Anton Blanchard 80cf489e96 Add LOG_LENGTH to top-generic.vhdl
The other top level files allow LOG_LENGTH to be configured.

Signed-off-by: Anton Blanchard <anton@linux.ibm.com>
LICENSE Initial import of microwatt
acorn-cle-215.xdc acorn: Add support for the Acorn CLE 215+
arty_a7.xdc uart: Import and hook up opencore 16550 compatible UART
clk_gen_bypass.vhd Fix clk_gen_bypass
clk_gen_ecp5.vhd Add PLL for ECP5 device
clk_gen_mcmm.vhd Improve PLL/MMCM clocks configuration
clk_gen_plle2.vhd acorn: Add support for the Acorn CLE 215+
cmod_a7-35.xdc Add SPI configuration to Xilinx constraint files
firmware.hex Add a few more FPGA related files
fpga-random.vhdl Add random number generator and implement the darn instruction
fpga-random.xdc Add random number generator and implement the darn instruction
genesys2.xdc fpga: Add support for Genesys2
hello_world.hex hello_world: Use new headers and frequency from syscon
main_bram.vhdl Fix some ghdlsynth issues with fpga_bram
nexys-video.xdc spi: Add SPI Flash controller
nexys_a7.xdc Add SPI configuration to Xilinx constraint files
pp_fifo.vhd pp_fifo: Fix full fifo losing all data on simultaneous push & pop
pp_soc_uart.vhd uart: Remove combinational loops on ack and stall signal
pp_utilities.vhd Initial import of microwatt
soc_reset.vhdl soc_reset: Use counters, add synchronizers
soc_reset_tb.vhdl Exit cleanly from testbench on success
top-acorn-cle-215.vhdl acorn: Add support for the Acorn CLE 215+
top-arty.vhdl core: Add support for floating-point loads and stores
top-generic.vhdl Add LOG_LENGTH to top-generic.vhdl
top-genesys2.vhdl fpga: Add support for Genesys2
top-nexys-video.vhdl core: Add support for floating-point loads and stores