ov_en :in std_ulogic ;
f_pic_ex4_uf_en :in std_ulogic ;
f_pic_ex4_spec_sel_k_e :in std_ulogic ;
f_pic_ex4_spec_sel_k_f :in std_ulogic ;
f_pic_ex4_sel_ov_spec :in std_ulogic ;
f_pic_ex4_to_int_ov_all :in std_ulogic ;
f_lza_ex4_sh_rgt_en_eov :in std_ulogic;
f_lza_ex4_lza_amt_eov :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7) ;
f_lza_ex4_no_lza_edge :in std_ulogic ;
f_nrm_ex4_extra_shift :in std_ulogic ;
f_eov_ex4_may_ovf :out std_ulogic ;
f_eov_ex5_sel_k_f :out std_ulogic ;
f_eov_ex5_sel_k_e :out std_ulogic ;
f_eov_ex5_sel_kif_f :out std_ulogic ;
f_eov_ex5_sel_kif_e :out std_ulogic ;
f_eov_ex5_unf_expo :out std_ulogic ;
f_eov_ex5_ovf_expo :out std_ulogic ;
f_eov_ex5_ovf_if_expo :out std_ulogic ;
f_eov_ex5_expo_p0 :out std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13) ;
f_eov_ex5_expo_p1 :out std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13) ;
f_eov_ex5_expo_p0_ue1oe1 :out std_ulogic_vector(3 to 7) ;
f_eov_ex5_expo_p1_ue1oe1 :out std_ulogic_vector(3 to 7)
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
end fuq_eov;
architecture fuq_eov of fuq_eov is
constant tiup :std_ulogic := '1';
constant tidn :std_ulogic := '0';
signal sg_0 :std_ulogic ;
signal thold_0_b, thold_0, forcee :std_ulogic ;
signal ex3_act :std_ulogic ;
signal ex2_act :std_ulogic ;
signal ex4_act :std_ulogic ;
signal act_spare_unused :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2) ;
signal act_so :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4) ;
signal act_si :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4) ;
signal ex4_iexp_so :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 15) ;
signal ex4_iexp_si :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 15) ;
signal ex5_ovctl_so :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2) ;
signal ex5_ovctl_si :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2) ;
signal ex5_misc_so :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 12) ;
signal ex5_misc_si :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 12) ;
signal ex5_urnd0_so :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 12) ;
signal ex5_urnd0_si :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 12) ;
signal ex5_urnd1_so :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 12) ;
signal ex5_urnd1_si :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 12) ;
signal ex4_sp :std_ulogic ;
signal ex4_unf_m1_co12 :std_ulogic ;
signal ex4_unf_p0_co12 :std_ulogic ;
signal ex4_ovf_m1_co12 :std_ulogic ;
signal ex4_ovf_p0_co12 :std_ulogic ;
signal ex4_ovf_p1_co12 :std_ulogic ;
signal ex4_ovf_m1 :std_ulogic ;
signal ex4_ovf_p0 :std_ulogic ;
signal ex4_ovf_p1 :std_ulogic ;
signal ex4_unf_m1 :std_ulogic ;
signal ex4_unf_p0 :std_ulogic ;
signal ex4_i_exp :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13) ;
signal ex4_ue1oe1_k :std_ulogic_vector(3 to 7) ;
signal ex4_lzasub_sum :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13) ;
signal ex4_lzasub_car :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 12) ;
signal ex4_lzasub_p :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 12) ;
signal ex4_lzasub_t :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 12) ;
signal ex4_lzasub_g :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 12) ;
signal ex4_lzasub_m1 :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13) ;
signal ex4_lzasub_p0 :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13) ;
signal ex4_lzasub_p1 :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13) ;
signal ex4_lzasub_c0 :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 11) ;
signal ex4_lzasub_c1 :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 11) ;
signal ex4_lzasub_s0 :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 11) ;
signal ex4_lzasub_s1 :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 11) ;
signal ex4_ovf_sum :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13) ;
signal ex4_ovf_car :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 12) ;
signal ex4_ovf_g :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 12) ;
signal ex4_ovf_t :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 12) ;
signal ex4_ovf_p :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 1) ;
signal ex4_unf_sum :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13) ;
signal ex4_unf_car :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 12) ;
signal ex4_unf_g :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 12) ;
signal ex4_unf_t :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 12) ;
signal ex4_unf_p :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 1) ;
signal ex4_unf_ci0_02t11 :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_unf_ci1_02t11 :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_expo_p0 :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13) ;
signal ex4_expo_p1 :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13) ;
signal ex5_expo_p0 :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13) ;
signal ex5_expo_p1 :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13) ;
signal ex5_ue1oe1_k :std_ulogic_vector(3 to 7) ;
signal ex5_ue1oe1_p0_p :std_ulogic_vector(3 to 7) ;
signal ex5_ue1oe1_p0_t :std_ulogic_vector(4 to 6) ;
signal ex5_ue1oe1_p0_g :std_ulogic_vector(4 to 7) ;
signal ex5_ue1oe1_p0_c :std_ulogic_vector(4 to 7) ;
signal ex5_ue1oe1_p1_p :std_ulogic_vector(3 to 7) ;
signal ex5_ue1oe1_p1_t :std_ulogic_vector(4 to 6) ;
signal ex5_ue1oe1_p1_g :std_ulogic_vector(4 to 7) ;
signal ex5_ue1oe1_p1_c :std_ulogic_vector(4 to 7) ;
signal ex4_lzasub_m1_c12 :std_ulogic ;
signal ex4_lzasub_p0_c12 :std_ulogic ;
signal ex4_lzasub_p1_c12 :std_ulogic ;
signal ex4_may_ovf :std_ulogic ;
signal ex4_lza_amt_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7) ;
signal ex4_lza_amt :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7) ;
signal ex3_iexp :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13) ;
signal ex3_sp :std_ulogic ;
signal ex3_may_ovf :std_ulogic ;
signal ex4_unf_c2_m1 :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_unf_c2_p0 :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_c2_m1 :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_c2_p0 :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_c2_p1 :std_ulogic;
signal ex5_ue1oe1_p0_g2_b :std_ulogic_vector(4 to 7);
signal ex5_ue1oe1_p0_t2_b :std_ulogic_vector(4 to 5);
signal ex5_ue1oe1_p1_g2_b :std_ulogic_vector(4 to 7);
signal ex5_ue1oe1_p1_t2_b :std_ulogic_vector(4 to 5);
signal ex4_unf_g2_02t03 :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_unf_g2_04t05 :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_unf_g2_06t07 :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_unf_g2_08t09 :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_unf_g2_10t11 :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_unf_ci0_g2 :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_unf_ci1_g2 :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_unf_t2_02t03 :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_unf_t2_04t05 :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_unf_t2_06t07 :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_unf_t2_08t09 :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_unf_t2_10t11 :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_unf_g4_02t05 :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_unf_g4_06t09 :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_unf_ci0_g4 :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_unf_ci1_g4 :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_unf_t4_02t05 :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_unf_t4_06t09 :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_unf_g8_02t09 :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_unf_ci0_g8 :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_unf_ci1_g8 :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_unf_t8_02t09 :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_ovf_ci0_02t11 :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_ovf_ci1_02t11 :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_ovf_g2_02t03 :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_ovf_g2_04t05 :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_ovf_g2_06t07 :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_ovf_g2_08t09 :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_ovf_g2_ci0 :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_ovf_g2_ci1 :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_ovf_t2_02t03 :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_ovf_t2_04t05 :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_ovf_t2_06t07 :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_ovf_t2_08t09 :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_ovf_g4_02t05 :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_ovf_g4_06t09 :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_ovf_g4_ci0 :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_ovf_g4_ci1 :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_ovf_t4_02t05 :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_ovf_t4_06t09 :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_ovf_g8_02t09 :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_ovf_g8_ci0 :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_ovf_g8_ci1 :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_ovf_t8_02t09 :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_lzasub_gg02 :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 11);
signal ex4_lzasub_gt02 :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 11);
signal ex4_lzasub_gg04 :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 11);
signal ex4_lzasub_gt04 :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 11);
signal ex4_lzasub_gg08 :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 11);
signal ex4_lzasub_gt08 :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 11);
signal ex4_sh_rgt_en_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex3_may_ov_usual :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_ovf_calc :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_ovf_if_calc :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_unf_calc :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_unf_tbl :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_unf_tbl_spec_e :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_ov_en :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_ov_en_oe0 :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_sel_ov_spec :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_unf_en_nedge :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_unf_ue0_nestsp :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_sel_k_part_f :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_sel_k_part_e :std_ulogic;
