// © IBM Corp. 2020
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
// the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
// compliance with the License as modified.
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// Modified Terms:
// 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
// License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
// in physical form.
// 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
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// hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
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// Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
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`timescale 1 ns / 1 ns
//* TITLE: Instruction Fetch RLM wrapper
//* NAME: iuq_ifetch.v
`include "tri_a2o.vh"
module iuq_ifetch(
(* pin_data="PIN_FUNCTION=/G_CLK/" *)
input [0:`NCLK_WIDTH-1] nclk,
input tc_ac_ccflush_dc,
input tc_ac_scan_dis_dc_b,
input tc_ac_scan_diag_dc,
input pc_iu_func_sl_thold_2,
input pc_iu_func_slp_sl_thold_2,
input pc_iu_func_nsl_thold_2, // added for custom cam
input pc_iu_cfg_slp_sl_thold_2, // for boot config slats
input pc_iu_regf_slp_sl_thold_2,
input pc_iu_time_sl_thold_2,
input pc_iu_abst_sl_thold_2,
input pc_iu_abst_slp_sl_thold_2,
input pc_iu_repr_sl_thold_2,
input pc_iu_ary_nsl_thold_2,
input pc_iu_ary_slp_nsl_thold_2,
input pc_iu_func_slp_nsl_thold_2,
input pc_iu_bolt_sl_thold_2,
input pc_iu_sg_2,
input pc_iu_fce_2,
input clkoff_b,
input act_dis,
input delay_lclkr,
input mpw1_b,
input g8t_clkoff_b,
input g8t_d_mode,
input [0:4] g8t_delay_lclkr,
input [0:4] g8t_mpw1_b,
input g8t_mpw2_b,
input g6t_clkoff_b,
input g6t_act_dis,
input g6t_d_mode,
input [0:3] g6t_delay_lclkr,
input [0:4] g6t_mpw1_b,
input g6t_mpw2_b,
input cam_clkoff_b,
input cam_act_dis,
input cam_d_mode,
input [0:4] cam_delay_lclkr,
input [0:4] cam_mpw1_b,
input cam_mpw2_b,
(* pin_data ="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_IN/" *)
input func_scan_in,
(* pin_data ="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_OUT/" *)
output func_scan_out,
(* pin_data ="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_IN/" *)
input ac_ccfg_scan_in,
(* pin_data ="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_OUT/" *)
output ac_ccfg_scan_out,
(* pin_data ="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_IN/" *)
input time_scan_in,
(* pin_data ="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_OUT/" *)
output time_scan_out,
(* pin_data ="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_IN/" *)
input repr_scan_in,
(* pin_data ="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_OUT/" *)
output repr_scan_out,
(* pin_data ="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_IN/" *)
input [0:2] abst_scan_in,
(* pin_data ="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_OUT/" *)
output [0:2] abst_scan_out,
(* pin_data ="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_IN/" *)
input [0:4] regf_scan_in,
(* pin_data ="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_OUT/" *)
output [0:4] regf_scan_out,
output iu_pc_err_icache_parity,
output iu_pc_err_icachedir_parity,
output iu_pc_err_icachedir_multihit,
output iu_pc_err_ierat_multihit,
output iu_pc_err_ierat_parity,
input pc_iu_inj_icache_parity,
input pc_iu_inj_icachedir_parity,
input pc_iu_inj_icachedir_multihit,
input pc_iu_abist_g8t_wenb,
input pc_iu_abist_g8t1p_renb_0,
input [0:3] pc_iu_abist_di_0,
input pc_iu_abist_g8t_bw_1,
input pc_iu_abist_g8t_bw_0,
input [3:9] pc_iu_abist_waddr_0,
input [1:9] pc_iu_abist_raddr_0,
input pc_iu_abist_ena_dc,
input pc_iu_abist_wl128_comp_ena,
input pc_iu_abist_raw_dc_b,
input [0:3] pc_iu_abist_g8t_dcomp,
input [0:1] pc_iu_abist_g6t_bw,
input [0:3] pc_iu_abist_di_g6t_2r,
input pc_iu_abist_wl512_comp_ena,
input [0:3] pc_iu_abist_dcomp_g6t_2r,
