@ -5,28 +5,16 @@ import re
module_regex = r'[a-zA-Z0-9_:\.\\]+'
# match:
# module dcache(clk, rst, d_in, m_in, wishbone_in, d_out, m_out, stall_out, wishbone_out);
# A bit of a hack - ignore anything contining a '`', and assume that means we've already
# processed this module in a previous run. This helps when having to run this script
# multiple times for different power names.
multiline_module_re = re.compile(r'module\s+(' + module_regex + r')\(([^`]*?)\);', re.DOTALL)
module_re = re.compile(r'module\s+(' + module_regex + r')\((.*?)\);')
module_re = re.compile(r'module\s+(' + module_regex + r')')
# match:
# dcache_64_2_2_2_2_12_0 dcache_0 (
hookup_re = re.compile(r'\s+(' + module_regex + r') ' + module_regex + r'\s+\(')
header1 = """\
{power}, {ground},
header2 = """\
header = """\
inout {power};
inout {ground};
inout {power},
inout {ground},
@ -48,25 +36,23 @@ parser.add_argument('--module', required=True, action='append', help='Module to
args = parser.parse_args()
with open(args.verilog, 'r') as f:
d = f.read()
# Remove newlines from module definitions, yosys started doing this as of
# commit ff8e999a7112 ("Split module ports, 20 per line")
fixed = multiline_module_re.sub(lambda m: m.group(0).replace("\n", ""), d)
strip_lpar = False
for line in f:
line = line.rstrip()
for line in fixed.splitlines():
m = module_re.match(line)
m2 = hookup_re.match(line)
if m and m.group(1) in args.module:
module_name = m.group(1)
module_args = m.group(2)
print('module %s(' % (module_name))
print(header1.format(power=args.power, ground=args.ground))
print(' %s);' % module_args)
print(header2.format(power=args.power, ground=args.ground))
strip_lpar = True
print(header.format(power=args.power, ground=args.ground))
elif m2 and m2.group(1) in args.module:
print(header3.format(parent_power=args.parent_power, parent_ground=args.parent_ground, power=args.power, ground=args.ground))
elif strip_lpar:
print(line.replace('(', ' '))
strip_lpar = False