signal ex5_ovf_calc :std_ulogic;
signal ex5_ovf_if_calc :std_ulogic;
signal ex5_unf_calc :std_ulogic;
signal ex5_unf_tbl :std_ulogic;
signal ex5_unf_tbl_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex5_unf_tbl_spec_e :std_ulogic;
signal ex5_ov_en :std_ulogic;
signal ex5_ov_en_oe0 :std_ulogic;
signal ex5_sel_ov_spec :std_ulogic;
signal ex5_unf_en_nedge :std_ulogic;
signal ex5_unf_ue0_nestsp :std_ulogic;
signal ex5_sel_k_part_f :std_ulogic;
signal ex5_sel_ov_spec_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex5_ovf_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex5_ovf_if_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex5_ovf_oe0_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex5_ovf_if_oe0_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex5_unf_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex5_unf_ue0_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex5_sel_k_part_f_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex5_unf_tbl_spec_e_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_sel_est :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_est_sp :std_ulogic;
signal ex4_expo_p0_0_b, ex4_expo_p0_1_b, ex4_expo_p1_0_b, ex4_expo_p1_1_b :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13) ;
signal ex4_ovf_calc_0_b, ex4_ovf_calc_1_b, ex4_ovf_if_calc_0_b, ex4_ovf_if_calc_1_b, ex4_unf_calc_0_b, ex4_unf_calc_1_b :std_ulogic ;
signal ex5_d1clk, ex5_d2clk :std_ulogic ;
signal ex5_lclk :clk_logic;
signal unused :std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
unused <=
or_reduce( ex4_expo_p0(1 to 13) ) or
or_reduce( ex4_expo_p1(1 to 13) ) or
ex4_ovf_calc or
ex4_ovf_if_calc or
ex4_unf_calc ;
thold_reg_0: tri_plat generic map (expand_type => expand_type) port map (
vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
flush => flush ,
din(0) => thold_1,
q(0) => thold_0 );
sg_reg_0: tri_plat generic map (expand_type => expand_type) port map (
vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
flush => flush ,
din(0) => sg_1 ,
q(0) => sg_0 );
lcbor_0: tri_lcbor generic map (expand_type => expand_type ) port map (
clkoff_b => clkoff_b,
thold => thold_0,
sg => sg_0,
act_dis => act_dis,
forcee => forcee,
thold_b => thold_0_b );
ex5_lcb : tri_lcbnd generic map (expand_type => expand_type) port map(
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr(5) ,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b(5) ,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b(1) ,
forcee => forcee,
nclk => nclk ,
vd => vdd ,
gd => gnd ,
act => ex4_act ,
sg => sg_0 ,
thold_b => thold_0_b ,
d1clk => ex5_d1clk ,
d2clk => ex5_d2clk ,
lclk => ex5_lclk );
ex2_act <= not ex2_act_b;
act_lat: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width=> 5, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 0) port map (
forcee => forcee,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr(4) ,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b(4) ,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b(0) ,
vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
thold_b => thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
act => fpu_enable,
scout => act_so ,
scin => act_si ,
din(0) => act_spare_unused(0),
din(1) => act_spare_unused(1),
din(2) => ex2_act,
din(3) => ex3_act,
din(4) => act_spare_unused(2),
dout(0) => act_spare_unused(0),
dout(1) => act_spare_unused(1),
dout(2) => ex3_act,
dout(3) => ex4_act,
dout(4) => act_spare_unused(2) );
ex3_iexp(1 to 13) <=
( (1 to 13=> not f_pic_ex3_sel_est) and f_eie_ex3_iexp(1 to 13) ) or
( (1 to 13=> f_pic_ex3_sel_est) and f_tbe_ex3_expo(1 to 13) ) ;
ex3_sp <= not f_pic_ex3_sp_b;
ex3_may_ovf <=
( ex3_may_ov_usual and not f_pic_ex3_sel_est) or
( f_tbe_ex3_may_ov and f_pic_ex3_sel_est);
ex3_may_ov_usual <=
(not f_eie_ex3_iexp(1) and f_eie_ex3_iexp(2) ) or
(not f_eie_ex3_iexp(1) and f_eie_ex3_iexp(3) and f_eie_ex3_iexp(4) ) or
(not f_eie_ex3_iexp(1) and f_eie_ex3_iexp(3) and f_eie_ex3_iexp(5) ) or
(not f_eie_ex3_iexp(1) and f_eie_ex3_iexp(3) and f_eie_ex3_iexp(6) ) or
(not f_eie_ex3_iexp(1) and f_eie_ex3_iexp(3) and f_eie_ex3_iexp(7) ) or
(not f_eie_ex3_iexp(1) and f_eie_ex3_iexp(3) and f_eie_ex3_iexp(8) and f_eie_ex3_iexp(9) );
ex4_iexp_lat: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width=> 16, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 0) port map (
forcee => forcee,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr(4) ,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b(4) ,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b(0) ,
vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
thold_b => thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
act => ex3_act,
scout => ex4_iexp_so ,
scin => ex4_iexp_si ,
din(0) => ex3_sp ,
din(1 to 13) => ex3_iexp(1 to 13) ,
din(14) => ex3_may_ovf ,
din(15) => f_pic_ex3_sel_est,
dout(0) => ex4_sp ,
dout(1 to 13) => ex4_i_exp(1 to 13) ,
dout(14) => ex4_may_ovf ,
dout(15) => ex4_sel_est );
f_eov_ex4_may_ovf <= ex4_may_ovf;
ex4_ue1oe1_k(3) <= (not ex4_may_ovf and not ex4_sp) or
( ex4_may_ovf and ex4_sp) ;
ex4_ue1oe1_k(4) <= ( not ex4_sp) or
( ex4_may_ovf and ex4_sp) ;
ex4_ue1oe1_k(5) <= ( ex4_may_ovf and ex4_sp) ;
ex4_ue1oe1_k(6) <= (not ex4_may_ovf and ex4_sp) ;
ex4_ue1oe1_k(7) <= ( ex4_sp) ;
ex4_lza_amt_b(0 to 7) <= not f_lza_ex4_lza_amt_eov(0 to 7);
ex4_lza_amt (0 to 7) <= f_lza_ex4_lza_amt_eov(0 to 7);
ex4_sh_rgt_en_b <= not f_lza_ex4_sh_rgt_en_eov;
ex4_lzasub_sum( 1) <= ex4_sh_rgt_en_b xor ex4_i_exp( 1);
ex4_lzasub_sum( 2) <= ex4_sh_rgt_en_b xor ex4_i_exp( 2);
ex4_lzasub_sum( 3) <= ex4_sh_rgt_en_b xor ex4_i_exp( 3);
ex4_lzasub_sum( 4) <= ex4_sh_rgt_en_b xor ex4_i_exp( 4);
ex4_lzasub_sum( 5) <= ex4_sh_rgt_en_b xor ex4_i_exp( 5);
ex4_lzasub_sum( 6) <= ex4_lza_amt_b(0) xor ex4_i_exp( 6);
ex4_lzasub_sum( 7) <= ex4_lza_amt_b(1) xor ex4_i_exp( 7);
ex4_lzasub_sum( 8) <= ex4_lza_amt_b(2) xor ex4_i_exp( 8);
ex4_lzasub_sum( 9) <= ex4_lza_amt_b(3) xor ex4_i_exp( 9);
ex4_lzasub_sum(10) <= ex4_lza_amt_b(4) xor ex4_i_exp(10);
ex4_lzasub_sum(11) <= ex4_lza_amt_b(5) xor ex4_i_exp(11);
ex4_lzasub_sum(12) <= ex4_lza_amt_b(6) xor ex4_i_exp(12);
ex4_lzasub_sum(13) <= not( ex4_lza_amt_b(7) xor ex4_i_exp(13) );
ex4_lzasub_car( 1) <= ex4_sh_rgt_en_b and ex4_i_exp( 2);
ex4_lzasub_car( 2) <= ex4_sh_rgt_en_b and ex4_i_exp( 3);
ex4_lzasub_car( 3) <= ex4_sh_rgt_en_b and ex4_i_exp( 4);
ex4_lzasub_car( 4) <= ex4_sh_rgt_en_b and ex4_i_exp( 5);
ex4_lzasub_car( 5) <= ex4_lza_amt_b(0) and ex4_i_exp( 6);
ex4_lzasub_car( 6) <= ex4_lza_amt_b(1) and ex4_i_exp( 7);
ex4_lzasub_car( 7) <= ex4_lza_amt_b(2) and ex4_i_exp( 8);
ex4_lzasub_car( 8) <= ex4_lza_amt_b(3) and ex4_i_exp( 9);
ex4_lzasub_car( 9) <= ex4_lza_amt_b(4) and ex4_i_exp(10);
ex4_lzasub_car(10) <= ex4_lza_amt_b(5) and ex4_i_exp(11);
ex4_lzasub_car(11) <= ex4_lza_amt_b(6) and ex4_i_exp(12);
ex4_lzasub_car(12) <= ex4_lza_amt_b(7) or ex4_i_exp(13);
ex4_lzasub_p(1 to 12) <= ex4_lzasub_car(1 to 12) xor ex4_lzasub_sum(1 to 12);
ex4_lzasub_t(2 to 12) <= ex4_lzasub_car(2 to 12) or ex4_lzasub_sum(2 to 12);
ex4_lzasub_g(2 to 12) <= ex4_lzasub_car(2 to 12) and ex4_lzasub_sum(2 to 12);
ex4_lzasub_m1_c12 <= ex4_lzasub_g(12);
ex4_lzasub_p0_c12 <= ex4_lzasub_g(12) or (ex4_lzasub_t(12) and ex4_lzasub_sum(13) );
ex4_lzasub_p1_c12 <= ex4_lzasub_t(12);
ex4_lzasub_m1(13) <= ex4_lzasub_sum(13);
ex4_lzasub_p0(13) <= not ex4_lzasub_sum(13);
ex4_lzasub_p1(13) <= ex4_lzasub_sum(13);
ex4_lzasub_m1(12) <= ex4_lzasub_p(12);
ex4_lzasub_p0(12) <= ex4_lzasub_p(12) xor ex4_lzasub_sum(13);
ex4_lzasub_p1(12) <= not ex4_lzasub_p(12);
ex4_lzasub_gg02(11) <= ex4_lzasub_g(11) ;
ex4_lzasub_gg02(10) <= ex4_lzasub_g(10) or ( ex4_lzasub_t(10) and ex4_lzasub_g(11) );
ex4_lzasub_gg02( 9) <= ex4_lzasub_g( 9) or ( ex4_lzasub_t( 9) and ex4_lzasub_g(10) );
ex4_lzasub_gg02( 8) <= ex4_lzasub_g( 8) or ( ex4_lzasub_t( 8) and ex4_lzasub_g( 9) );
ex4_lzasub_gg02( 7) <= ex4_lzasub_g( 7) or ( ex4_lzasub_t( 7) and ex4_lzasub_g( 8) );
ex4_lzasub_gg02( 6) <= ex4_lzasub_g( 6) or ( ex4_lzasub_t( 6) and ex4_lzasub_g( 7) );
ex4_lzasub_gg02( 5) <= ex4_lzasub_g( 5) or ( ex4_lzasub_t( 5) and ex4_lzasub_g( 6) );
ex4_lzasub_gg02( 4) <= ex4_lzasub_g( 4) or ( ex4_lzasub_t( 4) and ex4_lzasub_g( 5) );
ex4_lzasub_gg02( 3) <= ex4_lzasub_g( 3) or ( ex4_lzasub_t( 3) and ex4_lzasub_g( 4) );
ex4_lzasub_gg02( 2) <= ex4_lzasub_g( 2) or ( ex4_lzasub_t( 2) and ex4_lzasub_g( 3) );
ex4_lzasub_gt02(11) <= ex4_lzasub_t(11) ;
ex4_lzasub_gt02(10) <= ex4_lzasub_g(10) or ( ex4_lzasub_t(10) and ex4_lzasub_t(11) );
ex4_lzasub_gt02( 9) <= ( ex4_lzasub_t( 9) and ex4_lzasub_t(10) );
ex4_lzasub_gt02( 8) <= ( ex4_lzasub_t( 8) and ex4_lzasub_t( 9) );
ex4_lzasub_gt02( 7) <= ( ex4_lzasub_t( 7) and ex4_lzasub_t( 8) );
ex4_lzasub_gt02( 6) <= ( ex4_lzasub_t( 6) and ex4_lzasub_t( 7) );
ex4_lzasub_gt02( 5) <= ( ex4_lzasub_t( 5) and ex4_lzasub_t( 6) );
ex4_lzasub_gt02( 4) <= ( ex4_lzasub_t( 4) and ex4_lzasub_t( 5) );
ex4_lzasub_gt02( 3) <= ( ex4_lzasub_t( 3) and ex4_lzasub_t( 4) );
ex4_lzasub_gt02( 2) <= ( ex4_lzasub_t( 2) and ex4_lzasub_t( 3) );
ex4_lzasub_gg04(11) <= ex4_lzasub_gg02(11) ;
ex4_lzasub_gg04(10) <= ex4_lzasub_gg02(10) ;
ex4_lzasub_gg04( 9) <= ex4_lzasub_gg02( 9) or ( ex4_lzasub_gt02( 9) and ex4_lzasub_gg02(11) );
ex4_lzasub_gg04( 8) <= ex4_lzasub_gg02( 8) or ( ex4_lzasub_gt02( 8) and ex4_lzasub_gg02(10) );
ex4_lzasub_gg04( 7) <= ex4_lzasub_gg02( 7) or ( ex4_lzasub_gt02( 7) and ex4_lzasub_gg02( 9) );
ex4_lzasub_gg04( 6) <= ex4_lzasub_gg02( 6) or ( ex4_lzasub_gt02( 6) and ex4_lzasub_gg02( 8) );
ex4_lzasub_gg04( 5) <= ex4_lzasub_gg02( 5) or ( ex4_lzasub_gt02( 5) and ex4_lzasub_gg02( 7) );
ex4_lzasub_gg04( 4) <= ex4_lzasub_gg02( 4) or ( ex4_lzasub_gt02( 4) and ex4_lzasub_gg02( 6) );
ex4_lzasub_gg04( 3) <= ex4_lzasub_gg02( 3) or ( ex4_lzasub_gt02( 3) and ex4_lzasub_gg02( 5) );
ex4_lzasub_gg04( 2) <= ex4_lzasub_gg02( 2) or ( ex4_lzasub_gt02( 2) and ex4_lzasub_gg02( 4) );
ex4_lzasub_gt04(11) <= ex4_lzasub_gt02(11) ;
ex4_lzasub_gt04(10) <= ex4_lzasub_gt02(10) ;
ex4_lzasub_gt04( 9) <= ex4_lzasub_gg02( 9) or ( ex4_lzasub_gt02( 9) and ex4_lzasub_gt02(11) );
ex4_lzasub_gt04( 8) <= ex4_lzasub_gg02( 8) or ( ex4_lzasub_gt02( 8) and ex4_lzasub_gt02(10) );
