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3 years ago
// © IBM Corp. 2020
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
// the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
// compliance with the License as modified.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Modified Terms:
// 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
// License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
// in physical form.
// 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
// necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
// via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
// hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
// of the EULA.
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
// for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
// Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
// is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
// available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
// obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
`timescale 1 ns / 1 ns
// Description: Completion Unit
`include "tri_a2o.vh"
module iuq_cpl(
// Clocks
input [0:`NCLK_WIDTH-1] nclk,
// Pervasive
input tc_ac_ccflush_dc,
input clkoff_dc_b,
input d_mode_dc,
input delay_lclkr_dc,
input mpw1_dc_b,
input mpw2_dc_b,
input func_sl_thold_2,
input func_slp_sl_thold_2,
input sg_2,
input scan_in,
output scan_out,
// Perfomance selectors
input pc_iu_event_bus_enable,
input [0:2] pc_iu_event_count_mode,
input [0:15] spr_cp_perf_event_mux_ctrls,
input [0:3] event_bus_in,
output [0:3] event_bus_out,
// Instruction 0 Issue
input rn_cp_iu6_i0_vld,
input [1:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] rn_cp_iu6_i0_itag,
input [0:2] rn_cp_iu6_i0_ucode,
input rn_cp_iu6_i0_fuse_nop,
input rn_cp_iu6_i0_rte_lq,
input rn_cp_iu6_i0_rte_sq,
input rn_cp_iu6_i0_rte_fx0,
input rn_cp_iu6_i0_rte_fx1,
input rn_cp_iu6_i0_rte_axu0,
input rn_cp_iu6_i0_rte_axu1,
input [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] rn_cp_iu6_i0_ifar,
input [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] rn_cp_iu6_i0_bta,
input rn_cp_iu6_i0_isram,
input [0:31] rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr,
input rn_cp_iu6_i0_valop,
input [0:2] rn_cp_iu6_i0_error,
input rn_cp_iu6_i0_br_pred,
input rn_cp_iu6_i0_bh_update,
input [0:1] rn_cp_iu6_i0_bh0_hist,
input [0:1] rn_cp_iu6_i0_bh1_hist,
input [0:1] rn_cp_iu6_i0_bh2_hist,
input [0:9] rn_cp_iu6_i0_gshare,
input [0:2] rn_cp_iu6_i0_ls_ptr,
input rn_cp_iu6_i0_match,
input rn_cp_iu6_i0_type_fp,
input rn_cp_iu6_i0_type_ap,
input rn_cp_iu6_i0_type_spv,
input rn_cp_iu6_i0_type_st,
input rn_cp_iu6_i0_async_block,
input rn_cp_iu6_i0_np1_flush,
input rn_cp_iu6_i0_t1_v,
input [0:`TYPE_WIDTH-1] rn_cp_iu6_i0_t1_t,
input [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] rn_cp_iu6_i0_t1_p,
input [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] rn_cp_iu6_i0_t1_a,
input rn_cp_iu6_i0_t2_v,
input [0:`TYPE_WIDTH-1] rn_cp_iu6_i0_t2_t,
input [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] rn_cp_iu6_i0_t2_p,
input [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] rn_cp_iu6_i0_t2_a,
input rn_cp_iu6_i0_t3_v,
input [0:`TYPE_WIDTH-1] rn_cp_iu6_i0_t3_t,
input [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] rn_cp_iu6_i0_t3_p,
input [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] rn_cp_iu6_i0_t3_a,
input rn_cp_iu6_i0_btb_entry,
input [0:1] rn_cp_iu6_i0_btb_hist,
input rn_cp_iu6_i0_bta_val,
// Instruction 1 Issue
input rn_cp_iu6_i1_vld,
input [1:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] rn_cp_iu6_i1_itag,
input [0:2] rn_cp_iu6_i1_ucode,
input rn_cp_iu6_i1_fuse_nop,
input rn_cp_iu6_i1_rte_lq,
input rn_cp_iu6_i1_rte_sq,
input rn_cp_iu6_i1_rte_fx0,
input rn_cp_iu6_i1_rte_fx1,
input rn_cp_iu6_i1_rte_axu0,
input rn_cp_iu6_i1_rte_axu1,
input [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] rn_cp_iu6_i1_ifar,
input [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] rn_cp_iu6_i1_bta,
input rn_cp_iu6_i1_isram,
input [0:31] rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr,
input rn_cp_iu6_i1_valop,
input [0:2] rn_cp_iu6_i1_error,
input rn_cp_iu6_i1_br_pred,
input rn_cp_iu6_i1_bh_update,
input [0:1] rn_cp_iu6_i1_bh0_hist,
input [0:1] rn_cp_iu6_i1_bh1_hist,
input [0:1] rn_cp_iu6_i1_bh2_hist,
input [0:9] rn_cp_iu6_i1_gshare,
input [0:2] rn_cp_iu6_i1_ls_ptr,
input rn_cp_iu6_i1_match,
input rn_cp_iu6_i1_type_fp,
input rn_cp_iu6_i1_type_ap,
input rn_cp_iu6_i1_type_spv,
input rn_cp_iu6_i1_type_st,
input rn_cp_iu6_i1_async_block,
input rn_cp_iu6_i1_np1_flush,
input rn_cp_iu6_i1_t1_v,
input [0:`TYPE_WIDTH-1] rn_cp_iu6_i1_t1_t,
input [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] rn_cp_iu6_i1_t1_p,
input [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] rn_cp_iu6_i1_t1_a,
input rn_cp_iu6_i1_t2_v,
input [0:`TYPE_WIDTH-1] rn_cp_iu6_i1_t2_t,
input [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] rn_cp_iu6_i1_t2_p,
input [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] rn_cp_iu6_i1_t2_a,
input rn_cp_iu6_i1_t3_v,
input [0:`TYPE_WIDTH-1] rn_cp_iu6_i1_t3_t,
input [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] rn_cp_iu6_i1_t3_p,
input [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] rn_cp_iu6_i1_t3_a,
input rn_cp_iu6_i1_btb_entry,
input [0:1] rn_cp_iu6_i1_btb_hist,
input rn_cp_iu6_i1_bta_val,
// completion empty
output cp_rn_empty,
output cp_async_block,
// Instruction 0 Complete
output cp_rn_i0_v,
output cp_rn_i0_axu_exception_val,
output [0:3] cp_rn_i0_axu_exception,
output cp_rn_i0_t1_v,
output [0:`TYPE_WIDTH-1] cp_rn_i0_t1_t,
output [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] cp_rn_i0_t1_p,
output [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] cp_rn_i0_t1_a,
output cp_rn_i0_t2_v,
output [0:`TYPE_WIDTH-1] cp_rn_i0_t2_t,
output [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] cp_rn_i0_t2_p,
output [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] cp_rn_i0_t2_a,
output cp_rn_i0_t3_v,
output [0:`TYPE_WIDTH-1] cp_rn_i0_t3_t,
output [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] cp_rn_i0_t3_p,
output [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] cp_rn_i0_t3_a,
// Instruction 1 Complete
output cp_rn_i1_v,
output cp_rn_i1_axu_exception_val,
output [0:3] cp_rn_i1_axu_exception,
output cp_rn_i1_t1_v,
output [0:`TYPE_WIDTH-1] cp_rn_i1_t1_t,
output [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] cp_rn_i1_t1_p,
output [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] cp_rn_i1_t1_a,
output cp_rn_i1_t2_v,
output [0:`TYPE_WIDTH-1] cp_rn_i1_t2_t,
