from enum import IntEnum, unique from nmigen import Signal, Elaboratable, Module, ResetInserter, Cat from nmigen_soc.wishbone import Interface as WishboneInterface from nmigen.lib.fifo import SyncFIFOBuffered from nmigen.back import verilog @unique class RegEnum(IntEnum): BT_CTRL = 0 BMC2HOST_HOST2BMC = 1 BT_INTMASK = 2 @unique class BMCRegEnum(IntEnum): IRQ_MASK = 0 IRQ_STATUS = 1 BT_CTRL = 4 BMC2HOST_HOST2BMC = 5 @unique class StateEnum(IntEnum): IDLE = 0 ACK = 1 @unique class BMCIRQEnum(IntEnum): TARGET_TO_BMC_ATTN = 0 TARGET_NOT_BUSY = 1 class IPMI_BT(Elaboratable): def __init__(self, depth=64): self.depth = depth self.bmc_wb = WishboneInterface(data_width=8, addr_width=3) self.bmc_irq = Signal() self.target_wb = WishboneInterface(data_width=8, addr_width=2) self.target_irq = Signal() def elaborate(self, platform): m = Module() # Reset signals for the FIFOs, since BT_CTRL needs to be able to clear them reset_from_bmc_fifo = Signal() reset_from_target_fifo = Signal() m.d.sync += [ reset_from_bmc_fifo.eq(0), reset_from_target_fifo.eq(0) ] # BMC -> Target FIFO m.submodules.from_bmc_fifo = from_bmc_fifo = ResetInserter( reset_from_bmc_fifo)(SyncFIFOBuffered(width=8, depth=self.depth)) # Target -> BMC FIFO m.submodules.from_target_fifo = from_target_fifo = ResetInserter( reset_from_target_fifo)(SyncFIFOBuffered(width=8, depth=self.depth)) # Wire up wishbone to FIFO write m.d.comb += [ from_bmc_fifo.w_data.eq(self.bmc_wb.dat_w), from_target_fifo.w_data.eq(self.target_wb.dat_w) ] # Some wishbone helpers is_bmc_write = Signal() is_bmc_read = Signal() m.d.comb += [ is_bmc_write.eq(self.bmc_wb.stb & self.bmc_wb.cyc & self.bmc_wb.we), is_bmc_read.eq(self.bmc_wb.stb & self.bmc_wb.cyc & ~self.bmc_wb.we) ] is_target_read = Signal() is_target_write = Signal() m.d.comb += [ is_target_write.eq(self.target_wb.stb & self.target_wb.cyc & self.target_wb.we), is_target_read.eq(self.target_wb.stb & self.target_wb.cyc & ~self.target_wb.we) ] # BMC and target wishbone state machine bmc_state = Signal(StateEnum, reset=StateEnum.IDLE) target_state = Signal(StateEnum, reset=StateEnum.IDLE) m.d.sync += [ from_bmc_fifo.w_en.eq(0), from_bmc_fifo.r_en.eq(0), from_target_fifo.w_en.eq(0), from_target_fifo.r_en.eq(0) ] m.d.sync += [ self.bmc_wb.ack.eq(0), self.target_wb.ack.eq(0) ] # Don't read from empty FIFOs from_bmc_fifo_read_data = Signal(8) m.d.comb += from_bmc_fifo_read_data.eq(0) with m.If(from_bmc_fifo.r_rdy): m.d.comb += from_bmc_fifo_read_data.eq(from_bmc_fifo.r_data) from_target_fifo_read_data = Signal(8) m.d.comb += from_target_fifo_read_data.eq(0) with m.If(from_target_fifo.r_rdy): m.d.comb += from_target_fifo_read_data.eq(from_target_fifo.r_data) # BT_CTRL bits target_to_bmc_attn = Signal() bmc_to_target_attn = Signal() sms_attn = Signal() platform_reserved = Signal() bmc_busy = Signal() target_busy = Signal() bt_ctrl = Signal(8) m.d.comb += bt_ctrl.eq(Cat(0, 0, target_to_bmc_attn, bmc_to_target_attn, sms_attn, platform_reserved, target_busy, bmc_busy)) # BT_INTMASK (target interrupt mask) bits bmc_to_target_irq_en = Signal() bmc_to_target_irq = Signal() m.d.comb += self.target_irq.eq(bmc_to_target_irq_en & bmc_to_target_irq) # BMC interrupt bits. These are not architected by the IPMI BT spec. The # Linux driver expects to get an interrupt whenever target_to_bmc_attn # goes high (ready to read) or target_busy goes low (ready to write). We # don't interrupt on bmc_to_target_attn going low (which is also required # for ready to write) but rely on the target driver setting target_busy low # right after it sets bmc_to_target_attn low. bmc_irq_en = Signal(2) bmc_irq = Signal(2) m.d.comb += self.bmc_irq.eq(bmc_irq_en & bmc_irq) # Target wishbone state machine with m.Switch(target_state): with m.Case(StateEnum.IDLE): with m.If(is_target_write): with m.Switch(self.target_wb.adr): with m.Case(RegEnum.BT_CTRL): # Bit 0, write 1 to clear the write fifo (ie from_target_fifo) with m.If(self.target_wb.dat_w[0]): m.d.sync += reset_from_target_fifo.eq(1) # Bit 1 is meant to set the read FIFO to the next valid # position, but since we only have a single buffer this # doesn't need to do anything. with m.If(self.target_wb.dat_w[2]): # Trigger an interrupt whenever we set target_to_bmc_attn with m.If(bmc_irq_en[BMCIRQEnum.TARGET_TO_BMC_ATTN]): m.d.sync += bmc_irq[BMCIRQEnum.TARGET_TO_BMC_ATTN].eq(1) m.d.sync += target_to_bmc_attn.eq(1) # Bit 3, write 1 to clear bmc_to_target_attn with m.If(self.target_wb.dat_w[3]): m.d.sync += bmc_to_target_attn.eq(0) # Bit 4, write 1 to clear sms_attn with m.If(self.target_wb.dat_w[4]): m.d.sync += sms_attn.eq(0) # Bit 5, write 1 to set platform reserved with m.If(self.target_wb.dat_w[5]): m.d.sync += platform_reserved.eq(1) # Bit 6, write 1 to toggle target_busy with m.If(self.target_wb.dat_w[6]): # Trigger an interrupt whenever we clear target_busy with m.If(target_busy & bmc_irq_en[BMCIRQEnum.TARGET_NOT_BUSY]): m.d.sync += bmc_irq[BMCIRQEnum.TARGET_NOT_BUSY].eq(1) m.d.sync += target_busy.eq(~target_busy) # Bit 7, read only with m.Case(RegEnum.BMC2HOST_HOST2BMC): # Only assert write if there is space m.d.sync += from_target_fifo.w_en.eq(from_target_fifo.w_rdy) with m.Case(RegEnum.BT_INTMASK): # Bit 0, 0/1 write m.d.sync += bmc_to_target_irq_en.eq(self.target_wb.dat_w[0]) # Bit 1, write 1 to clear interrupt with m.If(self.target_wb.dat_w[1]): m.d.sync += bmc_to_target_irq.eq(0) m.d.sync += [ self.target_wb.ack.eq(1), target_state.eq(StateEnum.ACK) ] with m.If(is_target_read): with m.Switch(self.target_wb.adr): with m.Case(RegEnum.BT_CTRL): m.d.sync += self.target_wb.dat_r.eq(bt_ctrl) with