-- © IBM Corp. 2020 -- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by -- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in -- compliance with the License as modified. -- You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -- -- Modified Terms: -- -- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the -- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship -- in physical form. -- -- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses -- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER -- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded -- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions -- of the EULA. -- -- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design -- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT -- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License -- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. -- -- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that -- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are -- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be -- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here: https://openpowerfoundation.org. library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; library ibm; use ibm.std_ulogic_unsigned.all; use ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all; use ibm.std_ulogic_support.all; library support; use support.power_logic_pkg.all; library tri; use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all; entity mmq_htw is generic(thdid_width : integer := 4; pid_width : integer := 14; lpid_width : integer := 8; htw_seq_width : integer := 2; pte_seq_width : integer := 3; tlb_way_width : natural := 168; tlb_word_width : natural := 84; real_addr_width : integer := 42; epn_width : integer := 52; rpn_width : integer := 30; pte_width : integer := 64; tlb_tag_width : natural := 110; expand_type : integer := 2 ); port( vdd : inout power_logic; gnd : inout power_logic; nclk : in clk_logic; tc_ccflush_dc : in std_ulogic; tc_scan_dis_dc_b : in std_ulogic; tc_scan_diag_dc : in std_ulogic; tc_lbist_en_dc : in std_ulogic; lcb_d_mode_dc : in std_ulogic; lcb_clkoff_dc_b : in std_ulogic; lcb_act_dis_dc : in std_ulogic; lcb_mpw1_dc_b : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4); lcb_mpw2_dc_b : in std_ulogic; lcb_delay_lclkr_dc : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4); ac_func_scan_in :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); ac_func_scan_out :out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); pc_sg_2 : in std_ulogic; pc_func_sl_thold_2 : in std_ulogic; pc_func_slp_sl_thold_2 : in std_ulogic; xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b : in std_ulogic; mmucr2_act_override : in std_ulogic; tlb_delayed_act : in std_ulogic_vector(24 to 28); tlb_ctl_tag2_flush : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to thdid_width-1); tlb_ctl_tag3_flush : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to thdid_width-1); tlb_ctl_tag4_flush : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to thdid_width-1); tlb_tag2 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to tlb_tag_width-1); tlb_tag5_except : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to thdid_width-1); tlb_htw_req_valid : in std_ulogic; tlb_htw_req_tag : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to tlb_tag_width-1); tlb_htw_req_way : in std_ulogic_vector(tlb_word_width to tlb_way_width-1); htw_lsu_req_valid : out std_ulogic; htw_lsu_thdid : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to thdid_width-1); htw_dbg_lsu_thdid : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); htw_lsu_ttype : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); htw_lsu_wimge : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4); htw_lsu_u : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); htw_lsu_addr : out std_ulogic_vector(64-real_addr_width to 63); htw_lsu_req_taken : in std_ulogic; htw_quiesce : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to thdid_width-1); htw_req0_valid : out std_ulogic; htw_req0_thdid : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to thdid_width-1); htw_req0_type : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); htw_req1_valid : out std_ulogic; htw_req1_thdid : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to thdid_width-1); htw_req1_type : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); htw_req2_valid : out std_ulogic; htw_req2_thdid : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to thdid_width-1); htw_req2_type : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); htw_req3_valid : out std_ulogic; htw_req3_thdid : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to thdid_width-1); htw_req3_type : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); ptereload_req_valid : out std_ulogic; ptereload_req_tag : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to tlb_tag_width-1); ptereload_req_pte : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to pte_width-1); ptereload_req_taken : in std_ulogic; an_ac_reld_core_tag : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4); an_ac_reld_data : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 127); an_ac_reld_data_vld : in std_ulogic; an_ac_reld_ecc_err : in std_ulogic; an_ac_reld_ecc_err_ue : in std_ulogic; an_ac_reld_qw : in std_ulogic_vector(58 to 59); an_ac_reld_ditc : in std_ulogic; an_ac_reld_crit_qw : in std_ulogic; htw_dbg_seq_idle : out std_ulogic; htw_dbg_pte0_seq_idle : out std_ulogic; htw_dbg_pte1_seq_idle : out std_ulogic; htw_dbg_seq_q : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); htw_dbg_inptr_q : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); htw_dbg_pte0_seq_q : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2); htw_dbg_pte1_seq_q : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2); htw_dbg_ptereload_ptr_q : out std_ulogic; htw_dbg_lsuptr_q : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); htw_dbg_req_valid_q : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); htw_dbg_resv_valid_vec : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); htw_dbg_tag4_clr_resv_q : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); htw_dbg_tag4_clr_resv_terms : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); htw_dbg_pte0_score_ptr_q : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); htw_dbg_pte0_score_cl_offset_q : out std_ulogic_vector(58 to 60); htw_dbg_pte0_score_error_q : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2); htw_dbg_pte0_score_qwbeat_q : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); htw_dbg_pte0_score_pending_q : out std_ulogic; htw_dbg_pte0_score_ibit_q : out std_ulogic; htw_dbg_pte0_score_dataval_q : out std_ulogic; htw_dbg_pte0_reld_for_me_tm1 : out std_ulogic; htw_dbg_pte1_score_ptr_q : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); htw_dbg_pte1_score_cl_offset_q : out std_ulogic_vector(58 to 60); htw_dbg_pte1_score_error_q : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2); htw_dbg_pte1_score_qwbeat_q : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); htw_dbg_pte1_score_pending_q : out std_ulogic; htw_dbg_pte1_score_ibit_q : out std_ulogic; htw_dbg_pte1_score_dataval_q : out std_ulogic; htw_dbg_pte1_reld_for_me_tm1 : out std_ulogic ); end mmq_htw; ARCHITECTURE MMQ_HTW OF MMQ_HTW IS constant MMU_Mode_Value : std_ulogic := '0'; constant TlbSel_Tlb : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1) := "00"; constant TlbSel_IErat : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1) := "10"; constant TlbSel_DErat : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1) := "11"; constant Core_Tag0_Value : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4) := "01100"; constant Core_Tag1_Value : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4) := "01101"; constant ERAT_PgSize_1GB : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2) := "110"; constant ERAT_PgSize_16MB : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2) := "111"; constant ERAT_PgSize_1MB : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2) := "101"; constant ERAT_PgSize_64KB : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2) := "011"; constant ERAT_PgSize_4KB : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2) := "001"; constant TLB_PgSize_1GB : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3) := "1010"; constant TLB_PgSize_16MB : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3) := "0111"; constant TLB_PgSize_1MB : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3) := "0101"; constant TLB_PgSize_64KB : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3) := "0011"; constant TLB_PgSize_4KB : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3) := "0001"; constant ERAT_PgSize_256MB : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2) := "100"; constant TLB_PgSize_256MB : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3) := "1001"; constant HtwSeq_Idle : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1) := "00"; constant HtwSeq_Stg1 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1) := "01"; constant HtwSeq_Stg2 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1) := "11"; constant HtwSeq_Stg3 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1) := "10"; constant PteSeq_Idle : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2) := "000"; constant PteSeq_Stg1 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2) := "001"; constant PteSeq_Stg2 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2) := "011"; constant PteSeq_Stg3 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2) := "010"; constant PteSeq_Stg4 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2) := "110"; constant PteSeq_Stg5 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2) := "111"; constant PteSeq_Stg6 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2) := "101"; constant PteSeq_Stg7 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2) := "100"; constant tlb_htw_req0_valid_offset : natural := 0; constant tlb_htw_req0_pending_offset : natural := tlb_htw_req0_valid_offset + 1; constant tlb_htw_req0_tag_offset : natural := tlb_htw_req0_pending_offset + 1; constant tlb_htw_req0_way_offset : natural := tlb_htw_req0_tag_offset + tlb_tag_width; constant tlb_htw_req1_valid_offset : natural := tlb_htw_req0_way_offset + tlb_word_width; constant tlb_htw_req1_pending_offset : natural := tlb_htw_req1_valid_offset + 1; constant tlb_htw_req1_tag_offset : natural := tlb_htw_req1_pending_offset + 1; constant tlb_htw_req1_way_offset : natural := tlb_htw_req1_tag_offset + tlb_tag_width; constant tlb_htw_req2_valid_offset : natural := tlb_htw_req1_way_offset + tlb_word_width; constant tlb_htw_req2_pending_offset : natural := tlb_htw_req2_valid_offset + 1; constant tlb_htw_req2_tag_offset : natural := tlb_htw_req2_pending_offset + 1; constant tlb_htw_req2_way_offset : natural := tlb_htw_req2_tag_offset + tlb_tag_width; constant tlb_htw_req3_valid_offset : natural := tlb_htw_req2_way_offset + tlb_word_width; constant tlb_htw_req3_pending_offset : natural := tlb_htw_req3_valid_offset + 1; constant tlb_htw_req3_tag_offset : natural := tlb_htw_req3_pending_offset + 1; constant tlb_htw_req3_way_offset : natural := tlb_htw_req3_tag_offset + tlb_tag_width; constant spare_a_offset : natural := tlb_htw_req3_way_offset + tlb_word_width; constant scan_right_0 : natural := spare_a_offset + 16 -1; constant htw_seq_offset : natural := 0; constant htw_inptr_offset : natural := htw_seq_offset + htw_seq_width; constant htw_lsuptr_offset : natural := htw_inptr_offset + 2; constant htw_lsu_ttype_offset : natural := htw_lsuptr_offset + 2; constant htw_lsu_thdid_offset : natural := htw_lsu_ttype_offset + 2; constant htw_lsu_wimge_offset : natural := htw_lsu_thdid_offset + thdid_width; constant htw_lsu_u_offset : natural := htw_lsu_wimge_offset + 5; constant htw_lsu_addr_offset : natural := htw_lsu_u_offset + 4; constant pte0_seq_offset : natural := htw_lsu_addr_offset + real_addr_width; constant pte0_score_ptr_offset : natural := pte0_seq_offset + pte_seq_width; constant pte0_score_cl_offset_offset : natural := pte0_score_ptr_offset + 2; constant pte0_score_error_offset : natural := pte0_score_cl_offset_offset + 3; constant pte0_score_qwbeat_offset : natural := pte0_score_error_offset + 3; constant pte0_score_ibit_offset : natural := pte0_score_qwbeat_offset + 4; constant pte0_score_pending_offset : natural := pte0_score_ibit_offset + 1; constant pte0_score_dataval_offset : natural := pte0_score_pending_offset + 1; constant pte1_seq_offset : natural := pte0_score_dataval_offset + 1; constant pte1_score_ptr_offset : natural := pte1_seq_offset + pte_seq_width; constant pte1_score_cl_offset_offset : natural := pte1_score_ptr_offset + 2; constant pte1_score_error_offset : natural := pte1_score_cl_offset_offset + 3; constant pte1_score_qwbeat_offset : natural := pte1_score_error_offset + 3; constant pte1_score_ibit_offset : natural := pte1_score_qwbeat_offset + 4; constant pte1_score_pending_offset : natural := pte1_score_ibit_offset + 1; constant pte1_score_dataval_offset : natural := pte1_score_pending_offset + 1; constant pte_load_ptr_offset : natural := pte1_score_dataval_offset + 1; constant ptereload_ptr_offset : natural := pte_load_ptr_offset + 1; constant reld_core_tag_tm1_offset : natural := ptereload_ptr_offset + 1; constant reld_qw_tm1_offset : natural := reld_core_tag_tm1_offset + 5; constant reld_crit_qw_tm1_offset : natural := reld_qw_tm1_offset + 2; constant reld_ditc_tm1_offset : natural := reld_crit_qw_tm1_offset + 1; constant reld_data_vld_tm1_offset : natural := reld_ditc_tm1_offset + 1; constant reld_core_tag_t_offset : natural := reld_data_vld_tm1_offset + 1; constant reld_qw_t_offset : natural := reld_core_tag_t_offset + 5; constant reld_crit_qw_t_offset : natural := reld_qw_t_offset + 2; constant reld_ditc_t_offset : natural := reld_crit_qw_t_offset + 1; constant reld_data_vld_t_offset : natural := reld_ditc_t_offset + 1; constant reld_core_tag_tp1_offset : natural := reld_data_vld_t_offset + 1; constant reld_qw_tp1_offset : natural := reld_core_tag_tp1_offset + 5; constant reld_crit_qw_tp1_offset : natural := reld_qw_tp1_offset + 2; constant reld_ditc_tp1_offset : natural := reld_crit_qw_tp1_offset + 1; constant reld_data_vld_tp1_offset : natural := reld_ditc_tp1_offset + 1; constant reld_core_tag_tp2_offset : natural := reld_data_vld_tp1_offset + 1; constant reld_qw_tp2_offset : natural := reld_core_tag_tp2_offset + 5; constant reld_crit_qw_tp2_offset : natural := reld_qw_tp2_offset + 2; constant reld_ditc_tp2_offset : natural := reld_crit_qw_tp2_offset + 1; constant reld_data_vld_tp2_offset : natural := reld_ditc_tp2_offset + 1; constant reld_ecc_err_tp2_offset : natural := reld_data_vld_tp2_offset + 1; constant reld_ecc_err_ue_tp2_offset : natural := reld_ecc_err_tp2_offset + 1; constant reld_data_tp1_offset : natural := reld_ecc_err_ue_tp2_offset + 1; constant reld_data_tp2_offset : natural := reld_data_tp1_offset + 128; constant pte0_reld_data_tp3_offset : natural := reld_data_tp2_offset + 128; constant pte1_reld_data_tp3_offset : natural := pte0_reld_data_tp3_offset + 64; constant htw_tag3_offset : natural := pte1_reld_data_tp3_offset + 64; constant htw_tag4_clr_resv_offset : natural := htw_tag3_offset + tlb_tag_width; constant htw_tag5_clr_resv_offset : natural := htw_tag4_clr_resv_offset + thdid_width; constant spare_b_offset : natural := htw_tag5_clr_resv_offset + thdid_width; constant scan_right_1 : natural := spare_b_offset + 16 -1; constant tagpos_epn : natural := 0; constant tagpos_pid : natural := 52; constant tagpos_is : natural := 66; constant tagpos_class : natural := 68; constant tagpos_state : natural := 70; constant tagpos_thdid : natural := 74; constant tagpos_size : natural := 78; constant tagpos_type : natural := 82; constant tagpos_lpid : natural := 90; constant tagpos_ind : natural := 98; constant tagpos_atsel : natural := 99; constant tagpos_esel : natural := 100; constant tagpos_hes : natural := 103; constant tagpos_wq : natural := 104; constant tagpos_ltwe : natural := 106; constant tagpos_lpte : natural := 107; constant tagpos_recform : natural := 108; constant tagpos_endflag : natural := 109; constant tagpos_type_derat : natural := tagpos_type; constant tagpos_type_ierat : natural := tagpos_type+1; constant tagpos_type_tlbsx : natural := tagpos_type+2; constant tagpos_type_tlbsrx : natural := tagpos_type+3; constant tagpos_type_snoop : natural := tagpos_type+4; constant tagpos_type_tlbre : natural := tagpos_type+5; constant tagpos_type_tlbwe : natural := tagpos_type+6; constant tagpos_type_ptereload : natural := tagpos_type+7; constant tagpos_pr : natural := tagpos_state; constant tagpos_gs : natural := tagpos_state+1; constant tagpos_as : natural := tagpos_state+2; constant tagpos_cm : natural := tagpos_state+3; constant waypos_epn : natural := 0; constant waypos_size : natural := 52; constant waypos_thdid : natural := 56; constant waypos_class : natural := 60; constant waypos_extclass : natural := 62; constant waypos_lpid : natural := 66; constant waypos_xbit : natural := 84; constant waypos_rpn : natural := 88; constant waypos_rc : natural := 118; constant waypos_wlc : natural := 120; constant waypos_resvattr : natural := 122; constant waypos_vf : natural := 123; constant waypos_ind : natural := 124; constant waypos_ubits : natural := 125; constant waypos_wimge : natural := 129; constant waypos_usxwr : natural := 134; constant waypos_gs : natural := 140; constant waypos_ts : natural := 141; constant waypos_tid : natural := 144; constant ptepos_rpn : natural := 0; constant ptepos_wimge : natural := 40; constant ptepos_r : natural := 45; constant ptepos_ubits : natural := 46; constant ptepos_sw0 : natural := 50; constant ptepos_c : natural := 51; constant ptepos_size : natural := 52; constant ptepos_usxwr : natural := 56; constant ptepos_sw1 : natural := 62; constant ptepos_valid : natural := 63; signal htw_seq_d, htw_seq_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal htw_inptr_d, htw_inptr_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal htw_lsuptr_d, htw_lsuptr_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal htw_lsu_ttype_d, htw_lsu_ttype_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal htw_lsu_thdid_d, htw_lsu_thdid_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to thdid_width-1); signal htw_lsu_wimge_d, htw_lsu_wimge_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4); signal htw_lsu_u_d, htw_lsu_u_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal htw_lsu_addr_d, htw_lsu_addr_q : std_ulogic_vector(64-real_addr_width to 63); signal pte0_seq_d, pte0_seq_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2); signal pte0_score_ptr_d, pte0_score_ptr_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal pte0_score_cl_offset_d, pte0_score_cl_offset_q : std_ulogic_vector(58 to 60); signal pte0_score_error_d, pte0_score_error_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2); signal pte0_score_qwbeat_d, pte0_score_qwbeat_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal pte0_score_pending_d, pte0_score_pending_q : std_ulogic; signal pte0_score_ibit_d, pte0_score_ibit_q : std_ulogic; signal pte0_score_dataval_d, pte0_score_dataval_q : std_ulogic; signal pte1_seq_d, pte1_seq_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2); signal pte1_score_ptr_d, pte1_score_ptr_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal pte1_score_cl_offset_d, pte1_score_cl_offset_q : std_ulogic_vector(58 to 60); signal pte1_score_error_d, pte1_score_error_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2); signal pte1_score_qwbeat_d, pte1_score_qwbeat_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal pte1_score_pending_d, pte1_score_pending_q : std_ulogic; signal pte1_score_ibit_d, pte1_score_ibit_q : std_ulogic; signal pte1_score_dataval_d, pte1_score_dataval_q : std_ulogic; signal ptereload_ptr_d, ptereload_ptr_q : std_ulogic; signal pte_load_ptr_d, pte_load_ptr_q : std_ulogic; signal tlb_htw_req0_valid_d, tlb_htw_req0_valid_q : std_ulogic; signal tlb_htw_req0_pending_d, tlb_htw_req0_pending_q : std_ulogic; signal tlb_htw_req0_tag_d, tlb_htw_req0_tag_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to tlb_tag_width-1); signal tlb_htw_req0_way_d, tlb_htw_req0_way_q : std_ulogic_vector(tlb_word_width to tlb_way_width-1); signal tlb_htw_req0_tag_act : std_ulogic; signal tlb_htw_req1_valid_d, tlb_htw_req1_valid_q : std_ulogic; signal tlb_htw_req1_pending_d, tlb_htw_req1_pending_q : std_ulogic; signal tlb_htw_req1_tag_d, tlb_htw_req1_tag_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to tlb_tag_width-1); signal tlb_htw_req1_way_d, tlb_htw_req1_way_q : std_ulogic_vector(tlb_word_width to tlb_way_width-1); signal tlb_htw_req1_tag_act : std_ulogic; signal tlb_htw_req2_valid_d, tlb_htw_req2_valid_q : std_ulogic; signal tlb_htw_req2_pending_d, tlb_htw_req2_pending_q : std_ulogic; signal tlb_htw_req2_tag_d, tlb_htw_req2_tag_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to tlb_tag_width-1); signal tlb_htw_req2_way_d, tlb_htw_req2_way_q : std_ulogic_vector(tlb_word_width to tlb_way_width-1); signal tlb_htw_req2_tag_act : std_ulogic; signal tlb_htw_req3_valid_d, tlb_htw_req3_valid_q : std_ulogic; signal tlb_htw_req3_pending_d, tlb_htw_req3_pending_q : std_ulogic; signal tlb_htw_req3_tag_d, tlb_htw_req3_tag_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to tlb_tag_width-1); signal tlb_htw_req3_way_d, tlb_htw_req3_way_q : std_ulogic_vector(tlb_word_width to tlb_way_width-1); signal tlb_htw_req3_tag_act : std_ulogic; -- synopsys translate_off -- synopsys translate_on signal reld_core_tag_tm1_d, reld_core_tag_tm1_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4); signal reld_qw_tm1_d, reld_qw_tm1_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal reld_crit_qw_tm1_d, reld_crit_qw_tm1_q : std_ulogic; signal reld_ditc_tm1_d, reld_ditc_tm1_q : std_ulogic; signal reld_data_vld_tm1_d, reld_data_vld_tm1_q : std_ulogic; signal reld_core_tag_t_d, reld_core_tag_t_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4); signal reld_qw_t_d, reld_qw_t_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal reld_crit_qw_t_d, reld_crit_qw_t_q : std_ulogic; signal reld_ditc_t_d, reld_ditc_t_q : std_ulogic; signal reld_data_vld_t_d, reld_data_vld_t_q : std_ulogic; signal reld_core_tag_tp1_d, reld_core_tag_tp1_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4); signal reld_qw_tp1_d, reld_qw_tp1_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal reld_crit_qw_tp1_d, reld_crit_qw_tp1_q : std_ulogic; signal reld_ditc_tp1_d, reld_ditc_tp1_q : std_ulogic; signal reld_data_vld_tp1_d, reld_data_vld_tp1_q : std_ulogic; signal reld_data_tp1_d, reld_data_tp1_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 127); signal reld_core_tag_tp2_d, reld_core_tag_tp2_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4); signal reld_qw_tp2_d, reld_qw_tp2_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal reld_crit_qw_tp2_d, reld_crit_qw_tp2_q : std_ulogic; signal reld_ditc_tp2_d, reld_ditc_tp2_q : std_ulogic; signal reld_data_vld_tp2_d, reld_data_vld_tp2_q : std_ulogic; signal reld_data_tp2_d, reld_data_tp2_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 127); signal reld_ecc_err_tp2_d, reld_ecc_err_tp2_q : std_ulogic; signal reld_ecc_err_ue_tp2_d, reld_ecc_err_ue_tp2_q : std_ulogic; signal pte0_reld_data_tp3_d, pte0_reld_data_tp3_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 63); signal pte1_reld_data_tp3_d, pte1_reld_data_tp3_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 63); signal htw_tag3_d, htw_tag3_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to tlb_tag_width-1); signal htw_tag3_clr_resv_term2, htw_tag3_clr_resv_term4, htw_tag3_clr_resv_term5, htw_tag3_clr_resv_term6 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to thdid_width-1); signal htw_tag3_clr_resv_term7, htw_tag3_clr_resv_term8, htw_tag3_clr_resv_term9, htw_tag3_clr_resv_term11 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to thdid_width-1); signal htw_tag4_clr_resv_d, htw_tag4_clr_resv_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to thdid_width-1); signal htw_tag5_clr_resv_d, htw_tag5_clr_resv_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to thdid_width-1); signal spare_a_q, spare_b_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 15); signal htw_seq_idle : std_ulogic; signal htw_seq_load_pteaddr : std_ulogic; signal htw_quiesce_b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to thdid_width-1); signal tlb_htw_req_valid_vec : std_ulogic_vector(0 to thdid_width-1); signal tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec : std_ulogic_vector(0 to thdid_width-1); signal tlb_htw_pte_machines_full : std_ulogic; signal htw_lsuptr_alt_d : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); -- synopsys translate_off -- synopsys translate_on signal pte0_seq_idle : std_ulogic; signal pte0_reload_req_valid : std_ulogic; signal pte0_reload_req_taken : std_ulogic; signal pte0_reld_for_me_tm1 : std_ulogic; signal pte0_reld_for_me_tp2 : std_ulogic; signal pte0_reld_enable_lo_tp2 : std_ulogic; signal pte0_reld_enable_hi_tp2 : std_ulogic; signal pte0_seq_score_load : std_ulogic; signal pte0_seq_score_done : std_ulogic; signal pte0_seq_data_retry : std_ulogic; signal pte0_seq_clr_resv_ue : std_ulogic; signal pte1_seq_idle : std_ulogic; signal pte1_reload_req_valid : std_ulogic; signal pte1_reload_req_taken : std_ulogic; signal pte1_reld_for_me_tm1 : std_ulogic; signal pte1_reld_for_me_tp2 : std_ulogic; signal pte1_reld_enable_lo_tp2 : std_ulogic; signal pte1_reld_enable_hi_tp2 : std_ulogic; signal pte1_seq_score_load : std_ulogic; signal pte1_seq_score_done : std_ulogic; signal pte1_seq_data_retry : std_ulogic; signal pte1_seq_clr_resv_ue : std_ulogic; signal pte_ra_0 : std_ulogic_vector(64-real_addr_width to 63); signal pte_ra_0_spsize4K : std_ulogic_vector(64-real_addr_width to 63); signal pte_ra_0_spsize64K : std_ulogic_vector(64-real_addr_width to 63); signal pte_ra_1 : std_ulogic_vector(64-real_addr_width to 63); signal pte_ra_1_spsize4K : std_ulogic_vector(64-real_addr_width to 63); signal pte_ra_1_spsize64K : std_ulogic_vector(64-real_addr_width to 63); signal pte_ra_2 : std_ulogic_vector(64-real_addr_width to 63); signal pte_ra_2_spsize4K : std_ulogic_vector(64-real_addr_width to 63); signal pte_ra_2_spsize64K : std_ulogic_vector(64-real_addr_width to 63); signal pte_ra_3 : std_ulogic_vector(64-real_addr_width to 63); signal pte_ra_3_spsize4K : std_ulogic_vector(64-real_addr_width to 63); signal pte_ra_3_spsize64K : std_ulogic_vector(64-real_addr_width to 63); -- synopsys translate_off -- synopsys translate_on signal htw_resv0_tag3_lpid_match : std_ulogic; signal htw_resv0_tag3_pid_match : std_ulogic; signal htw_resv0_tag3_as_match : std_ulogic; signal htw_resv0_tag3_gs_match : std_ulogic; signal htw_resv0_tag3_epn_loc_match : std_ulogic; signal htw_resv0_tag3_epn_glob_match : std_ulogic; signal tlb_htw_req0_clr_resv_ue : std_ulogic; signal htw_resv1_tag3_lpid_match : std_ulogic; signal htw_resv1_tag3_pid_match : std_ulogic; signal htw_resv1_tag3_as_match : std_ulogic; signal htw_resv1_tag3_gs_match : std_ulogic; signal htw_resv1_tag3_epn_loc_match : std_ulogic; signal htw_resv1_tag3_epn_glob_match : std_ulogic; signal tlb_htw_req1_clr_resv_ue : std_ulogic; signal htw_resv2_tag3_lpid_match : std_ulogic; signal htw_resv2_tag3_pid_match : std_ulogic; signal htw_resv2_tag3_as_match : std_ulogic; signal htw_resv2_tag3_gs_match : std_ulogic; signal htw_resv2_tag3_epn_loc_match : std_ulogic; signal htw_resv2_tag3_epn_glob_match : std_ulogic; signal tlb_htw_req2_clr_resv_ue : std_ulogic; signal htw_resv3_tag3_lpid_match : std_ulogic; signal htw_resv3_tag3_pid_match : std_ulogic; signal htw_resv3_tag3_as_match : std_ulogic; signal htw_resv3_tag3_gs_match : std_ulogic; signal htw_resv3_tag3_epn_loc_match : std_ulogic; signal htw_resv3_tag3_epn_glob_match : std_ulogic; signal tlb_htw_req3_clr_resv_ue : std_ulogic; signal htw_resv_valid_vec : std_ulogic_vector(0 to thdid_width-1); signal htw_tag4_clr_resv_terms : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal htw_lsu_act : std_ulogic; signal pte0_score_act : std_ulogic; signal pte1_score_act : std_ulogic; signal reld_act : std_ulogic; signal pte0_reld_act : std_ulogic; signal pte1_reld_act : std_ulogic; signal unused_dc : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 21); -- synopsys translate_off -- synopsys translate_on signal pc_sg_1 : std_ulogic; signal pc_sg_0 : std_ulogic; signal pc_func_sl_thold_1 : std_ulogic; signal pc_func_sl_thold_0 : std_ulogic; signal pc_func_sl_thold_0_b : std_ulogic; signal pc_func_slp_sl_thold_1 : std_ulogic; signal pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0 : std_ulogic; signal pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b : std_ulogic; signal pc_func_sl_force : std_ulogic; signal pc_func_slp_sl_force : std_ulogic; signal siv_0 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to scan_right_0); signal sov_0 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to scan_right_0); signal siv_1 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to scan_right_1); signal sov_1 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to scan_right_1); BEGIN htw_quiesce_b(0 TO thdid_width-1) <= ( (0 to thdid_width-1 => tlb_htw_req0_valid_q) and tlb_htw_req0_tag_q(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1) ) or ( (0 to thdid_width-1 => tlb_htw_req1_valid_q) and tlb_htw_req1_tag_q(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1) ) or ( (0 to thdid_width-1 => tlb_htw_req2_valid_q) and tlb_htw_req2_tag_q(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1) ) or ( (0 to thdid_width-1 => tlb_htw_req3_valid_q) and tlb_htw_req3_tag_q(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1) ); htw_quiesce <= not htw_quiesce_b; tlb_htw_pte_machines_full <= '1' when (pte0_score_pending_q='1' and pte1_score_pending_q='1') else '0'; tlb_htw_req_valid_vec <= (tlb_htw_req0_valid_q and (pte0_score_pending_q='0' or pte0_score_ptr_q/="00") and (pte1_score_pending_q='0' or pte1_score_ptr_q/="00")) & (tlb_htw_req1_valid_q and (pte0_score_pending_q='0' or pte0_score_ptr_q/="01") and (pte1_score_pending_q='0' or pte1_score_ptr_q/="01")) & (tlb_htw_req2_valid_q and (pte0_score_pending_q='0' or pte0_score_ptr_q/="10") and (pte1_score_pending_q='0' or pte1_score_ptr_q/="10")) & (tlb_htw_req3_valid_q and (pte0_score_pending_q='0' or pte0_score_ptr_q/="11") and (pte1_score_pending_q='0' or pte1_score_ptr_q/="11")); Htw_Sequencer: PROCESS (htw_seq_q, tlb_htw_req_valid_vec, tlb_htw_pte_machines_full, htw_lsu_req_taken) BEGIN htw_seq_load_pteaddr <= '0'; htw_lsu_req_valid <= '0'; CASE htw_seq_q IS WHEN HtwSeq_Idle => if tlb_htw_req_valid_vec/="0000" and tlb_htw_pte_machines_full='0' then htw_seq_d <= HtwSeq_Stg1; else htw_seq_d <= HtwSeq_Idle; end if; WHEN HtwSeq_Stg1 => htw_seq_load_pteaddr <= '1'; htw_seq_d <= HtwSeq_Stg2; WHEN HtwSeq_Stg2 => htw_lsu_req_valid <= '1'; if htw_lsu_req_taken='1' then htw_seq_d <= HtwSeq_Idle; else htw_seq_d <= HtwSeq_Stg2; end if; WHEN OTHERS => htw_seq_d <= HtwSeq_Idle; END CASE; END PROCESS Htw_Sequencer; htw_seq_idle <= '1' when htw_seq_q=HtwSeq_Idle else '0'; Pte0_Sequencer: PROCESS (pte0_seq_q, pte_load_ptr_q, ptereload_ptr_q, htw_lsu_req_taken, ptereload_req_taken, pte0_score_pending_q, pte0_score_dataval_q, pte0_score_error_q, pte0_score_qwbeat_q, pte0_score_ibit_q, spare_b_q(0 