input pc_iu_abist_g6t_r_wb,
input an_ac_lbist_ary_wrt_thru_dc,
input an_ac_lbist_en_dc,
input an_ac_atpg_en_dc,
input an_ac_grffence_en_dc,
input pc_iu_bo_enable_3, // bolt-on ABIST
input pc_iu_bo_reset,
input pc_iu_bo_unload,
input pc_iu_bo_repair,
input pc_iu_bo_shdata,
input [0:3] pc_iu_bo_select,
output [0:3] iu_pc_bo_fail,
output [0:3] iu_pc_bo_diagout,
// ICBI Interface to IU
input [0:`THREADS-1] lq_iu_icbi_val,
input [64-`REAL_IFAR_WIDTH:57] lq_iu_icbi_addr,
output [0:`THREADS-1] iu_lq_icbi_complete,
input lq_iu_ici_val,
output iu_lq_spr_iucr0_icbi_ack,
input pc_iu_init_reset,
// XU IERAT interface
input [0:`THREADS-1] xu_iu_val,
input xu_iu_is_eratre,
input xu_iu_is_eratwe,
input xu_iu_is_eratsx,
input xu_iu_is_eratilx,
input cp_is_isync,
input cp_is_csync,
input [0:1] xu_iu_ws,
input [0:3] xu_iu_ra_entry,
input [64-`GPR_WIDTH:51] xu_iu_rb,
input [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] xu_iu_rs_data,
output iu_xu_ord_read_done,
output iu_xu_ord_write_done,
output iu_xu_ord_par_err,
output iu_xu_ord_n_flush_req,
input [0:`THREADS-1] xu_iu_msr_gs,
input [0:`THREADS-1] xu_iu_msr_pr,
input [0:`THREADS-1] xu_iu_msr_is,
input xu_iu_hid_mmu_mode,
input xu_iu_spr_ccr2_ifrat,
input [0:8] xu_iu_spr_ccr2_ifratsc, // 0:4: wimge, 5:8: u0:3
input xu_iu_xucr4_mmu_mchk,
output [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] iu_xu_ex5_data,
output iu_mm_ierat_req,
output iu_mm_ierat_req_nonspec,
output [0:51] iu_mm_ierat_epn,
output [0:`THREADS-1] iu_mm_ierat_thdid,
output [0:3] iu_mm_ierat_state,
output [0:13] iu_mm_ierat_tid,
output [0:`THREADS-1] iu_mm_ierat_flush,
output [0:`THREADS-1] iu_mm_perf_itlb,
input [0:4] mm_iu_ierat_rel_val,
input [0:131] mm_iu_ierat_rel_data,
input [0:13] mm_iu_t0_ierat_pid,
input [0:19] mm_iu_t0_ierat_mmucr0,
`ifndef THREADS1
input [0:13] mm_iu_t1_ierat_pid,
input [0:19] mm_iu_t1_ierat_mmucr0,
output [0:17] iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0,
output [0:`THREADS-1] iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_we,
input [0:8] mm_iu_ierat_mmucr1,
output [0:3] iu_mm_ierat_mmucr1,
output [0:`THREADS-1] iu_mm_ierat_mmucr1_we,
input mm_iu_ierat_snoop_coming,
input mm_iu_ierat_snoop_val,
input [0:25] mm_iu_ierat_snoop_attr,
input [62-`EFF_IFAR_ARCH:51] mm_iu_ierat_snoop_vpn,
output iu_mm_ierat_snoop_ack,
// MMU Connections
input [0:`THREADS-1] mm_iu_hold_req,
input [0:`THREADS-1] mm_iu_hold_done,
input [0:`THREADS-1] mm_iu_bus_snoop_hold_req,
input [0:`THREADS-1] mm_iu_bus_snoop_hold_done,
input [0:`THREADS-1] pc_iu_pm_fetch_halt,
input [0:`THREADS-1] xu_iu_run_thread,
input [0:`THREADS-1] cp_ic_stop,
input [0:`THREADS-1] xu_iu_msr_cm,
input [0:`THREADS-1] iu_flush,
input [0:`THREADS-1] br_iu_redirect,
input [62-`EFF_IFAR_ARCH:61] br_iu_bta,
input [0:`THREADS-1] cp_flush,
input [62-`EFF_IFAR_ARCH:61] cp_iu0_t0_flush_ifar,
`ifndef THREADS1
input [62-`EFF_IFAR_ARCH:61] cp_iu0_t1_flush_ifar,
input [0:`THREADS-1] cp_iu0_flush_2ucode,
input [0:`THREADS-1] cp_iu0_flush_2ucode_type,
input [0:`THREADS-1] cp_iu0_flush_nonspec,
input [0:`THREADS-1] cp_flush_into_uc,
input [0:`THREADS-1] cp_uc_np1_flush,
input [43:61] cp_uc_t0_flush_ifar,
`ifndef THREADS1
input [43:61] cp_uc_t1_flush_ifar,
input [0:`THREADS-1] cp_uc_credit_free,
output [0:`THREADS-1] ic_cp_nonspec_hit,
input an_ac_back_inv,
input [64-`REAL_IFAR_WIDTH:57] an_ac_back_inv_addr,
input an_ac_back_inv_target, // connect to bit(0)
output [0:`THREADS-1] iu_lq_request,
output [0:1] iu_lq_ctag,
output [64-`REAL_IFAR_WIDTH:59] iu_lq_ra,
output [0:4] iu_lq_wimge,
output [0:3] iu_lq_userdef,
input an_ac_reld_data_vld,
input [0:4] an_ac_reld_core_tag,
input [58:59] an_ac_reld_qw,
input [0:127] an_ac_reld_data,
input an_ac_reld_ecc_err,
input an_ac_reld_ecc_err_ue,
//Instruction Buffer
input [0:`IBUFF_DEPTH/4-1] ib_ic_t0_need_fetch,
`ifndef THREADS1
input [0:`IBUFF_DEPTH/4-1] ib_ic_t1_need_fetch,
