Pre-decode instructions when writing them to icache
This splits out the decoding done in the decode0 step into a separate predecoder, used when writing instructions into the icache. The icache now holds 36 bits per instruction rather than 32. For valid instructions, those 36 bits comprise the bottom 26 bits of the instruction word, a 9-bit insn_code value (which uniquely identifies the instruction), and a zero in the MSB. For illegal instructions, the MSB is one and the full instruction word is in the bottom 32 bits. Having the full instruction word available for illegal instructions means that it can be printed in the log when simulating, or in future could be placed in the HEIR register. If we don't have an FPU, then the floating-point instructions are regarded as illegal. In that case, the insn_code values would fit into 8 bits, which could be used in future to reduce the size of decode_rom from 512 to 256 entries. Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <>pull/382/head
@ -0,0 +1,582 @@
-- Instruction pre-decoder for microwatt
-- One cycle latency. Does 'WIDTH' instructions in parallel.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library work;
use work.common.all;
use work.decode_types.all;
use work.insn_helpers.all;
entity predecoder is
generic (
HAS_FPU : boolean := true;
WIDTH : natural := 2;
ICODE_LEN : natural := 10;
IMAGE_LEN : natural := 26
port (
clk : in std_ulogic;
valid_in : in std_ulogic;
insns_in : in std_ulogic_vector(WIDTH * 32 - 1 downto 0);
icodes_out : out std_ulogic_vector(WIDTH * (ICODE_LEN + IMAGE_LEN) - 1 downto 0)
end entity predecoder;
architecture behaviour of predecoder is
type predecoder_rom_t is array(0 to 2047) of insn_code;
constant major_predecode_rom : predecoder_rom_t := (
2#001100_00000# to 2#001100_11111# => INSN_addic,
2#001101_00000# to 2#001101_11111# => INSN_addic_dot,
2#001110_00000# to 2#001110_11111# => INSN_addi,
2#001111_00000# to 2#001111_11111# => INSN_addis,
2#010011_00100# to 2#010011_00101# => INSN_addpcis,
2#011100_00000# to 2#011100_11111# => INSN_andi_dot,
2#011101_00000# to 2#011101_11111# => INSN_andis_dot,
2#000000_00000# => INSN_attn,
2#010010_00000# to 2#010010_11111# => INSN_b,
2#010000_00000# to 2#010000_11111# => INSN_bc,
2#001011_00000# to 2#001011_11111# => INSN_cmpi,
2#001010_00000# to 2#001010_11111# => INSN_cmpli,
2#100010_00000# to 2#100010_11111# => INSN_lbz,
2#100011_00000# to 2#100011_11111# => INSN_lbzu,
2#110010_00000# to 2#110010_11111# => INSN_lfd,
2#110011_00000# to 2#110011_11111# => INSN_lfdu,
2#110000_00000# to 2#110000_11111# => INSN_lfs,
2#110001_00000# to 2#110001_11111# => INSN_lfsu,
2#101010_00000# to 2#101010_11111# => INSN_lha,
2#101011_00000# to 2#101011_11111# => INSN_lhau,
2#101000_00000# to 2#101000_11111# => INSN_lhz,
2#101001_00000# to 2#101001_11111# => INSN_lhzu,
