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3 years ago
// © IBM Corp. 2020
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
// the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
// compliance with the License as modified.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Modified Terms:
// 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
// License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
// in physical form.
// 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
// necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
// via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
// hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
// of the EULA.
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
// for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
// Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
// is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
// available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
// obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
`timescale 1 ns / 1 ns
// Description: Simple Execution Unit
`include "tri_a2o.vh"
module xu0
// Clocks & Power
input [0:`NCLK_WIDTH-1] nclk,
inout vdd,
inout gnd,
// Pervasive
input pc_xu_ccflush_dc,
input d_mode_dc,
input delay_lclkr_dc,
input mpw1_dc_b,
input mpw2_dc_b,
input func_sl_force,
input func_sl_thold_0_b,
input sg_0,
input scan_in,
output scan_out,
output xu0_pc_ram_done,
// Interface with CP
input [0:`THREADS-1] cp_flush,
input [62-`EFF_IFAR_ARCH : 61-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH] iu_br_t0_flush_ifar,
input [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] cp_next_itag_t0,
`ifndef THREADS1
input [62-`EFF_IFAR_ARCH : 61-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH] iu_br_t1_flush_ifar,
input [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] cp_next_itag_t1,
// BR's Interface with CP
output [0:`THREADS-1] br_iu_execute_vld,
output [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] br_iu_itag,
output br_iu_taken,
output [62-`EFF_IFAR_ARCH:61] br_iu_bta,
output [0:17] br_iu_gshare,
output [0:2] br_iu_ls_ptr,
output [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] br_iu_ls_data,
output br_iu_ls_update,
output [0:`THREADS-1] br_iu_redirect,
output [0:3] br_iu_perf_events,
// Interface with RV
input [0:`THREADS-1] rv_xu0_vld,
input rv_xu0_ex0_ord,
input [0:19] rv_xu0_ex0_fusion,
input [0:31] rv_xu0_ex0_instr,
input [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] rv_xu0_ex0_ifar,
input [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] rv_xu0_ex0_itag,
input [0:2] rv_xu0_ex0_ucode,
input rv_xu0_ex0_bta_val,
input [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] rv_xu0_ex0_pred_bta,
input rv_xu0_ex0_pred,
input [0:2] rv_xu0_ex0_ls_ptr,
input rv_xu0_ex0_bh_update,
input [0:17] rv_xu0_ex0_gshare,
input rv_xu0_ex0_s1_v,
input rv_xu0_ex0_s2_v,
input [0:2] rv_xu0_ex0_s2_t,
input rv_xu0_ex0_s3_v,
input [0:2] rv_xu0_ex0_s3_t,
input rv_xu0_ex0_t1_v,
input [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] rv_xu0_ex0_t1_p,
input [0:2] rv_xu0_ex0_t1_t,
input rv_xu0_ex0_t2_v,
input [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] rv_xu0_ex0_t2_p,
input [0:2] rv_xu0_ex0_t2_t,
input rv_xu0_ex0_t3_v,
input [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] rv_xu0_ex0_t3_p,
input [0:2] rv_xu0_ex0_t3_t,