input [0:`THREADS-1] cp_async_block,
output iu_mm_lmq_empty,
output [0:`THREADS-1] iu_xu_icache_quiesce,
output [0:`THREADS-1] iu_pc_icache_quiesce,
//---------Branch Predict
//in from bht
input [0:1] iu2_0_bh0_rd_data,
input [0:1] iu2_1_bh0_rd_data,
input [0:1] iu2_2_bh0_rd_data,
input [0:1] iu2_3_bh0_rd_data,
input [0:1] iu2_0_bh1_rd_data,
input [0:1] iu2_1_bh1_rd_data,
input [0:1] iu2_2_bh1_rd_data,
input [0:1] iu2_3_bh1_rd_data,
input iu2_0_bh2_rd_data,
input iu2_1_bh2_rd_data,
input iu2_2_bh2_rd_data,
input iu2_3_bh2_rd_data,
//out to bht
output reg [0:9] iu0_bh0_rd_addr,
output reg [0:9] iu0_bh1_rd_addr,
output reg [0:8] iu0_bh2_rd_addr,
output reg iu0_bh0_rd_act,
output reg iu0_bh1_rd_act,
output reg iu0_bh2_rd_act,
output reg [0:1] ex5_bh0_wr_data,
output reg [0:1] ex5_bh1_wr_data,
output reg ex5_bh2_wr_data,
output reg [0:9] ex5_bh0_wr_addr,
output reg [0:9] ex5_bh1_wr_addr,
output reg [0:8] ex5_bh2_wr_addr,
output reg [0:3] ex5_bh0_wr_act,
output reg [0:3] ex5_bh1_wr_act,
output reg [0:3] ex5_bh2_wr_act,
//in/out to btb
output reg [0:5] iu0_btb_rd_addr,
output reg iu0_btb_rd_act,
input [0:63] iu2_btb_rd_data,
output reg [0:5] ex5_btb_wr_addr,
output reg ex5_btb_wr_act,
output reg [0:63] ex5_btb_wr_data,
output [0:3] bp_ib_iu3_t0_val,
output [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] bp_ib_iu3_t0_ifar,
output [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] bp_ib_iu3_t0_bta,
//iu3 instruction(0:31) +
output [0:69] bp_ib_iu3_t0_0_instr,
output [0:69] bp_ib_iu3_t0_1_instr,
output [0:69] bp_ib_iu3_t0_2_instr,
output [0:69] bp_ib_iu3_t0_3_instr,
`ifndef THREADS1
output [0:3] bp_ib_iu3_t1_val,
output [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] bp_ib_iu3_t1_ifar,
output [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] bp_ib_iu3_t1_bta,
//iu3 instruction(0:31) +
output [0:69] bp_ib_iu3_t1_0_instr,
output [0:69] bp_ib_iu3_t1_1_instr,
output [0:69] bp_ib_iu3_t1_2_instr,
output [0:69] bp_ib_iu3_t1_3_instr,
//ex4 update
input [0:`THREADS-1] cp_bp_val,
input [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] cp_bp_t0_ifar,
input [0:1] cp_bp_t0_bh0_hist,
input [0:1] cp_bp_t0_bh1_hist,
input [0:1] cp_bp_t0_bh2_hist,
`ifndef THREADS1
input [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] cp_bp_t1_ifar,
input [0:1] cp_bp_t1_bh0_hist,
input [0:1] cp_bp_t1_bh1_hist,
input [0:1] cp_bp_t1_bh2_hist,
input [0:`THREADS-1] cp_bp_br_pred,
input [0:`THREADS-1] cp_bp_br_taken,
input [0:`THREADS-1] cp_bp_bh_update,
input [0:`THREADS-1] cp_bp_bcctr,
input [0:`THREADS-1] cp_bp_bclr,
input [0:`THREADS-1] cp_bp_getNIA,
input [0:`THREADS-1] cp_bp_group,
input [0:`THREADS-1] cp_bp_lk,
input [0:1] cp_bp_t0_bh,
input [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] cp_bp_t0_bta,
input [0:9] cp_bp_t0_gshare,
input [0:2] cp_bp_t0_ls_ptr,
input [0:1] cp_bp_t0_btb_hist,
`ifndef THREADS1
input [0:1] cp_bp_t1_bh,
input [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] cp_bp_t1_bta,
input [0:9] cp_bp_t1_gshare,
input [0:2] cp_bp_t1_ls_ptr,
input [0:1] cp_bp_t1_btb_hist,
input [0:`THREADS-1] cp_bp_btb_entry,
//config bits
input [0:17] br_iu_gshare,
input [0:2] br_iu_ls_ptr,
input [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] br_iu_ls_data,
input br_iu_ls_update,
input [0:`THREADS-1] xu_iu_msr_de,
input [0:`THREADS-1] xu_iu_dbcr0_icmp,
input [0:`THREADS-1] xu_iu_dbcr0_brt,
input [0:`THREADS-1] xu_iu_iac1_en,
input [0:`THREADS-1] xu_iu_iac2_en,
input [0:`THREADS-1] xu_iu_iac3_en,
input [0:`THREADS-1] xu_iu_iac4_en,
input [0:`THREADS-1] lq_iu_spr_dbcr3_ivc,
input [0:`THREADS-1] xu_iu_single_instr_mode,
input [0:`THREADS-1] xu_iu_raise_iss_pri,
(* pin_data ="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_IN/" *)
input [0:2*`THREADS-1] bp_scan_in,
(* pin_data ="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_OUT/" *)
output [0:2*`THREADS-1] bp_scan_out,
