--- title: Oregon State University Open Source Lab member: oregonstateuniversity projects: - Open Source provides: - Bare Metal Machine (coming soon) - Virtual Machine (via OpenStack; with GPU) - Container (via OpenShift; with FPGA; coming soon) addons: - none - Nvidia V100 GPU (VM) - OpenCAPI Alpha Data 9H3 FPGA (container) systems: - POWER9 opnstkflavors: standard: - name: "oph.c1m4.d20" cpus: 1 memory: 4 gpus: "-" disk: 20 - name: "oph.c2m8.d20" cpus: 2 memory: 8 gpus: "-" disk: 20 - name: "oph.c4m12.d40" cpus: 4 memory: 12 gpus: "-" disk: 40 - name: "oph.c8m16.d80" cpus: 8 memory: 16 gpus: "-" disk: 80 - name: "oph.c16m32.d120" cpus: 16 memory: 32 gpus: "-" disk: 120 - name: "oph.c32m64.d240" cpus: 32 memory: 64 gpus: "-" disk: 240 - name: "oph.c64m128.d240" cpus: 64 memory: 128 gpus: "-" disk: 240 gpuenabled: - name: "oph.c8m16.g1.d120" cpus: 8 memory: 16 gpus: 1 disk: 120 - name: "oph.c16m32.g1.d120" cpus: 16 memory: 32 gpus: 1 disk: 120 - name: "oph.c16m32.g2.d120" cpus: 16 memory: 32 gpus: 2 disk: 120 - name: "oph.c32m64.g2.d240" cpus: 32 memory: 64 gpus: 2 disk: 240 - name: "oph.c64m128.g2.d240" cpus: 64 memory: 128 gpus: 2 disk: 240 operatingsystems: available: standard: - CentOS Stream 8 - CentOS Stream 9 - Debian 10 - Debian 11 - Fedora [latest] - Ubuntu 18.04 - Ubuntu 20.04 - Ubuntu 22.04 gpuenabled: - CentOS Stream 8 - CentOS Stream 9 - Ubuntu 20.04 - Ubuntu 22.04 unavailable: standard: - Alma Linux 8 - Alma Linux 9 - Rocky Linux 9 gpuenabled: - Alma Linux 8 - Alma Linux 9 - Rocky Linux 9 weight: -9000 date: 2022-08-24 draft: false ---