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991 lines
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3 years ago
// © IBM Corp. 2020
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
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//* TITLE: Performance event mux
//* NAME: mmq_perf.v
`timescale 1 ns / 1 ns
`include "tri_a2o.vh"
`include "mmu_a2o.vh"
module mmq_perf(
inout vdd,
inout gnd,
(* pin_data ="PIN_FUNCTION=/G_CLK/" *)
input [0:`NCLK_WIDTH-1] nclk,
input pc_func_sl_thold_2,
input pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_2,
input pc_sg_2,
input pc_fce_2,
input tc_ac_ccflush_dc,
input lcb_clkoff_dc_b,
input lcb_act_dis_dc,
input lcb_d_mode_dc,
input lcb_delay_lclkr_dc,
input lcb_mpw1_dc_b,
input lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
(* pin_data="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_IN/" *)
input scan_in,
(* pin_data="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_OUT/" *)
output scan_out,
input [0:`MM_THREADS-1] cp_flush_p1,
input [0:`THDID_WIDTH-1] xu_mm_msr_gs,
input [0:`THDID_WIDTH-1] xu_mm_msr_pr,
input xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b,
// count event inputs
input [0:`THDID_WIDTH-1] lq_mm_perf_dtlb,
input [0:`THDID_WIDTH-1] iu_mm_perf_itlb,
input lq_mm_derat_req_nonspec,
input iu_mm_ierat_req_nonspec,
input [0:9] tlb_cmp_perf_event_t0,
input [0:9] tlb_cmp_perf_event_t1,
input [0:1] tlb_cmp_perf_state, // gs & pr
input tlb_cmp_perf_miss_direct,
input tlb_cmp_perf_hit_direct,
input tlb_cmp_perf_hit_indirect,
input tlb_cmp_perf_hit_first_page,
input tlb_cmp_perf_ptereload,
input tlb_cmp_perf_ptereload_noexcep,
input tlb_cmp_perf_lrat_request,
input tlb_cmp_perf_lrat_miss,
input tlb_cmp_perf_pt_fault,
input tlb_cmp_perf_pt_inelig,
input tlb_ctl_perf_tlbwec_resv,
input tlb_ctl_perf_tlbwec_noresv,
input [0:`THDID_WIDTH-1] derat_req0_thdid,
input derat_req0_valid,
input derat_req0_nonspec,
input [0:`THDID_WIDTH-1] derat_req1_thdid,
input derat_req1_valid,
input derat_req1_nonspec,
input [0:`THDID_WIDTH-1] derat_req2_thdid,
input derat_req2_valid,
input derat_req2_nonspec,
input [0:`THDID_WIDTH-1] derat_req3_thdid,
input derat_req3_valid,
input derat_req3_nonspec,
input [0:`THDID_WIDTH-1] ierat_req0_thdid,
input ierat_req0_valid,
input ierat_req0_nonspec,
input [0:`THDID_WIDTH-1] ierat_req1_thdid,
input ierat_req1_valid,
input ierat_req1_nonspec,
input [0:`THDID_WIDTH-1] ierat_req2_thdid,
input ierat_req2_valid,
input ierat_req2_nonspec,
input [0:`THDID_WIDTH-1] ierat_req3_thdid,
input ierat_req3_valid,
input ierat_req3_nonspec,
input ierat_req_taken,
input derat_req_taken,
input [0:`THDID_WIDTH-1] tlb_tag0_thdid,
input [0:1] tlb_tag0_type, // derat,ierat,tlbsx,tlbsrx,snoop,tlbre,tlbwe,ptereload
input tlb_tag0_nonspec,
input tlb_tag4_nonspec,
input tlb_seq_idle,
input inval_perf_tlbilx,
input inval_perf_tlbivax,
input inval_perf_tlbivax_snoop,
input inval_perf_tlb_flush,
input htw_req0_valid,
input [0:`THDID_WIDTH-1] htw_req0_thdid,
input [0:1] htw_req0_type,
input htw_req1_valid,
input [0:`THDID_WIDTH-1] htw_req1_thdid,
input [0:1] htw_req1_type,
input htw_req2_valid,
input [0:`THDID_WIDTH-1] htw_req2_thdid,
input [0:1] htw_req2_type,
input htw_req3_valid,
input [0:`THDID_WIDTH-1] htw_req3_thdid,
input [0:1] htw_req3_type,
input [0:`MM_THREADS+5-1] cp_mm_perf_except_taken_q,
// 0:1 - thdid/val
// 2 - I=0/D=1
// 3 - TLB miss
// 4 - Storage int (TLBI/PTfault)
// 5 - LRAT miss
// 6 - Mcheck
// control inputs
input [0:`MESR1_WIDTH*`THREADS-1] mmq_spr_event_mux_ctrls,
input [0:2] pc_mm_event_count_mode, // 0=count events in problem state,1=sup,2=hypv
input rp_mm_event_bus_enable_q, // act for perf related latches from repower
input [0:`PERF_EVENT_WIDTH*`THREADS-1] mm_event_bus_in,
output [0:`PERF_EVENT_WIDTH*`THREADS-1] mm_event_bus_out
parameter rp_mm_event_bus_enable_offset = 0;
parameter mmq_spr_event_mux_ctrls_offset = rp_mm_event_bus_enable_offset + 1;
parameter pc_mm_event_count_mode_offset = mmq_spr_event_mux_ctrls_offset + `MESR1_WIDTH*`THREADS;
parameter xu_mm_msr_gs_offset = pc_mm_event_count_mode_offset + 3;
parameter xu_mm_msr_pr_offset = xu_mm_msr_gs_offset + `THDID_WIDTH;
parameter event_bus_out_offset = xu_mm_msr_pr_offset + `THDID_WIDTH;
parameter scan_right = event_bus_out_offset + `PERF_EVENT_WIDTH*`THREADS - 1;
wire [0:`PERF_EVENT_WIDTH*`THREADS-1] event_bus_out_d, event_bus_out_q;
wire rp_mm_event_bus_enable_int_q;
wire [0:`MESR1_WIDTH*`THREADS-1] mmq_spr_event_mux_ctrls_q;
wire [0:2] pc_mm_event_count_mode_q; // 0=count events in problem state,1=sup,2=hypv
