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library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library work;
use work.decode_types.all;
use work.common.all;
use work.helpers.all;
use work.insn_helpers.all;
entity decode2 is
port (
clk : in std_ulogic;
rst : in std_ulogic;
complete_in : in std_ulogic;
stall_in : in std_ulogic;
stall_out : out std_ulogic;
stopped_out : out std_ulogic;
flush_in: in std_ulogic;
d_in : in Decode1ToDecode2Type;
e_out : out Decode2ToExecute1Type;
m_out : out Decode2ToMultiplyType;
d_out : out Decode2ToDividerType;
l_out : out Decode2ToLoadstore1Type;
r_in : in RegisterFileToDecode2Type;
r_out : out Decode2ToRegisterFileType;
c_in : in CrFileToDecode2Type;
c_out : out Decode2ToCrFileType
end entity decode2;
architecture behaviour of decode2 is
type reg_type is record
e : Decode2ToExecute1Type;
m : Decode2ToMultiplyType;
d : Decode2ToDividerType;
l : Decode2ToLoadstore1Type;
end record;
signal r, rin : reg_type;
type decode_input_reg_t is record
reg_valid : std_ulogic;
reg : gspr_index_t;
data : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
end record;
type decode_output_reg_t is record
reg_valid : std_ulogic;
reg : gspr_index_t;
end record;
function decode_input_reg_a (t : input_reg_a_t; insn_in : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
reg_data : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
ispr : gspr_index_t) return decode_input_reg_t is
variable is_reg : std_ulogic;
is_reg := '0' when insn_ra(insn_in) = "00000" else '1';
if t = RA or (t = RA_OR_ZERO and insn_ra(insn_in) /= "00000") then
assert is_fast_spr(ispr) = '0' report "Decode A says GPR but ISPR says SPR:" &
to_hstring(ispr) severity failure;
return ('1', gpr_to_gspr(insn_ra(insn_in)), reg_data);
elsif t = SPR then
-- ISPR must be either a valid fast SPR number or all 0 for a slow SPR.
-- If it's all 0, we don't treat it as a dependency as slow SPRs
-- operations are single issue.
assert is_fast_spr(ispr) = '1' or ispr = "000000"
report "Decode A says SPR but ISPR is invalid:" &
to_hstring(ispr) severity failure;
return (is_fast_spr(ispr), ispr, reg_data);
return ('0', (others => '0'), (others => '0'));
end if;
function decode_input_reg_b (t : input_reg_b_t; insn_in : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
reg_data : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
ispr : gspr_index_t) return decode_input_reg_t is
case t is
when RB =>
assert is_fast_spr(ispr) = '0' report "Decode B says GPR but ISPR says SPR:" &
to_hstring(ispr) severity failure;
return ('1', gpr_to_gspr(insn_rb(insn_in)), reg_data);
when CONST_UI =>
return ('0', (others => '0'), std_ulogic_vector(resize(unsigned(insn_ui(insn_in)), 64)));
when CONST_SI =>
return ('0', (others => '0'), std_ulogic_vector(resize(signed(insn_si(insn_in)), 64)));
when CONST_SI_HI =>
return ('0', (others => '0'), std_ulogic_vector(resize(signed(insn_si(insn_in)) & x"0000", 64)));
when CONST_UI_HI =>
return ('0', (others => '0'), std_ulogic_vector(resize(unsigned(insn_si(insn_in)) & x"0000", 64)));
when CONST_LI =>
return ('0', (others => '0'), std_ulogic_vector(resize(signed(insn_li(insn_in)) & "00", 64)));
when CONST_BD =>
return ('0', (others => '0'), std_ulogic_vector(resize(signed(insn_bd(insn_in)) & "00", 64)));
when CONST_DS =>
return ('0', (others => '0'), std_ulogic_vector(resize(signed(insn_ds(insn_in)) & "00", 64)));
when CONST_M1 =>
return ('0', (others => '0'), x"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF");
when CONST_SH =>
return ('0', (others => '0'), x"00000000000000" & "00" & insn_in(1) & insn_in(15 downto 11));
when CONST_SH32 =>
return ('0', (others => '0'), x"00000000000000" & "000" & insn_in(15 downto 11));
when SPR =>
-- ISPR must be either a valid fast SPR number or all 0 for a slow SPR.