input [0:31] pc_iu_ram_instr,
input [0:3] pc_iu_ram_instr_ext,
input pc_iu_ram_issue,
input [0:`THREADS-1] pc_iu_ram_active,
input iu_pc_ram_done,
input [0:`THREADS-1] ib_rm_rdy,
output [0:`THREADS-1] rm_ib_iu3_val,
output [0:35] rm_ib_iu3_instr,
input ram_scan_in,
output ram_scan_out,
input [0:`THREADS-1] uc_scan_in,
output [0:`THREADS-1] uc_scan_out,
output [0:`THREADS-1] iu_pc_err_ucode_illegal,
input [0:`THREADS-1] xu_iu_ucode_xer_val,
input [57:63] xu_iu_ucode_xer,
input [0:`THREADS-1] ib_uc_rdy,
output [0:3] uc_ib_iu3_t0_invalid,
output [0:1] uc_ib_t0_val,
`ifndef THREADS1
output [0:3] uc_ib_iu3_t1_invalid,
output [0:1] uc_ib_t1_val,
output [0:`THREADS-1] uc_ib_done,
output [0:`THREADS-1] uc_ib_iu3_flush_all,
output [0:31] uc_ib_t0_instr0,
output [0:31] uc_ib_t0_instr1,
output [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] uc_ib_t0_ifar0,
output [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] uc_ib_t0_ifar1,
output [0:3] uc_ib_t0_ext0,
output [0:3] uc_ib_t0_ext1,
`ifndef THREADS1
output [0:31] uc_ib_t1_instr0,
output [0:31] uc_ib_t1_instr1,
output [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] uc_ib_t1_ifar0,
output [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] uc_ib_t1_ifar1,
output [0:3] uc_ib_t1_ext0,
output [0:3] uc_ib_t1_ext1,
// inputs from xx
input iu_slowspr_val_in,
input iu_slowspr_rw_in,
input [0:1] iu_slowspr_etid_in,
input [0:9] iu_slowspr_addr_in,
input [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] iu_slowspr_data_in,
input iu_slowspr_done_in,
// outputs to xx
output iu_slowspr_val_out,
output iu_slowspr_rw_out,
output [0:1] iu_slowspr_etid_out,
output [0:9] iu_slowspr_addr_out,
output [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] iu_slowspr_data_out,
output iu_slowspr_done_out,
output [0:31] spr_dec_mask,
output [0:31] spr_dec_match,
output [0:`THREADS-1] spr_single_issue,
output [0:7] iu_au_t0_config_iucr,
`ifndef THREADS1
output [0:7] iu_au_t1_config_iucr,
input [0:`THREADS-1] xu_iu_pri_val,
input [0:2] xu_iu_pri,
input [0:20] slice_ic_t0_perf_events,
`ifndef THREADS1
input [0:20] slice_ic_t1_perf_events,
output [0:31] spr_cp_perf_event_mux_ctrls,
output [64-`GPR_WIDTH:51] spr_ivpr,
output [64-`GPR_WIDTH:51] spr_givpr,
output [62-`EFF_IFAR_ARCH:61] spr_iac1,
output [62-`EFF_IFAR_ARCH:61] spr_iac2,
output [62-`EFF_IFAR_ARCH:61] spr_iac3,
output [62-`EFF_IFAR_ARCH:61] spr_iac4,
output [0:`THREADS-1] spr_cpcr_we,
output [0:4] spr_t0_cpcr2_fx0_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_t0_cpcr2_fx1_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_t0_cpcr2_lq_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_t0_cpcr2_sq_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_t0_cpcr3_fu0_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_t0_cpcr3_fu1_cnt,
output [0:6] spr_t0_cpcr3_cp_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_t0_cpcr4_fx0_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_t0_cpcr4_fx1_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_t0_cpcr4_lq_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_t0_cpcr4_sq_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_t0_cpcr5_fu0_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_t0_cpcr5_fu1_cnt,
output [0:6] spr_t0_cpcr5_cp_cnt,
`ifndef THREADS1
output [0:4] spr_t1_cpcr2_fx0_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_t1_cpcr2_fx1_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_t1_cpcr2_lq_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_t1_cpcr2_sq_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_t1_cpcr3_fu0_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_t1_cpcr3_fu1_cnt,
output [0:6] spr_t1_cpcr3_cp_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_t1_cpcr4_fx0_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_t1_cpcr4_fx1_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_t1_cpcr4_lq_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_t1_cpcr4_sq_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_t1_cpcr5_fu0_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_t1_cpcr5_fu1_cnt,