wire [0:23] mm_perf_event_t0_d, mm_perf_event_t0_q; // t0 threadwise events
wire [0:23] mm_perf_event_t1_d, mm_perf_event_t1_q; // t1 threadwise events
wire [0:31] mm_perf_event_core_level_d, mm_perf_event_core_level_q; // thread independent events
wire [0:`THDID_WIDTH-1] xu_mm_msr_gs_q;
wire [0:`THDID_WIDTH-1] xu_mm_msr_pr_q;
wire [0:`THDID_WIDTH] event_en;
wire [0:`PERF_MUX_WIDTH-1] unit_t0_events_in;
`ifndef THREADS1
wire [0:`PERF_MUX_WIDTH-1] unit_t1_events_in;
wire [0:scan_right] siv;
wire [0:scan_right] sov;
wire tidn;
wire tiup;
wire pc_func_sl_thold_1;
wire pc_func_sl_thold_0;
wire pc_func_sl_thold_0_b;
wire pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_1;
wire pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_0;
wire pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b;
wire pc_func_slp_nsl_force;
wire pc_sg_1;
wire pc_sg_0;
wire pc_fce_1;
wire pc_fce_0;
wire force_t;
wire [0:79] tri_regk_unused_scan;
// Logic
assign tidn = 1'b0;
assign tiup = 1'b1;
assign event_en[0:3] = (xu_mm_msr_pr_q[0:3] & {4{pc_mm_event_count_mode_q[0]}}) |
// User problem state
((~xu_mm_msr_pr_q[0:3]) & xu_mm_msr_gs_q[0:3] & {4{pc_mm_event_count_mode_q[1]}}) |
// Guest Supervisor
((~xu_mm_msr_pr_q[0:3]) & (~xu_mm_msr_gs_q[0:3]) & {4{pc_mm_event_count_mode_q[2]}});
// Hypervisor
//tlb_cmp_perf_state: 0 =gs, 1=pr
assign event_en[4] = (tlb_cmp_perf_state[1] & pc_mm_event_count_mode_q[0]) |
// User problem state
(tlb_cmp_perf_state[0] & (~tlb_cmp_perf_state[1]) & pc_mm_event_count_mode_q[1]) |
// Guest Supervisor
((~tlb_cmp_perf_state[0]) & (~tlb_cmp_perf_state[1]) & pc_mm_event_count_mode_q[2]);
// Hypervisor
// t* threadwise event list
// 0 TLB hit direct entry (instr.) (ind=0 entry hit for fetch)
// 1 TLB miss direct entry (instr.) (ind=0 entry missed for fetch)
// 2 TLB miss indirect entry (instr.) (ind=1 entry missed for fetch, results in i-tlb exception)
// 3 H/W tablewalk hit (instr.) (ptereload with PTE.V=1 for fetch)
// 4 H/W tablewalk miss (instr.) (ptereload with PTE.V=0 for fetch, results in PT fault exception -> isi)
// 5 TLB hit direct entry (data) (ind=0 entry hit for load/store/cache op)
// 6 TLB miss direct entry (data) (ind=0 entry miss for load/store/cache op)
// 7 TLB miss indirect entry (data) (ind=1 entry missed for load/store/cache op, results in d-tlb exception)
// 8 H/W tablewalk hit (data) (ptereload with PTE.V=1 for load/store/cache op)
// 9 H/W tablewalk miss (data) (ptereload with PTE.V=0 for load/store/cache op, results in PT fault exception -> dsi)
// 10 IERAT miss (or latency), edge (or level) (total ierat misses or latency)
// 11 DERAT miss (or latency), edge (or level) (total derat misses or latency)
// 12 TLB hit direct entry (instr.) (ind=0 entry hit for NONSPECULATIVE fetch)
// 13 TLB miss direct entry (instr.) (ind=0 entry missed for NONSPECULATIVE fetch)
// 14 TLB hit direct entry (data) (ind=0 entry hit for NONSPECULATIVE load/store/cache op)
// 15 TLB miss direct entry (data) (ind=0 entry miss for NONSPECULATIVE load/store/cache op)
// 16 IERAT miss (or latency), edge (or level) (total NONSPECULATIVE ierat misses or latency)
// 17 DERAT miss (or latency), edge (or level) (total NONSPECULATIVE derat misses or latency)
// 18 TLB hit direct entry (instr.) (ind=0 entry hit for SPECULATIVE fetch)
// 19 TLB miss direct entry (instr.) (ind=0 entry missed for SPECULATIVE fetch)
// 20 TLB hit direct entry (data) (ind=0 entry hit for SPECULATIVE load/store/cache op)
// 21 TLB miss direct entry (data) (ind=0 entry miss for SPECULATIVE load/store/cache op)
// 22 IERAT miss (or latency), edge (or level) (total SPECULATIVE ierat misses or latency)
// 23 DERAT miss (or latency), edge (or level) (total SPECULATIVE derat misses or latency)
// core single event list
// 0 IERAT miss total (part of direct entry search total)
// 1 DERAT miss total (part of direct entry search total)
// 2 TLB miss direct entry total (total TLB ind=0 misses)
// 3 TLB hit direct entry first page size
// 4 TLB indirect entry hits total (=page table searches)
// 5 H/W tablewalk successful installs total (with no PTfault, TLB ineligible, or LRAT miss)
// 6 LRAT translation request total (for GS=1 tlbwe and ptereload)
// 7 LRAT misses total (for GS=1 tlbwe and ptereload)
// 8 Page table faults total (PTE.V=0 for ptereload, resulting in isi/dsi)
// 9 TLB ineligible total (all TLB ways are iprot=1 for ptereloads, resulting in isi/dsi)
// 10 tlbwe conditional failed total (total tlbwe WQ=01 with no reservation match)