-- If it's all 0, we don't treat it as a dependency as slow SPRs
-- operations are single issue.
assert is_fast_spr(ispr) = '1' or ispr = "000000"
report "Decode B says SPR but ISPR is invalid:" &
to_hstring(ispr) severity failure;
return (is_fast_spr(ispr), ispr, reg_data);
when NONE =>
return ('0', (others => '0'), (others => '0'));
end case;
function decode_input_reg_c (t : input_reg_c_t; insn_in : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
reg_data : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0)) return decode_input_reg_t is
case t is
when RS =>
return ('1', gpr_to_gspr(insn_rs(insn_in)), reg_data);
when NONE =>
return ('0', (others => '0'), (others => '0'));
end case;
function decode_output_reg (t : output_reg_a_t; insn_in : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
ispr : gspr_index_t) return decode_output_reg_t is
case t is
when RT =>
return ('1', gpr_to_gspr(insn_rt(insn_in)));
when RA =>
return ('1', gpr_to_gspr(insn_ra(insn_in)));
when SPR =>
-- ISPR must be either a valid fast SPR number or all 0 for a slow SPR.
-- If it's all 0, we don't treat it as a dependency as slow SPRs
-- operations are single issue.
assert is_fast_spr(ispr) = '1' or ispr = "000000"
report "Decode B says SPR but ISPR is invalid:" &
to_hstring(ispr) severity failure;
return (is_fast_spr(ispr), ispr);
when NONE =>
return ('0', "000000");
end case;
function decode_rc (t : rc_t; insn_in : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0)) return std_ulogic is
case t is
when RC =>
return insn_rc(insn_in);
when ONE =>
return '1';
when NONE =>
return '0';
end case;
Add basic XER support The carry is currently internal to execute1. We don't handle any of the other XER fields. This creates type called "xer_common_t" that contains the commonly used XER bits (CA, CA32, SO, OV, OV32). The value is stored in the CR file (though it could be a separate module). The rest of the bits will be implemented as a separate SPR and the two parts reconciled in mfspr/mtspr in latter commits. We always read XER in decode2 (there is little point not to) and send it down all pipeline branches as it will be needed in writeback for all type of instructions when CR0:SO needs to be updated (such forms exist for all pipeline branches even if we don't yet implement them). To avoid having to track XER hazards, we forward it back in EX1. This assumes that other pipeline branches that can modify it (mult and div) are running single issue for now. One additional hazard to beware of is an XER:SO modifying instruction in EX1 followed immediately by a store conditional. Due to our writeback latency, the store will go down the LSU with the previous XER value, thus the stcx. will set CR0:SO using an obsolete SO value. I doubt there exist any code relying on this behaviour being correct but we should account for it regardless, possibly by ensuring that stcx. remain single issue initially, or later by adding some minimal tracking or moving the LSU into the same pipeline as execute. Missing some obscure XER affecting instructions like addex or mcrxrx. [ - fix CA32 and OV32 for OP_ADD, fix order of arguments to set_ov] Signed-off-by: Benjamin Herrenschmidt <> Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <>
5 years ago
-- For now, use "rc" in the decode table to decide whether oe exists.
-- This is not entirely correct architecturally: For mulhd and
-- mulhdu, the OE field is reserved. It remains to be seen what an
-- actual POWER9 does if we set it on those instructions, for now we
-- test that further down when assigning to the multiplier oe input.
