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1245 lines
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library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use ieee.math_real.all;
use std.textio.all;
use std.env.stop;
library work;
use work.common.all;
use work.wishbone_types.all;
-- Memory map. *** Keep include/microwatt_soc.h updated on changes ***
-- Main bus:
-- 0x00000000: Block RAM (MEMORY_SIZE) or DRAM depending on syscon
-- 0x40000000: DRAM (when present)
-- 0x80000000: Block RAM (aliased & repeated)
-- IO Bus:
-- 0xc0000000: SYSCON
-- 0xc0002000: UART0
-- 0xc0003000: UART1 (if any)
-- 0xc0004000: XICS ICP
-- 0xc0005000: XICS ICS
-- 0xc0006000: SPI Flash controller
-- 0xc0007000: GPIO controller
-- 0xc8nnnnnn: External IO bus
-- 0xcb000000: LPC slave (same addr as Kestral)
-- 0xf0000000: Flash "ROM" mapping
-- 0xff000000: DRAM init code (if any) or flash ROM (**)
-- External IO bus:
-- 0xc8000000: LiteDRAM control (CSRs)
-- 0xc8020000: LiteEth CSRs (*)
-- 0xc8030000: LiteEth MMIO (*)
-- 0xc8040000: LiteSDCard CSRs
-- (*) LiteEth must be a single aligned 32KB block as the CSRs and MMIOs
-- are actually decoded as a single wishbone which LiteEth will
-- internally split based on bit 16.
-- (**) DRAM init code is currently special and goes to the external
-- IO bus, this will be fixed when it's moved out of litedram and
-- into the main SoC once we have a common "firmware".
-- Interrupt numbers:
-- 0 : UART0
-- 1 : Ethernet
-- 2 : UART1
-- 3 : SD card
-- 4 : GPIO
-- 5 : LPC UART
-- 6 : LPC IPMI
entity soc is
generic (
MEMORY_SIZE : natural;
RAM_INIT_FILE : string;
CLK_FREQ : positive;
SIM : boolean;
HAS_FPU : boolean := true;
fetch1: Implement a simple branch target cache This implements a cache in fetch1, where each entry stores the address of a simple branch instruction (b or bc) and the target of the branch. When fetching sequentially, if the address being fetched matches the cache entry, then fetching will be redirected to the branch target. The cache has 1024 entries and is direct-mapped, i.e. indexed by bits 11..2 of the NIA. The bus from execute1 now carries information about taken and not-taken simple branches, which fetch1 uses to update the cache. The cache entry is updated for both taken and not-taken branches, with the valid bit being set if the branch was taken and cleared if the branch was not taken. If fetching is redirected to the branch target then that goes down the pipe as a predicted-taken branch, and decode1 does not do any static branch prediction. If fetching is not redirected, then the next instruction goes down the pipe as normal and decode1 does its static branch prediction. In order to make timing, the lookup of the cache is pipelined, so on each cycle the cache entry for the current NIA + 8 is read. This means that after a redirect (from decode1 or execute1), only the third and subsequent sequentially-fetched instructions will be able to be predicted. This improves the coremark value on the Arty A7-100 from about 180 to about 190 (more than 5%). The BTC is optional. Builds for the Artix 7 35-T part have it off by default because the extra ~1420 LUTs it takes mean that the design doesn't fit on the Arty A7-35 board. Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <>
4 years ago
HAS_BTC : boolean := true;
HAS_SHORT_MULT : boolean := false;
HAS_LPC : boolean := false;
DISABLE_FLATTEN_CORE : boolean := false;
HAS_DRAM : boolean := false;
DRAM_SIZE : integer := 0;
DRAM_INIT_SIZE : integer := 0;
HAS_SPI_FLASH : boolean := false;
SPI_FLASH_DLINES : positive := 1;
SPI_FLASH_OFFSET : integer := 0;
SPI_FLASH_DEF_CKDV : natural := 2;
SPI_FLASH_DEF_QUAD : boolean := false;
SPI_BOOT_CLOCKS : boolean := true;
LOG_LENGTH : natural := 512;
HAS_LITEETH : boolean := false;
UART0_IS_16550 : boolean := true;
HAS_UART1 : boolean := false;
ICACHE_NUM_LINES : natural := 64;
ICACHE_NUM_WAYS : natural := 2;
ICACHE_TLB_SIZE : natural := 64;
DCACHE_NUM_LINES : natural := 64;
DCACHE_NUM_WAYS : natural := 2;
DCACHE_TLB_SET_SIZE : natural := 64;
DCACHE_TLB_NUM_WAYS : natural := 2;
HAS_SD_CARD : boolean := false;
HAS_GPIO : boolean := false;
NGPIO : natural := 32
rst : in std_ulogic;
system_clk : in std_ulogic;
-- "Large" (64-bit) DRAM wishbone
wb_dram_in : out wishbone_master_out;
wb_dram_out : in wishbone_slave_out := wishbone_slave_out_init;
-- "Small" (32-bit) external IO wishbone
wb_ext_io_in : out wb_io_master_out;
wb_ext_io_out : in wb_io_slave_out := wb_io_slave_out_init;
wb_ext_is_dram_csr : out std_ulogic;
wb_ext_is_dram_init : out std_ulogic;
wb_ext_is_eth : out std_ulogic;
wb_ext_is_sdcard : out std_ulogic;
-- external DMA wishbone with 32-bit data/address
wishbone_dma_in : out wb_io_slave_out := wb_io_slave_out_init;
wishbone_dma_out : in wb_io_master_out := wb_io_master_out_init;
-- External interrupts
ext_irq_eth : in std_ulogic := '0';
ext_irq_sdcard : in std_ulogic := '0';
-- UART0 signals:
uart0_txd : out std_ulogic;
