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// © IBM Corp. 2020
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// Description: Generic Local FIR Component
module pcq_local_fir2(
// Include model build parameters
`include "tri_a2o.vh"
parameter WIDTH = 1; // this must be >=1 and <=64
parameter IMPL_LXSTOP_MCHK = 1'b1; // generate local checkstop /machine check output
parameter USE_RECOV_RESET = 1'b0; // this adds a reset feature without the second wof register.
parameter [0:WIDTH-1] FIR_INIT = 1'b0; // init value for fir register; length = width !
parameter [0:WIDTH-1] FIR_MASK_INIT = 1'b0; // init value for fir mask register; length = width !
parameter FIR_MASK_PAR_INIT = 1'b0; // init value for fir mask register even parity
parameter [0:WIDTH-1] FIR_ACTION0_INIT = 1'b0; // init value for fir action0 register; length = width !
parameter FIR_ACTION0_PAR_INIT = 1'b0; // init value for fir action0 register even parity
parameter [0:WIDTH-1] FIR_ACTION1_INIT = 1'b0; // init value for fir action1 register; length = width !
parameter FIR_ACTION1_PAR_INIT = 1'b0; // init value for fir action1 register even parity
// Port Definitions
// Global lines for clocking and scan control
input [0:`NCLK_WIDTH-1] nclk;
inout vdd;
inout gnd;
input lcb_clkoff_dc_b; //from lcb_cntl external to component
input lcb_mpw1_dc_b; //from lcb_cntl external to component
input lcb_mpw2_dc_b; //from lcb_cntl external to component
input lcb_delay_lclkr_dc; //from lcb_cntl external to component
input lcb_act_dis_dc; //from lcb_cntl external to component
input lcb_sg_0;
input lcb_func_slp_sl_thold_0;
input lcb_cfg_slp_sl_thold_0;
input [0:3*(WIDTH+1)+WIDTH-1] mode_scan_siv; // scan vector in
output [0:3*(WIDTH+1)+WIDTH-1] mode_scan_sov; // scan vector out
input [0:4] func_scan_siv; // scan vector in
output [0:4] func_scan_sov; // scan vector out
// External interface
input sys_xstop_in; // freeze FIR on system checkstop from chip GEM
input [0:WIDTH-1] error_in; // needs to be directly off a latch for timing
output xstop_err; // checkstop output to Global FIR
output recov_err; // recoverable output to Global FIR
output lxstop_mchk; // use ONLY if IMPL_LXSTOP_MCHK = true
output trace_error; // connect to error_input of closest trdata macro
input recov_reset; // only needed if USE_RECOV_RESET = true
output [0:WIDTH-1] fir_out; // output of current FIR state if needed
output [0:WIDTH-1] act0_out; // output of current FIR Act0 state if needed
output [0:WIDTH-1] act1_out; // output of current FIR Act1 state if needed
output [0:WIDTH-1] mask_out; // output of current FIR Mask state if needed
// SCOM register connections
input sc_parity_error_inject; // Force parity error
input sc_active;
input sc_wr_q;
input [0:8] sc_addr_v;
input [0:WIDTH-1] sc_wdata;
output [0:WIDTH-1] sc_rdata;
output [0:2] fir_parity_check; // Action0, Action1, Mask reg parity checks
// Signal Declarations
// Clocks
wire func_d1clk;
wire func_d2clk;
wire [0:`NCLK_WIDTH-1] func_lclk;
wire mode_d1clk;
wire mode_d2clk;
wire [0:`NCLK_WIDTH-1] mode_lclk;
wire scom_mode_d1clk;
wire scom_mode_d2clk;
wire [0:`NCLK_WIDTH-1] scom_mode_lclk;
wire func_thold_b;
wire func_force;
wire mode_thold_b;
wire mode_force;
// FIR regs
wire [0:WIDTH-1] data_ones;
wire [0:WIDTH-1] or_fir;
wire [0:WIDTH-1] and_fir;
wire [0:WIDTH-1] or_mask;
wire [0:WIDTH-1] and_mask;
wire [0:WIDTH-1] fir_mask_in;
wire [0:WIDTH-1] fir_mask_lt;