function decode_oe (t : rc_t; insn_in : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0)) return std_ulogic is
case t is
when RC =>
return insn_oe(insn_in);
when OTHERS =>
return '0';
end case;
-- issue control signals
signal control_valid_in : std_ulogic;
signal control_valid_out : std_ulogic;
signal control_sgl_pipe : std_logic;
signal gpr_write_valid : std_ulogic;
signal gpr_write : gspr_index_t;
signal gpr_a_read_valid : std_ulogic;
signal gpr_a_read :gspr_index_t;
signal gpr_b_read_valid : std_ulogic;
signal gpr_b_read : gspr_index_t;
signal gpr_c_read_valid : std_ulogic;
signal gpr_c_read : gpr_index_t;
signal cr_write_valid : std_ulogic;
control_0: entity work.control
generic map (
port map (
clk => clk,
rst => rst,
complete_in => complete_in,
valid_in => control_valid_in,
stall_in => stall_in,
flush_in => flush_in,
sgl_pipe_in => control_sgl_pipe,
stop_mark_in => d_in.stop_mark,
gpr_write_valid_in => gpr_write_valid,
gpr_write_in => gpr_write,
gpr_a_read_valid_in => gpr_a_read_valid,
gpr_a_read_in => gpr_a_read,
gpr_b_read_valid_in => gpr_b_read_valid,
gpr_b_read_in => gpr_b_read,
gpr_c_read_valid_in => gpr_c_read_valid,
gpr_c_read_in => gpr_c_read,
cr_read_in => d_in.decode.input_cr,
cr_write_in => cr_write_valid,
valid_out => control_valid_out,
stall_out => stall_out,
stopped_out => stopped_out
decode2_0: process(clk)
if rising_edge(clk) then
if rin.e.valid = '1' or rin.l.valid = '1' or rin.m.valid = '1' or rin.d.valid = '1' then
report "execute " & to_hstring(rin.e.nia);
end if;
r <= rin;
end if;
end process;
r_out.read1_reg <= gpr_or_spr_to_gspr(insn_ra(d_in.insn), d_in.ispr1);
r_out.read2_reg <= gpr_or_spr_to_gspr(insn_rb(d_in.insn), d_in.ispr2);
r_out.read3_reg <= insn_rs(d_in.insn); <= d_in.decode.input_cr;
decode2_1: process(all)
variable v : reg_type;
variable mul_a : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
variable mul_b : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
variable decoded_reg_a : decode_input_reg_t;
variable decoded_reg_b : decode_input_reg_t;
variable decoded_reg_c : decode_input_reg_t;
variable decoded_reg_o : decode_output_reg_t;
variable signed_division: std_ulogic;
variable length : std_ulogic_vector(3 downto 0);
v := r;
v.e := Decode2ToExecute1Init;
v.l := Decode2ToLoadStore1Init;
v.m := Decode2ToMultiplyInit;
v.d := Decode2ToDividerInit;
mul_a := (others => '0');
mul_b := (others => '0');
--v.e.input_cr := d_in.decode.input_cr;
--v.m.input_cr := d_in.decode.input_cr;
--v.e.output_cr := d_in.decode.output_cr;
decoded_reg_a := decode_input_reg_a (d_in.decode.input_reg_a, d_in.insn, r_in.read1_data, d_in.ispr1);
decoded_reg_b := decode_input_reg_b (d_in.decode.input_reg_b, d_in.insn, r_in.read2_data, d_in.ispr2);
decoded_reg_c := decode_input_reg_c (d_in.decode.input_reg_c, d_in.insn, r_in.read3_data);
decoded_reg_o := decode_output_reg (d_in.decode.output_reg_a, d_in.insn, d_in.ispr1);
r_out.read1_enable <= decoded_reg_a.reg_valid;
r_out.read2_enable <= decoded_reg_b.reg_valid;
r_out.read3_enable <= decoded_reg_c.reg_valid;
case d_in.decode.length is
when is1B =>
length := "0001";
when is2B =>
length := "0010";
when is4B =>
length := "0100";
when is8B =>
length := "1000";
when NONE =>
length := "0000";
end case;
-- execute unit
v.e.nia := d_in.nia;
v.e.insn_type := d_in.decode.insn_type;
v.e.read_reg1 := decoded_reg_a.reg;
v.e.read_data1 :=;
v.e.read_reg2 := decoded_reg_b.reg;
v.e.read_data2 :=;
v.e.read_data3 :=;
v.e.write_reg := decoded_reg_o.reg;
v.e.rc := decode_rc(d_in.decode.rc, d_in.insn);