ex4_lzasub_gt04( 7) <= ( ex4_lzasub_gt02( 7) and ex4_lzasub_gt02( 9) );
ex4_lzasub_gt04( 6) <= ( ex4_lzasub_gt02( 6) and ex4_lzasub_gt02( 8) );
ex4_lzasub_gt04( 5) <= ( ex4_lzasub_gt02( 5) and ex4_lzasub_gt02( 7) );
ex4_lzasub_gt04( 4) <= ( ex4_lzasub_gt02( 4) and ex4_lzasub_gt02( 6) );
ex4_lzasub_gt04( 3) <= ( ex4_lzasub_gt02( 3) and ex4_lzasub_gt02( 5) );
ex4_lzasub_gt04( 2) <= ( ex4_lzasub_gt02( 2) and ex4_lzasub_gt02( 4) );
ex4_lzasub_gg08(11) <= ex4_lzasub_gg04(11) ;
ex4_lzasub_gg08(10) <= ex4_lzasub_gg04(10) ;
ex4_lzasub_gg08( 9) <= ex4_lzasub_gg04( 9) ;
ex4_lzasub_gg08( 8) <= ex4_lzasub_gg04( 8) ;
ex4_lzasub_gg08( 7) <= ex4_lzasub_gg04( 7) or ( ex4_lzasub_gt04( 7) and ex4_lzasub_gg04(11) );
ex4_lzasub_gg08( 6) <= ex4_lzasub_gg04( 6) or ( ex4_lzasub_gt04( 6) and ex4_lzasub_gg04(10) );
ex4_lzasub_gg08( 5) <= ex4_lzasub_gg04( 5) or ( ex4_lzasub_gt04( 5) and ex4_lzasub_gg04( 9) );
ex4_lzasub_gg08( 4) <= ex4_lzasub_gg04( 4) or ( ex4_lzasub_gt04( 4) and ex4_lzasub_gg04( 8) );
ex4_lzasub_gg08( 3) <= ex4_lzasub_gg04( 3) or ( ex4_lzasub_gt04( 3) and ex4_lzasub_gg04( 7) );
ex4_lzasub_gg08( 2) <= ex4_lzasub_gg04( 2) or ( ex4_lzasub_gt04( 2) and ex4_lzasub_gg04( 6) );
ex4_lzasub_gt08(11) <= ex4_lzasub_gt04(11) ;
ex4_lzasub_gt08(10) <= ex4_lzasub_gt04(10) ;
ex4_lzasub_gt08( 9) <= ex4_lzasub_gt04( 9) ;
ex4_lzasub_gt08( 8) <= ex4_lzasub_gt04( 8) ;
ex4_lzasub_gt08( 7) <= ex4_lzasub_gg04( 7) or ( ex4_lzasub_gt04( 7) and ex4_lzasub_gt04(11) );
ex4_lzasub_gt08( 6) <= ex4_lzasub_gg04( 6) or ( ex4_lzasub_gt04( 6) and ex4_lzasub_gt04(10) );
ex4_lzasub_gt08( 5) <= ex4_lzasub_gg04( 5) or ( ex4_lzasub_gt04( 5) and ex4_lzasub_gt04( 9) );
ex4_lzasub_gt08( 4) <= ex4_lzasub_gg04( 4) or ( ex4_lzasub_gt04( 4) and ex4_lzasub_gt04( 8) );
ex4_lzasub_gt08( 3) <= ( ex4_lzasub_gt04( 3) and ex4_lzasub_gt04( 7) );
ex4_lzasub_gt08( 2) <= ( ex4_lzasub_gt04( 2) and ex4_lzasub_gt04( 6) );
ex4_lzasub_c0(11) <= ex4_lzasub_gg08(11) ;
ex4_lzasub_c0(10) <= ex4_lzasub_gg08(10) ;
ex4_lzasub_c0( 9) <= ex4_lzasub_gg08( 9) ;
ex4_lzasub_c0( 8) <= ex4_lzasub_gg08( 8) ;
ex4_lzasub_c0( 7) <= ex4_lzasub_gg08( 7) ;
ex4_lzasub_c0( 6) <= ex4_lzasub_gg08( 6) ;
ex4_lzasub_c0( 5) <= ex4_lzasub_gg08( 5) ;
ex4_lzasub_c0( 4) <= ex4_lzasub_gg08( 4) ;
ex4_lzasub_c0( 3) <= ex4_lzasub_gg08( 3) or ( ex4_lzasub_gt08( 3) and ex4_lzasub_gg08(11) );
ex4_lzasub_c0( 2) <= ex4_lzasub_gg08( 2) or ( ex4_lzasub_gt08( 2) and ex4_lzasub_gg08(10) );
ex4_lzasub_c1(11) <= ex4_lzasub_gt08(11) ;
ex4_lzasub_c1(10) <= ex4_lzasub_gt08(10) ;
ex4_lzasub_c1( 9) <= ex4_lzasub_gt08( 9) ;
ex4_lzasub_c1( 8) <= ex4_lzasub_gt08( 8) ;
ex4_lzasub_c1( 7) <= ex4_lzasub_gt08( 7) ;
ex4_lzasub_c1( 6) <= ex4_lzasub_gt08( 6) ;
ex4_lzasub_c1( 5) <= ex4_lzasub_gt08( 5) ;
ex4_lzasub_c1( 4) <= ex4_lzasub_gt08( 4) ;
ex4_lzasub_c1( 3) <= ex4_lzasub_gg08( 3) or ( ex4_lzasub_gt08( 3) and ex4_lzasub_gt08(11) );
ex4_lzasub_c1( 2) <= ex4_lzasub_gg08( 2) or ( ex4_lzasub_gt08( 2) and ex4_lzasub_gt08(10) );
ex4_lzasub_s0(1 to 11) <= ex4_lzasub_p(1 to 11) xor (ex4_lzasub_c0(2 to 11) & tidn) ;
ex4_lzasub_s1(1 to 11) <= ex4_lzasub_p(1 to 11) xor (ex4_lzasub_c1(2 to 11) & tiup) ;
ex4_lzasub_m1(1 to 11) <=
(ex4_lzasub_s0(1 to 11) and (1 to 11 => not ex4_lzasub_m1_c12) ) or
(ex4_lzasub_s1(1 to 11) and (1 to 11 => ex4_lzasub_m1_c12) );
ex4_lzasub_p0(1 to 11) <=
(ex4_lzasub_s0(1 to 11) and (1 to 11 => not ex4_lzasub_p0_c12) ) or
(ex4_lzasub_s1(1 to 11) and (1 to 11 => ex4_lzasub_p0_c12) );
ex4_lzasub_p1(1 to 11) <=
(ex4_lzasub_s0(1 to 11) and (1 to 11 => not ex4_lzasub_p1_c12) ) or
(ex4_lzasub_s1(1 to 11) and (1 to 11 => ex4_lzasub_p1_c12) );
ex4_ovf_sum( 1) <= ex4_sh_rgt_en_b xor not ex4_i_exp( 1);
ex4_ovf_sum( 2) <= ex4_sh_rgt_en_b xor not ex4_i_exp( 2);
ex4_ovf_sum( 3) <= ex4_sh_rgt_en_b xor ex4_i_exp( 3);
ex4_ovf_sum( 4) <= ex4_sh_rgt_en_b xor ex4_i_exp( 4) xor ex4_sp;
ex4_ovf_sum( 5) <= ex4_sh_rgt_en_b xor ex4_i_exp( 5) xor ex4_sp;
ex4_ovf_sum( 6) <= not ex4_lza_amt(0) xor ex4_i_exp( 6) xor ex4_sp;
ex4_ovf_sum( 7) <= not ex4_lza_amt(1) xor ex4_i_exp( 7);
ex4_ovf_sum( 8) <= not ex4_lza_amt(2) xor ex4_i_exp( 8);
ex4_ovf_sum( 9) <= not ex4_lza_amt(3) xor ex4_i_exp( 9);
ex4_ovf_sum(10) <= not ex4_lza_amt(4) xor ex4_i_exp(10);
ex4_ovf_sum(11) <= not ex4_lza_amt(5) xor ex4_i_exp(11);
ex4_ovf_sum(12) <= not ex4_lza_amt(6) xor not ex4_i_exp(12);
ex4_ovf_sum(13) <= not ex4_lza_amt(7) xor ex4_i_exp(13);
ex4_ovf_car( 1) <= ex4_sh_rgt_en_b or ex4_i_exp( 2);
ex4_ovf_car( 2) <= ex4_sh_rgt_en_b and ex4_i_exp( 3);
ex4_ovf_car( 3) <= ( ex4_sp and ex4_i_exp( 4) ) or
( ex4_sh_rgt_en_b and ex4_i_exp( 4) ) or
( ex4_sh_rgt_en_b and ex4_sp ) ;
ex4_ovf_car( 4) <= ( ex4_sp and ex4_i_exp( 5) ) or
( ex4_sh_rgt_en_b and ex4_i_exp( 5) ) or
( ex4_sh_rgt_en_b and ex4_sp ) ;
ex4_ovf_car( 5) <= (not ex4_lza_amt(0) and ex4_i_exp( 6) ) or
(not ex4_lza_amt(0) and ex4_sp ) or
( ex4_sp and ex4_i_exp( 6) ) ;
ex4_ovf_car( 6) <= not ex4_lza_amt(1) and ex4_i_exp( 7);
ex4_ovf_car( 7) <= not ex4_lza_amt(2) and ex4_i_exp( 8);
ex4_ovf_car( 8) <= not ex4_lza_amt(3) and ex4_i_exp( 9);
ex4_ovf_car( 9) <= not ex4_lza_amt(4) and ex4_i_exp(10);
ex4_ovf_car(10) <= not ex4_lza_amt(5) and ex4_i_exp(11);
ex4_ovf_car(11) <= not ex4_lza_amt(6) or ex4_i_exp(12);
ex4_ovf_car(12) <= not ex4_lza_amt(7) and ex4_i_exp(13);
ex4_ovf_g(2 to 12) <= ex4_ovf_car(2 to 12) and ex4_ovf_sum(2 to 12);
ex4_ovf_t(2 to 12) <= ex4_ovf_car(2 to 12) or ex4_ovf_sum(2 to 12);
ex4_ovf_p(1) <= ex4_ovf_car(1) xor ex4_ovf_sum(1) ;
ex4_ovf_m1_co12 <= ex4_ovf_g(12);
ex4_ovf_p0_co12 <= ex4_ovf_g(12) or (ex4_ovf_t(12) and ex4_ovf_sum(13) );
ex4_ovf_p1_co12 <= ex4_ovf_t(12);
ex4_ovf_g2_02t03 <= ex4_ovf_g( 2) or (ex4_ovf_t( 2) and ex4_ovf_g( 3) );
ex4_ovf_g2_04t05 <= ex4_ovf_g( 4) or (ex4_ovf_t( 4) and ex4_ovf_g( 5) );
ex4_ovf_g2_06t07 <= ex4_ovf_g( 6) or (ex4_ovf_t( 6) and ex4_ovf_g( 7) );
ex4_ovf_g2_08t09 <= ex4_ovf_g( 8) or (ex4_ovf_t( 8) and ex4_ovf_g( 9) );
ex4_ovf_g2_ci0 <= ex4_ovf_g(10) or (ex4_ovf_t(10) and ex4_ovf_g(11) );
ex4_ovf_g2_ci1 <= ex4_ovf_g(10) or (ex4_ovf_t(10) and ex4_ovf_t(11) );
ex4_ovf_t2_02t03 <= (ex4_ovf_t( 2) and ex4_ovf_t( 3) );
ex4_ovf_t2_04t05 <= (ex4_ovf_t( 4) and ex4_ovf_t( 5) );
ex4_ovf_t2_06t07 <= (ex4_ovf_t( 6) and ex4_ovf_t( 7) );
ex4_ovf_t2_08t09 <= (ex4_ovf_t( 8) and ex4_ovf_t( 9) );
ex4_ovf_g4_02t05 <= ex4_ovf_g2_02t03 or ( ex4_ovf_t2_02t03 and ex4_ovf_g2_04t05 );
ex4_ovf_g4_06t09 <= ex4_ovf_g2_06t07 or ( ex4_ovf_t2_06t07 and ex4_ovf_g2_08t09 );
ex4_ovf_g4_ci0 <= ex4_ovf_g2_ci0;
ex4_ovf_g4_ci1 <= ex4_ovf_g2_ci1;
ex4_ovf_t4_02t05 <= ( ex4_ovf_t2_02t03 and ex4_ovf_t2_04t05 );
ex4_ovf_t4_06t09 <= ( ex4_ovf_t2_06t07 and ex4_ovf_t2_08t09 );
ex4_ovf_g8_02t09 <= ex4_ovf_g4_02t05 or ( ex4_ovf_t4_02t05 and ex4_ovf_g4_06t09 );
ex4_ovf_g8_ci0 <= ex4_ovf_g4_ci0;
ex4_ovf_g8_ci1 <= ex4_ovf_g4_ci1;
ex4_ovf_t8_02t09 <= ( ex4_ovf_t4_02t05 and ex4_ovf_t4_06t09 );
ex4_ovf_ci0_02t11 <= ex4_ovf_g8_02t09 or (ex4_ovf_t8_02t09 and ex4_ovf_g8_ci0 );
ex4_ovf_ci1_02t11 <= ex4_ovf_g8_02t09 or (ex4_ovf_t8_02t09 and ex4_ovf_g8_ci1 );
ex4_c2_m1 <= (ex4_ovf_ci0_02t11 or (ex4_ovf_ci1_02t11 and ex4_ovf_m1_co12) ) ;
ex4_c2_p0 <= (ex4_ovf_ci0_02t11 or (ex4_ovf_ci1_02t11 and ex4_ovf_p0_co12) ) ;
ex4_c2_p1 <= (ex4_ovf_ci0_02t11 or (ex4_ovf_ci1_02t11 and ex4_ovf_p1_co12) ) ;
ex4_ovf_m1 <= not ex4_ovf_p(1) xor ex4_c2_m1;
ex4_ovf_p0 <= not ex4_ovf_p(1) xor ex4_c2_p0;
ex4_ovf_p1 <= not ex4_ovf_p(1) xor ex4_c2_p1;
ex4_unf_sum( 1) <= ex4_sh_rgt_en_b xor ex4_i_exp( 1) xor ex4_sp;
ex4_unf_sum( 2) <= ex4_sh_rgt_en_b xor ex4_i_exp( 2) xor ex4_sp;
ex4_unf_sum( 3) <= ex4_sh_rgt_en_b xor ex4_i_exp( 3) xor ex4_sp;
ex4_unf_sum( 4) <= ex4_sh_rgt_en_b xor ex4_i_exp( 4);
ex4_unf_sum( 5) <= ex4_sh_rgt_en_b xor ex4_i_exp( 5);
ex4_unf_sum( 6) <= not ex4_lza_amt(0) xor ex4_i_exp( 6) xor ex4_sp;
ex4_unf_sum( 7) <= not ex4_lza_amt(1) xor ex4_i_exp( 7);
ex4_unf_sum( 8) <= not ex4_lza_amt(2) xor ex4_i_exp( 8);
ex4_unf_sum( 9) <= not ex4_lza_amt(3) xor ex4_i_exp( 9);
ex4_unf_sum(10) <= not ex4_lza_amt(4) xor ex4_i_exp(10);
ex4_unf_sum(11) <= not ex4_lza_amt(5) xor ex4_i_exp(11);
ex4_unf_sum(12) <= not ex4_lza_amt(6) xor ex4_i_exp(12);
ex4_unf_sum(13) <= not ex4_lza_amt(7) xor ex4_i_exp(13);
ex4_unf_car( 1) <= ( ex4_sp and ex4_i_exp( 2) ) or
( ex4_sh_rgt_en_b and ex4_i_exp( 2) ) or
( ex4_sh_rgt_en_b and ex4_sp ) ;
ex4_unf_car( 2) <= ( ex4_sp and ex4_i_exp( 3) ) or
( ex4_sh_rgt_en_b and ex4_i_exp( 3) ) or
( ex4_sh_rgt_en_b and ex4_sp ) ;
ex4_unf_car( 3) <= ex4_sh_rgt_en_b and ex4_i_exp( 4) ;
ex4_unf_car( 4) <= ex4_sh_rgt_en_b and ex4_i_exp( 5) ;
ex4_unf_car( 5) <= (not ex4_lza_amt(0) and ex4_i_exp( 6) ) or
(not ex4_lza_amt(0) and ex4_sp ) or
( ex4_sp and ex4_i_exp( 6) ) ;
ex4_unf_car( 6) <= not ex4_lza_amt(1) and ex4_i_exp( 7);
ex4_unf_car( 7) <= not ex4_lza_amt(2) and ex4_i_exp( 8);
ex4_unf_car( 8) <= not ex4_lza_amt(3) and ex4_i_exp( 9);
ex4_unf_car( 9) <= not ex4_lza_amt(4) and ex4_i_exp(10);
ex4_unf_car(10) <= not ex4_lza_amt(5) and ex4_i_exp(11);
ex4_unf_car(11) <= not ex4_lza_amt(6) and ex4_i_exp(12);
ex4_unf_car(12) <= not ex4_lza_amt(7) and ex4_i_exp(13);
ex4_unf_g(2 to 12) <= ex4_unf_car(2 to 12) and ex4_unf_sum(2 to 12);
ex4_unf_t(2 to 12) <= ex4_unf_car(2 to 12) or ex4_unf_sum(2 to 12);
ex4_unf_p(1) <= ex4_unf_car(1) xor ex4_unf_sum(1) ;
ex4_unf_m1_co12 <= ex4_unf_g(12);
ex4_unf_p0_co12 <= ex4_unf_g(12) or (ex4_unf_t(12) and ex4_unf_sum(13) );
ex4_unf_g2_02t03 <= ex4_unf_g( 2) or (ex4_unf_t( 2) and ex4_unf_g( 3) );
ex4_unf_g2_04t05 <= ex4_unf_g( 4) or (ex4_unf_t( 4) and ex4_unf_g( 5) );
ex4_unf_g2_06t07 <= ex4_unf_g( 6) or (ex4_unf_t( 6) and ex4_unf_g( 7) );
ex4_unf_g2_08t09 <= ex4_unf_g( 8) or (ex4_unf_t( 8) and ex4_unf_g( 9) );
ex4_unf_g2_10t11 <= ex4_unf_g(10) or (ex4_unf_t(10) and ex4_unf_g(11) );
ex4_unf_ci0_g2 <= ex4_unf_g(12) ;
ex4_unf_ci1_g2 <= ex4_unf_t(12) ;
ex4_unf_t2_02t03 <= (ex4_unf_t( 2) and ex4_unf_t( 3) );
ex4_unf_t2_04t05 <= (ex4_unf_t( 4) and ex4_unf_t( 5) );
ex4_unf_t2_06t07 <= (ex4_unf_t( 6) and ex4_unf_t( 7) );
ex4_unf_t2_08t09 <= (ex4_unf_t( 8) and ex4_unf_t( 9) );
ex4_unf_t2_10t11 <= (ex4_unf_t(10) and ex4_unf_t(11) );
ex4_unf_g4_02t05 <= ex4_unf_g2_02t03 or (ex4_unf_t2_02t03 and ex4_unf_g2_04t05 );
ex4_unf_g4_06t09 <= ex4_unf_g2_06t07 or (ex4_unf_t2_06t07 and ex4_unf_g2_08t09 );
ex4_unf_ci0_g4 <= ex4_unf_g2_10t11 or (ex4_unf_t2_10t11 and ex4_unf_ci0_g2 );
ex4_unf_ci1_g4 <= ex4_unf_g2_10t11 or (ex4_unf_t2_10t11 and ex4_unf_ci1_g2 );
ex4_unf_t4_02t05 <= (ex4_unf_t2_02t03 and ex4_unf_t2_04t05 );
ex4_unf_t4_06t09 <= (ex4_unf_t2_06t07 and ex4_unf_t2_08t09 );
ex4_unf_g8_02t09 <= ex4_unf_g4_02t05 or (ex4_unf_t4_02t05 and ex4_unf_g4_06t09 );
