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3 years ago
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
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LIBRARY work ;
LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
USE ieee.numeric_std.all;
USE ibm.std_ulogic_support.all;
USE ibm.std_ulogic_unsigned.all;
USE ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all;
LIBRARY support;
USE support.power_logic_pkg.all;
LIBRARY tri; USE tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
LIBRARY clib ;
LIBRARY work; USE work.xuq_pkg.all;
entity xuq_dec_dcdmrg is
port (
i : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 31);
dec_alu_rf1_sel_rot_log : out std_ulogic;
dec_alu_rf1_sh_right : out std_ulogic;
dec_alu_rf1_sh_word : out std_ulogic;
dec_alu_rf1_sgnxtd_byte : out std_ulogic;
dec_alu_rf1_sgnxtd_half : out std_ulogic;
dec_alu_rf1_sgnxtd_wd : out std_ulogic;
dec_alu_rf1_sra_dw : out std_ulogic;
dec_alu_rf1_sra_wd : out std_ulogic;
dec_alu_rf1_chk_shov_dw : out std_ulogic;
dec_alu_rf1_chk_shov_wd : out std_ulogic;
dec_alu_rf1_use_me_ins_hi : out std_ulogic;
dec_alu_rf1_use_me_ins_lo : out std_ulogic;
dec_alu_rf1_use_mb_ins_hi : out std_ulogic;
dec_alu_rf1_use_mb_ins_lo : out std_ulogic;
dec_alu_rf1_use_me_rb_hi : out std_ulogic;
dec_alu_rf1_use_me_rb_lo : out std_ulogic;
dec_alu_rf1_use_mb_rb_hi : out std_ulogic;
dec_alu_rf1_use_mb_rb_lo : out std_ulogic;
dec_alu_rf1_use_rb_amt_hi : out std_ulogic;
dec_alu_rf1_use_rb_amt_lo : out std_ulogic;
dec_alu_rf1_zm_ins : out std_ulogic;
dec_alu_rf1_cr_logical : out std_ulogic;
dec_alu_rf1_cr_log_fcn : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
dec_alu_rf1_log_fcn : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
dec_alu_rf1_me_ins_b : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5);
dec_alu_rf1_mb_ins : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5);
dec_alu_rf1_sh_amt : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5);
dec_alu_rf1_mb_gt_me : out std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
end xuq_dec_dcdmrg;
architecture xuq_dec_dcdmrg of xuq_dec_dcdmrg is
constant tiup : std_ulogic := '1';
constant tidn : std_ulogic := '0';
signal cmp_byt : std_ulogic;
signal cr_log : std_ulogic;
signal rotlw : std_ulogic;
signal imm_log : std_ulogic;
signal rotld : std_ulogic;
signal x31 : std_ulogic;
signal f0_xxxx00 : std_ulogic;
signal f0_xxx0xx : std_ulogic;
signal f0_xxxx0x : std_ulogic;
signal f1_1xxxx : std_ulogic;
signal f1_111xx : std_ulogic;
signal f1_110xx : std_ulogic;
signal f1_x1x1x : std_ulogic;
signal f1_x1xx0 : std_ulogic;
signal f1_x1xx1 : std_ulogic;