uart0_rxd : in std_ulogic := '0';
-- UART1 signals:
uart1_txd : out std_ulogic;
uart1_rxd : in std_ulogic := '0';
-- SPI Flash signals
spi_flash_sck : out std_ulogic;
spi_flash_cs_n : out std_ulogic;
spi_flash_sdat_o : out std_ulogic_vector(SPI_FLASH_DLINES-1 downto 0);
spi_flash_sdat_oe : out std_ulogic_vector(SPI_FLASH_DLINES-1 downto 0);
spi_flash_sdat_i : in std_ulogic_vector(SPI_FLASH_DLINES-1 downto 0) := (others => '1');
-- GPIO signals
gpio_out : out std_ulogic_vector(NGPIO - 1 downto 0);
gpio_dir : out std_ulogic_vector(NGPIO - 1 downto 0);
gpio_in : in std_ulogic_vector(NGPIO - 1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
-- LPC signals
lpc_data_o : out std_ulogic_vector(3 downto 0);
lpc_data_oe : out std_ulogic;
lpc_data_i : in std_ulogic_vector(3 downto 0) := (others => '1');
lpc_frame_n : in std_ulogic := '1';
lpc_reset_n : in std_ulogic := '1';
lpc_clock : in std_ulogic := '1';
lpc_irq_o : out std_ulogic;
lpc_irq_oe : out std_ulogic;
lpc_irq_i : in std_ulogic := '0';
-- DRAM controller signals
alt_reset : in std_ulogic := '0'
end entity soc;
architecture behaviour of soc is
-- Wishbone master signals:
signal wishbone_dcore_in : wishbone_slave_out;
signal wishbone_dcore_out : wishbone_master_out;
signal wishbone_icore_in : wishbone_slave_out;
signal wishbone_icore_out : wishbone_master_out;
signal wishbone_debug_in : wishbone_slave_out;
signal wishbone_debug_out : wishbone_master_out;
-- Arbiter array (ghdl doesnt' support assigning the array
-- elements in the entity instantiation)
constant NUM_WB_MASTERS : positive := 5;
signal wb_masters_out : wishbone_master_out_vector(0 to NUM_WB_MASTERS-1);
signal wb_masters_in : wishbone_slave_out_vector(0 to NUM_WB_MASTERS-1);
-- Wishbone master (output of arbiter):
signal wb_master_in : wishbone_slave_out;
signal wb_master_out : wishbone_master_out;
signal wb_snoop : wishbone_master_out;
-- Main "IO" bus, from main slave decoder to the latch
signal wb_io_in : wishbone_master_out;
signal wb_io_out : wishbone_slave_out;
-- Secondary (smaller) IO bus after the IO bus latch
signal wb_sio_out : wb_io_master_out;
signal wb_sio_in : wb_io_slave_out;
-- Syscon signals
signal dram_at_0 : std_ulogic;
signal do_core_reset : std_ulogic;
signal wb_syscon_in : wb_io_master_out;
signal wb_syscon_out : wb_io_slave_out;
-- UART0 signals:
signal wb_uart0_in : wb_io_master_out;
signal wb_uart0_out : wb_io_slave_out;
signal uart0_dat8 : std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal uart0_irq : std_ulogic;
-- UART1 signals:
signal wb_uart1_in : wb_io_master_out;
signal wb_uart1_out : wb_io_slave_out;
signal uart1_dat8 : std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal uart1_irq : std_ulogic;
-- SPI Flash controller signals:
signal wb_spiflash_in : wb_io_master_out;
signal wb_spiflash_out : wb_io_slave_out;
signal wb_spiflash_is_reg : std_ulogic;
signal wb_spiflash_is_map : std_ulogic;
-- LPC Flash controller signals:
signal wb_lpc_in : wb_io_master_out;
signal wb_lpc_out : wb_io_slave_out;
signal lpc_vuart_irq : std_ulogic;
signal lpc_ipmi_irq : std_ulogic;
-- LPC master wb
signal lpc_master_wb_cyc : std_ulogic;
signal lpc_master_wb_stb : std_ulogic;
signal lpc_master_wb_err : std_ulogic;
signal lpc_master_wb_addr : std_ulogic_vector(29 downto 0);
signal wb_lpc_dma_out : wb_io_master_out := wb_io_master_out_init;
signal wb_lpc_dma_in : wb_io_slave_out;
signal wb_lpc_dma_nr : wb_io_master_out;
signal wb_lpc_dma_ir : wb_io_slave_out;
-- for conversion from non-pipelined wishbone to pipelined
signal wb_lpc_dma_stb_sent : std_ulogic;
-- XICS signals:
signal wb_xics_icp_in : wb_io_master_out;
signal wb_xics_icp_out : wb_io_slave_out;
signal wb_xics_ics_in : wb_io_master_out;
signal wb_xics_ics_out : wb_io_slave_out;
signal int_level_in : std_ulogic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal ics_to_icp : ics_to_icp_t;
signal core_ext_irq : std_ulogic;
-- GPIO signals:
signal wb_gpio_in : wb_io_master_out;
signal wb_gpio_out : wb_io_slave_out;
signal gpio_intr : std_ulogic := '0';
-- Main memory signals:
signal wb_bram_in : wishbone_master_out;
signal wb_bram_out : wishbone_slave_out;
-- DMI debug bus signals
signal dmi_addr : std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal dmi_din : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
signal dmi_dout : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
signal dmi_req : std_ulogic;
signal dmi_wr : std_ulogic;
signal dmi_ack : std_ulogic;
-- Per slave DMI signals
signal dmi_wb_dout : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
signal dmi_wb_req : std_ulogic;
signal dmi_wb_ack : std_ulogic;
signal dmi_core_dout : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
signal dmi_core_req : std_ulogic;
signal dmi_core_ack : std_ulogic;
-- Delayed/latched resets and alt_reset
signal rst_core : std_ulogic := '1';
signal rst_uart : std_ulogic := '1';
signal rst_xics : std_ulogic := '1';
signal rst_lpc : std_ulogic := '1';
