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124 lines
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library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use std.textio.all;
library work;
use work.wishbone_types.all;
use work.utils.all;
entity dram_init_mem is
generic (
EXTRA_PAYLOAD_FILE : string := "";
EXTRA_PAYLOAD_SIZE : integer := 0
port (
clk : in std_ulogic;
wb_in : in wb_io_master_out;
wb_out : out wb_io_slave_out
end entity dram_init_mem;
architecture rtl of dram_init_mem is
constant INIT_RAM_SIZE : integer := 16384;
constant RND_PAYLOAD_SIZE : integer := round_up(EXTRA_PAYLOAD_SIZE, 8);
constant INIT_RAM_ABITS : integer := log2ceil(TOTAL_RAM_SIZE-1);
constant INIT_RAM_FILE : string := "litedram/generated/sim/litedram_core.init";
type ram_t is array(0 to (TOTAL_RAM_SIZE / 4) - 1) of std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
-- XXX FIXME: Have a single init function called twice with
-- an offset as argument
procedure init_load_payload(ram: inout ram_t; filename: string) is
file payload_file : text open read_mode is filename;
variable ram_line : line;
variable temp_word : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
for i in 0 to RND_PAYLOAD_SIZE-1 loop
exit when endfile(payload_file);
readline(payload_file, ram_line);
hread(ram_line, temp_word);
ram((INIT_RAM_SIZE/4) + i*2) := temp_word(31 downto 0);
ram((INIT_RAM_SIZE/4) + i*2+1) := temp_word(63 downto 32);
end loop;
assert endfile(payload_file) report "Payload too big !" severity failure;
end procedure;
impure function init_load_ram(name : string) return ram_t is
file ram_file : text open read_mode is name;
variable temp_word : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
variable temp_ram : ram_t := (others => (others => '0'));
variable ram_line : line;
report "Payload size:" & integer'image(EXTRA_PAYLOAD_SIZE) &
" rounded to:" & integer'image(RND_PAYLOAD_SIZE);
report "Total RAM size:" & integer'image(TOTAL_RAM_SIZE) &
" bytes using " & integer'image(INIT_RAM_ABITS) &
" address bits";
for i in 0 to (INIT_RAM_SIZE/8)-1 loop
exit when endfile(ram_file);
readline(ram_file, ram_line);
hread(ram_line, temp_word);
temp_ram(i*2) := temp_word(31 downto 0);
temp_ram(i*2+1) := temp_word(63 downto 32);
end loop;
if RND_PAYLOAD_SIZE /= 0 then
init_load_payload(temp_ram, EXTRA_PAYLOAD_FILE);
end if;
return temp_ram;
end function;
impure function init_zero return ram_t is
variable temp_ram : ram_t := (others => (others => '0'));
return temp_ram;
end function;
impure function initialize_ram(filename: string) return ram_t is
report "Opening file " & filename;
if filename'length = 0 then
return init_zero;
return init_load_ram(filename);
end if;
end function;
signal init_ram : ram_t := initialize_ram(INIT_RAM_FILE);
attribute ram_style : string;
attribute ram_style of init_ram: signal is "block";
signal obuf : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal oack : std_ulogic;
init_ram_0: process(clk)
variable adr : integer;
if rising_edge(clk) then
oack <= '0';
if (wb_in.cyc and wb_in.stb) = '1' then
adr := to_integer((unsigned(wb_in.adr(INIT_RAM_ABITS-1 downto 2))));
if wb_in.we = '0' then
obuf <= init_ram(adr);
for i in 0 to 3 loop
if wb_in.sel(i) = '1' then
init_ram(adr)(((i + 1) * 8) - 1 downto i * 8) <=
wb_in.dat(((i + 1) * 8) - 1 downto i * 8);
end if;
end loop;
end if;
oack <= '1';
end if;
wb_out.ack <= oack;
wb_out.dat <= obuf;
end if;
end process;
wb_out.stall <= '0';
end architecture rtl;