2#100000_00000# to 2#100000_11111# => INSN_lwz,
2#100001_00000# to 2#100001_11111# => INSN_lwzu,
2#000111_00000# to 2#000111_11111# => INSN_mulli,
2#011000_00000# to 2#011000_11111# => INSN_ori,
2#011001_00000# to 2#011001_11111# => INSN_oris,
2#010100_00000# to 2#010100_11111# => INSN_rlwimi,
2#010101_00000# to 2#010101_11111# => INSN_rlwinm,
2#010111_00000# to 2#010111_11111# => INSN_rlwnm,
2#010001_00000# to 2#010001_11111# => INSN_sc,
2#100110_00000# to 2#100110_11111# => INSN_stb,
2#100111_00000# to 2#100111_11111# => INSN_stbu,
2#110110_00000# to 2#110110_11111# => INSN_stfd,
2#110111_00000# to 2#110111_11111# => INSN_stfdu,
2#110100_00000# to 2#110100_11111# => INSN_stfs,
2#110101_00000# to 2#110101_11111# => INSN_stfsu,
2#101100_00000# to 2#101100_11111# => INSN_sth,
2#101101_00000# to 2#101101_11111# => INSN_sthu,
2#100100_00000# to 2#100100_11111# => INSN_stw,
2#100101_00000# to 2#100101_11111# => INSN_stwu,
2#001000_00000# to 2#001000_11111# => INSN_subfic,
2#000010_00000# to 2#000010_11111# => INSN_tdi,
2#000011_00000# to 2#000011_11111# => INSN_twi,
2#011010_00000# to 2#011010_11111# => INSN_xori,
2#011011_00000# to 2#011011_11111# => INSN_xoris,
-- major opcode 4
2#000100_10000# => INSN_maddhd,
2#000100_10001# => INSN_maddhdu,
2#000100_10011# => INSN_maddld,
-- major opcode 30
2#011110_01000# to 2#011110_01001# => INSN_rldic,
2#011110_01010# to 2#011110_01011# => INSN_rldic,
2#011110_00000# to 2#011110_00001# => INSN_rldicl,
2#011110_00010# to 2#011110_00011# => INSN_rldicl,
2#011110_00100# to 2#011110_00101# => INSN_rldicr,
2#011110_00110# to 2#011110_00111# => INSN_rldicr,
2#011110_01100# to 2#011110_01101# => INSN_rldimi,
2#011110_01110# to 2#011110_01111# => INSN_rldimi,
2#011110_10000# to 2#011110_10001# => INSN_rldcl,
2#011110_10010# to 2#011110_10011# => INSN_rldcr,
-- major opcode 58
2#111010_00000# => INSN_ld,
2#111010_00001# => INSN_ldu,
2#111010_00010# => INSN_lwa,
2#111010_00100# => INSN_ld,
2#111010_00101# => INSN_ldu,
2#111010_00110# => INSN_lwa,
2#111010_01000# => INSN_ld,
2#111010_01001# => INSN_ldu,
2#111010_01010# => INSN_lwa,
2#111010_01100# => INSN_ld,
2#111010_01101# => INSN_ldu,
2#111010_01110# => INSN_lwa,
2#111010_10000# => INSN_ld,
2#111010_10001# => INSN_ldu,
2#111010_10010# => INSN_lwa,
2#111010_10100# => INSN_ld,
2#111010_10101# => INSN_ldu,
2#111010_10110# => INSN_lwa,
2#111010_11000# => INSN_ld,
2#111010_11001# => INSN_ldu,
2#111010_11010# => INSN_lwa,
2#111010_11100# => INSN_ld,
2#111010_11101# => INSN_ldu,
2#111010_11110# => INSN_lwa,
-- major opcode 59
2#111011_00100# to 2#111011_00101# => INSN_fdivs,
2#111011_01000# to 2#111011_01001# => INSN_fsubs,
2#111011_01010# to 2#111011_01011# => INSN_fadds,
2#111011_01100# to 2#111011_01101# => INSN_fsqrts,
2#111011_10000# to 2#111011_10001# => INSN_fres,
2#111011_10010# to 2#111011_10011# => INSN_fmuls,
