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`timescale 1 ns / 1 ns
//* NAME: fuq_dcd.vhdl
//* DESC: This is Control and Decode
`include " tri_a2o.vh "
module fu_dcd (
act_dis ,
bcfg_scan_in ,
ccfg_scan_in ,
cfg_sl_thold_1 ,
func_slp_sl_thold_1 ,
clkoff_b ,
cp_flush ,
dcfg_scan_in ,
debug_bus_in ,
coretrace_ctrls_in ,
debug_bus_out ,
coretrace_ctrls_out ,
f_dcd_perr_sm_running ,
f_dcd_ex2_perr_force_c ,
f_dcd_ex2_perr_fsel_ovrd ,
delay_lclkr ,
f_add_ex5_fpcc_iu ,
f_dcd_si ,
f_dsq_ex5_divsqrt_itag ,
f_dsq_ex5_divsqrt_v ,
f_dsq_ex6_divsqrt_cr_bf ,
f_dsq_ex6_divsqrt_fpscr_addr ,
f_dsq_ex6_divsqrt_instr_frt ,
f_dsq_ex6_divsqrt_instr_tid ,
f_dsq_ex6_divsqrt_record_v ,
f_dsq_ex6_divsqrt_v ,
f_dsq_ex6_divsqrt_v_suppress ,
f_dcd_rv_hold_all ,
f_dsq_ex3_hangcounter_trigger ,
f_dsq_debug ,
f_ex3_b_den_flush ,
f_fpr_ex6_load_addr ,
f_fpr_ex6_load_v ,
f_fpr_ex6_reload_addr ,
f_fpr_ex6_reload_v ,
f_mad_ex3_a_parity_check ,
f_mad_ex3_b_parity_check ,
f_mad_ex3_c_parity_check ,
f_mad_ex4_uc_res_sign ,
f_mad_ex4_uc_round_mode ,
f_mad_ex4_uc_special ,
f_mad_ex4_uc_vxidi ,
f_mad_ex4_uc_vxsnan ,
f_mad_ex4_uc_vxsqrt ,
f_mad_ex4_uc_vxzdz ,
f_mad_ex4_uc_zx ,
f_mad_ex7_uc_sign ,
f_mad_ex7_uc_zero ,
f_pic_ex6_fpr_wr_dis_b ,
f_pic_ex6_scr_upd_move_b ,
f_rnd_ex7_res_expo ,
f_rnd_ex7_res_frac ,
f_rnd_ex7_res_sign ,
f_scr_cpl_fx_thread0 ,
f_scr_cpl_fx_thread1 ,
f_scr_ex8_cr_fld ,
f_scr_ex8_fx_thread0 ,
f_scr_ex8_fx_thread1 ,
f_scr_ex6_fpscr_ni_thr0 ,
f_scr_ex6_fpscr_ni_thr1 ,
f_sto_ex3_s_parity_check ,
flush ,
iu_fu_rf0_tid ,
iu_fu_rf0_fra ,
iu_fu_rf0_fra_v ,
iu_fu_rf0_frb ,
iu_fu_rf0_frb_v ,
iu_fu_rf0_frc ,
iu_fu_rf0_frc_v ,
iu_fu_rf0_instr_match ,
mpw1_b ,
mpw2_b ,
nclk ,
pc_fu_debug_mux_ctrls ,
pc_fu_event_count_mode ,
pc_fu_instr_trace_mode ,
pc_fu_instr_trace_tid ,
pc_fu_ram_active ,
pc_fu_trace_bus_enable ,
pc_fu_event_bus_enable ,
event_bus_in ,
event_bus_out ,
rv_axu0_ex0_instr ,
rv_axu0_ex0_t1_p ,
rv_axu0_ex0_t1_v ,
rv_axu0_ex0_t2_p ,
rv_axu0_ex0_t3_p ,
rv_axu0_ex0_ucode ,
rv_axu0_ex0_itag ,
rv_axu0_vld ,
sg_1 ,
slowspr_addr_in ,
slowspr_data_in ,
slowspr_done_in ,
slowspr_etid_in ,
slowspr_rw_in ,
slowspr_val_in ,
thold_1 ,
lq_fu_ex5_abort ,
xu_fu_ex4_eff_addr ,
xu_fu_msr_fe0 ,
xu_fu_msr_fe1 ,
xu_fu_msr_fp ,
xu_fu_msr_gs ,
xu_fu_msr_pr ,
gnd ,
vdd ,
axu0_cr_w4a ,
axu0_cr_w4d ,
axu0_cr_w4e ,
axu0_iu_async_fex ,
axu0_iu_exception ,
axu0_iu_exception_val ,
axu0_iu_execute_vld ,
axu0_iu_flush2ucode ,
axu0_iu_flush2ucode_type ,
axu0_iu_itag ,
axu0_iu_n_flush ,
axu0_iu_n_np1_flush ,
axu0_iu_np1_flush ,
axu0_iu_perf_events ,
axu0_rv_itag ,
axu0_rv_itag_vld ,
axu0_rv_itag_abort ,
axu0_rv_ord_complete ,
axu1_iu_exception ,
axu1_iu_exception_val ,
axu1_iu_execute_vld ,
axu1_iu_flush2ucode ,
axu1_iu_flush2ucode_type ,
axu1_iu_itag ,
axu1_iu_n_flush ,
axu1_iu_np1_flush ,
axu1_iu_perf_events ,
axu1_rv_itag ,
axu1_rv_itag_vld ,
axu1_rv_itag_abort ,
bcfg_scan_out ,
ccfg_scan_out ,
dcfg_scan_out ,
f_dcd_msr_fp_act ,
f_dcd_ex1_sto_act ,
f_dcd_ex1_mad_act ,
f_dcd_ex1_aop_valid ,
f_dcd_ex1_bop_valid ,
f_dcd_ex1_thread ,
f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_a_load0 ,
f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_a_load1 ,
f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_a_load2 ,
f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_a_reload0 ,
f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_a_reload1 ,
f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_a_reload2 ,
f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_a_res0 ,
f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_a_res1 ,
f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_a_res2 ,
f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_b_load0 ,
f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_b_load1 ,
f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_b_load2 ,
f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_b_reload0 ,
f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_b_reload1 ,
f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_b_reload2 ,
f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_b_res0 ,
f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_b_res1 ,
f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_b_res2 ,
f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_c_load0 ,
f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_c_load1 ,
f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_c_load2 ,
f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_c_reload0 ,
f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_c_reload1 ,
f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_c_reload2 ,
f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_c_res0 ,
f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_c_res1 ,
f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_c_res2 ,
f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_s_load0 ,
f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_s_load1 ,
f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_s_load2 ,
f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_s_reload0 ,
f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_s_reload1 ,
f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_s_reload2 ,
f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_s_res0 ,
f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_s_res1 ,
f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_s_res2 ,
f_dcd_ex1_compare_b ,
f_dcd_ex1_cop_valid ,
f_dcd_ex1_divsqrt_cr_bf ,
f_dcd_axucr0_deno ,
f_dcd_ex1_emin_dp ,
f_dcd_ex1_emin_sp ,
f_dcd_ex1_est_recip_b ,
f_dcd_ex1_est_rsqrt_b ,
f_dcd_ex1_force_excp_dis ,
f_dcd_ex1_force_pass_b ,
f_dcd_ex1_fpscr_addr ,
f_dcd_ex1_fpscr_bit_data_b ,
f_dcd_ex1_fpscr_bit_mask_b ,
f_dcd_ex1_fpscr_nib_mask_b ,
f_dcd_ex1_from_integer_b ,
f_dcd_ex1_frsp_b ,
f_dcd_ex1_fsel_b ,
f_dcd_ex1_ftdiv ,
f_dcd_ex1_ftsqrt ,
f_dcd_ex1_instr_frt ,
f_dcd_ex1_instr_tid ,
f_dcd_ex1_inv_sign_b ,
f_dcd_ex1_itag ,
f_dcd_ex1_log2e_b ,
f_dcd_ex1_math_b ,
f_dcd_ex1_mcrfs_b ,
f_dcd_ex1_move_b ,
f_dcd_ex1_mtfsbx_b ,
f_dcd_ex1_mtfsf_b ,
f_dcd_ex1_mtfsfi_b ,
f_dcd_ex1_mv_from_scr_b ,
f_dcd_ex1_mv_to_scr_b ,
f_dcd_ex1_nj_deni ,
f_dcd_ex1_nj_deno ,
f_dcd_ex1_op_rnd_b ,
f_dcd_ex1_op_rnd_v_b ,
f_dcd_ex1_ordered_b ,
f_dcd_ex1_pow2e_b ,
f_dcd_ex1_prenorm_b ,
f_dcd_ex1_rnd_to_int_b ,
f_dcd_ex1_sgncpy_b ,
f_dcd_ex1_sign_ctl_b ,
f_dcd_ex1_sp ,
f_dcd_ex1_sp_conv_b ,
f_dcd_ex1_sto_dp ,
f_dcd_ex1_sto_sp ,
f_dcd_ex1_sto_wd ,
f_dcd_ex1_sub_op_b ,
f_dcd_ex1_thread_b ,
f_dcd_ex1_to_integer_b ,
f_dcd_ex1_uc_end ,
f_dcd_ex1_uc_fa_pos ,
f_dcd_ex1_uc_fb_0_5 ,
f_dcd_ex1_uc_fb_0_75 ,
f_dcd_ex1_uc_fb_1_0 ,
f_dcd_ex1_uc_fb_pos ,
f_dcd_ex1_uc_fc_0_5 ,
f_dcd_ex1_uc_fc_1_0 ,
f_dcd_ex1_uc_fc_1_minus ,
f_dcd_ex1_uc_fc_hulp ,
f_dcd_ex1_uc_fc_pos ,
f_dcd_ex1_uc_ft_neg ,
f_dcd_ex1_uc_ft_pos ,
f_dcd_ex1_uc_mid ,
f_dcd_ex1_uc_special ,
f_dcd_ex1_uns_b ,
f_dcd_ex1_word_b ,
f_dcd_ex2_divsqrt_v ,
f_dcd_ex2_divsqrt_hole_v ,
f_dcd_ex3_uc_gs ,
f_dcd_ex3_uc_gs_v ,
f_dcd_ex3_uc_inc_lsb ,
f_dcd_ex3_uc_vxidi ,
f_dcd_ex3_uc_vxsnan ,
f_dcd_ex3_uc_vxsqrt ,
f_dcd_ex3_uc_vxzdz ,
f_dcd_ex3_uc_zx ,
f_dcd_ex6_frt_tid ,
f_dcd_ex7_cancel ,
f_dcd_ex7_fpscr_addr ,
f_dcd_ex7_fpscr_wr ,
f_dcd_ex7_frt_addr ,
f_dcd_ex7_frt_tid ,
f_dcd_ex7_frt_wen ,
f_dcd_flush ,
f_dcd_rf0_fra ,
f_dcd_rf0_frb ,
f_dcd_rf0_frc ,
f_dcd_rf0_tid ,
f_dcd_ex0_div ,
f_dcd_ex0_divs ,
f_dcd_ex0_record_v ,
f_dcd_ex0_sqrt ,
f_dcd_ex0_sqrts ,
f_dcd_ex1_sto_v ,
f_dcd_so ,
fu_lq_ex2_store_data_val ,
fu_lq_ex2_store_itag ,
fu_lq_ex3_abort ,
fu_lq_ex3_sto_parity_err ,
axu0_rv_ex2_s1_abort ,
axu0_rv_ex2_s2_abort ,
axu0_rv_ex2_s3_abort ,
fu_pc_err_regfile_parity ,
fu_pc_err_regfile_ue ,
fu_pc_ram_data ,
fu_pc_ram_data_val ,
slowspr_addr_out ,
slowspr_data_out ,
slowspr_done_out ,
slowspr_etid_out ,
slowspr_rw_out ,
slowspr_val_out ,
) ;
parameter EFF_IFAR = 62 ;
parameter ITAG_SIZE_ENC = 7 ;
parameter THREAD_POOL_ENC = 1 ;
parameter CR_POOL_ENC = 5 ;
parameter REGMODE = 6 ; //32 or 64 bit mode
input act_dis ;
input bcfg_scan_in ;
input ccfg_scan_in ;
input cfg_sl_thold_1 ;
input func_slp_sl_thold_1 ;
input clkoff_b ; // tiup
input [ 0 : `THREADS - 1 ] cp_flush ;
input dcfg_scan_in ;
// Pass Thru Debug Trace Bus
input [ 0 : 31 ] debug_bus_in ;
input [ 0 : 3 ] coretrace_ctrls_in ;
output [ 0 : 31 ] debug_bus_out ;
output [ 0 : 3 ] coretrace_ctrls_out ;
output f_dcd_perr_sm_running ;
output f_dcd_ex2_perr_force_c ;
output f_dcd_ex2_perr_fsel_ovrd ;
input [ 0 : 9 ] delay_lclkr ; // tidn,
input [ 0 : 3 ] f_add_ex5_fpcc_iu ;
input f_dcd_si ;
input [ 0 : 6 ] f_dsq_ex5_divsqrt_itag ;
input [ 0 : 1 ] f_dsq_ex5_divsqrt_v ;
input [ 0 : 4 ] f_dsq_ex6_divsqrt_cr_bf ;
input [ 0 : 5 ] f_dsq_ex6_divsqrt_fpscr_addr ;
input [ 0 : 5 ] f_dsq_ex6_divsqrt_instr_frt ;
input [ 0 : 3 ] f_dsq_ex6_divsqrt_instr_tid ;
input f_dsq_ex6_divsqrt_record_v ;
input [ 0 : 1 ] f_dsq_ex6_divsqrt_v ;
input f_dsq_ex6_divsqrt_v_suppress ;
input [ 0 : 63 ] f_dsq_debug ;
input f_dsq_ex3_hangcounter_trigger ;
output f_dcd_rv_hold_all ;
input f_ex3_b_den_flush ;
input [ 0 : 7 ] f_fpr_ex6_load_addr ;
input f_fpr_ex6_load_v ;
input [ 0 : 7 ] f_fpr_ex6_reload_addr ;
input f_fpr_ex6_reload_v ;
input f_mad_ex3_a_parity_check ;
input f_mad_ex3_b_parity_check ;
input f_mad_ex3_c_parity_check ;
input f_mad_ex4_uc_res_sign ;
input [ 0 : 1 ] f_mad_ex4_uc_round_mode ;
input f_mad_ex4_uc_special ;
input f_mad_ex4_uc_vxidi ;
input f_mad_ex4_uc_vxsnan ;
input f_mad_ex4_uc_vxsqrt ;
input f_mad_ex4_uc_vxzdz ;
input f_mad_ex4_uc_zx ;
input f_mad_ex7_uc_sign ;
input f_mad_ex7_uc_zero ;
input f_pic_ex6_fpr_wr_dis_b ;
input f_pic_ex6_scr_upd_move_b ;
input [ 1 : 13 ] f_rnd_ex7_res_expo ;
input [ 0 : 52 ] f_rnd_ex7_res_frac ;
input f_rnd_ex7_res_sign ;
input [ 0 : 3 ] f_scr_cpl_fx_thread0 ;
input [ 0 : 3 ] f_scr_cpl_fx_thread1 ;
input [ 0 : 3 ] f_scr_ex8_cr_fld ;
input [ 0 : 3 ] f_scr_ex8_fx_thread0 ;
input [ 0 : 3 ] f_scr_ex8_fx_thread1 ;
input f_scr_ex6_fpscr_ni_thr0 ;
input f_scr_ex6_fpscr_ni_thr1 ;
input f_sto_ex3_s_parity_check ;
input flush ; // ??tidn??
input [ 0 : `THREADS - 1 ] iu_fu_rf0_tid ;
input [ 0 : 5 ] iu_fu_rf0_fra ;
input iu_fu_rf0_fra_v ;
input [ 0 : 5 ] iu_fu_rf0_frb ;
input iu_fu_rf0_frb_v ;
input [ 0 : 5 ] iu_fu_rf0_frc ;
input iu_fu_rf0_frc_v ;
input iu_fu_rf0_instr_match ;
input [ 0 : 9 ] mpw1_b ;
input [ 0 : 1 ] mpw2_b ;
input [ 0 : `NCLK_WIDTH - 1 ] nclk ;
input [ 0 : 10 ] pc_fu_debug_mux_ctrls ;
input [ 0 : 2 ] pc_fu_event_count_mode ;
input pc_fu_instr_trace_mode ;
input [ 0 : 1 ] pc_fu_instr_trace_tid ;
input [ 0 : `THREADS - 1 ] pc_fu_ram_active ;
input pc_fu_trace_bus_enable ;
input pc_fu_event_bus_enable ;
input [ 0 : 4 * `THREADS - 1 ] event_bus_in ;
output [ 0 : 4 * `THREADS - 1 ] event_bus_out ;
input [ 0 : 31 ] rv_axu0_ex0_instr ;
input [ 0 : 5 ] rv_axu0_ex0_t1_p ;
input rv_axu0_ex0_t1_v ;
input [ 0 : 5 ] rv_axu0_ex0_t2_p ;
input [ 0 : 5 ] rv_axu0_ex0_t3_p ;
input [ 0 : 2 ] rv_axu0_ex0_ucode ;
input [ 0 : 6 ] rv_axu0_ex0_itag ;
input [ 0 : `THREADS - 1 ] rv_axu0_vld ;
input sg_1 ;
input [ 0 : 9 ] slowspr_addr_in ;
input [ 64 - ( 2 * * REGMODE ) : 63 ] slowspr_data_in ;
input slowspr_done_in ;
input [ 0 : 1 ] slowspr_etid_in ;
input slowspr_rw_in ;
input slowspr_val_in ;
input thold_1 ;
input [ 59 : 63 ] xu_fu_ex4_eff_addr ;
input [ 0 : `THREADS - 1 ] xu_fu_msr_fe0 ;
input [ 0 : `THREADS - 1 ] xu_fu_msr_fe1 ;
input [ 0 : `THREADS - 1 ] xu_fu_msr_fp ;
input [ 0 : `THREADS - 1 ] xu_fu_msr_gs ;
input [ 0 : `THREADS - 1 ] xu_fu_msr_pr ;
input lq_fu_ex5_abort ;
inout gnd ;
inout vdd ;
output [ 0 : CR_POOL_ENC + THREAD_POOL_ENC - 1 ] axu0_cr_w4a ; //: out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
output [ 0 : 3 ] axu0_cr_w4d ;
output axu0_cr_w4e ;
output [ 0 : `THREADS - 1 ] axu0_iu_async_fex ;
output [ 0 : 3 ] axu0_iu_exception ;
output axu0_iu_exception_val ;
output [ 0 : `THREADS - 1 ] axu0_iu_execute_vld ;
output axu0_iu_flush2ucode ;
output axu0_iu_flush2ucode_type ;
output [ 0 : 6 ] axu0_iu_itag ;
output axu0_iu_n_flush ;
output axu0_iu_n_np1_flush ;
output axu0_iu_np1_flush ;
output [ 0 : 6 ] axu0_rv_itag ;
output [ 0 : `THREADS - 1 ] axu0_rv_itag_vld ;
output axu0_rv_itag_abort ;
output axu0_rv_ord_complete ;
output [ 0 : 3 ] axu0_iu_perf_events ;
output [ 0 : 3 ] axu1_iu_exception ;
output axu1_iu_exception_val ;
output [ 0 : `THREADS - 1 ] axu1_iu_execute_vld ;
output axu1_iu_flush2ucode ;
output axu1_iu_flush2ucode_type ;
output [ 0 : 6 ] axu1_iu_itag ;
output axu1_iu_n_flush ;
output axu1_iu_np1_flush ;
output [ 0 : 6 ] axu1_rv_itag ;
output [ 0 : `THREADS - 1 ] axu1_rv_itag_vld ;
output axu1_rv_itag_abort ;
output [ 0 : 3 ] axu1_iu_perf_events ;
output bcfg_scan_out ;
output ccfg_scan_out ;
output dcfg_scan_out ;
output f_dcd_ex1_sto_act ;
output f_dcd_ex1_mad_act ;
output f_dcd_msr_fp_act ;
output f_dcd_ex1_aop_valid ;
output f_dcd_ex1_bop_valid ;
output [ 0 : 1 ] f_dcd_ex1_thread ;
output f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_a_load0 ;
output f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_a_load1 ;
output f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_a_load2 ;
output f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_a_reload0 ;
output f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_a_reload1 ;
output f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_a_reload2 ;
output f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_a_res0 ;
output f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_a_res1 ;
output f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_a_res2 ;
output f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_b_load0 ;
output f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_b_load1 ;
output f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_b_load2 ;
output f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_b_reload0 ;
output f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_b_reload1 ;
output f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_b_reload2 ;
output f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_b_res0 ;
output f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_b_res1 ;
output f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_b_res2 ;
output f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_c_load0 ;
output f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_c_load1 ;
output f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_c_load2 ;
output f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_c_reload0 ;
output f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_c_reload1 ;
output f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_c_reload2 ;
output f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_c_res0 ;
output f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_c_res1 ;
output f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_c_res2 ;
output f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_s_load0 ;
output f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_s_load1 ;
output f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_s_load2 ;
output f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_s_reload0 ;
output f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_s_reload1 ;
output f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_s_reload2 ;
output f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_s_res0 ;
output f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_s_res1 ;
output f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_s_res2 ;
output f_dcd_ex1_compare_b ; // fcomp*
output f_dcd_ex1_cop_valid ;
output [ 0 : 4 ] f_dcd_ex1_divsqrt_cr_bf ;
output f_dcd_axucr0_deno ;
output f_dcd_ex1_emin_dp ; // prenorm_dp
output f_dcd_ex1_emin_sp ; // prenorm_sp, frsp
output f_dcd_ex1_est_recip_b ; // fres
output f_dcd_ex1_est_rsqrt_b ; // frsqrte
output f_dcd_ex1_force_excp_dis ; // force all exceptions disabled
output f_dcd_ex1_force_pass_b ; // fmr,fnabbs,fabs,fneg,mtfsf
output [ 0 : 5 ] f_dcd_ex1_fpscr_addr ;
output [ 0 : 3 ] f_dcd_ex1_fpscr_bit_data_b ; //data to write to nibble (other than mtfsf)
output [ 0 : 3 ] f_dcd_ex1_fpscr_bit_mask_b ; //enable update of bit within the nibble
output [ 0 : 8 ] f_dcd_ex1_fpscr_nib_mask_b ; //enable update of this nibble
output f_dcd_ex1_from_integer_b ; // fcfid (signed integer)
output f_dcd_ex1_frsp_b ; // round-to-single-precision ?? need
output f_dcd_ex1_fsel_b ; // fsel
output f_dcd_ex1_ftdiv ;
output f_dcd_ex1_ftsqrt ;
output [ 0 : 5 ] f_dcd_ex1_instr_frt ;
output [ 0 : 3 ] f_dcd_ex1_instr_tid ;
output f_dcd_ex1_inv_sign_b ; // fnmsub fnmadd
output [ 0 : 6 ] f_dcd_ex1_itag ;
output f_dcd_ex1_log2e_b ;
output f_dcd_ex1_math_b ; // fmul,fmad,fmsub,fadd,fsub,fnmsub,fnmadd
output f_dcd_ex1_mcrfs_b ; //move fpscr field to cr and reset exceptions
output f_dcd_ex1_move_b ; // fmr,fneg,fabs,fnabs
output f_dcd_ex1_mtfsbx_b ; //fpscr set bit, reset bit
output f_dcd_ex1_mtfsf_b ; //move fpr data to fpscr
output f_dcd_ex1_mtfsfi_b ; //move immediate data to fpscr
output f_dcd_ex1_mv_from_scr_b ; //mffs
output f_dcd_ex1_mv_to_scr_b ; //mcrfs,mtfsf,mtfsfi,mtfsb0,mtfsb1
output f_dcd_ex1_nj_deni ; // force input den to zero
output f_dcd_ex1_nj_deno ; // force output den to zero
output [ 0 : 1 ] f_dcd_ex1_op_rnd_b ; // rounding mode = positive infinity
output f_dcd_ex1_op_rnd_v_b ; // rounding mode = nearest
output f_dcd_ex1_ordered_b ; // fcompo
output f_dcd_ex1_pow2e_b ;
output f_dcd_ex1_prenorm_b ; // prenorm ?? need
output f_dcd_ex1_rnd_to_int_b ; // fri*
output f_dcd_ex1_sgncpy_b ; // for sgncpy instruction :
output [ 0 : 1 ] f_dcd_ex1_sign_ctl_b ; // 0:fmr/fnabs 1:fneg/fnabs
output f_dcd_ex1_sp ; // off for frsp
output f_dcd_ex1_sp_conv_b ; // for sp/dp convert
output f_dcd_ex1_sto_dp ;
output f_dcd_ex1_sto_sp ;
output f_dcd_ex1_sto_wd ;
output f_dcd_ex1_sub_op_b ; // fsub, fnmsub, fmsub
output [ 0 : 3 ] f_dcd_ex1_thread_b ;
output f_dcd_ex1_to_integer_b ; // fcti* (signed integer 32/64)
output f_dcd_ex1_uc_end ;
output f_dcd_ex1_uc_fa_pos ;
output f_dcd_ex1_uc_fb_0_5 ;
output f_dcd_ex1_uc_fb_0_75 ;
output f_dcd_ex1_uc_fb_1_0 ;
output f_dcd_ex1_uc_fb_pos ;
output f_dcd_ex1_uc_fc_0_5 ;
output f_dcd_ex1_uc_fc_1_0 ;
output f_dcd_ex1_uc_fc_1_minus ;
output f_dcd_ex1_uc_fc_hulp ;
output f_dcd_ex1_uc_fc_pos ;
output f_dcd_ex1_uc_ft_neg ;
output f_dcd_ex1_uc_ft_pos ;
output f_dcd_ex1_uc_mid ;
output f_dcd_ex1_uc_special ;
output f_dcd_ex1_uns_b ; // for converts unsigned
output f_dcd_ex1_word_b ; // fctiw*
output f_dcd_ex2_divsqrt_v ;
output f_dcd_ex2_divsqrt_hole_v ;
output [ 0 : 1 ] f_dcd_ex3_uc_gs ;
output f_dcd_ex3_uc_gs_v ;
output f_dcd_ex3_uc_inc_lsb ;
output f_dcd_ex3_uc_vxidi ;
output f_dcd_ex3_uc_vxsnan ;
output f_dcd_ex3_uc_vxsqrt ;
output f_dcd_ex3_uc_vxzdz ;
output f_dcd_ex3_uc_zx ;
output [ 0 : 1 ] f_dcd_ex6_frt_tid ;
output f_dcd_ex7_cancel ;
output [ 0 : 5 ] f_dcd_ex7_fpscr_addr ;
output f_dcd_ex7_fpscr_wr ;
output [ 0 : 5 ] f_dcd_ex7_frt_addr ;
output [ 0 : 1 ] f_dcd_ex7_frt_tid ;
output f_dcd_ex7_frt_wen ;
output [ 0 : 1 ] f_dcd_flush ;
output [ 0 : 5 ] f_dcd_rf0_fra ;
output [ 0 : 5 ] f_dcd_rf0_frb ;
output [ 0 : 5 ] f_dcd_rf0_frc ;
output [ 0 : 1 ] f_dcd_rf0_tid ;
output f_dcd_ex0_div ;
output f_dcd_ex0_divs ;
output f_dcd_ex0_record_v ;
output f_dcd_ex0_sqrt ;
output f_dcd_ex0_sqrts ;
output f_dcd_ex1_sto_v ;
output f_dcd_so ;
output [ 0 : `THREADS - 1 ] fu_lq_ex2_store_data_val ;
output [ 0 : ITAG_SIZE_ENC - 1 ] fu_lq_ex2_store_itag ;
output fu_lq_ex3_abort ;
output fu_lq_ex3_sto_parity_err ;
output axu0_rv_ex2_s1_abort ;
output axu0_rv_ex2_s2_abort ;
output axu0_rv_ex2_s3_abort ;
output [ 0 : `THREADS - 1 ] fu_pc_err_regfile_parity ;
output [ 0 : `THREADS - 1 ] fu_pc_err_regfile_ue ;
output [ 0 : 63 ] fu_pc_ram_data ;
output fu_pc_ram_data_val ;
output [ 0 : 9 ] slowspr_addr_out ;
output [ 64 - ( 2 * * REGMODE ) : 63 ] slowspr_data_out ;
output slowspr_done_out ;
output [ 0 : 1 ] slowspr_etid_out ;
output slowspr_rw_out ;
output slowspr_val_out ;
output rf0_act_b ;
// This entity contains macros
// ###################### CONSTANTS ###################### --
parameter [ 32 : 63 ] EVENTMUX_32_MASK = 32 'b11111111111111111111111111111111 ;
// ####################### SIGNALS ####################### --
wire [ 0 : 7 ] act_lat_si ;
wire [ 0 : 7 ] act_lat_so ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] axu_ex_si ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] axu_ex_so ;
wire cp_flush_reg0_si ;
wire cp_flush_reg0_so ;
wire cp_flush_reg1_si ;
wire cp_flush_reg1_so ;
wire axucr0_dec ;
wire [ 60 : 63 ] axucr0_din ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] axucr0_lat_si ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] axucr0_lat_so ;
wire [ 60 : 63 ] axucr0_q ;
wire [ 32 : 63 ] axucr0_out ;
wire axucr0_rd ;
wire axucr0_wr ;
wire a0esr_dec ;
wire [ 32 : 63 ] a0esr_din ;
wire [ 0 : 31 ] a0esr_lat_si ;
wire [ 0 : 31 ] a0esr_lat_so ;
wire [ 32 : 63 ] a0esr_q ;
wire a0esr_rd ;
wire a0esr_wr ;
wire [ 0 : 31 ] a0esr_event_mux_ctrls ;
wire cfg_sl_force ;
wire cfg_sl_thold_0 ;
wire cfg_sl_thold_0_b ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] cp_flush_q ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] cp_flush_int ;
wire dbg0_act ;
wire event_act ;
wire [ 0 : 67 ] dbg0_data_si ;
wire [ 0 : 67 ] dbg0_data_so ;
wire [ 0 : 4 ] dbg1_data_si ;
wire [ 0 : 4 ] dbg1_data_so ;
wire [ 0 : 63 ] dbg_group0 ;
wire [ 0 : 63 ] dbg_group1 ;
wire [ 0 : 63 ] dbg_group2 ;
wire [ 0 : 63 ] dbg_group3 ;
wire [ 0 : 31 ] dbg_group3_din ;
wire [ 0 : 31 ] dbg_group3_q ;
wire [ 0 : 31 ] debug_data_d ;
wire [ 0 : 31 ] debug_data_q ;
wire [ 0 : 10 ] debug_mux_ctrls_muxed ;
wire [ 0 : 10 ] debug_mux_ctrls_q ;
wire [ 0 : 10 ] debug_mux_ctrls_d ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] coretrace_ctrls_out_d ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] coretrace_ctrls_out_q ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] evnt_axu_cr_cmt ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] evnt_axu_idle ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] evnt_axu_instr_cmt ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] evnt_denrm_flush ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] evnt_div_sqrt_ip ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] evnt_fpu_fex ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] evnt_fpu_fx ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] evnt_fpu_cpl_fex ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] evnt_fpu_cpl_fx ;
wire ex2_axu_v ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] evnt_uc_instr_cmt ;
wire [ 0 : 23 ] ex0_frt_si ;
wire [ 0 : 23 ] ex0_frt_so ;
wire [ 0 : 5 ] ex0_instr_fra ;
wire ex0_instr_fra_v ;
wire [ 0 : 5 ] ex0_instr_frb ;
wire ex0_instr_frb_v ;
wire [ 0 : 5 ] ex0_instr_frc ;
wire ex0_instr_frc_v ;
wire [ 0 : 5 ] ex0_instr_frs ;
wire ex0_instr_match ;
wire ex1_instr_act ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] ex0_instr_v ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] ex0_instr_valid ;