output [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] cp_rn_i1_t2_p,
output [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] cp_rn_i1_t2_a,
output cp_rn_i1_t3_v,
output [0:`TYPE_WIDTH-1] cp_rn_i1_t3_t,
output [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] cp_rn_i1_t3_p,
output [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] cp_rn_i1_t3_a,
// Branch Prediction Complete
output cp_bp_val,
output [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] cp_bp_ifar,
output [0:1] cp_bp_bh0_hist,
output [0:1] cp_bp_bh1_hist,
output [0:1] cp_bp_bh2_hist,
output cp_bp_br_pred,
output cp_bp_br_taken,
output cp_bp_bh_update,
output cp_bp_bcctr,
output cp_bp_bclr,
output cp_bp_lk,
output [0:1] cp_bp_bh,
output [0:9] cp_bp_gshare,
output [0:2] cp_bp_ls_ptr,
output [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] cp_bp_ctr,
output cp_bp_btb_entry,
output [0:1] cp_bp_btb_hist,
output cp_bp_getnia,
output cp_bp_group,
// Output to dispatch to block due to ivax
output cp_dis_ivax,
// LQ Instruction Executed
input lq0_iu_execute_vld,
input [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] lq0_iu_itag,
input lq0_iu_n_flush,
input lq0_iu_np1_flush,
input lq0_iu_dacr_type,
input [0:3] lq0_iu_dacrw,
input [0:31] lq0_iu_instr,
input [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] lq0_iu_eff_addr,
input lq0_iu_exception_val,
input [0:5] lq0_iu_exception,
input lq0_iu_flush2ucode,
input lq0_iu_flush2ucode_type,
input lq0_iu_recirc_val,
input lq0_iu_dear_val,
input lq1_iu_execute_vld,
input [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] lq1_iu_itag,
input lq1_iu_n_flush,
input lq1_iu_np1_flush,
input lq1_iu_exception_val,
input [0:5] lq1_iu_exception,
input lq1_iu_dacr_type,
input [0:3] lq1_iu_dacrw,
input [0:3] lq1_iu_perf_events,
output iu_lq_i0_completed,
output [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] iu_lq_i0_completed_itag,
output iu_lq_i1_completed,
output [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] iu_lq_i1_completed_itag,
output iu_lq_recirc_val,
// BR Instruction Executed
input br_iu_execute_vld,
input [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] br_iu_itag,
input br_iu_redirect,
input [62-`EFF_IFAR_ARCH:61] br_iu_bta,
input br_iu_taken,
input [0:3] br_iu_perf_events,
// XU0 Instruction Executed
input xu_iu_execute_vld,
input [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] xu_iu_itag,
input xu_iu_n_flush,
input xu_iu_np1_flush,
input xu_iu_flush2ucode,
input xu_iu_exception_val,
input [0:4] xu_iu_exception,
input xu_iu_mtiar,
input [62-`EFF_IFAR_ARCH:61] xu_iu_bta,
input [0:3] xu_iu_perf_events,
// XU0 Instruction Executed
input xu1_iu_execute_vld,
input [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] xu1_iu_itag,
// AXU0 Instruction Executed
input axu0_iu_execute_vld,
input [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] axu0_iu_itag,
input axu0_iu_n_flush,
input axu0_iu_np1_flush,
input axu0_iu_n_np1_flush,
input axu0_iu_flush2ucode,
input axu0_iu_flush2ucode_type,
input axu0_iu_exception_val,
input [0:3] axu0_iu_exception,
input [0:3] axu0_iu_perf_events,
// AXU1 Instruction Executed
input axu1_iu_execute_vld,
input [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] axu1_iu_itag,
input axu1_iu_n_flush,
input axu1_iu_np1_flush,
input axu1_iu_flush2ucode,
input axu1_iu_flush2ucode_type,
input axu1_iu_exception_val,
input [0:3] axu1_iu_exception,
input [0:3] axu1_iu_perf_events,
// Interrupts
input an_ac_uncond_dbg_event,
input xu_iu_external_mchk,
input xu_iu_ext_interrupt,
input xu_iu_dec_interrupt,
input xu_iu_udec_interrupt,
input xu_iu_perf_interrupt,
input xu_iu_fit_interrupt,
input xu_iu_crit_interrupt,
input xu_iu_wdog_interrupt,
input xu_iu_gwdog_interrupt,
input xu_iu_gfit_interrupt,
input xu_iu_gdec_interrupt,
input xu_iu_dbell_interrupt,
input xu_iu_cdbell_interrupt,
input xu_iu_gdbell_interrupt,
input xu_iu_gcdbell_interrupt,
input xu_iu_gmcdbell_interrupt,
input xu_iu_dbsr_ide,
input [62-`EFF_IFAR_ARCH:61] xu_iu_rest_ifar,
input axu0_iu_async_fex,
// To Ierats
output cp_is_isync,
output cp_is_csync,
// Flushes
output iu_flush,
output cp_flush_into_uc,
output [43:61] cp_uc_flush_ifar,
output cp_uc_np1_flush,
output cp_flush,
output [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] cp_next_itag,
output [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] cp_flush_itag,
output [62-`EFF_IFAR_ARCH:61] cp_flush_ifar,
output cp_iu0_flush_2ucode,
output cp_iu0_flush_2ucode_type,
output cp_iu0_flush_nonspec,
input pc_iu_init_reset,
output cp_rn_uc_credit_free,
// Signals to SPR partition
output iu_xu_rfi,
output iu_xu_rfgi,
output iu_xu_rfci,
output iu_xu_rfmci,
output iu_xu_int,
output iu_xu_gint,
output iu_xu_cint,
output iu_xu_mcint,
output [62-`EFF_IFAR_ARCH:61] iu_xu_nia,
output [0:16] iu_xu_esr,
output [0:14] iu_xu_mcsr,
output [0:18] iu_xu_dbsr,
output iu_xu_dear_update,
output [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] iu_xu_dear,
output iu_xu_dbsr_update,
output iu_xu_dbsr_ude,
output iu_xu_dbsr_ide,
output iu_xu_esr_update,
output iu_xu_act,
output iu_xu_dbell_taken,
output iu_xu_cdbell_taken,
output iu_xu_gdbell_taken,
output iu_xu_gcdbell_taken,
output iu_xu_gmcdbell_taken,
output iu_xu_instr_cpl,
input xu_iu_np1_async_flush,
output iu_xu_async_complete,
input dp_cp_hold_req,
output iu_mm_hold_ack,
input dp_cp_bus_snoop_hold_req,
output iu_mm_bus_snoop_hold_ack,
output iu_spr_eheir_update,
output [0:31] iu_spr_eheir,
input xu_iu_msr_de,
input xu_iu_msr_pr,
input xu_iu_msr_cm,
input xu_iu_msr_gs,
input xu_iu_msr_me,
input xu_iu_dbcr0_edm,
input xu_iu_dbcr0_idm,
input xu_iu_dbcr0_icmp,
input xu_iu_dbcr0_brt,
input xu_iu_dbcr0_irpt,
input xu_iu_dbcr0_trap,
input xu_iu_iac1_en,
input xu_iu_iac2_en,
input xu_iu_iac3_en,
input xu_iu_iac4_en,
input [0:1] xu_iu_dbcr0_dac1,
input [0:1] xu_iu_dbcr0_dac2,
input [0:1] xu_iu_dbcr0_dac3,
input [0:1] xu_iu_dbcr0_dac4,
input xu_iu_dbcr0_ret,
input xu_iu_dbcr1_iac12m,
input xu_iu_dbcr1_iac34m,
input lq_iu_spr_dbcr3_ivc,
input xu_iu_epcr_extgs,
input xu_iu_epcr_dtlbgs,
input xu_iu_epcr_itlbgs,
input xu_iu_epcr_dsigs,
input xu_iu_epcr_isigs,
input xu_iu_epcr_duvd,
input xu_iu_epcr_icm,
input xu_iu_epcr_gicm,
input xu_iu_ccr2_en_dcr,
input xu_iu_ccr2_ucode_dis,
input xu_iu_hid_mmu_mode,
input xu_iu_xucr4_mmu_mchk,
output iu_xu_quiesce,
output iu_pc_quiesce,
// MMU Errors
input mm_iu_ierat_rel_val,
input mm_iu_ierat_pt_fault,
input mm_iu_ierat_lrat_miss,
input mm_iu_ierat_tlb_inelig,
input mm_iu_tlb_multihit_err,
input mm_iu_tlb_par_err,
input mm_iu_lru_par_err,
input mm_iu_tlb_miss,
input mm_iu_reload_hit,
