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4 years ago
import unittest
from nmigen.sim import Simulator
from lpcperipheral.ipmi_bt import IPMI_BT, RegEnum, BMCRegEnum
from .helpers import Helpers
class TestSum(unittest.TestCase, Helpers):
def setUp(self):
self.dut = IPMI_BT(depth=64)
def test_fifo(self):
def bench():
# Write one byte from target and read from BMC
yield from self.wishbone_write(self.dut.target_wb, RegEnum.BMC2HOST_HOST2BMC, 0x12)
yield from self.wishbone_read(self.dut.bmc_wb, BMCRegEnum.BMC2HOST_HOST2BMC, 0x12)
# Write 64 bytes from target and read from BMC
for i in range(0, 64):
yield from self.wishbone_write(self.dut.target_wb, RegEnum.BMC2HOST_HOST2BMC, i)
for i in range(0, 64):
yield from self.wishbone_read(self.dut.bmc_wb, BMCRegEnum.BMC2HOST_HOST2BMC, i)
# Write one byte from BMC and read from target
yield from self.wishbone_write(self.dut.bmc_wb, BMCRegEnum.BMC2HOST_HOST2BMC, 0x12)
yield from self.wishbone_read(self.dut.target_wb, RegEnum.BMC2HOST_HOST2BMC, 0x12)
# Write 64 bytes from BMC and read from target
for i in range(0, 64):
yield from self.wishbone_write(self.dut.bmc_wb, BMCRegEnum.BMC2HOST_HOST2BMC, i)
for i in range(0, 64):
yield from self.wishbone_read(self.dut.target_wb, RegEnum.BMC2HOST_HOST2BMC, i)
# Read from empty FIFO (should read 0)
yield from self.wishbone_read(self.dut.target_wb, RegEnum.BMC2HOST_HOST2BMC, 0)
yield from self.wishbone_read(self.dut.bmc_wb, BMCRegEnum.BMC2HOST_HOST2BMC, 0)
# Write to full FIFO (should do nothing)
for i in range(0, 65):
yield from self.wishbone_write(self.dut.target_wb, RegEnum.BMC2HOST_HOST2BMC, i)
yield from self.wishbone_write(self.dut.bmc_wb, BMCRegEnum.BMC2HOST_HOST2BMC, i)
for i in range(0, 64):
yield from self.wishbone_read(self.dut.target_wb, RegEnum.BMC2HOST_HOST2BMC, i)
yield from self.wishbone_read(self.dut.bmc_wb, BMCRegEnum.BMC2HOST_HOST2BMC, i)
# Test reset of target fifo from target
for i in range(0, 64):
yield from self.wishbone_write(self.dut.target_wb, RegEnum.BMC2HOST_HOST2BMC, 0x5a)
yield from self.wishbone_write(self.dut.target_wb, RegEnum.BT_CTRL, 0x1)
yield from self.wishbone_write(self.dut.target_wb, RegEnum.BMC2HOST_HOST2BMC, 0x98)
yield # Need a cycle between writing the FIFO and reading it
yield from self.wishbone_read(self.dut.bmc_wb, BMCRegEnum.BMC2HOST_HOST2BMC, 0x98)
yield from self.wishbone_read(self.dut.bmc_wb, BMCRegEnum.BMC2HOST_HOST2BMC, 0)
# Test reset of BMC fifo from BMC
for i in range(0, 64):
yield from self.wishbone_write(self.dut.bmc_wb, BMCRegEnum.BMC2HOST_HOST2BMC, 0xa5)
yield from self.wishbone_write(self.dut.bmc_wb, BMCRegEnum.BT_CTRL, 0x1)
yield from self.wishbone_write(self.dut.bmc_wb, BMCRegEnum.BMC2HOST_HOST2BMC, 0x78)
yield # Need a cycle between writing the FIFO and reading it
yield from self.wishbone_read(self.dut.target_wb, RegEnum.BMC2HOST_HOST2BMC, 0x78)
yield from self.wishbone_read(self.dut.target_wb, RegEnum.BMC2HOST_HOST2BMC, 0)
sim = Simulator(self.dut)
sim.add_clock(1e-6) # 1 MHz
with sim.write_vcd("test_ipmi_bt_fifo.vcd"):
def test_ctrl(self):
def bench():
# Init value for BT_CTRL
yield from self.wishbone_read(self.dut.target_wb, RegEnum.BT_CTRL, 0)
yield from self.wishbone_read(self.dut.bmc_wb, BMCRegEnum.BT_CTRL, 0)
# BT_CTRL bits 2, 5: target set, BMC clear
for b in (2, 5):
yield from self.wishbone_read(self.dut.target_wb, RegEnum.BT_CTRL, 0x0)
# Write 1 on BMC, should do nothing
yield from self.wishbone_write(self.dut.bmc_wb, BMCRegEnum.BT_CTRL, 1 << b)
