CAPI=2: name : ::microwatt:0 filesets: core: files: - decode_types.vhdl - wishbone_types.vhdl - common.vhdl - fetch1.vhdl - decode1.vhdl - helpers.vhdl - decode2.vhdl - register_file.vhdl - cr_file.vhdl - crhelpers.vhdl - ppc_fx_insns.vhdl - sim_console.vhdl - logical.vhdl - countbits.vhdl - control.vhdl - execute1.vhdl - fpu.vhdl - loadstore1.vhdl - mmu.vhdl - dcache.vhdl - divider.vhdl - rotator.vhdl - pmu.vhdl - writeback.vhdl - insn_helpers.vhdl - core.vhdl - icache.vhdl - plru.vhdl - cache_ram.vhdl - core_debug.vhdl - utils.vhdl file_type : vhdlSource-2008 soc: files: - wishbone_arbiter.vhdl - wishbone_debug_master.vhdl - wishbone_bram_wrapper.vhdl - soc.vhdl - xics.vhdl - gpio.vhdl - syscon.vhdl - sync_fifo.vhdl - spi_rxtx.vhdl - spi_flash_ctrl.vhdl file_type : vhdlSource-2008 fpga: files: - fpga/main_bram.vhdl - fpga/soc_reset.vhdl - fpga/pp_fifo.vhd - fpga/pp_soc_uart.vhd - fpga/pp_utilities.vhd - fpga/firmware.hex : {copyto : firmware.hex, file_type : user} file_type : vhdlSource-2008 xilinx_specific: files: - xilinx-mult.vhdl : {file_type : vhdlSource-2008} - fpga/fpga-random.vhdl : {file_type : vhdlSource-2008} - fpga/fpga-random.xdc : {file_type : xdc} debug_xilinx: files: - dmi_dtm_xilinx.vhdl : {file_type : vhdlSource-2008} debug_dummy: files: - dmi_dtm_dummy.vhdl : {file_type : vhdlSource-2008} nexys_a7: files: - fpga/nexys_a7.xdc : {file_type : xdc} - fpga/clk_gen_plle2.vhd : {file_type : vhdlSource-2008} - fpga/top-generic.vhdl : {file_type : vhdlSource-2008} nexys_video: files: - fpga/nexys-video.xdc : {file_type : xdc} - fpga/clk_gen_plle2.vhd : {file_type : vhdlSource-2008} - fpga/top-nexys-video.vhdl : {file_type : vhdlSource-2008} acorn_cle_215: files: - fpga/acorn-cle-215.xdc : {file_type : xdc} - fpga/clk_gen_plle2.vhd : {file_type : vhdlSource-2008} - fpga/top-acorn-cle-215.vhdl : {file_type : vhdlSource-2008} genesys2: files: - fpga/genesys2.xdc : {file_type : xdc} - fpga/clk_gen_plle2.vhd : {file_type : vhdlSource-2008} - fpga/top-genesys2.vhdl : {file_type : vhdlSource-2008} arty_a7: files: - fpga/arty_a7.xdc : {file_type : xdc} - fpga/clk_gen_plle2.vhd : {file_type : vhdlSource-2008} - fpga/top-arty.vhdl : {file_type : vhdlSource-2008} wukong-v2: files: - fpga/wukong-v2.xdc : {file_type : xdc} - fpga/clk_gen_plle2.vhd : {file_type : vhdlSource-2008} - fpga/top-wukong-v2.vhdl : {file_type : vhdlSource-2008} cmod_a7-35: files: - fpga/cmod_a7-35.xdc : {file_type : xdc} - fpga/clk_gen_mcmm.vhd : {file_type : vhdlSource-2008} - fpga/top-generic.vhdl : {file_type : vhdlSource-2008} litedram: depend : [":microwatt:litedram"] liteeth: depend : [":microwatt:liteeth"] litesdcard: depend : [":microwatt:litesdcard"] uart16550: depend : ["::uart16550"] targets: nexys_a7: default_tool: vivado filesets: [core, nexys_a7, soc, fpga, debug_xilinx, uart16550, xilinx_specific] parameters : - memory_size - ram_init_file - clk_input - clk_frequency - disable_flatten_core - log_length=2048 - uart_is_16550 - has_fpu - has_btc - has_short_mult tools: vivado: {part : xc7a100tcsg324-1} toplevel : toplevel acorn-cle-215-nodram: default_tool: vivado filesets: [core, acorn_cle_215, soc, fpga, debug_xilinx, uart16550, xilinx_specific] parameters : - memory_size - ram_init_file - clk_input - clk_frequency - disable_flatten_core - spi_flash_offset=10485760 - log_length=2048 - uart_is_16550 tools: vivado: {part : xc7a200tsbg484-2} toplevel : toplevel genesys2-nodram: default_tool: vivado filesets: [core, genesys2, soc, fpga, debug_xilinx, uart16550, xilinx_specific] parameters : - memory_size - ram_init_file - clk_frequency - use_litedram=false - no_bram=false - disable_flatten_core - spi_flash_offset=10485760 - log_length=2048 - uart_is_16550=false tools: vivado: {part : xc7k325tffg900-2} toplevel : toplevel acorn-cle-215: default_tool: vivado filesets: [core, acorn_cle_215, soc, fpga, debug_xilinx, litedram, uart16550, xilinx_specific] parameters : - memory_size - ram_init_file - use_litedram=true - disable_flatten_core - no_bram - spi_flash_offset=10485760 - log_length=2048 - uart_is_16550 generate: [litedram_acorn_cle_215] tools: vivado: {part : xc7a200tsbg484-2} toplevel : toplevel genesys2: default_tool: vivado filesets: [core, genesys2, soc, fpga, debug_xilinx, litedram, uart16550, xilinx_specific] parameters : - memory_size - ram_init_file - use_litedram=true - disable_flatten_core - no_bram - spi_flash_offset=10485760 - log_length=2048 - uart_is_16550=false generate: [litedram_genesys2] tools: vivado: {part : xc7k325tffg900-2} toplevel : toplevel nexys_video-nodram: default_tool: vivado filesets: [core, nexys_video, soc, fpga, debug_xilinx, uart16550, xilinx_specific] parameters : - memory_size - ram_init_file - clk_input - clk_frequency - disable_flatten_core - spi_flash_offset=10485760 - log_length=2048 - uart_is_16550 - has_fpu - has_btc tools: vivado: {part : xc7a200tsbg484-1} toplevel : toplevel nexys_video: default_tool: vivado filesets: [core, nexys_video, soc, fpga, debug_xilinx, litedram, liteeth, uart16550, xilinx_specific, litesdcard] parameters: - memory_size - ram_init_file - use_litedram=true - use_liteeth=true - use_litesdcard=true - disable_flatten_core - no_bram - spi_flash_offset=10485760 - log_length=2048 - uart_is_16550 - has_fpu - has_btc - has_short_mult generate: [litedram_nexys_video, liteeth_nexys_video, litesdcard_nexys_video] tools: vivado: {part : xc7a200tsbg484-1} toplevel : toplevel arty_a7-35-nodram: default_tool: vivado filesets: [core, arty_a7, soc, fpga, debug_xilinx, uart16550, xilinx_specific, litesdcard] parameters : - memory_size - ram_init_file - clk_input - clk_frequency - disable_flatten_core - spi_flash_offset=3145728 - log_length=512 - uart_is_16550 - has_uart1 - has_fpu=false - has_btc=false - has_short_mult - use_litesdcard tools: vivado: {part : xc7a35ticsg324-1L} toplevel : toplevel arty_a7-35: default_tool: vivado filesets: [core, arty_a7, soc, fpga, debug_xilinx, litedram, liteeth, uart16550, xilinx_specific, litesdcard] parameters : - memory_size - ram_init_file - use_litedram=true - use_liteeth=true - use_litesdcard - disable_flatten_core - no_bram - spi_flash_offset=3145728 - log_length=512 - uart_is_16550 - has_uart1 - has_fpu=false - has_btc=false - has_short_mult generate: [litedram_arty, liteeth_arty, litesdcard_arty] tools: vivado: {part : xc7a35ticsg324-1L} toplevel : toplevel arty_a7-50: default_tool: vivado filesets: [core, arty_a7, soc, fpga, debug_xilinx, litedram] parameters : - memory_size - ram_init_file - use_litedram=true - disable_flatten_core - no_bram - spi_flash_offset=3145728 generate: [dram_arty] tools: vivado: {part : xc7a50ticsg324-1L} toplevel : toplevel arty_a7-100-nodram: default_tool: vivado filesets: [core, arty_a7, soc, fpga, debug_xilinx, uart16550, xilinx_specific, litesdcard] parameters : - memory_size - ram_init_file - clk_input - clk_frequency - disable_flatten_core - spi_flash_offset=4194304 - log_length=2048 - uart_is_16550 - has_uart1 - has_fpu - has_btc - has_short_mult - use_litesdcard tools: vivado: {part : xc7a100ticsg324-1L} toplevel : toplevel arty_a7-100: default_tool: vivado filesets: [core, arty_a7, soc, fpga, debug_xilinx, litedram, liteeth, uart16550, xilinx_specific, litesdcard] parameters: - memory_size - ram_init_file - use_litedram=true - use_liteeth=true - use_litesdcard - disable_flatten_core - no_bram - spi_flash_offset=4194304 - log_length=2048 - uart_is_16550 - has_uart1 - has_fpu - has_btc - has_short_mult generate: [litedram_arty, liteeth_arty, litesdcard_arty] tools: vivado: {part : xc7a100ticsg324-1L} toplevel : toplevel wukong-v2-a100t-nodram: default_tool: vivado filesets: [core, wukong-v2, soc, fpga, debug_xilinx, uart16550, xilinx_specific, litesdcard] parameters: - memory_size - ram_init_file - use_litedram=false - use_liteeth=false - use_litesdcard=true - disable_flatten_core - spi_flash_offset=4194304 - clk_frequency=100000000 - log_length=2048 - uart_is_16550 - has_fpu - has_btc - has_short_mult generate: [litesdcard_wukong-v2] tools: vivado: {part : xc7a100tfgg676-1} toplevel : toplevel wukong-v2-a100t: default_tool: vivado filesets: [core, wukong-v2, soc, fpga, debug_xilinx, litedram, liteeth, uart16550, xilinx_specific, litesdcard] parameters: - memory_size=0 - ram_init_file - use_litedram=true - use_liteeth=true - use_litesdcard=true - disable_flatten_core - no_bram=true - spi_flash_offset=4194304 - log_length=0 - uart_is_16550 - has_fpu - has_btc - has_short_mult generate: [litedram_wukong-v2, liteeth_wukong-v2, litesdcard_wukong-v2] tools: vivado: {part : xc7a100tfgg676-1} toplevel : toplevel cmod_a7-35: default_tool: vivado filesets: [core, cmod_a7-35, soc, fpga, debug_xilinx, uart16550, xilinx_specific] parameters : - memory_size - ram_init_file - reset_low=false - clk_input=12000000 - clk_frequency - disable_flatten_core - log_length=512 - uart_is_16550 - has_fpu=false - has_btc=false tools: vivado: {part : xc7a35tcpg236-1} toplevel : toplevel synth: filesets: [core, soc, xilinx_specific] tools: vivado: {pnr : none} toplevel: core generate: litedram_arty: generator: litedram_gen parameters: {board : arty} liteeth_arty: generator: liteeth_gen parameters: {board : arty} litesdcard_arty: generator: litesdcard_gen parameters: {vendor : xilinx} litesdcard_nexys_video: generator: litesdcard_gen parameters: {vendor : xilinx} litedram_nexys_video: generator: litedram_gen parameters: {board : nexys-video} liteeth_nexys_video: generator: liteeth_gen parameters: {board : nexys-video} litedram_acorn_cle_215: generator: litedram_gen parameters: {board : acorn-cle-215} litedram_genesys2: generator: litedram_gen parameters: {board : genesys2} litedram_wukong-v2: generator: litedram_gen parameters: {board : wukong-v2} liteeth_wukong-v2: generator: liteeth_gen parameters: {board : wukong-v2} litesdcard_wukong-v2: generator: litesdcard_gen parameters: {vendor : xilinx} parameters: memory_size: datatype : int description : On-chip memory size (bytes). If no_bram is set, this is the size carved out for the DRAM payload paramtype : generic default : 16384 ram_init_file: datatype : file description : Initial on-chip RAM contents paramtype : generic reset_low: datatype : bool description : External reset button polarity paramtype : generic clk_input: datatype : int description : Clock input frequency in HZ (for top-generic based boards) paramtype : generic default : 100000000 clk_frequency: datatype : int description : Generated system clock frequency in HZ (for top-generic based boards) paramtype : generic default : 100000000 has_fpu: datatype : bool description : Include a floating-point unit in the core paramtype : generic default : true has_btc: datatype : bool description : Include a branch target cache in the core paramtype : generic default : true has_short_mult: datatype : bool description : Include a 16 bit x 16 bit single-cycle multiplier in the core paramtype : generic default : false disable_flatten_core: datatype : bool description : Prevent Vivado from flattening the main core components paramtype : generic default : false use_litedram: datatype : bool description : Use liteDRAM paramtype : generic default : false use_liteeth: datatype : bool description : Use liteEth paramtype : generic default : false use_litesdcard: datatype : bool description : Use LiteSDCard paramtype : generic default : false uart_is_16550: datatype : bool description : Use 16550-compatible UART from OpenCores paramtype : generic default : true has_uart1: datatype : bool description : Enable second UART (always 16550-compatible) paramtype : generic default : false no_bram: datatype : bool description : No internal block RAM (only DRAM and init code carrying payload) paramtype : generic default : false spi_flash_offset: datatype : int description : Offset (in bytes) in the SPI flash of the code payload to run paramtype : generic log_length: datatype : int description : Length of the core log buffer in entries (32 bytes each) paramtype : generic