2#111011_10100# to 2#111011_10101# => INSN_frsqrtes,
2#111011_11000# to 2#111011_11001# => INSN_fmsubs,
2#111011_11010# to 2#111011_11011# => INSN_fmadds,
2#111011_11100# to 2#111011_11101# => INSN_fnmsubs,
2#111011_11110# to 2#111011_11111# => INSN_fnmadds,
-- major opcode 62
2#111110_00000# => INSN_std,
2#111110_00001# => INSN_stdu,
2#111110_00100# => INSN_std,
2#111110_00101# => INSN_stdu,
2#111110_01000# => INSN_std,
2#111110_01001# => INSN_stdu,
2#111110_01100# => INSN_std,
2#111110_01101# => INSN_stdu,
2#111110_10000# => INSN_std,
2#111110_10001# => INSN_stdu,
2#111110_10100# => INSN_std,
2#111110_10101# => INSN_stdu,
2#111110_11000# => INSN_std,
2#111110_11001# => INSN_stdu,
2#111110_11100# => INSN_std,
2#111110_11101# => INSN_stdu,
-- major opcode 63
2#111111_00100# to 2#111111_00101# => INSN_fdiv,
2#111111_01000# to 2#111111_01001# => INSN_fsub,
2#111111_01010# to 2#111111_01011# => INSN_fadd,
2#111111_01100# to 2#111111_01101# => INSN_fsqrt,
2#111111_01110# to 2#111111_01111# => INSN_fsel,
2#111111_10000# to 2#111111_10001# => INSN_fre,
2#111111_10010# to 2#111111_10011# => INSN_fmul,
2#111111_10100# to 2#111111_10101# => INSN_frsqrte,
2#111111_11000# to 2#111111_11001# => INSN_fmsub,
2#111111_11010# to 2#111111_11011# => INSN_fmadd,
2#111111_11100# to 2#111111_11101# => INSN_fnmsub,
2#111111_11110# to 2#111111_11111# => INSN_fnmadd,
others => INSN_illegal
constant row_predecode_rom : predecoder_rom_t := (
-- Major opcode 31
-- Address bits are 0, insn(10:1)
2#0_01000_01010# => INSN_add,
2#0_11000_01010# => INSN_add, -- addo
2#0_00000_01010# => INSN_addc,
2#0_10000_01010# => INSN_addc, -- addco
2#0_00100_01010# => INSN_adde,
2#0_10100_01010# => INSN_adde, -- addeo
2#0_00101_01010# => INSN_addex,
2#0_00010_01010# => INSN_addg6s,
2#0_00111_01010# => INSN_addme,
2#0_10111_01010# => INSN_addme, -- addmeo
2#0_00110_01010# => INSN_addze,
2#0_10110_01010# => INSN_addze, -- addzeo
2#0_00000_11100# => INSN_and,
2#0_00001_11100# => INSN_andc,
2#0_00111_11100# => INSN_bperm,
2#0_01001_11010# => INSN_cbcdtd,
2#0_01000_11010# => INSN_cdtbcd,
2#0_00000_00000# => INSN_cmp,
2#0_01111_11100# => INSN_cmpb,
2#0_00111_00000# => INSN_cmpeqb,
2#0_00001_00000# => INSN_cmpl,
2#0_00110_00000# => INSN_cmprb,
2#0_00001_11010# => INSN_cntlzd,
2#0_00000_11010# => INSN_cntlzw,
2#0_10001_11010# => INSN_cnttzd,
2#0_10000_11010# => INSN_cnttzw,
2#0_10111_10011# => INSN_darn,
2#0_00010_10110# => INSN_dcbf,
2#0_00001_10110# => INSN_dcbst,
2#0_01000_10110# => INSN_dcbt,
2#0_00111_10110# => INSN_dcbtst,
2#0_11111_10110# => INSN_dcbz,
2#0_01100_01001# => INSN_divdeu,
2#0_11100_01001# => INSN_divdeu, -- divdeuo
2#0_01100_01011# => INSN_divweu,
2#0_11100_01011# => INSN_divweu, -- divweuo
2#0_01101_01001# => INSN_divde,
2#0_11101_01001# => INSN_divde, -- divdeo
2#0_01101_01011# => INSN_divwe,
