from amaranth import * from amaranth.asserts import * from power_fv.pfv import mem_port_layout from power_fv.check import PowerFVCheck, PowerFVCheckMeta from power_fv.check._timer import Timer __all__ = ["InsnCheckMeta", "InsnCheck", "InsnTestbench"] class InsnCheckMeta(PowerFVCheckMeta): def __new__(metacls, clsname, bases, namespace, spec_cls=None, insn_cls=None, **kwargs): if insn_cls is not None: name = ("insn", insn_cls.__name__.lower()) else: name = None cls = PowerFVCheckMeta.__new__(metacls, clsname, bases, namespace, name=name, **kwargs) if spec_cls is not None: cls.spec_cls = spec_cls if insn_cls is not None: cls.insn_cls = insn_cls return cls class InsnCheck(PowerFVCheck, metaclass=InsnCheckMeta): def __init__(self, *, depth, skip, core, **kwargs): super().__init__(depth=depth, skip=skip, core=core, **kwargs) self.insn = self.insn_cls() self.spec = self.spec_cls(self.insn, mem_aligned=self.dut.pfv.mem_aligned, muldiv_altops=self.dut.pfv.muldiv_altops) def testbench(self): return InsnTestbench(self) class InsnTestbench(Elaboratable): def __init__(self, check): if not isinstance(check, InsnCheck): raise TypeError("Check must be an instance of InsnCheck, not {!r}" .format(check)) self.check = check = "{}_tb".format("_".join( def elaborate(self, platform): m = Module() m.submodules.t_post = t_post = Timer(self.check.depth - 1) m.submodules.dut = dut = self.check.dut m.submodules.spec = spec = self.check.spec m.d.comb += [ spec.pfv.insn .eq(AnyConst(spec.pfv.insn.shape())), spec.pfv.order.eq(dut.pfv.order), spec.pfv.cia .eq(dut.pfv.cia), Assume(spec.pfv.stb), ] with m.If( m.d.comb += [ Assume(dut.pfv.stb), Assume(dut.pfv.insn == spec.pfv.insn), Assume(~dut.pfv.skip), Assert(dut.pfv.intr == spec.pfv.intr), ] with m.If( m.d.comb += Assert(dut.pfv.nia == spec.pfv.nia) m.submodules.ra = ra = _GPRFileTest(self.check, port="ra") m.submodules.rb = rb = _GPRFileTest(self.check, port="rb") = rs = _GPRFileTest(self.check, port="rs") m.submodules.rt = rt = _GPRFileTest(self.check, port="rt") m.d.comb += [ spec.pfv.ra.r_data.eq(dut.pfv.ra.r_data), spec.pfv.rb.r_data.eq(dut.pfv.rb.r_data),, spec.pfv.rt.r_data.eq(dut.pfv.rt.r_data), ] with m.If( m.d.comb += [ Assert(ra.valid.all()), Assert(rb.valid.all()), Assert(rs.valid.all()), Assert(rt.valid.all()), ] m.submodules.mem = mem = _MemPortTest(self.check) m.d.comb += spec.pfv.mem.r_data.eq(dut.pfv.mem.r_data) with m.If( m.d.comb += Assert(mem.valid.all()) = cr = _SysRegTest(self.check, reg="cr" ) m.submodules.msr = msr = _SysRegTest(self.check, reg="msr" ) = lr = _SysRegTest(self.check, reg="lr" ) m.submodules.ctr = ctr = _SysRegTest(self.check, reg="ctr" ) m.submodules.tar = tar = _SysRegTest(self.check, reg="tar" ) m.submodules.xer = xer = _SysRegTest(self.check, reg="xer" ) m.submodules.srr0 = srr0 = _SysRegTest(self.check, reg="srr0") m.submodules.srr1 = srr1 = _SysRegTest(self.check, reg="srr1") m.d.comb += [ .r_data.eq( .r_data), spec.pfv.msr .r_data.eq(dut.pfv.msr .r_data), .r_data.eq( .r_data), spec.pfv.ctr .r_data.eq(dut.pfv.ctr .r_data), spec.pfv.tar .r_data.eq(dut.pfv.tar .r_data), spec.pfv.xer .r_data.eq(dut.pfv.xer .r_data), spec.pfv.srr0.r_data.eq(dut.pfv.srr0.r_data), spec.pfv.srr1.r_data.eq(dut.pfv.srr1.r_data), ] with