library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library work;
use work.decode_types.all;
package common is
-- Processor Version Number
constant PVR_MICROWATT : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"00630000";
execute1: Improve architecture compliance of MSR and related instructions
This makes our treatment of the MSR conform better with the ISA.
- On reset, initialize the MSR to have the SF and LE bits set and
all the others reset. For good measure initialize r properly too.
- Fix the bit numbering in msr_copy (the code was using big-endian
bit numbers, not little-endian).
- Use constants like MSR_EE to index MSR bits instead of expressions
like '63 - 48', for readability.
- Set MSR[SF, LE] and clear MSR[PR, IR, DR, RI] on interrupts.
- Copy the relevant fields for rfid instead of using msr_copy, because
the partial function fields of the MSR should be left unchanged,
not zeroed. Our implementation of rfid is like the architecture
description of hrfid, because we don't implement hypervisor mode.
- Return the whole MSR for mfmsr.
- Implement the L field for mtmsrd (L=1 copies just EE and RI).
- For mtmsrd with L=0, leave out the HV, ME and LE bits as per the arch.
- For mtmsrd and rfid, if PR ends up set, then also set EE, IR and DR
as per the arch.
- A few other minor tidyups (no semantic change).
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@ozlabs.org>
5 years ago
-- MSR bit numbers
constant MSR_SF : integer := (63 - 0); -- Sixty-Four bit mode
constant MSR_EE : integer := (63 - 48); -- External interrupt Enable
constant MSR_PR : integer := (63 - 49); -- PRoblem state
constant MSR_FP : integer := (63 - 50); -- Floating Point available
constant MSR_FE0 : integer := (63 - 52); -- Floating Exception mode
constant MSR_SE : integer := (63 - 53); -- Single-step bit of TE field
constant MSR_BE : integer := (63 - 54); -- Branch trace bit of TE field
constant MSR_FE1 : integer := (63 - 55); -- Floating Exception mode
execute1: Improve architecture compliance of MSR and related instructions
This makes our treatment of the MSR conform better with the ISA.
- On reset, initialize the MSR to have the SF and LE bits set and
all the others reset. For good measure initialize r properly too.
- Fix the bit numbering in msr_copy (the code was using big-endian
bit numbers, not little-endian).
- Use constants like MSR_EE to index MSR bits instead of expressions
like '63 - 48', for readability.
- Set MSR[SF, LE] and clear MSR[PR, IR, DR, RI] on interrupts.
- Copy the relevant fields for rfid instead of using msr_copy, because
the partial function fields of the MSR should be left unchanged,
not zeroed. Our implementation of rfid is like the architecture
description of hrfid, because we don't implement hypervisor mode.
- Return the whole MSR for mfmsr.
- Implement the L field for mtmsrd (L=1 copies just EE and RI).
- For mtmsrd with L=0, leave out the HV, ME and LE bits as per the arch.
- For mtmsrd and rfid, if PR ends up set, then also set EE, IR and DR
as per the arch.
- A few other minor tidyups (no semantic change).
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@ozlabs.org>
5 years ago
constant MSR_IR : integer := (63 - 58); -- Instruction Relocation
constant MSR_DR : integer := (63 - 59); -- Data Relocation
constant MSR_RI : integer := (63 - 62); -- Recoverable Interrupt
constant MSR_LE : integer := (63 - 63); -- Little Endian
-- SPR numbers
subtype spr_num_t is integer range 0 to 1023;
function decode_spr_num(insn: std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0)) return spr_num_t;
constant SPR_XER : spr_num_t := 1;
constant SPR_LR : spr_num_t := 8;
constant SPR_CTR : spr_num_t := 9;
constant SPR_TAR : spr_num_t := 815;
constant SPR_DSISR : spr_num_t := 18;
constant SPR_DAR : spr_num_t := 19;
constant SPR_TB : spr_num_t := 268;
constant SPR_TBU : spr_num_t := 269;
constant SPR_DEC : spr_num_t := 22;
constant SPR_SRR0 : spr_num_t := 26;
constant SPR_SRR1 : spr_num_t := 27;
constant SPR_CFAR : spr_num_t := 28;
constant SPR_HSRR0 : spr_num_t := 314;
constant SPR_HSRR1 : spr_num_t := 315;
constant SPR_SPRG0 : spr_num_t := 272;
constant SPR_SPRG1 : spr_num_t := 273;
constant SPR_SPRG2 : spr_num_t := 274;
constant SPR_SPRG3 : spr_num_t := 275;
constant SPR_SPRG3U : spr_num_t := 259;
constant SPR_HSPRG0 : spr_num_t := 304;
constant SPR_HSPRG1 : spr_num_t := 305;
constant SPR_PID : spr_num_t := 48;
constant SPR_PRTBL : spr_num_t := 720;
constant SPR_PVR : spr_num_t := 287;
-- GPR indices in the register file (GPR only)
subtype gpr_index_t is std_ulogic_vector(4 downto 0);
-- Extended GPR index (can hold an SPR or a FPR)
subtype gspr_index_t is std_ulogic_vector(6 downto 0);
-- FPR indices
subtype fpr_index_t is std_ulogic_vector(4 downto 0);
-- Some SPRs are stored in the register file, they use the magic
-- GPR numbers above 31.
-- The function fast_spr_num() returns the corresponding fast
-- pseudo-GPR number for a given SPR number. The result MSB
-- indicates if this is indeed a fast SPR. If clear, then
-- the SPR is not stored in the GPR file.
-- FPRs are also stored in the register file, using GSPR
-- numbers from 64 to 95.
function fast_spr_num(spr: spr_num_t) return gspr_index_t;
-- Indices conversion functions
function gspr_to_gpr(i: gspr_index_t) return gpr_index_t;
function gpr_to_gspr(i: gpr_index_t) return gspr_index_t;
function gpr_or_spr_to_gspr(g: gpr_index_t; s: gspr_index_t) return gspr_index_t;
function is_fast_spr(s: gspr_index_t) return std_ulogic;
function fpr_to_gspr(f: fpr_index_t) return gspr_index_t;
Add basic XER support
The carry is currently internal to execute1. We don't handle any of
the other XER fields.
This creates type called "xer_common_t" that contains the commonly
used XER bits (CA, CA32, SO, OV, OV32).
The value is stored in the CR file (though it could be a separate
module). The rest of the bits will be implemented as a separate
SPR and the two parts reconciled in mfspr/mtspr in latter commits.
We always read XER in decode2 (there is little point not to)
and send it down all pipeline branches as it will be needed in
writeback for all type of instructions when CR0:SO needs to be
updated (such forms exist for all pipeline branches even if we don't
yet implement them).
To avoid having to track XER hazards, we forward it back in EX1. This
assumes that other pipeline branches that can modify it (mult and div)
are running single issue for now.
One additional hazard to beware of is an XER:SO modifying instruction
in EX1 followed immediately by a store conditional. Due to our writeback
latency, the store will go down the LSU with the previous XER value,
thus the stcx. will set CR0:SO using an obsolete SO value.
I doubt there exist any code relying on this behaviour being correct
but we should account for it regardless, possibly by ensuring that
stcx. remain single issue initially, or later by adding some minimal
tracking or moving the LSU into the same pipeline as execute.
Missing some obscure XER affecting instructions like addex or mcrxrx.
[paulus@ozlabs.org - fix CA32 and OV32 for OP_ADD, fix order of
arguments to set_ov]
Signed-off-by: Benjamin Herrenschmidt <benh@kernel.crashing.org>
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@ozlabs.org>
5 years ago
-- The XER is split: the common bits (CA, OV, SO, OV32 and CA32) are
-- in the CR file as a kind of CR extension (with a separate write
-- control). The rest is stored as a fast SPR.
type xer_common_t is record
ca : std_ulogic;
ca32 : std_ulogic;
ov : std_ulogic;
ov32 : std_ulogic;
so : std_ulogic;
end record;
constant xerc_init : xer_common_t := (others => '0');
-- FPSCR bit numbers
constant FPSCR_FX : integer := 63 - 32;
constant FPSCR_FEX : integer := 63 - 33;
constant FPSCR_VX : integer := 63 - 34;
constant FPSCR_OX : integer := 63 - 35;
constant FPSCR_UX : integer := 63 - 36;
constant FPSCR_ZX : integer := 63 - 37;
constant FPSCR_XX : integer := 63 - 38;
constant FPSCR_VXSNAN : integer := 63 - 39;
constant FPSCR_VXISI : integer := 63 - 40;
constant FPSCR_VXIDI : integer := 63 - 41;
constant FPSCR_VXZDZ : integer := 63 - 42;
constant FPSCR_VXIMZ : integer := 63 - 43;
constant FPSCR_VXVC : integer := 63 - 44;
constant FPSCR_FR : integer := 63 - 45;
constant FPSCR_FI : integer := 63 - 46;
constant FPSCR_C : integer := 63 - 47;
constant FPSCR_FL : integer := 63 - 48;
constant FPSCR_FG : integer := 63 - 49;
constant FPSCR_FE : integer := 63 - 50;
constant FPSCR_FU : integer := 63 - 51;
constant FPSCR_VXSOFT : integer := 63 - 53;
constant FPSCR_VXSQRT : integer := 63 - 54;
constant FPSCR_VXCVI : integer := 63 - 55;
constant FPSCR_VE : integer := 63 - 56;
constant FPSCR_OE : integer := 63 - 57;
constant FPSCR_UE : integer := 63 - 58;
constant FPSCR_ZE : integer := 63 - 59;
constant FPSCR_XE : integer := 63 - 60;
constant FPSCR_NI : integer := 63 - 61;
constant FPSCR_RN : integer := 63 - 63;
type irq_state_t is (WRITE_SRR0, WRITE_SRR1);
-- For now, fixed 16 sources, make this either a parametric
-- package of some sort or an unconstrainted array.
type ics_to_icp_t is record
-- Level interrupts only, ICS just keeps prsenting the
-- highest priority interrupt. Once handling edge, something
-- smarter involving handshake & reject support will be needed
src : std_ulogic_vector(3 downto 0);
pri : std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
end record;
Add basic XER support
The carry is currently internal to execute1. We don't handle any of
the other XER fields.