ex4_unf_ci0_g8 <= ex4_unf_ci0_g4;
ex4_unf_ci1_g8 <= ex4_unf_ci1_g4;
ex4_unf_t8_02t09 <= (ex4_unf_t4_02t05 and ex4_unf_t4_06t09 );
ex4_unf_ci0_02t11 <= ex4_unf_g8_02t09 or ( ex4_unf_t8_02t09 and ex4_unf_ci0_g8);
ex4_unf_ci1_02t11 <= ex4_unf_g8_02t09 or ( ex4_unf_t8_02t09 and ex4_unf_ci1_g8);
ex4_unf_c2_m1 <= (ex4_unf_ci0_02t11 or (ex4_unf_ci1_02t11 and ex4_unf_m1_co12) ) ;
ex4_unf_c2_p0 <= (ex4_unf_ci0_02t11 or (ex4_unf_ci1_02t11 and ex4_unf_p0_co12) ) ;
ex4_unf_m1 <= ex4_unf_p(1) xor ex4_unf_c2_m1;
ex4_unf_p0 <= ex4_unf_p(1) xor ex4_unf_c2_p0;
u_expo_p0_0: ex4_expo_p0_0_b(1 to 13) <= not(ex4_lzasub_m1(1 to 13) and (1 to 13 => f_nrm_ex4_extra_shift) );
u_expo_p0_1: ex4_expo_p0_1_b(1 to 13) <= not(ex4_lzasub_p0(1 to 13) and (1 to 13 => not f_nrm_ex4_extra_shift) ) ;
u_expo_p0: ex4_expo_p0(1 to 13) <= not(ex4_expo_p0_0_b(1 to 13) and ex4_expo_p0_1_b(1 to 13));
u_expo_p1_0: ex4_expo_p1_0_b(1 to 13) <= not(ex4_lzasub_p0(1 to 13) and (1 to 13 => f_nrm_ex4_extra_shift) );
u_expo_p1_1: ex4_expo_p1_1_b(1 to 13) <= not(ex4_lzasub_p1(1 to 13) and (1 to 13 => not f_nrm_ex4_extra_shift) ) ;
u_expo_p1: ex4_expo_p1(1 to 13) <= not(ex4_expo_p1_0_b(1 to 13) and ex4_expo_p1_1_b(1 to 13));
u_ovf_calc_0: ex4_ovf_calc_0_b <= not(ex4_ovf_m1 and f_nrm_ex4_extra_shift ) ;
u_ovf_calc_1: ex4_ovf_calc_1_b <= not(ex4_ovf_p0 and not f_nrm_ex4_extra_shift ) ;
u_ovf_calc: ex4_ovf_calc <= not(ex4_ovf_calc_0_b and ex4_ovf_calc_1_b ) ;
u_ovf_if_calc_0: ex4_ovf_if_calc_0_b <= not(ex4_ovf_p0 and f_nrm_ex4_extra_shift ) ;
u_ovf_if_calc_1: ex4_ovf_if_calc_1_b <= not(ex4_ovf_p1 and not f_nrm_ex4_extra_shift ) ;
u_ovf_if_calc: ex4_ovf_if_calc <= not(ex4_ovf_if_calc_0_b and ex4_ovf_if_calc_1_b ) ;
u_unf_calc_0: ex4_unf_calc_0_b <= not(ex4_unf_m1 and f_nrm_ex4_extra_shift ) ;
u_unf_calc_1: ex4_unf_calc_1_b <= not(ex4_unf_p0 and not f_nrm_ex4_extra_shift ) ;
u_unf_calc: ex4_unf_calc <= not(ex4_unf_calc_0_b and ex4_unf_calc_1_b ) ;
ex4_est_sp <= ex4_sel_est and ex4_sp;
ex4_unf_tbl <= f_pic_ex4_uf_en and f_tbl_ex4_unf_expo ;
ex4_unf_tbl_spec_e <= (ex4_unf_tbl and not ex4_est_sp and not f_pic_ex4_ue) or ex4_sel_k_part_e;
ex4_ov_en <= f_pic_ex4_ov_en ;
ex4_ov_en_oe0 <= f_pic_ex4_ov_en and not f_pic_ex4_oe;
ex4_sel_ov_spec <= f_pic_ex4_sel_ov_spec;
ex4_unf_en_nedge <= f_pic_ex4_uf_en and not f_lza_ex4_no_lza_edge;
ex4_unf_ue0_nestsp <= f_pic_ex4_uf_en and not f_lza_ex4_no_lza_edge and not f_pic_ex4_ue and not(ex4_est_sp);
ex4_sel_k_part_e <= f_pic_ex4_spec_sel_k_e or f_pic_ex4_to_int_ov_all ;
ex4_sel_k_part_f <= f_pic_ex4_spec_sel_k_f or f_pic_ex4_to_int_ov_all ;
ex5_urnd0_lat: entity tri.tri_nand2_nlats(tri_nand2_nlats) generic map (width=> 13, btr => "NLA0001_X1_A12TH", expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 0 ) port map (
vd => vdd ,
gd => gnd ,
LCLK => ex5_lclk ,
D1CLK => ex5_d1clk ,
D2CLK => ex5_d2clk ,
SCANIN => ex5_urnd0_si ,
SCANOUT => ex5_urnd0_so ,
A1 => ex4_expo_p0_0_b(1 to 13) ,
A2 => ex4_expo_p0_1_b(1 to 13) ,
QB(0 to 12) => ex5_expo_p0(1 to 13) );
ex5_urnd1_lat: entity tri.tri_nand2_nlats(tri_nand2_nlats) generic map (width=> 13, btr => "NLA0001_X1_A12TH", expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 0 ) port map (
vd => vdd ,
gd => gnd ,
LCLK => ex5_lclk ,
D1CLK => ex5_d1clk ,
D2CLK => ex5_d2clk ,
SCANIN => ex5_urnd1_si ,
SCANOUT => ex5_urnd1_so ,
A1 => ex4_expo_p1_0_b(1 to 13) ,
A2 => ex4_expo_p1_1_b(1 to 13) ,
QB(0 to 12) => ex5_expo_p1(1 to 13) );
ex5_ovctl_lat: entity tri.tri_nand2_nlats(tri_nand2_nlats) generic map (width=> 3, btr => "NLA0001_X1_A12TH", expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 0 ) port map (
vd => vdd ,
gd => gnd ,
LCLK => ex5_lclk ,
D1CLK => ex5_d1clk ,
D2CLK => ex5_d2clk ,
SCANIN => ex5_ovctl_si ,
SCANOUT => ex5_ovctl_so ,
A1(0) => ex4_ovf_calc_0_b ,
A1(1) => ex4_ovf_if_calc_0_b ,
A1(2) => ex4_unf_calc_0_b ,
A2(0) => ex4_ovf_calc_1_b ,
A2(1) => ex4_ovf_if_calc_1_b ,
A2(2) => ex4_unf_calc_1_b ,
QB(0) => ex5_ovf_calc ,
QB(1) => ex5_ovf_if_calc ,
QB(2) => ex5_unf_calc );
ex5_misc_lat: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width=> 13, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 0) port map (
forcee => forcee,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr(5) ,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b(5) ,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b(1) ,
vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
thold_b => thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
act => ex4_act,
scout => ex5_misc_so ,
scin => ex5_misc_si ,
din(0) => ex4_unf_tbl ,
din(1) => ex4_unf_tbl_spec_e ,
din(2) => ex4_ov_en ,
din(3) => ex4_ov_en_oe0 ,
din(4) => ex4_sel_ov_spec ,
din(5) => ex4_unf_en_nedge ,
din(6) => ex4_unf_ue0_nestsp ,
din(7) => ex4_sel_k_part_f ,
din(8 to 12) => ex4_ue1oe1_k(3 to 7) ,
dout(0) => ex5_unf_tbl ,
dout(1) => ex5_unf_tbl_spec_e ,
dout(2) => ex5_ov_en ,
dout(3) => ex5_ov_en_oe0 ,
dout(4) => ex5_sel_ov_spec ,
dout(5) => ex5_unf_en_nedge ,
dout(6) => ex5_unf_ue0_nestsp ,
dout(7) => ex5_sel_k_part_f ,
dout(8 to 12) => ex5_ue1oe1_k(3 to 7) );
f_eov_ex5_expo_p0(1 to 13) <= ex5_expo_p0(1 to 13) ;
f_eov_ex5_expo_p1(1 to 13) <= ex5_expo_p1(1 to 13) ;
ex5_sel_ov_spec_b <= not( ex5_sel_ov_spec );
ex5_ovf_b <= not( ex5_ovf_calc and ex5_ov_en );
ex5_ovf_if_b <= not( ex5_ovf_if_calc and ex5_ov_en );
ex5_ovf_oe0_b <= not( ex5_ovf_calc and ex5_ov_en_oe0 );
ex5_ovf_if_oe0_b <= not( ex5_ovf_if_calc and ex5_ov_en_oe0 );
ex5_unf_b <= not( ex5_unf_calc and ex5_unf_en_nedge );
ex5_unf_ue0_b <= not( ex5_unf_calc and ex5_unf_ue0_nestsp );
ex5_sel_k_part_f_b <= not( ex5_sel_k_part_f );
ex5_unf_tbl_spec_e_b <= not( ex5_unf_tbl_spec_e );
ex5_unf_tbl_b <= not( ex5_unf_tbl );
f_eov_ex5_ovf_expo <= not( ex5_ovf_b and ex5_sel_ov_spec_b );
f_eov_ex5_ovf_if_expo <= not( ex5_ovf_if_b and ex5_sel_ov_spec_b );
f_eov_ex5_sel_k_f <= not( ex5_ovf_oe0_b and ex5_sel_k_part_f_b );
f_eov_ex5_sel_kif_f <= not( ex5_ovf_if_oe0_b and ex5_sel_k_part_f_b );
f_eov_ex5_unf_expo <= not( ex5_unf_b and ex5_unf_tbl_b );
f_eov_ex5_sel_k_e <= not( ex5_unf_ue0_b and ex5_unf_tbl_spec_e_b and ex5_ovf_oe0_b );
f_eov_ex5_sel_kif_e <= not( ex5_unf_ue0_b and ex5_unf_tbl_spec_e_b and ex5_ovf_if_oe0_b );
f_eov_ex5_expo_p0_ue1oe1(3 to 6) <= ex5_ue1oe1_p0_p(3 to 6) xor ex5_ue1oe1_p0_c(4 to 7);
f_eov_ex5_expo_p0_ue1oe1(7) <= ex5_ue1oe1_p0_p(7);
ex5_ue1oe1_p0_p(3 to 7) <= ex5_expo_p0(3 to 7) xor ex5_ue1oe1_k(3 to 7);
ex5_ue1oe1_p0_g(4 to 7) <= ex5_expo_p0(4 to 7) and ex5_ue1oe1_k(4 to 7);
ex5_ue1oe1_p0_t(4 to 6) <= ex5_expo_p0(4 to 6) or ex5_ue1oe1_k(4 to 6);
ex5_ue1oe1_p0_g2_b(7) <= not( ex5_ue1oe1_p0_g(7) ) ;
ex5_ue1oe1_p0_g2_b(6) <= not( ex5_ue1oe1_p0_g(6) or (ex5_ue1oe1_p0_t(6) and ex5_ue1oe1_p0_g(7) ) );
ex5_ue1oe1_p0_g2_b(5) <= not( ex5_ue1oe1_p0_g(5) ) ;
ex5_ue1oe1_p0_g2_b(4) <= not( ex5_ue1oe1_p0_g(4) or (ex5_ue1oe1_p0_t(4) and ex5_ue1oe1_p0_g(5) ) );
ex5_ue1oe1_p0_t2_b(5) <= not( ex5_ue1oe1_p0_t(5) ) ;
ex5_ue1oe1_p0_t2_b(4) <= not( (ex5_ue1oe1_p0_t(4) and ex5_ue1oe1_p0_t(5) ) );
ex5_ue1oe1_p0_c(7) <= not( ex5_ue1oe1_p0_g2_b(7) );
ex5_ue1oe1_p0_c(6) <= not( ex5_ue1oe1_p0_g2_b(6) );
ex5_ue1oe1_p0_c(5) <= not( ex5_ue1oe1_p0_g2_b(5) and (ex5_ue1oe1_p0_t2_b(5) or ex5_ue1oe1_p0_g2_b(6) ) );
ex5_ue1oe1_p0_c(4) <= not( ex5_ue1oe1_p0_g2_b(4) and (ex5_ue1oe1_p0_t2_b(4) or ex5_ue1oe1_p0_g2_b(6) ) );
f_eov_ex5_expo_p1_ue1oe1(3 to 6) <= ex5_ue1oe1_p1_p(3 to 6) xor ex5_ue1oe1_p1_c(4 to 7);
f_eov_ex5_expo_p1_ue1oe1(7) <= ex5_ue1oe1_p1_p(7);
ex5_ue1oe1_p1_p(3 to 7) <= ex5_expo_p1(3 to 7) xor ex5_ue1oe1_k(3 to 7);
ex5_ue1oe1_p1_g(4 to 7) <= ex5_expo_p1(4 to 7) and ex5_ue1oe1_k(4 to 7);
ex5_ue1oe1_p1_t(4 to 6) <= ex5_expo_p1(4 to 6) or ex5_ue1oe1_k(4 to 6);
ex5_ue1oe1_p1_g2_b(7) <= not( ex5_ue1oe1_p1_g(7) ) ;
ex5_ue1oe1_p1_g2_b(6) <= not( ex5_ue1oe1_p1_g(6) or (ex5_ue1oe1_p1_t(6) and ex5_ue1oe1_p1_g(7) ) );
ex5_ue1oe1_p1_g2_b(5) <= not( ex5_ue1oe1_p1_g(5) ) ;
ex5_ue1oe1_p1_g2_b(4) <= not( ex5_ue1oe1_p1_g(4) or (ex5_ue1oe1_p1_t(4) and ex5_ue1oe1_p1_g(5) ) );
ex5_ue1oe1_p1_t2_b(5) <= not( ex5_ue1oe1_p1_t(5) ) ;
ex5_ue1oe1_p1_t2_b(4) <= not( (ex5_ue1oe1_p1_t(4) and ex5_ue1oe1_p1_t(5) ) );
ex5_ue1oe1_p1_c(7) <= not( ex5_ue1oe1_p1_g2_b(7) );
ex5_ue1oe1_p1_c(6) <= not( ex5_ue1oe1_p1_g2_b(6) );
ex5_ue1oe1_p1_c(5) <= not( ex5_ue1oe1_p1_g2_b(5) and (ex5_ue1oe1_p1_t2_b(5) or ex5_ue1oe1_p1_g2_b(6) ) );
ex5_ue1oe1_p1_c(4) <= not( ex5_ue1oe1_p1_g2_b(4) and (ex5_ue1oe1_p1_t2_b(4) or ex5_ue1oe1_p1_g2_b(6) ) );
act_si (0 to 4) <= act_so (1 to 4) & f_eov_si ;
ex4_iexp_si (0 to 15) <= ex4_iexp_so (1 to 15) & act_so (0);
ex5_ovctl_si (0 to 2) <= ex5_ovctl_so (1 to 2) & ex4_iexp_so (0);
ex5_misc_si (0 to 12) <= ex5_misc_so (1 to 12) & ex5_ovctl_so (0);
ex5_urnd0_si (0 to 12) <= ex5_urnd0_so (1 to 12) & ex5_misc_so (0);
ex5_urnd1_si (0 to 12) <= ex5_urnd1_so (1 to 12) & ex5_urnd0_so (0);
f_eov_so <= ex5_urnd1_so (0);
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
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-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
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-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
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library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;
library ibm;
use ibm.std_ulogic_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_ao_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_mux_support.all;
library support;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
library tri; use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
entity fuq_gst_add11 is
a_b :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 10);
b_b :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 10);
s0 :out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 10)
end fuq_gst_add11;
architecture fuq_gst_add11 of fuq_gst_add11 is
signal p1 :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 10);
signal g1 :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 10);
signal t1 :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 9);
signal g2_b :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 10);
signal g4 :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 10);
signal g8_b :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 10);
signal c16 :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 10);
signal t2_b :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 8);
signal t4 :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 6);
signal t8_b :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 2);
u_p1: p1(0 to 10) <= ( a_b(0 to 10) xor b_b(0 to 10) );
