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# Test Site
* Litex platform for efabless caravel
* Core, I2C, UARTs, SPI, GPIO
create dir and add sources
cd ../../..
make DESIGN_CONFIG=./designs/sky130hd/a2p/
## docs
### steps
1. initial synth/timing
* initialize floorplan (initialize_floorplan)
* gate_resizer (multiple commands)
* can set estimated wire rc per layer
* can add buffers on I/O
* repairs fanouts/caps/etc.
* STA can run before and/or after this
* OpenSTA (sta)
2. full PD
* macro place (macro_placement)
* tapcell/endcap (tapcell)
* global placement (global_placement)
* detailed placement (legalize_placement)
* CTS (clock_tree_synthesis)
* global routing (fast_route)
* detailed routing (detailed_route)
### replace inferred mems with DFFRAM components
1. test with gpr using DFFRAMs and ic/dc dir/dat using small inferred mems (1 location)