This creates type called "xer_common_t" that contains the commonly
used XER bits (CA, CA32, SO, OV, OV32).
The value is stored in the CR file (though it could be a separate
module). The rest of the bits will be implemented as a separate
SPR and the two parts reconciled in mfspr/mtspr in latter commits.
We always read XER in decode2 (there is little point not to)
and send it down all pipeline branches as it will be needed in
writeback for all type of instructions when CR0:SO needs to be
updated (such forms exist for all pipeline branches even if we don't
yet implement them).
To avoid having to track XER hazards, we forward it back in EX1. This
assumes that other pipeline branches that can modify it (mult and div)
are running single issue for now.
One additional hazard to beware of is an XER:SO modifying instruction
in EX1 followed immediately by a store conditional. Due to our writeback
latency, the store will go down the LSU with the previous XER value,
thus the stcx. will set CR0:SO using an obsolete SO value.
I doubt there exist any code relying on this behaviour being correct
but we should account for it regardless, possibly by ensuring that
stcx. remain single issue initially, or later by adding some minimal
tracking or moving the LSU into the same pipeline as execute.
Missing some obscure XER affecting instructions like addex or mcrxrx.
[paulus@ozlabs.org - fix CA32 and OV32 for OP_ADD, fix order of
arguments to set_ov]
Signed-off-by: Benjamin Herrenschmidt <benh@kernel.crashing.org>
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@ozlabs.org>
5 years ago
-- This needs to die...
type ctrl_t is record
tb: std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
dec: std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
msr: std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
cfar: std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
irq_state : irq_state_t;
srr1: std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
end record;
type Fetch1ToIcacheType is record
req: std_ulogic;
Add TLB to icache
This adds a direct-mapped TLB to the icache, with 64 entries by default.
Execute1 now sends a "virt_mode" signal from MSR[IR] to fetch1 along
with redirects to indicate whether instruction addresses should be
translated through the TLB, and fetch1 sends that on to icache.
Similarly a "priv_mode" signal is sent to indicate the privilege
mode for instruction fetches. This means that changes to MSR[IR]
or MSR[PR] don't take effect until the next redirect, meaning an
isync, rfid, branch, etc.
The icache uses a hash of the effective address (i.e. next instruction
address) to index the TLB. The hash is an XOR of three fields of the
address; with a 64-entry TLB, the fields are bits 12--17, 18--23 and
24--29 of the address. TLB invalidations simply invalidate the
indexed TLB entry without checking the contents.
If the icache detects a TLB miss with virt_mode=1, it will send a
fetch_failed indication through fetch2 to decode1, which will turn it
into a special OP_FETCH_FAILED opcode with unit=LDST. That will get
sent down to loadstore1 which will currently just raise a Instruction
Storage Interrupt (0x400) exception.
One bit in the PTE obtained from the TLB is used to check whether an
instruction access is allowed -- the privilege bit (bit 3). If bit 3
is 1 and priv_mode=0, then a fetch_failed indication is sent down to
fetch2 and to decode1, which generates an OP_FETCH_FAILED. Any PTEs
with PTE bit 0 (EAA[3]) clear or bit 8 (R) clear should not be put
into the iTLB since such PTEs would not allow execution by any
Tlbie operations get sent from mmu to icache over a new connection.
Unfortunately the privileged instruction tests are broken for now.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@ozlabs.org>
5 years ago
virt_mode : std_ulogic;
priv_mode : std_ulogic;
big_endian : std_ulogic;
stop_mark: std_ulogic;
sequential: std_ulogic;
nia: std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
end record;
type IcacheToDecode1Type is record
valid: std_ulogic;
stop_mark: std_ulogic;
Add TLB to icache
This adds a direct-mapped TLB to the icache, with 64 entries by default.
Execute1 now sends a "virt_mode" signal from MSR[IR] to fetch1 along
with redirects to indicate whether instruction addresses should be
translated through the TLB, and fetch1 sends that on to icache.
Similarly a "priv_mode" signal is sent to indicate the privilege
mode for instruction fetches. This means that changes to MSR[IR]
or MSR[PR] don't take effect until the next redirect, meaning an
isync, rfid, branch, etc.
The icache uses a hash of the effective address (i.e. next instruction
address) to index the TLB. The hash is an XOR of three fields of the
address; with a 64-entry TLB, the fields are bits 12--17, 18--23 and
24--29 of the address. TLB invalidations simply invalidate the
indexed TLB entry without checking the contents.
If the icache detects a TLB miss with virt_mode=1, it will send a
fetch_failed indication through fetch2 to decode1, which will turn it
into a special OP_FETCH_FAILED opcode with unit=LDST. That will get
sent down to loadstore1 which will currently just raise a Instruction
Storage Interrupt (0x400) exception.
One bit in the PTE obtained from the TLB is used to check whether an
instruction access is allowed -- the privilege bit (bit 3). If bit 3
is 1 and priv_mode=0, then a fetch_failed indication is sent down to
fetch2 and to decode1, which generates an OP_FETCH_FAILED. Any PTEs
with PTE bit 0 (EAA[3]) clear or bit 8 (R) clear should not be put
into the iTLB since such PTEs would not allow execution by any
Tlbie operations get sent from mmu to icache over a new connection.
Unfortunately the privileged instruction tests are broken for now.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@ozlabs.org>
5 years ago
fetch_failed: std_ulogic;
nia: std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
insn: std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
core: Implement quadword loads and stores
This implements the lq, stq, lqarx and stqcx. instructions.
These instructions all access two consecutive GPRs; for example the
"lq %r6,0(%r3)" instruction will load the doubleword at the address
in R3 into R7 and the doubleword at address R3 + 8 into R6. To cope
with having two GPR sources or destinations, the instruction gets
repeated at the decode2 stage, that is, for each lq/stq/lqarx/stqcx.
coming in from decode1, two instructions get sent out to execute1.
For these instructions, the RS or RT register gets modified on one
of the iterations by setting the LSB of the register number. In LE
mode, the first iteration uses RS|1 or RT|1 and the second iteration
uses RS or RT. In BE mode, this is done the other way around. In
order for decode2 to know what endianness is currently in use, we
pass the big_endian flag down from icache through decode1 to decode2.
This is always in sync with what execute1 is using because only rfid
or an interrupt can change MSR[LE], and those operations all cause
a flush and redirect.
There is now an extra column in the decode tables in decode1 to
indicate whether the instruction needs to be repeated. Decode1 also
enforces the rule that lq with RT = RT and lqarx with RA = RT or
RB = RT are illegal.
Decode2 now passes a 'repeat' flag and a 'second' flag to execute1,
and execute1 passes them on to loadstore1. The 'repeat' flag is set
for both iterations of a repeated instruction, and 'second' is set
on the second iteration. Execute1 does not take asynchronous or
trace interrupts on the second iteration of a repeated instruction.
Loadstore1 uses 'next_addr' for the second iteration of a repeated
load/store so that we access the second doubleword of the memory
operand. Thus loadstore1 accesses the doublewords in increasing
memory order. For 16-byte loads this means that the first iteration
writes GPR RT|1. It is possible that RA = RT|1 (this is a legal
but non-preferred form), meaning that if the memory operand was
misaligned, the first iteration would overwrite RA but then the
second iteration might take a page fault, leading to corrupted state.
To avoid that possibility, 16-byte loads in LE mode take an
alignment interrupt if the operand is not 16-byte aligned. (This
is the case anyway for lqarx, and we enforce it for lq as well.)
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@ozlabs.org>
5 years ago
big_endian: std_ulogic;
end record;
type Decode1ToDecode2Type is record
valid: std_ulogic;
stop_mark : std_ulogic;
nia: std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
insn: std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
ispr1: gspr_index_t; -- (G)SPR used for branch condition (CTR) or mfspr
ispr2: gspr_index_t; -- (G)SPR used for branch target (CTR, LR, TAR)
decode: decode_rom_t;
br_pred: std_ulogic; -- Branch was predicted to be taken
core: Implement quadword loads and stores
This implements the lq, stq, lqarx and stqcx. instructions.
These instructions all access two consecutive GPRs; for example the
"lq %r6,0(%r3)" instruction will load the doubleword at the address
in R3 into R7 and the doubleword at address R3 + 8 into R6. To cope
with having two GPR sources or destinations, the instruction gets
repeated at the decode2 stage, that is, for each lq/stq/lqarx/stqcx.
coming in from decode1, two instructions get sent out to execute1.
For these instructions, the RS or RT register gets modified on one
of the iterations by setting the LSB of the register number. In LE
mode, the first iteration uses RS|1 or RT|1 and the second iteration
uses RS or RT. In BE mode, this is done the other way around. In
order for decode2 to know what endianness is currently in use, we
pass the big_endian flag down from icache through decode1 to decode2.
This is always in sync with what execute1 is using because only rfid
or an interrupt can change MSR[LE], and those operations all cause
a flush and redirect.
There is now an extra column in the decode tables in decode1 to
indicate whether the instruction needs to be repeated. Decode1 also
enforces the rule that lq with RT = RT and lqarx with RA = RT or
RB = RT are illegal.