wire ex0_instr_vld ;
wire ex0_isRam ;
wire ex0_is_ucode ;
wire [ 0 : 6 ] ex0_itag ;
wire [ 64 - ( 2 * * REGMODE ) : 63 ] slowspr_data_out_int ;
wire slowspr_done_out_int ;
wire [ 0 : 7 ] ex0_iu_si ;
wire [ 0 : 7 ] ex0_iu_so ;
wire ex0_ucode_preissue ;
wire ex1_axu_v ;
wire ex1_byp_a ;
wire ex1_byp_b ;
wire ex1_byp_c ;
wire ex1_bypsel_a_load3 ;
wire ex1_bypsel_b_load3 ;
wire ex1_bypsel_c_load3 ;
wire ex1_bypsel_s_load3 ;
wire ex1_bypsel_a_load0 ;
wire ex1_bypsel_a_load1 ;
wire ex1_bypsel_a_load2 ;
wire ex1_bypsel_a_reload0 ;
wire ex1_bypsel_a_reload1 ;
wire ex1_bypsel_a_reload2 ;
wire ex1_bypsel_a_res0 ;
wire ex1_bypsel_a_res1 ;
wire ex1_bypsel_a_res2 ;
wire ex1_bypsel_b_load0 ;
wire ex1_bypsel_b_load1 ;
wire ex1_bypsel_b_load2 ;
wire ex1_bypsel_b_reload0 ;
wire ex1_bypsel_b_reload1 ;
wire ex1_bypsel_b_reload2 ;
wire ex1_bypsel_b_res0 ;
wire ex1_bypsel_b_res1 ;
wire ex1_bypsel_b_res2 ;
wire ex1_bypsel_c_load0 ;
wire ex1_bypsel_c_load1 ;
wire ex1_bypsel_c_load2 ;
wire ex1_bypsel_c_reload0 ;
wire ex1_bypsel_c_reload1 ;
wire ex1_bypsel_c_reload2 ;
wire ex1_bypsel_c_res0 ;
wire ex1_bypsel_c_res1 ;
wire ex1_bypsel_c_res2 ;
wire ex1_bypsel_s_load0 ;
wire ex1_bypsel_s_load1 ;
wire ex1_bypsel_s_load2 ;
wire ex1_bypsel_s_reload0 ;
wire ex1_bypsel_s_reload1 ;
wire ex1_bypsel_s_reload2 ;
wire ex1_bypsel_s_res0 ;
wire ex1_bypsel_s_res1 ;
wire ex1_bypsel_s_res2 ;
wire [ 0 : 4 ] ex1_cr_bf ;
wire ex1_cr_val ;
wire [ 0 : 4 ] ex1_crbf_si ;
wire [ 0 : 4 ] ex1_crbf_so ;
wire ex1_dp ;
wire ex1_dporsp ;
wire ex1_expte ;
wire ex1_fabs ;
wire ex1_fadd ;
wire ex1_fcfid ;
wire ex1_fcfids ;
wire ex1_fcfidu ;
wire ex1_fcfidus ;
wire ex1_fcfiwu ;
wire ex1_fcfiwus ;
wire ex1_fcmpo ;
wire ex1_fcmpu ;
wire ex1_fcpsgn ;
wire ex1_fctid ;
wire ex1_fctidu ;
wire ex1_fctiduz ;
wire ex1_fctidz ;
wire ex1_fctiw ;
wire ex1_fctiwu ;
wire ex1_fctiwuz ;
wire ex1_fctiwz ;
wire ex1_fdiv ;
wire ex1_fdivs ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] ex1_fdivsqrt_start ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] ex1_fdivsqrt_start_din ;
wire ex1_fmadd ;
wire ex1_fmr ;
wire ex1_fmsub ;
wire ex1_fmul ;
wire ex1_fnabs ;
wire ex1_fneg ;
wire ex1_fnmadd ;
wire ex1_fnmsub ;
wire [ 0 : 5 ] ex1_fpscr_addr ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] ex1_fpscr_bit_data ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] ex1_fpscr_bit_mask ;
wire ex1_fpscr_moves ;
wire [ 0 : 8 ] ex1_fpscr_nib_mask ;
wire ex1_fpscr_wen ;
wire ex1_fpscr_wen_din ;
wire ex1_fra_v ;
wire ex1_frb_v ;
wire ex1_frc_v ;
wire ex1_fres ;
wire ex1_frim ;
wire ex1_frin ;
wire ex1_frip ;
wire ex1_friz ;
wire ex1_from_ints ;
wire ex1_frs_byp ;
wire ex1_frsp ;
wire ex1_frsqrte ;
wire [ 0 : 29 ] ex1_frt_si ;
wire [ 0 : 29 ] ex1_frt_so ;
wire ex1_fsel ;
wire ex1_fsqrt ;
wire ex1_fsqrts ;
wire ex1_fsub ;
wire ex1_ftdiv ;
wire ex1_ftsqrt ;
wire [ 0 : 31 ] ex1_instl_si ;
wire [ 0 : 31 ] ex1_instl_so ;
wire [ 0 : 31 ] ex1_instr ;
wire [ 0 : 5 ] ex1_instr_fra ;
wire ex1_instr_fra_v ;
wire [ 0 : 5 ] ex1_instr_frb ;
wire ex1_instr_frb_v ;
wire [ 0 : 5 ] ex1_instr_frc ;
wire ex1_instr_frc_v ;
wire [ 0 : 5 ] ex1_instr_frs ;
wire [ 0 : 5 ] ex1_instr_frt ;
wire ex1_instr_match ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] ex1_instr_v ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] ex1_instr_valid ;
wire ex1_instr_v1_bufw ;
wire ex1_instr_v1_bufx ;
wire ex1_instr_v1_bufy ;
wire ex1_instr_v1_bufz ;
wire ex1_isRam ;
wire ex1_is_ucode ;
wire [ 0 : 6 ] ex1_itag ;
wire [ 0 : 13 ] ex1_itag_si ;
wire [ 0 : 13 ] ex1_itag_so ;
wire [ 0 : 14 ] ex1_iu_si ;
wire [ 0 : 14 ] ex1_iu_so ;
wire ex1_kill_wen ;
wire ex1_instr_vld ;
wire ex1_loge ;
wire ex1_mcrfs ;
wire [ 0 : 7 ] ex1_mcrfs_bfa ;
wire ex1_mffs ;
wire ex1_moves ;
wire [ 0 : 7 ] ex1_mtfs_bf ;
wire ex1_mtfsb0 ;
wire ex1_mtfsb1 ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] ex1_mtfsb_bt ;
wire ex1_mtfsf ;
wire ex1_mtfsf_l ;
wire [ 0 : 7 ] ex1_mtfsf_nib ;
wire ex1_mtfsf_w ;
wire ex1_mtfsfi ;
wire ex1_prenorm ;
wire [ 0 : 5 ] ex1_primary ;
wire ex1_record ;
wire ex1_rnd0 ;
wire ex1_rnd1 ;
wire [ 0 : 4 ] ex1_sec_aform ;
wire [ 0 : 9 ] ex1_sec_xform ;
wire ex1_sp ;
wire ex1_str_v ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] ex1_tid ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] ex1_tid_bufw ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] ex1_tid_bufx ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] ex1_tid_bufy ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] ex1_tid_bufz ;
wire ex1_to_ints ;
wire ex1_ucode_preissue ;
wire ex1_ucode_preissue_din ;
wire ex1_v ;
wire [ 0 : 4 ] ex2_cr_bf ;
wire ex2_cr_val ;
wire ex2_cr_val_din ;
wire [ 0 : 4 ] ex2_crbf_si ;
wire [ 0 : 4 ] ex2_crbf_so ;
wire [ 0 : 20 ] ex2_ctl_si ;
wire [ 0 : 20 ] ex2_ctl_so ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] ex2_fdivsqrt_start ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] ex2_fdivsqrt_start_din ;
wire [ 0 : 5 ] ex2_fpscr_addr ;
wire ex2_fpscr_wen ;
wire ex2_fra_v ;
wire ex2_fra_valid ;
wire ex2_frb_v ;
wire ex2_frb_valid ;
wire ex2_frc_v ;
wire ex2_frc_valid ;
wire ex2_frs_byp ;
wire ex2_frs_byp_din ;
wire [ 0 : 5 ] ex2_frt_si ;
wire [ 0 : 5 ] ex2_frt_so ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] ex2_ifar_val ;
wire [ 0 : 5 ] ex2_instr_frt ;
wire ex2_instr_match ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] ex2_instr_v ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] ex2_instr_valid ;
wire ex2_instr_vld ;
wire ex2_isRam ;
wire ex2_is_ucode ;
wire [ 0 : 6 ] ex2_itag ;
wire [ 0 : 15 ] ex2_itag_si ;
wire [ 0 : 15 ] ex2_itag_so ;
wire ex2_kill_wen ;
wire ex2_mcrfs ;
wire ex2_record ;
wire ex2_str_v ;
wire ex2_str_valid ;
wire ex2_ucode_preissue ;
wire ex2_ucode_preissue_din ;
wire ex2_v ;
wire [ 0 : 4 ] ex3_cr_bf ;
wire ex3_cr_val ;
wire [ 0 : 4 ] ex3_crbf_si ;
wire [ 0 : 4 ] ex3_crbf_so ;
wire [ 0 : 6 ] ex3_ctlng_si ;
wire [ 0 : 6 ] ex3_ctlng_so ;
wire [ 0 : 23 ] ex3_ctl_si ;
wire [ 0 : 23 ] ex3_ctl_so ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] ex3_fdivsqrt_start ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] ex3_fdivsqrt_start_din ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] ex3_flush2ucode ;
wire [ 0 : 5 ] ex3_fpscr_addr ;
wire ex3_fpscr_wen ;
wire ex3_fra_v ;
wire ex3_frb_v ;
wire ex3_frc_v ;
wire ex3_frs_byp ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] ex3_ifar_val ;
wire [ 0 : 5 ] ex3_instr_frt ;
wire ex3_instr_match ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] ex3_instr_v ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] ex3_instr_vns ;
wire ex3_instr_vld ;
wire ex4_instr_vld ;
wire ex5_instr_vld ;
wire ex6_instr_vld ;
wire ex7_instr_vld ;
wire ex8_instr_vld ;
wire ex9_instr_vld ;
wire [ 0 : 7 ] event_bus_d ;
wire [ 0 : 7 ] event_bus_q ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] ex3_instr_valid ;
wire ex3_isRam ;
wire ex3_is_ucode ;
wire [ 0 : 6 ] ex3_itag ;
wire [ 0 : 15 ] ex3_itag_si ;
wire [ 0 : 15 ] ex3_itag_so ;
wire ex3_kill_wen ;
wire ex3_mcrfs ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] ex3_n_flush ;
wire ex3_record ;
wire ex3_stdv_si ;
wire ex3_stdv_so ;
wire ex3_store_v ;
wire ex3_store_valid ;
wire ex3_str_v ;
wire ex3_ucode_preissue ;
wire ex3_ucode_preissue_din ;
wire ex4_b_den_flush ;
wire [ 0 : 4 ] ex4_cr_bf ;
wire ex4_cr_val ;
wire [ 0 : 4 ] ex4_crbf_si ;
wire [ 0 : 4 ] ex4_crbf_so ;
wire [ 0 : 29 ] ex4_ctl_si ;
wire [ 0 : 29 ] ex4_ctl_so ;
wire [ 0 : 6 ] ex5_divsqrt_itag ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] ex4_fdivsqrt_start ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] ex4_fdivsqrt_start_din ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] ex4_flush2ucode ;
wire [ 0 : 5 ] ex4_fpscr_addr ;
wire ex4_fpscr_wen ;
wire [ 0 : 5 ] ex4_instr_frt ;
wire ex4_instr_match ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] ex4_instr_v ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] ex4_instr_vns ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] ex5_instr_vns ;
wire ex3_instr_vns_taken ;
wire ex4_instr_vns_taken_din ;
wire ex4_instr_vns_taken ;
wire ex5_instr_vns_taken ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] ex4_instr_valid ;
wire ex4_isRam ;
wire ex4_is_ucode ;
wire [ 0 : 6 ] ex4_itag ;
wire [ 0 : 15 ] ex4_itag_si ;
wire [ 0 : 15 ] ex4_itag_so ;
wire ex4_kill_wen ;
wire ex4_mcrfs ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] ex4_n_flush ;
wire ex4_record ;
wire ex7_perr_cancel ;
// parity err ---------
wire perr_sm_running ;
wire [ 0 : 5 ] perr_addr_l2 ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] ex4_regfile_err_det ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] ex5_regfile_err_det ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] ex6_regfile_err_det ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] ex7_regfile_err_det ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] ex8_regfile_err_det ;
wire ex0_regfile_ce ;
wire ex0_regfile_ue ;
wire ex1_perr_sm_instr_v ;
wire ex2_perr_sm_instr_v ;
wire ex3_perr_sm_instr_v ;
wire ex4_perr_sm_instr_v ;
wire ex5_perr_sm_instr_v ;
wire ex6_perr_sm_instr_v ;
wire ex7_perr_sm_instr_v ;
wire ex8_perr_sm_instr_v ;
wire [ 0 : 2 ] perr_sm_l2 ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] perr_tid_l2 ;
wire ex7_is_fixperr ;
wire perr_si ;
wire perr_so ;
//------------- end parity
wire ex4_store_valid ;
wire ex4_ucode_preissue ;
wire ex4_ucode_preissue_din ;
wire ex5_b_den_flush ;
wire ex5_b_den_flush_din ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] ex5_cr ;
wire [ 0 : 4 ] ex5_cr_bf ;
wire ex5_cr_val ;
wire ex5_cr_val_cp ;
wire [ 0 : 4 ] ex5_crbf_si ;
wire [ 0 : 4 ] ex5_crbf_so ;
wire [ 0 : 21 ] ex5_ctl_si ;
wire [ 0 : 21 ] ex5_ctl_so ;
wire [ 0 : 5 ] ex6_divsqrt_fpscr_addr ;
wire [ 59 : 63 ] ex5_eff_addr ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] ex5_fdivsqrt_start ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] ex5_fdivsqrt_start_din ;
wire [ 0 : 5 ] ex5_fpscr_addr ;
wire ex5_fpscr_wen ;
wire ex5_fu_unavail ;
wire [ 0 : 5 ] ex5_instr_frt ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] ex5_instr_tid ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] ex5_instr_v ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] ex5_cr_or_divsqrt_v ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] ex5_instr_valid ;
wire ex5_isRam ;
wire ex5_is_ucode ;
wire [ 0 : 6 ] ex5_itag ;
wire [ 0 : 6 ] ex5_itag_din ;
wire [ 0 : 16 ] ex5_itag_si ;
wire [ 0 : 16 ] ex5_itag_so ;
wire ex5_kill_wen ;
wire ex5_mcrfs ;
wire ex5_record ;
wire ex5_ucode_preissue ;
wire ex5_ucode_preissue_din ;
wire ex1_abort_a_din ;
wire ex1_abort_b_din ;
wire ex1_abort_c_din ;
wire ex1_abort_s_din ;
wire ex2_abort_a_din ;
wire ex2_abort_b_din ;
wire ex2_abort_c_din ;
wire ex2_abort_s_din ;
wire ex2_abort_a ;
wire ex2_abort_b ;
wire ex2_abort_c ;
wire ex2_abort_s ;
wire ex2_abort_a_q ;
wire ex2_abort_b_q ;
wire ex2_abort_c_q ;
wire ex2_abort_s_q ;
wire ex3_abort_a ;
wire ex3_abort_b ;
wire ex3_abort_c ;
wire ex3_abort_s ;
wire ex3_abort_din ;
wire ex4_abort ;
wire ex5_abort_l2 ;
wire ex6_abort ;
wire ex6_abort_lq ;
wire ex7_abort ;
wire ex7_abort_lq ;
wire ex8_abort ;
wire ex8_abort_lq ;
wire ex9_abort ;
wire ex9_abort_q ;
wire ex9_abort_lq ;
wire ex4_abort_din ;
wire ex5_abort_din ;
wire ex5_abort_lq_din ;
wire ex6_abort_din ;
wire ex7_abort_din ;
wire ex8_abort_din ;
wire ex6_b_den_flush ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] ex6_cr ;
wire [ 0 : 4 ] ex6_cr_bf ;
wire [ 0 : 4 ] ex6_cr_bf_din ;
wire ex6_cr_val ;
wire ex5_cr_val_din ;
wire [ 0 : 8 ] ex6_crbf_si ;
wire [ 0 : 8 ] ex6_crbf_so ;
wire [ 0 : 20 ] ex6_ctl_si ;
wire [ 0 : 20 ] ex6_ctl_so ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] ex6_fdivsqrt_start ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] ex6_fdivsqrt_start_din ;
wire ex6_fpr_wr_dis ;
wire [ 0 : 5 ] ex6_fpscr_addr ;
wire [ 0 : 5 ] ex6_fpscr_addr_din ;
wire ex6_fpscr_move ;
wire ex6_fpscr_wen ;
wire ex6_fpscr_wen_din ;
wire ex6_fu_unavail ;
wire ex6_iflush_01 ;
wire ex6_iflush_23 ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] ex6_iflush_b ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] ex6_instr_bypval ;
wire ex6_instr_flush ;
wire ex6_instr_flush_b ;
wire [ 0 : 5 ] ex6_instr_frt ;
wire [ 0 : 5 ] ex5_instr_frt_din ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] ex6_instr_tid ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] ex6_instr_v ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] ex6_instr_valid ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] ex5_instr_valid_din ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] ex6_instr_valid_din ;
wire ex6_isRam ;
wire ex6_is_ucode ;
wire [ 0 : 6 ] ex6_itag ;
wire [ 0 : 16 ] ex6_itag_si ;
wire [ 0 : 16 ] ex6_itag_so ;
wire ex6_kill_wen ;
wire ex5_kill_wen_din ;
wire ex6_kill_wen_q ;
wire [ 0 : 7 ] ex6_load_addr ;
wire ex6_load_v ;
wire [ 0 : 7 ] ex6_reload_addr ;
wire ex6_reload_v ;
wire ex6_mcrfs ;
wire ex5_mcrfs_din ;
wire ex6_record ;
wire ex5_record_din ;
wire ex6_ucode_preissue ;
wire ex6_ucode_preissue_din ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] ex7_ram_active ;
wire ex7_b_den_flush ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] ex7_cr ;
wire [ 0 : 4 ] ex7_cr_bf ;
wire ex7_cr_val ;
wire ex7_cr_val_din ;
wire [ 0 : 8 ] ex7_crbf_si ;
wire [ 0 : 8 ] ex7_crbf_so ;
wire [ 0 : 22 ] ex7_ctl_si ;
wire [ 0 : 22 ] ex7_ctl_so ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] ex7_fdivsqrt_start ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] ex7_fdivsqrt_start_din ;
wire ex7_fpr_wr_dis ;
wire [ 0 : 5 ] ex7_fpscr_addr ;
wire ex7_fpscr_move ;
wire ex7_fpscr_wen ;
wire ex7_fu_unavail ;
wire [ 0 : 5 ] ex7_instr_frt ;
wire [ 0 : 5 ] ex7_instr_frt_din ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] ex7_instr_tid ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] ex7_instr_v ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] ex7_instr_v_din ;
wire ex7_instr_valid ;
wire ex7_isRam ;
wire ex7_is_ucode ;
wire [ 0 : 6 ] ex7_itag ;
wire [ 0 : 17 ] ex7_itag_si ;
wire [ 0 : 17 ] ex7_itag_so ;
wire ex7_kill_wen ;
wire ex6_kill_wen_din ;
wire [ 0 : 17 ] ex7_laddr_si ;
wire [ 0 : 17 ] ex7_laddr_so ;
wire [ 0 : 7 ] ex7_load_addr ;
wire ex7_load_v ;
wire [ 0 : 7 ] ex7_reload_addr ;
wire ex7_reload_v ;
wire ex7_mcrfs ;
wire ex7_mcrfs_din ;
wire ex7_ram_done ;
wire [ 3 : 13 ] ex7_ram_expo ;
wire [ 0 : 52 ] ex7_ram_frac ;
wire ex7_ram_sign ;
wire ex7_record ;
wire ex7_record_din ;
wire ex7_record_v ;
wire ex7_ucode_preissue ;
wire ex7_ucode_preissue_din ;
wire ex8_b_den_flush ;
wire ex8_b_den_flush_din ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] ex8_cr ;
wire [ 0 : 4 ] ex8_cr_bf ;
wire ex8_cr_val ;
wire [ 0 : 31 ] ex8_ctl_si ;
wire [ 0 : 31 ] ex8_ctl_so ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] ex8_fdivsqrt_start ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] ex8_fdivsqrt_start_din ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] ex9_fdivsqrt_start ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] ex8_fp_enabled ;
wire ex8_fpr_wr_dis ;
wire ex8_fpr_wr_dis_din ;
wire ex8_fpscr_move ;
wire ex8_fpscr_move_din ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] ex8_fu_unavail ;
wire [ 0 : 5 ] ex8_instr_frt ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] ex8_instr_tid ;
wire ex8_instr_v ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] ex8_instr_valid ;
wire [ 0 : 6 ] ex8_itag ;
wire [ 0 : 7 ] ex8_itag_si ;
wire [ 0 : 7 ] ex8_itag_so ;
wire ex8_kill_wen ;
wire [ 0 : 17 ] ex8_laddr_si ;
wire [ 0 : 17 ] ex8_laddr_so ;
wire [ 0 : 8 ] ex9_laddr_si ;
wire [ 0 : 8 ] ex9_laddr_so ;
wire [ 0 : 7 ] ex8_load_addr ;
wire [ 0 : 7 ] ex9_load_addr ;
wire ex9_load_v ;
wire ex8_load_v ;
wire [ 0 : 7 ] ex8_reload_addr ;
wire ex8_reload_v ;
wire [ 0 : 63 ] ex8_ram_data ;
wire ex8_ram_done ;
wire [ 3 : 13 ] ex8_ram_expo ;
wire [ 0 : 52 ] ex8_ram_frac ;
wire ex8_ram_sign ;
wire ex8_record_v ;
wire ex8_ucode_preissue ;
wire ex8_ucode_preissue_din ;
wire [ 0 : 13 ] ex9_ctl_si ;
wire [ 0 : 13 ] ex9_ctl_so ;
wire [ 0 : 5 ] ex9_instr_frt ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] ex9_instr_tid ;
wire ex9_instr_v ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] ex9_instr_valid ;
wire ex9_kill_wen ;
wire force_t ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] fp_async_fex_d ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] fp_async_fex_q ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] fp_except_en_d ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] fp_except_en_q ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] fp_except_fex ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] fp_except_fex_async ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] fp_except_fx ;
wire int_word_ldst ;
wire sign_ext_ldst ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] msr_fe0 ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] msr_fe1 ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] msr_fp ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] fu_msr_fe0 ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] fu_msr_fe1 ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] fu_msr_fp ;
wire msr_fp_act ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] msr_gs_q ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] msr_pr_q ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] msr_gs_d ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] msr_pr_d ;
wire [ 0 : 5 ] pri_ex1 ;
wire [ 0 : 64 ] ram_data_si ;
wire [ 0 : 64 ] ram_data_so ;
wire [ 0 : 34 ] perf_data_si ;
wire [ 0 : 34 ] perf_data_so ;
wire [ 0 : 7 ] event_bus_out_si ;
wire [ 0 : 7 ] event_bus_out_so ;
wire [ 0 : 0 ] ram_datav_si ;
wire [ 0 : 0 ] ram_datav_so ;
wire [ 0 : 5 ] rf0_instr_fra ;
wire [ 0 : 5 ] rf0_instr_frb ;
wire [ 0 : 5 ] rf0_instr_frc ;
wire [ 0 : 5 ] rf0_instr_frs ;
wire rf0_instr_match ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] rf0_instr_tid_1hot ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] rf1_instr_iss ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] ex1_instr_iss ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] ex2_instr_iss ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] rf0_instr_valid ;
wire [ 0 : 31 ] dbg_group3_lat_si ;
wire [ 0 : 31 ] dbg_group3_lat_so ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] rf0_tid ;
wire ex0_fdiv ;
wire ex0_fdivs ;
wire ex0_fsqrt ;
wire ex0_fsqrts ;
wire [ 20 : 31 ] sec_ex1 ;
wire sg_0 ;
wire single_precision_ldst ;
wire [ 0 : 9 ] slowspr_in_addr ;
wire [ 64 - ( 2 * * REGMODE ) : 63 ] slowspr_in_data ;
wire slowspr_in_done ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] slowspr_in_etid ;
wire slowspr_in_rw ;
wire slowspr_in_val ;
wire [ 0 : 9 ] slowspr_out_addr ;
wire [ 64 - ( 2 * * REGMODE ) : 63 ] slowspr_out_data ;
wire slowspr_out_done ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] slowspr_out_etid ;
wire slowspr_out_rw ;
wire slowspr_out_val ;
wire slowspr_val_in_int ;
wire [ 64 - ( 2 * * REGMODE ) : 63 ] slowspr_data_in_int ;
( * analysis_not_referenced = " TRUE " * ) // unused
wire [ 0 : 47 ] spare_unused ;
wire [ 0 : 14 ] spr_ctl_si ;
wire [ 0 : 14 ] spr_ctl_so ;
wire [ 64 - ( 2 * * REGMODE ) : 63 ] spr_data_si ;
wire [ 64 - ( 2 * * REGMODE ) : 63 ] spr_data_so ;
wire st_ex1 ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] event_en_d ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] event_en_q ;
wire [ 0 : 2 ] event_count_mode_q ;
wire [ 0 : 14 ] unit_bus_in_t0 ;
wire [ 0 : 14 ] unit_bus_in_t1 ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] event_bus_out_t0 ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] event_bus_out_t1 ;
wire [ 0 : 14 ] t0_events ;
wire [ 0 : 14 ] t1_events ;
wire instr_trace_mode_q ;
wire [ 0 : 1 ] instr_trace_tid_q ;
wire thold_0 ;
wire thold_0_b ;
wire tihi ;
wire tiup ;
wire tilo ;
wire tidn ;
wire [ 0 : 31 ] trace_data_in ;
wire [ 0 : 31 ] trace_data_out ;
wire [ 0 : 11 ] trg_group0 ;
wire [ 0 : 11 ] trg_group1 ;
wire [ 0 : 11 ] trg_group2 ;
wire [ 0 : 11 ] trg_group3 ;
wire [ 0 : 63 ] divsqrt_debug ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] xu_ex0_flush ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] xu_ex1_flush ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] xu_ex2_flush ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] xu_ex3_flush ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] xu_ex4_flush ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] xu_ex5_flush ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] xu_ex6_flush ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] xu_ex7_flush ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] xu_ex8_flush ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] xu_ex9_flush ;
wire [ 0 : 3 ] xu_rf0_flush ;
wire ex6_divsqrt_v ;
wire ex6_divsqrt_v_suppress ;
wire ex5_divsqrt_v ;
wire ex5_any_cr_v ;
wire func_slp_sl_thold_0 ;
wire func_slp_sl_force ;
wire func_slp_sl_thold_0_b ;
wire cfg_slat_d2clk ;
wire [ 0 : `NCLK_WIDTH - 1 ] cfg_slat_lclk ;
assign tilo = 1 'b0 ;
assign tihi = 1 'b1 ;
assign tidn = 1 'b0 ;
assign tiup = 1 'b1 ;
assign rf0_act_b = ~ ( | ( rv_axu0_vld ) ) ;
// cp flush
assign cp_flush_int [ 0 ] = cp_flush [ 0 ] ;
if ( `THREADS = = 1 )
begin : dcd_flush_thr1_1
assign cp_flush_int [ 1 ] = tilo ;
if ( `THREADS = = 2 )
begin : dcd_flush_thr2_1
assign cp_flush_int [ 1 ] = cp_flush [ 1 ] ;
// Latches
tri_rlmlatch_p # ( . INIT ( 0 ) ) cp_flush_reg0 (
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. act ( tihi ) ,
. force_t ( force_t ) ,
. delay_lclkr ( delay_lclkr [ 9 ] ) ,
. d_mode ( tiup ) ,
. mpw1_b ( mpw1_b [ 9 ] ) ,
. mpw2_b ( mpw2_b [ 1 ] ) ,
. thold_b ( thold_0_b ) ,
. sg ( sg_0 ) ,
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. scin ( cp_flush_reg0_si ) ,
. scout ( cp_flush_reg0_so ) ,
. din ( cp_flush_int [ 0 ] ) ,
. dout ( cp_flush_q [ 0 ] )
) ;
// Latches
tri_rlmlatch_p # ( . INIT ( 0 ) ) cp_flush_reg1 (
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. act ( tihi ) ,
. force_t ( force_t ) ,
. delay_lclkr ( delay_lclkr [ 9 ] ) ,
. d_mode ( tiup ) ,
. mpw1_b ( mpw1_b [ 9 ] ) ,
. mpw2_b ( mpw2_b [ 1 ] ) ,
. thold_b ( thold_0_b ) ,
. sg ( sg_0 ) ,
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. scin ( cp_flush_reg1_si ) ,
. scout ( cp_flush_reg1_so ) ,
. din ( cp_flush_int [ 1 ] ) ,
. dout ( cp_flush_q [ 1 ] )
) ;
if ( `THREADS = = 1 )
begin : dcd_flush_thr1_2
assign xu_rf0_flush [ 0 ] = cp_flush_q [ 0 ] ;
assign xu_ex0_flush [ 0 ] = cp_flush_q [ 0 ] ;
assign xu_ex1_flush [ 0 ] = cp_flush_q [ 0 ] ;
assign xu_ex2_flush [ 0 ] = cp_flush_q [ 0 ] ;
assign xu_ex3_flush [ 0 ] = cp_flush_q [ 0 ] ;
assign xu_ex4_flush [ 0 ] = cp_flush_q [ 0 ] ;
assign xu_ex5_flush [ 0 ] = cp_flush_q [ 0 ] ;
assign xu_ex6_flush [ 0 ] = cp_flush_q [ 0 ] ;