// 11 tlbwe conditional success total (total tlbwe WQ=01 with reservation match)
// 12 tlbilx local invalidations sourced total (sourced tlbilx on this core total)
// 13 tlbivax invalidations sourced total (sourced tlbivax on this core total)
// 14 tlbivax snoops total (total tlbivax snoops received from bus, local bit = don't care)
// 15 TLB flush requests total (TLB requested flushes due to TLB busy or instruction hazards)
// 16 IERAT NONSPECULATIVE miss total (part of direct entry search total)
// 17 DERAT NONSPECULATIVE miss total (part of direct entry search total)
// 18 TLB NONSPECULATIVE miss direct entry total (total TLB ind=0 misses)
// 19 TLB NONSPECULATIVE hit direct entry first page size
// 20 IERAT SPECULATIVE miss total (part of direct entry search total)
// 21 DERAT SPECULATIVE miss total (part of direct entry search total)
// 22 TLB SPECULATIVE miss direct entry total (total TLB ind=0 misses)
// 23 TLB SPECULATIVE hit direct entry first page size
// 24 ERAT miss total (TLB direct entry search total for both I and D sides)
// 25 ERAT NONSPECULATIVE miss total (TLB direct entry nonspeculative search total for both I and D sides)
// 26 ERAT SPECULATIVE miss total (TLB direct entry speculative search total for both I and D sides)
// 27 TLB hit direct entry total (total TLB ind=0 hits for both I and D sides)
// 28 TLB NONSPECULATIVE hit direct entry total (total TLB ind=0 nonspeculative hits for both I and D sides)
// 29 TLB SPECULATIVE hit direct entry total (total TLB ind=0 speculative hits for both I and D sides)
// 30 PTE reload attempts total (with valid htw-reservation, no duplicate set, and pt=1)
// 31 Raw Total ERAT misses, either mode
// t* threadwise event list
// 0 TLB hit direct entry (instr.) (ind=0 entry hit for fetch)
// 1 TLB miss direct entry (instr.) (ind=0 entry missed for fetch)
// 2 TLB miss indirect entry (instr.) (ind=1 entry missed for fetch, results in i-tlb exception)
// 3 H/W tablewalk hit (instr.) (ptereload with PTE.V=1 for fetch)
// 4 H/W tablewalk miss (instr.) (ptereload with PTE.V=0 for fetch, results in PT fault exception -> isi)
// 5 TLB hit direct entry (data) (ind=0 entry hit for load/store/cache op)
// 6 TLB miss direct entry (data) (ind=0 entry miss for load/store/cache op)
// 7 TLB miss indirect entry (data) (ind=1 entry missed for load/store/cache op, results in d-tlb exception)
// 8 H/W tablewalk hit (data) (ptereload with PTE.V=1 for load/store/cache op)
// 9 H/W tablewalk miss (data) (ptereload with PTE.V=0 for load/store/cache op, results in PT fault exception -> dsi)
assign mm_perf_event_t0_d[0:9] = tlb_cmp_perf_event_t0[0:9] & {10{event_en[0]}};
// 10 IERAT miss (or latency), edge (or level) (total ierat misses or latency)
// type: derat,ierat,tlbsx,tlbsrx,snoop,tlbre,tlbwe,ptereload
assign mm_perf_event_t0_d[10] = (((ierat_req0_valid & ierat_req0_thdid[0]) |
(ierat_req1_valid & ierat_req1_thdid[0]) |
(ierat_req2_valid & ierat_req2_thdid[0]) |
(ierat_req3_valid & ierat_req3_thdid[0]) |
// ierat nonspec miss request
((~tlb_seq_idle) & tlb_tag0_type[1] & tlb_tag0_thdid[0]) |
// searching tlb for direct entry, or ptereload of instr
(htw_req0_valid & htw_req0_type[1] & htw_req0_thdid[0]) |
(htw_req1_valid & htw_req1_type[1] & htw_req1_thdid[0]) |
(htw_req2_valid & htw_req2_type[1] & htw_req2_thdid[0]) |
(htw_req3_valid & htw_req3_type[1] & htw_req3_thdid[0])) & xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b) |
// htw servicing miss of instr
(iu_mm_perf_itlb[0] & (~xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b));
// 11 DERAT miss (or latency), edge (or level) (total derat misses or latency)
// type: derat,ierat,tlbsx,tlbsrx,snoop,tlbre,tlbwe,ptereload
assign mm_perf_event_t0_d[11] = (((derat_req0_valid & derat_req0_thdid[0]) |
(derat_req1_valid & derat_req1_thdid[0]) |
(derat_req2_valid & derat_req2_thdid[0]) |
(derat_req3_valid & derat_req3_thdid[0]) |
// derat nonspec miss request
((~tlb_seq_idle) & tlb_tag0_type[0] & tlb_tag0_thdid[0]) |
// searching tlb for direct entry, or ptereload of data
(htw_req0_valid & htw_req0_type[0] & htw_req0_thdid[0]) |
(htw_req1_valid & htw_req1_type[0] & htw_req1_thdid[0]) |
(htw_req2_valid & htw_req2_type[0] & htw_req2_thdid[0]) |
(htw_req3_valid & htw_req3_type[0] & htw_req3_thdid[0])) & xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b) |
// htw servicing miss of data
(lq_mm_perf_dtlb[0] & (~xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b));
// 12 TLB hit direct entry (instr.) (ind=0 entry hit for NONSPECULATIVE fetch)