wire [0:WIDTH-1] masked;
wire fir_mask_par_in;
wire fir_mask_par_lt;
wire fir_mask_par_err;
wire [0:WIDTH-1] fir_action0_in;
wire [0:WIDTH-1] fir_action0_lt;
wire fir_action0_par_in;
wire fir_action0_par_lt;
wire fir_action0_par_err;
wire [0:WIDTH-1] fir_action1_in;
wire [0:WIDTH-1] fir_action1_lt;
wire fir_action1_par_in;
wire fir_action1_par_lt;
wire fir_action1_par_err;
wire [0:WIDTH-1] fir_reset;
wire [0:WIDTH-1] error_input;
wire [0:WIDTH-1] fir_error_in_reef;
wire [0:WIDTH-1] fir_in;
wire [0:WIDTH-1] fir_lt;
wire fir_act;
wire block_fir;
wire or_fir_load;
wire and_fir_ones;
wire and_fir_load;
wire or_mask_load;
wire and_mask_ones;
wire and_mask_load;
// Error report
wire sys_xstop_lt;
wire recov_in;
wire recov_lt;
wire xstop_in;
wire xstop_lt;
wire trace_error_in;
wire trace_error_lt;
// Other
wire tieup;
// Scan chain hookups
wire [0:3*(WIDTH+1)+WIDTH-1] mode_si;
wire [0:3*(WIDTH+1)+WIDTH-1] mode_so;
wire [0:4] func_si;
wire [0:4] func_so;
// Get rid of sinkless net messages
// synopsys translate_off
(* analysis_not_referenced="true" *)
// synopsys translate_on
wire unused_signals;
assign unused_signals = recov_reset | sc_addr_v[5];
assign tieup = 1'b1;
assign data_ones = {WIDTH {1'b1}};
//* LCB driver, LCB and Register Instantiations
// functional ring regs; NOT power managed
tri_lcbor func_lcbor(
tri_lcbnd func_lcb(
.act(tieup), // not power managed
// config ring regs; NOT power managed
tri_lcbor mode_lcbor(
assign fir_act = sc_active | (|error_in);
tri_lcbnd mode_lcb(
.act(fir_act), // active during scom access or FIR error input
tri_lcbnd scom_mode_lcb(
.act(sc_active), // active during scom access
// Mode Registers
tri_nlat_scan #(.WIDTH(WIDTH), .INIT(FIR_ACTION0_INIT)) fir_action0(
.scan_in( mode_si[0:WIDTH - 1]),
.scan_out(mode_so[0:WIDTH - 1]),
tri_nlat_scan #(.WIDTH(1), .INIT(FIR_ACTION0_PAR_INIT)) fir_action0_par(
.scan_in( mode_si[WIDTH:WIDTH]),
tri_nlat_scan #(.WIDTH(WIDTH), .INIT(FIR_ACTION1_INIT)) fir_action1(
.scan_in( mode_si[(WIDTH + 1):(2*WIDTH)]),
.scan_out(mode_so[(WIDTH + 1):(2*WIDTH)]),
tri_nlat_scan #(.WIDTH(1), .INIT(FIR_ACTION1_PAR_INIT)) fir_action1_par(
.scan_in( mode_si[(2*WIDTH + 1):(2*WIDTH + 1)]),
.scan_out(mode_so[(2*WIDTH + 1):(2*WIDTH + 1)]),
tri_nlat_scan #(.WIDTH(WIDTH), .INIT(FIR_MASK_INIT)) fir_mask(
.scan_in( mode_si[(2*WIDTH + 2):(3*WIDTH + 1)]),
.scan_out(mode_so[(2*WIDTH + 2):(3*WIDTH + 1)]),
tri_nlat_scan #(.WIDTH(1), .INIT(FIR_MASK_PAR_INIT)) fir_mask_par(
.scan_in( mode_si[(3*WIDTH + 2):(3*WIDTH + 2)]),
.scan_out(mode_so[(3*WIDTH + 2):(3*WIDTH + 2)]),
tri_nlat_scan #(.WIDTH(WIDTH), .INIT(FIR_INIT)) fir(
.scan_in( mode_si[(3*WIDTH + 3):(4*WIDTH + 2)]),
.scan_out(mode_so[(3*WIDTH + 3):(4*WIDTH + 2)]),
// Func Registers with no power savings
tri_nlat #(.WIDTH(1), .INIT(1'b0)) sys_xstop(
tri_nlat #(.WIDTH(1), .INIT(1'b0)) recov(
tri_nlat #(.WIDTH(1), .INIT(1'b0)) xstop(
tri_nlat #(.WIDTH(1), .INIT(1'b0)) trace_err(
//* Optional Recovery Reset
if (USE_RECOV_RESET == 1'b1)
begin : use_recov_reset_yes
assign fir_reset = (~({WIDTH {recov_reset}} & (~fir_action0_lt) & fir_action1_lt));
if (USE_RECOV_RESET == 1'b0)
begin : use_recov_reset_no
assign fir_reset = {WIDTH {1'b1}};
//* FIR
// write to x'0' to write FIR directly
// write to x'1' to And-Mask FIR
// write to x'2' to Or-Mask FIR
assign or_fir_load = (sc_addr_v[0] | sc_addr_v[2]) & sc_wr_q;