assign xu_ex7_flush [ 0 ] = cp_flush_q [ 0 ] ;
assign xu_ex8_flush [ 0 ] = cp_flush_q [ 0 ] ;
assign xu_ex9_flush [ 0 ] = cp_flush_q [ 0 ] ;
assign xu_rf0_flush [ 1 : 3 ] = { 3 { tilo } } ;
assign xu_ex0_flush [ 1 : 3 ] = { 3 { tilo } } ;
assign xu_ex1_flush [ 1 : 3 ] = { 3 { tilo } } ;
assign xu_ex2_flush [ 1 : 3 ] = { 3 { tilo } } ;
assign xu_ex3_flush [ 1 : 3 ] = { 3 { tilo } } ;
assign xu_ex4_flush [ 1 : 3 ] = { 3 { tilo } } ;
assign xu_ex5_flush [ 1 : 3 ] = { 3 { tilo } } ;
assign xu_ex6_flush [ 1 : 3 ] = { 3 { tilo } } ;
assign xu_ex7_flush [ 1 : 3 ] = { 3 { tilo } } ;
assign xu_ex8_flush [ 1 : 3 ] = { 3 { tilo } } ;
assign xu_ex9_flush [ 1 : 3 ] = { 3 { tilo } } ;
if ( `THREADS = = 2 )
begin : dcd_flush_thr2_2
assign xu_rf0_flush [ 0 : 1 ] = cp_flush_q [ 0 : 1 ] ;
assign xu_ex0_flush [ 0 : 1 ] = cp_flush_q [ 0 : 1 ] ;
assign xu_ex1_flush [ 0 : 1 ] = cp_flush_q [ 0 : 1 ] ;
assign xu_ex2_flush [ 0 : 1 ] = cp_flush_q [ 0 : 1 ] ;
assign xu_ex3_flush [ 0 : 1 ] = cp_flush_q [ 0 : 1 ] ;
assign xu_ex4_flush [ 0 : 1 ] = cp_flush_q [ 0 : 1 ] ;
assign xu_ex5_flush [ 0 : 1 ] = cp_flush_q [ 0 : 1 ] ;
assign xu_ex6_flush [ 0 : 1 ] = cp_flush_q [ 0 : 1 ] ;
assign xu_ex7_flush [ 0 : 1 ] = cp_flush_q [ 0 : 1 ] ;
assign xu_ex8_flush [ 0 : 1 ] = cp_flush_q [ 0 : 1 ] ;
assign xu_ex9_flush [ 0 : 1 ] = cp_flush_q [ 0 : 1 ] ;
assign xu_rf0_flush [ 2 : 3 ] = { 2 { tilo } } ;
assign xu_ex0_flush [ 2 : 3 ] = { 2 { tilo } } ;
assign xu_ex1_flush [ 2 : 3 ] = { 2 { tilo } } ;
assign xu_ex2_flush [ 2 : 3 ] = { 2 { tilo } } ;
assign xu_ex3_flush [ 2 : 3 ] = { 2 { tilo } } ;
assign xu_ex4_flush [ 2 : 3 ] = { 2 { tilo } } ;
assign xu_ex5_flush [ 2 : 3 ] = { 2 { tilo } } ;
assign xu_ex6_flush [ 2 : 3 ] = { 2 { tilo } } ;
assign xu_ex7_flush [ 2 : 3 ] = { 2 { tilo } } ;
assign xu_ex8_flush [ 2 : 3 ] = { 2 { tilo } } ;
assign xu_ex9_flush [ 2 : 3 ] = { 2 { tilo } } ;
// Pervasive
tri_plat # ( . WIDTH ( 3 ) ) thold_reg_0 (
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. flush ( flush ) ,
. din ( { thold_1 ,
cfg_sl_thold_1 ,
func_slp_sl_thold_1 } ) ,
. q ( { thold_0 ,
cfg_sl_thold_0 ,
func_slp_sl_thold_0 } )
) ;
tri_plat sg_reg_0 (
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. flush ( flush ) ,
. din ( sg_1 ) ,
. q ( sg_0 )
) ;
tri_lcbor lcbor_0 (
. clkoff_b ( clkoff_b ) ,
. thold ( thold_0 ) ,
. sg ( sg_0 ) ,
. act_dis ( act_dis ) ,
. force_t ( force_t ) ,
. thold_b ( thold_0_b )
) ;
tri_lcbor cfg_sl_lcbor_0 (
. clkoff_b ( clkoff_b ) ,
. thold ( cfg_sl_thold_0 ) ,
. sg ( sg_0 ) ,
. act_dis ( act_dis ) ,
. force_t ( cfg_sl_force ) ,
. thold_b ( cfg_sl_thold_0_b )
) ;
tri_lcbor func_slp_sl_lcbor_0 (
. clkoff_b ( clkoff_b ) ,
. thold ( func_slp_sl_thold_0 ) ,
. sg ( sg_0 ) ,
. act_dis ( act_dis ) ,
. force_t ( func_slp_sl_force ) ,
. thold_b ( func_slp_sl_thold_0_b )
) ;
tri_lcbs lcbs_cfg (
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. delay_lclkr ( delay_lclkr [ 9 ] ) ,
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. force_t ( cfg_sl_force ) ,
. thold_b ( cfg_sl_thold_0_b ) ,
. dclk ( cfg_slat_d2clk ) ,
. lclk ( cfg_slat_lclk )
) ;
tri_slat_scan # ( . WIDTH ( 2 ) , . INIT ( 0 ) , . RESET_INVERTS_SCAN ( 1 'b1 ) ) cfg_stg (
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. dclk ( cfg_slat_d2clk ) ,
. lclk ( cfg_slat_lclk ) ,
. scan_in ( { ccfg_scan_in , bcfg_scan_in } ) ,
. scan_out ( { ccfg_scan_out , bcfg_scan_out } )
) ;
// Act Latches
if ( `THREADS = = 1 )
begin : dcd_msr_bits_thr1_2
assign fu_msr_fp [ 0 ] = xu_fu_msr_fp [ 0 ] ;
assign fu_msr_fp [ 1 ] = tidn ;
assign fu_msr_fe0 [ 0 ] = xu_fu_msr_fe0 [ 0 ] ;
assign fu_msr_fe0 [ 1 ] = tidn ;
assign fu_msr_fe1 [ 0 ] = xu_fu_msr_fe1 [ 0 ] ;
assign fu_msr_fe1 [ 1 ] = tidn ;
if ( `THREADS = = 2 )
begin : dcd_msr_bits_thr2_2
assign fu_msr_fp = xu_fu_msr_fp ;
assign fu_msr_fe0 = xu_fu_msr_fe0 ;
assign fu_msr_fe1 = xu_fu_msr_fe1 ;
tri_rlmreg_p # ( . INIT ( 0 ) , . WIDTH ( 8 ) ) act_lat (
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. act ( tihi ) ,
. force_t ( force_t ) ,
. d_mode ( tiup ) ,
. delay_lclkr ( delay_lclkr [ 9 ] ) ,
. mpw1_b ( mpw1_b [ 9 ] ) ,
. mpw2_b ( mpw2_b [ 1 ] ) ,
. thold_b ( thold_0_b ) ,
. sg ( sg_0 ) ,
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. scin ( act_lat_si [ 0 : 7 ] ) ,
. scout ( act_lat_so [ 0 : 7 ] ) ,
. din ( { pc_fu_trace_bus_enable ,
pc_fu_event_bus_enable ,
fu_msr_fp ,
fu_msr_fe0 ,
} ) ,
. dout ( { dbg0_act ,
event_act ,
msr_fp ,
msr_fe0 ,
msr_fe1 } )
) ;
assign msr_fp_act = | ( msr_fp ) | axucr0_q [ 60 ] ; // note this was defaulted the other way in A2i
assign f_dcd_msr_fp_act = msr_fp_act ;
// RF0
assign rf0_instr_match = iu_fu_rf0_instr_match ;
if ( `THREADS = = 1 )
begin : dcd_tid_thr1_1
assign rf0_tid [ 0 ] = iu_fu_rf0_tid [ 0 ] ;
assign rf0_tid [ 1 ] = tidn ;
if ( `THREADS = = 2 )
begin : dcd_tid_thr2_1
assign rf0_tid [ 0 : 1 ] = iu_fu_rf0_tid [ 0 : 1 ] ;
if ( `THREADS = = 1 )
begin : dcd_axu0_vld_thr1_1
assign rf0_instr_tid_1hot [ 0 ] = rv_axu0_vld [ 0 ] ;
assign rf0_instr_tid_1hot [ 1 ] = 1 'b0 ; //rv_axu0_v(1);
assign rf0_instr_tid_1hot [ 2 ] = 1 'b0 ;
assign rf0_instr_tid_1hot [ 3 ] = 1 'b0 ;
if ( `THREADS = = 2 )
begin : dcd_axu0_vld_thr2_1
assign rf0_instr_tid_1hot [ 0 ] = rv_axu0_vld [ 0 ] ;
assign rf0_instr_tid_1hot [ 1 ] = rv_axu0_vld [ 1 ] ; //rv_axu0_v(1);
assign rf0_instr_tid_1hot [ 2 ] = 1 'b0 ;
assign rf0_instr_tid_1hot [ 3 ] = 1 'b0 ;
assign rf0_instr_valid [ 0 : 3 ] = rf0_instr_tid_1hot [ 0 : 3 ] & ( ~ xu_rf0_flush [ 0 : 3 ] ) ;
assign rf0_instr_fra [ 0 : 5 ] = iu_fu_rf0_fra [ 0 : 5 ] ;
assign rf0_instr_frb [ 0 : 5 ] = iu_fu_rf0_frb [ 0 : 5 ] ;
assign rf0_instr_frc [ 0 : 5 ] = iu_fu_rf0_frc [ 0 : 5 ] ;
assign rf0_instr_frs [ 0 : 5 ] = iu_fu_rf0_frc [ 0 : 5 ] ; // Store rides on s3!! (frc)
// EX0
assign ex0_is_ucode = ( rv_axu0_ex0_ucode [ 0 ] | rv_axu0_ex0_ucode [ 1 ] ) & ( ~ rv_axu0_ex0_ucode [ 2 ] ) ;
assign ex0_ucode_preissue = rv_axu0_ex0_ucode [ 1 ] & ex0_instr_vld ;
// Flush Due to Speculative Loadhit
// Latches
tri_rlmreg_p # ( . INIT ( 0 ) , . WIDTH ( 8 ) , . NEEDS_SRESET ( 1 ) ) ex0_iu (
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. act ( tihi ) ,
. force_t ( force_t ) ,
. delay_lclkr ( delay_lclkr [ 0 ] ) ,
. d_mode ( tiup ) ,
. mpw1_b ( mpw1_b [ 0 ] ) ,
. mpw2_b ( mpw2_b [ 0 ] ) ,
. thold_b ( thold_0_b ) ,
. sg ( sg_0 ) ,
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. scin ( ex0_iu_si [ 0 : 7 ] ) ,
. scout ( ex0_iu_so [ 0 : 7 ] ) ,
. din ( { iu_fu_rf0_fra_v ,
iu_fu_rf0_frb_v ,
iu_fu_rf0_frc_v ,
rf0_instr_valid [ 0 : 3 ] ,
} ) ,
. dout ( { ex0_instr_fra_v ,
ex0_instr_frb_v ,
ex0_instr_frc_v ,
ex0_instr_v [ 0 : 3 ] ,
} )
) ;
tri_rlmreg_p # ( . INIT ( 0 ) , . WIDTH ( 24 ) ) ex0_frt (
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. act ( msr_fp_act ) ,
. force_t ( force_t ) ,
. d_mode ( tiup ) ,
. delay_lclkr ( delay_lclkr [ 0 ] ) ,
. mpw1_b ( mpw1_b [ 0 ] ) ,
. mpw2_b ( mpw2_b [ 0 ] ) ,
. thold_b ( thold_0_b ) ,
. sg ( sg_0 ) ,
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. scin ( ex0_frt_si [ 0 : 23 ] ) ,
. scout ( ex0_frt_so [ 0 : 23 ] ) ,
. din ( { rf0_instr_fra [ 0 : 5 ] ,
rf0_instr_frb [ 0 : 5 ] ,
rf0_instr_frc [ 0 : 5 ] ,
rf0_instr_frs [ 0 : 5 ] } ) ,
. dout ( { ex0_instr_fra [ 0 : 5 ] ,
ex0_instr_frb [ 0 : 5 ] ,
ex0_instr_frc [ 0 : 5 ] ,
ex0_instr_frs [ 0 : 5 ]
} )
) ;
assign ex0_itag = rv_axu0_ex0_itag ;
assign ex0_instr_valid [ 0 : 3 ] = ex0_instr_v [ 0 : 3 ] & ( ~ xu_ex0_flush [ 0 : 3 ] ) ;
assign ex1_fpscr_wen_din = rv_axu0_ex0_t1_v & ( ~ ex0_ucode_preissue ) ;
// EX1
// Latches
tri_rlmreg_p # ( . INIT ( 0 ) , . WIDTH ( 15 ) , . NEEDS_SRESET ( 1 ) ) ex1_iu (
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. act ( tihi ) ,
. force_t ( force_t ) ,
. d_mode ( tiup ) ,
. delay_lclkr ( delay_lclkr [ 1 ] ) ,
. mpw1_b ( mpw1_b [ 1 ] ) ,
. mpw2_b ( mpw2_b [ 0 ] ) ,
. thold_b ( thold_0_b ) ,
. sg ( sg_0 ) ,
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. scin ( ex1_iu_si [ 0 : 14 ] ) ,
. scout ( ex1_iu_so [ 0 : 14 ] ) ,
. din ( { ex0_instr_fra_v ,
ex0_instr_frb_v ,
ex0_instr_frc_v ,
ex0_instr_valid [ 0 : 3 ] ,
ex0_instr_match ,
ex0_is_ucode ,
ex0_ucode_preissue ,
ex0_isRam ,
ex0_instr_valid [ 1 ] ,
ex0_instr_valid [ 1 ] ,
ex0_instr_valid [ 1 ] ,
ex0_instr_valid [ 1 ]
} ) ,
. dout ( { ex1_instr_fra_v ,
ex1_instr_frb_v ,
ex1_instr_frc_v ,
ex1_instr_v [ 0 : 3 ] ,
ex1_instr_match ,
ex1_is_ucode ,
ex1_ucode_preissue ,
ex1_isRam ,
ex1_instr_v1_bufw ,
ex1_instr_v1_bufx ,
ex1_instr_v1_bufy ,
} )
) ;
assign ex0_isRam = tidn ;
tri_rlmreg_p # ( . INIT ( 0 ) , . WIDTH ( 30 ) ) ex1_frt (
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. act ( ex1_instr_act ) ,
. force_t ( force_t ) ,
. d_mode ( tiup ) ,
. delay_lclkr ( delay_lclkr [ 1 ] ) ,
. mpw1_b ( mpw1_b [ 1 ] ) ,
. mpw2_b ( mpw2_b [ 0 ] ) ,
. thold_b ( thold_0_b ) ,
. sg ( sg_0 ) ,
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. scin ( ex1_frt_si [ 0 : 29 ] ) ,
. scout ( ex1_frt_so [ 0 : 29 ] ) ,
. din ( { rv_axu0_ex0_t2_p [ 0 : 5 ] ,
ex0_instr_fra [ 0 : 5 ] ,
ex0_instr_frb [ 0 : 5 ] ,
ex0_instr_frc [ 0 : 5 ] ,
ex0_instr_frs [ 0 : 5 ] } ) ,
. dout ( { ex1_instr_frt [ 0 : 5 ] ,
ex1_instr_fra [ 0 : 5 ] ,
ex1_instr_frb [ 0 : 5 ] ,
ex1_instr_frc [ 0 : 5 ] ,
ex1_instr_frs [ 0 : 5 ] } )
) ;
assign ex1_instr_act = ex0_instr_v [ 0 ] | ex0_instr_v [ 1 ] | ex1_instr_v [ 0 ] | ex1_instr_v [ 1 ] ;
tri_rlmreg_p # ( . INIT ( 0 ) , . WIDTH ( 32 ) ) ex1_instl (
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. act ( ex1_instr_act ) ,
. force_t ( force_t ) ,
. d_mode ( tiup ) ,
. delay_lclkr ( delay_lclkr [ 1 ] ) ,
. mpw1_b ( mpw1_b [ 1 ] ) ,
. mpw2_b ( mpw2_b [ 0 ] ) ,
. thold_b ( thold_0_b ) ,
. sg ( sg_0 ) ,
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. scin ( ex1_instl_si [ 0 : 31 ] ) ,
. scout ( ex1_instl_so [ 0 : 31 ] ) ,
. din ( rv_axu0_ex0_instr [ 0 : 31 ] ) ,
. dout ( ex1_instr [ 0 : 31 ] )
) ;
tri_rlmreg_p # ( . INIT ( 0 ) , . WIDTH ( 14 ) ) ex1_itagl (
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. act ( tihi ) ,
. force_t ( force_t ) ,
. d_mode ( tiup ) ,
. delay_lclkr ( delay_lclkr [ 1 ] ) ,
. mpw1_b ( mpw1_b [ 1 ] ) ,
. mpw2_b ( mpw2_b [ 0 ] ) ,
. thold_b ( thold_0_b ) ,
. sg ( sg_0 ) ,
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. scin ( ex1_itag_si ) ,
. scout ( ex1_itag_so ) ,
. din ( { ex0_itag [ 0 : 6 ] ,
rv_axu0_ex0_t1_p [ 0 : 5 ] ,
ex1_fpscr_wen_din } ) ,
. dout ( { ex1_itag [ 0 : 6 ] ,
ex1_fpscr_addr [ 0 : 5 ] ,
ex1_fpscr_wen } )
) ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_fpscr_addr = ex1_fpscr_addr ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_instr_frt = ex1_instr_frt ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_instr_tid = ex1_instr_v [ 0 : 3 ] & ( ~ xu_ex1_flush [ 0 : 3 ] ) ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_divsqrt_cr_bf = ex1_cr_bf ;
tri_rlmreg_p # ( . INIT ( 0 ) , . WIDTH ( 5 ) ) ex1_crbf (
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. act ( tihi ) ,
. force_t ( force_t ) ,
. d_mode ( tiup ) ,
. delay_lclkr ( delay_lclkr [ 1 ] ) ,
. mpw1_b ( mpw1_b [ 1 ] ) ,
. mpw2_b ( mpw2_b [ 0 ] ) ,
. thold_b ( thold_0_b ) ,
. sg ( sg_0 ) ,
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. scin ( ex1_crbf_si [ 0 : 4 ] ) ,
. scout ( ex1_crbf_so [ 0 : 4 ] ) ,
. din ( rv_axu0_ex0_t3_p [ 1 : 5 ] ) ,
. dout ( ex1_cr_bf [ 0 : 4 ] )
) ;
// Flushes
assign ex1_instr_valid [ 0 : 3 ] = ex1_instr_v [ 0 : 3 ] & ( ~ xu_ex1_flush [ 0 : 3 ] ) & { 4 { ( ( ~ | ( ex1_fdivsqrt_start ) ) | ex1_ucode_preissue ) } } ;
assign ex1_instr_vld = ( ex1_instr_v [ 0 ] & ( ~ xu_ex1_flush [ 0 ] ) ) | ( ex1_instr_v [ 1 ] & ( ~ xu_ex1_flush [ 1 ] ) ) ;
assign ex1_str_v = | ( ex1_instr_valid [ 0 : 3 ] ) & st_ex1 ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_sto_v = ex1_str_v ;
// temp: assumes only 2 threads for timing (this is encoded)
assign ex1_tid [ 0 ] = tidn ;
assign ex1_tid [ 1 ] = ex1_instr_v [ 1 ] ;
assign ex1_tid_bufw [ 0 ] = tidn ;
assign ex1_tid_bufw [ 1 ] = ex1_instr_v1_bufw ;
assign ex1_tid_bufx [ 0 ] = tidn ;
assign ex1_tid_bufx [ 1 ] = ex1_instr_v1_bufx ;
assign ex1_tid_bufy [ 0 ] = tidn ;
assign ex1_tid_bufy [ 1 ] = ex1_instr_v1_bufy ;
assign ex1_tid_bufz [ 0 ] = tidn ;
assign ex1_tid_bufz [ 1 ] = ex1_instr_v1_bufz ;
// Bypass Writethru Detect in EX1
// 000000 <= FPR lev0
// 100000 <= ex7 load bypass into A lev1
// 010000 <= ex7 load bypass into c lev1
// 001000 <= ex7 load bypass into B lev1
// 000100 <= ex7 bypass into A lev1
// 000010 <= ex7 bypass into c lev1
// 000001 <= ex7 bypass into B lev1
// Result Bypass, res EX7 and dep in EX1
assign ex1_bypsel_a_res0 = ( { ex7_instr_tid [ 0 : 1 ] , ex7_instr_frt [ 0 : 5 ] } ) = = ( { ex1_tid_bufw [ 0 : 1 ] , ex1_instr_fra [ 0 : 5 ] } ) & ( ex7_instr_valid & ( ~ ex7_kill_wen ) ) & ex1_instr_fra_v ;
assign ex1_bypsel_c_res0 = ( { ex7_instr_tid [ 0 : 1 ] , ex7_instr_frt [ 0 : 5 ] } ) = = ( { ex1_tid_bufw [ 0 : 1 ] , ex1_instr_frc [ 0 : 5 ] } ) & ( ex7_instr_valid & ( ~ ex7_kill_wen ) ) & ex1_instr_frc_v ;
assign ex1_bypsel_b_res0 = ( { ex7_instr_tid [ 0 : 1 ] , ex7_instr_frt [ 0 : 5 ] } ) = = ( { ex1_tid_bufw [ 0 : 1 ] , ex1_instr_frb [ 0 : 5 ] } ) & ( ex7_instr_valid & ( ~ ex7_kill_wen ) ) & ex1_instr_frb_v ;
assign ex1_bypsel_s_res0 = ( { ex7_instr_tid [ 0 : 1 ] , ex7_instr_frt [ 0 : 5 ] } ) = = ( { ex1_tid_bufw [ 0 : 1 ] , ex1_instr_frs [ 0 : 5 ] } ) & ( ex7_instr_valid & ( ~ ex7_kill_wen ) ) & ex1_str_v ;
// Writethru case, res EX8 dep EX1
assign ex1_bypsel_a_res1 = ( { ex8_instr_tid [ 0 : 1 ] , ex8_instr_frt [ 0 : 5 ] } ) = = ( { ex1_tid_bufw [ 0 : 1 ] , ex1_instr_fra [ 0 : 5 ] } ) & ex8_instr_v & ( ~ ex8_kill_wen ) & ex1_instr_fra_v & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_a_res0 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_a_load0 ) ;
assign ex1_bypsel_c_res1 = ( { ex8_instr_tid [ 0 : 1 ] , ex8_instr_frt [ 0 : 5 ] } ) = = ( { ex1_tid_bufw [ 0 : 1 ] , ex1_instr_frc [ 0 : 5 ] } ) & ex8_instr_v & ( ~ ex8_kill_wen ) & ex1_instr_frc_v & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_c_res0 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_c_load0 ) ;
assign ex1_bypsel_b_res1 = ( { ex8_instr_tid [ 0 : 1 ] , ex8_instr_frt [ 0 : 5 ] } ) = = ( { ex1_tid_bufw [ 0 : 1 ] , ex1_instr_frb [ 0 : 5 ] } ) & ex8_instr_v & ( ~ ex8_kill_wen ) & ex1_instr_frb_v & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_b_res0 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_b_load0 ) ;
assign ex1_bypsel_s_res1 = ( { ex8_instr_tid [ 0 : 1 ] , ex8_instr_frt [ 0 : 5 ] } ) = = ( { ex1_tid_bufw [ 0 : 1 ] , ex1_instr_frs [ 0 : 5 ] } ) & ex8_instr_v & ( ~ ex8_kill_wen ) & ex1_str_v ;
// Writethru case, res EX9 dep EX1
assign ex1_bypsel_a_res2 = ( { ex9_instr_tid [ 0 : 1 ] , ex9_instr_frt [ 0 : 5 ] } ) = = ( { ex1_tid_bufw [ 0 : 1 ] , ex1_instr_fra [ 0 : 5 ] } ) & ex9_instr_v & ( ~ ex9_kill_wen ) & ex1_instr_fra_v & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_a_res0 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_a_load0 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_a_res1 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_a_load1 ) ;
assign ex1_bypsel_c_res2 = ( { ex9_instr_tid [ 0 : 1 ] , ex9_instr_frt [ 0 : 5 ] } ) = = ( { ex1_tid_bufw [ 0 : 1 ] , ex1_instr_frc [ 0 : 5 ] } ) & ex9_instr_v & ( ~ ex9_kill_wen ) & ex1_instr_frc_v & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_c_res0 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_c_load0 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_c_res1 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_c_load1 ) ;
assign ex1_bypsel_b_res2 = ( { ex9_instr_tid [ 0 : 1 ] , ex9_instr_frt [ 0 : 5 ] } ) = = ( { ex1_tid_bufw [ 0 : 1 ] , ex1_instr_frb [ 0 : 5 ] } ) & ex9_instr_v & ( ~ ex9_kill_wen ) & ex1_instr_frb_v & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_b_res0 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_b_load0 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_b_res1 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_b_load1 ) ;
assign ex1_bypsel_s_res2 = ( { ex9_instr_tid [ 0 : 1 ] , ex9_instr_frt [ 0 : 5 ] } ) = = ( { ex1_tid_bufw [ 0 : 1 ] , ex1_instr_frs [ 0 : 5 ] } ) & ex9_instr_v & ( ~ ex9_kill_wen ) & ex1_str_v ;
if ( `THREADS = = 1 )
begin : dcd_loadaddr_thr_1
assign ex6_load_addr [ 0 : 7 ] = f_fpr_ex6_load_addr [ 0 : 7 ] ; // no tid bit
assign ex6_reload_addr [ 0 : 7 ] = f_fpr_ex6_reload_addr [ 0 : 7 ] ; // no tid bit
if ( `THREADS = = 2 )
begin : dcd_loadaddr_thr_2
assign ex6_load_addr [ 0 : 7 ] = { f_fpr_ex6_load_addr [ 0 ] , f_fpr_ex6_load_addr [ 7 ] , f_fpr_ex6_load_addr [ 1 : 6 ] } ; // bit 7 is the tid but only in the 2 thread model
assign ex6_reload_addr [ 0 : 7 ] = { f_fpr_ex6_reload_addr [ 0 ] , f_fpr_ex6_reload_addr [ 7 ] , f_fpr_ex6_reload_addr [ 1 : 6 ] } ; // bit 7 is the tid but only in the 2 thread model
assign ex6_load_v = f_fpr_ex6_load_v ;
assign ex6_reload_v = f_fpr_ex6_reload_v ;
// Load Bypass, Load in EX6, dep EX1 ==> Load Use = 5 cycles, 4 bubbles
assign ex1_bypsel_a_load0 = ( ex6_load_addr [ 0 : 7 ] ) = = ( { ex1_tid_bufx [ 0 : 1 ] , ex1_instr_fra [ 0 : 5 ] } ) & ex6_load_v & ex1_instr_fra_v ;
assign ex1_bypsel_c_load0 = ( ex6_load_addr [ 0 : 7 ] ) = = ( { ex1_tid_bufx [ 0 : 1 ] , ex1_instr_frc [ 0 : 5 ] } ) & ex6_load_v & ex1_instr_frc_v ;
assign ex1_bypsel_b_load0 = ( ex6_load_addr [ 0 : 7 ] ) = = ( { ex1_tid_bufx [ 0 : 1 ] , ex1_instr_frb [ 0 : 5 ] } ) & ex6_load_v & ex1_instr_frb_v ;
assign ex1_bypsel_s_load0 = ( ex6_load_addr [ 0 : 7 ] ) = = ( { ex1_tid_bufx [ 0 : 1 ] , ex1_instr_frs [ 0 : 5 ] } ) & ex6_load_v & ex1_str_v ;
// Writethru case, Load EX7 dep EX1
assign ex1_bypsel_a_load1 = ( ex7_load_addr [ 0 : 7 ] ) = = ( { ex1_tid_bufx [ 0 : 1 ] , ex1_instr_fra [ 0 : 5 ] } ) & ex7_load_v & ex1_instr_fra_v & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_a_load0 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_a_res0 ) ;
assign ex1_bypsel_c_load1 = ( ex7_load_addr [ 0 : 7 ] ) = = ( { ex1_tid_bufx [ 0 : 1 ] , ex1_instr_frc [ 0 : 5 ] } ) & ex7_load_v & ex1_instr_frc_v & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_c_load0 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_c_res0 ) ;
assign ex1_bypsel_b_load1 = ( ex7_load_addr [ 0 : 7 ] ) = = ( { ex1_tid_bufx [ 0 : 1 ] , ex1_instr_frb [ 0 : 5 ] } ) & ex7_load_v & ex1_instr_frb_v & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_b_load0 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_b_res0 ) ;
assign ex1_bypsel_s_load1 = ( ex7_load_addr [ 0 : 7 ] ) = = ( { ex1_tid_bufx [ 0 : 1 ] , ex1_instr_frs [ 0 : 5 ] } ) & ex7_load_v & ex1_str_v ;
// Writethru case, Load EX8 dep EX1
assign ex1_bypsel_a_load2 = ( ex8_load_addr [ 0 : 7 ] ) = = ( { ex1_tid_bufy [ 0 : 1 ] , ex1_instr_fra [ 0 : 5 ] } ) & ex8_load_v & ex1_instr_fra_v & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_a_load0 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_a_res0 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_a_load1 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_a_res1 ) ;
assign ex1_bypsel_c_load2 = ( ex8_load_addr [ 0 : 7 ] ) = = ( { ex1_tid_bufy [ 0 : 1 ] , ex1_instr_frc [ 0 : 5 ] } ) & ex8_load_v & ex1_instr_frc_v & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_c_load0 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_c_res0 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_c_load1 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_c_res1 ) ;
assign ex1_bypsel_b_load2 = ( ex8_load_addr [ 0 : 7 ] ) = = ( { ex1_tid_bufy [ 0 : 1 ] , ex1_instr_frb [ 0 : 5 ] } ) & ex8_load_v & ex1_instr_frb_v & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_b_load0 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_b_res0 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_b_load1 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_b_res1 ) ;
assign ex1_bypsel_s_load2 = ( ex8_load_addr [ 0 : 7 ] ) = = ( { ex1_tid_bufy [ 0 : 1 ] , ex1_instr_frs [ 0 : 5 ] } ) & ex8_load_v & ex1_str_v ;
// Writethru case, just for abort, Load EX9 dep EX1
assign ex1_bypsel_a_load3 = ( ex9_load_addr [ 0 : 7 ] ) = = ( { ex1_tid_bufy [ 0 : 1 ] , ex1_instr_fra [ 0 : 5 ] } ) & ex9_load_v & ex1_instr_fra_v ;
assign ex1_bypsel_c_load3 = ( ex9_load_addr [ 0 : 7 ] ) = = ( { ex1_tid_bufy [ 0 : 1 ] , ex1_instr_frc [ 0 : 5 ] } ) & ex9_load_v & ex1_instr_frc_v ;
assign ex1_bypsel_b_load3 = ( ex9_load_addr [ 0 : 7 ] ) = = ( { ex1_tid_bufy [ 0 : 1 ] , ex1_instr_frb [ 0 : 5 ] } ) & ex9_load_v & ex1_instr_frb_v ;
assign ex1_bypsel_s_load3 = ( ex9_load_addr [ 0 : 7 ] ) = = ( { ex1_tid_bufy [ 0 : 1 ] , ex1_instr_frs [ 0 : 5 ] } ) & ex9_load_v & ex1_str_v ;
// reLoad Bypass, Load in EX6, dep EX1 ==> Load Use = 5 cycles, 4 bubbles
assign ex1_bypsel_a_reload0 = ( ex6_reload_addr [ 0 : 7 ] ) = = ( { ex1_tid_bufz [ 0 : 1 ] , ex1_instr_fra [ 0 : 5 ] } ) & ex6_reload_v & ex1_instr_fra_v & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_a_load0 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_a_res0 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_a_load1 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_a_res1 ) ;
assign ex1_bypsel_c_reload0 = ( ex6_reload_addr [ 0 : 7 ] ) = = ( { ex1_tid_bufz [ 0 : 1 ] , ex1_instr_frc [ 0 : 5 ] } ) & ex6_reload_v & ex1_instr_frc_v & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_c_load0 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_c_res0 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_c_load1 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_c_res1 ) ;
assign ex1_bypsel_b_reload0 = ( ex6_reload_addr [ 0 : 7 ] ) = = ( { ex1_tid_bufz [ 0 : 1 ] , ex1_instr_frb [ 0 : 5 ] } ) & ex6_reload_v & ex1_instr_frb_v & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_b_load0 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_b_res0 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_b_load1 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_b_res1 ) ;
assign ex1_bypsel_s_reload0 = ( ex6_reload_addr [ 0 : 7 ] ) = = ( { ex1_tid_bufz [ 0 : 1 ] , ex1_instr_frs [ 0 : 5 ] } ) & ex6_reload_v & ex1_str_v ;
// reLoad Writethru case, Load EX7 dep EX1
assign ex1_bypsel_a_reload1 = ( ex7_reload_addr [ 0 : 7 ] ) = = ( { ex1_tid_bufz [ 0 : 1 ] , ex1_instr_fra [ 0 : 5 ] } ) & ex7_reload_v & ex1_instr_fra_v & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_a_reload0 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_a_res0 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_a_load0 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_a_res0 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_a_load1 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_a_res1 ) ;
assign ex1_bypsel_c_reload1 = ( ex7_reload_addr [ 0 : 7 ] ) = = ( { ex1_tid_bufz [ 0 : 1 ] , ex1_instr_frc [ 0 : 5 ] } ) & ex7_reload_v & ex1_instr_frc_v & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_c_reload0 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_c_res0 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_c_load0 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_c_res0 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_c_load1 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_c_res1 ) ;
