1011 B

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Memory Bus Specification memory false
2021-05-26 false

The OpenPOWER Memory Bus (OPMB) Specification defines the OpenPOWER Memory Bus Architecture. The architecture and specification are used to develop Memory Function Units (MFU) and to integration of those MFUs into the OpenPOWER system structure. An MFU is a logic block developed by a member of the OpenPOWER eco-system to attach special purpose memory technology and function processing for data stored in the memory technology. An example of MFU might be a database function accelerator which attaches dense flash memory technology.

This figure illustrates the concept. {{< image src="specifications/opmb-mbd.png" width="750" height="750" >}}

Comments regarding the specification content and suggestions for updates may be submitted to the following mailing list: memwg-opmb@mailinglist.openpowerfoundation.org