u_g1: g1(1 to 10) <= not( a_b(1 to 10) or b_b(1 to 10) );
u_t1: t1(1 to 9) <= not( a_b(1 to 9) and b_b(1 to 9) );
u_g2_01: g2_b(1) <= not( g1(1) or ( t1(1) and g1(2) ) );
u_g2_02: g2_b(2) <= not( g1(2) or ( t1(2) and g1(3) ) );
u_g2_03: g2_b(3) <= not( g1(3) or ( t1(3) and g1(4) ) );
u_g2_04: g2_b(4) <= not( g1(4) or ( t1(4) and g1(5) ) );
u_g2_05: g2_b(5) <= not( g1(5) or ( t1(5) and g1(6) ) );
u_g2_06: g2_b(6) <= not( g1(6) or ( t1(6) and g1(7) ) );
u_g2_07: g2_b(7) <= not( g1(7) or ( t1(7) and g1(8) ) );
u_g2_08: g2_b(8) <= not( g1(8) or ( t1(8) and g1(9) ) );
u_g2_09: g2_b(9) <= not( g1(9) or ( t1(9) and g1(10) ) );
u_g2_10: g2_b(10) <= not( g1(10) );
u_t2_01: t2_b(1) <= not( t1(1) and t1(2) );
u_t2_02: t2_b(2) <= not( t1(2) and t1(3) );
u_t2_03: t2_b(3) <= not( t1(3) and t1(4) );
u_t2_04: t2_b(4) <= not( t1(4) and t1(5) );
u_t2_05: t2_b(5) <= not( t1(5) and t1(6) );
u_t2_06: t2_b(6) <= not( t1(6) and t1(7) );
u_t2_07: t2_b(7) <= not( t1(7) and t1(8) );
u_t2_08: t2_b(8) <= not( t1(8) and t1(9) );
u_g4_01: g4(1) <= not( g2_b(1) and ( t2_b(1) or g2_b(3) ) );
u_g4_02: g4(2) <= not( g2_b(2) and ( t2_b(2) or g2_b(4) ) );
u_g4_03: g4(3) <= not( g2_b(3) and ( t2_b(3) or g2_b(5) ) );
u_g4_04: g4(4) <= not( g2_b(4) and ( t2_b(4) or g2_b(6) ) );
u_g4_05: g4(5) <= not( g2_b(5) and ( t2_b(5) or g2_b(7) ) );
u_g4_06: g4(6) <= not( g2_b(6) and ( t2_b(6) or g2_b(8) ) );
u_g4_07: g4(7) <= not( g2_b(7) and ( t2_b(7) or g2_b(9) ) );
u_g4_08: g4(8) <= not( g2_b(8) and ( t2_b(8) or g2_b(10) ) );
u_g4_09: g4(9) <= not( g2_b(9) );
u_g4_10: g4(10) <= not( g2_b(10) );
u_t4_01: t4(1) <= not( t2_b(1) or t2_b(3) );
u_t4_02: t4(2) <= not( t2_b(2) or t2_b(4) );
u_t4_03: t4(3) <= not( t2_b(3) or t2_b(5) );
u_t4_04: t4(4) <= not( t2_b(4) or t2_b(6) );
u_t4_05: t4(5) <= not( t2_b(5) or t2_b(7) );
u_t4_06: t4(6) <= not( t2_b(6) or t2_b(8) );
u_g8_01: g8_b(1) <= not( g4(1) or ( t4(1) and g4(5) ) );
u_g8_02: g8_b(2) <= not( g4(2) or ( t4(2) and g4(6) ) );
u_g8_03: g8_b(3) <= not( g4(3) or ( t4(3) and g4(7) ) );
u_g8_04: g8_b(4) <= not( g4(4) or ( t4(4) and g4(8) ) );
u_g8_05: g8_b(5) <= not( g4(5) or ( t4(5) and g4(9) ) );
u_g8_06: g8_b(6) <= not( g4(6) or ( t4(6) and g4(10) ) );
u_g8_07: g8_b(7) <= not( g4(7) );
u_g8_08: g8_b(8) <= not( g4(8) );
u_g8_09: g8_b(9) <= not( g4(9) );
u_g8_10: g8_b(10) <= not( g4(10) );
u_t8_01: t8_b(1) <= not( t4(1) and t4(5) );
u_t8_02: t8_b(2) <= not( t4(2) and t4(6) );
u_c16_01: c16(1) <= not( g8_b(1) and ( t8_b(1) or g8_b(9) ) );
u_c16_02: c16(2) <= not( g8_b(2) and ( t8_b(2) or g8_b(10) ) );
u_c16_03: c16(3) <= not( g8_b(3) );
u_c16_04: c16(4) <= not( g8_b(4) );
u_c16_05: c16(5) <= not( g8_b(5) );
u_c16_06: c16(6) <= not( g8_b(6) );
u_c16_07: c16(7) <= not( g8_b(7) );
u_c16_08: c16(8) <= not( g8_b(8) );
u_c16_09: c16(9) <= not( g8_b(9) );
u_c16_10: c16(10) <= not( g8_b(10) );
s0(0 to 9) <= p1(0 to 9) xor c16(1 to 10);
s0(10) <= p1(10) ;
end fuq_gst_add11 ;
@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;
library ibm;
use ibm.std_ulogic_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_ao_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_mux_support.all;
library support;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
library tri; use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
entity fuq_gst_inc19 is
a :in std_ulogic_vector(1 to 19);
o :out std_ulogic_vector(1 to 19)
end fuq_gst_inc19;
architecture fuq_gst_inc19 of fuq_gst_inc19 is
signal a_sum :std_ulogic_vector(01 to 19);
signal a_cout_b :std_ulogic_vector(02 to 19);
signal g2_b, g4, g8_b, g16 :std_ulogic_vector(02 to 19);
g2_b(19) <= not( a(19) );
g2_b(18) <= not( a(18) and a(19) );
g2_b(17) <= not( a(17) and a(18) );
g2_b(16) <= not( a(16) and a(17) );
g2_b(15) <= not( a(15) and a(16) );
g2_b(14) <= not( a(14) and a(15) );
g2_b(13) <= not( a(13) and a(14) );
g2_b(12) <= not( a(12) and a(13) );
g2_b(11) <= not( a(11) and a(12) );
g2_b(10) <= not( a(10) and a(11) );
g2_b( 9) <= not( a( 9) and a(10) );
g2_b( 8) <= not( a( 8) and a( 9) );
g2_b( 7) <= not( a( 7) and a( 8) );
g2_b( 6) <= not( a( 6) and a( 7) );
g2_b( 5) <= not( a( 5) and a( 6) );
g2_b( 4) <= not( a( 4) and a( 5) );
g2_b( 3) <= not( a( 3) and a( 4) );
g2_b( 2) <= not( a( 2) and a( 3) );
g4(19) <= not( g2_b(19) ) ;
g4(18) <= not( g2_b(18) ) ;
g4(17) <= not( g2_b(17) or g2_b(19) ) ;
g4(16) <= not( g2_b(16) or g2_b(18) ) ;
g4(15) <= not( g2_b(15) or g2_b(17) ) ;
g4(14) <= not( g2_b(14) or g2_b(16) ) ;
g4(13) <= not( g2_b(13) or g2_b(15) ) ;
g4(12) <= not( g2_b(12) or g2_b(14) ) ;
g4(11) <= not( g2_b(11) or g2_b(13) ) ;
g4(10) <= not( g2_b(10) or g2_b(12) ) ;
g4( 9) <= not( g2_b( 9) or g2_b(11) ) ;
g4( 8) <= not( g2_b( 8) or g2_b(10) ) ;
g4( 7) <= not( g2_b( 7) or g2_b( 9) ) ;
g4( 6) <= not( g2_b( 6) or g2_b( 8) ) ;
g4( 5) <= not( g2_b( 5) or g2_b( 7) ) ;
g4( 4) <= not( g2_b( 4) or g2_b( 6) ) ;
g4( 3) <= not( g2_b( 3) or g2_b( 5) ) ;
g4( 2) <= not( g2_b( 2) or g2_b( 4) ) ;
g8_b(19) <= not( g4(19) ) ;
g8_b(18) <= not( g4(18) ) ;
g8_b(17) <= not( g4(17) ) ;
g8_b(16) <= not( g4(16) ) ;
g8_b(15) <= not( g4(15) and g4(19) ) ;
g8_b(14) <= not( g4(14) and g4(18) ) ;
g8_b(13) <= not( g4(13) and g4(17) ) ;
g8_b(12) <= not( g4(12) and g4(16) ) ;
g8_b(11) <= not( g4(11) and g4(15) ) ;
g8_b(10) <= not( g4(10) and g4(14) ) ;
g8_b( 9) <= not( g4( 9) and g4(13) ) ;
g8_b( 8) <= not( g4( 8) and g4(12) ) ;
g8_b( 7) <= not( g4( 7) and g4(11) ) ;
g8_b( 6) <= not( g4( 6) and g4(10) ) ;
g8_b( 5) <= not( g4( 5) and g4( 9) ) ;
g8_b( 4) <= not( g4( 4) and g4( 8) ) ;
g8_b( 3) <= not( g4( 3) and g4( 7) ) ;
g8_b( 2) <= not( g4( 2) and g4( 6) ) ;
g16(19) <= not( g8_b(19) );
g16(18) <= not( g8_b(18) );
g16(17) <= not( g8_b(17) );
g16(16) <= not( g8_b(16) );
g16(15) <= not( g8_b(15) );
g16(14) <= not( g8_b(14) );
g16(13) <= not( g8_b(13) );
g16(12) <= not( g8_b(12) );
g16(11) <= not( g8_b(11) or g8_b(19) ) ;
g16(10) <= not( g8_b(10) or g8_b(18) ) ;
g16( 9) <= not( g8_b( 9) or g8_b(17) ) ;
g16( 8) <= not( g8_b( 8) or g8_b(16) ) ;
g16( 7) <= not( g8_b( 7) or g8_b(15) ) ;
g16( 6) <= not( g8_b( 6) or g8_b(14) ) ;
g16( 5) <= not( g8_b( 5) or g8_b(13) ) ;
g16( 4) <= not( g8_b( 4) or g8_b(12) ) ;
g16( 3) <= not( g8_b( 3) or g8_b(11) ) ;
g16( 2) <= not( g8_b( 2) or g8_b(10) ) ;
a_cout_b(19) <= not( g16(19) );
a_cout_b(18) <= not( g16(18) );
a_cout_b(17) <= not( g16(17) );
a_cout_b(16) <= not( g16(16) );
a_cout_b(15) <= not( g16(15) );
a_cout_b(14) <= not( g16(14) );
a_cout_b(13) <= not( g16(13) );
a_cout_b(12) <= not( g16(12) );
a_cout_b(11) <= not( g16(11) );
a_cout_b(10) <= not( g16(10) );
a_cout_b( 9) <= not( g16( 9) );
a_cout_b( 8) <= not( g16( 8) );
a_cout_b( 7) <= not( g16( 7) );
a_cout_b( 6) <= not( g16( 6) );
a_cout_b( 5) <= not( g16( 5) );
a_cout_b( 4) <= not( g16( 4) );
a_cout_b( 3) <= not( g16( 3) and g16(19) );
a_cout_b( 2) <= not( g16( 2) and g16(18) );
a_sum(1 to 18) <= a(1 to 18);
a_sum(19) <= not a(19);
o(01 to 18) <= not( a_sum(01 to 18) xor a_cout_b(02 to 19) );
o(19) <= a_sum(19);
end fuq_gst_inc19;
@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;
library ibm;
use ibm.std_ulogic_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_ao_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_mux_support.all;
library support;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
library tri; use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
entity fuq_gst_loa is
a :in std_ulogic_vector(1 to 19);
shamt :out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4)
end fuq_gst_loa;
architecture fuq_gst_loa of fuq_gst_loa is
signal unused :std_ulogic;
unused <= a(19) ;
shamt(0) <= (not a(01) and not a(02) and not a(03) and not a(04) and not a(05) and not a(06) and not a(07)
and not a(08) and not a(09) and not a(10) and not a(11) and not a(12) and not a(13)
and not a(14) and not a(15) and a(19)) or
(not a(01) and not a(02) and not a(03) and not a(04) and not a(05) and not a(06) and not a(07)
and not a(08) and not a(09) and not a(10) and not a(11) and not a(12) and not a(13) and not a(14)
and not a(15) and a(18)) or
(not a(01) and not a(02) and not a(03) and not a(04) and not a(05) and not a(06) and not a(07)
and not a(08) and not a(09) and not a(10) and not a(11) and not a(12) and not a(13) and not a(14)
and not a(15) and a(17)) or
(not a(01) and not a(02) and not a(03) and not a(04) and not a(05) and not a(06) and not a(07)
and not a(08) and not a(09) and not a(10) and not a(11) and not a(12) and not a(13) and not a(14)
and not a(15) and a(16));
shamt(1) <= (not a(01) and not a(02) and not a(03) and not a(04) and not a(05) and not a(06) and not a(07)
and a(15)) or
(not a(01) and not a(02) and not a(03) and not a(04) and not a(05) and not a(06) and not a(07)
and a(14)) or
(not a(01) and not a(02) and not a(03) and not a(04) and not a(05) and not a(06) and not a(07)
and a(13)) or
(not a(01) and not a(02) and not a(03) and not a(04) and not a(05) and not a(06) and not a(07)
and a(12)) or
(not a(01) and not a(02) and not a(03) and not a(04) and not a(05) and not a(06) and not a(07)
and a(11)) or
(not a(01) and not a(02) and not a(03) and not a(04) and not a(05) and not a(06) and not a(07)
and a(10)) or
(not a(01) and not a(02) and not a(03) and not a(04) and not a(05) and not a(06) and not a(07)
and a(09)) or
(not a(01) and not a(02) and not a(03) and not a(04) and not a(05) and not a(06) and not a(07)
and a(08));
shamt(2) <= (not a(01) and not a(02) and not a(03) and not a(08) and not a(09) and not a(10) and not a(11)
and a(15)) or
(not a(01) and not a(02) and not a(03) and not a(08) and not a(09) and not a(10) and not a(11)
and a(14)) or
(not a(01) and not a(02) and not a(03) and not a(08) and not a(09) and not a(10) and not a(11)
and a(13)) or
(not a(01) and not a(02) and not a(03) and not a(08) and not a(09) and not a(10) and not a(11)
and a(12)) or
(not a(01) and not a(02) and not a(03) and a(07)) or
(not a(01) and not a(02) and not a(03) and a(06)) or
(not a(01) and not a(02) and not a(03) and a(05)) or
(not a(01) and not a(02) and not a(03) and a(04));
shamt(3) <= (not a(01) and not a(04) and not a(05) and not a(08) and not a(09) and not a(12) and not a(13)
and not a(16) and not a(17) and a(19)) or
(not a(01) and not a(04) and not a(05) and not a(08) and not a(09) and not a(12) and not a(13)
and not a(16) and not a(17) and a(18)) or
(not a(01) and not a(04) and not a(05) and not a(08) and not a(09) and not a(12) and not a(13)
and a(15)) or
(not a(01) and not a(04) and not a(05) and not a(08) and not a(09) and not a(12) and not a(13)
and a(14)) or
