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3 years ago
# a2o test tb
import cocotb
from cocotb.clock import Clock
from cocotb.triggers import Timer
from cocotb.triggers import FallingEdge
from cocotb.handle import Force
from cocotb.handle import Release
import itertools
from dotmap import DotMap
from OPEnv import *
from A2O import *
3 years ago
from A2L2 import *
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tasks
# get rid of z on anything that will be sampled here
# is there a func to get all inputs?
async def init(dut, sim):
"""Initialize inputs. """
dut.nclk.value = 0
dut.scan_in.value = 0
dut.an_ac_scan_type_dc.value = 0x0
dut.an_ac_chipid_dc.value = 0x0
dut.an_ac_coreid.value = 0x0
dut.an_ac_scom_sat_id.value = 0x0
dut.an_ac_lbist_ary_wrt_thru_dc.value = 0
dut.an_ac_gsd_test_enable_dc.value = 0
dut.an_ac_gsd_test_acmode_dc.value = 0
dut.an_ac_ccflush_dc.value = 0
dut.an_ac_ccenable_dc.value = 0
dut.an_ac_lbist_en_dc.value = 0
dut.an_ac_lbist_ip_dc.value = 0
dut.an_ac_lbist_ac_mode_dc.value = 0
dut.an_ac_scan_diag_dc.value = 0
dut.an_ac_scan_dis_dc_b.value = 0
dut.an_ac_rtim_sl_thold_8.value = 0
dut.an_ac_func_sl_thold_8.value = 0
dut.an_ac_func_nsl_thold_8.value = 0
dut.an_ac_ary_nsl_thold_8.value = 0
dut.an_ac_sg_8.value = 0
dut.an_ac_fce_8.value = 0
dut.an_ac_abst_scan_in.value = 0
dut.an_ac_checkstop.value = 0
dut.an_ac_reset_1_complete.value = 0
dut.an_ac_reset_2_complete.value = 0
dut.an_ac_reset_3_complete.value = 0
dut.an_ac_reset_wd_complete.value = 0
dut.an_ac_pm_fetch_halt.value = 0
dut.an_ac_debug_stop.value = 0
dut.an_ac_tb_update_enable.value = 1
dut.an_ac_tb_update_pulse.value = 0 # tb clock if xucr0[tcs]=1 (must be <1/2 proc clk; tb pulse is 2x this clock)
# why is coco turning [0] into non-vector??? or is that gpi/vpi/icarus/???
if sim.threads == 1:
dut.an_ac_pm_thread_stop.value = 0x1
dut.an_ac_external_mchk.value = 0
dut.an_ac_sleep_en.value = 0
dut.an_ac_ext_interrupt.value = 0
dut.an_ac_crit_interrupt.value = 0
dut.an_ac_perf_interrupt.value = 0
dut.an_ac_hang_pulse.value = 0
dut.an_ac_uncond_dbg_event.value = 0
for i in range(sim.threads):
dut.an_ac_pm_thread_stop[i].value = 0x1
dut.an_ac_external_mchk[i].value = 0
dut.an_ac_sleep_en[i].value = 0
dut.an_ac_ext_interrupt[i].value = 0
dut.an_ac_crit_interrupt[i].value = 0
dut.an_ac_perf_interrupt[i].value = 0
dut.an_ac_hang_pulse[i].value = 0
dut.an_ac_uncond_dbg_event[i].value = 0
await Timer(9, units='ns')
async def config(dut, sim):
"""Configure core, etc. """
#wtf make A2 module to do core-specific stuff
# A2L2 load/store credits
creditsLd = dut.c0.lq0.lsq.arb.load_cred_cnt_d # 8 max
creditsLdMax = dut.c0.lq0.lsq.arb.ld_cred_max # hdw check
creditsSt = dut.c0.lq0.lsq.arb.store_cred_cnt_d # 32 max
creditsStMax = dut.c0.lq0.lsq.arb.st_cred_max # hdw check
creditsLdStSingle = dut.c0.lq0.lsq.arb.spr_xucr0_cred_d # 1 total credit
3 years ago
#wtf this affects A2L2 - default=1
# dut.c0.lq0.lsq.arb.spr_lsucr0_b2b_q # 0=crit first, every other 1=crit first, b2b **the a2l2 spec does not say crit must be first**
lsucr0_d = dut.c0.lq0.ctl.spr.lq_spr_cspr.lsucr0_d
lsucr0_q = dut.c0.lq0.ctl.spr.lq_spr_cspr.lsucr0_q
cpcr2_d = dut.c0.iuq0.iuq_ifetch0.iuq_spr0.cpcr2_d
cpcr2_q = dut.c0.iuq0.iuq_ifetch0.iuq_spr0.cpcr2_l2
cpcr2_act = dut.c0.iuq0.iuq_ifetch0.iuq_spr0.cpcr2_wren
cpcr4_d = dut.c0.iuq0.iuq_ifetch0.iuq_spr0.cpcr4_d
cpcr4_q = dut.c0.iuq0.iuq_ifetch0.iuq_spr0.cpcr4_l2
cpcr4_act = dut.c0.iuq0.iuq_ifetch0.iuq_spr0.cpcr4_wren
3 years ago
await RisingEdge(dut.clk_1x)
if sim.config.core.creditsLd is not None:
creditsLd.value = Force(sim.config.core.creditsLd)
creditsLdMax.value = Force(sim.config.core.creditsLd)
sim.msg(f'A2L2: load credits changed from {creditsLd.value.integer} to {sim.config.core.creditsLd}.')