assign mm_perf_event_t0_d[12] = tlb_cmp_perf_event_t0[0] & event_en[0] & tlb_tag4_nonspec;
// 13 TLB miss direct entry (instr.) (ind=0 entry missed for NONSPECULATIVE fetch)
assign mm_perf_event_t0_d[13] = tlb_cmp_perf_event_t0[1] & event_en[0] & tlb_tag4_nonspec;
// 14 TLB hit direct entry (data) (ind=0 entry hit for NONSPECULATIVE load/store/cache op)
assign mm_perf_event_t0_d[14] = tlb_cmp_perf_event_t0[5] & event_en[0] & tlb_tag4_nonspec;
// 15 TLB miss direct entry (data) (ind=0 entry miss for NONSPECULATIVE load/store/cache op)
assign mm_perf_event_t0_d[15] = tlb_cmp_perf_event_t0[6] & event_en[0] & tlb_tag4_nonspec;
// 16 IERAT miss (or latency), edge (or level) (total NONSPECULATIVE ierat misses or latency)
// type: derat,ierat,tlbsx,tlbsrx,snoop,tlbre,tlbwe,ptereload
assign mm_perf_event_t0_d[16] = (((ierat_req0_valid & ierat_req0_nonspec & ierat_req0_thdid[0]) |
(ierat_req1_valid & ierat_req1_nonspec & ierat_req1_thdid[0]) |
(ierat_req2_valid & ierat_req2_nonspec & ierat_req2_thdid[0]) |
(ierat_req3_valid & ierat_req3_nonspec & ierat_req3_thdid[0]) |
// ierat nonspec miss request
((~tlb_seq_idle) & tlb_tag0_type[1] & tlb_tag0_thdid[0] & tlb_tag0_nonspec) |
// searching tlb for direct entry, or ptereload of instr
(htw_req0_valid & htw_req0_type[1] & htw_req0_thdid[0]) |
(htw_req1_valid & htw_req1_type[1] & htw_req1_thdid[0]) |
(htw_req2_valid & htw_req2_type[1] & htw_req2_thdid[0]) |
(htw_req3_valid & htw_req3_type[1] & htw_req3_thdid[0])) & xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b) |
// htw servicing miss of instr
(iu_mm_perf_itlb[0] & iu_mm_ierat_req_nonspec & (~xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b));
// 17 DERAT miss (or latency), edge (or level) (total NONSPECULATIVE derat misses or latency)
// type: derat,ierat,tlbsx,tlbsrx,snoop,tlbre,tlbwe,ptereload
assign mm_perf_event_t0_d[17] = (((derat_req0_valid & derat_req0_nonspec & derat_req0_thdid[0]) |
(derat_req1_valid & derat_req1_nonspec & derat_req1_thdid[0]) |
(derat_req2_valid & derat_req2_nonspec & derat_req2_thdid[0]) |
(derat_req3_valid & derat_req3_nonspec & derat_req3_thdid[0]) |
// derat nonspec miss request
((~tlb_seq_idle) & tlb_tag0_type[0] & tlb_tag0_thdid[0] & tlb_tag0_nonspec) |
// searching tlb for direct entry, or ptereload of data
(htw_req0_valid & htw_req0_type[0] & htw_req0_thdid[0]) |
(htw_req1_valid & htw_req1_type[0] & htw_req1_thdid[0]) |
(htw_req2_valid & htw_req2_type[0] & htw_req2_thdid[0]) |
(htw_req3_valid & htw_req3_type[0] & htw_req3_thdid[0])) & xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b) |
// htw servicing miss of data
(lq_mm_perf_dtlb[0] & lq_mm_derat_req_nonspec & (~xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b));
// 18 TLB hit direct entry (instr.) (ind=0 entry hit for SPECULATIVE fetch)
assign mm_perf_event_t0_d[18] = tlb_cmp_perf_event_t0[0] & event_en[0] & ~tlb_tag4_nonspec;
// 19 TLB miss direct entry (instr.) (ind=0 entry missed for SPECULATIVE fetch)
assign mm_perf_event_t0_d[19] = tlb_cmp_perf_event_t0[1] & event_en[0] & ~tlb_tag4_nonspec;
// 20 TLB hit direct entry (data) (ind=0 entry hit for SPECULATIVE load/store/cache op)
assign mm_perf_event_t0_d[20] = tlb_cmp_perf_event_t0[5] & event_en[0] & ~tlb_tag4_nonspec;
// 21 TLB miss direct entry (data) (ind=0 entry miss for SPECULATIVE load/store/cache op)
assign mm_perf_event_t0_d[21] = tlb_cmp_perf_event_t0[6] & event_en[0] & ~tlb_tag4_nonspec;
// 22 IERAT miss (or latency), edge (or level) (total SPECULATIVE ierat misses or latency)
// type: derat,ierat,tlbsx,tlbsrx,snoop,tlbre,tlbwe,ptereload
// NOTE - speculative requests do not envoke h/w tablewalker actions..
// ..tablewalker handles only non-speculative requests
assign mm_perf_event_t0_d[22] = (((ierat_req0_valid & ~ierat_req0_nonspec & ierat_req0_thdid[0]) |
(ierat_req1_valid & ~ierat_req1_nonspec & ierat_req1_thdid[0]) |
(ierat_req2_valid & ~ierat_req2_nonspec & ierat_req2_thdid[0]) |
(ierat_req3_valid & ~ierat_req3_nonspec & ierat_req3_thdid[0]) |
// ierat nonspec miss request
((~tlb_seq_idle) & tlb_tag0_type[1] & tlb_tag0_thdid[0] & ~tlb_tag0_nonspec)) & xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b) |
// searching tlb for direct entry, or ptereload of instr
(iu_mm_perf_itlb[0] & (~iu_mm_ierat_req_nonspec) & (~xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b));
// 23 DERAT miss (or latency), edge (or level) (total SPECULATIVE derat misses or latency)
// type: derat,ierat,tlbsx,tlbsrx,snoop,tlbre,tlbwe,ptereload
// NOTE - speculative requests do not envoke h/w tablewalker actions..