assign ex1_bypsel_b_reload1 = ( ex7_reload_addr [ 0 : 7 ] ) = = ( { ex1_tid_bufz [ 0 : 1 ] , ex1_instr_frb [ 0 : 5 ] } ) & ex7_reload_v & ex1_instr_frb_v & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_b_reload0 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_b_res0 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_b_load0 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_b_res0 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_b_load1 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_b_res1 ) ;
assign ex1_bypsel_s_reload1 = ( ex7_reload_addr [ 0 : 7 ] ) = = ( { ex1_tid_bufz [ 0 : 1 ] , ex1_instr_frs [ 0 : 5 ] } ) & ex7_reload_v & ex1_str_v ;
// reLoad Writethru case, Load EX8 dep EX1
assign ex1_bypsel_a_reload2 = ( ex8_reload_addr [ 0 : 7 ] ) = = ( { ex1_tid_bufz [ 0 : 1 ] , ex1_instr_fra [ 0 : 5 ] } ) & ex8_reload_v & ex1_instr_fra_v & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_a_reload0 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_a_res0 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_a_reload1 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_a_res1 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_a_load0 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_a_res0 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_a_load1 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_a_res1 ) ;
assign ex1_bypsel_c_reload2 = ( ex8_reload_addr [ 0 : 7 ] ) = = ( { ex1_tid_bufz [ 0 : 1 ] , ex1_instr_frc [ 0 : 5 ] } ) & ex8_reload_v & ex1_instr_frc_v & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_c_reload0 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_c_res0 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_c_reload1 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_c_res1 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_c_load0 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_c_res0 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_c_load1 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_c_res1 ) ;
assign ex1_bypsel_b_reload2 = ( ex8_reload_addr [ 0 : 7 ] ) = = ( { ex1_tid_bufz [ 0 : 1 ] , ex1_instr_frb [ 0 : 5 ] } ) & ex8_reload_v & ex1_instr_frb_v & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_b_reload0 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_b_res0 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_b_reload1 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_b_res1 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_b_load0 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_b_res0 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_b_load1 ) & ( ~ ex1_bypsel_b_res1 ) ;
assign ex1_bypsel_s_reload2 = ( ex8_reload_addr [ 0 : 7 ] ) = = ( { ex1_tid_bufz [ 0 : 1 ] , ex1_instr_frs [ 0 : 5 ] } ) & ex8_reload_v & ex1_str_v ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_a_res1 = ex1_bypsel_a_res1 ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_b_res1 = ex1_bypsel_b_res1 ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_c_res1 = ex1_bypsel_c_res1 ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_a_load1 = ex1_bypsel_a_load1 ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_b_load1 = ex1_bypsel_b_load1 ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_c_load1 = ex1_bypsel_c_load1 ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_a_reload1 = ex1_bypsel_a_reload1 ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_b_reload1 = ex1_bypsel_b_reload1 ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_c_reload1 = ex1_bypsel_c_reload1 ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_s_res1 = ex1_bypsel_s_res1 ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_s_load1 = ex1_bypsel_s_load1 ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_s_reload1 = ex1_bypsel_s_reload1 ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_a_res2 = ex1_bypsel_a_res2 ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_b_res2 = ex1_bypsel_b_res2 ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_c_res2 = ex1_bypsel_c_res2 ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_a_load2 = ex1_bypsel_a_load2 ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_b_load2 = ex1_bypsel_b_load2 ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_c_load2 = ex1_bypsel_c_load2 ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_a_reload2 = ex1_bypsel_a_reload2 ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_b_reload2 = ex1_bypsel_b_reload2 ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_c_reload2 = ex1_bypsel_c_reload2 ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_s_res2 = ex1_bypsel_s_res2 ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_s_load2 = ex1_bypsel_s_load2 ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_s_reload2 = ex1_bypsel_s_reload2 ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_a_res0 = ex1_bypsel_a_res0 ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_a_load0 = ex1_bypsel_a_load0 ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_a_reload0 = ex1_bypsel_a_reload0 ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_b_res0 = ex1_bypsel_b_res0 ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_b_load0 = ex1_bypsel_b_load0 ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_b_reload0 = ex1_bypsel_b_reload0 ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_c_res0 = ex1_bypsel_c_res0 ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_c_load0 = ex1_bypsel_c_load0 ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_c_reload0 = ex1_bypsel_c_reload0 ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_s_res0 = ex1_bypsel_s_res0 ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_s_load0 = ex1_bypsel_s_load0 ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_bypsel_s_reload0 = ex1_bypsel_s_reload0 ;
// operand valids for parity checking
assign ex1_byp_a = ex1_bypsel_a_res0 | ex1_bypsel_a_res1 | ex1_bypsel_a_res2 | ex1_bypsel_a_load0 | ex1_bypsel_a_load1 | ex1_bypsel_a_load2 | ex1_bypsel_a_reload0 | ex1_bypsel_a_reload1 | ex1_bypsel_a_reload2 ;
assign ex1_byp_b = ex1_bypsel_b_res0 | ex1_bypsel_b_res1 | ex1_bypsel_b_res2 | ex1_bypsel_b_load0 | ex1_bypsel_b_load1 | ex1_bypsel_b_load2 | ex1_bypsel_b_reload0 | ex1_bypsel_b_reload1 | ex1_bypsel_b_reload2 ;
assign ex1_byp_c = ex1_bypsel_c_res0 | ex1_bypsel_c_res1 | ex1_bypsel_c_res2 | ex1_bypsel_c_load0 | ex1_bypsel_c_load1 | ex1_bypsel_c_load2 | ex1_bypsel_c_reload0 | ex1_bypsel_c_reload1 | ex1_bypsel_c_reload2 ;
assign ex1_fra_v = ex1_instr_fra_v & ( ~ ex1_byp_a ) ;
assign ex1_frb_v = ex1_instr_frb_v & ( ~ ex1_byp_b ) ;
assign ex1_frc_v = ex1_instr_frc_v & ( ~ ex1_byp_c ) ;
assign ex1_frs_byp = ex1_bypsel_s_res0 | ex1_bypsel_s_res1 | ex1_bypsel_s_res2 |
ex1_bypsel_s_load0 | ex1_bypsel_s_load1 | ex1_bypsel_s_load2 |
ex1_bypsel_s_reload0 | ex1_bypsel_s_reload1 | ex1_bypsel_s_reload2 ;
assign ex2_frs_byp_din = ex1_frs_byp & ex1_str_v ;
// grandchild stuff
assign ex1_abort_a_din = ( ( ex1_bypsel_a_load0 & ex6_abort_lq ) | ( ex1_bypsel_a_load1 & ex7_abort_lq ) | ( ex1_bypsel_a_load2 & ex8_abort_lq ) | ( ex1_bypsel_a_load3 & ex9_abort_lq ) |
( ex1_bypsel_a_res0 & ex7_abort ) | ( ex1_bypsel_a_res1 & ex8_abort ) | ( ex1_bypsel_a_res2 & ex9_abort ) ) & ex1_instr_vld ;
assign ex1_abort_b_din = ( ( ex1_bypsel_b_load0 & ex6_abort_lq ) | ( ex1_bypsel_b_load1 & ex7_abort_lq ) | ( ex1_bypsel_b_load2 & ex8_abort_lq ) | ( ex1_bypsel_b_load3 & ex9_abort_lq ) |
( ex1_bypsel_b_res0 & ex7_abort ) | ( ex1_bypsel_b_res1 & ex8_abort ) | ( ex1_bypsel_b_res2 & ex9_abort ) ) & ex1_instr_vld ;
assign ex1_abort_c_din = ( ( ex1_bypsel_c_load0 & ex6_abort_lq ) | ( ex1_bypsel_c_load1 & ex7_abort_lq ) | ( ex1_bypsel_c_load2 & ex8_abort_lq ) | ( ex1_bypsel_c_load3 & ex9_abort_lq ) |
( ex1_bypsel_c_res0 & ex7_abort ) | ( ex1_bypsel_c_res1 & ex8_abort ) | ( ex1_bypsel_c_res2 & ex9_abort ) ) & ex1_instr_vld ;
assign ex1_abort_s_din = ( ( ex1_bypsel_s_load0 & ex6_abort_lq ) | ( ex1_bypsel_s_load1 & ex7_abort_lq ) | ( ex1_bypsel_s_load2 & ex8_abort_lq ) | ( ex1_bypsel_s_load3 & ex9_abort_lq ) |
( ex1_bypsel_s_res0 & ex7_abort ) | ( ex1_bypsel_s_res1 & ex8_abort ) | ( ex1_bypsel_s_res2 & ex9_abort ) ) & ex1_instr_vld ;
// Decode IOP
assign ex1_primary [ 0 : 5 ] = ex1_instr [ 0 : 5 ] ;
assign ex1_sec_xform [ 0 : 9 ] = ex1_instr [ 21 : 30 ] ;
assign ex1_sec_aform [ 0 : 4 ] = ex1_instr [ 26 : 30 ] ;
assign ex1_v = ex1_instr_v [ 0 ] | ex1_instr_v [ 1 ] ;
assign ex1_axu_v = ex1_v | ex1_perr_sm_instr_v ;
assign ex1_dp = ( ex1_primary [ 0 : 5 ] = = 6 'b111111 ) & ex1_v & ( ~ ex1_perr_sm_instr_v ) ;
assign ex1_sp = ( ex1_primary [ 0 : 5 ] = = 6 'b111011 ) & ex1_v & ( ~ ex1_perr_sm_instr_v ) ;
assign ex1_dporsp = ex1_dp | ex1_sp ;
assign ex1_fabs = ex1_dp & ( ex1_sec_xform [ 0 : 9 ] = = 10 'b0100001000 ) ;
assign ex1_fadd = ex1_dporsp & ( ex1_sec_aform [ 0 : 4 ] = = 5 'b10101 ) ;
assign ex1_fcfid = ex1_dp & ( ex1_sec_xform [ 0 : 9 ] = = 10 'b1101001110 ) ;
assign ex1_fcfidu = ex1_dp & ( ex1_sec_xform [ 0 : 9 ] = = 10 'b1111001110 ) ;
assign ex1_fcfids = ex1_sp & ( ex1_sec_xform [ 0 : 9 ] = = 10 'b1101001110 ) ;
assign ex1_fcfidus = ex1_sp & ( ex1_sec_xform [ 0 : 9 ] = = 10 'b1111001110 ) ;
assign ex1_fcfiwu = ex1_dp & ( ex1_sec_xform [ 0 : 9 ] = = 10 'b0011001110 ) ;
assign ex1_fcfiwus = ex1_sp & ( ex1_sec_xform [ 0 : 9 ] = = 10 'b0011001110 ) ;
assign ex1_fcmpo = ex1_dp & ( ex1_sec_xform [ 0 : 9 ] = = 10 'b0000100000 ) ;
assign ex1_fcmpu = ex1_dp & ( ex1_sec_xform [ 0 : 9 ] = = 10 'b0000000000 ) ;
assign ex1_fcpsgn = ex1_dp & ( ex1_sec_xform [ 0 : 9 ] = = 10 'b0000001000 ) ;
assign ex1_fctid = ex1_dp & ( ex1_sec_xform [ 0 : 9 ] = = 10 'b1100101110 ) ;
assign ex1_fctidu = ex1_dp & ( ex1_sec_xform [ 0 : 9 ] = = 10 'b1110101110 ) ;
assign ex1_fctidz = ex1_dp & ( ex1_sec_xform [ 0 : 9 ] = = 10 'b1100101111 ) ;
assign ex1_fctiduz = ex1_dp & ( ex1_sec_xform [ 0 : 9 ] = = 10 'b1110101111 ) ;
assign ex1_fctiw = ex1_dp & ( ex1_sec_xform [ 0 : 9 ] = = 10 'b0000001110 ) ;
assign ex1_fctiwu = ex1_dp & ( ex1_sec_xform [ 0 : 9 ] = = 10 'b0010001110 ) ;
assign ex1_fctiwz = ex1_dp & ( ex1_sec_xform [ 0 : 9 ] = = 10 'b0000001111 ) ;
assign ex1_fctiwuz = ex1_dp & ( ex1_sec_xform [ 0 : 9 ] = = 10 'b0010001111 ) ;
assign ex1_fdiv = ex1_dp & ( ex1_sec_aform [ 0 : 4 ] = = 5 'b10010 ) ;
assign ex1_fdivs = ex1_sp & ( ex1_sec_aform [ 0 : 4 ] = = 5 'b10010 ) ;
assign ex0_fdiv = ( rv_axu0_ex0_instr [ 0 : 5 ] = = 6 'b111111 ) & ( rv_axu0_ex0_instr [ 26 : 30 ] = = 5 'b10010 ) ;
assign ex0_fdivs = ( rv_axu0_ex0_instr [ 0 : 5 ] = = 6 'b111011 ) & ( rv_axu0_ex0_instr [ 26 : 30 ] = = 5 'b10010 ) ;
assign ex1_fmadd = ex1_dporsp & ( ex1_sec_aform [ 0 : 4 ] = = 5 'b11101 ) ;
assign ex1_fmr = ex1_dp & ( ex1_sec_xform [ 0 : 9 ] = = 10 'b0001001000 ) ;
assign ex1_fmsub = ex1_dporsp & ( ex1_sec_aform [ 0 : 4 ] = = 5 'b11100 ) ;
assign ex1_fmul = ex1_dporsp & ( ( ex1_sec_aform [ 0 : 4 ] = = 5 'b11001 ) | ( ex1_sec_aform [ 0 : 4 ] = = 5 'b10001 ) ) ; //This is for the last divide op
assign ex1_fnabs = ex1_dp & ( ex1_sec_xform [ 0 : 9 ] = = 10 'b0010001000 ) ;
assign ex1_fneg = ex1_dp & ( ex1_sec_xform [ 0 : 9 ] = = 10 'b0000101000 ) ;
assign ex1_fnmadd = ex1_dporsp & ( ex1_sec_aform [ 0 : 4 ] = = 5 'b11111 ) ;
assign ex1_fnmsub = ex1_dporsp & ( ex1_sec_aform [ 0 : 4 ] = = 5 'b11110 ) ;
assign ex1_fres = ex1_dporsp & ( ex1_sec_aform [ 0 : 4 ] = = 5 'b11000 ) ;
assign ex1_frim = ex1_dp & ( ex1_sec_xform [ 0 : 9 ] = = 10 'b0111101000 ) ;
assign ex1_frin = ex1_dp & ( ex1_sec_xform [ 0 : 9 ] = = 10 'b0110001000 ) ;
assign ex1_frip = ex1_dp & ( ex1_sec_xform [ 0 : 9 ] = = 10 'b0111001000 ) ;
assign ex1_friz = ex1_dp & ( ex1_sec_xform [ 0 : 9 ] = = 10 'b0110101000 ) ;
assign ex1_frsp = ex1_dp & ( ex1_sec_xform [ 0 : 9 ] = = 10 'b0000001100 ) ;
assign ex1_frsqrte = ex1_dporsp & ( ex1_sec_aform [ 0 : 4 ] = = 5 'b11010 ) ;
assign ex1_fsel = ( ex1_dp & ( ex1_sec_aform [ 0 : 4 ] = = 5 'b10111 ) ) | ( ~ perr_sm_l2 [ 0 ] ) ; // perr_insert
assign ex1_fsqrt = ex1_dp & ( ex1_sec_aform [ 0 : 4 ] = = 5 'b10110 ) ;
assign ex1_fsqrts = ex1_sp & ( ex1_sec_aform [ 0 : 4 ] = = 5 'b10110 ) ;
assign ex0_fsqrt = ( rv_axu0_ex0_instr [ 0 : 5 ] = = 6 'b111111 ) & ( rv_axu0_ex0_instr [ 26 : 30 ] = = 5 'b10110 ) ;
assign ex0_fsqrts = ( rv_axu0_ex0_instr [ 0 : 5 ] = = 6 'b111011 ) & ( rv_axu0_ex0_instr [ 26 : 30 ] = = 5 'b10110 ) ;
assign ex1_fsub = ex1_dporsp & ( ex1_sec_aform [ 0 : 4 ] = = 5 'b10100 ) ;
assign ex1_mcrfs = ex1_dp & ( ex1_sec_xform [ 0 : 9 ] = = 10 'b0001000000 ) ;
assign ex1_mffs = ex1_dp & ( ex1_sec_xform [ 0 : 9 ] = = 10 'b1001000111 ) ;
assign ex1_mtfsb0 = ex1_dp & ( ex1_sec_xform [ 0 : 9 ] = = 10 'b0001000110 ) ;
assign ex1_mtfsb1 = ex1_dp & ( ex1_sec_xform [ 0 : 9 ] = = 10 'b0000100110 ) ;
assign ex1_mtfsf = ex1_dp & ( ex1_sec_xform [ 0 : 9 ] = = 10 'b1011000111 ) ;
assign ex1_mtfsfi = ex1_dp & ( ex1_sec_xform [ 0 : 9 ] = = 10 'b0010000110 ) ;
assign ex1_loge = ex1_dporsp & ( ex1_sec_xform [ 0 : 9 ] = = 10 'b0011100101 ) ;
assign ex1_expte = ex1_dporsp & ( ex1_sec_xform [ 0 : 9 ] = = 10 'b0011000101 ) ;
assign ex1_prenorm = ex1_dporsp & ( ex1_sec_xform [ 5 : 9 ] = = 5 'b10000 ) ;
assign ex1_ftdiv = ex1_dp & ( ex1_sec_xform [ 0 : 9 ] = = 10 'b0010000000 ) ;
assign ex1_ftsqrt = ex1_dp & ( ex1_sec_xform [ 0 : 9 ] = = 10 'b0010100000 ) ;
assign ex1_cr_val = ex1_fcmpu | ex1_fcmpo ;
assign ex1_record = ( ex1_dporsp & ex1_instr [ 31 ] ) & ( ~ ex1_cr_val ) & ( ~ ex1_mcrfs ) & ( ~ ex1_ftdiv ) & ( ~ ex1_ftsqrt ) ;
assign ex1_moves = ex1_fmr | ex1_fabs | ex1_fnabs | ex1_fneg | ex1_fcpsgn ; // | ((~perr_sm_l2[0])); //perr state machine, don't update the fpscr, only move.
assign ex1_to_ints = ex1_fctid | ex1_fctidu | ex1_fctidz | ex1_fctiduz | ex1_fctiw | ex1_fctiwu | ex1_fctiwz | ex1_fctiwuz ;
assign ex1_from_ints = ex1_fcfid | ex1_fcfidu | ex1_fcfids | ex1_fcfidus | ex1_fcfiwu | ex1_fcfiwus ;
assign ex1_fpscr_moves = ex1_mtfsb0 | ex1_mtfsb1 | ex1_mtfsf | ex1_mtfsfi | ex1_mcrfs ;
assign ex1_kill_wen = ex1_cr_val | ex1_fpscr_moves | ex1_ftdiv | ex1_ftsqrt | ex1_ucode_preissue ;
assign ex1_fdivsqrt_start [ 0 ] = ( ex1_fdiv | ex1_fdivs | ex1_fsqrt | ex1_fsqrts ) & ex1_instr_v [ 0 ] & ( ~ xu_ex1_flush [ 0 ] ) ;
assign ex1_fdivsqrt_start [ 1 ] = ( ex1_fdiv | ex1_fdivs | ex1_fsqrt | ex1_fsqrts ) & ex1_instr_v [ 1 ] & ( ~ xu_ex1_flush [ 1 ] ) ;
assign ex1_fdivsqrt_start_din = ex1_fdivsqrt_start & { 2 { ( ~ ex1_ucode_preissue ) } } ;
// ex1_instr_imm defs
assign ex1_mtfsb_bt [ 0 ] = ( ~ ex1_instr [ 9 ] ) & ( ~ ex1_instr [ 10 ] ) ; //00
assign ex1_mtfsb_bt [ 1 ] = ( ~ ex1_instr [ 9 ] ) & ex1_instr [ 10 ] ; //01
assign ex1_mtfsb_bt [ 2 ] = ex1_instr [ 9 ] & ( ~ ex1_instr [ 10 ] ) ; //10
assign ex1_mtfsb_bt [ 3 ] = ex1_instr [ 9 ] & ex1_instr [ 10 ] ; //11
assign ex1_mtfs_bf [ 0 ] = ( ~ ex1_instr [ 6 ] ) & ( ~ ex1_instr [ 7 ] ) & ( ~ ex1_instr [ 8 ] ) ; //000
assign ex1_mtfs_bf [ 1 ] = ( ~ ex1_instr [ 6 ] ) & ( ~ ex1_instr [ 7 ] ) & ex1_instr [ 8 ] ; //001
assign ex1_mtfs_bf [ 2 ] = ( ~ ex1_instr [ 6 ] ) & ex1_instr [ 7 ] & ( ~ ex1_instr [ 8 ] ) ; //010
assign ex1_mtfs_bf [ 3 ] = ( ~ ex1_instr [ 6 ] ) & ex1_instr [ 7 ] & ex1_instr [ 8 ] ; //011
assign ex1_mtfs_bf [ 4 ] = ex1_instr [ 6 ] & ( ~ ex1_instr [ 7 ] ) & ( ~ ex1_instr [ 8 ] ) ; //100
assign ex1_mtfs_bf [ 5 ] = ex1_instr [ 6 ] & ( ~ ex1_instr [ 7 ] ) & ex1_instr [ 8 ] ; //101
assign ex1_mtfs_bf [ 6 ] = ex1_instr [ 6 ] & ex1_instr [ 7 ] & ( ~ ex1_instr [ 8 ] ) ; //110
assign ex1_mtfs_bf [ 7 ] = ex1_instr [ 6 ] & ex1_instr [ 7 ] & ex1_instr [ 8 ] ; //111
assign ex1_mcrfs_bfa [ 0 ] = ( ~ ex1_instr [ 11 ] ) & ( ~ ex1_instr [ 12 ] ) & ( ~ ex1_instr [ 13 ] ) ; //000
assign ex1_mcrfs_bfa [ 1 ] = ( ~ ex1_instr [ 11 ] ) & ( ~ ex1_instr [ 12 ] ) & ex1_instr [ 13 ] ; //001
assign ex1_mcrfs_bfa [ 2 ] = ( ~ ex1_instr [ 11 ] ) & ex1_instr [ 12 ] & ( ~ ex1_instr [ 13 ] ) ; //010
assign ex1_mcrfs_bfa [ 3 ] = ( ~ ex1_instr [ 11 ] ) & ex1_instr [ 12 ] & ex1_instr [ 13 ] ; //011
assign ex1_mcrfs_bfa [ 4 ] = ex1_instr [ 11 ] & ( ~ ex1_instr [ 12 ] ) & ( ~ ex1_instr [ 13 ] ) ; //100
assign ex1_mcrfs_bfa [ 5 ] = ex1_instr [ 11 ] & ( ~ ex1_instr [ 12 ] ) & ex1_instr [ 13 ] ; //101
assign ex1_mcrfs_bfa [ 6 ] = ex1_instr [ 11 ] & ex1_instr [ 12 ] & ( ~ ex1_instr [ 13 ] ) ; //110
assign ex1_mcrfs_bfa [ 7 ] = ex1_instr [ 11 ] & ex1_instr [ 12 ] & ex1_instr [ 13 ] ; //111
assign ex1_mtfsf_l = ex1_instr [ 6 ] ;
assign ex1_mtfsf_w = ex1_instr [ 15 ] ;
// Instr bitdata bitmask nibmask
// mtfsb1 1111 dcd(instr[9:10]) dcd(instr[6:8])
// mtfsb0 0000 dcd(instr[9:10]) dcd(instr[6:8])
// mtfsfi nstr[16:19] 1111 dcd(instr[6:8])
// mtfsf 0000 1111 instr[7:14]
// mcrfs 0000 1111 dcd(instr[11:13])
assign ex1_fpscr_bit_data [ 0 : 3 ] = ( ex1_instr [ 16 : 19 ] | { 4 { ex1_mtfsb1 } } ) & { 4 { ~ ( ex1_mtfsb0 | ex1_mtfsf | ex1_mcrfs ) } } ;
assign ex1_fpscr_bit_mask [ 0 : 3 ] = ex1_mtfsb_bt [ 0 : 3 ] | { 4 { ex1_mtfsfi } } | { 4 { ex1_mtfsf } } | { 4 { ex1_mcrfs } } ;
assign ex1_fpscr_nib_mask [ 0 : 7 ] = ( ex1_mtfs_bf [ 0 : 7 ] & { 8 { ( ex1_mtfsb1 | ex1_mtfsb0 ) } } ) |
( ex1_mtfs_bf [ 0 : 7 ] & { 8 { ( ex1_mtfsfi & ( ~ ex1_mtfsf_w ) ) } } ) |
( ex1_mtfsf_nib [ 0 : 7 ] & { 8 { ex1_mtfsf } } ) |
( ex1_mcrfs_bfa [ 0 : 7 ] & { 8 { ex1_mcrfs } } ) ;
// nib mask[8] is "0" except :
// if (mtfsfi and W=0) : nib_mask[0:7] <= dcd(BF); nib_mask[8] <= 0
// if (mtfsfi and W=1) : nib_mask[0:7] <= 0000_0000; nib_mask[8] <= dcd(BF)=="111"
// if (mtfsff and L=1) : nib_mask[0:7] <= 1111_1111; nib_mask[8] <= 1
// if (mtfsff and L=0 and W=0) : nib_mask[0:7] <= FLM[0:7]; nib_mask[8] <= 0
// if (mtfsff and L=0 and W=1) : nib_mask[0:7] <= 0000_0000; nib_mask[8] <= FLM[7]
assign ex1_mtfsf_nib [ 0 : 7 ] = ( ex1_instr [ 7 : 14 ] | { 8 { ex1_mtfsf_l } } ) &
( ~ ( { 8 { ( ( ~ ex1_mtfsf_l ) & ex1_mtfsf_w ) } } ) ) ;
assign ex1_fpscr_nib_mask [ 8 ] = ( ex1_mtfsfi & ex1_mtfsf_w & ex1_mtfs_bf [ 7 ] ) | ( ex1_mtfsf & ex1_mtfsf_l ) | ( ex1_mtfsf & ( ~ ex1_mtfsf_l ) & ex1_mtfsf_w & ex1_instr [ 14 ] ) ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_fpscr_bit_data_b [ 0 : 3 ] = ( ~ ex1_fpscr_bit_data [ 0 : 3 ] ) ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_fpscr_bit_mask_b [ 0 : 3 ] = ( ~ ex1_fpscr_bit_mask [ 0 : 3 ] ) ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_fpscr_nib_mask_b [ 0 : 8 ] = ( ~ ex1_fpscr_nib_mask [ 0 : 8 ] ) ;
// Outputs to Mad
assign f_dcd_ex1_thread = ex1_instr_v [ 0 : 1 ] ; // one hot
assign f_dcd_ex1_aop_valid = ex1_instr_fra_v ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_cop_valid = ex1_instr_frc_v | ( ( ~ perr_sm_l2 [ 0 ] ) & ex1_perr_sm_instr_v ) ; //Reading out parity // perr_insert
assign f_dcd_ex1_bop_valid = ex1_instr_frb_v | ( ( ~ perr_sm_l2 [ 0 ] ) & ex1_perr_sm_instr_v ) ; //Reading out parity // perr_insert
assign f_dcd_ex1_sp = ex1_sp & ( ~ ( ex1_fcfids | ex1_fcfiwus | ex1_fcfidus ) ) ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_emin_dp = tilo ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_emin_sp = ex1_frsp ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_force_pass_b = ( ~ ( ex1_fmr | ex1_fabs | ex1_fnabs | ex1_fneg | ex1_mtfsf | ex1_fcpsgn ) ) ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_fsel_b = ( ~ ex1_fsel ) ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_from_integer_b = ( ~ ex1_from_ints ) ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_to_integer_b = ( ~ ( ex1_to_ints | ex1_frim | ex1_frin | ex1_frip | ex1_friz ) ) ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_rnd_to_int_b = ( ~ ( ex1_frim | ex1_frin | ex1_frip | ex1_friz ) ) ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_math_b = ( ~ ( ex1_fmul | ex1_fmadd | ex1_fmsub | ex1_fadd | ex1_fsub | ex1_fnmsub | ex1_fnmadd ) ) ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_est_recip_b = ( ~ ex1_fres ) ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_est_rsqrt_b = ( ~ ex1_frsqrte ) ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_move_b = ( ~ ( ex1_moves ) ) ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_prenorm_b = ( ~ ( ex1_prenorm ) ) ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_frsp_b = ( ~ ex1_frsp ) ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_compare_b = ( ~ ex1_cr_val ) ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_ordered_b = ( ~ ex1_fcmpo ) ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_sp_conv_b = ( ~ ( ex1_fcfids | ex1_fcfidus | ex1_fcfiwus ) ) ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_uns_b = ( ~ ( ex1_fcfidu | ex1_fcfidus | ex1_fcfiwu | ex1_fcfiwus | ex1_fctidu | ex1_fctiduz | ex1_fctiwu | ex1_fctiwuz ) ) ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_word_b = ( ~ ( ex1_fctiw | ex1_fctiwu | ex1_fctiwz | ex1_fctiwuz | ex1_fcfiwu | ex1_fcfiwus ) ) ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_sub_op_b = ( ~ ( ex1_fsub | ex1_fmsub | ex1_fnmsub | ex1_cr_val ) ) ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_inv_sign_b = ( ~ ( ex1_fnmadd | ex1_fnmsub ) ) ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_sign_ctl_b [ 0 ] = ( ~ ( ex1_fmr | ex1_fnabs ) ) ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_sign_ctl_b [ 1 ] = ( ~ ( ex1_fneg | ex1_fnabs ) ) ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_sgncpy_b = ( ~ ex1_fcpsgn ) ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_mv_to_scr_b = ( ~ ( ex1_mcrfs | ex1_mtfsf | ex1_mtfsfi | ex1_mtfsb0 | ex1_mtfsb1 ) ) ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_mv_from_scr_b = ( ~ ex1_mffs ) ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_mtfsbx_b = ( ~ ( ex1_mtfsb0 | ex1_mtfsb1 ) ) ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_mcrfs_b = ( ~ ex1_mcrfs ) ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_mtfsf_b = ( ~ ex1_mtfsf ) ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_mtfsfi_b = ( ~ ex1_mtfsfi ) ;
assign ex0_instr_vld = | ( ex0_instr_valid [ 0 : 3 ] ) ;
assign f_dcd_ex0_div = ex0_fdiv & ex0_instr_vld & ( ~ ex0_ucode_preissue ) ;
assign f_dcd_ex0_divs = ex0_fdivs & ex0_instr_vld & ( ~ ex0_ucode_preissue ) ;
assign f_dcd_ex0_sqrt = ex0_fsqrt & ex0_instr_vld & ( ~ ex0_ucode_preissue ) ;
assign f_dcd_ex0_sqrts = ex0_fsqrts & ex0_instr_vld & ( ~ ex0_ucode_preissue ) ;
assign f_dcd_ex0_record_v = rv_axu0_ex0_instr [ 31 ] ;
assign f_dcd_ex2_divsqrt_v = | ( ex2_fdivsqrt_start ) ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_itag = ex1_itag ;
assign f_dcd_flush [ 0 : 1 ] = cp_flush_q |
xu_ex3_flush [ 0 : 1 ] |
( ex3_fdivsqrt_start & { 2 { f_ex3_b_den_flush } } ) |
( ex3_fdivsqrt_start & { 2 { ( ex3_abort_a | ex3_abort_b ) } } ) ; // kill fdiv/fsqrt on an abort
assign f_dcd_ex1_mad_act = ex1_v | ex2_axu_v | ex1_perr_sm_instr_v ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_sto_act = ex1_str_v ;
// Force rounding mode.
