name : ::microwatt:0
- decode_types.vhdl
- wishbone_types.vhdl
- common.vhdl
- fetch1.vhdl
- decode1.vhdl
- helpers.vhdl
- decode2.vhdl
- register_file.vhdl
- cr_file.vhdl
- crhelpers.vhdl
- ppc_fx_insns.vhdl
- sim_console.vhdl
- logical.vhdl
- countbits.vhdl
- control.vhdl
- execute1.vhdl
- fpu.vhdl
- loadstore1.vhdl
- mmu.vhdl
- dcache.vhdl
- divider.vhdl
Add a rotate/mask/shift unit and use it in execute1
This adds a new entity 'rotator' which contains combinatorial logic
for rotating and masking 64-bit values. It implements the operations
of the rlwinm, rlwnm, rlwimi, rldicl, rldicr, rldic, rldimi, rldcl,
rldcr, sld, slw, srd, srw, srad, sradi, sraw and srawi instructions.
It consists of a 3-stage 64-bit rotator using 4:1 multiplexors at
each stage, two mask generators, output logic and control logic.
The insn_type_t values used for these instructions have been reduced
to just 5: OP_RLC, OP_RLCL and OP_RLCR for the rotate and mask
instructions (clear both left and right, clear left, clear right
variants), OP_SHL for left shifts, and OP_SHR for right shifts.
The control signals for the rotator are derived from the opcode
and from the is_32bit and is_signed fields of the decode_rom_t.
The rotator is instantiated as an entity in execute1 so that we can
be sure we only have one of it.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@ozlabs.org>
6 years ago
- rotator.vhdl
- pmu.vhdl
- writeback.vhdl
- insn_helpers.vhdl
- core.vhdl
- icache.vhdl
- plru.vhdl
- cache_ram.vhdl
- core_debug.vhdl
- utils.vhdl
file_type : vhdlSource-2008
- wishbone_arbiter.vhdl
- wishbone_debug_master.vhdl
- wishbone_bram_wrapper.vhdl
- soc.vhdl
- xics.vhdl
- gpio.vhdl
- syscon.vhdl
- sync_fifo.vhdl
- spi_rxtx.vhdl
- spi_flash_ctrl.vhdl
file_type : vhdlSource-2008
- fpga/main_bram.vhdl
- fpga/soc_reset.vhdl
- fpga/pp_fifo.vhd
- fpga/pp_soc_uart.vhd
- fpga/pp_utilities.vhd
- fpga/firmware.hex : {copyto : firmware.hex, file_type : user}
file_type : vhdlSource-2008
- xilinx-mult.vhdl : {file_type : vhdlSource-2008}
- fpga/fpga-random.vhdl : {file_type : vhdlSource-2008}
- fpga/fpga-random.xdc : {file_type : xdc}
- dmi_dtm_xilinx.vhdl : {file_type : vhdlSource-2008}
- dmi_dtm_dummy.vhdl : {file_type : vhdlSource-2008}
- fpga/nexys_a7.xdc : {file_type : xdc}
- fpga/clk_gen_plle2.vhd : {file_type : vhdlSource-2008}
- fpga/top-generic.vhdl : {file_type : vhdlSource-2008}
- fpga/nexys-video.xdc : {file_type : xdc}
- fpga/clk_gen_plle2.vhd : {file_type : vhdlSource-2008}
- fpga/top-nexys-video.vhdl : {file_type : vhdlSource-2008}
- fpga/acorn-cle-215.xdc : {file_type : xdc}
- fpga/clk_gen_plle2.vhd : {file_type : vhdlSource-2008}
- fpga/top-acorn-cle-215.vhdl : {file_type : vhdlSource-2008}
- fpga/genesys2.xdc : {file_type : xdc}
- fpga/clk_gen_plle2.vhd : {file_type : vhdlSource-2008}
- fpga/top-genesys2.vhdl : {file_type : vhdlSource-2008}
- fpga/arty_a7.xdc : {file_type : xdc}
- fpga/clk_gen_plle2.vhd : {file_type : vhdlSource-2008}
- fpga/top-arty.vhdl : {file_type : vhdlSource-2008}
- fpga/wukong-v2.xdc : {file_type : xdc}
- fpga/clk_gen_plle2.vhd : {file_type : vhdlSource-2008}
- fpga/top-wukong-v2.vhdl : {file_type : vhdlSource-2008}
- fpga/cmod_a7-35.xdc : {file_type : xdc}
- fpga/clk_gen_mcmm.vhd : {file_type : vhdlSource-2008}
- fpga/top-generic.vhdl : {file_type : vhdlSource-2008}
depend : [":microwatt:litedram"]
depend : [":microwatt:liteeth"]
depend : [":microwatt:litesdcard"]
depend : ["::uart16550"]
default_tool: vivado
filesets: [core, nexys_a7, soc, fpga, debug_xilinx, uart16550, xilinx_specific]
parameters :
- memory_size
- ram_init_file
- clk_input
- clk_frequency
- disable_flatten_core
- log_length=2048
- uart_is_16550
- has_fpu
fetch1: Implement a simple branch target cache
This implements a cache in fetch1, where each entry stores the address
of a simple branch instruction (b or bc) and the target of the branch.