output [0:6] spr_t1_cpcr5_cp_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_cpcr0_fx0_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_cpcr0_fx1_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_cpcr0_lq_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_cpcr0_sq_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_cpcr1_fu0_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_cpcr1_fu1_cnt,
output [0:`THREADS-1] spr_high_pri_mask,
output [0:`THREADS-1] spr_med_pri_mask,
output [0:5] spr_t0_low_pri_count,
`ifndef THREADS1
output [0:5] spr_t1_low_pri_count,
input [0:`THREADS-1] iu_spr_eheir_update,
input [0:31] iu_spr_t0_eheir,
`ifndef THREADS1
input [0:31] iu_spr_t1_eheir,
input spr_scan_in,
output spr_scan_out,
input pc_iu_event_bus_enable,
input [0:2] pc_iu_event_count_mode,
input [0:4*`THREADS-1] event_bus_in,
output [0:4*`THREADS-1] event_bus_out,
(* pin_data ="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_IN/" *)
input dbg1_scan_in,
(* pin_data ="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_OUT/" *)
output dbg1_scan_out,
input pc_iu_trace_bus_enable,
input [0:10] pc_iu_debug_mux1_ctrls,
input [0:31] debug_bus_in,
output [0:31] debug_bus_out,
input [0:3] coretrace_ctrls_in,
output [0:3] coretrace_ctrls_out
wire [0:`THREADS-1] bp_ic_iu2_redirect;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] bp_ic_iu3_redirect;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] bp_ic_iu4_redirect;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] bp_ic_redirect_ifar[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [0:`THREADS-1] ic_bp_iu0_val;
wire [50:59] ic_bp_iu0_ifar;
wire [0:2] ic_bp_iu2_error;
wire [0:3] ic_bp_iu2_val[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] ic_bp_iu2_ifar;
wire ic_bp_iu2_2ucode;
wire ic_bp_iu2_2ucode_type;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] ic_bp_iu2_flush;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] ic_bp_iu3_flush;
wire [0:35] ic_bp_iu2_0_instr;
wire [0:35] ic_bp_iu2_1_instr;
wire [0:35] ic_bp_iu2_2_instr;
wire [0:35] ic_bp_iu2_3_instr;
wire ic_bp_iu3_ecc_err;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] uc_ic_hold;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] uc_iu4_flush;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] uc_iu4_flush_ifar[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [0:3] spr_ic_bp_config;
wire [0:5] spr_bp_config;
wire [0:1] spr_bp_size;
wire spr_ic_idir_read;
wire [0:1] spr_ic_idir_way;
wire [51:57] spr_ic_idir_row;
wire ic_spr_idir_done;
wire [0:2] ic_spr_idir_lru;
wire [0:3] ic_spr_idir_parity;
wire ic_spr_idir_endian;
wire ic_spr_idir_valid;
wire [0:28] ic_spr_idir_tag;
wire spr_ic_icbi_ack_en;
wire spr_ic_cls;
wire spr_ic_clockgate_dis;
wire spr_ic_prefetch_dis;
wire spr_ic_ierat_byp_dis;
wire [0:47] spr_perf_event_mux_ctrls;
wire d_mode;
wire mpw2_b;
wire [0:9] iu0_bh0_rd_addr_int[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [0:9] iu0_bh1_rd_addr_int[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [0:8] iu0_bh2_rd_addr_int[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [0:`THREADS-1] iu0_bh0_rd_act_int;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] iu0_bh1_rd_act_int;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] iu0_bh2_rd_act_int;
wire [0:1] ex5_bh0_wr_data_int[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [0:1] ex5_bh1_wr_data_int[0:`THREADS-1];