2#0_11101_01011# => INSN_divwe, -- divweo
2#0_01110_01001# => INSN_divdu,
2#0_11110_01001# => INSN_divdu, -- divduo
2#0_01110_01011# => INSN_divwu,
2#0_11110_01011# => INSN_divwu, -- divwuo
2#0_01111_01001# => INSN_divd,
2#0_11111_01001# => INSN_divd, -- divdo
2#0_01111_01011# => INSN_divw,
2#0_11111_01011# => INSN_divw, -- divwo
2#0_11001_10110# => INSN_nop, -- dss
2#0_01010_10110# => INSN_nop, -- dst
2#0_01011_10110# => INSN_nop, -- dstst
2#0_11010_10110# => INSN_eieio,
2#0_01000_11100# => INSN_eqv,
2#0_11101_11010# => INSN_extsb,
2#0_11100_11010# => INSN_extsh,
2#0_11110_11010# => INSN_extsw,
2#0_11011_11010# => INSN_extswsli,
2#0_11011_11011# => INSN_extswsli,
2#0_11110_10110# => INSN_icbi,
2#0_00000_10110# => INSN_icbt,
2#0_00000_01111# => INSN_isel,
2#0_00001_01111# => INSN_isel,
2#0_00010_01111# => INSN_isel,
2#0_00011_01111# => INSN_isel,
2#0_00100_01111# => INSN_isel,
2#0_00101_01111# => INSN_isel,
2#0_00110_01111# => INSN_isel,
2#0_00111_01111# => INSN_isel,
2#0_01000_01111# => INSN_isel,
2#0_01001_01111# => INSN_isel,
2#0_01010_01111# => INSN_isel,
2#0_01011_01111# => INSN_isel,
2#0_01100_01111# => INSN_isel,
2#0_01101_01111# => INSN_isel,
2#0_01110_01111# => INSN_isel,
2#0_01111_01111# => INSN_isel,
2#0_10000_01111# => INSN_isel,
2#0_10001_01111# => INSN_isel,
2#0_10010_01111# => INSN_isel,
2#0_10011_01111# => INSN_isel,
2#0_10100_01111# => INSN_isel,
2#0_10101_01111# => INSN_isel,
2#0_10110_01111# => INSN_isel,
2#0_10111_01111# => INSN_isel,
2#0_11000_01111# => INSN_isel,
2#0_11001_01111# => INSN_isel,
2#0_11010_01111# => INSN_isel,
2#0_11011_01111# => INSN_isel,
2#0_11100_01111# => INSN_isel,
2#0_11101_01111# => INSN_isel,
2#0_11110_01111# => INSN_isel,
2#0_11111_01111# => INSN_isel,
2#0_00001_10100# => INSN_lbarx,
2#0_11010_10101# => INSN_lbzcix,
2#0_00011_10111# => INSN_lbzux,
2#0_00010_10111# => INSN_lbzx,
2#0_00010_10100# => INSN_ldarx,
2#0_10000_10100# => INSN_ldbrx,
2#0_11011_10101# => INSN_ldcix,
2#0_00001_10101# => INSN_ldux,
2#0_00000_10101# => INSN_ldx,
2#0_10010_10111# => INSN_lfdx,
2#0_10011_10111# => INSN_lfdux,
2#0_11010_10111# => INSN_lfiwax,
2#0_11011_10111# => INSN_lfiwzx,
2#0_10000_10111# => INSN_lfsx,
2#0_10001_10111# => INSN_lfsux,
2#0_00011_10100# => INSN_lharx,
2#0_01011_10111# => INSN_lhaux,
2#0_01010_10111# => INSN_lhax,
2#0_11000_10110# => INSN_lhbrx,
2#0_11001_10101# => INSN_lhzcix,
2#0_01001_10111# => INSN_lhzux,
2#0_01000_10111# => INSN_lhzx,
2#0_00000_10100# => INSN_lwarx,
2#0_01011_10101# => INSN_lwaux,
2#0_01010_10101# => INSN_lwax,
2#0_10000_10110# => INSN_lwbrx,
2#0_11000_10101# => INSN_lwzcix,
2#0_00001_10111# => INSN_lwzux,
2#0_00000_10111# => INSN_lwzx,
2#0_10010_00000# => INSN_mcrxrx,
2#0_00000_10011# => INSN_mfcr,
2#0_00010_10011# => INSN_mfmsr,
2#0_01010_10011# => INSN_mfspr,
2#0_01000_01001# => INSN_modud,
