@ -123,15 +123,22 @@ begin
raddr := unsigned(r.nia(BTC_ADDR_BITS + 1 downto 2)) +
raddr := unsigned(r.nia(BTC_ADDR_BITS + 1 downto 2)) +
to_unsigned(2, BTC_ADDR_BITS);
to_unsigned(2, BTC_ADDR_BITS);
if advance_nia = '1' then
if advance_nia = '1' then
if is_X(raddr) then
btc_rd_data <= (others => 'X');
btc_rd_valid <= 'X';
btc_rd_data <= btc_memory(to_integer(raddr));
btc_rd_data <= btc_memory(to_integer(raddr));
btc_rd_valid <= btc_valids(to_integer(raddr));
btc_rd_valid <= btc_valids(to_integer(raddr));
end if;
end if;
end if;
if btc_wr = '1' then
if btc_wr = '1' then
assert not is_X(btc_wr_addr) report "Writing to unknown address" severity FAILURE;
btc_memory(to_integer(unsigned(btc_wr_addr))) <= btc_wr_data;
btc_memory(to_integer(unsigned(btc_wr_addr))) <= btc_wr_data;
end if;
end if;
if inval_btc = '1' or rst = '1' then
if inval_btc = '1' or rst = '1' then
btc_valids <= (others => '0');
btc_valids <= (others => '0');
elsif btc_wr = '1' then
elsif btc_wr = '1' then
assert not is_X(btc_wr_addr) report "Writing to unknown address" severity FAILURE;
btc_valids(to_integer(unsigned(btc_wr_addr))) <= '1';
btc_valids(to_integer(unsigned(btc_wr_addr))) <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;