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Get Ready for OpenPOWER: A Technical Training Session with E&ICT Academy in India 2019-02-15

By Ganesan Narayanasamy

OpenPOWER and Data Analytics

Professor R.B.V Subramaanyam, Ph.D., a computer science professor at the National Institute of Technology, Warangal India, recently organized a six-day faculty development program as part of the Electronics & ICT Academy. More than 40 faculty members and researchers in Southern India participated in the workshop.

One full day of the program was dedicated to learning about OpenPOWER. I was happy to take the opportunity to deliver technical sessions on Spark, Spark ML and Internals along with my colleague and IBM Technical lead Josiah Samuel.

Josiah covered a Spark overview, Spark SQL, Spark Internals and Spark ML. He conveyed IBMs involvement in these open source technologies, and discussed features of Power Systems capabilities in artificial intelligence and high-powered computing. One key differentiator focused on was incorporating Nvidia GPUs into Power servers along with NVLink connections.

We shared materials and code with the faculty and researchers after the interactive session, so they can continue to develop their knowledge and skills. Rich technology training sessions like this one offer the opportunity for faculties to learn more about the OpenPOWER stack!

Power Software Development with Apache Spark from OpenPOWERorg