signal rst_spi : std_ulogic := '1';
signal rst_gpio : std_ulogic := '1';
signal rst_bram : std_ulogic := '1';
signal rst_dtm : std_ulogic := '1';
signal rst_wbar : std_ulogic := '1';
signal rst_wbdb : std_ulogic := '1';
signal alt_reset_d : std_ulogic;
-- IO branch split:
type slave_io_type is (SLAVE_IO_SYSCON,
signal slave_io_dbg : slave_io_type;
function wishbone_widen_data(wb : wb_io_master_out) return wishbone_master_out is
variable wwb : wishbone_master_out;
wwb.adr := wb.adr(wb.adr'left downto 1);
wwb.dat := wb.dat & wb.dat;
wwb.sel := x"00";
if wb.adr(0) = '0' then
wwb.sel(3 downto 0) := wb.sel;
wwb.sel(7 downto 4) := wb.sel;
end if;
wwb.cyc := wb.cyc;
wwb.stb := wb.stb;
wwb.we := wb.we;
return wwb;
function wishbone_narrow_data(wwbs : wishbone_slave_out; adr : std_ulogic_vector(29 downto 0))
return wb_io_slave_out is
variable wbs : wb_io_slave_out;
wbs.ack := wwbs.ack;
wbs.stall := wwbs.stall;
if adr(0) = '0' then
wbs.dat := wwbs.dat(31 downto 0);
wbs.dat := wwbs.dat(63 downto 32);
end if;
return wbs;
-- This is the component exported by the 16550 compatible
-- UART from FuseSoC.
component uart_top port (
wb_clk_i : in std_ulogic;
wb_rst_i : in std_ulogic;
wb_adr_i : in std_ulogic_vector(2 downto 0);
wb_dat_i : in std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
wb_dat_o : out std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
wb_we_i : in std_ulogic;
wb_stb_i : in std_ulogic;
wb_cyc_i : in std_ulogic;
wb_ack_o : out std_ulogic;
int_o : out std_ulogic;
stx_pad_o : out std_ulogic;
srx_pad_i : in std_ulogic;
rts_pad_o : out std_ulogic;
cts_pad_i : in std_ulogic;
dtr_pad_o : out std_ulogic;
dsr_pad_i : in std_ulogic;
ri_pad_i : in std_ulogic;
dcd_pad_i : in std_ulogic
end component;
resets: process(system_clk)
if rising_edge(system_clk) then
rst_core <= rst or do_core_reset;
rst_uart <= rst;
rst_spi <= rst;
rst_xics <= rst;
rst_gpio <= rst;
rst_lpc <= rst;
rst_bram <= rst;
rst_dtm <= rst;
rst_wbar <= rst;
rst_wbdb <= rst;
alt_reset_d <= alt_reset;
end if;
end process;
-- Processor core
processor: entity work.core
generic map(
fetch1: Implement a simple branch target cache This implements a cache in fetch1, where each entry stores the address of a simple branch instruction (b or bc) and the target of the branch. When fetching sequentially, if the address being fetched matches the cache entry, then fetching will be redirected to the branch target. The cache has 1024 entries and is direct-mapped, i.e. indexed by bits 11..2 of the NIA. The bus from execute1 now carries information about taken and not-taken simple branches, which fetch1 uses to update the cache. The cache entry is updated for both taken and not-taken branches, with the valid bit being set if the branch was taken and cleared if the branch was not taken. If fetching is redirected to the branch target then that goes down the pipe as a predicted-taken branch, and decode1 does not do any static branch prediction. If fetching is not redirected, then the next instruction goes down the pipe as normal and decode1 does its static branch prediction. In order to make timing, the lookup of the cache is pipelined, so on each cycle the cache entry for the current NIA + 8 is read. This means that after a redirect (from decode1 or execute1), only the third and subsequent sequentially-fetched instructions will be able to be predicted. This improves the coremark value on the Arty A7-100 from about 180 to about 190 (more than 5%). The BTC is optional. Builds for the Artix 7 35-T part have it off by default because the extra ~1420 LUTs it takes mean that the design doesn't fit on the Arty A7-35 board. Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <>
4 years ago
ALT_RESET_ADDRESS => (23 downto 0 => '0', others => '1'),
port map(
clk => system_clk,
rst => rst_core,
alt_reset => alt_reset_d,
wishbone_insn_in => wishbone_icore_in,
wishbone_insn_out => wishbone_icore_out,
wishbone_data_in => wishbone_dcore_in,
wishbone_data_out => wishbone_dcore_out,
wb_snoop_in => wb_snoop,
dmi_addr => dmi_addr(3 downto 0),
dmi_dout => dmi_core_dout,
dmi_din => dmi_dout,
dmi_wr => dmi_wr,
dmi_ack => dmi_core_ack,
dmi_req => dmi_core_req,
ext_irq => core_ext_irq
-- Wishbone bus master arbiter & mux
wb_masters_out <= (0 => wishbone_dcore_out,
1 => wishbone_icore_out,
2 => wishbone_widen_data(wishbone_dma_out),
3 => wishbone_widen_data(wb_lpc_dma_out),
4 => wishbone_debug_out);
wishbone_dcore_in <= wb_masters_in(0);
wishbone_icore_in <= wb_masters_in(1);
wishbone_dma_in <= wishbone_narrow_data(wb_masters_in(2), wishbone_dma_out.adr);
wb_lpc_dma_in <= wishbone_narrow_data(wb_masters_in(3), wb_lpc_dma_out.adr);
wishbone_debug_in <= wb_masters_in(4);
wishbone_arbiter_0: entity work.wishbone_arbiter
generic map(
port map(
clk => system_clk,
rst => rst_wbar,
wb_masters_in => wb_masters_out,
wb_masters_out => wb_masters_in,
wb_slave_out => wb_master_out,
wb_slave_in => wb_master_in
-- Snoop bus going to caches.
