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-- Sim GPIO, based on potato GPIO by
-- Kristian Klomsten Skordal.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library work;
use work.sim_console.all;
--! @brief Generic Wishbone GPIO Module.
--! The following registers are defined:
--! |---------|------------------------------------------------------------------|
--! | Address | Description |
--! |---------|------------------------------------------------------------------|
--! | 0x00 | Describes the port: (read-only) |
--! | | bits 0-5: The number of pins |
--! | 0x08 | Input values, one bit per pin (read/write), |
--! | | If the pin is set to output, writing 1 will toggle the pin |
--! | 0x10 | Output values, one bit per pin (read/write) |
--! | 0x18 | Set register, Output = Output | set register (write-only) |
--! | 0x20 | Clear register, Output = Output & ~(clear register) (write-only) |
--! | 0x28 | Type, three bits per pin (read/write), pins 0-20 |
--! | 0x30 | Type, three bits per pin (read/write), pins 21-41 |
--! | 0x38 | Type, three bits per pin (read/write), pins 42-63 |
--! | | Types: MSB LSB |
--! | | 0 0 0 Input, Interrupt disabled |
--! | | 0 1 0 Input, Interrupt when low |
--! | | 0 1 1 Input, Interrupt when high |
--! | | 1 0 0 Input, Interrupt when falling |
--! | | 1 0 1 Input, Interrupt when rising |
--! | | 1 1 1 Output |
--! | | others Undefined |
--! | 0x40 | Interrupt Triggered, one bit per pin (read/write) |
--! |---------|------------------------------------------------------------------|
--! Writes to the output register for input pins are ignored.
entity pp_soc_gpio is
NUM_GPIOS : natural := 64
clk : in std_logic;
reset : in std_logic;
irq : out std_logic;
-- GPIO interface:
gpio : inout std_logic_vector(NUM_GPIOS - 1 downto 0);
-- Wishbone interface:
wb_adr_in : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
wb_dat_in : in std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
wb_dat_out : out std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
wb_cyc_in : in std_logic;
wb_stb_in : in std_logic;
wb_we_in : in std_logic;
wb_ack_out : out std_logic
end entity pp_soc_gpio;
architecture behaviour of pp_soc_gpio is
type type_array is array (natural range 0 to NUM_GPIOS - 1) of
std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
signal input_buffer : std_logic_vector(NUM_GPIOS - 1 downto 0);
signal input_register_prev : std_logic_vector(NUM_GPIOS - 1 downto 0);
signal input_register : std_logic_vector(NUM_GPIOS - 1 downto 0);
signal output_register : std_logic_vector(NUM_GPIOS - 1 downto 0);
signal type_register : type_array;
signal irq_triggered_register : std_logic_vector(NUM_GPIOS - 1 downto 0);
signal ack : std_logic := '0';
assert NUM_GPIOS >= 0 and NUM_GPIOS <= 64
report "Only a number between 0 and 64 (inclusive) GPIOs are supported!"
severity FAILURE;
wb_ack_out <= ack and wb_cyc_in and wb_stb_in;
wishbone: process(clk)
if rising_edge(clk) then
for i in 0 to NUM_GPIOS - 1 loop
gpio(i) <= output_register(i) when type_register(i) = b"111" else 'Z';
input_register_prev(i) <= input_register(i);
input_register(i) <= input_buffer(i);
input_buffer(i) <= gpio(i) when type_register(i) /= b"111";
case type_register(i) is
when b"010" =>
if gpio(i) = '0' then
irq_triggered_register(i) <= '1';
irq <= '1';
end if;
when b"011" =>
if gpio(i) = '1' then
irq_triggered_register(i) <= '1';
irq <= '1';
end if;
when b"100" =>
if input_register(i) = '0' and input_register_prev(i) = '1' then
irq_triggered_register(i) <= '1';
irq <= '1';
end if;
when b"101" =>
if input_register(i) = '1' and input_register_prev(i) = '0' then