input [3:4] mm_iu_ierat_mmucr1,
input ic_cp_nonspec_hit,
output [0:5] cp_mm_except_taken,
// SPRs
input xu_iu_single_instr_mode,
input spr_single_issue,
input [64-`GPR_WIDTH:51] spr_ivpr,
input [64-`GPR_WIDTH:51] spr_givpr,
input [62-`EFF_IFAR_ARCH:61] spr_iac1,
input [62-`EFF_IFAR_ARCH:61] spr_iac2,
input [62-`EFF_IFAR_ARCH:61] spr_iac3,
input [62-`EFF_IFAR_ARCH:61] spr_iac4,
// XER read bus to RF for store conditionals
output [0:`XER_POOL_ENC-1] iu_rf_xer_p,
// Signals from pervasive
input pc_iu_ram_active,
input pc_iu_ram_flush_thread,
input xu_iu_msrovride_enab,
output iu_pc_ram_done,
output iu_pc_ram_interrupt,
output iu_pc_ram_unsupported,
input pc_iu_stop,
input pc_iu_step,
input [0:2] pc_iu_dbg_action,
output iu_pc_step_done,
output [0:`THREADS-1] iu_pc_stop_dbg_event,
output iu_pc_err_debug_event,
output iu_pc_attention_instr,
output iu_pc_err_mchk_disabled,
output ac_an_debug_trigger,
output iu_xu_stop,
// Power
inout vdd,
inout gnd);
// Define Offsets for the Queue Entry
parameter entry_ifar_offset = 0;
parameter entry_bp_val_offset = entry_ifar_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH;
parameter entry_bp_bcctr_offset = entry_bp_val_offset + 1;
parameter entry_bp_bclr_offset = entry_bp_bcctr_offset + 1;
parameter entry_bp_bta_offset = entry_bp_bclr_offset + 1;
parameter entry_rfi_offset = entry_bp_bta_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH;
parameter entry_rfgi_offset = entry_rfi_offset + 1;
parameter entry_rfci_offset = entry_rfgi_offset + 1;
parameter entry_rfmci_offset = entry_rfci_offset + 1;
parameter entry_ivax_offset = entry_rfmci_offset + 1;
parameter entry_sc_offset = entry_ivax_offset + 1;
parameter entry_mtiar_offset = entry_sc_offset + 1;
parameter entry_rollover_offset = entry_mtiar_offset + 1;
parameter entry_is_csync_offset = entry_rollover_offset + 1;
parameter entry_is_isync_offset = entry_is_csync_offset + 1;
parameter entry_bh_update_offset = entry_is_isync_offset + 1;
parameter entry_bh0_hist_offset = entry_bh_update_offset + 1;
parameter entry_bh1_hist_offset = entry_bh0_hist_offset + 2;
parameter entry_bh2_hist_offset = entry_bh1_hist_offset + 2;
parameter entry_gshare_offset = entry_bh2_hist_offset + 2;
parameter entry_ls_ptr_offset = entry_gshare_offset + 10;
parameter entry_isram_offset = entry_ls_ptr_offset + 3;
parameter entry_lk_offset = entry_isram_offset + 1;
parameter entry_bh_offset = entry_lk_offset + 1;
parameter entry_getnia_offset = entry_bh_offset + 2;
parameter entry_ld_offset = entry_getnia_offset + 1;
parameter entry_st_offset = entry_ld_offset + 1;
parameter entry_epid_offset = entry_st_offset + 1;
parameter entry_ucode_offset = entry_epid_offset + 1;
parameter entry_type_fp_offset = entry_ucode_offset + 3;
parameter entry_type_ap_offset = entry_type_fp_offset + 1;
parameter entry_type_spv_offset = entry_type_ap_offset + 1;
parameter entry_type_st_offset = entry_type_spv_offset + 1;
parameter entry_attn_offset = entry_type_st_offset + 1;
parameter entry_fuse_nop_offset = entry_attn_offset + 1;
parameter entry_icmp_block_offset = entry_fuse_nop_offset + 1;
parameter entry_nonspec_offset = entry_icmp_block_offset + 1;
parameter entry_t1_v_offset = entry_nonspec_offset + 1;
parameter entry_t1_t_offset = entry_t1_v_offset + 1;
parameter entry_t1_p_offset = entry_t1_t_offset + `TYPE_WIDTH;
parameter entry_t1_a_offset = entry_t1_p_offset + `GPR_POOL_ENC;
parameter entry_t2_v_offset = entry_t1_a_offset + `GPR_POOL_ENC;
parameter entry_t2_t_offset = entry_t2_v_offset + 1;
parameter entry_t2_p_offset = entry_t2_t_offset + `TYPE_WIDTH;
parameter entry_t2_a_offset = entry_t2_p_offset + `GPR_POOL_ENC;
parameter entry_t3_v_offset = entry_t2_a_offset + `GPR_POOL_ENC;
parameter entry_t3_t_offset = entry_t3_v_offset + 1;
parameter entry_t3_p_offset = entry_t3_t_offset + `TYPE_WIDTH;
parameter entry_t3_a_offset = entry_t3_p_offset + `GPR_POOL_ENC;
parameter entry_btb_entry_offset = entry_t3_a_offset + `GPR_POOL_ENC;
parameter entry_btb_hist_offset = entry_btb_entry_offset + 1;
parameter entry_length = entry_btb_hist_offset + 2;
// Signals
wire tidn;
wire tiup;
wire func_sl_thold_1;
wire func_slp_sl_thold_1;
wire sg_1;
wire func_sl_force;
wire func_sl_thold_0;
wire func_sl_thold_0_b;
wire func_slp_sl_force;
wire func_slp_sl_thold_0;
wire func_slp_sl_thold_0_b;
wire sg_0;
wire we0;
wire we1;
wire re0;
wire re1;
wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-2] wa0;
wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-2] wa1;
wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-2] ra0;
wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-2] ra1;
wire [0:entry_length-1] di0;
wire [0:entry_length-1] di1;
wire [0:entry_length-1] do0;
wire [0:entry_length-1] do1;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] cp2_i0_ifar;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] cp2_i1_ifar;
wire cp2_i0_bp_pred;
wire cp2_i1_bp_pred;
wire cp2_i0_br_pred;
wire cp2_i1_br_pred;
wire cp2_i0_bp_val;
wire cp2_i1_bp_val;
wire cp2_i0_bp_bcctr;
wire cp2_i1_bp_bcctr;
wire cp2_i0_bp_bclr;
wire cp2_i1_bp_bclr;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] cp2_i0_bp_bta;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] cp2_i1_bp_bta;
wire cp2_i0_rfi;
wire cp2_i1_rfi;
wire cp2_i0_rfgi;
wire cp2_i1_rfgi;
wire cp2_i0_rfci;
wire cp2_i1_rfci;
wire cp2_i0_rfmci;
wire cp2_i1_rfmci;
wire cp2_i0_ivax;
wire cp2_i1_ivax;
wire cp2_i0_sc;
wire cp2_i1_sc;
wire cp2_i0_mtiar;
wire cp2_i1_mtiar;
wire cp2_i0_rollover;
wire cp2_i1_rollover;
wire cp2_i0_is_csync;
wire cp2_i1_is_csync;
wire cp2_i0_is_isync;
wire cp2_i1_is_isync;
wire cp2_i0_bh_update;
wire cp2_i1_bh_update;
wire [0:1] cp2_i0_bh0_hist;
wire [0:1] cp2_i1_bh0_hist;
wire [0:1] cp2_i0_bh1_hist;
wire [0:1] cp2_i1_bh1_hist;
wire [0:1] cp2_i0_bh2_hist;
wire [0:1] cp2_i1_bh2_hist;
wire [0:9] cp2_i0_gshare;
wire [0:9] cp2_i1_gshare;
wire [0:2] cp2_i0_ls_ptr;
wire [0:2] cp2_i1_ls_ptr;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] cp2_i0_bta;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] cp2_i1_bta;
wire cp2_i0_isram;
wire cp2_i1_isram;
wire cp2_i0_lk;
wire cp2_i1_lk;
wire [0:1] cp2_i0_bh;
wire [0:1] cp2_i1_bh;
wire cp2_i0_getnia;
wire cp2_i1_getnia;
wire cp2_i0_ld;
wire cp2_i1_ld;
wire cp2_i0_st;
wire cp2_i1_st;
wire cp2_i0_epid;
wire cp2_i1_epid;
wire [0:2] cp2_i0_ucode;
wire [0:2] cp2_i1_ucode;
wire cp2_i0_type_fp;
wire cp2_i1_type_fp;
wire cp2_i0_type_ap;
wire cp2_i1_type_ap;
wire cp2_i0_type_spv;
wire cp2_i1_type_spv;
wire cp2_i0_type_st;
wire cp2_i1_type_st;
wire cp2_i0_attn;
wire cp2_i1_attn;
wire cp2_i0_fuse_nop;
wire cp2_i1_fuse_nop;
