Merge pull request #76 from antonblanchard/misc

Some misc updates
Anton Blanchard 6 years ago committed by GitHub
commit 4a9a9df4dd
No known key found for this signature in database

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ common.o: decode_types.o
sim_jtag.o: sim_jtag_socket.o
core_tb.o: common.o wishbone_types.o core.o soc.o sim_jtag.o
core.o: common.o wishbone_types.o fetch1.o fetch2.o icache.o decode1.o decode2.o register_file.o cr_file.o execute1.o execute2.o loadstore1.o loadstore2.o multiply.o writeback.o core_debug.o divider.o
core_debug.o: common.o
cr_file.o: common.o
crhelpers.o: common.o
decode1.o: common.o decode_types.o
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ wishbone_arbiter.o: wishbone_types.o
writeback.o: common.o
dmi_dtm_tb.o: dmi_dtm_xilinx.o wishbone_debug_master.o
dmi_dtm_xilinx.o: sim-unisim/unisim_vcomponents.o
dmi_dtm_xilinx.o: wishbone_types.o sim-unisim/unisim_vcomponents.o
wishbone_debug_master.o: wishbone_types.o

UNISIM_BITS = sim-unisim/unisim_vcomponents.vhdl sim-unisim/BSCANE2.vhdl sim-unisim/BUFG.vhdl

@ -14,7 +14,16 @@ package common is

type Fetch1ToFetch2Type is record
nia: std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
pipe_stop : std_ulogic;
end record;

type Fetch2ToIcacheType is record
req: std_ulogic;
addr: std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
end record;

type IcacheToFetch2Type is record
ack: std_ulogic;
insn: std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
end record;

type Fetch2ToDecode1Type is record
@ -34,16 +43,6 @@ package common is
end record;
constant Decode1ToDecode2Init : Decode1ToDecode2Type := (valid => '0', stop_mark => '0', decode => decode_rom_init, others => (others => '0'));

type Fetch2ToIcacheType is record
req: std_ulogic;
addr: std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
end record;

type IcacheToFetch2Type is record
ack: std_ulogic;
insn: std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
end record;

type Decode2ToExecute1Type is record
valid: std_ulogic;
insn_type: insn_type_t;

@ -70,7 +70,6 @@ begin
ctrl_tmp.tb <= std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(ctrl.tb) + 1);

terminate_out <= '0';
flush_out <= '0';
f_out <= Execute1ToFetch1TypeInit;

if e_in.valid = '1' then
@ -100,7 +99,6 @@ begin
result := ppc_andc(e_in.read_data1, e_in.read_data2);
result_en := 1;
when OP_B =>
flush_out <= '1';
f_out.redirect <= '1';
f_out.redirect_nia <= std_ulogic_vector(signed(e_in.nia) + signed(e_in.read_data2));
when OP_BC =>
@ -108,7 +106,6 @@ begin
ctrl_tmp.ctr <= std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(ctrl.ctr) - 1);
end if;
if ppc_bc_taken(e_in.const1(4 downto 0), e_in.const2(4 downto 0),, ctrl.ctr) = 1 then
flush_out <= '1';
f_out.redirect <= '1';
f_out.redirect_nia <= std_ulogic_vector(signed(e_in.nia) + signed(e_in.read_data2));
end if;
@ -117,13 +114,11 @@ begin
ctrl_tmp.ctr <= std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(ctrl.ctr) - 1);
end if;
if ppc_bc_taken(e_in.const1(4 downto 0), e_in.const2(4 downto 0),, ctrl.ctr) = 1 then
flush_out <= '1';
f_out.redirect <= '1';
f_out.redirect_nia <= downto 2) & "00";
end if;
when OP_BCCTR =>
if ppc_bcctr_taken(e_in.const1(4 downto 0), e_in.const2(4 downto 0), = 1 then
flush_out <= '1';
f_out.redirect <= '1';
f_out.redirect_nia <= ctrl.ctr(63 downto 2) & "00";
end if;
@ -354,5 +349,6 @@ begin
-- update outputs
--f_out <= r.f;
e_out <= r.e;
flush_out <= f_out.redirect;
end process;
end architecture behaviour;