When fetching sequentially, if the address being fetched matches the
cache entry, then fetching will be redirected to the branch target.
The cache has 1024 entries and is direct-mapped, i.e. indexed by bits
11..2 of the NIA.
The bus from execute1 now carries information about taken and
not-taken simple branches, which fetch1 uses to update the cache.
The cache entry is updated for both taken and not-taken branches, with
the valid bit being set if the branch was taken and cleared if the
branch was not taken.
If fetching is redirected to the branch target then that goes down the
pipe as a predicted-taken branch, and decode1 does not do any static
branch prediction. If fetching is not redirected, then the next
instruction goes down the pipe as normal and decode1 does its static
branch prediction.
In order to make timing, the lookup of the cache is pipelined, so on
each cycle the cache entry for the current NIA + 8 is read. This
means that after a redirect (from decode1 or execute1), only the third
and subsequent sequentially-fetched instructions will be able to be
This improves the coremark value on the Arty A7-100 from about 180 to
about 190 (more than 5%).
The BTC is optional. Builds for the Artix 7 35-T part have it off by
default because the extra ~1420 LUTs it takes mean that the design
doesn't fit on the Arty A7-35 board.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@ozlabs.org>
4 years ago
- has_btc
- has_short_mult
vivado: {part : xc7a100tcsg324-1}
toplevel : toplevel
default_tool: vivado
filesets: [core, acorn_cle_215, soc, fpga, debug_xilinx, uart16550, xilinx_specific]
parameters :
- memory_size
- ram_init_file
- clk_input
- clk_frequency
- disable_flatten_core
- spi_flash_offset=10485760
- log_length=2048
- uart_is_16550
vivado: {part : xc7a200tsbg484-2}
toplevel : toplevel
default_tool: vivado
filesets: [core, genesys2, soc, fpga, debug_xilinx, uart16550, xilinx_specific]
parameters :
- memory_size
- ram_init_file
- clk_frequency
- use_litedram=false
- no_bram=false
- disable_flatten_core
- spi_flash_offset=10485760
- log_length=2048
- uart_is_16550=false
vivado: {part : xc7k325tffg900-2}
toplevel : toplevel
default_tool: vivado
filesets: [core, acorn_cle_215, soc, fpga, debug_xilinx, litedram, uart16550, xilinx_specific]
parameters :
- memory_size
- ram_init_file
- use_litedram=true
- disable_flatten_core
- no_bram
- spi_flash_offset=10485760
- log_length=2048
- uart_is_16550
generate: [litedram_acorn_cle_215]
vivado: {part : xc7a200tsbg484-2}
toplevel : toplevel
default_tool: vivado
filesets: [core, genesys2, soc, fpga, debug_xilinx, litedram, uart16550, xilinx_specific]
parameters :
- memory_size
- ram_init_file
- use_litedram=true
- disable_flatten_core
- no_bram
- spi_flash_offset=10485760
- log_length=2048
- uart_is_16550=false
generate: [litedram_genesys2]
vivado: {part : xc7k325tffg900-2}
toplevel : toplevel
default_tool: vivado
filesets: [core, nexys_video, soc, fpga, debug_xilinx, uart16550, xilinx_specific]
parameters :
- memory_size
- ram_init_file
- clk_input
- clk_frequency
- disable_flatten_core
- spi_flash_offset=10485760
- log_length=2048
- uart_is_16550
- has_fpu
fetch1: Implement a simple branch target cache
This implements a cache in fetch1, where each entry stores the address
of a simple branch instruction (b or bc) and the target of the branch.
When fetching sequentially, if the address being fetched matches the
cache entry, then fetching will be redirected to the branch target.