// ..tablewalker handles only non-speculative requests
assign mm_perf_event_t0_d[23] = (((derat_req0_valid & ~derat_req0_nonspec & derat_req0_thdid[0]) |
(derat_req1_valid & ~derat_req1_nonspec & derat_req1_thdid[0]) |
(derat_req2_valid & ~derat_req2_nonspec & derat_req2_thdid[0]) |
(derat_req3_valid & ~derat_req3_nonspec & derat_req3_thdid[0]) |
// derat nonspec miss request
((~tlb_seq_idle) & tlb_tag0_type[0] & tlb_tag0_thdid[0] & ~tlb_tag0_nonspec)) & xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b) |
// searching tlb for direct entry, or ptereload of data
(lq_mm_perf_dtlb[0] & (~lq_mm_derat_req_nonspec) & (~xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b));
// t* threadwise event list
// 0 TLB hit direct entry (instr.) (ind=0 entry hit for fetch)
// 1 TLB miss direct entry (instr.) (ind=0 entry missed for fetch)
// 2 TLB miss indirect entry (instr.) (ind=1 entry missed for fetch, results in i-tlb exception)
// 3 H/W tablewalk hit (instr.) (ptereload with PTE.V=1 for fetch)
// 4 H/W tablewalk miss (instr.) (ptereload with PTE.V=0 for fetch, results in PT fault exception -> isi)
// 5 TLB hit direct entry (data) (ind=0 entry hit for load/store/cache op)
// 6 TLB miss direct entry (data) (ind=0 entry miss for load/store/cache op)
// 7 TLB miss indirect entry (data) (ind=1 entry missed for load/store/cache op, results in d-tlb exception)
// 8 H/W tablewalk hit (data) (ptereload with PTE.V=1 for load/store/cache op)
// 9 H/W tablewalk miss (data) (ptereload with PTE.V=0 for load/store/cache op, results in PT fault exception -> dsi)
assign mm_perf_event_t1_d[0:9] = tlb_cmp_perf_event_t1[0:9] & {10{event_en[1]}};
// 10 IERAT miss (or latency), edge (or level) (total ierat misses or latency)
// type: derat,ierat,tlbsx,tlbsrx,snoop,tlbre,tlbwe,ptereload
assign mm_perf_event_t1_d[10] = (((ierat_req0_valid & ierat_req0_thdid[1]) |
(ierat_req1_valid & ierat_req1_thdid[1]) |
(ierat_req2_valid & ierat_req2_thdid[1]) |
(ierat_req3_valid & ierat_req3_thdid[1]) |
// ierat nonspec miss request
((~tlb_seq_idle) & tlb_tag0_type[1] & tlb_tag0_thdid[1]) |
// searching tlb for direct entry, or ptereload of instr
(htw_req0_valid & htw_req0_type[1] & htw_req0_thdid[1]) |
(htw_req1_valid & htw_req1_type[1] & htw_req1_thdid[1]) |
(htw_req2_valid & htw_req2_type[1] & htw_req2_thdid[1]) |
(htw_req3_valid & htw_req3_type[1] & htw_req3_thdid[1])) & xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b) |
// htw servicing miss of instr
(iu_mm_perf_itlb[1] & (~xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b));
// 11 DERAT miss (or latency), edge (or level) (total derat misses or latency)
// type: derat,ierat,tlbsx,tlbsrx,snoop,tlbre,tlbwe,ptereload
assign mm_perf_event_t1_d[11] = (((derat_req0_valid & derat_req0_thdid[1]) |
(derat_req1_valid & derat_req1_thdid[1]) |
(derat_req2_valid & derat_req2_thdid[1]) |
(derat_req3_valid & derat_req3_thdid[1]) |
// derat nonspec miss request
((~tlb_seq_idle) & tlb_tag0_type[0] & tlb_tag0_thdid[1]) |
// searching tlb for direct entry, or ptereload of data
(htw_req0_valid & htw_req0_type[0] & htw_req0_thdid[1]) |
(htw_req1_valid & htw_req1_type[0] & htw_req1_thdid[1]) |
(htw_req2_valid & htw_req2_type[0] & htw_req2_thdid[1]) |
(htw_req3_valid & htw_req3_type[0] & htw_req3_thdid[1])) & xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b) |
// htw servicing miss of data
(lq_mm_perf_dtlb[1] & (~xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b));
// 12 TLB hit direct entry (instr.) (ind=0 entry hit for NONSPECULATIVE fetch)
assign mm_perf_event_t1_d[12] = tlb_cmp_perf_event_t1[0] & event_en[1] & tlb_tag4_nonspec;
// 13 TLB miss direct entry (instr.) (ind=0 entry missed for NONSPECULATIVE fetch)
assign mm_perf_event_t1_d[13] = tlb_cmp_perf_event_t1[1] & event_en[1] & tlb_tag4_nonspec;
// 14 TLB hit direct entry (data) (ind=0 entry hit for NONSPECULATIVE load/store/cache op)
assign mm_perf_event_t1_d[14] = tlb_cmp_perf_event_t1[5] & event_en[1] & tlb_tag4_nonspec;
// 15 TLB miss direct entry (data) (ind=0 entry miss for NONSPECULATIVE load/store/cache op)
assign mm_perf_event_t1_d[15] = tlb_cmp_perf_event_t1[6] & event_en[1] & tlb_tag4_nonspec;
// 16 IERAT miss (or latency), edge (or level) (total NONSPECULATIVE ierat misses or latency)
assign mm_perf_event_t1_d[16] = (((ierat_req0_valid & ierat_req0_nonspec & ierat_req0_thdid[1]) |
(ierat_req1_valid & ierat_req1_nonspec & ierat_req1_thdid[1]) |
(ierat_req2_valid & ierat_req2_nonspec & ierat_req2_thdid[1]) |
(ierat_req3_valid & ierat_req3_nonspec & ierat_req3_thdid[1]) |
// ierat nonspec miss request
((~tlb_seq_idle) & tlb_tag0_type[1] & tlb_tag0_thdid[1] & tlb_tag0_nonspec) |
// searching tlb for direct entry, or ptereload of instr
(htw_req0_valid & htw_req0_type[1] & htw_req0_thdid[1]) |
(htw_req1_valid & htw_req1_type[1] & htw_req1_thdid[1]) |
(htw_req2_valid & htw_req2_type[1] & htw_req2_thdid[1]) |
(htw_req3_valid & htw_req3_type[1] & htw_req3_thdid[1])) & xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b) |
// htw servicing miss of instr
(iu_mm_perf_itlb[1] & iu_mm_ierat_req_nonspec & (~xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b));
// 17 DERAT miss (or latency), edge (or level) (total NONSPECULATIVE derat misses or latency)
