@ -192,10 +192,10 @@ fpga_files = fpga/soc_reset.vhdl \
synth_files = $(core_files) $(soc_files) $(fpga_files) $(clkgen) $(toplevel) $(dmi_dtm)
synth_files = $(core_files) $(soc_files) $(fpga_files) $(clkgen) $(toplevel) $(dmi_dtm)
microwatt.json: $(synth_files) $(RAM_INIT_FILE)
microwatt.json: $(synth_files) $(RAM_INIT_FILE)
$(YOSYS) -m $(GHDLSYNTH) -p "ghdl --std=08 --no-formal $(GHDL_IMAGE_GENERICS) $(GHDL_TARGET_GENERICS) $(synth_files) -e toplevel; synth_ecp5 -json $@ $(SYNTH_ECP5_FLAGS)" $(uart_files)
$(YOSYS) -m $(GHDLSYNTH) -p "ghdl --std=08 --no-formal $(GHDL_IMAGE_GENERICS) $(synth_files) -e toplevel; synth_ecp5 -json $@ $(SYNTH_ECP5_FLAGS)" $(uart_files)
microwatt.v: $(synth_files) $(RAM_INIT_FILE)
microwatt.v: $(synth_files) $(RAM_INIT_FILE)
$(YOSYS) -m $(GHDLSYNTH) -p "ghdl --std=08 --no-formal $(GHDL_IMAGE_GENERICS) $(GHDL_TARGET_GENERICS) $(synth_files) -e toplevel; write_verilog $@"
$(YOSYS) -m $(GHDLSYNTH) -p "ghdl --std=08 --no-formal $(GHDL_IMAGE_GENERICS) $(synth_files) -e toplevel; write_verilog $@"
# Need to investigate why yosys is hitting verilator warnings, and eventually turn on -Wall
# Need to investigate why yosys is hitting verilator warnings, and eventually turn on -Wall
microwatt-verilator: microwatt.v verilator/microwatt-verilator.cpp verilator/uart-verilator.c
microwatt-verilator: microwatt.v verilator/microwatt-verilator.cpp verilator/uart-verilator.c