2#0_01000_01011# => INSN_moduw,
2#0_11000_01001# => INSN_modsd,
2#0_11000_01011# => INSN_modsw,
2#0_00100_10000# => INSN_mtcrf,
2#0_00100_10010# => INSN_mtmsr,
2#0_00101_10010# => INSN_mtmsrd,
2#0_01110_10011# => INSN_mtspr,
2#0_00010_01001# => INSN_mulhd,
2#0_00000_01001# => INSN_mulhdu,
2#0_00010_01011# => INSN_mulhw,
2#0_00000_01011# => INSN_mulhwu,
-- next 4 have reserved bit set
2#0_10010_01001# => INSN_mulhd,
2#0_10000_01001# => INSN_mulhdu,
2#0_10010_01011# => INSN_mulhw,
2#0_10000_01011# => INSN_mulhwu,
2#0_00111_01001# => INSN_mulld,
2#0_10111_01001# => INSN_mulld, -- mulldo
2#0_00111_01011# => INSN_mullw,
2#0_10111_01011# => INSN_mullw, -- mullwo
2#0_01110_11100# => INSN_nand,
2#0_00011_01000# => INSN_neg,
2#0_10011_01000# => INSN_neg, -- nego
-- next 8 are reserved no-op instructions
2#0_10000_10010# => INSN_nop,
2#0_10001_10010# => INSN_nop,
2#0_10010_10010# => INSN_nop,
2#0_10011_10010# => INSN_nop,
2#0_10100_10010# => INSN_nop,
2#0_10101_10010# => INSN_nop,
2#0_10110_10010# => INSN_nop,
2#0_10111_10010# => INSN_nop,
2#0_00011_11100# => INSN_nor,
2#0_01101_11100# => INSN_or,
2#0_01100_11100# => INSN_orc,
2#0_00011_11010# => INSN_popcntb,
2#0_01111_11010# => INSN_popcntd,
2#0_01011_11010# => INSN_popcntw,
2#0_00101_11010# => INSN_prtyd,
2#0_00100_11010# => INSN_prtyw,
2#0_00100_00000# => INSN_setb,
2#0_01111_10010# => INSN_slbia,
2#0_00000_11011# => INSN_sld,
2#0_00000_11000# => INSN_slw,
2#0_11000_11010# => INSN_srad,
2#0_11001_11010# => INSN_sradi,
2#0_11001_11011# => INSN_sradi,
2#0_11000_11000# => INSN_sraw,
2#0_11001_11000# => INSN_srawi,
2#0_10000_11011# => INSN_srd,
2#0_10000_11000# => INSN_srw,
2#0_11110_10101# => INSN_stbcix,
2#0_10101_10110# => INSN_stbcx,
2#0_00111_10111# => INSN_stbux,
2#0_00110_10111# => INSN_stbx,
2#0_10100_10100# => INSN_stdbrx,
2#0_11111_10101# => INSN_stdcix,
2#0_00110_10110# => INSN_stdcx,
2#0_00101_10101# => INSN_stdux,
2#0_00100_10101# => INSN_stdx,
2#0_10110_10111# => INSN_stfdx,
2#0_10111_10111# => INSN_stfdux,
2#0_11110_10111# => INSN_stfiwx,
2#0_10100_10111# => INSN_stfsx,
2#0_10101_10111# => INSN_stfsux,
2#0_11100_10110# => INSN_sthbrx,
2#0_11101_10101# => INSN_sthcix,
2#0_10110_10110# => INSN_sthcx,
2#0_01101_10111# => INSN_sthux,
2#0_01100_10111# => INSN_sthx,
2#0_10100_10110# => INSN_stwbrx,
2#0_11100_10101# => INSN_stwcix,
2#0_00100_10110# => INSN_stwcx,
2#0_00101_10111# => INSN_stwux,
2#0_00100_10111# => INSN_stwx,
2#0_00001_01000# => INSN_subf,
2#0_10001_01000# => INSN_subf, -- subfo
2#0_00000_01000# => INSN_subfc,
2#0_10000_01000# => INSN_subfc, -- subfco
2#0_00100_01000# => INSN_subfe,
2#0_10100_01000# => INSN_subfe, -- subfeo
2#0_00111_01000# => INSN_subfme,
2#0_10111_01000# => INSN_subfme, -- subfmeo
2#0_00110_01000# => INSN_subfze,
2#0_10110_01000# => INSN_subfze, -- subfzeo
2#0_10010_10110# => INSN_sync,
2#0_00010_00100# => INSN_td,