Add basic XER support The carry is currently internal to execute1. We don't handle any of the other XER fields. This creates type called "xer_common_t" that contains the commonly used XER bits (CA, CA32, SO, OV, OV32). The value is stored in the CR file (though it could be a separate module). The rest of the bits will be implemented as a separate SPR and the two parts reconciled in mfspr/mtspr in latter commits. We always read XER in decode2 (there is little point not to) and send it down all pipeline branches as it will be needed in writeback for all type of instructions when CR0:SO needs to be updated (such forms exist for all pipeline branches even if we don't yet implement them). To avoid having to track XER hazards, we forward it back in EX1. This assumes that other pipeline branches that can modify it (mult and div) are running single issue for now. One additional hazard to beware of is an XER:SO modifying instruction in EX1 followed immediately by a store conditional. Due to our writeback latency, the store will go down the LSU with the previous XER value, thus the stcx. will set CR0:SO using an obsolete SO value. I doubt there exist any code relying on this behaviour being correct but we should account for it regardless, possibly by ensuring that stcx. remain single issue initially, or later by adding some minimal tracking or moving the LSU into the same pipeline as execute. Missing some obscure XER affecting instructions like addex or mcrxrx. [ - fix CA32 and OV32 for OP_ADD, fix order of arguments to set_ov] Signed-off-by: Benjamin Herrenschmidt <> Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <>
5 years ago
v.e.oe := decode_oe(d_in.decode.rc, d_in.insn); := c_in.read_cr_data;
Add basic XER support The carry is currently internal to execute1. We don't handle any of the other XER fields. This creates type called "xer_common_t" that contains the commonly used XER bits (CA, CA32, SO, OV, OV32). The value is stored in the CR file (though it could be a separate module). The rest of the bits will be implemented as a separate SPR and the two parts reconciled in mfspr/mtspr in latter commits. We always read XER in decode2 (there is little point not to) and send it down all pipeline branches as it will be needed in writeback for all type of instructions when CR0:SO needs to be updated (such forms exist for all pipeline branches even if we don't yet implement them). To avoid having to track XER hazards, we forward it back in EX1. This assumes that other pipeline branches that can modify it (mult and div) are running single issue for now. One additional hazard to beware of is an XER:SO modifying instruction in EX1 followed immediately by a store conditional. Due to our writeback latency, the store will go down the LSU with the previous XER value, thus the stcx. will set CR0:SO using an obsolete SO value. I doubt there exist any code relying on this behaviour being correct but we should account for it regardless, possibly by ensuring that stcx. remain single issue initially, or later by adding some minimal tracking or moving the LSU into the same pipeline as execute. Missing some obscure XER affecting instructions like addex or mcrxrx. [ - fix CA32 and OV32 for OP_ADD, fix order of arguments to set_ov] Signed-off-by: Benjamin Herrenschmidt <> Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <>
5 years ago
v.e.xerc := c_in.read_xerc_data;
v.e.invert_a := d_in.decode.invert_a;
v.e.invert_out := d_in.decode.invert_out;
v.e.input_carry := d_in.decode.input_carry;
v.e.output_carry := d_in.decode.output_carry;
v.e.is_32bit := d_in.decode.is_32bit;
v.e.is_signed := d_in.decode.is_signed;
if = '1' then := insn_lk(d_in.insn);
end if;
v.e.insn := d_in.insn;
v.e.data_len := length;
-- multiply unit
v.m.insn_type := d_in.decode.insn_type;
mul_a :=;
mul_b :=;
v.m.write_reg := gspr_to_gpr(decoded_reg_o.reg);
v.m.rc := decode_rc(d_in.decode.rc, d_in.insn);
