Add MCRF instruction

Hopefully it's not too timing catastrophic. The variable newcrf will
be handy for the other CR ops when we implement them I suspect.

Signed-off-by: Benjamin Herrenschmidt <>
Benjamin Herrenschmidt 6 years ago committed by Paul Mackerras
parent 554ae88540
commit 3e6f656a90

@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ architecture behaviour of decode1 is
PPC_MCRF => (ALU, OP_MCRF, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, BF, BFA, NONE, '1', '1', '0', '0', NONE, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', NONE, '0', '1'),
PPC_MFCR => (ALU, OP_MFCR, NONE, NONE, NONE, RT, NONE, NONE, NONE, '1', '0', '0', '0', NONE, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', NONE, '0', '1'),

@ -159,6 +159,8 @@ architecture behaviour of decode2 is
return "0" & insn_bi(insn_in);
when L =>
return "00000" & insn_l(insn_in);
when BFA =>
return "000" & insn_bfa(insn_in);
when NONE =>
return "000000";
end case;

@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ package decode_types is
type input_reg_c_t is (NONE, RS);
type output_reg_a_t is (NONE, RT, RA);
type constant_a_t is (NONE, SH, SH32, FXM, BO, BF, TOO, BC);
type constant_b_t is (NONE, MB, ME, MB32, BI, L);
type constant_b_t is (NONE, MB, ME, MB32, BI, L, BFA);
type constant_c_t is (NONE, ME32, BH);
type rc_t is (NONE, ONE, RC);

@ -52,9 +52,11 @@ begin
execute1_1: process(all)
variable v : reg_type;
variable result : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
variable newcrf : std_ulogic_vector(3 downto 0);
variable result_with_carry : std_ulogic_vector(64 downto 0);
variable result_en : integer;
variable crnum : integer;
variable scrnum : integer;
variable lo, hi : integer;
result := (others => '0');
@ -183,6 +185,23 @@ begin
result := e_in.read_data2;
end if;
result_en := 1;
when OP_MCRF =>
v.e.write_cr_enable := '1';
crnum := to_integer(unsigned(e_in.const1(2 downto 0)));
scrnum := to_integer(unsigned(e_in.const2(2 downto 0)));
v.e.write_cr_mask := num_to_fxm(crnum);
for i in 0 to 7 loop
lo := (7-i)*4;
hi := lo + 3;
if i = scrnum then
newcrf := downto lo);
end if;
end loop;
for i in 0 to 7 loop
lo := i*4;
hi := lo + 3;
v.e.write_cr_data(hi downto lo) := newcrf;
end loop;
when OP_MFCTR =>
result := ctrl.ctr;
result_en := 1;

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ package insn_helpers is
function insn_rc (insn_in : std_ulogic_vector) return std_ulogic;
function insn_bd (insn_in : std_ulogic_vector) return std_ulogic_vector;
function insn_bf (insn_in : std_ulogic_vector) return std_ulogic_vector;
function insn_bfa (insn_in : std_ulogic_vector) return std_ulogic_vector;
function insn_fxm (insn_in : std_ulogic_vector) return std_ulogic_vector;
function insn_bo (insn_in : std_ulogic_vector) return std_ulogic_vector;
function insn_bi (insn_in : std_ulogic_vector) return std_ulogic_vector;
@ -112,6 +113,11 @@ package body insn_helpers is
return insn_in(25 downto 23);

function insn_bfa (insn_in : std_ulogic_vector) return std_ulogic_vector is
return insn_in(20 downto 18);

function insn_fxm (insn_in : std_ulogic_vector) return std_ulogic_vector is
return insn_in(19 downto 12);