input [0:`THREADS-1] rv_xu0_ex0_spec_flush,
input [0:`THREADS-1] rv_xu0_ex1_spec_flush,
input [0:`THREADS-1] rv_xu0_ex2_spec_flush,
input [1:11] rv_xu0_s1_fxu0_sel,
input [1:11] rv_xu0_s2_fxu0_sel,
input [2:11] rv_xu0_s3_fxu0_sel,
input [1:6] rv_xu0_s1_fxu1_sel,
input [1:6] rv_xu0_s2_fxu1_sel,
input [2:6] rv_xu0_s3_fxu1_sel,
input [4:8] rv_xu0_s1_lq_sel,
input [4:8] rv_xu0_s2_lq_sel,
input [4:8] rv_xu0_s3_lq_sel,
input [2:3] rv_xu0_s1_rel_sel,
input [2:3] rv_xu0_s2_rel_sel,
output xu0_rv_ord_complete,
output [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] xu0_rv_ord_itag,
output xu0_rv_hold_all,
// Bypass Inputs
// Regfile Data
input [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] gpr_xu0_ex1_r1d,
input [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] gpr_xu0_ex1_r2d,
input [0:9] xer_xu0_ex1_r2d,
input [0:9] xer_xu0_ex1_r3d,
input [0:3] cr_xu0_ex1_r1d,
input [0:3] cr_xu0_ex1_r2d,
input [0:3] cr_xu0_ex1_r3d,
input [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] lr_xu0_ex1_r1d,
input [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] lr_xu0_ex1_r2d,
input [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] ctr_xu0_ex1_r2d,
// External Bypass
output xu0_xu1_ex3_act,
input xu1_xu0_ex3_act,
input lq_xu_ex5_act,
input xu1_xu0_ex2_abort,
input [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] xu1_xu0_ex2_rt,
input [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] xu1_xu0_ex3_rt,
input [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] xu1_xu0_ex4_rt,
input [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] xu1_xu0_ex5_rt,
input lq_xu_ex5_abort,
input [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] lq_xu_ex5_rt,
input lq_xu_rel_act,
input [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] lq_xu_rel_rt,
input [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] lq_xu_ex5_data,
input [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] iu_xu_ex5_data,
input [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] spr_xu_ex4_rd_data,
output [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] xu_spr_ex2_rs1,
// CR
input [0:3] lq_xu_ex5_cr,
input [0:3] xu1_xu0_ex3_cr,
// XER
input [0:9] xu1_xu0_ex3_xer,
// Interface with MMU / ERATs
output xu_iu_ord_ready,
output xu_iu_act,
output [0:`THREADS-1] xu_iu_val,
output xu_iu_is_eratre,
output xu_iu_is_eratwe,
output xu_iu_is_eratsx,
output xu_iu_is_eratilx,
output xu_iu_is_erativax,
output [0:1] xu_iu_ws,
output [0:2] xu_iu_t,
output [0:8] xu_iu_rs_is,
output [0:3] xu_iu_ra_entry,
output [64-`GPR_WIDTH:51] xu_iu_rb,
output [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] xu_iu_rs_data,
input iu_xu_ord_read_done,
input iu_xu_ord_write_done,
input iu_xu_ord_n_flush_req,
input iu_xu_ord_par_err,
output xu_lq_ord_ready,
output xu_lq_act,
output [0:`THREADS-1] xu_lq_val,
output xu_lq_hold_req,
output xu_lq_is_eratre,
output xu_lq_is_eratwe,
output xu_lq_is_eratsx,
output xu_lq_is_eratilx,
output [0:1] xu_lq_ws,
output [0:2] xu_lq_t,
output [0:8] xu_lq_rs_is,
output [0:4] xu_lq_ra_entry,
output [64-`GPR_WIDTH:51] xu_lq_rb,
output [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] xu_lq_rs_data,
input lq_xu_ord_read_done,
input lq_xu_ord_write_done,
input lq_xu_ord_n_flush_req,
input lq_xu_ord_par_err,
output xu_mm_ord_ready,
output xu_mm_act,
output [0:`THREADS-1] xu_mm_val,