yield from self.wishbone_read(self.dut.bmc_wb, BMCRegEnum.BT_CTRL, 0)
# Write 1 from target
yield from self.wishbone_write(self.dut.target_wb, RegEnum.BT_CTRL, 1 << b)
# Check for 1 on target and bmc
yield from self.wishbone_read(self.dut.target_wb, RegEnum.BT_CTRL, 1 << b)
yield from self.wishbone_read(self.dut.bmc_wb, BMCRegEnum.BT_CTRL, 1 << b)
# Write 1 on target, should do nothing
yield from self.wishbone_write(self.dut.target_wb, RegEnum.BT_CTRL, 1 << b)
yield from self.wishbone_read(self.dut.target_wb, RegEnum.BT_CTRL, 1 << b)
# Write 1 on bmc, should clear bit
yield from self.wishbone_write(self.dut.bmc_wb, BMCRegEnum.BT_CTRL, 1 << b)
yield from self.wishbone_read(self.dut.bmc_wb, BMCRegEnum.BT_CTRL, 0)
# BT_CTRL bits 3, 4: BMC set, target clear
for b in (3, 4):
yield from self.wishbone_read(self.dut.target_wb, RegEnum.BT_CTRL, 0x0)
# Write 1 on target, should do nothing
yield from self.wishbone_write(self.dut.target_wb, RegEnum.BT_CTRL, 1 << b)
yield from self.wishbone_read(self.dut.target_wb, RegEnum.BT_CTRL, 0)
# Write 1 from BMC
yield from self.wishbone_write(self.dut.bmc_wb, BMCRegEnum.BT_CTRL, 1 << b)
# Check for 1 on target and bmc
yield from self.wishbone_read(self.dut.target_wb, RegEnum.BT_CTRL, 1 << b)
yield from self.wishbone_read(self.dut.bmc_wb, BMCRegEnum.BT_CTRL, 1 << b)
# Write 1 on BMC, should do nothing
yield from self.wishbone_write(self.dut.bmc_wb, BMCRegEnum.BT_CTRL, 1 << b)
yield from self.wishbone_read(self.dut.bmc_wb, BMCRegEnum.BT_CTRL, 1 << b)
# Write 1 on target, should clear bit
yield from self.wishbone_write(self.dut.target_wb, RegEnum.BT_CTRL, 1 << b)
yield from self.wishbone_read(self.dut.target_wb, RegEnum.BT_CTRL, 0)
# BT_CTRL bit 6
# Set bit, read from both target and BMC
yield from self.wishbone_write(self.dut.target_wb, RegEnum.BT_CTRL, 1 << 6)
yield from self.wishbone_read(self.dut.target_wb, RegEnum.BT_CTRL, 1 << 6)
yield from self.wishbone_read(self.dut.bmc_wb, BMCRegEnum.BT_CTRL, 1 << 6)
# Writing from BMC should do nothing
yield from self.wishbone_write(self.dut.bmc_wb, BMCRegEnum.BT_CTRL, 1 << 6)
yield from self.wishbone_read(self.dut.target_wb, RegEnum.BT_CTRL, 1 << 6)
# Writing from target should clear
yield from self.wishbone_write(self.dut.target_wb, RegEnum.BT_CTRL, 1 << 6)
yield from self.wishbone_read(self.dut.target_wb, RegEnum.BT_CTRL, 0)
# BT_CTRL bit 7
# Set bit, read from both target and BMC
yield from self.wishbone_write(self.dut.bmc_wb, BMCRegEnum.BT_CTRL, 1 << 7)
yield from self.wishbone_read(self.dut.target_wb, RegEnum.BT_CTRL, 1 << 7)
yield from self.wishbone_read(self.dut.bmc_wb, BMCRegEnum.BT_CTRL, 1 << 7)
# Writing from target should do nothing
yield from self.wishbone_write(self.dut.target_wb, RegEnum.BT_CTRL, 1 << 7)
yield from self.wishbone_read(self.dut.target_wb, RegEnum.BT_CTRL, 1 << 7)
# Writing from BMC should clear
yield from self.wishbone_write(self.dut.bmc_wb, BMCRegEnum.BT_CTRL, 1 << 7)
yield from self.wishbone_read(self.dut.target_wb, RegEnum.BT_CTRL, 0)
# Read and write all bits in BT_CTRL from the target side
yield from self.wishbone_write(self.dut.target_wb, RegEnum.BT_CTRL, 0xff)
yield from self.wishbone_read(self.dut.target_wb, RegEnum.BT_CTRL, 0x64)
sim = Simulator(self.dut)
sim.add_clock(1e-6) # 1 MHz
with sim.write_vcd("test_ipmi_bt_ctrl.vcd"):
def test_target_interrupts(self):
def bench():
# Test reading/writing BT_INTMASK from target. Only the bottom bit should be
# writeable
yield from self.wishbone_write(self.dut.target_wb, RegEnum.BT_INTMASK, 0xff)