Decode2 now passes a 'repeat' flag and a 'second' flag to execute1,
and execute1 passes them on to loadstore1. The 'repeat' flag is set
for both iterations of a repeated instruction, and 'second' is set
on the second iteration. Execute1 does not take asynchronous or
trace interrupts on the second iteration of a repeated instruction.
Loadstore1 uses 'next_addr' for the second iteration of a repeated
load/store so that we access the second doubleword of the memory
operand. Thus loadstore1 accesses the doublewords in increasing
memory order. For 16-byte loads this means that the first iteration
writes GPR RT|1. It is possible that RA = RT|1 (this is a legal
but non-preferred form), meaning that if the memory operand was
misaligned, the first iteration would overwrite RA but then the
second iteration might take a page fault, leading to corrupted state.
To avoid that possibility, 16-byte loads in LE mode take an
alignment interrupt if the operand is not 16-byte aligned. (This
is the case anyway for lqarx, and we enforce it for lq as well.)
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@ozlabs.org>
5 years ago
big_endian: std_ulogic;
end record;
constant Decode1ToDecode2Init : Decode1ToDecode2Type :=
(valid => '0', stop_mark => '0', nia => (others => '0'), insn => (others => '0'),
core: Implement quadword loads and stores
This implements the lq, stq, lqarx and stqcx. instructions.
These instructions all access two consecutive GPRs; for example the
"lq %r6,0(%r3)" instruction will load the doubleword at the address
in R3 into R7 and the doubleword at address R3 + 8 into R6. To cope
with having two GPR sources or destinations, the instruction gets
repeated at the decode2 stage, that is, for each lq/stq/lqarx/stqcx.
coming in from decode1, two instructions get sent out to execute1.
For these instructions, the RS or RT register gets modified on one
of the iterations by setting the LSB of the register number. In LE
mode, the first iteration uses RS|1 or RT|1 and the second iteration
uses RS or RT. In BE mode, this is done the other way around. In
order for decode2 to know what endianness is currently in use, we
pass the big_endian flag down from icache through decode1 to decode2.
This is always in sync with what execute1 is using because only rfid
or an interrupt can change MSR[LE], and those operations all cause
a flush and redirect.
There is now an extra column in the decode tables in decode1 to
indicate whether the instruction needs to be repeated. Decode1 also
enforces the rule that lq with RT = RT and lqarx with RA = RT or
RB = RT are illegal.
Decode2 now passes a 'repeat' flag and a 'second' flag to execute1,
and execute1 passes them on to loadstore1. The 'repeat' flag is set
for both iterations of a repeated instruction, and 'second' is set
on the second iteration. Execute1 does not take asynchronous or
trace interrupts on the second iteration of a repeated instruction.
Loadstore1 uses 'next_addr' for the second iteration of a repeated
load/store so that we access the second doubleword of the memory
operand. Thus loadstore1 accesses the doublewords in increasing
memory order. For 16-byte loads this means that the first iteration
writes GPR RT|1. It is possible that RA = RT|1 (this is a legal
but non-preferred form), meaning that if the memory operand was
misaligned, the first iteration would overwrite RA but then the
second iteration might take a page fault, leading to corrupted state.
To avoid that possibility, 16-byte loads in LE mode take an
alignment interrupt if the operand is not 16-byte aligned. (This
is the case anyway for lqarx, and we enforce it for lq as well.)
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@ozlabs.org>
5 years ago
ispr1 => (others => '0'), ispr2 => (others => '0'), decode => decode_rom_init,
br_pred => '0', big_endian => '0');
type Decode1ToFetch1Type is record
redirect : std_ulogic;
redirect_nia : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
end record;
type Decode2ToExecute1Type is record
valid: std_ulogic;
unit : unit_t;
fac : facility_t;
insn_type: insn_type_t;
nia: std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
write_reg: gspr_index_t;
read_reg1: gspr_index_t;
read_reg2: gspr_index_t;
read_data1: std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
read_data2: std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
read_data3: std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
bypass_data1: std_ulogic;
bypass_data2: std_ulogic;
bypass_data3: std_ulogic;
cr: std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
bypass_cr : std_ulogic;
Add basic XER support
The carry is currently internal to execute1. We don't handle any of
the other XER fields.
This creates type called "xer_common_t" that contains the commonly
used XER bits (CA, CA32, SO, OV, OV32).
The value is stored in the CR file (though it could be a separate
module). The rest of the bits will be implemented as a separate
SPR and the two parts reconciled in mfspr/mtspr in latter commits.
We always read XER in decode2 (there is little point not to)
and send it down all pipeline branches as it will be needed in
writeback for all type of instructions when CR0:SO needs to be
updated (such forms exist for all pipeline branches even if we don't
yet implement them).
To avoid having to track XER hazards, we forward it back in EX1. This
assumes that other pipeline branches that can modify it (mult and div)
are running single issue for now.
One additional hazard to beware of is an XER:SO modifying instruction
in EX1 followed immediately by a store conditional. Due to our writeback
latency, the store will go down the LSU with the previous XER value,
thus the stcx. will set CR0:SO using an obsolete SO value.
I doubt there exist any code relying on this behaviour being correct
but we should account for it regardless, possibly by ensuring that
stcx. remain single issue initially, or later by adding some minimal
tracking or moving the LSU into the same pipeline as execute.
Missing some obscure XER affecting instructions like addex or mcrxrx.
[paulus@ozlabs.org - fix CA32 and OV32 for OP_ADD, fix order of
arguments to set_ov]
Signed-off-by: Benjamin Herrenschmidt <benh@kernel.crashing.org>
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@ozlabs.org>
5 years ago
xerc: xer_common_t;
lr: std_ulogic;
rc: std_ulogic;
Add basic XER support
The carry is currently internal to execute1. We don't handle any of
the other XER fields.
This creates type called "xer_common_t" that contains the commonly
used XER bits (CA, CA32, SO, OV, OV32).
The value is stored in the CR file (though it could be a separate
module). The rest of the bits will be implemented as a separate
SPR and the two parts reconciled in mfspr/mtspr in latter commits.
We always read XER in decode2 (there is little point not to)
and send it down all pipeline branches as it will be needed in
writeback for all type of instructions when CR0:SO needs to be
updated (such forms exist for all pipeline branches even if we don't
yet implement them).
To avoid having to track XER hazards, we forward it back in EX1. This
assumes that other pipeline branches that can modify it (mult and div)
are running single issue for now.
One additional hazard to beware of is an XER:SO modifying instruction
in EX1 followed immediately by a store conditional. Due to our writeback
latency, the store will go down the LSU with the previous XER value,
thus the stcx. will set CR0:SO using an obsolete SO value.
I doubt there exist any code relying on this behaviour being correct
but we should account for it regardless, possibly by ensuring that
stcx. remain single issue initially, or later by adding some minimal
tracking or moving the LSU into the same pipeline as execute.
Missing some obscure XER affecting instructions like addex or mcrxrx.
[paulus@ozlabs.org - fix CA32 and OV32 for OP_ADD, fix order of
arguments to set_ov]
Signed-off-by: Benjamin Herrenschmidt <benh@kernel.crashing.org>
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@ozlabs.org>
5 years ago
oe: std_ulogic;
invert_a: std_ulogic;
invert_out: std_ulogic;
input_carry: carry_in_t;
output_carry: std_ulogic;
input_cr: std_ulogic;
output_cr: std_ulogic;
is_32bit: std_ulogic;
is_signed: std_ulogic;
insn: std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
data_len: std_ulogic_vector(3 downto 0);
byte_reverse : std_ulogic;
sign_extend : std_ulogic; -- do we need to sign extend?
update : std_ulogic; -- is this an update instruction?
reserve : std_ulogic; -- set for larx/stcx
br_pred : std_ulogic;
core: Implement quadword loads and stores
This implements the lq, stq, lqarx and stqcx. instructions.
These instructions all access two consecutive GPRs; for example the
"lq %r6,0(%r3)" instruction will load the doubleword at the address
in R3 into R7 and the doubleword at address R3 + 8 into R6. To cope
with having two GPR sources or destinations, the instruction gets
repeated at the decode2 stage, that is, for each lq/stq/lqarx/stqcx.
coming in from decode1, two instructions get sent out to execute1.
For these instructions, the RS or RT register gets modified on one
of the iterations by setting the LSB of the register number. In LE
mode, the first iteration uses RS|1 or RT|1 and the second iteration
uses RS or RT. In BE mode, this is done the other way around. In
order for decode2 to know what endianness is currently in use, we
pass the big_endian flag down from icache through decode1 to decode2.
This is always in sync with what execute1 is using because only rfid
or an interrupt can change MSR[LE], and those operations all cause
a flush and redirect.
There is now an extra column in the decode tables in decode1 to
indicate whether the instruction needs to be repeated. Decode1 also
enforces the rule that lq with RT = RT and lqarx with RA = RT or
RB = RT are illegal.
Decode2 now passes a 'repeat' flag and a 'second' flag to execute1,
and execute1 passes them on to loadstore1. The 'repeat' flag is set
for both iterations of a repeated instruction, and 'second' is set
on the second iteration. Execute1 does not take asynchronous or
trace interrupts on the second iteration of a repeated instruction.
Loadstore1 uses 'next_addr' for the second iteration of a repeated
load/store so that we access the second doubleword of the memory
operand. Thus loadstore1 accesses the doublewords in increasing
memory order. For 16-byte loads this means that the first iteration
writes GPR RT|1. It is possible that RA = RT|1 (this is a legal
but non-preferred form), meaning that if the memory operand was
misaligned, the first iteration would overwrite RA but then the
second iteration might take a page fault, leading to corrupted state.
