
71 lines
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library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library work;
use work.common.all;
use work.wishbone_types.all;
entity fetch2 is
clk : in std_ulogic;
-- instruction memory interface
wishbone_in : in wishbone_slave_out;
wishbone_out : out wishbone_master_out;
f_in : in Fetch1ToFetch2Type;
f_out : out Fetch2ToDecode1Type
end entity fetch2;
architecture behaviour of fetch2 is
type reg_type is record
valid : std_ulogic;
nia : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
end record;
signal f : Fetch1ToFetch2Type;
signal wishbone: wishbone_slave_out;
signal r : reg_type := (valid => '0', nia => (others => '0'));
signal rin : reg_type := (valid => '0', nia => (others => '0'));
regs : process(clk)
if rising_edge(clk) then
wishbone <= wishbone_in;
f <= f_in;
r <= rin;
end if;
end process;
comb : process(all)
variable v : reg_type;
v := r;
if f.valid = '1' then
v.valid := '1';
v.nia := f.nia;
end if;
if v.valid = '1' and wishbone.ack = '1' then
v.valid := '0';
end if;
rin <= v;
wishbone_out.adr <= v.nia(63 downto 3) & "000";
wishbone_out.dat <= (others => '0');
wishbone_out.cyc <= v.valid;
wishbone_out.stb <= v.valid;
wishbone_out.sel <= "00001111" when v.nia(2) = '0' else "11110000";
wishbone_out.we <= '0';
f_out.valid <= wishbone.ack;
f_out.nia <= v.nia;
f_out.insn <= wishbone.dat(31 downto 0) when v.nia(2) = '0' else wishbone.dat(63 downto 32);
end process;
end architecture behaviour;