assign and_fir_ones = (~((sc_addr_v[0] | sc_addr_v[1]) & sc_wr_q));
assign and_fir_load = sc_addr_v[1] & sc_wr_q;
assign or_fir = ({WIDTH {or_fir_load}} & sc_wdata);
assign and_fir = ({WIDTH {and_fir_load}} & sc_wdata) | ({WIDTH {and_fir_ones}} & data_ones);
assign fir_in = ({WIDTH {~block_fir}} & error_input) | or_fir | (fir_lt & and_fir & fir_reset);
assign fir_error_in_reef = error_in; // does a signal rename for the reef tool
assign error_input = fir_error_in_reef;
//* FIR Mask
// write to x'6' to write FIR-MASK directly
// write to x'7' to And-Mask FIR-MASK
// write to x'8' to Or-Mask FIR-MASK
assign or_mask_load = (sc_addr_v[6] | sc_addr_v[8]) & sc_wr_q;
assign and_mask_ones = (~((sc_addr_v[6] | sc_addr_v[7]) & sc_wr_q));
assign and_mask_load = sc_addr_v[7] & sc_wr_q;
assign or_mask = ({WIDTH {or_mask_load}} & sc_wdata);
assign and_mask = ({WIDTH {and_mask_load}} & sc_wdata) | ({WIDTH {and_mask_ones}} & data_ones);
assign fir_mask_in = or_mask | (fir_mask_lt & and_mask);
assign fir_mask_par_in = ((sc_wr_q & (|sc_addr_v[6:8])) == 1'b1) ? (^fir_mask_in) : fir_mask_par_lt;
assign fir_mask_par_err = ((^fir_mask_lt) ^ fir_mask_par_lt) | (sc_wr_q & (|sc_addr_v[6:8]) & sc_parity_error_inject);
assign masked = fir_mask_lt;
//* Action Registers
// write to x'3' to write FIR-Action0 directly
assign fir_action0_in = ((sc_wr_q & sc_addr_v[3]) == 1'b1) ? sc_wdata : fir_action0_lt;
assign fir_action0_par_in = ((sc_wr_q & sc_addr_v[3]) == 1'b1) ? (^fir_action0_in) : fir_action0_par_lt;
assign fir_action0_par_err = ((^fir_action0_lt) ^ fir_action0_par_lt) | (sc_wr_q & sc_addr_v[3] & sc_parity_error_inject);
// write to x'4' to write FIR-Action1 directly
assign fir_action1_in = ((sc_wr_q & sc_addr_v[4]) == 1'b1) ? sc_wdata : fir_action1_lt;
assign fir_action1_par_in = ((sc_wr_q & sc_addr_v[4]) == 1'b1) ? (^fir_action1_in) : fir_action1_par_lt;
assign fir_action1_par_err = ((^fir_action1_lt) ^ fir_action1_par_lt) | (sc_wr_q & sc_addr_v[4] & sc_parity_error_inject);
//* Summary
assign xstop_in = (|(fir_lt & fir_action0_lt & (~fir_action1_lt) & (~masked))); // fir_action = 10
assign recov_in = (|(fir_lt & (~fir_action0_lt) & fir_action1_lt & (~masked))); // fir_action = 01
assign block_fir = xstop_lt | sys_xstop_lt;
assign xstop_err = xstop_lt;
assign recov_err = recov_lt;
assign trace_error = trace_error_lt;
assign fir_out = fir_lt;
assign act0_out = fir_action0_lt;
assign act1_out = fir_action1_lt;
assign mask_out = fir_mask_lt;
assign fir_parity_check = {fir_action0_par_err, fir_action1_par_err, fir_mask_par_err};
//* SCOM read logic
assign sc_rdata = ({WIDTH {sc_addr_v[0]}} & fir_lt) |
({WIDTH {sc_addr_v[3]}} & fir_action0_lt) |
({WIDTH {sc_addr_v[4]}} & fir_action1_lt) |
({WIDTH {sc_addr_v[6]}} & fir_mask_lt) ;
//* Optional MCHK Enable Register and Output
if (IMPL_LXSTOP_MCHK == 1'b1)
begin : mchkgen
wire lxstop_mchk_in;
wire lxstop_mchk_lt;
assign lxstop_mchk_in = (|(fir_lt & fir_action0_lt & fir_action1_lt & (~masked))); // fir_action = 11
assign lxstop_mchk = lxstop_mchk_lt;
assign trace_error_in = xstop_in | recov_in | lxstop_mchk_in;
tri_nlat #(.WIDTH(1), .INIT(1'b0)) mchk(
if (IMPL_LXSTOP_MCHK == 1'b0)
begin : nomchk
assign trace_error_in = xstop_in | recov_in;
assign lxstop_mchk = 1'b0;
assign func_so[0] = func_si[0];
// Scan Chain Connections
assign mode_si = mode_scan_siv;
assign mode_scan_sov = mode_so;
assign func_si = func_scan_siv;
assign func_scan_sov = func_so;