m.If( m.d.comb += [ Assert(cr .valid.all()), Assert(msr .valid.all()), Assert(lr .valid.all()), Assert(ctr .valid.all()), Assert(tar .valid.all()), Assert(xer .valid.all()), Assert(srr0.valid.all()), Assert(srr1.valid.all()), ] m.d.comb += Assert(~Past( return m class _GPRFileTest(Elaboratable): def __init__(self, check, *, port): self._dut = getattr(check.dut .pfv, port) self._spec = getattr(check.spec.pfv, port) self.valid = Record([ ("read" , [("index", 1), ("r_stb", 1)]), ("write", [("index", 1), ("w_stb", 1), ("w_data", 1)]), ]) def elaborate(self, platform): m = Module() dut = ) spec = m.d.comb += [ dut .eq(self._dut ), spec.eq(self._spec), # If the spec reads from a GPR, the DUT must read it too. == spec.index)),, # The DUT and the spec must write the same value to the same GPR. self.valid.write.index .eq(spec.w_stb.implies(dut.index == spec.index)), self.valid.write.w_stb .eq(spec.w_stb == dut.w_stb), self.valid.write.w_data.eq(spec.w_stb.implies(dut.w_data == spec.w_data)), ] return m class _MemPortTest(Elaboratable): def __init__(self, check): self._dut = check.dut .pfv.mem self._spec = check.spec.pfv.mem self.valid = Record([ ("read", [("addr", 1), ("r_mask", 1)]), ("write", [("addr", 1), ("w_mask", 1), ("w_data", 1)]), ]) def elaborate(self, platform): m = Module() dut = Record(mem_port_layout()) spec = Record(mem_port_layout()) def contains(a, mask, b): mask_8 = Cat(Repl(bit, 8) for bit in mask) return a & mask_8 == b & mask_8 m.d.comb += [ dut .eq(self._dut), spec.eq(self._spec), # The DUT and the spec must read from the same bits at the same address. .eq(spec.r_mask.any().implies(dut.addr == spec.addr)), == dut.r_mask), # The DUT and the spec must write the same value to the same bits at the same address. self.valid.write.addr .eq(spec.w_mask.any().implies(dut.addr == spec.addr)), self.valid.write.w_mask.eq(spec.w_mask == dut.w_mask), self.valid.write.w_data.eq(contains(dut.w_data, spec.w_mask, spec.w_data)), ] return m class _SysRegTest(Elaboratable): def __init__(self, check, *, reg): self._dut = getattr(check.dut .pfv, reg) self._spec = getattr(check.spec.pfv, reg) self.valid = Record([ ("read" , [("r_mask", 1)]), ("write", [("w_mask", 1), ("w_data", 1), ("r_mask", 1), ("r_data", 1)]), ]) def elaborate(self, platform): m = Module() dut = Record([ ("r_mask", len(self._dut.r_mask)), ("r_data", len(self._dut.r_data)), ("w_mask", len(self._dut.w_mask)), ("w_data", len(self._dut.w_data)), ]) spec = keep = Record([ ("w_mask", len(self._dut.w_mask)), ]) def contains(a, mask, b=None): if b is None: b = mask return a & mask == b & mask m.d.comb += [ dut .eq(self._dut ), spec.eq(self._spec), # The DUT and the spec must read from the same bits., spec.r_mask)), # The DUT and the spec must write the same values to the same bits. self.valid.write.w_mask.eq(contains(dut.w_mask, spec.w_mask)), self.valid.write.w_data.eq(contains(dut.w_data, spec.w_mask, spec.w_data)), # The DUT may write to more bits than the spec iff their values are preserved. keep.w_mask.eq(dut.w_mask & ~spec.w_mask), self.valid.write.r_mask.eq(contains(dut.r_mask, keep.w_mask)), self.valid.write.r_data.eq(contains(dut.r_data, keep.w_mask, dut.w_data)), ] return m