Minor tweaks to README.md

Few tweaks based on a newcomers experience getting an Arty A7-100 up and running

Forgot to add DCO in initial PR, now corrected.

Signed-off-by: Hugh Blemings <hugh@blemings.org>
Hugh 5 years ago committed by Hugh Blemings
parent 326dec4b3b
commit 96b7f17e52

@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ to understand.
<img src="http://neuling.org/microwatt-micropython.gif" alt="MicroPython running on Microwatt"/>

You can try out Microwatt/Micropython without hardware by using the ghdl simulator. If you want to build directly for a hardware target board, see below.

- Build micropython. If you aren't building on a ppc64le box you
will need a cross compiler. If it isn't available on your distro
grab the powerpc64le-power8 toolchain from https://toolchains.bootlin.com
@ -70,11 +72,12 @@ cd microwatt-fusesoc
fusesoc library add microwatt /path/to/microwatt/

- Build using FuseSoC. For hello world (Replace nexys_video with your FPGA board):
- Build using FuseSoC. For hello world (Replace nexys_video with your FPGA board such as --target=arty_a7-100):

fusesoc run --target=nexys_video microwatt --memory_size=8192 --ram_init_file=/path/to/microwatt/fpga/hello_world.hex
You should then be able to see output via the serial port of the board (/dev/ttyUSB1, 115200 for example assuming standard clock speeds). There is a know bug where initial output may not be sent - try the reset (not programming button on your board if you don't see anything.

- To build micropython (currently requires 1MB of BRAM eg an Artix-7 A200):