-- Gate stb with stall so the caches don't see the stalled strobes.
-- That way if the caches see a strobe when their wishbone is stalled,
-- they know it is an access by another master.
wb_snoop <= wb_master_out;
if wb_master_in.stall = '1' then
wb_snoop.stb <= '0';
end if;
end process;
-- Top level Wishbone slaves address decoder & mux
-- From CPU to BRAM, DRAM, IO, selected on top 3 bits and dram_at_0
-- 0000 - BRAM
-- 0001 - DRAM
-- 01xx - DRAM
-- 10xx - BRAM
-- 11xx - IO
slave_top_intercon: process(wb_master_out, wb_bram_out, wb_dram_out, wb_io_out, dram_at_0)
type slave_top_type is (SLAVE_TOP_BRAM,
variable slave_top : slave_top_type;
variable top_decode : std_ulogic_vector(3 downto 0);
-- Top-level address decoder
top_decode := wb_master_out.adr(28 downto 26) & dram_at_0;
slave_top := SLAVE_TOP_BRAM;
if std_match(top_decode, "0000") then
slave_top := SLAVE_TOP_BRAM;
elsif std_match(top_decode, "0001") then
slave_top := SLAVE_TOP_DRAM;
elsif std_match(top_decode, "01--") then
slave_top := SLAVE_TOP_DRAM;
elsif std_match(top_decode, "10--") then
slave_top := SLAVE_TOP_BRAM;
elsif std_match(top_decode, "11--") then
slave_top := SLAVE_TOP_IO;
end if;
-- Top level wishbone muxing.
wb_bram_in <= wb_master_out;
wb_bram_in.cyc <= '0';
wb_dram_in <= wb_master_out;
wb_dram_in.cyc <= '0';
wb_io_in <= wb_master_out;
wb_io_in.cyc <= '0';
case slave_top is
wb_bram_in.cyc <= wb_master_out.cyc;
wb_master_in <= wb_bram_out;
if HAS_DRAM then
wb_dram_in.cyc <= wb_master_out.cyc;
wb_master_in <= wb_dram_out;
wb_master_in.ack <= wb_master_out.cyc and wb_master_out.stb;
wb_master_in.dat <= (others => '1');
wb_master_in.stall <= '0';
end if;
when SLAVE_TOP_IO =>
wb_io_in.cyc <= wb_master_out.cyc;
wb_master_in <= wb_io_out;
end case;
end process slave_top_intercon;
-- IO wishbone slave 64->32 bits converter
-- For timing reasons, this adds a one cycle latch on the way both
-- in and out. This relaxes timing and routing pressure on the "main"
-- memory bus by moving all simple IOs to a slower 32-bit bus.
-- This implementation is rather dumb at the moment, no stash buffer,
-- so we stall whenever that latch is busy. This can be improved.
slave_io_latch: process(system_clk)
-- State
type state_t is (IDLE, WAIT_ACK_BOT, WAIT_ACK_TOP);
variable state : state_t;
-- Misc
variable has_top : boolean;
variable has_bot : boolean;
if rising_edge(system_clk) then
if (rst) then
state := IDLE;
wb_io_out.ack <= '0';
wb_io_out.stall <= '0';
wb_sio_out.cyc <= '0';
wb_sio_out.stb <= '0';
has_top := false;
has_bot := false;
case state is
when IDLE =>
-- Clear ACK in case it was set
wb_io_out.ack <= '0';
-- Do we have a cycle ?
if wb_io_in.cyc = '1' and wb_io_in.stb = '1' then
-- Stall master until we are done, we are't (yet) pipelining
-- this, it's all slow IOs.
wb_io_out.stall <= '1';
-- Start cycle downstream
wb_sio_out.cyc <= '1';
wb_sio_out.stb <= '1';
-- Copy write enable to IO out, copy address as well
wb_sio_out.we <= wb_io_in.we;
wb_sio_out.adr <= wb_io_in.adr(wb_sio_out.adr'left - 1 downto 0) & '0';
-- Do we have a top word and/or a bottom word ?
has_top := wb_io_in.sel(7 downto 4) /= "0000";
has_bot := wb_io_in.sel(3 downto 0) /= "0000";
-- If we have a bottom word, handle it first, otherwise
-- send the top word down. XXX Split the actual mux out
-- and only generate a control signal.
if has_bot then
if wb_io_in.we = '1' then
wb_sio_out.dat <= wb_io_in.dat(31 downto 0);
end if;
wb_sio_out.sel <= wb_io_in.sel(3 downto 0);
-- Wait for ack
state := WAIT_ACK_BOT;
if wb_io_in.we = '1' then
wb_sio_out.dat <= wb_io_in.dat(63 downto 32);
end if;
wb_sio_out.sel <= wb_io_in.sel(7 downto 4);
-- Bump address
wb_sio_out.adr(0) <= '1';
-- Wait for ack
state := WAIT_ACK_TOP;
end if;
end if;
when WAIT_ACK_BOT =>
-- If we aren't stalled by the device, clear stb
if wb_sio_in.stall = '0' then
wb_sio_out.stb <= '0';
end if;
-- Handle ack
if wb_sio_in.ack = '1' then
-- If it's a read, latch the data
if wb_sio_out.we = '0' then
wb_io_out.dat(31 downto 0) <= wb_sio_in.dat;
end if;
-- Do we have a "top" part as well ?