signal f1_xxx00 : std_ulogic;
signal f1_xxx11 : std_ulogic;
signal f1_xx10x : std_ulogic;
signal f2_11xxx : std_ulogic;
signal f2_xxx0x : std_ulogic;
signal f2_111xx : std_ulogic;
signal f1_xxx01 : std_ulogic;
signal f1_xxx10 : std_ulogic;
signal f2_xx01x : std_ulogic;
signal f2_xx00x : std_ulogic;
signal rotlw_nm : std_ulogic;
signal rotlw_pass : std_ulogic;
signal rotld_pass : std_ulogic;
signal sh_lft_rb : std_ulogic;
signal sh_lft_rb_dw : std_ulogic;
signal sh_rgt : std_ulogic;
signal sh_rgt_rb : std_ulogic;
signal sh_rgt_rb_dw : std_ulogic;
signal shift_imm : std_ulogic;
signal sh_rb : std_ulogic;
signal sh_rb_dw : std_ulogic;
signal sh_rb_wd : std_ulogic;
signal x31_sh_log_sgn : std_ulogic;
signal op_sgn_xtd : std_ulogic;
signal op_sra : std_ulogic;
signal wd_if_sh : std_ulogic;
signal xtd_log : std_ulogic;
signal sh_word_int : std_ulogic;
signal imm_xor_or : std_ulogic;
signal imm_and_or : std_ulogic;
signal xtd_nor : std_ulogic;
signal xtd_eqv_orc_nand : std_ulogic;
signal xtd_nand : std_ulogic;
signal xtd_andc_xor_or : std_ulogic;
signal xtd_and_eqv_orc : std_ulogic;
signal xtd_or_orc : std_ulogic;
signal xtd_xor_or : std_ulogic;
signal sel_ins_amt_hi : std_ulogic;
signal sel_ins_me_lo_wd : std_ulogic;
signal sel_ins_me_lo_dw : std_ulogic;
signal sel_ins_amt_lo : std_ulogic;
signal sel_ins_me_hi : std_ulogic;
signal rot_imm_mb : std_ulogic;
signal gt5_g_45 : std_ulogic;
signal gt5_g_23 : std_ulogic;
signal gt5_g_1 : std_ulogic;
signal gt5_t_23 : std_ulogic;
signal gt5_t_1 : std_ulogic;
signal mb_gt_me_cmp_wd0_b : std_ulogic;
signal mb_gt_me_cmp_wd1_b : std_ulogic;
signal mb_gt_me_cmp_wd2_b : std_ulogic;
signal mb_gt_me_cmp_wd : std_ulogic;
signal gt6_g_45 : std_ulogic;
signal gt6_g_23 : std_ulogic;
signal gt6_g_01 : std_ulogic;
signal gt6_t_23 : std_ulogic;
signal gt6_t_01 : std_ulogic;
signal mb_gt_me_cmp_dw0_b : std_ulogic;
signal mb_gt_me_cmp_dw1_b : std_ulogic;
signal mb_gt_me_cmp_dw2_b : std_ulogic;
signal mb_gt_me_cmp_dw : std_ulogic;
signal me_ins : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5);
signal gt5_in0 : std_ulogic_vector(1 to 5);
signal gt5_in1 : std_ulogic_vector(1 to 5);
signal gt6_in0 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5);
signal gt6_in1 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5);
signal gt5_g_b : std_ulogic_vector(1 to 5);
signal gt5_t_b : std_ulogic_vector(1 to 4);
signal gt6_g_b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5);
signal gt6_t_b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
signal f0_xxxx11 : std_ulogic;
signal f1_0xxxx : std_ulogic;
signal f1_1xxx0 : std_ulogic;