output [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] xu_mm_itag,
output xu_mm_is_tlbre,
output xu_mm_is_tlbwe,
output xu_mm_is_tlbsx,
output xu_mm_is_tlbsxr,
output xu_mm_is_tlbsrx,
output xu_mm_is_tlbivax,
output xu_mm_is_tlbilx,
output [0:11] xu_mm_ra_entry,
output [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] xu_mm_rb,
input [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] mm_xu_itag,
input mm_xu_ord_n_flush_req,
input mm_xu_ord_read_done,
input mm_xu_ord_write_done,
input mm_xu_tlb_miss,
input mm_xu_lrat_miss,
input mm_xu_tlb_inelig,
input mm_xu_pt_fault,
input mm_xu_hv_priv,
input mm_xu_illeg_instr,
input mm_xu_tlb_multihit,
input mm_xu_tlb_par_err,
input mm_xu_lru_par_err,
input mm_xu_local_snoop_reject,
input [0:1] mm_xu_mmucr0_tlbsel_t0,
`ifndef THREADS1
input [0:1] mm_xu_mmucr0_tlbsel_t1,
input mm_xu_tlbwe_binv,
input mm_xu_cr0_eq, // for record forms
input mm_xu_cr0_eq_valid, // for record forms
output xu_spr_ord_ready,
output xu_spr_ord_flush,
// Bypass Outputs
output xu0_xu1_ex2_abort,
output xu0_xu1_ex6_abort,
output xu0_lq_ex3_abort,
output [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] xu0_xu1_ex2_rt,
output [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] xu0_xu1_ex3_rt,
output [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] xu0_xu1_ex4_rt,
output [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] xu0_xu1_ex5_rt,
output [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] xu0_xu1_ex6_rt,
output [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] xu0_xu1_ex7_rt,
output [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] xu0_xu1_ex8_rt,
output [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] xu0_xu1_ex6_lq_rt,
output [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] xu0_xu1_ex7_lq_rt,
output [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] xu0_xu1_ex8_lq_rt,
output [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] xu0_lq_ex3_rt,
output [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] xu0_lq_ex4_rt,
output xu0_lq_ex6_act,
output [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] xu0_lq_ex6_rt,
output [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] xu0_pc_ram_data,
// CR
output [0:3] xu0_xu1_ex3_cr,
output [0:3] xu0_xu1_ex4_cr,
output [0:3] xu0_xu1_ex6_cr,
// XER
output [0:9] xu0_xu1_ex3_xer,
output [0:9] xu0_xu1_ex4_xer,
output [0:9] xu0_xu1_ex6_xer,
// Abort
output xu0_rv_ex2_s1_abort,
output xu0_rv_ex2_s2_abort,
output xu0_rv_ex2_s3_abort,
// Target Outputs
output xu0_gpr_ex6_we,
output [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC+`THREADS_POOL_ENC-1] xu0_gpr_ex6_wa,
output [64-`GPR_WIDTH:65+`GPR_WIDTH/8] xu0_gpr_ex6_wd,
output xu0_xer_ex6_we,
output [0:`XER_POOL_ENC+`THREADS_POOL_ENC-1] xu0_xer_ex6_wa,
output [0:9] xu0_xer_ex6_w0d,
output xu0_cr_ex6_we,
output [0:`CR_POOL_ENC+`THREADS_POOL_ENC-1] xu0_cr_ex6_wa,
output [0:3] xu0_cr_ex6_w0d,
output xu0_ctr_ex4_we,
output [0:`CTR_POOL_ENC+`THREADS_POOL_ENC-1] xu0_ctr_ex4_wa,
output [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] xu0_ctr_ex4_w0d,
output xu0_lr_ex4_we,
output [0:`BR_POOL_ENC+`THREADS_POOL_ENC-1] xu0_lr_ex4_wa,
output [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] xu0_lr_ex4_w0d,
// Interface with IU
output [0:`THREADS-1] xu0_iu_execute_vld,
output [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] xu0_iu_itag,
output [0:`THREADS-1] xu0_iu_mtiar,
