import argparse import importlib import os import multiprocessing from amaranth import * from power_fv.tb import Testbench from import SymbiYosysPlatform from _wrapper import MicrowattWrapper def microwatt_files(): _filenames = ( "cache_ram.vhdl", "common.vhdl", "control.vhdl", "core_debug.vhdl", "core.vhdl", "countbits.vhdl", "cr_file.vhdl", "crhelpers.vhdl", "dcache.vhdl", "decode1.vhdl", "decode2.vhdl", "decode_types.vhdl", "divider.vhdl", "execute1.vhdl", "fetch1.vhdl", "fpu.vhdl", "helpers.vhdl", "icache.vhdl", "insn_helpers.vhdl", "loadstore1.vhdl", "logical.vhdl", "mmu.vhdl", "multiply.vhdl", "nonrandom.vhdl", "plru.vhdl", "pmu.vhdl", "powerfv_types.vhdl", "powerfv.vhdl", "ppc_fx_insns.vhdl", "register_file.vhdl", "rotator.vhdl", "utils.vhdl", "wishbone_types.vhdl", "writeback.vhdl", ) for filename in _filenames: contents = open(os.path.join(os.curdir, "microwatt", filename), "r").read() yield filename, contents top_filename = "microwatt_top.vhdl" top_contents = open(os.path.join(os.curdir, top_filename), "r").read() yield top_filename, top_contents def run_check(module_name, pre, post): module = importlib.import_module(f".{module_name}", package="power_fv.checks") check = module.Check() cpu = MicrowattWrapper() top = Testbench(check, cpu, t_pre=pre, t_post=post) platform = SymbiYosysPlatform() for filename, contents in microwatt_files(): platform.add_file(filename, contents) top_name = "{}_tb".format(module_name) build_dir = "build/{}".format(top_name) top = top, name = top_name, build_dir = build_dir, mode = "bmc", ghdl_opts = "--std=08", prep_opts = "-nordff", ) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-j", "--jobs", help="Number of worker processes (default: os.cpu_count())", type=int, default=os.cpu_count(), ) args = parser.parse_args() checks = [ # name pre post ("unique", 12, 15), ("ia_fwd", None, 15), ("gpr", None, 15), ("cr", None, 15), ("spr", None, 15), ] with multiprocessing.Pool( as pool: pool.starmap(run_check, checks)