Added test configuration for multiply pipeline depth corner case.

The pipeline generic was defined as natural but 0 is not allowed so the datatype was changed to positive.

Signed-off-by: Lars Asplund <>
Lars Asplund 3 years ago
parent 478b787c10
commit fac03ec873

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ use work.common.all;

entity multiply is
generic (
PIPELINE_DEPTH : natural := 4
PIPELINE_DEPTH : positive := 4
port (
clk : in std_logic;

@ -14,15 +14,16 @@ library osvvm;
use osvvm.RandomPkg.all;

entity multiply_tb is
generic (runner_cfg : string := runner_cfg_default);
generic (
runner_cfg : string := runner_cfg_default;
pipeline_depth : positive := 4
end multiply_tb;

architecture behave of multiply_tb is
signal clk : std_ulogic;
constant clk_period : time := 10 ns;

constant pipeline_depth : integer := 4;

signal m1 : MultiplyInputType := MultiplyInputInit;
signal m2 : MultiplyOutputType;

@ -61,39 +62,24 @@ begin
while test_suite loop
if run("Test interface") then
wait for clk_period;

m1.valid <= '1';
m1.data1 <= x"0000000000001000";
m1.data2 <= x"0000000000001111";

wait for clk_period;
check_false(?? m2.valid, result("for valid"));

m1.valid <= '0';

wait for clk_period;
check_false(?? m2.valid, result("for valid"));

wait for clk_period;
check_false(?? m2.valid, result("for valid"));

wait for clk_period;
check_true(?? m2.valid, result("for valid"));
check_equal(m2.result, 16#1111000#);

wait for clk_period;
check_false(?? m2.valid, result("for valid"));

m1.valid <= '1';

wait for clk_period;
check_false(?? m2.valid, result("for valid"));

m1.valid <= '0';

wait for clk_period * (pipeline_depth-1);
check_true(?? m2.valid, result("for valid"));
check_equal(m2.result, 16#1111000#);
for iteration in 1 to 2 loop
m1.valid <= '1', '0' after clk_period;
for cycles in 1 to pipeline_depth - 1 loop
wait for clk_period;
check_false(?? m2.valid, result("for valid"));
end loop;
wait for clk_period;
check_true(?? m2.valid, result("for valid"));
check_equal(m2.result, 16#1111000#);
wait for clk_period;
check_false(?? m2.valid, result("for valid"));
end loop;

elsif run("Test mulld") then
mulld_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop

@ -24,6 +24,13 @@ lib.add_source_files(vhdl_files)
unisim = prj.add_library("unisim")
unisim.add_source_files(root / "sim-unisim" / "*.vhdl")

multiply_tb = lib.test_bench("multiply_tb")
for pipeline_depth in [1, 4]:

prj.set_sim_option("disable_ieee_warnings", True)

