# a2o test tb
import cocotb
from cocotb . clock import Clock
from cocotb . triggers import Timer
from cocotb . triggers import FallingEdge
from cocotb . handle import Force
from cocotb . handle import Release
import itertools
from dotmap import DotMap
from OPEnv import *
from A2L2 import *
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tasks
# get rid of z on anything that will be sampled here
# is there a func to get all inputs?
async def init ( dut , sim ) :
""" Initialize inputs. """
dut . nclk . value = 0
dut . scan_in . value = 0
dut . an_ac_scan_type_dc . value = 0x0
dut . an_ac_chipid_dc . value = 0x0
dut . an_ac_coreid . value = 0x0
dut . an_ac_scom_sat_id . value = 0x0
dut . an_ac_lbist_ary_wrt_thru_dc . value = 0
dut . an_ac_gsd_test_enable_dc . value = 0
dut . an_ac_gsd_test_acmode_dc . value = 0
dut . an_ac_ccflush_dc . value = 0
dut . an_ac_ccenable_dc . value = 0
dut . an_ac_lbist_en_dc . value = 0
dut . an_ac_lbist_ip_dc . value = 0
dut . an_ac_lbist_ac_mode_dc . value = 0
dut . an_ac_scan_diag_dc . value = 0
dut . an_ac_scan_dis_dc_b . value = 0
dut . an_ac_rtim_sl_thold_8 . value = 0
dut . an_ac_func_sl_thold_8 . value = 0
dut . an_ac_func_nsl_thold_8 . value = 0
dut . an_ac_ary_nsl_thold_8 . value = 0
dut . an_ac_sg_8 . value = 0
dut . an_ac_fce_8 . value = 0
dut . an_ac_abst_scan_in . value = 0
dut . an_ac_checkstop . value = 0
dut . an_ac_reset_1_complete . value = 0
dut . an_ac_reset_2_complete . value = 0
dut . an_ac_reset_3_complete . value = 0
dut . an_ac_reset_wd_complete . value = 0
dut . an_ac_pm_fetch_halt . value = 0
dut . an_ac_debug_stop . value = 0
dut . an_ac_tb_update_enable . value = 1
dut . an_ac_tb_update_pulse . value = 0 # tb clock if xucr0[tcs]=1 (must be <1/2 proc clk; tb pulse is 2x this clock)
# why is coco turning [0] into non-vector??? or is that gpi/vpi/icarus/???
if sim . threads == 1 :
dut . an_ac_pm_thread_stop . value = 0x1
dut . an_ac_external_mchk . value = 0
dut . an_ac_sleep_en . value = 0
dut . an_ac_ext_interrupt . value = 0
dut . an_ac_crit_interrupt . value = 0
dut . an_ac_perf_interrupt . value = 0
dut . an_ac_hang_pulse . value = 0
dut . an_ac_uncond_dbg_event . value = 0
else :
for i in range ( sim . threads ) :
dut . an_ac_pm_thread_stop [ i ] . value = 0x1
dut . an_ac_external_mchk [ i ] . value = 0
dut . an_ac_sleep_en [ i ] . value = 0
dut . an_ac_ext_interrupt [ i ] . value = 0
dut . an_ac_crit_interrupt [ i ] . value = 0
dut . an_ac_perf_interrupt [ i ] . value = 0
dut . an_ac_hang_pulse [ i ] . value = 0
dut . an_ac_uncond_dbg_event [ i ] . value = 0
await Timer ( 9 , units = ' ns ' )
async def config ( dut , sim ) :
""" Configure core, etc. """
#wtf make A2 module to do core-specific stuff
# A2L2 load/store credits
creditsLd = dut . c0 . lq0 . lsq . arb . load_cred_cnt_d # 8 max
creditsLdMax = dut . c0 . lq0 . lsq . arb . ld_cred_max # hdw check
creditsSt = dut . c0 . lq0 . lsq . arb . store_cred_cnt_d # 32 max
creditsStMax = dut . c0 . lq0 . lsq . arb . st_cred_max # hdw check
creditsLdStSingle = dut . c0 . lq0 . lsq . arb . spr_xucr0_cred_d . value # 1 total credit
#wtf this affects A2L2 - default=1
#creditsLdStSingle = dut.c0.lq0.lsq.arb.spr_lsucr0_b2b_q.value # 0=crit first, every other 1=crit first, b2b **the a2l2 spec does not say crit must be first**