The cache has 1024 entries and is direct-mapped, i.e. indexed by bits
11..2 of the NIA.
The bus from execute1 now carries information about taken and
not-taken simple branches, which fetch1 uses to update the cache.
The cache entry is updated for both taken and not-taken branches, with
the valid bit being set if the branch was taken and cleared if the
branch was not taken.
If fetching is redirected to the branch target then that goes down the
pipe as a predicted-taken branch, and decode1 does not do any static
branch prediction. If fetching is not redirected, then the next
instruction goes down the pipe as normal and decode1 does its static
branch prediction.
In order to make timing, the lookup of the cache is pipelined, so on
each cycle the cache entry for the current NIA + 8 is read. This
means that after a redirect (from decode1 or execute1), only the third
and subsequent sequentially-fetched instructions will be able to be
This improves the coremark value on the Arty A7-100 from about 180 to
about 190 (more than 5%).
The BTC is optional. Builds for the Artix 7 35-T part have it off by
default because the extra ~1420 LUTs it takes mean that the design
doesn't fit on the Arty A7-35 board.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@ozlabs.org>
4 years ago
- has_btc
vivado: {part : xc7a200tsbg484-1}
toplevel : toplevel
default_tool: vivado
filesets: [core, nexys_video, soc, fpga, debug_xilinx, litedram, liteeth, uart16550, xilinx_specific, litesdcard]
- memory_size
- ram_init_file
- use_litedram=true
- use_liteeth=true
- use_litesdcard=true
- disable_flatten_core
- no_bram
- spi_flash_offset=10485760
- log_length=2048
- uart_is_16550
- has_fpu
fetch1: Implement a simple branch target cache
This implements a cache in fetch1, where each entry stores the address
of a simple branch instruction (b or bc) and the target of the branch.
When fetching sequentially, if the address being fetched matches the
cache entry, then fetching will be redirected to the branch target.
The cache has 1024 entries and is direct-mapped, i.e. indexed by bits
11..2 of the NIA.
The bus from execute1 now carries information about taken and
not-taken simple branches, which fetch1 uses to update the cache.
The cache entry is updated for both taken and not-taken branches, with
the valid bit being set if the branch was taken and cleared if the
branch was not taken.
If fetching is redirected to the branch target then that goes down the
pipe as a predicted-taken branch, and decode1 does not do any static
branch prediction. If fetching is not redirected, then the next
instruction goes down the pipe as normal and decode1 does its static
branch prediction.
In order to make timing, the lookup of the cache is pipelined, so on
each cycle the cache entry for the current NIA + 8 is read. This
means that after a redirect (from decode1 or execute1), only the third
and subsequent sequentially-fetched instructions will be able to be
This improves the coremark value on the Arty A7-100 from about 180 to
about 190 (more than 5%).
The BTC is optional. Builds for the Artix 7 35-T part have it off by
default because the extra ~1420 LUTs it takes mean that the design
doesn't fit on the Arty A7-35 board.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@ozlabs.org>
4 years ago
- has_btc
- has_short_mult
generate: [litedram_nexys_video, liteeth_nexys_video, litesdcard_nexys_video]
vivado: {part : xc7a200tsbg484-1}
toplevel : toplevel
default_tool: vivado
filesets: [core, arty_a7, soc, fpga, debug_xilinx, uart16550, xilinx_specific, litesdcard]
parameters :
- memory_size
- ram_init_file
- clk_input
- clk_frequency
- disable_flatten_core
- spi_flash_offset=3145728
- log_length=512
- uart_is_16550
- has_uart1
- has_fpu=false
fetch1: Implement a simple branch target cache
This implements a cache in fetch1, where each entry stores the address
of a simple branch instruction (b or bc) and the target of the branch.
When fetching sequentially, if the address being fetched matches the
cache entry, then fetching will be redirected to the branch target.
The cache has 1024 entries and is direct-mapped, i.e. indexed by bits
11..2 of the NIA.
The bus from execute1 now carries information about taken and
not-taken simple branches, which fetch1 uses to update the cache.
The cache entry is updated for both taken and not-taken branches, with
the valid bit being set if the branch was taken and cleared if the
branch was not taken.
If fetching is redirected to the branch target then that goes down the
pipe as a predicted-taken branch, and decode1 does not do any static
branch prediction. If fetching is not redirected, then the next
instruction goes down the pipe as normal and decode1 does its static
branch prediction.