if has_top then
-- Latch data & sel
if wb_io_in.we = '1' then
wb_sio_out.dat <= wb_io_in.dat(63 downto 32);
end if;
wb_sio_out.sel <= wb_io_in.sel(7 downto 4);
-- Bump address and set STB
wb_sio_out.adr(0) <= '1';
wb_sio_out.stb <= '1';
-- Wait for new ack
state := WAIT_ACK_TOP;
-- We are done, ack up, clear cyc downstram
wb_sio_out.cyc <= '0';
-- And ack & unstall upstream
wb_io_out.ack <= '1';
wb_io_out.stall <= '0';
-- Wait for next one
state := IDLE;
end if;
end if;
when WAIT_ACK_TOP =>
-- If we aren't stalled by the device, clear stb
if wb_sio_in.stall = '0' then
wb_sio_out.stb <= '0';
end if;
-- Handle ack
if wb_sio_in.ack = '1' then
-- If it's a read, latch the data
if wb_sio_out.we = '0' then
wb_io_out.dat(63 downto 32) <= wb_sio_in.dat;
end if;
-- We are done, ack up, clear cyc downstram
wb_sio_out.cyc <= '0';
-- And ack & unstall upstream
wb_io_out.ack <= '1';
wb_io_out.stall <= '0';
-- Wait for next one
state := IDLE;
end if;
end case;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- IO wishbone slave intercon.
slave_io_intercon: process(wb_sio_out, wb_syscon_out, wb_uart0_out, wb_uart1_out,
wb_ext_io_out, wb_xics_icp_out, wb_xics_ics_out,
variable slave_io : slave_io_type;
variable match : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 12);
variable ext_valid : boolean;
-- Simple address decoder.
slave_io := SLAVE_IO_NONE;
match := "11" & wb_sio_out.adr(27 downto 10);
if std_match(match, x"FF---") and HAS_DRAM then
slave_io := SLAVE_IO_EXTERNAL;
elsif std_match(match, x"F----") then
elsif std_match(match, x"C0000") then
slave_io := SLAVE_IO_SYSCON;
elsif std_match(match, x"C0002") then
slave_io := SLAVE_IO_UART;
elsif std_match(match, x"C0003") then
slave_io := SLAVE_IO_UART1;
elsif std_match(match, x"C8---") then
slave_io := SLAVE_IO_EXTERNAL;
elsif std_match(match, x"CB---") then
slave_io := SLAVE_IO_LPC;
elsif std_match(match, x"C0004") then
slave_io := SLAVE_IO_ICP;
elsif std_match(match, x"C0005") then
slave_io := SLAVE_IO_ICS;
elsif std_match(match, x"C0006") then
elsif std_match(match, x"C0007") then
slave_io := SLAVE_IO_GPIO;
end if;
slave_io_dbg <= slave_io;
wb_uart0_in <= wb_sio_out;
wb_uart0_in.cyc <= '0';
wb_uart1_in <= wb_sio_out;
wb_uart1_in.cyc <= '0';
wb_spiflash_in <= wb_sio_out;
wb_spiflash_in.cyc <= '0';
wb_spiflash_is_reg <= '0';
wb_spiflash_is_map <= '0';
wb_gpio_in <= wb_sio_out;
wb_gpio_in.cyc <= '0';
wb_lpc_in <= wb_sio_out;
wb_lpc_in.cyc <= '0';
-- Only give xics 8 bits of wb addr (for now...)
wb_xics_icp_in <= wb_sio_out;
wb_xics_icp_in.adr <= (others => '0');
wb_xics_icp_in.adr(5 downto 0) <= wb_sio_out.adr(5 downto 0);
wb_xics_icp_in.cyc <= '0';
wb_xics_ics_in <= wb_sio_out;
wb_xics_ics_in.adr <= (others => '0');
wb_xics_ics_in.adr(9 downto 0) <= wb_sio_out.adr(9 downto 0);
wb_xics_ics_in.cyc <= '0';
wb_ext_io_in <= wb_sio_out;
wb_ext_io_in.cyc <= '0';
wb_syscon_in <= wb_sio_out;
wb_syscon_in.cyc <= '0';
wb_ext_is_dram_csr <= '0';
wb_ext_is_dram_init <= '0';
wb_ext_is_eth <= '0';
wb_ext_is_sdcard <= '0';
-- Default response, ack & return all 1's
wb_sio_in.dat <= (others => '1');
wb_sio_in.ack <= wb_sio_out.stb and wb_sio_out.cyc;
wb_sio_in.stall <= '0';
case slave_io is
-- Ext IO "chip selects"
-- DRAM init is special at 0xFF* so we just test the top
-- bit. Everything else is at 0xC8* so we test only bits
-- 23 downto 16 (21 downto 14 in the wishbone addr).
ext_valid := false;
if wb_sio_out.adr(27) = '1' and HAS_DRAM then -- DRAM init is special
wb_ext_is_dram_init <= '1';
ext_valid := true;
elsif wb_sio_out.adr(21 downto 14) = x"00" and HAS_DRAM then
wb_ext_is_dram_csr <= '1';
ext_valid := true;
elsif wb_sio_out.adr(21 downto 14) = x"02" and HAS_LITEETH then
wb_ext_is_eth <= '1';
ext_valid := true;
elsif wb_sio_out.adr(21 downto 14) = x"03" and HAS_LITEETH then
wb_ext_is_eth <= '1';
ext_valid := true;
elsif wb_sio_out.adr(21 downto 14) = x"04" and HAS_SD_CARD then
wb_ext_is_sdcard <= '1';
ext_valid := true;
end if;
if ext_valid then
wb_ext_io_in.cyc <= wb_sio_out.cyc;
wb_sio_in <= wb_ext_io_out;
end if;
when SLAVE_IO_LPC =>
wb_lpc_in.cyc <= wb_sio_out.cyc;
wb_sio_in <= wb_lpc_out;
wb_syscon_in.cyc <= wb_sio_out.cyc;
wb_sio_in <= wb_syscon_out;
wb_uart0_in.cyc <= wb_sio_out.cyc;
wb_sio_in <= wb_uart0_out;
when SLAVE_IO_ICP =>
wb_xics_icp_in.cyc <= wb_sio_out.cyc;
wb_sio_in <= wb_xics_icp_out;
when SLAVE_IO_ICS =>
wb_xics_ics_in.cyc <= wb_sio_out.cyc;
wb_sio_in <= wb_xics_ics_out;
when SLAVE_IO_UART1 =>
wb_uart1_in.cyc <= wb_sio_out.cyc;
wb_sio_in <= wb_uart1_out;
-- Clear top bits so they don't make their way to the
-- fash chip.