signal f1_xxxx0 : std_ulogic;
signal f1_xxxx1 : std_ulogic;
signal f2_xxx1x : std_ulogic;
signal f1_xx1xx : std_ulogic;
signal xtd_nand_or_orc : std_ulogic;
signal rld_cr : std_ulogic;
signal rld_cl : std_ulogic;
signal rld_icr : std_ulogic;
signal rld_icl : std_ulogic;
signal rld_ic : std_ulogic;
signal rld_imi : std_ulogic;
signal sh_lft_imm_dw : std_ulogic;
signal sh_lft_imm : std_ulogic;
signal sh_rgt_imm_dw : std_ulogic;
signal sh_rgt_imm : std_ulogic;
signal rotld_en_mbgtme : std_ulogic;
signal rf1_log_fcn : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal isel : std_ulogic;
isel <= '1' when x31='1' and i(26 to 30) = "01111" else '0';
cmp_byt <= '1' when x31='1' and i(21 to 30) = "0111111100" else '0';
cr_log <= not i(0) and i(1) and not i(2) and not i(3) and i(4) and i(5) ;
rotlw <= not i(0) and i(1) and not i(2) and i(3) ;
imm_log <= not i(0) and i(1) and i(2) and (not i(3) or not i(4) );
rotld <= not i(0) and i(1) and i(2) and i(3) and i(4) and not i(5) ;
x31 <= not i(0) and i(1) and i(2) and i(3) and i(4) and i(5) ;
f0_xxxx00 <= not i(4) and not i(5) ;
f0_xxx0xx <= not i(3) ;
f0_xxxx0x <= not i(4) ;
f0_xxxx11 <= i(4) and i(5) ;
f1_0xxxx <= not i(21) ;
f1_110xx <= i(21) and i(22) and not i(23) ;
f1_111xx <= i(21) and i(22) and i(23) ;
f1_1xxx0 <= i(21) and not i(25) ;
f1_1xxxx <= i(21) ;
f1_x1x1x <= i(22) and i(24) ;
f1_xx1xx <= i(23) ;
f1_x1xx0 <= i(22) and not i(25) ;
f1_x1xx1 <= i(22) and i(25) ;
f1_xx10x <= i(23) and not i(24) ;
f1_xxx01 <= not i(24) and i(25) ;
f1_xxx11 <= i(24) and i(25) ;
f1_xxxx0 <= not i(25) ;
f1_xxxx1 <= i(25) ;
f1_xxx00 <= not i(24) and not i(25) ;
f1_xxx10 <= i(24) and not i(25) ;
f2_11xxx <= i(26) and i(27) ;
f2_xxx0x <= not i(29) ;
f2_111xx <= i(26) and i(27) and i(28) ;
f2_xx01x <= not i(28) and i(29) ;
f2_xx00x <= not i(28) and not i(29) ;
f2_xxx1x <= i(29) ;
rotlw_nm <= rotlw and f0_xxxx11 ;
rotlw_pass <= rotlw and f0_xxxx00 ;
rotld_pass <= rld_imi ;
sh_lft_rb <= x31 and f1_0xxxx ;
sh_lft_rb_dw <= x31 and f1_0xxxx and f2_xxx1x ;
sh_rgt <= x31 and f1_1xxxx ;
sh_rgt_rb <= x31 and f1_1xxx0 ;
sh_rgt_rb_dw <= x31 and f1_1xxx0 and f2_xxx1x ;
shift_imm <= x31 and f1_xxxx1 ;
sh_rb <= x31 and f1_xxxx0 ;
sh_rb_dw <= x31 and f1_xxxx0 and f2_xxx1x ;
sh_rb_wd <= x31 and f1_xxxx0 and f2_xxx0x ;
x31_sh_log_sgn <= x31 and f2_11xxx ;
op_sgn_xtd <= x31 and f1_111xx ;
op_sra <= x31 and f1_110xx ;
wd_if_sh <= x31 and f2_xxx0x ;
xtd_log <= x31 and f2_111xx ;
sh_lft_imm_dw <= tidn;
sh_lft_imm <= tidn;
sh_rgt_imm_dw <= x31 and i(21) and i(25) and i(29) ;
sh_rgt_imm <= x31 and i(21) and i(25) ;
dec_alu_rf1_sel_rot_log <= (cmp_byt ) or
(cr_log ) or