irq_triggered_register(i) <= '1';
irq <= '1';
end if;
when others =>
end case;
end loop;
if reset = '1' then
input_register <= (others => '0');
output_register <= (others => '0');
wb_dat_out <= (others => '0');
for i in 0 to NUM_GPIOS - 1 loop
type_register(i) <= (others => '0');
end loop;
irq_triggered_register <= (others => '0');
ack <= '0';
if wb_cyc_in = '1' and wb_stb_in = '1' and ack = '0' then
if wb_we_in = '1' then
case wb_adr_in is
when x"08" => --! Input Value
output_register <= output_register xor wb_dat_in(NUM_GPIOS - 1 downto 0);
report "GPIO output " & to_hstring(output_register);
when x"10" => --! Output Value
output_register <= wb_dat_in(NUM_GPIOS - 1 downto 0);
report "GPIO output " & to_hstring(output_register);
when x"18" => --! Set
output_register <= output_register OR wb_dat_in(NUM_GPIOS - 1 downto 0);
report "GPIO output " & to_hstring(output_register);
when x"20" => --! Clear
output_register <= output_register AND NOT(wb_dat_in(NUM_GPIOS - 1 downto 0));
report "GPIO output " & to_hstring(output_register);
when x"28" => --! Type Pins 0-20
for i in 0 to MINIMUM(NUM_GPIOS - 1, 20) loop
type_register(i) <= (wb_dat_in((i + 1) * 3 - 1 downto i * 3));
report "GPIO type for pin " & integer'image(i) & " is " & to_hstring((wb_dat_in((i + 1) * 3 - 1 downto i * 3)));
end loop;
when x"30" => --! Type Pins 21-41
for i in 21 to MINIMUM(NUM_GPIOS - 1, 41) loop
type_register(i) <= (wb_dat_in((i - 21 + 1) * 3 - 1 downto (i - 21) * 3));
report "GPIO type for pin " & integer'image(i) & " is " & to_hstring((wb_dat_in((i - 21 + 1) * 3 - 1 downto (i- 21) * 3)));
end loop;
when x"38" => --! Type Pins 42-63
for i in 42 to MINIMUM(NUM_GPIOS - 1, 63) loop
type_register(i) <= (wb_dat_in((i - 42 + 1) * 3 - 1 downto (i - 42) * 3));
report "GPIO type for pin " & integer'image(i) & " is " & to_hstring((wb_dat_in((i - 42 + 1) * 3 - 1 downto (i- 21) * 3)));
end loop;
when others =>
end case;
ack <= '1';
case wb_adr_in is
when x"00" => --! Description
wb_dat_out <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(NUM_GPIOS, wb_dat_out'length));
report "Read GPIO Description register as " & to_hstring(wb_dat_out);
when x"08" => --! Input Value
wb_dat_out <= std_logic_vector(resize(unsigned(input_register), wb_dat_out'length));
report "Read GPIO Input value as " & to_hstring(wb_dat_out);
when x"10" => --! Output value
wb_dat_out <= std_logic_vector(resize(unsigned(output_register), wb_dat_out'length));
report "Read GPIO Output register as " & to_hstring(wb_dat_out);
when x"28" => --! Type Pins 0-20
for i in 0 to MINIMUM(NUM_GPIOS - 1, 20) loop
wb_dat_out((i + 1) * 3 - 1 downto i * 3) <= type_register(i);
end loop;
report "Read GPIO Type register 0 as " & to_hstring(wb_dat_out);
when x"30" => --! Type Pins 21-41
for i in 21 to MINIMUM(NUM_GPIOS - 1, 41) loop
wb_dat_out((i - 21 + 1) * 3 - 1 downto (i - 21) * 3) <= type_register(i);
end loop;
report "Read GPIO Type register 1 as " & to_hstring(wb_dat_out);
when x"38" => --! Type Pins 42-63
for i in 21 to MINIMUM(NUM_GPIOS - 1, 41) loop
wb_dat_out((i - 21 + 1) * 3 - 1 downto (i - 21) * 3) <= type_register(i);
end loop;
report "Read GPIO Type register 2 as " & to_hstring(wb_dat_out);
when x"40" => --! Interrupts triggered
wb_dat_out <= std_logic_vector(resize(unsigned(irq_triggered_register), wb_dat_out'length));
irq_triggered_register <= (others => '0');
irq <= '0';
report "Read IRQ Triggered register as " & to_hstring(wb_dat_out);
when others =>
end case;
report "ack";
ack <= '1';
end if;
elsif wb_stb_in = '0' then
ack <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process wishbone;
end architecture behaviour;