@ -6,70 +6,70 @@ library work;
use work.common.all;

entity fetch1 is
RESET_ADDRESS : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0) := (others => '0')
RESET_ADDRESS : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0) := (others => '0')
clk : in std_ulogic;
rst : in std_ulogic;
clk : in std_ulogic;
rst : in std_ulogic;

-- Control inputs:
stall_in : in std_ulogic;
flush_in : in std_ulogic;
-- Control inputs:
stall_in : in std_ulogic;
flush_in : in std_ulogic;

-- redirect from execution unit
e_in : in Execute1ToFetch1Type;
-- redirect from execution unit
e_in : in Execute1ToFetch1Type;

-- fetch data out
f_out : out Fetch1ToFetch2Type
-- fetch data out
f_out : out Fetch1ToFetch2Type
end entity fetch1;

architecture behaviour of fetch1 is
type reg_internal_type is record
nia_next : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
end record;
signal r_int, rin_int : reg_internal_type;
signal r, rin : Fetch1ToFetch2Type;
type reg_internal_type is record
nia_next : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
end record;
signal r_int, rin_int : reg_internal_type;
signal r, rin : Fetch1ToFetch2Type;
regs : process(clk)
if rising_edge(clk) then
r <= rin;
r_int <= rin_int;
end if;
end process;

comb : process(all)
variable v : Fetch1ToFetch2Type;
variable v_int : reg_internal_type;
v := r;
v_int := r_int;

if stall_in = '0' then
v.nia := r_int.nia_next;
v_int.nia_next := std_logic_vector(unsigned(r_int.nia_next) + 4);
end if;

if e_in.redirect = '1' then
v.nia := e_in.redirect_nia;
v_int.nia_next := std_logic_vector(unsigned(e_in.redirect_nia) + 4);
end if;

if rst = '1' then
v_int.nia_next := std_logic_vector(unsigned(RESET_ADDRESS) + 4);
end if;

-- Update registers
rin <= v;
rin_int <= v_int;

-- Update outputs
f_out <= r;

report "fetch1 R:" & std_ulogic'image(e_in.redirect) & " v.nia:" & to_hstring(v.nia) & " f_out.nia:" & to_hstring(f_out.nia);
end process;
regs : process(clk)
if rising_edge(clk) then
r <= rin;
r_int <= rin_int;
end if;
end process;

comb : process(all)
variable v : Fetch1ToFetch2Type;
variable v_int : reg_internal_type;
v := r;
v_int := r_int;

if stall_in = '0' then
v.nia := r_int.nia_next;
end if;

if e_in.redirect = '1' then
v.nia := e_in.redirect_nia;
end if;

if rst = '1' then
end if;

v_int.nia_next := std_logic_vector(unsigned(v.nia) + 4);

-- Update registers
rin <= v;
rin_int <= v_int;

-- Update outputs
f_out <= r;

report "fetch1 R:" & std_ulogic'image(e_in.redirect) & " v.nia:" & to_hstring(v.nia) & " f_out.nia:" & to_hstring(f_out.nia);

end process;

end architecture behaviour;

@ -7,60 +7,60 @@ use work.common.all;
use work.wishbone_types.all;

entity fetch2 is
clk : in std_ulogic;
rst : in std_ulogic;
clk : in std_ulogic;
rst : in std_ulogic;

stall_in : in std_ulogic;
stall_out : out std_ulogic;
stall_in : in std_ulogic;
stall_out : out std_ulogic;

flush_in : in std_ulogic;
stop_in : in std_ulogic;
flush_in : in std_ulogic;
stop_in : in std_ulogic;

i_in : in IcacheToFetch2Type;
i_out : out Fetch2ToIcacheType;
i_in : in IcacheToFetch2Type;
i_out : out Fetch2ToIcacheType;

f_in : in Fetch1ToFetch2Type;
f_in : in Fetch1ToFetch2Type;

