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Welcome to the era of Open Computing!
The OpenPOWER Foundation is a non-profit organization supporting the free and open RISC instruction set architecture and extensions. We enable open community collaboration, technology advancements in the OpenPOWER ecosystem, and visibility of OpenPOWER successes.
Join us and see how open technical collaboration along with the support of many OpenPOWER programs can help drive your business forward.
Why Join?
Accelerate technical development of your own POWER based products
Contribute technical resource, best practices, and code to help guide and influence OpenPOWER deliverables
Increase visibility as OpenPOWER amplifies member success across the industry
Build a partner network as an active member within the OpenPOWER community
Showcase your OpenPOWER products, services, training, and resources on OpenPOWER Ready
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Become a Member
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Individual Personal membership Individual membership Join as an Individual Member individualmembers.jpg
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Corporate, Associate & Academic membership Corporate and Associate/Academic membership Join as a Corporate or Associate/Academic Member corporatemembers.jpg
2022-01-03 false