// 00 - round to nearest
// 01 - round toward zero
// 10 - round toward +Inf
// 11 - round toward -Inf
assign ex1_rnd0 = ( ex1_frim | ex1_frip ) ;
assign ex1_rnd1 = ( ex1_fctidz | ex1_fctiwz | ex1_fctiduz | ex1_fctiwuz | ex1_friz | ex1_frim ) ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_op_rnd_v_b = ( ~ ( ex1_fctidz | ex1_fctiwz | ex1_fctiduz | ex1_fctiwuz | ex1_frim | ex1_frin | ex1_frip | ex1_friz ) ) ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_op_rnd_b [ 0 : 1 ] = ( ~ ( { ex1_rnd0 , ex1_rnd1 } ) ) ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_thread_b [ 0 : 3 ] = ( ~ ex1_instr_v [ 0 : 3 ] ) ;
// Store Decode
assign pri_ex1 [ 0 : 5 ] = ex1_instr [ 0 : 5 ] ;
assign sec_ex1 [ 20 : 31 ] = ex1_instr [ 20 : 31 ] ;
assign st_ex1 = ( ( ~ pri_ex1 [ 0 ] ) & pri_ex1 [ 1 ] & pri_ex1 [ 2 ] & pri_ex1 [ 3 ] & pri_ex1 [ 4 ] & pri_ex1 [ 5 ] & sec_ex1 [ 20 ] & ( ~ sec_ex1 [ 21 ] ) & ( ~ sec_ex1 [ 22 ] ) & ( ~ sec_ex1 [ 23 ] ) & sec_ex1 [ 24 ] & ( ~ sec_ex1 [ 26 ] ) & ( ~ sec_ex1 [ 27 ] ) & ( ~ sec_ex1 [ 28 ] ) & sec_ex1 [ 29 ] & sec_ex1 [ 30 ] ) | ( ( ~ pri_ex1 [ 0 ] ) & pri_ex1 [ 1 ] & pri_ex1 [ 2 ] & pri_ex1 [ 3 ] & pri_ex1 [ 4 ] & pri_ex1 [ 5 ] & sec_ex1 [ 21 ] & ( ~ sec_ex1 [ 22 ] ) & sec_ex1 [ 23 ] & sec_ex1 [ 24 ] & sec_ex1 [ 25 ] & sec_ex1 [ 26 ] & sec_ex1 [ 27 ] & sec_ex1 [ 28 ] & sec_ex1 [ 29 ] ) | ( ( ~ pri_ex1 [ 0 ] ) & pri_ex1 [ 1 ] & pri_ex1 [ 2 ] & pri_ex1 [ 3 ] & pri_ex1 [ 4 ] & pri_ex1 [ 5 ] & sec_ex1 [ 21 ] & ( ~ sec_ex1 [ 22 ] ) & sec_ex1 [ 23 ] & sec_ex1 [ 24 ] & ( ~ sec_ex1 [ 25 ] ) & sec_ex1 [ 26 ] & sec_ex1 [ 27 ] & sec_ex1 [ 28 ] & sec_ex1 [ 30 ] ) | ( ( ~ pri_ex1 [ 0 ] ) & pri_ex1 [ 1 ] & pri_ex1 [ 2 ] & pri_ex1 [ 3 ] & pri_ex1 [ 4 ] & pri_ex1 [ 5 ] & sec_ex1 [ 21 ] & sec_ex1 [ 23 ] & sec_ex1 [ 24 ] & ( ~ sec_ex1 [ 25 ] ) & sec_ex1 [ 26 ] & ( ~ sec_ex1 [ 27 ] ) & sec_ex1 [ 28 ] & sec_ex1 [ 29 ] & sec_ex1 [ 30 ] ) | ( ( ~ pri_ex1 [ 0 ] ) & pri_ex1 [ 1 ] & pri_ex1 [ 2 ] & pri_ex1 [ 3 ] & pri_ex1 [ 4 ] & pri_ex1 [ 5 ] & sec_ex1 [ 21 ] & ( ~ sec_ex1 [ 22 ] ) & sec_ex1 [ 23 ] & sec_ex1 [ 26 ] & ( ~ sec_ex1 [ 27 ] ) & sec_ex1 [ 28 ] & sec_ex1 [ 29 ] & sec_ex1 [ 30 ] ) | ( pri_ex1 [ 0 ] & pri_ex1 [ 1 ] & ( ~ pri_ex1 [ 2 ] ) & pri_ex1 [ 3 ] ) ;
assign single_precision_ldst = ( ( ~ pri_ex1 [ 0 ] ) & pri_ex1 [ 1 ] & pri_ex1 [ 2 ] & pri_ex1 [ 3 ] & pri_ex1 [ 4 ] & pri_ex1 [ 5 ] & sec_ex1 [ 21 ] & ( ~ sec_ex1 [ 22 ] ) & sec_ex1 [ 28 ] & sec_ex1 [ 29 ] & ( ~ sec_ex1 [ 30 ] ) ) | ( ( ~ pri_ex1 [ 0 ] ) & pri_ex1 [ 1 ] & pri_ex1 [ 2 ] & pri_ex1 [ 3 ] & pri_ex1 [ 4 ] & pri_ex1 [ 5 ] & sec_ex1 [ 21 ] & ( ~ sec_ex1 [ 22 ] ) & ( ~ sec_ex1 [ 24 ] ) ) | ( pri_ex1 [ 0 ] & ( ~ pri_ex1 [ 2 ] ) & ( ~ pri_ex1 [ 4 ] ) ) ;
assign int_word_ldst = ( ( ~ pri_ex1 [ 0 ] ) & pri_ex1 [ 1 ] & pri_ex1 [ 2 ] & pri_ex1 [ 3 ] & pri_ex1 [ 4 ] & pri_ex1 [ 5 ] & sec_ex1 [ 20 ] & ( ~ sec_ex1 [ 22 ] ) & ( ~ sec_ex1 [ 23 ] ) & ( ~ sec_ex1 [ 26 ] ) & ( ~ sec_ex1 [ 27 ] ) & ( ~ sec_ex1 [ 28 ] ) & sec_ex1 [ 29 ] & sec_ex1 [ 30 ] ) | ( ( ~ pri_ex1 [ 0 ] ) & pri_ex1 [ 1 ] & pri_ex1 [ 2 ] & pri_ex1 [ 3 ] & pri_ex1 [ 4 ] & pri_ex1 [ 5 ] & sec_ex1 [ 22 ] & sec_ex1 [ 24 ] & sec_ex1 [ 26 ] & ( ~ sec_ex1 [ 27 ] ) & sec_ex1 [ 28 ] & sec_ex1 [ 29 ] & sec_ex1 [ 30 ] ) | ( ( ~ pri_ex1 [ 0 ] ) & pri_ex1 [ 1 ] & pri_ex1 [ 2 ] & pri_ex1 [ 3 ] & pri_ex1 [ 4 ] & pri_ex1 [ 5 ] & sec_ex1 [ 21 ] & ( ~ sec_ex1 [ 22 ] ) & ( ~ sec_ex1 [ 23 ] ) & sec_ex1 [ 28 ] & ( ~ sec_ex1 [ 29 ] ) ) | ( ( ~ pri_ex1 [ 0 ] ) & pri_ex1 [ 1 ] & pri_ex1 [ 2 ] & pri_ex1 [ 3 ] & pri_ex1 [ 4 ] & pri_ex1 [ 5 ] & sec_ex1 [ 21 ] & ( ~ sec_ex1 [ 25 ] ) & ( ~ sec_ex1 [ 29 ] ) ) ;
// store_tag[0:1]
// 00 store DP
// 10 store SP
// 11 store SP Word
assign f_dcd_ex1_sto_dp = ( ~ single_precision_ldst ) ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_sto_sp = single_precision_ldst & ( ~ int_word_ldst ) ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_sto_wd = single_precision_ldst & int_word_ldst ;
assign sign_ext_ldst = ( ( ~ pri_ex1 [ 0 ] ) & pri_ex1 [ 1 ] & pri_ex1 [ 2 ] & pri_ex1 [ 3 ] & pri_ex1 [ 4 ] & pri_ex1 [ 5 ] & sec_ex1 [ 21 ] &
( ~ sec_ex1 [ 22 ] ) & ( ~ sec_ex1 [ 23 ] ) & sec_ex1 [ 28 ] & ( ~ sec_ex1 [ 29 ] ) & ( ~ sec_ex1 [ 30 ] ) ) |
( ( ~ pri_ex1 [ 0 ] ) & pri_ex1 [ 1 ] & pri_ex1 [ 2 ] & pri_ex1 [ 3 ] & pri_ex1 [ 4 ] & pri_ex1 [ 5 ] & sec_ex1 [ 22 ] &
( ~ sec_ex1 [ 23 ] ) & sec_ex1 [ 24 ] & ( ~ sec_ex1 [ 25 ] ) ) ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_log2e_b = ( ~ ex1_loge ) ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_pow2e_b = ( ~ ex1_expte ) ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_ftdiv = ex1_ftdiv ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_ftsqrt = ex1_ftsqrt ;
// ex2
assign ex2_cr_val_din = ex1_cr_val | ex1_ftdiv | ex1_ftsqrt ;
// Latches
tri_rlmreg_p # ( . INIT ( 0 ) , . WIDTH ( 21 ) ) ex2_ctl (
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. act ( tiup ) ,
. force_t ( force_t ) ,
. d_mode ( tiup ) ,
. delay_lclkr ( delay_lclkr [ 2 ] ) ,
. mpw1_b ( mpw1_b [ 2 ] ) ,
. mpw2_b ( mpw2_b [ 0 ] ) ,
. thold_b ( thold_0_b ) ,
. sg ( sg_0 ) ,
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. scin ( ex2_ctl_si [ 0 : 20 ] ) ,
. scout ( ex2_ctl_so [ 0 : 20 ] ) ,
. din ( { ex1_instr_valid [ 0 : 3 ] ,
ex2_cr_val_din ,
ex1_record ,
ex1_kill_wen ,
ex1_mcrfs ,
ex1_instr_match ,
ex1_is_ucode ,
ex1_fdivsqrt_start_din ,
ex1_fra_v ,
ex1_frb_v ,
ex1_frc_v ,
ex1_str_v ,
ex2_frs_byp_din ,
ex1_abort_a_din ,
ex1_abort_b_din ,
ex1_abort_c_din ,
ex1_abort_s_din } ) ,
. dout ( { ex2_instr_v [ 0 : 3 ] ,
ex2_cr_val ,
ex2_record ,
ex2_kill_wen ,
ex2_mcrfs ,
ex2_instr_match ,
ex2_is_ucode ,
ex2_fdivsqrt_start ,
ex2_fra_v ,
ex2_frb_v ,
ex2_frc_v ,
ex2_str_v ,
ex2_frs_byp ,
ex2_abort_a_q ,
ex2_abort_b_q ,
ex2_abort_c_q ,
ex2_abort_s_q } )
) ;
tri_rlmreg_p # ( . INIT ( 0 ) , . WIDTH ( 6 ) ) ex2_frt (
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. act ( ex1_v ) ,
. force_t ( force_t ) ,
. d_mode ( tiup ) ,
. delay_lclkr ( delay_lclkr [ 2 ] ) ,
. mpw1_b ( mpw1_b [ 2 ] ) ,
. mpw2_b ( mpw2_b [ 0 ] ) ,
. thold_b ( thold_0_b ) ,
. sg ( sg_0 ) ,
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. scin ( ex2_frt_si [ 0 : 5 ] ) ,
. scout ( ex2_frt_so [ 0 : 5 ] ) ,
. din ( ex1_instr_frt [ 0 : 5 ] ) ,
. dout ( ex2_instr_frt [ 0 : 5 ] )
) ;
assign ex1_ucode_preissue_din = ex1_ucode_preissue & | ( ex1_instr_valid ) ;
tri_rlmreg_p # ( . INIT ( 0 ) , . WIDTH ( 16 ) ) ex2_itagl (
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. act ( tihi ) ,
. force_t ( force_t ) ,
. d_mode ( tiup ) ,
. delay_lclkr ( delay_lclkr [ 2 ] ) ,
. mpw1_b ( mpw1_b [ 2 ] ) ,
. mpw2_b ( mpw2_b [ 0 ] ) ,
. thold_b ( thold_0_b ) ,
. sg ( sg_0 ) ,
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. scin ( ex2_itag_si ) ,
. scout ( ex2_itag_so ) ,
. din ( { ex1_itag [ 0 : 6 ] ,
ex1_fpscr_addr [ 0 : 5 ] ,
ex1_fpscr_wen ,
ex1_ucode_preissue_din ,
ex1_isRam } ) ,
. dout ( { ex2_itag [ 0 : 6 ] ,
ex2_fpscr_addr [ 0 : 5 ] ,
ex2_fpscr_wen ,
ex2_ucode_preissue ,
ex2_isRam } )
) ;
tri_rlmreg_p # ( . INIT ( 0 ) , . WIDTH ( 5 ) ) ex2_crbf (
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. act ( tihi ) ,
. force_t ( force_t ) ,
. d_mode ( tiup ) ,
. delay_lclkr ( delay_lclkr [ 2 ] ) ,
. mpw1_b ( mpw1_b [ 2 ] ) ,
. mpw2_b ( mpw2_b [ 0 ] ) ,
. thold_b ( thold_0_b ) ,
. sg ( sg_0 ) ,
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. scin ( ex2_crbf_si [ 0 : 4 ] ) ,
. scout ( ex2_crbf_so [ 0 : 4 ] ) ,
. din ( ex1_cr_bf [ 0 : 4 ] ) ,
. dout ( ex2_cr_bf [ 0 : 4 ] )
) ;
// Flushes
assign ex2_instr_valid [ 0 : 3 ] = ex2_instr_v [ 0 : 3 ] & ( ~ xu_ex2_flush [ 0 : 3 ] ) ;
assign ex2_v = ex2_instr_v [ 0 ] | ex2_instr_v [ 1 ] ;
assign ex2_axu_v = ex2_v | ex2_fdivsqrt_start [ 0 ] | ex2_fdivsqrt_start [ 1 ] ;
assign ex2_instr_vld = ( ex2_instr_v [ 0 ] & ( ~ xu_ex2_flush [ 0 ] ) ) | ( ex2_instr_v [ 1 ] & ( ~ xu_ex2_flush [ 1 ] ) ) ;
// Loads/Stores
assign ex2_str_valid = ex2_str_v & | ( ex2_instr_valid [ 0 : 3 ] ) ;
assign ex2_fra_valid = ex2_fra_v & ( | ( ex2_instr_valid [ 0 : 3 ] ) | | ( ex2_fdivsqrt_start ) ) ;
assign ex2_frb_valid = ex2_frb_v & ( | ( ex2_instr_valid [ 0 : 3 ] ) | | ( ex2_fdivsqrt_start ) ) ;
assign ex2_frc_valid = ex2_frc_v & | ( ex2_instr_valid [ 0 : 3 ] ) ;
// Completion to XU
assign ex2_ifar_val [ 0 : 3 ] = ex2_instr_valid [ 0 : 3 ] ;
if ( `THREADS = = 1 )
begin : dcd_store_data_val_thr1_1
assign fu_lq_ex2_store_data_val [ 0 ] = ex2_str_valid & ex2_instr_valid [ 0 ] & ( ~ ex2_ucode_preissue ) & ( ~ ex2_abort_s ) ;
if ( `THREADS = = 2 )
begin : dcd_store_data_val_thr2_1
assign fu_lq_ex2_store_data_val [ 0 ] = ex2_str_valid & ex2_instr_valid [ 0 ] & ( ~ ex2_ucode_preissue ) & ( ~ ex2_abort_s ) ;
assign fu_lq_ex2_store_data_val [ 1 ] = ex2_str_valid & ex2_instr_valid [ 1 ] & ( ~ ex2_ucode_preissue ) & ( ~ ex2_abort_s ) ;
assign fu_lq_ex2_store_itag = ex2_itag ;
assign ex2_fdivsqrt_start_din = ex2_fdivsqrt_start & ( ~ xu_ex2_flush [ 0 : 1 ] ) ;
assign ex2_abort_a = ex2_abort_a_q ;
assign ex2_abort_b = ex2_abort_b_q ;
assign ex2_abort_c = ex2_abort_c_q ;
assign ex2_abort_s = ex2_abort_s_q ;
assign ex2_abort_a_din = ex2_abort_a & ( ex2_instr_vld | | ( ex2_fdivsqrt_start_din ) ) ;
assign ex2_abort_b_din = ex2_abort_b & ( ex2_instr_vld | | ( ex2_fdivsqrt_start_din ) ) ;
assign ex2_abort_c_din = ex2_abort_c & ex2_instr_vld ;
assign ex2_abort_s_din = ex2_abort_s & ex2_instr_vld ;
assign axu0_rv_ex2_s1_abort = ex2_abort_a ; // these do not need to be gated with cp_flush
assign axu0_rv_ex2_s2_abort = ex2_abort_b ;
assign axu0_rv_ex2_s3_abort = ex2_abort_c | ex2_abort_s ;
// ex3
// Latches
tri_rlmreg_p # ( . INIT ( 0 ) , . WIDTH ( 7 ) ) ex3_ctlng_lat (
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. act ( tiup ) ,
. force_t ( force_t ) ,
. d_mode ( tiup ) ,
. delay_lclkr ( delay_lclkr [ 3 ] ) ,
. mpw1_b ( mpw1_b [ 3 ] ) ,
. mpw2_b ( mpw2_b [ 0 ] ) ,
. thold_b ( thold_0_b ) ,
. sg ( sg_0 ) ,
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. scin ( ex3_ctlng_si [ 0 : 6 ] ) ,
. scout ( ex3_ctlng_so [ 0 : 6 ] ) ,
. din ( { ex2_instr_valid [ 0 : 3 ] ,
ex2_instr_match ,
ex2_fdivsqrt_start_din [ 0 : 1 ] } ) ,
. dout ( { ex3_instr_v [ 0 : 3 ] ,
ex3_instr_match ,
ex3_fdivsqrt_start [ 0 : 1 ] } )
) ;
tri_rlmreg_p # ( . INIT ( 0 ) , . WIDTH ( 24 ) ) ex3_ctl_lat (
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. act ( ex2_axu_v ) ,
. force_t ( force_t ) ,
. d_mode ( tiup ) ,
. delay_lclkr ( delay_lclkr [ 3 ] ) ,
. mpw1_b ( mpw1_b [ 3 ] ) ,
. mpw2_b ( mpw2_b [ 0 ] ) ,
. thold_b ( thold_0_b ) ,
. sg ( sg_0 ) ,
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. scin ( ex3_ctl_si [ 0 : 23 ] ) ,
. scout ( ex3_ctl_so [ 0 : 23 ] ) ,
. din ( {
ex2_instr_frt [ 0 : 5 ] ,
ex2_cr_val ,
ex2_record ,
ex2_str_valid ,
ex2_kill_wen ,
ex2_mcrfs ,
ex2_is_ucode ,
ex2_ifar_val [ 0 : 3 ] ,
ex2_fra_valid ,
ex2_frb_valid ,
ex2_frc_valid ,
ex2_frs_byp ,
ex2_abort_a_din ,
ex2_abort_b_din ,
ex2_abort_c_din ,
ex2_abort_s_din } ) ,
. dout ( {
ex3_instr_frt [ 0 : 5 ] ,
ex3_cr_val ,
ex3_record ,
ex3_str_v ,
ex3_kill_wen ,
ex3_mcrfs ,
ex3_is_ucode ,
ex3_ifar_val [ 0 : 3 ] ,
ex3_fra_v ,
ex3_frb_v ,
ex3_frc_v ,
ex3_frs_byp ,
ex3_abort_a ,
ex3_abort_b ,
ex3_abort_c ,
ex3_abort_s } )
) ;
tri_rlmreg_p # ( . INIT ( 0 ) , . WIDTH ( 1 ) ) ex3_stdv_lat (
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. act ( tihi ) ,
. force_t ( force_t ) ,
. d_mode ( tiup ) ,
. delay_lclkr ( delay_lclkr [ 3 ] ) ,
. mpw1_b ( mpw1_b [ 3 ] ) ,
. mpw2_b ( mpw2_b [ 0 ] ) ,
. thold_b ( thold_0_b ) ,
. sg ( sg_0 ) ,
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. scin ( ex3_stdv_si ) ,
. scout ( ex3_stdv_so ) ,
. din ( ex2_str_valid ) ,
. dout ( ex3_store_v )
) ;
assign ex2_ucode_preissue_din = ex2_ucode_preissue & | ( ex2_instr_valid ) ;
tri_rlmreg_p # ( . INIT ( 0 ) , . WIDTH ( 16 ) ) ex3_itagl (
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. act ( tihi ) ,
. force_t ( force_t ) ,
. d_mode ( tiup ) ,
. delay_lclkr ( delay_lclkr [ 3 ] ) ,
. mpw1_b ( mpw1_b [ 3 ] ) ,
. mpw2_b ( mpw2_b [ 0 ] ) ,
. thold_b ( thold_0_b ) ,
. sg ( sg_0 ) ,
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. scin ( ex3_itag_si ) ,
. scout ( ex3_itag_so ) ,
. din ( { ex2_itag [ 0 : 6 ] ,
ex2_fpscr_addr [ 0 : 5 ] ,
ex2_fpscr_wen ,
ex2_ucode_preissue_din ,
ex2_isRam } ) ,
. dout ( { ex3_itag [ 0 : 6 ] ,
ex3_fpscr_addr [ 0 : 5 ] ,
ex3_fpscr_wen ,
ex3_ucode_preissue ,
ex3_isRam } )
) ;
tri_rlmreg_p # ( . INIT ( 0 ) , . WIDTH ( 5 ) ) ex3_crbf (
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. act ( tihi ) ,
. force_t ( force_t ) ,
. d_mode ( tiup ) ,
. delay_lclkr ( delay_lclkr [ 3 ] ) ,
. mpw1_b ( mpw1_b [ 3 ] ) ,
. mpw2_b ( mpw2_b [ 0 ] ) ,
. thold_b ( thold_0_b ) ,
. sg ( sg_0 ) ,
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. scin ( ex3_crbf_si [ 0 : 4 ] ) ,
. scout ( ex3_crbf_so [ 0 : 4 ] ) ,
. din ( ex2_cr_bf [ 0 : 4 ] ) ,
. dout ( ex3_cr_bf [ 0 : 4 ] )
) ;
// Flushes
assign ex3_instr_valid [ 0 : 3 ] = ex3_instr_v [ 0 : 3 ] & ( ~ xu_ex3_flush [ 0 : 3 ] ) ;
assign f_dcd_ex2_divsqrt_hole_v = ( ( ~ | ( ex2_instr_v [ 0 : 3 ] ) ) ) & ( ( ~ | ( ex0_instr_v [ 0 : 3 ] ) ) ) & ( perr_sm_l2 [ 0 ] ) ; // in case there is a denormal result, need both cycles free
// The n flush for next cycle
// The N flush can come from either an FU instruction, or a load in the XU pipe
assign ex3_n_flush [ 0 : 3 ] = ( ( ex3_instr_valid [ 0 : 3 ] | { 4 { | ( { 4 { ex3_fdivsqrt_start } } ) } } ) & { 4 { f_ex3_b_den_flush } } & ( ~ ( { 4 { ex3_ucode_preissue } } ) ) ) ;
// flush2ucode
assign ex3_flush2ucode [ 0 : 3 ] = ( ex3_instr_v [ 0 : 3 ] | { 4 { | ( { 4 { ex3_fdivsqrt_start } } ) } } ) & { 4 { f_ex3_b_den_flush } } & ( ~ xu_ex3_flush [ 0 : 3 ] ) ;
assign ex3_store_valid = ex3_store_v ;
assign ex3_fdivsqrt_start_din = ex3_fdivsqrt_start & ( ~ xu_ex3_flush [ 0 : 1 ] ) ;
assign ex3_instr_vld = | ( ( ex3_instr_v [ 0 : 1 ] & ( ~ xu_ex3_flush [ 0 : 1 ] ) ) | ( ex3_fdivsqrt_start & ( ~ xu_ex3_flush [ 0 : 1 ] ) ) ) ;
assign ex3_abort_din = ( ex3_abort_a | ex3_abort_b | ex3_abort_c | ex3_abort_s ) & ex3_instr_vld ;
assign fu_lq_ex3_abort = ex3_abort_s ;
// ex4
// Latches
tri_rlmreg_p # ( . INIT ( 0 ) , . WIDTH ( 30 ) ) ex4_ctl (
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. act ( tihi ) ,
. force_t ( force_t ) ,
. d_mode ( tiup ) ,
. delay_lclkr ( delay_lclkr [ 4 ] ) ,
. mpw1_b ( mpw1_b [ 4 ] ) ,
. mpw2_b ( mpw2_b [ 0 ] ) ,
. thold_b ( thold_0_b ) ,
. sg ( sg_0 ) ,
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. scin ( ex4_ctl_si [ 0 : 29 ] ) ,
. scout ( ex4_ctl_so [ 0 : 29 ] ) ,
. din ( { ex3_instr_valid [ 0 : 3 ] ,
ex3_instr_frt [ 0 : 5 ] ,
ex3_cr_val ,
ex3_record ,
f_ex3_b_den_flush ,
ex3_kill_wen ,
ex3_mcrfs ,
ex3_instr_match ,
ex3_is_ucode ,
ex3_n_flush [ 0 : 3 ] ,
ex3_flush2ucode [ 0 : 3 ] ,
ex3_store_valid ,
ex3_fdivsqrt_start_din ,
ex3_instr_vns_taken ,
ex3_abort_din } ) ,
. dout ( { ex4_instr_v [ 0 : 3 ] ,
ex4_instr_frt [ 0 : 5 ] ,
ex4_cr_val ,
ex4_record ,
ex4_b_den_flush ,
ex4_kill_wen ,
ex4_mcrfs ,
ex4_instr_match ,
ex4_is_ucode ,
ex4_n_flush [ 0 : 3 ] ,
ex4_flush2ucode [ 0 : 3 ] ,
ex4_store_valid ,
ex4_fdivsqrt_start ,
ex4_instr_vns_taken ,
ex4_abort } )
) ;
assign ex3_ucode_preissue_din = ex3_ucode_preissue & | ( ex3_instr_valid ) ;
tri_rlmreg_p # ( . INIT ( 0 ) , . WIDTH ( 16 ) ) ex4_itagl (
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. act ( tihi ) ,
. force_t ( force_t ) ,
. d_mode ( tiup ) ,
. delay_lclkr ( delay_lclkr [ 4 ] ) ,
. mpw1_b ( mpw1_b [ 4 ] ) ,
. mpw2_b ( mpw2_b [ 0 ] ) ,
. thold_b ( thold_0_b ) ,
. sg ( sg_0 ) ,
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. scin ( ex4_itag_si ) ,
. scout ( ex4_itag_so ) ,
. din ( { ex3_itag [ 0 : 6 ] ,
ex3_fpscr_addr [ 0 : 5 ] ,
ex3_fpscr_wen ,
ex3_ucode_preissue_din ,
ex3_isRam } ) ,
. dout ( { ex4_itag [ 0 : 6 ] ,
ex4_fpscr_addr [ 0 : 5 ] ,
ex4_fpscr_wen ,
ex4_ucode_preissue ,
ex4_isRam } )
) ;
tri_rlmreg_p # ( . INIT ( 0 ) , . WIDTH ( 5 ) ) ex4_crbf (
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. act ( tihi ) ,
. force_t ( force_t ) ,
. d_mode ( tiup ) ,
. delay_lclkr ( delay_lclkr [ 4 ] ) ,
. mpw1_b ( mpw1_b [ 4 ] ) ,
. mpw2_b ( mpw2_b [ 0 ] ) ,
. thold_b ( thold_0_b ) ,
. sg ( sg_0 ) ,
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. scin ( ex4_crbf_si [ 0 : 4 ] ) ,
. scout ( ex4_crbf_so [ 0 : 4 ] ) ,
. din ( ex3_cr_bf [ 0 : 4 ] ) ,
. dout ( ex4_cr_bf [ 0 : 4 ] )
) ;
// Flushes
assign ex4_instr_valid [ 0 : 3 ] = ex4_instr_v [ 0 : 3 ] & ( ~ xu_ex4_flush [ 0 : 3 ] ) & ( ~ ( { 4 { ex4_store_valid } } ) ) ;
assign ex4_fdivsqrt_start_din = ex4_fdivsqrt_start & ( ~ xu_ex4_flush [ 0 : 1 ] ) ;
// Outputs
assign ex4_instr_vld = | ( ( ex4_instr_v [ 0 : 1 ] & ( ~ xu_ex4_flush [ 0 : 1 ] ) ) | ( ex4_fdivsqrt_start & ( ~ xu_ex4_flush [ 0 : 1 ] ) ) ) ;
assign ex4_abort_din = ex4_abort & ex4_instr_vld ;
// ex5
// Latches
tri_rlmreg_p # ( . INIT ( 0 ) , . WIDTH ( 22 ) ) ex5_ctl_lat (
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. act ( tihi ) ,
. force_t ( force_t ) ,
. d_mode ( tiup ) ,
. delay_lclkr ( delay_lclkr [ 5 ] ) ,
. mpw1_b ( mpw1_b [ 5 ] ) ,
. mpw2_b ( mpw2_b [ 1 ] ) ,
. thold_b ( thold_0_b ) ,
. sg ( sg_0 ) ,
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. scin ( ex5_ctl_si ) ,
. scout ( ex5_ctl_so ) ,
. din ( { ex4_instr_valid [ 0 : 3 ] ,
ex4_instr_frt [ 0 : 5 ] ,
ex4_cr_val ,
ex4_cr_val ,
ex4_record ,
ex4_kill_wen ,
ex4_mcrfs ,
ex4_is_ucode ,
ex4_fdivsqrt_start_din ,
ex4_instr_vns_taken_din ,
ex4_abort_din ,
spare_unused [ 22 : 23 ] } ) ,
. dout ( { ex5_instr_v [ 0 : 3 ] ,
ex5_instr_frt [ 0 : 5 ] ,
ex5_cr_val ,
ex5_cr_val_cp ,
ex5_record ,
ex5_kill_wen ,
ex5_mcrfs ,
ex5_is_ucode ,
ex5_fdivsqrt_start ,
ex5_instr_vns_taken ,
ex5_abort_l2 ,
spare_unused [ 22 : 23 ] } )
) ;
assign ex4_ucode_preissue_din = ex4_ucode_preissue & | ( ex4_instr_valid ) ;
tri_rlmreg_p # ( . INIT ( 0 ) , . WIDTH ( 17 ) ) ex5_itagl (
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. act ( tihi ) ,
. force_t ( force_t ) ,
. d_mode ( tiup ) ,
. delay_lclkr ( delay_lclkr [ 5 ] ) ,
. mpw1_b ( mpw1_b [ 5 ] ) ,
. mpw2_b ( mpw2_b [ 1 ] ) ,
. thold_b ( thold_0_b ) ,
. sg ( sg_0 ) ,
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. scin ( ex5_itag_si ) ,
. scout ( ex5_itag_so ) ,
. din ( { ex4_itag [ 0 : 6 ] ,