to 2)) BEGIN pte0_reload_req_valid <= '0'; pte0_reload_req_taken <= '0'; pte0_seq_score_load <= '0'; pte0_seq_score_done <= '0'; pte0_seq_data_retry <= '0'; pte0_reld_enable_lo_tp2 <= '0'; pte0_reld_enable_hi_tp2 <= '0'; pte0_seq_clr_resv_ue <= '0'; CASE pte0_seq_q IS WHEN PteSeq_Idle => if pte_load_ptr_q='0' and htw_lsu_req_taken='1' then pte0_seq_score_load <= '1'; pte0_seq_d <= PteSeq_Stg1; else pte0_seq_d <= PteSeq_Idle; end if; WHEN PteSeq_Stg1 => if pte0_score_pending_q='1' and pte0_score_dataval_q='1' then pte0_seq_d <= PteSeq_Stg2; else pte0_seq_d <= PteSeq_Stg1; end if; WHEN PteSeq_Stg2 => if pte0_score_error_q(1)='1' and spare_b_q(0)='1' and (pte0_score_qwbeat_q="1111" or pte0_score_ibit_q='1') then pte0_seq_d <= PteSeq_Stg4; elsif pte0_score_error_q(0)='1' and (pte0_score_error_q(2)='0' or spare_b_q(1)='1') and (pte0_score_qwbeat_q="1111" or pte0_score_ibit_q='1') then pte0_seq_data_retry <= '1'; pte0_seq_d <= PteSeq_Stg1; elsif pte0_score_error_q(1)='1' and (pte0_score_qwbeat_q="1111" or pte0_score_ibit_q='1') then pte0_seq_d <= PteSeq_Stg4; elsif pte0_score_error_q(1)='0' and (pte0_score_qwbeat_q="1111" or pte0_score_ibit_q='1') then pte0_seq_d <= PteSeq_Stg3; else pte0_seq_d <= PteSeq_Stg2; end if; WHEN PteSeq_Stg3 => pte0_reload_req_valid <= '1'; if ptereload_ptr_q='0' and ptereload_req_taken='1' then pte0_seq_score_done <= '1'; pte0_reload_req_taken <= '1'; pte0_seq_d <= PteSeq_Idle; else pte0_seq_d <= PteSeq_Stg3; end if; WHEN PteSeq_Stg4 => pte0_seq_clr_resv_ue <= not spare_b_q(2); pte0_seq_d <= PteSeq_Stg5; WHEN PteSeq_Stg5 => pte0_reload_req_valid <= '1'; if ptereload_ptr_q='0' and ptereload_req_taken='1' then pte0_seq_score_done <= '1'; pte0_reload_req_taken <= '1'; pte0_seq_d <= PteSeq_Idle; else pte0_seq_d <= PteSeq_Stg5; end if; WHEN OTHERS => pte0_seq_d <= PteSeq_Idle; END CASE; END PROCESS Pte0_Sequencer; pte0_seq_idle <= '1' when pte0_seq_q=PteSeq_Idle else '0'; Pte1_Sequencer: PROCESS (pte1_seq_q, pte_load_ptr_q, ptereload_ptr_q, htw_lsu_req_taken, ptereload_req_taken, pte1_score_pending_q, pte1_score_dataval_q, pte1_score_error_q, pte1_score_qwbeat_q, pte1_score_ibit_q, spare_b_q(0 to 2)) BEGIN pte1_reload_req_valid <= '0'; pte1_reload_req_taken <= '0'; pte1_seq_score_load <= '0'; pte1_seq_score_done <= '0'; pte1_seq_data_retry <= '0'; pte1_reld_enable_lo_tp2 <= '0'; pte1_reld_enable_hi_tp2 <= '0'; pte1_seq_clr_resv_ue <= '0'; CASE pte1_seq_q IS WHEN PteSeq_Idle => if pte_load_ptr_q='1' and htw_lsu_req_taken='1' then pte1_seq_score_load <= '1'; pte1_seq_d <= PteSeq_Stg1; else pte1_seq_d <= PteSeq_Idle; end if; WHEN PteSeq_Stg1 => if pte1_score_pending_q='1' and pte1_score_dataval_q='1' then pte1_seq_d <= PteSeq_Stg2; else pte1_seq_d <= PteSeq_Stg1; end if; WHEN PteSeq_Stg2 => if pte1_score_error_q(1)='1' and spare_b_q(0)='1' and (pte1_score_qwbeat_q="1111" or pte1_score_ibit_q='1') then pte1_seq_d <= PteSeq_Stg4; elsif pte1_score_error_q(0)='1' and (pte1_score_error_q(2)='0' or spare_b_q(1)='1') and (pte1_score_qwbeat_q="1111" or pte1_score_ibit_q='1') then pte1_seq_data_retry <= '1'; pte1_seq_d <= PteSeq_Stg1; elsif pte1_score_error_q(1)='1' and (pte1_score_qwbeat_q="1111" or pte1_score_ibit_q='1') then pte1_seq_d <= PteSeq_Stg4; elsif pte1_score_error_q(1)='0' and (pte1_score_qwbeat_q="1111" or pte1_score_ibit_q='1') then pte1_seq_d <= PteSeq_Stg3; else pte1_seq_d <= PteSeq_Stg2; end if; WHEN PteSeq_Stg3 => pte1_reload_req_valid <= '1'; if ptereload_ptr_q='1' and ptereload_req_taken='1' then pte1_seq_score_done <= '1'; pte1_reload_req_taken <= '1'; pte1_seq_d <= PteSeq_Idle; else pte1_seq_d <= PteSeq_Stg3; end if; WHEN PteSeq_Stg4 => pte1_seq_clr_resv_ue <= not spare_b_q(2); pte1_seq_d <= PteSeq_Stg5; WHEN PteSeq_Stg5 => pte1_reload_req_valid <= '1'; if ptereload_ptr_q='1' and ptereload_req_taken='1' then pte1_seq_score_done <= '1'; pte1_reload_req_taken <= '1'; pte1_seq_d <= PteSeq_Idle; else pte1_seq_d <= PteSeq_Stg5; end if; WHEN OTHERS => pte1_seq_d <= PteSeq_Idle; END CASE; END PROCESS Pte1_Sequencer; pte1_seq_idle <= '1' when pte1_seq_q=PteSeq_Idle else '0'; tlb_htw_req0_valid_d <= '1' when (tlb_htw_req_valid='1' and tlb_htw_req0_valid_q='0' and htw_inptr_q="00") else '0' when (pte0_reload_req_taken='1' and tlb_htw_req0_valid_q='1' and pte0_score_ptr_q="00") else '0' when (pte1_reload_req_taken='1' and tlb_htw_req0_valid_q='1' and pte1_score_ptr_q="00") else tlb_htw_req0_valid_q; tlb_htw_req0_pending_d <= '1' when (htw_lsu_req_taken='1' and tlb_htw_req0_pending_q='0' and htw_lsuptr_q="00") else '0' when (pte0_reload_req_taken='1' and tlb_htw_req0_pending_q='1' and pte0_score_ptr_q="00") else '0' when (pte1_reload_req_taken='1' and tlb_htw_req0_pending_q='1' and pte1_score_ptr_q="00") else tlb_htw_req0_pending_q; tlb_htw_req0_way_d <= tlb_htw_req_way when (tlb_htw_req_valid='1' and tlb_htw_req0_valid_q='0' and htw_inptr_q="00") else tlb_htw_req0_way_q; tlb_htw_req0_tag_d(0 TO tagpos_wq-1) <= tlb_htw_req_tag(0 to tagpos_wq-1) when (tlb_htw_req_valid='1' and tlb_htw_req0_valid_q='0' and htw_inptr_q="00") else tlb_htw_req0_tag_q(0 to tagpos_wq-1); tlb_htw_req0_tag_d(tagpos_wq+2 TO tlb_tag_width-1) <= tlb_htw_req_tag(tagpos_wq+2 to tlb_tag_width-1) when (tlb_htw_req_valid='1' and tlb_htw_req0_valid_q='0' and htw_inptr_q="00") else tlb_htw_req0_tag_q(tagpos_wq+2 to tlb_tag_width-1); tlb_htw_req0_tag_d(tagpos_wq) <= '0' when ((htw_tag5_clr_resv_q(0)='1' and tlb_tag5_except="0000") or tlb_htw_req0_clr_resv_ue='1') else '1' when (tlb_htw_req_valid='1' and tlb_htw_req0_valid_q='0' and htw_inptr_q="00") else '0' when (pte0_reload_req_taken='1' and tlb_htw_req0_valid_q='1' and pte0_score_ptr_q="00") else '0' when (pte1_reload_req_taken='1' and tlb_htw_req0_valid_q='1' and pte1_score_ptr_q="00") else tlb_htw_req0_tag_q(tagpos_wq); tlb_htw_req0_tag_d(tagpos_wq+1) <= tlb_htw_req0_tag_q(tagpos_wq+1); tlb_htw_req0_tag_act <= tlb_delayed_act(24+0) or tlb_htw_req0_valid_q; tlb_htw_req0_clr_resv_ue <= (pte0_seq_clr_resv_ue and Eq(pte0_score_ptr_q,"00")) or (pte1_seq_clr_resv_ue and Eq(pte1_score_ptr_q,"00")); htw_req0_valid <= tlb_htw_req0_valid_q; htw_req0_thdid <= tlb_htw_req0_tag_q(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1); htw_req0_type <= tlb_htw_req0_tag_q(tagpos_type_derat to tagpos_type_ierat); pte_ra_0_spsize4K <= tlb_htw_req0_way_q(waypos_rpn to waypos_rpn+rpn_width-1) & tlb_htw_req0_way_q(waypos_usxwr+5) & tlb_htw_req0_tag_q(tagpos_epn+epn_width-8 to tagpos_epn+epn_width-1) & "000"; pte_ra_0_spsize64K <= tlb_htw_req0_way_q(waypos_rpn to waypos_rpn+rpn_width-4) & tlb_htw_req0_tag_q(tagpos_epn+epn_width-16 to tagpos_epn+epn_width-5) & "000"; pte_ra_0 <= pte_ra_0_spsize64K when tlb_htw_req0_way_q(waypos_usxwr to waypos_usxwr+3)=TLB_PgSize_64KB else pte_ra_0_spsize4K; tlb_htw_req1_valid_d <= '1' when (tlb_htw_req_valid='1' and tlb_htw_req1_valid_q='0' and htw_inptr_q="01") else '0' when (pte0_reload_req_taken='1' and tlb_htw_req1_valid_q='1' and pte0_score_ptr_q="01") else '0' when (pte1_reload_req_taken='1' and tlb_htw_req1_valid_q='1' and pte1_score_ptr_q="01") else tlb_htw_req1_valid_q; tlb_htw_req1_pending_d <= '1' when (htw_lsu_req_taken='1' and tlb_htw_req1_pending_q='0' and htw_lsuptr_q="01") else '0' when (pte0_reload_req_taken='1' and tlb_htw_req1_pending_q='1' and pte0_score_ptr_q="01") else '0' when (pte1_reload_req_taken='1' and tlb_htw_req1_pending_q='1' and pte1_score_ptr_q="01") else tlb_htw_req1_pending_q; tlb_htw_req1_way_d <= tlb_htw_req_way when (tlb_htw_req_valid='1' and tlb_htw_req1_valid_q='0' and htw_inptr_q="01") else tlb_htw_req1_way_q; tlb_htw_req1_tag_d(0 TO tagpos_wq-1) <= tlb_htw_req_tag(0 to tagpos_wq-1) when (tlb_htw_req_valid='1' and tlb_htw_req1_valid_q='0' and htw_inptr_q="01") else tlb_htw_req1_tag_q(0 to tagpos_wq-1); tlb_htw_req1_tag_d(tagpos_wq+2 TO tlb_tag_width-1) <= tlb_htw_req_tag(tagpos_wq+2 to tlb_tag_width-1) when (tlb_htw_req_valid='1' and tlb_htw_req1_valid_q='0' and htw_inptr_q="01") else tlb_htw_req1_tag_q(tagpos_wq+2 to tlb_tag_width-1); tlb_htw_req1_tag_d(tagpos_wq) <= '0' when ((htw_tag5_clr_resv_q(1)='1' and tlb_tag5_except="0000") or tlb_htw_req1_clr_resv_ue='1') else '1' when (tlb_htw_req_valid='1' and tlb_htw_req1_valid_q='0' and htw_inptr_q="01") else '0' when (pte0_reload_req_taken='1' and tlb_htw_req1_valid_q='1' and pte0_score_ptr_q="01") else '0' when (pte1_reload_req_taken='1' and tlb_htw_req1_valid_q='1' and pte1_score_ptr_q="01") else tlb_htw_req1_tag_q(tagpos_wq); tlb_htw_req1_tag_d(tagpos_wq+1) <= tlb_htw_req1_tag_q(tagpos_wq+1); tlb_htw_req1_tag_act <= tlb_delayed_act(24+1) or tlb_htw_req1_valid_q; tlb_htw_req1_clr_resv_ue <= (pte0_seq_clr_resv_ue and Eq(pte0_score_ptr_q,"01")) or (pte1_seq_clr_resv_ue and Eq(pte1_score_ptr_q,"01")); htw_req1_valid <= tlb_htw_req1_valid_q; htw_req1_thdid <= tlb_htw_req1_tag_q(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1); htw_req1_type <= tlb_htw_req1_tag_q(tagpos_type_derat to tagpos_type_ierat); pte_ra_1_spsize4K <= tlb_htw_req1_way_q(waypos_rpn to waypos_rpn+rpn_width-1) & tlb_htw_req1_way_q(waypos_usxwr+5) & tlb_htw_req1_tag_q(tagpos_epn+epn_width-8 to tagpos_epn+epn_width-1) & "000"; pte_ra_1_spsize64K <= tlb_htw_req1_way_q(waypos_rpn to waypos_rpn+rpn_width-4) & tlb_htw_req1_tag_q(tagpos_epn+epn_width-16 to tagpos_epn+epn_width-5) & "000"; pte_ra_1 <= pte_ra_1_spsize64K when tlb_htw_req1_way_q(waypos_usxwr to waypos_usxwr+3)=TLB_PgSize_64KB else pte_ra_1_spsize4K; tlb_htw_req2_valid_d <= '1' when (tlb_htw_req_valid='1' and tlb_htw_req2_valid_q='0' and htw_inptr_q="10") else '0' when (pte0_reload_req_taken='1' and tlb_htw_req2_valid_q='1' and pte0_score_ptr_q="10") else '0' when (pte1_reload_req_taken='1' and tlb_htw_req2_valid_q='1' and pte1_score_ptr_q="10") else tlb_htw_req2_valid_q; tlb_htw_req2_pending_d <= '1' when (htw_lsu_req_taken='1' and tlb_htw_req2_pending_q='0' and htw_lsuptr_q="10") else '0' when (pte0_reload_req_taken='1' and tlb_htw_req2_pending_q='1' and pte0_score_ptr_q="10") else '0' when (pte1_reload_req_taken='1' and tlb_htw_req2_pending_q='1' and pte1_score_ptr_q="10") else tlb_htw_req2_pending_q; tlb_htw_req2_way_d <= tlb_htw_req_way when (tlb_htw_req_valid='1' and tlb_htw_req2_valid_q='0' and htw_inptr_q="10") else tlb_htw_req2_way_q; tlb_htw_req2_tag_d(0 TO tagpos_wq-1) <= tlb_htw_req_tag(0 to tagpos_wq-1) when (tlb_htw_req_valid='1' and tlb_htw_req2_valid_q='0' and htw_inptr_q="10") else tlb_htw_req2_tag_q(0 to tagpos_wq-1); tlb_htw_req2_tag_d(tagpos_wq+2 TO tlb_tag_width-1) <= tlb_htw_req_tag(tagpos_wq+2 to tlb_tag_width-1) when (tlb_htw_req_valid='1' and tlb_htw_req2_valid_q='0' and htw_inptr_q="10") else tlb_htw_req2_tag_q(tagpos_wq+2 to tlb_tag_width-1); tlb_htw_req2_tag_d(tagpos_wq) <= '0' when ((htw_tag5_clr_resv_q(2)='1' and tlb_tag5_except="0000") or tlb_htw_req2_clr_resv_ue='1') else '1' when (tlb_htw_req_valid='1' and tlb_htw_req2_valid_q='0' and htw_inptr_q="10") else '0' when (pte0_reload_req_taken='1' and tlb_htw_req2_valid_q='1' and pte0_score_ptr_q="10") else '0' when (pte1_reload_req_taken='1' and tlb_htw_req2_valid_q='1' and pte1_score_ptr_q="10") else tlb_htw_req2_tag_q(tagpos_wq); tlb_htw_req2_tag_d(tagpos_wq+1) <= tlb_htw_req2_tag_q(tagpos_wq+1); tlb_htw_req2_tag_act <= tlb_delayed_act(24+2) or tlb_htw_req2_valid_q; tlb_htw_req2_clr_resv_ue <= (pte0_seq_clr_resv_ue and Eq(pte0_score_ptr_q,"10")) or (pte1_seq_clr_resv_ue and Eq(pte1_score_ptr_q,"10")); htw_req2_valid <= tlb_htw_req2_valid_q; htw_req2_thdid <= tlb_htw_req2_tag_q(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1); htw_req2_type <= tlb_htw_req2_tag_q(tagpos_type_derat to tagpos_type_ierat); pte_ra_2_spsize4K <= tlb_htw_req2_way_q(waypos_rpn to waypos_rpn+rpn_width-1) & tlb_htw_req2_way_q(waypos_usxwr+5) & tlb_htw_req2_tag_q(tagpos_epn+epn_width-8 to tagpos_epn+epn_width-1) & "000"; pte_ra_2_spsize64K <= tlb_htw_req2_way_q(waypos_rpn to waypos_rpn+rpn_width-4) & tlb_htw_req2_tag_q(tagpos_epn+epn_width-16 to tagpos_epn+epn_width-5) & "000"; pte_ra_2 <= pte_ra_2_spsize64K when tlb_htw_req2_way_q(waypos_usxwr to waypos_usxwr+3)=TLB_PgSize_64KB else pte_ra_2_spsize4K; tlb_htw_req3_valid_d <= '1' when (tlb_htw_req_valid='1' and tlb_htw_req3_valid_q='0' and htw_inptr_q="11") else '0' when (pte0_reload_req_taken='1' and tlb_htw_req3_valid_q='1' and pte0_score_ptr_q="11") else '0' when (pte1_reload_req_taken='1' and tlb_htw_req3_valid_q='1' and pte1_score_ptr_q="11") else tlb_htw_req3_valid_q; tlb_htw_req3_pending_d <= '1' when (htw_lsu_req_taken='1' and tlb_htw_req3_pending_q='0' and htw_lsuptr_q="11") else '0' when (pte0_reload_req_taken='1' and tlb_htw_req3_pending_q='1' and pte0_score_ptr_q="11") else '0' when (pte1_reload_req_taken='1' and tlb_htw_req3_pending_q='1' and pte1_score_ptr_q="11") else tlb_htw_req3_pending_q; tlb_htw_req3_way_d <= tlb_htw_req_way when (tlb_htw_req_valid='1' and tlb_htw_req3_valid_q='0' and htw_inptr_q="11") else tlb_htw_req3_way_q; tlb_htw_req3_tag_d(0 TO tagpos_wq-1) <= tlb_htw_req_tag(0 to tagpos_wq-1) when (tlb_htw_req_valid='1' and tlb_htw_req3_valid_q='0' and htw_inptr_q="11") else tlb_htw_req3_tag_q(0 to tagpos_wq-1); tlb_htw_req3_tag_d(tagpos_wq+2 TO tlb_tag_width-1) <= tlb_htw_req_tag(tagpos_wq+2 to tlb_tag_width-1) when (tlb_htw_req_valid='1' and tlb_htw_req3_valid_q='0' and htw_inptr_q="11") else tlb_htw_req3_tag_q(tagpos_wq+2 to tlb_tag_width-1); tlb_htw_req3_tag_d(tagpos_wq) <= '0' when ((htw_tag5_clr_resv_q(3)='1' and tlb_tag5_except="0000") or tlb_htw_req3_clr_resv_ue='1') else '1' when (tlb_htw_req_valid='1' and tlb_htw_req3_valid_q='0' and htw_inptr_q="11") else '0' when (pte0_reload_req_taken='1' and tlb_htw_req3_valid_q='1' and pte0_score_ptr_q="11") else '0' when (pte1_reload_req_taken='1' and tlb_htw_req3_valid_q='1' and pte1_score_ptr_q="11") else tlb_htw_req3_tag_q(tagpos_wq); tlb_htw_req3_tag_d(tagpos_wq+1) <= tlb_htw_req3_tag_q(tagpos_wq+1); tlb_htw_req3_tag_act <= tlb_delayed_act(24+3) or tlb_htw_req3_valid_q; tlb_htw_req3_clr_resv_ue <= (pte0_seq_clr_resv_ue and Eq(pte0_score_ptr_q,"11")) or (pte1_seq_clr_resv_ue and Eq(pte1_score_ptr_q,"11")); htw_req3_valid <= tlb_htw_req3_valid_q; htw_req3_thdid <= tlb_htw_req3_tag_q(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1); htw_req3_type <= tlb_htw_req3_tag_q(tagpos_type_derat to tagpos_type_ierat); pte_ra_3_spsize4K <= tlb_htw_req3_way_q(waypos_rpn to waypos_rpn+rpn_width-1) & tlb_htw_req3_way_q(waypos_usxwr+5) & tlb_htw_req3_tag_q(tagpos_epn+epn_width-8 to tagpos_epn+epn_width-1) & "000"; pte_ra_3_spsize64K <= tlb_htw_req3_way_q(waypos_rpn to waypos_rpn+rpn_width-4) & tlb_htw_req3_tag_q(tagpos_epn+epn_width-16 to tagpos_epn+epn_width-5) & "000"; pte_ra_3 <= pte_ra_3_spsize64K when tlb_htw_req3_way_q(waypos_usxwr to waypos_usxwr+3)=TLB_PgSize_64KB else pte_ra_3_spsize4K; htw_tag3_d(0 TO tagpos_thdid-1) <= tlb_tag2(0 to tagpos_thdid-1); htw_tag3_d(tagpos_thdid+thdid_width TO tlb_tag_width-1) <= tlb_tag2(tagpos_thdid+thdid_width to tlb_tag_width-1); htw_tag3_d(tagpos_thdid TO tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1) <= tlb_tag2(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1) and not(tlb_ctl_tag2_flush); htw_tag3_clr_resv_term2(0) <= '1' when (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1)/="0000" and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_type_snoop)='1' and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_is to tagpos_is+3)="0011" and htw_resv0_tag3_lpid_match='1' and htw_resv0_tag3_pid_match='1' and htw_resv0_tag3_gs_match='1' and htw_resv0_tag3_as_match='1' and htw_resv0_tag3_epn_glob_match='1' ) else '0'; htw_tag3_clr_resv_term4(0) <= '1' when (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1)/="0000" and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_type_snoop)='1' and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_is