wire cp2_i0_icmp_block;
wire cp2_i1_icmp_block;
wire cp2_i0_nonspec;
wire cp2_i1_nonspec;
wire cp2_i0_t1_v;
wire cp2_i1_t1_v;
wire [0:`TYPE_WIDTH-1] cp2_i0_t1_t;
wire [0:`TYPE_WIDTH-1] cp2_i1_t1_t;
wire [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] cp2_i0_t1_p;
wire [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] cp2_i1_t1_p;
wire [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] cp2_i0_t1_a;
wire [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] cp2_i1_t1_a;
wire cp2_i0_t2_v;
wire cp2_i1_t2_v;
wire [0:`TYPE_WIDTH-1] cp2_i0_t2_t;
wire [0:`TYPE_WIDTH-1] cp2_i1_t2_t;
wire [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] cp2_i0_t2_p;
wire [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] cp2_i1_t2_p;
wire [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] cp2_i0_t2_a;
wire [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] cp2_i1_t2_a;
wire cp2_i0_t3_v;
wire cp2_i1_t3_v;
wire [0:`TYPE_WIDTH-1] cp2_i0_t3_t;
wire [0:`TYPE_WIDTH-1] cp2_i1_t3_t;
wire [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] cp2_i0_t3_p;
wire [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] cp2_i1_t3_p;
wire [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] cp2_i0_t3_a;
wire [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] cp2_i1_t3_a;
wire cp2_i0_btb_entry;
wire cp2_i1_btb_entry;
wire [0:1] cp2_i0_btb_hist;
wire [0:1] cp2_i1_btb_hist;
wire cp2_i0_completed;
wire cp2_i1_completed;
wire [1:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] cp0_i0_completed_itag;
wire [1:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] cp0_i1_completed_itag;
wire cp2_i0_axu_exception_val;
wire [0:3] cp2_i0_axu_exception;
wire cp2_i1_axu_exception_val;
wire [0:3] cp2_i1_axu_exception;
wire b_i0;
wire bc_i0;
wire bclr_i0;
wire bcctr_i0;
wire br_val_i0;
wire br_add_chk_i0;
wire rfi_i0;
wire rfgi_i0;
wire rfci_i0;
wire rfmci_i0;
wire mtiar_i0;
wire isync_i0;
wire sc_i0;
wire sc_hyp_i0;
wire sc_illegal_i0;
wire dcr_illegal_i0;
wire attn_i0;
wire icmp_block_i0;
wire nonspec_i0;
wire ehpriv_i0;
wire mtmsr_i0;
wire ivax_i0;
wire mtpid_i0;
wire mtlpidr_i0;
wire async_block_i0;
wire i0_np1_flush;
wire is_csync_i0;
wire is_isync_i0;
wire b_i1;
wire bc_i1;
wire bclr_i1;
wire bcctr_i1;
wire br_val_i1;
wire br_add_chk_i1;
wire rfi_i1;
wire rfgi_i1;
wire rfci_i1;
wire rfmci_i1;
wire mtiar_i1;
wire isync_i1;
wire sc_i1;
wire sc_hyp_i1;
wire sc_illegal_i1;
wire dcr_illegal_i1;
wire attn_i1;
wire icmp_block_i1;
wire nonspec_i1;
wire ehpriv_i1;
wire mtmsr_i1;
wire ivax_i1;
wire mtpid_i1;
wire mtlpidr_i1;
wire async_block_i1;
wire i1_np1_flush;
wire is_csync_i1;
wire is_isync_i1;
wire folded_op_i0;
wire folded_op_i1;
wire rollover_i0;
wire rollover_i1;
wire [0:`XER_POOL_ENC-1] xer_cp_p_q;
wire [0:`XER_POOL_ENC-1] xer_cp_p_d;
// Branch predict calcs
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] bta_bd_i0;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] bta_bd_i1;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] bta_li_i0;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] bta_li_i1;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] bta_abs_i0;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] bta_abs_i1;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] bta_off_i0;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] bta_off_i1;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] bta_i0;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] bta_i1;
wire cp_i0_lk;
wire [0:1] cp_i0_bh;
wire cp_i0_getnia;
wire cp_i0_ld;
wire cp_i0_st;
wire cp_i0_epid;
wire cp_i1_lk;
wire [0:1] cp_i1_bh;
wire cp_i1_getnia;
wire cp_i1_ld;
wire cp_i1_st;
wire cp_i1_epid;
wire iu_xu_quiesce_int;
wire cpl_perr;
// Scanchains
parameter xer_cp_p_offset = 0;
parameter scan_right = xer_cp_p_offset + `XER_POOL_ENC;
wire [0:scan_right-1] siv;
wire [0:scan_right-1] sov;
wire scan_con_a;
wire force_t, thold_0_b, funcslp_force;
assign tidn = 1'b0;
assign tiup = 1'b1;
assign siv = {scan_right{1'b0}};
assign iu_xu_quiesce = iu_xu_quiesce_int;
assign iu_pc_quiesce = iu_xu_quiesce_int;
assign xer_cp_p_d = (cp2_i1_t2_v == 1'b1 & cp2_i1_completed == 1'b1 & cp2_i1_t2_t == 3'b100) ? cp2_i1_t2_p[`GPR_POOL_ENC - `XER_POOL_ENC:`GPR_POOL_ENC - 1] :
(cp2_i0_t2_v == 1'b1 & cp2_i0_completed == 1'b1 & cp2_i0_t2_t == 3'b100) ? cp2_i0_t2_p[`GPR_POOL_ENC - `XER_POOL_ENC:`GPR_POOL_ENC - 1] :
assign iu_rf_xer_p = xer_cp_p_q;
assign is_csync_i0 = (~mm_iu_ierat_mmucr1[3] & ~xu_iu_hid_mmu_mode) &
(sc_i0 | ehpriv_i0 | mtmsr_i0 | mtpid_i0 | mtlpidr_i0 | rfi_i0 | rfgi_i0 | rfci_i0 | rfmci_i0);
assign is_csync_i1 = (~mm_iu_ierat_mmucr1[3] & ~xu_iu_hid_mmu_mode) &
(sc_i1 | ehpriv_i1 | mtmsr_i1 | mtpid_i1 | mtlpidr_i1 | rfi_i1 | rfgi_i1 | rfci_i1 | rfmci_i1);
assign is_isync_i0 = (~mm_iu_ierat_mmucr1[4] & ~xu_iu_hid_mmu_mode) & isync_i0;
assign is_isync_i1 = (~mm_iu_ierat_mmucr1[4] & ~xu_iu_hid_mmu_mode) & isync_i1;
assign b_i0 = rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[0:5] == 6'b010010;
assign bc_i0 = rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[0:5] == 6'b010000;
assign bclr_i0 = rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[0:5] == 6'b010011 & rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[21:30] == 10'b0000010000;
assign bcctr_i0 = (rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[0:5] == 6'b010011 & rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[21:30] == 10'b1000010000) |
(rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[0:5] == 6'b010011 & rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[21:30] == 10'b1000110000); //bctar
assign br_val_i0 = b_i0 | bc_i0 | bclr_i0 | bcctr_i0;
assign br_add_chk_i0 = rn_cp_iu6_i0_bta_val;
assign rfi_i0 = rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[0:5] == 6'b010011 & rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[21:30] == 10'b0000110010 & (~(xu_iu_msr_gs == 1'b1 & xu_iu_msr_pr == 1'b0));
assign rfgi_i0 = (rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[0:5] == 6'b010011 & rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[21:30] == 10'b0001100110) |
(rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[0:5] == 6'b010011 & rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[21:30] == 10'b0000110010 & xu_iu_msr_gs == 1'b1 & xu_iu_msr_pr == 1'b0);
assign rfci_i0 = rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[0:5] == 6'b010011 & rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[21:30] == 10'b0000110011;
assign rfmci_i0 = rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[0:5] == 6'b010011 & rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[21:30] == 10'b0000100110;