wire ex5_bh2_wr_data_int[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [0:9] ex5_bh0_wr_addr_int[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [0:9] ex5_bh1_wr_addr_int[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [0:8] ex5_bh2_wr_addr_int[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [0:3] ex5_bh0_wr_act_int[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [0:3] ex5_bh1_wr_act_int[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [0:3] ex5_bh2_wr_act_int[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [0:5] iu0_btb_rd_addr_int[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [0:`THREADS-1] iu0_btb_rd_act_int;
wire [0:5] ex5_btb_wr_addr_int[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [0:`THREADS-1] ex5_btb_wr_act_int;
wire [0:63] ex5_btb_wr_data_int[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [0:3] bp_ib_iu3_val_int[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] bp_ib_iu3_ifar[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] bp_ib_iu3_bta[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [0:69] bp_ib_iu3_0_instr[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [0:69] bp_ib_iu3_1_instr[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [0:69] bp_ib_iu3_2_instr[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [0:69] bp_ib_iu3_3_instr[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [0:`THREADS-1] spr_single_issue_int;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] cp_bp_ifar[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [0:1] cp_bp_bh0_hist[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [0:1] cp_bp_bh1_hist[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [0:1] cp_bp_bh2_hist[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [0:1] cp_bp_bh[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] cp_bp_bta[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [0:9] cp_bp_gshare[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [0:2] cp_bp_ls_ptr[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [0:1] cp_bp_btb_hist[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [43:61] cp_uc_flush_ifar[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [0:3] uc_ib_iu3_invalid[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [0:1] uc_ib_val[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [0:31] uc_ib_instr0[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [0:31] uc_ib_instr1[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] uc_ib_ifar0[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] uc_ib_ifar1[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [0:3] uc_ib_ext0[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [0:3] uc_ib_ext1[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [0:31] unit_dbg_data0;
wire [0:31] unit_dbg_data1;
wire [0:31] unit_dbg_data2;
wire [0:31] unit_dbg_data3;
wire [0:31] unit_dbg_data4;
wire [0:31] unit_dbg_data5;
wire [0:31] unit_dbg_data6;
wire [0:31] unit_dbg_data7;
wire [0:31] unit_dbg_data8;
wire [0:31] unit_dbg_data9;
wire [0:31] unit_dbg_data10;
wire [0:31] unit_dbg_data11;
wire [0:31] unit_dbg_data12;
wire [0:31] unit_dbg_data13;
wire [0:31] unit_dbg_data14;
wire [0:31] unit_dbg_data15;
wire vdd;
wire gnd;
assign vdd = 1'b1;
assign gnd = 1'b0;
assign iu_lq_spr_iucr0_icbi_ack = spr_ic_icbi_ack_en;
assign d_mode = 1'b0;
assign mpw2_b = 1'b1;
assign spr_single_issue = spr_single_issue_int;
assign spr_ic_ierat_byp_dis = 1'b0;
iuq_spr iuq_spr0(
`ifndef THREADS1
`ifndef THREADS1
`ifndef THREADS1
`ifndef THREADS1
iuq_ic iuq_ic0(
`ifndef THREADS1
`ifndef THREADS1
`ifndef THREADS1
`ifndef THREADS1
`ifndef THREADS1
`ifndef THREADS1
`ifndef THREADS1
begin : xhdl0
genvar i;
for (i = 0; i < `THREADS; i = i + 1)
begin : bp_gen
iuq_bp iuq_bp0(
.bp_ic_iu3_hold(), // tied 0 in iuq_bp
.scan_in(bp_scan_in[2 * i:2 * i + 1]),
.scan_out(bp_scan_out[2 * i:2 * i + 1])
