from amaranth import * from amaranth.utils import log2_int from power_fv import pfv from power_fv.insn.const import * from . import InsnSpec from .utils import iea, byte_reversed __all__ = ["LoadStoreSpec"] class LoadStoreSpec(InsnSpec, Elaboratable): def elaborate(self, platform): m = Module() m.d.comb += [ self.pfv.stb .eq(1), self.pfv.insn.eq(Cat(Const(0, 32), self.insn.as_value())), self.pfv.nia .eq(iea(self.pfv.cia + 4, self.pfv.msr.r_data.sf)), self.pfv.msr.r_mask.sf.eq(1), ] # EA (effective address) = ea_base + ea_offset ea = Signal(64) ea_base = Signal(64) ea_offset = Signal(64) # ea_base : (RA|0) or (RA) m.d.comb += self.pfv.ra.index.eq(self.insn.RA) if isinstance(self.insn, ( LBZ, LBZX, LHZ, LHZX, LHA, LHAX, LWZ, LWZX, STB, STBX, STH, STHX, STW, STWX, LWBRX, STHBRX, STWBRX )): m.d.comb += [ self.pfv.ra.r_stb.eq(self.insn.RA != 0), ea_base.eq(Mux(self.insn.RA != 0, self.pfv.ra.r_data, 0)), ] elif isinstance(self.insn, ( LBZU, LBZUX, LHZU, LHZUX, LHAU, LHAUX, LWZU, LWZUX, STBU, STBUX, STHU, STHUX, STWU, STWUX )): m.d.comb += [ self.pfv.ra.r_stb.eq(1), ea_base.eq(self.pfv.ra.r_data), ] else: assert False # ea_offset : EXTS(D) or (RB) if isinstance(self.insn, ( LBZ, LBZU, LHZ, LHZU, LHA, LHAU, LWZ, LWZU, STB, STBU, STH, STHU, STW, STWU, )): m.d.comb += ea_offset.eq(self.insn.D.as_signed()) elif isinstance(self.insn, ( LBZX, LBZUX, LHZX, LHZUX, LHAX, LHAUX, LWZX, LWZUX, STBX, STBUX, STHX, STHUX, STWX, STWUX, LWBRX, STHBRX, STWBRX, )): m.d.comb += [ self.pfv.rb.index.eq(self.insn.RB), self.pfv.rb.r_stb.eq(1), ea_offset.eq(self.pfv.rb.r_data) ] else: assert False m.d.comb += ea.eq(iea(ea_base + ea_offset, self.pfv.msr.r_data.sf)) # If `pfv.mem_aligned` is set, `pfv.mem.addr` points to the dword containing EA. # If `pfv.mem_aligned` is unset, `pfv.mem.addr` is equal to EA. byte_offset = Signal(3) half_offset = Signal(2) word_offset = Signal(1) m.d.comb += self.pfv.mem.addr[3:].eq(ea[3:]) if self.pfv.mem_aligned: m.d.comb += [ self.pfv.mem.addr[:3].eq(0), byte_offset.eq(ea[:3]), ] else: m.d.comb += [ self.pfv.mem.addr[:3].eq(ea[:3]), byte_offset.eq(0), ] m.d.comb += [ half_offset.eq(byte_offset[1:]), word_offset.eq(byte_offset[2:]), ] msr_le = self.pfv.msr.r_data.le m.d.comb += self.pfv.msr.r_mask.le.eq(1) # Load: read from memory, then write the result to RT. if isinstance(self.insn, ( LBZ, LBZX, LBZU, LBZUX, LHZ, LHZX, LHZU, LHZUX, LHA, LHAX, LHAU, LHAUX, LWZ, LWZX, LWZU, LWZUX, LWBRX, )): load_byte = Signal( 8) load_half = Signal(16) load_word = Signal(32) load_result = Signal(64) m.d.comb += [ load_byte.eq(self.pfv.mem.r_data.word_select(byte_offset, width= 8)), load_half.eq(self.pfv.mem.r_data.word_select(half_offset, width=16)), load_word.eq(self.pfv.mem.r_data.word_select(word_offset, width=32)), ] if isinstance(self.insn, (LBZ, LBZX, LBZU, LBZUX)): m.d.comb += [ self.pfv.mem.r_mask.word_select(byte_offset, width=1).eq(0x1), load_result.eq(load_byte.as_unsigned()), ] elif isinstance(self.insn, (LHZ, LHZX, LHZU, LHZUX)): m.d.comb += [ self.pfv.mem.r_mask.word_select(half_offset, width=2).eq(0x3), load_result.eq(byte_reversed(load_half, ~msr_le).as_unsigned()), ] elif isinstance(self.insn, (LHA, LHAX, LHAU, LHAUX)): m.d.comb += [ self.pfv.mem.r_mask.word_select(half_offset, width=2).eq(0x3), load_result.eq(byte_reversed(load_half, ~msr_le).as_signed()) ] elif isinstance(self.insn, (LWZ, LWZX, LWZU, LWZUX)): m.d.comb += [ self.pfv.mem.r_mask.word_select(word_offset, width=4).eq(0xf), load_result.eq(byte_reversed(load_word, ~msr_le).as_unsigned()), ] elif isinstance(self.insn, LWBRX): m.d.comb += [ self.pfv.mem.r_mask.word_select(word_offset, width=4).eq(0xf), load_result.eq(byte_reversed(load_word, msr_le).as_unsigned()), ] else: assert False m.d.comb += [ self.pfv.rt.index .eq(self.insn.RT), self.pfv.rt.w_stb .eq(1), self.pfv.rt.w_data.eq(load_result), ] # Store: read from RS, then write the result to memory. elif isinstance(self.insn, ( STB, STBX, STBU, STBUX, STH, STHX, STHU, STHUX, STW, STWX, STWU, STWUX, STHBRX, STWBRX, )): store_byte = Signal(64) store_half = Signal(64) store_word = Signal(64) m.d.comb += [,, store_byte.eq(Repl([: 8], count=8)), store_half.eq(Repl([:16], count=4)), store_word.eq(Repl([:32], count=2)), ] if isinstance(self.insn, (STB, STBX, STBU, STBUX)): m.d.comb += [ self.pfv.mem.w_mask.word_select(byte_offset, width=1).eq(0x1), self.pfv.mem.w_data.eq(store_byte), ] elif isinstance(self.insn, (STH, STHX, STHU, STHUX)): m.d.comb += [ self.pfv.mem.w_mask.word_select(half_offset, width=2).eq(0x3), self.pfv.mem.w_data.eq(byte_reversed(store_half, ~msr_le)), ] elif isinstance(self.insn, (STW, STWX, STWU, STWUX)): m.d.comb += [ self.pfv.mem.w_mask.word_select(word_offset, width=4).eq(0xf), self.pfv.mem.w_data.eq(byte_reversed(store_word, ~msr_le)), ] elif isinstance(self.insn, STHBRX): m.d.comb += [ self.pfv.mem.w_mask.word_select(half_offset, width=2).eq(0x3), self.pfv.mem.w_data.eq(byte_reversed(store_half, msr_le)), ] elif isinstance(self.insn, STWBRX): m.d.comb += [ self.pfv.mem.w_mask.word_select(word_offset, width=4).eq(0xf), self.pfv.mem.w_data.eq(byte_reversed(store_word, msr_le)), ] else: assert False else: assert False # Load/store with update: write EA to RA. if isinstance(self.insn, ( LBZU, LBZUX, LHZU, LHZUX, LHAU, LHAUX, LWZU, LWZUX, STBU, STBUX, STHU, STHUX, STWU, STWUX, )): m.d.comb += [ self.pfv.ra.w_stb .eq(1), self.pfv.ra.w_data.eq(ea), ] # Interrupt causes intr = Record([ ("misaligned", 1), ("update_zero", 1), ("update_rt", 1), ]) if isinstance(self.insn, ( LBZ, LBZX, LBZU, LBZUX, STB, STBX, STBU, STBUX, )): m.d.comb += intr.misaligned.eq(0) elif isinstance(self.insn, ( LHZ, LHZX, LHZU, LHZUX, LHA, LHAX, LHAU, LHAUX, STH, STHX, STHU, STHUX, STHBRX, )): m.d.comb += intr.misaligned.eq(byte_offset[0]) elif isinstance(self.insn, ( LWZ, LWZX, LWZU, LWZUX, STW, STWX, STWU, STWUX, LWBRX, STWBRX, )): m.d.comb += intr.misaligned.eq(byte_offset[:1].any()) else: assert False if isinstance(self.insn, ( LBZU, LBZUX, LHZU, LHZUX, LHAU, LHAUX, LWZU, LWZUX, STBU, STBUX, STHU, STHUX, STWU, STWUX, )): m.d.comb += intr.update_zero.eq(self.insn.RA == 0) else: m.d.comb += intr.update_zero.eq(0) if isinstance(self.insn, ( LBZU, LBZUX, LHZU, LHZUX, LHAU, LHAUX, LWZU, LWZUX, )): m.d.comb += intr.update_rt.eq(self.insn.RA == self.insn.RT) else: m.d.comb += intr.update_rt.eq(0) m.d.comb += self.pfv.intr.eq(intr.any()) return m