assign mtiar_i0 = rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[0:5] == 6'b011111 & rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[11:20] == 10'b1001011011 & rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[21:30] == 10'b0111010011;
assign isync_i0 = rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[0:5] == 6'b010011 & rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[21:30] == 10'b0010010110;
assign sc_i0 = rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[0:5] == 6'b010001 & rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[20:26] == 7'b0000000 & rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[30] == 1'b1;
assign sc_hyp_i0 = rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[0:5] == 6'b010001 & rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[20:26] == 7'b0000001 & rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[30] == 1'b1;
assign sc_illegal_i0 = rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[0:5] == 6'b010001 & |(rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[20:25]) & rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[30] == 1'b1;
assign dcr_illegal_i0 = rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[0:5] == 6'b011111 & xu_iu_ccr2_en_dcr == 1'b1 &
(rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[21:30] == 10'b0101000011 | rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[21:30] == 10'b0111000011 |
rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[21:30] == 10'b0100100011 | rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[21:30] == 10'b0110100011 |
rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[21:30] == 10'b0100000011 | rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[21:30] == 10'b0110000011);
assign attn_i0 = rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[0:5] == 6'b000000 & rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[21:30] == 10'b0100000000;
assign icmp_block_i0 = sc_i0 | sc_hyp_i0 | ehpriv_i0 | attn_i0;
assign nonspec_i0 = rn_cp_iu6_i0_error == 3'b111 & ~rn_cp_iu6_i0_isram;
assign ehpriv_i0 = rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[0:5] == 6'b011111 & rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[21:30] == 10'b0100001110;
assign mtmsr_i0 = rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[0:5] == 6'b011111 & rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[21:30] == 10'b0010010010; // mtmsr
assign ivax_i0 = (rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[0:5] == 6'b011111 & rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[21:30] == 10'b1100110011) |
(rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[0:5] == 6'b011111 & rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[21:30] == 10'b1100010010);
assign mtpid_i0 = rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[0:5] == 6'b011111 & rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[21:30] == 10'b0111010011 & rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[11:20] == 10'b1000000001;
assign mtlpidr_i0 = rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[0:5] == 6'b011111 & rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[21:30] == 10'b0111010011 & rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[11:20] == 10'b1001001010;
assign cp_i0_lk = rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[31];
assign cp_i0_bh = rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[19:20];
assign cp_i0_getnia = rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[0:31] == 32'b01000010100111110000000000000101;
iuq_cpl_dec iuq_cpl_dec0(
// Exception Decode input
// Exception Decode output
assign async_block_i0 = rn_cp_iu6_i0_async_block;
assign i0_np1_flush = rn_cp_iu6_i0_np1_flush;
// Folded ops complete on issue
assign folded_op_i0 = (~rn_cp_iu6_i0_rte_lq & ~rn_cp_iu6_i0_rte_sq & ~rn_cp_iu6_i0_rte_fx0 &
~rn_cp_iu6_i0_rte_fx1 & ~rn_cp_iu6_i0_rte_axu0 & ~rn_cp_iu6_i0_rte_axu1) | ~rn_cp_iu6_i0_valop | (rn_cp_iu6_i0_error != 3'b000);
assign b_i1 = rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[0:5] == 6'b010010;
assign bc_i1 = rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[0:5] == 6'b010000;
assign bclr_i1 = rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[0:5] == 6'b010011 & rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[21:30] == 10'b0000010000;
assign bcctr_i1 = (rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[0:5] == 6'b010011 & rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[21:30] == 10'b1000010000) |
(rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[0:5] == 6'b010011 & rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[21:30] == 10'b1000110000); //bctar
assign br_val_i1 = b_i1 | bc_i1 | bclr_i1 | bcctr_i1;
assign br_add_chk_i1 = rn_cp_iu6_i1_bta_val;
assign rfi_i1 = rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[0:5] == 6'b010011 & rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[21:30] == 10'b0000110010 & (~(xu_iu_msr_gs == 1'b1 & xu_iu_msr_pr == 1'b0));
assign rfgi_i1 = (rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[0:5] == 6'b010011 & rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[21:30] == 10'b0001100110) |
(rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[0:5] == 6'b010011 & rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[21:30] == 10'b0000110010 & xu_iu_msr_gs == 1'b1 & xu_iu_msr_pr == 1'b0);
assign rfci_i1 = rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[0:5] == 6'b010011 & rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[21:30] == 10'b0000110011;
assign rfmci_i1 = rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[0:5] == 6'b010011 & rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[21:30] == 10'b0000100110;
assign mtiar_i1 = rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[0:5] == 6'b011111 & rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[11:20] == 10'b1001011011 & rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[21:30] == 10'b0111010011;
assign isync_i1 = rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[0:5] == 6'b010011 & rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[21:30] == 10'b0010010110;
assign sc_i1 = rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[0:5] == 6'b010001 & rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[20:26] == 7'b0000000 & rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[30] == 1'b1;
assign sc_hyp_i1 = rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[0:5] == 6'b010001 & rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[20:26] == 7'b0000001 & rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[30] == 1'b1;