f_out : out Fetch2ToDecode1Type
f_out : out Fetch2ToDecode1Type
end entity fetch2;

architecture behaviour of fetch2 is
signal r, rin : Fetch2ToDecode1Type;
signal r, rin : Fetch2ToDecode1Type;
regs : process(clk)
if rising_edge(clk) then
-- Output state remains unchanged on stall, unless we are flushing
if rst = '1' or flush_in = '1' or stall_in = '0' then
r <= rin;
end if;
end if;
end process;
regs : process(clk)
if rising_edge(clk) then
-- Output state remains unchanged on stall, unless we are flushing
if rst = '1' or flush_in = '1' or stall_in = '0' then
r <= rin;
end if;
end if;
end process;

comb : process(all)
variable v : Fetch2ToDecode1Type;
v := r;
comb : process(all)
variable v : Fetch2ToDecode1Type;
v := r;

-- asynchronous icache lookup
i_out.req <= '1';
i_out.addr <= f_in.nia;
v.valid := i_in.ack;
v.nia := f_in.nia;
v.insn := i_in.insn;
stall_out <= stop_in or not i_in.ack;
-- asynchronous icache lookup
i_out.req <= '1';
i_out.addr <= f_in.nia;
v.valid := i_in.ack;
v.nia := f_in.nia;
v.insn := i_in.insn;
stall_out <= stop_in or not i_in.ack;

if flush_in = '1' or stop_in = '1' then
v.valid := '0';
end if;
v.stop_mark := stop_in;
if flush_in = '1' or stop_in = '1' then
v.valid := '0';
end if;
v.stop_mark := stop_in;

-- Update registers
rin <= v;
-- Update registers
rin <= v;

-- Update outputs
f_out <= r;
end process;
-- Update outputs
f_out <= r;
end process;
end architecture behaviour;

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ architecture behaviour of toplevel is

-- Reset signals:
signal soc_rst : std_ulogic;
signal pll_rst_n : std_ulogic;
signal pll_rst : std_ulogic;

-- Internal clock signals:
signal system_clk : std_ulogic;
@ -38,14 +38,14 @@ begin
pll_clk => system_clk,
pll_locked_in => system_clk_locked,
ext_rst_in => ext_rst,
pll_rst_out => pll_rst_n,
pll_rst_out => pll_rst,
rst_out => soc_rst

clkgen: entity work.clock_generator
port map(
ext_clk => ext_clk,
pll_rst_in => pll_rst_n,
pll_rst_in => pll_rst,
pll_clk_out => system_clk,
pll_locked_out => system_clk_locked

@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ filesets:
- divider.vhdl
- writeback.vhdl
- insn_helpers.vhdl
- wishbone_debug_master.vhdl
- core.vhdl
- icache.vhdl
- core_debug.vhdl
@ -68,14 +67,9 @@ filesets:
- fpga/nexys-video.xdc : {file_type : xdc}
- fpga/clk_gen_plle2.vhd : {file_type : vhdlSource-2008}

- fpga/arty_a7-35.xdc : {file_type : xdc}
- fpga/clk_gen_plle2.vhd : {file_type : vhdlSource-2008}

- fpga/arty_a7-35.xdc : {file_type : xdc}
- fpga/arty_a7.xdc : {file_type : xdc}
- fpga/clk_gen_plle2.vhd : {file_type : vhdlSource-2008}

@ -102,7 +96,7 @@ targets:

default_tool: vivado
filesets: [core, arty_a7-35, soc, fpga, debug_xilinx]
filesets: [core, arty_a7, soc, fpga, debug_xilinx]
parameters : [memory_size, ram_init_file]
vivado: {part : xc7a35ticsg324-1L}
@ -110,7 +104,7 @@ targets:

default_tool: vivado
filesets: [core, arty_a7-100, soc, fpga, debug_xilinx]
filesets: [core, arty_a7, soc, fpga, debug_xilinx]
parameters : [memory_size, ram_init_file]
vivado: {part : xc7a100ticsg324-1L}