ex5_b_den_flush_din ,
ex4_fpscr_addr [ 0 : 5 ] ,
ex4_fpscr_wen ,
ex4_ucode_preissue_din ,
ex4_isRam } ) ,
. dout ( { ex5_itag [ 0 : 6 ] ,
ex5_b_den_flush ,
ex5_fpscr_addr [ 0 : 5 ] ,
ex5_fpscr_wen ,
ex5_ucode_preissue ,
ex5_isRam } )
) ;
tri_rlmreg_p # ( . INIT ( 0 ) , . WIDTH ( 5 ) ) ex5_crbf (
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. act ( tihi ) ,
. force_t ( force_t ) ,
. d_mode ( tiup ) ,
. delay_lclkr ( delay_lclkr [ 5 ] ) ,
. mpw1_b ( mpw1_b [ 5 ] ) ,
. mpw2_b ( mpw2_b [ 1 ] ) ,
. thold_b ( thold_0_b ) ,
. sg ( sg_0 ) ,
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. scin ( ex5_crbf_si [ 0 : 4 ] ) ,
. scout ( ex5_crbf_so [ 0 : 4 ] ) ,
. din ( ex4_cr_bf [ 0 : 4 ] ) ,
. dout ( ex5_cr_bf [ 0 : 4 ] )
) ;
// Pipe the CR
assign ex5_cr [ 0 : 3 ] = f_add_ex5_fpcc_iu [ 0 : 3 ] ;
// Flushes
assign ex5_instr_valid [ 0 : 3 ] = ( ex5_instr_v [ 0 : 3 ] ) & ( ~ xu_ex5_flush [ 0 : 3 ] ) ;
// This creates ex5_cr_val, make sure it wasn't flushed
assign ex5_record_din = ex5_record & | ( ex5_instr_valid [ 0 : 3 ] ) ;
assign ex5_mcrfs_din = ex5_mcrfs & | ( ex5_instr_valid [ 0 : 3 ] ) ;
assign ex5_cr_val_din = ex5_cr_val & | ( ex5_instr_valid [ 0 : 3 ] ) ;
assign ex5_instr_tid [ 0 ] = ex5_instr_v [ 2 ] | ex5_instr_v [ 3 ] ;
assign ex5_instr_tid [ 1 ] = ex5_instr_v [ 1 ] | ex5_instr_v [ 3 ] ;
// ex6_kill_wen_din <= ex5_kill_wen or ex5_uc_special;--Preserve s1 on special fdiv/fsqrt
assign ex5_kill_wen_din = ex5_kill_wen ; //Preserve s1 on special fdiv/fsqrt
assign ex5_instr_valid_din [ 0 ] = ex5_instr_valid [ 0 ] ;
assign ex5_instr_valid_din [ 1 ] = ex5_instr_valid [ 1 ] ;
assign ex5_instr_valid_din [ 2 ] = ex5_instr_valid [ 2 ] ;
assign ex5_instr_valid_din [ 3 ] = ex5_instr_valid [ 3 ] ;
assign ex5_instr_frt_din [ 0 : 5 ] = ( ex5_instr_frt [ 0 : 5 ] & ( ~ { 6 { perr_sm_l2 [ 2 ] } } ) ) | ( perr_addr_l2 [ 0 : 5 ] & { 6 { perr_sm_l2 [ 2 ] } } ) ; // perr_insert
assign ex5_fdivsqrt_start_din = ex5_fdivsqrt_start & ( ~ xu_ex5_flush [ 0 : 1 ] ) ;
assign ex5_instr_vld = | ( ( ex5_instr_v [ 0 : 1 ] & ( ~ xu_ex5_flush [ 0 : 1 ] ) ) | ( ex5_fdivsqrt_start & ( ~ xu_ex5_flush [ 0 : 1 ] ) ) ) ;
assign ex5_abort_din = ex5_abort_l2 & ex5_instr_vld ;
assign ex5_abort_lq_din = lq_fu_ex5_abort ;
// ex6
// Latches
tri_rlmreg_p # ( . INIT ( 0 ) , . WIDTH ( 21 ) ) ex6_ctl (
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. act ( tihi ) ,
. force_t ( force_t ) ,
. d_mode ( tiup ) ,
. delay_lclkr ( delay_lclkr [ 6 ] ) ,
. mpw1_b ( mpw1_b [ 6 ] ) ,
. mpw2_b ( mpw2_b [ 1 ] ) ,
. thold_b ( thold_0_b ) ,
. sg ( sg_0 ) ,
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. scin ( ex6_ctl_si [ 0 : 20 ] ) ,
. scout ( ex6_ctl_so [ 0 : 20 ] ) ,
. din ( { ex5_instr_valid_din [ 0 : 3 ] ,
ex5_instr_frt_din [ 0 : 5 ] ,
ex5_record_din ,
ex5_mcrfs_din ,
ex5_is_ucode ,
ex5_cr_val_din ,
ex5_kill_wen_din ,
ex5_fdivsqrt_start_din ,
ex5_abort_din ,
ex5_abort_lq_din ,
spare_unused [ 24 : 25 ] } ) ,
. dout ( { ex6_instr_v [ 0 : 3 ] ,
ex6_instr_frt [ 0 : 5 ] ,
ex6_record ,
ex6_mcrfs ,
ex6_is_ucode ,
ex6_cr_val ,
ex6_kill_wen_q ,
ex6_fdivsqrt_start ,
ex6_abort ,
ex6_abort_lq ,
spare_unused [ 24 : 25 ] } )
) ;
assign ex5_ucode_preissue_din = ex5_ucode_preissue & | ( ex5_instr_valid ) ;
tri_rlmreg_p # ( . INIT ( 0 ) , . WIDTH ( 17 ) ) ex6_itagl (
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. act ( tihi ) ,
. force_t ( force_t ) ,
. d_mode ( tiup ) ,
. delay_lclkr ( delay_lclkr [ 6 ] ) ,
. mpw1_b ( mpw1_b [ 6 ] ) ,
. mpw2_b ( mpw2_b [ 1 ] ) ,
. thold_b ( thold_0_b ) ,
. sg ( sg_0 ) ,
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. scin ( ex6_itag_si ) ,
. scout ( ex6_itag_so ) ,
. din ( { ex5_itag_din [ 0 : 6 ] ,
ex5_b_den_flush ,
ex5_fpscr_addr [ 0 : 5 ] ,
ex5_fpscr_wen ,
ex5_ucode_preissue_din ,
ex5_isRam } ) ,
. dout ( { ex6_itag [ 0 : 6 ] ,
ex6_b_den_flush ,
ex6_fpscr_addr [ 0 : 5 ] ,
ex6_fpscr_wen ,
ex6_ucode_preissue ,
ex6_isRam } )
) ;
tri_rlmreg_p # ( . INIT ( 0 ) , . WIDTH ( 9 ) ) ex6_crbf (
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. act ( tihi ) ,
. force_t ( force_t ) ,
. d_mode ( tiup ) ,
. delay_lclkr ( delay_lclkr [ 6 ] ) ,
. mpw1_b ( mpw1_b [ 6 ] ) ,
. mpw2_b ( mpw2_b [ 1 ] ) ,
. thold_b ( thold_0_b ) ,
. sg ( sg_0 ) ,
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. scin ( ex6_crbf_si [ 0 : 8 ] ) ,
. scout ( ex6_crbf_so [ 0 : 8 ] ) ,
. din ( { ex5_cr_bf [ 0 : 4 ] ,
ex5_cr [ 0 : 3 ] } ) ,
. dout ( { ex6_cr_bf [ 0 : 4 ] ,
ex6_cr [ 0 : 3 ] } )
) ;
assign ex6_instr_tid [ 0 ] = ( ( ex6_instr_v [ 0 ] | ( f_dsq_ex6_divsqrt_instr_tid [ 0 ] & ex6_divsqrt_v ) ) & ( ~ xu_ex6_flush [ 0 ] ) ) ;
assign ex6_instr_tid [ 1 ] = ( ( ex6_instr_v [ 1 ] | ( f_dsq_ex6_divsqrt_instr_tid [ 1 ] & ex6_divsqrt_v ) ) & ( ~ xu_ex6_flush [ 1 ] ) ) ;
assign ex6_iflush_b [ 0 ] = ( ~ ( xu_ex6_flush [ 0 ] & ex6_instr_v [ 0 ] ) ) ; //big
assign ex6_iflush_b [ 1 ] = ( ~ ( xu_ex6_flush [ 1 ] & ex6_instr_v [ 1 ] ) ) ; //big
assign ex6_iflush_b [ 2 ] = ( ~ ( xu_ex6_flush [ 2 ] & ex6_instr_v [ 2 ] ) ) ; //big
assign ex6_iflush_b [ 3 ] = ( ~ ( xu_ex6_flush [ 3 ] & ex6_instr_v [ 3 ] ) ) ; //big
assign ex6_iflush_01 = ( ~ ( ex6_iflush_b [ 0 ] & ex6_iflush_b [ 1 ] ) ) ;
assign ex6_iflush_23 = ( ~ ( ex6_iflush_b [ 2 ] & ex6_iflush_b [ 3 ] ) ) ;
assign ex6_instr_flush_b = ( ~ ( ex6_iflush_01 | ex6_iflush_23 ) ) ;
assign ex6_instr_flush = ( ~ ex6_instr_flush_b ) ; //small
assign ex6_divsqrt_v = | ( f_dsq_ex6_divsqrt_v ) ;
assign ex6_divsqrt_v_suppress = f_dsq_ex6_divsqrt_v_suppress ;
// perr_insert
assign ex6_instr_valid [ 0 ] = ( ( ex6_instr_v [ 0 ] | ( f_dsq_ex6_divsqrt_instr_tid [ 0 ] & ex6_divsqrt_v ) ) & ( ~ xu_ex6_flush [ 0 ] ) ) | ( perr_sm_l2 [ 2 ] & ex6_perr_sm_instr_v & perr_tid_l2 [ 0 : 1 ] = = 2 'b10 ) ;
assign ex6_instr_valid [ 1 ] = ( ( ex6_instr_v [ 1 ] | ( f_dsq_ex6_divsqrt_instr_tid [ 1 ] & ex6_divsqrt_v ) ) & ( ~ xu_ex6_flush [ 1 ] ) ) | ( perr_sm_l2 [ 2 ] & ex6_perr_sm_instr_v & perr_tid_l2 [ 0 : 1 ] = = 2 'b01 ) ;
assign ex6_instr_valid [ 2 ] = ( ( ex6_instr_v [ 2 ] | ( f_dsq_ex6_divsqrt_instr_tid [ 2 ] & ex6_divsqrt_v ) ) & ( ~ xu_ex6_flush [ 2 ] ) ) ;
assign ex6_instr_valid [ 3 ] = ( ( ex6_instr_v [ 3 ] | ( f_dsq_ex6_divsqrt_instr_tid [ 3 ] & ex6_divsqrt_v ) ) & ( ~ xu_ex6_flush [ 3 ] ) ) ;
assign ex6_instr_valid_din [ 0 ] = ex6_instr_valid [ 0 ] ;
assign ex6_instr_valid_din [ 1 ] = ex6_instr_valid [ 1 ] ;
assign ex6_instr_valid_din [ 2 ] = ex6_instr_valid [ 2 ] ;
assign ex6_instr_valid_din [ 3 ] = ex6_instr_valid [ 3 ] ;
assign ex6_kill_wen = ( ex6_kill_wen_q & ( ~ ( ex6_divsqrt_v & ( ~ ex6_divsqrt_v_suppress ) ) ) ) | ( ex6_divsqrt_v & ex6_divsqrt_v_suppress ) ;
assign ex6_kill_wen_din = ( ex6_kill_wen | ( ( ( ~ f_pic_ex6_fpr_wr_dis_b ) ) & ( ~ ex6_divsqrt_v ) ) ) & ( ~ ( perr_sm_l2 [ 2 ] & ex6_perr_sm_instr_v ) ) ; // parity merge
assign ex6_fpr_wr_dis = ( ( ( ( ~ f_pic_ex6_fpr_wr_dis_b ) ) & ( ~ ex6_divsqrt_v ) ) & ( ~ ex6_kill_wen ) ) | ( ex6_divsqrt_v & ex6_divsqrt_v_suppress ) ;
//Make a copy without the flush for bypass
assign ex6_instr_bypval [ 0 ] = ex6_instr_v [ 0 ] & f_pic_ex6_fpr_wr_dis_b & ( ~ ex6_kill_wen ) ;
assign ex6_instr_bypval [ 1 ] = ex6_instr_v [ 1 ] & f_pic_ex6_fpr_wr_dis_b & ( ~ ex6_kill_wen ) ;
assign ex6_instr_bypval [ 2 ] = ex6_instr_v [ 2 ] & f_pic_ex6_fpr_wr_dis_b & ( ~ ex6_kill_wen ) ;
assign ex6_instr_bypval [ 3 ] = ex6_instr_v [ 3 ] & f_pic_ex6_fpr_wr_dis_b & ( ~ ex6_kill_wen ) ;
assign f_dcd_ex6_frt_tid [ 0 : 1 ] = ex6_instr_tid [ 0 : 1 ] ;
// Don't update CR during certain exceptions
assign ex7_record_din = ( ex6_record | ( ex6_divsqrt_v & f_dsq_ex6_divsqrt_record_v ) ) & ( ~ ex6_instr_flush ) ;
assign ex7_mcrfs_din = ex6_mcrfs & ( ~ ex6_instr_flush ) ;
assign ex7_cr_val_din = ex6_cr_val & ( ~ ex6_instr_flush ) ;
assign ex6_cr_bf_din = ( ex6_cr_bf & { 5 { ( ~ ex6_divsqrt_v ) } } ) | ( f_dsq_ex6_divsqrt_cr_bf & { 5 { ex6_divsqrt_v } } ) ;
// Outputs
assign ex6_fpscr_move = ( ~ ( f_pic_ex6_scr_upd_move_b ) ) ;
assign ex6_fdivsqrt_start_din = ex6_fdivsqrt_start & ( ~ xu_ex6_flush [ 0 : 1 ] ) ;
assign ex6_instr_vld = | ( ( ex6_instr_v [ 0 : 1 ] & ( ~ xu_ex6_flush [ 0 : 1 ] ) ) | ( ex6_fdivsqrt_start & ( ~ xu_ex6_flush [ 0 : 1 ] ) ) ) ;
assign ex6_abort_din = ex6_abort & ex6_instr_vld ;
// ex7
// Latches
tri_rlmreg_p # ( . INIT ( 0 ) , . WIDTH ( 23 ) ) ex7_ctl (
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. act ( tihi ) ,
. force_t ( force_t ) ,
. d_mode ( tiup ) ,
. delay_lclkr ( delay_lclkr [ 7 ] ) ,
. mpw1_b ( mpw1_b [ 7 ] ) ,
. mpw2_b ( mpw2_b [ 1 ] ) ,
. thold_b ( thold_0_b ) ,
. sg ( sg_0 ) ,
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. scin ( ex7_ctl_si [ 0 : 22 ] ) ,
. scout ( ex7_ctl_so [ 0 : 22 ] ) ,
. din ( { ex6_instr_valid_din [ 0 : 3 ] ,
ex7_instr_frt_din [ 0 : 5 ] ,
ex7_record_din ,
ex7_mcrfs_din ,
ex6_is_ucode ,
ex7_cr_val_din ,
ex6_kill_wen_din ,
ex6_fpr_wr_dis ,
ex6_fdivsqrt_start_din ,
ex6_abort_din ,
ex6_abort_lq ,
spare_unused [ 26 : 27 ] ,
spare_unused [ 30 ] } ) ,
. dout ( { ex7_instr_v [ 0 : 3 ] ,
ex7_instr_frt [ 0 : 5 ] ,
ex7_record ,
ex7_mcrfs ,
ex7_is_ucode ,
ex7_cr_val ,
ex7_kill_wen ,
ex7_fpr_wr_dis ,
ex7_fdivsqrt_start ,
ex7_abort ,
ex7_abort_lq ,
spare_unused [ 26 : 27 ] ,
spare_unused [ 30 ] } )
) ;
assign ex7_fdivsqrt_start_din = ex7_fdivsqrt_start & ( ~ xu_ex7_flush [ 0 : 1 ] ) ;
assign ex6_ucode_preissue_din = ex6_ucode_preissue & | ( ex6_instr_valid ) ;
tri_rlmreg_p # ( . INIT ( 0 ) , . WIDTH ( 18 ) ) ex7_itagl (
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. act ( tihi ) ,
. force_t ( force_t ) ,
. d_mode ( tiup ) ,
. delay_lclkr ( delay_lclkr [ 7 ] ) ,
. mpw1_b ( mpw1_b [ 7 ] ) ,
. mpw2_b ( mpw2_b [ 1 ] ) ,
. thold_b ( thold_0_b ) ,
. sg ( sg_0 ) ,
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. scin ( ex7_itag_si ) ,
. scout ( ex7_itag_so ) ,
. din ( { ex6_itag [ 0 : 6 ] ,
ex6_b_den_flush ,
ex6_fpscr_addr_din [ 0 : 5 ] ,
ex6_fpscr_wen_din ,
ex6_fpscr_move ,
ex6_ucode_preissue_din ,
ex6_isRam } ) ,
. dout ( { ex7_itag [ 0 : 6 ] ,
ex7_b_den_flush ,
ex7_fpscr_addr [ 0 : 5 ] ,
ex7_fpscr_wen ,
ex7_fpscr_move ,
ex7_ucode_preissue ,
ex7_isRam } )
) ;
tri_rlmreg_p # ( . INIT ( 0 ) , . WIDTH ( 18 ) ) ex7_la (
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. act ( tihi ) ,
. force_t ( force_t ) ,
. d_mode ( tiup ) ,
. delay_lclkr ( delay_lclkr [ 7 ] ) ,
. mpw1_b ( mpw1_b [ 7 ] ) ,
. mpw2_b ( mpw2_b [ 1 ] ) ,
. thold_b ( thold_0_b ) ,
. sg ( sg_0 ) ,
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. scin ( ex7_laddr_si ) ,
. scout ( ex7_laddr_so ) ,
. din ( { ex6_load_addr [ 0 : 7 ] ,
ex6_reload_addr [ 0 : 7 ] ,
ex6_load_v ,
ex6_reload_v } ) ,
. dout ( { ex7_load_addr [ 0 : 7 ] ,
ex7_reload_addr [ 0 : 7 ] ,
ex7_load_v ,
ex7_reload_v } )
) ;
tri_rlmreg_p # ( . INIT ( 0 ) , . WIDTH ( 9 ) ) ex7_crbf (
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. act ( tihi ) ,
. force_t ( force_t ) ,
. d_mode ( tiup ) ,
. delay_lclkr ( delay_lclkr [ 7 ] ) ,
. mpw1_b ( mpw1_b [ 7 ] ) ,
. mpw2_b ( mpw2_b [ 1 ] ) ,
. thold_b ( thold_0_b ) ,
. sg ( sg_0 ) ,
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. scin ( ex7_crbf_si [ 0 : 8 ] ) ,
. scout ( ex7_crbf_so [ 0 : 8 ] ) ,
. din ( { ex6_cr_bf_din [ 0 : 4 ] ,
ex6_cr [ 0 : 3 ] } ) ,
. dout ( { ex7_cr_bf [ 0 : 4 ] ,
ex7_cr [ 0 : 3 ] } )
) ;
assign ex7_instr_tid [ 0 ] = ex7_instr_v [ 2 ] | ex7_instr_v [ 3 ] ;
assign ex7_instr_tid [ 1 ] = ex7_instr_v [ 1 ] | ex7_instr_v [ 3 ] ;
// Flushes - flushes in ex7
// perr_insert
assign ex7_instr_valid = | ( ex7_instr_v [ 0 : 1 ] & ( ~ cp_flush_q [ 0 : 1 ] ) ) | ( perr_sm_l2 [ 2 ] & ex7_perr_sm_instr_v ) ;
assign ex7_instr_v_din [ 0 ] = ( ex7_instr_v [ 0 ] & ( ~ cp_flush_q [ 0 ] ) ) | ( perr_sm_l2 [ 2 ] & ex7_perr_sm_instr_v & perr_tid_l2 [ 0 ] ) ;
assign ex7_instr_v_din [ 1 ] = ( ex7_instr_v [ 1 ] & ( ~ cp_flush_q [ 1 ] ) ) | ( perr_sm_l2 [ 2 ] & ex7_perr_sm_instr_v & perr_tid_l2 [ 1 ] ) ;
// Outputs ex7
assign f_dcd_ex7_frt_addr [ 0 : 5 ] = ex7_instr_frt [ 0 : 5 ] ;
assign f_dcd_ex7_frt_tid [ 0 : 1 ] = ex7_instr_tid [ 0 : 1 ] ;
assign f_dcd_ex7_frt_wen = ex7_instr_valid & ( ~ ex7_kill_wen ) & ( ~ ex7_ucode_preissue ) & ( ~ ex7_fu_unavail ) & ( ~ ex7_abort ) & ( ~ ex7_perr_cancel ) ;
assign f_dcd_ex7_fpscr_wr = ex7_fpscr_wen & ex7_instr_valid & ( ~ ex7_ucode_preissue ) & ( ~ ex7_fu_unavail ) & ( ~ ex7_abort ) ;
assign f_dcd_ex7_fpscr_addr [ 0 : 5 ] = ex7_fpscr_addr [ 0 : 5 ] ;
assign ex7_perr_cancel = | ( ex7_regfile_err_det [ 0 : 1 ] & ex7_instr_v [ 0 : 1 ] ) ;
assign f_dcd_ex7_cancel = ( ( ~ ex7_instr_valid ) ) | ex7_ucode_preissue | ex7_fu_unavail | ex7_b_den_flush | ex7_perr_cancel ;
// Records
assign ex7_record_v = ex7_instr_valid & ( ex7_record | ex7_mcrfs ) ;
assign ex8_b_den_flush_din = ex7_b_den_flush & ( ex7_instr_valid | | ( ex7_fdivsqrt_start ) ) ;
assign ex8_fpr_wr_dis_din = ex7_fpr_wr_dis & ex7_instr_valid & ( ~ ex7_fu_unavail ) ;
assign ex8_fpscr_move_din = ex7_fpscr_move & ex7_instr_valid ;
// ex8 FPSCR, Record Forms
assign ex7_ucode_preissue_din = ex7_ucode_preissue & ex7_instr_valid ;
assign ex7_instr_vld = | ( ( ex7_instr_v [ 0 : 1 ] & ( ~ xu_ex7_flush [ 0 : 1 ] ) ) | ( ex7_fdivsqrt_start & ( ~ xu_ex7_flush [ 0 : 1 ] ) ) ) ;
assign ex7_abort_din = ex7_abort & ex7_instr_vld ;
// Latches
tri_rlmreg_p # ( . INIT ( 0 ) , . WIDTH ( 32 ) ) ex8_ctl (
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. act ( tihi ) ,
. force_t ( force_t ) ,
. d_mode ( tiup ) ,
. delay_lclkr ( delay_lclkr [ 8 ] ) ,
. mpw1_b ( mpw1_b [ 8 ] ) ,
. mpw2_b ( mpw2_b [ 1 ] ) ,
. thold_b ( thold_0_b ) ,
. sg ( sg_0 ) ,
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. scin ( ex8_ctl_si [ 0 : 31 ] ) ,
. scout ( ex8_ctl_so [ 0 : 31 ] ) ,
. din ( { ex7_record_v ,
ex7_cr_bf [ 0 : 4 ] ,
ex7_instr_valid ,
ex7_instr_frt [ 0 : 5 ] ,
ex7_cr [ 0 : 3 ] ,
ex7_cr_val ,
ex7_instr_tid [ 0 : 1 ] ,
ex8_fpr_wr_dis_din ,
ex7_kill_wen ,
ex8_fpscr_move_din ,
ex7_ucode_preissue_din ,
ex7_fdivsqrt_start_din ,
ex7_instr_v_din [ 0 : 1 ] ,
ex7_abort_din ,
ex7_abort_lq ,
spare_unused [ 28 : 29 ]
} ) ,
. dout ( { ex8_record_v ,
ex8_cr_bf [ 0 : 4 ] ,
ex8_instr_v ,
ex8_instr_frt [ 0 : 5 ] ,
ex8_cr [ 0 : 3 ] ,
ex8_cr_val ,
ex8_instr_tid [ 0 : 1 ] ,
ex8_fpr_wr_dis ,
ex8_kill_wen ,
ex8_fpscr_move ,
ex8_ucode_preissue ,
ex8_fdivsqrt_start ,
ex8_instr_valid ,
ex8_abort ,
ex8_abort_lq ,
spare_unused [ 28 : 29 ]
} )
) ;
tri_rlmreg_p # ( . INIT ( 0 ) , . WIDTH ( 8 ) ) ex8_itagl (
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. act ( tihi ) ,
. force_t ( force_t ) ,
. d_mode ( tiup ) ,
. delay_lclkr ( delay_lclkr [ 8 ] ) ,
. mpw1_b ( mpw1_b [ 8 ] ) ,
. mpw2_b ( mpw2_b [ 1 ] ) ,
. thold_b ( thold_0_b ) ,
. sg ( sg_0 ) ,
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. scin ( ex8_itag_si ) ,
. scout ( ex8_itag_so ) ,
. din ( { ex7_itag [ 0 : 6 ] ,
ex8_b_den_flush_din } ) ,
. dout ( { ex8_itag [ 0 : 6 ] ,
ex8_b_den_flush } )
) ;
tri_rlmreg_p # ( . INIT ( 0 ) , . WIDTH ( 18 ) ) ex8_la (
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. act ( tihi ) ,
. force_t ( force_t ) ,
. d_mode ( tiup ) ,
. delay_lclkr ( delay_lclkr [ 8 ] ) ,
. mpw1_b ( mpw1_b [ 8 ] ) ,
. mpw2_b ( mpw2_b [ 1 ] ) ,
. thold_b ( thold_0_b ) ,
. sg ( sg_0 ) ,
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. scin ( ex8_laddr_si ) ,
. scout ( ex8_laddr_so ) ,
. din ( { ex7_load_addr [ 0 : 7 ] ,
ex7_reload_addr [ 0 : 7 ] ,
ex7_load_v ,
ex7_reload_v } ) ,
. dout ( { ex8_load_addr [ 0 : 7 ] ,
ex8_reload_addr [ 0 : 7 ] ,
ex8_load_v ,
ex8_reload_v } )
) ;
// ex9
// Latches
assign ex8_instr_vld = | ( ( ex8_instr_valid [ 0 : 1 ] & ( ~ xu_ex8_flush [ 0 : 1 ] ) ) | ( ex8_fdivsqrt_start & ( ~ xu_ex8_flush [ 0 : 1 ] ) ) ) ;
assign ex8_abort_din = ex8_abort & ex8_instr_vld ;
assign ex8_fdivsqrt_start_din = ex8_fdivsqrt_start & ( ~ xu_ex8_flush [ 0 : 1 ] ) ;
tri_rlmreg_p # ( . INIT ( 0 ) , . WIDTH ( 14 ) ) ex9_ctl (
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. act ( tihi ) ,
. force_t ( force_t ) ,
. d_mode ( tiup ) ,
. delay_lclkr ( delay_lclkr [ 9 ] ) ,
. mpw1_b ( mpw1_b [ 9 ] ) ,
. mpw2_b ( mpw2_b [ 1 ] ) ,
. thold_b ( thold_0_b ) ,
. sg ( sg_0 ) ,
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. scin ( ex9_ctl_si [ 0 : 13 ] ) ,
. scout ( ex9_ctl_so [ 0 : 13 ] ) ,
. din ( { ex8_instr_v ,
ex8_instr_frt [ 0 : 5 ] ,
ex8_instr_tid [ 0 : 1 ] ,
ex8_kill_wen ,
ex8_abort_din ,
ex8_abort_lq ,
ex8_fdivsqrt_start_din } ) ,
. dout ( { ex9_instr_v ,
ex9_instr_frt [ 0 : 5 ] ,
ex9_instr_tid [ 0 : 1 ] ,
ex9_kill_wen ,
ex9_abort_q ,
ex9_abort_lq ,
ex9_fdivsqrt_start } )
) ;
tri_rlmreg_p # ( . INIT ( 0 ) , . WIDTH ( 9 ) ) ex9_la (
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. act ( tihi ) ,
. force_t ( force_t ) ,
. d_mode ( tiup ) ,
. delay_lclkr ( delay_lclkr [ 9 ] ) ,
. mpw1_b ( mpw1_b [ 9 ] ) ,
. mpw2_b ( mpw2_b [ 1 ] ) ,
. thold_b ( thold_0_b ) ,
. sg ( sg_0 ) ,
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. scin ( ex9_laddr_si ) ,
. scout ( ex9_laddr_so ) ,
. din ( { ex8_load_addr [ 0 : 7 ] ,
} ) ,
. dout ( { ex9_load_addr [ 0 : 7 ] ,
} )
) ;
assign ex9_instr_valid [ 0 : 1 ] = { ( ex9_instr_v & ( ~ ex9_instr_tid [ 1 ] ) ) , ( ex9_instr_v & ( ex9_instr_tid [ 1 ] ) ) } ;
assign ex9_instr_vld = | ( ( ex9_instr_valid [ 0 : 1 ] & ( ~ xu_ex9_flush [ 0 : 1 ] ) ) | ( ex9_fdivsqrt_start & ( ~ xu_ex9_flush [ 0 : 1 ] ) ) ) ;
assign ex9_abort = ex9_abort_q & ex9_instr_vld ;
// Send update to completion at ealiest bypass point
// CR
assign axu0_cr_w4e = ex8_cr_val | ex8_record_v ;
if ( `THREADS = = 1 )
begin : dcd_cr_w4a_thr1_1
assign axu0_cr_w4a [ 0 : 4 ] = ex8_cr_bf [ 0 : 4 ] ;
if ( `THREADS = = 2 )
begin : dcd_cr_w4a_thr2_1
assign axu0_cr_w4a [ 0 : 5 ] = { ex8_cr_bf [ 0 : 4 ] , ex8_instr_tid [ 1 ] } ;
assign axu0_cr_w4d [ 0 : 3 ] = ( f_scr_ex8_cr_fld [ 0 : 3 ] & { 4 { ex8_record_v } } ) | ( ex8_cr [ 0 : 3 ] & ( { 4 { ~ ex8_record_v } } ) ) ;
assign ex5_divsqrt_itag [ 0 : 6 ] = f_dsq_ex5_divsqrt_itag ;
assign ex6_divsqrt_fpscr_addr [ 0 : 5 ] = f_dsq_ex6_divsqrt_fpscr_addr ;
assign ex3_instr_vns_taken = ( ex3_instr_vns [ 0 ] & ( ~ | ( ex4_instr_vns ) ) & ( ~ | ( ex5_cr_or_divsqrt_v ) ) ) | ( ex3_instr_vns [ 1 ] & ( ~ | ( ex4_instr_vns ) ) & ( ~ | ( ex5_cr_or_divsqrt_v ) ) ) ;
assign ex4_instr_vns_taken_din = ex4_instr_vns_taken | ( ( ex4_instr_vns [ 0 ] & ( ~ | ( ex5_cr_or_divsqrt_v ) ) ) | ( ex4_instr_vns [ 1 ] & ( ~ | ( ex5_cr_or_divsqrt_v ) ) ) ) ;