await RisingEdge ( dut . clk_1x )
if sim . config . core . creditsLd is not None :
creditsLd . value = Force ( sim . config . core . creditsLd )
creditsLdMax . value = Force ( sim . config . core . creditsLd )
sim . msg ( f ' A2L2: load credits changed from { creditsLd . value . integer } to { sim . config . core . creditsLd } . ' )
await RisingEdge ( dut . clk_1x )
creditsLd . value = Release ( )
if sim . config . core . creditsSt is not None :
creditsSt . value = Force ( sim . config . core . creditsSt )
creditsStMax . value = Force ( sim . config . core . creditsSt )
sim . msg ( f ' A2L2: store credits changed from { creditsSt . value . integer } to { sim . config . core . creditsSt } . ' )
await RisingEdge ( dut . clk_1x )
creditsSt . value = Release ( )
if sim . config . core . creditsLdStSingle :
creditsLdStSingle = Force ( 1 )
sim . msg ( f ' A2L2: only one load OR store allowed when credits=1/1. ' )
await RisingEdge ( dut . clk_1x )
creditsLdStSingle . value = Release ( )
await RisingEdge ( dut . clk_1x )
async def coreMonitor ( dut , sim ) :
""" Watch for core events. """
me = ' a2oMonitor '
# errors
creditsLdErr = dut . c0 . lq0 . lsq . arb . ld_cred_err_q
creditsStErr = dut . c0 . lq0 . lsq . arb . st_cred_err_q
# watches
iu0Comp = dut . c0 . iu_lq_i0_completed
iu0CompIFAR = dut . c0 . iuq0 . iuq_cpl_top0 . iuq_cpl0 . cp2_i0_ifar
iu1Comp = dut . c0 . iu_lq_i1_completed
iu1CompIFAR = dut . c0 . iuq0 . iuq_cpl_top0 . iuq_cpl0 . cp2_i1_ifar
iuCompFlushIFAR = dut . c0 . cp_t0_flush_ifar
cp3NIA = dut . c0 . iuq0 . iuq_cpl_top0 . iuq_cpl0 . iuq_cpl_ctrl . cp3_nia_q # nia after last cycle's completions
# queue depths, etc.
errors = [
{ ' name ' : ' Load Credits ' , ' sig ' : creditsLdErr } ,
{ ' name ' : ' Store Credits ' , ' sig ' : creditsStErr } ,
done = False
while not done :
await RisingEdge ( dut . clk_1x )
for i in range ( len ( errors ) ) :
assert errors [ i ] [ ' sig ' ] . value == 0 , f ' { me } Error: { errors [ i ] [ " name " ] } '
comp = ' '
if iu0Comp . value == 1 :
comp = f ' 0: { int ( iu0CompIFAR . value . binstr + " 00 " , 2 ) : 06X } '
if iu1Comp . value == 1 :
comp = f ' { comp } 1: { int ( iu1CompIFAR . value . binstr + " 00 " , 2 ) : 06X } '
if comp != ' ' :
comp = f ' { comp } { int ( iuCompFlushIFAR . value . binstr + " 00 " , 2 ) : 016X } '
sim . msg ( f ' C0: CP { comp } ' )
# trilib/tri.vh:`define NCLK_WIDTH 6 // 0 1xClk, 1 Reset, 2 2xClk, 3 4xClk, 4 Even .5xClk, 5 Odd .5xClk
async def genReset ( dut , sim ) :
""" Generate reset. """
first = True
done = False
while not done :
await RisingEdge ( dut . clk_1x )
if sim . cycle < sim . resetCycle :
if first :
dut . _log . info ( f ' [ { sim . cycle : 08d } ] Resetting... ' )
first = False
dut . nclk [ 1 ] . value = 1
elif not done :
dut . _log . info ( f ' [ { sim . cycle : 08d } ] Releasing reset. ' )
dut . nclk [ 1 ] . value = 0
done = True
async def genClocks ( dut , sim ) :
""" Generate 1x, 2x, 4x clock pulses, depending on parms. """
if sim . clk2x and sim . clk4x :
sim . clk1x = Clock ( dut . nclk [ 0 ] , 8 , ' ns ' )
await cocotb . start ( sim . clk1x . start ( ) )
sim . clk2x = Clock ( dut . nclk [ 2 ] , 4 , ' ns ' )
await cocotb . start ( sim . clk2x . start ( ) )
