<para>How about we put a list in the table cell</para>
<para>item 1</para>
<para>item 2</para>
<para>item 2</para>
<para>Another Cell</para>
<para>Yet Another Cell</para>
<para>Finally the last cell</para>
<title>Example of crossreferences and footnotes</title>
<para>To reference another section or table is pretty easy. For example: see <xreflinkend="table_label"/> for how tables look.</para>
<para>Lists are shown in <xreflinkend="list_example_label"/> and if you need to make a footnote
<footnotexml:id="foot_id"><para>The footnote text goes here and can reference something like <xreflinkend="figure_label"/> for additional explanation.</para></footnote>
For clarification that is easy. Of course you might want an additional reference to the footnote <footnotereflinkend="foot_id"/> which can also be done easily.</para>
<para>Lastly you probably want to mark text by making it <emphasis>italic text example</emphasis> or <emphasisrole='bold'>Bold Text Example</emphasis>.</para>
<title>Example of code citations and user input</title>
<para>When showing user input, you want a nice sceen-looking layout, a prompt, monospace text, and a way to differentiate input from output. Here's an example:
<para>Docbook also allows for formatting and display of common languages, allowing for whitespace
and line returns just as they are written. Here's a sample snippet of C code with line numbering enabled:<programlistinglinenumbering="numbered"><![CDATA[#include<stdio.h>
printf("Hello world\n");
<para>If code formatting is not quite what you need, simply displaying text "literally" may suffice as follows: <literal>This is my literal
and <literal>yellow</literal>. Additionally, RGB values can be <literal>#nnnnnn</literal> where <literal>nnnnnn</literal> is a hexidecimal color value or
<literal>rgb(n1, n2, n3)</literal> where <literal>n1</literal>, <literal>n2</literal>, and <literal>n3</literal> are intergers 0-255.</para>
<title>Inserting line breaks</title>
<para>Line breaks can be introduced using <literal><?linebreak?></literal> tags. For example, this
text:<programlisting><![CDATA[<para>A line break <?linebreak?> in the middle of text</para>]]></programlisting> produces this sentence:</para>
<para>A line break <?linebreak?> in the middle of text</para>
<para>This tag becomes useful in table text spacing.</para>
<title>Inserting page breaks</title>
<para>Page breaks can be introduced using <literal><?hard-pagebreak?></literal> tags. For example, this
text:<programlisting><![CDATA[<para>A page break</para> <?hard-pagebreak?> <para>Between two paragraphs</para>]]></programlisting> produces this sentence:</para>
<para>A page break</para><?hard-pagebreak?><para>Between two paragraphs</para>
<para>This tag becomes useful in placing tables on page. Placing this statement before a large table may prevent it from spanning a page.</para>
<warning><para>Because the XSL template behind the Processing Instruction generates
a <programlisting><![CDATA[<fo:block break-after='page'/>]]></programlisting> in
the book FO output, this instruction should be used in the outer most blocks of a section to work effectively. Use inside lists and other structural
components may result in the text after the break being dropped. <emphasisrole="bold">User beware!</emphasis>.</para></warning>