await RisingEdge(dut.clk_1x)
creditsLd.value = Release()
if sim.config.core.creditsSt is not None:
creditsSt.value = Force(sim.config.core.creditsSt)
creditsStMax.value = Force(sim.config.core.creditsSt)
sim.msg(f'A2L2: store credits changed from {creditsSt.value.integer} to {sim.config.core.creditsSt}.')
await RisingEdge(dut.clk_1x)
creditsSt.value = Release()
if sim.config.core.creditsLdStSingle is not None:
v = 1 if sim.config.core.creditsLdStSingle else 0
creditsLdStSingle.value = Force(v)
3 years ago
sim.msg(f'A2L2: only one load OR store allowed when credits=1/1.')
await RisingEdge(dut.clk_1x)
creditsLdStSingle.value = Release()
#wtf make a function - needs mask,thread
if sim.config.core.lsDataForward is not None:
v = 1 if sim.config.core.lsDataForward else 0
sim.msg(f'LSUCR0 = {hex(lsucr0_q.value), 8}')
sim.msg(f'Setting LSUCR0[DFWD] = {v}.')
v = v << 2
v = (lsucr0_q.value.integer & ~0x4) | v
lsucr0_d.value = Force(v)
3 years ago
await RisingEdge(dut.clk_1x)
lsucr0_d.value = Release()
sim.msg(f'LSUCR0 = {hex(lsucr0_q.value), 8}')
if sim.config.core.cpcr4_sq_cnt is not None:
v = sim.config.core.cpcr4_sq_cnt
sim.msg(f'CPCR4 = {hex(cpcr4_q[0], 8)}')
sim.msg(f'Setting CPCR4[SQ_CNT] = {v}.')
v = v << 0
v = (cpcr4_q[0].value.integer & ~0x1F) | v
await RisingEdge(dut.clk_1x) # need cuz of act?
cpcr4_d[0].value = Force(v)
cpcr4_act.value = Force(1)
await RisingEdge(dut.clk_1x)
await RisingEdge(dut.clk_1x) # need cuz of act?
cpcr4_d[0].value = Release()
cpcr4_act.value = Release()
sim.msg(f'CPCR4 = {hex(cpcr4_q[0], 8)}')
3 years ago
await RisingEdge(dut.clk_1x)
3 years ago
# trilib/tri.vh:`define NCLK_WIDTH 6 // 0 1xClk, 1 Reset, 2 2xClk, 3 4xClk, 4 Even .5xClk, 5 Odd .5xClk
async def genReset(dut, sim):
"""Generate reset. """
first = True
done = False
while not done:
await RisingEdge(dut.clk_1x)
if sim.cycle < sim.resetCycle:
if first:'[{sim.cycle:08d}] Resetting...')
first = False
dut.nclk[1].value = 1
elif not done:'[{sim.cycle:08d}] Releasing reset.')