wb_spiflash_in.adr(27 downto 26) <= "00";
wb_spiflash_in.cyc <= wb_sio_out.cyc;
wb_sio_in <= wb_spiflash_out;
wb_spiflash_is_map <= '1';
wb_spiflash_in.cyc <= wb_sio_out.cyc;
wb_sio_in <= wb_spiflash_out;
wb_spiflash_is_reg <= '1';
wb_gpio_in.cyc <= wb_sio_out.cyc;
wb_sio_in <= wb_gpio_out;
when others =>
end case;
end process;
-- Syscon slave
syscon0: entity work.syscon
generic map(
HAS_UART => true,
UART0_IS_16550 => UART0_IS_16550,
port map(
clk => system_clk,
rst => rst,
wishbone_in => wb_syscon_in,
wishbone_out => wb_syscon_out,
dram_at_0 => dram_at_0,
core_reset => do_core_reset,
soc_reset => open -- XXX TODO
-- UART0
-- Either potato (legacy) or 16550
uart0_pp: if not UART0_IS_16550 generate
uart0: entity work.pp_soc_uart
generic map(
port map(
clk => system_clk,
reset => rst_uart,
txd => uart0_txd,
rxd => uart0_rxd,
irq => uart0_irq,
wb_adr_in => wb_uart0_in.adr(9 downto 0) & "00",
wb_dat_in => wb_uart0_in.dat(7 downto 0),
wb_dat_out => uart0_dat8,
wb_cyc_in => wb_uart0_in.cyc,
wb_stb_in => wb_uart0_in.stb,
wb_we_in => wb_uart0_in.we,
wb_ack_out => wb_uart0_out.ack
end generate;
uart0_16550 : if UART0_IS_16550 generate
signal irq_l : std_ulogic;
uart0: uart_top
port map (
wb_clk_i => system_clk,
wb_rst_i => rst_uart,
wb_adr_i => wb_uart0_in.adr(2 downto 0),
wb_dat_i => wb_uart0_in.dat(7 downto 0),
wb_dat_o => uart0_dat8,
wb_we_i => wb_uart0_in.we,
wb_stb_i => wb_uart0_in.stb,
wb_cyc_i => wb_uart0_in.cyc,
wb_ack_o => wb_uart0_out.ack,
int_o => irq_l,
stx_pad_o => uart0_txd,
srx_pad_i => uart0_rxd,
rts_pad_o => open,
cts_pad_i => '1',
dtr_pad_o => open,
dsr_pad_i => '1',
ri_pad_i => '0',
dcd_pad_i => '1'
-- Add a register on the irq out, helps timing
uart0_irq_latch: process(system_clk)
if rising_edge(system_clk) then
uart0_irq <= irq_l;
end if;
end process;
end generate;
wb_uart0_out.dat <= x"000000" & uart0_dat8;
wb_uart0_out.stall <= not wb_uart0_out.ack;
-- UART1
-- Always 16550 if it exists
uart1: if HAS_UART1 generate
signal irq_l : std_ulogic;
uart1: uart_top
port map (
wb_clk_i => system_clk,
wb_rst_i => rst_uart,
wb_adr_i => wb_uart1_in.adr(2 downto 0),
wb_dat_i => wb_uart1_in.dat(7 downto 0),
wb_dat_o => uart1_dat8,
wb_we_i => wb_uart1_in.we,
wb_stb_i => wb_uart1_in.stb,
wb_cyc_i => wb_uart1_in.cyc,
wb_ack_o => wb_uart1_out.ack,
int_o => irq_l,
stx_pad_o => uart1_txd,
srx_pad_i => uart1_rxd,
rts_pad_o => open,
cts_pad_i => '1',
dtr_pad_o => open,
dsr_pad_i => '1',
ri_pad_i => '0',
dcd_pad_i => '1'
-- Add a register on the irq out, helps timing
uart0_irq_latch: process(system_clk)
if rising_edge(system_clk) then
uart1_irq <= irq_l;
end if;
end process;
wb_uart1_out.dat <= x"000000" & uart1_dat8;
wb_uart1_out.stall <= not wb_uart1_out.ack;
end generate;
no_uart1 : if not HAS_UART1 generate
wb_uart1_out.dat <= x"00000000";
wb_uart1_out.ack <= wb_uart1_in.cyc and wb_uart1_in.stb;
wb_uart1_out.stall <= '0';
uart1_irq <= '0';
end generate;
spiflash_gen: if HAS_SPI_FLASH generate
spiflash: entity work.spi_flash_ctrl
generic map (
port map(
rst => rst_spi,
clk => system_clk,
wb_in => wb_spiflash_in,
wb_out => wb_spiflash_out,
wb_sel_reg => wb_spiflash_is_reg,
wb_sel_map => wb_spiflash_is_map,
sck => spi_flash_sck,
cs_n => spi_flash_cs_n,
sdat_o => spi_flash_sdat_o,
sdat_oe => spi_flash_sdat_oe,
sdat_i => spi_flash_sdat_i
end generate;
no_spi0_gen: if not HAS_SPI_FLASH generate
wb_spiflash_out.dat <= (others => '1');
wb_spiflash_out.ack <= wb_spiflash_in.cyc and wb_spiflash_in.stb;
wb_spiflash_out.stall <= wb_spiflash_in.cyc and not wb_spiflash_out.ack;
end generate;
lpc_gen: if HAS_LPC generate
component lpc_top port (
clk : in std_ulogic;
rst : in std_ulogic;
lclk : in std_ulogic;
lframe : in std_ulogic;
lreset : in std_ulogic;
lad_en : out std_ulogic;
lad_out : out std_ulogic_vector(3 downto 0);