To avoid that possibility, 16-byte loads in LE mode take an
alignment interrupt if the operand is not 16-byte aligned. (This
is the case anyway for lqarx, and we enforce it for lq as well.)
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@ozlabs.org>
5 years ago
repeat : std_ulogic; -- set if instruction is cracked into two ops
second : std_ulogic; -- set if this is the second op
end record;
constant Decode2ToExecute1Init : Decode2ToExecute1Type :=
(valid => '0', unit => NONE, fac => NONE, insn_type => OP_ILLEGAL,
bypass_data1 => '0', bypass_data2 => '0', bypass_data3 => '0',
bypass_cr => '0', lr => '0', rc => '0', oe => '0', invert_a => '0',
invert_out => '0', input_carry => ZERO, output_carry => '0', input_cr => '0', output_cr => '0',
is_32bit => '0', is_signed => '0', xerc => xerc_init, reserve => '0', br_pred => '0',
core: Implement quadword loads and stores
This implements the lq, stq, lqarx and stqcx. instructions.
These instructions all access two consecutive GPRs; for example the
"lq %r6,0(%r3)" instruction will load the doubleword at the address
in R3 into R7 and the doubleword at address R3 + 8 into R6. To cope
with having two GPR sources or destinations, the instruction gets
repeated at the decode2 stage, that is, for each lq/stq/lqarx/stqcx.
coming in from decode1, two instructions get sent out to execute1.
For these instructions, the RS or RT register gets modified on one
of the iterations by setting the LSB of the register number. In LE
mode, the first iteration uses RS|1 or RT|1 and the second iteration
uses RS or RT. In BE mode, this is done the other way around. In
order for decode2 to know what endianness is currently in use, we
pass the big_endian flag down from icache through decode1 to decode2.
This is always in sync with what execute1 is using because only rfid
or an interrupt can change MSR[LE], and those operations all cause
a flush and redirect.
There is now an extra column in the decode tables in decode1 to
indicate whether the instruction needs to be repeated. Decode1 also
enforces the rule that lq with RT = RT and lqarx with RA = RT or
RB = RT are illegal.
Decode2 now passes a 'repeat' flag and a 'second' flag to execute1,
and execute1 passes them on to loadstore1. The 'repeat' flag is set
for both iterations of a repeated instruction, and 'second' is set
on the second iteration. Execute1 does not take asynchronous or
trace interrupts on the second iteration of a repeated instruction.
Loadstore1 uses 'next_addr' for the second iteration of a repeated
load/store so that we access the second doubleword of the memory
operand. Thus loadstore1 accesses the doublewords in increasing
memory order. For 16-byte loads this means that the first iteration
writes GPR RT|1. It is possible that RA = RT|1 (this is a legal
but non-preferred form), meaning that if the memory operand was
misaligned, the first iteration would overwrite RA but then the
second iteration might take a page fault, leading to corrupted state.
To avoid that possibility, 16-byte loads in LE mode take an
alignment interrupt if the operand is not 16-byte aligned. (This
is the case anyway for lqarx, and we enforce it for lq as well.)
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@ozlabs.org>
5 years ago
byte_reverse => '0', sign_extend => '0', update => '0', nia => (others => '0'),
read_data1 => (others => '0'), read_data2 => (others => '0'), read_data3 => (others => '0'),
cr => (others => '0'), insn => (others => '0'), data_len => (others => '0'),
repeat => '0', second => '0', others => (others => '0'));
type MultiplyInputType is record
valid: std_ulogic;
data1: std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
data2: std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
addend: std_ulogic_vector(127 downto 0);
Add basic XER support
The carry is currently internal to execute1. We don't handle any of
the other XER fields.
This creates type called "xer_common_t" that contains the commonly
used XER bits (CA, CA32, SO, OV, OV32).
The value is stored in the CR file (though it could be a separate
module). The rest of the bits will be implemented as a separate
SPR and the two parts reconciled in mfspr/mtspr in latter commits.
We always read XER in decode2 (there is little point not to)
and send it down all pipeline branches as it will be needed in
writeback for all type of instructions when CR0:SO needs to be
updated (such forms exist for all pipeline branches even if we don't
yet implement them).
To avoid having to track XER hazards, we forward it back in EX1. This
assumes that other pipeline branches that can modify it (mult and div)
are running single issue for now.
One additional hazard to beware of is an XER:SO modifying instruction
in EX1 followed immediately by a store conditional. Due to our writeback
latency, the store will go down the LSU with the previous XER value,
thus the stcx. will set CR0:SO using an obsolete SO value.
I doubt there exist any code relying on this behaviour being correct
but we should account for it regardless, possibly by ensuring that
stcx. remain single issue initially, or later by adding some minimal
tracking or moving the LSU into the same pipeline as execute.
Missing some obscure XER affecting instructions like addex or mcrxrx.
[paulus@ozlabs.org - fix CA32 and OV32 for OP_ADD, fix order of
arguments to set_ov]
Signed-off-by: Benjamin Herrenschmidt <benh@kernel.crashing.org>
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@ozlabs.org>
5 years ago
is_32bit: std_ulogic;
not_result: std_ulogic;
end record;
constant MultiplyInputInit : MultiplyInputType := (valid => '0',
is_32bit => '0', not_result => '0',
others => (others => '0'));
type MultiplyOutputType is record
valid: std_ulogic;
result: std_ulogic_vector(127 downto 0);
overflow : std_ulogic;
end record;
constant MultiplyOutputInit : MultiplyOutputType := (valid => '0', overflow => '0',
others => (others => '0'));
type Execute1ToDividerType is record
valid: std_ulogic;
dividend: std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
divisor: std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
is_signed: std_ulogic;
is_32bit: std_ulogic;
is_extended: std_ulogic;
is_modulus: std_ulogic;
neg_result: std_ulogic;
end record;
constant Execute1ToDividerInit: Execute1ToDividerType := (valid => '0', is_signed => '0', is_32bit => '0',
is_extended => '0', is_modulus => '0',
neg_result => '0', others => (others => '0'));
type Decode2ToRegisterFileType is record
read1_enable : std_ulogic;
read1_reg : gspr_index_t;
read2_enable : std_ulogic;
read2_reg : gspr_index_t;
read3_enable : std_ulogic;
read3_reg : gspr_index_t;
end record;
type RegisterFileToDecode2Type is record
read1_data : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
read2_data : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
read3_data : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
end record;
type Decode2ToCrFileType is record
read : std_ulogic;
end record;
type CrFileToDecode2Type is record
read_cr_data : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
Add basic XER support
The carry is currently internal to execute1. We don't handle any of
the other XER fields.
This creates type called "xer_common_t" that contains the commonly
used XER bits (CA, CA32, SO, OV, OV32).
The value is stored in the CR file (though it could be a separate
module). The rest of the bits will be implemented as a separate
SPR and the two parts reconciled in mfspr/mtspr in latter commits.
We always read XER in decode2 (there is little point not to)
and send it down all pipeline branches as it will be needed in
writeback for all type of instructions when CR0:SO needs to be
updated (such forms exist for all pipeline branches even if we don't
yet implement them).
To avoid having to track XER hazards, we forward it back in EX1. This
assumes that other pipeline branches that can modify it (mult and div)
are running single issue for now.
One additional hazard to beware of is an XER:SO modifying instruction
in EX1 followed immediately by a store conditional. Due to our writeback
latency, the store will go down the LSU with the previous XER value,
thus the stcx. will set CR0:SO using an obsolete SO value.
I doubt there exist any code relying on this behaviour being correct
but we should account for it regardless, possibly by ensuring that
stcx. remain single issue initially, or later by adding some minimal
tracking or moving the LSU into the same pipeline as execute.
Missing some obscure XER affecting instructions like addex or mcrxrx.
[paulus@ozlabs.org - fix CA32 and OV32 for OP_ADD, fix order of
arguments to set_ov]
Signed-off-by: Benjamin Herrenschmidt <benh@kernel.crashing.org>
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@ozlabs.org>
5 years ago
read_xerc_data : xer_common_t;
end record;
type Execute1ToFetch1Type is record
redirect: std_ulogic;
Add TLB to icache
This adds a direct-mapped TLB to the icache, with 64 entries by default.
Execute1 now sends a "virt_mode" signal from MSR[IR] to fetch1 along
with redirects to indicate whether instruction addresses should be
translated through the TLB, and fetch1 sends that on to icache.
Similarly a "priv_mode" signal is sent to indicate the privilege
mode for instruction fetches. This means that changes to MSR[IR]
or MSR[PR] don't take effect until the next redirect, meaning an
isync, rfid, branch, etc.
The icache uses a hash of the effective address (i.e. next instruction
address) to index the TLB. The hash is an XOR of three fields of the
address; with a 64-entry TLB, the fields are bits 12--17, 18--23 and
24--29 of the address. TLB invalidations simply invalidate the
indexed TLB entry without checking the contents.
If the icache detects a TLB miss with virt_mode=1, it will send a
fetch_failed indication through fetch2 to decode1, which will turn it
into a special OP_FETCH_FAILED opcode with unit=LDST. That will get
sent down to loadstore1 which will currently just raise a Instruction
Storage Interrupt (0x400) exception.
One bit in the PTE obtained from the TLB is used to check whether an
instruction access is allowed -- the privilege bit (bit 3). If bit 3
is 1 and priv_mode=0, then a fetch_failed indication is sent down to
fetch2 and to decode1, which generates an OP_FETCH_FAILED. Any PTEs
with PTE bit 0 (EAA[3]) clear or bit 8 (R) clear should not be put
into the iTLB since such PTEs would not allow execution by any
Tlbie operations get sent from mmu to icache over a new connection.