In order to make timing, the lookup of the cache is pipelined, so on
each cycle the cache entry for the current NIA + 8 is read. This
means that after a redirect (from decode1 or execute1), only the third
and subsequent sequentially-fetched instructions will be able to be
This improves the coremark value on the Arty A7-100 from about 180 to
about 190 (more than 5%).
The BTC is optional. Builds for the Artix 7 35-T part have it off by
default because the extra ~1420 LUTs it takes mean that the design
doesn't fit on the Arty A7-35 board.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@ozlabs.org>
4 years ago
- has_btc=false
- has_short_mult
- use_litesdcard
vivado: {part : xc7a35ticsg324-1L}
toplevel : toplevel
default_tool: vivado
filesets: [core, arty_a7, soc, fpga, debug_xilinx, litedram, liteeth, uart16550, xilinx_specific, litesdcard]
parameters :
- memory_size
- ram_init_file
- use_litedram=true
- use_liteeth=true
- use_litesdcard
- disable_flatten_core
- no_bram
- spi_flash_offset=3145728
- log_length=512
- uart_is_16550
- has_uart1
- has_fpu=false
fetch1: Implement a simple branch target cache
This implements a cache in fetch1, where each entry stores the address
of a simple branch instruction (b or bc) and the target of the branch.
When fetching sequentially, if the address being fetched matches the
cache entry, then fetching will be redirected to the branch target.
The cache has 1024 entries and is direct-mapped, i.e. indexed by bits
11..2 of the NIA.
The bus from execute1 now carries information about taken and
not-taken simple branches, which fetch1 uses to update the cache.
The cache entry is updated for both taken and not-taken branches, with
the valid bit being set if the branch was taken and cleared if the
branch was not taken.
If fetching is redirected to the branch target then that goes down the
pipe as a predicted-taken branch, and decode1 does not do any static
branch prediction. If fetching is not redirected, then the next
instruction goes down the pipe as normal and decode1 does its static
branch prediction.
In order to make timing, the lookup of the cache is pipelined, so on
each cycle the cache entry for the current NIA + 8 is read. This
means that after a redirect (from decode1 or execute1), only the third
and subsequent sequentially-fetched instructions will be able to be
This improves the coremark value on the Arty A7-100 from about 180 to
about 190 (more than 5%).
The BTC is optional. Builds for the Artix 7 35-T part have it off by
default because the extra ~1420 LUTs it takes mean that the design
doesn't fit on the Arty A7-35 board.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@ozlabs.org>
4 years ago
- has_btc=false
- has_short_mult
generate: [litedram_arty, liteeth_arty, litesdcard_arty]
vivado: {part : xc7a35ticsg324-1L}
toplevel : toplevel
default_tool: vivado
filesets: [core, arty_a7, soc, fpga, debug_xilinx, uart16550, xilinx_specific, litesdcard]
parameters :
- memory_size
- ram_init_file
- clk_input
- clk_frequency
- disable_flatten_core
- spi_flash_offset=4194304
- log_length=2048
- uart_is_16550
- has_uart1
- has_fpu
fetch1: Implement a simple branch target cache
This implements a cache in fetch1, where each entry stores the address
of a simple branch instruction (b or bc) and the target of the branch.
When fetching sequentially, if the address being fetched matches the
cache entry, then fetching will be redirected to the branch target.
The cache has 1024 entries and is direct-mapped, i.e. indexed by bits
11..2 of the NIA.
The bus from execute1 now carries information about taken and
not-taken simple branches, which fetch1 uses to update the cache.
The cache entry is updated for both taken and not-taken branches, with
the valid bit being set if the branch was taken and cleared if the
branch was not taken.
If fetching is redirected to the branch target then that goes down the
pipe as a predicted-taken branch, and decode1 does not do any static
branch prediction. If fetching is not redirected, then the next
instruction goes down the pipe as normal and decode1 does its static
branch prediction.
In order to make timing, the lookup of the cache is pipelined, so on
each cycle the cache entry for the current NIA + 8 is read. This
means that after a redirect (from decode1 or execute1), only the third
and subsequent sequentially-fetched instructions will be able to be
This improves the coremark value on the Arty A7-100 from about 180 to
about 190 (more than 5%).