to tagpos_is+3)="1000" and htw_resv0_tag3_lpid_match='1' ) else '0'; htw_tag3_clr_resv_term5(0) <= '1' when (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1)/="0000" and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_type_snoop)='1' and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_is to tagpos_is+3)="1001" and htw_resv0_tag3_lpid_match='1' and htw_resv0_tag3_pid_match='1' ) else '0'; htw_tag3_clr_resv_term6(0) <= '1' when (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1)/="0000" and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_type_snoop)='1' and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_is to tagpos_is+3)="1011" and htw_resv0_tag3_lpid_match='1' and htw_resv0_tag3_pid_match='1' and htw_resv0_tag3_gs_match='1' and htw_resv0_tag3_as_match='1' and htw_resv0_tag3_epn_loc_match='1' ) else '0'; htw_tag3_clr_resv_term7(0) <= '1' when ( (((htw_tag3_q(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1) and not(tlb_ctl_tag3_flush))/="0000" and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_wq to tagpos_wq+1)="01") or ((htw_tag3_q(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1) and not(tlb_ctl_tag3_flush))/="0000" and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_wq to tagpos_wq+1)="00")) and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_type_tlbwe)='1' and htw_resv0_tag3_gs_match='1' and htw_resv0_tag3_as_match='1' and htw_resv0_tag3_lpid_match='1' and htw_resv0_tag3_pid_match='1' and htw_resv0_tag3_epn_loc_match='1' ) else '0'; htw_tag3_clr_resv_term8(0) <= '1' when ( htw_tag3_q(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1)/="0000" and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_type_ptereload)='1' and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_wq to tagpos_wq+1)="10" and htw_resv0_tag3_gs_match='1' and htw_resv0_tag3_as_match='1' and htw_resv0_tag3_lpid_match='1' and htw_resv0_tag3_pid_match='1' and htw_resv0_tag3_epn_loc_match='1' ) else '0'; htw_tag3_clr_resv_term9(0) <= '1' when ( (((htw_tag3_q(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1) and not(tlb_ctl_tag3_flush))/="0000" and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_wq to tagpos_wq+1)="10") or ((htw_tag3_q(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1) and not(tlb_ctl_tag3_flush))/="0000" and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_wq to tagpos_wq+1)="11")) and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_type_tlbwe)='1' and htw_resv0_tag3_gs_match='1' and htw_resv0_tag3_as_match='1' and htw_resv0_tag3_lpid_match='1' and htw_resv0_tag3_pid_match='1' and htw_resv0_tag3_epn_loc_match='1' ) else '0'; htw_tag3_clr_resv_term11(0) <= '1' when (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1)/="0000" and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_type_snoop)='1' and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_is to tagpos_is+1)="11" ) else '0'; htw_tag4_clr_resv_d(0) <= htw_tag3_clr_resv_term2(0) or htw_tag3_clr_resv_term4(0) or htw_tag3_clr_resv_term5(0) or htw_tag3_clr_resv_term6(0) or htw_tag3_clr_resv_term7(0) or htw_tag3_clr_resv_term8(0) or htw_tag3_clr_resv_term9(0) or htw_tag3_clr_resv_term11(0); htw_tag3_clr_resv_term2(1) <= '1' when (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1)/="0000" and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_type_snoop)='1' and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_is to tagpos_is+3)="0011" and htw_resv1_tag3_lpid_match='1' and htw_resv1_tag3_pid_match='1' and htw_resv1_tag3_gs_match='1' and htw_resv1_tag3_as_match='1' and htw_resv1_tag3_epn_glob_match='1' ) else '0'; htw_tag3_clr_resv_term4(1) <= '1' when (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1)/="0000" and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_type_snoop)='1' and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_is to tagpos_is+3)="1000" and htw_resv1_tag3_lpid_match='1' ) else '0'; htw_tag3_clr_resv_term5(1) <= '1' when (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1)/="0000" and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_type_snoop)='1' and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_is to tagpos_is+3)="1001" and htw_resv1_tag3_lpid_match='1' and htw_resv1_tag3_pid_match='1' ) else '0'; htw_tag3_clr_resv_term6(1) <= '1' when (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1)/="0000" and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_type_snoop)='1' and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_is to tagpos_is+3)="1011" and htw_resv1_tag3_lpid_match='1' and htw_resv1_tag3_pid_match='1' and htw_resv1_tag3_gs_match='1' and htw_resv1_tag3_as_match='1' and htw_resv1_tag3_epn_loc_match='1' ) else '0'; htw_tag3_clr_resv_term7(1) <= '1' when ( (((htw_tag3_q(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1) and not(tlb_ctl_tag3_flush))/="0000" and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_wq to tagpos_wq+1)="01") or ((htw_tag3_q(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1) and not(tlb_ctl_tag3_flush))/="0000" and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_wq to tagpos_wq+1)="00")) and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_type_tlbwe)='1' and htw_resv1_tag3_gs_match='1' and htw_resv1_tag3_as_match='1' and htw_resv1_tag3_lpid_match='1' and htw_resv1_tag3_pid_match='1' and htw_resv1_tag3_epn_loc_match='1' ) else '0'; htw_tag3_clr_resv_term8(1) <= '1' when ( htw_tag3_q(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1)/="0000" and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_type_ptereload)='1' and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_wq to tagpos_wq+1)="10" and htw_resv1_tag3_gs_match='1' and htw_resv1_tag3_as_match='1' and htw_resv1_tag3_lpid_match='1' and htw_resv1_tag3_pid_match='1' and htw_resv1_tag3_epn_loc_match='1' ) else '0'; htw_tag3_clr_resv_term9(1) <= '1' when ( (((htw_tag3_q(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1) and not(tlb_ctl_tag3_flush))/="0000" and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_wq to tagpos_wq+1)="10") or ((htw_tag3_q(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1) and not(tlb_ctl_tag3_flush))/="0000" and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_wq to tagpos_wq+1)="11")) and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_type_tlbwe)='1' and htw_resv1_tag3_gs_match='1' and htw_resv1_tag3_as_match='1' and htw_resv1_tag3_lpid_match='1' and htw_resv1_tag3_pid_match='1' and htw_resv1_tag3_epn_loc_match='1' ) else '0'; htw_tag3_clr_resv_term11(1) <= '1' when (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1)/="0000" and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_type_snoop)='1' and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_is to tagpos_is+1)="11" ) else '0'; htw_tag4_clr_resv_d(1) <= htw_tag3_clr_resv_term2(1) or htw_tag3_clr_resv_term4(1) or htw_tag3_clr_resv_term5(1) or htw_tag3_clr_resv_term6(1) or htw_tag3_clr_resv_term7(1) or htw_tag3_clr_resv_term8(1) or htw_tag3_clr_resv_term9(1) or htw_tag3_clr_resv_term11(1); htw_tag3_clr_resv_term2(2) <= '1' when (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1)/="0000" and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_type_snoop)='1' and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_is to tagpos_is+3)="0011" and htw_resv2_tag3_lpid_match='1' and htw_resv2_tag3_pid_match='1' and htw_resv2_tag3_gs_match='1' and htw_resv2_tag3_as_match='1' and htw_resv2_tag3_epn_glob_match='1' ) else '0'; htw_tag3_clr_resv_term4(2) <= '1' when (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1)/="0000" and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_type_snoop)='1' and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_is to tagpos_is+3)="1000" and htw_resv2_tag3_lpid_match='1' ) else '0'; htw_tag3_clr_resv_term5(2) <= '1' when (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1)/="0000" and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_type_snoop)='1' and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_is to tagpos_is+3)="1001" and htw_resv2_tag3_lpid_match='1' and htw_resv2_tag3_pid_match='1' ) else '0'; htw_tag3_clr_resv_term6(2) <= '1' when (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1)/="0000" and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_type_snoop)='1' and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_is to tagpos_is+3)="1011" and htw_resv2_tag3_lpid_match='1' and htw_resv2_tag3_pid_match='1' and htw_resv2_tag3_gs_match='1' and htw_resv2_tag3_as_match='1' and htw_resv2_tag3_epn_loc_match='1' ) else '0'; htw_tag3_clr_resv_term7(2) <= '1' when ( (((htw_tag3_q(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1) and not(tlb_ctl_tag3_flush))/="0000" and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_wq to tagpos_wq+1)="01") or ((htw_tag3_q(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1) and not(tlb_ctl_tag3_flush))/="0000" and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_wq to tagpos_wq+1)="00")) and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_type_tlbwe)='1' and htw_resv2_tag3_gs_match='1' and htw_resv2_tag3_as_match='1' and htw_resv2_tag3_lpid_match='1' and htw_resv2_tag3_pid_match='1' and htw_resv2_tag3_epn_loc_match='1' ) else '0'; htw_tag3_clr_resv_term8(2) <= '1' when ( htw_tag3_q(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1)/="0000" and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_type_ptereload)='1' and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_wq to tagpos_wq+1)="10" and htw_resv2_tag3_gs_match='1' and htw_resv2_tag3_as_match='1' and htw_resv2_tag3_lpid_match='1' and htw_resv2_tag3_pid_match='1' and htw_resv2_tag3_epn_loc_match='1' ) else '0'; htw_tag3_clr_resv_term9(2) <= '1' when ( (((htw_tag3_q(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1) and not(tlb_ctl_tag3_flush))/="0000" and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_wq to tagpos_wq+1)="10") or ((htw_tag3_q(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1) and not(tlb_ctl_tag3_flush))/="0000" and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_wq to tagpos_wq+1)="11")) and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_type_tlbwe)='1' and htw_resv2_tag3_gs_match='1' and htw_resv2_tag3_as_match='1' and htw_resv2_tag3_lpid_match='1' and htw_resv2_tag3_pid_match='1' and htw_resv2_tag3_epn_loc_match='1' ) else '0'; htw_tag3_clr_resv_term11(2) <= '1' when (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1)/="0000" and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_type_snoop)='1' and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_is to tagpos_is+1)="11" ) else '0'; htw_tag4_clr_resv_d(2) <= htw_tag3_clr_resv_term2(2) or htw_tag3_clr_resv_term4(2) or htw_tag3_clr_resv_term5(2) or htw_tag3_clr_resv_term6(2) or htw_tag3_clr_resv_term7(2) or htw_tag3_clr_resv_term8(2) or htw_tag3_clr_resv_term9(2) or htw_tag3_clr_resv_term11(2); htw_tag3_clr_resv_term2(3) <= '1' when (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1)/="0000" and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_type_snoop)='1' and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_is to tagpos_is+3)="0011" and htw_resv3_tag3_lpid_match='1' and htw_resv3_tag3_pid_match='1' and htw_resv3_tag3_gs_match='1' and htw_resv3_tag3_as_match='1' and htw_resv3_tag3_epn_glob_match='1' ) else '0'; htw_tag3_clr_resv_term4(3) <= '1' when (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1)/="0000" and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_type_snoop)='1' and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_is to tagpos_is+3)="1000" and htw_resv3_tag3_lpid_match='1' ) else '0'; htw_tag3_clr_resv_term5(3) <= '1' when (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1)/="0000" and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_type_snoop)='1' and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_is to tagpos_is+3)="1001" and htw_resv3_tag3_lpid_match='1' and htw_resv3_tag3_pid_match='1' ) else '0'; htw_tag3_clr_resv_term6(3) <= '1' when (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1)/="0000" and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_type_snoop)='1' and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_is to tagpos_is+3)="1011" and htw_resv3_tag3_lpid_match='1' and htw_resv3_tag3_pid_match='1' and htw_resv3_tag3_gs_match='1' and htw_resv3_tag3_as_match='1' and htw_resv3_tag3_epn_loc_match='1' ) else '0'; htw_tag3_clr_resv_term7(3) <= '1' when ( (((htw_tag3_q(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1) and not(tlb_ctl_tag3_flush))/="0000" and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_wq to tagpos_wq+1)="01") or ((htw_tag3_q(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1) and not(tlb_ctl_tag3_flush))/="0000" and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_wq to tagpos_wq+1)="00")) and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_type_tlbwe)='1' and htw_resv3_tag3_gs_match='1' and htw_resv3_tag3_as_match='1' and htw_resv3_tag3_lpid_match='1' and htw_resv3_tag3_pid_match='1' and htw_resv3_tag3_epn_loc_match='1' ) else '0'; htw_tag3_clr_resv_term8(3) <= '1' when ( htw_tag3_q(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1)/="0000" and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_type_ptereload)='1' and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_wq to tagpos_wq+1)="10" and htw_resv3_tag3_gs_match='1' and htw_resv3_tag3_as_match='1' and htw_resv3_tag3_lpid_match='1' and htw_resv3_tag3_pid_match='1' and htw_resv3_tag3_epn_loc_match='1' ) else '0'; htw_tag3_clr_resv_term9(3) <= '1' when ( (((htw_tag3_q(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1) and not(tlb_ctl_tag3_flush))/="0000" and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_wq to tagpos_wq+1)="10") or ((htw_tag3_q(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1) and not(tlb_ctl_tag3_flush))/="0000" and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_wq to tagpos_wq+1)="11")) and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_type_tlbwe)='1' and htw_resv3_tag3_gs_match='1' and htw_resv3_tag3_as_match='1' and htw_resv3_tag3_lpid_match='1' and htw_resv3_tag3_pid_match='1' and htw_resv3_tag3_epn_loc_match='1' ) else '0'; htw_tag3_clr_resv_term11(3) <= '1' when (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1)/="0000" and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_type_snoop)='1' and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_is to tagpos_is+1)="11" ) else '0'; htw_tag4_clr_resv_d(3) <= htw_tag3_clr_resv_term2(3) or htw_tag3_clr_resv_term4(3) or htw_tag3_clr_resv_term5(3) or htw_tag3_clr_resv_term6(3) or htw_tag3_clr_resv_term7(3) or htw_tag3_clr_resv_term8(3) or htw_tag3_clr_resv_term9(3) or htw_tag3_clr_resv_term11(3); htw_tag5_clr_resv_d <= htw_tag4_clr_resv_q when (tlb_htw_req_tag(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1) and not(tlb_ctl_tag4_flush))/="0000" else "0000"; htw_resv_valid_vec <= tlb_htw_req0_tag_q(tagpos_wq) & tlb_htw_req1_tag_q(tagpos_wq) & tlb_htw_req2_tag_q(tagpos_wq) & tlb_htw_req3_tag_q(tagpos_wq); htw_resv0_tag3_lpid_match <= '1' when (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_lpid to tagpos_lpid+lpid_width-1)=tlb_htw_req0_tag_q(tagpos_lpid to tagpos_lpid+lpid_width-1)) else '0'; htw_resv0_tag3_pid_match <= '1' when (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_pid to tagpos_pid+pid_width-1)=tlb_htw_req0_tag_q(tagpos_pid to tagpos_pid+pid_width-1)) else '0'; htw_resv0_tag3_as_match <= '1' when (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_as)=tlb_htw_req0_tag_q(tagpos_as)) else '0'; htw_resv0_tag3_gs_match <= '1' when (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_gs)=tlb_htw_req0_tag_q(tagpos_gs)) else '0'; htw_resv0_tag3_epn_loc_match <= '1' when (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_epn to tagpos_epn+epn_width-1)=tlb_htw_req0_tag_q(tagpos_epn to tagpos_epn+epn_width-1) and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_size to tagpos_size+3)=TLB_PgSize_4KB) or (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_epn to tagpos_epn+epn_width-5)=tlb_htw_req0_tag_q(tagpos_epn to tagpos_epn+epn_width-5) and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_size to tagpos_size+3)=TLB_PgSize_64KB) or (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_epn to tagpos_epn+epn_width-9)=tlb_htw_req0_tag_q(tagpos_epn to tagpos_epn+epn_width-9) and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_size to tagpos_size+3)=TLB_PgSize_1MB) or (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_epn to tagpos_epn+epn_width-13)=tlb_htw_req0_tag_q(tagpos_epn to tagpos_epn+epn_width-13) and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_size to tagpos_size+3)=TLB_PgSize_16MB) or (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_epn to tagpos_epn+epn_width-19)=tlb_htw_req0_tag_q(tagpos_epn to tagpos_epn+epn_width-19) and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_size to tagpos_size+3)=TLB_PgSize_1GB) else '0'; htw_resv0_tag3_epn_glob_match <= '1' when (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_epn+31 to tagpos_epn+epn_width-1)=tlb_htw_req0_tag_q(tagpos_epn+31 to tagpos_epn+epn_width-1) and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_size to tagpos_size+3)=TLB_PgSize_4KB) or (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_epn+31 to tagpos_epn+epn_width-5)=tlb_htw_req0_tag_q(tagpos_epn+31 to tagpos_epn+epn_width-5) and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_size to tagpos_size+3)=TLB_PgSize_64KB) or (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_epn+31 to tagpos_epn+epn_width-9)=tlb_htw_req0_tag_q(tagpos_epn+31 to tagpos_epn+epn_width-9) and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_size to tagpos_size+3)=TLB_PgSize_1MB) or (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_epn+31 to tagpos_epn+epn_width-13)=tlb_htw_req0_tag_q(tagpos_epn+31 to tagpos_epn+epn_width-13) and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_size to tagpos_size+3)=TLB_PgSize_16MB) or (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_epn+31 to tagpos_epn+epn_width-19)=tlb_htw_req0_tag_q(tagpos_epn+31 to tagpos_epn+epn_width-19) and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_size to tagpos_size+3)=TLB_PgSize_1GB) else '0'; htw_resv1_tag3_lpid_match <= '1' when (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_lpid to tagpos_lpid+lpid_width-1)=tlb_htw_req1_tag_q(tagpos_lpid to tagpos_lpid+lpid_width-1)) else '0'; htw_resv1_tag3_pid_match <= '1' when (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_pid to tagpos_pid+pid_width-1)=tlb_htw_req1_tag_q(tagpos_pid to tagpos_pid+pid_width-1)) else '0'; htw_resv1_tag3_as_match <= '1' when (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_as)=tlb_htw_req1_tag_q(tagpos_as)) else '0'; htw_resv1_tag3_gs_match <= '1' when (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_gs)=tlb_htw_req1_tag_q(tagpos_gs)) else '0'; htw_resv1_tag3_epn_loc_match <= '1' when (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_epn to tagpos_epn+epn_width-1)=tlb_htw_req1_tag_q(tagpos_epn to tagpos_epn+epn_width-1) and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_size to tagpos_size+3)=TLB_PgSize_4KB) or (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_epn to tagpos_epn+epn_width-5)=tlb_htw_req1_tag_q(tagpos_epn to tagpos_epn+epn_width-5) and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_size to tagpos_size+3)=TLB_PgSize_64KB) or (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_epn to tagpos_epn+epn_width-9)=tlb_htw_req1_tag_q(tagpos_epn to tagpos_epn+epn_width-9) and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_size to tagpos_size+3)=TLB_PgSize_1MB) or (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_epn to tagpos_epn+epn_width-13)=tlb_htw_req1_tag_q(tagpos_epn to tagpos_epn+epn_width-13) and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_size to tagpos_size+3)=TLB_PgSize_16MB) or (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_epn to tagpos_epn+epn_width-19)=tlb_htw_req1_tag_q(tagpos_epn to tagpos_epn+epn_width-19) and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_size to tagpos_size+3)=TLB_PgSize_1GB) else '0'; htw_resv1_tag3_epn_glob_match <= '1' when (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_epn+31 to tagpos_epn+epn_width-1)=tlb_htw_req1_tag_q(tagpos_epn+31 to tagpos_epn+epn_width-1) and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_size to tagpos_size+3)=TLB_PgSize_4KB) or (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_epn+31 to tagpos_epn+epn_width-5)=tlb_htw_req1_tag_q(tagpos_epn+31 to tagpos_epn+epn_width-5) and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_size to tagpos_size+3)=TLB_PgSize_64KB) or (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_epn+31 to tagpos_epn+epn_width-9)=tlb_htw_req1_tag_q(tagpos_epn+31 to tagpos_epn+epn_width-9) and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_size to tagpos_size+3)=TLB_PgSize_1MB) or (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_epn+31 to tagpos_epn+epn_width-13)=tlb_htw_req1_tag_q(tagpos_epn+31 to tagpos_epn+epn_width-13) and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_size to tagpos_size+3)=TLB_PgSize_16MB) or (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_epn+31 to tagpos_epn+epn_width-19)=tlb_htw_req1_tag_q(tagpos_epn+31 to tagpos_epn+epn_width-19) and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_size to tagpos_size+3)=TLB_PgSize_1GB) else '0'; htw_resv2_tag3_lpid_match <= '1' when (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_lpid to tagpos_lpid+lpid_width-1)=tlb_htw_req2_tag_q(tagpos_lpid to tagpos_lpid+lpid_width-1)) else '0'; htw_resv2_tag3_pid_match <= '1' when (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_pid to tagpos_pid+pid_width-1)=tlb_htw_req2_tag_q(tagpos_pid to tagpos_pid+pid_width-1)) else '0'; htw_resv2_tag3_as_match <= '1' when (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_as)=tlb_htw_req2_tag_q(tagpos_as)) else '0'; htw_resv2_tag3_gs_match <= '1' when (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_gs)=tlb_htw_req2_tag_q(tagpos_gs)) else '0'; htw_resv2_tag3_epn_loc_match <= '1' when (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_epn to tagpos_epn+epn_width-1)=tlb_htw_req2_tag_q(tagpos_epn to tagpos_epn+epn_width-1) and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_size to tagpos_size+3)=TLB_PgSize_4KB) or (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_epn to tagpos_epn+epn_width-5)=tlb_htw_req2_tag_q(tagpos_epn to tagpos_epn+epn_width-5) and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_size to tagpos_size+3)=TLB_PgSize_64KB) or (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_epn to tagpos_epn+epn_width-9)=tlb_htw_req2_tag_q(tagpos_epn to tagpos_epn+epn_width-9) and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_size to tagpos_size+3)=TLB_PgSize_1MB) or (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_epn to tagpos_epn+epn_width-13)=tlb_htw_req2_tag_q(tagpos_epn to tagpos_epn+epn_width-13) and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_size to tagpos_size+3)=TLB_PgSize_16MB) or (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_epn to tagpos_epn+epn_width-19)=tlb_htw_req2_tag_q(tagpos_epn to tagpos_epn+epn_width-19) and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_size to tagpos_size+3)=TLB_PgSize_1GB) else '0'; htw_resv2_tag3_epn_glob_match <= '1' when (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_epn+31 to tagpos_epn+epn_width-1)=tlb_htw_req2_tag_q(tagpos_epn+31 to tagpos_epn+epn_width-1) and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_size to tagpos_size+3)=TLB_PgSize_4KB) or (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_epn+31 to tagpos_epn+epn_width-5)=tlb_htw_req2_tag_q(tagpos_epn+31 to tagpos_epn+epn_width-5) and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_size to tagpos_size+3)=TLB_PgSize_64KB) or (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_epn+31 to tagpos_epn+epn_width-9)=tlb_htw_req2_tag_q(tagpos_epn+31 to tagpos_epn+epn_width-9) and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_size to tagpos_size+3)=TLB_PgSize_1MB) or (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_epn+31 to tagpos_epn+epn_width-13)=tlb_htw_req2_tag_q(tagpos_epn+31 to tagpos_epn+epn_width-13) and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_size to tagpos_size+3)=TLB_PgSize_16MB) or (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_epn+31 to tagpos_epn+epn_width-19)=tlb_htw_req2_tag_q(tagpos_epn+31 to tagpos_epn+epn_width-19) and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_size to tagpos_size+3)=TLB_PgSize_1GB) else '0'; htw_resv3_tag3_lpid_match <= '1' when (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_lpid to tagpos_lpid+lpid_width-1)=tlb_htw_req3_tag_q(tagpos_lpid to tagpos_lpid+lpid_width-1)) else '0'; htw_resv3_tag3_pid_match <= '1' when (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_pid to tagpos_pid+pid_width-1)=tlb_htw_req3_tag_q(tagpos_pid to tagpos_pid+pid_width-1)) else '0'; htw_resv3_tag3_as_match <= '1' when (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_as)=tlb_htw_req3_tag_q(tagpos_as)) else '0'; htw_resv3_tag3_gs_match <= '1' when (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_gs)=tlb_htw_req3_tag_q(tagpos_gs)) else '0'; htw_resv3_tag3_epn_loc_match <= '1' when (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_epn to tagpos_epn+epn_width-1)=tlb_htw_req3_tag_q(tagpos_epn to tagpos_epn+epn_width-1) and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_size to tagpos_size+3)=TLB_PgSize_4KB) or (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_epn to tagpos_epn+epn_width-5)=tlb_htw_req3_tag_q(tagpos_epn to tagpos_epn+epn_width-5) and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_size to tagpos_size+3)=TLB_PgSize_64KB) or (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_epn to tagpos_epn+epn_width-9)=tlb_htw_req3_tag_q(tagpos_epn to tagpos_epn+epn_width-9) and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_size to tagpos_size+3)=TLB_PgSize_1MB) or (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_epn to tagpos_epn+epn_width-13)=tlb_htw_req3_tag_q(tagpos_epn to tagpos_epn+epn_width-13) and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_size to tagpos_size+3)=TLB_PgSize_16MB) or (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_epn to tagpos_epn+epn_width-19)=tlb_htw_req3_tag_q(tagpos_epn to tagpos_epn+epn_width-19) and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_size to tagpos_size+3)=TLB_PgSize_1GB) else '0'; htw_resv3_tag3_epn_glob_match <= '1' when (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_epn+31 to tagpos_epn+epn_width-1)=tlb_htw_req3_tag_q(tagpos_epn+31 to tagpos_epn+epn_width-1) and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_size to tagpos_size+3)=TLB_PgSize_4KB) or (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_epn+31 to tagpos_epn+epn_width-5)=tlb_htw_req3_tag_q(tagpos_epn+31 to tagpos_epn+epn_width-5) and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_size to tagpos_size+3)=TLB_PgSize_64KB) or (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_epn+31 to tagpos_epn+epn_width-9)=tlb_htw_req3_tag_q(tagpos_epn+31 to tagpos_epn+epn_width-9) and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_size to tagpos_size+3)=TLB_PgSize_1MB) or (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_epn+31 to tagpos_epn+epn_width-13)=tlb_htw_req3_tag_q(tagpos_epn+31 to tagpos_epn+epn_width-13) and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_size to tagpos_size+3)=TLB_PgSize_16MB) or (htw_tag3_q(tagpos_epn+31 to tagpos_epn+epn_width-19)=tlb_htw_req3_tag_q(tagpos_epn+31 to tagpos_epn+epn_width-19) and htw_tag3_q(tagpos_size to tagpos_size+3)=TLB_PgSize_1GB) else '0'; pte0_score_act <= (or_reduce(pte0_seq_q) or or_reduce(htw_seq_q) or mmucr2_act_override) and xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b; pte0_score_ptr_d <= htw_lsuptr_q when pte0_seq_score_load='1' else pte0_score_ptr_q; pte0_score_cl_offset_d <= pte_ra_0(58 to 60) when pte0_seq_score_load='1' and htw_lsuptr_q="00" else pte_ra_1(58 to 60) when pte0_seq_score_load='1' and htw_lsuptr_q="01" else pte_ra_2(58 to 60) when pte0_seq_score_load='1' and htw_lsuptr_q="10" else pte_ra_3(58 to 60) when pte0_seq_score_load='1' and htw_lsuptr_q="11" else pte0_score_cl_offset_q; pte0_score_ibit_d <= tlb_htw_req0_way_q(waypos_wimge+1) when pte0_seq_score_load='1' and htw_lsuptr_q="00" else tlb_htw_req1_way_q(waypos_wimge+1) when pte0_seq_score_load='1' and htw_lsuptr_q="01" else tlb_htw_req2_way_q(waypos_wimge+1) when pte0_seq_score_load='1' and htw_lsuptr_q="10" else tlb_htw_req3_way_q(waypos_wimge+1) when pte0_seq_score_load='1' and htw_lsuptr_q="11" else pte0_score_ibit_q; pte0_score_pending_d <= '1' when pte0_seq_score_load='1' else '0' when pte0_seq_score_done='1' else pte0_score_pending_q; pte0_score_qwbeat_d(0) <= '0' when pte0_seq_score_load='1' or pte0_seq_data_retry='1' else '1' when (pte0_score_pending_q='1' and reld_data_vld_tp2_q='1' and reld_ditc_tp2_q='0' and reld_core_tag_tp2_q=Core_Tag0_Value and reld_qw_tp2_q="00") else pte0_score_qwbeat_q(0); pte0_score_qwbeat_d(1) <= '0' when pte0_seq_score_load='1' or pte0_seq_data_retry='1' else '1' when (pte0_score_pending_q='1' and reld_data_vld_tp2_q='1' and reld_ditc_tp2_q='0' and reld_core_tag_tp2_q=Core_Tag0_Value and reld_qw_tp2_q="01") else pte0_score_qwbeat_q(1); pte0_score_qwbeat_d(2) <= '0' when pte0_seq_score_load='1' or pte0_seq_data_retry='1' else '1' when (pte0_score_pending_q='1' and reld_data_vld_tp2_q='1' and reld_ditc_tp2_q='0' and reld_core_tag_tp2_q=Core_Tag0_Value and reld_qw_tp2_q="10") else pte0_score_qwbeat_q(2); pte0_score_qwbeat_d(3) <= '0' when pte0_seq_score_load='1' or pte0_seq_data_retry='1' else '1' when (pte0_score_pending_q='1' and reld_data_vld_tp2_q='1' and reld_ditc_tp2_q='0' and reld_core_tag_tp2_q=Core_Tag0_Value and reld_qw_tp2_q="11") else pte0_score_qwbeat_q(3); pte0_score_error_d(0) <= '0' when pte0_seq_score_load='1' else '1' when (pte0_score_pending_q='1' and reld_data_vld_tp2_q='1' and reld_ditc_tp2_q='0' and reld_core_tag_tp2_q=Core_Tag0_Value and reld_ecc_err_tp2_q='1') else pte0_score_error_q(0); pte0_score_error_d(1) <= '0' when pte0_seq_score_load='1' else '1' when (pte0_score_pending_q='1' and reld_data_vld_tp2_q='1' and reld_ditc_tp2_q='0' and reld_core_tag_tp2_q=Core_Tag0_Value and reld_ecc_err_ue_tp2_q='1') else pte0_score_error_q(1); pte0_score_error_d(2) <= '0' when pte0_seq_score_load='1' else '1' when pte0_seq_data_retry='1' else pte0_score_error_q(2); pte0_score_dataval_d <= '0' when pte0_seq_score_load='1' or pte0_seq_data_retry='1' else '1' when (pte0_score_pending_q='1' and reld_data_vld_tp2_q='1' and reld_ditc_tp2_q='0' and reld_crit_qw_tp2_q='1' and reld_qw_tp2_q=pte0_score_cl_offset_q(58 to 59) and reld_core_tag_tp2_q=Core_Tag0_Value) else pte0_score_dataval_q; pte1_score_act <= (or_reduce(pte1_seq_q) or or_reduce(htw_seq_q) or mmucr2_act_override) and xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b; pte1_score_ptr_d <= htw_lsuptr_q when pte1_seq_score_load='1' else pte1_score_ptr_q; pte1_score_cl_offset_d <= pte_ra_0(58 to 60) when pte1_seq_score_load='1' and htw_lsuptr_q="00" else pte_ra_1(58 to 60) when pte1_seq_score_load='1' and htw_lsuptr_q="01" else