assign sc_illegal_i1 = rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[0:5] == 6'b010001 & |rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[20:25] & rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[30] == 1'b1;
assign dcr_illegal_i1 = rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[0:5] == 6'b011111 & xu_iu_ccr2_en_dcr == 1'b1 &
(rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[21:30] == 10'b0101000011 | rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[21:30] == 10'b0111000011 |
rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[21:30] == 10'b0100100011 | rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[21:30] == 10'b0110100011 |
rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[21:30] == 10'b0100000011 | rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[21:30] == 10'b0110000011);
assign attn_i1 = rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[0:5] == 6'b000000 & rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[21:30] == 10'b0100000000;
assign icmp_block_i1 = sc_i1 | sc_hyp_i1 | ehpriv_i1 | attn_i1;
assign nonspec_i1 = rn_cp_iu6_i1_error == 3'b111 & ~rn_cp_iu6_i1_isram;
assign ehpriv_i1 = rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[0:5] == 6'b011111 & rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[21:30] == 10'b0100001110;
assign mtmsr_i1 = rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[0:5] == 6'b011111 & rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[21:30] == 10'b0010010010; // mtmsr
assign ivax_i1 = (rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[0:5] == 6'b011111 & rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[21:30] == 10'b1100110011) |
(rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[0:5] == 6'b011111 & rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[21:30] == 10'b1100010010);
assign mtpid_i1 = rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[0:5] == 6'b011111 & rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[21:30] == 10'b0111010011 & rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[11:20] == 10'b1000000001;
assign mtlpidr_i1 = rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[0:5] == 6'b011111 & rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[21:30] == 10'b0111010011 & rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[11:20] == 10'b1001001010;
assign cp_i1_lk = rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[31];
assign cp_i1_bh = rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[19:20];
assign cp_i1_getnia = rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[0:31] == 32'b01000010100111110000000000000101;
iuq_cpl_dec iuq_cpl_dec1(
// Exception Decode input
// Exception Decode output
assign async_block_i1 = rn_cp_iu6_i1_async_block;
assign i1_np1_flush = rn_cp_iu6_i1_np1_flush;
// Folded ops complete on issue
assign folded_op_i1 = (~rn_cp_iu6_i1_rte_lq & ~rn_cp_iu6_i1_rte_sq & ~rn_cp_iu6_i1_rte_fx0 & ~rn_cp_iu6_i1_rte_fx1 &
~rn_cp_iu6_i1_rte_axu0 & ~rn_cp_iu6_i1_rte_axu1) | ~rn_cp_iu6_i1_valop | (rn_cp_iu6_i1_error != 3'b000);
assign rollover_i0 = (rn_cp_iu6_i0_ifar == {`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH{1'b1}});
assign rollover_i1 = (rn_cp_iu6_i1_ifar == {`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH{1'b1}});
// calculate branch target address
begin : xhdl0
genvar i;
for (i = 62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH; i <= 61; i = i + 1)
begin : sign_extend_i0
if (i < 48)
begin : bd_i0_0
assign bta_bd_i0[i] = rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[16];
if (i > 47)
begin : bd_i0_1
assign bta_bd_i0[i] = rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[i - 32];
if (i < 38)
begin : li_i0_0
assign bta_li_i0[i] = rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[6];
if (i > 37)
begin : li_i0_1
assign bta_li_i0[i] = rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[i - 32];
assign bta_abs_i0[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] = (b_i0 == 1'b1) ? bta_li_i0[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] :
bta_bd_i0[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61];
assign bta_off_i0[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] = bta_abs_i0[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] + rn_cp_iu6_i0_ifar[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61];
assign bta_i0[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] = (rn_cp_iu6_i0_bta_val == 1'b1) ? rn_cp_iu6_i0_bta :
(rn_cp_iu6_i0_instr[30] == 1'b1) ? bta_abs_i0[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] :
bta_off_i0[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61];
begin : xhdl1
genvar i;
for (i = 62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH; i <= 61; i = i + 1)
begin : sign_extend_i1
if (i < 48)
begin : bd_i1_0
assign bta_bd_i1[i] = rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[16];
if (i > 47)
begin : bd_i1_1
assign bta_bd_i1[i] = rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[i - 32];
if (i < 38)
begin : li_i1_0
assign bta_li_i1[i] = rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[6];
if (i > 37)
begin : li_i1_1
assign bta_li_i1[i] = rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[i - 32];
assign bta_abs_i1[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] = (b_i1 == 1'b1) ? bta_li_i1[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] :
bta_bd_i1[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61];
assign bta_off_i1[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] = bta_abs_i1[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] + rn_cp_iu6_i1_ifar[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61];
assign bta_i1[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] = (rn_cp_iu6_i1_bta_val == 1'b1) ? rn_cp_iu6_i1_bta :
(rn_cp_iu6_i1_instr[30] == 1'b1) ? bta_abs_i1[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] :
bta_off_i1[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61];
iuq_cpl_ctrl iuq_cpl_ctrl(
// completion empty
assign re0 = 1'b1;
assign ra0 = cp0_i0_completed_itag;
assign re1 = 1'b1;
assign ra1 = cp0_i1_completed_itag;
assign we0 = rn_cp_iu6_i0_vld;
assign wa0 = rn_cp_iu6_i0_itag[1:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC - 1];