Unfortunately the privileged instruction tests are broken for now.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@ozlabs.org>
5 years ago
virt_mode: std_ulogic;
priv_mode: std_ulogic;
big_endian: std_ulogic;
mode_32bit: std_ulogic;
redirect_nia: std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
end record;
constant Execute1ToFetch1Init : Execute1ToFetch1Type := (redirect => '0', virt_mode => '0',
priv_mode => '0', big_endian => '0',
mode_32bit => '0', others => (others => '0'));
type Execute1ToLoadstore1Type is record
valid : std_ulogic;
op : insn_type_t; -- what ld/st or m[tf]spr or TLB op to do
Add TLB to icache
This adds a direct-mapped TLB to the icache, with 64 entries by default.
Execute1 now sends a "virt_mode" signal from MSR[IR] to fetch1 along
with redirects to indicate whether instruction addresses should be
translated through the TLB, and fetch1 sends that on to icache.
Similarly a "priv_mode" signal is sent to indicate the privilege
mode for instruction fetches. This means that changes to MSR[IR]
or MSR[PR] don't take effect until the next redirect, meaning an
isync, rfid, branch, etc.
The icache uses a hash of the effective address (i.e. next instruction
address) to index the TLB. The hash is an XOR of three fields of the
address; with a 64-entry TLB, the fields are bits 12--17, 18--23 and
24--29 of the address. TLB invalidations simply invalidate the
indexed TLB entry without checking the contents.
If the icache detects a TLB miss with virt_mode=1, it will send a
fetch_failed indication through fetch2 to decode1, which will turn it
into a special OP_FETCH_FAILED opcode with unit=LDST. That will get
sent down to loadstore1 which will currently just raise a Instruction
Storage Interrupt (0x400) exception.
One bit in the PTE obtained from the TLB is used to check whether an
instruction access is allowed -- the privilege bit (bit 3). If bit 3
is 1 and priv_mode=0, then a fetch_failed indication is sent down to
fetch2 and to decode1, which generates an OP_FETCH_FAILED. Any PTEs
with PTE bit 0 (EAA[3]) clear or bit 8 (R) clear should not be put
into the iTLB since such PTEs would not allow execution by any
Tlbie operations get sent from mmu to icache over a new connection.
Unfortunately the privileged instruction tests are broken for now.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@ozlabs.org>
5 years ago
nia : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
insn : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
addr1 : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
addr2 : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
data : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0); -- data to write, unused for read
write_reg : gspr_index_t;
length : std_ulogic_vector(3 downto 0);
ci : std_ulogic; -- cache-inhibited load/store
byte_reverse : std_ulogic;
sign_extend : std_ulogic; -- do we need to sign extend?
update : std_ulogic; -- is this an update instruction?
update_reg : gpr_index_t; -- if so, the register to update
Add basic XER support
The carry is currently internal to execute1. We don't handle any of
the other XER fields.
This creates type called "xer_common_t" that contains the commonly
used XER bits (CA, CA32, SO, OV, OV32).
The value is stored in the CR file (though it could be a separate
module). The rest of the bits will be implemented as a separate
SPR and the two parts reconciled in mfspr/mtspr in latter commits.
We always read XER in decode2 (there is little point not to)
and send it down all pipeline branches as it will be needed in
writeback for all type of instructions when CR0:SO needs to be
updated (such forms exist for all pipeline branches even if we don't
yet implement them).
To avoid having to track XER hazards, we forward it back in EX1. This
assumes that other pipeline branches that can modify it (mult and div)
are running single issue for now.
One additional hazard to beware of is an XER:SO modifying instruction
in EX1 followed immediately by a store conditional. Due to our writeback
latency, the store will go down the LSU with the previous XER value,
thus the stcx. will set CR0:SO using an obsolete SO value.
I doubt there exist any code relying on this behaviour being correct
but we should account for it regardless, possibly by ensuring that
stcx. remain single issue initially, or later by adding some minimal
tracking or moving the LSU into the same pipeline as execute.
Missing some obscure XER affecting instructions like addex or mcrxrx.
[paulus@ozlabs.org - fix CA32 and OV32 for OP_ADD, fix order of
arguments to set_ov]
Signed-off-by: Benjamin Herrenschmidt <benh@kernel.crashing.org>
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@ozlabs.org>
5 years ago
xerc : xer_common_t;
reserve : std_ulogic; -- set for larx/stcx.
rc : std_ulogic; -- set for stcx.
virt_mode : std_ulogic; -- do translation through TLB
priv_mode : std_ulogic; -- privileged mode (MSR[PR] = 0)
mode_32bit : std_ulogic; -- trim addresses to 32 bits
is_32bit : std_ulogic;
core: Implement quadword loads and stores
This implements the lq, stq, lqarx and stqcx. instructions.
These instructions all access two consecutive GPRs; for example the
"lq %r6,0(%r3)" instruction will load the doubleword at the address
in R3 into R7 and the doubleword at address R3 + 8 into R6. To cope
with having two GPR sources or destinations, the instruction gets
repeated at the decode2 stage, that is, for each lq/stq/lqarx/stqcx.
coming in from decode1, two instructions get sent out to execute1.
For these instructions, the RS or RT register gets modified on one
of the iterations by setting the LSB of the register number. In LE
mode, the first iteration uses RS|1 or RT|1 and the second iteration
uses RS or RT. In BE mode, this is done the other way around. In
order for decode2 to know what endianness is currently in use, we
pass the big_endian flag down from icache through decode1 to decode2.
This is always in sync with what execute1 is using because only rfid
or an interrupt can change MSR[LE], and those operations all cause
a flush and redirect.
There is now an extra column in the decode tables in decode1 to
indicate whether the instruction needs to be repeated. Decode1 also
enforces the rule that lq with RT = RT and lqarx with RA = RT or
RB = RT are illegal.
Decode2 now passes a 'repeat' flag and a 'second' flag to execute1,
and execute1 passes them on to loadstore1. The 'repeat' flag is set
for both iterations of a repeated instruction, and 'second' is set
on the second iteration. Execute1 does not take asynchronous or
trace interrupts on the second iteration of a repeated instruction.
Loadstore1 uses 'next_addr' for the second iteration of a repeated
load/store so that we access the second doubleword of the memory
operand. Thus loadstore1 accesses the doublewords in increasing
memory order. For 16-byte loads this means that the first iteration
writes GPR RT|1. It is possible that RA = RT|1 (this is a legal
but non-preferred form), meaning that if the memory operand was
misaligned, the first iteration would overwrite RA but then the
second iteration might take a page fault, leading to corrupted state.
To avoid that possibility, 16-byte loads in LE mode take an
alignment interrupt if the operand is not 16-byte aligned. (This
is the case anyway for lqarx, and we enforce it for lq as well.)
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@ozlabs.org>
5 years ago
repeat : std_ulogic;
second : std_ulogic;
end record;
constant Execute1ToLoadstore1Init : Execute1ToLoadstore1Type := (valid => '0', op => OP_ILLEGAL, ci => '0', byte_reverse => '0',
sign_extend => '0', update => '0', xerc => xerc_init,
reserve => '0', rc => '0', virt_mode => '0', priv_mode => '0',
nia => (others => '0'), insn => (others => '0'),
addr1 => (others => '0'), addr2 => (others => '0'), data => (others => '0'),
write_reg => (others => '0'), length => (others => '0'),
core: Implement quadword loads and stores
This implements the lq, stq, lqarx and stqcx. instructions.
These instructions all access two consecutive GPRs; for example the
"lq %r6,0(%r3)" instruction will load the doubleword at the address
in R3 into R7 and the doubleword at address R3 + 8 into R6. To cope
with having two GPR sources or destinations, the instruction gets
repeated at the decode2 stage, that is, for each lq/stq/lqarx/stqcx.
coming in from decode1, two instructions get sent out to execute1.
For these instructions, the RS or RT register gets modified on one
of the iterations by setting the LSB of the register number. In LE
mode, the first iteration uses RS|1 or RT|1 and the second iteration
uses RS or RT. In BE mode, this is done the other way around. In
order for decode2 to know what endianness is currently in use, we
pass the big_endian flag down from icache through decode1 to decode2.
This is always in sync with what execute1 is using because only rfid
or an interrupt can change MSR[LE], and those operations all cause
a flush and redirect.
There is now an extra column in the decode tables in decode1 to
indicate whether the instruction needs to be repeated. Decode1 also
enforces the rule that lq with RT = RT and lqarx with RA = RT or
RB = RT are illegal.
Decode2 now passes a 'repeat' flag and a 'second' flag to execute1,
and execute1 passes them on to loadstore1. The 'repeat' flag is set
for both iterations of a repeated instruction, and 'second' is set
on the second iteration. Execute1 does not take asynchronous or
trace interrupts on the second iteration of a repeated instruction.
Loadstore1 uses 'next_addr' for the second iteration of a repeated
load/store so that we access the second doubleword of the memory
operand. Thus loadstore1 accesses the doublewords in increasing
memory order. For 16-byte loads this means that the first iteration
writes GPR RT|1. It is possible that RA = RT|1 (this is a legal
but non-preferred form), meaning that if the memory operand was
misaligned, the first iteration would overwrite RA but then the
second iteration might take a page fault, leading to corrupted state.
To avoid that possibility, 16-byte loads in LE mode take an
alignment interrupt if the operand is not 16-byte aligned. (This
is the case anyway for lqarx, and we enforce it for lq as well.)
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@ozlabs.org>
5 years ago
mode_32bit => '0', is_32bit => '0',
repeat => '0', second => '0', others => (others => '0'));
type Loadstore1ToExecute1Type is record
busy : std_ulogic;
exception : std_ulogic;
alignment : std_ulogic;
invalid : std_ulogic;
perm_error : std_ulogic;
rc_error : std_ulogic;
badtree : std_ulogic;
segment_fault : std_ulogic;
Add TLB to icache
This adds a direct-mapped TLB to the icache, with 64 entries by default.