assign mm_perf_event_t1_d[17] = (((derat_req0_valid & derat_req0_nonspec & derat_req0_thdid[1]) |
(derat_req1_valid & derat_req1_nonspec & derat_req1_thdid[1]) |
(derat_req2_valid & derat_req2_nonspec & derat_req2_thdid[1]) |
(derat_req3_valid & derat_req3_nonspec & derat_req3_thdid[1]) |
// derat nonspec miss request
((~tlb_seq_idle) & tlb_tag0_type[0] & tlb_tag0_thdid[1] & tlb_tag0_nonspec) |
// searching tlb for direct entry, or ptereload of data
(htw_req0_valid & htw_req0_type[0] & htw_req0_thdid[1]) |
(htw_req1_valid & htw_req1_type[0] & htw_req1_thdid[1]) |
(htw_req2_valid & htw_req2_type[0] & htw_req2_thdid[1]) |
(htw_req3_valid & htw_req3_type[0] & htw_req3_thdid[1])) & xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b) |
// htw servicing miss of data
(lq_mm_perf_dtlb[1] & lq_mm_derat_req_nonspec & (~xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b));
// 18 TLB hit direct entry (instr.) (ind=0 entry hit for SPECULATIVE fetch)
assign mm_perf_event_t1_d[18] = tlb_cmp_perf_event_t1[0] & event_en[1] & ~tlb_tag4_nonspec;
// 19 TLB miss direct entry (instr.) (ind=0 entry missed for SPECULATIVE fetch)
assign mm_perf_event_t1_d[19] = tlb_cmp_perf_event_t1[1] & event_en[1] & ~tlb_tag4_nonspec;
// 20 TLB hit direct entry (data) (ind=0 entry hit for SPECULATIVE load/store/cache op)
assign mm_perf_event_t1_d[20] = tlb_cmp_perf_event_t1[5] & event_en[1] & ~tlb_tag4_nonspec;
// 21 TLB miss direct entry (data) (ind=0 entry miss for SPECULATIVE load/store/cache op)
assign mm_perf_event_t1_d[21] = tlb_cmp_perf_event_t1[6] & event_en[1] & ~tlb_tag4_nonspec;
// 22 IERAT miss (or latency), edge (or level) (total SPECULATIVE ierat misses or latency)
// type: derat,ierat,tlbsx,tlbsrx,snoop,tlbre,tlbwe,ptereload
// NOTE - speculative requests do not envoke h/w tablewalker actions..
// ..tablewalker handles only non-speculative requests
assign mm_perf_event_t1_d[22] = (((ierat_req0_valid & ~ierat_req0_nonspec & ierat_req0_thdid[1]) |
(ierat_req1_valid & ~ierat_req1_nonspec & ierat_req1_thdid[1]) |
(ierat_req2_valid & ~ierat_req2_nonspec & ierat_req2_thdid[1]) |
(ierat_req3_valid & ~ierat_req3_nonspec & ierat_req3_thdid[1]) |
// ierat nonspec miss request
((~tlb_seq_idle) & tlb_tag0_type[1] & tlb_tag0_thdid[1] & ~tlb_tag0_nonspec)) & xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b) |
// searching tlb for direct entry, or ptereload of instr
(iu_mm_perf_itlb[1] & (~iu_mm_ierat_req_nonspec) & (~xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b));
// 23 DERAT miss (or latency), edge (or level) (total SPECULATIVE derat misses or latency)
// type: derat,ierat,tlbsx,tlbsrx,snoop,tlbre,tlbwe,ptereload
// NOTE - speculative requests do not envoke h/w tablewalker actions..
// ..tablewalker handles only non-speculative requests
assign mm_perf_event_t1_d[23] = (((derat_req0_valid & ~derat_req0_nonspec & derat_req0_thdid[1]) |
(derat_req1_valid & ~derat_req1_nonspec & derat_req1_thdid[1]) |
(derat_req2_valid & ~derat_req2_nonspec & derat_req2_thdid[1]) |
(derat_req3_valid & ~derat_req3_nonspec & derat_req3_thdid[1]) |
// derat nonspec miss request
((~tlb_seq_idle) & tlb_tag0_type[0] & tlb_tag0_thdid[1] & ~tlb_tag0_nonspec)) & xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b) |
// searching tlb for direct entry, or ptereload of data
(lq_mm_perf_dtlb[1] & (~lq_mm_derat_req_nonspec) & (~xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b));
// core single event list
// 0 IERAT miss total (part of direct entry search total)
// 1 DERAT miss total (part of direct entry search total)
// 2 TLB miss direct entry total (total TLB ind=0 misses)
// 3 TLB hit direct entry first page size
// 4 TLB indirect entry hits total (=page table searches)
// 5 H/W tablewalk successful installs total (with no PTfault, TLB ineligible, or LRAT miss)
// 6 LRAT translation request total (for GS=1 tlbwe and ptereload)
// 7 LRAT misses total (for GS=1 tlbwe and ptereload)
// 8 Page table faults total (PTE.V=0 for ptereload, resulting in isi/dsi)
// 9 TLB ineligible total (all TLB ways are iprot=1 for ptereloads, resulting in isi/dsi)
// 10 tlbwe conditional failed total (total tlbwe WQ=01 with no reservation match)
// 11 tlbwe conditional success total (total tlbwe WQ=01 with reservation match)
// 12 tlbilx local invalidations sourced total (sourced tlbilx on this core total)
// 13 tlbivax invalidations sourced total (sourced tlbivax on this core total)
// 14 tlbivax snoops total (total tlbivax snoops received from bus, local bit = don't care)
// 15 TLB flush requests total (TLB requested flushes due to TLB busy or instruction hazards)
// 16 IERAT NONSPECULATIVE miss total (part of direct entry search total)
// 17 DERAT NONSPECULATIVE miss total (part of direct entry search total)
// 18 TLB NONSPECULATIVE miss direct entry total (total TLB ind=0 misses)
// 19 TLB NONSPECULATIVE hit direct entry first page size
// 20 IERAT SPECULATIVE miss total (part of direct entry search total)
// 21 DERAT SPECULATIVE miss total (part of direct entry search total)
// 22 TLB SPECULATIVE miss direct entry total (total TLB ind=0 misses)
// 23 TLB SPECULATIVE hit direct entry first page size
// 24 ERAT miss total (TLB direct entry search total for both I and D sides)
// 25 ERAT NONSPECULATIVE miss total (TLB direct entry nonspeculative search total for both I and D sides)
