title: 'Membership Benefits'
date: 2021-07-17
type: join
draft: false

| OpenPOWER Foundation Membership Matrix                     | Associate | ISV | Silver  | Gold | Platinum |
| Working Group Participation                                | x         | x   | x       | x    | x        |
| Marketing Committee Participation                          | x         | x   | x       | x    | x        |
| Access to Specifications Approved by the Board             | x         | x   | x       | x    | x        |
| Access to Draft Specifications in development              | x         | x   | x       | x    | x        |
| Petition TSC to create a new workgroup or project          | x         | x   | x       | x    | x        |
| Exhibit opportunities as OPF-hosted and exhibiting events  | x         | x   | x       | x    | x        |
| Participate in OpenPOWER Ambassador Program                | x         | x   | x       | x    | x        |
| Speaker Opportunities at OPF-hosted events                 | x         |     | 1+      | 2+   | 2+       |
| Keynote Opportunities at OPF-hosted events                 |           |     |         |      | x        |
| Registration/exibit at OPF events                          |           |     | 5%      | 10%  | 20%      |
| Member logo featured on the website                        | x         | x   | x       | x    | x        |
| Member logo featured on the website homepage               |           |     |         | x    | x        |
| Member logo featured on event signage                      |           |     |         | x    | x        |
| Member profile featured on website spotlight               |           |     |         | x    | x        |
| Member name inclusion in Press Releases                    |           |     |         | 1x/yr| 2x/yr    |
| Final Approval of New Projects                             | <span>Board membership required</span>      |
| Final Approval and Voting of IP and Specifications         | <span>Board membership required</span>      |
| Manage the Future Direction of the Organization            | <span>Board membership required</span>      |