(rotlw ) or
(imm_log ) or
(rotld ) or
(x31_sh_log_sgn );
dec_alu_rf1_zm_ins <= (isel ) or
(cmp_byt ) or
(cr_log ) or
(xtd_log ) or
(imm_log ) or
(op_sgn_xtd );
dec_alu_rf1_sh_right <= sh_rgt;
sh_word_int <=(rotlw ) or
(wd_if_sh );
dec_alu_rf1_sh_word <= sh_word_int ;
dec_alu_rf1_cr_logical <= cr_log ;
dec_alu_rf1_sgnxtd_byte <= op_sgn_xtd and f1_xxx01 and not isel;
dec_alu_rf1_sgnxtd_half <= op_sgn_xtd and f1_xxx00 and not isel;
dec_alu_rf1_sgnxtd_wd <= op_sgn_xtd and f1_xxx10 and not isel;
dec_alu_rf1_sra_dw <= op_sra and f2_xx01x and not isel;
dec_alu_rf1_sra_wd <= op_sra and f2_xx00x and not isel;
dec_alu_rf1_cr_log_fcn(0) <= i(25) ;
dec_alu_rf1_cr_log_fcn(1) <= i(24) ;
dec_alu_rf1_cr_log_fcn(2) <= i(23) ;
dec_alu_rf1_cr_log_fcn(3) <= i(22) ;
imm_xor_or <= f0_xxx0xx ;
imm_and_or <= f0_xxxx0x ;
xtd_nor <= f1_xxx11 ;
xtd_eqv_orc_nand <= f1_x1xx0 ;
xtd_nand <= f1_x1x1x ;
xtd_nand_or_orc <= f1_xx1xx ;
xtd_andc_xor_or <= f1_xxx01 ;
xtd_and_eqv_orc <= f1_xxx00 ;
xtd_or_orc <= f1_xx10x ;
xtd_xor_or <= f1_x1xx1 ;
with cmp_byt select
dec_alu_rf1_log_fcn <= "1001" when '1',
rf1_log_fcn when others;
rf1_log_fcn(0) <= (xtd_log and xtd_nor ) or
(xtd_log and xtd_eqv_orc_nand ) or
(cmp_byt ) ;
rf1_log_fcn(1) <= (xtd_log and xtd_xor_or ) or
(xtd_log and xtd_nand ) or
(imm_log and imm_xor_or ) or
(rotlw_pass ) or
(rotld_pass ) ;
rf1_log_fcn(2) <= (xtd_log and xtd_andc_xor_or ) or
(xtd_log and xtd_nand_or_orc ) or
(imm_log and imm_xor_or ) ;
rf1_log_fcn(3) <= (cmp_byt ) or
(xtd_log and xtd_and_eqv_orc ) or
(xtd_log and xtd_or_orc ) or
(imm_log and imm_and_or ) or
(rotlw_pass ) or
(rotld_pass ) ;
dec_alu_rf1_chk_shov_dw <= (sh_rb_dw );
dec_alu_rf1_chk_shov_wd <= (sh_rb_wd );
dec_alu_rf1_me_ins_b(0 to 5) <= not me_ins(0 to 5) ;
me_ins(0) <= ( rotlw ) or
( i(26) and sel_ins_me_hi ) or
( not i(30) and sel_ins_amt_hi ) ;
me_ins(1 to 5) <= ( i(26 to 30) and (1 to 5=> sel_ins_me_lo_wd) ) or
( i(21 to 25) and (1 to 5=> sel_ins_me_lo_dw) ) or
( not i(16 to 20) and (1 to 5=> sel_ins_amt_lo ) ) ;
sel_ins_me_lo_wd <= rotlw ;
sel_ins_me_lo_dw <= rld_cr or rld_icr ;
sel_ins_amt_lo <= rld_ic or rld_imi or sh_lft_rb ;
sel_ins_amt_hi <= rld_ic or rld_imi or sh_lft_rb_dw ;
sel_ins_me_hi <= rld_cr or rld_icr ;
dec_alu_rf1_use_me_rb_hi <= ( sh_lft_rb_dw );
dec_alu_rf1_use_me_rb_lo <= ( sh_lft_rb );
dec_alu_rf1_use_me_ins_hi <= rld_cr or rld_icr or rld_imi or rld_ic or rotlw or sh_lft_imm_dw ;
dec_alu_rf1_use_me_ins_lo <= rld_cr or rld_icr or rld_imi or rld_ic or rotlw or sh_lft_imm ;
rld_icl <= rotld and not i(27) and not i(28) and not i(29) ;
rld_icr <= rotld and not i(27) and not i(28) and i(29) ;