dut.nclk[1].value = 0
done = True
sim.resetDone = True
3 years ago
async def genClocks(dut, sim):
"""Generate 1x, 2x, 4x clock pulses, depending on parms. """
if sim.clk2x and sim.clk4x:
sim.clk1x = Clock(dut.nclk[0], 8, 'ns')
await cocotb.start(sim.clk1x.start())
sim.clk2x = Clock(dut.nclk[2], 4, 'ns')
await cocotb.start(sim.clk2x.start())
sim.clk4x = Clock(dut.nclk[3], 2, 'ns')
await cocotb.start(sim.clk4x.start())
elif sim.clk2x:
sim.clk1x = Clock(dut.nclk[0], 8, 'ns')
await cocotb.start(sim.clk1x.start())
sim.clk2x = Clock(dut.nclk[2], 4, 'ns')
await cocotb.start(sim.clk2x.start())
sim.clk1x = Clock(dut.nclk[0], 8, 'ns')
await cocotb.start(sim.clk1x.start())
for cycle in range(sim.maxCycles):
sim.cycle = cycle
if cycle % sim.hbCycles == 0:'[{cycle:08d}] ...tick...')
await RisingEdge(dut.clk_1x)'[{sim.cycle:08d}] Reached max cycle. Clocks stopped.')
3 years ago
sim.ok = False = 'Max cycle reached.'
3 years ago
# or raise SimTimeoutError
3 years ago
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Interfaces
async def scom(dut, sim):
"""scom interface"""
dut.an_ac_scom_dch.value = 0
dut.an_ac_scom_cch.value = 0
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Do something
async def tb(dut):
"""A Vulgar Display of OpenPower"""
sim = Sim(dut)
sim.mem = Memory(sim)
3 years ago
#sim.maxCycles = 2000000
sim.maxCycles = 300
# original fpga design needed 4 cred, no fwd (set in logic currently)
#sim.config.core.creditsSt = 32
#sim.config.core.lsDataForward = 0 # disable=1
#sim.config.core.cpcr4_sq_cnt = 0 # default=6
3 years ago
# rom
3 years ago
sim.memFiles = ['../mem/boot.bin.hex'] #wtf cmdline parm
for i in range(len(sim.memFiles)): #wtf el should be object with name, format, etc.
3 years ago
# rom+test; should end at 700
3 years ago
sim.memFiles = [
'addr': 0x00000000,
'file' : '../mem/test1/rom.init'
'addr': 0x10000000,
'file' : '../mem/test1/test.init'
# rom+bios; should end at 7FC
sim.memFiles = [
'addr': 0x00000000,
'file' : '../mem/test2/rom.init'
3 years ago
# rom+bios+arcitst
sim.memFiles = [
'addr': 0x00000000,
'file' : '../mem/test3/rom.init'
3 years ago
# rom+bios+dhrystone
sim.memFiles = [
'addr': 0x00000000,
'file' : '../mem/dhrystone/rom.init'
3 years ago
for i in range(len(sim.memFiles)): #wtf el should be object with name, format, etc.
sim.mem.loadFile(sim.memFiles[i]['file'], addr=sim.memFiles[i]['addr'])
3 years ago
if sim.resetAddr is not None and == sim.mem.default:
sim.mem.write(sim.resetAddr, sim.resetOp)
sim.msg(f'Set reset fetch @{sim.resetAddr:08X} to {sim.resetOp:08X}.')
# init stuff
await init(dut, sim)
# start clocks,reset
await cocotb.start(genClocks(dut, sim))
await cocotb.start(genReset(dut, sim))
# start interfaces
await cocotb.start(scom(dut, sim))
sim.a2o = A2OCore(sim)
sim.a2o.traceFacUpdates = True
3 years ago
sim.a2o.stopOnLoop = 50
sim.a2o.iarPass = 0x7F0
sim.a2o.iarFail = 0x7F4
await cocotb.start(A2O.driver(dut, sim))
await cocotb.start(A2O.checker(dut, sim))
await cocotb.start(A2O.monitor(dut, sim))
3 years ago
await cocotb.start(A2L2.driver(dut, sim))
await cocotb.start(A2L2.checker(dut, sim))
await cocotb.start(A2L2.monitor(dut, sim))
await Timer((sim.resetCycle + 5)*8, units='ns')
if dut.nclk[1].value != 0:
sim.ok = False = 'Reset active too long!'
# config stuff
await config(dut, sim)
# monitor stuff
#await cocotb.start(coreMonitor(dut, sim))
3 years ago
# release thread(s)
dut.an_ac_pm_thread_stop.value = 0
await RisingEdge(dut.clk_1x)'[{sim.cycle:08d}] Threads enabled.')
3 years ago
# what should this wait? genClocks?
3 years ago
await Timer((sim.maxCycles+100)*8, units='ns')
if sim.ok:'[{sim.cycle:08d}] You has opulence.')
else:'[{sim.cycle:08d}] You are worthless and weak!')
3 years ago'[{sim.cycle:08d}] {}')
assert False