yield from self.wishbone_read(self.dut.target_wb, RegEnum.BT_INTMASK, 0x1)
yield from self.wishbone_write(self.dut.target_wb, RegEnum.BT_INTMASK, 0x0)
# With interrupts masked, shouldn't get an interrupt
self.assertEqual((yield self.dut.target_irq), 0)
yield from self.wishbone_write(self.dut.bmc_wb, BMCRegEnum.BT_CTRL, 1 << 3)
self.assertEqual((yield self.dut.target_irq), 0)
# With interrupt unmasked, should get interrupt, but only on a 0-1 transition
yield from self.wishbone_write(self.dut.target_wb, RegEnum.BT_INTMASK, 1 << 0)
self.assertEqual((yield self.dut.target_irq), 0)
# Clear
yield from self.wishbone_write(self.dut.target_wb, RegEnum.BT_CTRL, 1 << 3)
self.assertEqual((yield self.dut.target_irq), 0)
# and reassert
yield from self.wishbone_write(self.dut.bmc_wb, BMCRegEnum.BT_CTRL, 1 << 3)
self.assertEqual((yield self.dut.target_irq), 1)
# Test the interrupt masking bit
yield from self.wishbone_write(self.dut.target_wb, RegEnum.BT_INTMASK, 0x0)
self.assertEqual((yield self.dut.target_irq), 0)
yield from self.wishbone_write(self.dut.target_wb, RegEnum.BT_INTMASK, 0x1)
self.assertEqual((yield self.dut.target_irq), 1)
# Finally ack it
yield from self.wishbone_write(self.dut.target_wb, RegEnum.BT_INTMASK, 0x2)
self.assertEqual((yield self.dut.target_irq), 0)
sim = Simulator(self.dut)
sim.add_clock(1e-6) # 1 MHz
with sim.write_vcd("test_ipmi_bt_target_interrupts.vcd"):
def test_bmc_interrupts(self):
def bench():
# Test reading/writing IRQ_MASK from BMC. Only the bottom two bits should be
# writeable
yield from self.wishbone_write(self.dut.bmc_wb, BMCRegEnum.IRQ_MASK, 0xff)
yield from self.wishbone_read(self.dut.bmc_wb, BMCRegEnum.IRQ_MASK, 0x3)
yield from self.wishbone_write(self.dut.bmc_wb, BMCRegEnum.IRQ_MASK, 0x0)
# Test reading/writing IRQ_STATUS from BMC. Only the bottom two bits should be
# writeable
yield from self.wishbone_write(self.dut.bmc_wb, BMCRegEnum.IRQ_STATUS, 0xff)
yield from self.wishbone_read(self.dut.bmc_wb, BMCRegEnum.IRQ_STATUS, 0x3)
yield from self.wishbone_write(self.dut.bmc_wb, BMCRegEnum.IRQ_STATUS, 0x0)
# With interrupts masked, shouldn't get an interrupt
self.assertEqual((yield self.dut.bmc_irq), 0)
yield from self.wishbone_write(self.dut.target_wb, BMCRegEnum.BT_CTRL, 1 << 2)
self.assertEqual((yield self.dut.bmc_irq), 0)
# With interrupt unmasked, should get interrupt, but only on a 0-1 transition
yield from self.wishbone_write(self.dut.bmc_wb, BMCRegEnum.IRQ_MASK, 1 << 0)
self.assertEqual((yield self.dut.bmc_irq), 0)
# Clear
yield from self.wishbone_write(self.dut.bmc_wb, BMCRegEnum.BT_CTRL, 1 << 2)
self.assertEqual((yield self.dut.bmc_irq), 0)
# and reassert
yield from self.wishbone_write(self.dut.target_wb, RegEnum.BT_CTRL, 1 << 2)
self.assertEqual((yield self.dut.bmc_irq), 1)
# Test the interrupt masking bit
yield from self.wishbone_write(self.dut.bmc_wb, BMCRegEnum.IRQ_MASK, 0x0)
self.assertEqual((yield self.dut.bmc_irq), 0)
yield from self.wishbone_write(self.dut.bmc_wb, BMCRegEnum.IRQ_MASK, 0x1)
self.assertEqual((yield self.dut.bmc_irq), 1)
yield from self.wishbone_read(self.dut.bmc_wb, BMCRegEnum.IRQ_STATUS, 0x1)
# Finally ack it
yield from self.wishbone_write(self.dut.bmc_wb, BMCRegEnum.IRQ_STATUS, 0x0)
self.assertEqual((yield self.dut.bmc_irq), 0)
yield from self.wishbone_read(self.dut.bmc_wb, BMCRegEnum.IRQ_STATUS, 0x0)
# Test target busy goes low interrupt
sim = Simulator(self.dut)
sim.add_clock(1e-6) # 1 MHz
with sim.write_vcd("test_ipmi_bt_target_interrupts.vcd"):
if __name__ == '__main__':