<!-- TODO: Set the correct document releaseinfo -->
<releaseinfo>Revision 1.0_pre1</releaseinfo>
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<remark>Copyright details are filled in by the template.</remark>
<!-- TODO: Update the following text with the correct document description (first paragraph),
Work Group name, and Work Product track (both in second paragraph). -->
<!-- TODO: remove "phrase" tags (2) and text below and insert proper information -->
<para>The purpose of this document is to describe how to enable a new customer card on CAPI SNAP framework. SNAP is a open-sourced programming framework for FPGA Acclerations. Its homepage is <linkxlink:href="https://github.com/open-power/snap">https://github.com/open-power/snap</link>. With it, you can develop accelerations with Power and CAPI technology easily.</para>
<para>This document describes the flow and steps to enable a new PCIe FPGA card to have or CAPI2.0 capability. Firstly, please check whether your PCIe FPGA card is listed on today's "SNAP enabled cards" (On the homepage README of <linkxlink:href="https://github.com/open-power/snap">SNAP Github</link>), if not, this document will guide you on <emphasisrole="bold">how to enable it</emphasis>. Since all of the project files are open-sourced, you can create a Github repository fork, and create a new board support package (BSP) and walk through the entire working flow to enable SNAP. </para>
<para>This document is a Standard Track, Workgroup Specification work product owned by the Acceleration Workgroup and handled in compliance with the requirements outlined in the
<citetitle>OpenPOWER Foundation Work Group (WG) Process</citetitle> document. It was
created using the <citetitle>Master Template Guide</citetitle> version &template_version;.
Comments, questions, etc. can be submitted to the
public mailing list for the parent specification at