The BTC is optional. Builds for the Artix 7 35-T part have it off by
default because the extra ~1420 LUTs it takes mean that the design
doesn't fit on the Arty A7-35 board.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@ozlabs.org>
4 years ago
- has_btc
- has_short_mult
- use_litesdcard
vivado: {part : xc7a100ticsg324-1L}
toplevel : toplevel
default_tool: vivado
filesets: [core, arty_a7, soc, fpga, debug_xilinx, litedram, liteeth, uart16550, xilinx_specific, litesdcard]
- memory_size
- ram_init_file
- use_litedram=true
- use_liteeth=true
- use_litesdcard
- disable_flatten_core
- no_bram
- spi_flash_offset=4194304
- log_length=2048
- uart_is_16550
- has_uart1
- has_fpu
fetch1: Implement a simple branch target cache
This implements a cache in fetch1, where each entry stores the address
of a simple branch instruction (b or bc) and the target of the branch.
When fetching sequentially, if the address being fetched matches the
cache entry, then fetching will be redirected to the branch target.
The cache has 1024 entries and is direct-mapped, i.e. indexed by bits
11..2 of the NIA.
The bus from execute1 now carries information about taken and
not-taken simple branches, which fetch1 uses to update the cache.
The cache entry is updated for both taken and not-taken branches, with
the valid bit being set if the branch was taken and cleared if the
branch was not taken.
If fetching is redirected to the branch target then that goes down the
pipe as a predicted-taken branch, and decode1 does not do any static
branch prediction. If fetching is not redirected, then the next
instruction goes down the pipe as normal and decode1 does its static
branch prediction.
In order to make timing, the lookup of the cache is pipelined, so on
each cycle the cache entry for the current NIA + 8 is read. This
means that after a redirect (from decode1 or execute1), only the third
and subsequent sequentially-fetched instructions will be able to be
This improves the coremark value on the Arty A7-100 from about 180 to
about 190 (more than 5%).
The BTC is optional. Builds for the Artix 7 35-T part have it off by
default because the extra ~1420 LUTs it takes mean that the design
doesn't fit on the Arty A7-35 board.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@ozlabs.org>
4 years ago
- has_btc
- has_short_mult
generate: [litedram_arty, liteeth_arty, litesdcard_arty]
vivado: {part : xc7a100ticsg324-1L}
toplevel : toplevel
default_tool: vivado
filesets: [core, wukong-v2, soc, fpga, debug_xilinx, uart16550, xilinx_specific, litesdcard]
- memory_size
- ram_init_file
- use_litedram=false
- use_liteeth=false
- use_litesdcard=true
- disable_flatten_core
- spi_flash_offset=4194304
- clk_frequency=100000000
- log_length=2048
- uart_is_16550
- has_fpu
- has_btc
- has_short_mult
generate: [litesdcard_wukong-v2]
vivado: {part : xc7a100tfgg676-1}
toplevel : toplevel
default_tool: vivado
filesets: [core, wukong-v2, soc, fpga, debug_xilinx, litedram, liteeth, uart16550, xilinx_specific, litesdcard]
- memory_size=0
- ram_init_file
- use_litedram=true
- use_liteeth=true
- use_litesdcard=true
- disable_flatten_core
- no_bram=true
- spi_flash_offset=4194304
- log_length=0
- uart_is_16550
- has_fpu
- has_btc
- has_short_mult
generate: [litedram_wukong-v2, liteeth_wukong-v2, litesdcard_wukong-v2]
vivado: {part : xc7a100tfgg676-1}
toplevel : toplevel
default_tool: vivado
filesets: [core, cmod_a7-35, soc, fpga, debug_xilinx, uart16550, xilinx_specific]
parameters :
- memory_size
- ram_init_file
- reset_low=false
- clk_input=12000000
- clk_frequency
- disable_flatten_core
- log_length=512
- uart_is_16550
- has_fpu=false
fetch1: Implement a simple branch target cache
This implements a cache in fetch1, where each entry stores the address
of a simple branch instruction (b or bc) and the target of the branch.
When fetching sequentially, if the address being fetched matches the
cache entry, then fetching will be redirected to the branch target.
The cache has 1024 entries and is direct-mapped, i.e. indexed by bits
11..2 of the NIA.
The bus from execute1 now carries information about taken and
not-taken simple branches, which fetch1 uses to update the cache.
The cache entry is updated for both taken and not-taken branches, with
the valid bit being set if the branch was taken and cleared if the
branch was not taken.
If fetching is redirected to the branch target then that goes down the
pipe as a predicted-taken branch, and decode1 does not do any static
branch prediction. If fetching is not redirected, then the next
instruction goes down the pipe as normal and decode1 does its static
branch prediction.