lad_in : in std_ulogic_vector(3 downto 0);
adr : in std_ulogic_vector(13 downto 0);
dat_w : in std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
dat_r : out std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
ack : out std_ulogic;
cyc : in std_ulogic;
sel : in std_ulogic;
stb : in std_ulogic;
we : in std_ulogic;
dma_adr : out std_ulogic_vector(29 downto 0);
dma_dat_w : out std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
dma_dat_r : in std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
dma_ack : in std_ulogic;
dma_cyc : out std_ulogic;
dma_sel : out std_ulogic_vector(3 downto 0);
dma_stb : out std_ulogic;
dma_we : out std_ulogic;
bmc_ipmi_irq : out std_ulogic;
bmc_vuart_irq : out std_ulogic;
target_ipmi_irq : out std_ulogic;
target_vuart_irq : out std_ulogic
end component;
lpc0: lpc_top
port map(
rst => rst_lpc,
clk => system_clk,
adr => wb_lpc_in.adr(13 downto 0),
dat_w => wb_lpc_in.dat(31 downto 0),
dat_r => wb_lpc_out.dat(31 downto 0),
ack => wb_lpc_out.ack,
cyc => wb_lpc_in.cyc,
sel => wb_lpc_in.sel(0),
stb => wb_lpc_in.stb,
we => wb_lpc_in.we,
dma_adr => wb_lpc_dma_nr.adr(29 downto 0),
dma_dat_w => wb_lpc_dma_nr.dat(31 downto 0),
dma_dat_r => wb_lpc_dma_ir.dat(31 downto 0),
dma_sel => wb_lpc_dma_nr.sel,
dma_cyc => wb_lpc_dma_nr.cyc,
dma_stb => wb_lpc_dma_nr.stb,
dma_ack => wb_lpc_dma_ir.ack,
dma_we => wb_lpc_dma_nr.we,
lclk => lpc_clock,
lframe => lpc_frame_n,
lreset => lpc_reset_n,
lad_out => lpc_data_o,
lad_in => lpc_data_i,
lad_en => lpc_data_oe,
bmc_ipmi_irq => lpc_ipmi_irq,
bmc_vuart_irq => lpc_vuart_irq
lpc_master_wb_err <= '0';
lpc_irq_o <= '0';
lpc_irq_oe <= '0';
-- FIXME hook up irqs
wb_lpc_out.stall <= not wb_lpc_out.ack;
-- Convert non-pipelined DMA wishbone to pipelined by suppressing
-- non-acknowledged strobes
if rising_edge(system_clk) then
wb_lpc_dma_out <= wb_lpc_dma_nr;
if wb_lpc_dma_stb_sent = '1' or
(wb_lpc_dma_out.stb = '1' and wb_lpc_dma_in.stall = '0') then
wb_lpc_dma_out.stb <= '0';
end if;
if wb_lpc_dma_nr.cyc = '0' or wb_lpc_dma_ir.ack = '1' then
wb_lpc_dma_stb_sent <= '0';
elsif wb_lpc_dma_in.stall = '0' then
wb_lpc_dma_stb_sent <= wb_lpc_dma_nr.stb;
end if;
wb_lpc_dma_ir <= wb_lpc_dma_in;
end if;
end process;
end generate;
no_lpc_gen: if not HAS_LPC generate
lpc_data_o <= (others => '0');
lpc_data_oe <= '0';
lpc_irq_o <= '0';
lpc_irq_oe <= '0';
wb_lpc_out.dat <= (others => '1');
wb_lpc_out.ack <= wb_lpc_in.cyc and wb_lpc_in.stb;
wb_lpc_out.stall <= wb_lpc_in.cyc and not wb_lpc_out.ack;
end generate;
xics_icp: entity work.xics_icp
port map(
clk => system_clk,
rst => rst_xics,
wb_in => wb_xics_icp_in,
wb_out => wb_xics_icp_out,
ics_in => ics_to_icp,
core_irq_out => core_ext_irq
xics_ics: entity work.xics_ics
generic map(
SRC_NUM => 16,
port map(
clk => system_clk,
rst => rst_xics,
wb_in => wb_xics_ics_in,
wb_out => wb_xics_ics_out,
int_level_in => int_level_in,
icp_out => ics_to_icp
gpio0_gen: if HAS_GPIO generate
gpio : entity work.gpio
generic map(
port map(
clk => system_clk,
rst => rst_gpio,
wb_in => wb_gpio_in,
wb_out => wb_gpio_out,
gpio_in => gpio_in,
gpio_out => gpio_out,
gpio_dir => gpio_dir,
intr => gpio_intr
end generate;
-- Assign external interrupts
interrupts: process(all)
int_level_in <= (others => '0');
int_level_in(0) <= uart0_irq;
int_level_in(1) <= ext_irq_eth;
int_level_in(2) <= uart1_irq;
int_level_in(3) <= ext_irq_sdcard;
int_level_in(4) <= gpio_intr;
int_level_in(5) <= lpc_vuart_irq;
int_level_in(6) <= lpc_ipmi_irq;
end process;
-- BRAM Memory slave
bram: if MEMORY_SIZE /= 0 generate
bram0: entity work.wishbone_bram_wrapper
generic map(
port map(
clk => system_clk,
rst => rst_bram,
wishbone_in => wb_bram_in,
wishbone_out => wb_bram_out
end generate;
no_bram: if MEMORY_SIZE = 0 generate
wb_bram_out.ack <= wb_bram_in.cyc and wb_bram_in.stb;