output xu0_iu_exception_val,
output [0:4] xu0_iu_exception,
output xu0_iu_n_flush,
output xu0_iu_np1_flush,
output xu0_iu_flush2ucode,
output [0:3] xu0_iu_perf_events,
output [62-`EFF_IFAR_ARCH:61] xu0_iu_bta,
output [0:`THREADS-1] xu_iu_np1_async_flush,
input [0:`THREADS-1] iu_xu_async_complete,
input iu_xu_credits_returned,
output [0:`THREADS-1] xu_iu_pri_val,
output [0:2] xu_iu_pri,
// Interface with SPR
input spr_xu_ord_read_done,
input spr_xu_ord_write_done,
input spr_dec_ex4_spr_hypv,
input spr_dec_ex4_spr_illeg,
input spr_dec_ex4_spr_priv,
input spr_dec_ex4_np1_flush,
output [0:`THREADS-1] div_spr_running,
output [0:`THREADS-1] mul_spr_running,
// SlowSPRs
input xu_slowspr_val_in,
input xu_slowspr_rw_in,
input [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] xu_slowspr_data_in,
input xu_slowspr_done_in,
// SPRs
input [0:`THREADS-1] spr_msr_cm,
input [0:`THREADS-1] spr_msr_gs,
input [0:`THREADS-1] spr_msr_pr,
input [0:`THREADS-1] spr_epcr_dgtmi,
input spr_ccr2_notlb,
input spr_ccr2_en_attn,
input spr_ccr4_en_dnh,
input spr_ccr2_en_pc,
input [0:31] spr_xesr1,
input [0:31] spr_xesr2,
input [0:`THREADS-1] perf_event_en,
// Debug
input [0:10] pc_xu_debug_mux_ctrls,
input [0:31] xu0_debug_bus_in,
output [0:31] xu0_debug_bus_out,
input [0:3] xu0_coretrace_ctrls_in,
output [0:3] xu0_coretrace_ctrls_out,
input [0:`THREADS-1] pc_xu_ram_active
//!! bugspray include: xu0_byp;
localparam scan_right = 8;
wire [0:scan_right-1] siv;
wire [0:scan_right-1] sov;
// Signals
wire dec_byp_ex0_act;
wire [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] dec_byp_ex1_imm;
wire [24:25] dec_byp_ex1_instr;
wire dec_byp_ex0_rs2_sel_imm;
wire dec_byp_ex0_rs1_sel_zero;
wire dec_byp_ex1_is_mflr;
wire dec_byp_ex1_is_mfxer;
wire dec_byp_ex1_is_mtxer;
wire dec_byp_ex1_is_mfcr_sel;
wire [0:7] dec_byp_ex1_is_mfcr;
wire [0:7] dec_byp_ex1_is_mtcr;
wire dec_byp_ex1_is_mfctr;
wire dec_byp_ex3_is_mtspr;
wire [2:3] dec_byp_ex1_cr_sel;
wire [2:3] dec_byp_ex1_xer_sel;
wire alu_dec_ex3_trap_val;
wire dec_byp_ex5_ord_sel;
wire dec_byp_ex3_mtiar;
wire dec_pop_ex1_act;
wire dec_alu_ex1_act;
wire [0:31] dec_alu_ex1_instr;
wire dec_alu_ex1_sel_isel;
wire [0:`GPR_WIDTH/8-1] dec_alu_ex1_add_rs1_inv;
wire [0:1] dec_alu_ex2_add_ci_sel;
wire dec_alu_ex1_sel_trap;
wire dec_alu_ex1_sel_cmpl;
wire dec_alu_ex1_sel_cmp;
wire dec_alu_ex1_msb_64b_sel;
wire dec_alu_ex1_xer_ov_en;
wire dec_alu_ex1_xer_ca_en;
wire [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] alu_byp_ex2_add_rt;
wire [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] alu_byp_ex3_rt;
wire [0:3] alu_byp_ex3_cr;
wire [0:9] alu_byp_ex3_xer;
wire [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] byp_alu_ex2_rs1;
wire [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] byp_alu_ex2_rs2;
wire byp_alu_ex2_cr_bit;
wire [0:9] byp_alu_ex2_xer;
wire [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] byp_pop_ex2_rs1;
wire [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] byp_cnt_ex2_rs1;
wire [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] byp_div_ex2_rs1;
wire [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] byp_div_ex2_rs2;
wire [0:9] byp_div_ex2_xer;
wire [0:`GPR_WIDTH-1] byp_mul_ex2_rs1;
wire [0:`GPR_WIDTH-1] byp_mul_ex2_rs2;
wire byp_mul_ex2_abort;
wire [0:9] byp_mul_ex2_xer;
wire [32:63] byp_dlm_ex2_rs1;
wire [32:63] byp_dlm_ex2_rs2;
wire [0:2] byp_dlm_ex2_xer;