In order to make timing, the lookup of the cache is pipelined, so on
each cycle the cache entry for the current NIA + 8 is read. This
means that after a redirect (from decode1 or execute1), only the third
and subsequent sequentially-fetched instructions will be able to be
This improves the coremark value on the Arty A7-100 from about 180 to
about 190 (more than 5%).
The BTC is optional. Builds for the Artix 7 35-T part have it off by
default because the extra ~1420 LUTs it takes mean that the design
doesn't fit on the Arty A7-35 board.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@ozlabs.org>
4 years ago
- has_btc=false
vivado: {part : xc7a35tcpg236-1}
toplevel : toplevel
filesets: [core, soc, xilinx_specific]
vivado: {pnr : none}
toplevel: core
generator: litedram_gen
parameters: {board : arty}
generator: liteeth_gen
parameters: {board : arty}
generator: litesdcard_gen
parameters: {vendor : xilinx}
generator: litesdcard_gen
parameters: {vendor : xilinx}
generator: litedram_gen
parameters: {board : nexys-video}
generator: liteeth_gen
parameters: {board : nexys-video}
generator: litedram_gen
parameters: {board : acorn-cle-215}
generator: litedram_gen
parameters: {board : genesys2}
generator: litedram_gen
parameters: {board : wukong-v2}
generator: liteeth_gen
parameters: {board : wukong-v2}
generator: litesdcard_gen
parameters: {vendor : xilinx}
datatype : int
description : On-chip memory size (bytes). If no_bram is set, this is the size carved out for the DRAM payload
paramtype : generic
default : 16384
datatype : file
description : Initial on-chip RAM contents
paramtype : generic
datatype : bool
description : External reset button polarity
paramtype : generic
datatype : int
description : Clock input frequency in HZ (for top-generic based boards)
paramtype : generic
default : 100000000
datatype : int
description : Generated system clock frequency in HZ (for top-generic based boards)
paramtype : generic
default : 100000000
datatype : bool
description : Include a floating-point unit in the core
paramtype : generic
default : true
fetch1: Implement a simple branch target cache
This implements a cache in fetch1, where each entry stores the address
of a simple branch instruction (b or bc) and the target of the branch.
When fetching sequentially, if the address being fetched matches the
cache entry, then fetching will be redirected to the branch target.
The cache has 1024 entries and is direct-mapped, i.e. indexed by bits
11..2 of the NIA.
The bus from execute1 now carries information about taken and
not-taken simple branches, which fetch1 uses to update the cache.
The cache entry is updated for both taken and not-taken branches, with
the valid bit being set if the branch was taken and cleared if the
branch was not taken.
If fetching is redirected to the branch target then that goes down the
pipe as a predicted-taken branch, and decode1 does not do any static
branch prediction. If fetching is not redirected, then the next
instruction goes down the pipe as normal and decode1 does its static
branch prediction.
In order to make timing, the lookup of the cache is pipelined, so on
each cycle the cache entry for the current NIA + 8 is read. This
means that after a redirect (from decode1 or execute1), only the third
and subsequent sequentially-fetched instructions will be able to be
This improves the coremark value on the Arty A7-100 from about 180 to
about 190 (more than 5%).
The BTC is optional. Builds for the Artix 7 35-T part have it off by
default because the extra ~1420 LUTs it takes mean that the design
doesn't fit on the Arty A7-35 board.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@ozlabs.org>
4 years ago
datatype : bool
description : Include a branch target cache in the core
paramtype : generic
default : true
datatype : bool
description : Include a 16 bit x 16 bit single-cycle multiplier in the core
paramtype : generic
default : false
datatype : bool
description : Prevent Vivado from flattening the main core components
paramtype : generic
default : false
datatype : bool
description : Use liteDRAM
paramtype : generic
default : false
datatype : bool
description : Use liteEth
paramtype : generic
default : false
datatype : bool
description : Use LiteSDCard
paramtype : generic
default : false
datatype : bool
description : Use 16550-compatible UART from OpenCores
paramtype : generic
default : true
datatype : bool
description : Enable second UART (always 16550-compatible)
paramtype : generic
default : false
datatype : bool
description : No internal block RAM (only DRAM and init code carrying payload)
paramtype : generic
default : false
datatype : int
description : Offset (in bytes) in the SPI flash of the code payload to run
paramtype : generic
datatype : int
description : Length of the core log buffer in entries (32 bytes each)
paramtype : generic