// 26 ERAT SPECULATIVE miss total (TLB direct entry speculative search total for both I and D sides)
// 27 TLB hit direct entry total (total TLB ind=0 hits for both I and D sides)
// 28 TLB NONSPECULATIVE hit direct entry total (total TLB ind=0 nonspeculative hits for both I and D sides)
// 29 TLB SPECULATIVE hit direct entry total (total TLB ind=0 speculative hits for both I and D sides)
// 30 PTE reload attempts total (with valid htw-reservation, no duplicate set, and pt=1)
// 31 Raw Total ERAT misses, either mode
// 0 IERAT miss total (part of direct entry search total)
assign mm_perf_event_core_level_d[0] = (ierat_req_taken & xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b) |
( |(iu_mm_perf_itlb) & (~xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b) );
// 1 DERAT miss total (part of direct entry search total)
assign mm_perf_event_core_level_d[1] = (derat_req_taken & xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b) |
( |(lq_mm_perf_dtlb) & (~xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b) );
// 2 TLB miss direct entry total (total TLB ind=0 misses)
assign mm_perf_event_core_level_d[2] = tlb_cmp_perf_miss_direct & event_en[4];
// 3 TLB hit direct entry first page size
assign mm_perf_event_core_level_d[3] = tlb_cmp_perf_hit_first_page & event_en[4];
// 4 TLB indirect entry hits total (=page table searches)
assign mm_perf_event_core_level_d[4] = tlb_cmp_perf_hit_indirect & event_en[4];
// 5 H/W tablewalk successful installs total (with no PTfault, TLB ineligible, or LRAT miss)
assign mm_perf_event_core_level_d[5] = tlb_cmp_perf_ptereload_noexcep & event_en[4];
// 6 LRAT translation request total (for GS=1 tlbwe and ptereload)
assign mm_perf_event_core_level_d[6] = tlb_cmp_perf_lrat_request & event_en[4];
// 7 LRAT misses total (for GS=1 tlbwe and ptereload)
assign mm_perf_event_core_level_d[7] = tlb_cmp_perf_lrat_miss & event_en[4];
// 8 Page table faults total (PTE.V=0 for ptereload, resulting in isi/dsi)
assign mm_perf_event_core_level_d[8] = tlb_cmp_perf_pt_fault & event_en[4];
// 9 TLB ineligible total (all TLB ways are iprot=1 for ptereloads, resulting in isi/dsi)
assign mm_perf_event_core_level_d[9] = tlb_cmp_perf_pt_inelig & event_en[4];
// 10 tlbwe conditional failed total (total tlbwe WQ=01 with no reservation match)
assign mm_perf_event_core_level_d[10] = tlb_ctl_perf_tlbwec_noresv & event_en[4];
// 11 tlbwe conditional success total (total tlbwe WQ=01 with reservation match)
assign mm_perf_event_core_level_d[11] = tlb_ctl_perf_tlbwec_resv & event_en[4];
// 12 tlbilx local invalidations sourced total (sourced tlbilx on this core total)
assign mm_perf_event_core_level_d[12] = inval_perf_tlbilx;
// 13 tlbivax invalidations sourced total (sourced tlbivax on this core total)
assign mm_perf_event_core_level_d[13] = inval_perf_tlbivax;
// 14 tlbivax snoops total (total tlbivax snoops received from bus, local bit = don't care)
assign mm_perf_event_core_level_d[14] = inval_perf_tlbivax_snoop;
// 15 TLB flush requests total (TLB requested flushes due to TLB busy or instruction hazards)
assign mm_perf_event_core_level_d[15] = inval_perf_tlb_flush;
// 16 IERAT NONSPECULATIVE miss total (part of direct entry search total)
assign mm_perf_event_core_level_d[16] = (mm_perf_event_core_level_q[0] & tlb_tag0_nonspec & xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b) | // ierat_req_taken, nonspec
( |(iu_mm_perf_itlb) & iu_mm_ierat_req_nonspec & (~xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b) );
// 17 DERAT NONSPECULATIVE miss total (part of direct entry search total)
assign mm_perf_event_core_level_d[17] = (mm_perf_event_core_level_q[1] & tlb_tag0_nonspec & xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b) | // derat_req_taken, nonspec
( |(lq_mm_perf_dtlb) & lq_mm_derat_req_nonspec & (~xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b) );
// 18 TLB NONSPECULATIVE miss direct entry total (total TLB ind=0 misses)
assign mm_perf_event_core_level_d[18] = tlb_cmp_perf_miss_direct & event_en[4] & tlb_tag4_nonspec;
// 19 TLB NONSPECULATIVE hit direct entry first page size
assign mm_perf_event_core_level_d[19] = tlb_cmp_perf_hit_first_page & event_en[4] & tlb_tag4_nonspec;
// 20 IERAT SPECULATIVE miss total (part of direct entry search total)
assign mm_perf_event_core_level_d[20] = (mm_perf_event_core_level_q[0] & ~tlb_tag0_nonspec & xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b) | // ierat_req_taken, spec
( |(iu_mm_perf_itlb) & (~iu_mm_ierat_req_nonspec) & (~xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b) );
// 21 DERAT SPECULATIVE miss total (part of direct entry search total)
assign mm_perf_event_core_level_d[21] = (mm_perf_event_core_level_q[1] & ~tlb_tag0_nonspec & xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b) | // derat_req_taken, spec
( |(lq_mm_perf_dtlb) & (~lq_mm_derat_req_nonspec) & (~xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b) );
// 22 TLB SPECULATIVE miss direct entry total (total TLB ind=0 misses)
assign mm_perf_event_core_level_d[22] = tlb_cmp_perf_miss_direct & event_en[4] & ~tlb_tag4_nonspec;
// 23 TLB SPECULATIVE hit direct entry first page size
assign mm_perf_event_core_level_d[23] = tlb_cmp_perf_hit_first_page & event_en[4] & ~tlb_tag4_nonspec;