wire br_byp_ex3_lr_we;
wire [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] br_byp_ex3_lr_wd;
wire br_byp_ex3_ctr_we;
wire [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] br_byp_ex3_ctr_wd;
wire br_byp_ex3_cr_we;
wire [0:3] br_byp_ex3_cr_wd;
wire [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] div_byp_ex4_rt;
wire div_byp_ex4_done;
wire [0:9] div_byp_ex4_xer;
wire [0:3] div_byp_ex4_cr;
wire [0:7] dec_div_ex1_div_ctr;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] dec_div_ex1_div_val;
wire dec_div_ex1_div_act;
wire dec_div_ex1_div_sign;
wire dec_div_ex1_div_size;
wire dec_div_ex1_div_extd;
wire dec_div_ex1_div_recform;
wire dec_div_ex1_xer_ov_update;
wire dec_mul_ex1_mul_recform;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] dec_mul_ex1_mul_val;
wire dec_mul_ex1_mul_ord;
wire dec_mul_ex1_mul_ret;
wire dec_mul_ex1_mul_sign;
wire dec_mul_ex1_mul_size;
wire dec_mul_ex1_mul_imm;
wire dec_mul_ex1_xer_ov_update;
wire mul_byp_ex5_ord_done;
wire mul_byp_ex5_done;
wire mul_byp_ex5_abort;
wire [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] mul_byp_ex6_rt;
wire [0:9] mul_byp_ex6_xer;
wire [0:3] mul_byp_ex6_cr;
wire [0:3] byp_br_ex3_cr;
wire [0:3] byp_br_ex2_cr1;
wire [0:3] byp_br_ex2_cr2;
wire [0:3] byp_br_ex2_cr3;
wire [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] byp_br_ex2_lr1;
wire [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] byp_br_ex2_lr2;
wire [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] byp_br_ex2_ctr;
wire ex1_spr_msr_cm;
wire ex4_spr_msr_cm;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] br_dec_ex3_execute_vld;
wire dec_byp_ex1_rs_capt;
wire dec_byp_ex1_ra_capt;
wire mul_dec_ex6_ord_done;
wire div_dec_ex4_done;
wire [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] pop_byp_ex4_rt;
wire [57:63] cnt_byp_ex2_rt;
wire [56:63] prm_byp_ex2_rt;
wire [25:25] dec_cnt_ex2_instr;
wire dec_byp_ex4_pop_done;
wire dec_byp_ex3_cnt_done;
wire dec_byp_ex3_prm_done;
wire dec_byp_ex3_dlm_done;
wire dec_br_ex0_act;
wire [60:63] dlm_byp_ex2_rt;
wire [0:9] dlm_byp_ex2_xer;
wire [0:3] dlm_byp_ex2_cr;
wire dec_bcd_ex1_val;
wire dec_bcd_ex1_is_addg6s;
wire dec_bcd_ex1_is_cdtbcd;
wire [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] byp_bcd_ex2_rs1;
wire [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] byp_bcd_ex2_rs2;
wire [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] bcd_byp_ex3_rt;
wire bcd_byp_ex3_done;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] dec_ord_flush;
wire dec_byp_ex4_hpriv;
wire [0:31] dec_byp_ex4_instr;
wire byp_dec_ex2_abort;
assign mul_dec_ex6_ord_done = mul_byp_ex5_ord_done;
assign div_dec_ex4_done = div_byp_ex4_done;
assign xu0_debug_bus_out = xu0_debug_bus_in;
assign xu0_coretrace_ctrls_out = xu0_coretrace_ctrls_in;
xu_alu alu(
tri_st_popcnt pop(
tri_st_cntlz cnt(
generate begin : bperm
genvar i;
for (i=0;i<=7;i=i+1) begin : bprm_bit
xu0_bprm bperm_bit(
.s(byp_alu_ex2_rs1[8 * i + 0:8 * i + 7]),
.y(prm_byp_ex2_rt[56 + i])
xu0_bcd bcd(
xu0_dlmzb dlm(
xu0_div_r4 div(
tri_st_mult mult(
xu0_br br(
.pc_br_func_sl_thold_2(1'b0), //<<TEMP>>
.pc_br_sg_2(1'b1), //<<TEMP>>
.clkoff_b(1'b1), //<<TEMP>>
.act_dis(1'b0), //<<TEMP>>
.spr_msr_cm(spr_msr_cm), //<<TEMP>>
`ifndef THREADS1
xu0_byp byp(
xu0_dec dec(
`ifndef THREADS1
`ifndef THREADS1
assign siv[0:scan_right-1] = {sov[1:scan_right-1], scan_in};
assign scan_out = sov[0];