Execute1 now sends a "virt_mode" signal from MSR[IR] to fetch1 along
with redirects to indicate whether instruction addresses should be
translated through the TLB, and fetch1 sends that on to icache.
Similarly a "priv_mode" signal is sent to indicate the privilege
mode for instruction fetches. This means that changes to MSR[IR]
or MSR[PR] don't take effect until the next redirect, meaning an
isync, rfid, branch, etc.
The icache uses a hash of the effective address (i.e. next instruction
address) to index the TLB. The hash is an XOR of three fields of the
address; with a 64-entry TLB, the fields are bits 12--17, 18--23 and
24--29 of the address. TLB invalidations simply invalidate the
indexed TLB entry without checking the contents.
If the icache detects a TLB miss with virt_mode=1, it will send a
fetch_failed indication through fetch2 to decode1, which will turn it
into a special OP_FETCH_FAILED opcode with unit=LDST. That will get
sent down to loadstore1 which will currently just raise a Instruction
Storage Interrupt (0x400) exception.
One bit in the PTE obtained from the TLB is used to check whether an
instruction access is allowed -- the privilege bit (bit 3). If bit 3
is 1 and priv_mode=0, then a fetch_failed indication is sent down to
fetch2 and to decode1, which generates an OP_FETCH_FAILED. Any PTEs
with PTE bit 0 (EAA[3]) clear or bit 8 (R) clear should not be put
into the iTLB since such PTEs would not allow execution by any
Tlbie operations get sent from mmu to icache over a new connection.
Unfortunately the privileged instruction tests are broken for now.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@ozlabs.org>
5 years ago
instr_fault : std_ulogic;
end record;
type Loadstore1ToDcacheType is record
valid : std_ulogic;
load : std_ulogic; -- is this a load
dcbz : std_ulogic;
nc : std_ulogic;
reserve : std_ulogic;
core: Implement quadword loads and stores
This implements the lq, stq, lqarx and stqcx. instructions.
These instructions all access two consecutive GPRs; for example the
"lq %r6,0(%r3)" instruction will load the doubleword at the address
in R3 into R7 and the doubleword at address R3 + 8 into R6. To cope
with having two GPR sources or destinations, the instruction gets
repeated at the decode2 stage, that is, for each lq/stq/lqarx/stqcx.
coming in from decode1, two instructions get sent out to execute1.
For these instructions, the RS or RT register gets modified on one
of the iterations by setting the LSB of the register number. In LE
mode, the first iteration uses RS|1 or RT|1 and the second iteration
uses RS or RT. In BE mode, this is done the other way around. In
order for decode2 to know what endianness is currently in use, we
pass the big_endian flag down from icache through decode1 to decode2.
This is always in sync with what execute1 is using because only rfid
or an interrupt can change MSR[LE], and those operations all cause
a flush and redirect.
There is now an extra column in the decode tables in decode1 to
indicate whether the instruction needs to be repeated. Decode1 also
enforces the rule that lq with RT = RT and lqarx with RA = RT or
RB = RT are illegal.
Decode2 now passes a 'repeat' flag and a 'second' flag to execute1,
and execute1 passes them on to loadstore1. The 'repeat' flag is set
for both iterations of a repeated instruction, and 'second' is set
on the second iteration. Execute1 does not take asynchronous or
trace interrupts on the second iteration of a repeated instruction.
Loadstore1 uses 'next_addr' for the second iteration of a repeated
load/store so that we access the second doubleword of the memory
operand. Thus loadstore1 accesses the doublewords in increasing
memory order. For 16-byte loads this means that the first iteration
writes GPR RT|1. It is possible that RA = RT|1 (this is a legal
but non-preferred form), meaning that if the memory operand was
misaligned, the first iteration would overwrite RA but then the
second iteration might take a page fault, leading to corrupted state.
To avoid that possibility, 16-byte loads in LE mode take an
alignment interrupt if the operand is not 16-byte aligned. (This
is the case anyway for lqarx, and we enforce it for lq as well.)
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@ozlabs.org>
5 years ago
atomic : std_ulogic; -- part of a multi-transfer atomic op
atomic_last : std_ulogic;
virt_mode : std_ulogic;
priv_mode : std_ulogic;
addr : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
data : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0); -- valid the cycle after .valid = 1
byte_sel : std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
end record;
type DcacheToLoadstore1Type is record
valid : std_ulogic;
data : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
store_done : std_ulogic;
error : std_ulogic;
cache_paradox : std_ulogic;
end record;
type Loadstore1ToMmuType is record
valid : std_ulogic;
tlbie : std_ulogic;
slbia : std_ulogic;
MMU: Implement radix page table machinery
This adds the necessary machinery to the MMU for it to do radix page
table walks. The core elements are a shifter that can shift the
address right by between 0 and 47 bits, a mask generator that can
generate a mask of between 5 and 16 bits, a final mask generator,
and new states in the state machine.
(The final mask generator is used for transferring bits of the
original address into the resulting TLB entry when the leaf PTE
corresponds to a page size larger than 4kB.)
The hardware does not implement a partition table or a process table.
Software is expected to load the appropriate process table entry
into a new SPR called PGTBL0, SPR 720. The contents should be
formatted as described in Book III section of the Power ISA
v3.0B. PGTBL0 is set to 0 on hard reset. At present, the top two bits
of the address (the quadrant) are ignored.
There is currently no caching of any step in the translation process
or of the final result, other than the entry created in the dTLB.
That entry is a 4k page entry even if the leaf PTE found in the walk
corresponds to a larger page size.
This implementation can handle almost any page table layout and any
page size. The RTS field (in PGTBL0) can have any value between 0
and 31, corresponding to a total address space size between 2^31
and 2^62 bytes. The RPDS field of PGTBL0 can be any value between
5 and 16, except that a value of 0 is taken to disable radix page
table walking (for use when one is using software loading of TLB
entries). The NLS field of the page directory entries can have any
value between 5 and 16. The minimum page size is 4kB, meaning that
the sum of RPDS and the NLS values of the PDEs found on the path to
a leaf PTE must be less than or equal to RTS + 31 - 12.
The PGTBL0 SPR is in the mmu module; thus this adds a path for
loadstore1 to read and write SPRs in mmu. This adds code in dcache
to service doubleword read requests from the MMU, as well as requests
to write dTLB entries.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@ozlabs.org>
5 years ago
mtspr : std_ulogic;
Add TLB to icache
This adds a direct-mapped TLB to the icache, with 64 entries by default.
Execute1 now sends a "virt_mode" signal from MSR[IR] to fetch1 along
with redirects to indicate whether instruction addresses should be
translated through the TLB, and fetch1 sends that on to icache.
Similarly a "priv_mode" signal is sent to indicate the privilege
mode for instruction fetches. This means that changes to MSR[IR]
or MSR[PR] don't take effect until the next redirect, meaning an
isync, rfid, branch, etc.
The icache uses a hash of the effective address (i.e. next instruction
address) to index the TLB. The hash is an XOR of three fields of the
address; with a 64-entry TLB, the fields are bits 12--17, 18--23 and
24--29 of the address. TLB invalidations simply invalidate the
indexed TLB entry without checking the contents.
If the icache detects a TLB miss with virt_mode=1, it will send a
fetch_failed indication through fetch2 to decode1, which will turn it
into a special OP_FETCH_FAILED opcode with unit=LDST. That will get
sent down to loadstore1 which will currently just raise a Instruction
Storage Interrupt (0x400) exception.
One bit in the PTE obtained from the TLB is used to check whether an
instruction access is allowed -- the privilege bit (bit 3). If bit 3
is 1 and priv_mode=0, then a fetch_failed indication is sent down to
fetch2 and to decode1, which generates an OP_FETCH_FAILED. Any PTEs
with PTE bit 0 (EAA[3]) clear or bit 8 (R) clear should not be put
into the iTLB since such PTEs would not allow execution by any
Tlbie operations get sent from mmu to icache over a new connection.
Unfortunately the privileged instruction tests are broken for now.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@ozlabs.org>
5 years ago
iside : std_ulogic;
load : std_ulogic;
priv : std_ulogic;
sprn : std_ulogic_vector(9 downto 0);
addr : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
rs : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
end record;
type MmuToLoadstore1Type is record
done : std_ulogic;
err : std_ulogic;
invalid : std_ulogic;
badtree : std_ulogic;
segerr : std_ulogic;
perm_error : std_ulogic;
rc_error : std_ulogic;
sprval : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
end record;
type MmuToDcacheType is record
valid : std_ulogic;
tlbie : std_ulogic;
doall : std_ulogic;
MMU: Implement radix page table machinery
This adds the necessary machinery to the MMU for it to do radix page
table walks. The core elements are a shifter that can shift the
address right by between 0 and 47 bits, a mask generator that can
generate a mask of between 5 and 16 bits, a final mask generator,
and new states in the state machine.
(The final mask generator is used for transferring bits of the
original address into the resulting TLB entry when the leaf PTE
corresponds to a page size larger than 4kB.)
The hardware does not implement a partition table or a process table.
Software is expected to load the appropriate process table entry
into a new SPR called PGTBL0, SPR 720. The contents should be
formatted as described in Book III section of the Power ISA
v3.0B. PGTBL0 is set to 0 on hard reset. At present, the top two bits
of the address (the quadrant) are ignored.
There is currently no caching of any step in the translation process
or of the final result, other than the entry created in the dTLB.
That entry is a 4k page entry even if the leaf PTE found in the walk
corresponds to a larger page size.
