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How to participate as a Member -4000 2022-07-15 false

The OpenPOWER Foundation is a member-supported organization. Our members provide 100% of the financial support for our activities. This enables us to host technical workshops and other events to drive innovation around the POWER architecture.

First steps for new members

After becoming a new member.

Please use the contact form for any questions or issues related to membership.

The Governing Board

The OpenPOWER Foundation is managed by the Board of Directors, comprised of member representatives, the TSC chair, and the Marketing Committee chair.

Although the Board of Directors delegates day-to-day technical governance to the TSC, it is responsible for setting the high-level policies which govern our workgroups.

In addition, the Board of Directors is responsible for managing the organization's budget. The Board of Directors meets monthly.

The Steering Committee

The Technical Steering Committee is in charge of the day-to-day governance of the working groups and the techincal aspects of the foundation. The TSC Chair and each working group chair is part of the steering committee. Please use the contact form for getting in touch or any questions related to working groups.

The Marketing Committee

The Marketing Committee is responsible for coordinating outreach activities and for responding to inbound requests. All OpenPOWER Foundation members are welcome to participate on Marketing Committee meetings and activities. Please use the contact form for getting involved or any questions related to marketing.