2#0_00000_00100# => INSN_tw,
2#0_01001_10010# => INSN_tlbie,
2#0_01000_10010# => INSN_tlbiel,
2#0_10001_10110# => INSN_tlbsync,
2#0_00000_11110# => INSN_wait,
2#0_01001_11100# => INSN_xor,
-- Major opcode 19
-- Columns with insn(4) = '1' are all illegal and not mapped here; to
-- fit into 2048 entries, the columns are remapped so that 16-24 are
-- stored here as 8-15; in other words the address bits are
-- 1, insn(10..6), 1, insn(5), insn(3..1)
2#1_10000_11000# => INSN_bcctr,
2#1_00000_11000# => INSN_bclr,
2#1_10001_11000# => INSN_bctar,
2#1_01000_10001# => INSN_crand,
2#1_00100_10001# => INSN_crandc,
2#1_01001_10001# => INSN_creqv,
2#1_00111_10001# => INSN_crnand,
2#1_00001_10001# => INSN_crnor,
2#1_01110_10001# => INSN_cror,
2#1_01101_10001# => INSN_crorc,
2#1_00110_10001# => INSN_crxor,
2#1_00100_11110# => INSN_isync,
2#1_00000_10000# => INSN_mcrf,
2#1_00000_11010# => INSN_rfid,
-- Major opcode 59
-- Only column 14 is valid here; columns 16-31 are handled in the major table
-- Column 14 is mapped to column 6 of the space which is
-- mostly used for opcode 19.
2#1_11010_10110# => INSN_fcfids,
2#1_11110_10110# => INSN_fcfidus,
-- Major opcode 63
-- Columns 0-15 are mapped here; columns 16-31 are in the major table.
-- Address bits are 1, insn(10:6), 0, insn(4:1)
2#1_00000_00000# => INSN_fcmpu,
2#1_00001_00000# => INSN_fcmpo,
2#1_00010_00000# => INSN_mcrfs,
2#1_00100_00000# => INSN_ftdiv,
2#1_00101_00000# => INSN_ftsqrt,
2#1_00001_00110# => INSN_mtfsb,
2#1_00010_00110# => INSN_mtfsb,
2#1_00100_00110# => INSN_mtfsfi,
2#1_11010_00110# => INSN_fmrgow,
2#1_11110_00110# => INSN_fmrgew,
2#1_10010_00111# => INSN_mffs,
2#1_10110_00111# => INSN_mtfsf,
2#1_00000_01000# => INSN_fcpsgn,
2#1_00001_01000# => INSN_fneg,
2#1_00010_01000# => INSN_fmr,
2#1_00100_01000# => INSN_fnabs,
2#1_01000_01000# => INSN_fabs,
2#1_01100_01000# => INSN_frin,
2#1_01101_01000# => INSN_friz,
2#1_01110_01000# => INSN_frip,
2#1_01111_01000# => INSN_frim,
2#1_00000_01100# => INSN_frsp,
2#1_00000_01110# => INSN_fctiw,
2#1_00100_01110# => INSN_fctiwu,
2#1_11001_01110# => INSN_fctid,
2#1_11010_01110# => INSN_fcfid,
2#1_11101_01110# => INSN_fctidu,
2#1_11110_01110# => INSN_fcfidu,
2#1_00000_01111# => INSN_fctiwz,
2#1_00100_01111# => INSN_fctiwuz,
2#1_11001_01111# => INSN_fctidz,
2#1_11101_01111# => INSN_fctiduz,
others => INSN_illegal
constant IOUT_LEN : natural := ICODE_LEN + IMAGE_LEN;
type predec_t is record
image : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
maj_predecode : insn_code;
row_predecode : insn_code;
end record;
subtype index_t is integer range 0 to WIDTH-1;
type predec_array is array(index_t) of predec_t;
signal pred : predec_array;
predecode_0: process(clk)
variable majaddr : std_ulogic_vector(10 downto 0);
variable rowaddr : std_ulogic_vector(10 downto 0);