assign ex3_instr_vns = ex3_instr_v & ( ~ { 4 { ex3_store_valid } } ) & { 4 { ~ ( ex3_cr_val | ex3_record | ex3_mcrfs ) } } ;
assign ex4_instr_vns = ex4_instr_v & ( ~ { 4 { ex4_store_valid } } ) & { 4 { ~ ( ex4_cr_val | ex4_record | ex4_mcrfs ) } } & ( ~ { 4 { ex4_instr_vns_taken } } ) ;
assign ex5_instr_vns = ex5_instr_v & { 4 { ( ~ ex5_cr_val | ex5_record | ex5_mcrfs ) } } & ( ~ { 4 { ex5_instr_vns_taken } } ) ; // ex5_instr_v was gated off by ex4_store_valid the prev cycle
assign ex5_cr_or_divsqrt_v [ 0 ] = f_dsq_ex5_divsqrt_v [ 0 ] | ( ex5_instr_v [ 0 ] & ( ex5_cr_val | ex5_record | ex5_mcrfs ) ) | ex5_instr_vns [ 0 ] ;
assign ex5_cr_or_divsqrt_v [ 1 ] = f_dsq_ex5_divsqrt_v [ 1 ] | ( ex5_instr_v [ 1 ] & ( ex5_cr_val | ex5_record | ex5_mcrfs ) ) | ex5_instr_vns [ 1 ] ;
assign ex5_any_cr_v = ( | ( ex5_instr_v ) & ( ~ ex5_divsqrt_v ) ) & ( ex5_cr_val | ex5_record | ex5_mcrfs ) ;
if ( `THREADS = = 1 )
begin : dcd_axu0_itag_vld_thr1_1
assign axu0_rv_itag_vld [ 0 ] = ( ex3_instr_vns [ 0 ] & ( ~ ex4_instr_vns [ 0 ] ) & ( ~ ex5_cr_or_divsqrt_v [ 0 ] ) ) |
( ex4_instr_vns [ 0 ] & ( ~ ex5_cr_or_divsqrt_v [ 0 ] ) ) |
( ex5_cr_or_divsqrt_v [ 0 ] ) ;
if ( `THREADS = = 2 )
begin : dcd_axu0_itag_vld_thr2_1
assign axu0_rv_itag_vld [ 0 ] = ( ex3_instr_vns [ 0 ] & ( ~ ( | ( ex4_instr_vns ) ) ) & ( ~ ( | ( ex5_cr_or_divsqrt_v ) ) ) ) |
( ex4_instr_vns [ 0 ] & ( ~ ( | ( ex5_cr_or_divsqrt_v ) ) ) ) |
( ex5_cr_or_divsqrt_v [ 0 ] ) ;
assign axu0_rv_itag_vld [ 1 ] = ( ex3_instr_vns [ 1 ] & ( ~ ( | ( ex4_instr_vns ) ) ) & ( ~ ( | ( ex5_cr_or_divsqrt_v ) ) ) ) |
( ex4_instr_vns [ 1 ] & ( ~ ( | ( ex5_cr_or_divsqrt_v ) ) ) ) |
( ex5_cr_or_divsqrt_v [ 1 ] ) ;
assign axu0_rv_itag = ( ex3_itag [ 0 : 6 ] & { 7 { ( ( ~ ( ex5_divsqrt_v | ex5_any_cr_v | | ( ex5_instr_vns ) ) ) & ( ~ | ( ex4_instr_vns ) ) & | ( ex3_instr_vns ) ) } } ) |
( ex4_itag [ 0 : 6 ] & { 7 { ( ( ~ ( ex5_divsqrt_v | ex5_any_cr_v | | ( ex5_instr_vns ) ) ) & | ( ex4_instr_vns ) ) } } ) |
( ex5_itag [ 0 : 6 ] & { 7 { ( ( ex5_any_cr_v | | ( ex5_instr_vns ) ) & ( ~ ex5_divsqrt_v ) ) } } ) |
( ex5_divsqrt_itag [ 0 : 6 ] & { 7 { ( ex5_divsqrt_v ) } } ) ;
assign axu0_rv_itag_abort = ( ex3_abort_din & ( ( ~ ( ex5_divsqrt_v | ex5_any_cr_v | | ( ex5_instr_vns ) ) ) & ( ~ | ( ex4_instr_vns ) ) & | ( ex3_instr_vns ) ) ) |
( ex4_abort & ( ( ~ ( ex5_divsqrt_v | ex5_any_cr_v | | ( ex5_instr_vns ) ) ) & | ( ex4_instr_vns ) ) ) |
( ex5_abort_l2 & ( ( ex5_any_cr_v | | ( ex5_instr_vns ) ) & ( ~ ex5_divsqrt_v ) ) ) ;
assign ex5_divsqrt_v = | ( f_dsq_ex5_divsqrt_v ) ;
assign axu0_rv_ord_complete = ex5_divsqrt_v ;
assign ex5_itag_din = ( ex5_itag [ 0 : 6 ] & { 7 { ( ~ ex5_divsqrt_v ) } } ) |
( ex5_divsqrt_itag [ 0 : 6 ] & { 7 { ex5_divsqrt_v } } ) ;
assign ex6_fpscr_wen_din = ex6_fpscr_wen | ex6_divsqrt_v ;
assign ex6_fpscr_addr_din = ( ex6_fpscr_addr & { 6 { ( ~ ex6_divsqrt_v ) } } ) |
( ex6_divsqrt_fpscr_addr & { 6 { ex6_divsqrt_v } } ) ;
assign ex7_instr_frt_din = ( ex6_instr_frt & { 6 { ( ~ ex6_divsqrt_v ) } } ) |
( f_dsq_ex6_divsqrt_instr_frt & { 6 { ex6_divsqrt_v } } ) ;
if ( `THREADS = = 1 )
begin : dcd_itag_vld_thr1_1
assign axu1_rv_itag_vld [ 0 ] = tidn ;
if ( `THREADS = = 2 )
begin : dcd_itag_vld_thr2_1
assign axu1_rv_itag_vld = 2 'b00 ;
assign axu1_rv_itag = 7 'b0000000 ;
assign axu1_rv_itag_abort = 1 'b0 ;
assign ex5_fu_unavail = | ( ( ex5_instr_v [ 0 : 1 ] | ex5_fdivsqrt_start_din [ 0 : 1 ] ) & ( ~ msr_fp [ 0 : 1 ] ) ) ;
assign ex6_fu_unavail = | ( ( ex6_instr_v [ 0 : 1 ] | ex6_fdivsqrt_start_din [ 0 : 1 ] ) & ( ~ msr_fp [ 0 : 1 ] ) ) ;
assign ex7_fu_unavail = | ( ( ex7_instr_v [ 0 : 1 ] | ex7_fdivsqrt_start_din [ 0 : 1 ] ) & ( ~ msr_fp [ 0 : 1 ] ) ) ;
assign ex8_fu_unavail = ( ex8_instr_valid [ 0 : 1 ] | ex8_fdivsqrt_start_din [ 0 : 1 ] ) & ( ~ msr_fp [ 0 : 1 ] ) ;
// AXU0 Instruction Executed
if ( `THREADS = = 2 )
begin : dcd_exe0_vld_thr2_1
assign axu0_iu_execute_vld [ 0 ] = ( ex8_instr_valid [ 0 ] | ( ex8_fdivsqrt_start [ 0 ] & ( ex8_b_den_flush | ex8_regfile_err_det [ 0 ] ) ) ) & ( ~ ex8_abort ) & ( ~ ex8_perr_sm_instr_v ) ;
assign axu0_iu_execute_vld [ 1 ] = ( ex8_instr_valid [ 1 ] | ( ex8_fdivsqrt_start [ 1 ] & ( ex8_b_den_flush | ex8_regfile_err_det [ 1 ] ) ) ) & ( ~ ex8_abort ) & ( ~ ex8_perr_sm_instr_v ) ;
if ( `THREADS = = 1 )
begin : dcd_exe0_vld_thr1_1
assign axu0_iu_execute_vld [ 0 ] = ( ex8_instr_valid [ 0 ] | ( ex8_fdivsqrt_start [ 0 ] & ( ex8_b_den_flush | ex8_regfile_err_det [ 0 ] ) ) ) & ( ~ ex8_abort ) & ( ~ ex8_perr_sm_instr_v ) ;
assign ex8_ucode_preissue_din = ex8_ucode_preissue & | ( ex8_instr_valid ) ;
assign axu0_iu_itag = ex8_itag [ 0 : 6 ] ;
assign axu0_iu_n_flush = ( | ( ex8_fu_unavail ) | ex8_b_den_flush | | ( ex8_regfile_err_det ) ) & ( ~ ex8_ucode_preissue ) ;
assign axu0_iu_np1_flush = ( ex8_fpr_wr_dis | | ( ex8_fp_enabled ) | ex8_fpscr_move ) & ( ~ ex8_ucode_preissue ) ;
assign axu0_iu_n_np1_flush = | ( ex8_fp_enabled ) & ( ~ ex8_ucode_preissue ) ;
assign axu0_iu_flush2ucode = ex8_b_den_flush & ( ~ ex8_ucode_preissue ) & ( ~ | ( ex8_fu_unavail ) ) ;
assign axu0_iu_flush2ucode_type = 1 'b0 ;
// Exception vector encodes
//| 1 0000 AP Unavailable
//| 1 0001 FP Unavailable
//| 1 0010 Vector Unavailable
//| 1 0011 Progam AP Enabled
//| 1 0100 Progam FP Enabled
//| 1 0101 Progam FP Enabled, gate FPR write
assign fp_except_fx [ 0 ] = f_scr_ex8_fx_thread0 [ 0 ] ;
assign fp_except_fx [ 1 ] = f_scr_ex8_fx_thread1 [ 0 ] ;
assign fp_except_fex [ 0 ] = f_scr_ex8_fx_thread0 [ 1 ] ;
assign fp_except_fex [ 1 ] = f_scr_ex8_fx_thread1 [ 1 ] ;
assign fp_except_fex_async [ 0 ] = f_scr_cpl_fx_thread0 [ 1 ] ;
assign fp_except_fex_async [ 1 ] = f_scr_cpl_fx_thread1 [ 1 ] ;
// Denorm flushes take priority over fp_enabled exceptions
assign ex8_fp_enabled = ex8_instr_valid & fp_except_en_q & fp_except_fex & ( ~ ex8_fu_unavail ) & ( ~ { 2 { ( ex8_b_den_flush ) } } ) ;
// async fex (AP Enabled) exception occurs when the fex bit was set previously, but exceptions weren't enabled
// until a later time. This exception is imprecise.
//rising edge sets
assign fp_async_fex_d = ( fp_except_fex_async & fp_except_en_d & ( ~ fp_except_en_q ) ) | ( fp_async_fex_q & ( ~ ( fp_except_en_q & ( ~ fp_except_en_d ) ) ) ) ; //falling edge clears
assign axu0_iu_exception_val = ( | ( ex8_fu_unavail ) | | ( ex8_fp_enabled ) ) & ( ~ ex8_ucode_preissue ) ;
assign axu0_iu_exception [ 0 : 3 ] = { 1 'b0 ,
( | ( ex8_fp_enabled ) | ex8_fpr_wr_dis ) ,
1 'b0 ,
( | ( ex8_fu_unavail ) | ex8_fpr_wr_dis ) } ;
if ( `THREADS = = 1 )
begin : dcd_async_fex_thr1_1
assign axu0_iu_async_fex [ 0 ] = fp_async_fex_q [ 0 ] ;
assign spare_unused [ 12 ] = fp_async_fex_q [ 1 ] ;
assign msr_pr_d [ 0 ] = xu_fu_msr_pr [ 0 ] ;
assign msr_pr_d [ 1 ] = tidn ;
assign msr_gs_d [ 0 ] = xu_fu_msr_gs [ 0 ] ;
assign msr_gs_d [ 1 ] = tidn ;
if ( `THREADS = = 2 )
begin : dcd_async_fex_thr2_1
assign axu0_iu_async_fex [ 0 ] = fp_async_fex_q [ 0 ] ;
assign axu0_iu_async_fex [ 1 ] = fp_async_fex_q [ 1 ] ;
assign spare_unused [ 12 ] = tidn ;
assign msr_pr_d [ 0 ] = xu_fu_msr_pr [ 0 ] ;
assign msr_pr_d [ 1 ] = xu_fu_msr_pr [ 1 ] ;
assign msr_gs_d [ 0 ] = xu_fu_msr_gs [ 0 ] ;
assign msr_gs_d [ 1 ] = xu_fu_msr_gs [ 1 ] ;
assign fp_except_en_d = msr_fe0 | msr_fe1 ;
tri_rlmreg_p # ( . INIT ( 0 ) , . WIDTH ( 4 ) ) axu_ex (
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. act ( tihi ) ,
. force_t ( force_t ) ,
. d_mode ( tiup ) ,
. delay_lclkr ( delay_lclkr [ 9 ] ) ,
. mpw1_b ( mpw1_b [ 9 ] ) ,
. mpw2_b ( mpw2_b [ 1 ] ) ,
. thold_b ( thold_0_b ) ,
. sg ( sg_0 ) ,
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. scin ( axu_ex_si [ 0 : 3 ] ) ,
. scout ( axu_ex_so [ 0 : 3 ] ) ,
. din ( { fp_except_en_d ,
fp_async_fex_d } ) ,
. dout ( { fp_except_en_q ,
fp_async_fex_q } )
) ;
// AXU1 Instruction Executed
if ( `THREADS = = 1 )
begin : dcd_exe_vld_thr1_1
assign axu1_iu_execute_vld = 1 'b0 ;
if ( `THREADS = = 2 )
begin : dcd_exe_vld_thr2_1
assign axu1_iu_execute_vld = 2 'b00 ;
assign axu1_iu_itag = 7 'b0000000 ;
assign axu1_iu_n_flush = 1 'b0 ;
assign axu1_iu_np1_flush = 1 'b0 ;
assign axu1_iu_exception [ 0 : 3 ] = 4 'b0000 ;
assign axu1_iu_flush2ucode = 1 'b0 ;
assign axu1_iu_flush2ucode_type = 1 'b0 ;
assign axu1_iu_exception_val = 1 'b0 ;
// Parity State Machine / parity section
tri_parity_recovery fu_parity_recovery (
. perr_si ( perr_si ) ,
. perr_so ( perr_so ) ,
. mpw1_b ( mpw1_b ) ,
. mpw2_b ( mpw2_b ) ,
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. force_t ( force_t ) ,
. thold_0_b ( thold_0_b ) ,
. sg_0 ( sg_0 ) ,
. gnd ( gnd ) ,
. vdd ( vdd ) ,
. ex3_hangcounter_trigger ( f_dsq_ex3_hangcounter_trigger ) ,
. ex3_a_parity_check ( f_mad_ex3_a_parity_check ) ,
. ex3_b_parity_check ( f_mad_ex3_b_parity_check ) ,
. ex3_c_parity_check ( f_mad_ex3_c_parity_check ) ,
. ex3_s_parity_check ( f_sto_ex3_s_parity_check ) ,
. rf0_instr_fra ( rf0_instr_fra ) ,
. rf0_instr_frb ( rf0_instr_frb ) ,
. rf0_instr_frc ( rf0_instr_frc ) ,
. rf0_tid ( rf0_tid ) ,
. rf0_dcd_fra ( f_dcd_rf0_fra ) ,
. rf0_dcd_frb ( f_dcd_rf0_frb ) ,
. rf0_dcd_frc ( f_dcd_rf0_frc ) ,
. rf0_dcd_tid ( f_dcd_rf0_tid ) ,
. ex1_instr_fra ( ex1_instr_fra ) ,
. ex1_instr_frb ( ex1_instr_frb ) ,
. ex1_instr_frc ( ex1_instr_frc ) ,
. ex1_instr_frs ( ex1_instr_frs ) ,
. ex3_fra_v ( ex3_fra_v ) ,
. ex3_frb_v ( ex3_frb_v ) ,
. ex3_frc_v ( ex3_frc_v ) ,
. ex3_str_v ( ex3_str_v ) ,
. ex3_frs_byp ( ex3_frs_byp ) ,
. ex3_fdivsqrt_start ( ex3_fdivsqrt_start ) ,
. ex3_instr_v ( ex3_instr_v [ 0 : 1 ] ) ,
. msr_fp_act ( msr_fp_act ) ,
. cp_flush_1d ( cp_flush_q ) ,
. ex7_is_fixperr ( ex7_is_fixperr ) ,
. xx_ex4_regfile_err_det ( ex4_regfile_err_det ) ,
. xx_ex5_regfile_err_det ( ex5_regfile_err_det ) ,
. xx_ex6_regfile_err_det ( ex6_regfile_err_det ) ,
. xx_ex7_regfile_err_det ( ex7_regfile_err_det ) ,
. xx_ex8_regfile_err_det ( ex8_regfile_err_det ) ,
. xx_ex1_perr_sm_instr_v ( ex1_perr_sm_instr_v ) ,
. xx_ex2_perr_sm_instr_v ( ex2_perr_sm_instr_v ) ,
. xx_ex3_perr_sm_instr_v ( ex3_perr_sm_instr_v ) ,
. xx_ex4_perr_sm_instr_v ( ex4_perr_sm_instr_v ) ,
. xx_ex5_perr_sm_instr_v ( ex5_perr_sm_instr_v ) ,
. xx_ex6_perr_sm_instr_v ( ex6_perr_sm_instr_v ) ,
. xx_ex7_perr_sm_instr_v ( ex7_perr_sm_instr_v ) ,
. xx_ex8_perr_sm_instr_v ( ex8_perr_sm_instr_v ) ,
. xx_perr_sm_running ( perr_sm_running ) ,
. xx_ex2_perr_force_c ( f_dcd_ex2_perr_force_c ) ,
. xx_ex2_perr_fsel_ovrd ( f_dcd_ex2_perr_fsel_ovrd ) ,
. xx_perr_tid_l2 ( perr_tid_l2 ) ,
. xx_perr_sm_l2 ( perr_sm_l2 ) ,
. xx_perr_addr_l2 ( perr_addr_l2 ) ,
. ex3_sto_parity_err ( fu_lq_ex3_sto_parity_err ) ,
. xx_rv_hold_all ( f_dcd_rv_hold_all ) ,
. xx_ex0_regfile_ue ( ex0_regfile_ue ) ,
. xx_ex0_regfile_ce ( ex0_regfile_ce ) ,
. xx_pc_err_regfile_parity ( fu_pc_err_regfile_parity ) ,
. xx_pc_err_regfile_ue ( fu_pc_err_regfile_ue )
) ;
assign f_dcd_perr_sm_running = perr_sm_running ;
// Microcode Hooks for Divide and Square Root
//removed uc_hooks for a2o
// Buffer outputs
assign f_dcd_ex1_uc_ft_pos = 1 'b0 ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_uc_ft_neg = 1 'b0 ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_uc_fa_pos = 1 'b0 ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_uc_fc_pos = 1 'b0 ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_uc_fb_pos = 1 'b0 ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_uc_fc_hulp = 1 'b0 ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_uc_fc_0_5 = 1 'b0 ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_uc_fc_1_0 = 1 'b0 ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_uc_fc_1_minus = 1 'b0 ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_uc_fb_1_0 = 1 'b0 ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_uc_fb_0_75 = 1 'b0 ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_uc_fb_0_5 = 1 'b0 ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_uc_mid = 1 'b0 ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_uc_end = 1 'b0 ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_uc_special = 1 'b0 ;
assign f_dcd_ex3_uc_inc_lsb = 1 'b0 ;
assign f_dcd_ex3_uc_gs_v = 1 'b0 ;
assign f_dcd_ex3_uc_gs = 2 'b00 ;
assign f_dcd_ex3_uc_vxsnan = 1 'b0 ;
assign f_dcd_ex3_uc_zx = 1 'b0 ;
assign f_dcd_ex3_uc_vxidi = 1 'b0 ;
assign f_dcd_ex3_uc_vxzdz = 1 'b0 ;
assign f_dcd_ex3_uc_vxsqrt = 1 'b0 ;
// Slow SPR Bus
// Latches
tri_rlmreg_p # ( . INIT ( 0 ) , . WIDTH ( 15 ) ) spr_ctl (
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. act ( tihi ) ,
. force_t ( force_t ) ,
. d_mode ( tiup ) ,
. delay_lclkr ( delay_lclkr [ 9 ] ) ,
. mpw1_b ( mpw1_b [ 9 ] ) ,
. mpw2_b ( mpw2_b [ 1 ] ) ,
. thold_b ( thold_0_b ) ,
. sg ( sg_0 ) ,
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. scin ( spr_ctl_si [ 0 : 14 ] ) ,
. scout ( spr_ctl_so [ 0 : 14 ] ) ,
. din ( { slowspr_in_val ,
slowspr_in_rw ,
slowspr_in_etid [ 0 : 1 ] ,
slowspr_in_addr [ 0 : 9 ] ,
slowspr_in_done } ) ,
. dout ( { slowspr_out_val ,
slowspr_out_rw ,
slowspr_out_etid [ 0 : 1 ] ,
slowspr_out_addr [ 0 : 9 ] ,
slowspr_out_done } )
) ;
tri_rlmreg_p # ( . INIT ( 0 ) , . WIDTH ( 2 * * REGMODE ) ) spr_data (
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. act ( tihi ) ,
. force_t ( force_t ) ,
. d_mode ( tiup ) ,
. delay_lclkr ( delay_lclkr [ 9 ] ) ,
. mpw1_b ( mpw1_b [ 9 ] ) ,
. mpw2_b ( mpw2_b [ 1 ] ) ,
. thold_b ( thold_0_b ) ,
. sg ( sg_0 ) ,
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. scin ( spr_data_si [ 64 - ( 2 * * REGMODE ) : 63 ] ) ,
. scout ( spr_data_so [ 64 - ( 2 * * REGMODE ) : 63 ] ) ,
. din ( slowspr_in_data ) ,
. dout ( slowspr_out_data )
) ;
tri_rlmreg_p # ( . INIT ( 0 ) , . WIDTH ( 4 ) ) axucr0_lat (
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. act ( tihi ) ,
. force_t ( cfg_sl_force ) ,
. d_mode ( tiup ) ,
. delay_lclkr ( delay_lclkr [ 9 ] ) ,
. mpw1_b ( mpw1_b [ 9 ] ) ,
. mpw2_b ( mpw2_b [ 1 ] ) ,
. thold_b ( cfg_sl_thold_0_b ) ,
. sg ( sg_0 ) ,
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. scin ( axucr0_lat_si [ 0 : 3 ] ) ,
. scout ( axucr0_lat_so [ 0 : 3 ] ) ,
. din ( axucr0_din [ 60 : 63 ] ) ,
. dout ( axucr0_q [ 60 : 63 ] )
) ;
tri_ser_rlmreg_p # ( . WIDTH ( 32 ) , . INIT ( 0 ) ) a0esr_lat (
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. act ( a0esr_wr ) ,
. force_t ( cfg_sl_force ) ,
. delay_lclkr ( delay_lclkr [ 9 ] ) ,
. d_mode ( tiup ) ,
. mpw1_b ( mpw1_b [ 9 ] ) ,
. mpw2_b ( mpw2_b [ 1 ] ) ,
. thold_b ( cfg_sl_thold_0_b ) ,
. sg ( sg_0 ) ,
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. scin ( a0esr_lat_si [ 0 : 31 ] ) ,
. scout ( a0esr_lat_so [ 0 : 31 ] ) ,
. din ( a0esr_din ) ,
. dout ( a0esr_q )
) ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_force_excp_dis = axucr0_q [ 61 ] ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_nj_deni = axucr0_q [ 62 ] ;
assign f_dcd_ex1_nj_deno = axucr0_q [ 63 ] ;
assign f_dcd_axucr0_deno = axucr0_q [ 63 ] ;
assign a0esr_event_mux_ctrls = a0esr_q [ 32 : 63 ] ;
// slowSPR bus inputs
// slowspr_in_val <= slowspr_val_in and not ((cp_flush_q(0) and slowspr_etid_in(0)) or
// (cp_flush_q(1) and slowspr_etid_in(1)));
assign slowspr_in_val = slowspr_val_in & ( ~ ( ( cp_flush_q [ 0 ] & ( ~ slowspr_etid_in [ 1 ] ) ) | ( cp_flush_q [ 1 ] & slowspr_etid_in [ 1 ] ) ) ) ; // etid is encoded tid, not one hot
assign slowspr_in_rw = slowspr_rw_in ;
assign slowspr_in_etid = slowspr_etid_in ;
assign slowspr_in_addr = slowspr_addr_in ;
assign slowspr_in_data = slowspr_data_in ;
assign slowspr_in_done = slowspr_done_in ;
// for RTX
assign slowspr_val_in_int = slowspr_val_in ;
assign slowspr_data_in_int = slowspr_in_data ;
// AXUCR0 is SPR 976
assign axucr0_dec = slowspr_out_addr [ 0 : 9 ] = = 10 'b1111010000 ;
assign axucr0_rd = slowspr_out_val & axucr0_dec & slowspr_out_rw ;
assign axucr0_wr = slowspr_out_val & axucr0_dec & ( ~ slowspr_out_rw ) ;
assign axucr0_din [ 60 : 63 ] = ( slowspr_out_data [ 60 : 63 ] & { 4 { axucr0_wr } } ) |
( axucr0_q [ 60 : 63 ] & { 4 { ( ~ axucr0_wr ) } } ) ;
assign axucr0_out [ 32 : 63 ] = { slowspr_out_data [ 32 : 59 ] , axucr0_q [ 60 : 63 ] } ;
// AOESR is SPR 913
assign a0esr_dec = slowspr_out_addr [ 0 : 9 ] = = 10 'b1110010001 ;
assign a0esr_rd = slowspr_out_val & a0esr_dec & slowspr_out_rw ;
assign a0esr_wr = slowspr_out_val & a0esr_dec & ( ~ slowspr_out_rw ) ;
assign a0esr_din [ 32 : 63 ] = ( slowspr_out_data [ 32 : 63 ] & { 32 { a0esr_wr } } ) |
( a0esr_q [ 32 : 63 ] & { 32 { ( ~ a0esr_wr ) } } ) ;
// slowSPR bus outputs
if ( 2 * * REGMODE > 32 )
begin : r64
assign slowspr_data_out_int [ 0 : 31 ] = slowspr_out_data [ 0 : 31 ] ;
assign slowspr_data_out [ 0 : 31 ] = slowspr_data_out_int [ 0 : 31 ] ;
assign slowspr_data_out_int [ 32 : 63 ] = ( axucr0_rd = = 1 'b1 ) ? axucr0_out [ 32 : 63 ] :
( a0esr_rd = = 1 'b1 ) ? a0esr_q [ 32 : 63 ] :
slowspr_out_data [ 32 : 63 ] ;
assign slowspr_data_out [ 32 : 63 ] = slowspr_data_out_int [ 32 : 63 ] ;
assign slowspr_val_out = slowspr_out_val ;
assign slowspr_rw_out = slowspr_out_rw ;
assign slowspr_etid_out = slowspr_out_etid ;
assign slowspr_addr_out = slowspr_out_addr ;
assign slowspr_done_out_int = slowspr_out_done | axucr0_rd | axucr0_wr | a0esr_rd | a0esr_wr ;
assign slowspr_done_out = slowspr_done_out_int ;
// RAM
assign ex7_ram_sign = f_rnd_ex7_res_sign ;
assign ex7_ram_frac [ 0 : 52 ] = f_rnd_ex7_res_frac [ 0 : 52 ] ;
assign ex7_ram_expo [ 3 : 13 ] = f_rnd_ex7_res_expo [ 3 : 13 ] ;
if ( `THREADS = = 1 )
begin : dcd_ramactive_thr1_1
assign ex7_ram_active [ 0 ] = pc_fu_ram_active [ 0 ] ;
assign ex7_ram_active [ 1 ] = tilo ;
if ( `THREADS = = 2 )
begin : dcd_ramactive_thr2_1
assign ex7_ram_active [ 0 ] = pc_fu_ram_active [ 0 ] ;
assign ex7_ram_active [ 1 ] = pc_fu_ram_active [ 1 ] ;
// Better be the only instr in the pipe for that thread. Bugspray event fail if not
//and not pc_fu_ram_thread -- (pc_fu_ram_thread(0 to 1) = ex7_instr_tid(0 to 1))
assign ex7_ram_done = | ( ex7_ram_active & ( ex7_instr_v [ 0 : 1 ] & ( ~ cp_flush_q [ 0 : 1 ] ) ) ) & ( ~ ex7_is_ucode ) & ( ~ ex7_is_fixperr ) ; // Only report the end of the ucode seq
tri_rlmreg_p # ( . INIT ( 0 ) , . WIDTH ( 65 ) ) ex8_ram_lat (
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. act ( ex7_instr_valid ) ,
. force_t ( force_t ) ,
. d_mode ( tiup ) ,
. delay_lclkr ( delay_lclkr [ 9 ] ) ,