This implementation can handle almost any page table layout and any
page size. The RTS field (in PGTBL0) can have any value between 0
and 31, corresponding to a total address space size between 2^31
and 2^62 bytes. The RPDS field of PGTBL0 can be any value between
5 and 16, except that a value of 0 is taken to disable radix page
table walking (for use when one is using software loading of TLB
entries). The NLS field of the page directory entries can have any
value between 5 and 16. The minimum page size is 4kB, meaning that
the sum of RPDS and the NLS values of the PDEs found on the path to
a leaf PTE must be less than or equal to RTS + 31 - 12.
The PGTBL0 SPR is in the mmu module; thus this adds a path for
loadstore1 to read and write SPRs in mmu. This adds code in dcache
to service doubleword read requests from the MMU, as well as requests
to write dTLB entries.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@ozlabs.org>
5 years ago
tlbld : std_ulogic;
addr : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
pte : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
end record;
type DcacheToMmuType is record
stall : std_ulogic;
done : std_ulogic;
MMU: Implement radix page table machinery
This adds the necessary machinery to the MMU for it to do radix page
table walks. The core elements are a shifter that can shift the
address right by between 0 and 47 bits, a mask generator that can
generate a mask of between 5 and 16 bits, a final mask generator,
and new states in the state machine.
(The final mask generator is used for transferring bits of the
original address into the resulting TLB entry when the leaf PTE
corresponds to a page size larger than 4kB.)
The hardware does not implement a partition table or a process table.
Software is expected to load the appropriate process table entry
into a new SPR called PGTBL0, SPR 720. The contents should be
formatted as described in Book III section of the Power ISA
v3.0B. PGTBL0 is set to 0 on hard reset. At present, the top two bits
of the address (the quadrant) are ignored.
There is currently no caching of any step in the translation process
or of the final result, other than the entry created in the dTLB.
That entry is a 4k page entry even if the leaf PTE found in the walk
corresponds to a larger page size.
This implementation can handle almost any page table layout and any
page size. The RTS field (in PGTBL0) can have any value between 0
and 31, corresponding to a total address space size between 2^31
and 2^62 bytes. The RPDS field of PGTBL0 can be any value between
5 and 16, except that a value of 0 is taken to disable radix page
table walking (for use when one is using software loading of TLB
entries). The NLS field of the page directory entries can have any
value between 5 and 16. The minimum page size is 4kB, meaning that
the sum of RPDS and the NLS values of the PDEs found on the path to
a leaf PTE must be less than or equal to RTS + 31 - 12.
The PGTBL0 SPR is in the mmu module; thus this adds a path for
loadstore1 to read and write SPRs in mmu. This adds code in dcache
to service doubleword read requests from the MMU, as well as requests
to write dTLB entries.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@ozlabs.org>
5 years ago
err : std_ulogic;
data : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
end record;
Add TLB to icache
This adds a direct-mapped TLB to the icache, with 64 entries by default.
Execute1 now sends a "virt_mode" signal from MSR[IR] to fetch1 along
with redirects to indicate whether instruction addresses should be
translated through the TLB, and fetch1 sends that on to icache.
Similarly a "priv_mode" signal is sent to indicate the privilege
mode for instruction fetches. This means that changes to MSR[IR]
or MSR[PR] don't take effect until the next redirect, meaning an
isync, rfid, branch, etc.
The icache uses a hash of the effective address (i.e. next instruction
address) to index the TLB. The hash is an XOR of three fields of the
address; with a 64-entry TLB, the fields are bits 12--17, 18--23 and
24--29 of the address. TLB invalidations simply invalidate the
indexed TLB entry without checking the contents.
If the icache detects a TLB miss with virt_mode=1, it will send a
fetch_failed indication through fetch2 to decode1, which will turn it
into a special OP_FETCH_FAILED opcode with unit=LDST. That will get
sent down to loadstore1 which will currently just raise a Instruction
Storage Interrupt (0x400) exception.
One bit in the PTE obtained from the TLB is used to check whether an
instruction access is allowed -- the privilege bit (bit 3). If bit 3
is 1 and priv_mode=0, then a fetch_failed indication is sent down to
fetch2 and to decode1, which generates an OP_FETCH_FAILED. Any PTEs
with PTE bit 0 (EAA[3]) clear or bit 8 (R) clear should not be put
into the iTLB since such PTEs would not allow execution by any
Tlbie operations get sent from mmu to icache over a new connection.
Unfortunately the privileged instruction tests are broken for now.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@ozlabs.org>
5 years ago
type MmuToIcacheType is record
tlbld : std_ulogic;
tlbie : std_ulogic;
doall : std_ulogic;
Add TLB to icache
This adds a direct-mapped TLB to the icache, with 64 entries by default.
Execute1 now sends a "virt_mode" signal from MSR[IR] to fetch1 along
with redirects to indicate whether instruction addresses should be
translated through the TLB, and fetch1 sends that on to icache.
Similarly a "priv_mode" signal is sent to indicate the privilege
mode for instruction fetches. This means that changes to MSR[IR]
or MSR[PR] don't take effect until the next redirect, meaning an
isync, rfid, branch, etc.
The icache uses a hash of the effective address (i.e. next instruction
address) to index the TLB. The hash is an XOR of three fields of the
address; with a 64-entry TLB, the fields are bits 12--17, 18--23 and
24--29 of the address. TLB invalidations simply invalidate the
indexed TLB entry without checking the contents.
If the icache detects a TLB miss with virt_mode=1, it will send a
fetch_failed indication through fetch2 to decode1, which will turn it
into a special OP_FETCH_FAILED opcode with unit=LDST. That will get
sent down to loadstore1 which will currently just raise a Instruction
Storage Interrupt (0x400) exception.
One bit in the PTE obtained from the TLB is used to check whether an
instruction access is allowed -- the privilege bit (bit 3). If bit 3
is 1 and priv_mode=0, then a fetch_failed indication is sent down to
fetch2 and to decode1, which generates an OP_FETCH_FAILED. Any PTEs
with PTE bit 0 (EAA[3]) clear or bit 8 (R) clear should not be put
into the iTLB since such PTEs would not allow execution by any
Tlbie operations get sent from mmu to icache over a new connection.
Unfortunately the privileged instruction tests are broken for now.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@ozlabs.org>
5 years ago
addr : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
pte : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
end record;
type Loadstore1ToWritebackType is record
valid : std_ulogic;
write_enable: std_ulogic;
write_reg : gspr_index_t;
write_data : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
Add basic XER support
The carry is currently internal to execute1. We don't handle any of
the other XER fields.
This creates type called "xer_common_t" that contains the commonly
used XER bits (CA, CA32, SO, OV, OV32).
The value is stored in the CR file (though it could be a separate
module). The rest of the bits will be implemented as a separate
SPR and the two parts reconciled in mfspr/mtspr in latter commits.
We always read XER in decode2 (there is little point not to)
and send it down all pipeline branches as it will be needed in
writeback for all type of instructions when CR0:SO needs to be
updated (such forms exist for all pipeline branches even if we don't
yet implement them).
To avoid having to track XER hazards, we forward it back in EX1. This
assumes that other pipeline branches that can modify it (mult and div)
are running single issue for now.
One additional hazard to beware of is an XER:SO modifying instruction
in EX1 followed immediately by a store conditional. Due to our writeback
latency, the store will go down the LSU with the previous XER value,
thus the stcx. will set CR0:SO using an obsolete SO value.
I doubt there exist any code relying on this behaviour being correct
but we should account for it regardless, possibly by ensuring that
stcx. remain single issue initially, or later by adding some minimal
tracking or moving the LSU into the same pipeline as execute.
Missing some obscure XER affecting instructions like addex or mcrxrx.
[paulus@ozlabs.org - fix CA32 and OV32 for OP_ADD, fix order of
arguments to set_ov]
Signed-off-by: Benjamin Herrenschmidt <benh@kernel.crashing.org>
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@ozlabs.org>
5 years ago
xerc : xer_common_t;
rc : std_ulogic;
store_done : std_ulogic;
end record;
constant Loadstore1ToWritebackInit : Loadstore1ToWritebackType := (valid => '0', write_enable => '0', xerc => xerc_init,
rc => '0', store_done => '0', write_data => (others => '0'), others => (others => '0'));
type Execute1ToWritebackType is record
valid: std_ulogic;
rc : std_ulogic;
mode_32bit : std_ulogic;
write_enable : std_ulogic;
write_reg: gspr_index_t;
write_data: std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
write_cr_enable : std_ulogic;
write_cr_mask : std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
write_cr_data : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
Add basic XER support
The carry is currently internal to execute1. We don't handle any of
the other XER fields.
This creates type called "xer_common_t" that contains the commonly
used XER bits (CA, CA32, SO, OV, OV32).
The value is stored in the CR file (though it could be a separate
module). The rest of the bits will be implemented as a separate
SPR and the two parts reconciled in mfspr/mtspr in latter commits.
We always read XER in decode2 (there is little point not to)
and send it down all pipeline branches as it will be needed in
writeback for all type of instructions when CR0:SO needs to be
updated (such forms exist for all pipeline branches even if we don't
yet implement them).
To avoid having to track XER hazards, we forward it back in EX1. This
assumes that other pipeline branches that can modify it (mult and div)
are running single issue for now.
One additional hazard to beware of is an XER:SO modifying instruction
in EX1 followed immediately by a store conditional. Due to our writeback
latency, the store will go down the LSU with the previous XER value,
thus the stcx. will set CR0:SO using an obsolete SO value.
I doubt there exist any code relying on this behaviour being correct
but we should account for it regardless, possibly by ensuring that
stcx. remain single issue initially, or later by adding some minimal
tracking or moving the LSU into the same pipeline as execute.