/* always @(iu0_bh0_rd_addr_int or iu0_bh0_rd_act_int or iu0_bh1_rd_addr_int or iu0_bh1_rd_act_int or iu0_bh2_rd_addr_int or iu0_bh2_rd_act_int or ex5_bh0_wr_data_int or ex5_bh0_wr_act_int or ex5_bh1_wr_data_int or ex5_bh1_wr_act_int or ex5_bh2_wr_data_int or ex5_bh2_wr_act_int or ex5_bh0_wr_addr_int or ex5_bh1_wr_addr_int or ex5_bh2_wr_addr_int or iu0_btb_rd_addr_int or iu0_btb_rd_act_int or ex5_btb_wr_addr_int or ex5_btb_wr_act_int or ex5_btb_wr_data_int or bp_ib_iu3_ifar or bp_ib_iu3_val_int or bp_ib_iu3_bta or bp_ib_iu3_0_instr or bp_ib_iu3_1_instr or bp_ib_iu3_2_instr or bp_ib_iu3_3_instr)
always @ (*)
begin: or_proc
reg [0:9] iu0_bh0_rd_addr_calc;
reg [0:9] iu0_bh1_rd_addr_calc;
reg [0:8] iu0_bh2_rd_addr_calc;
reg [0:1] ex5_bh0_wr_data_calc;
reg [0:1] ex5_bh1_wr_data_calc;
reg ex5_bh2_wr_data_calc;
reg [0:9] ex5_bh0_wr_addr_calc;
reg [0:9] ex5_bh1_wr_addr_calc;
reg [0:8] ex5_bh2_wr_addr_calc;
reg [0:5] iu0_btb_rd_addr_calc;
reg [0:5] ex5_btb_wr_addr_calc;
reg [0:63] ex5_btb_wr_data_calc;
reg [0:3] ex5_bh0_wr_act_calc;
reg [0:3] ex5_bh1_wr_act_calc;
reg [0:3] ex5_bh2_wr_act_calc;
reg ex5_btb_wr_act_calc;
reg iu0_bh0_rd_act_calc;
reg iu0_bh1_rd_act_calc;
reg iu0_bh2_rd_act_calc;
reg iu0_btb_rd_act_calc;
//(* analysis_not_referenced="true" *)
integer i;
iu0_bh0_rd_addr_calc = 10'b0;
iu0_bh1_rd_addr_calc = 10'b0;
iu0_bh2_rd_addr_calc = 9'b0;
ex5_bh0_wr_data_calc = 2'b0;
ex5_bh1_wr_data_calc = 2'b0;
ex5_bh2_wr_data_calc = 1'b0;
ex5_bh0_wr_addr_calc = 10'b0;
ex5_bh1_wr_addr_calc = 10'b0;
ex5_bh2_wr_addr_calc = 9'b0;
iu0_btb_rd_addr_calc = 6'b0;
ex5_btb_wr_addr_calc = 6'b0;
ex5_btb_wr_data_calc = 64'b0;
ex5_bh0_wr_act_calc = 4'b0;
ex5_bh1_wr_act_calc = 4'b0;
ex5_bh2_wr_act_calc = 4'b0;
ex5_btb_wr_act_calc = 1'b0;
iu0_bh0_rd_act_calc = 1'b0;
iu0_bh1_rd_act_calc = 1'b0;
iu0_bh2_rd_act_calc = 1'b0;
iu0_btb_rd_act_calc = 1'b0;
for (i = 0; i < `THREADS; i = i + 1)
iu0_bh0_rd_addr_calc = iu0_bh0_rd_addr_calc | (iu0_bh0_rd_addr_int[i] & {10{ic_bp_iu0_val[i]}});
iu0_bh1_rd_addr_calc = iu0_bh1_rd_addr_calc | (iu0_bh1_rd_addr_int[i] & {10{ic_bp_iu0_val[i]}});
iu0_bh2_rd_addr_calc = iu0_bh2_rd_addr_calc | (iu0_bh2_rd_addr_int[i] & {9{ic_bp_iu0_val[i]}});
ex5_bh0_wr_data_calc = ex5_bh0_wr_data_calc | (ex5_bh0_wr_data_int[i] & {2{ (|(ex5_bh0_wr_act_int[i]))}});
ex5_bh1_wr_data_calc = ex5_bh1_wr_data_calc | (ex5_bh1_wr_data_int[i] & {2{ (|(ex5_bh1_wr_act_int[i]))}});
ex5_bh2_wr_data_calc = ex5_bh2_wr_data_calc | (ex5_bh2_wr_data_int[i] & {1{ (|(ex5_bh2_wr_act_int[i]))}});
ex5_bh0_wr_addr_calc = ex5_bh0_wr_addr_calc | (ex5_bh0_wr_addr_int[i] & {10{ (|(ex5_bh0_wr_act_int[i]))}});
ex5_bh1_wr_addr_calc = ex5_bh1_wr_addr_calc | (ex5_bh1_wr_addr_int[i] & {10{ (|(ex5_bh1_wr_act_int[i]))}});
ex5_bh2_wr_addr_calc = ex5_bh2_wr_addr_calc | (ex5_bh2_wr_addr_int[i] & {9{ (|(ex5_bh2_wr_act_int[i]))}});
iu0_btb_rd_addr_calc = iu0_btb_rd_addr_calc | (iu0_btb_rd_addr_int[i] & {6{ic_bp_iu0_val[i]}});
ex5_btb_wr_addr_calc = ex5_btb_wr_addr_calc | (ex5_btb_wr_addr_int[i] & {6{ex5_btb_wr_act_int[i]}});
ex5_btb_wr_data_calc = ex5_btb_wr_data_calc | (ex5_btb_wr_data_int[i] & {64{ex5_btb_wr_act_int[i]}});
ex5_bh0_wr_act_calc = (ex5_bh0_wr_act_calc & {4{~|(ex5_bh0_wr_act_int[i])}}) | ((ex5_bh0_wr_act_int[i]) & {4{~|(ex5_bh0_wr_act_calc)}});
ex5_bh1_wr_act_calc = (ex5_bh1_wr_act_calc & {4{~|(ex5_bh1_wr_act_int[i])}}) | ((ex5_bh1_wr_act_int[i]) & {4{~|(ex5_bh1_wr_act_calc)}});
ex5_bh2_wr_act_calc = (ex5_bh2_wr_act_calc & {4{~|(ex5_bh2_wr_act_int[i])}}) | ((ex5_bh2_wr_act_int[i]) & {4{~|(ex5_bh2_wr_act_calc)}});
ex5_btb_wr_act_calc = ex5_btb_wr_act_calc ^ ex5_btb_wr_act_int[i];
iu0_bh0_rd_act_calc = iu0_bh0_rd_act_calc ^ iu0_bh0_rd_act_int[i];
iu0_bh1_rd_act_calc = iu0_bh1_rd_act_calc ^ iu0_bh1_rd_act_int[i];
iu0_bh2_rd_act_calc = iu0_bh2_rd_act_calc ^ iu0_bh2_rd_act_int[i];
iu0_btb_rd_act_calc = iu0_btb_rd_act_calc ^ iu0_btb_rd_act_int[i];
iu0_bh0_rd_addr = iu0_bh0_rd_addr_calc;
iu0_bh1_rd_addr = iu0_bh1_rd_addr_calc;
iu0_bh2_rd_addr = iu0_bh2_rd_addr_calc;
ex5_bh0_wr_data = ex5_bh0_wr_data_calc;
ex5_bh1_wr_data = ex5_bh1_wr_data_calc;
