title: "InfoSystems Announces Live Demonstration Capability for IBM POWER8 in their Chattanooga Test Facility"
date: "2014-05-13"
  - "press-releases"
  - "blogs"

CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., May 13, 2014 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- [InfoSystems](http://cts.businesswire.com/ct/CT?id=smartlink&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.infosystems.biz%2F&esheet=50863539&newsitemid=20140513005153&lan=en-US&anchor=InfoSystems&index=1&md5=a2013701d529f22104227c8bec0c9cda) announces it has become one of the first IBM business partners to install IBM’s newest Power Systems servers, built on the recently announced POWER8 processor, in its Chattanooga IBM Business Partner Innovation Center (BPIC). InfoSystems’ experts can show customers this new technology before the general availability date via an on-site demo, or remotely from a customer’s location.