// 24 ERAT miss total (TLB direct entry search total for both I and D sides)
assign mm_perf_event_core_level_d[24] = (mm_perf_event_core_level_q[0] | mm_perf_event_core_level_q[1]); // i/derat_req_taken (tlb mode),
// or raw i/derat misses (erat-only mode)
// 25 ERAT NONSPECULATIVE miss total (TLB direct entry nonspeculative search total for both I and D sides)
assign mm_perf_event_core_level_d[25] = ( (mm_perf_event_core_level_q[0] | mm_perf_event_core_level_q[1]) & tlb_tag0_nonspec & xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b ) | // nonspec i/derat_req_taken (tlb mode)
( (mm_perf_event_core_level_q[16] | mm_perf_event_core_level_q[17]) & (~xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b) ); // raw nonspec i/derat misses (erat-only mode)
// 26 ERAT SPECULATIVE miss total (TLB direct entry speculative search total for both I and D sides)
assign mm_perf_event_core_level_d[26] = ( (mm_perf_event_core_level_q[0] | mm_perf_event_core_level_q[1]) & ~tlb_tag0_nonspec & xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b ) | // spec i/derat_req_taken (tlb mode)
( (mm_perf_event_core_level_q[20] | mm_perf_event_core_level_q[21]) & (~xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b) ); // raw spec i/derat misses (erat-only mode)
// 27 TLB hit direct entry total (total TLB ind=0 hits for both I and D sides)
assign mm_perf_event_core_level_d[27] = tlb_cmp_perf_hit_direct & event_en[4];
// 28 TLB NONSPECULATIVE hit direct entry total (total TLB ind=0 nonspeculative hits for both I and D sides)
assign mm_perf_event_core_level_d[28] = tlb_cmp_perf_hit_direct & event_en[4] & tlb_tag4_nonspec;
// 29 TLB SPECULATIVE hit direct entry total (total TLB ind=0 speculative hits for both I and D sides)
assign mm_perf_event_core_level_d[29] = tlb_cmp_perf_hit_direct & event_en[4] & ~tlb_tag4_nonspec;
// 30 PTE reload attempts total (with valid htw-reservation, no duplicate set, and pt=1)
assign mm_perf_event_core_level_d[30] = tlb_cmp_perf_ptereload & event_en[4];
// 31 Raw Total ERAT misses, either mode
assign mm_perf_event_core_level_d[31] = ( |(iu_mm_perf_itlb) | |(lq_mm_perf_dtlb) );
// end of core single event list
assign unit_t0_events_in = {1'b0, mm_perf_event_t0_q[0:23],
tri_event_mux1t #(.EVENTS_IN(`PERF_MUX_WIDTH), .EVENTS_OUT(4)) event_mux0(
.select_bits(mmq_spr_event_mux_ctrls_q[0:`MESR1_WIDTH - 1]),
`ifndef THREADS1
assign unit_t1_events_in = {1'b0, mm_perf_event_t1_q[0:23],
tri_event_mux1t #(.EVENTS_IN(`PERF_MUX_WIDTH), .EVENTS_OUT(4)) event_mux1(
.select_bits(mmq_spr_event_mux_ctrls_q[`MESR1_WIDTH:`MESR1_WIDTH+`MESR2_WIDTH - 1]),
assign mm_event_bus_out = event_bus_out_q;
// Latches
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) rp_mm_event_bus_enable_latch(
.din(rp_mm_event_bus_enable_q), // yes, this in the input name
.dout(rp_mm_event_bus_enable_int_q) // this is local internal version
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MESR1_WIDTH*`THREADS), .INIT(0)) mmq_spr_event_mux_ctrls_latch(
.scin(siv[mmq_spr_event_mux_ctrls_offset:mmq_spr_event_mux_ctrls_offset + `MESR1_WIDTH*`THREADS - 1]),
.scout(sov[mmq_spr_event_mux_ctrls_offset:mmq_spr_event_mux_ctrls_offset + `MESR1_WIDTH*`THREADS - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(3), .INIT(0)) pc_mm_event_count_mode_latch(
.scin(siv[pc_mm_event_count_mode_offset:pc_mm_event_count_mode_offset + 3 - 1]),
.scout(sov[pc_mm_event_count_mode_offset:pc_mm_event_count_mode_offset + 3 - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`THDID_WIDTH), .INIT(0)) xu_mm_msr_gs_latch(
.scin(siv[xu_mm_msr_gs_offset:xu_mm_msr_gs_offset + `THDID_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov[xu_mm_msr_gs_offset:xu_mm_msr_gs_offset + `THDID_WIDTH - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`THDID_WIDTH), .INIT(0)) xu_mm_msr_pr_latch(
.scin(siv[xu_mm_msr_pr_offset:xu_mm_msr_pr_offset + `THDID_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov[xu_mm_msr_pr_offset:xu_mm_msr_pr_offset + `THDID_WIDTH - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`PERF_EVENT_WIDTH*`THREADS), .INIT(0)) event_bus_out_latch(
.scin(siv[event_bus_out_offset:event_bus_out_offset + `PERF_EVENT_WIDTH*`THREADS - 1]),
.scout(sov[event_bus_out_offset:event_bus_out_offset + `PERF_EVENT_WIDTH*`THREADS - 1]),
tri_regk #(.WIDTH(24), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(0)) mm_perf_event_t0_latch(
tri_regk #(.WIDTH(24), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(0)) mm_perf_event_t1_latch(
tri_regk #(.WIDTH(32), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(0)) mm_perf_event_core_level_latch(
// pervasive
tri_plat #(.WIDTH(4)) perv_2to1_reg(
.din( {pc_func_sl_thold_2, pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_2, pc_sg_2, pc_fce_2} ),
.q( {pc_func_sl_thold_1, pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_1, pc_sg_1, pc_fce_1} )
tri_plat #(.WIDTH(4)) perv_1to0_reg(
.din( {pc_func_sl_thold_1, pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_1, pc_sg_1, pc_fce_1} ),
.q( {pc_func_sl_thold_0, pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_0, pc_sg_0, pc_fce_0} )
tri_lcbor perv_lcbor(
tri_lcbor perv_nsl_lcbor(
// Scan
assign siv[0:scan_right] = {sov[1:scan_right], scan_in};
assign scan_out = sov[0];