Getting started To begin contributing to the OpenPOWER Foundation documentation, the following steps must be completed: Install tools Create accounts Once complete, you can proceed to either or as needed.
Installing tools Only two tools are required to update documentation, git and maven. Git manages the documentation source and maven provides the build framework to create the published content in PDF and html form. Installation steps for these tools varies by operating system. On Debian-based Linux operating systems (Ubuntu and Debian), install maven and git as follows: #apt-get install git #apt-get install maven On RPM-based Linux operating systems (Fedora, RHEL, openSUSE, SLES), install maven and git as follows: #yum install git #yum install maven On Mac OS X, use Macports to install maven and git as follows: #port install git #port install maven3 or use Homebrew to install maven and git as follows: $brew install git $brew install maven For information on how to setup the environment on Windows, see the following websites: git for Windows - Maven on Windows -
Creating accounts All OpenPOWER project documentation is maintained in GitHub trees, public and private. The first step to creating documentation will be joining the GitHub community. To join the GitHub community, apply at The private trees are grouped in the OpenPOWER Foundation project at If you will be participating in private OpenPOWER Foundation trees, you will need to visit the OpenPOWER Foundation Members Area wiki to find administrators for the appropriate git tree. To learn more about using git, see the online article in GitHub Help, "Good Resources for Learning Git and GitHub." at