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Join #OpenPOWERChat on Twitter with Adi Gangidi 2018-07-09

Hi OpenPOWER Foundation members,

Were excited to announce our next Twitter chat on Thursday, July 12 at 4:00 p.m. ET.

Here are some of details you should know:

  • The chat will be hosted right on our @OpenPOWERorgTwitter page
  • Adi Gangidi, Senior System Design Engineer, Rackspace will be our special guest host
  • You can join the conversation using #OpenPOWERchat

The conversation will begin at 4 p.m. ET, so please drop in and answer as many questions as you can.

Our chat will focus on the Google and Rackspace collaboration on Zaius / Barreleye G2 that was showcased at the OpenPOWER Summit 2018.

We look forward to chatting with you on Twitter on July 12!