pte_ra_2(58 to 60) when pte1_seq_score_load='1' and htw_lsuptr_q="10" else pte_ra_3(58 to 60) when pte1_seq_score_load='1' and htw_lsuptr_q="11" else pte1_score_cl_offset_q; pte1_score_ibit_d <= tlb_htw_req0_way_q(waypos_wimge+1) when pte1_seq_score_load='1' and htw_lsuptr_q="00" else tlb_htw_req1_way_q(waypos_wimge+1) when pte1_seq_score_load='1' and htw_lsuptr_q="01" else tlb_htw_req2_way_q(waypos_wimge+1) when pte1_seq_score_load='1' and htw_lsuptr_q="10" else tlb_htw_req3_way_q(waypos_wimge+1) when pte1_seq_score_load='1' and htw_lsuptr_q="11" else pte1_score_ibit_q; pte1_score_pending_d <= '1' when pte1_seq_score_load='1' else '0' when pte1_seq_score_done='1' else pte1_score_pending_q; pte1_score_qwbeat_d(0) <= '0' when pte1_seq_score_load='1' or pte1_seq_data_retry='1' else '1' when (pte1_score_pending_q='1' and reld_data_vld_tp2_q='1' and reld_ditc_tp2_q='0' and reld_core_tag_tp2_q=Core_Tag1_Value and reld_qw_tp2_q="00") else pte1_score_qwbeat_q(0); pte1_score_qwbeat_d(1) <= '0' when pte1_seq_score_load='1' or pte1_seq_data_retry='1' else '1' when (pte1_score_pending_q='1' and reld_data_vld_tp2_q='1' and reld_ditc_tp2_q='0' and reld_core_tag_tp2_q=Core_Tag1_Value and reld_qw_tp2_q="01") else pte1_score_qwbeat_q(1); pte1_score_qwbeat_d(2) <= '0' when pte1_seq_score_load='1' or pte1_seq_data_retry='1' else '1' when (pte1_score_pending_q='1' and reld_data_vld_tp2_q='1' and reld_ditc_tp2_q='0' and reld_core_tag_tp2_q=Core_Tag1_Value and reld_qw_tp2_q="10") else pte1_score_qwbeat_q(2); pte1_score_qwbeat_d(3) <= '0' when pte1_seq_score_load='1' or pte1_seq_data_retry='1' else '1' when (pte1_score_pending_q='1' and reld_data_vld_tp2_q='1' and reld_ditc_tp2_q='0' and reld_core_tag_tp2_q=Core_Tag1_Value and reld_qw_tp2_q="11") else pte1_score_qwbeat_q(3); pte1_score_error_d(0) <= '0' when pte1_seq_score_load='1' else '1' when (pte1_score_pending_q='1' and reld_data_vld_tp2_q='1' and reld_ditc_tp2_q='0' and reld_core_tag_tp2_q=Core_Tag1_Value and reld_ecc_err_tp2_q='1') else pte1_score_error_q(0); pte1_score_error_d(1) <= '0' when pte1_seq_score_load='1' else '1' when (pte1_score_pending_q='1' and reld_data_vld_tp2_q='1' and reld_ditc_tp2_q='0' and reld_core_tag_tp2_q=Core_Tag1_Value and reld_ecc_err_ue_tp2_q='1') else pte1_score_error_q(1); pte1_score_error_d(2) <= '0' when pte1_seq_score_load='1' else '1' when pte1_seq_data_retry='1' else pte1_score_error_q(2); pte1_score_dataval_d <= '0' when pte1_seq_score_load='1' or pte1_seq_data_retry='1' else '1' when (pte1_score_pending_q='1' and reld_data_vld_tp2_q='1' and reld_ditc_tp2_q='0' and reld_crit_qw_tp2_q='1' and reld_qw_tp2_q=pte1_score_cl_offset_q(58 to 59) and reld_core_tag_tp2_q=Core_Tag1_Value) else pte1_score_dataval_q; htw_inptr_d <= "01" when htw_inptr_q="00" and tlb_htw_req0_valid_q='0' and tlb_htw_req1_valid_q='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid='1' else "10" when htw_inptr_q="00" and tlb_htw_req0_valid_q='0' and tlb_htw_req1_valid_q='1' and tlb_htw_req2_valid_q='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid='1' else "11" when htw_inptr_q="00" and tlb_htw_req0_valid_q='0' and tlb_htw_req1_valid_q='1' and tlb_htw_req2_valid_q='1' and tlb_htw_req3_valid_q='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid='1' else "10" when htw_inptr_q="01" and tlb_htw_req1_valid_q='0' and tlb_htw_req2_valid_q='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid='1' else "11" when htw_inptr_q="01" and tlb_htw_req1_valid_q='0' and tlb_htw_req2_valid_q='1' and tlb_htw_req3_valid_q='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid='1' else "00" when htw_inptr_q="01" and tlb_htw_req1_valid_q='0' and tlb_htw_req2_valid_q='1' and tlb_htw_req3_valid_q='1' and tlb_htw_req0_valid_q='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid='1' else "11" when htw_inptr_q="10" and tlb_htw_req2_valid_q='0' and tlb_htw_req3_valid_q='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid='1' else "00" when htw_inptr_q="10" and tlb_htw_req2_valid_q='0' and tlb_htw_req3_valid_q='1' and tlb_htw_req0_valid_q='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid='1' else "01" when htw_inptr_q="10" and tlb_htw_req2_valid_q='0' and tlb_htw_req3_valid_q='1' and tlb_htw_req0_valid_q='1' and tlb_htw_req1_valid_q='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid='1' else "00" when htw_inptr_q="11" and tlb_htw_req3_valid_q='0' and tlb_htw_req0_valid_q='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid='1' else "01" when htw_inptr_q="11" and tlb_htw_req3_valid_q='0' and tlb_htw_req0_valid_q='1' and tlb_htw_req1_valid_q='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid='1' else "10" when htw_inptr_q="11" and tlb_htw_req3_valid_q='0' and tlb_htw_req0_valid_q='1' and tlb_htw_req1_valid_q='1' and tlb_htw_req2_valid_q='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid='1' else pte0_score_ptr_q when ptereload_ptr_q='0' and ptereload_req_taken='1' else pte1_score_ptr_q when ptereload_ptr_q='1' and ptereload_req_taken='1' else htw_inptr_q; htw_lsuptr_d <= "01" when htw_lsuptr_q="00" and tlb_htw_req_valid_vec(0)='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid_vec(1)='1' else "10" when htw_lsuptr_q="00" and tlb_htw_req_valid_vec(0)='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid_vec(1)='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid_vec(2)='1' else "11" when htw_lsuptr_q="00" and tlb_htw_req_valid_vec(0)='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid_vec(1)='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid_vec(2)='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid_vec(3)='1' else "10" when htw_lsuptr_q="01" and tlb_htw_req_valid_vec(1)='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid_vec(2)='1' else "11" when htw_lsuptr_q="01" and tlb_htw_req_valid_vec(1)='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid_vec(2)='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid_vec(3)='1' else "00" when htw_lsuptr_q="01" and tlb_htw_req_valid_vec(1)='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid_vec(2)='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid_vec(3)='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid_vec(0)='1' else "11" when htw_lsuptr_q="10" and tlb_htw_req_valid_vec(2)='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid_vec(3)='1' else "00" when htw_lsuptr_q="10" and tlb_htw_req_valid_vec(2)='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid_vec(3)='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid_vec(0)='1' else "01" when htw_lsuptr_q="10" and tlb_htw_req_valid_vec(2)='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid_vec(3)='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid_vec(0)='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid_vec(1)='1' else "00" when htw_lsuptr_q="11" and tlb_htw_req_valid_vec(3)='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid_vec(0)='1' else "01" when htw_lsuptr_q="11" and tlb_htw_req_valid_vec(3)='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid_vec(0)='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid_vec(1)='1' else "10" when htw_lsuptr_q="11" and tlb_htw_req_valid_vec(3)='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid_vec(0)='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid_vec(1)='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid_vec(2)='1' else htw_lsuptr_q; tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec <= (tlb_htw_req0_valid_q and not tlb_htw_req0_pending_q) & (tlb_htw_req1_valid_q and not tlb_htw_req1_pending_q) & (tlb_htw_req2_valid_q and not tlb_htw_req2_pending_q) & (tlb_htw_req3_valid_q and not tlb_htw_req3_pending_q); htw_lsuptr_alt_d <= "01" when htw_lsuptr_q="00" and tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec(0)='1' and htw_lsu_req_taken='1' else "10" when htw_lsuptr_q="01" and tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec(1)='1' and htw_lsu_req_taken='1' else "11" when htw_lsuptr_q="10" and tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec(2)='1' and htw_lsu_req_taken='1' else "00" when htw_lsuptr_q="11" and tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec(3)='1' and htw_lsu_req_taken='1' else "01" when htw_lsuptr_q="00" and tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec(0)='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec(1)='1' else "10" when htw_lsuptr_q="00" and tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec(0)='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec(1)='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec(2)='1' else "11" when htw_lsuptr_q="00" and tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec(0)='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec(1)='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec(2)='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec(3)='1' else "10" when htw_lsuptr_q="01" and tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec(1)='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec(2)='1' else "11" when htw_lsuptr_q="01" and tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec(1)='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec(2)='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec(3)='1' else "00" when htw_lsuptr_q="01" and tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec(1)='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec(2)='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec(3)='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec(0)='1' else "11" when htw_lsuptr_q="10" and tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec(2)='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec(3)='1' else "00" when htw_lsuptr_q="10" and tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec(2)='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec(3)='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec(0)='1' else "01" when htw_lsuptr_q="10" and tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec(2)='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec(3)='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec(0)='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec(1)='1' else "00" when htw_lsuptr_q="11" and tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec(3)='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec(0)='1' else "01" when htw_lsuptr_q="11" and tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec(3)='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec(0)='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec(1)='1' else "10" when htw_lsuptr_q="11" and tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec(3)='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec(0)='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec(1)='0' and tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec(2)='1' else htw_lsuptr_q; pte_load_ptr_d <= '1' when ptereload_ptr_q='1' and pte1_score_pending_q='1' and pte0_score_pending_d='1' and ptereload_req_taken='1' else '0' when ptereload_ptr_q='0' and pte0_score_pending_q='1' and pte1_score_pending_d='1' and ptereload_req_taken='1' else '1' when pte_load_ptr_q='0' and pte0_seq_score_load='1' and pte1_score_pending_q='0' else '0' when pte_load_ptr_q='1' and pte1_seq_score_load='1' and pte0_score_pending_q='0' else pte_load_ptr_q; ptereload_ptr_d <= '1' when ptereload_ptr_q='0' and ptereload_req_taken='1' else '1' when ptereload_ptr_q='0' and pte0_reload_req_valid='0' and pte1_reload_req_valid='1' else '0' when ptereload_ptr_q='1' and ptereload_req_taken='1' else '0' when ptereload_ptr_q='1' and pte0_reload_req_valid='1' and pte1_reload_req_valid='0' else ptereload_ptr_q; htw_lsu_ttype_d <= "11" when (pte_load_ptr_q='1' and htw_seq_load_pteaddr='1') else "10" when htw_seq_load_pteaddr='1' else htw_lsu_ttype_q; htw_lsu_thdid_d <= tlb_htw_req0_tag_q(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1) when htw_lsuptr_q="00" and tlb_htw_req0_valid_q='1' and htw_seq_load_pteaddr='1' else tlb_htw_req1_tag_q(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1) when htw_lsuptr_q="01" and tlb_htw_req1_valid_q='1' and htw_seq_load_pteaddr='1' else tlb_htw_req2_tag_q(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1) when htw_lsuptr_q="10" and tlb_htw_req2_valid_q='1' and htw_seq_load_pteaddr='1' else tlb_htw_req3_tag_q(tagpos_thdid to tagpos_thdid+thdid_width-1) when htw_lsuptr_q="11" and tlb_htw_req3_valid_q='1' and htw_seq_load_pteaddr='1' else htw_lsu_thdid_q; htw_lsu_wimge_d <= tlb_htw_req0_way_q(waypos_wimge to waypos_wimge+4) when htw_lsuptr_q="00" and tlb_htw_req0_valid_q='1' and htw_seq_load_pteaddr='1' else tlb_htw_req1_way_q(waypos_wimge to waypos_wimge+4) when htw_lsuptr_q="01" and tlb_htw_req1_valid_q='1' and htw_seq_load_pteaddr='1' else tlb_htw_req2_way_q(waypos_wimge to waypos_wimge+4) when htw_lsuptr_q="10" and tlb_htw_req2_valid_q='1' and htw_seq_load_pteaddr='1' else tlb_htw_req3_way_q(waypos_wimge to waypos_wimge+4) when htw_lsuptr_q="11" and tlb_htw_req3_valid_q='1' and htw_seq_load_pteaddr='1' else htw_lsu_wimge_q; htw_lsu_u_d <= tlb_htw_req0_way_q(waypos_ubits to waypos_ubits+3) when htw_lsuptr_q="00" and tlb_htw_req0_valid_q='1' and htw_seq_load_pteaddr='1' else tlb_htw_req1_way_q(waypos_ubits to waypos_ubits+3) when htw_lsuptr_q="01" and tlb_htw_req1_valid_q='1' and htw_seq_load_pteaddr='1' else tlb_htw_req2_way_q(waypos_ubits to waypos_ubits+3) when htw_lsuptr_q="10" and tlb_htw_req2_valid_q='1' and htw_seq_load_pteaddr='1' else tlb_htw_req3_way_q(waypos_ubits to waypos_ubits+3) when htw_lsuptr_q="11" and tlb_htw_req3_valid_q='1' and htw_seq_load_pteaddr='1' else htw_lsu_u_q; htw_lsu_addr_d <= pte_ra_0 when htw_lsuptr_q="00" and tlb_htw_req0_valid_q='1' and htw_seq_load_pteaddr='1' else pte_ra_1 when htw_lsuptr_q="01" and tlb_htw_req1_valid_q='1' and htw_seq_load_pteaddr='1' else pte_ra_2 when htw_lsuptr_q="10" and tlb_htw_req2_valid_q='1' and htw_seq_load_pteaddr='1' else pte_ra_3 when htw_lsuptr_q="11" and tlb_htw_req3_valid_q='1' and htw_seq_load_pteaddr='1' else htw_lsu_addr_q; htw_lsu_act <= (or_reduce(htw_seq_q) or mmucr2_act_override) and xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b; htw_lsu_thdid <= htw_lsu_thdid_q; htw_dbg_lsu_thdid(0) <= htw_lsu_thdid_q(2) or htw_lsu_thdid_q(3); htw_dbg_lsu_thdid(1) <= htw_lsu_thdid_q(1) or htw_lsu_thdid_q(3); htw_lsu_ttype <= htw_lsu_ttype_q; htw_lsu_wimge <= htw_lsu_wimge_q; htw_lsu_u <= htw_lsu_u_q; htw_lsu_addr <= htw_lsu_addr_q; reld_core_tag_tm1_d <= an_ac_reld_core_tag; reld_qw_tm1_d <= an_ac_reld_qw; reld_crit_qw_tm1_d <= an_ac_reld_crit_qw; reld_ditc_tm1_d <= an_ac_reld_ditc; reld_data_vld_tm1_d <= an_ac_reld_data_vld; reld_core_tag_t_d <= reld_core_tag_tm1_q; reld_qw_t_d <= reld_qw_tm1_q; reld_crit_qw_t_d <= reld_crit_qw_tm1_q; reld_ditc_t_d <= reld_ditc_tm1_q; reld_data_vld_t_d <= reld_data_vld_tm1_q; pte0_reld_for_me_tm1 <= '1' when (reld_data_vld_tm1_q='1' and reld_ditc_tm1_q='0' and reld_crit_qw_tm1_q='1' and reld_qw_tm1_q=pte0_score_cl_offset_q(58 to 59) and reld_core_tag_tm1_q=Core_Tag0_Value) else '0'; pte1_reld_for_me_tm1 <= '1' when (reld_data_vld_tm1_q='1' and reld_ditc_tm1_q='0' and reld_crit_qw_tm1_q='1' and reld_qw_tm1_q=pte1_score_cl_offset_q(58 to 59) and reld_core_tag_tm1_q=Core_Tag1_Value) else '0'; reld_core_tag_tp1_d <= reld_core_tag_t_q; reld_qw_tp1_d <= reld_qw_t_q; reld_crit_qw_tp1_d <= reld_crit_qw_t_q; reld_ditc_tp1_d <= reld_ditc_t_q; reld_data_vld_tp1_d <= reld_data_vld_t_q; reld_data_tp1_d <= an_ac_reld_data; reld_core_tag_tp2_d <= reld_core_tag_tp1_q; reld_qw_tp2_d <= reld_qw_tp1_q; reld_crit_qw_tp2_d <= reld_crit_qw_tp1_q; reld_ditc_tp2_d <= reld_ditc_tp1_q; reld_data_vld_tp2_d <= reld_data_vld_tp1_q; reld_data_tp2_d <= reld_data_tp1_q; reld_ecc_err_tp2_d <= an_ac_reld_ecc_err; reld_ecc_err_ue_tp2_d <= an_ac_reld_ecc_err_ue; pte0_reld_for_me_tp2 <= '1' when (reld_data_vld_tp2_q='1' and reld_ditc_tp2_q='0' and reld_crit_qw_tp2_q='1' and reld_qw_tp2_q=pte0_score_cl_offset_q(58 to 59) and reld_core_tag_tp2_q=Core_Tag0_Value) else '0'; pte0_reld_data_tp3_d <= reld_data_tp2_q(0 to 63) when (pte0_reld_for_me_tp2='1' and pte0_score_cl_offset_q(60)='0') else reld_data_tp2_q(64 to 127) when (pte0_reld_for_me_tp2='1' and pte0_score_cl_offset_q(60)='1') else pte0_reld_data_tp3_q; pte1_reld_for_me_tp2 <= '1' when (reld_data_vld_tp2_q='1' and reld_ditc_tp2_q='0' and reld_crit_qw_tp2_q='1' and reld_qw_tp2_q=pte1_score_cl_offset_q(58 to 59) and reld_core_tag_tp2_q=Core_Tag1_Value) else '0'; pte1_reld_data_tp3_d <= reld_data_tp2_q(0 to 63) when (pte1_reld_for_me_tp2='1' and pte1_score_cl_offset_q(60)='0') else reld_data_tp2_q(64 to 127) when (pte1_reld_for_me_tp2='1' and pte1_score_cl_offset_q(60)='1') else pte1_reld_data_tp3_q; reld_act <= (or_reduce(pte0_seq_q) or or_reduce(pte1_seq_q) or mmucr2_act_override) and xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b; pte0_reld_act <= (or_reduce(pte0_seq_q) or mmucr2_act_override) and xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b; pte1_reld_act <= (or_reduce(pte1_seq_q) or mmucr2_act_override) and xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b; ptereload_req_valid <= '0' when (htw_tag4_clr_resv_q/="0000" or htw_tag5_clr_resv_q/="0000") else pte1_reload_req_valid when ptereload_ptr_q='1' else pte0_reload_req_valid; ptereload_req_tag <= tlb_htw_req1_tag_q when ((ptereload_ptr_q='0' and pte0_score_ptr_q="01") or (ptereload_ptr_q='1' and pte1_score_ptr_q="01")) else tlb_htw_req2_tag_q when ((ptereload_ptr_q='0' and pte0_score_ptr_q="10") or (ptereload_ptr_q='1' and pte1_score_ptr_q="10")) else tlb_htw_req3_tag_q when ((ptereload_ptr_q='0' and pte0_score_ptr_q="11") or (ptereload_ptr_q='1' and pte1_score_ptr_q="11")) else tlb_htw_req0_tag_q; ptereload_req_pte <= pte1_reld_data_tp3_q when ptereload_ptr_q='1' else pte0_reld_data_tp3_q; htw_tag4_clr_resv_terms <= (others => '0'); htw_dbg_seq_idle <= htw_seq_idle; htw_dbg_pte0_seq_idle <= pte0_seq_idle; htw_dbg_pte1_seq_idle <= pte1_seq_idle; htw_dbg_seq_q <= htw_seq_q; htw_dbg_inptr_q <= htw_inptr_q; htw_dbg_pte0_seq_q <= pte0_seq_q; htw_dbg_pte1_seq_q <= pte1_seq_q; htw_dbg_ptereload_ptr_q <= ptereload_ptr_q; htw_dbg_lsuptr_q <= htw_lsuptr_q; htw_dbg_req_valid_q <= tlb_htw_req0_valid_q & tlb_htw_req1_valid_q & tlb_htw_req2_valid_q & tlb_htw_req3_valid_q; htw_dbg_resv_valid_vec <= htw_resv_valid_vec; htw_dbg_tag4_clr_resv_q <= htw_tag4_clr_resv_q; htw_dbg_tag4_clr_resv_terms <= htw_tag4_clr_resv_terms; htw_dbg_pte0_score_ptr_q <= pte0_score_ptr_q; htw_dbg_pte0_score_cl_offset_q <= pte0_score_cl_offset_q; htw_dbg_pte0_score_error_q <= pte0_score_error_q; htw_dbg_pte0_score_qwbeat_q <= pte0_score_qwbeat_q; htw_dbg_pte0_score_pending_q <= pte0_score_pending_q; htw_dbg_pte0_score_ibit_q <= pte0_score_ibit_q; htw_dbg_pte0_score_dataval_q <= pte0_score_dataval_q; htw_dbg_pte0_reld_for_me_tm1 <= pte0_reld_for_me_tm1; htw_dbg_pte1_score_ptr_q <= pte1_score_ptr_q; htw_dbg_pte1_score_cl_offset_q <= pte1_score_cl_offset_q; htw_dbg_pte1_score_error_q <= pte1_score_error_q; htw_dbg_pte1_score_qwbeat_q <= pte1_score_qwbeat_q; htw_dbg_pte1_score_pending_q <= pte1_score_pending_q; htw_dbg_pte1_score_ibit_q <= pte1_score_ibit_q; htw_dbg_pte1_score_dataval_q <= pte1_score_dataval_q; htw_dbg_pte1_reld_for_me_tm1 <= pte1_reld_for_me_tm1; unused_dc(0) <= or_reduce(LCB_DELAY_LCLKR_DC(1 TO 4)); unused_dc(1) <= or_reduce(LCB_MPW1_DC_B(1 TO 4)); unused_dc(2) <= PC_FUNC_SL_FORCE; unused_dc(3) <= PC_FUNC_SL_THOLD_0_B; unused_dc(4) <= TC_SCAN_DIS_DC_B; unused_dc(5) <= TC_SCAN_DIAG_DC; unused_dc(6) <= TC_LBIST_EN_DC; unused_dc(7) <= or_reduce(TLB_HTW_REQ_TAG(104 TO 105)); unused_dc(8) <= HTW_TAG3_Q(70); unused_dc(9) <= HTW_TAG3_Q(73); unused_dc(10) <= or_reduce(HTW_TAG3_Q(82 TO 85)); unused_dc(11) <= HTW_TAG3_Q(87); unused_dc(12) <= or_reduce(HTW_TAG3_Q(98 TO 103)); unused_dc(13) <= or_reduce(HTW_TAG3_Q(106 TO 109)); unused_dc(14) <= PTE0_RELD_ENABLE_LO_TP2 or PTE0_RELD_ENABLE_HI_TP2; unused_dc(15) <= PTE1_RELD_ENABLE_LO_TP2 or PTE1_RELD_ENABLE_HI_TP2; unused_dc(16 TO 19) <= tlb_htw_req0_pending_q & tlb_htw_req1_pending_q & tlb_htw_req2_pending_q & tlb_htw_req3_pending_q; unused_dc(20 TO 21) <= htw_lsuptr_alt_d; tlb_htw_req0_valid_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_0(tlb_htw_req0_valid_offset), scout => sov_0(tlb_htw_req0_valid_offset), din => tlb_htw_req0_valid_d, dout => tlb_htw_req0_valid_q); tlb_htw_req0_pending_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_0(tlb_htw_req0_pending_offset), scout => sov_0(tlb_htw_req0_pending_offset), din => tlb_htw_req0_pending_d, dout => tlb_htw_req0_pending_q); tlb_htw_req0_tag_latch: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => tlb_htw_req0_tag_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tlb_htw_req0_tag_act, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_0(tlb_htw_req0_tag_offset to tlb_htw_req0_tag_offset+tlb_htw_req0_tag_q'length-1), scout => sov_0(tlb_htw_req0_tag_offset to tlb_htw_req0_tag_offset+tlb_htw_req0_tag_q'length-1), din => tlb_htw_req0_tag_d, dout => tlb_htw_req0_tag_q ); tlb_htw_req0_way_latch: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => tlb_htw_req0_way_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tlb_delayed_act(24+0), thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_0(tlb_htw_req0_way_offset to tlb_htw_req0_way_offset+tlb_htw_req0_way_q'length-1), scout => sov_0(tlb_htw_req0_way_offset to tlb_htw_req0_way_offset+tlb_htw_req0_way_q'length-1), din => tlb_htw_req0_way_d, dout => tlb_htw_req0_way_q ); tlb_htw_req1_valid_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_0(tlb_htw_req1_valid_offset), scout => sov_0(tlb_htw_req1_valid_offset), din => tlb_htw_req1_valid_d, dout => tlb_htw_req1_valid_q); tlb_htw_req1_pending_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_0(tlb_htw_req1_pending_offset), scout => sov_0(tlb_htw_req1_pending_offset), din => tlb_htw_req1_pending_d, dout => tlb_htw_req1_pending_q); tlb_htw_req1_tag_latch: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => tlb_htw_req1_tag_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tlb_htw_req1_tag_act, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_0(tlb_htw_req1_tag_offset to tlb_htw_req1_tag_offset+tlb_htw_req1_tag_q'length-1), scout => sov_0(tlb_htw_req1_tag_offset to tlb_htw_req1_tag_offset+tlb_htw_req1_tag_q'length-1), din => tlb_htw_req1_tag_d, dout => tlb_htw_req1_tag_q ); tlb_htw_req1_way_latch: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => tlb_htw_req1_way_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tlb_delayed_act(24+1), thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_0(tlb_htw_req1_way_offset to tlb_htw_req1_way_offset+tlb_htw_req1_way_q'length-1), scout => sov_0(tlb_htw_req1_way_offset to tlb_htw_req1_way_offset+tlb_htw_req1_way_q'length-1), din => tlb_htw_req1_way_d, dout => tlb_htw_req1_way_q ); tlb_htw_req2_valid_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_0(tlb_htw_req2_valid_offset), scout => sov_0(tlb_htw_req2_valid_offset), din => tlb_htw_req2_valid_d, dout => tlb_htw_req2_valid_q); tlb_htw_req2_pending_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_0(tlb_htw_req2_pending_offset), scout => sov_0(tlb_htw_req2_pending_offset), din => tlb_htw_req2_pending_d, dout => tlb_htw_req2_pending_q); tlb_htw_req2_tag_latch: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => tlb_htw_req2_tag_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tlb_htw_req2_tag_act, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_0(tlb_htw_req2_tag_offset to tlb_htw_req2_tag_offset+tlb_htw_req2_tag_q'length-1), scout => sov_0(tlb_htw_req2_tag_offset to tlb_htw_req2_tag_offset+tlb_htw_req2_tag_q'length-1), din => tlb_htw_req2_tag_d, dout => tlb_htw_req2_tag_q ); tlb_htw_req2_way_latch: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => tlb_htw_req2_way_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tlb_delayed_act(24+2), thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_0(tlb_htw_req2_way_offset to tlb_htw_req2_way_offset+tlb_htw_req2_way_q'length-1), scout => sov_0(tlb_htw_req2_way_offset to tlb_htw_req2_way_offset+tlb_htw_req2_way_q'length-1), din => tlb_htw_req2_way_d, dout => tlb_htw_req2_way_q ); tlb_htw_req3_valid_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_0(tlb_htw_req3_valid_offset), scout => sov_0(tlb_htw_req3_valid_offset), din => tlb_htw_req3_valid_d, dout => tlb_htw_req3_valid_q); tlb_htw_req3_pending_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_0(tlb_htw_req3_pending_offset), scout => sov_0(tlb_htw_req3_pending_offset), din => tlb_htw_req3_pending_d, dout => tlb_htw_req3_pending_q); tlb_htw_req3_tag_latch: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => tlb_htw_req3_tag_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tlb_htw_req3_tag_act, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_0(tlb_htw_req3_tag_offset to tlb_htw_req3_tag_offset+tlb_htw_req3_tag_q'length-1), scout => sov_0(tlb_htw_req3_tag_offset to tlb_htw_req3_tag_offset+tlb_htw_req3_tag_q'length-1), din => tlb_htw_req3_tag_d, dout => tlb_htw_req3_tag_q ); tlb_htw_req3_way_latch: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => tlb_htw_req3_way_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tlb_delayed_act(24+3), thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_0(tlb_htw_req3_way_offset to tlb_htw_req3_way_offset+tlb_htw_req3_way_q'length-1), scout => sov_0(tlb_htw_req3_way_offset to tlb_htw_req3_way_offset+tlb_htw_req3_way_q'length-1), din => tlb_htw_req3_way_d, dout => tlb_htw_req3_way_q ); spare_a_latch: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => spare_a_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_0(spare_a_offset to spare_a_offset+spare_a_q'length-1), scout => sov_0(spare_a_offset to spare_a_offset+spare_a_q'length-1), din => spare_a_q, dout => spare_a_q ); htw_seq_latch: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => htw_seq_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(htw_seq_offset to htw_seq_offset+htw_seq_q'length-1), scout => sov_1(htw_seq_offset to htw_seq_offset+htw_seq_q'length-1), din => htw_seq_d(0 to htw_seq_width-1), dout => htw_seq_q(0 to htw_seq_width-1) ); htw_inptr_latch: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => htw_inptr_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(htw_inptr_offset to htw_inptr_offset+htw_inptr_q'length-1), scout => sov_1(htw_inptr_offset to htw_inptr_offset+htw_inptr_q'length-1), din => htw_inptr_d, dout => htw_inptr_q ); htw_lsuptr_latch: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => htw_lsuptr_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(htw_lsuptr_offset to htw_lsuptr_offset+htw_lsuptr_q'length-1), scout => sov_1(htw_lsuptr_offset to htw_lsuptr_offset+htw_lsuptr_q'length-1), din => htw_lsuptr_d, dout => htw_lsuptr_q ); htw_lsu_ttype_latch: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => htw_lsu_ttype_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => htw_lsu_act, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(htw_lsu_ttype_offset to htw_lsu_ttype_offset+htw_lsu_ttype_q'length-1), scout => sov_1(htw_lsu_ttype_offset to htw_lsu_ttype_offset+htw_lsu_ttype_q'length-1), din => htw_lsu_ttype_d, dout => htw_lsu_ttype_q ); htw_lsu_thdid_latch: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => htw_lsu_thdid_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => htw_lsu_act, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(htw_lsu_thdid_offset to htw_lsu_thdid_offset+htw_lsu_thdid_q'length-1), scout => sov_1(htw_lsu_thdid_offset to htw_lsu_thdid_offset+htw_lsu_thdid_q'length-1), din => htw_lsu_thdid_d, dout => htw_lsu_thdid_q ); htw_lsu_wimge_latch: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => htw_lsu_wimge_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => htw_lsu_act, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(htw_lsu_wimge_offset to htw_lsu_wimge_offset+htw_lsu_wimge_q'length-1), scout => sov_1(htw_lsu_wimge_offset to htw_lsu_wimge_offset+htw_lsu_wimge_q'length-1), din => htw_lsu_wimge_d, dout => htw_lsu_wimge_q ); htw_lsu_u_latch: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => htw_lsu_u_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => htw_lsu_act, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(htw_lsu_u_offset to htw_lsu_u_offset+htw_lsu_u_q'length-1), scout => sov_1(htw_lsu_u_offset to htw_lsu_u_offset+htw_lsu_u_q'length-1), din => htw_lsu_u_d, dout => htw_lsu_u_q ); htw_lsu_addr_latch: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => htw_lsu_addr_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => htw_lsu_act, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(htw_lsu_addr_offset to htw_lsu_addr_offset+htw_lsu_addr_q'length-1), scout => sov_1(htw_lsu_addr_offset to htw_lsu_addr_offset+htw_lsu_addr_q'length-1), din => htw_lsu_addr_d, dout => htw_lsu_addr_q ); pte0_seq_latch: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => pte0_seq_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(pte0_seq_offset to pte0_seq_offset+pte0_seq_q'length-1), scout => sov_1(pte0_seq_offset to pte0_seq_offset+pte0_seq_q'length-1), din => pte0_seq_d, dout => pte0_seq_q ); pte0_score_ptr_latch: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => pte0_score_ptr_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => pte0_score_act, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(pte0_score_ptr_offset to pte0_score_ptr_offset+pte0_score_ptr_q'length-1), scout => sov_1(pte0_score_ptr_offset to pte0_score_ptr_offset+pte0_score_ptr_q'length-1), din => pte0_score_ptr_d, dout => pte0_score_ptr_q ); pte0_score_cl_offset_latch: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => pte0_score_cl_offset_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => pte0_score_act, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(pte0_score_cl_offset_offset to pte0_score_cl_offset_offset+pte0_score_cl_offset_q'length-1), scout => sov_1(pte0_score_cl_offset_offset to pte0_score_cl_offset_offset+pte0_score_cl_offset_q'length-1), din => pte0_score_cl_offset_d, dout => pte0_score_cl_offset_q ); pte0_score_error_latch: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => pte0_score_error_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => pte0_score_act, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(pte0_score_error_offset to pte0_score_error_offset+pte0_score_error_q'length-1), scout => sov_1(pte0_score_error_offset to pte0_score_error_offset+pte0_score_error_q'length-1), din => pte0_score_error_d, dout => pte0_score_error_q ); pte0_score_qwbeat_latch: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => pte0_score_qwbeat_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => pte0_score_act, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(pte0_score_qwbeat_offset to pte0_score_qwbeat_offset+pte0_score_qwbeat_q'length-1), scout => sov_1(pte0_score_qwbeat_offset to pte0_score_qwbeat_offset+pte0_score_qwbeat_q'length-1), din => pte0_score_qwbeat_d, dout => pte0_score_qwbeat_q ); pte0_score_ibit_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => pte0_score_act, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(pte0_score_ibit_offset), scout => sov_1(pte0_score_ibit_offset), din => pte0_score_ibit_d, dout => pte0_score_ibit_q); pte0_score_pending_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => pte0_score_act, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(pte0_score_pending_offset), scout => sov_1(pte0_score_pending_offset), din => pte0_score_pending_d, dout => pte0_score_pending_q); pte0_score_dataval_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => pte0_score_act, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(pte0_score_dataval_offset), scout => sov_1(pte0_score_dataval_offset), din => pte0_score_dataval_d, dout => pte0_score_dataval_q); pte1_seq_latch: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => pte1_seq_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(pte1_seq_offset to pte1_seq_offset+pte1_seq_q'length-1), scout => sov_1(pte1_seq_offset to pte1_seq_offset+pte1_seq_q'length-1), din => pte1_seq_d, dout => pte1_seq_q ); pte1_score_ptr_latch: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => pte1_score_ptr_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => pte1_score_act, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(pte1_score_ptr_offset to pte1_score_ptr_offset+pte1_score_ptr_q'length-1), scout => sov_1(pte1_score_ptr_offset to pte1_score_ptr_offset+pte1_score_ptr_q'length-1), din => pte1_score_ptr_d, dout => pte1_score_ptr_q ); pte1_score_cl_offset_latch: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => pte1_score_cl_offset_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => pte1_score_act, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(pte1_score_cl_offset_offset to pte1_score_cl_offset_offset+pte1_score_cl_offset_q'length-1), scout => sov_1(pte1_score_cl_offset_offset to pte1_score_cl_offset_offset+pte1_score_cl_offset_q'length-1), din => pte1_score_cl_offset_d, dout => pte1_score_cl_offset_q ); pte1_score_error_latch: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => pte1_score_error_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => pte1_score_act, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(pte1_score_error_offset to pte1_score_error_offset+pte1_score_error_q'length-1), scout => sov_1(pte1_score_error_offset to pte1_score_error_offset+pte1_score_error_q'length-1), din => pte1_score_error_d, dout => pte1_score_error_q ); pte1_score_qwbeat_latch: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => pte1_score_qwbeat_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => pte1_score_act, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(pte1_score_qwbeat_offset to pte1_score_qwbeat_offset+pte1_score_qwbeat_q'length-1), scout => sov_1(pte1_score_qwbeat_offset to pte1_score_qwbeat_offset+pte1_score_qwbeat_q'length-1), din => pte1_score_qwbeat_d, dout => pte1_score_qwbeat_q ); pte1_score_ibit_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => pte1_score_act, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(pte1_score_ibit_offset), scout => sov_1(pte1_score_ibit_offset), din => pte1_score_ibit_d, dout => pte1_score_ibit_q); pte1_score_pending_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => pte1_score_act, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(pte1_score_pending_offset), scout => sov_1(pte1_score_pending_offset), din => pte1_score_pending_d, dout => pte1_score_pending_q); pte1_score_dataval_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => pte1_score_act, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(pte1_score_dataval_offset), scout => sov_1(pte1_score_dataval_offset), din => pte1_score_dataval_d, dout => pte1_score_dataval_q); pte_load_ptr_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(pte_load_ptr_offset), scout => sov_1(pte_load_ptr_offset), din => pte_load_ptr_d, dout => pte_load_ptr_q); ptereload_ptr_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(ptereload_ptr_offset), scout => sov_1(ptereload_ptr_offset), din => ptereload_ptr_d, dout => ptereload_ptr_q); reld_core_tag_tm1_latch: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => reld_core_tag_tm1_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => reld_act, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(reld_core_tag_tm1_offset to reld_core_tag_tm1_offset+reld_core_tag_tm1_q'length-1), scout => sov_1(reld_core_tag_tm1_offset to reld_core_tag_tm1_offset+reld_core_tag_tm1_q'length-1), din => reld_core_tag_tm1_d, dout => reld_core_tag_tm1_q ); reld_qw_tm1_latch: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => reld_qw_tm1_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => reld_act, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(reld_qw_tm1_offset to reld_qw_tm1_offset+reld_qw_tm1_q'length-1), scout => sov_1(reld_qw_tm1_offset to reld_qw_tm1_offset+reld_qw_tm1_q'length-1), din => reld_qw_tm1_d, dout => reld_qw_tm1_q ); reld_crit_qw_tm1_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => reld_act, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(reld_crit_qw_tm1_offset), scout => sov_1(reld_crit_qw_tm1_offset), din => reld_crit_qw_tm1_d, dout => reld_crit_qw_tm1_q); reld_ditc_tm1_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => reld_act, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(reld_ditc_tm1_offset), scout => sov_1(reld_ditc_tm1_offset), din => reld_ditc_tm1_d, dout => reld_ditc_tm1_q); reld_data_vld_tm1_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => reld_act, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(reld_data_vld_tm1_offset), scout => sov_1(reld_data_vld_tm1_offset), din => reld_data_vld_tm1_d, dout => reld_data_vld_tm1_q); reld_core_tag_t_latch: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => reld_core_tag_t_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => reld_act, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(reld_core_tag_t_offset to reld_core_tag_t_offset+reld_core_tag_t_q'length-1), scout => sov_1(reld_core_tag_t_offset to reld_core_tag_t_offset+reld_core_tag_t_q'length-1), din => reld_core_tag_t_d, dout => reld_core_tag_t_q ); reld_qw_t_latch: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => reld_qw_t_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => reld_act, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(reld_qw_t_offset to reld_qw_t_offset+reld_qw_t_q'length-1), scout => sov_1(reld_qw_t_offset to reld_qw_t_offset+reld_qw_t_q'length-1), din => reld_qw_t_d, dout => reld_qw_t_q ); reld_crit_qw_t_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => reld_act, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(reld_crit_qw_t_offset), scout => sov_1(reld_crit_qw_t_offset), din => reld_crit_qw_t_d, dout => reld_crit_qw_t_q); reld_ditc_t_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => reld_act, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(reld_ditc_t_offset), scout => sov_1(reld_ditc_t_offset), din => reld_ditc_t_d, dout => reld_ditc_t_q); reld_data_vld_t_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => reld_act, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(reld_data_vld_t_offset), scout => sov_1(reld_data_vld_t_offset), din => reld_data_vld_t_d, dout => reld_data_vld_t_q); reld_core_tag_tp1_latch: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => reld_core_tag_tp1_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => reld_act, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(reld_core_tag_tp1_offset to reld_core_tag_tp1_offset+reld_core_tag_tp1_q'length-1), scout => sov_1(reld_core_tag_tp1_offset to reld_core_tag_tp1_offset+reld_core_tag_tp1_q'length-1), din => reld_core_tag_tp1_d, dout => reld_core_tag_tp1_q ); reld_qw_tp1_latch: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => reld_qw_tp1_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => reld_act, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(reld_qw_tp1_offset to reld_qw_tp1_offset+reld_qw_tp1_q'length-1), scout => sov_1(reld_qw_tp1_offset to reld_qw_tp1_offset+reld_qw_tp1_q'length-1), din => reld_qw_tp1_d, dout => reld_qw_tp1_q ); reld_crit_qw_tp1_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => reld_act, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(reld_crit_qw_tp1_offset), scout => sov_1(reld_crit_qw_tp1_offset), din => reld_crit_qw_tp1_d, dout => reld_crit_qw_tp1_q); reld_ditc_tp1_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => reld_act, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(reld_ditc_tp1_offset), scout => sov_1(reld_ditc_tp1_offset), din => reld_ditc_tp1_d, dout => reld_ditc_tp1_q); reld_data_vld_tp1_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => reld_act, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(reld_data_vld_tp1_offset), scout => sov_1(reld_data_vld_tp1_offset), din => reld_data_vld_tp1_d, dout => reld_data_vld_tp1_q); reld_data_tp1_latch: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => reld_data_tp1_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => reld_act, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(reld_data_tp1_offset to reld_data_tp1_offset+reld_data_tp1_q'length-1), scout => sov_1(reld_data_tp1_offset to reld_data_tp1_offset+reld_data_tp1_q'length-1), din => reld_data_tp1_d, dout => reld_data_tp1_q ); reld_core_tag_tp2_latch: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => reld_core_tag_tp2_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => reld_act, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(reld_core_tag_tp2_offset to reld_core_tag_tp2_offset+reld_core_tag_tp2_q'length-1), scout => sov_1(reld_core_tag_tp2_offset to reld_core_tag_tp2_offset+reld_core_tag_tp2_q'length-1), din => reld_core_tag_tp2_d, dout => reld_core_tag_tp2_q ); reld_qw_tp2_latch: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => reld_qw_tp2_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => reld_act, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(reld_qw_tp2_offset to reld_qw_tp2_offset+reld_qw_tp2_q'length-1), scout => sov_1(reld_qw_tp2_offset to reld_qw_tp2_offset+reld_qw_tp2_q'length-1), din => reld_qw_tp2_d, dout => reld_qw_tp2_q ); reld_crit_qw_tp2_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => reld_act, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(reld_crit_qw_tp2_offset), scout => sov_1(reld_crit_qw_tp2_offset), din => reld_crit_qw_tp2_d, dout => reld_crit_qw_tp2_q); reld_ditc_tp2_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => reld_act, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(reld_ditc_tp2_offset), scout => sov_1(reld_ditc_tp2_offset), din => reld_ditc_tp2_d, dout => reld_ditc_tp2_q); reld_data_vld_tp2_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => reld_act, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(reld_data_vld_tp2_offset), scout => sov_1(reld_data_vld_tp2_offset), din => reld_data_vld_tp2_d, dout => reld_data_vld_tp2_q); reld_data_tp2_latch: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => reld_data_tp2_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => reld_act, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(reld_data_tp2_offset to reld_data_tp2_offset+reld_data_tp2_q'length-1), scout => sov_1(reld_data_tp2_offset to reld_data_tp2_offset+reld_data_tp2_q'length-1), din => reld_data_tp2_d, dout => reld_data_tp2_q ); reld_ecc_err_tp2_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => reld_act, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(reld_ecc_err_tp2_offset), scout => sov_1(reld_ecc_err_tp2_offset), din => reld_ecc_err_tp2_d, dout => reld_ecc_err_tp2_q); reld_ecc_err_ue_tp2_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => reld_act, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(reld_ecc_err_ue_tp2_offset), scout => sov_1(reld_ecc_err_ue_tp2_offset), din => reld_ecc_err_ue_tp2_d, dout => reld_ecc_err_ue_tp2_q); pte0_reld_data_tp3_latch: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => pte0_reld_data_tp3_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => pte0_reld_act, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(pte0_reld_data_tp3_offset to pte0_reld_data_tp3_offset+pte0_reld_data_tp3_q'length-1), scout => sov_1(pte0_reld_data_tp3_offset to pte0_reld_data_tp3_offset+pte0_reld_data_tp3_q'length-1), din => pte0_reld_data_tp3_d, dout => pte0_reld_data_tp3_q ); pte1_reld_data_tp3_latch: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => pte1_reld_data_tp3_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => pte1_reld_act, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(pte1_reld_data_tp3_offset to pte1_reld_data_tp3_offset+pte1_reld_data_tp3_q'length-1), scout => sov_1(pte1_reld_data_tp3_offset to pte1_reld_data_tp3_offset+pte1_reld_data_tp3_q'length-1), din => pte1_reld_data_tp3_d, dout => pte1_reld_data_tp3_q ); htw_tag3_latch: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => htw_tag3_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tlb_delayed_act(28), thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(htw_tag3_offset to htw_tag3_offset+htw_tag3_q'length-1), scout => sov_1(htw_tag3_offset to htw_tag3_offset+htw_tag3_q'length-1), din => htw_tag3_d, dout => htw_tag3_q ); htw_tag4_clr_resv_latch: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => htw_tag4_clr_resv_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tlb_delayed_act(28), thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(htw_tag4_clr_resv_offset to htw_tag4_clr_resv_offset+htw_tag4_clr_resv_q'length-1), scout => sov_1(htw_tag4_clr_resv_offset to htw_tag4_clr_resv_offset+htw_tag4_clr_resv_q'length-1), din => htw_tag4_clr_resv_d, dout => htw_tag4_clr_resv_q ); htw_tag5_clr_resv_latch: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => htw_tag5_clr_resv_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tlb_delayed_act(28), thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(htw_tag5_clr_resv_offset to htw_tag5_clr_resv_offset+htw_tag5_clr_resv_q'length-1), scout => sov_1(htw_tag5_clr_resv_offset to htw_tag5_clr_resv_offset+htw_tag5_clr_resv_q'length-1), din => htw_tag5_clr_resv_d, dout => htw_tag5_clr_resv_q ); spare_b_latch: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => spare_b_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => pc_sg_0, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0), mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0), mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b, d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc, scin => siv_1(spare_b_offset to spare_b_offset+spare_b_q'length-1), scout => sov_1(spare_b_offset to spare_b_offset+spare_b_q'length-1), din => spare_b_q, dout => spare_b_q ); perv_2to1_reg: tri_plat generic map (width => 3, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, flush => tc_ccflush_dc, din(0) => pc_func_sl_thold_2, din(1) => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_2, din(2) => pc_sg_2, q(0) => pc_func_sl_thold_1, q(1) => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_1, q(2) => pc_sg_1); perv_1to0_reg: tri_plat generic map (width => 3, expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, flush => tc_ccflush_dc, din(0) => pc_func_sl_thold_1, din(1) => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_1, din(2) => pc_sg_1, q(0) => pc_func_sl_thold_0, q(1) => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0, q(2) => pc_sg_0); perv_lcbor_func_sl: tri_lcbor generic map (expand_type => expand_type) port map (clkoff_b => lcb_clkoff_dc_b, thold => pc_func_sl_thold_0, sg => pc_sg_0, act_dis => lcb_act_dis_dc, forcee => pc_func_sl_force, thold_b => pc_func_sl_thold_0_b); perv_lcbor_func_slp_sl: tri_lcbor generic map (expand_type => expand_type) port map (clkoff_b => lcb_clkoff_dc_b, thold => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0, sg => pc_sg_0, act_dis => lcb_act_dis_dc, forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force, thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b); siv_0(0 TO scan_right_0) <= sov_0(1 to scan_right_0) & ac_func_scan_in(0); ac_func_scan_out(0) <= sov_0(0); siv_1(0 TO scan_right_1) <= sov_1(1 to scan_right_1) & ac_func_scan_in(1); ac_func_scan_out(1) <= sov_1(0); END MMQ_HTW;