ex5_bh2_wr_data = ex5_bh2_wr_data_calc;
ex5_bh0_wr_addr = ex5_bh0_wr_addr_calc;
ex5_bh1_wr_addr = ex5_bh1_wr_addr_calc;
ex5_bh2_wr_addr = ex5_bh2_wr_addr_calc;
iu0_btb_rd_addr = iu0_btb_rd_addr_calc;
ex5_btb_wr_addr = ex5_btb_wr_addr_calc;
ex5_btb_wr_data = ex5_btb_wr_data_calc;
ex5_bh0_wr_act = ex5_bh0_wr_act_calc;
ex5_bh1_wr_act = ex5_bh1_wr_act_calc;
ex5_bh2_wr_act = ex5_bh2_wr_act_calc;
ex5_btb_wr_act = ex5_btb_wr_act_calc;
iu0_bh0_rd_act = iu0_bh0_rd_act_calc;
iu0_bh1_rd_act = iu0_bh1_rd_act_calc;
iu0_bh2_rd_act = iu0_bh2_rd_act_calc;
iu0_btb_rd_act = iu0_btb_rd_act_calc;
// For Verilog lack of 2-D ports
assign bp_ib_iu3_t0_val = bp_ib_iu3_val_int[0];
assign bp_ib_iu3_t0_ifar = bp_ib_iu3_ifar[0];
assign bp_ib_iu3_t0_bta = bp_ib_iu3_bta[0];
assign bp_ib_iu3_t0_0_instr = bp_ib_iu3_0_instr[0];
assign bp_ib_iu3_t0_1_instr = bp_ib_iu3_1_instr[0];
assign bp_ib_iu3_t0_2_instr = bp_ib_iu3_2_instr[0];
assign bp_ib_iu3_t0_3_instr = bp_ib_iu3_3_instr[0];
assign cp_bp_ifar[0] = cp_bp_t0_ifar;
assign cp_bp_bh0_hist[0] = cp_bp_t0_bh0_hist;
assign cp_bp_bh1_hist[0] = cp_bp_t0_bh1_hist;
assign cp_bp_bh2_hist[0] = cp_bp_t0_bh2_hist;
assign cp_bp_bh[0] = cp_bp_t0_bh;
assign cp_bp_bta[0] = cp_bp_t0_bta;
assign cp_bp_gshare[0] = cp_bp_t0_gshare;
assign cp_bp_ls_ptr[0] = cp_bp_t0_ls_ptr;
assign cp_bp_btb_hist[0] = cp_bp_t0_btb_hist;
assign cp_uc_flush_ifar[0] = cp_uc_t0_flush_ifar;
assign uc_ib_iu3_t0_invalid = uc_ib_iu3_invalid[0];
assign uc_ib_t0_val = uc_ib_val[0];
assign uc_ib_t0_instr0 = uc_ib_instr0[0];
assign uc_ib_t0_instr1 = uc_ib_instr1[0];
assign uc_ib_t0_ifar0 = uc_ib_ifar0[0];
assign uc_ib_t0_ifar1 = uc_ib_ifar1[0];
assign uc_ib_t0_ext0 = uc_ib_ext0[0];
assign uc_ib_t0_ext1 = uc_ib_ext1[0];
`ifndef THREADS1
assign bp_ib_iu3_t1_val = bp_ib_iu3_val_int[1];
assign bp_ib_iu3_t1_ifar = bp_ib_iu3_ifar[1];
assign bp_ib_iu3_t1_bta = bp_ib_iu3_bta[1];
assign bp_ib_iu3_t1_0_instr = bp_ib_iu3_0_instr[1];
assign bp_ib_iu3_t1_1_instr = bp_ib_iu3_1_instr[1];
assign bp_ib_iu3_t1_2_instr = bp_ib_iu3_2_instr[1];
assign bp_ib_iu3_t1_3_instr = bp_ib_iu3_3_instr[1];
assign cp_bp_ifar[1] = cp_bp_t1_ifar;
assign cp_bp_bh0_hist[1] = cp_bp_t1_bh0_hist;
assign cp_bp_bh1_hist[1] = cp_bp_t1_bh1_hist;
assign cp_bp_bh2_hist[1] = cp_bp_t1_bh2_hist;
assign cp_bp_bh[1] = cp_bp_t1_bh;
assign cp_bp_bta[1] = cp_bp_t1_bta;
assign cp_bp_gshare[1] = cp_bp_t1_gshare;
assign cp_bp_ls_ptr[1] = cp_bp_t1_ls_ptr;
assign cp_bp_btb_hist[1] = cp_bp_t1_btb_hist;
assign cp_uc_flush_ifar[1] = cp_uc_t1_flush_ifar;
assign uc_ib_iu3_t1_invalid = uc_ib_iu3_invalid[1];
assign uc_ib_t1_val = uc_ib_val[1];
assign uc_ib_t1_instr0 = uc_ib_instr0[1];
assign uc_ib_t1_instr1 = uc_ib_instr1[1];
assign uc_ib_t1_ifar0 = uc_ib_ifar0[1];
assign uc_ib_t1_ifar1 = uc_ib_ifar1[1];
assign uc_ib_t1_ext0 = uc_ib_ext0[1];
assign uc_ib_t1_ext1 = uc_ib_ext1[1];
iuq_ram iuq_ram0(
begin : xhdl1
genvar i;
for (i = 0; i < `THREADS; i = i + 1)
begin : uc_gen
iuq_uc iuq_uc0(
//??? Temp - Need to connect
assign unit_dbg_data0 = bp_ib_iu3_0_instr[0][0:31];
assign unit_dbg_data1 = bp_ib_iu3_1_instr[0][0:31];
assign unit_dbg_data2 = bp_ib_iu3_2_instr[0][0:31];
assign unit_dbg_data3 = bp_ib_iu3_3_instr[0][0:31];
assign unit_dbg_data4 = { {30-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH{1'b0}}, bp_ib_iu3_ifar[0], 2'b0 };
assign unit_dbg_data5 = { {30-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH{1'b0}}, bp_ib_iu3_ifar[`THREADS-1], 2'b0 };
assign unit_dbg_data6 = 32'b0;
assign unit_dbg_data7 = 32'b0;
assign unit_dbg_data8 = bp_ib_iu3_0_instr[`THREADS-1][0:31];
assign unit_dbg_data9 = bp_ib_iu3_1_instr[`THREADS-1][0:31];
assign unit_dbg_data10 = bp_ib_iu3_2_instr[`THREADS-1][0:31];
assign unit_dbg_data11 = bp_ib_iu3_3_instr[`THREADS-1][0:31];
assign unit_dbg_data12 = 32'b0;
assign unit_dbg_data13 = 32'b0;
assign unit_dbg_data14 = 32'b0;
assign unit_dbg_data15 = 32'b0;
iuq_dbg iuq_dbg0(