assign di0 = {rn_cp_iu6_i0_ifar, br_val_i0, bcctr_i0, bclr_i0, bta_i0, rfi_i0, rfgi_i0, rfci_i0, rfmci_i0, ivax_i0, (sc_i0 | sc_hyp_i0), mtiar_i0, rollover_i0, is_csync_i0, is_isync_i0, rn_cp_iu6_i0_bh_update, rn_cp_iu6_i0_bh0_hist, rn_cp_iu6_i0_bh1_hist, rn_cp_iu6_i0_bh2_hist, rn_cp_iu6_i0_gshare, rn_cp_iu6_i0_ls_ptr, rn_cp_iu6_i0_isram, cp_i0_lk, cp_i0_bh, cp_i0_getnia, cp_i0_ld, cp_i0_st, cp_i0_epid, rn_cp_iu6_i0_ucode, rn_cp_iu6_i0_type_fp, rn_cp_iu6_i0_type_ap, rn_cp_iu6_i0_type_spv, rn_cp_iu6_i0_type_st, attn_i0, rn_cp_iu6_i0_fuse_nop, icmp_block_i0, nonspec_i0, rn_cp_iu6_i0_t1_v, rn_cp_iu6_i0_t1_t, rn_cp_iu6_i0_t1_p, rn_cp_iu6_i0_t1_a, rn_cp_iu6_i0_t2_v, rn_cp_iu6_i0_t2_t, rn_cp_iu6_i0_t2_p, rn_cp_iu6_i0_t2_a, rn_cp_iu6_i0_t3_v, rn_cp_iu6_i0_t3_t, rn_cp_iu6_i0_t3_p, rn_cp_iu6_i0_t3_a, rn_cp_iu6_i0_btb_entry, rn_cp_iu6_i0_btb_hist};
assign we1 = rn_cp_iu6_i1_vld;
assign wa1 = rn_cp_iu6_i1_itag[1:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC - 1];
assign di1 = {rn_cp_iu6_i1_ifar, br_val_i1, bcctr_i1, bclr_i1, bta_i1, rfi_i1, rfgi_i1, rfci_i1, rfmci_i1, ivax_i1, (sc_i1 | sc_hyp_i1), mtiar_i1, rollover_i1, is_csync_i1, is_isync_i1, rn_cp_iu6_i1_bh_update, rn_cp_iu6_i1_bh0_hist, rn_cp_iu6_i1_bh1_hist, rn_cp_iu6_i1_bh2_hist, rn_cp_iu6_i1_gshare, rn_cp_iu6_i1_ls_ptr, rn_cp_iu6_i1_isram, cp_i1_lk, cp_i1_bh, cp_i1_getnia, cp_i1_ld, cp_i1_st, cp_i1_epid, rn_cp_iu6_i1_ucode, rn_cp_iu6_i1_type_fp, rn_cp_iu6_i1_type_ap, rn_cp_iu6_i1_type_spv, rn_cp_iu6_i1_type_st, attn_i1, rn_cp_iu6_i1_fuse_nop, icmp_block_i1, nonspec_i1, rn_cp_iu6_i1_t1_v, rn_cp_iu6_i1_t1_t, rn_cp_iu6_i1_t1_p, rn_cp_iu6_i1_t1_a, rn_cp_iu6_i1_t2_v, rn_cp_iu6_i1_t2_t, rn_cp_iu6_i1_t2_p, rn_cp_iu6_i1_t2_a, rn_cp_iu6_i1_t3_v, rn_cp_iu6_i1_t3_t, rn_cp_iu6_i1_t3_p, rn_cp_iu6_i1_t3_a, rn_cp_iu6_i1_btb_entry, rn_cp_iu6_i1_btb_hist};
assign cp2_i0_ifar = do0[entry_ifar_offset:entry_ifar_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH-1];
assign cp2_i0_bp_val = do0[entry_bp_val_offset];
assign cp2_i0_bp_bcctr = do0[entry_bp_bcctr_offset];
assign cp2_i0_bp_bclr = do0[entry_bp_bclr_offset];
assign cp2_i0_bp_bta = do0[entry_bp_bta_offset:entry_bp_bta_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH-1];
assign cp2_i0_rfi = do0[entry_rfi_offset];
assign cp2_i0_rfgi = do0[entry_rfgi_offset];
assign cp2_i0_rfci = do0[entry_rfci_offset];
assign cp2_i0_rfmci = do0[entry_rfmci_offset];
assign cp2_i0_ivax = do0[entry_ivax_offset];
assign cp2_i0_sc = do0[entry_sc_offset];
assign cp2_i0_mtiar = do0[entry_mtiar_offset];
assign cp2_i0_rollover = do0[entry_rollover_offset];
assign cp2_i0_is_csync = do0[entry_is_csync_offset];
assign cp2_i0_is_isync = do0[entry_is_isync_offset];
assign cp2_i0_bh_update = do0[entry_bh_update_offset];
assign cp2_i0_bh0_hist = do0[entry_bh0_hist_offset:entry_bh0_hist_offset + 2 - 1];
assign cp2_i0_bh1_hist = do0[entry_bh1_hist_offset:entry_bh1_hist_offset + 2 - 1];
assign cp2_i0_bh2_hist = do0[entry_bh2_hist_offset:entry_bh2_hist_offset + 2 - 1];
assign cp2_i0_gshare = do0[entry_gshare_offset:entry_gshare_offset + 10 - 1];
assign cp2_i0_ls_ptr = do0[entry_ls_ptr_offset:entry_ls_ptr_offset + 3 - 1];
assign cp2_i0_isram = do0[entry_isram_offset];
assign cp2_i0_lk = do0[entry_lk_offset];
assign cp2_i0_bh = do0[entry_bh_offset:entry_bh_offset + 2 - 1];
assign cp2_i0_getnia = do0[entry_getnia_offset];
assign cp2_i0_ld = do0[entry_ld_offset];
assign cp2_i0_st = do0[entry_st_offset];
assign cp2_i0_epid = do0[entry_epid_offset];
assign cp2_i0_ucode = do0[entry_ucode_offset:entry_ucode_offset + 3 - 1];
assign cp2_i0_type_fp = do0[entry_type_fp_offset];
assign cp2_i0_type_ap = do0[entry_type_ap_offset];
assign cp2_i0_type_spv = do0[entry_type_spv_offset];
assign cp2_i0_type_st = do0[entry_type_st_offset];
assign cp2_i0_attn = do0[entry_attn_offset];
assign cp2_i0_fuse_nop = do0[entry_fuse_nop_offset];
assign cp2_i0_icmp_block = do0[entry_icmp_block_offset];
assign cp2_i0_nonspec = do0[entry_nonspec_offset];
assign cp2_i0_t1_v = do0[entry_t1_v_offset];
assign cp2_i0_t1_t = do0[entry_t1_t_offset:entry_t1_t_offset + `TYPE_WIDTH - 1];
assign cp2_i0_t1_p = do0[entry_t1_p_offset:entry_t1_p_offset + `GPR_POOL_ENC - 1];
assign cp2_i0_t1_a = do0[entry_t1_a_offset:entry_t1_a_offset + `GPR_POOL_ENC - 1];
assign cp2_i0_t2_v = do0[entry_t2_v_offset];
assign cp2_i0_t2_t = do0[entry_t2_t_offset:entry_t2_t_offset + `TYPE_WIDTH - 1];
assign cp2_i0_t2_p = do0[entry_t2_p_offset:entry_t2_p_offset + `GPR_POOL_ENC - 1];
assign cp2_i0_t2_a = do0[entry_t2_a_offset:entry_t2_a_offset + `GPR_POOL_ENC - 1];
assign cp2_i0_t3_v = do0[entry_t3_v_offset];
assign cp2_i0_t3_t = do0[entry_t3_t_offset:entry_t3_t_offset + `TYPE_WIDTH - 1];
assign cp2_i0_t3_p = do0[entry_t3_p_offset:entry_t3_p_offset + `GPR_POOL_ENC - 1];
assign cp2_i0_t3_a = do0[entry_t3_a_offset:entry_t3_a_offset + `GPR_POOL_ENC - 1];
assign cp2_i0_btb_entry = do0[entry_btb_entry_offset];
assign cp2_i0_btb_hist = do0[entry_btb_hist_offset:entry_btb_hist_offset + 2 - 1];
assign cp2_i1_ifar = do1[entry_ifar_offset:entry_ifar_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1];
assign cp2_i1_bp_val = do1[entry_bp_val_offset];
assign cp2_i1_bp_bcctr = do1[entry_bp_bcctr_offset];
assign cp2_i1_bp_bclr = do1[entry_bp_bclr_offset];
assign cp2_i1_bp_bta = do1[entry_bp_bta_offset:entry_bp_bta_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1];
assign cp2_i1_rfi = do1[entry_rfi_offset];
assign cp2_i1_rfgi = do1[entry_rfgi_offset];
assign cp2_i1_rfci = do1[entry_rfci_offset];
assign cp2_i1_rfmci = do1[entry_rfmci_offset];
assign cp2_i1_ivax = do1[entry_ivax_offset];
assign cp2_i1_sc = do1[entry_sc_offset];
assign cp2_i1_mtiar = do1[entry_mtiar_offset];
assign cp2_i1_rollover = do1[entry_rollover_offset];
assign cp2_i1_is_csync = do1[entry_is_csync_offset];
assign cp2_i1_is_isync = do1[entry_is_isync_offset];
assign cp2_i1_bh_update = do1[entry_bh_update_offset];
assign cp2_i1_bh0_hist = do1[entry_bh0_hist_offset:entry_bh0_hist_offset + 2 - 1];
assign cp2_i1_bh1_hist = do1[entry_bh1_hist_offset:entry_bh1_hist_offset + 2 - 1];
assign cp2_i1_bh2_hist = do1[entry_bh2_hist_offset:entry_bh2_hist_offset + 2 - 1];
assign cp2_i1_gshare = do1[entry_gshare_offset:entry_gshare_offset + 10 - 1];
assign cp2_i1_ls_ptr = do1[entry_ls_ptr_offset:entry_ls_ptr_offset + 3 - 1];
assign cp2_i1_isram = do1[entry_isram_offset];
assign cp2_i1_lk = do1[entry_lk_offset];
assign cp2_i1_bh = do1[entry_bh_offset:entry_bh_offset + 2 - 1];
assign cp2_i1_getnia = do1[entry_getnia_offset];
assign cp2_i1_ld = do1[entry_ld_offset];
assign cp2_i1_st = do1[entry_st_offset];
assign cp2_i1_epid = do1[entry_epid_offset];
assign cp2_i1_ucode = do1[entry_ucode_offset:entry_ucode_offset + 3 - 1];
assign cp2_i1_type_fp = do1[entry_type_fp_offset];
assign cp2_i1_type_ap = do1[entry_type_ap_offset];
assign cp2_i1_type_spv = do1[entry_type_spv_offset];
assign cp2_i1_type_st = do1[entry_type_st_offset];
