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# m-queens
Multi-queens, a very fast solver for the general
[eight queens problem]( with OpenMP support.
Based on code from but much more optimized.
If you find a way to make the code even faster, please let me know.
Also feel free to open a Pull Request to add your own benchmarks.
# Benchmarks
## Single-Thread
Compiled with `gcc-7 -o m-queens.bin main.c -O2 -march=native -mtune=native -std=c99` and
run with `./m-queens 18`.
|CPU|N|Time to solve|
|Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4600M CPU@ 3.5 GHz (single core)|18|129.56s|
## Multi-Thread
Compiled with `gcc-7 -o m-queens.bin main.c -O2 -march=native -mtune=native -std=c99 -fopenmp` and
run with `./m-queens 18`.
|CPU|Cores (real/virtual)|N|Time to solve|Speedup from Single-Thread|
|Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4600M CPU@ 3.4 GHz (all cores)|2/4|18|52.56s|2.46|
# Future Improvements
### Use the optimized placement mentioned in to reduce symmetries.
probably very hard to do with the current implementation
### Use OpenCL to make use of GPUs
Work in progress in the `sieves`, `split2_debug` and `ringbuffer` branches.