(not a(01) and not a(04) and not a(05) and not a(08) and not a(09) and a(11)) or
(not a(01) and not a(04) and not a(05) and not a(08) and not a(09) and a(10)) or
(not a(01) and not a(04) and not a(05) and a(07)) or
(not a(01) and not a(04) and not a(05) and a(06)) or
(not a(01) and a(03)) or
(not a(01) and a(02));
shamt(4) <= (not a(02) and not a(04) and not a(06) and not a(08) and not a(10) and not a(12) and not a(14)
and not a(16) and not a(18) and a(19)) or
(not a(02) and not a(04) and not a(06) and not a(08) and not a(10) and not a(12) and not a(14)
and not a(16) and a(17)) or
(not a(02) and not a(04) and not a(06) and not a(08) and not a(10) and not a(12) and not a(14)
and a(15)) or
(not a(02) and not a(04) and not a(06) and not a(08) and not a(10) and not a(12) and a(13)) or
(not a(02) and not a(04) and not a(06) and not a(08) and not a(10) and a(11)) or
(not a(02) and not a(04) and not a(06) and not a(08) and a(09)) or
(not a(02) and not a(04) and not a(06) and a(07)) or
(not a(02) and not a(04) and a(05)) or
(not a(02) and a(03)) or
( a(01));
end fuq_gst_loa;
@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;
library ibm;
use ibm.std_ulogic_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_ao_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_mux_support.all;
ENTITY fuq_hc16pp IS PORT(
x : IN std_ulogic_vector(0 to 15);
y : IN std_ulogic_vector(0 to 15);
ci0 : IN std_ulogic;
ci0_b : IN std_ulogic;
ci1 : IN std_ulogic;
ci1_b : IN std_ulogic;
s0 : OUT std_ulogic_vector(0 to 15);
s1 : OUT std_ulogic_vector(0 to 15);
g16 : out std_ulogic;
t16 : out std_ulogic
END fuq_hc16pp;
ARCHITECTURE fuq_hc16pp OF fuq_hc16pp IS
signal g01_b, t01_b, p01_b, p01 :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 15);
signal g01od, t01od :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
signal g02ev , t02ev :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
signal g02ev_b , t02ev_b :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 7);
signal g04ev, t04ev :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 7);
signal g08ev_b, t08ev_b :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 7);
signal g16ev, t16ev :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 7);
signal c0_b , c1_b :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 15);
signal s0_raw, s1_raw :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 15);
signal s0_x_b, s0_y_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 15);
signal s1_x_b, s1_y_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 15);
signal glb_g04_e01_b, glb_g04_e23_b, glb_g04_e45_b, glb_g04_e67_b :std_ulogic;
signal glb_t04_e01_b, glb_t04_e23_b, glb_t04_e45_b, glb_t04_e67_b :std_ulogic;
signal glb_g08_e03 , glb_g08_e47 , glb_t08_e03 , glb_t08_e47 :std_ulogic;
signal glb_g16_e07_b, glb_t16_e07_b :std_ulogic;
hc00_g01: g01_b( 0) <= not( x( 0) and y( 0) );
hc01_g01: g01_b( 1) <= not( x( 1) and y( 1) );
hc02_g01: g01_b( 2) <= not( x( 2) and y( 2) );
hc03_g01: g01_b( 3) <= not( x( 3) and y( 3) );
hc04_g01: g01_b( 4) <= not( x( 4) and y( 4) );
hc05_g01: g01_b( 5) <= not( x( 5) and y( 5) );
hc06_g01: g01_b( 6) <= not( x( 6) and y( 6) );
hc07_g01: g01_b( 7) <= not( x( 7) and y( 7) );
hc08_g01: g01_b( 8) <= not( x( 8) and y( 8) );
hc09_g01: g01_b( 9) <= not( x( 9) and y( 9) );
hc10_g01: g01_b(10) <= not( x(10) and y(10) );
hc11_g01: g01_b(11) <= not( x(11) and y(11) );
hc12_g01: g01_b(12) <= not( x(12) and y(12) );
hc13_g01: g01_b(13) <= not( x(13) and y(13) );
hc14_g01: g01_b(14) <= not( x(14) and y(14) );
hc15_g01: g01_b(15) <= not( x(15) and y(15) );
hc00_t01: t01_b( 0) <= not( x( 0) or y( 0) );
hc01_t01: t01_b( 1) <= not( x( 1) or y( 1) );
hc02_t01: t01_b( 2) <= not( x( 2) or y( 2) );
hc03_t01: t01_b( 3) <= not( x( 3) or y( 3) );
hc04_t01: t01_b( 4) <= not( x( 4) or y( 4) );
hc05_t01: t01_b( 5) <= not( x( 5) or y( 5) );
hc06_t01: t01_b( 6) <= not( x( 6) or y( 6) );
hc07_t01: t01_b( 7) <= not( x( 7) or y( 7) );
hc08_t01: t01_b( 8) <= not( x( 8) or y( 8) );
hc09_t01: t01_b( 9) <= not( x( 9) or y( 9) );
hc10_t01: t01_b(10) <= not( x(10) or y(10) );
hc11_t01: t01_b(11) <= not( x(11) or y(11) );
hc12_t01: t01_b(12) <= not( x(12) or y(12) );
hc13_t01: t01_b(13) <= not( x(13) or y(13) );
hc14_t01: t01_b(14) <= not( x(14) or y(14) );
hc15_t01: t01_b(15) <= not( x(15) or y(15) );
hc00_p01: p01( 0) <= ( x( 0) xor y( 0) );
hc01_p01: p01( 1) <= ( x( 1) xor y( 1) );
hc02_p01: p01( 2) <= ( x( 2) xor y( 2) );
hc03_p01: p01( 3) <= ( x( 3) xor y( 3) );
hc04_p01: p01( 4) <= ( x( 4) xor y( 4) );
hc05_p01: p01( 5) <= ( x( 5) xor y( 5) );
hc06_p01: p01( 6) <= ( x( 6) xor y( 6) );
hc07_p01: p01( 7) <= ( x( 7) xor y( 7) );
hc08_p01: p01( 8) <= ( x( 8) xor y( 8) );
hc09_p01: p01( 9) <= ( x( 9) xor y( 9) );
hc10_p01: p01(10) <= ( x(10) xor y(10) );
hc11_p01: p01(11) <= ( x(11) xor y(11) );
hc12_p01: p01(12) <= ( x(12) xor y(12) );
hc13_p01: p01(13) <= ( x(13) xor y(13) );
hc14_p01: p01(14) <= ( x(14) xor y(14) );
hc15_p01: p01(15) <= ( x(15) xor y(15) );
hc00_p01b: p01_b( 0) <= not( p01( 0) );
hc01_p01b: p01_b( 1) <= not( p01( 1) );
hc02_p01b: p01_b( 2) <= not( p01( 2) );
hc03_p01b: p01_b( 3) <= not( p01( 3) );
hc04_p01b: p01_b( 4) <= not( p01( 4) );
hc05_p01b: p01_b( 5) <= not( p01( 5) );
hc06_p01b: p01_b( 6) <= not( p01( 6) );
hc07_p01b: p01_b( 7) <= not( p01( 7) );
hc08_p01b: p01_b( 8) <= not( p01( 8) );
hc09_p01b: p01_b( 9) <= not( p01( 9) );
hc10_p01b: p01_b(10) <= not( p01(10) );
hc11_p01b: p01_b(11) <= not( p01(11) );
hc12_p01b: p01_b(12) <= not( p01(12) );
hc13_p01b: p01_b(13) <= not( p01(13) );
hc14_p01b: p01_b(14) <= not( p01(14) );
hc15_p01b: p01_b(15) <= not( p01(15) );
hc01_g01o: g01od(0) <= not g01_b( 1);
hc03_g01o: g01od(1) <= not g01_b( 3);
hc05_g01o: g01od(2) <= not g01_b( 5);
hc07_g01o: g01od(3) <= not g01_b( 7);
hc09_g01o: g01od(4) <= not g01_b( 9);
hc11_g01o: g01od(5) <= not g01_b(11);
hc13_g01o: g01od(6) <= not g01_b(13);
hc15_g01o: g01od(7) <= not g01_b(15);
hc01_t01o: t01od(0) <= not t01_b( 1);
hc03_t01o: t01od(1) <= not t01_b( 3);
hc05_t01o: t01od(2) <= not t01_b( 5);
hc07_t01o: t01od(3) <= not t01_b( 7);
hc09_t01o: t01od(4) <= not t01_b( 9);
hc11_t01o: t01od(5) <= not t01_b(11);
hc13_t01o: t01od(6) <= not t01_b(13);
hc15_t01o: t01od(7) <= not t01_b(15);
hc14_g02: g02ev(7) <= not( ( t01_b(14) or g01_b(15) ) and g01_b(14) );
hc12_g02: g02ev(6) <= not( ( t01_b(12) or g01_b(13) ) and g01_b(12) );
hc10_g02: g02ev(5) <= not( ( t01_b(10) or g01_b(11) ) and g01_b(10) );
hc08_g02: g02ev(4) <= not( ( t01_b( 8) or g01_b( 9) ) and g01_b( 8) );
hc06_g02: g02ev(3) <= not( ( t01_b( 6) or g01_b( 7) ) and g01_b( 6) );
hc04_g02: g02ev(2) <= not( ( t01_b( 4) or g01_b( 5) ) and g01_b( 4) );
hc02_g02: g02ev(1) <= not( ( t01_b( 2) or g01_b( 3) ) and g01_b( 2) );
hc00_g02: g02ev(0) <= not( ( t01_b( 0) or g01_b( 1) ) and g01_b( 0) );
hc14_t02: t02ev(7) <= not( ( t01_b(14) or t01_b(15) ) and g01_b(14) );
hc12_t02: t02ev(6) <= not( t01_b(12) or t01_b(13) );
hc10_t02: t02ev(5) <= not( t01_b(10) or t01_b(11) );
hc08_t02: t02ev(4) <= not( t01_b( 8) or t01_b( 9) );
hc06_t02: t02ev(3) <= not( t01_b( 6) or t01_b( 7) );
hc04_t02: t02ev(2) <= not( t01_b( 4) or t01_b( 5) );
hc02_t02: t02ev(1) <= not( t01_b( 2) or t01_b( 3) );
hc00_t02: t02ev(0) <= not( t01_b( 0) or t01_b( 1) );
hc14_g02b: g02ev_b(7) <= not( g02ev(7) );
hc12_g02b: g02ev_b(6) <= not( g02ev(6) );
hc10_g02b: g02ev_b(5) <= not( g02ev(5) );
hc08_g02b: g02ev_b(4) <= not( g02ev(4) );
hc06_g02b: g02ev_b(3) <= not( g02ev(3) );
hc04_g02b: g02ev_b(2) <= not( g02ev(2) );
hc02_g02b: g02ev_b(1) <= not( g02ev(1) );
hc14_t02b: t02ev_b(7) <= not( t02ev(7) );
hc12_t02b: t02ev_b(6) <= not( t02ev(6) );
hc10_t02b: t02ev_b(5) <= not( t02ev(5) );
hc08_t02b: t02ev_b(4) <= not( t02ev(4) );
hc06_t02b: t02ev_b(3) <= not( t02ev(3) );
hc04_t02b: t02ev_b(2) <= not( t02ev(2) );
hc02_t02b: t02ev_b(1) <= not( t02ev(1) );
u_glb_g04_e01: glb_g04_e01_b <= not( g02ev(0) or ( t02ev(0) and g02ev(1) ) );
u_glb_g04_e23: glb_g04_e23_b <= not( g02ev(2) or ( t02ev(2) and g02ev(3) ) );
u_glb_g04_e45: glb_g04_e45_b <= not( g02ev(4) or ( t02ev(4) and g02ev(5) ) );
u_glb_g04_e67: glb_g04_e67_b <= not( g02ev(6) or ( t02ev(6) and g02ev(7) ) );
u_glb_t04_e01: glb_t04_e01_b <= not( t02ev(0) and t02ev(1) );
u_glb_t04_e23: glb_t04_e23_b <= not( t02ev(2) and t02ev(3) );
u_glb_t04_e45: glb_t04_e45_b <= not( t02ev(4) and t02ev(5) );
u_glb_t04_e67: glb_t04_e67_b <= not( g02ev(6) or ( t02ev(6) and t02ev(7) ) );
u_glb_g08_e03: glb_g08_e03 <= not( glb_g04_e01_b and ( glb_t04_e01_b or glb_g04_e23_b ) );
u_glb_g08_e47: glb_g08_e47 <= not( glb_g04_e45_b and ( glb_t04_e45_b or glb_g04_e67_b ) );
u_glb_t08_e03: glb_t08_e03 <= not( glb_t04_e01_b or glb_t04_e23_b );
u_glb_t08_e47: glb_t08_e47 <= not( glb_g04_e45_b and ( glb_t04_e45_b or glb_t04_e67_b ) );
u_glb_g16_e07: glb_g16_e07_b <= not( glb_g08_e03 or ( glb_t08_e03 and glb_g08_e47 ) );
u_glb_t16_e07: glb_t16_e07_b <= not( glb_g08_e03 or ( glb_t08_e03 and glb_t08_e47 ) );
u_g16o: g16 <= not( glb_g16_e07_b );
u_t16o: t16 <= not( glb_t16_e07_b );
hc14_g04: g04ev(7) <= not( g02ev_b(7) );
hc12_g04: g04ev(6) <= not( g02ev_b(6) and (t02ev_b(6) or g02ev_b(7)) );
hc10_g04: g04ev(5) <= not( g02ev_b(5) and (t02ev_b(5) or g02ev_b(6)) );
hc08_g04: g04ev(4) <= not( g02ev_b(4) and (t02ev_b(4) or g02ev_b(5)) );
hc06_g04: g04ev(3) <= not( g02ev_b(3) and (t02ev_b(3) or g02ev_b(4)) );
hc04_g04: g04ev(2) <= not( g02ev_b(2) and (t02ev_b(2) or g02ev_b(3)) );
hc02_g04: g04ev(1) <= not( g02ev_b(1) and (t02ev_b(1) or g02ev_b(2)) );
hc14_t04: t04ev(7) <= not( t02ev_b(7) );
hc12_t04: t04ev(6) <= not( g02ev_b(6) and (t02ev_b(6) or t02ev_b(7)) );
hc10_t04: t04ev(5) <= not( t02ev_b(5) or t02ev_b(6) );
hc08_t04: t04ev(4) <= not( t02ev_b(4) or t02ev_b(5) );
hc06_t04: t04ev(3) <= not( t02ev_b(3) or t02ev_b(4) );
hc04_t04: t04ev(2) <= not( t02ev_b(2) or t02ev_b(3) );
hc02_t04: t04ev(1) <= not( t02ev_b(1) or t02ev_b(2) );
hc14_g08: g08ev_b(7) <= not( g04ev(7) );
hc12_g08: g08ev_b(6) <= not( g04ev(6) );
hc10_g08: g08ev_b(5) <= not( g04ev(5) or (t04ev(5) and g04ev(7)) );
hc08_g08: g08ev_b(4) <= not( g04ev(4) or (t04ev(4) and g04ev(6)) );
hc06_g08: g08ev_b(3) <= not( g04ev(3) or (t04ev(3) and g04ev(5)) );
hc04_g08: g08ev_b(2) <= not( g04ev(2) or (t04ev(2) and g04ev(4)) );
hc02_g08: g08ev_b(1) <= not( g04ev(1) or (t04ev(1) and g04ev(3)) );
hc14_t08: t08ev_b(7) <= not( t04ev(7) );
hc12_t08: t08ev_b(6) <= not( t04ev(6) );
hc10_t08: t08ev_b(5) <= not( g04ev(5) or (t04ev(5) and t04ev(7)) );
hc08_t08: t08ev_b(4) <= not( g04ev(4) or (t04ev(4) and t04ev(6)) );