sim . clk4x = Clock ( dut . nclk [ 3 ] , 2 , ' ns ' )
await cocotb . start ( sim . clk4x . start ( ) )
elif sim . clk2x :
sim . clk1x = Clock ( dut . nclk [ 0 ] , 8 , ' ns ' )
await cocotb . start ( sim . clk1x . start ( ) )
sim . clk2x = Clock ( dut . nclk [ 2 ] , 4 , ' ns ' )
await cocotb . start ( sim . clk2x . start ( ) )
else :
sim . clk1x = Clock ( dut . nclk [ 0 ] , 8 , ' ns ' )
await cocotb . start ( sim . clk1x . start ( ) )
for cycle in range ( sim . maxCycles ) :
sim . cycle = cycle
if cycle % sim . hbCycles == 0 :
dut . _log . info ( f ' [ { cycle : 08d } ] ...tick... ' )
await RisingEdge ( dut . clk_1x )
dut . _log . info ( f ' [ { sim . cycle : 08d } ] Reached max cycle. Clocks stopped. ' )
sim . ok = False
sim . fail = ' Max cycle reached. '
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Interfaces
async def scom ( dut , sim ) :
""" scom interface """
dut . an_ac_scom_dch . value = 0
dut . an_ac_scom_cch . value = 0
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Do something
@cocotb.test ( )
async def tb ( dut ) :
""" A Vulgar Display of OpenPower """
sim = Sim ( dut )
sim . mem = Memory ( sim )
sim . maxCycles = 2000
sim . memFiles = [ ' ../mem/boot.bin.hex ' ] #wtf cmdline parm
for i in range ( len ( sim . memFiles ) ) : #wtf el should be object with name, format, etc.
sim . mem . loadFile ( sim . memFiles [ i ] )
sim . memFiles = [
' addr ' : 0x00000000 ,
' file ' : ' ../mem/test1/rom.init '
} ,
' addr ' : 0x10000000 ,
' file ' : ' ../mem/test1/test.init '
for i in range ( len ( sim . memFiles ) ) : #wtf el should be object with name, format, etc.
sim . mem . loadFile ( sim . memFiles [ i ] [ ' file ' ] , addr = sim . memFiles [ i ] [ ' addr ' ] )
if sim . resetAddr is not None and sim . mem . read ( sim . resetAddr ) == sim . mem . default :
sim . mem . write ( sim . resetAddr , sim . resetOp )
sim . msg ( f ' Set reset fetch @ { sim . resetAddr : 08X } to { sim . resetOp : 08X } . ' )
# init stuff
await init ( dut , sim )
# start clocks,reset
await cocotb . start ( genClocks ( dut , sim ) )
await cocotb . start ( genReset ( dut , sim ) )
# start interfaces
await cocotb . start ( scom ( dut , sim ) )
#wtf don't have to instantiate A2L2 first?
#await cocotb.start(A2L2Driver(dut, sim))
#await cocotb.start(A2L2Checker(dut, sim))
#await cocotb.start(A2L2Monitor(dut, sim))
await cocotb . start ( A2L2 . driver ( dut , sim ) )
await cocotb . start ( A2L2 . checker ( dut , sim ) )
await cocotb . start ( A2L2 . monitor ( dut , sim ) )
await Timer ( ( sim . resetCycle + 5 ) * 8 , units = ' ns ' )
if dut . nclk [ 1 ] . value != 0 :
sim . ok = False
sim . fail = ' Reset active too long! '
# config stuff
await config ( dut , sim )
# monitor stuff
await cocotb . start ( coreMonitor ( dut , sim ) )
# release thread(s)
dut . an_ac_pm_thread_stop . value = 0
await RisingEdge ( dut . clk_1x )
dut . _log . info ( f ' [ { sim . cycle : 08d } ] Threads enabled. ' )
# should await sim.done
await Timer ( ( sim . maxCycles + 100 ) * 8 , units = ' ns ' )
if sim . ok :
dut . _log . info ( f ' [ { sim . cycle : 08d } ] You has opulence. ' )
else :
dut . _log . info ( f ' [ { sim . cycle : 08d } ] You are worthless and weak! ' )
dut . _log . info ( f ' [ { sim . cycle : 08d } ] { sim . fail } ' )
assert False