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from amaranth import *
from amaranth.lib.coding import Encoder
from amaranth.asserts import *
from power_fv.check import PowerFVCheck
from power_fv.check._timer import Timer
__all__ = ["GPRCheck"]
class GPRCheck(PowerFVCheck, name=("gpr",)):
"""GPR consistency check.
Checks that:
* reads from a GPR return the last value that was written to it;
* writes to multiple GPRs by a single instruction (e.g. load with update) do not conflict
with each other.
def testbench(self):
return GPRTestbench(self)
class GPRTestbench(Elaboratable):
def __init__(self, check):
if not isinstance(check, GPRCheck):
raise TypeError("Check must be an instance of GPRCheck, not {!r}"
self.check = check = "gpr_tb"
def elaborate(self, platform):
m = Module()
m.submodules.t_post = t_post = Timer(self.check.depth - 1)
m.submodules.dut = dut = self.check.dut
spec_order = AnyConst(dut.pfv.order.shape())
spec_index = AnyConst(unsigned(5))
gpr_write = Record([("ra", 1), ("rb", 1), ("rs", 1), ("rt", 1)])
gpr_read =
m.d.comb += [
gpr_write.ra.eq(dut.pfv.ra.w_stb & (dut.pfv.ra.index == spec_index)),
gpr_write.rb.eq(dut.pfv.rb.w_stb & (dut.pfv.rb.index == spec_index)), & ( == spec_index)),
gpr_write.rt.eq(dut.pfv.rt.w_stb & (dut.pfv.rt.index == spec_index)),
gpr_read .ra.eq(dut.pfv.ra.r_stb & (dut.pfv.ra.index == spec_index)),
gpr_read .rb.eq(dut.pfv.rb.r_stb & (dut.pfv.rb.index == spec_index)),
gpr_read .rs.eq( & ( == spec_index)),
gpr_read .rt.eq(dut.pfv.rt.r_stb & (dut.pfv.rt.index == spec_index)),
gpr_conflict = Record([("prev", 1), ("curr", 1)])
gpr_written = Record([("prev", 1)])
gpr_shadow = Record([("prev", 64)])
m.submodules.write_enc = write_enc = Encoder(len(gpr_write))
m.d.comb += write_enc.i.eq(gpr_write)
with m.If(dut.pfv.stb & write_enc.i.any() & write_enc.n):
# Write conflict: more then one bit of `gpr_write` is asserted.
m.d.comb += gpr_conflict.curr.eq(1)
m.d.sync += gpr_conflict.prev.eq(dut.pfv.order < spec_order)
with m.If(dut.pfv.stb & (dut.pfv.order < spec_order)):
with m.If(gpr_write.any()):
m.d.sync += gpr_written.prev.eq(1)
with m.If(gpr_write.ra):
m.d.sync += gpr_shadow.prev.eq(dut.pfv.ra.w_data)
with m.If(gpr_write.rb):
m.d.sync += gpr_shadow.prev.eq(dut.pfv.rb.w_data)
with m.If(
m.d.sync += gpr_shadow.prev.eq(
with m.If(gpr_write.rt):
m.d.sync += gpr_shadow.prev.eq(dut.pfv.rt.w_data)
with m.If(
m.d.comb += [
Assume(dut.pfv.order == spec_order),
with m.If(gpr_written.prev):
with m.If(gpr_read.ra):
m.d.comb += Assert(dut.pfv.ra.r_data == gpr_shadow.prev)
with m.If(gpr_read.rb):
m.d.comb += Assert(dut.pfv.rb.r_data == gpr_shadow.prev)
with m.If(
m.d.comb += Assert( == gpr_shadow.prev)
with m.If(gpr_read.rt):
m.d.comb += Assert(dut.pfv.rt.r_data == gpr_shadow.prev)
m.d.comb += Assert(~Past(
return m