m.Case(RegEnum.BMC2HOST_HOST2BMC): m.d.sync += [ self.target_wb.dat_r.eq(from_bmc_fifo_read_data), from_bmc_fifo.r_en.eq(from_bmc_fifo.r_rdy), ] with m.Case(RegEnum.BT_INTMASK): m.d.sync += self.target_wb.dat_r.eq(Cat(bmc_to_target_irq_en, bmc_to_target_irq)) m.d.sync += [ self.target_wb.ack.eq(1), target_state.eq(StateEnum.ACK) ] with m.Case(StateEnum.ACK): m.d.sync += [ self.target_wb.ack.eq(0), target_state.eq(StateEnum.IDLE), ] # BMC wishbone state machine with m.Switch(bmc_state): with m.Case(StateEnum.IDLE): with m.If(is_bmc_write): with m.Switch(self.bmc_wb.adr): with m.Case(BMCRegEnum.BT_CTRL): # Bit 0, write 1 to clear the write fifo (ie from_bmc_fifo) with m.If(self.bmc_wb.dat_w[0]): m.d.sync += reset_from_bmc_fifo.eq(1) # Bit 1 is meant to set the read FIFO to the next valid # position, but since we only have a single buffer this # doesn't need to do anything. # Bit 2, write to clear target_to_bmc_attn with m.If(self.bmc_wb.dat_w[2]): m.d.sync += target_to_bmc_attn.eq(0) # Bit 3, write 1 to set bmc_to_target_attn with m.If(self.bmc_wb.dat_w[3]): # Trigger an interrupt whenever we set bmc_to_target_attn with m.If(bmc_to_target_irq_en): m.d.sync += bmc_to_target_irq.eq(1) m.d.sync += bmc_to_target_attn.eq(1) # Bit 4, write 1 to set sms_attn with m.If(self.bmc_wb.dat_w[4]): # Trigger an interrupt whenever we set sms_attn with m.If(bmc_to_target_irq_en): m.d.sync += bmc_to_target_irq.eq(1) m.d.sync += sms_attn.eq(1) # Bit 5, write 1 to clear platform reserved with m.If(self.bmc_wb.dat_w[5]): m.d.sync += platform_reserved.eq(0) # Bit 6, read only # Bit 7, write 1 to toggle bmc_busy with m.If(self.bmc_wb.dat_w[7]): m.d.sync += bmc_busy.eq(~bmc_busy) with m.Case(BMCRegEnum.BMC2HOST_HOST2BMC): # Only assert write if there is space m.d.sync += from_bmc_fifo.w_en.eq(from_bmc_fifo.w_rdy) with m.Case(BMCRegEnum.IRQ_MASK): m.d.sync += bmc_irq_en.eq(self.bmc_wb.dat_w) with m.Case(BMCRegEnum.IRQ_STATUS): m.d.sync += bmc_irq.eq(self.bmc_wb.dat_w) m.d.sync += [ self.bmc_wb.ack.eq(1), bmc_state.eq(StateEnum.ACK) ] with m.If(is_bmc_read): with m.Switch(self.bmc_wb.adr): with m.Case(BMCRegEnum.BT_CTRL): m.d.sync += self.bmc_wb.dat_r.eq(bt_ctrl) with m.Case(BMCRegEnum.BMC2HOST_HOST2BMC): m.d.sync += [ self.bmc_wb.dat_r.eq(from_target_fifo_read_data), from_target_fifo.r_en.eq(from_target_fifo.r_rdy), ] with m.Case(BMCRegEnum.IRQ_MASK): m.d.sync += self.bmc_wb.dat_r.eq(bmc_irq_en) with m.Case(BMCRegEnum.IRQ_STATUS): m.d.sync += self.bmc_wb.dat_r.eq(bmc_irq) m.d.sync += [ self.bmc_wb.ack.eq(1), bmc_state.eq(StateEnum.ACK) ] with m.Case(StateEnum.ACK): m.d.sync += [ self.bmc_wb.ack.eq(0), bmc_state.eq(StateEnum.IDLE), ] return m if __name__ == "__main__": top = IPMI_BT() with open("ipmi_bt.v", "w") as f: f.write(verilog.convert(top))