Missing some obscure XER affecting instructions like addex or mcrxrx.
[paulus@ozlabs.org - fix CA32 and OV32 for OP_ADD, fix order of
arguments to set_ov]
Signed-off-by: Benjamin Herrenschmidt <benh@kernel.crashing.org>
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@ozlabs.org>
5 years ago
write_xerc_enable : std_ulogic;
xerc : xer_common_t;
exc_write_enable : std_ulogic;
exc_write_reg : gspr_index_t;
exc_write_data : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
end record;
constant Execute1ToWritebackInit : Execute1ToWritebackType := (valid => '0', rc => '0', mode_32bit => '0', write_enable => '0',
write_cr_enable => '0', exc_write_enable => '0',
Add basic XER support
The carry is currently internal to execute1. We don't handle any of
the other XER fields.
This creates type called "xer_common_t" that contains the commonly
used XER bits (CA, CA32, SO, OV, OV32).
The value is stored in the CR file (though it could be a separate
module). The rest of the bits will be implemented as a separate
SPR and the two parts reconciled in mfspr/mtspr in latter commits.
We always read XER in decode2 (there is little point not to)
and send it down all pipeline branches as it will be needed in
writeback for all type of instructions when CR0:SO needs to be
updated (such forms exist for all pipeline branches even if we don't
yet implement them).
To avoid having to track XER hazards, we forward it back in EX1. This
assumes that other pipeline branches that can modify it (mult and div)
are running single issue for now.
One additional hazard to beware of is an XER:SO modifying instruction
in EX1 followed immediately by a store conditional. Due to our writeback
latency, the store will go down the LSU with the previous XER value,
thus the stcx. will set CR0:SO using an obsolete SO value.
I doubt there exist any code relying on this behaviour being correct
but we should account for it regardless, possibly by ensuring that
stcx. remain single issue initially, or later by adding some minimal
tracking or moving the LSU into the same pipeline as execute.
Missing some obscure XER affecting instructions like addex or mcrxrx.
[paulus@ozlabs.org - fix CA32 and OV32 for OP_ADD, fix order of
arguments to set_ov]
Signed-off-by: Benjamin Herrenschmidt <benh@kernel.crashing.org>
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@ozlabs.org>
5 years ago
write_xerc_enable => '0', xerc => xerc_init,
write_data => (others => '0'), write_cr_mask => (others => '0'),
write_cr_data => (others => '0'), write_reg => (others => '0'),
exc_write_reg => (others => '0'), exc_write_data => (others => '0'));
type Execute1ToFPUType is record
valid : std_ulogic;
op : insn_type_t;
nia : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
insn : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
single : std_ulogic;
fe_mode : std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0);
fra : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
frb : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
frc : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
frt : gspr_index_t;
rc : std_ulogic;
out_cr : std_ulogic;
end record;
constant Execute1ToFPUInit : Execute1ToFPUType := (valid => '0', op => OP_ILLEGAL, nia => (others => '0'),
insn => (others => '0'), fe_mode => "00", rc => '0',
fra => (others => '0'), frb => (others => '0'),
frc => (others => '0'), frt => (others => '0'),
single => '0', out_cr => '0');
type FPUToExecute1Type is record
busy : std_ulogic;
exception : std_ulogic;
interrupt : std_ulogic;
illegal : std_ulogic;
end record;
constant FPUToExecute1Init : FPUToExecute1Type := (others => '0');
type FPUToWritebackType is record
valid : std_ulogic;
write_enable : std_ulogic;
write_reg : gspr_index_t;
write_data : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
write_cr_enable : std_ulogic;
write_cr_mask : std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
write_cr_data : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
end record;
constant FPUToWritebackInit : FPUToWritebackType := (valid => '0', write_enable => '0', write_cr_enable => '0', others => (others => '0'));
type DividerToExecute1Type is record
valid: std_ulogic;
write_reg_data: std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
overflow : std_ulogic;
end record;
constant DividerToExecute1Init : DividerToExecute1Type := (valid => '0', overflow => '0',
others => (others => '0'));
type WritebackToRegisterFileType is record
write_reg : gspr_index_t;
write_data : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
write_enable : std_ulogic;
end record;
constant WritebackToRegisterFileInit : WritebackToRegisterFileType := (write_enable => '0', write_data => (others => '0'), others => (others => '0'));
type WritebackToCrFileType is record
write_cr_enable : std_ulogic;
write_cr_mask : std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
write_cr_data : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
Add basic XER support
The carry is currently internal to execute1. We don't handle any of
the other XER fields.
This creates type called "xer_common_t" that contains the commonly
used XER bits (CA, CA32, SO, OV, OV32).
The value is stored in the CR file (though it could be a separate
module). The rest of the bits will be implemented as a separate
SPR and the two parts reconciled in mfspr/mtspr in latter commits.
We always read XER in decode2 (there is little point not to)
and send it down all pipeline branches as it will be needed in
writeback for all type of instructions when CR0:SO needs to be
updated (such forms exist for all pipeline branches even if we don't
yet implement them).
To avoid having to track XER hazards, we forward it back in EX1. This
assumes that other pipeline branches that can modify it (mult and div)
are running single issue for now.
One additional hazard to beware of is an XER:SO modifying instruction
in EX1 followed immediately by a store conditional. Due to our writeback
latency, the store will go down the LSU with the previous XER value,
thus the stcx. will set CR0:SO using an obsolete SO value.
I doubt there exist any code relying on this behaviour being correct
but we should account for it regardless, possibly by ensuring that
stcx. remain single issue initially, or later by adding some minimal
tracking or moving the LSU into the same pipeline as execute.
Missing some obscure XER affecting instructions like addex or mcrxrx.
[paulus@ozlabs.org - fix CA32 and OV32 for OP_ADD, fix order of
arguments to set_ov]
Signed-off-by: Benjamin Herrenschmidt <benh@kernel.crashing.org>
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@ozlabs.org>
5 years ago
write_xerc_enable : std_ulogic;
write_xerc_data : xer_common_t;
end record;
Add basic XER support
The carry is currently internal to execute1. We don't handle any of
the other XER fields.
This creates type called "xer_common_t" that contains the commonly
used XER bits (CA, CA32, SO, OV, OV32).
The value is stored in the CR file (though it could be a separate
module). The rest of the bits will be implemented as a separate
SPR and the two parts reconciled in mfspr/mtspr in latter commits.
We always read XER in decode2 (there is little point not to)
and send it down all pipeline branches as it will be needed in
writeback for all type of instructions when CR0:SO needs to be
updated (such forms exist for all pipeline branches even if we don't
yet implement them).
To avoid having to track XER hazards, we forward it back in EX1. This
assumes that other pipeline branches that can modify it (mult and div)
are running single issue for now.
One additional hazard to beware of is an XER:SO modifying instruction
in EX1 followed immediately by a store conditional. Due to our writeback
latency, the store will go down the LSU with the previous XER value,
thus the stcx. will set CR0:SO using an obsolete SO value.
I doubt there exist any code relying on this behaviour being correct
but we should account for it regardless, possibly by ensuring that
stcx. remain single issue initially, or later by adding some minimal
tracking or moving the LSU into the same pipeline as execute.
Missing some obscure XER affecting instructions like addex or mcrxrx.
[paulus@ozlabs.org - fix CA32 and OV32 for OP_ADD, fix order of
arguments to set_ov]
Signed-off-by: Benjamin Herrenschmidt <benh@kernel.crashing.org>
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@ozlabs.org>
5 years ago
constant WritebackToCrFileInit : WritebackToCrFileType := (write_cr_enable => '0', write_xerc_enable => '0',
write_xerc_data => xerc_init,
write_cr_mask => (others => '0'),
write_cr_data => (others => '0'));
end common;
package body common is
function decode_spr_num(insn: std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0)) return spr_num_t is
return to_integer(unsigned(insn(15 downto 11) & insn(20 downto 16)));
function fast_spr_num(spr: spr_num_t) return gspr_index_t is
variable n : integer range 0 to 31;
-- tmp variable introduced as workaround for VCS compilation
-- simulation was failing with subtype constraint mismatch error
-- see GitHub PR #173
variable tmp : std_ulogic_vector(4 downto 0);
case spr is
when SPR_LR =>
n := 0;
when SPR_CTR =>
n:= 1;
when SPR_SRR0 =>
n := 2;
when SPR_SRR1 =>
n := 3;
when SPR_HSRR0 =>
n := 4;
when SPR_HSRR1 =>
n := 5;
when SPR_SPRG0 =>
n := 6;
when SPR_SPRG1 =>
n := 7;
when SPR_SPRG2 =>
n := 8;
when SPR_SPRG3 | SPR_SPRG3U =>
n := 9;
when SPR_HSPRG0 =>
n := 10;
when SPR_HSPRG1 =>
n := 11;
when SPR_XER =>
n := 12;
when SPR_TAR =>
n := 13;
when others =>
n := 0;
return "0000000";
end case;
tmp := std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(n, 5));
return "01" & tmp;
function gspr_to_gpr(i: gspr_index_t) return gpr_index_t is
return i(4 downto 0);
function gpr_to_gspr(i: gpr_index_t) return gspr_index_t is
return "00" & i;
function gpr_or_spr_to_gspr(g: gpr_index_t; s: gspr_index_t) return gspr_index_t is
if s(5) = '1' then
return s;
return gpr_to_gspr(g);
end if;
function is_fast_spr(s: gspr_index_t) return std_ulogic is
return s(5);
function fpr_to_gspr(f: fpr_index_t) return gspr_index_t is
return "10" & f;
end common;