variable iword : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
if rising_edge(clk) then
for i in index_t loop
if valid_in = '1' then
iword := insns_in(i * 32 + 31 downto i * 32);
majaddr := iword(31 downto 26) & iword(4 downto 0);
-- row_predecode_rom is used for op 19, 31, 59, 63
-- addr bit 10 is 0 for op 31, 1 for 19, 59, 63
rowaddr(10) := iword(31) or not iword(29);
rowaddr(9 downto 5) := iword(10 downto 6);
if iword(28) = '0' then
-- op 19 and op 59
rowaddr(4 downto 3) := '1' & iword(5);
-- op 31 and 63; for 63 we only use this when iword(5) = '0'
rowaddr(4 downto 3) := iword(5 downto 4);
end if;
rowaddr(2 downto 0) := iword(3 downto 1);
pred(i).image <= iword;
pred(i).maj_predecode <= major_predecode_rom(to_integer(unsigned(majaddr)));
pred(i).row_predecode <= row_predecode_rom(to_integer(unsigned(rowaddr)));
pred(i).image <= (others => '0');
pred(i).maj_predecode <= INSN_illegal;
pred(i).row_predecode <= INSN_illegal;
end if;
end loop;
end if;
end process;
predecode_1: process(all)
variable iword : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
variable use_row : std_ulogic;
variable illegal : std_ulogic;
variable ici : std_ulogic_vector(IOUT_LEN - 1 downto 0);
variable icode : insn_code;
for i in index_t loop
iword := pred(i).image;
icode := pred(i).maj_predecode;
use_row := '0';
illegal := '0';
case iword(31 downto 26) is
when "000100" => -- 4
-- major opcode 4, mostly VMX/VSX stuff but also some integer ops (madd*)
illegal := not iword(5);
when "010011" => -- 19
-- Columns 8-15 and 24-31 don't have any valid instructions
-- (where insn(5..1) is the column number).
-- addpcis (column 2) is in the major table
-- Other valid columns are mapped to columns in the second
-- half of the row table: columns 0-1 are mapped to 16-17
-- and 16-23 are mapped to 24-31.
illegal := iword(4);
use_row := iword(5) or (not iword(3) and not iword(2));
when "011000" => -- 24
-- ori, special-case the standard NOP
if std_match(iword, "01100000000000000000000000000000") then
icode := INSN_nop;
end if;
when "011111" => -- 31
-- major opcode 31, lots of things
-- Use the first half of the row table for all columns
use_row := '1';
when "111011" => -- 59
-- floating point operations, mostly single-precision
-- Columns 0-11 are illegal; columns 12-15 are mapped
-- to columns 20-23 in the second half of the row table,
-- and columns 16-31 are in the major table.
illegal := not iword(5) and (not iword(4) or not iword(3));
use_row := not iword(5);
when "111111" => -- 63
-- floating point operations, general and double-precision
-- Use columns 0-15 of the second half of the row table
-- for columns 0-15, and the major table for columns 16-31.
use_row := not iword(5);
when others =>
end case;
if use_row = '1' then
icode := pred(i).row_predecode;
end if;
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