hc06_t08: t08ev_b(3) <= not( t04ev(3) and t04ev(5) );
hc04_t08: t08ev_b(2) <= not( t04ev(2) and t04ev(4) );
hc02_t08: t08ev_b(1) <= not( t04ev(1) and t04ev(3) );
hc14_g16: g16ev(7) <= not( g08ev_b(7) );
hc12_g16: g16ev(6) <= not( g08ev_b(6) );
hc10_g16: g16ev(5) <= not( g08ev_b(5) );
hc08_g16: g16ev(4) <= not( g08ev_b(4) );
hc06_g16: g16ev(3) <= not( g08ev_b(3) and (t08ev_b(3) or g08ev_b(7)) );
hc04_g16: g16ev(2) <= not( g08ev_b(2) and (t08ev_b(2) or g08ev_b(6)) );
hc02_g16: g16ev(1) <= not( g08ev_b(1) and (t08ev_b(1) or g08ev_b(5)) );
hc14_t16: t16ev(7) <= not( t08ev_b(7) );
hc12_t16: t16ev(6) <= not( t08ev_b(6) );
hc10_t16: t16ev(5) <= not( t08ev_b(5) );
hc08_t16: t16ev(4) <= not( t08ev_b(4) );
hc06_t16: t16ev(3) <= not( g08ev_b(3) and (t08ev_b(3) or t08ev_b(7)) );
hc04_t16: t16ev(2) <= not( g08ev_b(2) and (t08ev_b(2) or t08ev_b(6)) );
hc02_t16: t16ev(1) <= not( g08ev_b(1) and (t08ev_b(1) or t08ev_b(5)) );
hc14_c0: c0_b(14) <= not( g16ev(7) );
hc12_c0: c0_b(12) <= not( g16ev(6) );
hc10_c0: c0_b(10) <= not( g16ev(5) );
hc08_c0: c0_b( 8) <= not( g16ev(4) );
hc06_c0: c0_b( 6) <= not( g16ev(3) );
hc04_c0: c0_b( 4) <= not( g16ev(2) );
hc02_c0: c0_b( 2) <= not( g16ev(1) );
hc14_c1: c1_b(14) <= not( t16ev(7) );
hc12_c1: c1_b(12) <= not( t16ev(6) );
hc10_c1: c1_b(10) <= not( t16ev(5) );
hc08_c1: c1_b( 8) <= not( t16ev(4) );
hc06_c1: c1_b( 6) <= not( t16ev(3) );
hc04_c1: c1_b( 4) <= not( t16ev(2) );
hc02_c1: c1_b( 2) <= not( t16ev(1) );
hc15_c0: c0_b(15) <= not( g01od(7));
hc13_c0: c0_b(13) <= not( (t01od(6) and g16ev(7)) or g01od(6));
hc11_c0: c0_b(11) <= not( (t01od(5) and g16ev(6)) or g01od(5));
hc09_c0: c0_b( 9) <= not( (t01od(4) and g16ev(5)) or g01od(4));
hc07_c0: c0_b( 7) <= not( (t01od(3) and g16ev(4)) or g01od(3));
hc05_c0: c0_b( 5) <= not( (t01od(2) and g16ev(3)) or g01od(2));
hc03_c0: c0_b( 3) <= not( (t01od(1) and g16ev(2)) or g01od(1));
hc01_c0: c0_b( 1) <= not( (t01od(0) and g16ev(1)) or g01od(0));
hc15_c1: c1_b(15) <= not( t01od(7) );
hc13_c1: c1_b(13) <= not( (t01od(6) and t16ev(7)) or g01od(6) );
hc11_c1: c1_b(11) <= not( (t01od(5) and t16ev(6)) or g01od(5) );
hc09_c1: c1_b( 9) <= not( (t01od(4) and t16ev(5)) or g01od(4) );
hc07_c1: c1_b( 7) <= not( (t01od(3) and t16ev(4)) or g01od(3) );
hc05_c1: c1_b( 5) <= not( (t01od(2) and t16ev(3)) or g01od(2) );
hc03_c1: c1_b( 3) <= not( (t01od(1) and t16ev(2)) or g01od(1) );
hc01_c1: c1_b( 1) <= not( (t01od(0) and t16ev(1)) or g01od(0) );
hc00_s0r: s0_raw( 0) <= ( p01_b( 0) xor c0_b( 1) );
hc01_s0r: s0_raw( 1) <= ( p01_b( 1) xor c0_b( 2) );
hc02_s0r: s0_raw( 2) <= ( p01_b( 2) xor c0_b( 3) );
hc03_s0r: s0_raw( 3) <= ( p01_b( 3) xor c0_b( 4) );
hc04_s0r: s0_raw( 4) <= ( p01_b( 4) xor c0_b( 5) );
hc05_s0r: s0_raw( 5) <= ( p01_b( 5) xor c0_b( 6) );
hc06_s0r: s0_raw( 6) <= ( p01_b( 6) xor c0_b( 7) );
hc07_s0r: s0_raw( 7) <= ( p01_b( 7) xor c0_b( 8) );
hc08_s0r: s0_raw( 8) <= ( p01_b( 8) xor c0_b( 9) );
hc09_s0r: s0_raw( 9) <= ( p01_b( 9) xor c0_b(10) );
hc10_s0r: s0_raw(10) <= ( p01_b(10) xor c0_b(11) );
hc11_s0r: s0_raw(11) <= ( p01_b(11) xor c0_b(12) );
hc12_s0r: s0_raw(12) <= ( p01_b(12) xor c0_b(13) );
hc13_s0r: s0_raw(13) <= ( p01_b(13) xor c0_b(14) );
hc14_s0r: s0_raw(14) <= ( p01_b(14) xor c0_b(15) );
hc15_s0r: s0_raw(15) <= not p01_b(15);
hc00_s1r: s1_raw( 0) <= ( p01_b( 0) xor c1_b( 1) );
hc01_s1r: s1_raw( 1) <= ( p01_b( 1) xor c1_b( 2) );
hc02_s1r: s1_raw( 2) <= ( p01_b( 2) xor c1_b( 3) );
hc03_s1r: s1_raw( 3) <= ( p01_b( 3) xor c1_b( 4) );
hc04_s1r: s1_raw( 4) <= ( p01_b( 4) xor c1_b( 5) );
hc05_s1r: s1_raw( 5) <= ( p01_b( 5) xor c1_b( 6) );
hc06_s1r: s1_raw( 6) <= ( p01_b( 6) xor c1_b( 7) );
hc07_s1r: s1_raw( 7) <= ( p01_b( 7) xor c1_b( 8) );
hc08_s1r: s1_raw( 8) <= ( p01_b( 8) xor c1_b( 9) );
hc09_s1r: s1_raw( 9) <= ( p01_b( 9) xor c1_b(10) );
hc10_s1r: s1_raw(10) <= ( p01_b(10) xor c1_b(11) );
hc11_s1r: s1_raw(11) <= ( p01_b(11) xor c1_b(12) );
hc12_s1r: s1_raw(12) <= ( p01_b(12) xor c1_b(13) );
hc13_s1r: s1_raw(13) <= ( p01_b(13) xor c1_b(14) );
hc14_s1r: s1_raw(14) <= ( p01_b(14) xor c1_b(15) );
hc15_s1r: s1_raw(15) <= not s0_raw(15);
hc00_s0x: s0_x_b( 0) <= not( s0_raw( 0) and ci0_b );
hc00_s0y: s0_y_b( 0) <= not( s1_raw( 0) and ci0 );
hc00_s1x: s1_x_b( 0) <= not( s0_raw( 0) and ci1_b );
hc00_s1y: s1_y_b( 0) <= not( s1_raw( 0) and ci1 );
hc00_s0: s0 ( 0) <= not( s0_x_b( 0) and s0_y_b( 0) );
hc00_s1: s1 ( 0) <= not( s1_x_b( 0) and s1_y_b( 0) );
hc01_s0x: s0_x_b( 1) <= not( s0_raw( 1) and ci0_b );
hc01_s0y: s0_y_b( 1) <= not( s1_raw( 1) and ci0 );
hc01_s1x: s1_x_b( 1) <= not( s0_raw( 1) and ci1_b );
hc01_s1y: s1_y_b( 1) <= not( s1_raw( 1) and ci1 );
hc01_s0: s0 ( 1) <= not( s0_x_b( 1) and s0_y_b( 1) );
hc01_s1: s1 ( 1) <= not( s1_x_b( 1) and s1_y_b( 1) );
hc02_s0x: s0_x_b( 2) <= not( s0_raw( 2) and ci0_b );
hc02_s0y: s0_y_b( 2) <= not( s1_raw( 2) and ci0 );
hc02_s1x: s1_x_b( 2) <= not( s0_raw( 2) and ci1_b );
hc02_s1y: s1_y_b( 2) <= not( s1_raw( 2) and ci1 );
hc02_s0: s0 ( 2) <= not( s0_x_b( 2) and s0_y_b( 2) );
hc02_s1: s1 ( 2) <= not( s1_x_b( 2) and s1_y_b( 2) );
hc03_s0x: s0_x_b( 3) <= not( s0_raw( 3) and ci0_b );
hc03_s0y: s0_y_b( 3) <= not( s1_raw( 3) and ci0 );
hc03_s1x: s1_x_b( 3) <= not( s0_raw( 3) and ci1_b );
hc03_s1y: s1_y_b( 3) <= not( s1_raw( 3) and ci1 );
hc03_s0: s0 ( 3) <= not( s0_x_b( 3) and s0_y_b( 3) );
hc03_s1: s1 ( 3) <= not( s1_x_b( 3) and s1_y_b( 3) );
hc04_s0x: s0_x_b( 4) <= not( s0_raw( 4) and ci0_b );
hc04_s0y: s0_y_b( 4) <= not( s1_raw( 4) and ci0 );
hc04_s1x: s1_x_b( 4) <= not( s0_raw( 4) and ci1_b );
hc04_s1y: s1_y_b( 4) <= not( s1_raw( 4) and ci1 );
hc04_s0: s0 ( 4) <= not( s0_x_b( 4) and s0_y_b( 4) );
hc04_s1: s1 ( 4) <= not( s1_x_b( 4) and s1_y_b( 4) );
hc05_s0x: s0_x_b( 5) <= not( s0_raw( 5) and ci0_b );
hc05_s0y: s0_y_b( 5) <= not( s1_raw( 5) and ci0 );
hc05_s1x: s1_x_b( 5) <= not( s0_raw( 5) and ci1_b );
hc05_s1y: s1_y_b( 5) <= not( s1_raw( 5) and ci1 );
hc05_s0: s0 ( 5) <= not( s0_x_b( 5) and s0_y_b( 5) );
hc05_s1: s1 ( 5) <= not( s1_x_b( 5) and s1_y_b( 5) );
hc06_s0x: s0_x_b( 6) <= not( s0_raw( 6) and ci0_b );
hc06_s0y: s0_y_b( 6) <= not( s1_raw( 6) and ci0 );
hc06_s1x: s1_x_b( 6) <= not( s0_raw( 6) and ci1_b );
hc06_s1y: s1_y_b( 6) <= not( s1_raw( 6) and ci1 );
hc06_s0: s0 ( 6) <= not( s0_x_b( 6) and s0_y_b( 6) );
hc06_s1: s1 ( 6) <= not( s1_x_b( 6) and s1_y_b( 6) );
hc07_s0x: s0_x_b( 7) <= not( s0_raw( 7) and ci0_b );
hc07_s0y: s0_y_b( 7) <= not( s1_raw( 7) and ci0 );
hc07_s1x: s1_x_b( 7) <= not( s0_raw( 7) and ci1_b );
hc07_s1y: s1_y_b( 7) <= not( s1_raw( 7) and ci1 );
hc07_s0: s0 ( 7) <= not( s0_x_b( 7) and s0_y_b( 7) );
hc07_s1: s1 ( 7) <= not( s1_x_b( 7) and s1_y_b( 7) );
hc08_s0x: s0_x_b( 8) <= not( s0_raw( 8) and ci0_b );
hc08_s0y: s0_y_b( 8) <= not( s1_raw( 8) and ci0 );
hc08_s1x: s1_x_b( 8) <= not( s0_raw( 8) and ci1_b );
hc08_s1y: s1_y_b( 8) <= not( s1_raw( 8) and ci1 );
hc08_s0: s0 ( 8) <= not( s0_x_b( 8) and s0_y_b( 8) );
hc08_s1: s1 ( 8) <= not( s1_x_b( 8) and s1_y_b( 8) );
hc09_s0x: s0_x_b( 9) <= not( s0_raw( 9) and ci0_b );
hc09_s0y: s0_y_b( 9) <= not( s1_raw( 9) and ci0 );
hc09_s1x: s1_x_b( 9) <= not( s0_raw( 9) and ci1_b );
hc09_s1y: s1_y_b( 9) <= not( s1_raw( 9) and ci1 );
hc09_s0: s0 ( 9) <= not( s0_x_b( 9) and s0_y_b( 9) );
hc09_s1: s1 ( 9) <= not( s1_x_b( 9) and s1_y_b( 9) );
hc10_s0x: s0_x_b(10) <= not( s0_raw(10) and ci0_b );
hc10_s0y: s0_y_b(10) <= not( s1_raw(10) and ci0 );
hc10_s1x: s1_x_b(10) <= not( s0_raw(10) and ci1_b );
hc10_s1y: s1_y_b(10) <= not( s1_raw(10) and ci1 );
hc10_s0: s0 (10) <= not( s0_x_b(10) and s0_y_b(10) );
hc10_s1: s1 (10) <= not( s1_x_b(10) and s1_y_b(10) );
hc11_s0x: s0_x_b(11) <= not( s0_raw(11) and ci0_b );
hc11_s0y: s0_y_b(11) <= not( s1_raw(11) and ci0 );
hc11_s1x: s1_x_b(11) <= not( s0_raw(11) and ci1_b );
hc11_s1y: s1_y_b(11) <= not( s1_raw(11) and ci1 );
hc11_s0: s0 (11) <= not( s0_x_b(11) and s0_y_b(11) );
hc11_s1: s1 (11) <= not( s1_x_b(11) and s1_y_b(11) );
hc12_s0x: s0_x_b(12) <= not( s0_raw(12) and ci0_b );
hc12_s0y: s0_y_b(12) <= not( s1_raw(12) and ci0 );
hc12_s1x: s1_x_b(12) <= not( s0_raw(12) and ci1_b );
hc12_s1y: s1_y_b(12) <= not( s1_raw(12) and ci1 );
hc12_s0: s0 (12) <= not( s0_x_b(12) and s0_y_b(12) );
hc12_s1: s1 (12) <= not( s1_x_b(12) and s1_y_b(12) );
hc13_s0x: s0_x_b(13) <= not( s0_raw(13) and ci0_b );
hc13_s0y: s0_y_b(13) <= not( s1_raw(13) and ci0 );
hc13_s1x: s1_x_b(13) <= not( s0_raw(13) and ci1_b );
hc13_s1y: s1_y_b(13) <= not( s1_raw(13) and ci1 );
hc13_s0: s0 (13) <= not( s0_x_b(13) and s0_y_b(13) );
hc13_s1: s1 (13) <= not( s1_x_b(13) and s1_y_b(13) );
hc14_s0x: s0_x_b(14) <= not( s0_raw(14) and ci0_b );
hc14_s0y: s0_y_b(14) <= not( s1_raw(14) and ci0 );
hc14_s1x: s1_x_b(14) <= not( s0_raw(14) and ci1_b );
hc14_s1y: s1_y_b(14) <= not( s1_raw(14) and ci1 );
hc14_s0: s0 (14) <= not( s0_x_b(14) and s0_y_b(14) );
hc14_s1: s1 (14) <= not( s1_x_b(14) and s1_y_b(14) );
hc15_s0x: s0_x_b(15) <= not( s0_raw(15) and ci0_b );
hc15_s0y: s0_y_b(15) <= not( s1_raw(15) and ci0 );
hc15_s1x: s1_x_b(15) <= not( s0_raw(15) and ci1_b );
hc15_s1y: s1_y_b(15) <= not( s1_raw(15) and ci1 );
hc15_s0: s0 (15) <= not( s0_x_b(15) and s0_y_b(15) );
hc15_s1: s1 (15) <= not( s1_x_b(15) and s1_y_b(15) );
@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
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library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;
library ibm;
library support;
use ibm.std_ulogic_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_ao_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_mux_support.all;
ENTITY fuq_hc16pp_lsb IS PORT(
x : IN std_ulogic_vector(0 to 13);
y : IN std_ulogic_vector(0 to 12);
s0 : OUT std_ulogic_vector(0 to 13);
s1 : OUT std_ulogic_vector(0 to 13);
g16 : out std_ulogic;
t16 : out std_ulogic
END fuq_hc16pp_lsb;
ARCHITECTURE fuq_hc16pp_lsb OF fuq_hc16pp_lsb IS
constant tiup : std_ulogic := '1';
constant tidn : std_ulogic := '0';
signal g01_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 12);
signal t01_b, p01_b, p01 :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 13);
signal g01od :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5);
signal t01od :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 6);
signal g02ev , t02ev :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 6);
signal g02ev_b, t02ev_b :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 6);
signal g04ev , t04ev :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 6);
signal g08ev_b, t08ev_b :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 6);
signal g16ev , t16ev :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 6);