. mpw1_b ( mpw1_b [ 9 ] ) ,
. mpw2_b ( mpw2_b [ 1 ] ) ,
. thold_b ( thold_0_b ) ,
. sg ( sg_0 ) ,
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. scin ( ram_data_si [ 0 : 64 ] ) ,
. scout ( ram_data_so [ 0 : 64 ] ) ,
. din ( { ex7_ram_sign ,
ex7_ram_expo [ 3 : 13 ] ,
ex7_ram_frac [ 0 : 52 ] } ) ,
. dout ( { ex8_ram_sign ,
ex8_ram_expo [ 3 : 13 ] ,
ex8_ram_frac [ 0 : 52 ] } )
) ;
tri_rlmreg_p # ( . INIT ( 0 ) , . WIDTH ( 1 ) ) ex8_ramv_lat (
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. act ( tihi ) ,
. force_t ( force_t ) ,
. d_mode ( tiup ) ,
. delay_lclkr ( delay_lclkr [ 9 ] ) ,
. mpw1_b ( mpw1_b [ 9 ] ) ,
. mpw2_b ( mpw2_b [ 1 ] ) ,
. thold_b ( thold_0_b ) ,
. sg ( sg_0 ) ,
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. scin ( ram_datav_si [ 0 ] ) ,
. scout ( ram_datav_so [ 0 ] ) ,
. din ( ex7_ram_done ) ,
. dout ( ex8_ram_done )
) ;
assign ex8_ram_data [ 0 ] = ex8_ram_sign ;
assign ex8_ram_data [ 1 : 11 ] = ex8_ram_expo [ 3 : 13 ] & { 11 { ex8_ram_frac [ 0 ] } } ;
assign ex8_ram_data [ 12 : 63 ] = ex8_ram_frac [ 1 : 52 ] ;
assign fu_pc_ram_data_val = ex8_ram_done & ex8_instr_v ;
assign fu_pc_ram_data [ 0 : 63 ] = ex8_ram_data [ 0 : 63 ] ;
// Event Bus
// Perf events
assign evnt_axu_instr_cmt [ 0 ] = ex7_instr_valid & ( ex7_instr_tid [ 0 : 1 ] = = 2 'b00 ) & ( ~ ex7_is_ucode ) & ( ~ ex7_is_fixperr ) ;
assign evnt_axu_instr_cmt [ 1 ] = ex7_instr_valid & ( ex7_instr_tid [ 0 : 1 ] = = 2 'b01 ) & ( ~ ex7_is_ucode ) & ( ~ ex7_is_fixperr ) ;
assign evnt_axu_cr_cmt [ 0 ] = ex7_instr_valid & ( ex7_instr_tid [ 0 : 1 ] = = 2 'b00 ) & ( ex7_cr_val | ex7_record | ex7_mcrfs ) ;
assign evnt_axu_cr_cmt [ 1 ] = ex7_instr_valid & ( ex7_instr_tid [ 0 : 1 ] = = 2 'b01 ) & ( ex7_cr_val | ex7_record | ex7_mcrfs ) ;
assign evnt_axu_idle [ 0 ] = ( ex7_instr_tid [ 0 : 1 ] = = 2 'b00 ) & ( ~ ( ex7_instr_valid | ex7_cr_val | ex7_record | ex7_mcrfs ) ) ; //includes ucode
assign evnt_axu_idle [ 1 ] = ( ex7_instr_tid [ 0 : 1 ] = = 2 'b01 ) & ( ~ ( ex7_instr_valid | ex7_cr_val | ex7_record | ex7_mcrfs ) ) ; //includes ucode
assign evnt_denrm_flush [ 0 ] = ( ex5_instr_tid [ 0 : 1 ] = = 2 'b00 ) & ex5_b_den_flush ;
assign evnt_denrm_flush [ 1 ] = ( ex5_instr_tid [ 0 : 1 ] = = 2 'b01 ) & ex5_b_den_flush ;
assign evnt_uc_instr_cmt [ 0 ] = ex7_instr_valid & ( ex7_instr_tid [ 0 : 1 ] = = 2 'b00 ) & ex7_is_ucode ;
assign evnt_uc_instr_cmt [ 1 ] = ex7_instr_valid & ( ex7_instr_tid [ 0 : 1 ] = = 2 'b01 ) & ex7_is_ucode ;
assign evnt_fpu_fx [ 0 : 1 ] = { f_scr_ex8_fx_thread0 [ 0 ] , f_scr_ex8_fx_thread1 [ 0 ] } ;
assign evnt_fpu_fex [ 0 : 1 ] = { f_scr_ex8_fx_thread0 [ 1 ] , f_scr_ex8_fx_thread1 [ 1 ] } ;
assign evnt_fpu_cpl_fx [ 0 : 1 ] = { f_scr_cpl_fx_thread0 [ 0 ] , f_scr_cpl_fx_thread1 [ 0 ] } ;
assign evnt_fpu_cpl_fex [ 0 : 1 ] = { f_scr_cpl_fx_thread0 [ 1 ] , f_scr_cpl_fx_thread1 [ 1 ] } ;
assign evnt_div_sqrt_ip [ 0 ] = ( ex5_instr_tid [ 0 : 1 ] = = 2 'b00 ) & f_dsq_debug [ 10 ] ; // todo: need to cover later cycles? this is only up to ex5
assign evnt_div_sqrt_ip [ 1 ] = ( ex5_instr_tid [ 0 : 1 ] = = 2 'b01 ) & f_dsq_debug [ 10 ] ;
assign event_en_d [ 0 : 1 ] = ( msr_pr_q & { 2 { event_count_mode_q [ 0 ] } } ) | //-- User
( ( ~ msr_pr_q ) & msr_gs_q & { 2 { event_count_mode_q [ 1 ] } } ) | //-- Guest Supervisor
( ( ~ msr_pr_q ) & ( ~ msr_gs_q ) & { 2 { event_count_mode_q [ 2 ] } } ) ; //-- Hypervisor
assign event_en_d [ 2 : 3 ] = { 2 { tidn } } ;
assign t0_events [ 0 : 14 ] = { evnt_axu_instr_cmt [ 0 ] , evnt_axu_cr_cmt [ 0 ] , evnt_axu_idle [ 0 ] , evnt_div_sqrt_ip [ 0 ] , evnt_denrm_flush [ 0 ] , evnt_uc_instr_cmt [ 0 ] , evnt_fpu_fx [ 0 ] , evnt_fpu_fex [ 0 ] ,
evnt_fpu_cpl_fx [ 0 ] , evnt_fpu_cpl_fex [ 0 ] , tidn , tidn , tidn , tidn , tidn } & { 15 { event_en_q [ 0 ] } } ;
assign t1_events [ 0 : 14 ] = { evnt_axu_instr_cmt [ 1 ] , evnt_axu_cr_cmt [ 1 ] , evnt_axu_idle [ 1 ] , evnt_div_sqrt_ip [ 1 ] , evnt_denrm_flush [ 1 ] , evnt_uc_instr_cmt [ 1 ] , evnt_fpu_fx [ 1 ] , evnt_fpu_fex [ 1 ] ,
evnt_fpu_cpl_fx [ 1 ] , evnt_fpu_cpl_fex [ 1 ] , tidn , tidn , tidn , tidn , tidn } & { 15 { event_en_q [ 1 ] } } ;
// perf event mux
assign unit_bus_in_t0 = t0_events [ 0 : 14 ] ;
assign unit_bus_in_t1 = t1_events [ 0 : 14 ] ;
tri_event_mux1t # ( . EVENTS_IN ( 16 ) , . EVENTS_OUT ( 4 ) )
event_mux_t0 (
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. unit_events_in ( unit_bus_in_t0 ) ,
. select_bits ( a0esr_event_mux_ctrls [ 0 : 15 ] ) ,
. event_bus_in ( event_bus_in [ 0 : 3 ] ) ,
. event_bus_out ( event_bus_d [ 0 : 3 ] )
) ;
`ifndef THREADS1
tri_event_mux1t # ( . EVENTS_IN ( 16 ) , . EVENTS_OUT ( 4 ) )
event_mux_t1 (
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. unit_events_in ( unit_bus_in_t1 ) ,
. select_bits ( a0esr_event_mux_ctrls [ 16 : 31 ] ) ,
. event_bus_in ( event_bus_in [ 4 : 7 ] ) ,
. event_bus_out ( event_bus_d [ 4 : 7 ] )
) ;
assign event_bus_out [ 0 : 7 ] = event_bus_q [ 0 : 7 ] ;
assign event_bus_d [ 4 : 7 ] = { 4 { tidn } } ;
assign event_bus_out [ 0 : 3 ] = event_bus_q [ 0 : 3 ] ;
tri_rlmreg_p # ( . INIT ( 0 ) , . WIDTH ( 8 ) ) event_bus_out_lat (
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. act ( event_act ) ,
. force_t ( force_t ) ,
. d_mode ( tiup ) ,
. delay_lclkr ( delay_lclkr [ 9 ] ) ,
. mpw1_b ( mpw1_b [ 9 ] ) ,
. mpw2_b ( mpw2_b [ 1 ] ) ,
. thold_b ( thold_0_b ) ,
. sg ( sg_0 ) ,
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. scin ( event_bus_out_si ) ,
. scout ( event_bus_out_so ) ,
. din ( { event_bus_d } ) ,
. dout ( { event_bus_q } )
) ;
tri_rlmreg_p # ( . INIT ( 0 ) , . WIDTH ( 35 ) ) perf_data (
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. act ( event_act ) ,
. force_t ( force_t ) ,
. d_mode ( tiup ) ,
. delay_lclkr ( delay_lclkr [ 9 ] ) ,
. mpw1_b ( mpw1_b [ 9 ] ) ,
. mpw2_b ( mpw2_b [ 1 ] ) ,
. thold_b ( thold_0_b ) ,
. sg ( sg_0 ) ,
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. scin ( perf_data_si ) ,
. scout ( perf_data_so ) ,
. din ( { spare_unused [ 13 : 20 ] ,
event_en_d [ 0 : 3 ] ,
spare_unused [ 4 ] ,
pc_fu_event_count_mode [ 0 : 2 ] ,
msr_pr_d [ 0 : 1 ] ,
msr_gs_d [ 0 : 1 ] ,
pc_fu_instr_trace_mode ,
pc_fu_instr_trace_tid [ 0 : 1 ] ,
rf0_instr_tid_1hot [ 0 : 3 ] ,
rf1_instr_iss [ 0 : 3 ] ,
ex1_instr_iss [ 0 : 3 ] } ) ,
. dout ( { spare_unused [ 13 : 20 ] ,
event_en_q [ 0 : 3 ] ,
spare_unused [ 4 ] ,
event_count_mode_q [ 0 : 2 ] ,
msr_pr_q [ 0 : 1 ] ,
msr_gs_q [ 0 : 1 ] ,
instr_trace_mode_q , // todo
instr_trace_tid_q [ 0 : 1 ] , // todo
rf1_instr_iss [ 0 : 3 ] ,
ex1_instr_iss [ 0 : 3 ] ,
ex2_instr_iss [ 0 : 3 ] } )
) ;
// Debug Bus
tri_rlmreg_p # ( . INIT ( 0 ) , . WIDTH ( 32 ) ) dbg_group3_lat (
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. act ( tiup ) ,
. force_t ( force_t ) ,
. d_mode ( tiup ) ,
. delay_lclkr ( delay_lclkr [ 9 ] ) ,
. mpw1_b ( mpw1_b [ 9 ] ) ,
. mpw2_b ( mpw2_b [ 1 ] ) ,
. thold_b ( thold_0_b ) ,
. sg ( sg_0 ) ,
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. scin ( dbg_group3_lat_si ) ,
. scout ( dbg_group3_lat_so ) ,
. din ( { dbg_group3_din [ 00 : 31 ] } ) ,
. dout ( { dbg_group3_q [ 00 : 31 ] } )
) ;
assign divsqrt_debug [ 0 : 63 ] = f_dsq_debug ;
// FU is the first unit in the DBG chain
//assign trace_data_in[0:87] = debug_data_in[0:87];
assign trace_data_in [ 0 : 31 ] = debug_bus_in [ 0 : 31 ] ;
//assign trigger_data_in[0:11] = trace_triggers_in[0:11];
// Debug Events
// todo: width is only 32 bits now, might want to reorder this stuff
assign dbg_group0 [ 0 : 63 ] = ex8_ram_data [ 0 : 63 ] ;
assign dbg_group1 [ 0 : 63 ] = divsqrt_debug [ 0 : 63 ] ;
assign dbg_group2 [ 0 : 31 ] = ex1_instr [ 0 : 31 ] & { 32 { ( instr_trace_mode_q & ( instr_trace_tid_q ! = ex1_tid ) ) } } ; // gate instr if not tid;
assign dbg_group2 [ 32 : 35 ] = ( f_scr_ex8_fx_thread0 [ 0 : 3 ] & ( ~ { 4 { instr_trace_mode_q } } ) ) ;
assign dbg_group2 [ 36 : 39 ] = ( f_scr_ex8_fx_thread1 [ 0 : 3 ] & ( ~ { 4 { instr_trace_mode_q } } ) ) | ( 4 'b1010 & ( ~ { 4 { instr_trace_mode_q } } ) ) ; //a
assign dbg_group2 [ 40 : 43 ] = ( f_scr_cpl_fx_thread0 [ 0 : 3 ] & ( ~ { 4 { instr_trace_mode_q } } ) ) | ( 4 'b1011 & ( ~ { 4 { instr_trace_mode_q } } ) ) ; //b
assign dbg_group2 [ 44 : 47 ] = ( f_scr_cpl_fx_thread1 [ 0 : 3 ] & ( ~ { 4 { instr_trace_mode_q } } ) ) | ( 4 'b1100 & ( ~ { 4 { instr_trace_mode_q } } ) ) ; //c
assign dbg_group2 [ 48 : 51 ] = ( ex5_eff_addr [ 59 : 62 ] & ( ~ { 4 { instr_trace_mode_q } } ) ) | ( 4 'b1101 & ( ~ { 4 { instr_trace_mode_q } } ) ) ; //d
assign dbg_group2 [ 52 : 55 ] = ( { ex5_eff_addr [ 63 ] , perr_sm_l2 [ 0 : 2 ] } & ( ~ { 4 { instr_trace_mode_q } } ) ) | ( 4 'b1110 & ( ~ { 4 { instr_trace_mode_q } } ) ) ; //e
assign dbg_group2 [ 56 : 61 ] = perr_addr_l2 [ 0 : 5 ] & ( ~ { 6 { instr_trace_mode_q } } ) ;
assign dbg_group2 [ 62 : 63 ] = perr_tid_l2 [ 0 : 1 ] & ( ~ { 2 { instr_trace_mode_q } } ) ;
assign dbg_group3_din [ 00 ] = ex0_regfile_ce ;
assign dbg_group3_din [ 01 ] = ex0_regfile_ue ;
assign dbg_group3_din [ 02 ] = ex1_bypsel_a_res0 ;
assign dbg_group3_din [ 03 ] = ex1_bypsel_c_res0 ;
assign dbg_group3_din [ 04 ] = ex1_bypsel_b_res0 ;
assign dbg_group3_din [ 05 ] = ex1_bypsel_a_res1 ;
assign dbg_group3_din [ 06 ] = ex1_bypsel_c_res1 ;
assign dbg_group3_din [ 07 ] = ex1_bypsel_b_res1 ;
assign dbg_group3_din [ 08 ] = ex1_bypsel_a_load0 ;
assign dbg_group3_din [ 09 ] = ex1_bypsel_c_load0 ;
assign dbg_group3_din [ 10 ] = ex1_bypsel_b_load0 ;
assign dbg_group3_din [ 11 ] = ex1_bypsel_a_load1 ;
assign dbg_group3_din [ 12 ] = ex1_bypsel_c_load1 ;
assign dbg_group3_din [ 13 ] = ex1_bypsel_b_load1 ;
assign dbg_group3_din [ 14 ] = ex1_frs_byp ;
assign dbg_group3_din [ 15 ] = ex1_v ;
assign dbg_group3_din [ 16 ] = ex1_bypsel_a_res2 ;
assign dbg_group3_din [ 17 ] = ex1_bypsel_c_res2 ;
assign dbg_group3_din [ 18 ] = ex1_bypsel_b_res2 ;
assign dbg_group3_din [ 19 ] = ex1_bypsel_a_load2 ;
assign dbg_group3_din [ 20 ] = ex1_bypsel_c_load2 ;
assign dbg_group3_din [ 21 ] = ex1_bypsel_b_load2 ;
assign dbg_group3_din [ 22 ] = ex1_bypsel_a_load3 ;
assign dbg_group3_din [ 23 ] = ex1_bypsel_c_load3 ;
assign dbg_group3_din [ 24 ] = ex1_bypsel_b_load3 ;
assign dbg_group3_din [ 25 ] = ex1_bypsel_a_reload0 ;
assign dbg_group3_din [ 26 ] = ex1_bypsel_c_reload0 ;
assign dbg_group3_din [ 27 ] = ex1_bypsel_b_reload0 ;
assign dbg_group3_din [ 28 ] = ex1_bypsel_a_reload1 ;
assign dbg_group3_din [ 29 ] = ex1_bypsel_c_reload1 ;
assign dbg_group3_din [ 30 ] = ex1_bypsel_b_reload1 ;
assign dbg_group3_din [ 31 ] = tidn ;
assign dbg_group3 [ 00 : 31 ] = dbg_group3_q [ 00 : 31 ] ;
assign dbg_group3 [ 32 : 63 ] = { t0_events [ 0 : 7 ] , t1_events [ 0 : 7 ] , { 16 { tidn } } } ;
assign trg_group0 [ 0 : 1 ] = evnt_fpu_fx [ 0 : 1 ] ;
assign trg_group0 [ 2 : 3 ] = evnt_fpu_cpl_fx [ 0 : 1 ] ;
assign trg_group0 [ 4 : 5 ] = evnt_fpu_fex [ 0 : 1 ] ;
assign trg_group0 [ 6 : 7 ] = evnt_fpu_cpl_fex [ 0 : 1 ] ;
assign trg_group0 [ 8 ] = ex7_instr_valid ;
assign trg_group0 [ 9 ] = ex7_is_ucode ;
assign trg_group0 [ 10 : 11 ] = ex7_instr_tid [ 0 : 1 ] ;
assign trg_group1 [ 0 : 2 ] = perr_sm_l2 [ 0 : 2 ] ;
assign trg_group1 [ 3 ] = ex0_regfile_ce ;
assign trg_group1 [ 4 ] = ex0_regfile_ue ;
assign trg_group1 [ 5 ] = ex7_instr_valid ;
assign trg_group1 [ 6 : 7 ] = ex7_instr_tid [ 0 : 1 ] ;
assign trg_group1 [ 8 ] = ex4_instr_match ;
assign trg_group1 [ 9 ] = ex7_record ;
assign trg_group1 [ 10 ] = ex7_mcrfs ;
assign trg_group1 [ 11 ] = ex5_b_den_flush ;
assign trg_group2 [ 0 : 11 ] = divsqrt_debug [ 0 : 11 ] ;
assign trg_group3 [ 0 : 11 ] = divsqrt_debug [ 12 : 23 ] ;
assign debug_mux_ctrls_d = pc_fu_debug_mux_ctrls ; // ARDSR[32:47]
//sel2 unused rot sel tsel trot trigssel
assign debug_mux_ctrls_muxed [ 0 : 10 ] = debug_mux_ctrls_q [ 0 : 10 ] ;
tri_debug_mux4 # ( . DBG_WIDTH ( 32 ) ) dbgmux (
. select_bits ( debug_mux_ctrls_muxed ) ,
. dbg_group0 ( dbg_group0 [ 0 : 31 ] ) ,
. dbg_group1 ( dbg_group1 [ 0 : 31 ] ) ,
. dbg_group2 ( dbg_group2 [ 0 : 31 ] ) ,
. dbg_group3 ( dbg_group3 [ 0 : 31 ] ) ,
. trace_data_in ( trace_data_in [ 0 : 31 ] ) ,
. trace_data_out ( trace_data_out [ 0 : 31 ] ) ,
. coretrace_ctrls_in ( coretrace_ctrls_in ) ,
. coretrace_ctrls_out ( coretrace_ctrls_out_d [ 0 : 3 ] )
) ;
assign debug_data_d [ 0 : 31 ] = trace_data_out [ 0 : 31 ] ;
assign coretrace_ctrls_out [ 0 : 3 ] = coretrace_ctrls_out_q ;
assign ex5_b_den_flush_din = ex4_b_den_flush & | ( { ex4_instr_v [ 0 : 3 ] , ex4_fdivsqrt_start } ) & ( ~ ex4_is_ucode ) ; //don't flush on ucode preIssue
// Trace Bus latches, using pc_fu_trace_bus_enable for act
tri_rlmreg_p # ( . INIT ( 0 ) , . WIDTH ( 68 ) ) dbg0_data (
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. act ( dbg0_act ) ,
. force_t ( func_slp_sl_force ) ,
. d_mode ( tiup ) ,
. delay_lclkr ( delay_lclkr [ 9 ] ) ,
. mpw1_b ( mpw1_b [ 9 ] ) ,
. mpw2_b ( mpw2_b [ 1 ] ) ,
. thold_b ( func_slp_sl_thold_0_b ) ,
. sg ( sg_0 ) ,
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. scin ( dbg0_data_si [ 0 : 67 ] ) ,
. scout ( dbg0_data_so [ 0 : 67 ] ) ,
. din ( { debug_data_d [ 0 : 31 ] ,
spare_unused [ 0 : 3 ] ,
spare_unused [ 31 : 42 ] , //debug_trig_d[0:11],
coretrace_ctrls_out_d [ 0 : 3 ] ,
debug_mux_ctrls_d [ 0 : 10 ] ,
spare_unused [ 43 : 47 ] } ) ,
. dout ( { debug_data_q [ 0 : 31 ] ,
spare_unused [ 0 : 3 ] ,
spare_unused [ 31 : 42 ] , //debug_trig_q[0:11],
coretrace_ctrls_out_q [ 0 : 3 ] ,
debug_mux_ctrls_q [ 0 : 10 ] ,
spare_unused [ 43 : 47 ] } )
) ;
//Another set, closer to the I/O on the bottom
tri_rlmreg_p # ( . INIT ( 0 ) , . WIDTH ( 5 ) ) dbg1_data (
. nclk ( nclk ) ,
. act ( tihi ) ,
. force_t ( force_t ) ,
. d_mode ( tiup ) ,
. delay_lclkr ( delay_lclkr [ 9 ] ) ,
. mpw1_b ( mpw1_b [ 9 ] ) ,
. mpw2_b ( mpw2_b [ 1 ] ) ,
. thold_b ( thold_0_b ) ,
. sg ( sg_0 ) ,
. vd ( vdd ) ,
. gd ( gnd ) ,
. scin ( dbg1_data_si [ 0 : 4 ] ) ,
. scout ( dbg1_data_so [ 0 : 4 ] ) ,
. din ( xu_fu_ex4_eff_addr [ 59 : 63 ] ) ,
. dout ( ex5_eff_addr [ 59 : 63 ] )
) ;
// To MMU, i'm the first in the chain
//assign debug_data_out[0:87] = debug_data_q[0:87];
assign debug_bus_out [ 0 : 31 ] = debug_data_q [ 0 : 31 ] ;
assign axu0_iu_perf_events = { 4 { 1 'b0 } } ;
assign axu1_iu_perf_events = { 4 { 1 'b0 } } ;
// unused
assign spare_unused [ 5 : 8 ] = { 4 { tidn } } ;
assign spare_unused [ 9 : 11 ] = { 3 { tidn } } ;
// Scan Connections
assign ex1_iu_si [ 0 : 14 ] = { ex1_iu_so [ 1 : 14 ] , f_dcd_si } ;
assign act_lat_si [ 0 : 7 ] = { act_lat_so [ 1 : 7 ] , ex1_iu_so [ 0 ] } ;
assign cp_flush_reg0_si = act_lat_so [ 0 ] ;
assign cp_flush_reg1_si = cp_flush_reg0_so ;
assign ex1_frt_si [ 0 : 29 ] = { ex1_frt_so [ 1 : 29 ] , cp_flush_reg1_so } ;
assign ex1_instl_si [ 0 : 31 ] = { ex1_instl_so [ 1 : 31 ] , ex1_frt_so [ 0 ] } ;
assign ex1_itag_si [ 0 : 13 ] = { ex1_itag_so [ 1 : 13 ] , ex1_instl_so [ 0 ] } ;
assign ex2_itag_si [ 0 : 15 ] = { ex2_itag_so [ 1 : 15 ] , ex1_itag_so [ 0 ] } ;
assign ex3_itag_si [ 0 : 15 ] = { ex3_itag_so [ 1 : 15 ] , ex2_itag_so [ 0 ] } ;
assign ex4_itag_si [ 0 : 15 ] = { ex4_itag_so [ 1 : 15 ] , ex3_itag_so [ 0 ] } ;
assign ex5_itag_si [ 0 : 16 ] = { ex5_itag_so [ 1 : 16 ] , ex4_itag_so [ 0 ] } ;
assign ex6_itag_si [ 0 : 16 ] = { ex6_itag_so [ 1 : 16 ] , ex5_itag_so [ 0 ] } ;
assign ex7_itag_si [ 0 : 17 ] = { ex7_itag_so [ 1 : 17 ] , ex6_itag_so [ 0 ] } ;
assign ex8_itag_si [ 0 : 7 ] = { ex8_itag_so [ 1 : 7 ] , ex7_itag_so [ 0 ] } ;
assign ex1_crbf_si [ 0 : 4 ] = { ex1_crbf_so [ 1 : 4 ] , ex8_itag_so [ 0 ] } ;
assign ex2_crbf_si [ 0 : 4 ] = { ex2_crbf_so [ 1 : 4 ] , ex1_crbf_so [ 0 ] } ;
assign ex3_crbf_si [ 0 : 4 ] = { ex3_crbf_so [ 1 : 4 ] , ex2_crbf_so [ 0 ] } ;
assign ex4_crbf_si [ 0 : 4 ] = { ex4_crbf_so [ 1 : 4 ] , ex3_crbf_so [ 0 ] } ;
assign ex5_crbf_si [ 0 : 4 ] = { ex5_crbf_so [ 1 : 4 ] , ex4_crbf_so [ 0 ] } ;
assign ex6_crbf_si [ 0 : 8 ] = { ex6_crbf_so [ 1 : 8 ] , ex5_crbf_so [ 0 ] } ;
assign ex7_crbf_si [ 0 : 8 ] = { ex7_crbf_so [ 1 : 8 ] , ex6_crbf_so [ 0 ] } ;
assign ex2_ctl_si [ 0 : 20 ] = { ex2_ctl_so [ 1 : 20 ] , ex7_crbf_so [ 0 ] } ;
assign ex2_frt_si [ 0 : 5 ] = { ex2_frt_so [ 1 : 5 ] , ex2_ctl_so [ 0 ] } ;
assign ex0_iu_si [ 0 : 7 ] = { ex0_iu_so [ 1 : 7 ] , ex2_frt_so [ 0 ] } ;
assign ex0_frt_si [ 0 : 23 ] = { ex0_frt_so [ 1 : 23 ] , ex0_iu_so [ 0 ] } ;
assign ex3_ctl_si [ 0 : 23 ] = { ex3_ctl_so [ 1 : 23 ] , ex0_frt_so [ 0 ] } ;
assign ex3_ctlng_si [ 0 : 6 ] = { ex3_ctlng_so [ 1 : 6 ] , ex3_ctl_so [ 0 ] } ;
assign ex3_stdv_si = ex3_ctlng_so [ 0 ] ;
assign ex4_ctl_si [ 0 : 29 ] = { ex4_ctl_so [ 1 : 29 ] , ex3_stdv_so } ;
assign ex5_ctl_si [ 0 : 21 ] = { ex5_ctl_so [ 1 : 21 ] , ex4_ctl_so [ 0 ] } ;
assign ex6_ctl_si [ 0 : 20 ] = { ex6_ctl_so [ 1 : 20 ] , ex5_ctl_so [ 0 ] } ;
assign ex7_ctl_si [ 0 : 22 ] = { ex7_ctl_so [ 1 : 22 ] , ex6_ctl_so [ 0 ] } ;
assign ex8_ctl_si [ 0 : 31 ] = { ex8_ctl_so [ 1 : 31 ] , ex7_ctl_so [ 0 ] } ;
assign ex9_ctl_si [ 0 : 13 ] = { ex9_ctl_so [ 1 : 13 ] , ex8_ctl_so [ 0 ] } ;
assign ex7_laddr_si [ 0 : 17 ] = { ex7_laddr_so [ 1 : 17 ] , ex9_ctl_so [ 0 ] } ;
assign ex8_laddr_si [ 0 : 17 ] = { ex8_laddr_so [ 1 : 17 ] , ex7_laddr_so [ 0 ] } ;
assign ex9_laddr_si [ 0 : 8 ] = { ex9_laddr_so [ 1 : 8 ] , ex8_laddr_so [ 0 ] } ;
assign axu_ex_si [ 0 : 3 ] = { axu_ex_so [ 1 : 3 ] , ex9_laddr_so [ 0 ] } ;
assign perr_si = axu_ex_so [ 0 ] ;
assign spr_ctl_si [ 0 : 14 ] = { spr_ctl_so [ 1 : 14 ] , perr_so } ;
assign spr_data_si [ 64 - ( 2 * * REGMODE ) : 63 ] = { spr_data_so [ 65 - ( 2 * * REGMODE ) : 63 ] , spr_ctl_so [ 0 ] } ;
assign ram_data_si [ 0 : 64 ] = { ram_data_so [ 1 : 64 ] , spr_data_so [ 64 - ( 2 * * REGMODE ) ] } ;
assign ram_datav_si [ 0 ] = ram_data_so [ 0 ] ;
assign perf_data_si [ 0 : 34 ] = { perf_data_so [ 1 : 34 ] , ram_datav_so [ 0 ] } ;
assign event_bus_out_si [ 0 : 7 ] = { event_bus_out_so [ 1 : 7 ] , perf_data_so [ 0 ] } ;
assign dbg0_data_si [ 0 : 67 ] = { dbg0_data_so [ 1 : 67 ] , event_bus_out_so [ 0 ] } ;
assign dbg1_data_si [ 0 : 4 ] = { dbg1_data_so [ 1 : 4 ] , dbg0_data_so [ 0 ] } ;
assign dbg_group3_lat_si [ 00 : 31 ] = { dbg_group3_lat_so [ 1 : 31 ] , dbg1_data_so [ 0 ] } ;
assign f_dcd_so = dbg_group3_lat_so [ 0 ] ;
//dcfg ring
assign axucr0_lat_si [ 0 : 3 ] = { axucr0_lat_so [ 1 : 3 ] , dcfg_scan_in } ;
assign a0esr_lat_si [ 0 : 31 ] = { a0esr_lat_so [ 1 : 31 ] , axucr0_lat_so [ 0 ] } ;
assign dcfg_scan_out = a0esr_lat_so [ 0 ] ;