Add basic XER support The carry is currently internal to execute1. We don't handle any of the other XER fields. This creates type called "xer_common_t" that contains the commonly used XER bits (CA, CA32, SO, OV, OV32). The value is stored in the CR file (though it could be a separate module). The rest of the bits will be implemented as a separate SPR and the two parts reconciled in mfspr/mtspr in latter commits. We always read XER in decode2 (there is little point not to) and send it down all pipeline branches as it will be needed in writeback for all type of instructions when CR0:SO needs to be updated (such forms exist for all pipeline branches even if we don't yet implement them). To avoid having to track XER hazards, we forward it back in EX1. This assumes that other pipeline branches that can modify it (mult and div) are running single issue for now. One additional hazard to beware of is an XER:SO modifying instruction in EX1 followed immediately by a store conditional. Due to our writeback latency, the store will go down the LSU with the previous XER value, thus the stcx. will set CR0:SO using an obsolete SO value. I doubt there exist any code relying on this behaviour being correct but we should account for it regardless, possibly by ensuring that stcx. remain single issue initially, or later by adding some minimal tracking or moving the LSU into the same pipeline as execute. Missing some obscure XER affecting instructions like addex or mcrxrx. [ - fix CA32 and OV32 for OP_ADD, fix order of arguments to set_ov] Signed-off-by: Benjamin Herrenschmidt <> Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <>
5 years ago
v.m.xerc := c_in.read_xerc_data;
if v.m.insn_type = OP_MUL_L64 then
v.m.oe := decode_oe(d_in.decode.rc, d_in.insn);
end if;
v.m.is_32bit := d_in.decode.is_32bit;
if d_in.decode.is_32bit = '1' then
if d_in.decode.is_signed = '1' then
v.m.data1 := (others => mul_a(31));
v.m.data1(31 downto 0) := mul_a(31 downto 0);
v.m.data2 := (others => mul_b(31));
v.m.data2(31 downto 0) := mul_b(31 downto 0);
v.m.data1 := '0' & x"00000000" & mul_a(31 downto 0);
v.m.data2 := '0' & x"00000000" & mul_b(31 downto 0);
end if;
if d_in.decode.is_signed = '1' then
v.m.data1 := mul_a(63) & mul_a;
v.m.data2 := mul_b(63) & mul_b;
v.m.data1 := '0' & mul_a;
v.m.data2 := '0' & mul_b;
end if;
end if;
-- divide unit
-- PPC divide and modulus instruction words have these bits in
-- the bottom 11 bits: o1dns 010t1 r
-- where o = OE for div instrs, signedness for mod instrs
-- d = 1 for div*, 0 for mod*
-- n = 1 for normal, 0 for extended (dividend << 32/64)
-- s = 1 for signed, 0 for unsigned (for div*)
-- t = 1 for 32-bit, 0 for 64-bit
-- r = RC bit (record condition code)
v.d.write_reg := gspr_to_gpr(decoded_reg_o.reg);
v.d.is_modulus := not d_in.insn(8);
v.d.is_32bit := d_in.insn(2);
if d_in.insn(8) = '1' then
signed_division := d_in.insn(6);
signed_division := d_in.insn(10);
end if;
v.d.is_signed := signed_division;
if d_in.insn(2) = '0' then
-- 64-bit forms
if d_in.insn(8) = '1' and d_in.insn(7) = '0' then
v.d.is_extended := '1';
end if;
v.d.dividend :=;
v.d.divisor :=;
-- 32-bit forms
if d_in.insn(8) = '1' and d_in.insn(7) = '0' then -- extended forms
v.d.dividend := downto 0) & x"00000000";
elsif signed_division = '1' and = '1' then
-- sign extend to 64 bits
v.d.dividend := x"ffffffff" & downto 0);
v.d.dividend := x"00000000" & downto 0);
end if;
if signed_division = '1' and = '1' then
v.d.divisor := x"ffffffff" & downto 0);
v.d.divisor := x"00000000" & downto 0);
end if;
end if;
v.d.rc := decode_rc(d_in.decode.rc, d_in.insn);
Add basic XER support The carry is currently internal to execute1. We don't handle any of the other XER fields. This creates type called "xer_common_t" that contains the commonly used XER bits (CA, CA32, SO, OV, OV32). The value is stored in the CR file (though it could be a separate module). The rest of the bits will be implemented as a separate SPR and the two parts reconciled in mfspr/mtspr in latter commits. We always read XER in decode2 (there is little point not to) and send it down all pipeline branches as it will be needed in writeback for all type of instructions when CR0:SO needs to be updated (such forms exist for all pipeline branches even if we don't yet implement them). To avoid having to track XER hazards, we forward it back in EX1. This assumes that other pipeline branches that can modify it (mult and div) are running single issue for now. One additional hazard to beware of is an XER:SO modifying instruction in EX1 