rld_ic <= rotld and not i(27) and i(28) and not i(29) ;
rld_imi <= rotld and not i(27) and i(28) and i(29) ;
rld_cl <= rotld and i(27) and not i(30);
rld_cr <= rotld and i(27) and i(30);
dec_alu_rf1_mb_ins(0) <= ( i(26) and rot_imm_mb ) or
( i(30) and shift_imm ) or
( rotlw ) or
( wd_if_sh ) ;
dec_alu_rf1_mb_ins(1 to 5) <= ( i(21 to 25) and (1 to 5=> rot_imm_mb ) ) or
( i(16 to 20) and (1 to 5=> shift_imm ) ) ;
rot_imm_mb <= ( rotlw ) or
( rld_cl or rld_icl or rld_ic or rld_imi ) ;
dec_alu_rf1_use_mb_rb_lo <= sh_rgt_rb ;
dec_alu_rf1_use_mb_rb_hi <= sh_rgt_rb_dw ;
dec_alu_rf1_use_mb_ins_hi <= rld_cl or rld_icl or rld_imi or rld_ic or rotlw or sh_rgt_imm_dw or wd_if_sh;
dec_alu_rf1_use_mb_ins_lo <= rld_cl or rld_icl or rld_imi or rld_ic or rotlw or sh_rgt_imm ;
dec_alu_rf1_use_rb_amt_hi <= ( rld_cr ) or
( rld_cl ) or
( sh_rb_dw ) ;
dec_alu_rf1_use_rb_amt_lo <= ( rld_cr ) or
( rld_cl ) or
( rotlw_nm ) or
( sh_rb ) ;
dec_alu_rf1_sh_amt(0) <= i(30) and not sh_word_int ;
dec_alu_rf1_sh_amt(1 to 5) <= i(16 to 20) ;
rotld_en_mbgtme <= rld_imi or rld_ic ;
dec_alu_rf1_mb_gt_me <= (mb_gt_me_cmp_wd and rotlw ) or
(mb_gt_me_cmp_dw and rotld_en_mbgtme ) ;
gt5_in1(1 to 5) <= i(21 to 25) ;
gt5_in0(1 to 5) <= not i(26 to 30) ;
gt6_in1(0 to 5) <= i(26) & i(21 to 25) ;
gt6_in0(0 to 5) <= i(30) & i(16 to 20) ;
gt5_g_b(1 to 5) <= not( gt5_in0(1 to 5) and gt5_in1(1 to 5) );
gt5_t_b(1 to 4) <= not( gt5_in0(1 to 4) or gt5_in1(1 to 4) );
gt5_g_45 <= not( gt5_g_b(4) and (gt5_t_b(4) or gt5_g_b(5) ) );
gt5_g_23 <= not( gt5_g_b(2) and (gt5_t_b(2) or gt5_g_b(3) ) );
gt5_g_1 <= not( gt5_g_b(1) );
gt5_t_23 <= not( gt5_t_b(2) or gt5_t_b(3) );
gt5_t_1 <= not( gt5_t_b(1) );
mb_gt_me_cmp_wd0_b <= not( gt5_g_1 );
mb_gt_me_cmp_wd1_b <= not( gt5_g_23 and gt5_t_1 );
mb_gt_me_cmp_wd2_b <= not( gt5_g_45 and gt5_t_1 and gt5_t_23 );
mb_gt_me_cmp_wd <= not( mb_gt_me_cmp_wd0_b and mb_gt_me_cmp_wd1_b and mb_gt_me_cmp_wd2_b );
gt6_g_b(0 to 5) <= not( gt6_in0(0 to 5) and gt6_in1(0 to 5) );
gt6_t_b(0 to 4) <= not( gt6_in0(0 to 4) or gt6_in1(0 to 4) );
gt6_g_45 <= not( gt6_g_b(4) and (gt6_t_b(4) or gt6_g_b(5) ) );
gt6_g_23 <= not( gt6_g_b(2) and (gt6_t_b(2) or gt6_g_b(3) ) );
gt6_g_01 <= not( gt6_g_b(0) and (gt6_t_b(0) or gt6_g_b(1) ) );
gt6_t_23 <= not( gt6_t_b(2) or gt6_t_b(3) );
gt6_t_01 <= not( gt6_t_b(0) or gt6_t_b(1) );
mb_gt_me_cmp_dw0_b <= not( gt6_g_01 );
mb_gt_me_cmp_dw1_b <= not( gt6_g_23 and gt6_t_01 );
mb_gt_me_cmp_dw2_b <= not( gt6_g_45 and gt6_t_01 and gt6_t_23 );
mb_gt_me_cmp_dw <= not( mb_gt_me_cmp_dw0_b and mb_gt_me_cmp_dw1_b and mb_gt_me_cmp_dw2_b );
mark_unused(i(6 to 15));
end architecture xuq_dec_dcdmrg;