assign cp2_i1_attn = do1[entry_attn_offset];
assign cp2_i1_fuse_nop = do1[entry_fuse_nop_offset];
assign cp2_i1_icmp_block = do1[entry_icmp_block_offset];
assign cp2_i1_nonspec = do1[entry_nonspec_offset];
assign cp2_i1_t1_v = do1[entry_t1_v_offset];
assign cp2_i1_t1_t = do1[entry_t1_t_offset:entry_t1_t_offset + `TYPE_WIDTH - 1];
assign cp2_i1_t1_p = do1[entry_t1_p_offset:entry_t1_p_offset + `GPR_POOL_ENC - 1];
assign cp2_i1_t1_a = do1[entry_t1_a_offset:entry_t1_a_offset + `GPR_POOL_ENC - 1];
assign cp2_i1_t2_v = do1[entry_t2_v_offset];
assign cp2_i1_t2_t = do1[entry_t2_t_offset:entry_t2_t_offset + `TYPE_WIDTH - 1];
assign cp2_i1_t2_p = do1[entry_t2_p_offset:entry_t2_p_offset + `GPR_POOL_ENC - 1];
assign cp2_i1_t2_a = do1[entry_t2_a_offset:entry_t2_a_offset + `GPR_POOL_ENC - 1];
assign cp2_i1_t3_v = do1[entry_t3_v_offset];
assign cp2_i1_t3_t = do1[entry_t3_t_offset:entry_t3_t_offset + `TYPE_WIDTH - 1];
assign cp2_i1_t3_p = do1[entry_t3_p_offset:entry_t3_p_offset + `GPR_POOL_ENC - 1];
assign cp2_i1_t3_a = do1[entry_t3_a_offset:entry_t3_a_offset + `GPR_POOL_ENC - 1];
assign cp2_i1_btb_entry = do1[entry_btb_entry_offset];
assign cp2_i1_btb_hist = do1[entry_btb_hist_offset:entry_btb_hist_offset + 2 - 1];
assign cp_rn_i0_v = cp2_i0_completed;
assign cp_rn_i0_axu_exception_val = cp2_i0_axu_exception_val;
assign cp_rn_i0_axu_exception = cp2_i0_axu_exception;
assign cp_rn_i0_t1_v = cp2_i0_t1_v & cp2_i0_completed;
assign cp_rn_i0_t1_t = cp2_i0_t1_t;
assign cp_rn_i0_t1_p = cp2_i0_t1_p;
assign cp_rn_i0_t1_a = cp2_i0_t1_a;
assign cp_rn_i0_t2_v = cp2_i0_t2_v & cp2_i0_completed;
assign cp_rn_i0_t2_t = cp2_i0_t2_t;
assign cp_rn_i0_t2_p = cp2_i0_t2_p;
assign cp_rn_i0_t2_a = cp2_i0_t2_a;
assign cp_rn_i0_t3_v = cp2_i0_t3_v & cp2_i0_completed;
assign cp_rn_i0_t3_t = cp2_i0_t3_t;
assign cp_rn_i0_t3_p = cp2_i0_t3_p;
assign cp_rn_i0_t3_a = cp2_i0_t3_a;
assign cp_rn_i1_v = cp2_i1_completed;
assign cp_rn_i1_axu_exception_val = cp2_i1_axu_exception_val;
assign cp_rn_i1_axu_exception = cp2_i1_axu_exception;
assign cp_rn_i1_t1_v = cp2_i1_t1_v & cp2_i1_completed;
assign cp_rn_i1_t1_t = cp2_i1_t1_t;
assign cp_rn_i1_t1_p = cp2_i1_t1_p;
assign cp_rn_i1_t1_a = cp2_i1_t1_a;
assign cp_rn_i1_t2_v = cp2_i1_t2_v & cp2_i1_completed;
assign cp_rn_i1_t2_t = cp2_i1_t2_t;
assign cp_rn_i1_t2_p = cp2_i1_t2_p;
assign cp_rn_i1_t2_a = cp2_i1_t2_a;
assign cp_rn_i1_t3_v = cp2_i1_t3_v & cp2_i1_completed;
assign cp_rn_i1_t3_t = cp2_i1_t3_t;
assign cp_rn_i1_t3_p = cp2_i1_t3_p;
assign cp_rn_i1_t3_a = cp2_i1_t3_a;
assign cp_rn_uc_credit_free = (cp2_i0_completed & (cp2_i0_ucode == 3'b101)) |
(cp2_i1_completed & (cp2_i1_ucode == 3'b101));
assign cp_bp_val = (cp2_i0_bp_val & cp2_i0_completed) |
(cp2_i1_bp_val & cp2_i1_completed);
assign cp_bp_bcctr = (cp2_i0_bp_val & cp2_i0_bp_bcctr & cp2_i0_completed) |
(cp2_i1_bp_val & cp2_i1_bp_bcctr & cp2_i1_completed);
assign cp_bp_bclr = (cp2_i0_bp_val & cp2_i0_bp_bclr & cp2_i0_completed) |
(cp2_i1_bp_val & cp2_i1_bp_bclr & cp2_i1_completed);
assign cp_bp_br_pred = (cp2_i0_bp_val & cp2_i0_bp_pred & cp2_i0_completed) |
(cp2_i1_bp_val & cp2_i1_bp_pred & cp2_i1_completed);
assign cp_bp_br_taken = (cp2_i0_bp_val & cp2_i0_br_pred & cp2_i0_completed) |
(cp2_i1_bp_val & cp2_i1_br_pred & cp2_i1_completed);
assign cp_bp_ifar = ({`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH{cp2_i0_bp_val & cp2_i0_completed}} & cp2_i0_ifar) |
({`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH{cp2_i1_bp_val & cp2_i1_completed}} & cp2_i1_ifar);
assign cp_bp_bh0_hist = ({2{cp2_i0_bp_val & cp2_i0_completed}} & cp2_i0_bh0_hist) |
({2{cp2_i1_bp_val & cp2_i1_completed}} & cp2_i1_bh0_hist);
assign cp_bp_bh1_hist = ({2{cp2_i0_bp_val & cp2_i0_completed}} & cp2_i0_bh1_hist) |
({2{cp2_i1_bp_val & cp2_i1_completed}} & cp2_i1_bh1_hist);
assign cp_bp_bh2_hist = ({2{cp2_i0_bp_val & cp2_i0_completed}} & cp2_i0_bh2_hist) |
({2{cp2_i1_bp_val & cp2_i1_completed}} & cp2_i1_bh2_hist);
assign cp_bp_bh_update = (cp2_i0_bp_val & cp2_i0_bh_update & cp2_i0_completed) |
(cp2_i1_bp_val & cp2_i1_bh_update & cp2_i1_completed);
assign cp_bp_lk = (cp2_i0_bp_val & cp2_i0_lk & cp2_i0_completed) |
(cp2_i1_bp_val & cp2_i1_lk & cp2_i1_completed);
assign cp_bp_bh = ({2{cp2_i0_bp_val & cp2_i0_completed}} & cp2_i0_bh) |
({2{cp2_i1_bp_val & cp2_i1_completed}} & cp2_i1_bh);
assign cp_bp_gshare = ({10{cp2_i0_bp_val & cp2_i0_completed}} & cp2_i0_gshare) |
({10{cp2_i1_bp_val & cp2_i1_completed}} & cp2_i1_gshare);
assign cp_bp_ls_ptr = ({3{cp2_i0_bp_val & cp2_i0_completed}} & cp2_i0_ls_ptr) |
({3{cp2_i1_bp_val & cp2_i1_completed}} & cp2_i1_ls_ptr);
assign cp_bp_ctr = ({`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH{cp2_i0_bp_val & cp2_i0_completed}} & cp2_i0_bta) |
({`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH{cp2_i1_bp_val & cp2_i1_completed}} & cp2_i1_bta);
assign cp_bp_btb_entry = (cp2_i0_bp_val & cp2_i0_btb_entry & cp2_i0_completed) |
(cp2_i1_bp_val & cp2_i1_btb_entry & cp2_i1_completed);
assign cp_bp_btb_hist = ({2{cp2_i0_bp_val & cp2_i0_completed}} & cp2_i0_btb_hist) |
({2{cp2_i1_bp_val & cp2_i1_completed}} & cp2_i1_btb_hist);
assign cp_is_csync = (cp2_i0_completed & cp2_i0_is_csync) |
(cp2_i1_completed & cp2_i1_is_csync);
assign cp_is_isync = (cp2_i0_completed & cp2_i0_is_isync) |
(cp2_i1_completed & cp2_i1_is_isync);
assign cp_bp_getnia = (cp2_i0_bp_val & cp2_i0_getnia & cp2_i0_completed) |
(cp2_i1_bp_val & cp2_i1_getnia & cp2_i1_completed);
assign cp_dis_ivax = (cp2_i0_completed & cp2_i0_ivax) |
(cp2_i1_completed & cp2_i0_ivax);
//end of fetch group completion
assign cp_bp_group = (cp2_i0_completed & cp2_i0_ifar[60:61]==2'b11) |
(cp2_i1_completed & cp2_i1_ifar[60:61]==2'b11);
// number of addressable register in this array
// width of the bus to address all ports (2^addressbus_width >= addressable_ports)
tri_iuq_cpl_arr #(.ADDRESSABLE_PORTS(64), .ADDRESSBUS_WIDTH(6), .PORT_BITWIDTH(entry_length), .LATCHED_READ(1'b1), .LATCHED_READ_DATA(1'b1), .LATCHED_WRITE(1'b1))
iuq_cpl_arr( // bitwidth of ports
// Latch Instances
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`XER_POOL_ENC), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) xer_cp_p_latch(
.scin(siv[xer_cp_p_offset:xer_cp_p_offset + `XER_POOL_ENC - 1]),
.scout(sov[xer_cp_p_offset:xer_cp_p_offset + `XER_POOL_ENC - 1]),
// Pervasive
tri_plat #(.WIDTH(3)) perv_2to1_reg(
.din({func_sl_thold_2, func_slp_sl_thold_2, sg_2}),
.q({func_sl_thold_1, func_slp_sl_thold_1, sg_1})
tri_plat #(.WIDTH(3)) perv_1to0_reg(
.din({func_sl_thold_1, func_slp_sl_thold_1, sg_1}),
.q({func_sl_thold_0, func_slp_sl_thold_0, sg_0})
tri_lcbor perv_lcbor_func_sl(
tri_lcbor perv_lcbor_func_slp_sl(