wb_bram_out.dat <= x"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF";
wb_bram_out.stall <= not wb_bram_out.ack;
end generate;
-- DMI(debug bus) <-> JTAG bridge
dtm: entity work.dmi_dtm
generic map(
ABITS => 8,
DBITS => 64
port map(
sys_clk => system_clk,
sys_reset => rst_dtm,
dmi_addr => dmi_addr,
dmi_din => dmi_din,
dmi_dout => dmi_dout,
dmi_req => dmi_req,
dmi_wr => dmi_wr,
dmi_ack => dmi_ack
-- DMI interconnect
dmi_intercon: process(dmi_addr, dmi_req,
dmi_wb_ack, dmi_wb_dout,
dmi_core_ack, dmi_core_dout)
-- DMI address map (each address is a full 64-bit register)
-- Offset: Size: Slave:
-- 0 4 Wishbone
-- 10 16 Core
type slave_type is (SLAVE_WB,
variable slave : slave_type;
-- Simple address decoder
slave := SLAVE_NONE;
if std_match(dmi_addr, "000000--") then
slave := SLAVE_WB;
elsif std_match(dmi_addr, "0001----") then
slave := SLAVE_CORE;
end if;
-- DMI muxing
dmi_wb_req <= '0';
dmi_core_req <= '0';
case slave is
when SLAVE_WB =>
dmi_wb_req <= dmi_req;
dmi_ack <= dmi_wb_ack;
dmi_din <= dmi_wb_dout;
when SLAVE_CORE =>
dmi_core_req <= dmi_req;
dmi_ack <= dmi_core_ack;
dmi_din <= dmi_core_dout;
when others =>
dmi_ack <= dmi_req;
dmi_din <= (others => '1');
end case;
-- SIM magic exit
if SIM and dmi_req = '1' and dmi_addr = "11111111" and dmi_wr = '1' then
end if;
end process;
-- Wishbone debug master (TODO: Add a DMI address decoder)
wishbone_debug: entity work.wishbone_debug_master
port map(clk => system_clk,
rst => rst_wbdb,
dmi_addr => dmi_addr(1 downto 0),
dmi_dout => dmi_wb_dout,
dmi_din => dmi_dout,
dmi_wr => dmi_wr,
dmi_ack => dmi_wb_ack,
dmi_req => dmi_wb_req,
wb_in => wishbone_debug_in,
wb_out => wishbone_debug_out);
--pragma synthesis_off
wb_x_state: process(system_clk)
if rising_edge(system_clk) then
if not rst then
-- Wishbone arbiter
assert not(is_x(wb_masters_out(0).cyc)) and not(is_x(wb_masters_out(0).stb)) severity failure;
assert not(is_x(wb_masters_out(1).cyc)) and not(is_x(wb_masters_out(1).stb)) severity failure;
assert not(is_x(wb_masters_out(2).cyc)) and not(is_x(wb_masters_out(2).stb)) severity failure;
assert not(is_x(wb_masters_in(0).ack)) severity failure;
assert not(is_x(wb_masters_in(1).ack)) severity failure;
assert not(is_x(wb_masters_in(2).ack)) severity failure;
-- Main memory wishbones
assert not(is_x(wb_bram_in.cyc)) and not (is_x(wb_bram_in.stb)) severity failure;
assert not(is_x(wb_dram_in.cyc)) and not (is_x(wb_dram_in.stb)) severity failure;
assert not(is_x(wb_io_in.cyc)) and not (is_x(wb_io_in.stb)) severity failure;
assert not(is_x(wb_bram_out.ack)) severity failure;
assert not(is_x(wb_dram_out.ack)) severity failure;
assert not(is_x(wb_io_out.ack)) severity failure;
-- I/O wishbones
assert not(is_x(wb_uart0_in.cyc)) and not(is_x(wb_uart0_in.stb)) severity failure;
assert not(is_x(wb_uart1_in.cyc)) and not(is_x(wb_uart1_in.stb)) severity failure;
assert not(is_x(wb_spiflash_in.cyc)) and not(is_x(wb_spiflash_in.stb)) severity failure;
assert not(is_x(wb_xics_icp_in.cyc)) and not(is_x(wb_xics_icp_in.stb)) severity failure;
assert not(is_x(wb_xics_ics_in.cyc)) and not(is_x(wb_xics_ics_in.stb)) severity failure;
assert not(is_x(wb_ext_io_in.cyc)) and not(is_x(wb_ext_io_in.stb)) severity failure;
assert not(is_x(wb_syscon_in.cyc)) and not(is_x(wb_syscon_in.stb)) severity failure;
assert not(is_x(wb_uart0_out.ack)) severity failure;
assert not(is_x(wb_uart1_out.ack)) severity failure;
assert not(is_x(wb_spiflash_out.ack)) severity failure;
assert not(is_x(wb_xics_icp_out.ack)) severity failure;
assert not(is_x(wb_xics_ics_out.ack)) severity failure;
assert not(is_x(wb_ext_io_out.ack)) severity failure;
assert not(is_x(wb_syscon_out.ack)) severity failure;
end if;
end if;
end process;
--pragma synthesis_on
end architecture behaviour;