followed immediately by a store conditional. Due to our writeback latency, the store will go down the LSU with the previous XER value, thus the stcx. will set CR0:SO using an obsolete SO value. I doubt there exist any code relying on this behaviour being correct but we should account for it regardless, possibly by ensuring that stcx. remain single issue initially, or later by adding some minimal tracking or moving the LSU into the same pipeline as execute. Missing some obscure XER affecting instructions like addex or mcrxrx. [ - fix CA32 and OV32 for OP_ADD, fix order of arguments to set_ov] Signed-off-by: Benjamin Herrenschmidt <> Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <>
5 years ago
v.d.xerc := c_in.read_xerc_data;
v.d.oe := decode_oe(d_in.decode.rc, d_in.insn);
-- load/store unit
v.l.update_reg := gspr_to_gpr(decoded_reg_a.reg);
v.l.addr1 :=;
v.l.addr2 :=; :=;
v.l.write_reg := gspr_to_gpr(decoded_reg_o.reg);
if d_in.decode.insn_type = OP_LOAD then
v.l.load := '1';
v.l.load := '0';
end if;
v.l.length := length;
v.l.byte_reverse := d_in.decode.byte_reverse;
v.l.sign_extend := d_in.decode.sign_extend;
v.l.update := d_in.decode.update;
Add basic XER support The carry is currently internal to execute1. We don't handle any of the other XER fields. This creates type called "xer_common_t" that contains the commonly used XER bits (CA, CA32, SO, OV, OV32). The value is stored in the CR file (though it could be a separate module). The rest of the bits will be implemented as a separate SPR and the two parts reconciled in mfspr/mtspr in latter commits. We always read XER in decode2 (there is little point not to) and send it down all pipeline branches as it will be needed in writeback for all type of instructions when CR0:SO needs to be updated (such forms exist for all pipeline branches even if we don't yet implement them). To avoid having to track XER hazards, we forward it back in EX1. This assumes that other pipeline branches that can modify it (mult and div) are running single issue for now. One additional hazard to beware of is an XER:SO modifying instruction in EX1 followed immediately by a store conditional. Due to our writeback latency, the store will go down the LSU with the previous XER value, thus the stcx. will set CR0:SO using an obsolete SO value. I doubt there exist any code relying on this behaviour being correct but we should account for it regardless, possibly by ensuring that stcx. remain single issue initially, or later by adding some minimal tracking or moving the LSU into the same pipeline as execute. Missing some obscure XER affecting instructions like addex or mcrxrx. [ - fix CA32 and OV32 for OP_ADD, fix order of arguments to set_ov] Signed-off-by: Benjamin Herrenschmidt <> Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <>
5 years ago
v.l.xerc := c_in.read_xerc_data;
-- issue control
control_valid_in <= d_in.valid;
control_sgl_pipe <= d_in.decode.sgl_pipe;
gpr_write_valid <= decoded_reg_o.reg_valid;
gpr_write <= decoded_reg_o.reg;
gpr_a_read_valid <= decoded_reg_a.reg_valid;
gpr_a_read <= decoded_reg_a.reg;
gpr_b_read_valid <= decoded_reg_b.reg_valid;
gpr_b_read <= decoded_reg_b.reg;
gpr_c_read_valid <= decoded_reg_c.reg_valid;
gpr_c_read <= gspr_to_gpr(decoded_reg_c.reg);
cr_write_valid <= d_in.decode.output_cr or decode_rc(d_in.decode.rc, d_in.insn);
v.e.valid := '0';
v.m.valid := '0';
v.d.valid := '0';
v.l.valid := '0';
case d_in.decode.unit is
when ALU =>
v.e.valid := control_valid_out;
when LDST =>
v.l.valid := control_valid_out;
when MUL =>
v.m.valid := control_valid_out;
when DIV =>
v.d.valid := control_valid_out;
when NONE =>
v.e.valid := control_valid_out;
v.e.insn_type := OP_ILLEGAL;
end case;
if rst = '1' then
v.e := Decode2ToExecute1Init;
v.l := Decode2ToLoadStore1Init;
v.m := Decode2ToMultiplyInit;
v.d := Decode2ToDividerInit;
end if;
-- Update registers
rin <= v;
-- Update outputs
e_out <= r.e;
l_out <= r.l;
m_out <= r.m;
d_out <= r.d;
end process;
end architecture behaviour;