Fix typos.

Bill Schmidt 6 years ago
parent 295c2a5922
commit dfe9f8430a

@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ xmlns:xlink="" xml:id="VIPR.biendian">
<programlisting>vector int x = (vector int) (4, -1, 3, 6);
vector double g = (vector double) { 3.5, -24.6 };</programlisting>
Current C comiplers do not support literals for
Current C compilers do not support literals for
<code>__int128</code> types. When constructing a <code>vector
__int128</code> constant from smaller literals such as
<code>int</code> or <code>long long</code>, you must test for

@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ xmlns:xlink="" xml:id="section_techniques">
Where an intrinsic may not be available from all compilers or at
all ISA levels, this information is called out in the
description of the intrinsic in <xref
linkend="VIPR.reference.vecfns" >.
linkend="VIPR.reference.vecfns" />.
There are also other vector APIs that may be of use to you (see
