64-Bit ELF V2 ABI Specification Power Architecture System Software Work Group syssw-chair@openpowerfoundation.org IBM 2014,2016 OpenPOWER Foundation 1999,2003, 2004, 2013, 2014 IBM Corporation 2011 Power.org 2003, 2004 Free Standards Group 2002 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc Revision 1.2b OpenPOWER Copyright details are filled in by the template. The Executable and Linking Format (ELF) defines a linking interface for executables and shared objects in two parts: the first part is the generic System V ABI, the second part is a processor-specific supplement. This document, the OpenPOWER ABI for Linux Supplement for the Power Architecture 64-bit ELF V2 ABI, is the OpenPOWER-compliant processor-specific supplement for use with ELF V2 on 64-bit IBM Power Architecture® systems. This is not a complete System V ABI supplement because it does not define any library interfaces. This document establishes both big-endian and little-endian application binary interfaces. OpenPOWER-compliant processors in the 64-bit Power Architecture can execute in either big-endian or little-endian mode. Executables and executable-generated data (in general) that subscribes to either byte ordering is not portable to a system running in the other mode. This document is a Standards Track, Work Group work product owned by the System Software Workgroup and handled in compliance with the requirements outlined in the OpenPOWER Foundation Work Group (WG) Process document. It was created using the Master Template Guide version 1.0. Comments, questions, etc. can be submitted to the public mailing list for this document at TBD. 2016-08-29 Revision 1.2b - initial conversion from framemaker 2016-06-13 Version 1.2 - POWER8 erratum and POWER9 support. 2015-07-16 Version 1.1 - initial conversion from framemaker 2014-07-21 Version 1.0 initial release.