signal c0_b :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 12);
signal c1_b :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 13);
signal glb_g04_e01_b, glb_g04_e23_b, glb_g04_e45_b, glb_g04_e67_b :std_ulogic;
signal glb_t04_e01_b, glb_t04_e23_b, glb_t04_e45_b, glb_t04_e67_b :std_ulogic;
signal glb_g08_e03 , glb_g08_e47 , glb_t08_e03 , glb_t08_e47 :std_ulogic;
signal glb_g16_e07_b, glb_t16_e07_b :std_ulogic;
hc00_g01: g01_b( 0) <= not( x( 0) and y( 0) );
hc01_g01: g01_b( 1) <= not( x( 1) and y( 1) );
hc02_g01: g01_b( 2) <= not( x( 2) and y( 2) );
hc03_g01: g01_b( 3) <= not( x( 3) and y( 3) );
hc04_g01: g01_b( 4) <= not( x( 4) and y( 4) );
hc05_g01: g01_b( 5) <= not( x( 5) and y( 5) );
hc06_g01: g01_b( 6) <= not( x( 6) and y( 6) );
hc07_g01: g01_b( 7) <= not( x( 7) and y( 7) );
hc08_g01: g01_b( 8) <= not( x( 8) and y( 8) );
hc09_g01: g01_b( 9) <= not( x( 9) and y( 9) );
hc10_g01: g01_b(10) <= not( x(10) and y(10) );
hc11_g01: g01_b(11) <= not( x(11) and y(11) );
hc12_g01: g01_b(12) <= not( x(12) and y(12) );
hc00_t01: t01_b( 0) <= not( x( 0) or y( 0) );
hc01_t01: t01_b( 1) <= not( x( 1) or y( 1) );
hc02_t01: t01_b( 2) <= not( x( 2) or y( 2) );
hc03_t01: t01_b( 3) <= not( x( 3) or y( 3) );
hc04_t01: t01_b( 4) <= not( x( 4) or y( 4) );
hc05_t01: t01_b( 5) <= not( x( 5) or y( 5) );
hc06_t01: t01_b( 6) <= not( x( 6) or y( 6) );
hc07_t01: t01_b( 7) <= not( x( 7) or y( 7) );
hc08_t01: t01_b( 8) <= not( x( 8) or y( 8) );
hc09_t01: t01_b( 9) <= not( x( 9) or y( 9) );
hc10_t01: t01_b(10) <= not( x(10) or y(10) );
hc11_t01: t01_b(11) <= not( x(11) or y(11) );
hc12_t01: t01_b(12) <= not( x(12) or y(12) );
hc13_t01: t01_b(13) <= not( x(13) );
hc00_p01: p01( 0) <= ( x( 0) xor y( 0) );
hc01_p01: p01( 1) <= ( x( 1) xor y( 1) );
hc02_p01: p01( 2) <= ( x( 2) xor y( 2) );
hc03_p01: p01( 3) <= ( x( 3) xor y( 3) );
hc04_p01: p01( 4) <= ( x( 4) xor y( 4) );
hc05_p01: p01( 5) <= ( x( 5) xor y( 5) );
hc06_p01: p01( 6) <= ( x( 6) xor y( 6) );
hc07_p01: p01( 7) <= ( x( 7) xor y( 7) );
hc08_p01: p01( 8) <= ( x( 8) xor y( 8) );
hc09_p01: p01( 9) <= ( x( 9) xor y( 9) );
hc10_p01: p01(10) <= ( x(10) xor y(10) );
hc11_p01: p01(11) <= ( x(11) xor y(11) );
hc12_p01: p01(12) <= ( x(12) xor y(12) );
hc13_p01: p01(13) <= not p01_b(13) ;
hc00_p01b: p01_b( 0) <= not( p01( 0) );
hc01_p01b: p01_b( 1) <= not( p01( 1) );
hc02_p01b: p01_b( 2) <= not( p01( 2) );
hc03_p01b: p01_b( 3) <= not( p01( 3) );
hc04_p01b: p01_b( 4) <= not( p01( 4) );
hc05_p01b: p01_b( 5) <= not( p01( 5) );
hc06_p01b: p01_b( 6) <= not( p01( 6) );
hc07_p01b: p01_b( 7) <= not( p01( 7) );
hc08_p01b: p01_b( 8) <= not( p01( 8) );
hc09_p01b: p01_b( 9) <= not( p01( 9) );
hc10_p01b: p01_b(10) <= not( p01(10) );
hc11_p01b: p01_b(11) <= not( p01(11) );
hc12_p01b: p01_b(12) <= not( p01(12) );
hc13_p01b: p01_b(13) <= not( x(13) );
hc01_g01o: g01od(0) <= not g01_b( 1);
hc03_g01o: g01od(1) <= not g01_b( 3);
hc05_g01o: g01od(2) <= not g01_b( 5);
hc07_g01o: g01od(3) <= not g01_b( 7);
hc09_g01o: g01od(4) <= not g01_b( 9);
hc11_g01o: g01od(5) <= not g01_b(11);
hc01_t01o: t01od(0) <= not t01_b( 1);
hc03_t01o: t01od(1) <= not t01_b( 3);
hc05_t01o: t01od(2) <= not t01_b( 5);
hc07_t01o: t01od(3) <= not t01_b( 7);
hc09_t01o: t01od(4) <= not t01_b( 9);
hc11_t01o: t01od(5) <= not t01_b(11);
hc13_t01o: t01od(6) <= not t01_b(13);
hc12_g02: g02ev(6) <= not( g01_b(12) );
hc10_g02: g02ev(5) <= not( ( t01_b(10) or g01_b(11) ) and g01_b(10) );
hc08_g02: g02ev(4) <= not( ( t01_b( 8) or g01_b( 9) ) and g01_b( 8) );
hc06_g02: g02ev(3) <= not( ( t01_b( 6) or g01_b( 7) ) and g01_b( 6) );
hc04_g02: g02ev(2) <= not( ( t01_b( 4) or g01_b( 5) ) and g01_b( 4) );
hc02_g02: g02ev(1) <= not( ( t01_b( 2) or g01_b( 3) ) and g01_b( 2) );
hc00_g02: g02ev(0) <= not( ( t01_b( 0) or g01_b( 1) ) and g01_b( 0) );
hc12_t02: t02ev(6) <= not( ( t01_b(12) or t01_b(13) ) and g01_b(12) );
hc10_t02: t02ev(5) <= not( ( t01_b(10) or t01_b(11) ) );
hc08_t02: t02ev(4) <= not( ( t01_b( 8) or t01_b( 9) ) );
hc06_t02: t02ev(3) <= not( ( t01_b( 6) or t01_b( 7) ) );
hc04_t02: t02ev(2) <= not( ( t01_b( 4) or t01_b( 5) ) );
hc02_t02: t02ev(1) <= not( ( t01_b( 2) or t01_b( 3) ) );
hc00_t02: t02ev(0) <= not( ( t01_b( 0) or t01_b( 1) ) );
hc12_g02b: g02ev_b(6) <= not( g02ev(6) );
hc10_g02b: g02ev_b(5) <= not( g02ev(5) );
hc08_g02b: g02ev_b(4) <= not( g02ev(4) );
hc06_g02b: g02ev_b(3) <= not( g02ev(3) );
hc04_g02b: g02ev_b(2) <= not( g02ev(2) );
hc02_g02b: g02ev_b(1) <= not( g02ev(1) );
hc12_t02b: t02ev_b(6) <= not( t02ev(6) );
hc10_t02b: t02ev_b(5) <= not( t02ev(5) );
hc08_t02b: t02ev_b(4) <= not( t02ev(4) );
hc06_t02b: t02ev_b(3) <= not( t02ev(3) );
hc04_t02b: t02ev_b(2) <= not( t02ev(2) );
hc02_t02b: t02ev_b(1) <= not( t02ev(1) );
u_glb_g04_e01: glb_g04_e01_b <= not( g02ev(0) or ( t02ev(0) and g02ev(1) ) );
u_glb_g04_e23: glb_g04_e23_b <= not( g02ev(2) or ( t02ev(2) and g02ev(3) ) );
u_glb_g04_e45: glb_g04_e45_b <= not( g02ev(4) or ( t02ev(4) and g02ev(5) ) );
u_glb_g04_e67: glb_g04_e67_b <= not( g02ev(6) );
u_glb_t04_e01: glb_t04_e01_b <= not( t02ev(0) and t02ev(1) );
u_glb_t04_e23: glb_t04_e23_b <= not( t02ev(2) and t02ev(3) );
u_glb_t04_e45: glb_t04_e45_b <= not( t02ev(4) and t02ev(5) );
u_glb_t04_e67: glb_t04_e67_b <= not( t02ev(6) );
u_glb_g08_e03: glb_g08_e03 <= not( glb_g04_e01_b and ( glb_t04_e01_b or glb_g04_e23_b ) );
u_glb_g08_e47: glb_g08_e47 <= not( glb_g04_e45_b and ( glb_t04_e45_b or glb_g04_e67_b ) );
u_glb_t08_e03: glb_t08_e03 <= not( glb_t04_e01_b or glb_t04_e23_b );
u_glb_t08_e47: glb_t08_e47 <= not( glb_g04_e45_b and ( glb_t04_e45_b or glb_t04_e67_b ) );
u_glb_g16_e07: glb_g16_e07_b <= not( glb_g08_e03 or ( glb_t08_e03 and glb_g08_e47 ) );
u_glb_t16_e07: glb_t16_e07_b <= not( glb_g08_e03 or ( glb_t08_e03 and glb_t08_e47 ) );
u_g16o: g16 <= not( glb_g16_e07_b );
u_t16o: t16 <= not( glb_t16_e07_b );
hc12_g04: g04ev (6) <= not( g02ev_b(6) );
hc10_g04: g04ev (5) <= not( (t02ev_b(5) or g02ev_b(6)) and g02ev_b(5) );
hc08_g04: g04ev (4) <= not( (t02ev_b(4) or g02ev_b(5)) and g02ev_b(4) );
hc06_g04: g04ev (3) <= not( (t02ev_b(3) or g02ev_b(4)) and g02ev_b(3) );
hc04_g04: g04ev (2) <= not( (t02ev_b(2) or g02ev_b(3)) and g02ev_b(2) );
hc02_g04: g04ev (1) <= not( (t02ev_b(1) or g02ev_b(2)) and g02ev_b(1) );
hc12_t04: t04ev (6) <= not( t02ev_b(6) );
hc10_t04: t04ev (5) <= not( (t02ev_b(5) or t02ev_b(6)) and g02ev_b(5) );
hc08_t04: t04ev (4) <= not( t02ev_b(4) or t02ev_b(5) );
hc06_t04: t04ev (3) <= not( t02ev_b(3) or t02ev_b(4) );
hc04_t04: t04ev (2) <= not( t02ev_b(2) or t02ev_b(3) );
hc02_t04: t04ev (1) <= not( t02ev_b(1) or t02ev_b(2) );
hc12_g08: g08ev_b(6) <= not( g04ev (6) );
hc10_g08: g08ev_b(5) <= not( g04ev (5) );
hc08_g08: g08ev_b(4) <= not( g04ev (4) or (t04ev (4) and g04ev (6)) );
hc06_g08: g08ev_b(3) <= not( g04ev (3) or (t04ev (3) and g04ev (5)) );
hc04_g08: g08ev_b(2) <= not( g04ev (2) or (t04ev (2) and g04ev (4)) );
hc02_g08: g08ev_b(1) <= not( g04ev (1) or (t04ev (1) and g04ev (3)) );
hc12_t08: t08ev_b(6) <= not( t04ev (6) );
hc10_t08: t08ev_b(5) <= not( t04ev (5) );
hc08_t08: t08ev_b(4) <= not( g04ev (4) or (t04ev (4) and t04ev (6)) );
hc06_t08: t08ev_b(3) <= not( g04ev (3) or (t04ev (3) and t04ev (5)) );
hc04_t08: t08ev_b(2) <= not( t04ev (2) and t04ev (4) );
hc02_t08: t08ev_b(1) <= not( t04ev (1) and t04ev (3) );
hc12_g16: g16ev (6) <= not( g08ev_b(6) );
hc10_g16: g16ev (5) <= not( g08ev_b(5) );
hc08_g16: g16ev (4) <= not( g08ev_b(4) );
hc06_g16: g16ev (3) <= not( g08ev_b(3) );
hc04_g16: g16ev (2) <= not( (t08ev_b(2) or g08ev_b(6)) and g08ev_b(2) );
hc02_g16: g16ev (1) <= not( (t08ev_b(1) or g08ev_b(5)) and g08ev_b(1) );
hc12_t16: t16ev (6) <= not( t08ev_b(6) );
hc10_t16: t16ev (5) <= not( t08ev_b(5) );
hc08_t16: t16ev (4) <= not( t08ev_b(4) );
hc06_t16: t16ev (3) <= not( t08ev_b(3) );
hc04_t16: t16ev (2) <= not( (t08ev_b(2) or t08ev_b(6)) and g08ev_b(2) );
hc02_t16: t16ev (1) <= not( (t08ev_b(1) or t08ev_b(5)) and g08ev_b(1) );
hc12_c0: c0_b(12) <= not( g16ev (6) );
hc10_c0: c0_b(10) <= not( g16ev (5) );
hc08_c0: c0_b( 8) <= not( g16ev (4) );
hc06_c0: c0_b( 6) <= not( g16ev (3) );
hc04_c0: c0_b( 4) <= not( g16ev (2) );
hc02_c0: c0_b( 2) <= not( g16ev (1) );
hc12_c1: c1_b(12) <= not( t16ev (6) );
hc10_c1: c1_b(10) <= not( t16ev (5) );
hc08_c1: c1_b( 8) <= not( t16ev (4) );
hc06_c1: c1_b( 6) <= not( t16ev (3) );
hc04_c1: c1_b( 4) <= not( t16ev (2) );
hc02_c1: c1_b( 2) <= not( t16ev (1) );
hc11_c0: c0_b(11) <= not( (t01od(5) and g16ev (6)) or g01od(5));
hc09_c0: c0_b( 9) <= not( (t01od(4) and g16ev (5)) or g01od(4));
hc07_c0: c0_b( 7) <= not( (t01od(3) and g16ev (4)) or g01od(3));
hc05_c0: c0_b( 5) <= not( (t01od(2) and g16ev (3)) or g01od(2));
hc03_c0: c0_b( 3) <= not( (t01od(1) and g16ev (2)) or g01od(1));
hc01_c0: c0_b( 1) <= not( (t01od(0) and g16ev (1)) or g01od(0));
hc13_c1: c1_b(13) <= not( t01od(6));
hc11_c1: c1_b(11) <= not( (t01od(5) and t16ev (6)) or g01od(5));
hc09_c1: c1_b( 9) <= not( (t01od(4) and t16ev (5)) or g01od(4));
hc07_c1: c1_b( 7) <= not( (t01od(3) and t16ev (4)) or g01od(3));
hc05_c1: c1_b( 5) <= not( (t01od(2) and t16ev (3)) or g01od(2));
hc03_c1: c1_b( 3) <= not( (t01od(1) and t16ev (2)) or g01od(1));
hc01_c1: c1_b( 1) <= not( (t01od(0) and t16ev (1)) or g01od(0));
hc00_s0: s0( 0) <= ( p01_b( 0) xor c0_b( 1) );
hc01_s0: s0( 1) <= ( p01_b( 1) xor c0_b( 2) );
hc02_s0: s0( 2) <= ( p01_b( 2) xor c0_b( 3) );
hc03_s0: s0( 3) <= ( p01_b( 3) xor c0_b( 4) );
hc04_s0: s0( 4) <= ( p01_b( 4) xor c0_b( 5) );
hc05_s0: s0( 5) <= ( p01_b( 5) xor c0_b( 6) );
hc06_s0: s0( 6) <= ( p01_b( 6) xor c0_b( 7) );
hc07_s0: s0( 7) <= ( p01_b( 7) xor c0_b( 8) );
hc08_s0: s0( 8) <= ( p01_b( 8) xor c0_b( 9) );
hc09_s0: s0( 9) <= ( p01_b( 9) xor c0_b(10) );
hc10_s0: s0(10) <= ( p01_b(10) xor c0_b(11) );
hc11_s0: s0(11) <= ( p01_b(11) xor c0_b(12) );
hc12_s0: s0(12) <= not( p01_b(12) );
hc13_s0: s0(13) <= not( p01_b(13) );
hc00_s1: s1( 0) <= ( p01_b( 0) xor c1_b( 1) );
hc01_s1: s1( 1) <= ( p01_b( 1) xor c1_b( 2) );
hc02_s1: s1( 2) <= ( p01_b( 2) xor c1_b( 3) );
hc03_s1: s1( 3) <= ( p01_b( 3) xor c1_b( 4) );
hc04_s1: s1( 4) <= ( p01_b( 4) xor c1_b( 5) );
hc05_s1: s1( 5) <= ( p01_b( 5) xor c1_b( 6) );
hc06_s1: s1( 6) <= ( p01_b( 6) xor c1_b( 7) );
hc07_s1: s1( 7) <= ( p01_b( 7) xor c1_b( 8) );
hc08_s1: s1( 8) <= ( p01_b( 8) xor c1_b( 9) );
hc09_s1: s1( 9) <= ( p01_b( 9) xor c1_b(10) );
hc10_s1: s1(10) <= ( p01_b(10) xor c1_b(11) );
hc11_s1: s1(11) <= ( p01_b(11) xor c1_b(12) );
hc12_s1: s1(12) <= ( p01_b(12) xor c1_b(13) );
hc13_s1: s1(13) <= not( p01(13) );
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